Simulations of Permian Climate and Comparisons with Climate-Sensitive Sediments Mark T. Gibbs, P. McAllister Rees,1 John E. Kutzbach,2 Alfred M. Ziegler,1 Pat J. Behling, and David B. Rowley1 Center for Climatic Research, University of Wisconsin—Madison, Madison, Wisconsin 53706, U.S.A. ABSTRACT We use a climate model to simulate two intervals of Permian climate: the Sakmarian (ca. 280 Ma), at the end of the major Permo-Carboniferous glaciation, and the Wordian (ca. 265 Ma). We explore the climate sensitivity to various levels of atmospheric CO2 concentration and to changes in geography and topography between the two periods. The model simulates large seasonality and high aridity in the continental interiors of both hemispheres for both periods. The northern summer monsoon weakens and the southern monsoon strengthens between the Sakmarian and the Wordian, owing to changes in geography and topography. The northern middle and high latitudes cool in winter, between the Sakmarian and Wordian, associated with northward shift of the continents. This high-latitude cooling strengthens the winter westerlies and shifts the maximum storm-track precipitation south. In the Southern Hemisphere, the winter westerlies weaken from the Sakmarian to the Wordian. Starting the simulations with no permanent ice fields (i.e., by assuming that the late Sakmarian postdates deglaciation) and imposing increased levels of atmospheric CO2 four times the present level, we find no tendency for reinitiation of major glaciation. Some permanent snow fields do develop in high southern latitudes, but these are primarily at high elevation. However, the combination of low CO2 levels (such as present-day levels) and a cold summer orbital configuration produces expanded areas of permanent snow. The results are based on statistics derived from the final 5 yr of 20-yr simulations. Paleoenvironmental indicators such as coal, evaporite, phosphate, and eolian sand deposits agree qualitatively with the simulated climate. The extreme cold simulated in high latitudes is inconsistent with estimates of high-latitude conditions. Either the interpretation of observations is incorrect, the model is incorrect, or both; a possible model deficiency that leads to cold conditions in high latitudes is the relatively weak ocean-heat transport simulated by the heat diffusion parameterization of the upper ocean model. Introduction warming (Ziegler et al. 1997). Relatively minor upland glacial deposits persisted into the Artinskian in South Africa (Visser 1997). Apart from some evidence of mountain glaciers reaching sea level in Siberia during the Capitanian Stage (Chumakov 1994), generally ice-free conditions then persisted through the Mesozoic and into the early Cenozoic. This article will focus on these earliest stages of ice-free conditions. We use a climate model and observations to study global conditions during the postglacial Sakmarian and the Wordian (285–280 Ma and 267–264 Ma, respectively; Jin et al. 1997). As boundary conditions for the model, we use a new set of paleogeographic maps for the Permian that include the most detailed reconstructions of paleotopography produced for any pre-Quaternary interval (Ziegler The Permian Period (296–251 Ma; Jin et al. 1997) contains the most recent transition from a major glaciation to a generally ice-free state. This deglaciation marked the end of the Permo-Carboniferous glaciation, which began ∼330 Ma (Veevers and Powell 1987). Apparently, the deglaciation was relatively rapid, being mainly confined to the Early Permian Sakmarian Stage. A thriving Glossopteris forest cover replaced the ice sheets throughout much of southern Gondwana, and the classic and ubiquitous Gondwanan sequence, from tillites to coal-swamp deposits, indicates a major climate Manuscript received November 2, 2000; accepted June 14, 2001. 1 Department of the Geophysical Sciences, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637, U.S.A. 2 Author for correspondence; e-mail: [The Journal of Geology, 2002, volume 110, p. 33–55] 䉷 2002 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved. 0022-1376/2002/11001-0002$01.00 33 34 M . T. G I B B S E T A L . et al. 1997) (fig. 1A, 1B). Between the Sakmarian and the Wordian, there were considerable northward shifts of the continents, changes in topography, and perhaps increases in CO2. Our goals are to (1) evaluate how differences in paleogeography and CO2 between the two stages are manifested in the data and model results; (2) describe the mechanisms responsible for the climate changes be- tween these two stages, as simulated by the model; (3) investigate whether high CO2 could have been responsible for keeping the late Sakmarian and the Wordian ice free; and (4) evaluate, for the Wordian only, the climate sensitivity to imposed changes in orbital parameters. The simulations are tested against new global compilations of data derived from the geological Figure 1. Base maps for the Sakmarian (A) and Wordian (B) (from Ziegler et al. 1997) used in this study (Mollweide projection with 45⬚ longitude lines), along with land elevation and location of climate-sensitive sediments (from Ziegler et al. 1998). Land elevations for the Sakmarian (C) and Wordian (D) as prescribed in the climate model. The model captures only the coarse-resolution features of the estimated topography shown in A and B (see text). Journal of Geology S I M U L AT I O N S O F P E R M I A N C L I M AT E record. These data include lithologic indicators of Permian climate such as coals, evaporites, eolian sands, carbonate buildups, tillites, glacial dropstones, and phosphorites. We also make extensive use of fossil floral data, which provided the highest resolution of paleoclimate information, to evaluate the model results (see companion article in this issue by Rees et al. 2002). Our studies allow comparisons of trends in the simulations with trends discernible in the geologic record, as is the case between the Sakmarian and Wordian. The data sources we use here are correlated to the stage level, based on the internationally proposed scheme of Jin et al. (1997), which replaces the old twofold subdivision of the Permian with three divisions. With this time scale, the classic Russian subdivision of the Lower Permian is retained, with the Sakmarian (285–280 Ma) representing the second of four stages. The Wordian (267–264 Ma) is the second of three Middle Permian stages and is based on an American unit thought to be equivalent with the Russian Kazanian Stage. The structure of this article is as follows. We first review previous climate modeling studies of the Permian. We then provide a brief description of the climate model and justifications for our choices of boundary conditions. After describing the main features of the climate simulations, we evaluate the model’s performance when tested with climatesensitive sediment patterns. In our companion article (Rees et al. 2002), we derive Permian climate biomes from paleobotanical and lithological data, make data/model biome comparisons, and discuss the major data/model agreements and disagreements that we have identified. Previous Modeling Studies Various studies have ascribed the major Permian deglaciation, at least in part, to an increase in the level of atmospheric CO2 (e.g., Crowley and Baum 1992; Fawcett 1994; Barron and Fawcett 1995), and indeed Berner’s (1994) geochemical cycling model indicates that atmospheric CO2 rose from near present-day levels at about 300 Ma to perhaps four times present-day levels or higher by 250 Ma. The CO2 rise began about 270 Ma, according to Berner’s model (which has a time step of 10 m.yr.), and on his timescale, this would be about the beginning of the deglaciation. The Wordian (pKazanian) Stage has become a “target interval” for paleoclimate modeling studies as it represents a time that was effectively ice free, with a Pangean supercontinent paleogeography. These studies include Crowley et al. (1989), Kutz- 35 bach and Ziegler (1993), Fawcett (1994), Fawcett et al. (1994), and Barron and Fawcett (1995). Climate features that are typical of many previous Pangean simulations include high aridity in the continental interior, particularly in the subtropics (Kutzbach and Gallimore 1989; Kutzbach and Ziegler 1993; Barron and Fawcett 1995; Fawcett and Barron 1998); strong monsoons along the Tethyan coasts (Kutzbach and Gallimore 1989; Kutzbach and Ziegler 1993); precipitation focused around tropical mountains (Kutzbach and Ziegler 1993; OttoBliesner 1993; Crowley et al. 1996); and extreme continentality (lack of oceanic moderation) leading to large seasonal variations, i.e., hot summers and very cold winters (Crowley et al. 1986; Kutzbach and Gallimore 1989; Crowley and Baum 1994). Model Description and Boundary Conditions The climate model used here is GENESIS (Global Environmental and Ecological Simulation of Interactive Systems) version 2, which is described in Thompson and Pollard (1997a). This model is a refinement of GENESIS version 1 (Thompson and Pollard 1995). Version 1 has been used extensively for paleoclimate studies, and version 2 is now beginning to be applied to paleoclimate problems (e.g., Thompson and Pollard 1997b; DeConto et al., 1999). GENESIS consists of an atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) coupled to a land-surface model (known as LSX), a sea-ice model, and a simple mixed-layer ocean model. GENESIS predicts spatial patterns of climate at the earth’s surface and for 18 levels within the atmosphere. The equations governing the physical processes within the atmosphere (conservation of mass, momentum, moisture; radiative and convective processes) are solved every half hour and include both the diurnal and seasonal cycles. The AGCM calculations employ a set of spherical harmonics that are truncated at wave number 31 (“T31 truncation”), equivalent to a lat ∼3.75⬚ # long 3.75⬚ grid. The land-surface calculations are performed over a 2⬚ # 2⬚ grid. The ocean is represented by a 50-m mixed-layer (“slab”) model, which allows for seasonal heat storage and acts as a moisture source. The same mixed-layer depth was also used for lakes. Poleward ocean-heat transport is modeled as a diffusion process that is proportional to the local gradient of slab-ocean temperature. The diffusion coefficient is time invariant but depends on the latitude and zonal land/sea fraction. Sea ice is predicted using a simplified thermodynamic energy budget calculation at each grid cell; there is no sea-ice advection. The heat flux 36 M . T. G I B B S E T A L . convergence under 100% sea-ice cover was set at 10 W/m2 for both hemispheres (rather than 2 W/ m2 for the present-day control representation of the enclosed Arctic Ocean) to represent the relatively open oceans of the Permian. While the model calculates climate from basic physical principles and laws, certain external boundary conditions have to be specified (e.g., table 1). These specifications allow us to isolate the effects of (or sensitivity to) changes in important climate-forcing factors, i.e., solar luminosity, paleogeography, atmospheric CO2, and orbital parameters. Below, we provide details on our choice of these boundary conditions. Solar Luminosity. The sun’s luminosity is thought to have been steadily increasing since formation, a consequence of conversion of hydrogen to helium. We used the relationship of A. I. Boothroyd (pers. comm. to Caldeira and Kasting 1992) to determine reductions of 2.4% and 2.1% relative to the present-day control value (1365 W/m2 in GENESIS version 2) for the Sakmarian and Wordian, respectively. Land/Sea Distributions. The paleogeographic base maps, specifically the land/sea distribution and land-surface elevations (fig. 1), were taken from Ziegler et al. (1997). Continental positioning is a crucial boundary condition for climate model studies, and uncertainty in paleogeographic reconstructions increases farther back in the Phanerozoic. However, Permian paleogeography is reasonably well known because the configuration is basically Pangean, except for Tethyan microcontinents that now constitute south Asia. The Permian paleomagnetic data are reasonably consistent with continental positions at the start of the Triassic (a more detailed discussion is given in Ziegler et al. 1996). The total error in the paleomagnetic data for the position of Pangea is on the order of a few degrees of latitude. In contrast, the position in Tethys of the Southeast Asian microplates is more uncertain. One Table 1. problem with the Ziegler et al. (1997) maps is that the Mongolian Arcs are shown in a latitudinal position that is probably too low, as indicated by the floral data (Rees et al. 1999). Few paleomagnetic data are available for this region, and the position of Mongolia is therefore constrained mainly by the timing of its collision with North China at the end of the Permian. Current revisions of the timescale are beginning to suggest that the Wordian stage terminated well before the end of the Permian, and the new assignment of the Wordian to the Middle Permian reflects this change (Jin et al. 1997). Rees et al. (1999, 2002) discuss how this problem affects data/model comparisons for this region. However, because Mongolia was a relatively narrow landmass, the uncertainty in its position would have little effect on the general model results. Ziegler et al. (1997) depicted the coastlines in average positions, which accounts for why some marine/terrestrial deposits appear onshore/offshore (fig. 1). The model’s land/sea distribution was derived from the Sakmarian and Wordian coastline and lake borders by determining which 2⬚ # 2⬚ cells were greater than or equal to 50% land. Figure 2 shows important differences in the land/sea distributions between the Sakmarian and the Wordian; Pangea moved northward by 10⬚–15⬚ of latitude during this interval and became more symmetrically distributed about the equator by the Wordian. Other changes include the drying up of the Amazon seaway and the movement of Angara (present-day Siberia) into high northern latitudes by the Wordian. Topography. The Ziegler et al. (1997) maps (fig. 1A, 1B) are the first paleogeographic maps for the Permian that give more than a cursory view of paleotopography. Because mountain chains have a profound effect on climate, this information is important input to a climate modeling study (cf. Moore et al. 1992; Kutzbach et al. 1993; OttoBliesner 1993) and is included in our simulations (fig. 1C, 1D). To do this, the literature on geochro- Boundary Conditions Used in Simulations Boundary condition Solar luminosity Orbital configuration Land/sea distribution and topography Vegetation type Soil properties Atmospheric CO2 How defined/varied Sakmarian: 2.4% reduction, relative to modern; Wordian: 2.1% reduction, relative to modern Circular orbit with 23.5⬚ obliquity; for warm and cold summer orbit configuration, see text Ziegler et al. 1997; see figure 1 Uniform savanna (mixed trees and grassland) Uniform (loamy) soil texture Sakmarian: one, four, and eight times present level of CO2; Wordian: four and eight times present level of CO2 Journal of Geology S I M U L AT I O N S O F P E R M I A N C L I M AT E 37 Figure 2. Sakmarian and Wordian land/sea distributions: land area per lat 2⬚ belt (A) and spatial distribution, with Sakmarian (right hatch) and Wordian (left hatch) land areas superimposed (B). Pangea moves northward by 10⬚–15⬚ of latitude during this interval and is more symmetrically distributed about the equator in the Wordian compared to the Sakmarian. nology, tectonics, sedimentary provenance, paleovolcanism, gravity, and paleogeology was assembled, and tectonic, epeirogenic, and volcanic zones active during and prior to the Permian were identified. The locations of the mountain ranges are estimated more accurately than their elevations (e.g., 200 m for all lowlands; 1000 m for uplands; and 2000 m for the collisional mountain belts, which is probably a conservative estimate), particularly in the case of mountain ranges that had formed previously and were being eroded by the Permian. To derive the topography field required by the climate model at the 3.75⬚ # 3.75⬚ grid scale (fig. 1), a spline curve was first fitted to the Ziegler et al. (1997) topographic contours using the generic mapping tools (GMT) program (Wessel and Smith 1991). The spline function assigns a maximum height above the highest contour, dependent on the “tightness” of the function. In this case, we used a tightness of 0.7, typical for topography. Because there is no contour on the Ziegler et al. (1997) maps between 200 and 1000 m, the GMT program tended to create broad plateaus, especially flanking the Appalachians. The climate model algorithms then smoothed the topography further in a manner consistent with the spatial resolution of the atmospheric dynamical calculations. The equatorial mountains of both the Sakmarian and the Wordian have maximum elevations of 1800 m; relatively large regions with elevations of 800–1000 m are placed in the east of Euramerica in the Sakmarian, in Angara in the Wordian, in central Gondwana at 70⬚ S in the Sakmarian and at 60⬚ S in the Wordian, and in extreme southern Gondwana at 85⬚ S in the Wordian (fig. 1). Thus, while the climate model thus incorporates the major topographic features covering many grid cells, it has insufficient resolution to depict narrow mountain ranges and associated regional climate effects accurately. For instance, the Urals, a mountain chain striking NW-SE in the Permian and spanning mid- to subtropical latitudes, would be expected to produce important rain-shadow effects and prevent mixing of near-surface air masses. However, this barrier is poorly resolved in the climate model (fig. 1). Land Surface. Uniform vegetation, consisting of mixed tree and grassland or savanna, as defined by Dorman and Sellers (1989), was imposed at every land-grid point. This prescribed uniformity is clearly unrealistic; for instance, large areas of central Pangea were probably desert. On the other hand, prescribing the estimates of Pangean biomes (Rees et al. 2002) would have limited the utility of data/model comparisons as a means of assessing the accuracy of the simulation because vegetation can have a significant effect on climate (e.g., Bonan et al. 1992; Foley et al. 1994; Dutton and Barron 1997; Otto-Bliesner and Upchurch 1997; DeConto et al., 1999). An intermediate (loamy) soil texture 38 Table 2. M . T. G I B B S E T A L . Global Annual Averages of Temperature, Precipitation, and Precipitation Minus Evaporation (P ⫺ E) Temperature (⬚C) Precipitation (mm/d) P⫺E (mm/d) Experiment Land Ocean Global Land Ocean Global Land Ocean Global SAK-8#CO2 SAK-4#CO2 SAK-1#CO2 WORD-8#CO2 WORD-4#CO2 Modern control 16.7 12.9 6.6 16.5 12.9 8.3 23.1 20.7 16.0 23.1 20.8 18.2 21.6 18.9 13.8 21.4 18.8 15.1 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.4 2.0 4.0 3.8 3.4 4.0 3.8 3.1 3.5 3.3 3.0 3.4 3.2 3.6 .62 .58 .51 .47 .44 .56 ⫺.26 ⫺.25 ⫺.23 ⫺.24 ⫺.23 ⫺.26 ∼0 ∼0 ∼0 ∼0 ∼0 ∼0 (43% sand, 39% silt, and 18% clay) was also prescribed at every land-grid point. Our choice of a uniform “average” land surface in both the Sakmarian and the Wordian, although introducing a bias, allows us to isolate changes due to paleogeography and atmospheric CO2 alone (cf. Fawcett and Barron 1998; Rees et al. 1999). Our choice of intermediate vegetation and soil values is the same as that of Fawcett and Barron (1998), which allows a measure of compatibility with their experiments using GENESIS version 1.02A. We are planning climate model experiments for the Permian that will incorporate prescribed vegetation based on the available data or interactive vegetation schemes that will simulate the vegetation based on the climate. No ice sheets were prescribed for any of the simulations because our goal was to investigate the factors responsible for continuation of ice-free conditions or for glacial reinitiation, which we will infer from absence or presence of net annual snow accumulation. Atmospheric CO2 Level. Our choice of atmospheric CO2 levels was guided by Berner’s (1994) GEOCARB II geochemical cycle model predictions and by proxy indicators of atmospheric CO2 levels where these are available (see Berner 1997 for further details). GEOCARB II suggests an increase from approximately one to four times present-day CO2 levels through the Permian. Berner (1994) conducted various sensitivity analyses for factors such as the effect of vascular plants on weathering and rates of global degassing, to yield a crude range of error estimates (1.5 to six times present-day level for the latest Permian). We therefore chose one, four, and eight times present-day levels as “end member” estimates for the Sakmarian (the GENESIS version 2 present-day control value for CO2 is 345 ppm). Our use of a range of atmospheric CO2 levels allows us to examine the sensitivity of the model climate to changes in atmospheric CO2. Orbital Parameters. For our primary experiments, we prescribe the earth’s orbit about the sun as circular (eccentricity p 0 ) and assign the earth’s obliquity (axial tilt) to be 23.5⬚, the modern value. The use of a circular orbit is not realistic, but it ensures equal receipt of insolation for both hemispheres. Experiments with hot and cold summer orbital parameters were conducted for the Wordian to investigate the potential for ice-sheet reinitiation. Following Crowley and Baum (1995), we use extreme values for the Pleistocene from Berger (1978): the warm summer orbit (WSO), an eccentricity of 0.06 and an obliquity of 24.5⬚, with perihelion occurring at the Southern Hemisphere summer solstice, and the cold summer orbit (CSO), an eccentricity of 0.06 and obliquity of 22.0⬚, with perihelion occurring at the Southern Hemisphere winter solstice. Given more computational resources, it would have been useful to conduct similar experiments for the Sakmarian, but here we used the Wordian results as a rough approximation of overall sensitivity. Simulation Results The Sakmarian and Wordian experiments are referred to as SAK-1#CO2, SAK-4#CO2, SAK8#CO2, WORD-4#CO2, and WORD-8#CO2, representing three levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration: one, four, and eight times the present-day concentration. The Wordian experiments with extreme orbital parameters are referred to as WORD-4#CO2, CSO; WORD-4#CO2, WSO; WORD-8#CO2, CSO; and WORD-8#CO2, WSO, where the 4 and 8 refer to the carbon dioxide concentration and WSO and CSO refer to warm and cold summer orbital conditions for the Southern Hemisphere summer. The results summarized are for the final 5 yr of 20-yr simulations. As more computer resources become available, it will be important to undertake longer simulations so that climatic averages can be based on longer temporal records. Global Averages. Global average surface temperature, precipitation, and precipitation minus evaporation (P ⫺ E) are summarized for all experiments in table 2. The global average temperature for the Sakmarian simulation with 1#CO2 (13.8⬚C) Journal of Geology S I M U L AT I O N S O F P E R M I A N C L I M AT E 39 Figure 3. Zonal-average surface temperature (⬚C) for December-January-February (DJF) and June-July-August (JJA) and for land and ocean for various CO2 levels: Sakmarian, Wordian, and Sakmarian and Wordian, both with 4#CO2. is somewhat lower than for the modern control (15.1⬚C), presumably due to the lower value of solar luminosity in the Sakmarian and to differences in geography. As expected, the temperature increases with the carbon dioxide concentration. The difference in global temperature between the SAK1#CO2 and SAK-4#CO2 simulations (5.1⬚C) is greater than that between the SAK-4#CO2 and SAK-8#CO2 simulations (2.7⬚C) because the net change in radiative forcing (i.e., the greenhouse effect) is larger from one to four times than from four to eight times CO2. This is because the temperature response to increases in atmospheric CO2 concentration follows a general logarithmic relationship as the “strong” 15-mm band saturates (Berner and Barron 1984; Kiehl and Dickinson 1987). Precipitation increases with increasing CO2 levels asso- ciated with the overall increase in the intensity of the hydrologic cycle (both evaporation and precipitation) at higher temperatures. For the same CO2 level, global average temperature and precipitation vary little with the change in paleogeography between the Sakmarian and the Wordian. Zonal Averages. Zonal plots of temperature (December-January-February [DJF] and June-JulyAugust [JJA]) over land and ocean (fig. 3) indicate that increased CO2 has its most pronounced thermal effect in polar regions; the increase in temperature from one to four times CO2 in the Sakmarian is particularly apparent. However, even with 4#CO2, the high-latitude Southern Ocean remains very cold, and year-round sea ice extends from the South Pole to about 70⬚ S in the Sakmarian and to about 75⬚ S in the Wordian. The Northern Hemi- 40 M . T. G I B B S E T A L . sphere polar oceans remain free of sea ice with 4#CO2. Winter temperature over land decreases in the Northern Hemisphere high latitudes from the Sakmarian to the Wordian as the area of land in high latitudes increases (fig. 3, right; 4#CO2). Zonal plots of precipitation over land (fig. 4) show differences due to changes in CO2 levels and to change in paleogeography between the Sakmarian and the Wordian. For both paleogeographies, precipitation tends to decrease near the equator and to increase in high latitudes with increasing CO2. This tendency is perhaps linked to increased poleward transport of moisture as CO2 levels and temperature increase, as noted in modern-day studies of the response of climate to CO2 change (Manabe and Stouffer 1980). Changes in precipitation due to changes of geography and topography are also evident. In the Sakmarian, the Southern Hemisphere summer monsoon (DJF) is somewhat weaker than its Northern Hemisphere counterpart (JJA). In the Wordian, the southern summer monsoon has strengthened and the northern summer monsoon has weakened, such that the southern monsoon is now the stronger. One basic cause of these monsoonal changes is the amount of land in low latitudes. In the Sakmarian (fig. 2), there is more land in the northern subtropics, whereas in the Wordian there is more land in the southern subtropics. There are also differences in topography between the two intervals. In the northern subtropics, the Hercynian orogeny in Europe was waning by the Middle Permian (Ziegler et al. 1997), and the area above 1000 m is accordingly diminished between the Sakmarian and Wordian (fig. 1). This decrease in elevation contributes to the weakening of the Northern Hemisphere summer monsoon. The changes of land distribution in middle and high latitudes also cause changes in precipitation patterns. In the Northern Hemisphere, the northsouth temperature gradient (DJF) strengthens in the Wordian because of the poleward shift and cooling of high-latitude land (fig. 3, right). This increase in temperature gradient strengthens the Northern Hemisphere westerlies in the Wordian and shifts the maximum storm-track precipitation slightly south in DJF (fig. 4, right). The latitude of the precipitation maximum shifts from about 55⬚ N in the Sakmarian to about 45⬚ N in the Wordian, with a significant reduction of precipitation to the north of the maximum. In the Southern Hemisphere, winter temperatures near the pole are slightly colder in the Sakmarian relative to the Wordian (fig. 3, right), the westerlies occupy a broader latitudinal band, and midlatitude storm-track precipitation also occupies a broader band, extending both farther north and farther south in the Sakmarian relative to the Wordian (fig. 4, right); the maxima, however, are at the same latitude in both simulations. Spatial Patterns. Maps of average seasonal surface temperature for the Sakmarian and Wordian, both with 4#CO2, are shown in figure 5. The large continent promotes extreme continentality; temperatures are greater than 35⬚–40⬚C in the summer in the subtropics and reach ⫺35⬚ to ⫺40⬚C in the winter in southern Gondwana and 0⬚ to ⫺15⬚C in winter in Angara. With the increase in land area in Figure 4. Zonal-average precipitation (mm/d) over land for DJF and JJA and for various CO2 levels: Sakmarian, Wordian, and Sakmarian and Wordian, both with 4#CO2. Journal of Geology Figure 5. S I M U L AT I O N S O F P E R M I A N C L I M AT E 41 Average seasonal (DJF and JJA) surface temperatures (⬚C) for the Sakmarian and Wordian, both with 4#CO2 the southern Tropics in the Wordian, relative to the Sakmarian, summer temperatures increase. With the northward shift of land in the northern high latitudes in the Wordian, summer and winter temperatures decrease. With CO2 levels at four times present, summer temperatures are above freezing in high southern latitudes, with maxima of up to 5⬚C (figs. 3, 5). However, these temperatures are substantially below those inferred from the data; see Rees et al. (2002). Maps of seasonal precipitation and surface winds for the Sakmarian and the Wordian, both with 4#CO2, are shown in figure 6. There is little change in spatial patterns for 8#CO2 (not shown). A welldeveloped intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) is present over the oceans for both geographies with the associated precipitation band located near to, or slightly north of, the equator. The large land/ sea temperature contrasts (fig. 5) promote “megamonsoons” (Kutzbach and Gallimore 1989) on eastward-facing low-latitude coasts (fig. 7). The Southern Hemisphere summer monsoon (DJF) lowpressure area—for example, the area with sealevel pressure less than 1010 mb—is larger in the Wordian than in the Sakmarian. This difference is a result of the larger land area in the subtropics in 42 M . T. G I B B S E T A L . Figure 6. Average seasonal (DJF and JJA) precipitation (mm/d), sea-level pressure (mb), and surface wind vectors (see reference vector) for the Sakmarian and Wordian, both with 4#CO2. the Wordian and the resulting greater summertime heating (fig. 5). As a consequence, higher summer monsoon precipitation (DJF) occurs on the eastern subtropical coast in the Wordian compared to the Sakmarian. In contrast, the monsoon winds moving onshore in the northern summer (JJA) are slightly weaker in the Wordian relative to the Sakmarian. This difference, related to the reduced land area and the lowered topography in the Wordian, results in a decrease of summer monsoon precipitation along the eastern subtropical coast in the Wordian relative to the Sakmarian (fig. 6). The near-equatorial east-west mountain range also influences the climate simulation. In the Wordian, this range is centered on the equator in the west, having shifted northward from its position in the Sakmarian, and elevations are increased. As a consequence, nearequatorial precipitation is enhanced in the Wordian Journal of Geology S I M U L AT I O N S O F P E R M I A N C L I M AT E 43 Figure 7. Average late-summertime snow depth (cm, water equivalent) over land for five simulations with a range of geographies, CO2 levels, and orbital configurations: Sakmarian, 1#CO2; Sakmarian, 4#CO2; Wordian, 4#CO2 and cold summer orbit (CSO); Wordian, 4#CO2; Wordian, 4#CO2 and warm summer orbit (WSO). The late-summertime snow depths are for August (Northern Hemisphere) and February (Southern Hemisphere) and indicate the area where snow cover is maintained throughout the year rather than being confined to winter. due to moisture advection from the west; see also similar examples of near-equatorial precipitation reported for other time intervals by Otto-Bliesner (1993, 1998) and Hay and Wold (1998). However, the maximum elevation of this range in our simulations is less than 2000 m; elevations are more typically 800–1000 m. Equatorial precipitation enhancement is probably less than it would be if the prescribed elevations were higher. The low precipitation in most of the continental interior, at both low and midlatitudes, is evident for both geographies (fig. 6). This is a consequence of the large distances required to advect moisture from oceanic sources (Kutzbach and Gallimore 1989; Kutzbach and Ziegler 1993; Fawcett and Barron 1998). The northward shift of North China between the Sakmarian and the Wordian leads to a sizable reduction in precipitation as the region 44 M . T. G I B B S E T A L . moves from the domain of intertropical and subtropical convergence rainfall and toward the region under the dominance of the oceanic subtropical anticyclone. The midlatitude precipitation associated with the winter westerlies and the storm track also changes, as described earlier in terms of the zonal averages. In the Northern Hemisphere, the wintertime westerlies are stronger in the Wordian, and winter storm-track precipitation extends farther south relative to the Sakmarian. In general, the topography of Angara is higher in the Wordian than in the Sakmarian in the belt 30⬚–45⬚ N, and this feature also contributes to winter precipitation enhancement. In the Southern Hemisphere, the westerlies and storm-track precipitation occupy a broader belt (extending farther north and south) in the Sakmarian relative to the Wordian. Snow Budgets. Because our Sakmarian simulation prescribes no southern ice sheet (i.e., the late Sakmarian is assumed to postdate deglaciation), we can address the question of whether ice-free conditions can be maintained or whether glaciers will re-form. Our model is not linked to a dynamic icesheet model (Pollard and Thompson 1997), and, therefore, we cannot simulate ice-sheet development and ice movement directly. However, if our simulation, which is initiated without snow cover, develops permanent snow cover (i.e., if winter snowfall does not melt completely in summer), then we infer the potential for ice-sheet reinitiation. Therefore, we examine snow depth statistics for late summer in each hemisphere (February in the Southern Hemisphere, August in the Northern Hemisphere) to determine if snow cover is persisting through summer. With the CO2 level at four times present, we find some net snow accumulation occurring at high elevations in the mountains that form the southern rim of Gondwana (note that snow is still present in February; fig. 7). With CO2 at modern levels, this region of permanent and deepening snow cover is considerably larger, extending to almost 45⬚ latitude in some areas, i.e., close to the region of earlier Permian glacial tills (Ziegler et al. 1998). From these results, we conclude that our Sakmarian experiment with 1#CO2 could well have supported regrowth of Southern Hemisphere ice sheets but that elevated carbon dioxide levels (exemplified by 4#CO2 in our simulation) might have limited regrowth of ice to high elevations in high southern latitudes. Moreover, experiments with coupled climate–ice sheet models for the Carboniferous suggest that CO2 levels greater than present (3#CO2) were required for deglaciation (Hyde et al. 1999). Using these two lines of evidence for higher-than-present CO2 levels (i.e., the results from our experiments and those of Hyde et al. 1999), it seems possible that the CO2 rise modeled by Berner (1994) at 270 Ma may have begun somewhat earlier. The correct specification of the height of the southernmost Gondwanan mountains is also important for estimating ice regrowth potential. The east-west range near 70⬚ S in the Sakmarian and near 60⬚ S in the Wordian has elevations specified to be in the range 800–1000 m, as does the range along the southern rim of the continent in the Wordian. If the height of these ranges is overestimated in the model, then snow accumulation is also overestimated. In the Northern Hemisphere, snow fields disappear in late summer (August) with CO2 levels at four times present. With CO2 levels at one time present, a small area of accumulation exists at high elevations in Angara north of 50⬚ latitude. In the Wordian, with 4#CO2, the depth of late summer snow cover is reduced in southern summer, relative to the Sakmarian, owing to the northward displacement of the southern continent off the South Pole. Only a small area of net snow accumulation remains, mainly above 500 m altitude, in the highest southern latitudes (fig. 7). Imposing a warm summer orbit, this area of net accumulation almost disappears (fig. 7). Conversely, with cold summer orbit conditions, the area and depth of late summer snow cover increases. We conclude that with CO2 levels of four times present, Wordian ice would have generally been confined to high elevations in high southern latitudes. Interglacials must have occurred within the Permo-Carboniferous glaciation, as evidenced by the record of cyclothems in low latitudes (Veevers and Powell 1987). Our conclusions are that with a cold summer orbit, high-latitude glaciation may have been possible for both the Sakmarian and Wordian paleogeographies, even with high levels of atmospheric CO2. However, to study this issue more quantitatively, simulations using an interactive ice-sheet model, or off-line ice-sheet model, would be required. Ocean-Heat Transport. Our simulations for the Sakmarian and Wordian with the GENESIS model produce considerably colder conditions in high latitudes than our previous simulations for the Kazanian (i.e., Wordian) (Kutzbach and Ziegler 1993), which used the CCM1 model. Summer temperatures in the high southern latitudes are under 5⬚C (though above freezing), and the core winter temperatures of Gondwana are below ⫺35⬚C. In contrast, the Kutzbach and Ziegler (1993) experiment simulated temperatures of 25⬚–30⬚C in summer and Journal of Geology S I M U L AT I O N S O F P E R M I A N C L I M AT E only ⫺20⬚C in winter for this area. Although Kutzbach and Ziegler (1993) assumed a higher value of atmospheric CO2 (five times present), they also assumed a greater reduction in solar luminosity (1%); therefore, differences in net radiative forcing cannot be the source of the differences in temperature between these experiments. We attribute this model-model difference in polar temperature, in part, to the different values of poleward ocean-heat transport in the two models. Kutzbach and Ziegler (1993) prescribed values of oceanheat transport in the CCM1 model, based on estimates from a dynamic ocean model experiment with idealized Pangean paleogeography (Kutzbach et al. 1990). In contrast, the GENESIS model (Thompson and Pollard 1997a) predicts ocean-heat transport values, based on a heat-diffusion parameterization that is linked to the model’s latitudinal sea-surface-temperature gradient. As shown in figure 8, the prescribed transport in our previous experiment was almost double the model-simulated transport in the GENESIS model, and, in turn, the total heat exported to middle and high latitudes is about halved in the GENESIS model relative to the previous experiments with CCM1. Whereas sea ice does not persist in the high-latitude oceans in the Kutzbach and Ziegler (1993) experiment, it occurs year-round in the southern polar ocean in the GENESIS model simulations, extending equatorward to about 70⬚ S in the Sakmarian simulation and to about 75⬚ S in the Wordian simulation (not shown). This strong bias toward cold in the high-latitude Southern Ocean also influences conditions on the high-latitude southern land and helps explain, in part, the net snow accumulation in high latitudes described earlier. In contrast, snow survived on land for a shorter part of the seasonal cycle, surface albedo was lower, and land temperatures were warmer in our previous simulations with CCM1. This model-model difference underscores the need to explore the role of ocean circulation patterns and how they interact with the atmosphere by using fully coupled ocean-atmosphere models. Testing Model Results with ClimateSensitive Sediments The distributional data available for testing model predictions include climate-sensitive sediments (fig. 1) as well as localities from which floral lists have been obtained (see Rees et al. 2002). The sediment data set (Ziegler et al. 1998) is a comprehensive, global literature compilation of 1200 occurrences of coals, evaporites, eolian sands, carbonate buildups, organic-rich shales, tillites, dropstones, 45 Figure 8. Zonal-averaged ocean-heat transport in petawatts (PW; 1015 W) in three Permian climate simulations: the prescribed transport used in Kutzbach and Ziegler (1993) and the transport calculated by the diffusive parameterization in the mixed-layer ocean model for the Sakmarian and Wordian, with 4#CO2. The maximum transport estimated from modern observations is about 2–3 PW. and phosphorites. It covers all nine stages of the Permian, and, in general, there is excellent global data coverage, a consequence of the widespread distribution of Permian sedimentary rocks. The exceptions are certain areas of northwestern North America and parts of central Pangea that lack a Permian sedimentary record. Globally, there are 183 Sakmarian and 157 Wordian control points (coals, evaporites, eolian sands, and phosphorites). We compare here the environmental information indicated by these sediments with the environmental conditions simulated by the climate model. This approach has also been taken by Chandler et al. (1992), Otto-Bliesner (1993), Fawcett (1994), Fawcett et al. (1994), Pollard and Schulz (1994), Wilson et al. (1994), and Price et al. (1997) when evaluating model results for various time intervals. Model Precipitation/Evaporation and Coal/Evaporite Patterns. For both the Sakmarian and the Wor- dian, the distribution of annual average P ⫺ E indicates wet conditions in high latitudes, arid continental interiors and west coasts, wet tropical east-facing (monsoon-dominated) coasts, and wet western equatorial coasts (fig. 9c, 9d). For both the Sakmarian and the Wordian, there is a good spatial match between these simulated annual average P ⫺ E distributions and the observed distribution of 46 M . T. G I B B S E T A L . Figure 9. Sakmarian (A) and Wordian (B) locations of phosphorites, eolian sands, evaporites, and coals. Estimates of paleowind directions are indicated where available (see table 3). Sakmarian (C) and Wordian (D) simulations of annual precipitation minus evaporation (P ⫺ E [mm/d]) and wintertime (black) and summertime (white) winds (see reference vector for magnitude) for the experiments with 4#CO2. coals, evaporites, and eolian sands (fig. 9a, 9b). Coals align with positive P ⫺ E (in temperate latitudes in southern Gondwana and Angara and along the tropical east-facing coasts), and evaporites and eolian sands align with negative P ⫺ E (along the west coasts and along subtropical interior basins and seaways, such as the Amazon Basin and Russian Platform Sea). North China is simulated to be wet, matching the record of continual coal deposition. However, the magnitude of positive P ⫺ E diminishes somewhat between the Sakmarian and the Wordian, which matches a decrease in the ex- Journal of Geology S I M U L AT I O N S O F P E R M I A N C L I M AT E tent of coal deposition over this interval (Liu 1990). With different levels of atmospheric CO2, we find little change in the spatial variation of P ⫺ E, a conclusion also reached by Fawcett et al. (1997). Possible explanations can be advanced for the few discrepancies that do occur for these data/model comparisons. Coals fall in an area of negative P ⫺ E along the equatorial west in the Sakmarian (southwestern United States). These coals are thin in character, representing a significant reduction from the extensive coal deposition of the Carboniferous in this area. This area is close to the region of high P ⫺ E associated with the intertropical convergence zone and the eastward-advected moisture from the western ocean. Sakmarian evaporites from southern Russia fall in an area of weakly positive P ⫺ E but are very close to drier conditions to the north. A Wordian evaporite in France plots in an area of weakly positive P ⫺ E; a palinspastically restored reconstruction would place this deposit to the south, in an area that does experience negative P ⫺ E conditions. Many basins experienced climate change as Pangea moved 10⬚–15⬚ northward during the Permian (Ziegler et al. 1997). These important temporal trends are captured by the model. For instance, the western United States becomes more arid as it moves north between the Sakmarian and the Wordian, matching the cessation of coal deposition and the more extensive evaporite formation. The Urals moved northward between the Sakmarian and the Wordian, and this range increased in elevation (cf. fig. 1) as the collision of the Russian Platform and the Kazakhstania microcontinent continued through the Permian (Ziegler et al. 1997). The modeled result for the Wordian was extensive orographic rainfall from the westerlies and high annual P ⫺ E, and this fits well with the appearance of extensive coals in the Pechora Basin throughout the Middle and Late Permian (Ziegler et al. 1998). Successful comparisons have been made between model-derived moisture distributions and with different coal and evaporite data sets for a wide range of paleogeographies. These include the Carboniferous (Otto-Bliesner 1993; Crowley and Baum 1994; Crowley et al. 1996), the Late Permian (Fawcett 1994; Fawcett et al. 1994), the Triassic (Pollard and Schulz 1994; Wilson et al. 1994), the Early Jurassic (Chandler et al. 1992), and the Late Jurassic and mid-Cretaceous (Price et al. 1997). The most comprehensive such study has been made by Fawcett et al. (1997), who compared GENESIS version 1.02A annual P ⫺ E predictions from an extensive temporal sequence of experiments (Fawcett 1994; Fawcett and Barron 1998) with the University of 47 Chicago Paleogeographic Atlas Project’s global compilations of Mesozoic and Cenozoic coals and evaporites. Model Precipitation and Brackish Water Deposits. Ziegler et al. (1998) outlined a method for reconstructing Permian surface-water masses (in terms of salinity, temperature, and organic productivity) based on climate-sensitive sediments from shallow marine settings or adjacent terrestrial environments. Their method is particularly applicable to restricted settings, such as broad epeiric seas, where extreme salinity values could be expected. This approach is of value in understanding biogeographic provinces and faunal evolution, as well as determining controls on oil source rock deposition. One environment of formation for marine organic-rich shales is in upwelling zones. Another environment is in areas where a positive P ⫺ E balance leads to an “estuarine circulation” pattern (Demaison and Moore 1980; Hay 1995). In geographically or bathymetrically restricted settings, such as the Baltic Sea today, nutrient-rich waters from surface runoff enhance surface productivity, while the low-density brackish surface waters contribute to stratification of the water column, thus limiting oxygenation of the bottom waters while enhancing the preservation of organic richness. Middle Permian oil source rocks occur in offshore basins in South China, which Ziegler et al. (1998) relate to brackish water–induced stratification of the water column. High rates of rainfall (fig. 6) and P ⫺ E (fig. 9) associated with the ITCZ occur directly over the area in which these deposits are found (fig. 9), and this fits with the interpretation of the Cathaysian floras as representing tropical rain forests (Rees et al. 1999, 2002). Elsewhere, oil source rocks were deposited in the North Caspian Depression in the Early Permian (Medvedeva et al. 1994), probably as a result of the silled nature of the basin. Ziegler et al. (1998) observed that an additional factor could have been the development of a freshwater cap derived from runoff from the southern end of the Urals mountain range. Even though the model cannot fully resolve these uplands, annual average P ⫺ E is positive in this area, in contrast to the rest of the Russian seaway region to the north. A similar pattern is observed in the Permian Basin of west Texas, where Early Permian source rocks occur near the paleo-equator and grade north into the evaporites of the subtropics. In the higher latitudes, a few such deposits are found around Angara in both the Sakmarian and Wordian. In all cases, the annual average P ⫺ E is positive, and it seems likely that here conditions also fa- 48 M . T. G I B B S E T A L . vored delivery of a high rate of runoff to confined shallow basins. Model Wind Directions and Eolianite Transport Patterns. Most sand dunes today form in desert areas with less than 30 mm/yr annual precipitation, and this limits the development of vegetation and allows the transportation of the sand grains (Parrish 1998). GENESIS predicts negative annual average P ⫺ E for most areas in which eolian sand deposits are found from the Sakmarian and Wordian (fig. 9). Eolian sand deposits can, in principle, be used to evaluate model predictions of both wind speed (6 m/s or greater is needed for dune formation; Fryberger 1979) and direction from foreset dip directions. However, these interpretations are complicated by the fact that the model results are here averaged by seasons, and, therefore, information about extreme wind speeds and directions, conditions that might be important for dune formation, were not available. Regional compilations of Permian eolianites are available in which hundreds of crossbedding dip vectors have been averaged to reconstruct wind patterns (Glennie 1983b; Peterson 1988). However, experimental work and modern dune studies have shown that the sand transport is not necessarily parallel to the wind direction (Parrish 1998). Reliable directions may be obtained in the case of dunes that are transverse to the wind direction but not for oblique or longitudinal dunes, which are common in modern deserts, and the dune morphology is not easy to deduce except in well-exposed outcrops. Thus, we have a middle Permian dune field in northeast England that was initially assumed to be dominated by northeasterly winds (Glennie 1983b) but was interpreted by Sneh (1988) to represent oblique dune action formed by northerly winds, and subsequently, a closer study reinterpreted the dune morphology as longitudinal and deposited under the influence of alternating northerly and southeasterly winds (Chrintz and Clemmensen 1993). In the latter case, the mean does conform to Glennie’s direction and may be the equivalent of a seasonal average transport. There seems to be general agreement that the steepest foresets yield the vector indicative of the original wind, but since this information is not generally available, we simply rely on the average directions available in the literature (see table 3). Where the original measurements are available for examination, it seems that the scatter generally spans up to two quadrants, but the regional consistency and general agreement with the model results gives us confidence that the original wind directions are indicated by the foreset measurements. In the following discussion, we first review the Sakmarian and then the Wordian eolianites. We must admit that uncertainty exists in the correlation of many eolianites, simply because they generally lack fossils. The basic data, with references, are provided in table 3. For the Sakmarian interval (fig. 9A, 9C), the western United States was the site of an Early Permian sand sea (erg) extending 1600 km from Arizona to North Dakota. A comparison of observed and model wind directions for this region has been made by Parrish and Peterson (1988), using a conceptual circulation model (Parrish 1982). Crossbedding “resultants” (Peterson 1988) indicate consistent northeasterly winds, which confirms both the DJF and the JJA model wind vectors in this area (fig. 9). This is a stable circulation pattern for the western coast of Pangea for the Permian and early Mesozoic, with anticyclonic circulation around an oceanic subtropical high located over the northern Panthalassan Ocean (Parrish and Peterson 1988). Eolianites of probable Early Permian age are known from the Maritimes Basin of eastern Canada (Brisebois 1981). These deposits are younger than the Sakmarian Stage seen on adjacent Prince Edward Island, but paleomagnetic data have been used to assign them to the Early Permian (Tanczyk 1988; Ziegler et al., in press); hence, they are relevant to the discussion here. Northeasterly winds are indicated for this one site and conform to the winter winds of the model. During the opposite season, southerly winds are simulated, so this would imply that sediment transport occurred mainly during the winter. In the Southern Hemisphere, Early Permian eolianites are developed in northwestern Argentina (Limarino and Spalletti 1986). The sediment transport directions are interpreted to be bimodal and indicate winds out of the southwest and north. There is a reasonable match with the modeled Sakmarian winds of summer and winter, respectively, although the indicated wind speeds are low in each case. Also, this is the one area of Permian eolianites for which the model indicates an excess of precipitation over evaporation. We assume that drier conditions would have been indicated if the paleoAndean Mountains had been portrayed as higher. The Saudi Aramco Oil Company has found consistently east-dipping foresets in the dunes of the Unayzah Formation, Saudi Arabia (C. Heine, pers. comm., 2000). This formation is believed to be of Early Permian age, most likely Sakmarian, based on its context in the regional stratigraphy. Moderately strong westerlies in summer and winter oc- Table 3. Key to Paleowind Directions Entered in Figure 9 Country and basin/region U.S.A./Wyoming: Powder River Basin Laramie Uplift U.S.A./Colorado: White River Uplift U.S.A./Utah: Monument Uplift U.S.A./Arizona: Coconino Plateau Canada/Quebec: Maritimes Basin Argentina: San Rafael Basin (1) San Rafael Basin (2) Paganzo Basin Rio Blanco Basin Saudi Arabia: Central Arabian Basin East Arabian Basin Netherlands: South Permian Basin North Sea: South Permian Basin Viking Graben North Permian Basin Scotland: Moray Firth Arran NE England: South Permian Basin Central England: Cheshire Basin SW England: Cornwall Germany: Nahe Basin Beber Basin Brazil: Parana Basin Latitude Longitude Unit Age Wind No. of No. of direction sites readings Reference 44.5 41.8 ⫺105.7 ⫺106.0 Upper Minnelusa Fm. Upper Casper Fm. Sakmarian Sakmarian 181 183 9 10 ? ? Peterson 1988, figs. 7, 20 Peterson 1988, figs. 7, 20 39.8 ⫺107.6 Schoolhouse Mbr. Sakmarian 184 4 ? Peterson 1988, figs. 7, 20 37.7 ⫺110.0 Cedar Mesa Mbr. Sakmarian 136 24 ? Peterson 1988, figs. 7, 20 36.5 ⫺113.4 Esplanade Ss. Sakmarian 180 15 ? Peterson 1988, figs. 7, 20 47.5 ⫺61.8 Etang des Caps Mbr. Sakmarian 230 9 747 Brisebois 1981, p. 37–39 ⫺34.2 ⫺34.2 ⫺30.0 ⫺28.8 ⫺68.8 ⫺68.8 ⫺67.0 ⫺67.8 Los Reyunos Fm. Los Reyunos Fm. La Colina Fm. De la Cuesta Fm. Sakmarian Sakmarian Sakmarian Sakmarian 18 139 120 13 12 12 3 2 87 87 54 190 Limarino Limarino Limarino Limarino 22.5 24.5 46.5 49.5 Unayzah Fm. Unayzah Fm. Sakmarian Sakmarian 82 83 1 1 10 26 C. Heine, pers. comm., 2000 C. Heine, pers. comm., 2000 52.1 6.8 Upper Rotliegend Wordian 280 1 24 Glennie 1983b, p. 527, fig. 1 53.1 59.2 56.5 2.2 1.7 2.0 Upper Rotliegend Upper Rotliegend Upper Rotliegend Wordian Wordian Wordian 275 170 131 1 1 6 127 105 ? Glennie 1983b, p. 527, fig. 1 Glennie 1983b, p. 534, fig. 1 Glennie 1983a, fig. 1 57.7 55.6 ⫺3.4 ⫺5.2 Hopeman Ss. Brodick Beds Wordian Wordian 206 232 6 10 100⫹ 100⫹ Glennie and Buller 1983, fig. 9 Piper 1970, p. 305 54.8 ⫺1.3 Yellow Sands Wordian 238 4 100⫹ Chrintz and Clemmensen 1993, fig. 8 53.1 ⫺2.8 “Saxonian” Wordian 271 5 ? Jubitz et al. 1985, Saxonian Sheet 50.6 ⫺3.5 “Saxonian” Wordian 285 1 ? Jubitz et al. 1985, Saxonian Sheet 49.9 52.3 8.0 11.4 “Saxonian” “Saxonian” Wordian Wordian 273 250 2 1 ? ? Jubitz et al. 1985, Saxonian Sheet Jubitz et al. 1985, Saxonian Sheet ⫺29.9 ⫺51.1 Upper Rio do Rasto Fm. Wordian 107 1 42 and and and and Spalletti Spalletti Spalletti Spalletti 1986, 1986, 1986, 1986, table table table table 2 2 2 2 Nowatzki 1997 Note. Locations, paleolatitude and longitude, unit, stage assignment, paleowind direction, other site information, and references are included. Fm. p Formation; Mbr. p Member; Ss. p Sandstone. 50 M . T. G I B B S E T A L . cur over this area in the Sakmarian experiments, consistent with the empirical observations. Representing the Wordian interval (fig. 9B, 9D), eolianites are known across northern Europe from England and Scotland, to the North Sea and Germany, and possibly Poland (Jubitz et al. 1985). Many of these deposits are identified as Upper Rotliegend, and they directly underlie the Zechstein marine flooding unit, now correlated with the Late Permian (Jin et al. 1997). Hence, a Middle Permian, possibly Wordian, age may be inferred for these rocks, which have engendered the interest of explorationists because they serve as petroleum reservoirs in the North Sea and surrounding areas. Glennie (1983b) inferred a “Mid North Sea High” based on predominantly easterly and northeasterly wind directions in the main Southern Permian Basin and southwesterly directions in the smaller Northern Permian and Moray Firth Basins. However, we do not find any indication of such a relatively small-scale circulation pattern in the model results. Model winds are strongest in winter (DJF), blowing uniformly from the east and northeast tradewind direction over all of this area. Winds are weaker and more varied in summer (JJA). One possibility for the measured southwesterly directions is that they were influenced by local fault-bounded mountain ranges, and the effect of local topography has been invoked in both the southern and northern North Sea areas (Glennie 1983a; George and Berry 1993). Glennie (1983a) suggested that the Permian Basin floor may have been a giant depression, up to a thousand meters below sea level, while our climate model is based on a more conservative topography. Hence, future work might focus on different topographic configurations. Finally, a single wind direction is available from the Parana Basin of Brazil (Nowatzki 1997). Here, winds from the northwest are indicated by data and model results for winter and summer. In summary, the simulated winds of the Permian are generally confirmed by the field measurements in the limited areas of the subtropics in which the eolianites are found. The problem of possible local topographic influence is not limited to Europe. All of the areas mentioned were active tectonically in the Permian, and the dip vectors of the crossbedding measurements are often found to parallel the mountain ranges. Model Wind Directions and Upwelling Deposits. Phosphorite deposits form in coastal upwelling zones, as has been known for many years (Sheldon 1964), and most upwelling zones are related to the predictably strong and consistent trade winds within the subtropics. Specifically, coast-parallel winds induce Ekman-type transport if the offshore sense is to the right of the wind in the Northern Hemisphere and vice versa, a nonintuitive relationship (Parrish 1998). The distribution of phosphorite deposits throughout the Paleozoic has been examined paleogeographically and compared with qualitative retrodictions of upwelling to demonstrate a close relationship (Parrish et al. 1983). Subsequently, numerical climate models have been applied to the detection of upwelling zones and have been both tested on the Recent and applied to the Cretaceous Period (Barron 1985). The Permian phosphorite deposits have been plotted on paleoceanographic maps (Ziegler et al. 1998) and have been ordered into seven provinces, several of which seem to be upwelling related (Ziegler and Goldberg 2000). The simulated wind directions (fig. 9) suggest strong and persistent upwelling along western Pangea. The classic Phosphoria Formation and adjacent units (Sheldon et al. 1967; Henderson et al. 1993) of the Western North American Shelf Margin Province is the only really economically viable phosphorite province of this period. The Southern Hemisphere counterpart in western South America has not yielded phosphorites, but this area has been affected by “tectonic erosion”; it is thought that the record of the westfacing margin has been removed by the rasping effect of subduction during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic (Ziegler et al. 1981). The model indicates coast-parallel westerlies along the southern margin of Tethys, and this extends across the Himalayan Shelf Margin Province and the Western Australia Marginal Basin Province, which contain scattered phosphorites and oil source rocks (Ziegler and Goldberg 2000). This margin lay at between 50⬚ and 60⬚ throughout the Permian, well out of the subtropics, but the collective association of the bioproductites and the persistent wind predictions is suggestive of an upwelling relationship. Parrish et al. (1983) suggested upwelling for this margin prior to the application of numerical models. A high-latitude setting for phosphorites is found in the South Africa Karoo Basin Province at about 70⬚ S. These deposits are associated with the top of the Early Permian Dwyka Tillite and overlying marine shales and chert layers, which contain dropstones. This, we suggest, may have been an area of “ice margin upwelling” that “occurs in response to the differential effect of the wind stress on the ice and water” (Hay 1995, p. 42). The other phosphorite-bearing provinces were formed adjacent to either reefs or coal deposits; hence, an upwelling origin seems improbable (Zieg- Journal of Geology S I M U L AT I O N S O F P E R M I A N C L I M AT E ler and Goldberg 2000). This is because the presence of reefs indicates low surface productivity, and the coals suggest persistent rainfall, which is suppressed in upwelling zones because of the cool water anomalies and their influence on the atmosphere. Therefore, these other deposits are not relevant to testing the climate model, but the Pacific Northwest and Himalayan–northwestern Australian bioproductites offer a good fit with the retrodicted wind directions. This simulation is superior to our earlier results (Kutzbach and Ziegler 1993) as far as the southern Tethyan deposits are concerned because our earlier model indicated seasonally reversing winds along this coast. Model Temperatures and Lacustrine Shales. The presence of a stratified water column is observed in many tropical lakes today and was likely so in the past, whereas their temperate counterparts can experience winter temperatures that lead to the turnover of the water column and mixing throughout (Katz 1995). Therefore, tropical lakes are characterized by anoxic bottom waters, laminated sediments that may have organic richness, and a general lack of bottom-dwelling organisms. To produce mixing, air temperatures near freezing are required for a period of weeks to chill the surface waters to 4⬚C, the point at which water is most dense. Large Permian lakes, whose sediments indicate episodes of lake stratification, are known from midlatitudes of both hemispheres. These lakes, Middle to Late Permian on the new timescale, coincide with the Wordian time slice and were developed at about 50⬚ latitude. The Gondwanan lakes were in the interior of the continent in southern Africa, and this gave rise to the proposition that the presence of large water bodies must have ameliorated the climate (Yemane et al. 1989; Yemane 1993). The Northern Hemisphere lake occupied the 350-kmlong Junggar Basin of western China and is a major oil producer (Carroll et al. 1992). The overall paleogeographic context of this basin is poorly understood, but it must have been along the eastern margin of the Angaran Continent. The model, albeit only for a short simulation of 20 yr, indicates very cold winter temperatures that would almost certainly produce strong seasonal mixing, and therefore, this model feature is unrealistic in relation to sedimentary evidence for stratified, or occasionally stratified, lakes. Conclusions We have performed climate model simulations for two stages of the Permian with new detailed pa- 51 leogeographies. We find climatic features that are typical of many previous Pangean climate simulations. These features, a consequence of the size of the Pangean supercontinent, include extreme seasonality and high aridity in continental interiors and summer monsoons along the Tethyan margins. We find important climate trends that resulted from changes in geography and topography between the two periods. The model predicts a distinct weakening of Northern Hemisphere summer monsoon precipitation from the Sakmarian to the Wordian; this matches a diminishment in coal deposition in this area, as well as major floral changes (Rees et al. 1999, 2002). In the model, this weakening is caused by the northward shif‘t of the northern continent, with a trend toward less land in the northern subtropics and more land at higher latitudes and by the lowering of the topography along the subtropical coastline. In higher northern latitudes, the colder winters of the Wordian, caused by northward shift of land masses, cause strengthening of the westerlies and southward shift of the storm-track precipitation maximum. In high southern latitudes, the winters are slightly colder in the Sakmarian (the land is farther south), and the winter westerlies and storm-track precipitation occupy a broader latitudinal band. The Southern Hemisphere summer monsoon is strengthened in the Wordian, relative to the Sakmarian, due to an increase in southern land area in the subtropics. Overall, the model simulations are in fair to good agreement with the data available from climatesensitive sediments. Model simulations of annual average P ⫺ E compare particularly well with the distribution of coals and evaporites. Where upwelling is known from phosphorites and organicrich shales, the model predicts wind directions consistent with Ekman transport offshore. Model wind directions are also consistent with transport vectors inferred from eolian sand dune deposits, albeit limited in distribution and possibly temporal resolution. In all locations with marine organic-rich shales that are believed not to be associated with upwelling but rather with a freshwater cap and estuarine circulation, the model predicts high local P ⫺ E and runoff rates. Our results suggest that the major deglaciation in the Sakmarian (Early Permian) could have been maintained only if levels of CO2 were higher than present—in our case, at least 4#CO2. However, our model has not taken into account the possible role of ocean dynamics in augmenting the flow of warm currents near the poles. The model simulates very cold winters in highlatitude Gondwana. This result is inconsistent 52 M . T. G I B B S E T A L . with observations, particularly when the model simulation is compared with fossil floral data in our companion article (Rees et al. 2002). Possible explanations for this disagreement between model and data are incorrect interpretation of observations, model deficiencies, or both. The climate model simulation may underestimate the total ocean-heat transport, and, even more importantly, the model makes no allowance for the dynamical/ advective transports that could bring much warmer conditions to high latitudes in particular regions, as emphasized by Ziegler (1998). For this reason, we are now undertaking coupled atmosphere-ocean simulations for idealized Permian geographies and ocean bathymetries to test these ideas. Another significant limitation of this study was the use of prescribed uniform vegetation and soil. We plan future experiments using coupled climate-vegetation models to predict climate/vegetation feedbacks that are known to be important features of both present and past climates. Climate models can also amplify an initial high-latitude cold bias because of snow cover/albedo feedbacks. Thus, the snow cover that developed in these simulations may have amplified the cold bias. Further experiments will have to consider the combined effects of ocean, vegetation, snow, and sea-ice feedbacks. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research was supported by National Science Foundation (NSF) grants ATM 96-32160, EAR 9632286, and ATM 00-00545. The climate model experiments were conducted at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, which is supported by the NSF. We thank Sara Rauscher for assistance with graphics and Bob Gastaldo and Tom Crowley for their helpful reviews. REFERENCES CITED Barron, E. J. 1985. Numerical climate modeling, a frontier in petroleum source rock prediction: results based on Cretaceous simulations. Am. Assoc. Pet. Geol. Bull. 69:448–459. Barron, E. J., and Fawcett, P. J. 1995. The climate of Pangea: a review of climate model simulations of the Permian. In Scholle, P. A.; Peryt, T. M.; and UlmerScholle, D. S., eds. The Permian of northern Pangea. Vol. 1. Paleogeography, paleoclimates, stratigraphy. New York, Springer, p. 37–52. Berger, A. L. 1978. 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