Guelph Collegiate Vocational Institute Department: Health and Physical Education

Guelph Collegiate Vocational Institute
Upper Grand District School Board
Course Outline
Department: Health and Physical Education
Course Title: Healthy Active Living
Course Type: Open
Grade: 9
Course Code: PPL1O
Credit Value: 1
Department Head: Mrs. L. Reynolds
Teachers: Mr. Hocken; Mr. Adair, Mrs. L. Reynolds; Ms. L. Skiperis
Teacher email:
Date of Development: September 2015
Curriculum Document: (copy subject-specific
document from secondary curriculum website
Course Prerequisites/Corequisites:
Course Description:
This course equips students with the knowledge and skills they need to make healthy choices
now and lead healthy, active lives in the future. Through participation in a wide range of
physical activities, students develop knowledge and skills related to movement competence
and personal fitness that provide a foundation for active living. Students also acquire an
understanding of the factors and skills that contribute to healthy development and learn how
their own well-being is affected by, and affects, the world around them. Students build their
sense of self, learn to interact positively with others, and develop their ability to think critically
and creatively.
Term Work (70% of the final mark)
Unit Title, Big Ideas, and Unit Culminating Tasks
Activity Units
Various: Invasion Territory, Net/Wall, Striking/Fielding and Target Games
Examples: Softball, Soccer, Flag Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Badminton,
Rock Climbing, Ultimate Frisbee, Fitness Training, Winter Games, Recreational Games
Health Units
Fitness and Healthy Eating – Heart Rate Lab (formative)
Personal Safety and Injury Prevention – Personal Safety Unit Test (summative)
Substance Use, Addictions and Related Behaviours - Drug or Social Issue Assignment
Human Development and Sexual Health – Sexuality Unit Test (summative)
Refer to the H&PE link on the school website for a description of the big ideas for each
strand. (Living Skills; Active Living; Movement Competence; Healthy Living)
Culminating Tasks/Exams (30% of the final mark)
Course Culminating Task/Exams and Description
1. Practical (10%) - Demonstrate knowledge of guidelines and strategies that enhance
participation in recreation and sports activities.
2. Fitness/Course Reflection (10%) – Questions based on fitness testing and the big
ideas of the course.
3. Final Exam (10%) – Questions (KICA) based on the big idea of the course.
Based on the range of students’ learning needs, a selection from the strategies listed below may be
utilized. Refer to list of teaching and assessment strategies.
Teaching Strategies:
Assessment and evaluation strategies:
Textbooks/Learning Resource Materials (align with Policy 603)
Fees for Learning Materials/Activities
Learning Materials/Activities
Guelph Grotto Indoor Rock Climbing (1 week)
Please refer to the GCVI Student Handbook for our school policies on:
● academic integrity
● late and missed assignments