S13A-1045 Source Rupture Process of the Solomon Islands Earthquake of April 1, 2007 Inferred from Teleseismic Body Waves C. Berk Biryol (cbbiryol@email.arizona.edu) and Susan L. Beck (slbeck@email.arizona.edu) GEOSCIENCES Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona Gould-Simpson Building, 1040 E. Fourth St., Tucson, AZ 85721-0077 UASCIENCE 3. SOURCE RUPTURE PROCESS 160 180 0 DG D -8 2 4 3 5 6 200 220 -20 7 20 0.00 E ST OB AL TR MAJO JNU P YOJ TAOE TLY P P 30 SNZO RER PTCN RER P P RPN PAF QSPA RPN P PAF yr 0c m/ ~1 (2) the least-squares, continuous (point-by-point) waveform inversion method of Hartzell and Heaton (1983; 1985). SNAA We used broadband teleseismic body-wave records from a distance range of 30°-100° recorded by GSN and other global Networks with data archived at the IRIS DMC. For the final inversions, we used 15 P-wave and 4 SH-wave records from 19 stations with a reasonable azimuthal distribution (Figure 2). P SNZO SNAA P QSPA SH P FOCAL MECHANISM: GCMT STATION DISTRIBUTION Using both techniques we obtained sub-event and slip distribution along fault models with fixed mechanisms, varying mechanisms and varying slip directions. We compared the results of analyses with each other in order to see how much we were able to resolve about the source parameters and rupture process of this event. Figure 2. Station distribution and recorded waveforms. Variation in Focal Mechanism Variation in Depth of Hypocenter 0.8 The results obtained from body-wave inversion are used to model the coulomb stress changes in the region. We used the COULOMB 3.1 software package for these calculations (Toda et al., 2005; Lin et al., 2004). We addopted the same physical fault parameters that we used for the waveform inversion. The resulting stress distribution is analyzed to interpret the interaction of this fault segment with the nearby fault segments and defined asperities that were sites of major energy release during past earthquakes. 0.6 Residual Waveform Misfit (Error) 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 140 120 S trike= 297 100 fr o nt 60 re p tu Ru 40 Distance (km) 80 30 40 50 GCMT This Study 0.0 60 70 80 90 F 2 1 20 0.05 0 20 40 60 80 Time (sec.) 0.1 PTCN P R PN P PAF P 21 Mo = 1.6x10 Nm Mw = 8.1 0.05 S NZO SH S NA A P 0 QS P A P 20 40 60 Time (sec.) Color Coded Source Time Functions Centroid (GCMT) Main shock Biggest aftershock (Mb=6.6) 6.0 < Mb < 6.5 5.0 < Mb < 6.0 4.5 < Mb < 5.0 Mb < 4.5 Axis of ridges Rupture Initiation Location of GCMT Depth (m) 2 -2000 Bathymetry Profile -4000 30 -6000 20 00 0 2 0 -3 0 0 0 -3 r g Ce n te n i ead Woo dlar k S 0 -2 0 0 50 100 Aftershocks in segment 1 -1000 -1000 -2 0 0 0 -3 0 0 0 10 1 idge Simbo R 0 3 -2 00 Aftershocks in segment 2 0 150 200 Distance (km) 250 300 350 400 Background seismicity of the past 7 months before the main shock The complex character of this event is revealed by the seperate locations of the centroid and rupture initiation (Figure 1). The results of our analysis also showed two major subevents that are separated in time by 15-20 seconds (Figure 4E). The first major subevent occurred at the southern tip of the fault and was followed by a relatively larger subevent to the NW. This indicates that the rupture advanced to the northwest of the epicenter in a unilateral sense. All methods and models that we used were able to resolve this feature of this event (Figure 4A, 4B and 4C). However the fault model with varying rakes did a significantly better job than the other two models in fitting the observed data (Figure 4D and 4E). The large discrepancy between seismic moments calculated in this study and that of GCMT can be attributed to the longer period energy release that cannot be resolved using the limited frequency bandwidth of the body-waves. Aftershocks in segment 3 0 -3 0 00 The slip and subevent distributions clearly show that the rupture propagated through the -12 interface across 3 plates. The seismic character along each of these individual interfaces is 154 152 156 158 160 different (Figure 5). This might be due to the different thermal, tectonic and dynamic characters Figure 5. Aftershock distribution of the event along the subduction zone together with the of these plates. Therefore we might expect the presence of heterogenities along the subducted subducting seafloor bathymetry. portions of these plates. -1 0 00 155 4. CONCLUSIONS Our results indicate that the April 1, 2007, earthquake ruptured a 240-km-long sector of the New Britain - San Cristobal subduction zone with two major subevents located where the edge of the Australian Plate subducts and where the Woodlark Microplate subducts. -6 156 157 158 1975A (M w=7.6) NB OJP 1975B (M w=7.3) 02.01.1974 (M w=7.4) -7 3 2 Based on the timing and position of the subevents, the rupture started at the interface between the Australian Plate and overriding Solomon Island Arc and then propagated northwest to rupture a large asperity located on the Woodlark plate. These two subevents dominated the first 65 seconds of the event within the 120-140 km length of the rupture plane. SS 1 2 1 SIA 0.4 0.3 0.2 NEIC This Study 10 11 0.1 7 8 9 Double-Couple Focal Mechanisms 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Depth of Hypocenter (km) pulse stripping method point-by-point waveform inversion method Figure 3. Results of sensitivity analysis for varying focal mechanisms and rupture initiation depths using both of the techiques mentioned above. The rupture area of this event partially overlaps the portions of the fault plane that ruptured in the 1974 and 1975 doublets (Figure 6). Coulomb stress analysis indicates that some patches of increased stress overlap with the positions of the asperities that ruptured in these past events. This might be an indication that these asperities are loaded and might be the locations of major energy release in a future event along this portion of the subduction zone. 0 -1 Being an area with a high rate of plate convergence, such spatially frequent fault plane heterogenities might be the reason for the occurrence of earthquake doublets in this region. Thus, this event, with its two energetic subevents, might be a good example to show how failure of an asperity triggers the failure in the adjacent one given that the spacing of them is sufficiently small. 0.5 Bars 4 1974a (M w=7.3) -8 0.7 Residual Waveform Misfit (Error) In order to observe trade-offs among many a priori source parameters, we run several sensitivity analyses on the data (Figure 3) with some constraints implied by the geometry of the subduction zone where this event took place. Based on the goodness of the fit between calculated waveforms and observed body-wave records, the test results favored a fault 240 km x 80 km in area and focal parameters of 305, 35, 80 (strike, dip, rake). 0.7 20 0.1 YS S SH TAOE PTCN SH P Mo= 0.444x10 Nm Mw= 7.70 AFI AFI CHTO 90 POHA CHTO P 21 AFI SH -4 pr INCN POHA YOJ COR YSS 10 Figure 4. A summary of the results of the analyses, together with the correlation of observed and calculated waveforms. is e P Calculation Depth = 14km Time (sec.) T IXI P Number of Aftershocks along profile SH TLY 55 T A OE P GCMT QS P A P 00 COR 60 1 0 0.10 RER P S NZO SH -2 0 INCN 0.08 65 Y OJ P GCMT Solution R PN P S NA A P (1) the pulse stripping method of Kikuchi and Kanamori (1982; 1986; 1992) 220 70 INC N SH PTCN P -10 TIXI 200 C HT O P -2 0 0 0 P 0.06 AFI SH Woo dlar k R TIXI 0.04 TLY P PAF P 2. METHOD & DATA P 180 75 P OHA P T A OE P RER P -1 0 0 SH 160 80 C OR P C HT O P We used two different methods in our analysis of source processes of the event. Our aim here was to analyze different aspects of the event and observe degree of agreement between reults of each method. These two methods are; 140 P OHA P TLY P -12 Figure 1. Tectonic map of the study area with focal mechanisms of major doublets and the April 1, 2007, earthquake. The dashed box outlines the region of aftershocks and ruptured portion of the megathrust . AU=Australian Plate, WL=Woodlark Microplate, SIA=Solomon Island Arc, OJP=Ontong Java Plateau, SS=Solomon Sea Microplate, NB=North Bismarc Microplate, SB=South Bismarc Micoplate 120 J NU P Synthetics Y OJ P EN CH 100 Strike, Dip, Rake 305, 25, 80 Observed data 1 YSS 80 MA J O P INC N SH -8 JNU 60 85 Moment ( x10 ) 5.0<mb<6.0 6.0<mb<6.5 6.5<mb T IXI P 3 P 40 90 21 YS S SH MA J O P -10 2 0 03 0.02 0 20 sec. 1 20 s ec . -6 MAJO 6 0 .0 9 0. 06 Nm C OR P CR I 0 Aftershocks mb<4.5 4.5<mb<5.0 Mo = 0.635x10 Nm Mw = 7.80 J NU P SAN 09 0. 0 21 Strike, Dip, Rake 305, 25, 73 0. -40 20 s ec . E AU 1 -20 Slip Vector (3.5m) Slip SIA RI Projected Centroid (GCMT) CORRELATION (%) 0 140 0. 03 C 2 -20 120 Maximum Slip NW Moment Rate 21 (x10 Nm) GE D I R O B M SI 00 100 0 m 0 -1 0 0 00 0 -2 -3 0 80 Hypocenter ANALYSIS FOR VARYING MECHANISMS Moment Rate 21 (x10 Nm) Ri se la rk kling to n R ise 60 2 B Ridge imbo of S Poc 00 -2 0 0 0 0 -3 40 5 43 20 Subevents (scaled) Woodlark Microplate 03 re Woo dlark Sp n a di e C g 20 04/01/2007 (Mw=8.1) GI ZO r e t n 0 3 GCMT USGS (NEIC) 02/01/1974 (Mw=7.4) o -20 3 3 1 -40 N O RTH SOLOMO N TR ENC H 04/01/2007 (mb=6.6) 4 4 Australian Plate 0. Analysis of coulomb stress changes showed increased stresses on the neighboring fault segments and the trenchward face of the outer rise. W gh WL All three models indicated that a major part of the seismic moment is released in the form of two pulses separated by 15-20 seconds. The second pulse is the largest one and it is located northwest of the hypocenter, implying a northwestward directed unilateral rupture. The results also reveal a complex rupture pattern for this earhquake. We interpret these complexities as due to fault plane heterogenities. These heterogenities are also thought to be responsible for the occurence of earthquake doublets in this region. ro u 6 5 5 SE Solomon Sea Microplate tion jec Pro -200 0 -1 0 0 0 Teleseismic body wave inversion techniques are used in order to investigate the source properties. CH 4 -6 07/20/1975B (Mw=7.3) 4 -20 NW of Woodlark Rise ection Proj 00 A 0 OJP 07/20/1975A (Mw=7.6) 5 3 AUSTRALIA 01/31/1974 (Mw=7.3) bir an dT 20 Woodlark Microplate o Ridge Simb -3 0 (3) varying focal mechanisms along the faulted region. Study Area Australian Plate of ion ject Pro SS SE FAULT MODEL WITH FIXED THRUST MECHANISM Solomon Sea Microplate Strike Dip BRITA IN NEW TR EN FAULT MODEL WITH VARYING RAKES -4 NB Tro (2) varying slip directions over the area of rupture, and 160 07/14/1971 (Mw=8.1) SB We investigated the source process of the April 1, 2007, earthquake using three different faulting models. These are: (1) fixed thrust mechanism over the entire extend of the fault, 158 07/26/1971 (Mw=8.0) This region, where 4 plates intersect, is tectonically complex. Along the Solomon Island convergent margin, the relatively small Woodlark and Solomon plates enter into the subduction zone side-by-side with the much larger Australia plate (Fig. 1). On a regional scale, this subduction zone plate boundary is characterized by the occurrence of large earthquake doublets (a sequence of 2 large events) in 1971, 1974, 1975 and 2000 (Mw > 7.0) 156 of Woodlark Rise ection j o r P 154 od A large earthquake (Mw 8.1) followed by a tsunami took place in the southeast Pacific along the New Britain subduction zone on April 1, 2007. 152 3 1. INTRODUCTION & SUMMARY 0. 0 THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA -2 -3 -9 -4 AU WL Biggest Aftershock mb<4.5 Centroid (GCMT) 4.5<mb<5.5 Epicenter (NEIC) 5.5<mb<6.0 Asperities (this study) Asperities from 1974-1975 events (Xu and Schwartz, 1993) Figure 6. Coulomb Stress change in the study area and the locations of past and present asperities.