Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 96, No. 6, pp. 2206–2220, December 2006, doi: 10.1785/0120060045 MMI Attenuation and Historical Earthquakes in the Basin and Range Province of Western North America by William H. Bakun Abstract Earthquakes in central Nevada (1932–1959) were used to develop a modified Mercalli intensity (MMI) attenuation model for estimating moment magnitude M for earthquakes in the Basin and Range province of interior western North America. M is 7.4–7.5 for the 26 March 1872 Owens Valley, California, earthquake, in agreement with Beanland and Clark’s (1994) M 7.6 that was estimated from geologic field observations. M is 7.5 for the 3 May 1887 Sonora, Mexico, earthquake, in agreement with Natali and Sbar’s (1982) M 7.4 and Suter’s (2006) M 7.5, both estimated from geologic field observations. MMI at sites in California for earthquakes in the Nevada Basin and Range apparently are not much affected by the Sierra Nevada except at sites near the Sierra Nevada where MMI is reduced. This reduction in MMI is consistent with a shadow zone produced by the root of the Sierra Nevada. In contrast, MMI assignments for earthquakes located in the eastern Sierra Nevada near the west margin of the Basin and Range are greater than predicted at sites in California. These higher MMI values may result from critical reflections due to layering near the base of the Sierra Nevada. Introduction The Basin and Range (B&R) province (Fig. 1) is part of a wide, diffuse, seismically active plate boundary that accommodates the relative motion of the Pacific and North American plates via east–west extension and right-lateral shear (Hammond and Thatcher, 2004). The 3 May 1887 Sonora, Mexico, B&R M 7.5 earthquake is the largest historical normal faulting earthquake in North America. The 1954 Fairview-Dixie Valley sequence of M 6 and M 7 earthquakes contained a significant component of right-lateral slip (Hodgkinson et al., 1996b). Also, the 26 March 1872 Owens Valley event (Beanland and Clark, 1994) on the west margin of the B&R is one of the three largest historical strike-slip California earthquakes—only the 1857 M 7.9 Fort Tejon and 1906 M 7.8 San Francisco earthquakes were larger. Despite recurrence times of thousands-to-tens of thousands of years for individual B&R faults (Wallace, 1981), several magnitude 7 B&R earthquakes have occurred in the past 150 years. The clustering of many of these historical earthquakes in the Central Nevada Seismic Zone (CNSZ) may be explained at least in part by stress triggering (Hodgkinson et al., 1996a). The 1932–1959 magnitude 51⁄2–71⁄2 earthquakes in the CNSZ provide a unique opportunity to model modified Mercalli intensity (MMI) attenuation for B&R earthquakes. This article will develop a model of MMI attenuation with distance for CNSZ earthquakes and test its usefulness for other B&R events. With this model, M 7.5 will be estimated from MMI assignments for the 3 May 1887 Sonora, Mexico, earthquake, consistent with the M 7.4 and 7.5 estimated from geologic field observations by Natali and Sbar (1982) and by Suter (2006), respectively. Earthquakes in the CNSZ and in the Sierra Nevada (SN) provide an opportunity to model the effects of the SN on the distribution of MMI at sites in California. These MMI models provide a means to estimate M for historical SN earthquakes using MMI assignments. M 7.4–7.5 will be estimated for the 26 March 1872 Owens Valley, California, earthquake, consistent with the M 7.6 estimated by Beanland and Clark (1994) from geologic field observations. It has long been known that the SN delays travel times from nearby earthquakes, presumably the result of wave propagation through the root of the SN (Byerly, 1937). Although the existence of a root of the SN centered to the west of the highest elevation of the SN is generally accepted (e.g., see Fliedner et al., 2000), its location and nature are controversial. If there is a SN root, there must be an adjacent shadow zone (Bolt and Gutdeutsch, 1982) where seismic amplitudes of crustal phases are diminished. No such shadow zone has been reported heretofore. I will modify the B&R model using MMI assignments for SN events at sites in California to develop an MMI model for paths through the SN. MMI is higher than predicted by the B&R model, consistent with critical reflections from layering near the base (root) of the SN. For Nevada B&R events, MMI at sites within and adjacent to the SN are reduced, consistent with a root of the SN and its shadow zone. 2206 2207 MMI Attenuation and Historical Earthquakes in the Basin and Range Province of Western North America Let MMI ⳱ C 0 Ⳮ C1 M Ⳮ C2 Dh Ⳮ C3 log Dh . (1) C0 and C1 relate the MMI and M scales. C2 can be associated with intrinsic attenuation and scattering, and C3 with geometric spreading. I used Joyner and Boore’s (1993) onestage maximum likelihood method developed for regression analysis of strong-motion data to fit the 35 median Dh for the nine calibration events (Table 2) to obtain the B&R MMI attenuation model: MMI B&R ⳱ (0.44 Ⳳ 2.34) Ⳮ (1.70 Ⳳ 0.33)M ⳮ (0.0048 Ⳳ 0.0014)Dh ⳮ (2.73 Ⳳ 0.49) log Dh , Figure 1. Map of the B&R province and surrounding regions. The approximate perimeter of the B&R (dashed red line) is adapted from Smith and Arabasz (1991). Epicenters of calibration earthquakes for the B&R and for the SN MMI attenuation models are shown as black and blue circles, respectively. Epicenters of test earthquakes are shown as red dots. Locations of the 1872 Owens Valley, California, and 1887 Sonora, Mexico, earthquakes are black triangles. (2) where Dh is in kilometers. There is considerable uncertainty in the coefficients C0 and C1, in part, because local magnitude ML, surface-wave magnitude MS, and Gutenberg-Richter (1954) magnitude MG-R were used for events where instrumental M is not available (see Table 3). The mean and standard deviation of the difference between observed and predicted MMI, (MMI ⳮ MMIpred), are 0.007 and 0.58, respectively, for the 35 median Dh. If the MI values in Table 3 are used to calculate MMIB&R, the standard deviation of (MMI ⳮ MMIB&R) is reduced to 0.34. Estimates of M and Source Location Following Bakun and Wentworth (1997), I use (2) to estimate M from individual intensity observations for a grid of trial epicenters. That is, B&R Attenuation Model Nine CNSZ earthquakes (black circles in Fig. 1) were used as calibration events to develop an MMI attenuation model for B&R paths (Table 1). Note that the 1954 Fairview Peak and Dixie Valley earthquakes are treated as a single event (no. 9) because the intensities are aggregated in Murphy and Cloud (1956). To avoid potentially significant effects of the SN that might bias the B&R MMI model, the MMI assignments are restricted to paths that do not cross the SN or parts of California west of the B&R. That is, only MMI assignments at B&R sites in Arizona, California, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, and Utah are used to develop the B&R MMI attenuation model (Fig. 2). Most of the strong shaking that is measured by intensity assignments is generated by slip on the fault near the moment centroid. Although the focal depths of crustal earthquakes vary, the depth of the moment centroid, or the depth of maximum displacement, is usually about 10 km. I assume a depth h of 10 km to avoid computations with zero distances at sites near the source. Dh is (D2 Ⳮ h2)1/2, where D is epicentral distance, and h is assumed to be 10 km. I use the median Dh of the retained MMI assignments to characterize the intensity data for each intensity level. The median Dh for the nine calibration events are listed in Table 2. MI ⳱ mean (Mi ), (3) where Mi ⳱ {( MMIi ⳮ 0.44 Ⳮ 0.0048Dh,i Ⳮ 2.73 log(Dh,i )}/1.7. (4) MMIi, and Dh,i are the MMI assignment and the hypocentral distance, respectively, at site i. I find the misfit for each trial epicenter from rms [MI] ⳱ [rms (MI ⳮ Mi ) ⳮ rms0 (MI ⳮ Mi )], (5) where rms is the root-mean-square function, rms (MI ⳮ Mi) ⳱ {Ri[Wi(MI ⳮ Mi)]2/RiWi2}1/2, rms0(MI ⳮ Mi) is the minimum rms (MI ⳮ Mi) over the grid of trial epicenters, and Wi is Bakun and Wentworth’s (1997) distance-weighting function: Wi ⳱ 0.1 Ⳮ cos[(Di /150)(p/2)] 冦0.1 for Di ⬍ 150 km (6) for Di ⱖ 150 km. 2208 W. H. Bakun Table 1 Calibration and Test Earthquakes Date No. † 1 2† 3† 4 5 6† 7† 8† 9†‡ 10† 11† 12 13 14§ 15 16 17§ 18§ 19§ 20§ 21 Event Name Cedar Mountain Excelsior Mountains Hansel Valley mainshock (OT:1505GMT) Hansel Valley aftershock (OT:1820GMT) Rainbow Mountain 1 Rainbow Mountain 2 a) Fairview Peak (OT:1107GMT); b) Dixie Valley (OT:1111GMT) Arizona–Utah Border Cache Valley Truckee Pocatello Valley Chino Valley Mammoth Lakes Mammoth Lakes (OT:1633GMT) Mammoth Lakes (OT:1450GMT) Mammoth Lakes Chalfant Valley Epicenter* State Yr Mo Day ⬚N ⬚W NV NV NV UT UT NV NV NV NV 1932 1933 1934 1934 1934 1939 1954 1954 1954 12 6 1 3 3 5 7 8 12 21 25 30 12 12 11 6 24 16 38.75 39.08 38.28 41.80 41.80 38.58 39.42 39.58 39.32 117.82 119.33 118.37 112.90 112.90 117.83 118.53 118.45 118.20 NV NV AZ UT CA ID AZ CA CA CA CA CA 1959 1959 1959 1962 1966 1975 1976 1978 1980 1980 1981 1986 3 6 7 8 9 3 2 10 5 5 9 7 23 23 21 30 12 28 4 4 25 27 30 21 39.60 39.08 36.80 41.92 39.44 42.06 34.66 37.51 37.59 37.49 37.59 37.54 118.02 118.82 112.37 111.73 120.16 112.52 112.50 118.69 118.85 118.83 118.89 118.45 *Stover and Coffman (1993). † Calibration event; otherwise, a test event. ‡ Intensities for 9a and 9b are aggregated in Murphy and Cloud (1956). § SN event. For earthquakes with sufficient intensity assignments, the rms [MI] contours bound the epicentral region. Bakun and Wentworth (1997) associated rms contour values with confidence levels that the epicenter was within the contour, as tabulated in the corrected table 5a of Bakun and Wentworth (1999). The resolution of the source location is largely controlled by the quantity, spatial distribution, and internal consistency of the intensity assignments (Bakun and Scotti, 2006). Events with many, consistent intensity assignments distributed at near sites surrounding the source region can be precisely and reliably located. Events with only a few reliable intensity assignments usually cannot be precisely and reliably located. The intensity center is the trial source location for which rms [MI] is minimum (Bakun, 1999). The intensity center corresponds more to the location of the moment centroid than to the epicenter (Bakun, 2006). Following Bakun and Wentworth (1997), MI and rms [MI] are calculated over a grid of trial source locations and contoured. In Figures 3–8, 12a, 14, and 15, contours of MI are shown as red lines and contours of rms [MI] corresponding to the 67% and 95% confidence levels are shown as green lines. There is a 67% likelihood that the epicenter is within the 67% contour (inner green contour) and a 95% likelihood that the epicenter is within the 95% contour (outer green contour). MI at a trial location is the best estimate of M for that source location. The confidence range for M is estimated using the number of intensity assignments and table 5b of Bakun and Wentworth (1999). M for the B&R Calibration Earthquakes The MI listed in Table 3, estimated using the B&R paths and (3), are independent estimates of M for the calibration events. Doser’s (1988) inversions of body waves provide lower bound estimates of M 6.7 and M 6.1 for events 1 and 3, respectively, consistent with MI 7.1 and 6.1, respectively. Doser and Kanamori (1987) used the north–south longperiod strainmeter at Pasadena to obtain seismic moment M0 8.9–19.5 ⳯ 1026 dyne cm for the 1954 Dixie Valley and Fairview Peak earthquakes, corresponding to an aggregated M 7.3–7.5. The MMI assignments for these earthquakes are also aggregated in Murphy and Cloud (1956). If the Fairview Peak event is twice the size of the Dixie Valley event (Doser and Kanamori, 1987), MI is 7.3 and 7.1 for the Fairview Peak and Dixie Valley events, respectively. Doser and Kanamori’s (1987) M0 corresponds to M 7.2 and M 7.0 for the Fairview Peak and Dixie Valley events, respectively (Ellsworth, 1990). That is, the seismic constraints on M available for the calibration events are consistent with the MI in Table 3. MMI Attenuation and Historical Earthquakes in the Basin and Range Province of Western North America 2209 Table 1). This MS 6.6 mainshock was followed by a significant aftershock at 18h20m UT (event 5 in Table 1). Doser and Smith (1982) used body-wave displacement spectra to obtain M0 7.7 ⳯ 1025 dyne cm (corresponding M 6.6) and M0 3.1 ⳯ 1024 dyne cm (corresponding M 5.6) for events 4 and 5, respectively. The intensity center for the mainshock is located 30 km southwest of the epicenter. MI is 6.4 at the intensity center and at the epicenter (Fig. 3). For 160 MMI assignments, the 95% confidence range is ⳮ0.25, Ⳮ0.17 (Bakun and Wentworth, 1999) so that M for the mainshock is 6.1 to 6.6 at the 95% confidence level. The confidence limits for M given for other events in this article are estimated similarly. For the Hansel Valley aftershock (event 5 in Table 1), MI is 5.8 at the intensity center and 5.7 at the epicenter (Fig. 4). M is 5.5 to 6.0 at the 95% confidence level for the Hansel Valley aftershock. 1959 Arizona–Utah Border Earthquake The 21 July 1959 earthquake (event 12 in Table 1) occurred near the Arizona–Utah border within the Colorado Plateau (Fig. 1). There is no instrumental M available, but the ML assigned by California Institute of Technology (Caltech) is 5.6. The intensity center is located 22 km northwest of the epicenter. MI is 5.3 at the intensity center and 5.5 at the epicenter (Fig. 5). M is 5.1 to 5.7 at the 95% confidence level. Figure 2. MMI assignments for B&R sites in California (dots) and sites in Arizona, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, and Utah (open circles) for the 23 March 1959 (a) and 16 December 1954 (b) calibration events. The median Dh for sites not in California (open squares) are used to define the B&R MMI attenuation model. 1962 Cache Valley, Utah, Earthquake B&R Test Events 1934 Hansel Valley, Utah, Earthquakes The largest historical earthquake in Utah occurred in Hansel Valley on 12 March 1934 at 15h05m UT (event 4 in The 30 August 1962 (event 13 in Table 1) occurred near the East Cache fault along the Intermountain Seismic Belt. Doser and Smith (1982) used body-wave displacement spectra to obtain M0 7.0 ⳯ 1024 dyne cm (corresponding M 5.9), consistent with Wallace et al.’s (1981) estimate of M0 7.1 ⳯ 1024 dyne cm. The intensity center is located 41 km southeast of the epicenter. MI is 6.2 at the intensity center and 6.1 at the epicenter (Fig. 6). M is 5.9 to 6.4 at the 95% confidence level. Table 2 Intensity Data for Calibration Events Median Dh No. III IV V VI VII 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 394.0 166.4 257.1 276.0 130.1 146.2 110.4 290.2 389.7 443.9 153.6 133.8 181.5 60.4 112.0 95.1 195.9 226.0 320.6 131.7 69.3 190.2 39.9 27.7 117.2 336.0 434.5 520.4 98.1 119.5 162.5 35.0 VIII 22.1 32.5 95.1 MMI Source Neumann (1934) Neumann (1935) Neumann (1936) Bodle (1941) Murphy and Cloud (1956) Murphy and Cloud (1956) Murphy and Cloud (1956) Eppley and Cloud (1961) Eppley and Cloud (1961) 2210 W. H. Bakun Table 3 Earthquake Magnitudes No. Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9a 9b 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Cedar Mountain Excelsior Mountains Hansel Valley mainshock Hansel Valley aftershock Rainbow Mountain 1 Rainbow Mountain 2 Fairview Peak Dixie Valley Arizona–Utah Border Cache Valley Truckee Pocatello Valley Chino Valley Mammoth Lakes Mammoth Lakes Mammoth Lakes Mammoth Lakes Chalfant Valley Magnitude Source Ml* M (95% Confidence Range)† 7.3 6.1 6.5 6.6 5.6 5.5 6.6 6.8 7.1 6.8 6.3 6.1 5.6 5.9 5.9 6.1 4.6¶ 5.5 6.2 5.9 5.6 6.2 MG-R 7.2 and MS 7.4 (Ellsworth, 1990); M 6.7 (Doser, 1988) MG-R (Ellsworth, 1990) MG-R 6.5 (Ellsworth, 1990); M 6.1 (Doser, 1988) M (Doser and Smith, 1982) M (Doser and Smith, 1982) ML (BRK)** MG-R (Ellsworth, 1990) MG-R (Ellsworth, 1990) MG-R (Ellsworth, 1990) MG-R (Ellsworth, 1990) ML (BRK)** ML (BRK)** ML (PAS)** M (Doser and Smith, 1982) M (Tsai and Aki, 1970) M (Doser and Smith, 1982) M (Eberhardt-Phillips et al., 1981) M (Ekstrom and Dziewonski, 1985) M (Ekstrom and Dziewonski, 1985) M (Ekstrom and Dziewonski, 1985) M (Ekstrom and Dziewonski, 1985) M (Harvard CMT) 7.1 5.8 6.1 6.4 5.7 5.7 6.8 7.1 7.3‡§ 7.1‡§ 6.2 5.8 5.5 6.1 5.9 6.0 5.5 5.6 5.9 5.7 5.6 6.2# 6.8–7.2 5.5–6.0 5.8–6.3 6.1–6.6 5.5–6.0 5.4–6.0 6.5–7.0 6.9–7.3 7.0–7.5 6.8–7.3 5.9–6.4 5.5–6.0 5.1–5.7 5.9–6.4 5.7–6.1 5.8–6.3 5.2–5.8 5.3–5.7 5.6–6.1 5.4–5.8 5.4–5.8 5.9–6.3 *Intensity magnitude evaluated at epicenter. † Using table 5b of Bakun and Wentworth (1999) for number of MMI assignments at sites not in California. ‡ Assume M0 for Fairview Peak is twice the M0 for Dixie Valley. § Aggregate Ml 7.4 for 9a (Fairview Peak) and 9b (Dixie Valley) events. ¶ Based on long-period seismogram at Tucson (D ⳱ 330 km). ML 5.1 (USGS, Golden, Colorado). # Using the B&R model for all MMI assignments. ** ML (BRK) and ML (PAS) are ML estimated by the University of California, Berkeley, and by Caltech, respectively. 1975 Pocatello Valley, Idaho, Earthquake The 28 March 1975 earthquake (event 15 in Table 1) occurred in the Pocatello Valley about 40 km northeast of the 1934 Hansel Valley, Utah, earthquakes. Doser and Smith (1982) used body-wave displacement spectra to obtain M0 1.9 ⳯ 1025 dyne cm, consistent with M0 2.2 ⳯ 1025 dyne cm (Bache et al., 1980), 1.6 ⳯ 1025 dyne cm (Wallace et al., 1981), and 1.2 ⳯ 1025 dyne cm (Williams, 1979). The corresponding M range from 6.0 to 6.2. The intensity center is about 5 km west of the epicenter. MI is 6.1 at the intensity center and 6.0 at the epicenter (Fig. 7). M is 5.8 to 6.3 at the 95% confidence level. 1976 Chino Valley, Arizona, Earthquake The 4 February 1976 earthquake (event 16 in Table 1) in the Chino Valley of western Arizona occurred within the transition zone between the B&R province and the Colorado Plateau. The intensity center is located 15 km northwest of the epicenter (Fig. 8). Eberhardt-Phillips et al. (1981) estimated an M0 of 1.0 ⳯ 1023 dyne cm (corresponding M 4.6), but their analysis was restricted to the World-Wide Standardized Seismograph Network (WWSSN) signal recorded at Tucson (D ⳱ 330 km) due to interference at other WWSSN stations from a Kamchatka teleseism that occurred 7 min before. ML assigned by Caltech was 5.2 (Stover and Coffman, 1993). MI is 5.6 at the intensity center and 5.5 at the epicenter. M is 5.2 to 5.8 at the 95% confidence level. The various estimates of magnitude do not agree but there are good reasons to assign large uncertainties to EberhardtPhillips et al.’s (1981) M0 and to prefer the MI 5.5. B&R Test Events—Summary The magnitude and location estimates obtained using MMI assignments for the six test events (4, 5, 12, 13, 15, and 16 in Tables 1 and 3) suggest that the B&R MMI atten- uation model obtained from central Nevada earthquakes is appropriate for earthquakes elsewhere in the B&R. Excluding the (M ⳮ MI) ⳱ ⳮ0.9 for the 1976 Chino Valley earthquake as anomalous because M is poorly determined, |(M ⳮ MI)| ⱕ0.2 for the other five test events. If the ML assigned by Caltech is used for the 1976 Chino Valley event rather than M, the instrumental magnitudes for all six test events are within the Ⳳ2r for M estimated from the intensity data. The mean distance of the intensity center from the epicenter is 23 km and epicenters for all six events are within the 95% confidence region for location. MMI Attenuation and Historical Earthquakes in the Basin and Range Province of Western North America Figure 3. The 12 March 1934 Hansel Valley, Utah, mainshock (event 4). MMI intensity assignments are circles, the epicenter (Epic.) is a red star, and the intensity center IC is a green triangle. The contours of MI (dashed red lines) are the best estimates of M from the MMI assignments for assumed epicenters on that contour. The rms [MI] contours corresponding to the 67% (innermost contour) and 95% confidence contours (outermost contour) for location (Bakun and Wentworth, 1999) are shown as solid green lines. Sierra Nevada–California Attenuation Model The five SN events (events 14 and 17–20 in Table 1) that are located near the west margin of the B&R are shown as blue circles in Figure 1. Mi values using (4) for these events vary with the azimuth of the MMI site from the epicenter (Fig. 9). The Mi for easterly azimuths (B&R paths) are less than Mi for westerly azimuths (SN paths). By inspection, the effect of different MMI attenuation due to the SN occurs for epicenter-to-MMI-site azimuths of 145⬚ clockwise through 330⬚. For these SN azimuths, MI ⳱ mean (Mi) are greater than M for all five events (Fig. 9). For the B&R azimuths (330⬚ clockwise through 145⬚), MI for the five events are consistent with M with the mean (MI ⳮ M) ⳱ 0.04. The B&R model, (2), is apparently appropriate for MMI sites located at azimuths 330⬚ clockwise through 145⬚ of epicenters of SN earthquakes occurring along the west margin of the B&R. The MMI assignments for paths affected by the SN are used to construct a SN–California MMI path attenuation 2211 Figure 4. The 12 March 1934 Hansel Valley, Utah, aftershock (event 5). See legend to Figure 3 for definition of symbols and contours. model (SN model), which is an adaptation of the B&R model (2). MMI for SN azimuths for the five events are generally greater than the MMI predicted by (2) for Dh greater than about 100 km (Fig. 10a). Smoothed dMMI increase linearly with distance, with the exception of larger MMI for 105 km ⬍ Dh ⬍ 220 km. These larger MMI are removed (Fig. 10b) if (2) is adjusted by dA(MMIB&R ) ⳱ ⳮ0.58 Ⳮ 0.0066Dh for all Dh (7) and by dB (MMIB&R ) ⳱ 0.5 sin[(Dh ⳮ 105)p/230] for 105 km ⬍ Dh ⬍ 220 km. (8) That is the SN model is MMISN ⳱ ⳮ0.14 Ⳮ 1.70M Ⳮ 0.0018Dh ⳮ 2.73 log Dh ⳮ dB (MMIB&R), (9) where Dh is in kilometers. The effect of the SN on the attenuation of MMI is not significant for D less than about 100 km (Fig. 11), probably because geometrical spreading accounts for almost all of the decrease of MMI at these distances. The decay of MMI with D in the B&R is not very different from that in southern California (Fig. 11). 2212 W. H. Bakun Figure 5. The 21 July 1959 earthquake near the Arizona–Utah border (event 12). See legend to Figure 3 for definition of symbols and contours. M and the locations of SN earthquakes along the west margin of the B&R can be estimated if a combination model (Combo), where the SN model (9), rather than B&R model (2), is used in (4) for MMI site azimuths ranging from 145⬚ through 330⬚. The solution for the 1966 Truckee earthquake (event 14 in Table 1) using the Combo model is shown in Figure 12. MI is 5.9 and the intensity center is 6 km west of the epicenter. The mean epicenter-to-intensity-center distance for the five SN events using the Combo model is 22 km. The mean and standard deviation of (MI ⳮ M) are ⳮ0.08 and 0.18, respectively. Large Historical Earthquakes The MMI attenuation models can be used to estimate the magnitude and location of large historical earthquakes in and near the B&R. The 1872 Owens Valley, California, earthquake occurred in the eastern SN near the west margin of the B&R; the Combo MMI attenuation model is appropriate for the analysis of MMI assignments for the Owens Valley earthquake. It will be shown that the source location and M 7.4–7.5 estimated using intensity assignments are consistent with the location of surface rupture and the M estimated from geologic field observations by Beanland and Clark (1994). The 1887 Sonora, Mexico, earthquake occurred in the B&R near the U.S.–Mexico border; the B&R MMI attenuation model is appropriate for MMI assignments for the Figure 6. The 30 August 1962 Cache Valley, Utah, earthquake (event 13). See legend to Figure 3 for definition of symbols and contours. Sonora earthquake. It will be shown that the source location is poorly constrained by the intensity data, but M 7.5 estimated from intensity data for locations along the surface rupture is consistent with M estimated from geologic field observations by Natali and Sbar (1982) and by Suter (2006). The 1872 Owens Valley, California, Earthquake The 26 March 1872 earthquake ruptured about 100 km of the Owens Valley fault with predominantly right-lateral strike-slip motion; the average horizontal displacement was 6 m (Beanland and Clark, 1994). The felt area and maximum fault displacement are comparable to those of the M 7.8 1906 San Francisco and M 7.9 1857 Fort Tejon strike-slip earthquakes, but the 1906 and 1857 rupture lengths were significantly larger (Ellsworth, 1990). Previous estimates of M for the 1872 event have been based on isoseismal areas and on geologic studies of the fault rupture. Comparisons of 1872 isoseismal areas with those of other large earthquakes led Oakeshott et al. (1972) to conclude that the 1872 earthquake was a magnitude 8 event. Hanks et al. (1975) used the MMI VI isoseismal area to estimate an M0 of 5 ⳯ 1027 dyne cm; Hanks and Kanamori (1979) used Hanks et al.’s (1975) M0 to estimate M 7.8. Toppozada et al. (1981) used isoseismal areas for MMI V, VI, and VII to estimate magnitudes of 7.1, 7.1, and 7.7. MMI Attenuation and Historical Earthquakes in the Basin and Range Province of Western North America 2213 Figure 7. The 28 March 1975 Pocatello Valley, Idaho, earthquake (event 15). See legend to Figure 3 for definition of symbols and contours. Figure 9. MI (circles) using (2) for SN events versus the epicenter-to-site azimuth (⬚ measured clockwise from north ⳱ 0⬚). (a) 1966 Truckee; (b) to (e) Mammoth Lakes events. The dashed red lines are the MI ⳱ mean (Mi) for B&R paths (330⬚ clockwise to 145⬚) and for paths through the SN (other azimuths). The MI values are given as red numbers. Figure 8. The 4 February 1976 Chino Valley, Arizona, earthquake (event 16). See legend to Figure 3 for definition of symbols and contours. Ignoring the MI obtained for the offshore MMI V isoseismal, Toppozada et al.’s (1981) MI would be 7.4. Toppozada and Branum’s (2004) MI 7.4 is a misprint (Toppozada, written comm. 2005); their MI is 7.1 for the 1872 event. Beanland and Clark (1994) used measurements of fault offsets and rupture length to obtain an M0 1.8–4.4 ⳯ 1027 dyne cm, and an M of 7.5 to 7.7. Finally, Stein and Hanks (1998) adopted Beanland and Clark’s (1994) geologic measurements to es- 2214 W. H. Bakun Figure 11. The B&R model, the SN model, and Bakun’s (2006) MMI attenuation model for southern California (SoCalif) for an M 6.0 source. (a) dMMI ⳱ (MMI ⳮ MMIB&R) for SN paths for the five SN events located near the west margin of the B&R are black dots. The red dotted line is the output of a Stineman (1980) smoothing filter applied to the dMMI. The green dashed line is a linear trend along the red dotted line. (b) The smoothed dMMI ⳱ (MMI ⳮ MMISN) for the MMI assignments in a. Figure 10. timate an M0 2 ⳯ 1027 dyne cm, which corresponds to M 7.5, rather than the M 7.4 listed by Stein and Hanks (1998). I used Toppozada et al.’s (1981) summary descriptions of the effects of the 1872 event. There are almost no MMI ⬍V assignments because most people were asleep when the 2:30 a.m. event occurred. Toppozada et al.’s (1981) MMI V isoseismal is in the Pacific Ocean from San Francisco to San Diego. The truncation of the MMI V assignments at the California coast would bias estimates of MI if the MMI V assignments in California were included. Estimating MI using intensity assignments for only those intensity levels with apparently complete sampling of the D distribution is a better strategy (Bakun and Scotti, 2006). MMI assignments are truncated at the California coast at about D ⳱ 450 km; the sampling of MMI is apparently complete at the MMI V 1⁄2 level (Fig. 13a), but MMI V assignments that would normally be expected at D greater than about 450 km are missing. Mi for the MMI ⱖ V 1⁄2 assignments are not sensitive to epicenter-to-MMI site azimuth if the Combo MMI attenuation model is used (Fig. 13b). The intensity center is located at the south end of the 1872 rupture (Fig. 14), where the maximum slip of about 10 m occurred (Beanland and Clark, 1994). MI is 7.44 at the intensity center and about 7.45 along the 100- to 110-km rupture length. M is 7.1 to 7.6 at the 95% confidence level. My preferred M is 7.4–7.5 and Beanland and Clark’s (1994) preferred M is 7.6, and there is considerable overlap in the 95% confidence range of M from intensity data and Beanland and Clark’s (1994) permissible M 7.5–7.7 range. For a 110-km-long strike-slip rupture length on a continental fault, the expected M is 7.2 (Wells and Coppersmith, 1994) to 7.3 (Hanks and Bakun, 2002), suggesting that the 1872 Owens Valley earthquake was a high stress drop source. 1887 Sonora, Mexico, Earthquake The 3 May 1887 earthquake that ruptured the east side of the San Bernardino Valley in northeastern Sonora, Mexico, was one of the largest historic normal faulting earthquakes in North America (Fig. 15). Field measurements suggest an average displacement of 3 m over a rupture length of 80 km with a maximum displacement of 4.5 m (Natali and Sbar, 1982). Assuming a rupture depth of 0 to 16 km, Natali and Sbar (1982) estimated M0 ⳱ 1.27 ⳯ 1027 dynecm (M 7.4). Suter (2006) used postearthquake field observations by Goodfellow (1887a, 1887b, 1888) and Aguilera (1888, 1920) to estimate a rupture length of 101.8 km. Suter (2006) used this rupture length and Wells and Coppersmith (1994) normal fault regression relation to estimate M 7.5. DuBois and Smith (1980) compiled descriptions of the MMI Attenuation and Historical Earthquakes in the Basin and Range Province of Western North America 2215 Figure 13. (a) MMI assignments for the 1872 Owens Valley, California, earthquake for B&R paths (open circles) and SN paths (dots). MMI V assignments are generally not available at D ⬎450 km, the epicentral distance from San Diego. (b) Mi estimate from MMI ⬎V using the Combo MMI model. MI ⳱ mean (Mi) ⳱ 7.46. Figure 12. The 12 September 1966, Truckee, California, earthquake (event 14). (a) See legend to Figure 3 for definition of symbols and contours. (b) Mi (circles) using the B&R model for azimuths from 330⬚ clockwise through 145⬚ and the SN model for other azimuths. The red line is MI ⳱ mean (Mi) ⳱ 5.9 for all Mi values. nardino Valley leaves little doubt of the source location. I assume Stover and Coffman’s (1993) epicenter location (30.8⬚ N, 109.25⬚ W). MI is 7.5, in close agreement with Natali and Sbar’s (1982) M 7.4 and Suter’s (2006) M 7.5, both estimated from geologic field observations. M is 7.2 to 7.7 at the 95% confidence level. Discussion effects of the 1887 event and assigned MMI for 214 sites in the United States and Mexico. Sbar and DuBois (1984) listed coordinates for 171 of DuBois and Smith’s (1980) 214 sites. Many of DuBois and Smith’s (1980) MMI values were assigned by using descriptions of ground failures and/or damage to adobe structures of unknown resistance to shaking. Ground failure and damage to adobe structures can occur over a wide range of input ground shaking, so DuBois and Smith’s (1980) listed ranges of MMI for many sites. I used DuBois and Smith’s (1980) descriptions of effects to assign unambiguous MMI at 27 sites; MMI IV at 2 sites, MMI V at 10 sites, and MMI VI at 15 sites (Table 4). The MMI V and VI assignments are sufficient to estimate MI, but not to adequately constrain the epicenter (Fig. 15). Fortunately, the mapped surface rupture along the east side of the San Ber- MMI Attenuation in the Western Rocky Mountains and in the Colorado Plateau Five of the six test events (4, 5, 13, 15, and 16 in Table 1) lie near the boundary of the B&R, and the 1959 Arizona– Utah border event (event 12) occurred in the Colorado Plateau (Fig. 1). If the B&R model were not appropriate for these events, then Mi would change with the azimuth of the MMI site from the epicenter. There are no systematic changes of Mi with azimuth for the B&R test events (Fig. 16), in contrast with the variations of Mi obtained for the SN events (Fig. 9). The patterns of Mi for the Utah events (Fig. 16a, b, and d) suggest that the attenuation of MMI in the western Rocky Mountains is not significantly different from that in the B&R. The pattern of Mi for the 1976 Chino 2216 W. H. Bakun Figure 14. The 1872 Owens Valley, California, earthquake for MMI ⬎V assignments. See legend to Figure 3 for definition of symbols and contours. The blue line is Beanland and Clark’s (1994) zone of surface rupture. Valley event (Fig. 16f) suggests that the attenuation of MMI in the Colorado Plateau is not significantly different from that in the B&R. The consistency of MI and ML and the pattern of Mi for the 1959 Arizona–Utah border event (Fig. 16c) support this inference. Figure 15. The 1887 Sonora, Mexico, earthquake for MMI V (smaller circles) and VI (larger circles) assignments (Table 4). See legend to Figure 3 for definition of symbols and contours. The blue line is the extent of surface displacement on the Pitaycachi fault (Natali and Sbar, 1982). Coffman and Stover’s (1993) location (red star) is the preferred location. The intensity center is the green triangle. central California relative to Pakiser and Brune’s (1980) 50 km depth of the base of the SN. The SN Model and the Root of the Sierra Nevada The slow rate of decrease of MMI for D ⬎100 km in the SN model (Fig. 11) can be explained by critical reflections from layers near the base of the SN. Similar reflections from the crustal layers and the Moho influenced damage patterns in and near San Francisco (D ⳱ 100 km) during the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake (e.g., Somerville and Yoshimura, 1990; Catchings and Kohler, 1996). Pakiser and Brune’s (1980) preferred model for the root of the SN implies low-velocity crustal rocks beneath a subducted ophiolite sequence (slab) dipping eastward at about 50 km depth beneath the western margin of the SN. The “bump” in MMI at 105 km ⬍ D ⬍ 130 km in the SN model is also reminiscent of the “bump” in ML residuals at 75 km ⬍ D ⬍ 125 km for earthquakes in central California that was interpreted by Bakun and Joyner (1984) as the result of Moho reflections. Bakun and Joyner’s (1984) ML bump and the damage effects in the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake occurred at somewhat smaller D, consistent with a shallow Moho (25–30 km) in The Root of the SN and Earthquakes in Nevada How does the SN affect strong shaking from Nevada earthquakes? Tests using the nine CNSZ calibration events (three of the nine events are shown in Fig. 17a–c) show a consistent pattern of Mi with azimuth that is different from that of the SN earthquakes shown in Figure 9. The MI obtained using the Combo model (Fig. 17a–c, left column) are significantly smaller than the MI obtained for B&R paths. Moreover, the Mi for the nine CNSZ earthquakes using the B&R model are not systematically greater for SN paths (Fig. 17a–c, right column). The smoothed dMMI for the nine CNSZ events for SN paths show only a small increase with D and there is no “bump” in MMI that can be associated with reflections from layering near the base of the SN (Fig. 18). The most notable aspect is the bay (negative values) in the smoothed dMMI at 40 km ⬍ D ⬍ 90 km. A decrease in crustal phase amplitudes at sites within and adjacent to the 2217 MMI Attenuation and Historical Earthquakes in the Basin and Range Province of Western North America Table 4 MMI Assignments Used for the 1887 Sonora, Mexico, Earthquake Place Albuquerque Altar Benson Bisbee Chihuahua City Crittenden El Paso Elgin Ft. Apache Ft. Thomas Gila Crossing Globe Guaymas Harshaw Kingston Las Cruces Nogales Oro Blanco Pantano Phoenix Pinal San Simon Solomonville Tombstone Tucson Washington Camp Yuma MMI* VI VII VIII VII–VIII V VI VII–VIII VI–VII VII–VIII V V VI–VII IV VI–VII V VI–VII VI–VII VI VII–VIII VI VI VII VII VII–VIII VII–VIII VI–VII IV–V MMI† V V VI VI V VI VI VI VI V IV V V VI V V VI V VI V VI VI VI VI VI VI IV Lat (⬚ N)‡ Long (⬚ W)‡ 35.08 30.72 31.96 31.44 28.63 31.65 31.76 31.66 33.78 33.03 33.41 33.4 27.93 31.47 32.92 32.31 31.34 31.48 32 33.45 33.3 32.27 32.81 31.71 32.22 31.42 32.72 106.65 111.73 110.3 109.92 106.08 110.7 106.48 110.52 109.98 109.95 112.34 110.78 110.9 110.7 107.7 106.78 110.94 111.28 110.58 112.07 111.08 109.23 109.63 110.07 110.97 110.55 114.72 *MMI assigned by DuBois and Smith (1980). † MMI assigned here using descriptions in DuBois and Smith (1980). I do not consider ground failure or damage to buildings of unknown (presumably poor) construction. ‡ Taken from Sbar and DuBois (1984). SN is expected if there is a root to the SN (Bolt and Gutdeutsch, 1982). That is, the shadow zone in MMI is independent evidence for a root of the SN. The 1986 Chalfant Valley, California, Earthquake Figure 16. Mi (circles) using (2) for B&R test events versus the epicenter-to-site azimuth (⬚ measured clockwise from north ⳱ 0⬚). The dashed lines are MI. The 21 July 1986 M 6.2 Chalfant Valley event occurred in the B&R about 35 km east of the four 1978–1981 Mammoth Lakes events (Fig. 1). Although the pattern of MMI variation with azimuth (Fig. 17d, right column) is similar to that for the five SN events (Fig. 9), MI is 5.7 using the Combo model. On the other hand, MI is 6.2, equal to the instrumental M if the B&R model is used for all azimuths (Fig. 17d, right column). The discrepancy of M and MI using the Combo model for Nevada earthquakes (Fig. 17a–c) is similar to that of the Chalfant Valley earthquake. The influence of the SN on MMI assignments at California sites is apparently that of the earthquakes in the Nevada B&R and not that of the nearby Mammoth Lakes, California, SN earthquakes. MI should be estimated using the B&R model. That is, MI is 6.2 for the Chalfant Valley earthquake. 2218 W. H. Bakun Figure 17. Mi (circles) versus azimuth for: (a) 1954 Rainbow Mountain 1, Nevada (event 7); (b) 1954 Rainbow Mountain 2, Nevada (event 8); (c) 1954 Fairview Peak and Dixie Valley, Nevada (event 9); (d) 1986 Chalfant Valley, California (event 21), events using the Combo model (left column) and the B&R (right column) models. The red dashed lines are the MI. MMI assignments in (d) are taken from Stover and Brewer (1994). MMI Attenuation and Historical Earthquakes in the Basin and Range Province of Western North America 2219 close agreement with Natali and Sbar’s (1982) M 7.4 and Suter’s (2006) M 7.5, both estimated from geologic field observations. M is 7.2 to 7.7 at the 95% confidence level. Acknowledgments The comments and suggestions of Tom Brocher and Woody Savage greatly improved the manuscript. The Generic Mapping Tools software package by Wessel and Smith (1991) was used to generate many of the figures. dMMI ⳱ (MMI ⳮ MMIB&R) for SN paths (225⬚ clockwise through 315⬚) for the nine CNSZ calibration events. The red dotted line is the output of a Stineman (1980) smoothing filter. The dotted green line is a linear trend, dMMI ⳱ 0.00038Dh, along the red line. The deviation of red and green lines for 40 km ⬍ Dh ⬍ 90 km is consistent with a shadow zone associated with the root of the SN. Figure 18. References Conclusions 1. Nine CNSZ earthquakes were used as calibration events to develop an MMI attenuation model for estimating M for earthquakes in the B&R province of interior western North America. MMIB&R ⳱ (0.44 Ⳳ 2.34) Ⳮ (1.70 Ⳳ 0.33)M ⳮ (0.0048 Ⳳ 0.0014)Dh ⳮ (2.73 Ⳳ 0.49)log Dh , 2. 3. 4. 5. 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