PHY2464 - The Physical Basis of Music PHY -2464 PHY-2464 Physical Basis of Music Presentation Presentation 20 20 Percussion Percussion Instruments Instruments -- II Adapted Adapted from from Sam Sam Matteson’s Matteson’s Unit Unit 33 Session Session 33 33 Sam Sam Trickey Trickey Mar. Mar. 18, 18, 2005 2005 PHY-2464 PHY PHY-2464 Pres. 20 Percussion Instruments - I Percussion = striking We have already seen struck strings. Now we turn to struck membranes, bars, and other rather stiff objects such as bells &date PHY2464 - The Physical Basis of Music PHYPHY-2464 Pres. 20 Percussion Instruments - I The Percussion Instruments (*already discussed) Strings* Membranes Drums Piano* Hammer dulcimer* Cymbals, Gongs, Pans PHYPHY-2464 Blocks, bells, shells Bars Plates Xylophones, chimes Others Pres. 20 Percussion Instruments - I Amplitude Amplitude Recall! The timbre of an instrument’s sounds depends on its spectrum (“vibration recipe”). An irregular spectrum lacks characteristic pitch. fn = n f1 f1 3f1 2f1 fn m = xn m f1 f01 Frequency &date Pitched 4f1 Unpitched ! PHY2464 - The Physical Basis of Music PHYPHY-2464 Pres. 20 Percussion Instruments - I Oscillation of a Clamped Membrane Surface density σ Mode: (0,1) d f0 1 = v/λ v/λ; v = √(S/ σ) Surface Tension S f0 1 = x0 1 /(π /(π d) x √(S/ σ) x0 1 = 2.405 Surface density σ= mass/area σ= density x thickness Surface Tension S= force/length PHYPHY-2464 Pres. 20 Percussion Instruments - I Clamped Membrane compared with String Surface density σ d Tension T L Linear density µ Surface Tension S • Surface density σ= mass/area • Surface Tension S= force/length fn m = xn m /(π /(π d) x √(S/ σ) x0 1 = 2.405 &date • Linear density µ= mass/length • Tension T= force fn = n /(2 /(2 L) x √(T/ µ) n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7… 7…. PHY2464 - The Physical Basis of Music PHYPHY-2464 Pres. 20 Percussion Instruments - I Oscillation of a Clamped Membrane – numerical example Surface density σ Mode: (0,1) d Surface Tension S f0 1 = v/λ v/λ; v = √(S/ σ) f0 1 = x0 1 /(π /(π d) x √(S/ σ) x0 1 = 2.405 Example: d = 0.30 m; m = 58 gm; T = 474 N • C = π d = .94 m • Area= 0.73 m2 • σ= 0.058 kg/0.073 m2=0.8 kg/m2 • S = T/C = 503. N/m f0 1 = x0 1 /(π /(π d) x √(S/ σ) = 2.405/(0.94)√(503/0.8)= (503/0.8)= 64 Hz PHYPHY-2464 Pres. 20 Percussion Instruments - I Oscillation Modes of an (Ideal) Clamped Membrane Surface density σ Mode: (0,1) f0 1 = x0 1 /(π /(π d) x √(S/ σ) Surface Tension S Mode: (1,1) f1 1 = (x1 1 / x0 1) f0 1 x1 1 / x0 1 = 1.594 &date x0 1 = 2.405 Mode: (2,1) f2 1 = (x2 1 / x0 1) f0 1 x2 1 / x0 1 = 2.136 PHY2464 - The Physical Basis of Music PHYPHY-2464 Pres. 20 Percussion Instruments - I Modes of Oscillation of a Clamped Membrane Fx,y: x = # radial nodes, y = # circular nodes Mode: (0,1) (1,1) (2,1) (0,2) (3,1) xn m / x0 1 : 1 1.594 2.136 2.296 2.653 (1,2) (4,1) (2,2) (0,3) (5,1) 2.918 3.156 3.501 3.600 3.652 PHYPHY-2464 Pres. 20 Percussion Instruments - I Key FACTs about Membrane Acoustics: &date • The overtones of a circular membrane clamped at the edge are not harmonic and, therefore, they have no well-defined pitch. fn m = (xn m /x01)f01 • The frequencies fnm of a membrane are (1) proportional to the square root of the ratio of surface tension of the head to the surface density [√(S / σ)] and (2) inversely proportional to the diameter [1/d]. PHY2464 - The Physical Basis of Music PHYPHY-2464 Pres. 20 Percussion Instruments - I Demonstration: Normal Modes of a Oscillation of a Clamped Membrane PHYPHY-2464 Pres. 20 Percussion Instruments - I Ideal vs. Real Membranes: Key FACTs: Real membranes have lower frequencies than predicted for ideal membranes because of air loading. The lowest frequencies are lowered the most. &date PHY2464 - The Physical Basis of Music PHYPHY-2464 Pres. 20 Percussion Instruments - I Mode Excitation: An observation of the obvious: only those frequencies for which the modes were excited will appear in the spectrum (“vibration recipe”). Key FACT: The highest frequency that can be excited by a mallet that is in contact with the surface for a period of Tcontact is f max= 2/Tcontact PHYPHY-2464 Pres. 20 Percussion Instruments - I Mode Excitation by mallet contact: f max= 2/Tcontact Tcontact = ½ Tperiod= 1/(2fmax ) &date PHY2464 - The Physical Basis of Music PHYPHY-2464 Pres. 20 Percussion Instruments - I Demonstration: Longitudinal Modes vs Transverse Modes for a Rod PHYPHY-2464 Pres. 20 Percussion Instruments - I Longitudinal Wave (Sound Wave) vL h: thickness ρ: density Y: Young’s Modulus • Density ρ= mass/volume • Young’ Young’s Modulus Y = stress/elongation = stiffness &date • vL = √Y/ ρ fn= n vL/(2L) PHY2464 - The Physical Basis of Music PHYPHY-2464 Pres. 20 Percussion Instruments - I Bending Wave in a Plate vbend h: thickness ρ: density Y: Young’s Modulus • Density ρ= mass/volume • vL = √Y/(.91 ρ) • Young’ Young’s Modulus Y= stress/elongation =stiffness PHYPHY-2464 vbend = √[1.8 f h vL ] fnm = 0.0459 h vL( ynm /d)2 Pres. 20 Percussion Instruments - I Modes of Oscillation of a Flat Cymbal &date Mode: (2,0) (0,1) (3,0) (1,1) (4,0) fn m / f0 1 : 1 1.730 2.328 3.910 4.110 (5,0) (2,1) (0,2) 6.30 6.71 3.600 PHY2464 - The Physical Basis of Music PHYPHY-2464 Pres. 20 Percussion Instruments - I Key FACTs about Plate Acoustics: • The overtones of a circular plate clamped in the center are not harmonic and, therefore, have no well-defined pitch. fn m = (yn m /y20)2 f20 • The frequencies fnm of a circular plate are (1) proportional to the thickness [h], (2) proportional to the square root of the ratio of the stiffness and the density [√E/ρ ] ,and (3) inversely proportional to the square of the diameter [1/d2 ]. PHYPHY-2464 Pres. 20 Percussion Instruments - I Summary: • • • • • &date Percussion instruments are those whose primary means of sound production is by being struck. Their spectru is often not harmonic and, therefore, they do not have well-defined pitch. For ideal circular edge-clamped membranes: fnm = (xnm /d)√(S/σ). For circular plates free at the edge: fnm = h x (ynm /d) 2 √(E/ρ). The maximum frequency excited by a mallet is f max= 2/Tcontact.