Surface Structural Changes of Perovskite Oxides during Oxygen Evolution in Alkaline Electrolyte MCHIVEs ASSACHUSETV1S INS71TrE~ F TECHNOLoY by UN 2 5 2 Kevin J. May BRA S B.Eng., Engineering Physics, McMaster University (2010) SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 2013 @ 2013 Massachusetts Institute of Technology All rights reserved. .. ....................... ... Department of Mechanical Engineering May 10, 2013 Signature of Author.......... ............. ..... C ertified by........................................... Gail Accepted by......... . 7.. .Yang Shao-Horn Kendall Professor of Mechanical Engineering Thesis Supervisor ................... ....... ........................ David E. Hardt Ralph E. and Eloise F. Cross Professor of Mechanical Engineering Chairman, Department Graduate Committee 2 Surface Structural Changes of Perovskite Oxides during Oxygen Evolution in Alkaline Electrolyte by Kevin J. May Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on May 10, 2013 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering Abstract (BSCF82) are among the most active catalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) in alkaline solution reported to date. In this work it is shown via high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and Raman spectroscopy that oxides such as BSCF82 rapidly undergoes amorphization at its surface under OER conditions, which occurs simultaneously with an increase in the pseudocapacitive current and OER activity. This amorphization was not detected at potentials below those where significant OER current was observed. Lower concentrations of Sr'- and Ba' are found in the amorphous regions of BSCF82. Perovskite oxides with lower OER activities such as LaCoO 3 (LCO) and LaMnO 3 (LMO) remained crystalline under identical electrochemical conditions. In addition, the OER activity and tendency for amorphization are found to correlate with the oxygen pband center as calculated using density functional theory. This work illustrates that the surface structure and stoichiometry of oxide catalysts can differ significantly from the bulk during catalysis, and that understanding these phenomena is critical for designing highly active and stable catalysts for the OER. Perovskite oxides such Bao.5 Sr 0 Co0 8 FeO 803 6 Thesis Supervisor: Yang Shao-Horn Title: Gail E. Kendall Professor of Mechanical Engineering 3 4 List of Publications 1. Grimaud, A., Carlton, C.E., Risch, M., Hong, W.T., May, K.J. & Shao-Horn, Y. On the Influence of Cobalt and Manganese Coordination on the Catalytic Activity of Perovskites for Oxygen Evolution. Submitted. 2. Grimaud, A., May, K.J., Carlton, C.E., Lee, Y.-L., Risch, M., Zhou, J. & ShaoHorn, Y. Double Perovskites as a New Family of Highly Active Catalysts For Oxygen Evolution in Alkaline Solution. Submitted. 3. Ming, T., Suntivich, J., May, K.J., Stoerzinger, K.A. & Shao-Horn, Y. Visible Light Photo-Oxidation in Au Nanoparticle Sensitized SrTiO,:Nb Photoanode. Submitted. 4. Risch, M., Grimaud, A., May, K.J., Stoerzinger, K.A., Chen, T.J., Mansour, A.N., & Shao-Horn, Y. Structural Changes of Cobalt-based Perovskites upon Water Oxidation Investigated by EXAFS. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117, 86288635 (2013). 5. May, K. J., Carlton, C.E., Stoerzinger, K.A., Risch, M., Suntivich, J., Lee, Y.-L., Grimaud, A., & Shao-Horn, Y. The Influence of Oxygen Evolution during Water Oxidation on the Surface of Perovskite Oxide Catalysts. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 3, 3264-3270 (2012). 6. Lee, Y., Suntivich, J., May, K. J., Perry, E. E. & Shao-Horn, Y. Synthesis and Activities of Rutile Ir0 2 and RuO 2 Nanoparticles for Oxygen Evolution in Acid and Alkaline Solutions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 3, 399-404 (2012). 7. Suntivich, J., May, K. J., Gasteiger, H. A., Goodenough, J. B. & Shao-Horn, Y. A Perovskite Oxide Optimized for Oxygen Evolution Catalysis from Molecular Orbital Principles. Science 334, 1383-1385 (2011). 5 6 Acknowledgements I would first like to acknowledge my advisor, Professor Yang Shao-Horn, for not only her academic and research-oriented guidance but also for giving unwavering support in all other aspects of my graduate career. You have believed in my abilities as a student and researcher, and fostered my independence and creativity; I have learned so much more than just science and research during my time at MIT because of this. Thank you. Funding for this work is gratefully acknowledged. Support was received from the MRSEC Program of the National Science Foundation (DMR-0819762), Eni S.p.A. under the Eni-MIT Alliance Solar Frontiers, and the DOE Hydrogen Initiative Program (DEFG02-05ER15728). I also received support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (PGS-M). I would like to also extend my appreciation and thanks to my fellow lab members in the Electrochemical Energy Lab for their friendship and support. Both present and past, the students and postdoctoral researchers in this group are the best I could ever imagine working with. I appreciate the support of everyone in the group, and would like to mention some members in particular who have contributed to the scientific work in this thesis: Jin Suntivich, for his enthusiasm in teaching the fundamentals of electrochemistry and for providing mentorship when I was beginning my graduate studies, which significantly shaped my way of scientific thinking and how I approach research; Chris Carlton, for his TEM expertise and helpful discussions in the broader subject of materials science; Kelsey Stoerzinger for her Raman spectroscopy contributions; Marcel Risch for assisting in electrode preparation for Raman spectroscopy and for his expertise in amorphous cobalt oxides and electrochemistry; Yueh-Lin Lee for density functional theory calculations, and Alexis Grimaud for alwayshelpful discussions in solid state chemistry and synthesis of perovskite oxide compounds. I also thank my family for their love and support, for making me the person I am today and also for giving me all the opportunities I needed to succeed. My parents never faltered in fostering my curiosity and encouraging me unconditionally in my endeavors. To Megan and Brandon, I'm lucky to have you as siblings, and I know I can always rely on you for support. Finally, I want to give my love and gratitude to Sana, for being my other half through thick and thin. You have given me the strength and confidence to persevere through any challenges that arise. This has helped me so much, perhaps even more than you know. Thank you for being who you are and for being my partner in everything. 7 8 Table of Contents A b st r a ct ........................................................................................................................ 3 List of Publications ..................................................................................................... 5 A cknow ledgem ents................................................................................................. 7 List of Figures ............................................................................................................. 11 List of Tables .............................................................................................................. 15 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 17 1.1 M o tiv a tio n ........................................................................................................ 17 1 2 3 1.2 The Oxygen Evolution Reaction: Historical Overview ...................................... 18 1.3 Perovskite Oxides as Oxygen Evolution Catalysts........................................ 23 1.4 Scope of this Thesis....................................................................................... 26 Experim ental..........................................................................................................29 2.1 Oxide Synthesis and Characterization........................................................... 29 2.2 Electrode Preparation .................................................................................. 31 2.3 Electrochem ical M easurements.......................................................................31 2.4 Characterization of Electrochem ically-Cycled Electrodes.............................. 32 2.5 Density Functional Theory Calculations ...................................................... 34 Results and D iscussion..................................................................................... 35 3.1 M aterial Characterization ............................................................................ 35 3.2 Electrochem ical M easurem ents.......................................................................37 3.3 Transm ission Electron M icroscopy ................................................................. 42 3.4 Raman Spectroscopy and Potential-Dependent Amorphization .................... 48 3.5 Am orphization and Pseudocapacitive Current .............................................. 51 3.6 0 p-band Center: A Descriptor from Density Functional Theory .......... 54 4 Conclusions and Looking Forward ................................................................ 57 5 R e fe re n c e s .............................................................................................................. 61 9 10 List of Figures Figure 1.1: Free energies of OER intermediates on an oxide surface, for the case of zero applied potential and 1.23 V applied potential. The specific intermediates assumed are not considered here. The "ideal" catalyst is shown in red, while a more realistic catalyst is shown in blue. The ideal catalyst has a flat energy landscape at the thermodynamic equilibrium potential of 1.23 V vs. RHE. Figure adapted from work by R ossm eisl et al." and D au et al.'..................................... . .. ... ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. . . . 23 Figure 1.2: Cubic perovskite structure. The central B-site transition metal (dark blue) is octahedrally coordinated by oxygen (red), with the A-site alkaline earth or lanthanide metal (yellow) at the corners in a 12-fold coordination by oxygen.............................24 Figure 1.3: Qualitative molecular orbital diagram for octahedrally-coordinated transition metal ion. Asterisks denote antibonding states. In bold are the eg and t2g states of interest in catalysis. Figure adapted from Cox.................... . .. ... ... .. ... .. ... . . . . 25 Figure 1.4: Volcano plot showing the relationship between OER catalytic activity, defined as the overpotential at 50 iA cm- 2 (estimated true oxide surface area), and the 10 eg orbital occupancy of the B-site transition metal ion. Figure from previous work. ....26 Figure 3.1: X-ray diffraction data for the oxides studied in this work. LMO, LCO data were gathered by Jin Suntivich. LSC46 data were gathered by Ethan J. Crumlin. SCF82 35 data were gathered by Alexis Grim aud. ..................................................................... Figure 3.2: Experimental XRD peak locations (red) with database peak positions for LSC46 (gray) and Si (green). Si was included to give reference diffraction peaks. ......... 36 Figure 3.3: Cyclic voltammetry for (a) LMO, (b) LCO, (c) LSC46, (d) BSCF46, (e) BSCF82 and (f) SCF82. Number labels n indicate the nth cycle of cyclic voltammetry (1.1-1.7 V versus RHE, 10 mV/s). All measurements were performed in 0 2-saturated 0.1 M KOH, corrected for ohmic losses and normalized to the SEM-estimated surface area of oxides, and used an oxide loading of 0.25 mg/cm2 supported on glassy carbon. Figure 38 adapted from published w ork.' .................................................................................. and (b) LSC46; (c) Potentiostatic Figure 3.4: Heavy cycling of (a) BSCF82 measurements on BSCF82, LSC46, LCO and LMO; (d) Tafel plot containing cyclic voltammetry at the nth cycles (hollow markers) and potentiostatic data (solid markers) for comparison. Figure adapted from published work."..................... .. ... .. ... ... .. .. ... .. . . . 39 Figure 3.5: Capacitance- and ohmic-corrected cyclic voltammogram data (1.0-1.7 V versus RHE, 10 mV/s) of a BSCF82 electrode (0.25 mg/cm 2 oxide loading) on the first cycle (blue line). Also shown are potentiostatic data on the same electrode taken 11 immediately after the first cycle (red X). Measurements taken in O2-saturated 0.1 M KOH, normalized to geometric electrode area. Figure adapted from published work.1 '..40 Figure 3.6: Selected regions of the data shown in Figure 3.4a. Data are capacitanceand iR-corrected. For each cycle, the average of the forward and backward scan was mirrored in time to account for current from both forward and backward scans. Figure adapted from published work." ....................................... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. ... . . . 41 Figure 3.7: Potentiostatic data measured on a single BSCF82 electrode, held at 1.6 V vs. RHE for 2 h. This electrode did not contain AB carbon. Measurement performed by Marcel Risch. Figure adapted from published work." ............................................... 42 Figure 3.8: HRTEM and FFTs from approximately 35 x 35 nm areas of (a) asprepared BSCF82, (b) cycled BSCF82, (c) as-prepared LMO, (d) cycled LMO, (e) asprepared LCO, (f) cycled LCO, (g) as-prepared LSC46 and (h) cycled LSC46. Cycling consisted of five cycles between 1.1-1.7 V vs. RHE in 02-saturated 0.1 M KOH at 10 mV/s. HRTEM performed by Christopher E. Carlton. Figure adapted from published w o rk ." ............................................................................................................................ 43 Figure 3.9: HRTEM and FFTs of (a) as-prepared BSCF82 powder, (b) BSCF82 cycled 5 times, (c) BSCF82 cycled 185 times, (d) as-prepared BSCF46, (e) BSCF46 cycled 5 times, and (f) LSC46 cycled 185 times. Cycles were 1.1-1.7 V vs. RHE at 10 mV/s, in 0-saturated 0.1 M KOH. HRTEM performed by Christopher E. Carlton. Figure adapted from published w ork." .................................................................................. 44 Figure 3.10: HRTEM and FFT of BSCF82 electrode that was cycled 5 times (a) with AB carbon and (b) without AB carbon. The amorphous layers are similar and show that AB carbon does not significantly contribute to the amorphization process. HRTEM performed by Christopher E. Carlton. Figure adapted from published work."...........44 Figure 3.11: HRTEM and corresponding FFTs of particle surfaces of (a) as-prepared BSCF82, (b) BSCF82 cycled 5 times, (c) BSCF82 cycled 100 times, (d) BSCF82 held potentiostatically at 1.7 V vs. RHE for 2 h, and (e) SCF82 cycled 5 times. Cycles were 1.1-1.7 V vs. RHE at 10 mV/s, in 0-saturated 0.1 M KOH. HRTEM performed by Christopher E. Carlton. Figure adapted from published work.".................................45 Figure 3.12: High angular annular dark field imaging and scanning TEM EDS of BSCF82 cycled 5 times between 1.1-1.7 V vs. RHE at 10 mV/s, in O-saturated 0.1 M KOH. The quantitative EDS results are shown in both the images (a) and (b), and plotted vs. the distance from the particle edge in (c) and (d). Both (a) and (b) are the same image, with EDS taken at different locations on the particle. A-site atom concentration (Ba and Sr) is compared to B-site concentration (Co and Fe) for visual clarity. HRTEM/EDS performed by Christopher E. Carlton. Figure adapted from p ub lish ed w o rk ." ............................................................................................................ 46 12 Figure 3.13: Co 3O4 peaks have been observed in the Raman spectra of both BSCF82 and LSC46, both cycled 5 times between 1.1-1.7 V vs. RHE at 10 mV/s. The multipliers in the image refer to intensity scaling for visual clarity. Approximately 15% of spectra exhibited the Co3 O4 -like peaks. These peaks were never observed for as-prepared samples, nor in LCO samples before or after cycling. Raman spectroscopy performed by Kelsey A. Stoerzinger. Figure adapted from published work............................47 Figure 3.14: Raman spectra of (a) BSCF82 and (b) LCO before and after cycling 5 and 50 times, (c) BSCF82 after cycling 50 times in the indicated voltage windows, (d) LMO, (e) LSC46 and (f) BSCF46 before and after cycling 5 and 50 times. Cycling took place in O2 -saturated 0.1 M KOH at 10 mV/s. Raman spectroscopy performed by Kelsey A. Stoerzinger. Figure adapted from published work."..........................49 Figure 3.15: Raman spectra (left) of BSCF82 after potentionstatically holding at the labeled potential until 27.4 mC of charge had passed. Electrochemical data is shown on the right panel. Times required were 0.06, 1.78, and 24 h for 1.600 (red), 1.475 (green) and 1.45 (blue) V vs. RHE, respectively. For potentials with appreciable OER current, the current increased over time, accompanying more drastic changes in the Raman spectra. Raman spectroscopy performed by Kelsey A. Stoerzinger. Figure adapted from 50 p u b lished w ork ." ............................................................................................................ Figure 3.16: Oxygen evolution current at 1.58 V vs. RHE vs. passed during a single cycle (1.1-1.7 V vs. RHE, 10 mV/s) in numbers are labeled. Inset shows a single cycle (5 th) with the proportional to the cathodic charge. Figure adapted from published the cathodic charge 0.1 M KOH. Cycle shaded region being work." ................. 52 Figure 3.17: Tafel plots for BSCF82 (solid squares, 2 nd cycle; open squares, 1 8 5 th cycle) and an electrochemically-deposited amorphous Co oxide film (green triangle, 2 "d cycle) in 0.1 M KOH. Tafel plots constructed from averaged forward-backward scans of cyclic voltammetry (10 mV/s) and normalized to the total number of Co in bulk or on the surface. BSCF82 data was gathered on a single electrode while the Co film data was the average of 5 independent measurements (250 nmol/cm 2 isk loading, 200 nm thick). The number of cobalt atoms in BSCF82 was estimated from the formula unit, mass loading and SEM-estimated surface area. For the Co-film, the number of Co ions was estimated from the Faradaic charge passed during electrodeposition at 0.806 V vs. SCE in 0.1 M potassium phosphate (pH 7), assuming all charge was due to Co2 to Col oxidation. Co 53 film data was gathered by Marcel Risch. Figure adapted from published work." ..... Figure 3.18: (a) Calculated 0 p-band centers of perovskites BSCF46, BSCF82, SCF82, LSC46, LCO and LMO, and (b) the overpotentials at 0.25 mA/cm 2 0 x. Stoichiometry in the calculations is not exact due to the coarse composition grid in the simulated supercells. Oxides represented with red bars exhibit rapid surface amorphization during water oxidation, while those represented with blue bars remain highly crystalline. DFT performed by Yueh-Lin Lee. Figure adapted from published work."..........................55 13 14 List of Tables Table 3.1: Space groups and lattice parameters of the oxides studied in this work......36 Table 3.2: SEM-estimated surface areas of oxides in this work................................36 15 16 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation The risks of anthropogenic climate change have led to intensive research towards alternative sources of energy to conventional fossil fuels. Greenhouse gas emissions have steadily increased and are projected to continue to increase in the near future," further highlighting the need for scientific solutions to the global energy crisis. Clean, renewable energy sources such as wind and solar energy have attracted significant attention, but have the disadvantage of being intermittent in nature. One possible avenue to improving the reliability and practicality of these technologies is a robust and efficient way of storing intermittent energy as chemical fuel which can be used at a later time. In particular, molecular hydrogen generated by the electrochemical splitting of water has received a large amount of focus in the literature.3 - However, the efficiency of this process is limited by the sluggish electrochemical kinetics of the oxygen evolution reaction (OER), which is one half of the overall water splitting reaction (the other half being the hydrogen evolution reaction, HER). Commercial grid electrolyzers are attractive for their simplicity and commercial readiness compared to the direct solar-to-fuel scheme." While larger-scale systems will start to accumulate ohmic losses that make up a large part of the efficiency losses, kinetic overpotential loss from the oxygen evolution reaction still remains significant 13 and necessitates the use of precious metal oxides (IrO2, RuO2 ) for acidic electrolytes" and nickel/nickel oxides which are susceptible to deactivation over time in alkaline electrolytes." 17 There has been growing interest in the area of solar fuels,"' where sunlight is used to drive the synthesis of chemical fuel, in a sort of "artificial photosynthesis". For these applications, where current density is limited by the solar photon flux, highly efficient catalysts may be particularly important as a way to reduce the photovoltage needed to sustain a given current, relaxing constraints on semiconductor device performance. The state-of-the-art OER catalysts typically require around 400 mV of overpotential5'10 to sustain the current densities achieved in record photoelectrochemical cells.1 5 This is a non-trivial amount of additional photovoltage for a device to provide. It is clear that earth-abundant, inexpensive and highly efficient catalysts for the OER will have an enormous impact on the viability of generating hydrogen from water, and possibly for the generation of other hydrocarbon fuels as well, where the OER is a half-reaction. However, the exact mechanism remains relatively poorly understood (i.e. when compared to HER), even though there have been recent advances in achieving high-performance catalysts with some first steps towards rational design. 37 01 1 There remains much room for furthering our fundamental understanding of the reaction mechanism and the requirements for a highly active, stable catalyst. 1.2 The Oxygen Evolution Reaction: Historical Overview The OER is a 4 step, 4 electron transfer half-reaction, with the net reaction typically written in acid as (2H20 2H20 + 02 02 + 4H+ + 4e-)1 17 and in alkaline as (40H- - + 4e ).1'1" The slow kinetics of this reaction have been known-albeit not fully understood-for nearly a century, along with the fact that the metal electrodes 18 studied frequently in early reports form oxide layers under OER conditions.2 0-" Hoar proposed" that the electrochemical irreversibility is due to the permeability of the oxide film to electrolyte and the resulting self-polarization (not taking into consideration electrode kinetics), and mentions that a hypothetical catalytically-active stable metal surface could provide reversible electrochemical behavior-although this is not possible to test experimentally and is not in agreement with the modern picture of OER irreversibility based on density functional theory."2 Hoar was also the first to make the connection that the intersection of the Tafel lines for oxygen evolution and reduction occurs at 1.23 V vs. reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE), which is the theoretical thermodynamic potential.2 1 One study by Bockris23 treated the OER (and multi-step electron transfer reactions in general) in an analogous manner to the much more widely studied hydrogen electrode, which by that time was starting to be understood to be governed by the binding strength of intermediate hydrogen species to the catalyst surface.2" Bockris performed a theoretical analysis of the expected Tafel behavior of a series of hypothetical reaction pathways, by first expressing rate equations for each step in the OER, and making several assumptions on the coverage isotherm, species concentrations and rate-limiting step.2 ' This allowed a table of theoretical Tafel slopes to be generated for a series of proposed pathways, for comparison to experimental data. Unfortunately, the Tafel slopes were not unique to each proposed mechanism and therefore we cannot determine, from this type of analysis, the true mechanism of the OER-which to this day is still not conclusively understood. Other early work focused on the attainability of a "reversible" oxygen electrode, especially in acidic solution with platinum working electrodes and careful elimination of 19 system impurities.18 ,28 -34 Here, "reversible" refers to observing an open-circuit potential equal to the thermodynamic potential of 1.23 V vs. RHE. This is indeed attainable on clean platinum electrodes with electrolytes that have been pre-electrolyzed to achieve low impurity concentrations, however, once appreciable OER current begins, the anodic oxidation of platinum stops the reversible behavior. 18 35 In general, the open circuit potential of approximately 1.0 V vs. RHE typically seen on platinum electrodes, is attributed to a competing process, or mixed potential, between oxygen reduction (for which Pt is a good catalyst) and platinum oxidation, owing to the extremely slow OER kinetics.3 4 With this in mind, it is important to distinguish between a surface that can provide an open circuit potential near the thermodynamically reversible potential and a surface that can sustain high OER current with low overpotential. therefore only of interest Platinum was as a model surface for fundamental studies of the OER mechanism in acidic electrolyte. Other electrodes, such as precious-metals iridium and ruthenium, have also been investigated. 36 39 Shortly thereafter, the highly-active rutile oxide catalysts IrO (used in proton exchange membrane electrolyzers) and RuO 2 were discovered.' 4 These materials have still been subjects of active research in recent times.5 37 42 -4 These oxides reigned as the most-active OER catalysts until recently,' 0 when transition metal oxides were demonstrated to be capable of exceeding precious-metal oxides in activity. Transition metal electrodes (their oxidized surfaces) have also been measured, 19' 47 -5 including perovskite oxides, which will be discussed further in the next section. Typically these systems are more complicated than the metal surfaces frequently studied in hydrogen 20 evolution/oxidation can be said and less of the exact nature of the oxygen electrocatalysis mechanisms on these surfaces based on the electrochemistry data alone." The mechanism may very well change between different materials. Investigating transition metal oxide catalysts for OER remains an active area of study. Recently, focus has increased on amorphous or nano-structured cobalt and nickel oxides as solution. 7' 6 ' OER 7 61 catalysts, deposited anodically in phosphate or borate buffer Notably, these catalysts have a self-repairing ability in the above- mentioned buffer solutions and have high catalytic activity even in neutral pH. Furthermore, when comparing films of different thickness, the activity increases, suggesting that the oxide films are permeable to electrolyte and that cobalt sites within the bulk of the material are capable of acting as active sites for the OER. 2 Preliminary isotope labeling experiments via and 302 18 0-rich oxide films revealed significant amounts of "02 from in-line mass spectrometry, hinting that bulk oxygen may play a role in the OER mechanism.6 2 Structural studies of amorphous cobalt films via extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) have revealed that the bulk film is composed of structural motifs or "clusters", consisting of interconnected Co'--oxo cubanes, with cobalt in edge-sharing octahedra.3 '6" It has been suggested from this structure that the space between clusters could be filled with cations, anions or water, giving structural evidence for the possibility of bulk cobalt atoms being active for OER." Furthermore, the activity seems to scale with the size of these clusters.5 76 5 These amorphous, electrochemically-deposited oxide films are of importance not only as potentially viable catalysts in commercial applications, but also for the new fundamental insights that may be gained through their study. 21 This section ends with a discussion of recent developments in the understanding of OER kinetics. Perhaps one of the most profound advances in the study of oxygen electrocatalysis-or electrocatalysis in general-is the "volcano" plot, first introduced from theoretical considerations by Balandin." This is a visual representation of Sabatier's principle: the optimal catalyst will bind the adsorbed species neither too strongly nor too weakly." Trasatti presented an experimental volcano plot from the literature available at the time for the oxygen evolution reaction, with the experimental OER overpotential at a given current plotted versus the heat of formation from a lower oxide to a higher oxide (where the metal becomes more oxidized) for the various metals, effectively giving a measure of the metal-oxygen bond strength." This has led to a thermodynamic picture of catalysis, where catalytic activity is described in terms of the binding strength of intermediate species in the overall reaction." In this framework, the change in Gibbs free energy of adsorbed intermediates must be energetically downhill for each reaction step in order for the overall reaction to proceed appreciably." In the ideal case, each intermediate step would result in a change of Gibbs free energy of 1.23 eV, such that when the electrode potential is 1.23 V vs. RHE, the energy landscape is flat (Figure 1.1). Some development of this concept was done via density functional theory calculations of the binding strength of oxygen intermediates on various surfaces. Rossmeisl et al. found scaling relationships between related oxygen intermediate species."," This means that the adsorption energy of -00H and -OH, for example, are not independent. In the context of the thermodynamic framework described above, this implies that there is a limit to the activity of an OER catalyst." In real systems the 22 changes in Gibbs free energy for different intermediates are not the same, and since they are not independent of each other they cannot be individually tailored to give the ideal binding strength (Figure 1.1). It is important to note that this framework does not take into account transition states, only intermediates bound to the surface, and hence it does not truly consider kinetics. It remains to be seen whether such scaling relationships can be overcome by creative catalyst design, such as three-dimensional structures or multiple types of active site. V 4.92E 3.69 r 1.23 0 Eapp = 1.23 V Reaction Coordinate Figure 1.1: Free energies of OER intermediates on an oxide surface, for the case of zero applied potential and 1.23 V applied potential. The specific intermediates assumed are not considered here. The "ideal" catalyst is shown in red, while a more realistic catalyst is shown in blue. The ideal catalyst has a flat energy landscape at the thermodynamic equilibrium potential of 1.23 V vs. RHE. Figure adapted from work by Rossmeisl et al.2 ' and Dau et al." 1.3 Perovskite Oxides as Oxygen Evolution Catalysts Perovskites are a diverse set of compounds typically with formula ABO3 , where A is typically an alkaline earth or lanthanide metal but can be monovalent, bivalent or trivalent, and B a transition metal with the ideal cubic structure shown in Figure 1.2.70 The A-site is 12-fold coordinated with oxygen and the B-site is in an octahedral 6-fold 23 coordination with oxygen. Ideally, the B-O distance is a/2, where a is the cubic unit cell length, and the A-O distance is a/12, giving a Goldschmidt tolerance factor 7 of 1: t t= (rA + ro) (1.1) V2(rB + ro) For perovskites with t ~ 1, and at high temperatures, the structure is usually cubic. Deviations from t = 1 can result in different distortions of the structure, such as orthorhombic or rhombohedral. Perovskites are incredibly useful as a set of model compounds owing to the large variety in chemistry and structure available by changing the A- and B-site cations and by changing the stoichiometry via alloying. They have 0 72 therefore been used in many studies for oxygen electrocatalysis.1' 76 Typically in electrocatalysis the ion of interest is the B-site, and is usually assumed to be the active site for oxygen evolution. ''" From a crystal field theory perspective, the octahedrally-coordinated B-site's d-state manifold will be split into several levels, as shown in Figure 1.3. The states of interest for catalysis will be the antibonding eg and t2g states, since they are typically the occupied states with highest energy and their filling will roughly determine the strength of the B-O bond.' 77 Figure 1.2: Cubic perovskite structure. The central B-site transition metal (dark blue) is octahedrally coordinated by oxygen (red), with the A-site alkaline earth or lanthanide metal (yellow) at the corners in a 12-fold coordination by oxygen. 24 t(,a*, Tc*) (a*) ra, 4p 4s eg 3d - (a*) * t1g1+t2, %ti,~(aY,iT) Energy e (a) % tag (at) - , Figure 1.3: Qualitative molecular orbital diagram for octahedrally-coordinated transition metal ion. Asterisks denote antibonding states. In bold are the eg and Figure adapted from Cox." t2g states of interest in catalysis. Numerous perovskite oxides were studied in the early 1980s by Bockris and coworkers,7 2 7, 3 as well' as Matsumoto et al.79 83 Several possible mechanistic pathways 3 were proposed, attempts were made to correlate the catalytic activity with M-OH bond strength and number of d-electrons, and the possible importance of different orbital occupancies was mentioned.7 2 Nickel and cobalt perovskites were typically regarded as the most active perovskites for oxygen evolution.75 '79 More recently, a scheme was proposed based on a simplified molecular orbital model that uses the eg orbital occupancy as a descriptor for perovskite OER activity," similarly to the case for the oxygen reduction reaction,76 which was itself inspired by the d-band center theory for metal surfaces.8 4'85 The OER activities of a series of perovskites were found to form a volcano plot (Figure 1.4) when plotted versus the eg orbital filling, which was determined via X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) and spin states inferred 25 from other studies in the literature. Perovskites with an eg orbital occupancy of approximately 1 were found to be the most active (e.g. LaNiO3 , LaCoO3 ) and based on this principle a highly active perovskite catalyst, BaO 5SrO. 5 CoO.8 FeO.20 3 . was discovered, showing that these descriptors can be used to rationally choose materials as candidates for promising OER catalysts. From this work, this thesis has extended the study of some perovskite catalysts, studying further the catalytic activity and surface structure changes that occur on BaO.5SrO5 Co0 8 Feo.20 3.6and related compounds. 1.4 1 , , . . . , , , / a 50 pA cmax NA LU LaCoO3 SLaO5CaO,5MnO3 LaMnuCu. 0 O 1.6 OT 1.5 LaMnO3 +, ' 1,8 Ba 0Sr,.Co ,Feo.20 sO4 LaoCa,.,CoO3 La CoO NC; La Ca FeO 10 3 LaMnOa LaCrO3 - 1( 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 e 9 electron Figure 1.4: Volcano plot showing the relationship between OER catalytic activity, defined as the overpotential at 50 iA cm-2 (estimated true oxide surface area), and the eg orbital occupancy of the B-site transition metal ion. Figure from previous work. 0 1.4 Scope of this Thesis This thesis presents an investigation of the surfaces of perovskite oxide catalysts before and after electrochemical measurements in alkaline electrolyte. The highly active catalyst BSCF82 was observed to have unusual pseudocapacitance relative to other perovskites studied.10 Further investigation of the electrochemical behavior of this 26 catalyst and other perovskites is presented. Then, high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) shows that BSCF82 and the closely related compounds SrCo 8 Fe, 2 03_ (SCF82) and BaO5 SrO5 Co0 4 Fe. 0 O3 -1 (BSCF46) undergo a structural change (distinct from corrosion) at their surfaces to an amorphous oxide. This surface change is concomitant with an increase in the pseudocapacitive current and the OER activity. The other perovskite catalysts were investigated that remained crystalline under identical conditions. Raman spectroscopy is shown to be an effective tool for quickly determining whether an oxide rapidly becomes amorphous at the surface during OER. The effects of different electrochemical conditions, such as cycling electrodes or holding potentiostatically, and changing the potential window, are also discussed. Parallels between the amorphous surface layers and electrochemically-deposited cobalt oxide film catalysts are drawn. Based on density functional theory calculations, it is shown that the calculated oxygen p-band center position relative to the Fermi level is a descriptor for both experimental OER activity and stability in the perovskites studied. Finally, further interpretations and hypotheses based on the data are discussed along with future research directions. This work illustrates the importance of understanding the exact nature of the oxide surface where the OER takes place, in order to further understand and develop active and stable oxide catalysts for the OER. 27 28 2 Experimental 2.1 Oxide Synthesis and Characterization Several techniques were utilized in this study for synthesizing perovskite oxides, including LaCoO 3 (LCO), LaMnO 3 (LMO), La 0,Sr 0 6 CoO3 - (LSC46), SrCo0 8 Fe0 .O 3 (SCF82), and Ba 0 .5 Sr 0 .5 Co1 ,Fe,03_6 (y 0.2, 0.6; BSCF82 and BSCF 46, respectively). For LCO and LMO a co-precipitation method was used, where metal nitrates (99.98%, Alfa Aesar) were mixed in the desired molar ratio in deionized water (18 MQ-cm, Millipore) such that metal concentrations were approximately 0.1 M. This solution was titrated with 1.2 M tetramethylammonium hydroxide (100%, Alfa Aesar) until a precipitate formed. This precipitate was then filtered and dried before annealing at 10000 C. LCO was annealed in dry air, while LMO was annealed in Ar. BSCF82 and BSCF46 were synthesized by a nitrate combustion method.1 " The alkaline earth and transition metal nitrates (99.9998+%, Sigma-Aldrich) were added in the desired molar ratio to deionized water at approximately 0.2 M concentration. The mixture was then heated until most of the water had evaporated, and continued until sparks were observed in the remaining powder, indicating combustion of the nitrates. After the sparking had ceased, the powder was annealed in air at 11000 C for 24 h. SCF82 was synthesized by solid-state reaction. SrCO 3 , Co3 04, and Fe2 0 3 were mixed in the correct molar ratio, ground with a mortar and pestle and fired in air at 1000' C for 12 h. The powder was then ground again and annealed in air at 1100 C for 24 h with intermediate grindings. 29 LSC46 was synthesized by the Pechini method.8" Similarly to the above methods, metal nitrates were measured out in the desired molar ratio and added to deionized water. Citric acid (99%, Sigma-Aldrich) was added in a 5:1 molar ratio of citric acid to total metal cations. The mixture was stirred at 750 C for 30 min, before adding ethylene glycol in a 1:1 molar ratio to citric acid. This mixture was covered and stirred at 900 C for 1 h. Phase purity was verified via X-ray diffraction with a Rigaku high-power rotating anode X-ray powder diffractometer with a typical range of 300 to 95' 2,0 under Cr KU radiation. All oxides used in this study showed no sign of impurity phases. Particle size analysis was performed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM, JEOL 6320 FV). Specific area (cm 2/mg) was calculated using a spherical geometry approximation:8 7 A t 7r 2 ( )prd3 6 d2 6 p d3 pdra (2.1) Each sum was calculated over all the individual particles counted in the micrographs. Adobe Photoshop CS5 was used to select particles using the lasso tool, and the image analysis tools were used to obtain two-dimensional areas for each selected particle, from which an effective spherical diameter was obtained for use in equation 2.1. Powder specific areas determined via this method have been found to agree fairly well with those obtained by Brunauer, Emmet and Teller (BET) analysis, typically within a factor of 2-3.1o'88 30 2.2 Electrode Preparation Electrodes were prepared by a catalyst ink drop-casting technique." Catalyst ink was prepared by weighing out oxide power and acetylene black (AB) carbon in a 5:1 weight ratio and dispersing in tetrahydrofuran (THF, 99%, Sigma-Aldrich) such that 10 pL of solution contained 0.05 mg of oxide. This dispersion was bath-sonicated for 1 h, and tip-sonicated for 10 min before adding KOH-neutralized Nafion@ polymer (DE520, Ion Power, DE) as binder in a 1:1 weight ratio to AB carbon and bath sonicating again for 2 min. The Nafion solution was prepared by dropping in 0.1 M KOH to the aspurchased Nafion liquid, with a 2:1 volume ratio of Nafion to KOH. Then, 10 gL of ink was deposited on a glassy carbon rotating disk electrode with a micro-pipette such that oxide loading was 0.25 mg/cm 2 and left to dry. Electrodes that were prepared for Raman spectroscopy measurements did not contain AB carbon in order to avoid background signal. 2.3 Electrochemical Measurements Electrochemical experiments were conducted using a rotating disk electrode setup consisting of a borosilicate glass cell, either a saturated calomel reference electrode (SCE) or Ag/AgCl reference electrode, platinum wire counter electrode and Teflon electrode holder (all from Pine Instruments) and a Biologic SP-300 potentiostat. Reference electrodes were calibrated in 0.1 M KOH by bubbling hydrogen gas (ultrahigh purity, Airgas) for 20 minutes and measuring hydrogen oxidation/evolution at a platinum disk electrode. The open-circuit potential was then defined as 0 V versus reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE) after verifying stable, reversible electrochemical 31 behavior. The electrolyte prepared with deionized water (> 18 MQ-cm, Millipore) and KOH pellets (99.99% purity metals-basis, Sigma-Aldrich) to yield a concentration of 0.1 M. For OER measurements, oxygen gas (ultra-high purity, Airgas) was bubbled for 1520 minutes measurements, before to electrochemical ensure 02/H 2 0 measurements, equilibrium at and 1.23 was V continued versus RHE. during Cyclic voltammetry measurements used a scan rate of 10 mV/s. All measurements used a rotation rate of 1600 rpm, with the exception of electrodes prepared for Raman spectroscopy, which used a rotation rate of 900 rpm. There was no observed dependence of OER current on rotation rate in the potential windows accessed in this study. Highfrequency AC impedance was used to determine the ohmic resistance R of the electrolyte (typically 45 Q for 0.1 M KOH). Ohmic losses were corrected by subtracting the ohmic drop iR from the measured potential where i is the measured current and R is the electrolyte resistance as described above. Potentials corrected for ohmic drop are denoted as E - iR. OER kinetic currents were capacitance-corrected by taking the average between positive- and negative-going scans, and the specific activity was obtained by normalizing the current by the surface area of each oxide as estimated via SEM measurements described previously. 2.4 Characterization of Electrochemically-Cycled Electrodes Samples were prepared for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) by removing the electrode from electrolyte following electrochemical measurements, rinsing briefly with ethanol, then swabbing a lacy carbon grid over the electrode. Grids were dried and 32 stored in a vacuum oven at 700 C. Samples of the as-synthesized powders were made by sonicating the powder in THF for 5 minutes and then collecting the powder on a lacy carbon grid, followed by drying in a vacuum oven at 70* C. TEM was conducted on a JEOL 2010F instrument operated at 200 keV. The microscope was equipped with a field-emission electron gun and ultra-high resolution pole piece, yielding a point-to-point resolution of 1.9 1. Fourier image analysis was performed using Gatan Digital Micrograph software v2.01 (Gatan). Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) was performed by operating the TEM in scanning mode using an electron beam of approximately 0.7 nm. INCA (Oxford Instruments) software was used for controlling beam position and for data analysis. Live acquisition time was 60 s for each EDS spectrum, with the beam placed at various positions on the catalyst surface or bulk, with a spatial resolution of approximately 2 nm owing to sample drift during data acquisition. Raman spectroscopy performed on electrodes after electrochemical measurements was done by removing the electrode from electrolyte, drying with compressed air and using the electrode directly under the microscope of the LabRAM HR800 (Horiba Jobin Yvon). A 633 nm He/Ne laser at 0.2 or 2 mW was used with a 50x objective (giving spot size of approximately 30 Iu2 ), at room temperature. Sampling time was adjusted per sample to yield approximately the same signal-to-noise ratio for each measurement (6x30 s for LMO, 6x60 s for LCO, 6x60 s for BSCF82 (0.7-1.0 V potential range), 3x120 s for BSCF82 (all other potential ranges), and 6x120 s for LSC46). No change in the Raman peak intensity was observed over the course of the 3-12 min sampling time. Spectra were collected at six or more locations on each electrode. 33 2.5 Density Functional Theory Calculations Density functional theory (DFT) calculations used the Vienna plane-wave method.89 91 simulation package (VASP) Exchange-correlation was treated with the Perdew-Wang-91 approximation (GGA) with the Project-Augmented with soft O ab initio generalized gradient oxygen pseudopotential and the Hubbard U correction.92,9 Energy convergence was within 3 meV per perovskite formula unit from a Monkhorst-Pack 4x4x4 k-point mesh. The calculations are performed using the simplified spherically averaged approach,9 4 where Uff is applied to d electrons ( Uj = Uoulomb - exchange J) with values of 4, 4, and 3.3 eV for Mn, Fe, and Co, respectively. 95 ' 96 Typically, 2x2x2 perovskite supercells were used for simulations and fully stoichiometric compounds were used (no oxygen vacancies). For perovskites with disordered cations (i.e. BSCF46, BSCF82, SCF82 and LSC46) a special quasirandom structure (SQS) approach was used.97 Several sampled configurations' calculated 0 pband centers were used in a weighted average (weighted by the Boltzmann factor at 300 K for the energy of the sampled configurations) to achieve an effective 0 p-band center. 34 3 Results and Discussion 3.1 Material Characterization X-Ray diffraction (XRD) was performed on all oxides, namely LaCoO, (LCO), LaMnO 3 (LMO), LaOSrO6CoO 3 - (LSC46), ,Fe,0 3- SrCo0 8FeO.2036 (SCF82), and Ba,0 5Sr 0 5Co1 (y = 0.2, 0.6; BSCF82 and BSCF 46, respectively), to ensure phase purity. The resulting diffractometry results are shown in Figure 3.1, with relevant extracted lattice parameters summarized in Table 3.1. All XRD data was gathered from pure oxide powder with the exception of LSC46, which included Si as a reference (Figure 3.2). 75 AA 60 --6 S4LSC46 - LMO LCO 30 BSCF46 .l|15 - BSCF82 B-A.SCF82 00- 4 3 2 1 d-spacing (A) Figure 3.1: X-ray diffraction data for the oxides studied in this work. LMO, LCO data were gathered by Jin Suntivich. LSC46 data were gathered by Ethan J. Crumlin. SCF82 data were gathered by Alexis Grimaud. 35 Experimental La0ASr ,,CoO, I II IIIIII Si 4.0 3.0 2.0 I 1.0 d-spacing (A) Figure 3.2: Experimental XRD peak locations (red) with database peak positions for LSC46 (gray) a nd Si (green). Si was included to give reference diffraction peaks. T able 3.1: Space groups and lattice parameters of the oxides studied in this work. Lattice Parameters (A) b c Material Space Group LMO Pnma 5.66 7.22 5.53 LCO R3c 5.44 5.44 13.09 LSC46 Pm3m 3.84 3.84 3.84 BSCF46 Pm3m 3.96 3.96 3.96 SCF82 Pm3m 3.86 3.86 3.86 BSCF82 Pm3m 3.99 3.99 3.99 a C xide surface area estimations were calculated based on scanning electron microscopy (SEM; see Chapter 2.1). Calculated values of As are tabulated in Table 3.2. Table 3.2: SEM-estimated surface areas of oxides in this work. Material Specific Area (m 2 .g') LMO 0.6 36 LCO 0.7 LSC46 1.2 BSCF46 0.1 SCF82 0.1 BSCF82 0.2 3.2 Electrochemical Measurements Cyclic voltammetry was performed on LCO, LMO, LSC46, SCF82, BSCF46 and BSCF82, with the 1t and 5 th cycles shown in Figure 3.3. The OER activity, defined as the overpotential required for a given current density normalized to true oxide surface area, increases as expected,1 " with LMO < LCO < LSC46 ~ BSCF46 < SCF82 ~ BSCF82. The cyclic voltammograms of LCO, LMO, and LSC46 all reached a steadystate after the first five cycles, after which no significant changes in the OER activity were observed. In contrast, BSCF82 exhibited a drastic change in both pseudocapacitive current and OER activity. OER activity increased steadily with cycling up to around the 50 cycle mark (Figure 3.4a), 'after which it reached a steady-state with approximately 4 times greater OER current at 1.6 V versus reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE) than that of the first cycle. In contrast, LSC46 cycled up to 100 times did not undergo any significant changes in OER behavior (Figure 3.4b). Potentiostatic measurements were performed to observe any changes versus time, and also to verify that the cyclic voltammetry measurement with the appropriate data analysis yielded accurate values for the OER activity. Figure 3.4c shows potentiostatic measurements at four applied potentials, on separate electrodes from those used for cyclic voltammetry. In Figure 3,4d, any discrepancy between the potentiostatic (solid marker) and cyclic voltammetry data (hollow marker) is explained by the experimental error in the electrode deposition and not by the technique used, as seen in Figure 3.5. 37 (a) (b) E E Ec 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 E -iR (V vs. RHE) 1.7 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 E -iR (V vs. RHE) 1.7 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 E-iR (Vvs. RHE) 1.7 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 E -iR (V vs. RHE) 1.7 (d) 10 1 0 E 5 E 0 1.2 (e) 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 E-iR (Vvs. RHE) 1.7 30 30 20 S20 E E E 10 0 4~10 E 0 0 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 E -IR (V vs. RHE) 1.7 Figure 3.3: Cyclic voltammetry for (a) LMO, (b) LCO, (c) LSC46, (d) BSCF46, (e) BSCF82 and (f) SCF82. Number labels n indicate the nth cycle of cyclic voltammetry (1.1-1.7 V versus RHE, 10 mV/s). All measurements were performed in 0 2-saturated 0.1 M KOH, corrected for ohmic losses and normalized to the SEM-estimated surface area of oxides, and used an oxide loading of 0.25 mg/cm2 supported on glassy carbon. Figure adapted from published work." 38 40 (a) (b) 30 10 20 c~a~ E 10 0 5 0 -10 0 -20 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 E - iR (V vs. RHE) (C) 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 E - iR (V vs. RHE) (d) 1.75 100 jO*1.70- 10 W 1 0.1 >q: 1.65- 1E-4 80 Time (min) 1 1 Is' 515 0 1.601 ' 1.55- 0.01 1 LCO 1.50.1 1E-3 0.01 5 SCF82 1 0.1 I (mA cm~O) 50 A 100 BSCF82 10 100 Figure 3.4: Heavy cycling of (a) BSCF82 and (b) LSC46; (c) Potentiostatic measurements on BSCF82, LSC46, LCO and LMO; (d) Tafel plot containing cyclic Voltammetry at the th cycles (hollow markers) and potentiostatic data (solid markers) for comparison. Figure adapted from published work. 1 I 39 15 X Potentiostatic Capactance-corrected CV -0 E 0 . 1.0 I I . a I 1.2 1.4 1.6 E - iR (V vs. RHE) Figure 3.5: Capacitance- and ohmic-corrected cyclic voltammogram data (1.0-1.7 V versus RHE, 10 mV/s) of a BSCF82 electrode (0.25 mg/cm 2 oxide loading) on the first cycle (blue line). Also shown are potentiostatic data on the same electrode taken immediately after the first cycle (red X). Measurements taken in 0 2-saturated 0.1 M KOH, normalized to geometric electrode area. Figure adapted from published work." In verifying that the current observed is attributable to OER, we first note that it has previously been observed from rotating ring-disk experiments that current in this potential range is indeed almost 100% OER." To rule out corrosion or oxidation of cobalt/iron in BSCF82 as being significant contributions to the observed current, the ratio of electrons passed during the observed oxidation current to the total number of cobalt and iron atoms present in BSCF82 was calculated. To obtain the total charge passed that is attributable to OER, the capacitance- and iR-corrected current was integrated (using the data from Figure 3.4a). To include current from both forward and backward scans, the average of the forward and backward scans was mirrored in time 40 for each cycle, as seen in Figure 3.6. Using this method, the ratio of electrons passed to total cobalt and iron is over atoms potentiostatic/chronoamperometric 100 for both cyclic voltammetry and (Figure 3.7) measurements. The ratio of oxygen evolved to total oxygen present in the BSCF82, also calculated from amount of Faradaic charge transfer, is approximately 10 for both cyclic voltammetry and potentiostatic measurements. Because the catalytic activity was not observed to decrease during the course of any experiments, dissolution or corrosion current is negligible when compared with the OER current. 12 CM8 E o4 E Capacitance conected and 0 300 7500 7800 t(s) Figure 3.6: Selected regions of the data shown in Figure 3.4a. Data are capacitance- and iRcorrected. For each cycle, the average of the forward and backward scan was mirrored in time to account for current from both forward and backward scans. Figure adapted from published work." 41 1.8 . . 1.6 -- 1.4 E 1.2 E 1.0 0.8 0.6 0 ---2000 4000 6000 Time (s) Figure 3.7: Potentiostatic data measured on a single BSCF82 electrode, held at 1.6 V vs. RHE for 2 h. This electrode did not contain AB carbon. Measurement performed by Marcel Risch. Figure adapted from published work." 3.3 Transmission Electron Microscopy High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) was used to examine the surfaces both as-prepared powder and electrodes that had been cycled five times from 1.1 to 1.7 V versus RHE. The surfaces of the as-prepared oxide powders were highly crystalline; the surfaces of BSCF82 had very few thin amorphous regions. The fast Fourier transforms (FFTs) of all the HRTEM images of the as-prepared particle surfaces can all be indexed to the bulk crystal structure of the corresponding oxide (Figure 3.8). After cycling, amorphous regions around 10 nm thick were present on the surfaces of BSCF82, SCF82 and BSCF46. For BSCF82 cycled 185 times, the particles became amorphous to the extent that could be observed with HRTEM (Figure 3.9c). 42 HRTEM was performed on electrodes with and without AB carbon, with no significant differences between the two (Figure 3.10). In contrast, the surfaces of LMO, LCO and LSC46 remained crystalline after cycling, comparable to the as-prepared samples (Figure 3.8c-h). This does preclude instability in longer time scales or different voltage regimes. Figure 3.8: HRTEM and FFTs from approximately 35 x 35 nm areas of (a) as-prepared BSCF82, (b) cycled BSCF82, (c) as-prepared LMO, (d) cycled LMO, (e) as-prepared LCO, (f) cycled LCO, (g) as-prepared LSC46 and (h) cycled LSC46. Cycling consisted of five cycles between 1.1-1.7 V vs. RHE in 0 2-saturated 0.1 M KOH at 10 mV/s. HRTEM performed by Christopher E. Carlton. Figure adapted from published work." 43 Figure 3.9: HRTEM and FFTs of (a) as-prepared BSCF82 powder, (b) BSCF82 cycled 5 times, (c) BSCF82 cycled 185 times, (d) as-prepared BSCF46, (e) BSCF46 cycled 5 times, and (f) LSC46 cycled 185 times. Cycles were 1.1-1.7 V vs. RHE at 10 mV/s, in 0 2-saturated 0.1 M KOH. HRTEM performed by Christopher E. Carlton. Figure adapted from published work." Figure 3.10: HRTEM and FFT of BSCF82 electrode that was cycled 5 times (a) with AB carbon and (b) without AB carbon. The amorphous layers are similar and show that AB carbon does not significantly contribute to the amorphization process. HRTEM performed by Christopher E. Carlton. Figure adapted from published work." 44 Analysis of the FFT patterns from HRTEM images collected from the surface amorphous regions of BSCF82 revealed a bright diffuse ring that corresponds to a spacing of approximately 2.8 A in real space (Figure 3.11b-c). This spacing, which is not present in the interatomic distances of cubic perovskite (containing only corner-shared transition metal octahedra), matches the cobalt/iron spacing in edge-sharing octahedra.98 '99 Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) performed in the surface amorphous regions of BSCF82 revealed a decrease in the concentrations of the A-site cations Ba 2 ' and Sr2+, which suggests A-site cation leaching during cycling (Figure 3.12). Ba/Sr (A-site) Co/Fe (B-sie) Figure 3.11: HRTEM and corresponding FFTs of particle surfaces of (a) as-prepared BSCF82, (b) BSCF82 cycled 5 times, (c) BSCF82 cycled 100 times, (d) BSCF82 held potentiostatically at 1.7 V vs. RHE for 2 h, and (e) SCF82 cycled 5 times. Cycles were 1.1-1.7 V vs. RHE at 10 mV/s, in Or-saturated 0.1 M KOH. HRTEM performed by Christopher E. Carlton. Figure adapted from published work." 45 c) 100 d) 100 0 - 80 ;6040 60 40 20 20 10 0 Distance from Surface (nm) Distance from Surface (nm) Figure 3.12: High angular annular dark field imaging and scanning TEM EDS of BSCF82 cycled 5 times between 1.1-1.7 V vs. RHE at 10 mV/s, in O 2-saturated 0.1 M KOH. The quantitative EDS results are shown in both the images (a) and (b), and plotted vs. the distance from the particle edge in (c) and (d). Both (a) and (b) are the same image, with EDS taken at different locations on the particle. A-site atom concentration (Ba and Sr) is compared to B-site concentration (Co and Fe) for visual clarity. HRTEM/EDS performed by Christopher E. Carlton. Figure adapted from published work." Amorphous regions were also found in BSCF82 electrodes that were held potentiostatically at 1.7 V versus RHE for 2 h (Figure 3.11d). Although the total amount of charge passed was much higher during this experiment than in the case of cycling 5 times, the thickness of these regions was comparable to the 5x cycled case. Interestingly, this suggests that cycling the potential dramatically increases the rate of 46 the amorphization process. Also, the in the FFT of the HRTEM images of the potentiostatically held electrode, a diffuse ring with real space spacing of approximately 3.3 A was observed, which corresponds to interatomic distance of cations in spinel Co3 O4 . This could indicate the formation of spinel-like motifs containing both octahedral and tetrahedral environments for cobalt and iron cations, as reported for BSCF82 at intermediate temperatures. The existence of spinel-like motifs is further supported by Raman spectroscopy, where approximately 15% of all spectra contained peaks similar to those present in spinel Co 3O4 (Figure 3.13). LSC46 (20X) BSCF82 (4x) CO304 1000 800 600 400 1 Raman shift (cm ) Figure 3.13: CoO 4 peaks have been observed in the Raman spectra of both BSCF82 and LSC46, both cycled 5 times between 1.1-1.7 V vs. RHE at 10 mV/s. The multipliers in the image refer to intensity scaling for visual clarity. Approximately 15% of spectra exhibited the 200 CoaO 4 -like peaks. These peaks were never observed for as-prepared samples or in LCO samples before or after cycling. Raman spectroscopy performed by Kelsey A. Stoerzinger. Figure adapted from published work." 47 3.4 Raman Spectroscopy and Potential-Dependent Amorphization Raman spectroscopy can be used as a rapid tool for probing the amorphization of oxide surfaces after it has been established (e.g. via HRTEM) that such a process occurs, and the oxides in question are Raman active. The Raman spectra of BSCF82 prior to cycling exhibits a broad peak at around 675 cm-1, attributed to internal motion of oxygen within the cobalt and iron octahedra."' It is of interest to investigate the conditions under which amorphization occurs, by varying the potential window used. When BSCF82 was cycled between 1.1 and 1.7 V versus RHE as in the electrodes examined via HRTEM, the vibrational mode of BSCF82 mentioned above broadens after 5 cycles and was absent after 50 cycles. This is in good agreement with the changes in the electrochemical data and the amorphization observed via HRTEM. Since the information depth of Raman spectroscopy is estimated to be larger than 100 nm, the lack of Raman signal after 50 cycles indicates that the amorphous layer is likely larger than 100 nm, beyond the thicknesses that can be observed with HRTEM (approximately 20 nm). In contrast, the Raman spectra for LMO, LCO and LSC46 (Figure 3.14) have negligible changes after cycling. Of particular interest are the peaks at 420 and 600 cm-1 for LCO, which have been attributed to bending and breathing modes of the oxygen cage of Eg and A2g symmetry, respectively.1 2 These peaks remained visible after 50 cycles (Figure 3.14b), showing that there is no significant change in the local symmetry of LCO when cycled under identical conditions to those of BSCF82. The effect of changing the cyclic voltammetry window was investigated by cycling BSCF82 50 times (at 10 mV/s) in three voltage ranges: 0.7-1.0 V, 1.1-1.5 V, and 48 1.5-1.7 V versus RHE. No significant changes to the Raman spectra were observed for the 0.7-1.0 V and 1.1-1.5 V voltage ranges; the 1.5-1.7 V range, showed loss of Raman scattering accompanying the formation of a thick amorphous layer (Figure 3.14c). This is potential-dependent suggests that amorphization and occurs most rapidly at potentials above 1.5 V vs. RHE, where OER current is appreciable. BSCF2 (b) LCO (a) BSCF82 50cS~c1.5-1.7V 5c 5C1.1-1.5V AP AP 0.7-1.0 V 300 500 700 900 300 500 700 900 Rmuan shif (oM ) 300 500 700 900 (d) (0) (4 LMO A S. 50c c sc Li LSC46 50 C 5c OOO/ C AP AP 300 500 700 900 BSCF46 300 500 700 900 Raman shift (am4) 300 500 700 00 Figure 3.14: Raman spectra of (a) BSCF82 and (b) LCO before and after cycling 5 and 50 times, (c) BSCF82 after cycling 50 times in the indicated voltage windows, (d) LMO, (e) LSC46 and (f) BSCF46 before and after cycling 5 and 50 times. Cycling took place in 0 2-saturated 0.1 M KOH at 10 mV/s. Raman spectroscopy performed by Kelsey A. Stoerzinger. Figure adapted from published work." Various potentiostatic conditions were also investigated, comparing different voltages with a fixed amount of charge passed. Similarly to the BSCF82 after cycling, reduction of Raman scattering was observed at OER potentials (Figure 3.15). Oxidation 49 current was also seen to increase over time; only when potential was held in the OER region. At 1.45 V versus RHE for 24 h, no strong decrease in Raman signal was observed, indicating that any amorphization layer is extremely small. OER potential ranges may be essential for the rapid amorphization observed in BSCF82 and closely related perovskites. Thus it is possible that OER may kinetically permit or enhance the amorphization process, although this requires further investigation. 1.0 0.8 1.600 V 0.6 - 0.4 E - 0.2 1.475 V 0.0 a I 0 1.450 V a 100 Time (s) I - 200 300 500 700 900 Raman shift (cm4) Figure 3.15: Raman spectra (left) of BSCF82 after potentiostatically holding at the labeled potential until 27.4 mC of charge had passed. Electrochemical data is shown on the right panel. Times required were 0.06, 1.78, and 24 h for 1.600 (red), 1.475 (green) and 1.45 (blue) V vs. RHE, respectively. For potentials with appreciable OER current, the current increased over time, accompanying more drastic changes in the Raman spectra. Raman spectroscopy performed by Kelsey A. Stoerzinger. Figure adapted from published work." 50 3.5 Amorphization and Pseudocapacitive Current The simultaneous increase in pseudocapacitive current, OER current, and amorphous layer thickness leads to the possibility that the amorphous regions may be accessible to electrolyte.03 105 This would potentially increase the effective number of active sites for OER, and would also allow redox of the B-site cations to occur in the bulk of the material, possibly explaining the change in pseudocapacitive current. A rough measure of the electrochemically active surface area was performed by determining the cathodic charge passed during the negative-going scan of cyclic voltammetry, which would be proportional to the pseudocapacitance and the effective surface area. When plotted versus the OER current at a given overpotential (Figure 3.16), there is a linear trend, where the OER activity increases four to five times and is correlated with a factor of seven to eight increase in the pseudocapacitive cathodic charge passed. This lends some support to the claim that amorphization leads to an increase in the electrochemically active surface area. It should also be noted that on a per-volume basis the number of cobalt and iron ions present in the amorphous regions increases faster with region growth than the OER current, and thus not all of the transition metal cations are electrochemically available as active sites. These findings do not alter any previous claims of the high catalytic activity of BSCF82," where the activity was typically extracted from the second or third cycle where the amorphous layer is still thin. The maximum increase in electrochemically active surface area from such a layer is less than a factor of two. It has also been recently shown that related 51 cobalt perovskites can sustain OER activities even higher than BSCF82 without becoming amorphous.06 M: 30 C6 5th cycle > (2025 > 0 20 0 810.1 100 . oj 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 E-iR(Vvs. RHE) 15 10 '' w 5 C 2 X 0 E O-' 5 20 40 30 0 - 50 '0 15 20 10 60 80 100 120 Cathodic Charge (mC) Figure 3.16: Oxygen evolution current at 1.58 V vs. RHE vs. the cathodic charge passed during a single cycle (1.1-1.7 V vs. RHE, 10 mV/s) in 0.1 M KOH. Cycle numbers are labeled. Inset shows a single cycle (5 th) with the shaded region being proportional to the cathodic charge. Figure adapted from published work." An interesting comparison arises when considering the highly active OER catalysts formed from electrodeposited cobalt oxide films. When normalizing the OER current of BSCF82 to the total number of cobalt atoms-taken as the lower limit of the intrinsic OER activity per cobalt-it was found to be comparable to that reported for the electrochemically deposited films,1, 59 6, 2,65 as shown in Figure 3.17. Recently it has been shown that the OER current per cobalt atom decreases with increasing "cluster" size of an extended cobalt oxide motif, which is a result of reduced utility of cobalt for OER. 52 7 Another recent report has investigated the local structures of the cobalt cations via extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS), and has shown that during cycling, perovskite oxides BSCF82 and SCF82 both show an increase in the interatomic spacing associated with edge-shared cobalt octahedra, and begin to show similarity with the Fourier-transformed EXAFS of the electrochemically deposited amorphous cobalt oxide films.10 7 Further investigation of the nature of the active sites in the amorphous regions of these perovskites and their relationship to the electrochemically deposited oxides is needed to obtain a fuller picture of how these catalysts function. 0.40 A Cofilm,2nd * BSCF82, 2nd O BSCF82, 185th N 0 ,;0.35 surface bulk i~e~I U.30 I IE-18 j IE-16 IE-14 I (mA/# Co) Figure 3.17: Tafel plots for BSCF82 (solid squares, 2 "dcycle; open squares, 1 8 5 th cycle) and an electrochemically-deposited amorphous Co oxide film (green triangle, 2 nd cycle) in 0.1 M KOH. Tafel plots constructed from averaged forward-backward scans of cyclic voltammetry (10 mV/s) and normalized to the total number of Co in bulk or on the surface. BSCF82 data was gathered on a single electrode while the Co film data was the average of 5 independent measurements (250 nmol/cm 2 di,k loading, 200 nm thick). The number of cobalt atoms in BSCF82 was estimated from the formula unit, mass loading and SEM-estimated surface area. For the Co-film, the number of Co ions was estimated from the Faradaic charge passed during electrodeposition at 0.806 V vs. SCE in 0.1 M potassium phosphate (pH 7), assuming all charge was due to Co2 + to Co"* oxidation. Co film data was gathered by Marcel Risch. Figure adapted from published work." 53 3.6 0 p-band Center: A Descriptor from Density Functional Theory Thus far only the amorphization and its effect on catalytic activity have been discussed. In the following, a potential descriptor for OER activity and amorphization is reported based on density functional theory calculations. It has recently been reported that the oxygen p-band center, as calculated from density functional theory, acts as a descriptor for several physical parameters relating to oxygen anions in the perovskite structure such as the oxygen vacancy formation energy, oxygen mobility, and oxygen surface exchange coefficient.9" This is turn leads the p-band center to describe the high temperature ORR activity of perovskite oxides as cathodes for solid oxide fuel cells. BSCF82, SCF82, and BSCF46 all have 0 p-band centers much closer to the Fermi level, allowing oxygen redox to occur more easily, leading to Fermi level pinning of the 0 pband. The calculated 0 p-band centers for the oxides in this work, along with their OER overpotentials at 0.25 mA/cm'0 x, are shown in Figure 3.18. Oxides with an 0 pband center higher than approximately -2.2 eV relative to the Fermi level become amorphous during the OER in pH 13 electrolyte, while those with lower 0 p-band centers do not. Since LSC46 has an 0 p-band center at -2.2 eV, it is likely that an oxide at the threshold of becoming amorphous during OER has an 0 p-band center somewhere between that of LSC46 and SCF82. Indeed, there has been further study of the 0 p-band centers of related double-perovskite compounds that remain stable during OER with high activity, possessing 0 p-band centers of approximately -1.8 eV relative to the Fermi level.106 54 Because a high 0 p-band center has been shown to provide higher oxygen lattice mobility and higher oxygen vacancy concentration in BSCF82, 08 BSCF46 and SCF82, changes in oxygen stoichiometry at the surface, whether from surface oxygen exchange or bulk vacancy migration, may play an important role in the amorphization process, or even in the OER mechanism itself. Further work is needed to understand the intimate relationship between lattice oxygen, structural stability and catalytic activity in alkaline solution. (a) (b) BSCF46 BSCF82 SCF82 LSC46 LCO LMO -3.0 -2.5 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0 p-band center relative to EF (OV) LLLL 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 q (V vs. RHE) Figure 3.18: (a) Calculated 0 p-band centers of perovskites BSCF46, BSCF82, SCF82, LSC46, LCO and LMO, and (b) the overpotentials at 0.25 mA/cm 20 ,. Stoichiometry in the calculations is not exact due to the coarse composition grid in the simulated supercells. Oxides represented with red bars exhibit rapid surface amorphization during water oxidation, while those represented with blue bars remain highly crystalline. DFT performed by Yueh-Lin Lee. Figure adapted from published work." 55 56 4 Conclusions and Looking Forward In this thesis, the amorphization of highly active BSCF82 and related compounds These oxides rapidly became BSCF46 and SCF82 during OER was described. amorphous at the surface when cycled in the OER potential region, with slower amorphization occurring for potentiostatically-held electrodes. Amorphization was accompanied by leaching of A-site cations from the surface and considerable increases in the pseudocapacitive and OER currents. Amorphization also lead to the apparent A atomic spacing of 2.8 from the ring observed in the FFTs of HRTEM images of the particle surfaces, indicating the possible formation of edge-sharing transition metal octahedra. All three of these oxides had similarly positioned 0 p-band centers as calculated by density functional theory, being the highest relative to the Fermi level compared to all the other oxides studied in this work. The perovskites LSC46, LCO and LMO, which had lower 0 p-band centers relative to the Fermi level, did not become amorphous and remained crystalline under identical electrochemical conditions. There are several interesting research directions that arise from the results presented earlier. First is the parallel between the amorphous layer grown on BSCF82, BSCF46 and SCF82, and amorphous electrochemically-deposited cobalt films. Further work has recently been done via EXAFS on BSCF82, SCF82 and the amorphous films, showing that in the Fourier-transformed EXAFS interatomic distance peaks corresponding to Co-Co distances in edge-sharing octahedra appear and grow with electrochemical cycling in the OER region."" The possible similarity between the amorphous cobalt films and the amorphous layers formed on perovskites is what first 57 posed the question as to whether or not the perovskites' amorphous films were permeable to electrolyte, giving access to bulk cobalt as active sites for OER. It has already been reported that oxides formed on cobalt metal electrochemically are thought to be hydrous, and the film growth cyclic voltammetry shows an increase in both pseudocapacitance and OER current as the film becomes thicker." It had also been suggested that hydrous oxide films could be an example of three-dimensional catalysis, where the accessibility of bulk metal cation sites to electrolyte provide a higher electrochemically active surface area.4 7 109 Similar findings had also been reported for iridium oxide cycled in acidic solution.n'0 or not the surface oxide 2 Further experiments to determine whether films contain hydrous species such as hydroxide or oxyhydroxide and how far into a heavily amorphized film the hydrous species exist, are needed. Probing the subtle differences between different types of amorphous cobalt (or other transition metal) oxides, such as studying the effect of any remaining A-site cations in the amorphous layers, is also of interest to further understand how to optimize such materials for OER. Another interesting point is the fact that currently, the most active cobalt-based oxide OER catalysts were primarily researched initially as high-temperature oxygen reduction cathode materials for solid-oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) .113,114 It seems clear that the nature of the transition metal-oxygen bond is of vital importance for OER catalysis. Differential electrochemical mass spectrometry (DEMS) combined with isotope labeling of oxygen could be of interest in determining to what degree lattice oxygen participates in the OER. 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