Vol. 3 • No. 1 • Spring 2007 GeoSystemsNews deep-time In this issue ... News Research Highlights Upcoming Meetings/Previous Meetings Opportunities GeoSystems Steering Committee Greetings, G.S. (Lynn) Soreghan (Chair) University of Oklahoma lsoreg @ ou.edu Welcome to the spring 2007 edition of the GeoSystems newsletter. This newsletter is intended as a means to encourage community building for those geoscientists interested in Earth’s climate system, with an emphasis on the ‘deep time’ (pre-Quaternary) system. If you are receiving this, then you are likely registered on the GeoSystems website (www. geosystems.org). Please encourage colleagues and students to participate by registering and by sending relevant material for inclusion in future newsletters (send to lsoreg @ ou.edu). Tim Bralower Pennsylvania State University bralower @ geosc.psu.edu Mark Chandler Columbia University nasa/giss mac59 @ columbia.edu Jeff Kiehl National Center for Atmospheric Research (ncar) jtkon @ ucar.edu In addition to the community activity continuing in deep-time climate research, we are making progress on larger-scale efforts to highlight the capabilities and relevance of research on Earth’s deep-time climate system. Key among these efforts is the launching of a National Research Council (nrc) study on “The Importance of Deep-Time Geologic Records for Understanding Climate Change Impacts.” More information on this important study appears in this newsletter. Comments or questions about this study, in addition to suggestions for possible participants should be directed to nrc representative Dr. David Feary (dfeary @ nas.edu). This study presents an exciting opportunity to raise awareness of these issues with the larger science community and key policy makers. Mitch Lyle Boise State University mlyle @ cgiss.boisestate.edu Isabel Moñtanez University of California, Davis montanez @ geology.ucdavis.edu Walt Snyder Boise State University wsnyder @ boisestate.edu Greetings Steering Committe Tim Lyons University of California, Riverside timothy.lyons @ ucr.edu Please continue your own efforts to push the envelope of our collective knowledge of Earth’s deeper-time climate system, and to help build the GeoSystems community. When you see a call for newsletter items, please take the opportunity to make us all aware of past or upcoming meetings or workshops, research highlights, opportunities and the like. Best Wishes, Lynn Soreghan April, 2007 The Importance of Deep-Time Geologic Records for Understanding Climate Change Impacts David Feary, nrc The National Research Council has been asked by the National Science Foundation and U.S. Geological Survey to prepare a report that will assess the present state of research on past climate states, describe the priority research that should be undertaken to better understand the factors controlling past climates, and outline the research and data infrastructure that will be required to carry out this priority research. The intent is to concentrate on the times of climatic transition in the geologic record. There is no predetermined focus on particular time periods – it will be up to the committee to determine which periods offer the best opportunities for understanding earth’s climate system. News The study will commence on May 1 with a broad call for nominations for the 10-person study committee. The study, to address the statement of task listed below, is expected to take approximately 18 months; one of the meetings will be a 2-day open workshop. Any suggestions for committee members should be sent to David Feary at dfeary @ nas.edu, with a brief description of the nominee’s area of expertise. Statement of Task: The geologic record contains physical, chemical, and biological indicators of a range of past climate states. As recent changes in atmospheric composition cause earth’s climate to change, and amid suggestions that future change may cause the earth to transition to a climatic state that is dramatically different from that of the recent past, there is an increasing focus on the geologic record as a repository of critical information for understanding the likely parameters and impacts of future change. To further our understanding of past climates, their signatures, and key environmental forcing parameters and their impact on ecosystems, an nrc study will: • • • Assess the present state of knowledge of earth’s deep-time paleoclimate record, with particular emphasis on the transition periods of major paleoclimate change. Describe opportunities for high-priority research, with particular emphasis on collaborative multidisciplinary activities. Outline the research and data infrastructure that will be required to accomplish the priority research objectives. The report should also include concepts and suggestions for an effective education and outreach program. Workshop on the Future of NSF’s ESH (Earth System History) Program Isabel Montañez A recent workshop (March 2007) hosted by the American Geophysical Union, Washington D.C., was convened as part of nsf’s effort to develop a science initiative that will advance our understanding of Earth’s climate system. A group of 42 scientists from a broad spectrum of scientific disciplines in the ocean, atmospheric and earth sciences met to discuss strategic scientific research directions that build on the successes of the previous climate science initiative, esh (Earth System History). It is important that the contribution that research in deeper-time paleoclimatology can make toward better understanding our climate system under rapidly evolving conditions be articulated to nsf via representation in the workshop report. You are strongly encouraged to contribute your thoughts to this issue by sending them to Isabel Montanez (montanez @ geology.ucdavis.edu), a member of the post-esh workshop steering committee. The Paleointegration Project in GEON (The Geosciences Network) Allister Rees, University of Arizona arees @ email.arizona.edu Results are viewable on present-day maps, as well as paleo- maps courtesy of Chris Scotese (http://www. scotese.com/). Results can also be downloaded for further detailed analyses. Research Highlights The Paleointegration Project (pip) within geon (http://www.geongrid.org/) is facilitating interoperability between global-scale fossil and sedimentary rock databases, enabling a greater understanding of the life, geography and climate of our planet throughout the Phanerozoic. Background: In the first phase of pip (reported in the Spring 2006 GeoSystems newsletter), I developed five interoperable databases of sedimentary rock types, plants, and dinosaurs. These comprise some 175,000 occurrence records from 55,000 localities worldwide. The Paleogeographic Atlas Project (pgap, University of Chicago) compiled most of the sedimentary and floral data (Permian through Cenozoic). Dinosaur data were derived from “The Dinosauria” encyclopedia, in collaboration with David Weishampel (Johns Hopkins University). Judy Parrish (University of Idaho) provided her dataset of Phanerozoic oil source rocks for integration within the system. The databases are text- as well as map- searchable, through the use of age and geography ontologies I developed, linked to gis mapping tools. Figure 1. The pip user interface, showing the search options on the left and mapped results on the right. Smaller regions can be selected from the map. Other search options include: specify ocean, continent or country; enter bounding coordinates; select geologic age (era through stage); select various rock and/or fossil types; search references. Other features include: view data on paleomaps; view data tables (also downloadable as text files); print maps. Figure 2. The same data from the example in Figure 1, plotted on a Middle Jurassic paleomap. The system was designed to ensure fast data retrieval, making it especially useful for extensive as well as multiple simultaneous searches (e.g. in a classroom setting). This version was launched on the UofA geongrid server (http://www.geo. arizona.edu/~rees/) and subsequently embedded into the geon portal. Although I’d developed age and geography ontologies to enable seamless interoperability, I was working with static “legacy” databases on one server. Moreover, I’d precalculated offline the paleocoordinates for all 55,000 localities in the databases. More was needed to incorporate “live” databases residing on different servers. Current PIP Status: Close collaboration with John Alroy (The Paleobiology Database, pbdb - http://paleodb.org/) and Chris Scotese has resulted in significantly more data as well as tools, which are now available via the geon portal (http://www.geongrid.org/). The pbdb is well-known as an invaluable paleontological resource, comprising some 630,000 fossil occurrence records from 69,000 collections worldwide for the entire Phanerozoic. Through the use of web services (continued next page) (continued from previous page) developed at the San Diego Supercomputer Center (sdsc), the pbdb server in Santa Barbara is now searchable dynamically within pip, alongside the existing databases. In addition to the pip features, each pbdb locality record is linked back to the original database, enabling the user to either explore and analyze the data further within that system (e.g., using the pbdb statistical tools), or to continue within the pip interface. Essential to this current pip effort was a means to generate locality paleocoordinates “on the fly”, based on modern latitude and longitude as well as locality age. This has been accomplished through a module (Auto Point Tracker - apt) developed and provided to geon by Chris Scotese, enabling dynamic calculation of locality paleocoordinates and automated plotting on his paleogeographic maps. The Paleointegration Project is already proving useful to researchers, teachers and students. Anyone can now access data and tools that were only available previously to specialists. I envisage continuing to develop this with the addition of new datasets, tools and services. It’s more than a paleontology and sedimentary geology project. A more complete understanding of the interactions between Earth and Life through time requires the addition of, for instance, geochemical, geophysical, igneous and metamorphic data. The pip should also be a useful resource for paleoclimate modelers, who can now retrieve the appropriate proxy data within seconds. I should emphasize that PIP doesn’t replace specialist expertise. It does, however, provide another means whereby researchers can develop their own scientific queries. Research Highlights In summary, the pip presently contains disparate geologic databases residing on different servers, embedded modules, web services, and gis – structures and tools that should greatly facilitate collaborative efforts within the broader geosciences community. Figure 3. The architecture of pip, showing how different databases and components interact to produce an integrated result and map. Researchers send a query for data using the pip user interface. This query is parsed by the pip middleware. It is then decomposed into several different queries sent to the databases using Java Databases api for the ones hosted on sdsc servers and using Web Services for querying data hosted at remote locations (e.g., the pbdb). Once all the results are accumulated, they are passed to the Auto Point Tracker Web Service for “on the fly” calculations of locality paleo coordinates so that they can be plotted on paleogeographic maps. Climate Simulation of the Permian wins 2006 NCAR Outstanding Publication Award Jeffrey T. Kiehl Christine A. Shields Climate Change Research Section Climate and Global Dynamics Division National Center for Atmospheric Research Research Highlights Climate models used to study Earth’s future climate can also be used to study Earth’s past climates. If the model simulations can successfully simulate past climates, then use of these models for future climate projections in strengthened. Simulating the climates of the geologic past can also provide a means to study mechanisms of climate change and climate sensitivity. Earth’s climate has varied from Icehouse to Greenhouse conditions over the past, and the ability to apply climate models to these diverse conditions offers the opportunity to increase our overall understanding of Earth’s climate system. Used in conjunction with observational data, models also provide a global perspective to Earth’s past climates. One of the more intriguing time periods in Earth’s history is the boundary between the Permian and Triassic periods at 251 Ma. This boundary marks the largest extinction recorded in Earth’s history, where across this boundary approximately 95% of marine and terrestrial species were lost. Associated with this event was an extended period of magma activity and extended ocean anoxia. What caused such a catastrophic change in life? A number of hypotheses have been proposed to explain various aspects of the extinction and climate of this time period. No one hypothesis can explain all of the paleo information for this period. Although a number of climate model simulations have been carried out for this period no fully coupled climate model simulation has existed for this time period. Fully coupled climate models are required to accurately simulate the ocean circulation, since using specified ocean boundary conditions highly constrains the climate solution and does not allow for a coupling of atmospheric and land hydrological processes to the ocean, e.g. input of fresh water to the ocean. Kiehl and Shields (2005) carried out the first realistic fully coupled climate simulation of this time period. This work was recently awarded the National Center for Atmospheric Research 2006 Outstanding Publication Award. The study used paleogeography conditions and specified co2 levels (ten times present co2 levels) for this time period in a version of the Community Climate System Model ccsm3. This is a fully coupled state of the art climate system model that was used for the ipcc Fourth Assessment Report. The coupled simulation was run for 2700 year, the longest continuous simulation of ccsm3, to date. The length of the simulation insures that the entire coupled system is in an equilibrium state. The above figure shows the annual mean surface temperature (°C) from years 2600 to 2700. The western tropical Panthalassic ocean has a warm pool of water with ssts reaching 33°C, compared to the present day western Pacific warm pool temperatures of 30°C. The warmest regions over land occur in the subtropical desert regions. (continued next page) (continued from previous page) Since the publication by Kiehl and Shields (2005), two related studies have been carried out to explore the role of atmospheric chemistry changes at this time including enhanced methane levels (Lamarque et al. 2006) and the effects of large emission of hydrogen sulfide on atmospheric ozone (Lamarque et al. 2007, also see Kump et al., 2005). These studies indicate that global warming and methane release could have led to a catastrophic ozone reduction and a large increase in surface uv-b radiation. Evaporites Coal s Research Highlights One observational metric of the climate of this time period comes from the geographic location of evaporite deposits (e.g. Gibbs et al. 2002). These occur in shallow water regions where the evaporation minus precipitation (e-p) is positive. The above figure shows the annual mean e-p from the ccsm3 simulation, with the observed location of evaporite deposits marked by red triangles. All but one of these observed evaporite sites matches the model simulation of the region of positive e-p. An important observation of this time period is the indication that global oceans were anoxic for an extended period of time across the boundary. Low oxygen conditions could explain the limited marine life at this time (Hotinski et al. 2001). One hypothesis suggests that in a warm greenhouse climate with an associated low pole to equator thermal gradient, ocean mixing to depth would be limited due to strong stratification. The ccsm3 simulation indicated that ocean mixing between the surface and deeper levels was very inefficient due to warm surface waters. This condition would lead to low oxygen levels in the ocean, thus supporting the hypothesis of global ocean anoxia. A parallel Permian simulation with present levels of co2 produces very efficient mixing in the ocean, unlike the high co2 Late Permian state. This result indicates that atmospheric co2 concentration - not paleogeography - is the main determinant of ocean mixing efficiency. Model simulations of deep time provide a unique window to past climates. Used in conjunction with geologic data they enable us to build a more holistic picture of Earth as a system. Presently, physical climate system models are being coupled to atmospheric chemistry models, ocean biogeochemistry models and dynamic vegetation models thus expanding the ways climate models can aid in answering key questions about Earth’s past climates. References: Gibbs, M.T., Rees, P.M., Kutzbach, J.E., Ziegler, A.M., Behling, P.J., and D.B. Rowley, 2002: Simulations of Permian climate and comparisons with climate-sensitive sediments. J. Geology, 110, 33-55. Hotinski, R.M., Bice, K.L., Kump, L.R., Najar, R.G.,and M.A. Arthur, 2001: Ocean stagnation and end-Permian anoxia. Geology, 29, 7-10. Kiehl, J.T. and C.A. Shields, 2005: Climate simulation of the latest Permian: Implications for mass extinction. Geology, 33, 757- 760. Kump, L.R., Pavlov, A., and M.A. Arthur, 2005: Massive release of hydrogen sulfide to the surface ocean and atmosphere during intervals of oceanic anoxia. Geology, 33, 397-400. Lamarque, J.-F., Kiehl, J.T., Shields, C.A., Boville, B.A., and D.E. Kinnison, Modleing the response to changes in tropospheric methane concentration: Application to the Permian-Triassic boundary. Paleoceanography, 21, PA3006, doi:10.1029/2006PA001276. Lamarque, J.-F., Kiehl, J.T., and J.J. Orlando, 2007: Role of hydrogen sulfide in a Permian-Triassic boundary ozone collapse. Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L02801, doi:10.1029/2006GL028384. CO2 – Forced Climate and Vegetation Instability During Late Paleozoic Deglaciation Research Highlights Isabel Montañez, University of California, Davis Towards the close of the Paleozoic Era, the Earth transitioned out of its most widespread and long-lived icehouse of the last half billion years. The deterioration of the Late Paleozoic icehouse represents our only vegetated Earth analogue of an icehouse-togreenhouse transition, and its consequent biotic impacts. We (I.P. Montañez, N.J. Tabor, D. Niemeier, W.A. DiMichele, T.D. Frank, C.R. Fielding, J.L. Isbell, L.P. Birgenheier and M.C. Rygel) recently integrated sedimentologic and isotopic proxies to estimate paleoatmospheric pco2, global equatorial paleo-sea surface temperatures, and terrestrial climatic conditions along western equatorial Euramerica during this climate transition. Our results document substantially changing atmospheric co2 levels and surface temperatures during the 40-million year period of latest Carboniferous through early Middle Permian time that encompassed the deterioration of this ice age. Comparison of these results to newly emerging southern Gondwanan glacial records documents a strong linkage between inferred shifts in paleoatmospheric pco2 , climate and ice volume that are consistent with greenhouse-gas-forcing of climate. Notably, this major climate transition from a glaciated world to a full greenhouse did not unfold progressively but rather was characterized by repeated shifts in atmospheric pco2 from present-day values to levels of several 1000 ppmv – a pattern that foreshadowed the onset of our current glacial state in the mid-Cenozoic. These records further suggest that major climate transitions are associated with highly variable and unstable climate behavior. Integration of our paleoclimate proxy records with newly developed tropical paleobotanical records from the western U.S. reveals repeated restructuring of pa- leotropical tree fern-rich flora in western Euramerica that occurred in step with inferred climate and pco2 shifts. As atmospheric co2 levels rose and continental climates became increasingly more seasonal and dry, opportunistic floras such as conifers and callipterids and other seed plants migrated into lowland regions. Paleotropical peat-forming floras returned with each shift back to cooler, wetter climates under lowered pco2. These lowland flora, however, contained progressively more advanced lineages with each reoccurrence, suggesting climate-driven evolutionary-scale changes. Although this study of the final phase of the Late Paleozoic Ice Age does not offer a directly applicable analogue for our current climate situation, this deepertime perspective of pco2 -climate-glaciation linkages may provide – as our climate system departs from the well-studied Pleistocene glacial-interglacial cycles - unique insight into what could become the Earth’s most epic deglaciation. Recent ipcc projections of atmospheric pco2 by the end of this century extend to levels as high as 1000 to 1550 ppm, with other estimates of up to 2000+ ppmv by the time we burn through our fossil fuel reserves. As climate changes under such atmospheric co2 conditions, tropical floral ecosystems will likely suffer from rates of climate change that outpace their ability to migrate to distant refugia. This research was reported in the Jan. 5, 2007 edition of the journal Science, and reported on by the San Francisco Chronicle, the L.A. Times, the Daily Telegraph, and El Mundo among others. Research Highlights George Stanley University of Montana George Stanley, Director of Paleontology Center at the University of Montana was among over 40 international scientists invited to attend a workshop in Plymouth, uk (Feb 13-15) entitled “Modelling the response of Marine Ecosystems to Increaseing Levels of co2.” Stanley presented a talk on”The Evolution of Hypercalcifying Organisms in the Geologic Past and Their Response to Ocean Chemical Changes” and a posted entitled “Carbon Dioxide and the Evolution of Ancient Reef Ecosystems: Insight and Paradox.” The workshop focused on the deleterious effects that increased co2 is having on marine ecosystems. The purpose of the gathering was to bring together specialists in diverse fields to produce recommendations for future modeling, observation and experiments. The workshop provided insight into the next 10-20 years of increased co2. Stanley introduced the fossil record and explored deep time. The geologic record provides important insights, revealing mass extinctions and collapse of ancient marine ecosystems associated with carbon dioxide increases. For more information contact Professor George Stanley, University of Montana Paleontology Center, 32 Campus Road #1296, Missoula mt 59812. International Congress on Carboniferous and Permian Nanjing, China June 21-24, 2007 www.iccp2007.cn Session on ‘Evolutionary Palaeogeography and Palaeoclimatology; Pangea formation and breakup’ Organizer: Rich Lane We are seeking participants willing to present a talk on Mississippian, Pennsylvanian, and/or Permian paleoclimatology or paleogeography and their interplay. A series of talks that document the progression of Earth systems through the Carboniferous and Permian would be most welcome. If you are interested and if you or a co-author will be able to attend the meeting and present a paper, please submit an abstract soon. Nanjing and China in general is a very exciting city and country to visit these days and there is an exciting array of field trips planned. Upcoming Meetings If interested in participating, contact Rich Lane. The second circular of the meeting can be found at http://www.iccp2007.cn/admin/down/ upload/20070307155501.pdf . Geological Society of America Annual Meeting October 28-31, 2007, Denver, Colorado Organizers: Michael Pope, Washington State University, Gerilyn Soreghan, University of Oklahoma, Isabel Montañez, University of California, Davis Late Paleozoic Glacial-Interglacial Climate Changes: Analogs for Present and Future Climate Changes? Over the past decade our view of Late Paleozoic climate change has altered substantially as higherresolution records of glacial-interglacial climate shifts become available. Where most of these transitions were once considered to be long-term and gradual, we now think many of these climate shifts were very rapid. Concurrently, the well-documented rise in Modern atmospheric co2 values to levels not seen in the last 30-40 Ma suggests that geoscientists trying to understand present and future climatic fluctuations may need to look at other periods in earth’s history for clues to decipher these changes. The late Paleozoic is particularly apt in this regard, because it records the last time the Earth veered from icehouse to greenhouse conditions, potentially forced by changes in atmospheric co2. We seek to assemble a multi-disciplinary theme session that will provide a forum for the sharing and possible integration of Late Paleozoic climate change information and take a hard look at what these data may signify about potential present and future climatic fluctuations. Abstract Deadline: July 10, 2007 Deep Time Climates: Their Relevance to Climate Change and Value to Petroleum Exploration (SEPM/AAPG) Chairs: Martin Perlmutter, Chevron, 1500 Louisiana, Houston, TX, 77002, 832-854-6998, mperlmutter@ chevron.com H. Rich Lane, Directorate for Geosciences, National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA 22230, (703) 2928551, hlane @ nsf.gov John M. Armentrout, Cascade Stratigraphics, Inc., Clackamas, OR 97015, 503-658-8797, jarmenrock@ msn. com. Previous Meetings Session Description: The geologic record gives us the means to understand natural climate variability, providing context and perspective for present and future climate changes. We examine climate change from the context of deep time. What were the timescales of the change, how widespread and persistent was the change, what did it look like, and what caused it? The following talks were presented: 1. Barron, E., University of Texas: Is It Time for a Rebirth in The Geologic Application of Climate Models? 2. Sohl, L., whoi: Deep Time Paleoclimate Modeling and Natural Resource Exploration: Status and Future Challenges 3. Moore, T., PaleoTerra Inc.: Using Climate Model Experiments of Orbital Cycles to Understand Stratigraphic Variability 4. Soreghan, L., University of Oklahoma: Ice and HighMagnitude Climate Change in Equatorial Pangaea 5. Harris, J., Fugro-Robertson Ltd.: Palaeogeography and Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Palaeo-Earth Systems Modelling: Application for the Prediction of Reservoir Facies in Frontier Basins 6. Kennedy, M., University of California, Riverside: Methane Clathrate Destabilization in Equatorial Tidalites During Deglaciation 7. Snyder, W., Boise State: Paleozoic-Mesozoic Chronostratigraphic Framework for Deep-time Paleoclimate Research 8. Algeo, T., University of Cincinnati: High-Frequency Paleoclimate Variation: Analysis, Interpretation, and Significance 9. Olsen, P., Lamont-Dougherty: Tempo and modes of climate variability: perspectives from deep-time rift basins 10. Lane, H., NSF: Deep Time: A Frontier for Paleoclimate Research The following posters were presented: 1. Dubue-Botero, F., Chevron: Cyclic sedimentation from the Cenomanian/Turonian of NE Mexico: its relationship to Milankovitch and solar cycles 2. Nebrigic, D., University of Texas, Dallas: Storm Events in Geological Record - a Lecture from 92 MYA 3. Fielding, C., University of Nebraska: Stratigraphic Signatures of Icehouse Climate Regimes: The Permian Record of Eastern Australia 4. Hasiotis, S., University of Kansas: Continental Ichnofossils as Climate-Indicator Proxies in Deep Geologic Time: Integrating Ichnology and paleopedology to Access Changes in Paleohydrology and Paleoclimate 5. Snyder, W., Boise State: The Politics of Paleoclimate data 6. Sur, S., University of Oklahoma (Student), Atmospheric dust archived in Pennsylvanian carbonates of the Midland basin, west Texas 7. Le Guerroue, E., University of California, Riverside (Student): Neoproterozoic carbon isotopes of the Neoproterozoic Shuram and Wonoka Formations 8. Schroeder, E., University of Nebraska, (Student): Mid-Maastrichtrian benthic foraminiferal isotope record from Shatsky Rise, Northwest Pacific Ocean, evidence for a change in oceanic circulation 9. Pope, M., Washington State: Global climate change in the Paleozoic (Ordovician and Carboniferous-Permian): Why it matters to the oil industry now, and in the future GeoSystems: Climate Lessons from Earth’s Last Climate Great Icehouse Held at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, February, 2007, San Francisco, ca Session Organizers: G.S. (Lynn) Soreghan, University of Oklahoma, Norman, ok Isabel P. Montañez, University of California, Davis, ca Previous Meetings Session Moderator & Discussant: Lee Kump, Pennsylvania State University Throughout its history, Earth has fluctuated numerous times from major episodes of glaciation (icehouse climates) into warmer ice-free conditions (greenhouse climates) and vice-versa. Currently, Earth is moving from the Pleistocene icehouse climate toward possible future greenhouse conditions. This is attributed to anthropogenic activities (fossil fuel emissions, deforestation) causing the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The icehousegreenhouse climate transition that preceded the modern transition occurred 330 to 270 million years ago during the Late Paleozoic-Gondwanan Ice Age (lpgia). It is the only other ‘vegetated-Earth’ example of climate change in an icehouse, making it the nearest analogue to Earth’s current state. It is also the only example of an icehouse-greenhouse transition that records the impact of major climate change on ecosystems of the land and seas. The following talks were presented: “Reconciling timing, duration and character of late Paleozoic glaciations” by Chris Fielding (University of Nebraska). The lpgia deposits of Australia and Antarctica suggest that multiple ice centers were active during discrete intervals, indicating long-term climatic variation in this southern hemisphere icehouse. The style of glaciation during the lpgia is the same as the most recent one. Clearly, the lpgia represents a deep-time laboratory that can lead to a better understanding of modern climate instability. “Sea level, sea temperatures, and glaciation: Lessons from the mid-continent” by Timothy Lyons (University of Riverside). New oxygen isotope methods developed using biogenic apatite confirm that the classic Carboniferous-era cycles of the northern hemisphere that produced the widespread, rich coal beds through sea level changes was driven by waxing and waning southern hemisphere (lpgia) glaciers. “Ice, dust and climate in the late Paleozoic tropics” by G.S. (Lynn) Soreghan (University of Oklahoma). Emerging studies of the record of dust in the paleotropics provide new insights into low-latitude climate behavior during the lpgia icehouse, including the possibility of high-magnitude climate change on the glacial-interglacial scale. “Climate dynamics of the late Paleozoic icehousegreenhouse transition” by Chris Poulsen (University of Michigan). Development of an ocean-atmosphereice sheet model to investigate the influence of Gondwanan glaciation on the Late Paleozoic tropics indicates that the lpgia disrupted the Southern Hemisphere monsoon system, causing large changes in moisture transport to the tropics. (continued next page) (continued from previous page) Section Head, Surface Earth Processes “Unabating co2 and temperature increase during Paleozoic global deglaciation” by Isabel Montanez (University of California, Davis). Comparing the glaciation history with estimated atmospheric pco2 and tropical temperatures documents a robust co2-climateglaciation link with climate variability consistent with greenhouse gas forcing. These paleoclimate and co2 oscillations illustrate the magnitude of climate instability associated with past co2-forced turnover to a permanent ice-free world. The Section Head Position for the Surface Earth Processes Section is now advertised. The person hired into this position will manage the Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology, Geobiology and Low Temperature Geochemistry, Geomorphology and Land Use Dynamics, Hydrological Sciences, and Education and human Resources programs in the Earth Sciences Division here at nsf. Do not be mislead by the description of the Earth Science Division given below — EAR also includes the biological aspects of the the solid earth Geosciences!! I encourage all of you to consider applying for this position, or encourage other qualified candidates to apply. Note that applications from Non-citizens will be considered under certain restrictions. For more information, please go to http://jobsearch. usajobs.opm.gov/getjob.asp?JobId=53109272&AVSDM =2007%2D01%2D30+00%3A00%3A46&TabNum=2& rc=2 Rich Lane Salary Range: 111,676.00 - 154,600.00 usd per year Open Period: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 to Friday, May 31, 2007 Series and Grade: es-1301 Position Information: Full-Time Temporary position not to exceed 3 Years Duty Locations: 1 vacancy - va - Alexandria, Arlington & Falls Church, all Opportunities Previous Meetings “Vegetation tracks climate change during the late Paleozoic icehouse collapse” by William DiMichele (Smithsonian Institute). The change from a cool- to a warm-Earth during the late Paleozoic involved widespread changes in terrestrial climate that were strongly mirrored by changing vegetational patterns. Multiple biomes coexisted in the western and central equatorial regions beginning in the Early Carboniferous, but the later Carboniferous was characterized by lowland biomes typical of only the wettest climatic conditions. Wet floras persisted in the east well into the Permian. Who May Be Considered: Applications will be accepted from us Citizens and Non-Citizens as allowed by appropriations and statute. (continued next page) (continued from previous page) Job Summary: What do camcorders, magnetic resonance imaging (mri), Doppler radar, and the Internet have in common? Beyond enriching people’s lives, these innovations are the result of public investments in science and engineering made by the nsf. The Division of Earth Sciences supports proposals for research geared toward improving the understanding of the structure, composition, and evolution of the Earth and the processes that govern the formation and behavior of the Earth’s materials. The results of this research will create a better understanding of the Earth’s changing environments, and the natural distribution of its mineral, water, and energy resources and provide methods for predicting and mitigating the effects of geologic hazards such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, and landslides. Opportunities Position will be filled on a one to three year Senior Executive Service (ses Limited Term appointment or on an Intergovernmental Personnel Act (ipa) assignment basis). Senior Executive Service (SES) Limited Term Appointment The Senior Executive Service (ses) covers managerial positions above gs-15 in the Federal Service. The Federal pay range for Senior Executive Service positions is $111,676 to $154,600. Persons appointed to the ses are eligible for health benefits, life insurance, social security, Federal retirement and thrift savings plan coverage, and participate in the Federal leave system. Competitive status is not required, veteran’s preference does not apply and there are no grade restrictions. Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) Assignment Individuals eligible for an ipa assignment with a Federal agency include employees of State and local government agencies or institutions of higher education, Indian tribal governments, and other eligible organizations in instances where such assignments would be of mutual benefit to the organizations involved. Initial assignments under ipa may be made for a period of up to two years. The individual remains an employee of the home institution and cost-sharing arrangements are generally negotiated between nsf and the home institution.