PROJECT PLANNING AND CONTROL INTUNNEL CONSTRUCTION by SATURNINO SUAREZ-REYNOSO Ingeniero Civil, Universidad Iberoamerica (1973) Submitted inpartial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology May 1976 .... .-Department of Civil Engi eeriný, May 7, 1976 Signature of Author ..--..- ....... Certified by............................................ Thesis Supervisor Accepted by.................................................................... Chairman, Departmental Committee on Graduate Students of the Department of Civil Engineering -2- ABSTRACT PROJECT PLANNING AND CONTROL INTUNNELING CONSTRUCTION by SATURNINO SUAREZ-REYNOSO Submitted to the Department of Civil Engineering on May 7, 1976 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science. Inrecent years, the complexity of construction projects has forced project managers to develop better planning and control techniques. Tunnels inparticular present serious problems due to the presence of high uncertainty and risk intheir construction. The work described in this report presents the development of a project planning and control system (PCS) for tunneling. Different from a traditional project PCS, the approach taken follows the methodology used in information systems of the type used inthe manufacturing and service industries. To accomplish this, a review of the current trends in the information systems field and a survey of a group of possible users (tunneling managers) were made and the resulting information used as background for the development of the system. Existing systems developed for tunnel applications were reviewed to determine whether they could be incorporated into the proposed system. From the systems surveyed, the Tunnel Cost Model presents an adequate approach. The development is geared at improving the areas in which the existing system lacked flexibility. The improvements made were aimed at developing a set of analytic techniques general enough to be applicable invarious tunneling firms. The improvements were made in the simulation of construction operations and inthe project scheduling capabilities. A case study is included demonstrating the use of the options developed inthe planning fo the construction operations and the overall tunnel. Thesis Supervisor: Title: Dr. Fred Moavenzadeh Professor of Civil Engineering -3- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work has been supported by the Research Applied to National Needs Program of the National Science Foundation. The author wishes to thank Professor Fred Moavenzadeh for the guidance provided in the preparation of this report, Professor Herbert H. Einstein for all the suggestions and information, Mr. Michael J. Markow, who, as research associate, helped all along the way, with ideas, comments and editing, David Gray and Thomas Bell for their work in the development of the system; and Laurie Tenzer who did the excellent typing of this report. Finally, and foremost many thanks to Lourdes who in addition to preparing the illustrations has helped avert many crisis situations through counseling and encouragement and thus permitted the completion of this work. * * * * -4- TABLE OF CONTENTS Page TITLE PAGE 1 ABSTRACT 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS 4 LIST OF FIGURES 9 LIST OF TABLES 14 CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION 15 1.1 15 PURPOSE 1.2 SCOPE OF THE WORK 16 1.3 OUTLINE OF THE REPORT 18 PART I. SYSTEM BACKGROUND 20 CHAPTER 2. INFORMATION SYSTEMS 23 2.1 INTRODUCTION 24 2.1.1 The Concept of Information Systems 24 2.1.2 Function of Information Systems 27 2.2 STRUCTURE OF AN INFORMATION SYSTEM 28 2.2.1 28 2.2.2 Initial Analysis Structure Description -5Page 2.2.3 2.3 Hierarchy INFORMATION CONSIDERATIONS 2.4 MANAGEMENT DECISION PROCESS 2.5 34 37 42 2.4.1 Strategic Planning 43 2.4.2 Operational Control 45 2.4.3 Managerial Control 46 2.4.4 Types of Management Decisions 48 IMPLICATIONS FOR THE TUNNEL SYSTEM 50 REFERENCES 53 CHAPTER 3. SURVEY OF THE TUNNELING INDUSTRY 55 3.1 INTRODUCTION 55 3.2 DESCRIPTION OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE 56 3.3 RESULTS FROM THE QUESTIONNAIRE 3.4 60 3.3.1 Overall Results 60 3.3.2 Results of Individual Questions 62 INTERPRETATION OF THE RESULTS 80 REFERENCES 85 PART II, DEVELOPMENT OF ANALYTIC TECHNIQUES 87 CHAPTER 4. CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS 99 4.1 99 INTRODUCTION 4.1.1 Ide~ttffCati6n of Requirements 4.1.2 System of Structuring of Tunnel Construction 4.2 Representation of Tunneling Operations 99 105 110 -6- 4.3 DYNAMIC NETWORK CONCEPTS 116 4.3.1 Introduction of Dynamic Activity Controls 118 4.3.2 Relating Activity Controls to the Tunneling Environment 121 4.3.3 Example 1 123 4.3.4 Example 2 127 4.4 OVERALL SIMULATION CONTROLS 4.4.1 Basis of Simulation 130 131 4.4.2 Time 132 4.4.3 Feet Advanced 133 4.4.4 Rounds of Cycles 133 4.4.5 Use of Bases During Simulation 133 4.5 METHOD COST AND TIME ELEMENTS 134 4.6 136 RESULTS PRODUCED REFERENCES 144 CHAPTER 5. DEVELOPMENT OF SCHEDULING CAPABILITIES 145 5.1 INTRODUCTION 145 5.2 SCHEDULER DESIGN 146 5.3 NETWORK CAPABILITIES 5.3.1 5.4 Activity Definition 148 150 5.3.2 Activity Time and Cost 154 5.3.3 Example of Network Structure 155 NON-NETWORK SCHEDULING CAPABILITIES 159 5.4.1 163 Meeting Headings -7Page 5.5 5.4.2 Controls Relating to Distance or Time 164 5.4.3 Parallel Activities 166 5.4.4 Alternating Activities 170 RESULTS PRODUCED 173 REFERENCES 181 PART III, CASE STUDY AND CONCLUSIONS 183 CHAPTER 6. APPLICATION OF THE TECHNIQUES DEVELOPED 185 6.1 INTRODUCTION 185 6.2 DESCRIPTION OF THE CASE STUDY TUNNEL 185 6.2.1 186 Geometric Characteristics 6.2.2 Geologic Characteristics 186 6.3 GENERAL INFORMATION USED BY THE CONSTRUCTION METHODS 191 6.4 198 6.5 DOUBLE TRACK TUNNEL 6.4.1 Information Required 198 6.4.2 Discussion of Results 198 SINGLE TRACK TUNNEL 205 6.5.1 First Alternative 205 6.5.2 Second Alternative 212 6.5.3 Third Alternative 216 6.6 STATION TUNNEL 220 6.7 SCHEDULING ANALYSIS 232 -8- Page 6.7.1 First Alternative 233 6.7.2 Second Alternative 245 6.7.3 Third Alternative 245 6.7.4 Fourth Alternative 260 6.7.5 Use of Results in CPM/PERT 264 REFERENCES 266 CHAPTER 7. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 267 7.1 CONCLUSIONS 267 7.2 RECOMMENDATIONS 268 BIBLIOGRAPHY 270 APPENDIX I SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE AND COVER LETTER 273 APPENDIX II SAMPLE OF RESULTS FROM THE SURVEY 281 APPENDIX III LIST OF ANSWERS RECEIVED FOR QUESTIONS 7 and 8 OF APPENDIX IV QUESTIONNAIRE 287 CASE STUDY DATA 293 -9- LIST OF FIGURES , Page 2.1 Relation Between Automatic Data Processing and Management Information Systems 2.2 Structure for the Total System 2.3 Hierarchy of Information Systems 2.4 Information Flow 2.5 Sources and Uses of Information for Strategic Planning 2.6 Information Requirements by Decision Category 2.7 A Framework for Information Systems 3.1 Summary of Responses to Question 1 63 3.2 Summary of Responses to Question 2 65 3.3 Summary of Responses to Question 3 67 3.4 Summary of Responses to Question 4 69 3.5 Summary of Responses to Question 5 72 3.6 Summary of Responses to Question 6 74 3.7 Summary of Responses to Question 7 77 3.8 Summary of Responses to Question 8 77 4.1 Tunneling Cycle Representation 100 4.2 Network Representation of a Construction Cycle in the Tunnel Cost Model 101 4.3 Structure of Construction Method 4.4 Equations for Face Hole Drilling: 4.5 Use of Construction Equation 106 Time and Cost 108 109 -10- Page 4.6 Network Representation of Construction 111 4.7 Representation of the Operations ina Two-Shift Day 113 4.8 Desirable Representation of Construction Operations 115 4.9 Standard Network Processing 117 4.10 Illustration of Dynamic Network Controls 119 4.11a Dynamic Networks Example 1: Network Definition 124 4.11b Dynamic Networks Example 2 126 4.12 Dynamic Networks Example 2 128 4.13 Construction Simulation: 138 4.14 Detailed Construction Report 139 4.15 Construction Simulation: 140 4.16 Application of Frequency Distribution Report 5.1 Relation Between Construction Methods and Tunnel Scheduler 149 5.2 Project Activities Based on Construction Headings 151 5.3 Project Activities Based on Geologic Conditions 152 5.4 Project Activities Based on Tunnel Segments 153 5.5 Example of Network Usage: 156 5.6 Example of Network Use: Time and Cost Calculations 157 5.7 Example of Network Use: Overall Time and Cost 158 5.8a Profile-Time Schedule, Roberts Tunnel 160 5.8b Profile of Harold D. Roberts Tunnel 161 5.9 Use of Network to Represent the Start Control 165 5.10 Use of Network to Represent the End Control 167 5.11 Attempts at Scheduling Parallel Activities 169 5.12 Geologic Profile Produced by Scheduler 174 5.13 Scheduler Detailed Construction Report 176 Process and Reports Frequency Distribution Report Tunnel Configuration 142. -11- Page 5.14 Scheduler Time-Cost Distribution 177 5.15 Time-Cost Distribution Cross Reference Table 179 6.1 Case Study Tunnel Profile 187 6.2 Tunnel Cross-sections 188 6.3 Geologic Tree 189 6.4 Geologic Tree: ROCK Unit 3 192 6.5 Geologic Profile of the Case Study Tunnel 193 6.6 196 Example of Construction Variables 6.7 Heading and Bench Excavation Sequence 199 6.8 Network for Heading and Bench Excavation. 200 6.9 Heading and Bench Network Report 201 6.10 Network Results for Double Track Tunnel: ROCK end node 2 203 6.11 Network Results for Double Track Tunnel: ROCK end node 3 204 6.12 Double Track Tunnel: Simulation Detailed Report. 206 6.13 Single Track Tunnel: Network for First Alternative 207 6.14 Single Track: Network Report, First Alternative 209 6.15 Single Track: First Alternative, Histogram 210 6.16 Single Track First Alternative: Simulation Detailed Report. 211 6.17 Single Track: Network for Second Alternative 213 6.18 Single Track: Network Report, Second Alternative 214 6.19' Single Track: Second Alternative Histogram 215 6.20. Single Track: Network for Third Alternative 217 6.21 Single Track: Network Report, Third Alternative 218 6.22 Single Track: Third Alternative Histogram 6.23 Station Cross-section: Drift Definition 219 221 6.24 Network for Drifts 1,2 and 3 222 6.25 Network for Drifts 4,5,6, and 7 223 6.26 225 Relation Between Drift Networks. 6.27 Multiple Drift Network Report 226 6.28 Histogram Results for Multiple Drift 229 6.29 230 Detailed Construction Report for Multiple Drift 6.30 First Scheduling Alternative: Network 234 6.31 First Scheduling Alternative: Activities Report 236 6.32 First Scheduling Alternative: Total Project Scattergram 238 6.33 First Scheduling Alternative: Station Scattergram 239 6.34 First Scheduling Alternative: INBOUND Scattergram 240 6.35 First Scheduling Alternative: INBOUND Detailed Construction Reports. 242 6.36 First Scheduling Alternative: OUTBOUND Scattergram. 243 6.37 First Scheduling Alternative: OUTBOUND Detailed Construction 244 Reports. 6.38 Second Scheduling Alternative: TOTAL Scattergram. 246 6.39 Second Scheduling Alternative: OUTBOUND Scattergram 247 6.40 Second Scheduling Alternative: INBOUND SCattergram 248 6.41 Third Scheduling Alternative: Network 250 6.42 Third Scheduling Alternative: Activities Report 251 6.43 Third Scheduling Alternative: Total Project Scattergram 254 6.44 Third Scheduling Alternative: OUT SHA Scattergram 256 13 Page 6.45 Third Scheduling Alternative: OUT SHA Detailed Construction Reports. 257 6.46 Third Scheduling Alternative: IN SHA Scattergram 259 6.47 Third Scheduling Alternative: OUTBOUND Scattergram 261 6.48 Fourth Scheduling Alternative: Network 262 6.49 Fourth Scheduling Alternative: Total Project Scattergram 263 6.50 Use of Simulation Results as CPM Input 265 LIST OF TABLES Page 3.1 Questions Included in the Survey 57 3.2 Answers to Question 7 76 3.3 Answers to Question 8 76 3.4 Tabulation of Level of Respondents by Type of Company. 79 5.1 Key to Figure 5.8a Activities 162 6.1 Method Transition Costs 197 6.2 Double Track Tunnel Shift Information and Costs 202 6.3 Single Track Tunnel: First Alternative Shift Information and Costs 202 Single Track Tunnel: Second Alternative, Shift Information and Costs 202 Single Track Tunnel: Third Alternative Shift Information and Costs 202 6.6 Multiple Drift Method Costs 202 6.7 STATION Activity Advance and Cost Rates 235 6.8 INBOUND and OUTBOUND Advance and Costs Rates. 235 6.9 Advance and Costs Rates for Alternating Crews. 253 6.4 6.5 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 PURPOSE Any area of human activity requires some form of planning and. con- trol, from the trip to the supermarket--where a shopping list assumes the function of both planning and control--to sending a man to the moon where thousands of individuals are involved in sophisticated, highprecision operational planning and control. In the business and industry community the requirements for these control mechanisms have been increasing incomplexity with the growth and development experienced in recent years. Inseveral areas, these control mechanisms have evolved into formalized management information systems. Such systems are receiving increased attention by industry and successful use of them has been reported by several manufacturing and transportation firms. Engineering and construction firms have, likewise, become more and more involved in projects of increasing complexity and magnitude. The demands placed on the traditional planning and control systems--due to these large-scale projects--have multiplied. The projects developed in various areas imply diverse economic and institutional environments, generate conflicting issues that require quick resolution, and entail high risk levels. Within the construction field, these issues are particularly important in tunneling. This isdue to the unique combination of uncertainty and complexity of subsurface conditions, confined working space, cyclic and linear nature of operations, and the increasing restrictions placed upon industry operations. The purpose of this report isto investigate the application of the management information systems approach to the planning and control of tunneling projects. 1.2 SCOPE OF THE WORK A project planning and control system falls within the classification of what the management literature calls information systems. Information systems encompass a wider range of activities than those normally accounted for intraditional construction planning and control methods. An information system becomes the tool through which managers can aggregate and process relevant technical, economic, market, productipn 4nd institutional information for a job or series of jobs, to better guide their decisions. The development of an information system implies a thorough analysis of information structure and flow: where information comes from, what type and level of detail is required, how it isused, by whom, how often, and so forth. By contrast, this analysis is usually not performed in construction planning and control, where the techniques required are normally developed using a mathematical and/or accounting basis without much consideration for the flow and use of information. The development of a planning and control system using an information system approach requires an overall review of the background and mode of operation of the firm, including considerations such as the following: 1. Identifying the type of decisions that require the development of the system. 2. Identifying internal anad external information and the use and flow of it within the firm. 3. Identifying relationships that exist between lines of decision and responsibility and the flow of information. 4. Studying existing formal and informal information systems and identifying qualities and deficiencies. Once the background has been analyzed, the design of the system can be undertaken. In the design process the steps that should be followed are: 1. Develop a set of analytic techniques which will be used to process the information. 2. Structure the reports produced, the feedback mecahnisms, and develop the interfaces with existing systems and operations within the firm. 3. Develop, implement,testand put the system into operation. Clearly the magnitude of such an effort can be substantial. Inthis report we have addressed one area of the above tasks--namely, the review and development of the necessary analytic techniques. These techniques form the backbone of such systems, and are flexible enough to permit tailoring to the individual needs of firms and agencies. The other tasks are firm-specific, and should be addressed individually inthe implementation of the proposed system. 1.3 OUTLINE OF THE REPORT The report is divided into three basic parts: Background, Chapters 2 and 3; PART II: niques, Chapters 4 and 5; and PART III: PART I: System Development of Analytic TechApplications and Conclusions, Chapters 6 and 7. Chapter 2 reviews the current trends in the design and development of information systems. The concepts identified inthe review are then related to the conditions existing in tunneling. Chopter 3 describes a survey of tunneling managers undertaken to establish industry opinions and attitudes toward the proposed system. It includes a description of the various questions and the review, discussion and interpretation of the results as they apply to the proposed system. Chapter 4 develops the techniques to represent construction operations ina form that can provide managers with useful information for assessment of productivity efficiency and detailed costs. Chpater 5 presents the development of a project scheduling system that treats the scheduling, costing and interactions of the various project activities. Chpater 6 applies the techniques developed to a case study tunnel. Examples of system capabiltiies and use inplannign and analysis of a 19 tunnel project are presented. Finally, Chapter 7 contains the conclusions of this report and the recommendations for further development work. PART I SYSTEM BACKGROUND In this part of the report a review of the prevailing trends in the area of management information systems is presented. It is interesting to note that the knowledge in this area is experiencing rapid changes due primarily to the research and development as well as application efforts existing in this field. Because of these rapid changes, the largest source of information were journals, magazines and specialized publications as they usually present the vanguard of the state-of-the-art. Through this review we determined that one of the most important requisites to the successful development of information systems is the communication between designer and user. Chapter 3 contains the description of the the survey undertaken inan effort to establish this link with prospective users. With the results of the survey we developed guidelines for the design and implementation of the proposed system for tunneling. The survey consisted of a questionnaire that was sent to a sample of managers in the tunneling industry. Different levels with the firms and different types of firms--contractors, engineers, and construction managers--were surveyed. The review of the literature outlined above, combined with the survey of tunneling managers constitute the foundations upon which the planning and control system was designed and developed. CHAPTER 2 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 2.1 INTRODUCTION 2.1.1 The Concept of Information Systems At any level inany area of business, management requires information. Information comprises a broad range of observed and reported facts, projections, estimates, and rumors, varying widely in their sources, nature, accuracy, and intended use. Information iscollected from outside the firm--e.g. costs of labor and materials, market behavior, and competitors' strategies--as well as internally, such as production data, inventories, and labor performance. Taken as a whole, this body of knowledge--and the quality and reliability of this knowledge--are essential for efficient and profitable operation. Some sort of information system exists in all firms, regardless of size or type. Patterns of information generation, transfer and use evolve along the lines of the firm's formal and informal organizational structure, to develop subsystems ranging from water-cooler gossip to sophisticated account reporting [1]. Recently, a widespread misconception has developed that information systems must be computer-based. This is not necessarily so, and in fact many non-computerized systems exist and are functioning successfully. Itisa fact, however, that over the past 10-15 years many firms have considered or adopted computerized information systems. This is due 23 primarily to the large volume of information being handled and the ability of computers to store, manipulate, and display key elements of this information and provide related services such as check printing more efficiently than can conventional "longhand" methods. In light of increased labor costs, more demands for information by governmental and regulatory agencies and the growing need to make complex decisions involving high costs quickly, the increased use of computers is a logical trend. A second misconception involves the concept that all computer applications within a firm can be considered management information systems. Ifa Management Information System is defined as a system providing information to managers to assist them inmaking decisions, then all computer systems employed in a firm are not necessarily management information systems. This is an important point, because such misunderstanding can obscure a manager's perception as to what the computerized system isdoing for him, whether his computing capability is being used to its fullest, and what additional areas a computer system isable to address. The distinction is really one be- tween general computer services on the one hand--usually termed Automated Data Processing or ADP--and on the other hand computer services geared particularly as tools for the decision making process--Management Information Systems, or MIS. The primary function of ADP is to reduce costs and improve operations by replacing manual functions with computerized systems. ADP applications are characterized by routine operations where each task performed follows a well-defined and well-structured set of rules, priorities, com- 25 mands and responses. Data are manipulated, aggregated, and presented as some well-defined result e.g. payroll records, payroll checks, packing lists, and invoices. The process however, stops there as the data are not processed further by either the system or the manager. Generally speaking, the rate of success in developing and implementing ADP systems has been high. Management Information Systems have many of the characteristics of ADP systems--elimination of manual effort, reduced costs, and so on. The main difference between .the two isthat the data used by an MIS are processed to support decision making for various levels of management [2]. The distinction therefore lies not so much inthe type of system employed, but rather inwhat is the ultimate objective of the system. It is therefore conceivable that results produced by the ADP systems discussed above --e.g. payroll, accounting, invoicing, inventory control, shipping and so on--could be used also as part of a Management Information System provided the information produced is used as a basis for decision making. Figure 2.1 graphically depicts this relationship between MIS and ADP in a firm. MANAGEMENT ANALYTICAL SANAGEMET INFORMATION S YSTEM Groups Correlates PLANNING AND Comparison of summary data ' with competition and the economic envi• ronment. STRATEGY COMMUNI CAT ION WITH COMPANY, BETWEEN COMPANY AND CLIENT AND SSUMMARY REPORTING 3, MONITORING AND CONTROL SUMMARY OF DATA AUTOMATIC DATA nndividual P ROCESSING PRODUCTION SYSTEMS FIGURE 2.1 racking of internal day to day data Relation Between Automatic Data Processing and Management Information Systems. Source: [3] 2.1.2 Function of Information Systems Information provided by an MIS serves several functions [4]: 1. Accurate and timely information should help reduce-uncertainty. An information system should explore areas of possible outcomes not otherwise analyzed, as well as retrieve and organize information that could be otherwise passed over and thus hide other problems. 2. Complete information should help the manager seek alternative solutions. During the planning stage, the information should provide the user with the means of evaluating multiple alternatives. Later, if a problem arises, the system should again permit the analysis of multiple courses of action to be taken in order to solve the problem. 3. High-quality information should provide reassurance through a feedback mechanism or review of decisions. When a course of action is going to be or has been taken, the information system should keep the-user up to date on the performance achieved. Itwill serve to reassure the user that the adequate solution was chosen, or to indicate a wrong approach so that the course of action can be revised. These three functions provide a more concrete distinction between the concepts of ADP and MIS. Inno case does ADP have to explore alter- natives or deal with uncertainty, and serves only to keep track of events with no further processing. On the other hand, these functions form the basis of an information system. It isalso important to realize the limitations of information systems. While information systems help inproblem analysis and definition, and aid the decision making process by estimating the various possible results using different approaches to the problem, they are not a substitute for human evaluation. No information system can provide a definitive and "perfect" solution; rather it isalways up to the manager to evaluate the available alternatives and to make the final decision. 2.2 STRUCTURE OF AN INFORMATION SYSTEM Concurrent with advances in information science and management science over the last 10-15 years, a substantial body of information regarding the science of information system reorganziation, design, and function has also evolved. It is not the purpose of this report to give a detailed discussion inthis area, but rather to establish basic concepts that will have relevance to later chapters on tunnel construction. These concepts are introduced in this section and are continued through sections 2.3 and 2.4. 2.2.1 Initial Analysis There are three basic steps that should be followed when creating the structure for an information system. They are closely related to the idea that an information system is compatible with company organiza- 29 tion and should interface as much as possible with existing procedures.* The steps are the following: 1. Analyze what isnow being done. As mentioned before, it is very likely that some form of system already exists, whether formal or informal. The analysis should therefore address this system in order to fully understand it,to be able to retain its advantageous features, and allow the MIS to interface with it smoothly. Incases where no system exists, this analysis should consist of an inquiry into the management objectives desired in the planned system. 2. Evaluate the existing system. Identify its advantages and retain them. Isolate its limitations. Does the existing system adequately serve management's needs and objectives? 3. Systemize and integrate. Once the existing system has been understood and evaluated, it has to be reorganized and updated by standardizing processes, eliminating duplications and useless information and establishing better relationships between different users and components of the system. *Assuming that existing procedures follow good management practice. Otherwise, development of an MIS should be predicated upon a study of, and if necessary revisions to, existing company practices, including management controls, lines of responsibility, reporting, record keeping, and so forth. Who isto make this analysis? Traditionally this type of analysis has been performed by the designer of the system, and this has caused problems. The lack of involvement by the manager himself inthe system design and evaluation often results in a gap between the designer and the user that on many occasions results in the failure of the system [5]. Certainly in his normal course of business a good manager would not permit a substantial investment in company resources without an understanding of benefits vs. costs, available options, impact on company operations, and a monitoring of continued performance. Yet it is surprising that management very often remains distant from the design and development of an MIS. Consequently, a proper evaluation of the MIS in the same terms as other investments--benefit Vs. cost relations, impact on company operations, etc.--is not done and the resulting MIS becomes an expensive nuisance rather than a valuable tool. One of the causes for the high rate of failure in the MIS area can be attributed to unrealisticallyl high expectation on the part of managers inthe results produced by the system. This is not a problem inavailable technology or state-of-the-art knowledge, but rather a breakdown in communication between manager and system designer during early system development. What factors then contribute to a successful MIS? A study by Powers and Dickson [6] found that "...the active participation of the actual managers who will use the [MIS] iscrucial." Several factors represen- ting user participation were found to be instrumental to manager's satisfaction with the resulting MIS. Among these factors were (1)the fact that the MIS project was originated by managers rather than by information systems staffs; (2)definition of clear objectives and specific information requirements; (3)formation of a design and implementation team involving managers and designers. All of these findings reinforce the concept of early and active user participation in the development of information systems. In short, management participation in the design of a system should serve as a guiding force, insuring that the system addresses the problems inwhich management ismost concerned, iseasily understood and practical to use, provides reports that a manager can use, and is cost effective. 2.2.2 Structure Description Information systems may be organized in several different structures. Among the most common types mentioned in the literature are the total system, the partial system, and the problem oriented system. The basic difference among these various structuresis the extent of the company operations covered by the system. Total system. The first concept to gain acceptance inMIS development was the total system. Inthis approach the entire firm is tightly linked by the MIS, with each area of the firm preparing information to feed other areas. The objectives of the total system, as stated inone of the early writings on the subject, are " organize administrative work flows from the viewpoint of the company as a whole, without regard for barriers of organizational segments" [7]. A representation of the structure conceived for such a system is shown in Figure 2.2. The top two quadrants represent the abstract conception of objectives for the corporation while the bottom two represent the concrete conditions of processing of materials. At the same time the left quadrants represent input to the corporation while the right ones output from it [8]. It isclear that the complexity involved in the development of such a system isgreat, and the effort involved substantial. The manpower needed to implement a total system can proveat :best uneconomical if not uncontrollable. The strain put on the firm by changing all its procedures at once can also cause grave operating problems. These factors precluded the concept from being successful inthe cases where itwas tried. As a result, current opinion on such a system is adverse, and references expressing this attitude can be found throughout the literature. An example: "...enchantment with the possibility of achieving total, global MIS, has given way to pragmatic acceptance of the long, hard road to anything resembling its realization" [9]. Partial system. At this point the development of partial systems therefore seems a more appropriate way to develop information systems. Sub-systems serving specific areas such as Finance, Operations, and Marketing can be developed and implemented individually with better results and lower cost. AND JUDGEIMENT Figure 2.2 Structure for the Total System. Source [8] An advantage of the partial system isthat its respective ADP and MIS components (which in the total approach were intimately related) can be separately analyzed. Each can be developed independently so one does not have to await completion of the other. The level of effort needed for system design and development is reduced and the individual sub-systems can be modified easily to adapt them to changes in the organization. Problem-oriented systems. Problem-oriented information systems present definite advantages over the previous types ifa specific problem can be isolated within the firm's environment. In this way, specific decision rules and procedures can be developed for this problem without affecting the remaining organization. Problem-oriented systems can use existing information without affecting the form or nature of that information. For example, accounting or payroll information used by an ADP system can also be used by a problem-oriented MIS system without having to change the information inany way. This protects the integrity of the ADP system and saves development time and costs. 2.2.3 Hierarchy Inaddition to being classified according to the type of approach followed in the development of the structure, information systems can be classified by the position that the system will occupy in the decision process followed by the manager. Figure 2.3 is a representation of one approach to-hierarchy [10]. The horizontal flow represents a decision process in various stages. Inany decision process, data are collected and organized in a data base. Then predictive models (such as sales forecasts) can be applied to these data. At a more advanced level, an optimization procedure can be applied to determine a "best" course of action. Finally, action is taken. One can therefore also define a corresponding hierarchy of information systems. Each successive system builds upon the capabilities of the previous systems to evolve a more powerful problem-solving ability. The hierarchy isas follows: Data System Predictive MIS Optimizing MIS Automated MIS The data system accepts data from various sources and aggregates, categorizes and synthesizes it for presentation to the decision maker, who manually performs all the other steps in the decision process. The predictive MIS incorporates a data system and one or more predictive models as shown in the figure. In this way the system can provide a manager with, for example, a sales forecast as well as records of past performance. The optimizing MIS includes optimization routines (such as linear AUTOMATFD MTh C.- Figure 2.3 Hierarchy of Information Systems. Source: [10) 37 programming techniques) to provide the user with a "best" possible solution. A typical case where such systems can be employed is the decision to establish distribution centers for products. The optimizing MIS would include data handling and predictive capabilities as well. Automated systems can perform all steps of the decision process with no additional input by the manager. The application of this type of system has been rather limited to date, with systems involving only simple decisions having been developed. An example of fully automated systems can be found in inventory control, where the system automatically keeps track of stock levels and will issue reorder instructions as required. 2.3 INFORMATION CONSIDERATIONS So far we have examined MIS design and development from the point of view of the system structure. Now let us take a look at the charac- teristics of the information itself. If for a moment we consider the system as a black box (Figure 2.4), we can observe that as input the system will use information from many sources: existing data sources, outside sources such as reports and periodicals, and information provided by the user himself. All of this information will be processed by the black box and will produce a set of results in several forms: reports, graphs, data to be used by other systems, and so on. Since the system cannot inany way improve the information, it is very important to have high quality information as input. The results I I iii III I I IC•rn I• I GRAPHIC OUTPUT Figure 2.4 Information Flow produced by MIS will be only as good as the original information provided. There are many problems that arise inobtaining high quality information. Some problems result from the formal structure set up to gather information; others result from the operational characteristics of the organization, and still others from the human intellectual processes using that information. A successful information system should concern itself with all these areas. Some specific problems that occur ineach area are the following [11]: A. Formal information structure 1. The formal system is limited in the number and type of information sources it uses. 2. The formal system tends to aggregate data and therefore the data become too general for a particular level of management. 3. Much of the formal information isreceived too late to be used. 4. Some of the formal information is unreliable. B. Organization 5. The organizational objectives are rigid and dysfunctional and encourage the manager to use inappropriate information. 6, The manager favors verbal channels and neglects documented sources of information. C. Human intellect 7. The manager's cognitive limitations (background, education, intelligence) restrict the amount of information he can consider ina complex decision. 8. The human intellect systematically filters the information according to a predetermined experience of success or failure 9. Sometimes psychological attitudes impede openness to certain sources of information The problems are not easy to identify in the initial phase of information gathering. Even after one identifies them, it isnot always clear what their effect will be on the system structure and what solution can be applied. Therefore, one can only make general recommendations on avoiding these problems (11]. 1. Managers need a broad-based formal information system. 2. The rate of information being given to a manager should be carefully controlled. Managers should not be overwhelmed with information, but should receive it at a controlled rate. Output reports must be individually designed to meet the needs of management at various levels within the firm. 3. An intelligent filtering of the information should be the responsibility of a system. Critically important information should be highlighted and the redundant or irrelevant areas masked or simply eliminated. 4. Consideration should be given to multiple channels for obtaining reliable informaiton. All the channels that are regularly used by the manager (both written and oral) should be provided for in systems design. The system should not be limited to "usual" reports or forms. 5. The system should encourage the use of alternate sources of information. Ifall channels are incorporated, the manager should be capable of performing a series of analyses, with each analysis using information from a different source. 6. The system should make the raw information available to the manager if he wants to see it. A search capability should be available so that one can retrieve basic information to evaluate, qualify and modify itwhen necessary. 7. The design team should become sensitive to the manager's personal and organizational needs. The position occupied by the user in the organization should be a.primary factor in the approach followed. 8. The system design should try to minimize disruptive behavioral effects. Itshould provide the user with an approach to problem solving that does not include a radical modification of the previous behavior. These recommendations should be used inconjunction with the ideas related to hierarchy and type of structure to analyze management needs. However, to superimpose these ideas successfully on an organization to produce a workable system, one must also make an analysis of the firm's management decision process. 2.4 MANAGEMENT DECISION PROCESS [12] All the ideas mentioned in this chapter must be applied in some well defined management framework as good practices to follow when developing an information system. Without such a framework, systems development can become erratic,following the momentary needs of the interested manager or reacting to crisis situations within the firm. This approach can only lead to unnecessary expense and lack of success. To develop this framework it isadvisable to analyze the structure of managerial activities to determine the information needs at each of the different levels of management. The top level of management functions can be considered as being strategic planning. Stragetic planning sets objectives for the organization and decides the resources to be used and the distribution of those resources. Its main concern is to chart the future of the organization. This task is performed usually by a limited number of individuals who operate ina creative and very often non-repetitive way. The next level of managerial activity can be defined as management control. This is the process by which managers assure that the resources available are used in the most efficient way to accomplish the organization's objectives. This activity takes place within the policies set by strategic planning, involves a high degree of personal interaction, and has as its basic goal the maintenance of a high level of performance. The third type of managerial activity is operations or production control. This activity deals with the production process to assure that specific tasks are performed efficiently and effectively. The basic difference between this activity and management control is the element controlled. Inproduction control, the elements being controlled are specific tasks such as the manufacturing of a part, while management control isconcerned with the broader view of coordinating multiple groups performing different tasks. Inthe operations control level, there is less latitude in the options available to the manager as most of the objectives, resources, etc, have been already set. Even though the boundaries between these categories are not always clear, they provide a useful breakdown on which information requirements and systems applications can be analyzed. 2.4.1 Strategic Planning Instrategic planning the information used establishes a relation- ship between the organization and the outside environment, and aims to predict the interactive behavior of both bodies. The information required is aggregate information coming mainly from external sources. The variety and scope of the information is quite large but there is little requirement for great precision. Figure 2.5 shows schematically the information needed and the flow of that information. Types of external information sources might include the US Government (US Departments of INFORMATION SOURCES PLANNING DATA BASE ,PLANNING PROCEDURE I Domestic Economic Information I Domestic and International Trends, , ;3Forecasts Identify relevant economic trends; Forecast economic environment International Economic Information Industry Information )>. Technological and Scientific Information I··qt•IV Y • ~ - ,, Ai II | |1|~V n I a Infor Resource Company Oriented Information - - Characteristics of Competition: Evaluate the competitive environ-financial condition : ment: -share of product/market segments :-generate profiles for major compe-production capacity and operating titors in each product line level -compare strengths and weaknesses -relative prices, promotion of company with those of compe-technological strengths titors -management philosophy - - - - - - - - - Formulate Competitive Strategy 6ot Existing Ptoduct Lines Figure 2.5 i I Review the nature of the industry. Forecast growth and evaluate changes in produce type, technology, markets served. I > ------P-------o--------------Planning Decisions Industry Trends and Market Characteristics: -product/market segments > -technology, new products -growth areas -prices, promotions -resource availability I - For New Business Evatuate Feasibitity of Entry, Means o6 Ent'y Sources and Uses of Information for Strategic Planning. Source [13]. 45 Commerce, Agriculture, the Federal Reserve Board, the Council of Economic Advisors, the Conference Board Report, the SEC), the OECD, the UN, "Fortune", Dun & Bradstreet, Standard and Poor's, Moody's, as well as a long list of trade journals in all fields of industry [13]. An information system to maintain this large and varied list of sources up to date can be quite complex and uneconomical, as not all reports are used inall situations but rather are selectively chosen based on the problem being analyzed. Therefore an information system for this type of activity.has to be extremely flexible, have fast response and be easy to use by the individuals involved. Itwould have to support and encourage the creati- vity of the decision process rather than restrict it. 2.4.2 Operational Control At the other end of the spectrum, a sharp contrast exists between the type of information required for strategic planning and that required for operations control. Information for operations control comes mostly from internal sources, iswell defined, narrow in scope, and quite detailed. Itmust be highly precise as it is used very frequently and primarily for task control. The system required to handle and analyze the inforamtion for this activity does not require great flexibility, can be easily ahalyzed and defined and may change slowly over time. This area of management iswhere most of the successes have been obtained in the development of information systems. It isnecessary however to qualify this statement by saying that the type of system used for this activity falls more within the classification of Automatic Data Processing than with Management Information Systems as defined in this report. 2.4.3 Managerial Control The information needed for managerial control is unfortunately not easy to define. It falls somewhere in the middle of the respective requirements for strategic planning and operational control described above, but will vary depending on the area of managerial interest and make-up of the organization. The information might deal with production records, inventories, sales and sales related inforamtion, and so on. This last type of information ismore likely to come from customers or potential customers than from data based projections [19]. Also a great deal of production related information can be captured directly from the shop. This is why a good portion of some managers' time is spent visiting factories and shops trying to get first-hand experience [14]. The system needed to process this type of information will require a mix of flexibility and precision and falls somewhere between the one for the strategic planning and operations control. This classification of information and managerial activity is a useful one to take into consideration for design and implementation of information systems. Figure 2.6 presents a graphical summary of these concepts. CHARACTERISTICS OF INFORMATION OPERATIONAL CONTROL Source Largely internal Scope Well defined, Snarrow MANATEMENT CONTROL STRATEGIC PLANNING .External Very Wide a Aggregate Level of Aggregation Detailed Time Horizon Historical r Future Currency Highly current o Quite old Required Accuracy High ) Low Frequency of Use Very frequent , Infrequent Figure 2.6 Information Requirements by Decision Category. Source [12] 2.4.4 Types of Management Decisions Regardless of the level at which a decision is being made, managerial decisions can be divided into two types: [15]. "structured" and "unstructured" "Structured" decisions are repetitive and routine. From similar decisions made before a procedure has been worked out for handling subsequent decisions, and these new decisions do not have to be reanalyzed every time. "Unstructured" decisions are novel, creative and consequential. There isno standard method of handling the decision. Either a similar decision has not arisen before, or the decision is elusive in nature, or the decision has not been analyzed previously with the purpose of structuring it. The basic difference between the two types is that in an unstructured decision, the human decision maker must provide judgment and evaluation each time. Therefore all the effort devoted to MIS development for unstructured decisions has been aimed at helping the user improve his information base when tackling this type of decision, rather than focusing on a procedure to attack the decision itself. Figure 2.7 shows examples of structured and unstructured activities that can occur at the different levels of management described earlier. Itshould be noted that the dashed boundary line is not fixed but rather isconstantly moving as more and more effort is put into understanding and structuring decisions. S. U OPERATIONAL CONTROL MANAGEMENT CONTROL STRATEGIC PLANNING Accounts Keceivable Budget Analysis Tanker Fleet MIX Engineering Costs S.L- Order Entry Short Term Forecasting Warehouse and Factory Location Production Variance Analysis Mergers and Acquisitions Cash Management Budget Preparation New Product Planning PERT/COST Sales and Production R&D Planning Inventory Control -- Figure 2.7 Framework for Information Systems. Source: [12] 2.5 IMPLICATIONS FOR THE TUNNEL SYSTEM The previous sections of this chapter have described a set of guidelines to be followed in designing an information system and the interface of that system with management. Let us now briefly review the implications of these findings for a planning and control system in tunnel construction. The first concern is to establish whether or not MIS are applicable to tunnel construction. One of the functions of an information system described in Section 2.2 is to help the user explore uncertainty. Clearly a high degree of uncertainty exists in tunneling. The geologic conditions that may be encountered, the expected equipment performance, the labor productivity, all involve high uncertainty and any means to help reduce uncertainty could well be used. Other MIS functions-reassurance or control, and the identification and evaluation of alternatives--also appears applicable to tunnel construction. The proposed system falls within the classification of problem oriented information systems. Itwill be dealing with a specific situ- ation arising within an organization--a tunnel project. Although some companies exist that are exclusively engaged in tunneling, most of the tunnel builders also undertake other construction projects. In these cases, a tunnel will be one element more in the operations of the organization. As was mentioned earlier, one initial point in the success of a system is the involvement of the user in the design. Inour case, this interface with the user presented a big obstacle given the variety and number of tunnel participants that could be users. The approach taken was to make a survey of a reasonable number of tunnel contractors, engineers/construction managers and some owners that could establish a set of guidelines as to what areas to pursue inthe design of a system. This survey was performed and will be described inthe next chapter. The proposed system will have the same as the other systems multiple sources of information. Inour case, the information will come from technical studies of the geology, from equipment manufacturers, from previous tunnels, and perhaps most importantly from personal experience of engineers and builders. The system will thus have to provide a flexible structure inwhichthis experience can be made explicit along with taking all other types of information into account. Finally where in the managerial structure of the tunneling industry can this system be used? We can consider that the decision to engage in the construction of a tunnel project falls within the operations that have been called strategic planning. That once this decision has been made, a set of planning activities that we can call management control have to be undertaken to ensure correct performance. And finally, that during construction, a control of operations has to exist to ensure correct task performance. The proposed -system isaimed at the managerial and operations control level. At no point will the system be concerned on whether or not to engage inthe construction of a tunnel, rather, itwill try, once this decision has been taken to obtain the best overall performance. The decisions that will have to be addressed are both structured and unstructured. Some control operations are well known and a routine for them exists but in the planning phase, multiple approaches to the problem exist. Inorder to develop a system that can be used by a multitude of users, a review of the current practices followed by a systemization of the methods will be necessary. Inany case, the system requires a great deal of flexibility to allow individual users to incorporate their own point of view in the analysis as well as new developments occurring within the tunnel industry. REFERENCES 1. Luthans, F., "Organizational Behavior", Chapter 19, Dynamics, Applications, and New Dimensions, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1973. 2. Kennevan, W.J., "Structuring and Managing a Management Information System." Data Management, September 1972. 3. Taplin, M.J. "AAIMS: American Airlines answers the what ifs". Infosystems, February 1973. 4. Bedford, N.M., "The Concept of MIS for Managers," Management International Review, 2-3/1972. 5. A discussion of the benefits resulting from the involvement of management inthe design of the system in found in: "Making an MIS work inreal life," by Frederick 0. Freelander; Industry Week; April 2, 1973. 6. Powers, R.F. and G.W. Dickson, "MIS Project Management: Myth, Opinions, and Reality; California Management REview, Spring 1973. 7. Haslett, J.W,, "Total Systems--A concept of Procedural Relationship in Information Processing." In: A.D. Meacham and V.B. Thampson (eds.) Total Systems, New York, American Data Processing, 1962. 8. Pickey, E.R. and N.L. Seneusi eb, "ATotal Approach to Systems and Data Processing", In: A.D. Meacham and V.B. Thompson (eds.) Total Systems, New York, American Data Processing 1962. 9. Pokempner, S.J., "Management Information Systems--A Pragmatic Survey," The Conference Board Record, Mag, 1973. 10. King, W.R., "The intelligent MIS--A Management Helper, Business Horizon, Octover, 1973. 11. A more extensive dicsussion of these problems can be found in "Making Management Information Useful" by Henry Mintzberg, Management Review, May 1975. 12. The discussion presented in this section is based primarily on the article "AFramework forManagement Information Systems" by G.A. Gorry and M.S. Scott Morton, Sloan Management Review, Summer 1973. 54 13. Carbouell, F.E. ed and R.G. Dorrance, "Information Sources for Planning Decisions", California Management Review, Summer 1973. 14. "People contact counts more than computers", Business Week, May 4, 1974. 15. Although this discussion comes from [12], the specific classification of decisions comes from Simon, H.A. "The New Science of Management Decision", New York, Harper and Row, 1960, Simon classifies decisions as "programmed" and "unprogrammed." Inthis case they have been changed to "structured" and "unstructred" to avoid any implicit connection with computer programming. CHAPTER 3 SURVEY OF THE TUNNELING INDUSTRY 3.1 INTRODUCTION In the previous chapter it was established that one of the critical areas to the success of a system is the communication between developer/ designer and user. In this case, to establish this contact, it was decided that a survey of tunneling contractors should be made. The questionnaire would provide the guidelines needed in the development of such a system: normal needs for information, major areas of applicability and the hierarchy in which these areas should be considered. These would indicate the type of information used in their day to day operations, the way in which it is used, the type of system being used, and the general characteristics of this system. Also a tunneling project involves many elements and stages during its development, it was essential to narrow down the areas of applicability as it was not considered possible to address all of the possible areas with one system. Given the type of study being done, it was considered important to obtain a good cross-section of the tunnel participants including all levels of management and the different types of firms. In order to accomplish this, it was decided that a simple and effective way would be to prepare a quesitonnaire where the critical points could be addressed and to send it out to a large number of people involved in tunneling A copy of the questionnaire and the letter sent explaining the objectives is included in Appendix I. The questionnaire was sent to seventy55 five people chosen from tunneling contracting engineering and construction firms. Inthis group, the various levels in the organiza- tional structure were covered: from corporate officers to field person- nel. 3.2 DESCRIPTION OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE Inorder to cover the several areas of interest that were described earlier, the questionnaire had to be quite extensive. On the other hand, it has to be brief enough to have a better chance of receiving a large number of responses. The resulting questionnaire contains nine questions that can be calssified in terms of the area to which they were aimed. The first four questions were concerned primarily with obtaining the perceived relative importance of different elements involved indifferent areas of the tunneling process. The areas covered in these questions were Resources, Project Related Information, Regional and Institutional Factors, and Contingencies. (See Table 3.1 for the text of the questions). Questions five and six, were aimed at obtaining an indication of what type of system should be considered and at what level of the organization it should be used. Inquestions seven and eight, the questionnaire asked for direct input from the respondent. Itwas hoped that the initial questions (1 through 6) would review the overall tunnel process, and at this time (in question 7) the respondent could provide the personnel evaluation of Table 3.1 Questions Included in the Survey 1. Rank in order of importance the Resources which management information systems should help you contr61. 2. Indicate the three most important and the three least important areas of Project Related Information which you feel a management information system should provide you. 3. The following Regional and Institutional Factors affect cost and performance of a project. Indicate the extent to which each factor typically influences your decisions. 4. Given that the technical, economic and institutional aspects of a project- are subject to some uncertaitny, what contingencies should a management information system be capable of analyzing? Please indicate importance of each topic. 5. Viewing a project as part of company operations, rank the following studies or reports by their relative importance. 6. Assuming that a management information system assists in both resource allocations and project monitoring. At which level do you see the highest payoffs for implementing such a system. 7. Please state the most important management questions that you would like an MIS to address and answer; what specific data elements are required ineach decision? 8. What components of an MIS (e.g. accounting, project planning and scheduling, etc.) does your firm have? Which of these do you in your position use regularly? 9. What isyour current opinion on the suitability of management information systems in the construction industry? what a system should do. Also information concerning the existence and use of their own type of systems could be obtained. Finally question 9 along with the number of responses returned were to be used as a measure of the interest in the development of this type of system. Inaddition to these questions, information related to the position of the respondent in the organization as well and company was requested. as the name It is necessary to realize that the questions themselves can be considered the result of a broader survey. To arrive at these questions and at the elements included in them a selection process was also followed. The selection was made based on the objectives defined for the system. For the planning part of the system it was necessary to determine what elements were perceived to have the greatest effect on the overall performance of the tunnel. Also, the types of contingencies that the planning phase includes. Questions three, four and five were related to this phase. Question three dealing with Regional and Institutional Factors. was aimed at determing the degree of influence that the group of factors listed has on the planning of a project. The factors covered areas from resource availability to the environment to technical to legal considerations. Contingencies were addressed inquestion four with many of the factors in the previous question listed again under a different assumption. The main concern here was to determine the extent to which these factors were subject to variations in the basic assumptions during the planning process. Question five also deals with the planning process. The emphasis on it,however, was to determine what type of analysis should be made using the basic factors described in the previous two questions. For this question it is considered that the planning process can be broken down into two major groups: the construction planning performed by technical personnel that involves the actual planning of the operations in the tunnel, and the overall project planning, performed by higher level managers where the tunnel isconsidered independently in the overall company structure. The first area, which iswell-known, has been described in many publications and is usually performed once the contract for the project has been obtained. The second area, however, which is less well-known includes other concerns such as profit, company policy, etc., and isperformed during the bidding stage. Itwas considered that this last area of the planning process could be explored. Question five is introduced reflecting this thinking. For the control part of the system, the system should keep tabs on the resources used by construction and provide the tunnel managers with information referring to the performance and status of the projects. Inquestion one, a list of resources was provided which the respondents were asked to rank in order of importance. Inquestion two, the objec- tive was to obtain guidelines for the type of information that should be relayed back to managers for control. As one of the major objections to this type of system is that they produce an inordinate volume of information that cannot be adequately used, this question was included hoping to identify three major areas: 1) the most important information which should be provided all the time; 2) the intermediate, that should be kept where it can be retrieved and analyzed in the cases where it is considered necessary; and 3) The least important, which should not even be considered. In addition to providing better service to the managers, this division would help reduce the burden on the system. 3.3 RESULTS FROM THE qUESTIONNAIRE 3.3.1 Overall Results The most important factor is the large number of responses re- ceived. As mentioned earlier, seventy-five (75) questionnaires were sent out. Of those, we have received up to this moment thirty-six answers, or 48%. naires. From those, thirty were considered valid question- The other six were from persons who thought that they were not qualified to answer, given their experience or type of work. Overall, this percentage of responses is considered very good. The questionnaires were in general answered fully and with care, and in most cases, the answers reflected that some thought had been given before answering. The only question that in general failed to pro- duce the expected response was question 8. The answers provided little insight into the existing procedures for processing information. This, it was felt was the result ofthemanner in which the question was structured and a differently worded question might have been more successful indetermining the use of the existing systems. The responses were processed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), Version II [1] as operating at the Information Processing Center of MIT. Given the way, the questions were structured, inwhich every element included in the question could have several possible answers, itwas not possible to analyze the question as an entity. Rather, the answers to each element were analyzed. A tabulation of the answers, a graphic representation in the form of a histogram and a set of statistical values was generated for each answer. A selectve sample of results produced by SPSS is included inAppendix II. The results for all the elements inone question were then compared. In some cases, just by visual comparison, a ranking could be established. Inmany other cases this was not possible and therefore the statistical values generated were used. The value used for this analysis was the mean, although the median and the mode could have also been used as they gave inmost cases the same ranking as the mean. In addition to the one way frequency analysis described before, the answers were cross-tabulated to determine trends. Several cross-tabulations were performed, but the most interesting ones were when the answers were broken down by the position of the respondent in the organization and by type of company. 3.3.2 Results of Individual Questions For each question, a figure summarizing the results will be presented. Inaddition to it,a more detailed description of the re- sults as well as any trends found in the cross-tabulations will be included. QUESTION 1: Rank in order of importance the Resources which management information systems should help you control (1 = Most Important; 8 = Least Important). (See Figure 3.1). Employees, Major Equipment, and Operating Cash were consistently ranked as the Most Important resources to control. Employees in parti- cular received the number 1 ranking over 60% of the respondents. The Least Important was Other Equipment, with over 50% classifying it in position 7 or 8. Answers for the remaining items were scattered among intermediate rankings giving no definite trends. Project Records and Documents elicited a polarity inopinion. On the one hand, 15% listed it as number 1 in importance: This degree of consensus on a number 1 ranking was the highest following that for Employees. The remaining responses, however, were evenly distributed, resulting in an overall ranking of Moderate Importance. Tabulation of these results by the company position of the respondents or by the nature of company business yielded recognizable trends in two cases: Employees and Major Equipment. Engineering/ IMPORTANCE LOW Employees, in-house expertise HI9H p~R~CTd~a~l~i~&SOg~g~B88r~ Subcontractors .r: Major or specialized pieces of equipment LA~"~OS~rr~$rY;L~ZIR4$1~~ Other equipment E;·;·~-~ Materials (procurement, delivery) t~,~',~-6~i~~rb·~tA'~c,~:' Project records and documents Operating Cash ar~IF~mrJ~aarssatrrr~P~ga+(W Other..................... Figure 3.1 ~f Summary of Responses to Question 1 Construction Management (E/CM) firms gave a slightly higher ranking to Employees than did contractors: 66% vs. 50% named it the most important. On the other hand, contractors ranked Major Equipment higher than E/CM firms: 60% of the contractors ranked it first or second while only 15% of the E/CM did so. As for the tabulation based on the position of the respondents, no important trends were found in any of the answers. In the Other classification, only a small number of respondents included comments. Among them labor was mentioned twice and materials expenditures and physical conditions were each mentioned once. QUESTION 2: Indicate the three most important and the three least important areas of Project Related Information which you feel a Management Information Systems should provide you. (Most = M; Least = L) (See Figure 3.2). The item receiving the largest number of Most Important rankings was Cost Projection, with 70% of the respondents giving this answer. No one classified itas Least Important. Itwas followed in relative importance by Time Projection and Cash Flow respectively. The three items generally indicated as Least Important were Outstanding Claims, Technical Data, and Receipts. Most items were ranked in consistent fashion by nearly all respondents. The one exception was Feet Advanced, which received 11 responses for Most Important, 8 for Least Important, and 11 who did not Importance lost Least A. Cash flow _~~e~i Breakdown giving B. Total costs C. Direct costs D. Indirect costs ~I E. Receipts ·CI\, F. Profits Safety record Feet advanced * 2i coNFL, Outstanding claims rsa-·~Y·lp··Ie Cost projection Cost overrun Time projection Time overrun Technical data Other............. Figure 3.2 Summary of Responses to Question 2 C InN rank it either way. Attempts to cross-tabulate these results by position incompany or type of company revealed only a slight preference among corporate officers to consider Feet Advanced among the three Most Important, and a slight tendency among project personnel to consider it among the Least Important. When tabulated by type of company the answers did not indicate any definite trends. Incross tabulation, another interesting result observed was that cost projection is considered most important by 85% of the E/CM but only 60% of the contractors consider it so. Something very similar occurs with Time Projection where 92% of the E/CM considered itmost important against only 30% of the contractors doing likewise. It was also observed that there was a higher dispersion of the "most" classification among the various elements of the question by contractors than by E/CM. E/CM classifications tended to cluster around a few of the possible answers, mainly the ones that emerge as the most important. qUESTION 3: The following Regional and Institutional Fac- tors affect cost and performance of a project. Indicate the extent to which each factor typically influences your decisions. (See Figure 3.3). The diagram indicates the relative influence of the different factors on project decisions. The different factors were scored by considering the mean values of all responses for that factor. Rather than assigning much significance to the individual scores, we felt itmore meaningful to identify Infivence on Decisions NO" Considerable Considerable Availability of labor ow;:27gg 4 -- Prevailing wages Availability of materials Transportation costs Subsurface conditions .,. g *49*. Statutes affecting work scheduling L; I * a~ Statutes affecting construction method I Safety codes Contract documents I . .* .•e _ m Insurance requirements Owner's contract admini- OF.·Y stration record Surface constraints 91E~Sb ~.O.*. 4 Other ........... Figure 3.3 Summary of Responses to Question 3 m groups of factors whose scores were of the same order of magnitude. Subsurface Conditions was ranked virtually unanimously as having Considerable Influence ina project. Itwas the only factor for which such complete agreement was observed. Ratings for the other factors tended to cluster within three groups. Availability of Labor, Availability of Materials, Contract Documents, and Surface Constraints, were generally recognized as of High Importance. Wages, Statutes, and Safety Codes, and Owner's Contract Administration of Moderate Importance and Transportation of Low Importance. Very few felt that any of these factors had No Importance. Overall, the tendency was to recognize some degree of influence in all the factors. Some respondents added other factors suc h as, union work rules, labor productivity, and availability and reliability of equipment. All of these were given Considerable Importance by the persons who mentioned them. In the tabulations by position of the respondents in the company those at the corporate and the project level tended overall to give higher ranking to individual factors than those at the division level. QUESTION 4: Given that the technical, economic and institutional aspects of a project are subject to some uncertainty, what contingencies should a management information system be capable of analyzing? Please indicate importance of each topic? Figure 3.4). (See Importance Somewhat Alternative construction methods Possible variations in subsurface conditions Variations in cost of money - Wage Escalations Increases in materials and supplies costs " a 64M1 Variations in productivity Delays in materials or equipment delivery SAW'c- FZTI!WTOlt: Alternatives to purchasing equipment Possible variations in materials quantities Project scheduling alternatives Effect of uncertainties on cash flow Other ............................. Figure 3.4 Summary of Responses to Question 4 Very As inthe previous question, the mean values of all responses for an item were used to score that item. Items with similar scores were grouped by level of importance. Again the clear indication is that Subsurface Conditions is the Most Important area to be considered. Over 75% considered this contingency Very Important. Inthe second group, respondents included Alternative Construction Methods, Variations in Productivity, and Scheduling Alternatives, with 40% to 55% of the answers, indicating these as Very Important. Inthe third group were Wage Escalation. Increase in Materials and Supplies Costs, Delays in Delivery, Variations in Quantities of Material, and Cash Flow, with 25% to 35% of the respondents marking these as Very Important. Inthe group with Lowest Importance were Variations inCost of Money and Alternatives to Equipment Financing, with only 10% to 20% indicating they are Very Important. The project level respondents gave More Importance to factors involved inconstruction--like Materials, Construction Methods and Scheduling than did the respondents at the division and corporate levels. Likewise, respondents in construction firms gave slightly higher importance to Wages, Equipment, and Materials than did the E/CM respondents. Inno case, however were these results radically different; rather, they showed only slight trends in the directions mentioned. Among Other contingencies added availability of specifications and drawings and labor union relations were indicated as Very Important. QUESTION 5: Viewing a project as part of company operations, rank the following studies or reports by their relative importance (1= Most Important; 8 = Least Important). (See Figure 3.5) Financial Analysis was definitely considered the Most Important project report, with 70% of the respondents named it ineither first or second in importance. As for the other areas listed, although some idea of relative importance did emerge (as shown in the figure above), the answers did not provide a strong distinction between the reports of primary and secondary importance. At the other extreme, only in the study on Available Equipment was there a clear indication of low priority: 40% ranked it Least Important. Other studies were mentioned such as impact on bonding capacity, available supplies, and client relations. None of these however was ranked very high. Analyzing the cross tabulations of these results by position in the organization, we find that although Financial Analysis is considered "Most Important" by a high number of respondents in corporate and project levels, for the division level answers, the Available Technical Importance Least A. Construction of project to company policy •. and objectives in stated time period B. Financial analysis of project including profit expectations and cash flow E~WI~B85~P.14 i C. Strength (or riskiness) of project in light of current economic conditions 5~82~CF~ Ei6ect oJ ptoject on: D. Anticipated work load E. Available management personnel F. Available technical and field expertise 81~4~ • eg 1 :- . G. Available equipment H. Other ............. Figure 3.5 Summary of Responses to Question 5 Most and Field Expertise is the most important even if not by much. Ingeneral, for this question, the number 1 classificaton was not assigned consistently to one of the answers but rather the answers for Most Important were 4istributed throughout all of them. QUESTION 6: Assuming that a management information system assists in both resource allocations and project monitoring. At which level do you see the highest payoffs for implementing such a system? The responses to this question (see Figure 3.6), indicate that the majority of the respondents favored implementation of the MIS at the Division or Project Levels. Most corporate and divisional personnel indicated that implementation at the division level would have the highest payoffs. The suggestions for implementation at the Corporate Level all came from corporate officers of contracting firms. On the other hand, responses indicating the Project Level as the point of implementation came overwhelmingly (over 80%) from project managers. Several respondents indicated two levels (usually Division and Project) the appropriate levels for MIS implementations. Number of Responses A. Corporate level (i.e. for executive officers 3, 3 B. Divisional level (i.e. for division manager, division engineer, chief engineer) 12 C. Project level (i.e. project engineer, project manager,superintendent) 12 Figure 3.6 Summary of Responses to Question 6 QUESTION 7 In this question, the respondent was asked to describe the most important questions that the MIS Planning and Control System should address. This itwas expected, would provide insight into the individual areas of concern. There was a large and varied number of answers, ranging from very concise and specific to very general concerns. Itis not necessary to discuss all the suggestions received. Rather a summary of the answers received ispresented in Table 3.2. In general, they were fairly easy to classify although in certain cases some interpretation was made of the suggestions. A full list of the answers received is included in Appendix III. There, each of the suggestions is presented as included inthe questionnaires. It is important to realize that a good number of responses are presented inAppendix III but not inTable 3.2 due to the difficulty of fitting it into a classification without distorting or misinterpreting the suggestion. QUESTION 8 Question 8 requested from the respondents a description of the types of systems that existed in their company and the use that each one made of them. Similar to question 7, a wide range of responses was received. Unfortunately, many repsonses were rather uninformative as they were limited to an affirmation that the systems given as examples in the question (accounting, project planning, and scheduling) already existed in the firm and that respondents used them. Itwas hoped that more extensive comments, such as frequency of use, type of use, personal opinion on the usefulness of the system, would be included. Suggestion No. of Times Mentioned Cost: control, project history etc. 17 Time: control projection 11 Labor: costs, productivity availability Equipment: costs, repair, new application Materials: 4 2 Subsurface: projections Cash Flow: Progress: 10 2 2 other measures Table 3.2 4 Answers to Question 7 No. of Times Mentioned System Accounting 13 Project Scheduling and Planning 11 Cost Control 4 Project Cash Flow Manpower Scheduling and Loading Table 3.3 Answers to Question 8 Number of Responses Extremely skeptical Somewhat skeptical, will take proven system to convince Undecided, want to know more about system capabilities first Favorably inclined, willing to offer suggestions or guidelines Ideas merit support, willing to use such a system Flqure 3.7 Summary of Responses to Question 9 YouR pos&ition in the company Number of Respondents Corporate Officer Division Manager Project Manager e - .6.. -r Figure 3.8 Number of Respondents by Position in the Company Inmany other cases only the first part of the question was answered, and no reference to the use of them made. This made the task of evaluating the question more difficult and no comparisons between usage at different levels of the organization was made possible. InTable 3.3 a summary of the answers received is presented. A complete listing of the answers is included also in Appendix III. QUESTION 9: What isyour current opinion on the suitability of management information systems in the construction industry? Inthis question (See Figure 3.7), the responses were largely concentrated at the "Favorably Inclined" and at "Willing to Use Such a System". The answers to these questions represent 66% of the responses received. It is interesting to note in the cross tabulating that no significant difference existed due to the respondent's position or type of company. OTHER QUESTIONS Inaddition to these questions, the questionnaire requested the position of the respondent in the company organization and optionally the name and company. Almost the majority of the respondents included name and company. This permitted us to perform the cross-tabulations described earlier. In Figure 3.8, the position of the respondents OF RASPOINDET IN CORPANY POSITIGC * By COoP * * * * * * * TTPE OF COPAIY * * * ** * * * * COll COUNT lOW 'PCT COL k'Ci' TOT PCT I ICON'TRACT &NGINkER OWNEL ROW IC•G &CONSTR TOTAL I 1 I 2 I 3 I I-....----'I-........ I. ------. . . I POSI S5 COBPORATt I 45.5 1 1 50.0 16.7 I I I -I.....-i- 2 DIVISION 6 I 0 I 54.5 I 0.0 1 31.6 I 0.0 I 20.0 I 0.0 I 11 36.7 -I...----I I 3 1 4 0 I I I 42.9 Jo0.0 I 57.1 21.1 I I 0.0 0.0 I I I 10.0 I 13.3 1 0.0 I I 1 7 23.3 -I---------I---------I---------I 3 PROJECT Table 3.4 I 2 I 9 I 16.7 I 75.0 I 20.0 I 47.4 I o.7 I 30.0 -I---------I---------I---------I CCLUMN 10 19 63.3 TOTAL 33.3 I 8.3 I 100.0 I 3.3 1 3.3 I1 I I I 12 40.0 30 100.0 Tabulation of Level of Respondents by Type of Company and the type of firms is shown. Also, in Table 3.4, these answers are cross-tabulated and the number of respondents at each level by type of company is presented. 3.4 INTERPRETATION OF THE RESULTS As stated earlier, the main objective of the survey was to obtain guidelines along which the proposed system will be developed. The critical issue was that these guidelines must come from the group that will be the expected user of the system, if it is expected to be successful. From this point of view, the survey was successful. A positive This contact was established with a large number of prospective users. group provided a set of answers from which some initial guidelines for the system can be developed. A riskier proposition would be to try to develop from these results a priority list for the development. For that type of list, it would be necessary to perform some follow-up on the people that returned the answered questionnaires using the answers as the starting point for more detailed structuring of the system. The description of the results in the previous section already points to the important topics in each area. We feel however that an interpretation of the meaning of those results is warranted. In the questions related with the control area of the system it is clear what the important resources are. The results confirm what infor- mal comments with tunneling contractors had hinted: that Employees taken as labor in general is the critical factor in the construction of a tunnel. As for the others, most of them follow what can be thought as a logical ordering. The only area that would be interesting to look into is the "Project Records and Documents", where some conflict existed. This can be aimed at determining what type of records or documents are considered. Inquestion 2, the project related information, the overall results appear to have no major surprises. The areas favored in the answers are the basic indicators for performance: time and cost. It is inte- resting, however, to observe that contractors have a greater diversity of opinions as to what the most important are. It is necessary to note that the area dealing with the breakdown of costs was almost ignored, while cost projection that in some way includes the breakdown was considered most important. Inquestions dealing with the planning process a slightly different type of answer was received partly due to the structure of the questions themselves. Inquestion 3--Regional and Institutional Factors--and question 4 --Contingencies--since no ranking of the answers was required but ratber each possible answer was individually classified, the results tended to hide relative importance of the factors and only general guidelines can be obtained. Inquestion 3, the only clear response was Geologic Condition, predictably the most important. Inquestion 4, the answers can be arranged ingroups according to importance as follows: 1) The most important being as expected, Geologic Considerations. 2) The second most important group can be identified as changes in strategy: alternative construction methods and project scheduling as well as variations in productivity. 3) The third group in importance could be classified as variations inthe resources used: material, cost, volume and delivery, wage increases, and cash flow. Question 5 also in the planning scope, isdivided into two areas: studies related to company policy and studies related to available expertise/capacity. Inthe first group as well as overall, Financial Analysis is the most important study. This seems to contradict the evaluation given to profit inquestion 2. The difference may be that profit considerations are made during the planning stage and the project is built under those assumptions. During the life of the project, however, it isdifficult to determine profit and thus the controls are based only on overall cost. In the second area, Management Personnel appears as the most important resource affecting the project. This seems to agree with the opinion given inquestion 1 Employees was also the most important resource. The rest of the questions, outside of direct implication to planning and control, provide the attitude prevailing towards such a system. Inquestion 6, the use of such a system at the project and division levels seems to agree with the discussion of the organizational structure and its decision making inthe previous chapter. Thinking of division and project levels respectively as management control and production control, we have indicated that the operations performed at this level were better known and could thus be more easily structured. The corporate level approach implies less precise and more unstructured decisions that may present greater difficulty to the development of a system. Question 7 served more as a.confirmation of the answers to the previous questions than as provider of new information. InQuestion 7 as inprevious ones, cost and time came out as the most important followed by labor. One area where the answers to this question did not come out with the same results as the other questions, was inSubsurface Conditions. Previously this had been considered very important but the same did not happen in this question. Question 8, as mentioned earlier did not provide valuable results. Only one or two answers given were considered useful as they described inmore detail the system and the use made of it. Further insight into this area would seem appropriate if the development of a complete system is undertaken to avoid duplicity and existing bad practices. Finally, with the answers received to question 9 and the large number of responses to the survey, we can indicate that a positive attitide exists towards a system of this type. That although not all the areas are well identified, some general guidelines were obtained Summarizing, the areas that appear as the most important are: In planning: *Geologic Considerations *Strategy Evaluations *Financial Studies Inthe control area: *Labor, Employees *Cost Projections *Time Projections A group of other factors could be arranged inanother list, but we can consider those as being of secondary importance. 85 REFERENCES 1. Nie, H.H. et al, "SPSS: Stastical Package for the Social Sciences", Second Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1975. PART II DEVELOPMENT OF ANALYTIC TECHNIQUES In this part, we investigate and begin to develop a set. of analytic techniques that can be incorporated in a management planning and control system for tunneling application. These techniques are aimed toward providing the manager with: I. Relationships between the project environment (e.g. labor availability, rates and productivity; materials costs; tunnel size and length; subsurface conditions; insurance requirements; state and local statutes and regulations; and so on) and project measures that he can evaluate (e.g. cost and time projections; production reports and the like). 2. A risk evaluation process involving the factors affecting tunnel construction, including: a. Physical factors--tunnel geology geometry, location, access roads, 87 weather, etc. b. Economic factors--cost and availability of labor, materials, and equipment; current interest rates, economic projections; bidding conditions; etc. c. Production factors--adequacy of proposed methods, labor productivity, reliability of equipment, etc. d. Institutional factors--insurance requirements, labor agreements, safety regulations, noise and vibration limitations, work schedules, etc. 3. Analysis of available options or alternatives to reveal their likely outcome and effects inareas of management interest. This analysis should be done taking into account the risk factors identified above. The alternatives or options may include different tunnel alignments or configurations, different methods of construction, scheduling changes, effects of variations in geolgy, and changes in construction strategy. The three objectives described above should be pursued according to the guidelines described inChapter 2 regarding desirable system characteristics. In this way, the information system will include as its basic elements: 1. Scheduling and estimating routines to translate job-related information into cost and time results for management. 2. Predictive models to evaluate the costs and benefits of various alternatives. 3. A risk analysis procedure in both the predictive and scheduling components. This can be done either by a stochastic treatment of the several riskrelated factors or by a sensitivity analysis incorporating these factors. Given the preliminary nature of this study, it was considered infeasible to attempt to design a full working system including all elements described above. Rather, an existing system could be used as a starting point for providing a framework for the future information system. This framework could be later modified or expanded in conjunction with selected tunneling firms to include the additional capabilities required by specific groups within the firms. Several attempts have been made in the past 15-20 years to develop systems for tunnel project planning and analysis. Although these systems all address the area of tunnel costs and scheduling, their different approaches make them useful in different circumstances. A brief review was made to determine whether any or all of these methods could be incorporated in the tunneling planning and control system. In 1959, the California Department of Water Resources [1] developed what can be considered the first systemized method to predict the costs of tunnels. Many California water tunnels were analyzed and the major cost compo- nents were identified as excavation, dewatering, support and lining. For each component, a family of cost curves resulting from regression analyses were prepared. With these, the cost per lineal foot of tunnel was obtained as a function of tunnel diameter and geology. Although limited in its flexibility and areas of application, this system established a starting point for subsequent analytic development. In 1970, a computer-based cost model for tunneling was developed by Harza Engineering Corporation [2]. This model considered several excavation and support methods, different geologic conditions as well as different tunnel cross-sections. Cost estimates were based on regression equations where the cost for labor, equipment and materials were computed separately to allow regional adjustments. The model also accounted for the influence of geology on costs. In 1971, the General Research Corporation [3] developed another model that simulated the A.a- activities of a number of tunneling techniques, accounting for interaction with external environments, mechanical failures, geology and other uncertainties. The user could specify information such as tunnel geometry, method and equipment used. The model then used empirical or analytic equations to model performance. The model also generated a linear or tridimensional geologic representation that could interact with the simulation of performance. The results produced were reports showing costs accrued at predetermined intervals in the tunnel. The model does not account for uncer- tainty in the geology, is limited to drill and blast and full face excavation, and does not include any provision for risk evaluation. The latest attempt at developing a system for tunnel construction is reported by Moavenzadeh et al in 1974 [4]. This model isthe first one to address the issues of uncertainty in the geology and uncertainty in construction performance for a particular geology. The model is patterned after conventional estimating practices to determine the cost and time of con- struction activities. No analytic or regression equations are used to obtain the construction costs and times: rather, production equa- tions with user input values are applied. 'The user can reflect variations in performance by including stochastic input for the input values. Geology is represented using a probabilistic statement about its characteristics that may be expected along the tunnel alignment. This creates the possibility of having multiple possible tunnel profiles. With various construc- tion strategies related to different geologies, the model produces, instead of one estimate, a distribution of estimates reflecting, basically, the uncertainty in geology and construction performance. In addition to these systems, a large number of both computerized and non-computer based systems used to process information exist in the many tunneling firms. These are used in all phases of the tunneling process, but in general are more a historical reporting tool than an information system, and their applica- bility to management control is limited in scope. They are in general designed and implemented by individual firms and thus have received little diffusion and publicity [5]. From all of these systems, the model reported by Moavenzadeh is the one we consider that goes furthest in the effort to cover the important management areas in tunneling and provide the user with a data structure that can be used as an information system. Nevertheless, from the point of view of information systems it still has deficiencies in several areas. The most important are: 1. The lack of flexibility in the simulation of day to day operations at the construction face. Ifany method different from Drill and Blast --full face or heading and bench--or TBM included inthe basic model is desired, the effort required to simulate it is substantial. 2. The lack of an appropriate capability for scheduling the different phases of the overall project. 3. The unsatisfactory treatment of labor at the construction level impedes the analysis of labor requirements throughout the life of the project. 4. The lack of expanded capability to handle indirect cost such as supervisory personnel, non-productive tunnel labor, support equipment-compressors, hoisting equipment, etc, capital costs as well as profit. Some effort was devoted to improve these limitations. Itwas considered that .the most benefit could be derived from trying to improve the areas of construction operations and project scheduling. It is in these areas that a greater consensus existed among the different firms responding to the questionnaire in Chapter 2. Itwas also that in dealing with labor, indirect costs and profits, different firms take different approaches. Thus, the development of a system to handle these areas would require a closer contact with individual firms than could be developed in the'current work. 96 Therefore the adoption of the Tunnel Cost Model by Moavenzadeh as a general MIS framework, and modifications inthe areas of project scheduling and representation of construction operations, were the phases treated inthis study. REFERENCES 1. California Department of Water Resources; Investigation of Alternative Aqueduct Systems to Serve Southern California. Bulletin No. 78, Appendix C, September 1959. 2. Harza Engineering Company; A computer program for estimating costs of hard rock tunneling. Prepared for US Department of Transportation, May 1970. 3. General Research Corporation; Hard Rock Tunneling System Evaluation and Computer Simulation, GRC Report CR-1-190, September 1971. 4. Moavenzadeh, F. et al; "Tunnel Cost Model: A Stochastic Simulation Model of Hard Rock Tunneling",: Department of Civil Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, MA, 1974 5. The existence of this type of system isoften discovered through discussions with tunneling contractors, therefore no specific examples can be presented. However, the tunneling literature has passing references to these types of systems. The Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference Proceedings contain insome of the papers presented, brief glimpses into these systems. As an example of this type of system, in the 1972 Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference, the report: "Role of the Tunneling Machine" by William H. Hamilton has an example of a computer program used to tabulate progress and performance of a tunnel boring system (RETC Proceedings p.1108, Vol. 2). CHAPTER 4 CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS 4.1 INTRODUCTION 4.1.1 Identification of Requirements Given the limited working space inside a tunnel, severe restrictions exist as to the number of tasks that can be performed at the same time. Tunneling excavation can thus be viewed as a repetitive cycle of production, where the operations are performed in sequence as the face advances along the tunnel alignment. This mode of operation has been commonly represented by a clock-like mechanism (see Figure 4.1). The cycle has an arbitrary start point. From there, the operations will be performed sequentially until the cycle is finished. Atthat moment, the first operation is re-initiated and the sequence is repeated. This representation is useful for visualizing the sequence but is rather limited when used for implementation ina computer system. In the Tunnel Cost Model, the sequence of activities in the cycle is represented by a network using nodes and arrows. (see Figure 4.2). The full network thus represents a cycle or a round in a construction method.* This cycle oriented network is used throughout the Tunnel Cost Model to simulate the construction of short sections of tunnel--i.e. *This use of a network to represent cycles is not a common approach among tunnel engineers. For this case however, it provides a flexible, easy to manipulate framework that can readily be incorporated into a computerized system. SUPPORT AND OSIVES DEWATER BLAST TUNNEL MUCK AND HAUL Figure 4.1 Tunneling Cycle Representation 102 the lengths advanced in a series of construction cycles. The results obtained are dependent on the geology in such a way that each geologic condition defined by the user will have its own cost and time rates. This configuration isvery useful whenever the model is used to make technical analyses of some basic construction methods. However, it could not be expanded to cover areas required for managerial analysis. Some limitations that had to be overcome were: 1. The basic model assumed that all construction cycles were alike. This isnot true; since production cycles can be differentiated from maintenance or service cycles. We therefore wanted to have the capability to represent the changing nature of construction operations within a given method. 2. Given the cycle oriented simulation, itwas difficult to simulate certain types of simultaneous operations, such as a drilling cycle at the face concurrent with a support cycle 50 feet from the face. Nor was there a good way to model operations at the same location at a different time of day. 3. It became very cumbersome to relate actual work activities to a chronological framework such as time of day. Also, no provision was made for including unproductive times resulting from safety conditions or labor attitudes. This could be the case of an operation not being performed due to the existence of a time limit or other restriction--loading shot holes when the time remaining in the shift is less than say half an hour 103 could be prohibited for safety reasons. It was felt that the improvements to the model should consider including this capability. 4. The model lacked a framework where external restrictions such as labor work rules, noise and vibration statutes and similar constraints, could be represented along with their effects on tunnel construction. For the proposed system iswas considered that all of these factors affect tunneling performance and, as such, must be included in the simulation of the construction operations if this system is to be used for managerial planning. In addition to these capabilities itwas felt that the mode of operation of the Tunnel Cost Model--where a single simulation corresponded exactly to a single cycle--was rather restrictive. Rather the required structure had to be capable of simulating activities occurring in a specific period of time (such as a 24 hour day or a 5 day week), a specific advance (one station in the tunnel or any given length of tunnel), or a production phase (one or more cycles or rounds). Moreover all of these operations ahd to be done under conditions of geologic uncertainty, breakdowns, variations in productivity, and the like, which would significantly modify the way inwhich the activities could occur. Before proceeding with the development of the system, different 104 existing scheduling systems were analyzed, including CPM/PERT [1], GERT [2], Fondahl [3, aswell as the Tunnel Cost Model system itself. A lengthy discussion of these methods isnot considered necessary. Suffice to say that in general, all of them lacked the capability of modifying the occurence of activities depending on the type of conditions--time, advance, cycles--that were considered necessary for our applications. Only one system, GERT, had capabilities for modifying network structure during the simulation process, but its control is dependent on probability rather than on the occurrence of a specific condition as may occur in tunnel construction. The need for an efficient way of modeling the operations within the concept of a network structure lead to the development and implementation of new network concepts. Under these concepts, networks could contain multiple operations and could change configuration as the simulation proceeded, depending upon the external conditions and limitations as well as on the simulated time or location in the tunnel. Inthis type of network, the end result of one simulation would not always be the same, but would closely depend on the situations occuring during that simulation. By direct implication a 24 hour clock establishing a time frame, log of construction advance and a set of shifts occurring in the 24 hour day had to be included as elements of the simulation. In the following sections of this chapter, the description of these capabilities as well as examples of their application will be presented. 105 Also, as mentioned before, a case study in Chapter 6 will expand upon these concepts and illustrate their use in a realistic tunneling situation. 4.1.2 System Structuring of Tunnel Construction The overall simulation structure in the Tunnel Cost Model is not limited to a network, rather it ismade up of several elements: the construction method, the network, the simulation equations and the construction variables. These are combined to obtain cost and time performance results for various construction methods, with the network being the controlling structure. The construction method can be visualized as'the structure grouping all the other elements used in the simulation process. A method (see Figure 4.3) would consist of a network--that defines the specific combination of construction activities that will be used, the shift information--hours and costs to be used in conjunction with the network, the cross section information--type and dimensions, the simulation controls, and most importantly the list of geologic conditions inwhich this method will be used during the simulation of construction.* The network, as it will be described, includes the different construction operations in the tunneling cycle, the relationships among them and the conditions controlling the process of the network. *A better description of how these results are applied towards obtaining a time and cost for the overall tunnel will be presented in the next chapter. 106 CONSTRUCTION MEFTHOD SHIFTS HOURS & COSTS CROSS SECTION SIMULATION CONTROLS NETWORK I......... DRILLING EQUATION LIST OF APPLICABLE VARIABLES Figure 4.3 Structure of Construction Method 107 Each of the construction activities included in the network--such as drilling, loading and blasting, mucking and so on--has a time and a cost associated with it. Both time and cost are obtained using the construction equations and the costs specified with the shift information. An example of the construction equations used is shown in Figure 4.4. At simulation time, each of the activities in the network will use an equation to obtain a time and a cost, and add it to the totals for the simulation. Finally, each equation will use a combination of construction variables for which the user has provided values. These variables can be assigned values varying with geology or not. Also, each variable can be assigned not only a single value, but a distribution [4]. Inthis way, for the equation shown in Figure 4.4--the variable LFACE HOLES could be given a single value, i.e. 10 feet, or a distribution--either normal, uniform or beta--i.e. uniform, lower bound = 8 feet, upper bound = 12 feet. Through this option, the user can allow for variations in productivity, uncertainty and so on, as well as normal variations due to differences in geologic conditions. In Figure 4.5 an example showing a list of input values and the results that can be obtained is shown. This structure gives the manager great flexibility both in planning and controlling the operations. Simple changes can be made to variables, equations, shifts and costs, and networks to simulate different alternatives or to reflect any change in initial assumptions throughout the life of the' project. 108 T = T LAYOUT FACE +'60 * L FACE HOLES * N FACE HOLES /(DPR_FACE * N_FACE_DRILLS) + T_MISCFACE C = N FACE HOLES * L FACE HOLES * C BIT STEEL/BIT LIFE Where: T LAYOUT FACE Time to layout the face L FACE HOLES Length of shot holes to be drilled N FACE HOLES Number of shot holes to be drilled DPR FACE Drill penetration rate at the face (feet/hour) N FACE DRILLS Number of drills used T MISC FACE Time to do other miscellaneous activities C BIT STEEL Cost of the drill bit BITLIFE Life of drill bit in linear feet Figure 4.4 Equations for Face Hole Drilling: Time and Cost 109 a. Values Using Beta Distribution Optimistic T LAYOUT FACE 2 L FACE HOLES N FACE HOLES 4 12 10 12 14 32 35 42 110 80 150 DPR FACE Most Likely Pesimistic N FACE DRILLS 7 T MISC FACE C BIT LIFE 400 12 225 20 180 b. Time and Cost Using Optimistic Estimates in the Equation in Figure 4.4. T = 2 + 60 * 10 * 32/(150 * 4) + 7 = 41 min. C = 32 * 10 * 25/400 = $20 c. Using Most Likely T = 73.2 min. C = 46.66 d. Using Random Sample T = 114.17 min. C = 61.88 Figure 4.5 Use of Construction Equation 110 4.2 REPRESENTATION OF TUNNELING OPERATIONS From a network modeling point of view the problem was to represent tunneling operations by a network structure capable of modifying itself as it simulated tunnel construction. These modifications would arise inresponse to various external constraints, whether related to a change in shifts, work rule agreements, statutory requirements governing the allowable times for certain construction operations, or the completion of a specified measure of progress in the tunnel.* ,To help clarify this problem let us consider the simple example illustrated in Figure 4.6. Suppose a tunnel is being constructed using two shifts per day. Inthe day shift the cycle of operations begins by completing activity A, followed by simultaneous performance of activities B and C, followed by other operations. Upon completion of the cycle, the cycle is repeated beginning again with activity A. The situation can be represented as shown in Figure 4.6a. Inthe swing shift, the cycle of work will consist of activity A, followed by activity B, followed by its subsequent activities, as shown in Figure 4.6b. Operations within each shift can be modeled readily by standard network techniques, as already demonstrated in Figure 4.6. this was the approach used in the MIT Tunnel Cost Model. In fact, However, from *Note that in the context of this discussion, ground conditions are not considered "external" constraints but are treated as a technical factor governing choice of construction method and associated progress and cost. 111 a. Day Shift Activities 0 0 0 0 0 0 b. Swing Shift Activities 6 Figure 4.6 0 6 Network Representation of Construction Activities 112 an information system point of view, a manager isnot interested in the results of individual tunneling cycles, but rather in the aggregate cost and progress achieved over a period of days or weeks, after tens or hundreds of cycles. Since the individual tunneling cycles in our example will vary in their component operations (depending upon which shift isworking), and since tunneling cycles themselves are not of uniform duration, representation of a day's work in the tunnel by standard network techniques becomes difficult. This latter situation is illustrated in Figure 4.7, where we have attempted to model a full day of two-shift tunneling operations using a standard network. Although the time of day at which the shift change is known (say it is4:00 PM), there is no feasible way of incorporating this information within the network. Inparticular, it is not accurate to say that the change in shifts will occur at, for example, node 21, as shown in Figure 4.7. This statement would imply, first, that the durations of the day shift cycles are known beforehand, and second, that the completion of the shift will coincide with completion of the cycle. Both of these assumptions are weak, if not incorrect. Because of the effects of nor- mal variations in productivity, mishaps, unplanned maintenance, unexpected delays, and other losses or fluctuations inefficiency, the duration and cost will vary from cycle to cycle.* Moreover, it may be that *Again assuming a constant geology. The effects of changes ingeology on varying cost and progress are discussed separately in section 4.6. lort Load Mobilize Dewatering Figure 4.2 Network Representation of a Construction Cycle in the Tunnel Cost Model 8ýAM 4,PM SqIFT- OPFRATTONR nAY ~11·~11 1_·1· -I.L- ·I-.- ·-~---- B 13 A KB C 14 21 r I B A 31 A 32 B 33 3 '. ~ _,- _________.~ 4'PM FIGURE 2 SWING SHIFT OPERATIONS 4.7 12'PM REPRESENTATION OF THE OPERATIONS IN A TWO-SHIFT DAY 114 unfinished operations from the day shift will be completed by the swing shift before that shift proceeds with its scheduled tasks. Finally, if a substantial problem occurs in either the day or swing shifts then remedial action may cause delays in several subsequent shift, both day and swing. None of these contingencies and situations are well accounted for in the network in Figure 4.7. The solution we are looking for is shown in very concise form in Figure 4.8. We would simply like to control the performance of certain groups of activities depending upon which shift iscurrently performing work. Furthermore, we would like to control not only the initiation of these activities, but also their disposition ifa shift change occurs before the activities have been completed. Figure 4.8 therefore shows two possible options we would like to have. In one, where we "begin" activity C only during the day shift, we assume that if the activities following activity C are not completed by the end of the day shift, then the swing shift will finish them prior to a new cycle of work. On the other hand, if our intentions are that the activities following activity C should be performed only by the day shift, then we would like to have the network suspend performance of these activities during the swing shift and resume them in the next day shift. This example isonly a specific instance of much more general modeling capabilities that are desirable in a tunneling management information system. Inthe following sections we would like to develop these general network capabilities further, assuming that networks 115 Figure 4.8 Desirable Representation of Construction Operations * BEGINNING DURING DAY SHIFT or 0 6 DO ONLY DURING DAY SHIFT 116 would not be static in their structure but rather dynamic or changing in response to external factors or controls. 4.3 DYNAMIC NETWORK CONCEPTS The concept of "dynamic" or "changing" networks is based on the idea that networks can grow in accordance with "growth rules" established by the user. These growth rules represent the various constraints in force at the jobsite, and whose effects the manager wishes to evaluate. Let us see how such growth rules would operate, using first a standard network with no special external constraints, as shown in Figure 4.9. Note in this case that since no controls have been specified, all activities will be simulated. Inthe first stage, the network routine advances to node 3,where bifurcation exists. analyze either 3-4-5-6-11 or 3-7-8/9-10-11. The routine can first Say the second path is taken, as shown in stage 2. A similar option then occurs at node 7. Again a choice is made here to complete path 7-9-10 (stage 3). Upon reaching node 10, the network routine has to back up as path 10-11 cannot occur unless all activities terminating at node 10 are complete. The network goes back to node 7 andcompletes path 7-8-10 (stage 4). However the process cannot continue through 11-12 since path 3-4-5-611 has not been evaluated. The routine then goes back to node 3 and analyzes branch 3-4-5-6-11, completing the network. a. User Definition of Network b. Stage one 0- ®-- 117 c. Stage two 7 d. Oaay L. iuur f. Stage five Figure 4.9 Standard Network Processing 118 The procedure illustrated isa general one, and itor similar procedures are employed by standard network processors such as PERT, CPM, and other network algorithms used in civil engineering. The example is instructive, however, inthat it suggests that if the network routine could be interrupted or suppressed at any of the individual stages in Figure4.9, then a final network, different from that shown in Figure 4.9a would result. This is the key to establishing useful growth rules. Let us now try to see how some of these rules or controls can enhance the usefulness of networks for management systems. 4.3.1 Introduction of Dynamic Activity Controls Figure 4.10a shows a structure identical to that in Figure 4.9, except that two controls--DELAY and STOP--have been introduced. STOP and DELAY can be defined as procedures by which a network can be modified beyond' the boundaries of normal CPM relationships. STOP and DELAY are assigned to specific activities or groups of activities within a network. Their functions are as follows: DELAY [until some condition is satisfied]: has the effect of introducing a non-productive, no-cost delay (or float activity) into the network preceding the pertinent activity. This delay or float activity remains ineffect until the conditions specified by the user is attained. At that point the DELAY control on the activity is released, and the simulation of that and all subsequent activities proceeds normally. 119 a. Full Network DE b. Delay Specification "DELAY" specification is released DELAY ýfr ,t -80 M wem m ým Float c. Stop Specification ,P** Figure 4.10 Illustration of Dynamic Network Controls. cannot proceed 120 STOP [if some condition istrue]: if the specified condition is true, has the effect of rendering the pertinent activity nonexecutable. Since network rules demand that subsequent activities can start only when all activities terminating at their respective start nodes have been completed, the STOP control may also render all subsequent dependent activities nonexecutable as well. Figure 4.10 illustrates the operation of these two types of controls. In4.10b the DELAY condition is active until some condition is satisfied,* at which time activities 3-4, 4-5, 5-6 and 6-11 are executed. Note that one can imagine the introduction of a float at node 11 to accomodate the changed configuration of the network. In fact, the DELAY condition itself is similar to the introduction of a float at node 3. However, in contrast to a normal CPM float (which is related strictly to time), the DELAY control can be based on constraints other than time. Figure 4.10c illustrates the end effect of a STOP control (assuming that the condition upon which it is dependent is now true). The STOP was originally specified for activity 7-8; therefore that activity will not be simulated in this particular pass through the network, as shown by the dotted lines in Figure 4.10c. *Exactly the types of conditions which can be imposed, will be explained shortly in section 4.3.2. 121 Itwould not be accurate to say that activities 7-8, 8-10, 10-11 and 11-12 are "eliminated" from the network, because the internal network structure within the system remains as shown in 4.10a. If,in subsequent passes through the network, the STOP condition is removed,* then the network would revert to another configuration (e.g. Fig. 4.10a or 4.10b). We might say, therefore, that the network in Figure 4.10a does not represent a static network structure as such, but rather a set of dynamic growth rules along which the network is allowed to develop anew during each subsequent pass. The actual network structure to be encountered in each pass iswholly dependent upon the conditions under which the STOP and DELAY controls are specified. 4.3.2 Relating Activity Controls to the Tunneling Environment The conditions upon which the STOP and DELAY controls are based can consist of any logical expression involving time, current shift, current cycle, cumulative feet advanced, or completion of another activilty. Thus, DELAY [10PM < Time of day < 7AM], STOP[Cumulative feet drive = 1000], STOP[if this is not graveyard shift] and DELAY [until completion of activity 5]t are all valid controls imposed on particular activities or groups of activities. *i.e. the condi tion on which the STOP is predicated is no longer true. tAt first glance it appears that a control based on another activity could be handled by normal CPM rules, simply by creating a dummy activity between the two. As will be seen in section 4.3.3, however, the two are not equivalent. 122 The types of external factors that can be included in more detail below: TIME: 1. Time of day 2. Total of hours elapsed construction time 3. Number of hours remaining in a given shift. There are several instances in tunneling where time-related network controls are useful. First, one can use them to account for certain institutional constraints, such as prohibitions on blasting or the placing of concrete during certain hours of the day, or timedependent labor workrules. Also, such controls can represent cases where it is known that a crew will not start an operation if the shift is close to its end. SHIFT: The shift currently working. Shift-related controls are useful in assigning specific work tasks to individual shifts; e.g. the scheduling of equipment maintenance during the graveyard shift, or the prohibition of blasting during the graveyard shift. NUMBER OF CYCLES: The number of the tunneling cycle now being simulated Cycle-related controls can model tunneling activities scheduled 123 to occur periodically, but not inevery cycle: e.g. grouting to occur every fourth cycle. FEET ADVANCED: cumulative feet driven during this simulation Advance-related controls can be applied to methods like heading and bench, where alternately the heading is advanced a certain number of feet, followed by excavation of the bench.* ANOTHER ACTIVITY: the completion of another activity and all activities following that activity in the construction network. Activity-related controls were designed to be used in conjunction with other controls to permit the user to define two paths in a newtork that are partially dependent on each other. (See next, section 4.3.3). When this dependency isestablished, it is established not only with the activity specified, but also with the entire path following that activity. Inthis sense the activity-related controls are more powerful than the simpler time dependencies in standard CPM networks. 4.3.3 Example 1 For a better understanding of the use of these various network controls let's look at Figure 4.11a. Two separate network branches are specified. The top branch denotes the activities of the production *This is considered the maximum value at which the control will operate and is not taken as a precise figure. EXCAVATIONV SHIFT -- N) I I CONTROLS 1-2 1-3 Delay until 2300 hrs. and activity 1-3 is finished Stop if time is between 2300 hrs. and 700 hrs. Figure 4.11a Dynamic Networks Example 1: Network Definition 125 shifts (day and swing); the lower one, the gravelyard shift. The graveyard shift is scheduled between hours 2300 (11:00 PM) and 0700 (7:00 AM). Inthe case where the swing shift does not finish a full cycle or round, the graveyard will take over and finish, and then proeed with assigned maintenance tasks. However, the graveyard shift will not begin a new excavation cycle. This situation ismodeled as described below and is shown in Figure 4.11b. A network of construction operation for both production and graveyard defined as in Figure 4.11a. A time-related STOP control is placed on the production activities between the hours of 2300 and 0700; a time and activity related DELAY control, on the.graveyard shift activities. This network will be analyzed as follows: The network starts at 0700 hours. The graveyard shift is "delayed" while tunnel production proceeds. At time TA the production cycle has finished, but since the time is still less than 2300, another production cycle is started and the graveyard shift is again delayed. Simulation of production cycles continues until time = 2300, when the graveyard shift maintenance activities could start. However, assume that the path following activity 1-3 has not been completed; that is,the production cycle is partially complete. Because our STOP control is based not only 1200 I I - ---- \DELAY 24p0 7q0 P B& • ,DELAY -,---,,,,,,,,, Figure 4.11b 2300 -, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 ,,- ,,,, .- ,,-- Dynamic Networks Example 1: Network Execution in Simulation ,,- Iq 127 on the time of day but also on completion of activity 1-3,* the simulation of tunnel production continues until it finishes at time TB. Then the graveyard maintenance operations start. The continuation of maintenance operations may or may not proceed beyond 7:00 AM depending on what other controls are specified in the network. 4.3.4 Example 2 As a second example of the application of these controls, let us refer again to the example, introduced earlier in Figure 4.8. There we assumed that a manager desired to control the initiation and the disposition of certain tunneling activities, depending upon the shift currently working.t In the first case shown in 4.8, the manager specifies that activity C must be started only during the day shift. Presumably ifall the activities following activity C are not finished at the end of the day shift, they can be completed by the oncoming swing shift. This situation can be modeled ina straightforward fashion by assigning a STOP command to activity C as shown in Figure 4.12a. The STOP control will assure that activity C will be begun only if the current *And from the way the controls are defined not only on activity 1-3 itself, but also on all activities following 1-3. tIn the following discussion we focus on the lower branch activities of Figure 4.8 beginning with activity C, and assume that the other activities A, B, ...are analyzed concurrently in normal CPM fashion. 128 &. 0 ~ * a ýj I JI I o . CURRENT SHIFT / DAY SHIFT q 00 4. I DELAY IF COND DELAY IF COND WHERE COND IS: "CURRENT SHIFT / DAY SHIFT" w0 # a 0 KSTOP IFCOND STOP IF COND COND AS DEFINED ABOVE Figure 4.12 Dynamic Networks Example 2. STOP IF COND 129 shift is the day shift. Once C is performed, all subsequent activities will be simulated in normal CPM fashion, regardless of whether there is an intervening change in shift. In the second case in Figure 4.8, the manager specifies that all activities in the lower half of the network must be performed during the day shift. This situation can be represented as in Figure 4.12b. Each activity in the network lower half has a shift-related delay. If the current shift is the day shift, the activities will be performed, beginning with activity C and proceeding in normal CPM fashion through D, E through K. If,however, there is an intervening change in shift-say just at the completion of activity C--then activities D and E (and all subsequent dependent activities) will be delayed until the next day shift. At the next occurrence of the day shift, activity C will be re- corded as already having been completed, and performance of work in the lower network branch will resume with activities D and E. Note the difference between this interpretation and that given in Figure 4.12c, where all the DELAY controls are replaced by STOP controls. Recall that the STOP control, if in force, renders an activity non-executable inthat particular pass through the network--as though the activity did not exist. Let us see how the system would analyze 4.12c. If the day shift were working, activities would be performed, beginning with activity C and proceeding in CPM fashion through D, E through K. If, however, there is an intervening change in shift--again 130 at completion of activity C--then activities D, E,...K will be STOPPED-that is,effectively effectively erased from the network--for this pass. Only activity C will have been perfromed by the day shift. As time proceeds and the next day shift appears for work, activity C will again be tested by the STOP condition. Since STOP is suppressed while the day shift is in effect, activity C will be performed again. The subsequent activities D,E,...K will follow according to normal CPM conventions until the STOP condition isagain raised by the conclusion of the day shift. Furthermore, note that if the sum of the duration of activities C through K is likely* to be long compared with the duration of the day shift, then activity K may never be completed. These examples therefore crystallize basic differences in the behavior of the DELAY and STOP controls. Exactly which controls should be used ina given situation would of course depend on the realities of the particular project at hand. One can see, however, that by rearranging various combinations of the STOP and DELAY controls, one can achieve great flexibility in representing tunneling operations for management purposes. 4.4 OVERALL SIMULATION CONTROLS The controls described in the preceding sections govern specific activities or groups of activities for the purpose of modifying the tunnel construction network according to non-CPM conventions. Inaddi- *Recall from 4.1.2 that the durations of the activities in these networks may vary to due fluctuations in production efficiency, and are therefore stochastic in nature. 131 to these controls which define the network's growth rules, however, there is also a small set of overall controls pertaining to the network as a whole. The purpose of these latter controls is not to further modify the network structure but rather to assist in tailoring the cost, time, and advance information provided by the network simulations to the content and format required by a particular manager. Brief descriptions of these overall controls are presented below. 4.4.1 Basis of Simulation Each pass through a construction activity network represents one round or cycle of tunneling operations. Managers, however, are not necessarily interested in the results of one cycle,nor in the observed differences from cycle to cycle. Rather, they are more interested in the cumulative cost and progress achieved in several cycles as delimited by some other measure of work--e.g. a shift, a day, week, or month, or per 100 or 1000 feet advanced. This physical basis upon which the networks will compile data is called the basis of simulation. The system includes three bases of simulation: time (inworking hours), number of total feet advanced, and number of rounds or cycles performed. These three bases are used as follows. 4.4.2 Time The network routine incorporates a simulated 24-hour clock to monitor tunneling progress on an "hourly" basis. Therefore the mana- 132 ger may specify whatever time limit is of interest--e.g. 7 hours (one shift), 20 hours (one day), 144 hours (one week), and so on. Ifthe time limit exceeds one day, then the network routine will keep, inaddition to the daily clock, a clock of total hours elapsed. 4.4.3 Feet Advanced The manager may specify a particular length advanced as.the basis of simulation. The network routine accumulates total length driven with each successive activity, and checks the advance against this limit. 4.4.4 Rounds or Cycles The network routine also maintains a count of the number of completed rounds or cycles. The manager may therefore use this number as a measure of simulation completion. 4.4.5 Use of Bases During Simulation Any of these three bases may be assigned, with an appropriate numerical limit, to a network. The system will continue simulating construction activities (by executing passes through the network) until the limit isexceeded. The point at which the limit is reached defines the completion of one simulation. 133 The ability to control the number of "simulations" is important where, as explained in section 4.1.2, the costs and durations of tunneling activities will vary depending on mishaps, unforeseen delays, unplanned maintenance, and the like, and as shown in section 4.3, the network structure representing the tunneling operation itself may change over time. By limiting oneself to a single simulation, one may be viewing a biased estimate of results. It ismore reliable to specify instead a number of simulations in any given analysis. Each simulation will produce a separate set of cost, time, and advance results. One can then compute the mean value of these results to obtain an unbiased estimate. The system therefore includes as an overall control, the number of simulations to be performed. Users can adjust this number depending upon the complexity of their networks, and upon the ratio of (the numerical limit of the basis of simulation/corresponding numerical value for one cycle).* Ingeneral, the more complex the networks, and the smaller the ratio, then the greater the number of simulations should be. To give an example, suppose a manager wishes to obtain results on a 16-hour daily basis. His network represents a tunneling cycle whose duration can vary from 2 to 6 hours, iwith a mean of 4 hours. On the average, then, the system will perform 4 cycles within each simulation (i.e. 4 cycles per day). I the manager specifies 100 simula- *For example: say the basis of simulation is 1000 feet advance. If the advance per cycle is 5 feet, the ratio is 1000/5 = 200. 134 tions, he will get 100 results,* each result based on about 4 cycles, for a total of 400 cycles. If, however, the manager chooses to obtain results on a weekly basis (say the basis of simulation is then 96 hours), each simulation will represent, on the average, the number of cycles per week--24. There is then no need to specify as large a number of simulations; to save computer expense, the manager may only specify 15 simulations. He will obtain 15 sets of results, each set based on about 24 cycles, for a total of 360 cycles. Obviously the weekly results will be in more aggregate form than the earlier daily results. There isthen a tradeoff among computer expense, level of detail required, and desired scope of the finished system report to management. However, the manager can use the flexibility given him, first in setting the basis of simulation, and second in deciding upon the number of simulations, to obtain information of suitable content and format, at an efficient level of computer service. 4.5 METHOD COST AND TIME ELEMENTS The scheduling of shifts within the network routine is done according to the time of day, using the built-in 24-hour clock mentioned above. All the user need do is to identify the working hours *As in the Tunnel Cost Model, these results can be conveniently [5]. organized in histograms. See, for example 135 during which each shift will be active. The sums of the times for each individual shift cannot exceed 24 hours. In addition to this scheduling information, managers may also provide cost information relating to labor and equipment* in that shift. Costs for labor are indollars per working hour at the face, and reflect crew size, crew composition, wage rates, fringe benefits, union agreements, and other factors (e.g. travel time to face) affecting total amount per actual work at the face. Equipment costs are separated into operation and rental expenses. Equipment operation costs are on a unit working hour basis and include fuel, tires, lubrication, and repair parts. Equipment "rental" costs, also on a unit time basis, refer to the indirect variable expense incurred in renting equipment for the work, or to the equivalent rental rate charged on equipment that is owned and to be depreciated. To place the network routine within the same environment as that at the jobsite, the manager must initialize the routine's 24-hour clock to whatever time is considered "the start of a day's work." The clock will then be set to this value at the beginning of the first simulation, prior to beginning the first work activity. Finally, in related matter, consider not what may happen in subsequent simulations. Assume that a network will be simulated on a *Costing is handled partly at the shift level, partly at the network equation level, and partly at an overall level as shown in 4.1.2. 136 time basis of one day. Inthe first simulation, the network completes 4.7 cycles, stopping in the middle of the fifth cycle as the time limit is reached. Ifeach subsequent simulation begins again with the first activity in the network, there isthe possibility that the results of all simulations will be biased ifthe activities toward the end of the network are consistently not reached during the cycle. To eliminate this bias, the network routine allows the manager to specify a RESTART option. IfRESTART is specified, the network routine will begin each new simulation at the activity at which the previous simulation is completed. Inthis way biased results in one simulation will be counterbalanced by offsetting results in another simulation, assuring a more accurate estimate of progress, cost, and time. 4.6 RESULTS PRODUCED Throughout this chapter, the discussion has focused on the ability the system has to simulate construction operations. However, little has been said on the results of the simulation, and the form inwhich they are presented to the user. As described in section 4.1.2, for every simulation the time and cost reuqired to construct a given length of tunnel iscalculated. This process is repeated numerous times, each yielding a different combination of time and cost due to the stochastic input values as was shown in Figure 4.5. A set of time and cost results is produced for each one of the geologic configurations that can exist inthe tun- 137 nel, and are organized ina frequency distribution from which a mean value for each parameter--time, cost--will be obtained. The scheduler (described in the next chapter) will use these mean values as input to the simulation of the construction of the tunnel project. Figure 4.13 shows the different steps followed to obtain the results and the reports produced. The model uses the network establishing the construction process, the equations, the input for the variables, and other required information. It assembles it in the method simulationandproduces one set of time and cost results. From this process the user can obtain a detailed construction repor.t. This process is repeated several times, each time yielding a time and a cost and ifdesired a detailed report. When this process iscompleted, the set of results for one given geology are classified and the histogram along with the mean values are calculated. The model saves the mean values to be used later and can produce the histogram report that will also include the mean value calculations. With the detailed construction report, the user can analyze the time and cost of individual operations in the method. An example of this report is included in Figure 4.14. This information is particularly useful where a new process is being considered, where a new network was developed, where the user is trying to obtain some balance between activities in the cycle and in general where more insight into the process isdesired. 138 PROCESS REPORTS GEOL Figure 4.13 Results produced in the Simulation of Construction SI LATIC4 EiEhCv.: -: AL : 1 S-LCGI 1ALT Figure 4.14 Detailed Construction Report C CLCCI ft N. Fi: 3I_ ALT2 SI" NCI=VIEAI ACI!VITY ELIZ PEjLIi.D AOCLivT RRALIZZ) NC:l SEALILZD ACTIVIr'Y EALIZED alCLui; iALIZED ACTIVI1) RFALI2LU AC11VII T ~fALIZ,. ACI1 VEAI f LZ L r f5ALIZcD ACTIVITY MCC- REALIZiP ACIVITY !•LIZP D XC[E 30ALIZ;D ACTIVI'TI RiALIZLD ACIIVITE REALIZtD S•[5 SEALIZfD 5.[• 1 13 1" .AS•. As 12 NCiF .EALIZ--L ACIIVL71 RAkLIIZE0 CIE1 3iALIZE3 AC'LidifY LALCEOD NCllil LALIZzD ACTIVIlTY REALIZED ACIIV:TY ALALIZSE NCLi dEEAL?.Z ACTIVI TY iAPLDZ NCLE 3iALIt0D ildl 952 1115 835 .4L %). A5L 953 112' AS 20 71 ST. AS42 St.AS55 ICli iEALIZ.DP ACIIV[ii R5ALIZP ACTIVXYIT 2ALIZiE 1500 1135 7CC 7CC ST 1(19 15CC 5.AS12 19 175c 33 12 1i 15 1754 1923 AClIViI STOALIZ-D ACIIVIIt REALIZEZ uCI& i'ALIZLL ACIIVIII SEAIZPPUD AC1IVIII SI"PPED SCELE itAL1.Zo ACIVII[I STOPPLED ACIVIT S¶CPF3D ACIIVIII BEALIZED C[IE tkALLtkO ACTIVIlY FtnLIZ2D0 ACIIvin REALIZED NCi 3E ALIZtL hCiIWiS! RIALI.fED 23C 1 1q35 7,) ST. AS82 ST. AS55 15CG ISLO ST ST. A55 23C1 354 42 110 (.CC O.C9 1.31 9.39 1. 38 1.38l 2.97 836.95 1) 16,.69 1C 16 ,n9 1Fi4. 96 1874.96 3Ct .2fb 30)tc.2 6 4.25 1. 6 39t-.54 1.59' 2.94 4C54 .85 4E6 1.79 48rd1.79 ,C 5. 09 4.38 4.3o 8.01 4.0 8.01 0.0) 4054.85 ASH TIME ASh COST ADD COST COBSENI 8336.46 84k4.76 64f45.76 84t4.76 64(4.76 11I.A3s1 9.32 9131.96 9311.69 9311.69 9.4C 9.40 11.88 1C.8d 12.26 9.60 9.60 10.91 10.9 1 12.39 12.39 16.02 12.60 16.32 8.01 8.012 SSC.CCO 99SC.00 1C950.410 109 C. 40 116tE.71 11770.11 1177C. 11 124j7.31 12437.31 134-7.71 13437.71 15217.C01 15318.41 1531E.41 15318.411 16.02 16.02 16.n2 2 C.92 20.92 22.60 17.70 17.70 19.47 15318.41 15316.41 15318.41 19C,7 .10 19027. 1) 2C643.34 2;i2 .58 2225S.58 234 36.06 8.31 0.0 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 1.31 0.03 27.35 0.00 809.60 179.73 CRILLING A AEVANCE BOTH 1.38 0.00 858.28 BUCKING E 1.48 273.33 919.97 LOAD 1.38 0.21 0.00 0.00 858.28 128.31 BUCKING A ADVANCE JUBBC A-E 1.31 27.35 809.60 CRILLING 1.48 271.33 919.97 LOAD & ELAST E 1.63 0.21 0.00 0.00 2251.37 128.31 1.31 0.00 27.35 0.00 639.84 179.73 CBILLING A ADVANCE BOTH 1.38 0.00 678.31 BOCKING E 1.48 273.33 727.08 LOAD ELAST A 1.38 0.21 0.00 0.00 678.31 101.40 BUCKING A ACIANC! JUOBC A-E 1.31 27.35 639.84 1.48 273.33 727.08 3.63 0.21 0.00 0.00 1779.31 101.40 DELAYS ACT JUMBO B-A 4.89 675.61 3033.07 GROUTING A 1.68 1.68 575.14 575.14 1041.10 1041.10 STEEL SITS A SIEALSITS 8 1.77 81.84 1096.641 ShOTCBITEE ELAST A 8 5.99 11.31 ST.AS21 3.A ACVAt.CE 5.00 :;T. AS1 3. C4"ST 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 11.98 11.98 11.98 11.98 11.98 11.98 11.98 11.98 11.98 11.98 11.98 11.98 11.98 11.98 11.98 11.98 11.98 11.98 11.98 11.98 11.98 11.98 11.98 11.98 11.98 11,98 11.98 DELAYS ACV JUBBC 8-A uRILLING E LOAD & ELAST B Figure 4.15 Construction Simulation: •ETWORK SIBULATION: UETHCD: GEOLOGIES: 3 C.200 0.195 0.191 C.186 0.182 0.177 0.173 0.168 0.164 0.159 0.155 0.150 C.145 C.1li1 0.136. C.132 0.127 0.123 0.118 0.114 C.109 0.105 0.100 0.095 0.091 0.086 0.082 0.077 0.073 0.068 C.064 0.059 0.055 0.050 0.045 0.041 0.036 0.032 0.027 0.023 0.018 C.014 0.009 0.005 CD TZEE (100 8) Frequency Distribution Reports BDPARTIAL NC 2 * * * * * a * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * $ 4 * * * * 4 $ * 4 * * * * * 4 * * * * * * * • * * * + * * * 4 $ * * *$ 4 * r** * 4+ $+ * * * * * * * * 4 * ** * * * * * a ** * * * • * * * ** 4 * * * ** * * * * ** * * * * 4 * * * * *4 * * * * * * 4 4 * * ** *** ** ** * *** * *4 * * * * *** * 44 * S a * * * * . *4 * * •4 * * 44. * S *. * 4 * 4 4. * • *4. 4 4 * 4 * 4 * 4 I* 6.35 I 6.40 6.45 * 1 I 1 I 6.50 * 6.55 6.60 I· I I * * I 6.65 6.70 6.75 6.80 6.85 6.90 6.95 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0037.2036.36 7.05 II 7.10 II * I 7.15 7.20 0.00 0.0044.8945.01 7.25 44 • * a a * 1.3 1 7.30 7.35 7.40 7. 45 COST(10000 5) LABCR(10000 5) EQUIP (0000 S) BAT(10000 4) OVERALL 31.14 0.0025.12 0.00GO 0.0C35.68 C.CO 0.00 C.00 53.29 0.0053.13 0.00 37.78 0.0037.79 0.00 40.07 0.0034.2C 0.00 0.0C56.71 0.0040.16 0.0041.82 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.o00 C.00 0.00 0.00 C.00GO 0.00 0.00 C.00 0.00 0.00 SInS 10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0057.0857.49 0.00 0.00 0.00*0.5440.71 0.00 0.0039.5938.17 0.00 EAIN_TIE 686.23 813_TIRE 634.71 fEAmCCS51379116.00 818 COST1288a37.00 R1ATI8ME 745.29 8Ai COST1485996.00 0.00 0.0059.4661.19 0.00 0.00142.1643.49 0.00 C.0043.274C.39 ADIANCE CS AREA 123.96 495.86 0.0051.65 0.CC61.91 0.00*14.09 C.CC4S.65 141 While the detailed construction reports contain helpful information, there is a practical. limitation as to the number of those reports that can be analyzed individually and still maintain an overall picture of the method results. To keep this perspective and to evaluate the overall method results, the model aggregates individual time and cost results and produces a frequency distribution report (see Figure 4.15). With the distribution, the user can observe the range as well as the mean of the results obtained. This range presents some indication of the uncertainties involved in the method, the reliability of equipment and crews, and ina way some measures of the risks involved. If a method being analyzed yields a distribution with large variations between the best and the worst results, the uncertainty that exists in it can be considered higher than another method having the same mean where the results are less scattered [6]. With the combined use of the histogram and the detailed reports, the manager can identify the factors that may be causing the unfavorable results. If these factors can be modified, the manager may test the method under new assumptions, reanalyze the results and determine whether the problem can be solved in that way. Ifthe factor causing the adverse results can not be modified, the results will at least point to the operation that will cause this result and special measures can be taken during construction to control this operation. An example of this specific application is shown in Figure 4.16. The figure presents the histogram resulting mwOias uI UnAT I*e minra" .a uw I lltWORl 334 a a-". 00610 0.54) *.510 0.S79 0.544 JIi0 0.511 4.*o4 6.514 0.434 0.411 0.S.4 0*391 8465 0.2)5 VA. JIl 1.434 0.225 B-~ll 4.33' 0.333 0.316 0.143 0.252 9.112 0.155~ a-I)J 0-lug 0.lIb 0.0 06 0.3.1 S- .* ceati 0-Osi 0.0s0 ·0.021 0.01) *.000 1 * * I . I &.A *.5· * * 0 0 * I '10. I I 13.0 sa l3o3 3.0lBt.) ITS eoe 67TS e946tIll4a Ouew9a WaeII 6a1 .4 134 l30 243293sal GO)a"aua 133 13J 1 IS JOJ )00 I3 ,t&L Ws3 483 OV1tt"La •181 li! .IrI Ill! 1139 ||015111 bel4 129 453*2600 16a419)1 100 latiL 1a 3.U 0 t osn 335.0 0 0 l0 I0.O 19.) 146.2 1soS al I 0 ill) J3" 0 5II9 564 01930246343 0S3926 65 0311631 O 0 0 03091i325t0 03)11t 0 RANs2r 0 S1t331 312I38 I "M II 0 26I. 23.93) I| n l 255 25.0 1l2.1-1O.6 S * I 0 1063 *· 0365 O 1969 031130 0 6033 0 AL3)61 O 0 0 M.Atl EL . I.A Figure 4.16 Application of Frequency Distribution Report 0 015431 CS &as 3i46 143 from the simulation of TBM operations. As can be observed, a large group of results is concentrated on the left side of the histogram (low time and cost), but a few results are located on the far right, with high time and cost. When these results were analyzed itwas found that those extreme values were the result of cutter change operations. Not much could be done to improve on that operation, but the effect of it on the overall TBM advance rate was clearly shown. 144 REFERENCES 1. Numerous books and publications dealing with CPM/PERT exist. Two books are recommended: Autill, J.M. and R.W. Woodhead, "Critical Path Methods in Construction Practice." Second edition. New York, Wiley Interscience, 1970. Moder, J.J. and C.R. Phillips, "Project Management with CPM and PERT". Second edition. New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. 1970 2. Pritsker, A.B. and R.R. Burgess, "The GERT Simulation Programs: GERT III, GERT IIIC, and GERTS IIIR." Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Department of Industrial Engineering, 1970. 3. Fondahl, John W. "ANon-computer approach to the critical path method for the construction industry". Second Edition, Department of Civil Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 1962. 4. For a better description of the way the user may assign values to the variables, consult: Suarez Reynoso, S. and Gray D.J.,' Tunnel Cost Model: Users Manual", Department of Civil Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 1975. 5. An example of the geologic representation can be found in: Lindner, E.N., "Exploration: Its Evaluation in Hard Rock Tunneling" Unpublished Master's Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, MA 1975. 6. A discussion of this type of analysis of the results can be found inWyatt, R.D. "Tunnel Cost Estimating Under Conditions of Uncertainty," Department of Civil Engineering, MIT, 1974. pp. 190-196. CHAPTER 5 DEVELOPMENT OF SCHEDULING CAPABILITIES 5.1 INTRODUCTION Inthe previous work done on the Tunnel Cost Model, some scheduling capabilities had been developed that enabled the user to simulate the excavation, support, water control and probe drilling operations within specific headings ina tunnel alignment. The scheduling however was limited to the definition of headings and of mobilization and demobilization periods which could be related to a given heading.* The possibility of establishing relationships between headings was limited to meeting headings,+ as well as some initiation dependencies between headings. The overall Tunnel Cost Model structure, however, produces results that can be of great use as part of a planning and control system. With the capability of simulating varying conditions in the geology, the Tunnel Cost Model can simulate a very large number of possible tunnel geologic profiles. These profiles, combined with the construction methods results, produce an estimate of the construction time and cost for the construction of each profile. The end result of combining all of these results isa time-cost distribution for the tunnel. Through the analysis of this distribution, a manager can evaluate the *For more detail consult [1]. tThe term "meeting headings" represents two construction headings advancing Inopposite directions along the same alignment that will encounter each other. 145 146 risk and the uncertainty involved in the project and a different approach can be easily tried and evaluated. Itwas therefore decided that, while retaining the desirable predictive and risk analysis aspects of the Tunnel Cost Model, we should enhance its scheduling capability to better adapt it to project planning and control. In particular, itwas felt that the new system should address tunneling activities other than those now included in the model--e.g. lining, grouting, shaft and adit construction, complex operations such as multiple drifts or alternating headings, and so forth. Also, since tunnel jobs are often part of a larger project, and entail numerous non-tunneling operations like mobilization, material and equipment delivery, and construction of appurtenant structures, a more explicit way of handling these was also needed. All these development considerations, aimed at making the Tunnel Cost Model a management tool for decision making, brought about the development of a full scale scheduler. The main objective was to provide the user with a flexible powerful tool to handle the increasingly sophisticated scheduling situations that tunnel construction generates. 5.2 SCHEDULER DESIGN The following general specifications were therefore established 147 for a new scheduling procedure: 1. The procedure should use basic CPM scheduling capabilities to represent sequences of activities and start-end dependencies among activities. 2. Inaddition, the procedure must reflect other types of activity dependencies peculiar to tunneling. These dependencies arise from: a. Interactions among work crews in a confined space. b. Various physical or temporary constraints imposed by one activity on other activities (e.g. the need to allow concrete to cure before proceeding with other work). c. Special situations arising from the system's treatment of risk or uncertainty in geology, thereby complicating the exact scheduling of activities. 3. To maintain desirable management system characteristics, the procedure should have the capability to evaluate alternatives, conduct risk analyses, and be predictive in nature. 4. To interface with existing corporate systems the results produced by the procedure should be compatible with other commonly used scheduling systems. These conditions led to the design of a scheduler with two distinct sets of control and structuring capabilities: (1)a network structure functioning under CPM/PERT rules, with activity-on-arrow 148 representation; and (2)to provide the scheduler with extended capabilities for special tunneling conditions, a set of additional non-CPM related options. The scheduler as a whole, combining network and non-CPM capabilities permits a user to identify critical situations in a tunnel project, to evaluate scheduling alternatives, or different equipment or different construction systems, while at the same time taking into account the geologic interpretation and the construction methods described inChapter 4. It is important to realize that this scheduling network is additional to and entirely separate from the network procedure described in Chapter 4. Whereas the network in Chapter 4 is used only for representation of detailed construction methods and operations, the network and its associated capabilities to be described in this chapter are intended for overall project scheduling once all construction methods are defined. The network procedure described here therefore uses the results produced in Chapter 4 as input to its calculations. A pictoral representation of the relationship between the two network systems isshown in Figure 5.1. 5.3 NETWORK CAPABILITIES The basic control structure in the scheduler is the network. Through it,the user (1)establishes the sequence inwhich the tunnel project activities are going to be simulated, (2)controls the initiation of activities using the relationships established in the 149 Figure 5.1 Relation Between Construction Methods and Tunnel Scheduler 150 the network diagram, and (3)defines the reach of tunnel where the activities are to take place. The network is formed using activities and nodes. Each activity will have a time and a cost associated with it. The scheduler will then process the network-following CPM/PERT rules--to obtain a total time and cost for the project.* 5.3.1 Activity Definition The basic building block for the network is the activity. An activity isa set of one or more construction methods specified for a particular reach of tunnel. The scheduler will simulate the construc- tion of the reach of tunnel using the production rates obtained for the various methods in Chapter 4. Exactly which method is used of the set of methods defined for an activity depends primarily on the geology encountered inthe different segments within that reach. Pertinent reaches of tunnel can be defined in various ways. Reaches can be: (1)lengths driven by specific headings (see Figure 5.2); (b)lengths associated with specific geologic conditions (see Figure 5.3) or, (c)lengths defined arbitrarily upon location in the tunnel (see Figure 5.4). The definition of the reaches can be related to the type of analysis being performed. In the first case (5.2) the time and cost for each heading can be analyzed indepen*Incontrast to the network system described in Chapter 4, in this network, all the activities areprocessed ineach pass. Care should be taken to avoid confusion between the two systems. 151 MIUUL'-IiA 1UULE-D 500 + 00 270 + 00 REACH NAME REACH LIMITS East 0 to 120+00 Middle-A 270+00 to 120+00 Middle-B 270+00 to 400+00 West 500+00 to 400+00 Figure 5.2 Project Activities Based on Construction Headings 152 !EOLOGY: G 0 115+00 140+00 185+00 REACH LIMITS 1 0 to 115 2 115+00 to 140+00 3 140+00 to 185+00 Figure 5.3 Project Activities Based on Geologic Conditions 153 0 20+00 REACH -F-- 40+00 60+00 ,.90+00 LIMITS 1I 0 to 20+00 2 20+00 to 40+00 3 40+00 to 60+00 4 60+00 to 80+00 5 80+00 to 100+00 Figure 5.4 Project Activities Based on Tunnel Segments 100+00 154 dent of each other and, if necessary, headings can be rescheduled. In the second case (5.3), results from an expected "poor" section can be isolated and different approaches can be tried to improve performance in that particular section of tunnel. Inthe third case (5.4) lengths of the tunnel can be compared and thus potential "critical" areas detected. Inaddition to representing construction of individual reaches of tunnel, activities inthe scheduler can be used to indicate other surface activities such as lead times--as in the case of a permit--an equipment or material delivery lead time, or just simply a built in delay, or non-tunneling construction such as auxiliary structures, outside installations, equipment set-up time, and so on. 5.3.2 Activity Time and Cost The time and cost for any activity can be determined inone of two ways: 1. Direct input of a time and cost by the user, or 2. Simulation using the geologic conditions and time and cost performance rates obtained for construction methods as described inChapter 4. The user may freely combine both types of specification in a single network to determine time and cost. 155 5.3.3 Example of Network Structure To illustrate the processing used inthe scheduler, an example describing the basic process is presented below. Figure 5.5a shows a tunnel profile. The tunnel is going to be excavated from two opposing headings and then lined in two phases starting at one end of the tunnel. A lead time of 65 days exists before the EAST heading can start. Figure 5.5b shows the geologic configuration. For simplicity it is assumed that only two conditions are present, labeled simply: Good and Poor Geology. Finally, Figure 5.5c presents the time and cost rates for the construction operations. With this basic information, a network can be prepared showing the different activities and the calculations for the time and cost for the entire project. Figure 5.6a shows the network, and Figure 5.6b the calculations to obtain the time and cost for each of the activities. In any one activity where different geologic conditions are encountered, the time and cost are affected by the geology. Figure 5.7 presents the final network results showing the time and cost calculated following CPM rules. Since the Tunnel Cost Model treats uncertainty in geology as well, this process is repeated typically up to several hundred times during the execution of the model, each time using a different geologic profile. The collective cost and time results for all profiles form a distribution of time and cost for the overall project. 156 - . ru~u·~ flkjt~ Al CUI EAST SECOND PHASE 0+00 - (- WEST FIRST PHASE EXCAVATION LINING 385+00 150+00 b. Geologic Conditions GEOLOGY GEOLOGY c. Cost and Time Rates excavation. Advance Good Geology-------------------------35 ft/day Poor Geology--------------------- 24 ft/day lining All Geology------- ------------------- 70 ft/day Figure 5.5 Example of Network Usage: Cost 130/ft 185/ft 155/ft Tunnel Configuration a) Network 157 b) Calculations ACTIVITY TIME DELAY EAST EXCAVATE WEST From 38500 to 18000 From 18000 to 16000 From 16000 to 15000 TOTALS EXCAVATE EAST From 000 to 7000 From 7000 to 9000 From 9000 to 15000 COST 65 585 83 28 2,665,000 370,000 130,000 696 3,165,000 171 910,000 37,000 78,000 TOTALS 454 1,358,000 LINING FIRST PHASE From 38500 to 15000 335 3,642,500 LINING SECOND PHASE From 15000 to 0 214 2,325,000 Figure 5.6 200 83 Example of Network Use: Time and Cost Calculations 158 t= 65 OVERALL TIME: OVERALL COST: Figure 5.7 1245 DAYS $10,496,500,00 Example of Network Use: Overall Time and Cost 159 5.4 NON-NETWORK SCHEDULING CAPABILITIES Standard PERT/CPM networks are powerful scheduling tools, usually providing adequate capabilities for most construction needs. In our case, however, the simulation of tunneling under conditions of risk or uncertainty requires additional capabilities. The nature of these capabilities can best be understood by looking at the comparative advantages and disadvantages of standard scheduling tools. Inhis review of tunneling scheduling techniques Wyatt (2] found that the bar chart as well as the time scaled CPM have drawbacks, as they fail to show the full relationships that exist among activities. Another method was reviewed that gives a much better picture of these relationships. An:example of this method for the Harold D. Roberts tunnel inColorado (same example used by Wyatt) is shown in Figure 5.8. The tunnel stations are represented on one axis while the time is shown on the other. The diagonal lines represent the progress of major tunnel construction activities. It it interesting for our case to look at this method not from an operational point of view but in order to analyze what types of relationships are shown in this method that are not shown in the others. In Figure 5.8 we can observe in A that although each heading is considered a separate and somewhat independent activity, a direct relationship exists between opposing headings which meet (5and 7, and 8 and 6). InB, two activities are scheduled in such a way that a 160 (A 0 IH (A Figure 5.8a Profile-Time Schedule, Roberts Tunnel.* Source: Tipton and Kalmback [3] *Activity key presented in Table 5.1 and tunnel profile in Figure 5.8b CD m --I C (n C+ -. j (I. 0 0* cr CL -I O 0i =C m c+ -h cD O CD -a.· I-a 0 -h -4 0 0 a O 8 O 4 L RIVER L9L BRUNO GULCH CONTININAL DIVIDE SILVER CREEK SNAKE RIVER ACCESS SHAFT NORTH polK SNAKI FREY GULCH STA. \$ .:- 310 * SNAF 00 162 Table 5.1 Key to Figure 5.8a Activities PREPARATION EXCAVATION 1. West Portal Preparation 5. West Portal Heading 2. East Portal Preparation 6. East Portal Heading 3. Excavate Access Shaft 7. Dillon Heading 4. Excavate Surge Chamber 8. Grant Heading CLEANUP AND LINING WEST SECTION 9. Surge Chamber 10. Invert Cleanup 11. Invert Lining 12. Arch Lining 13. Grouting EAST SECTION FINISHING 14. Invert Cleanup 18. West Portal Structure 15. Invert Lining 19. Access Shaft 16. Arch Lining 17. Grouting 20. East Portal Structures 163 delay inone will affect the advance of the other. In short, the parallel lines imply that grouting (13) will follow-up arch lining (12) very closely. Obviously, however, grouting cannot overtake arch lining should the lining activity be delayed for some reason. A continuous time or distance dependency could be said to exist between them. Such a dependency cannot be established easily in a network, and at best could only be approximated. These two examples show the need for additional non-network scheduling options, particularly where an extensive system for planning and decision making is to be developed. In fact, it turns out that several types of such dependencies are desirable. These dependencies relate to real time, distance between activities, position inthe tunnel, and encountered geology. Examples of their use are described below. 5.4.1 Meeting Headings One of the most common relationships that exist in tunneling is that of meeting headings. In the scheduler this relationship is established between two activities that represent headings advancing in opposite direction. The geologic uncertainty existing in the model makes itdifficult to predict the hole-thru location as different advance rates will be used depending on the geology encountered. When this option is specified, the scheduler will calculate the accurate hole-thru location for every simulation. This is done independently of the position that the meeting activities occupy in the network. 164 5.4.2 Controls Relating to Distance or Time A second option developed outside the network structure is the ability to relate .two activities based on position in the tunnel or time elapsed from the start of one activity. In designating these two activities, one iscalled the controlled activity; the other, the reference activity. In simulating tunnel construction, the scheduler will thereby impose some constraint on the controlled activity, depending upon the disposition of the reference activity. A good example would be the case where a user specifies the controlled activity to start or end when the reference activity has reached a specific location in the tunnel or exceeded a particular time limit, whether or not the reference activity iscompleted. Ifwe think in terms of CPM network, the start control could be represented in some cases by using nodes and arrows in unconventional ways. An example is shown in Figure 5.9. In5.9a, the standard network includes a dependency specified by K meaning that activity Y should start after B has ended. Ifthe user wanted activity Y to start when activity B had advanced to a given station or had reached some intermediate time, activity B would have to be broken down into Bl and B2 as shown in 5.9b. However, this new network does not account well for what will actually occur, because the durations of Bl and B2 are not known beforehand.* *Recall that this analysis is being done under conditions of geologic uncertainty. 165 Figure 5.9 Use of Network to Represent the Start Control 166 With the scheduler, this condition can be specified without the need to divide activity into sub-activities. The operation of this feature can be visualized as a simulated floating end node in activity B that triggers Y (as shown in 5.9c). A more powerful example of the usefulness.of this option is the case where the controlled activity will end based on some condition of the reference activity. Here the network equivalence becomes very imprecise. InFigure 5.10 the network shown is at best only a very crude approximation of the requirements: "stop activity when activity B reaches a predefined station or time." Nevertheless, this situation can be easily established by the non-CPM options available in the scheduler. These options are quite useful incases, for example, where a special piece of equipment or any other critical resource has to be freed fromlone construction area to be used by another. By specifying one activity to end based on the start of a second activity, the manager can simulate those conditions and later evaluate their effect on cost and efficiency. 5.4.3 Parallel Activities Another option developed in the scheduler is the ability to establish parallelism between activities. As illustrated in Figure 5.8, tunnel planners generally schedule activities parallel to each other or one closely following another for an entire reach of tunnel. The 167 Figure 5.10 Use of Network to Represent the End Control. 168 general assumption in this kind of relationship isthat a continous dependency will exist--and does in fact exist inactual construction--throughout the duration of the leading activity, with follow-up activities never overtaking the leading one. Ifwe consider the example shown in Figure 5.8b we can observe that inany point in the tunnel the grouting operations follow the arch lining by approximately 30 days. This schedule may be dictated by design considerations, equipment restrictions or some other reason. Ifa bar chart scheduling is used, only the different initiation dates can be shown (Figure 5.11a). Ina time-scaled CPM chart, the initial relationship and the difference in starting times could be shown, but not the total length dependency (Figure 5.11b). Inthe option developed in:the scheduler, the activities are continuously dependent. The follow-up activities continually checked for position or time against the leading activity so that a correct relation isestablished. InCPM representation, this relationship can be visu- alized by the example shown in Figure 5.11c. Through the use of this option, the user will be able to establish continous relationships between two activities that must follow each other in sequence. The scheduler will control the advance of the activities, never permitting the trailing activity to overtake the leading one. If the leading activity is delayed for some reason, the follow- up activity will also be delayed as necessary, with lost times added to its total duration as these delays occur. 169 a. Bar Chart t=3 b. Time Scale CPM. fA %t30 c. Multiple Null Activities. N -7 Figure 5.11 Attempts at Scheduling Parallel Activities 1- t1, 170 When planning the tunnel, the user should consult the report produced by the scheduler* to analyze the performance of these construction activities. Ifa large number of delays are being generated, the user may adjust planned advance rates, delay the start of the following activity, or insome other way modify his planned schedule to improve the cost or performance without delaying the overall project. As with the other non-network options, this one can be applied to any two activities regardless of their relative position in the network. 5.4.4 Alternating Activities Alternating crews in two headings is sometimes investigated by contractors when proximity of the two work faces and favorable balance of the respective cycle times exists. This scheme may result in economies in labor and equipment usage. The scheduler is able to simulate alternating headings when two activities are designated as "alternating" activities. Alternating activities are thus defined as two activities in which separate crews perform specific construction operations--drilling, mucking, support, etc--at the two faces in sequence. Equipment may or may not be transferred from one face to the other during each cycle. The alternating arrangement illustrates the strongest interface *These reports will be presented and described indetail in section 5.5. 171 existing between the scheduler and the simulation of construction operations described in Chapter 4. The nature of this relationship can best be understood in terms of the balance that must exist between the construction operations at the two faces in the alternating arrangement. The use of alternating crews ismost efficient where the durations of activities taking place at different faces are similar. e.g. the time to muck one face is approximately the same as the time to drill the other. Inthis way the likelihood that crews are delayed at any one face is reduced. In the model, this balance is simulated by the user through the analysis of the construction methods as described in Chapter 4. Simulating the different construction methods and using the reports produced, the manager can compare the durations of the different individual tunneling operations at the respective faces. Ifthe basic balance has not been achieved, the construction techniques can be changed, or the cycle operations modified until the balance iswithin acceptable limits. This process should be tested in all pertinent geologic conditions that may occur in the reaches of tunnel being investigated. The method cost and time data, particularly the specification of labor and equipment productivities and costs, and travel times between the faces, should reflect the particular conditions envisoned in the alternating arrangement. Once acceptable results have been obtained, the associated methods can be assembled into project activities designated as alternating. These project activities will not simulate the movement of equipment and 172 crews, and other alternation related factors, but rather will use the construction results produced under alternating assumptions to simulate tunnel construction. Construction simulation will be controlled by options developed specifically for the alternating arrangement to account for conditions that disrupt the arrangement. These controls are described below. Distance Control With crews and equipment traveling from face to face to perform the operations, the distance between the faces becomes a critical eleIncreased distance implies increased travel time, to a point ment. where the initial efficiency of this method is lost. To account for this fact, the alternating arrangement can have included in ita maximum distance constraints. When the distance be- ween headings isgreater than the maximum, the arrangement will cease and the scheduler will switch to independent crew activities at the two faces. Geologic Exceptions The alternating arrangement performs efficiently as long as the respective cycle times remain in relative balance. However, ifan unfavorable geologic situation is encountered that upsets this balance, the arrangement will be disrupted. The alternating option, therefore, permits the user to specify a set of geologic conditions for which the alternating arrangement is no longer valid. Whenever one of these geolo- 173 gic conditions isencountered in the profile being analyzed, the scheduler will program independent activities at the two faces. Revert to Alternation It isconceivable that after an adverse geologic condition has been traversed using double crew operations, the crews could return to the alternating arrangement to recover some efficiency. The scheduler has included among its capabilities an option through which the activities will return to alternation as soon as the particular geology is traversed. 5.5 RESULTS PRODUCED The scheduler produces a number of results useful inproject plan- ning and control. Reports available include: (1)all geologic profiles analyzed in the treatment of geologic uncertainty; (2)detailed construction results for the simulation of tunneling through each of these profiles; and (3)results for time-cost distributions for each activity, for groups of activities, or for the project as a whole, summarizing all the individual tunnel simulation results. The geologic profile reports (Figure 5.12) present a full description of the tunnel geology encountered in each simulation. Tunnel geology isexpressed in terms of the rock parameters defined by the user for each tunnel segment. These profiles help the user identify areas of both adverse and favorable conditions along the tunnel align- TEST: NEW SIMULAT ION 2 IRUI TUNNEL GEOLOGY TUNNEL SEGMENT START STATION END STATION SLOPE FT 1000 10+00 25+00 27+00 30+00 50+00 100+CO 12%+0CO 130+00 142+50 155.00 175+00 25+00 27400 30+00 50+00 100*00 120*00 130+00 142+50 155+00 175+00 180+00 45.4545 45.4545 45.4545 45.4545 45.4545 45.4545 41.6667 41.6667 41.6667 41.6667 41.6667 Figure 5.12 RT UN EN PAJOR DEFECTS JOINTING (Q00 WATER INFLOW COMPRESS. STRENGTH Geologic Profile Produced by the Scheduler 175 ment that will affect the time and cost performance of the project. Once the geologic conditions of one profile have been analyzed, the user will want to observe the effect that these conditions had on the construction of the tunnel. For this, the user can obtain a full construction report for any particular simulation showing how the construction operations took place. This report includes, for every geologic segment, a summary of the geology (Figure 5.13a), the length of tunnel where the operation took place (5.13b), the particular cost and time for that operation (5.13c, 5.13d) and the cumulative totals (5.13e). The results are grouped by activity so the user can recreate the simulated construction ineach activity; and by the combined use of these results and the network, he can analyze the interactions between activities. Included in this report are delays that arise in the activities as a result of the scheduling options used--such as parallel, alternating or meeting. Also shown are the effects of those activities whose time and cost were input directly by the user. The time-cost distributions present a summary of the individual time and cost results. Each point in this distribution (Figure 5.14) represents a particular combination of time and cost obtained in one or more simulations. Numbers depicting points on the distribution show the number of individual results having that combination of time and cost. The cigar-shaped distribution indicates a high correlation between total time and total cost of construction. The distribution itself is TESTS MEt CAPITAL COSTS SINULATION aON EVNT START INITIAL METHOD 1 ADVANCE e1500FEET IN ADVANCE 200 FEET IN ADVANCE 300 FEET IN ADVANCE 2,000 FEET IN ADVANCE 1,SCO FEET IN MEET ACTIVITY EXC E-M SH COPPLETE DELAY 19 C -M I to ACTIVITYl EiC V-E 2 START DELAY 90.00 COMPLETE SR A GR G& GA 1 14 I 10 2 2 2 13 IS s15 WMOKING DAYS START INITIAL MEIHOO I ADVANCE 500 FEET ADVANCE 2,000 FEET ADVANCE 1*250 FEET ADVANCE 1,250 FEET ENCOUNTER END STATION COMPLETE IN IN IN IN CA GI GS GA 2 1 2 2 is 16 16 13 STATION START INS TIME EVENT DURATION 10.80 10+00 0.00 0.0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 10.00 25+00 21+00 3*000 5000 65*00 6*500 0.00 79.21 101.70 IS4.71 493.21 1,091.04 1,091.04 19.21 22.449 53.0 538.43 403.13 0.00 0.00 20l415 54,20 IS66,141 1.S4i.204 1,116,214 0 0 206.415 2644113 420.174 1*969.15s 3.165*312 3.165*372 3.165l372 100*00 100L00 100*00 0.00 0.00 90.00 0.00 90.00 0.00 0 1350,0S30 0 0 1.350,000 S,350,000 180.00 10*00 1I0*00 175O00 155*00 142+50 130*00 130*00 0.00 0.03 0.00 44.06 108.55 148.36 222.01 222*01 0.00 0.00 44.06 63.69 39.81 73.11 0.00 0.00 0 0 92.900 S92e635 31397 650S64 0 0 0 0 0 0 467,979 0 0 0 0 1016,*201 0 0 EIC E-nSM .- START ENCCUNTER ALTERNATION GEOLOGY IN THIS ACTIVITY ALTERNATE WITH ACTIVITY EKC V-E SN INITIAL METHOD 3 ADVANCE 2.12S FEET IN GR 2 1i REACH nMAIMUM ALTERNATION OISTANCE IHIS ACTIVITY CAN NO LONGER ALTERNATE ADVANCE NORMALLY CHANGE TO METHOO 1 ADVANCE 1I315 FEET IN GR 2 IS ENCOUNTER END STATION COMPLETE 100*00 100*00 100*00 100000 100+00 1787S T7*15 T16*1 741T5 17815 65.00 65*00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 199.02 199.02 199.02 199.02 199.02 341.09 347.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 109.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 140.0? 0.00 0.00 EtC VI- Si START ENCOUNTER ALTERNATION GEOLOGY IN THIS ACTIVITY ALTERNATE WITH ACTIVITY EXC E*- SH INITIAL METHOD 3 ADVANCE 2,000 FEET IN Ct 2 IS CHAnGED ALIGNMENT ADVANCE 125 FEET IN GR 2 1S REACH MAXIMUM ALTERNATICN DISTANCE THIS ACTIVITY CAN N0 LONGER ALTERN&ATE ADVANCE NORMALLY CHANCE TO METHOD 1 AOVANCE 875 FEET IN OR 2 IS 100*0 100.00 100+00 100900 100+00 120*00 120.00 121*25 12125 121*25 121*25 12+125 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 9000 192.61 192.61 199.02 199.02 199.02 199.02 199.02 -0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 102.61 0.00 4.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 94.21 Figure 5.13 lewT COST Scheduler Detailed Construction Report ACTIVITY COST 0 0 0 0 440,454 0 2le525 0 0 0 0 606,006 0 0 392e031 964.642 1355.038.. 2.005602 2.005.602 2*005,602 0 0 0 0 464,919 44,7979 467,979 46T,979 441,791 1,546,180 1,546,160 1,546,1,0 0 0 0 0 440.4S4 440,454 467,979 467.919 467,t19 467,979 467,979 1,153961l j Cm rai noI Uslaun Biais 3l 6 soW a.2 ia&I 310. TIME ST CO an aSo o.614 0.235 ca 9S II 380 II I So I 3- • s3M SI .3 2i -111 31 N M* 1 y S1 9 3 8 a 5 £ II 292 9* 2 2- I3 1 at I I a I 113 2I111s . 123 23I" 11121 I 1 13 1t Ill 2l3 1113 1 111 12 11 2 1 11 t11 3112 S1as 11a t1333211 111221 1 266N5 1 I 23 I 91 1111 Ial It 1 1 I 2 11 1 1 111 U tIia 3 2111 3i1 ai a II 2a2 I I' 32 123,111 1 I1 i I I S315 MI 3 I 11 1 1 1 I 111 i I 1 '3 1 I I I S 1 2 1 I. I a I s* S..000 LI 52 • a3&-I I I 24050a* 301 t 33 14 OPIacutttflS 98 1t.6 i I I S 364 I %some Figure 5.14 Scheduler Time-Cost Distribution 1 1 178 an indication of the uncertainty in the estimate attributable to the variations in the geologic conditions. The user can obtain a distribution of this type for the project as a whole, and individual distributions for each activity in the network or for groups of activities. This latter option isuseful indetermining the total duration of a particular type of activity as well as the expected starting and ending dates. For example, combining all the lining activities in one distribu- tion, the user can analyze total lining time and cost. The user can also obtain the expected start and completion time for this group of activities. This information can be used for planning labor requirements, equipment delivery dates and similar scheduling tasks. The time-cost distributions are also useful in determining extreme possible outcomes as well as overall trends in time-cost tradeoffs. Using the distribution cross-reference table (Figure 5.15), the user can select individual tunnel simulations for detailed analysis. Then, using the detailed reports described earlier he can determine the reasons for unusually high or low cost or time. The user can try to improve the overall results by specifying different scheduling options, different equipment, or other similar actions. Overall, the reports produced are designed to give the manager the possibility of analyzing the reasons for any particular result. The manager can then change any or all of the strategies and through reanalysis observe the effect of these changes on the project. Through trial and error, multiple strategies can be considered ina short time and at CC CD (D CD rD (D C-) iii. I- h ~ hiU If.S .S.S VIU hiIU hi U S U .UWhi (D2maa . .. s O . SO kiW h IDI hihi * -- -I.. hi C CS CU -paaaa 0 6,a:%)*a& ka o m a w w .4w di A" aa hhi Wh ihiiihh.Thhhhiiuhhhuhhhhii~ bhi@Slhibhi w..0U . wwo *~~ Sas hihhiD ... C-) 0 C -1· cr C-, 0 -· , CD hiihhiihihhiihhiihhiih Chihhihhii h hihi i:h hihi i hhUi -- IL ih=Ni hi hh =====e~U=== ih sS hi U * Vb 6L1 Qa.4 .rih @@eW@*U h..V .. hiIU %A Ih Uihh i Vs... h iUi~ .eS hiS h hi i.. h* ýA W 0 0a . 400.0a"Wea Aat wO N -a hih i dhhiJ~ 00 I h I 22 *t I I E 180 a low cost, and an "optimum" approach obtained for the overall project. The next chapter contains an example in the use of this approach to project planning. 181 REFERENCES 1. Minott, C.H., "The Probabilistic Estimation of Construction Performance in Hard Rock Tunnels", Department of Civil Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, MA 1974. 2. Wyatt, R.D., "Tunnel Cost Estimating Under Conditions of Uncertainty", Department of Civil Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, MA 1974. 3. Tipton and Kalmback, "Construction Report on the Harold D. Roberts Tunnel and Approtenant Features", Board of Water Commissioners, City and County of Denver, 1962. PART III CASE STUDY AND CONCLUSIONS In the first part, the groundwork was laid upon which the development of the system was based. In the second part, the description of the specific characteristics included in the development was made and some indications of the possible uses for the systems were presented. In this part, the system developed is put to use in a case study tunnel. The two basic areas of devel- opment will be addressed. First, the construction methods that will be used for the excavation of the tunnel are simulated. Several construction methods as well as different options for some of them will be included. I 183 Then, we 184 will present the use of the scheduler in the planning of the tunnel. Several options will be analyzed trying to improve the cost and time performance. Finally, Chapter 7 contains the review of the report, the conclusions and the additional developments that should be considered in an effort to cover all the important elements required in the envisioned system. CHAPTER 6 CASE STUDY 6.1 INTRODUCTION The previous two chapters presented the techniques incorporated into the basic structure of an existing model to develop it into an applicable management system. This chapter presents an example of the application of these capabilities in planning a tunnel. The main emphasis will be on demonstrating the analysis and evaluation process for different construction methods and the various scheduling alternatives that can be examined. Section 6.2 contains the description of the tunnel that will be used in this example: the general physical characteristics--length, cross-sections, setting--as well as the geologic conditions. Sections 6.3 through 6.7 contain the description and analysis of the construction methods and the supporting information that will be required in the construction of the tunnel. Finally, Section 6.8 describes the various project scheduling alternatives that were considered. 6.2 DESCRIPTION OF THE CASE STUDY TUNNEL The tunnel prepared for this case study represents a section of an underground mass transit system. It includes a station and a segment of track tunnel. The dimensions used--both inlength and incross-sec- tion--are representative of modern mass transit systems. 185 186 6.2.1 Geometric Characteristics The tunnel includes as described before one station and a segment of track tunnel (see Figure 6.1). Access will be gained through two shafts, one located at the station, and the other at the end of the track tunnel. The station will be 700 feet long and the tunnel con- necting the stations will be 6700 feet long. The tunnel has different cross-sections depending on both the geologic conditions occurring and the section of tunnel considered. The three cross sections used are shown in Figure 6.2. Cross section A will be used for the station.C@oss sections B and C will be used in the track tunnel depending on the geologic conditions encountered: B will be used in Good and Medium quality rock and C in low quality. Each cross-section will be excavated using a particular construction method, as will be described later. 6.2.2 Geologic Characteristics The geology is not a primary concern in this example. Many. other reports present complete examples of the use of the geologic representation [1]. A simple version of the two geologic elements of the Tunnel Cost Model--the geologic trees and the tunnel segments [2] --will be used. Geologic Tree The geologic tree used in this study is formed by the use of two rock characteristics: quality and water in-flow (see Figure 6.3). -- A 85 88 uv j Figure 6.1 Case Study Tunnel Profile. ox 188 A. Stal B. Double Trar.k . Track B Double T I Singl -II C'\' I-I .-I- ' I-I\ Figure 6.2 Tunnel Cross-sections. 189 Rock Tree MEDIUM LOW GOOD HIGH LOW LOW VERY HIGH HIGH Quality of Rock Figure 6.3 Geologic Tree Water Inflow 190 The first parameter-quality-represents an aggregation of rock characteristics such as Jointing, Rock Quality Designation (RQD), Compressive Strength and the like. This parameter will serve as the indicator in choosing the excavation method and inthe case of the track' tunnel the cross-section that will be used. Three quality designations are used: Good, Medium and Low Quality. As for water inflow, the possible conditions will be Very High, High, Medium and Low. Each will affect the construction method in a different way, either by including additional operations such as grouting or adding delays due to dewatering. Not all inflows are possible for every quality as the water inflow isdependent on the quality of the rock. Good Quality rock will only have Medium and Low water inflows, Medium Quality: High, Medium and Low inflows;and Low Quality: Very High or High. The water inflow characteristic affects the dewatering method used during excavation and therefore the cost and time rates. For Very High and High water, a grout curtain as well as a prolonged pumping period is necessary. The difference between these is that inHigh water inflow, the intensity of the grouting curtain will be reduced. Medium water inflow requires a short pumping period and finally low water inflow has no effect on construction operations. Not all geologic conditions--by a condition meaning a unique combination of rock quality and water inflow--have the same probability of occurring. This is due to 'uncertainty and variations existing 191 in different rocks with similar characteristics. To represent this variation the tree structure can receive different branch probabilities. A rock unit is then defined as a tree with its associated branch probabilities. Rock unit 3 is shown in Figure 6.4 and all the other units are included in Appendix IV. Tunnel Geologic Profile In addition to the tree representing the geologic properties, the tunnel profile is divided into segments to represent the geologic profile. The segments present the uncertainty in the possible outcomes of the tree units along the tunnel alignment. that will be used in the tunnel. Figure 6.5 shows the profile Section A of the tunnel has a high likelihood that rock with low quality will occur. In Section B both Low or Medium quality rock can occur, and could be considered as transition zones. In the rest of the tunnel, Good and Medium quality rock have the highest likelihood of occurrence, with Low quality having only small likelihood and the close to transition zones. The specific probabilities and the related ROCK units representing these conditions are included in Appendix IV. 6.3 GENERAL INFORMATION USED BY THE CONSTRUCTION METHODS The existence of three different types of cross sections dictates the need for as many construction methods. These methods include exca- vation operations--the basic technique being drill and blast, support 192 Rock: Unit No. 3 End Node Probability .03 .07 .20 .12 . .08 .15 .35 Quality of Rock Water Inflow Figure 6.4 Geologic Tree: Rock Unit 3 High Likelihood of Low Quality. LII Likelihood of Low or Medium Quality High Likelihood of Good and Medium Quality B 2500 3200 4000 5000 5300 6300 6700 Figure 6.5 Geologic Profile Of The Casestudy Tunnel. 7900 9900 194 operations-steel sets, rockbolts and shotcrete used individually or in combinations-,and dewatering operations--face grouting and pumping depending on the intensity of water inflow. As part of the setting, some environmental restrictions exist in the way that construction operations may be performed. The basic limitation is that no blasting or mucking can be done from 11:00 PM to 7:00 AM, and will be in effect for all construction methods. Cost and Time Information Construction costs in the simulation are calculated using the labor equipment and materials costs entered in the shift information* plus the cost of materials used inplace in the tunnel calculated by the construction equations. The costs of labor, equipment and materials are used with the simulation time to obtain labor and equipment costs, and with the advance attained for the cost of materials. Inaddition to these costs, the method simulation requires a set of values for the construction variables. These will be the input used by the construction equations to obtain the time and cost of the individual operations.t These time variables establish the time needed to perform individual operations--equipment movement and performance rates, labor rates, delays, and so on--in *The shift information was described in Chapter 4 and the specific data will be presented with each method. tSee section 4.1.2 for an example of the use of these variables. 195 effect establishing the productivity rates for labor and equipment. The costs included in the construction variables are the costs of the materials and supplies used directly in the tunnel--explosives, steel sets, shotcrete, TBM cutters, drilling bits etc. A sample of the values for the construction variables used in the simulation of the construction methods is included inAppendix IV (an example is shown in Figure 6.6) [3]. Relationships Between Methods Due to the different cross-sections and the different construction methods that will be used for this tunnel, a transition stage will exist whenever a construction method change occurs. This transition will include a time delay and/or an additional cost. The times and costs will be handled by the scheduler and will be included whenever a change in method occurs during construction. The cost includes two factors: a fixed cost and a time dependent daily cost. The time can be a fixed value or a distribution, in the same way as described in section 4.1.2 for the construction variables. The costs and times used for these method transitions are shown in Table 6.1. IP501T CAS DRILL 1AND LAST Stt ua S1 TO 61CMI981EII 11•EOSI S•lAPLIs I MIMI 31111 Bass -- - 1ASIA,,BL; 1ALT VALUE O0 VALUEB sIagsOF TTPB TLADVACS iJUlso LD1 JUMBO I 10.00 15.00 20.00 T EtIIIBRA dIT3 Jl30e * 12.00 15.00 20.00 1IFACi JUNDO DR:LLS_1 S.ICRI D1ILLS_2 I FkCs DRILLS 9 C 4.00 FAC D01 2 C 0.00 LITOUT FACE a 3.00 I RISC FACE B 3.00 I C•LEA 5 0.50 I LOAD IOLA * 2.00 I LOAD 1I5UIL C 4.00 1 CoaIdc'T 1ESt * TI CLE&aIasaDIG t CLIR IREAD a 15.LITSESFPIR I DELAI 3 LAIOCI FACt MSC.PAGE ti 5.00 1.00 IMOLE T.-CLEAN1 OLS TaLJOAD_OL 8.00 10.00 BAPPLICISL8 TO I83IIITSE- Ig ZwEl L nzlOtu 8199ttS MIlBUTAS 2.00 3.00 5.00 2.00 5.00 15.00 3.00 5.00 12.00 20.00 30.00 50.00 AlaUTLS alNOTSS ISPISIR 0.010 CEES LOED MA&T.1 BUCA LOAD IITS I C CUBIC !ANDS/UOUE CIMIC TalcS/90Us 60.00 GGCAEALOAD0 ATS.2 BSCl L0 IT 2 C 0.00 IOCKCI&MC&PLIATT BlCa CII C 15.00 I ADWANCI.4JCE VA I ADOV IIC a 2.00 J.00 7.00 a 2.00 3.00 7.00 T SVWTCH CARS I 1.00 3.00 5.00 PCI SCALA C 0.00 I SCALA C 0.00 a 2.00 S.00 1.00 a 20.00 30.00 t.iITHIOiAM UCKId t Cap IIT lBUCK CIIIC IARDS IONUTES t SVITCHCASS CT SCALA ITSC&ALS 1DEILAT. IILO.TI&SS I DELAU EIPLO TIARS I I.D8LTIsaT! DELI! TIGNTS UIUIIIESa/A SIESTIS 50.00 S o.090 tADV-TIAIS$ I £91 1l135 S 50.00 10.00 Figure 6.6 Example Of Construction Variables 120.00 3135185 F l 00" M E T H C METHCUD FROl DT ss ST AL AL ST LE TYANSITIONS COST IXELD TO ST DT DT ST DT AL 27500.00 1CC00.00 25CC0.CC 27500.00 5CCO.C00 27500. CC TIME VARIAB LE TYPE OP 11CC.0 C 875.00 125C.CC 6.00 11C00.00 220.00 6.00 2.00 6.00 11CC.0C KEY Double Track Tunnel Single Track Tunnel Station Tunnel Alternating Crews Table 6.1 Construction Methods Transition Costs. 3.00 6.00 ML 9.0C 7.00 10.00 9.00 3.00 16.00 12.00 15.00 16.00 5.00 9.00 16.00 198 6.4 DOUBLE TRACK TUNNEL 6.4.1 Information Required This will be the predominant cross-section in the track section of the tunnel. Itwill be used whenever Good and Medium quality rock is present. Excavation will be done using drill and blast in heading and bench drifts (see Figure 6.7). The support method will be rockbolts for the arch only and shotcrete for the full section. Water control techniques will consist of pumping for all conditions except for high water inflow, where grouting will be used. There will be only one option analyzed for this construction method, heading and bench advancing alternately, one cycle at a time as was shown in Figure 6.7. The network used to represent the scheduling of these activities is shown in Figure 6.8. The report showing the network activities and the controls affecting the simulation as produced by the construction simulator is presented in Figure 6.9. The shift information and the costs used in this method are shown in Table 6.2 and will be used inall geologic characteristics. Simulation of this method will be done for the geologic conditions having good and medium quality rock. 6.4.2 Results Obtained Figures 6.10 and 6.11 present the time distribution obtained for two different geologic conditions. Figure 6.10 is for end node 2 (Good 199 u *r 0a) Lui C "0 C Cr, V1 -" 0b a) n- 200 Option 1.- Heading and Bench alternated (1cycle each) advance v r I - Rockbolts Bench I Drilling ~m~J F- Load Muck Shotcrete Blast Bench Full Section Figure 6.8 Network For Heading And Bench Excavation. Delays 5831COE SIMoMLATONS f111CB: 8ADVkIINCV.LT 2 GICLCGXIS: BG 2 Figure 6.10 Network Results For Double Track Tunnel: Rock End Node 2 C.133 C.130 0.127 0.124 0.121 0.118 C.115 0.112 0. 109 0.106 0.103 0.100 C.0C97 0.094 0.091 C.088 * • * * 0.085 0.082 C.079 0.076 0.073 C.070 0.067 0.066 C.061 0.058 C.055 S S 9 * S * * * * 9 9 9 9 TI8B(10 8) CCST410000 5) LIAOI(10000 S) RG3UI(10000 S) IATOICOCO S) OVISERALL 9 * * 9 * 9 * 9 * S S· * 9 * * 9 * 9 * I 9 I 9 9 S 9 9 * * 9 9 a 9 9 9 * * * * 9 S 9 9 a 9 S 9 * * * * 9 9 * * 9 9 *· 9 9 9 * 9 * 9 9 0.045 0.C42 0.039 0.036 C.033 0.030 0.027 0.0241 C.021 0.018 0.015 0.012 c.009 0.006 0.003 * * * C.052 0.048 * S· * - * 9 * 9 * 9 * S* * * S S * 9 9 * * S S * * Ia 9 5 * 5 I. 9 9 I* 9 I~ 2.34 2.37 2.1 2.4411 2.7 ;.51 2.54 2.5E 2.61 2.64 2.60 2.71 2.75 2.78 2.81 2.85 2.88 2.92 2.95 2.o8 3.02 3.05 3. 1.41 1.45 O.CC 1.48 1.5 C.CC C.00 1.56 1.56 1.60 1.58 C.00 1.53 1.56 1.63 1.58 0.00 1.6C 1.o4 1.60 1.6, 1.8; 0.82 0.8 0.CO 0.86 0.87 C.00 0.00 0.91 C.90 0.93 0.92 C.00 C.89 0.9C 0.95 C.93 0.00 0.94 0.96 '.93 C.99 1.09 0.46 0.07 C.CC 0.48 0.48 C.00 0.00 0.51 C.50 0.52 0.51 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.53 C.52 0.00 0.52 C.54 C.52 C.55 C.60 0.14 0.14 0.00 0.16 0.15 C.00 0.00 0.14 C.14 0.15 0.15 C.00 C.14 0.16 0.15 0.1 0.00 C.15 C.15 C.14 0.1,5 C.15 AINS 30 8A1_-113E BEANICCES 27.2C 83_8 115 15640.11 Ill_COST 23.308 13812.01 AZ_2188 flAXCOST 30.86 17922.82 ADVANCE CSAIREA 11.66 115.95 Ib'2ZL Y~WfIST -93EV1EE *V&2 ct 33V2 ZS0: ZYN 1211 LE-9Z91I L7'LE ISO3-41 9 SVL9MI huYJ.EKU 1u2~IY IItUltt oc TC si$R 00*0 OLOO t900 tt*O 00*3 tL*0 9900 WO OtOO WO LtOD1' ttoO 0300 33*0 11V0 WO t*OIIV0 W 3000 tt*3 Lt*3 ;SO) 030) 353 03 O £Sg 0 ES0 1O SOO 0 00`0 6*00 6110 6000 94*0 0 002 9603 90 0 63 WO 0 f*''2 Z30 3D0 W6O 1163 F66'0JC60 L600 0000 990) 903 E9*0 96.0 03 EEGO C9O L903 )9006Do* E9L 033 )3i E 6L'! tlg -09-L 9LC CLr - I L 3Sm a a 1 r S a a aa * 95*L s~ 49Z WEE90E e09 , II S aI a a aa *a e I · a0 EVI00Q0O 9B1s 90*t WE 9r ESO Z I I * • lI a * a* a. ·* a a a a * I . aa LbIo1 tt03 * + i• ,el a * * , aa lII a1 a aa * * * 03 *t1 I I 0*0 ct * +* In * *I r SIl *dt * * L r • I * * * * CI9OCL S;t1 a * 66*0 0) 0300 Z*00 atI a a * l * I * aa a aa * ** 6L0o 0060 £LO0 *CE 0000 LZ sWEe LWEW .W EV * * * * * * * ** * aa aa a * a * SLOE 1.1 t a a * * * * a a a a a a a a a 4 I Inve (t 0oooOlIDu (S o000100 U8t (S 03L000 VIl (1 0000L0 S3S (I OI)IzuJ SOO** LOOOO 630*3 a a a * * a* a*a a a* a a a 9L000 t00*0 DZ003 fr0*0 OE093 610.0 91000 a * .* a * aa a. ** * * aa ** * ,a ai a a *· . * a* .* * * a* 8 8 ·al i 9 * * * a a* *8 & a * * ** * a* + e*i ** W E Lb*! b' E WE N el I * * *41 aa * * a. a *a* * a * a* a a a4 a a* •a * a a* * * * a* a *a • * ** I * *a *a aal a a a a SE003 "a aa 96003 Baa., a * io~oo * * LSOO) * a* . aa nor a a a a a '* 99000 990,0 OtO' a a * a OL003 1LO*O E apN PU:q3a a * * 06003 Z9000 LLOOO r a 49060 99003 690*0 a &60*3 160*0 06002 01090 :Lauunj )L3ejL 9qnoo s~plsa 03oj )JOM48N LL&9 an6j C g1' 1hIs9018s2 of slflsiWEvUs thiOlLfiflt s EflI 4 201 BIWt08K SPECIFICATIONS FOR NETICES: SCUOCE STAIESENTS: STBTNBB 870 880 890 90C 910 92C 930 940 95C 960 970 980 990 1C00 1010 102 C 1030 1040 1050 1060 107 C 1080 1090 1100 1110 1120 1130 1140 LVL SOUBCE NETWORK HEADBECHALAI MCDE ST START ICtIVITY AS2 1C LRILL BHAE vO0! 10 ACTIVITY ASICO 2C AEVANCE DELAY TIME(2300 659) NODI 20 ACTIVITY AS4I 3C LCAE BLASI ODE 30 ACTIVITY AS84 40 NlODE 40 ACTIVITY AS12 50 DELAY TIrE(2300). NODI 50 ACTIVITY AS51 80 NODE 80 ACTIVITY AS3 9C NODI 90 ACTIVITY AS7 10C DELAY HOUES(0.5) NODE 100 ACTIVITY AS13 11C DELAY TINE (2300) NODI 110 ACTIVITY AS61 12C MOEI 120 ACIIVITY AS2C 13C NODE 130 ISHCTCEETI Figure 6.9 Heading And Bench Network Report. EUIL SICTICI' 202 Shift Name DAY SWING Labor S/hr.350. 350. Equipment Oper Maint $/hr. $/hr 170. 25. 170. 25. Material s $/ft. 15 15. Hours Work 10 10 Table 6.2 Double Track Tunnel Shift Information and Costs. DAY SWING GRAVEYARD 220. 220. 175. 125. 125. 110. 10. 10. 5. 15. 15. 10. Table 6.3 Single Track Tunnel First Alternative Shift Information aoi costs. DAY SWING GRAVEYARD 450. 450. 350. 150. 150. 130. 20. 20. 10. 30. 30. 20. Table 6.4Single Track Tunnel Second Alternative Shift Information and Costs. DAY SWING •c0RVEYARD 220. 220. 220. 125. 125. 125. 10. 10. 10. 15. 15. 15. Table 6.5 Single Track Tunnel Third Alternative Shift Information and Costs. DAY SWING GRAVEYARD 650. 650. 475. 370. 370. 225. 125. 125. 40. 115. 115. 35. Table 6.6 Station Tunnel Shift Information and Costs 205 quality, low water) while Figure 6.11 is for end node 3 (Medium Quality, High water). Variations exist inthe shape of the scattergram and in the mean values obtained, with the better performance occurring for end node 2. Figure 6.12 shows a simulation trace for this method, where the individual costs and times for the various operations are presented. 6.5 SINGLE TRACK TUNNELS Single track twin tunnels will be used inthe track tunnel only in the cases where Low quality rock isencountered. The Low quality designation will affect not only the excavation phase, but also the support and the water control operations as heavier support and grouting will be necessary at all times. The cross section will be excavated using drill and blast methods at full face. The support system will be steel sets, with shotcrete used where very high water isencountered. The water control operations will consist of grouting and pumping in both high and very high water inflow. Work will be scheduled in three shifts, with a limitation existing on blasting and mucking during the graveyard shift. 6.5.1 First Alternative Different alternativeswill be analyzed for this method trying to determine the most adequate approach. Figure 6.13 presents the network for this option. It shows the operations for only one of the two twin tunnels that will be excavated for the tunnel profile. The top SIOULATICO RETBCD: TRACE: GIOLOGI IS: 2 NARE IIVTCRK EITERED ICIE REALIZED ACIIVITY REALIZED C[IE REALIZED AC1IVIIT DELAYED ACTIVITY REALIZED MOCE REALIZED ACTIVITY REALIZED ICLE REALIZED ACTIVITY REALIZED 1CIE REALIZED ACIIVITY REALIZED O1EI REAL2IED ACIIVITY REALIZED MCLE REALIZED ACTIVITY REALIZED NCLE REALIZED ACTIVITY REALIZED IC[E REALIZED ACTIVITY REALIZED ECEE REALIZED ACIIVITY REALIZED MCI! REALIZED ACTIVITY REALIZED MOLE REALIZED MI1VORK ENDED HEADBENCB AI1 ST ST.AS2 10 10.AS100 10.AS 100 20 BC 3 CLCCK 656 E!6 659 20.AS4 30 844 30. AS84 902 40 40. AS 12 531 50 50. AS51 80 80.AS3 90 90.AS7 100 100.As13 110 1 10.AS61 120 120. AS20 130 BEADEEMCB_AIT 155C 163C TIME COST C.00 0.00 0.93 C.93 0.93 0.99 C.99 2.74 2.74 3.03 3.03 3.52 3.52 S.85 9.85 1C.51 C.00 0.00 11.37 11.37 11.77 11.77 18.31 18.31 22.86 12.86 7159.71 7159.71 ICS46. 13 10948.13 13427.72 134;7.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.89 7.89 7.89 7.89 7.89 7.89 7.89 7.89 7.89 7.89 7.89 7.89 7.89 7.89 7.89 7.89 7.89 7.89 7.89 7. es 22.86 134;7.72 7.89 573.78 573-.78 573.78 £ 652.C9 1737.32 17137.32 1856.05 2161.4e 1tl1.48 6C37.36 C-37.36 6425.58 10.51, 1722 1746 418 EC51 ADVANCE 6ES2.54 6562.54 COMMENI ASH TIME ASR COST ADD COST 0.93 64.21 509.57 DEILL HEAD 0.05 C.CO 0.00 118.31 A~VAhCE 1.75 91.94 953.29 LOAD BLAST 0.29 0.00 158.73 0.49 0.00 265.43 6.33 428.32 3447.57 0.66 38.29 359.93 C.87 75.22 471.75 0.40 O.CO 217.17 6.54 186.45 3561.97 4.55 0.00 2479.60 Figure 6.12 Double Track Tunnel: Simulation Detailed Report OPERATIONS FOR ADVANCE THE DAY AND SWING SHIFTS & BLAS FOR THE GRAVEYARD ING SHIFT TING STEEL EQUIPMENT Figure 6.13 Single Track: Network For First Alternative. UTILITIES 208 the service and maintenance operations. The controls in this network will stop the productive operations after the swing shift finishes, at which time the graveyard shift will start and will perform the non-productive operations. The network specifications as used by the simulator are shown in figure 6.14. This approach assumes that two identical independent headings will be used to excavate the twin tunnels, so the overall cost for this method will be double the value that isobtained while the advance rate will be the same approximately. Figure 6.15 shows the simulation results for ROCK end node 6, and Figure 6.16 presents the trace for one simulation in the same rock. The values obtained will be later compared against the ones for the other alternatives. 209 HEIWCRK SPECIFICATIONS FCR MEIHCES: 1 SCURCE STATFMENTS: ST~TNBE LVL 1C 2C 30 1 1 1 40 5C 1 1 STOP TIME(2300 ACTIVITY AS55 60 70 80 1 1 1 STOF TIME(7CC 23CC) ACTIVITY AS82 120 G¢CUIING STOP T IME(7CC 23CC) 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 17C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NODE 10 ACTIVITY AS100C 2C ALVANCE STOP TIME(23CO) DELAY HOURS(0.5) NODE 20 ACTIVITY AS4 30 NCDE 30 ACTIVITY AS12 5C EUCKING STOF TIME (2300) SCOUCE NEThORK FULL FACE NODE ST START ACTIVITY AS2 1C ERILLING f5c) 110 STEEL SEIS 180 1 NODE 50 190 200 210 220 1 1 1 1 ACTIVITY AS20 60 DELAYS STCf TIME(23CO) NODE 110 ACTIVITY AS61 13C SHCRTCRETE 230 1 NODE 120 240 250 1 1 ACTIVITY AS1 130 NODE 130 260 1 ACTIVITY AS18 27C 280 29C 14C 1 1 1 NODE 140 ACTIVITY AS17 NODE 150 15C 300 1 ACTIVITY AS1 ENE 310 320 330 1 1 1 DELAY TIME(230C 7CC) NODI 60 NOCE END Figure 6.14 Single Track: Network Report First Alternative. *L'StUZ vOlti I-VS) 9L'C6e lIAGa1 9L'61 1.SO:)-0 V INiTL XV OZ1*L6 L 7'9LL S0 -lla1 ?IT•-I[ RI 6"'•UI th a.i- HNYt ' V' 00'0 00") 6W)') O OO '0 10 1'0 r'O tzt'0 000 S3'O 000 £E3 000 00.0 K~0o 00tO 0 " 0or%'V0 C5t O EF'3.00 00.0 E1'* 03*0 @t*0 000 00"0 lt'0 00"0 L'*O 9E'O 9E0O OCO '0 69"3 00'0 C90 000 00`0 G9`0 00"0 09"0 9850 t9O0 tps.O 95"0 £SO0 ES'3 00.0 0000 fi*3jo LIEO "l V6" 00*0 S•1* LO* .1i * * I 1O* 00"0 00'0 0f'1 00"0 Lt' 9LW t .1( * * OL' I St't 61it 60"L II't 09C' " WE EVE " P*'Z ZA'Z L' i .1 * * I I I 60"1 0"'L 00D0 1f'•? 91'1 02"' I I 00"3 66'3 I 5a FUl LL'O0 10' 0 33'3 W;"0 00"a 3"19 0*0 '0 'w* Wo'0 wn'o 00"0 9000 031 60" to0" WE6"I tf.'1 cat' .1 :.'.0 ~L~' IR'L WL'O IV; (s( 000) (S 00001)dInV (s 000to0)J0oall (I Ot00at) xSO:) QCL1 L000 i 9 LTO'D0 900* L90"O ELO*O t E'C, SSOL' L90"0 "0130 OEL 10 tt"'O IWO G 0 qL?'O LH a .Leu-at.Lt luoV,,6s V ss ..l. :ple.l al8 u.S St'9 an6.Ll t 1-YU T10A : 3 .Y ,I I1"S :G3R11II o RIaI SIUOLATICN TEACi•: ETiCD: 1 L L ECi.( 1 EVENT b••A l MEUhCR• •f•hiD EALIZEL" IMCLE ACIIVII ERkALIZ-iL i bCl BRAL12ED ACTIIITT REALIZED lCIE REALIZED ACIIVITI REALIZED VICLE REALIZEC ACIIVITY REALIZED *CL• REAL2IED ACIIVITT REALIZED . CLIE REALIZED ACSIVItl STOPPED ACIIvIlT STOPPFD FULL_ kALE ST ST.ASe2 13 C 10. AS 20 20.AS, 33 3. As 12 50 50.AS2C 60 S¶.AS55 ST.AS82 mCEc REALIZED ACIIVITI REALIZED CIKE REALIZED ACIIVITT REALIZED MCLE REALIZED ActIVITY REALIZ. CLiE RIALIZED ACIIVITY REALIZED IOLE EIALIZED ACtIVITY REALIZED ICE. REALIZED ACTIVITy STOPPED ACIIVIIT STOPPED ST ST.Ab2 10 10.AS100 20 20.AS4 30 30.AS12 50 50.AS20 bO ST.ASSS ST.AA82 CLiE REALIZED ACIIVITY STOPPED ACllVITY REALIZED NCLE REALIZED ACTIVITY RkALIZED ACIIVITY REALIZkC lC[I REALIZED ACIIVITV REALIZED V01 REALIZED ACItVITV REALIZED IC[E REALIZED ACIIVITT REALIZED ICLE REALIZED ACTIVITI REALILD ICIE REALIZED ST ST.AS2 ST.AS55 110 11.ASo 1 ST.&S82 120 120.AS1 130 130.AS18 140 140. AS17 150 150.AS1 END E FULL FACE BETMORK CED I5: iC t LLCLK CCSr ALVANCh 3.30 1.28 1.28 1.28 1.28 2.84 2.84 4.0C9 4.09 8.79 E.79 0.00 C.00 C.CO C.00 4SE.8C 478.80 EE4.62 514.62 1384.4C 13-.I164C 1829.23 1E;8.23 3455.22 34155.22 3495.22 3455.22 C.CO 0.00 0.CC 0.00 5.72 5.72 5.72 5.72 5.72 5.72 5.72 5.72 5.72 5.72 8.79 10.36 1C.06 10.06 10.06 11.63 11.63 12.88 12.88 17.57 17.57 6.79 8.79 3495.22 38S1.04 3851.04 3948.26 3S4e.26 4666.39 46E6.35 50;9.77 5C25.77 66S7575 6655.75 6645.75 6695.75 5.72 5.72 5.72 11.l44 11.44 11.144 11. 44 11.44 11.44 11.44 11.44 11.44 11.44 17.57 17.57 20.18 ;2.53 22.55 22.55 22.55 22.55 ;3.58 23.58 25.53 25.53 25.53 25.51 6655.75 6655.75 624C.95 824C.95 91C5.07 11733.35 11733.35 11733.35 11733.35 12CSt.20 12CS6.20 12769.75 12789.75 12769.75 127E9..75 11.44 11.44 11.44 11.44 11.44 11. 44 11.44 11.44 11.44 11.44 11.44 11.44 11.44 11.414 11. 44 .25.53 12765.75 11.44 T AIFE 0.00 EIL tLt 9EC 11CE 1547 7CC 7CC 17C3 17C3 1837 1952 34 1547 1547 •3 322 531 533 533 634 831 8'1 20.38 ASR TIME ASE CGST ADD COST CONENTI 1.28 25.65 453.14 DRILLING 0.00 0.00 85.83 1.56 264.66 555.11 1.25 0.00 •1444.83 8BCKING 4.69 0.00 1665.98 LELATS 1.28 25.65 370.17 0.00 0.00 " 57.22 1.56 264.66 453. 47 1.25 0.00 364.39 MUCKINR 4.69 0.00 1665.98 MILAYS 2.81 549.31 995.89 STEEL SETS 2.15 4.98 100.48 859.62. 763.66 1768.65 SBOBTCEITE GbOUTIBG 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.02 0.00 362.86 1.95 0.00 693.55 9.00 0.00 0.00 Figure 6.16 Single Track: First Alternative Simulation Trace AEVANCE DRILLING ADVANCE - 212 6.5.2 Second Alternative Inthis alternative, we establish that each work face--each individual tunnel--will have a crew working at it,but that the equipment will be shared by the two tunnels. This will produce some savings as the equipment expenses will be shared also, but may cause some delays as the equipment will have to travel from face to face. The network including the activities and their interralationship ispresented in Figure 6.17. Figure 6.18 presents the activities and the controls affecting the simulation as used by the simulator. As inother cases, blasting and mucking are not executed during the graveyard shift. The costs used for this method are included inTable 6.4. The histogram result for the simulation of this method is shown in Figure 6.19. Comparing the results for this second alternative with the results for the first one (refer to Figures 6.15 and 6.16) we find that this alternative was a slightly higher advance rate (11.42 feet/day vs. 1.87) but a poorer cost performance ($2178/feet vs. $2056). These results provide conflicting information and a more *Inthis chapter production;operations are defined as those contributing directly to the advance face i.e. dirlling, blasting and mucking. Operations such as support, pumping, grouting and so on, are considered nonproductive Figure 6.17 Single Track: Network For Second Alternative. 214 NEIWORK SIECIFICATICOIS FOR MirIHCE:: 1ALI SCUBCE STATEMENTS: STE' NBR. LVL 35,3 SCU3C, NET'CHK ST ALTFR NC,7 ST START ACTIVITY .S2 10 t•ILLING A STC; TI~d (23CC 659) ACTIVITY AS1CC 5 ACVANlC EC'TE STOF TIA3 (23CC 6t5) 1CC GROUTING A ACTIVITY AS82 D;LAY TIME (7CC `2CC) STEELSETS I 11C ACTIVITY AS55 3CC) DELAY T':IE (72GC 36) 370 380) 39'; :4 3 42) 43J '443 NODE 5 45) ACTIVITY AS12 10 MULKING E NCDE 10 ACTIVITY A3a 3' LCAE ELAST A 493 STCE :"I. (23CC) ACTIVITY A38. NOCE .3, ACTIVITY A~12 510 523 C oC AEVANCE JUMEC A-3 MULKING A 53 ACIIVITY AS- 5C LbILLING E 556; 563 570 58C 59C 60G 610 620 63C NCC& 50 ACTIVITY AS4 hC 1CA r & ;LAST SIOP TIE(i3CO) NCCE 60 ACTIVITY AS.C 7C ELLAYS STCr TIM1 (2300) ACTIVITY ASd 7C AEV JUnEC E-A NCDi 1i00) .ACTIIVITY ASS5 1.C S'TkiL S3LIS A STOf TIMiE(7CL 23CC) o50 66.3 67L NOCE 110 ACTIVITY AS61 STCF TIiS(70C NOCE 12) ACTIVITY AS8 ACTIVITY AS82 STCP TIM(7CC NOCE 130 ACTIVITY ASol STCI TI ?(700 %C0c 140 ACTIVITY AS1P SICIE IM (7TrC 6411 693 700 713 72 730 715 ') 760 77C 780 79 , 12C SUCICBIT•E 23CC) 13C ALV SC B-A 14C Gi(iUT Z 23CC) 14C UPOub-ING 23CC) 15C UTIL 22CC) NODE 150 810 82C 8 C 1 1 Ff5' 1 Pb': 1 ACTIVITY AS17 1bC ACV TRANS STCE TIdA(70C 23iC) NCDI 150 ACTIVITY AS1 17C DELAY TIME (7L0) ICDE 7" NCCO 17) Figure 6.18 Single Track: Network Report, Second Alternative. S LnULATO13 HFIHCD : 'St nltiR " C "Ii0 L_R : -ECLI(;G :• r : 1ALT A5 Figure 6.19 Single Track: Second Alternative Histogram 0.131 0.127 C. 121 C. 11?4 0.119 C.112 0.109 3.135 J.10C 2.100 * * 0.697 a S 0.094 0.091 0.08ii C.085 C.C82 0.079 0.076 * * S S * a S * S * 3.017 0.070 * C. 3b4 * S * * * G.05•1 * * * a S *i 84, * G.0C24 0.021 C.0 ti C.'31 0.015 (.012 0.02 C.u 3( C.033 * *" * I *'b I SI 1. U (1COCO ·.) 2.18 l0P0(10000 1) 1.33 1.22 1.51 C.47 VFT(100Is) 0V FPA LL, 5 5 5 * 5 * * * 8 * * *5 * *i S 1.8I .C. .I S S S * a * .4 S 4 a S S * * S * 4 * S* i I* i l I • 1.9E 2.0u 2.1. 1 2. 2 i..-L .;5 .. 1.j31 L 1.35 I .24 * * S * IS I 2.32 2.41 2.50 a * * I • d) A 4 * TIdL(li CCS * 4. S* 0.039 C.C 36 0. 13 C.330 0.027 2.58 2.67 2.76 2.84 2.93 3.01 3.10 3.19 3.27 3.36 42.6 0.00 2.89 2.99 3.04 3.21 0.00 2.56 C.03 2.ob (.CC 2.71 1.56 C.CO 1.63 C.CO 1.69 '1.72 0.00 IS 3.45 3.53 3.62 3. 3.35 0.00 3.59 3.55 3.66 1.77 1.84 1.87 1.98 0.00 2.07 .C.00 2.22 2.18 2.22 J.4, 0.52 r.-.3 .oO 0.03 0.63 (.C0 O.b4 0.66 0.00 C.68 0.71 0.72 0.76 0.00 0.79 C.00 0.85 0.83 0.85 -.. 34 C.31 C.39 (.03 0.41 C.CO 0.36 0.47 0.00 C.44 0.44 0.45 0.48 0.00 0.48 0.00 0.53 0.54 C.58 . 4QG.33 -.-1 Sii l An iiA.A 1 t~ LC3i 26.47 27445.87 lb1 li•k Nib COS! 18.02 23748.97 AiX TIBE NAX COST 37.08 31683.63 AiVANCE CS AREA 12. 6C 245.99 216 detailed analysis would be required to determine the most advantageous method. 6.5.3 Third Alternative In the previous two alternatives, the production operations were performed somewhat separately from the non-productive ones, these last ones generally done during the graveyard shift. This type of schedule has an implicit assumption that the tunnel can advance for a certain length without the need for support or water control operations. This assumption however, may not be valid in all cases, when this occurs,the production rates may be modified. This alternative analyzes the simulation of construction under the assumption that support and dewatering activities are required immediately following excavation. Figure 6.20 shows the network for this alternative and Figure 6.21 the report showing the controls. Itis important to note that the con- trols reflect the existing limitations on blasting and mucking. Table 6.5 presents the information on shifts and costs. Figure 6.22 shows the histogram with the cost and time rates for only one of the twin tunnels. Comparing the results, we observe that the efficiency has been substantially reduced, the advance rate is only 8.25 feet/day and the cost rate is $3112/feet of tunnel, both comparing poorly with the other alternatives. With these three alternatives,the user can observe the variation that could be expected from different approaches and the possible ad- Drill 40 1 teel Sets dvance 50 20 Shotcrete d and 60 Grouting Figure 6.20 Single Track: Network For Third Alternative v. Muckin Adv. Util. 70 D lay s E 218 NETWORK SPECIFICATIONS FOR BETHOCS: 1CONT SOURCE STATEMENTS: STNTNBR 3030 3040 3050 3060 3070 3080 3090 3100 3110 3120 3130 3140 3150 3160 3170 3180 3190 3200 3210 3220 3230 3240 3250 LVL SOURCE NETWORK FFNON NIGHT NODE ST START ACTIVITY AS2 10 CRILLING NODE 10 ACTIVITY AS100 20 ADVANCE DELAY TIME (2300 700) DELAY HOURS(0.5) NODE 20 ACTIVITY AS4 30 L&BLAST NODE 30 ACTIVITY AS12 40 MUCKING DELAY TIME NODE 40 ACTIVITY ACTIVITY NODE 50 ACTIVITY NODE 60 ACTIVITY ACTIVITY NODE 70 ACTIVITY (2400 500) AS55 50 STIEL SETS AS82 60 GRCUTING AS61 60 SHCTCRETE AS18 70 SUPPORT AS17 70 SUPPORT2 AS20 END DELAYS RODE END Figure 6.21 Single Track: Network Report,Third Alternative. L98*S* 998"01 139W-S3 3NXVAGV 8E'ELStZ 9s't• %%'Z09Lt LS03-XVI guL xvI I l'sz ISOD-IIM LS'O069L 1a93 II OS*Lf gullVaB LSI O8NVi OD SwIS 00"0 00"0 0'*3 111' 9'o •'O 9E'O LE'* 00"0 WE'O SE'O Sc' Eb'O 00'0 00'0 00"0 00"0 00'0 rU'O L'O (E'O L'O S'0 eS'O o9S'O 80' L*'O St'O £9*0 00'0 00'0 00*0 00'0 00*0 SS'O WS'O ES'0 WtS' 00'0 LS'O 8010 9W'O 00'0 00*0 LOL 00*0 00'0 00'0 00*0 00'0 06'0 L8'0 L*0O 88'0 00*0 18*'0 L'0 SL'3 00*0 00'0 1160 ;8'0 Z8"0 6L'0 9L'0 EL'O 90'" 00'0 00"0 00'0 00*0 000 LLL VLL "b E'g t*E' SZ'h 91't LO'I 86E *1I * WLL 09'1 00.0 69'L WtE' WS'E OL'6 WE9' 6L'E 68' * * * * * * I *I * * * * S * * * * * S * * S S * * SI * S * * * * * * * * * *1 * * 9'Lt L~'t 00.0 00.0 b'E SZ'E 6"t gL'tLL'L Z9"t 6S't bS'L L'E 90'E L6" IIVHiAO (S oooo0)LYU (s 0000L) dlt0 (s 0000t) R0Om (s 0000t) IS0O 98'Z 6L'W OL'Z t9'Z iS'Z 400*0 800'0 .1 'I * $ * * * * * * SLO'O S EZO 0 S LZO'O 6o0'0 * S L80*0 O10'0 LESO'O * * * * * t90*0 9L0'0 890O'0 8LO'O 0' 9L L60"0 860"0 901'0 3tt*o LLL 0 t I*0 6Z1'0 9(L'0 Ott "0 6SL'0 E9L'O L9L'O wueA6o;SLH aAL4eUJaLV p.L4jL :•l3J. aL6uLS ZZ'9 ajn6.j 9 07 m1NO3L:OH3,1,3 :•5o101039 I-DI sOn-ai : O I V, I f S M tO R ,II 220 vantages and disadvantages without having to get committed to any one approach 6.6 STATION TUNNEL The cross-section used for the station has size characteristics that force the use of a different construction method. In this case, the cross-section will be excavated using drill and blast in multiple drifts (see Figure 6.23). This will be done to avoid stability problems and solve excavation limitations. The support in the arch will be rock- bolts with shotcrete as a first phase, steel set and another layer of shotcrete for the second phase. The water control techniques will be face grouting and pumping for the case of very high and high water inflows, and pumping in all other situations. The same cross-section will be used regardless of the quality of rock, the difference will be in the amount of support used. In Low quality rock the number of rockbolts will be higher and the steel set spacing will be smaller than in Good and Medium quality rock. In all construction options the standard three shifts will be scheduled and will be subject to the same construction restrictions as the other two methods. The costs used for this method are presented in Table 6.6. A different construction cycle will be used for each of the drifts. Figures 6.24 and 6.25 show the networks used to simulate the construction operations for each drift, A network for the full section will combine 0 7= t W- 221 222 Drift 1 Drift 2 nriii chn-tA\ Drift 3 Drilling (B) Steel Set Roof Shotcrete Phase 2 Misc. Delays Figure 6.24 Networks for Drifts 1,2, and 3 Delay ther Dri 223 Muckinq 5 k 7 3 Delays Figure 6.25 ( Network for Drifts 4,5,6 and 7 -224- these individual networks to represent the overall construction cycle. As shown schematically in Figure 6.26. Each drift will be controlled as follows: a) Drifts 1 and 2 will start the excavation b) After they have advanced 50 feet, drift 3 will start, and will cause some interference with drifts 1 and 2 c) -After drifts 3 have advanced, one cycle, each insequence, leaving the full section completely excavated when drift 7 isfinished at which time the whole section will be shotcreted. Figure 6.27 shows the listing of the activities and the conditions controlling the advance to reflect these scheduling options. The results are shown in Figure 6.28: the mean advance rate 4.30 feet/day and the cost $11,125/feet. Figure 6.29 includes the first and the last page of the detailed construction report showing the various simulation controls used on the activities and the fashion inwhich they were executed as the simulation progressed. 225 DRIFT 1 Stop when advance is greater than 120 ft DRIFTS 2a,2b top when advance isgreater than 120 ft. DRIFTS 3a, 3b top if advance is less than 60 ft. Stop when max length isexcavated DRIFTS 4,5,6,7 Stop ifadvance of Drift 1 is less than 120 feet or the maximum length has been advanced. Figure 6.26 Relation Between Drift Networks. O a 226 NBTWORK SPECIFICATIONS FOR BETHCCS: 3 SOURCE STATEMENTS: STBTNBR LVL 1700 1 NETWORK RDPARTIAL 1710 1720 1730 1 1 1 NODE ST START ACTIVITY AS121 10 CRILL STOP ADVANCE (120) 1740 1 DELAY TIME(2300 659) 1750 1760 1 1 1770 ACTIVITY AS1 60 BCCKBOLTS 1 STOP ADVANCE (12C) 1 1780 DELAY TIME(700 23CC0) 1 ACTIVITY AS122 200 179-0 1800 1 1 STOP ADVANCE(120) DELAY TIME(2300 659) 1810 1820 1830 1 1 1 ACTIVITY AS142 200 RUCK 28 STOP ADVANCE (120) DELAY TIME(2300 659) SOURCE 1840 1 ACTIVITY 1850 1 STOP ADVANCE (120) AS61 26C 1 DRILL 21 SHCTCRET_2A2 1860 1 1870 1880 DELAY TIRE(700 2300) 1 1 ACTIVITY AS123 310 DRILL 31 STOP NOT ADVANCE(60) 1890 1900 1 1 STOP CYCLE(21) DELAY TIME (2300) 1910 1920 1930 1 1 1 1940 1 ACTIVITY AS143 310 STOP NOT ADVANCE(60) OR CYCLE(21) DELAY TIME(2300 659) 1950 1960 1970 1980 199C 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070 2080 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ACTIVITY AS1 Q00 STOP NOT CYCLE(15) ACTIVITY AS17 305 STOP NOT ADVANCE (60) STOP CYCLE(21) NODE 10 ACTIVITY AS100 2C ADVANCE_1 DELAY TIEM(2300) MODE 20 ACTIVITY AS131 30 L/B_1 MODI 30 ACTIVITY AS141 4C HUCK 1 DELAY TIME (2300) NODE 40 ACTIVITY AS20 -50 DELAYS Figure 6.27 Mlultiple Drift retwork Report 1ST 227 2090 2100 2110 2120 2130 2140 1 1 1 1 1 1 STOP TIUE(2300) 60 1091 ACTIVITY AS82 70 DELAY TIBE(70C 2300) NODE 70 8C ACTIVITY AS61 2150 1 DELAY TINME(700 2300) 2160 2170 2180 2190 2200 1 1 1 1 1 NODE 50 ACTIVITY AS22 55 STOP NOT ADVANCE (60) 309D 200 ACTIVITY A8132 210 L/8.2A 2210 1 DELAY T152(2300) 2220 2230 2240 2250 1 1 1 1 ACTIVITY AS8 205 ADVJoa0O NODE 210 ACTIVITY £S142 230 HUCK 2A DELAY TIBE(2300) 2260 1 NODE 205 2270 2280 2290 2300 2310 2320 1 1 1 1 1 1 ACTIVITY AS122 220 DRILL 2E DELAY TIME(2300) NODE 220 ACTIVITY AS132 230 L/B_2B DELAY TIBE (2300) NODE 260 2330 1 2340 ACTIVITY AS61 27C SC_ 28 1 DELAY 2350 1 BODE 230 2360 2370 2380 2390 2400 2410 2420 2430 2440 2450 2460 2470 2480 2490 2500 2510 2520 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ACTIVITY AS22 24C STOP NOT aDVANCE(60) NODE 310 ACTIVITY AS133 320 L/B_3A DELAY TIME(2300) MODE 320 ACTIVITY AS143 330 MUCK 3A ACTIVITY AS123 330 DRILL 3B NODE 330 ACTIVITY AS133 340 L/B_3B DELAY TILE(2300) NODE 340 ACTIVITY AS1 350 NODE 350 ACTIVITY AS55 37C NODE 370 ACTIVITY AS62 38C 2530 1 NODE 380 2540 1 ACTIVITY AS20 390 1 NODe 305 1 1 1 ACTIVITY As18 315 1o11 30 ACTIVITY AS22 3903 2550 2560 2570 2560 Figure 6.27 (Continued) ST TIRE(700 2300) 228 2590 2600 2610 2620 2630 2640 2650 2660 2670 2680 2690 2700 2710 2720 2730 2740 2750 2760 2770 2780 STOP NOT ADVANCE(120) NOD1100 ACTIVITY AS124 410 NODE 410 ACTIVITY AS134 42C DELAY TIME(2300) AND HOURS(0.5) NODE 420 ACTIVITY AS144 510 ACTIVITY AS125 510 NODE 510 ACTIVITY AS135 52C DELAY TIME(2300) AND HOUBS(C.5) NODE 520 ACTIVITY AS145 61C ACTIVITY AS126 610 NODE 610 ACTIVITY AS136 620 DELAY TIRE (2300) AND HOURS(0.5) NODE 620 ACTIVITY AS146 710 2790 ACTIVITY AS127 710 2800 2810 NODE 710 ACTIVITY AS137 2820 2830 2840 DELAT TII8(2300) AID BOUIS 101) 720 ACTIVITY AS147 73C NODE 730 ACTIVITY AS56 1100 NODE 1100 2850 2860 2870 2880 2890 2900 2910 2920 2930 2940 2950 2960 2970 2980 2990 3000 3010 ACTIVITY AS62 720 1200 IODE 1200 ACTIVITY AS17 1300 NODE 1300 ACTIVITY AS18 14CC NODE 1400 ACTIVITY AS20 15CC NODE 80 NODE 55 NODE 270 NODE 240 NODE 315 NODE 3908 100D 1500 Figure 6.27 Continued (0.5) 98'S61 960M1 VZNvS3 IONqAUI 0"966s58t1LS0 8l I 1Z13%lv 6Z'StL 00'LE 99BlSO MIll 0" 9 L6L(f &O:)-WtV E8IgL3-134 i.- IKEI tE'999 IL'Kt9 Ot SIS6 £9'"1*000 6'13*Lt'E100*0 00"0 LL'O9E6S'6E000 0000 000 000 00"0 00"3 000 00"0 Z'L•130*0 00"0 )U'OE000 LO'OO 0000000 00'0 00.0 00"3 00'0 00.0 91091000 00*0 6LOLE00*0 9L'LE 60 1900'0 601(*(19t'9000 00 0 LL'O*%S'O*0000 Lt6t903'0 1'*t19991C6;L00* 00"0 6'O'LSOOLSO0"O 00"0 00"0 00'0 00'0 00"3 00"0 0003 LL'09330" 00"0 El'S000O 6•'S ;9tiO000 L0";169"u111000 00.0 9('9E0Z*LC00"0 0000 000 000 000 00"3 000 03"3 89"3E30"0 00"0 L 01*L SE'L OE'L SZ'L O'L 5t'L OL'0L •O'L 00"L S69 06"9 69"9 0899 S;L' 9 9 9 9 9 9 * * S 9 * * S * * 9 * * * 9 * 9 9 9 9 * * 9 9 9 9 9 .1 .1 I. .9 OL'9 S99 09"9 WtS'00"0 1'L( 9 9 9 9 9 * * 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 S 9 9+ 9 * * (S 0000L)J!0 (S 00001) dSlOi (S Oooi)I808sI (g 00000)&so 5*'9 0'9 Sb'9 01.'9 S'9 .1 .+1 * * * * * 9 9 * S S * 9 9 * 9 9 S * 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9) 9 * * * * * * 9 9 9 * 9 * 9 * * * * 9 9 S 9 9 I. 9 9 9 SO0OO Cx 001)1313 600*0 6000 O10'3 L10'0 stO'O 990*0 Z90"0 (LO'O 980"0 060"0 60"0 OO "o 99t*O t1L'O LL t'O • ,. L adi.LLnlW joj SLnsafl uewJ6oSI.H 8Z'9 ajn6iLI z OR W :SI9001039 IVILUvd-aU :o3of,3 :OI.LflUls INORLINi SIBULATICI TRACE: MEtICD: iEOLCG1ES: 3 BC Figure 6.29 Detailed Construction Report For Multiple Drift. EVENT MA E MEtICBK ENTERED NCEE REAL12ED ACTIVITY REALIZED MYCE REALIZED ACIVITY REALIZED MCEE BEALIZED ACTIVITY REALIZED YCLE REALIZED ACTIVITY REALIZED NCGE REALIZED ACIIVITY REALIZED MCEE REALIZED ACIIVIIY STOPPED ACTIVITY SIOPEED ACTIVITY REALIZED ACIIVITY BEALIZEL ICLE REALIZED ACTIVITY REALIZED MCEE REALIZED ACTIVITY BEALIZED ACIIVITI REALIZED MCLE REALIZED ACTIVITT REALIZED CLE BREAL12ED ACIIVITY REALIZED OLE BREALIZED ACTIVITY STOPPED ACTIVITY STOPPED ACTIVITY STOPPED ACIIVITIY EALIZED ACIIVITY STOPPED ACTIVITI STOPPED C0 PAIIlAL ST ST.As 121 101 10. AS100 20 23.AS131 30 30. AS 141 40 MCEL REALIZED ACTIVITY BEALIZED CCIE REALIZED ACTIVITY REALIZED 0CEIMEALIZED AC1IVITY REALIZED #CIE REALIZED ACTIVITY REALIZED MOLE REALIZED ACTIVITY REALIZED MOE REALIZED ACTIVITI STOPPED ACIVIITY STOPPED ACIIVITI REALIZED ACIIVITY REALIZED MOLE REALIZED ACTIVITY REALIZED MCEI REALIZED ACtIVI'I REALIZED ST ST.AS121 10 10. AS 10C 20 20. AS 131 30 30. AS 14 1 40 40.AS20 50 50. AS22 ST. AS 1 ST. AS 122 ST. AS 142 203 200.AS132 210 210.AS142 40.AS20 50 50. AS 22 ST.ASi ST. AS 122 ST.AS142 200 200.AS132 210 210.AS142 200. AS8 205 205. AS122 220 220.AS132 230 230.AS22 ST.A S61 ST.AS5123 ST.AS 143 ST. AS1 ST.AS 17 1412 1110 C 100 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 3.71 3.71 4.17 4.17 1444 1444 7CC b13 720 11C1 SE3 538 1?Co 12(4 7C0 7CC 715 7(C 7c0 7.75 7.75 7.75 C.00 0.34 1.22 3.70 3.70C 4.03 1.38 1.38 2.6C 1557 le27 18e5S 2229 222S 1444 1558 1646 1ý(5 15(3.221 2405.47 176t8.C2 72C5;. I-, 2E3. 17 12C3.17 123(1.14 123C1.14 1i3C1. 14 1231.79 14156.58 14158.5 184%3.10 1845c3.1C 188le 1. 9 1SC5.57 19^5. 57 2C537.22 2C537. 2 5.08 24751.74 24751.74 24751.74 247S1.74 24751.74 89CES.54 25069.54 25C8.S.4 5.08 5.08 0.00 0.00 0.26 G.03 0.00 8.96 8.96 8.96 8.96 11.46 11.46 11.92 11.92 15.50 15.50 15.50 7.75 8.97 6.09 8.97 11.44 11.44 11.78 VA I. .t. :A 'itjiI) L O a C.017T (C7uil. NIT . CC 1503.12 2.6C 7.75 15!7 A. Cot LLCC 25CkS.54 26552.76 265Sf.76 279tS.01 279ES9.01 3175t.8C 317'6.6C 32CSS .61 320C5.61 34744.C9 34744.09 34744.09 34744.0G 362t5.73 36641.52 36641.52 3S6S3.72 3SE53.72 4C143.05 '.Cc 12. 14 1I. 1.21l c. 12. 14 12. 14 12. 14 24. 28 24. 28 24.28 24.28 24.28 24. 28 24.28 t4.28 24.28 24.28 24. 28 z4.28 24. 28 44.28 24. 28 24.28 1919.34 C.CO 3.5 8 1.22 L I LI. I39I.25 c 14 1d. 14 12.14 12. 14 12. 14 12. 14 12.14 iL. 14 12. 14 12. 14 12. 14 12.14 11. 14 12. 14 I,. 14 1l . 14 12. 14 12.14 12. 14 1I. 14 12. 14 12. 14 12. 14 12.14 1•. 14 12.14 12. 14 113.171 48b3.21 521.15 1 ALLVAOC_ 1 L/L_1 nUCK_ 1 4 C97. 48 11 .9,4 1397.71 165.79 ChlLL 2A MUCK 2 2.47 142C.81 2833.72 0.34 0.11, 0.00 O.CC 385.79 186. b9 1.22 113.94 1397.71 CHILL_ 2.47 1420.81 2833.7s 1/E_2E C.26 C.OC 297.80 1.21 113.17 1390.05 CRILL 0.00 U..G0 1396.25 ACVANCE 2.50 1919.34 1850.4b L/D 0.46 0.00 33b.81 3.56 C0.00 2048.48 EELAYS 1397. 71 385.79 ERILL_ 2 EUCK_ 2E L/E_2A 1.22 0.34 113.94 2.47 1420.81 1831.40 0.34 0.00 249.33 0.06 ADV JU BO EUCK 1UCK CD 2 1 1 1 2A 1 mCEe REALIZED CCIE REALIZED ACTIVITY REALIZED ACIIVITT REALIZED OL[ REALIZED ACTIVITY REALIZED BCEC REALIZED ST ST. AS 121 ST. AS 1 ST.AS122 ST. AS142 ST. AS61 ST.AS123 ST. AS 143 ST. AS 1 400 400. AS124 410 410. As 34 420 420.AS144 420.ASI1;5 510 510.AS135 520 520.AS 145 520.AS126 610 610.AS136 620 620.AS146 620. AS127 710 710.AS137 720 ACTIVITY REALIZED ICEI REALIZED ACTIVITY REALIZED DCCE REALIZED ACIIVITY REALIZED 720.&S147 730 730.AS56 1100 1100.AS62 MCCE REALIZED 1200 1200.AS17 ACTIVITY STOPPED ACIEVIT! STOPPED ACIII11I STOPPED ACI1IITY STOPPED ACIIVIT STOPPED ACIIVITT STOPPED ACIIVIIT STOPPED ACIVITY REALIZED ICCE REALIZED ACTIVITY REALIZED CEEC REALIZED ACIIVITI REALIZED IC[E REALI.ZED ACIIITIT REALIZED ACTIVITY REALIZED BOLE REALIZED ACTIVITI REALIZED SCEC REALIZED ACIIVIT REALIZED ACtlVITY REALIZED B013 REALIZED ACTIVITY REALIZEED ACTIVITY REALIZED ICEE REALIZED ACTIVITI REALIZED DOLE REALIZED ACTIVITY REALIZED 001E REALIZED ACTIVITY STOPPED MITHORK IDEED 1116 1118 111T 111E 1ll1 111t: 111.4 BD.PARTIAL Figure 6.29 ( continued) 121.41 121.41 121.41 d20.3115392tU. C 1l1.q1 121.41 820.3115325he.CC 820.311539258.00 820.3J11539256.i;C 821.36154~55 d.00 821.361540538.00 823.401545522.CC 823.4015452E2.00 15,0 1706 d1818 20C6 2142 21C5 232C 56 8Co 1300 1300. A518 1400 1400.As20 1500 ST. AS17 820.31153c.2t..CC 840.311535v25.00 2C46 21 1118 823.97154551.00C 824.341547CE5.OC 824.341547CE5.0G 826.111550786.00 826.11155076ub.GC 826.6815512C5. C 827.301552256.00 827.301552256.00 529.111560316.00 829.111560316.00 830.7015614S9. 00 830.081562351.00 830.701562351.00 832.341570251.00 832.3415 7C•1.00 833.931572118.00 833. 931572 11E.0C 841.0815831i1.00 841.081583161.00 853.371592671.00 851.371552671.CC 853.621552E!2.CG 853.621592852.00 853.771592967.00 853.771592567.00 857.351597064.00 857.3515970•4.00 820.311597064.00 857.35159•Ct4. 00 141.41 1 1. 4 1 1/1.41 141.41 .C e1.'41 L.C v.uC 141.41 121.41 121.41 121.41 121. 4l 121.41 121.41 1.045 L.04 '2.57 (.94 32941 '3Y2.94 12034.973 233;L.73 .0CC. 649.75 81.13 1(73.79 1.77 4392.94 1309.1C 0.57 1.20 C.0, 166.61 419.93 685.11 1.80 6730.14 1.32.70 1.60 0.98 0.00 128.76 1181.04 74.11 1.64 6730.14 1210.42 121.41 1.60 0. 00 1827.42 121.41 121.41 7.15 2b61.76 8182.8b 12.29 415.47 9%95.62 lit1.41 121.41 121.41 121.41 121. 41 121.41 121.41 121.41 121.41 141. 41 121.41 121.41 121.41 121.41 121.41 121.41 121.41 121.41 121.41 121.41 121.41 121.41 121.41 121.4l G.24 181.21 0.16 115.77 3.58 0.00 0.,0 4097.98 232 6.7 SCHEDULING ANALYSIS Inthis analysis, the application of the scheduler to the planning of the construction operations in the case study tunnel will be presented. A basic or initial schedule will .be established and through successive evaluations we will try to identify other options that will bring a reduction either in cost or in time of construction to the project. The ultimate objective being to determine the most efficient scheduling option, both in time, cost, and some predetermined measure of risk. Inaddition to the direct cost of construction, a daily overhead cost of $1,500.00 as well as a capital cost of $2,500,000 for the whole project are included inthe resulting tunnel costs. We recall that there will be three basic excavation cross-sections depending on the segment of the time being excavated. The double track tunnel--used in the track tunnel segment and inmedium and good quality rock--the single track twin tunnels--used in the track segment when poor geology is encountered--and the station cross-section--used only inthe station area inany type of geology. The costs and times rates for excavation used in the scheduler will be presented as the alternatives are presented. Another area of costs that will also be used will be the method transitions costs that are incurred when the excavation method has to be changed--such as from double track tunnel to twin single track tunnels. 233 6.7.1 First Alternative The first schedule analyzed is shown in Figure6.30 and is the basic option from which variations will be made and analyzed. The excavation operations have been divided into five activities: a) STA SETUP - Represents the lead time needed to excavate the access shaft at the station. The time isentered directly, but no allocated to this activity. b) TRK SETUP - Represents the lead time for the excavation the shaft at the other end of the t4nnel. Time is input and again no cost is included. c) STATION - This activity includes the excavation of the station, from 99+00 to 92+00. The cost and advance rates used in the operations are presented inTable 6.7. d) OUTBOUND - This activity includes the track tunnel from station 92+00 to 40+00 or until itmeets INBOUND. e) INBOUND - Represents the excavation of the track tunnel from station 25+00 to 92+00 or until it meets OUTBOUND. The excavation costs for INBOUND and OUTBOUND are also presented also inTable 6.8. These costs include the construction of twin single track tunnels in the areas with low quality rock. Inaddition to the sequencing of the activities established as shown in Figure 6.30, two additional control options.are included as shown in Figure 6.31.* *This figure isthe report by the scheduler showing the status of the network activities. ! --. INBOUND STATION OUTBOUND 9200 2500 Figure 6.30 First Scheduling Alternative: Network. 9900 235 Geologic CharaCteristics Quality Water Cost $/ft. Advance ft./day GOOD MEDIUM 4300. 5.45 GOOD LOW 3940. 6.00 MEDIUM HIGH 5600. 4.28 MEDIUM MEDIUM 5280. 4.80 MEDIUM LOW' 4700. 5.00 LOW VERY HIGH 6540. 3.42 LOW HKH 6100. 3.75 Table 6.7 STATIOt Activity Advance and Cost Rates. Geologic Characteristics qualityk Water Cost $/ft. Advance ft./day GOOD MEDIUM 480. 21.82 GOOD LOW 450. 22.85 MEDIUM HIGH 550. 17.77 MEDIUM MEDIUM 520. 19.67 507.50 20.00 1428.00 20.74 1214. 23.01 MEDIUM LOW LOW VERY HIGH LOW HIGH Table 6.8 INBOUND and OUTBOUND Advance and Cost Rates. Figure 6.31 First Scheduling Alternative:Activities Report ACTIVITY STA SETUP START NODE STOP NODE STATIONS DURAT ION ACTIVITY I 3 FROM TINE COST 25*00 4 0. 2500 60.00 0.00 2 4 FRON PER DAY 99+00 24.00 120.00 0.00 T75.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 150.00 0.00 92+00 OUTBOUND START NODE STOP NODE STATIONS TO MEET STOP WORK HOURS ACTIVITY 99+00 15.00 0.00 STATION START NODE STOP NODE STATIONS WORK HOURS ACTIVITY COST 99+00 4 0 TRK SETUP START NODE STOP NODE STATIONS DURATION ACTIVITY 1 2 FROM 4 5 40+00 FROM 92+00 TO ACTIVITY INBOUND WHEN ACTIVITY INBOUND PER DAY 20.00 DISTANCE IS AT STATION 53*00 IS AT STATION 63+00 INBOUND START NODE STOP NODE STATIONS TO MEET STOP WORK HOURS FROM 25+00 TO 92+00 ACTIVITY OUTBOUND H1EN ACTIVITY OUTBOUND PER DAY 20.00 CONTROLS 237 To avoid the high expense of changing the construction methods when a poor geology isencountered, these controls will allow only one activity--either INBOUND or OUTBOUND--to traverse the expected poor section, while the other activity is stopped. Figure6.32 shows the results obtained when the simulation of the excavation isperformed. This time-cost distribution or scattergram* presents the -results for the overall project, the time mean accounting for all activities and scheduling constraints is 487 days and the cost mean $10,719,000. The variation in the time and cost results for each simulation is primarily due to geologic variations. The scattergram will serve as a basis for comparison when changes inthe scheduler are made. Each activity can be analyzed individually using the scattergram produced for that activity. Figure 6.33 presents the time and cost for the STATION activity. The results form a more concentrated cluster, indicating almost a linear relation between time and cost. Figure 6.34 shows the results for the INBOUND activity. This scattergram shows a very interesting phenomenon: two clusters of results can be identified. To determine the cause for this distribution, the detailed construction reports can be analyzed. Two simulations are picked from the left cloud: LL (Left cloud, Low cost) and LH containing extreme times and costs, and two from the right cloud: RL and RH. The detailed construction report of the INBOUND activity for each of those *Wewi l l refer to this output report indistinctly as a time-cost distribution or a scattergram. RIM VlUM KE 3 1 SIPS TI• 300 NE AR MEAN D•V 487.3 20.24 541 538 I REPORT ISTANDARO SCHEDULE 1 S 531 I t a i 12 II I I 5145 63 O A V S 65 434 43 473 1 1 I B I , 1 I 41 i 1 1 '466.I II '.0 1 1 1 I 11 1 1 111 1 I 1 2 1 1 I 1 I I 11 1 1 111 1 2 449 442- 1 11 I I I I I B I I 1 1 1 1 B 1 " B B I 1 II I 1 t------t----I-----I--------*-*-1 9.a0O 10.200 9.400 9.000 RMEAM B I B I I COST IN MIUJE B I 1 I 30o MILLIONS 1 I I B I I I I I 1 2 4O54 S It 1 1 1 1 1 111 1 1 I I I 1 1 I 1 2 111t 1 1211 1 2 1112 1 21 1 1 11 2 t1121 1 21 111 I1 11 1 1 2 21 I3 l 2 12 1 I1 2 11 1 1 21 2 1 1 1 112 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 211 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 L 12 11 1 1t 2 121 1 11 1112 11 I t I I1 i 1 1 21UN 1 3 1 1 11 GI 11I2 1 1 1I 11. I 1 1 I II111 1 12 .1 1 1 I 2 I 1 I I 490 9 I I I I 4I7- 496 K COV 11 51 I I B I 5 2I N SI 0.568 1 I 53 0EV 1 1 - IMEA 10.119 COST 2 9.321 15 9.605 47 10.042 10.600 5'4 10.419 11.000 34 LO.806 11.400 68 11.190 12.20l 0 .00 23 11.561 1.00 --- I 13.000 1 6 11.894 - 12.545 OF DOLLARS TOTAL Figure 6.32 First Scheduling Alternative : Total Project Scattergram 0.000 00 ol I SInS t 3100 11sm1 ITI rrrrrrrrrrr~wrr EAN 135.7 -- V ·--· 9. COST __ .24r S sy M A " 3.245 -· -- COV -- -- - I 13 I I a I REPORTi 51*00*0SCHEDN.E 17 I12 - I3 I I 14-II I Inu 33 40 00 69 I I2 143 11 1 11 I 141121 21 1l121 £44 Is1 1. 4 I 44 I I 11 1 6 2 I 3 2 I 12S 3 23 21213 51 1I 23 41 2 $24 2143 5 ii , 2I2 42412 2 2 4 12 I I I 131 2222 1 I I 17? l .1 I I I I I I I I 149 I I1 - 122- St III ii22 I I 19 33 II 3 $ III I S I I Ia IIOl.***-,I--~l-$ 2.000 COST iM 1--t-t*W--U·YI)T---t---t--1 2.400 2.61 .I000 2I200 10 MUNSER NILLIONS MEANm OF OOLLARS sun 0.00 OF ACTIVITIES . 0.000 0.000 2.709 3.0*00 3.200 00 i87 2.924 3.400 3.09? .314 STATION Figure 6.33 First Scheduling Alternative: STATION Scattergram 3.000 3.00 So 3.418 IT 3.6179. 4.000 5 .05 RUnM 500 SIS 3HI TIME HEAR 38.TT DIV 22.54 COST PIEA 4.102 DEW 0.,24 cI S I" I B REPORTuSTANlARO I SCHEDULE 4420- B B I I 460 I- 1s 446 I I I I Ii I T S420 E S 4I I N 2 2 | I A T 3300- 56 I I B 3T1 12 360 - I1 I. S31 I 21 2 11 2111 1 2 I I IlI 21 221 2 1 I 2 I II 11 2211141111 11 1 11 1 I 3 1 1 11 C1 I I I I 1 1 B 3 11 12211 21 3214 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 11 11 111 I 1 11 112 11 I I 11 111 131 2 121I 2111211121111 1 1 11 1 12 2 2 1 i 11 I I SI1 340- 1 1 I I. 25 It 3 I I 1 1 21 12 1 S 1 1 11 1 3 111 11L I S 111 2 213 2 B 390 112 1 112111 111 11 11 1 21 1112 1 It 11211 1 400 - 0 II 2 I 11 11 1 I B I 1 1 1 I B 3202 312 B I B B 300 *--2.000 COST IN B--2.400 2 NUMIER MILLIONS MEAN I---B-I 2.800 0.000 20.48 -3.200 14 3.099 3.400 41 3.401 ....--I---.------4.000 4.400 42. 3.830 o 4.208 9.200 4.800 T75 4.5t4 12 4.972 OF DOLLARS SUN OF ACTIVITIES INSOUNO Figure 6.34 First Scheduling Alternative: Inbound Scattergram .400 4.000 6 5.SeS 0.000 241 simulations is shown in Figure 6.35. LL and RL can be compared and we observe that RL has encountered a section, from 50+00 to 67+00 of poor geology (A)*. This section caused the expenses to increase substantially compared to LL where better conditions were encountered. The time performance has not suffered due primarily to the way the excavation methods were defined (see section 6.5.1) This same situation is found when simulations LH and RH are compared, RH is found to have poorer geologic conditions. The variations existing between LL-LH, and RL-RH are mainly due to the length of tunnel driven by the activity. LH and RH simulated the excavation of almost the full section of the track tunnel (from 25+00 to 92+00) while LL and RL excavated shorter lengths of tunnels. Going to the results for activity OUTBOUND, we find them aligned in almost a straight line, see Figure 6.36with a very high concentration of points at zero or near zero time and cost, and generally the time and cost results are low. The detailed reports for distributions at points A, B, C, and D (see Figure 6.37), show that this activity is stopped every time by the control condition in activity INBOUND. The OUTBOUND activity has become, in effect, a null activity that is not contributing to the overall tunnel. *The geologic condition indicates "RO 4 7", the last number being the end node, which in this case represents the low quality high water combination. a Ntataa 00a a& 0 aIIEI e0e of:a * l4 ss ~Aa A* doifw.$ n a 4llr~~ a a aa a a44e#E* am - 00.00u aaa~e~ a a eer 000% r r 0.000 mom a..- t~d ess Baa..-. ::z:,~rr~ ow,.....o ~~~% -Se.-..N P11*.am a .. a e C aa~iararsrq s9::a::::: Cea 242 fawo-c cca aaaa a:: : Zinc ar l.P-al ! 3:3~ ace oo !!!) a,.. rECt aa !U5· ama aaaa ~J~IIi.aae a do vd ! . Ytoo.$- - di 9 Isms"I3 Ii.210" E arra .Xfa.. ill aBi meephange fI ,IISIIIII 33883333 a ama -w aa a a aaaa 33:33333 a NbGZ6 a 4011 W mmr~~Oaaaaaacc. ¶¶Oaaeaaa@Om3ws aoeaaaamameaa a-. a aC *@erommceo a 5ma. 0011Qrom64aaa0C. on aaaEatar a 4a ame~a acm ama r~C4rr * mae -. a * eS~ZrS~4.a"cC *o~~uaaIasama~ee .. a * cc *.... S r OOCC cas ce 4O inaa~ ftaaaaaaa. m a* a 5ig 5i IS .1 a, gag 3i ,a3 a Ira:o l- ew.coe,, I CW." m4W& .ca. m0a0 .34m-04 I e e8i -,,L aa. aaar - a-a, la mmc ELO aa..aaE ama S.~~C~~~ em e .C) .5.CC m-Q,, .Aa @i@ 0.!ao a.tToom 8332329=11:2:3 Cac mIIIlt.1 04;m:omae aSC9 a S.000 0 m ag 21 cc ag C 4L· aa a a a ae a a e@ woo :u: aLh~00 mama cam.. Ii00 mamaSaAaapa a 0^4^ 33 sa r ~, 124 H.H.W1.62 c.. ones a *00000 a a aas ae a 6. Izv l -A ag60 s, o,20 4J, 41C 4c cn cu 4-J u, Ar Lf ··0 LL. RU 1I SInS 300 TItE 16•5 MEAN MwV 1097 3 COV 0.142 S I I I 0 I I I I I ®. , II 49 22 It I 2240 I I I 2 22 I 43 I II 5 I v S I 4 24 134 I 2? I 24 434 123 39I 336 I I I 45 142 oV REPORTS STANOARD SCHEDULE 2I S REMa0.141 COST 243 24 5 1 OUIMOER IILLIONS PEAR OF O.LL ARS StU 144 0.011 OF ACTIVITIES 240 I0-l 0--- 0 ) COSt IM 4 0.122 0.195 0.280 21 6.)34 14 0.419 0.640 Oe.60 10 0.911 OUTIOUND Figure 6.36 First Scheduling Alternative: C-I 0.-I 0.41* e.400 OI. 0 22 36 400 -- 0-.0 0.----- e24o0 0,160 OUTBOUND scattergram. 2 0.000 0 0.100 O.TeO 3 0.608 0 0. I - O.TSi ACTIVITY EVENT STATION STARTING TIME EVENT DURATION ------ A OUTSOUNDO EVENT COST -0.0-0- - END DEPENDENDENCY OCCURRENCE IN ACTIVITY INBOUND 261.31 0.00 92*09 ACTIVITY COST a B OUTBOUND START INITIAL METHOD 2 ADVANCE 114 FEET IN RO 5 4 END DEPENDENCY OCCURRENCE IN ACTIVITY INBOUND COMPLETE 92+00 92+00 92+00 90+86 90+86 277.94 277.94 277.94 284.86 284.86 0.00 0.00 6.92 0.00 0.00 0 0 59,025 0 0 0 0 59,025 59.025 59.025 C OUTBOUND START INITIAL METHOD 2 ADVANCE 1,067 FEET IN RO 2 2 END DEPENDENCY OCCURRENCE IN ACTIVITY INBCJUND COMPLETE 92+00 92+00 92+00 81+33 81+33 225.79 225.79 225.79 281.79 281.79 0.00 0.00 56.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 480*026 0 0 0 0 480,026 480,026 480,026 92+00 92+00 92+00 79+00 77TT41. 77*41 202.44 202*44 202.44 281.74 292.07 292.07 0.00.*00 79.30 10.33 0.00 0.0C 0 0 676.000 87,379 0 0 0 0 676,000 763,380 763.380 763,380 D OUTBOUND START INITIAL METHOD 2. 4 IN RO 5 1,300 FEET ADVANCE 3 IN RO 5 159 FEET ADVANCE INBOUND ACTIVITY IN END DEPENDENCY OCCURRENCE COMPLETE Figure 6.37 First Scheduling Alternative: OUTBOUND Detailed Construction Reports. 245 6.7.2 Second Alternative Trying to improve the overall performance obtained in the first alternative studied, we will eliminate the stop condition affecting the OUTBOUND activity and repeat the simulation of the tunnel. Figure 6.38shows the new scattergram for the total project, that can be now compared against the results of the previous alternative (Figure 6.32). A marked reduction in construction time--from a mean of 487 to a mean of 378--and also a reduction, even if small, in costs has occurred. Itis clear that these reductions occur as a result of the schedule change. Figure 6.39 presents the scattergram for OUTBOUND that confirms this assumption. A marked change occurred, now these are not results with time or cost equal to zero, but rather this activity advances and simulates a longer section of the tunnel than before. We can observe that a few results deviate from the highly concentrated cluster at the left, itwas found that these deviations were due primarily to geologic conditions. As a result of the change inscheduling, the scattergram for activity INBOUND was also modified and Figure 6.40 presents the resulting distribution. A substantial reduction in time was obtained coupled with a reduction incost. 6.7.3 Third Alternative With the changes made to the original schedule in the second alternative, the possibility of improving upon that performance with the existing tunnel configuration is rather limited. Inthis third analysis we intro- MtinmER 0 1 NMA" SINS TIME .300 MEAR 371.6 _ 1.27 DEV __ COST 5oss DV MINI 10.s95 tcO I __ I 430 - 420 - IRPORTsSTANDAUt I I SCMEDULE 1. I t I I 1 1 20 4.4 I 1I I I 1 1 31 3"I I 1 1 I STS 1 I I I 11 t ! 1 61 ! t I 1 I It tI t I I 111 ItZ I i t1 2 11 11 2 1211 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1I I 370 I1t I 1 1 1 It 121 1 11 1 L1 11 2 1 111 I 1 I I I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1I 1 I it I I I I I I I I I I 2 1I I 1 1 11 II3 335 S1 1 1 1 I I is 1 I 410 - I I 11 I I 1I - I I I S1 30- I 2 121 1 S 11 121 1 1 I11 3 11 1 1 II 1 11 I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I It I 341I . I I1 I I I I I 339 I --- I----I--330 9.0 '0 .4400 COST it 6 26 10.200 10.600 sS T72 9•99 10.389 5 I 5---5 -***I 8.00 11.000 92 11.400 47 5- 12.200 11.800 16 Il·1AO ~f.000 0 MILLtIONS OF DOLLARS MEAN 931T 9.460 10.799 11.165 110493 11.s6 TOTAL Figure 6.38 Second' Scheduling Alternative: Total Project Scattergram. 0.00• 0*.00 UNS 3" NE Mrumr tME - flI IIall 12501 aw L_ I _ I.n9 COST M 1.194 8 S9W0.149 COWV __ I I I S I IRMIaTISTANAS IISCHIULE I 1 I I I • 163 -II S 156 II 153 I I I 14 I sa 3 •I4I 33 551 I. I Cl. 124 117 49 113 1 20 345 I I. I I I I 42 1 63 141 - UnIN H3LLIONS MAIN OFDOLLARS suI : __11111111~1_ 4 90461 OACTIVITIES 0 __ --- 64 60949 le ------------ I-- 1.300 1.i~o I1.000* 0.5o0 COST in II l I 3S3 164 tax 243 0i1- 1 II a 1691 let - 61 143) Ilata : II II - -- )---- ~----lrrrrrrrrrl 1.450 hill -_ 1.S00 l*Sat _ ___ I £ OUTBOUND Figure 6.39 Second Scheduling Alternative: Outbound Scattergram. -9 20t28 ---- I 1.950~ 1,T1 helT I_ .I 3.i5@ 1 1.44aOst 4 tll4 MniER S m MEAN I TIME TI SuIm __ ___ 11 Ii 0tt 'a I I2 tt10 I MEaIs3.14T EDI D.4l ItV __ _I I I 1 at 139 -I *I a a LI SIt. +I I.00 - a . a a1 1 1 II 1 I 11 1 1121 I1 I I I1 1 I a It --- . 1 I 12. 112 1 12 III 1 1 12 121 11I 1 1 2 111 i It II I 1 .1 11 l 1 I r 1 I 11 I 1 32 )1 Ml U aa I 1. 3 I 1 Ia 1 1 1 1 1111 1 11 S31 It I. I MEAN sam OF 1 IaI a 11 2 I omeMnv 1 a it a 21 11 lit I I II COST Im MILLIONS OF OcLLARS COST _ __ 1 I 2 1I1 1I11 11 I 249 1"4.44 0•9 _ SCHESULE REPOlRTUSTANOAR I 9 ~__ I 3al l Sal - 3S E "EA179e0 _ I - .4600 l.iOo 45 I I.- .446 a Rete~lll~ M'aIV a - a i.e0 I 1 aS I 1 a I1 aI --- I-- 3i.S08 33 40 03 .T t.04o" --- 3.500 4T 7 3.0T3 I- I 3.590 1 3.t9 I 4.100 Ia 3.O6 I 4.I40 I 4.114 Figure 6.40 second Scheduling Alternative: Inbound Scattergram. -- 3.000 4.T00 I 40.19 1 W 5.60 249 duce a new element to the tunnel configuration: located at station 67+00. an intermediate shaft Given the dependency of cost on time, if a substantial reduction in time can be obtained, the additional cost of the shaft excavation can be absorbed. Figure 6.41 presents the configuration of the tunnel and the scheduling network used for this option. introduced: SHAFT shaft. Three new activities are SHAFT, OUT SHA and IN SHA. represents the time and cost required to build the access Both time and costs are input and not simulated, as the basic objective in this example is tunnel and not shaft construction. IN SHA and OUT SHA represent the excavation headings that will advance starting from the shaft. The special characteristics of accessability to the construction faces permit us to include crews that can specialize and alternate between the faces. This will bring increased productivity and a slight reduction in costs. The alternation will only occur when Good or Medium quality rock is encountered. The complete listing of the activities as used by the scheduler is presented in Figure 6.42. The costs will be the same as the ones used in alternatives one and two except when alternating crews are wroking. The costs and times used in this case are shown in Table 6.9. Figure 6.43 shows the results for the simulation of the tunnel using this approach. Compared against the second alternatives analyzed, this approach presents definite advantages. The mean time is reduced from 378 to 277 and the increase in cost is a small fraction of the overall SHAFT INBOUND Figure 6.41 OUT SH-A 4-. -c~*IN Third Scheduling Alternative: STATION SHA Network 251 THISIS: Sman. AT TOUMIL HIDDLE ACtIVZTT COST £UBATION IES 99.00 75.0OC C.OC 99400 4 C 12C. CC 0. CO 175.00 0.00 1 3 25,00 6C.CC C.CC 25*CO TIDE COST 4 C 100.CO 0.00 15C.00 0.00 SHAFT START NCCI STOP MOC! STATIONS DURATION ACTIVITY IT ITRKSETOE START NOCC STOP NODI STATIONS ACTIVITI 1 STA SETUE START YMCE 'I STOP NODE 2 STATIONS CURATION TIdE ACtIVIT ACI 1 4 FROD TIME COST 67+00 4 4 TC 67#00 3C.C 200,00C. 55.CO 225,0C0.CC 96.00 310,00C.0C STATION START NCCI 2 STOP MODE 5 STATICOS FROM 08RK o003s PHB DAY Figure 6.42 99400 9;#00 24.00 Third Scheduling Alternative: Activities Report 252 ACYIVITY 10B0UID START OCI STOP NODE STATIONS ORK ICUCS 10 NEMT ACTIVIT 3 7 FRCN 25.CO 10 PEr DAY 20.00 ACTIVlTY CUI.SI 67*00 CLELAY START COtl STOP NODE STATIONS 5 6 FBRO EURATION COST ACI1VITY 92+00 4 Q S;*O0 7.CC 2,800.CC CUTDOUND STABT MNCE 6 STOP NODE 7 STATIONS PROM 92.00 OK H00OD1S PIR DAY ;C.O0 ACTIVITY IN_SHA TO MEET ACIIVITY TC t67#00 CUTSHA START YOCI STOP NODI 3C+00 STATIONS PROm 61+CO 10 TO MNET ACTIVITY INBOUND WORK HOUFS PEN CAT 2C.00 ALTERNATE WITH ACtIVItY I•, SHA EXCIPT FCB GICLCGIfS 80 6 bC 7 BEVEBT EISTAkCl 4500.CO BAIIBUm AC21VIT1 IN SHA *TABT N0tt STOP NODE STATIONS 10 MEEL WORK HOUSS ALTERNATE REVERT LXCIPT MAX IMO Figure 6.42 (Continued) 4 7 a ?•RO 90*00 67400 TC CUTECUNC ACT IVITI 2C.00 PER DAY C02 S11 WIT:H ACTIIlTI FOR GECLCGIES DISTAlcE MO 6 RC 4500.CO 10.00 3,5CO.CCG 15.00 4,800.00 253 Geologic Characteristics Quality Water Cost $/ft. Advance ft./day GOOD MEDIUM 400. 24.00 GOOD LOW 374.54 26.40 MEDIUM HIGH 436.00 20.62 MEDIUM MEDIUM 425. 22.00 MEDIUM 409.09 22.46 Table 6.9 LOW Advance and Cost Rates for Alternating Crews. son 1 SIllNS300 JIS 277.0 ala Da1 20.01 Sitl 10.662 COSt Db1 0.72C S COY U B B I 1 342 tESIsa I IItCLI SA1T AT t16311 337 * I 2 B I 330 12 1 IS1 I 31 1 1 1 3 * a" SI S TI 27 M IV 63 266 31 253 1 2 111 21 S1 I -1 1 9 t 1111 1 1111 1 1 1 1 •2 11 I1 12 It1 2 t 1 11 2 191 111 t I 2111 I11 I 1 1.1 1 1 1. 1 1 I I 1 10I 1 t1 1 1i 1 1 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 11 1 1 12 11 1 1221 22 t 21 1 1 1 111 1 1 t11 1.2 1 S1 1 t 1 11 I 1 1 3111 1 1 2 2 121 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 I I 11 112 1 111 1 1 1 1 1, 1 It 11I 12 1 .11 1 B I 11 1 112 11 1 1 t11 11 $ 25)LI* 1 1 1 272 -i I B 216 1 1 i I - 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 285 * S 6 B 2111 1 1 1 1 Si 1 2 1 1 1I 3 303 I 1 1 11 1 1 1 i 612 2 3 63 1 1 I 321 - " ' II 225 B *I- ---- 220+- -- 1-----t*----t---l--B-** 9.000 8.500 0.COC 11.00Q 10.500 10.000 9.5CO 12.COO 11.500 12.500 BI 13.000 CCST Kl 1 IDstI 19 1 59 72 7"2 27 9 3IILICII 5353 C.000 1.6l1 9.31 •9.775 10.255 10.75, 1,.226 11.161 Ci RCLLAS tOT AL Figure 6.43 Third Scheduling Alternative: Total Project Scattergram 0.0CO .2.16 255 cost, only $70,000.00. The reduction intime is primarily due to the increased number of work, areas that can be attacked simultaneously. The small increase inthe cost isdue mainly to the reduction of the overhead expenses that are time based. Individual results, contain ,interesting trends that are worthwhile looking into. STATION results will. be bypassed as it has , not been affected by this change in schedule. Figure 6.44 presents the results of activity OUT_SHA. In this case the same as in others previously analyzed we find almost two distinct clusters of results. Ifwe consider that the activity OUT_SHA starts at the edge of the zone where a high likelihood of poor geology exists and that itis going to traverse it,the variations in time and cost that can occur are substantial. The cluster to the right indicates results for the profiles where low quality rock was encountered, and the left cluster where better quality occurred. Figure 6;45 presents the detailed reports for simulations LL, LH, RL and RH of activity OUTSHA. Inthem, the mode of operation of the scheduler when alternating activities are specified can be be analyzed. Comparisons between geologic conditions and performance can be easily made. InFigure 6.46 the results for activity IN_SHA are presented. In this case, a heavy concentration exists on the left cluster, the few results on the extreme right represent the cases where low quality rock occurs in the section from 67+00 to 92+00, causing a substantial increase inexpenditure. 3331 1 som31& 30 Sims 3Ian TllZ D2V 156.1 COSt 13.52 2.046 3AI* law 200------- I 2 COg 0.511 ItII RH 192 190 -I tls.IuS a5mAT I I L Tot9i91 n1ILi a I 'I LH .! 102 I 3C 1 I i I" II 160 - 1 1 S2 1 155 1 1 1"S 11 I I 1 t1 1 2 1 2 1 11 1 11 2 11 1 I I 1 1 2 12 1 21 11 1 1ll 111 1 3 I1 11 1 11 150- 43 1 12 I1 91 1 1 10 I S1 1 11 1 121 1 1 1 1 11 11 2 2 1 1 2 11 1 1 111 1 1 i 1 1 9 1 1a 2 1 11 1 1 1 130 - 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 11 2 1 21 135 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 21 1 12 12 1 22 1 I 111 1 2 3 211 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 12 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 11 1I 1 1 2 1 t1 1 11 1 1 2 2111 1 I 1 1 111 1 1 11 11 Ii 11t I 1 1 1 1 1 1 140- 11 1 1 1 , 1 1 11 I I*s I I I I I 11 125 a 120 a 1 a 115 a 1 11C * 100* .---------C.I0C cost II 4 1.#01 54 01p ACTIIIIIS .. a---1.54C t--•. 1.340 1.126 24 1.23I 1.78O ... ---------2.000 I...........------ . *-*-**.. 2.660 12.220 2.40 41 26 24 44 63 36 1.441 1.700 1.904I 3110 2.342 2.52* ort Sal Figure 6.44 Third Scheduling Alternative: OUT SHA Scattergram. 21 2. 74 . 2.10 10 2.962 3. 100 AC CU _:,; A kLL OUT SHA LH • ST; I IiRATICI' Iv 17 IVI ,,I A T ( TI-'E F VFT d ACTIVITY fOST C EVLPiT CIT SIAkT 'NCGJUNiTFLI ALTfRRNATIC;i COFILIOGY pI lI"S ACTIVITY AI TEfNATE hlTH- ACTIVI rY INSHA IL INITIAL METH•JD 4 FEFT I~ .A 3 3 ADVANCE 4:C 1,- 0 FEE T IN RO 4 3 ADIVANCF FEFT IN RU 4 5 ADVA CF 3(01 ADVANCE 472 FEET I1J RO 5 5 MEET ACTIVITY INVP3LND 67+00 15.81 75.81 15.81 75.81 15.81 19.09 1i7.27 173.29 1')8.47 O.C0 ; 67+00 61+00 67+00 67+0f63+,0 53+30 50+00 45+28 C.CO 0.(CO 0.00 23.27 59.18 16.02 25.18 0.00 0 0 174,545 436,364 122,727 192,904 0 START LNCUUNiIFR N4ON-ALTLuRATIU,4 GCOL'OY ADVANC[ NOWRMALLY 1 INITIAL METHOYI IN 1) 4 40C FEFT ADVANCE 67+00 67+00 67+00 67+00 67+00 6i.62 61.62 63.62 63.62 63.62 C.CO 9.00 O.CO 0.00 23.14 0 0 C, G 571,428 63+00 36.77 0.7 63+00 63+00 63+00 3.6.77 97.C2 C.GC 10.25 58.18 0 38,779 4361364 571,42s 610,2ýC:, 1,046,571 53+49 540+0 45+88 45+.8 45+88 45+88 40+00 39+75 39+75 155.2:) 171.57 195.53 195.53 195.53 199.24 238.94 240.46 240.46 16.36 23.96 0.00 C.CO 3.72 39.10 1.52 C.CO 0.00 127,5C0 179,718 C 0 5,817 323,492 12,963 0 0 1.174,071 1,353,771 1,353,779 1,353,779 1,359,596 1,683908B 1,696,051 1,696,051 1,696,051 6 IN TH-IS ACTIVITY ENCOUTIR ALT-K'iATIIJ4 GLULOGY ALTERNATF WITH ACTIVITY 4 CHANGE T(O MFTHI-D 1,CCO FEET ADVA4CE IN THIS ACTIVITY INSHA IN ADVANCE 3CO FEFT IN ADVA'4CE 412 FE T IN THIS ACTIVITY CAfN NO LON(;LR AIDVA'ICE NORMALLY CHANGE TO METHCD 2 ADVANCE 588 FEET IN ADVANCE 25 FELT IN HEFT ACTIVITY INI'CUNI) COMPLETE N r0 4 3 RP 4 4 R• 5 I ALTERNAlf, RC RO 5 1 3 4 ALT. IS COMPLETE 86.77 Figure 6.45 Third Scheduling Alternative: OUT SHA Construction Reports. 0 0 0 0 174,545 6100909 733,636 926,540 926,540 0 571,428 571,428 ACTI VI TY LU'T StP STAR IGI ll 't TT S STAlnfl ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ST ORT NiCOUNrTEr '.LTR ~NATI II ALTLRNATr WITH1 ACTIVITY INITIAL METHOI; , 4 00 FF1I ADVANCE 67+ •0 67+0 67+*0 67.00 61+00 fe.52 6P,.52 6R.SZ t. 52 68.52 3.00 0.CO 0.00 C.CC 18.18 63+00 d6.70 C.O 63+00 86.70 86.7" 96.21 (.03 9.51 57.86 0 149,818 63+00 6*+00 37,962 1,429R571 187,780 1,616,35^ &NCCUNTCP ALTERNATION GECLCGY IN TI-IS ACTIVITY ALTFANATE WITH ACTIVITY INSIIA CHANGE TO METHCoI 4 1 IN RO 2 300 FFLT ADVANCE 5 IN R 1 215 FFFT ADVANCE OUNIC MEET ACTIVITY I'II CGP'PLETL 53*00 53+00 53+00 53+00 50+00 417+85 47+85 154.C7 154.37 154.07 165.27 In0.41 1) .92 L1.92 VC.CG 9.00 11.21 15.14 11.51 3.00 C.CO C 0 39,829 120,000 88,146 0 0 1.616,350 1,616,350 1,656,179 1,776,179 1,864,325 1,964,325 I,864,325 STAKT LNCUUNTER NO'Y-ALTER'JATIC'N CEtLOGY IN THlIS ACTIVITY ADVANCE NOnMALLY I INITIAL METHOD ADVANCE 400 FEFT IN RO 4 6 ARH VANCF I, 00 FEET It RO 4 7 ADVA4NCE CC FEET IN .O 3 7 ENCOUNTTR ALTERNATION GF;LOGY I4 THIS ACTIVITY ALTRlINATE WITH ACTIVITY INSHA 61+00 67+00 67+*00 67+00 67+00 63+00 53+00 50.00 50+)0 32.23 32.23 32.23 32.23 32.23 55.37 107.52 123.16 123.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.CO 23.14 52.14 15.64 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 571,428 1,214,286 364,286 0 0 0 0 0 511,428 1,785,714 2,149,999 2,149,999 2,149,999 CHAN'IGE TO METHOD 4 ADVANCE 652 FFET IN RC 5 3 REACH MAXIMUH ALIFRNATIC'' DISTANCE THIS ACTIVITY CAN KI0 LChGER ALTERNATF ADVANCE NORMALLY ChiANGE TO MfTHCID 2 ADVANCL 34P FFET IN RO 5 3 ADVANCE 4b8 FEET IN RO 5 1 MFET ACTIVITY INISOUIjU COPPLETL 50+00 50+00 43*48 43.48 43+48 43*48 43+48 40+00 35+12 35+12 123.16 131.81 169.75 169.75 169.75 169.75 173.22 196.70 223.77 223.77 8.65 37.94 0.00 0.00 C.CO 3.47 23.48 27.07 0.CO 0.00 37,012 284o571 0 0 0 5,764 191,320 234,139 0 0 2,187,010 2,471,580 2,471,580 2,411,580 2,471,580 2,477,344 2,668,664 2,902,802 2,902,802 2,902.802 E4COUNTFR NO'-ALTFRNATICL FLR ADVANCE NORMALLY CIHAN'GE TG Mt THCD 1 A4VANCL 1,000 fEUT CUTS•i E VEAT EVE-:T ACTIVITY CCST CCST UURA•.rION' ---------- ----------------- -------- Figure 6.45 CII•tL I•I TI-IS ACTIVITY I1 _SisA I% RO 3 2 G.ECLOGY IN TIIS ACTIVITY I'i RO0 (Continued) 4 6 0 c 0 0 149,.818 G0 0 0 149,818 149,818 NI (3 9III91 man "its8 I T011 300 IliW 139.0 3If 9.02 COST 3Al 1.104 311 0.235 COw 1 -------------- * 168SII 15e- I S 151 1it 142 - 162 I I I I 136- IM 36 a a 1 S 133 i 127 130 * 5 I 3 A SI S 74 62 121 t I 113 24 116 Im o.A sil 11 1 1 11 1 1 2 5I a 1 1 1I 7 I I I I I O.l30 16 oIItLIICS 1 2 0.80C IU3 1 1 13 I 1069I 10S 1 1 .1 " 112 I i I 1 5 11 23 1 g 1133.1 166 I 3332 312 7 1 1255 I 122241 21 1 1242 312133313 21 112 11 w !1 2 I 16ij i 131 1 1 4332112 3 12 11 31413 1112 12- C I I I 1 2121 2 I 112 1 31 1 11 113 12 221 1 1622 I I 3 6 1 1I I T I 1 2 I V.CCI or ACIItura3s 1.016 1.110 161 17 9 1T.9 100 1.310 1.8.0 1.500 3 1 1 1.710 1.610 1 .0.000 0.000 0.000 33s31 Figure 6.46 Third Scheduling Alternative: IN SHA Scattergram. 1.21 19.70 10 1.912 2.1C0 2 2.026 LO 260 Finally, for this alternative, the other results that present an interesting situation are inactivity OUTBOUND. As can be observed in the nework, a delay was introduced bewteen the completion of the STATION and the start of the OUTBOUND activity to acocunt for additional operations needed to start this work face. As shown in Figure 6.47 , the OUTBOUND activity becomes, ineffect, a null activity, with no significant time, but incurring some costs. This result is somewhat similar to the one obtained in the first alternative analyzed: the activity has such a long lead time that it is never capable of advancing very far before meeting the IN_SHA activity. The resulting costs and times are therefore rather small. 6.7.4 Fourth Al:ternative Inthe previous case, activity OUTBOUND was found to be simulating a very short section of tunnel. In this alternative, we will eliminate OUTBOUND and the DELAY that occurred when going from STATION to OUTBOUND. The construction activities in the tunnel profile and the scheduler network are presented in Figure 6.48. Using this scheduling alternative, the tunnel is simulated and the results obtained are presented in Figure 6.49 . Again, the same as in the other alternatives some benefits were derived from this rescheduling move: the mean cost and time were reduced. As could be expected, the mean time and cost for activity IN_SHA increased slightly, reflecting the additional length driven by this activity. %MaIs1 333 was 1 300 513i 3113 TI53 11.7 DII 1.03 COST 13AU 0.102 D03 0.023 COW a a I I I | 45 tallStS 5litPt &TTUIS * I I 13 - 13 I llll IBLE II I I I I 0 S a I a a I 13-* a a I a a I I 141- 12- I 12 12 11 12 * I a II £ a I 12- I 3 II a a a 1 I 1 I* I a II a . 1.I 11-aI I 93' a II a 10 11- I aa a a a0 @.OSC 0.097 0,1111 6,.131 0.130J 0.105 0.102 0.199 0.210 aa a a a 0.250 0.233 CtCST I wean 135 1s50 ILLICIS atIL of toLialS SS 0.C92 o0F ACT3IHI12S .IC! 0.000 0.000 . 0.000 C.000 0.000 0.000 OUT•CCIt Figure 6.47 Third Scheduling Alternative: OUTBOUND Scattergram 0.C00 0.243 SHAFT INBOUND OUT SHA IN SHA %I Figure 6.48 JJ Fourth Scheduling Alternative: Total Project Scattergram. STATION ) ) BUM 353113 1 SIBS 3C0 TIBE BEAh 254.9 DEV 20.33 COST BEAM 10.631 DIV 0.701 COV1 DEAN 330 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 323 ThISIS: SBAPT AT TUNNIL DIDDLE 317 3 10 309 I I 304 I I I 294 1 291 I I 34 11 271 265 - 1 67 259 252 79 246 239 50 234 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 . 1 I 208 1" 1 .11 213 III 3 11 213 I 222 1 2 1 1 226 16 1 1 2 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 111 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 21 1 11 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 2111 21 1 1 2 3 12 2 11 11 2 1 2 1 12 121 1 1 1 1 1 11 2 1 121 1 1 21 12 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 2 31 1 111 111 1 1 11 1I 11 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 11 1 12211 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 111 111 1 2 1 1 1 1 1. 11 1 22 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 21 1 1 2 1 1 1 111l 1 111 1 1 283 278 37 1 I 200 +-------I --------- 1---9.000 8.000 8.500 I ---------I---------I---------I---------I---------I---------I----12.500 13.0C0 12.000 11.500 10.500 1011.C00 9.SCC 10.0G cCST IN 3019318 1 22 38 9.340 9.751 58 81 30 67 UI3LIONs !rAN 0.COO E.ACS 10.259 10.750 11.222 11.681 CF DCLLRBS TOY AL Figure 6.49 Fourth Scheduling Alternative: Total Project Scattergram 12.C78 C.CCO 264 6.7.5 Use of Results in CPM/PERT The four cases analyzed have tried to show the process through which a tunnel project manager or engineer can analyze and evaluate different alternatives to the construction of the tunnel. However, once committed to an approach, the manager will probably want to incorporate the time and cost results for each construction phase into a network where CPM calculation can be made. Figure 6.50 shows the network used inthe third alternative with the associated mean time and mean cost for each activity. Some minimal calculations--for obtaining the overall time--are made to show the use of these values in CPM processing. Inthe case presented, the mean time and mean cost values were used, but itcould be done with any particular value resulting from the simulation. With these calculations, if large floats are found to exist in some activity, modifications to the basic assumptions could still be made--reduce crew size, delay start, rescheduler phases and such--and some reduction in time could be obtained or even some analyses of resource leveling could be made. The use of the scheduler in the control present some drawbacks because the feedback mechanisms have not fully developed. However, the basic structure exists to receive, summarize, and classify the field information as it isgenerated. With the information received--geologic reinterpretations, construction values, productivity and cost of materials, and labor and equipment rates--the tunnel can be periodically reanalyzed to obtain revised projections for time and cost. t= 136 TOTAL COST TOTAL TIME Figure 6.50 7,741,500 277 Use of Simulation Results as CPM Input. t=10 t=11 266 REFERENCES 1. Lindner, E.N., "Exploration: Its Evaluation in Hard Rock Tunneling" Unpublished Master's thesis; MIT, Cambridge, MA , 1975. 2. A full explanation of the meaning and use of the geologic elements can be found in: Vick, S.G. "AProbabilistic Approach to Geology in Hard Rock Tunneling, Department of Civil Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, MA, 1974 3. For this case study the construction information was obtained from existing Tunnel Cost Model files and from industry sources. The sources most frequently consulted were a) for the drilling and blasting information - Langefors, U. and Kihlstron, "The Modern Technique of Rock Blasting", Second Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 1963. b) For information inother areas of tunneling - Parker, A.D., "Planning and Estimating Underground Construction", McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1970. 267 CHAPTER 7 SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 7.1 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The elements developed inthis tunneling planning and control system constitute a powerful set of tools that can help the tunneling manager inthe evaluation of the project tasks. The flexible simulation of construction activities and the project scheduling capabilities combined with the probabilistic treatment of the geologic conditions aid to gain insight into the possible outcomes that can be obtained. The range and distribution of results when combined with analysis techniques help the user perform risk and uncertainty evaluations. The special characteristics of the system make itmore attractive to use than other planning systems. The terms and mode of operation closely resemble the usual practices in tunneling and, as described, its orientation gives the tunnel manager more usable information than other systems. In specific application, the construction simulation gives the manager or engineer the possibility to analyze multiple approaches to the execution of the construction operation inside the tunnel. For one method, the advantages to be gained through redesign of tasks and procedures can be readily analyzed and evaluated. Interms of scheduling alternatives for the overall project, the user can easily restructure the approach taken and evaluate the effects of the decision. Through repetitive analysis of the same tunnel., a best 268 or better alternative can be found. Overall, the system developed, accomplishes the initial objectives defined. It provides a set of flexible and powerful analytic techniques that can be custom tailored by any user to the specific applications desired. 7.2 RECOMMENDATIONS The techniques developed in this work are but one step in the development of a full-fledged information system, as they do not even constitute a complete set of analytic techniques. Much work is still needed in various areas: a) In the area of resource planning and control a better treatment for the labor component of cost is essential. The survey pointed to labor and, in general, to human resources as one of the top priority items to be controlled. Future development should be concerned with creating a labor structure that can be used in predicting requirements for labor and controlling productivity and costs. Other resources as equipment and materials should also be considered in planning and control as more expensive and sophisticated equipment is brought into production and as the costs of materials continue to escalate. b) A more explicit treatment of indirect costs is warranted: over- head costs support facilities, non-productive personnel and equipment, and other similar costs should be analyzed in more detail 269 to permit better control and greater accuracy in estimating expenses. c) In the area of information requirements, flow and so on, the system will need to be analyzed within the context of an individual firm to allow the in depth analysis required for these processes. It could be a very difficult task to attempt to establish mechanisms for information flow and control using the same development procedure as in the case of the analytic techniques developed in this report. Finally, we consider that the best route to follow before future development is made, would be to involve several tunneling firms in the use of the system. It is only through their feedback from experience that adequate improvements can be made. The critical link necessary to the success in this type of development will always be the communication and flow of information and ideas between users and designers. 270 BIBLIOGRAPHY Antill, J.M. and R.W. Woodhead, "Critical Path Methods in Construction Practice." Second edition. New York, Wiley Interscience, 1970. Bedford, N.M., "The Concept of MIS for Managers," Management International Review, 2-3/1972. California Department of Water Resources "Investigation of Alternative Aqueduct Systems to Serve Southern California. Bulletin No. 78, Appendix C, September 1959. Carbouell, F.E. ed. and R.G. Dorrance, "Information Sources for Planning Decisions, California Management Review, Summer 1973. Freelander, 0. Frederick, "Making an MIS Work in Real Life," Industry Week; April 2, 1973. Fondahl, John W. "A Non-computer Approach to the Critical Path Method for the Construction Industry". Second Edition, Department of Civil Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 1962. General Research Corporation; Hard Rock Tunneling System Evaluation and Computer Simulation, GRC Report CR-1-190, September 1971. 271 Gorry, G.A. and Scott Morton, M.S. "A Framework for Management Information Systems" Sloan Management Review, Summer 1973. Hamilton H. William "Role of Tunneling Machine" the 1972 Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference (RETC Proceedings p. 1108 Volume 2). 1972. Harza Engineering Company; A computer program for estimating costs of hard rock tunneling. Prepared for US Department of Transportation, May 1970. Haslett, J.W. "Total Systems--A Concept of Procedural Relationship in Information Processing." In: A.D. Meacham and V.B. Thompson (eds.) Total Systems, New York, American Data Processing, 1962. Kenneva, W.J., "Structuring and Managing a Management Information System." Data Management, September 1972. King, W.R., "The intelligent MIS--A Management Helper, Business Horizon, October 1973. Lanefors and Kihlstrom, "The modern technique of rock blasting", Second Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 1963. Luthans, F., "Organizational Behavior", Chapter 19, Dyanmics Applications, and New Dimensions, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1973. Mintzberg, Henry "Making Management Information Useful", Management Review, May 1975. Moavenzadeh, F. et al; "Tunnel Cost Model: A Stochastic Simulation Model of Hard Rock Tunneling", Department of Civil Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, MA, 1974. Moder, J.J. and C.R. Phillips, "Project Management with CPM and PERT". Second edition. New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1970 Nie, H.H. et al, "SPSS: Statistical Package for the Social Sciences", Second Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1975. Parker, A.D. "Planning and Estimating Underground Construction", McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1970 "People contact counts more than computers", Business Week, May 4, 1974. Pickey, E.R. and N.L. Seneuis (ed.), "ATotal Approach to Systems and Data Processing", In: A.D. Meacham and V.B. Thompson (ed.s) Total Systems, New York American Data Processing, 19762. 272 Pokempner, S.J., "Management Information Systems--A Pragmatic Survey," The Conference Board Record, May, 1973. Powers, R.F. and G.W. Dickson, "MIS Project Managment: Myth, Opinions, and Reality; California Management Review, Spring 1973. Pritsker, A.B. and R.R. Burgess, "The GERT Simulation Programs: GERT III, GERTIIIC, and GERTS IIIR." Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Department of Industrial Engineering, 1970. Simon, H.A. "The New Science of Management Decisions", New York, Harper Row, 1960. Suarez Reynoso, S. and Gray, D.J. "Tunnel Cost Model: Users Manual," Department of Civil Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 1975. Taplin, M.J. "AAIMS: American Airlines answers the what ifs". systems, February 1973. Info- Vick, S.G., "A probabilistic Approach to Geology in Hard-Rock Tunneling, Department of Civil Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, MA 1974. Wyatt, R.D. "Tunnel Cost Estimating Under Conditions of Uncertainty", Department of Civil Engineering, MIT, 1974. pp. 190-196. 273 APPENDIX I SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE AND COVER LETTER 274 QUESTIONNAIRE I THIS QUESTIONNAIRE WILL HELP US OBTAIN YOUR EVALUATION OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY, AND ITS APPLICATION TO THE SPECIFIC AREA OF TUNNELING. IF YCU WOULD LIKE TO EXPRESS ADPPDITIONAL THOUGHTS, OR WISH TO EXPAND UPON A PARTICULAR RESPONSE BELOW, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO INCLUDE THESE COMMENTS. THIS QUESTIONNAIRE IS BEING SENT TO INDIVIDUALS AT DIFFERENT LEVELS WITHIN VARIOUS FIRMS, THEREFORE SOPME OF THE QUESTIONS MAY PERTAIN MORE DIRECTLY TO INDIVIVUALS IN YOUR POSITION THAN D0 OTHERS, IN EACH QUESTION WE ASK THAT YOU PROVIDE AN ANSWER BASED UPON YOUR POSITION OR PERSPECTIVE WITHIN THE FIRM. 1. Rank in oadeA o6 impottance the Resources which management in6o'mation 4y6tem6 ahould help you control (1 * MoAt ImpoAtAnt; 8 - Least Impotta.t). Employees, in-house expertise Subcontractors Major or specialized pieces of equipment Other equipment Materials (procurement, delivery) Project records and documents Operating Cash Other.......... ................ 2. Indieate the thue moat impottant and the thAee Leaat impo'ttant aueas o6 Pro ect Related Information which you 6ee. a Management InboAmation Syste• h/Ould p4vouide you. (Mo.t * M; Lea6t * L) A. Cash flow Breakdown giving B. Total costs C. Direct costs D. Indirect costs E. Receipts F. Profits G. Safety record H. I. .. K. L. M. N. 0. Feet advanced Outstanding claims Cost projection Cost overrun Time projection Time overrun Technical data Other .............. (oveal 275 2 3. The 6ottowing Regional and Institutional Factors ad6ect coat and peA6toanJwce oJ a ptoject. ImcUte the extent to whieh each Tactit typicaly .innluene4 yout decialona. Extent of Influence. on Decisions Considerable Intermediate None Somewhat Availability of labor Prevailing wages Availability of materials Transportation costs Subsurface conditions Statutes affecting work scheduling Statutes affecting construction method Safety codes Contract documents Insurance requirements 'Owner's contract administration record Surface constraints Other ................. ... ... 4. Givuen that the, econormi and, ina'tLt.t.ona aApect. oK a )poject a~e ubject to aome unce/tainty, what contingencies 4houtd a management into'.mtLion 64atem be capabte o6 analyzing? Pieast indicate importance o6 each toplc. Very Alternative construction methods Possible variations in subsurface conditions Variations incost of money Wage escalations Increases inmaterials and supplies costs Variations inproductivity Delays inmaterials or equipment delivery Alternatives to purchaseing equipment (buy vs. rent) Possible variations inmaterials quantities Project scheduling alternatives Effect of uncertainties on cash flow Other....................................... / __ Importance Intermediate Somewhat Somewhat 276 3 5. VZewing a ploject a6 past o6 company opeution6, Aank the Jottowing s4tudie6 04 uepota by thtei' uetative imnpoatanneP(1 AMost impoktant; 8 - Leabt impoJLtaln.. A. Contribution of project to company policy and objectives in stated time period. B. Financial analysis of project including profit expectations and cash flow. C. Strength (or riskiness) of project in light of current economic conditions Ei6ect o6 puoject on: D. Anticipated work load E. Available management personnel F. Available technical and field expertise G. Available equipment H. Other ..................................................... in ot6 both eouAtce 6. A4umning that a management inldotaton yAtem•as46 1the Itughe6t .attoeation and p/wject• At which Levet do you see pqdog64 04 imptementing such a 4yastem. A. Corporate level (i.e. for executive officers) B. Divisional level (i.e. for division manager, division engineer, chief engineer) C. Project level (i.e. project engineer, project manager,, superintendent) 7. Pteae,totate the most impoLtant management queAtion4 that you woutd tihe 4 equited in and ana•e/t; whatt 6petAi data etements a0.e an IllS to addlasL eaoch deci.6on? 1. 2. 3. 4. (oveA) 277 8. (Iseat component6 oJ an MIS (e.g. accounting, prooject ptanning and Ai1Am haver Which. oJ these do you in your .cheduling,etc) does yout position use .eguataty? 9. Mhat i4 you& catent opinion on the suitabiWLty o6 management injohma~ion Atemn in the contAfuc•tibn indu•styf Ext--mely skeptical Somewhat skeptical, will take proven system to convince Undecided, want to know more about system capabilities first Favorably inclined, willing to offer suggestions or guidelines Ideas merits support, willing to use such a system YouA position in the company Corporate Officer Division Manager Project Manager OPTIONAL: Your name: Company: 278 COVER LETTER Mr. District Engineer John Doe and Sons, Inc. 0000 Doe Plaza Omaha, Nebraska 00000 ,Dear Mr. Recently management information systems (MIS) have received increasing attention in industry, and successful use has been reported by several manufacturing firms. Inour opinion, an even stronger opportunity for the further development and application of such systems lies inengineering and construction. Although there are many opinions as to what constitutes a management information system, they all revolve about a central idea: an MIS provides managers at one or more levels with timely sets of facts on which managers can' base decisions. Assistance provided by an MIS can be of two types. First, status reports--compilation of events already accomplished that help to define or analyze problems. Second, problem synthesis--the ability to structure a multitude of problems and alternatives to help predict the future results of decisions. We believe that the engineering and construction fields could realize significant benefits from such systems for the following reasons. The construction industry involves unique projects located in various geographic areas, implying diverse economic and institutional environments. These projects generate conflicting issues, often requiring resolution quickly. Construction decisions involve potentially high 279 degrees of risk. Large-scale projects call fqr complex allocations of resources. Within the construction field, we see many of these issues brought into particularly sharp focus in tunneling. This is due, we feel, to the unique conditions under which tunnel construction isperformed: for example, the complexity and uncertainty of subsurface conditions; the confined working space; the cyclic and linear nature of operations; and an increasing demand for tunnels in urban areas. To develop these ideas further, Mr. Saturnino Suarez-Reynoso, a master's degree candidate, isnow investigating MIS application to tunnel construction. Mr. Suarez-Reynoso has a backgorund in civil engineering and management, and has made substantial contributions to our reserach program in tunneling. To place his work in proper perspective and to develop it in a way most useful to the tunneling industry we have prepared a brief questionnaire. May we ask that you please take a few minutes of your time to complete this questionnaire and return it in the enclosed, self-addressed envelope. We have structured this questionnaire to require only a brief response. However, ifyou feel strongly about some aspect of MIS, or about the applicability of MIS to different levels within your firm (corporate, professional, technical), we would certainly appreciate hearing your views. I would like to extend my personal thanks to you for your time and 280 consideration. I will, of course, be gald to keep you informed of the progress of this work and to provide you with a copy of Mr. Suarez-Reynoso's thesis when it iscompleted inJune 1976. Sincerely, Fred Moavenzadeh Professor of Civil Engineering Enc: Questionnaire FM/let 281 APPENDIX II RESULTS FROM THE SURVEY SAMPLE (Tabulated Using SPSS) 282 05/07/76 RES1 PILB EMPLOTEES, IN HOUSE EXPERTISE CO DB I 1 S**e***S*S******s*********s******** 3 ( 14) OSr IMSPOR I I I **** I) ( I I I 4 ********* ( 3) 5 I lI I *****s*#* I I I ( 3) ********* ( 31 6 I I I 7 ****** I I I 8 2) *4** ( I I I 0 ( LEAST ISPOE 12 LEAST ISPOB ********* (aISSIN-) I I 502 ( 3) COMPLETE 4 0 8 12 16 20 PRBOUSNCI BrAN STD DgV VALI D CASES 3.111 2.439 27 MEDIAN dISSIM3 CASES 1.464 3 MODE 1.000 0009t 1afou t 90h SSS• 91ONTFS!B ICZ•?9 t 8 tl Or 9t ........ ......... ......... ......... F ******************** , e9g9'0 99990 SSVT3 0G TA A•O OTS AVlii ZOR ) **** (I ) 00 *...I I T (fRISSIR) .. (JfTLIJRT dWT dBI dBI (91 0 IT3PXOS T T ZnBWNDS YVTIRREMI I I I ***************** I dRT I•IA I wool S30HIR 1103 ?AT11YNBIV' NOTID•NIZROD - P1I91 9L/LO/SO 284 05/07/76 STU2 FILL FIIANCIAL ANAL!SIS OF PdOJ: PROFIT S CAS CODR I 1 ***************************** I I 2 *********•***** I (. 11) BOST 180P8 ***** ( 8) IBPORTANT I I I I 56 ***e I I 1) *** s 1) 76 7. I **" £ 1) I LeAST ,sPOR I LsASE IMPCA I I 0 ********* 1 3) IBISSING) I Nor COSPLETZ ......... IT I.........I.........I......... 0 IBPOUINCI IBeA STD DXV VALID CASES 2,656 2.006 27 4 8 SIDIAN ISSING CASES I@......... 16 14 1.813 3 10DB' I 20 1.000 TOUNELIIG FILE ZIDUSTRI SUBVa IRESULTS 05/07/76 (CRAITION DATE = 05/07/76) ** * * * * ** *,•* ** * * * * * * FINANCIAL AIALISIS OF STU2 * * * * * ** . * * s* * . .* * * * * ** * ** * * * * * * 0 SSTAB 9 U LAT• Z OF o C POSITION OFP BSPOIDEIT IN COMPANI BI POSI 80OJ: PRGFIT & CAS * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * PAGE 1 OF * * * * * * * * ** * ** POSI COUNT I 80o BOd PCT ICORPORAT DIVISION PROJECT COL PCT I .TOTAL 3 I 2 I 1 I 0OI PCI I 3S12 ---------------------------I--------I 11 2 1I . 1 1 5 I I 445.5 1 18.2 1 36.4 I 40.7 lOST 11a01 I 50.0 I 28.6 I 0.0 I I 18.5 1 7.4 I 14.8 I -I------I--------I--------I 2 I 1 I 2 I 5 1 8 I 12.5 I 25.0 I 62.5 I 29.6 1.FPOTAIt I 16.0 I 28.6 I 50.0 I' I 3.7 I 7.4 1 18.5 I -I--------I--------I--------I 41 21 21 0 1 4 I 50.0 1 50.0 I 0.0 I 14,8 1 20.0 I 28.6 I 0.0 I I 7.4 1 0.0 I 7.4 1 -1--------I--------I----~----I 1 0 I 1 1 0 5 1 3.7 0.0 I I 0.0 I 100.0 I I 0.0 1 14,3 1 0.0 I 0.0 I 3.7 1 1 0.0 I -I--------I--------I--------I 1 I1 01 0 11 6 1 3.7 0.0 1 0.0 I I 100.0 I 0.0 1 0.0 1 Iu10.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 I 3.7 I -I--------I-----1----------I 1 0 1 1 I 7 1 0 1 3.7 0.0 I 100.0 I 0.0 1 1 LEAST IPO1 I 0.0 I 0.0 I 10.0 I 3.7 I 0.0 I 1.0 I I -I--------I--------I--------I 1 0 I 0 81 1 3.7 0.0 I 0.0 I I 100.0 1 LEAST I1POR I 10.0 1 0.0 I 0.0 I 1 3.7 I 0.0 I 0.0 I -1--------I--------I--------I 27 10 7 10 COLUMN 100.0, 37.0 37.0 25.9 TOTAL sUBmeg OF SlSSING OBSR8VATIONS - 3 1 00 TUNNELING INDOSIRI SU•VEY RESULTS FILK 05/07/76 (CRaIrlOu DATA = 05/07/76) ******* IBP *** * * * * * * * * C .CROSST BULATIO HIGHEST PAYOFF LEVEL FOR ITPLEB!NTING BY POSI * * *q * *s* * s * * * * * * s * * * s** * * * POS I COUNT I ROW PCT ICURPORAT DIVISION PROJECT COL PCT II TOI PCT I IIP - .---- BOW TOTAL 1 I 2 I 3 I I-------- I------I---------I 0 I I I I 1 33.3 9.1 3.3 I I I 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 I I 1 I 2 66.7 16.7 6.7 I I I I 3 10.0 -I-----------------I-------I 1I CORPORATE DIVISION 3 i 100.0 I 1 0 0.0 I1 I 0.0 I I I 27.3 i 0.0 I 0.0 I I 10.0 1 0.0 I 0.0 I -1--------I-------I--------I 2 I 5 I 5 I 2 I 1 41.7 1 41.7 I 16.7 I I 45.5 I 71.4 I 16.7 I 1 l1.7 I 16.7 I 6.7 I -I ---------I ------- I 3 PROJICT I 1 I 1 2 16.7 18.2 6.7 I I I I 2 16.7 28.6 6.7 3 10.0 12 40.0 --------I I I I I 8 66.7 66.7 26.7 I I I 1 12 40.0 -I--------I---------I---------I COLUaN TOTAL 11 36.7 7 23.3 12 40.0 30 100.0 OF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * POSITION OF RESPOIDMNT IN COIPANI * * * ** PAGE 1 OF 1 287 APPENDIX III LIST OF ANSWERS RECEIVED FOR QUESTIONS 7 AND 8 OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE 288 QUESTION 7 Please state the most important management questions that you would like an MIS to address and answer; what specific data elements.are required in each decision? Work load vs. available staff. Work load income vs. total expenses--on weekly or daily basis Evaluations of alternative courses of action Evaluation of importance (sensitivity) of various factors on outcome to be expected (decisions). Inother words--evaluation of how critical a high degree of accuracy anddependability may be for certain assumed "facts" or estimates. Whether the job iswithin budget. Whether the job is on schedule. At project level what is cost to date? What will final cost be? What can we do to improve it? Selecting work to bid. Has this type been profitable? Do we have the people to do it? Isthe owner/engineer competent and reasonable? Bidding work: what has this work cost in the past? What isthe relative cost or alternate procedures? What is the return on assets employed? What are the relative stages of completion of the various technical disciplines engaged inpreparation of contract documents? What is the rate of progress ineach discipline? Data and invoice costs on each item or account Projected data cost vs. actual (by account). Projected time/job limit vs. actual Cash flow History of costs Projection of costs to completion 289 QUESTION 7 (continued) What actions are trending to behind schedule or over budget at early enough alert to permit effective corrective action. I cannot answer this until I learn more about MIS and what its capabilities are, but tunnel contractors need lots of help in arriving at management decisions. Evaluation of the risk of the subsurface conditions. Evaluation of labor productivity. New equipment application. Cost control. How are present projects progressing in relation to the established budgets of labor, equipment, time and cost. Flagging of areas where attention isneeded. What resources (personnel, equipment and finances) are committed and when will any of those resources become available for other work projects. The economics of alternative scheduling of resources; i.e. multiple shift operations, increased equipment investment, etc. The economics of repair or replacement of capital equipment. Cost control and projection. Productivity records--man hours per unit. Quantities--overruns, underruns, change orders. Isthe project within budget at the present time? Isthe project on schedule? Will the project be completed within the budget based upon presently known conditions. Will the project be ready for operation based upon presently known conditions. 290 qUESTION 7 (continued) The system should feature a common base on which programs can be developed to enable management to monitor, control, and adjust and project any discipline, area effort or total effort in a timely manner. Programs available should include % completion, manpower loading and leveling, material control, schedule analysis, labor productivity, cost analysis and cash forecasting etc. etc. For any MIS to be successful, management must ensure there is total support and acceptance plus technically competent personnel available to spearhead the effort. Management questions would be the obvious ones i.e. "Are we on schedule? Are we within budget? What are the critical items on scheduling? What are the critical items requiring attention? Must we divert additional resources? etc. Project costs--labor, e.g. materials. Current status of work: design ifdesign is the sole responsibility, or contractor's progress vs. schedule ifmanagement or inspection is involved. 291 QUESTION 8 What components of an MIS (e.g. accounting, project planning and scheduling, etc.) does your firm have? Which of these do you inyour position use regularly? Technical data, planning and scheduling, staffing, budget estimate, chronology of events. I use Technical Data and Planning Components. All of the above are presently in our company system and are used regularly. Accounting, project planning, scheduling--use regularly. Accounting, weekly project cost reports, cash flow projection I use all regularly. All components including material control and manpower loading. We utilize accounting reports, schedules, planning reports, and status reports within our organization and I use them all regularly. Accounting only. Accounting, cost control and projection, scheduling--use all of above. Accounting only--we are in the planning stages of initiating both planning and scheduling which are important to the Engineering Department. Project planning Accounting Projected cash flow, project planning and scheduling--I use all three components regularly and have need for a more timely receipt of this information. Our firm iscompletely self contained as far as in-house MIS. Accounting, cost control and analysis, scheduling, equipment usage--use all. Operating costs (hisotircal), production factors. Project planning and scheduling, accounting, design-management--all regularly. 292 QUESTION 8 (continued) A management action report and a work-in progress report are issued to project managers and directors bi-weekly to track job-related charges and man-hours, and to compare them with pre-job budgets. We consider all the factors you list in managing our work at the project level deciding what work to bid and preparing bids. I use those applicable to deciding what work to bid and bidding. Accounting--used regularly. Accounting--both job cost and all projects together, manpower scheduling. We have an elaborate accounting MIS. It contributes substantially to our overhead, produces enormouse piles of paper, and wastes a great deal of valuable time. I am unable to discern much counterbalancing benefit. Accounting. Some technical data management. 293 APPENDIX IV CASE STUDY DATA ROCK ONLY ROCK TREE TO BE USED END NODE CHARACTERISTICS QUALITY I OF ROCK GO GO ME ME ME LO LO UNIT END NODE PROBABILITIES WATER INFLOW ME LO HI ME LO VH HI S12.00 .4800 .0400 S1600 .2000 .3000 .3000 .0900 .1500 .0300 .0700 .2000 .1200 .0600 .0800 .1000 .1500 .3500 .1800 .1200 .0900 .0900 .3500 .3500 .1200 .2100 .3500 S1400 REPORTs STANDARD SCHEDULE SEGMENT E 0 L 0 START STATION END STATION 25*00 32+00 DEPENDENT UPON SEGMENT IC P 0 PERTIES MARKOV TA.LE RD 1 1.000 32+00 0 I Ito 5 40+00 0.800 0.200 40+00 50*00 RO 1 RO 5 0.500 0.500 4 S0*00 S3*00 RO IO RO 9 93.00 63*00 4 RO 3 RO 2 4 I 0.500 0.300 0.200 3 I 0.200 0.300 0.500 R0 4100 3 0.800 0.200 6 63*00 64700 RO RO 00 7 6T700 9OO00 4 RO 3 RO 2 4 I 0.500 0.300 0.200 3 I 0.200 0.300 0.500 RO 2 R0 5 0.500 0.500 S 79*00 93400 R0 1RO 2 o0 9 0.400 0.200 0.400 n 9 93+00 94+00 RO 2 RO 3 RO S 0.400 0.400 0.200 10 94+00 96+00 RO I RO 2 0.600 0.400 11 96+00 99+00 RO I RD 5 0.600 0.400 CA~ GROUND WATER CONTROL VAMIABLES REPORT CASE STUDT METHOD(S) TO iHICHB VARIABLES APPLY: VARIABLE 31AD I GROUT HOLES 1 ALI PBOB TYPE VALUE OR RANGE OF VALUES DIRENSIONS (UNITS) ;aRO HOLES 10.00 4.00 0.00 L_GROUT HOLES L GROUT HOLES BO 6 7 30 ALL OTHERS 15.00 FEET FEET FEET 10.00 0.00 I GROUT DRILLS I GROUT DRILLS T MOB GROUT T BOB GdO 10.00 15.00 30.00 HIMUTES T_ IJLCT GROUT 2 INJ GROUT 10.00 20.00 25.00 MINUTES ? T CURE GROU 4.00 10.00 15.00 MINUTES 4.00 6.00 12.00 MINUTES 10.00 20.00 25.00 MINUTES CURE.,;ROUT _ STAGd T STAGZ DROS GROUT T GC_ C_BC BI C BIT STEEL 25.00 C GROUT C GiOUr 20.00 DPR GRCU'T UPR GROUT N_ STAGES N 20.00 S/BIT S/CUBIC FOOT 70.00 100.00 FEET/HOUR STAGES BO 6 7 RO ALL OTHERS 2.00 1.00 1.00 GROUT TAK BHOLE 10 6 7 80 ALL OTHEAS 4.00 T DROB GROUT STAEL APPLICABLb TO ROCK TIPE END ODE GR TAKE PER HOLE BIT LIFL GROUT BIT LIFE GB TDELAY PURP I DELAT PURP 2.00 0.69 0.00 3.00 1.50 4.00 2.25 250.00 280.00 310.00 2.00 15.00 8.00 20.00 9.00 12.00 25.00 15.00 7.00 0.00 CUBIC FEET CUBIC FEEr CUBIC FEET BO 6 7 0B ALL OTHERS FEET MIMUTES RINUTES BINUTES MINUTES 80 BO 6 3 TO 80 ALL OTHERS 7 B9 4 REPORT CASE STUDI -------- DRIFT -----VARIABLES --------tMULTIPLE HETBODIS) TO dstCH IARIALLES APPLT: VARIABLE L..FACE MOLdS I1 L FACE VALUE 0R RBAG# OF VALUES PROB TTPBE BEAD FEET FEET FEET FEET 5.50 1 TO 3 4 TO 6 7 10.00 6.00 8.00 4.50 5.50 12.00 8.00 10.00 5.50 7.00 14.00 10.00 12.00 7.00 9.00 FEET I TO L FACE HOLES (2) FEET FEET FEET FEET FEET 3... FACdA.BOLS (3) 8.00 10.00 14.00 L FACE HOLES (4 LFACE&BOLES (51 13.00 15.00 16.00 L.FPACE8Oi.ES (5) L-FACB..DOLES (5) 13.00 15.00 16.00 FEET FEET L.FACE HOLdS (16) L.FACsHOLES (6) 22.00 21.00 26.00 FEET L.FACE HOLES (1) L_ PAC HOLES (7) 22.00 24.00 26.00 NFrCE HOLES (1) I.FACEZ OLES 1t) 30.00 35.00 40.00 FEET N FACE HOLAS (2) N.FACE801.3 (2) 34.00 39.00 43.00 FEPT 20.00 15.00 20.00 10.00 15.00 24.00 18.00 24.00 12.00 18.00 29.00 22.00 30.00 15.00 23.00 FEET FEET FEET FEET 20.00 15.00 20.00 10.00 15.00 24.00 18.00 24.00 12.00 18.00 29.00 22.00 30.00 15.00 23.00 20.00 15.00 20.00 10.00 15.00 24.00 18.00 21.00 12.00 18.00 29.00 22.00 M30.00 15.00 23.00 N_.FAC - OLES) 4) I.FAC9_EOLS 1(51 Me NODE 14.00 10.00 12.00 7.00 9.00 L FACE.HOLIS (3 HOLAS (3) TIPs 12.00 8.00 10.00 5.50 7.00 4.50 i.FACI APPLICABLE TO NOCK SOLES11) 10.00 6.00 8.00 L.FACE HOLES(2)1 DIREISIONS (UNITS) NIF ACEgOLS 3 4 TO 6 7 ALL OTHERS (3) .LFACINOLES (S) I to 3 2 4 TO 6 7 S FEET FEET FEET FELT FEET I TO 3 STO 6 2 PEET 1 TO 3 ITO 6 2 5 M._FAC&NOLIS (5) FEET FEET 5 RETHOD I SPECIFICATIONS IN EFFICT: NETWORK FULLFACE S4CTIOi Vz4T_S A1(7.5) H(9) SHIFIS(iAIY SIIIG) COSTS(500 125 10 15) HOURS(8) ISHIFTS(GAAVETRD) COSIS(375 110 5 10) HOURS(8) SIMULATE STA3TTI3?.(7GO) SHIFTS(DAY SWIdG GRAVEYARD) MAXTI1 (24) RLSTART INPUT SPCIFICAIIONS: SIBILAR GEOLOGIES RO 6 SISILAR GZOLOGIES 80 7