SWELLING AND AGGLOMERATION EFFECTS FOR BITUMINOUS COAL IN A LAMINAR FLOW-REACTOR by John Francis Dolan Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology May, 1980 )John Francis Dolan May, 1980 The author hereby grants to M.I.T. permission to reproduce and to distribute copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. Signature of DepartmenW of Chemical Engineering, May 8,1980 Certified by - - Chairman, Accepted by....... '00ý01ý --' .. . . . . . . .. a. .a & ...* Thesis Supervisor & Chairman, Department Committee ARCHPVES NOV 01 1994 ABSTRACT SWELLING AND AGGLOMERATION EFFECTS FOR BITUMINOUS COAL IN A LAMINAR FLOW REACTOR by John F. Dolan Submitted to the Department of Chemical Engineering in May, 1980, in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Science Swelling and agglomeration effects in bituminous coal particles under pyrolytic and hydropyrolytic conditions were studied. Experiments were carried out on. coal particles of mean diameter 22.5 and 49,um at 600 and 10000 C at various feed rates. Particle counts were per- formed to determine agglomeration effects. The extent of particle swelling was assessed by particle sizing. fective particle diameters were calculated. was found to be significant for 20-25 .ff pyrolytic Swelling particles under conditions at 6000 C and hydropyrolytic ditions at 10000 C. Ef- con- Agglomeration effects were significant in all cases tested. Thesis Supervisor: Jack B. Howard Professor of Chemical Engineering TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.1 4.0 4.1 5.0 Page Introduction General Apparatus and Run Procedure Procedure for Agglomeration Analysis Results and Discussion on Agglomeration Procedure for Swelling Analysis Results and Discussion on Swelling 5 6 7 8 11 11 Overall Effect on Particle Size: Results and Discussion 13 6.0 Conclusions and Recommendations Appendices A B C Data Tables Table 1: Agglomeration vs. Feed Rate for 20-25 mm particles, 600OC,He Table 2: Agglomeration vs. Feed Rate for 20-25pm particles, 10000C, He Table 3: Agglomeration vs. Feed: Rate For 20-25 tm particles, 1000oC, H 2 Table 4: Agglomeration vs. Feeds:Rate for 45-53 .,m particles, 6000C, He Table 5: Agglomeration vs. Feed Rate for 45-53 ,um particles, 100000, He Table 6: Agglomeration vs. Feed Rate for 45-53 km particles, 1000 0 c, H2 Table 7: Swelling Factor, Weight Fraction Recovery, and Particle Size vs. Run Condition Table 8: Particle Mean Diameter and Standard Deviation vs. Feed Rate Table 9: Data for Agglomeration Experiments Table 10 : Particle Size Data Error Analysis for Particle Agglomeration and Swelling Experiments Figures - Bibliography and Footnotes 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 17 18 21 23 24 LIST OF FIGURES Page Number 1 Detailed Schematic of the Reactor and Peripheries 24 2 Agglomeration vs. Feed Rate for 25 20-25 um particles 600oC, He 3 Agglomeration vs. Feed Rate for 20-254m particles 1000 0 C, He 26 4 Agglomeration vs. Feed Rate for 45-53mm particles 6000C, He Agglomeration vs. Feed Rate for 4 5-53Am particles 1000oC , He Agglomeration vs. Feed Rate for 45-53 Am particles 10000C , H 2 Linearized Plots of Agglomeration vs. Feed Rate Micrograph of 20-25pm Feed Micrograph of 20-25 ,m , 6000 C He 27 5 6 7 8 9 28 29 30 31 31 10 Micrograph of 20-25 Am, 10000 C , He 32 11 Micrograph of 20-25,Lm, 10000 C , H2 Micrograph of 45-53Am Feed 32 12 m , 13 Micrograph of 45-53 6000 C He 14 Micr 8 graph of 45-53 4m, 1000 C He Micrograph of 45-53 }m 10000 C H2 15 33 33 34 34 1.0 Introduction Gas yields have been found to depend on particle size in the pyrolysis and hydropyrolysis of bituminous coal. For this reason , determination of the true particle diameter during the pyrolysis process is needed to model the reaction kinetics. We know that particle size is influenced by two effects: swelling and agglomeration. Experiments have been conducted to determine the extent of swelling in coal pyrolysis. Pohl et. al. 1 have found extensive swelling for bituminous coal particles at temperatures below about 13000 C. Sung 2 has found agglomeration of coal particles to be quite important as well. The main objective of this research was to determine the effective particle diameter in a laminar flow coal gasification reactor under various conditions and to use these data to predict diameters at Other conditions. The effective particle diameter, if different from the original feed diameter,is determined by two phenomena: particle swelling and particle fusion. The effects of the following four parameters on the extent of agglomeration and swelling were determined: temperature, type of main gas (He or H 2 ) coal feed rate, and particle size. 2.0 General Apparatus and Run Procedure The apparatus used in these experiments consisted of a Vertical tube furnace in which a steady , laminar flow of preheated gas was maintained.(see Fig. 1) A feed sample was metered by a powder feeding device into a water-cooled tube which extended through the furnace shell along the centerline of the reaction tube to the furnace hot zone. The particle stream emerging from the water-cooled feed tube was heated rapidly to the reaction temperature and entrained along the furnace centerline for a desired distance before it was directed through a heated probe and collected in sample dishes placed at the furnace exit. 3.0 Procedure for Agglomeration Analysis Extents of agglomeration were assessed by measuring the difference in the number of particles per milligram before and after a run. A microscope and balance were used. An estimated one milligram of sample was transferred with a microspatula onto a square cut from graph paper. The paper was folded on all sides to keep the sample from sliding off the enclosed grid. The grid consisted of 900 (30 X 30) squareseach imm2 in area. The sample was spread out as evenly as possible on the grid using a small brush. At this point the sample was ready for counting under a microscope. A 30X Wetzlar microscope equipped with a high intensity lamp was used. The number of particles in twenty random sets of two adjacent squares were counted and the average of the counts was multiplied by 450 (as there are 450 sets of two squares on the grid). The grid was then placed on a Mettler H20 balance and weighed to an accuracy of 0.01 mg. The sample was then brushed off the grid so that only the paper remained. again. The grid was then weighed The total number of particles divided by the dif- ference between these two weight measurements yielded the number of particles per mg. for a given sample. 3.1 Results and Discussion Experiments were run under three general conditions for each of the two particle sizes: helium main gas at 600 and 10000 C and hydrogen main gas at 10000 C. Table 9 contains all particle count data. Data related to weight loss upon pyrolysis and hydropyrolysis is presented in Table 7 . Tables 1-6 show the calculated agglomeration factors for each condition where Agglomeration Factor (Initial SamQle Wt.) /Feed Particles/mg) Product Particles/mg) (Final Sample Wt.) Agglomeration has the effect of increasing the average particle diameter as it decreases the number of particles. An ag- glomeration factor represents the effect that agglomeration has on the average particle diameter during devolatilization. For example, an agglomeration factor of 1.5 means that agglomeration effects have increased the average particle diameter by 50%. The agglomeration factors listed in Tables 1-6 show significant agglomeration effects for every general case. Although not true in all six cases, a definite proportionality exists between the agglomeration factor and the feed rate for the 20-25 }m He runs at 10000 C as well as for the 45-53 mm runs at both 600 and 10000 C. This proportionality can clearly be seen in Figures 3,4, and 5 which plot the agglomeration factor as a function of feed rate for the above three conditions. Figures 2 and 6 show that for the 6000 C, He, 20-25 pm and 10000 C, H2 , 45-53 Pm particle runs, no functionality exists between the agglomeration factor and the feed rate. These results indicate the possibility of an agglomeration maximum for these conditions. FigUre 7 contains "best fit" lines for the agglom- eration vs. feed rate data presented in Tables 1-6. These lines show that in both the case of 20-25 um and 14.553.tm particles, agglomeration effects are greater at the higher temperature (10000 C) over the range of feed rates tested. Due to the variability in the calculated agglomeration fa'ctors for the 10000 C , H2 , 20-25Am particle runs, the effect of substitution of hydrogen for helium as the carrier gas is unclear for this particle size. For the 45-53 gm particles, extents of agglomeration were lowered substantially by this substitution. Larger temp- erature and concentration gradients are present in the 4 5-53,om particles than in the 20-25km size. This effect, combined with the highly reactive H 2 gas., created conditions that tended to reduce the particle stickiness. Figure 7 shows that for a given temperature and carrier gas , the agglomeration effect is greater for the 20- 25 ~m than the 45-53 pm particles at all feed rates tested. 10 The extent of agglomeration will be proportional to the number of collisions multiplied by the fraction of collisions resulting in agglomeration. Since for a given particle size , feed rate , and gas flow rate, the number of collisions should be the same regardless of the temperature or carrier gas, the great variability in the "best fit" agglomeration lines in Figure 7 indicate that the fraction of collisions resulting in agglomeration (i.e. the relative particle stickiness) can vary substantially for different conditions. 4.0 Procedure for Swelling Analysis A microscope and camera were used to assess the extent of swelling. A sample was transferred with a microspatula onto a slide and spread evenly using a small brush. A Microstar light microscope equipped with a camera capable of taking Polaroid Type 55 pictures was used to photograph the sample slides. The 6000 C helium 4 5-53sm run samples were photographed at a magnification of approximately ~40X while all others were photographed at approximately 100X. Two good pictures of each sample were taken. A ruler was used to measure particle diameters off the photographs. Measurements were made accurately enough to determine the size category into which a given particle should be catalogued. Comparision of this average with that of the feed sample yielded the swelling factor. 4.1 Results and Discussion Experiments were run under three general conditions for each of the two particle sizes: helium runs at 600 and 10000 C and a hydrogen run at 10000 C . Table 10 contains particle sizing data used to calculate the swelling factor for each condition where product diameter Average feed diameter 1 SAverage Swelling factor =X agglomeration factor A swelling factor represents the effect that swelling has on the average diameter during devolatilization. For example , a swelling factor of 1.5 means that swelling About 60 particles per photograph were measured. effects have increased the average diameter by 50%. Table 7 lists the swelling factor calculated for each of the above six cases. Swelling decreased with increased temperature for both particle sizes. This trend is verified by Pohl et. al.1 who found no particle swelling above 13000 C. The use of H2 instead of He as the carrier gas increased the swelling factor in both the 20-25 Am and the 45-53,xm particles. For the smaller particles the increase was quite substantial; from 0.98 to 1.16. Table 7 also shows the swelling factors for the 2025,4m particles to be substantially greater than those for the 45-53/Am particles. In fact, the 45-53 Pm particle runs at 10000 C with either carrier gas showed particle shrinkage. This is due to the high weight losses (ap- proximately 6% experienced at this temperature. 5.0 Overall Effect on Particle Size Results and Discussion Table 7 lists the mean and standard deviation of particle diameters calculated from the particle size distribution data listed in Table 10 . Photographs of feed and product particles are presented in Figures 8-15. Due to the irregularity of particle shapes, it was difficult to assess the true average diameter in the 20-25,~m or 4 5-53AMm feed. These averages were taken to be 22.5,um and 49Am respectively and were then used as a basis to size product particles. Table 7 shows the mean product diameters for the 20-25.m feed particles to be almost doubled upon devolatization. The average diameter for the 10000 C , H2 runs increased by over 250% to 56.9pm. Devolatilization effects on the 45-53,pm feed mean particle diameters were not as substantial. In fact, for the 10000 C , He runs, the mean diameter was essentially unchanged. The mean particle diameter and standard deviation were calculated for each feed rate for both the 20-25,Am and the 45-53gm particles at 6000 C with He main gas. These calculations are presented in Table 8. Standard deviations generally rose with increased agglomeration and swelling as expected. 14 6.0 Conclusions and Recommendations For 20-25um particles, agglomeration effects are significant at every condition tested (feed rates of 11-29 mg/min, He or H 2 as an entraining gas, 600 or 10000 C). Swelling effects were important under pyroly- tic conditions at 6000 C and hydropyrolytic conditions at 10000 C. For 4 5-53,"m particles, agglomeration effects are significant at all conditions tested. However, swelling is negligible under all conditions tested. At 10000 C, with either carrier gas, these particles actually decreased in size as a result of high weight loss.. At temperatures greater than 6000 C , swelling decreases with increasing temperature. In general, 20-25um particles are more susceptible than 45-53 pm particles to swelling and agglomeration effects. The highly reactive H 2 environment increases swelling and agglomeration effects for 20 -25 4 m particles at 10000 C. In order to obtain a sample as free from agglomeration and swelling as possible , a 45-53 ,um particle run at 10000 C under pyrolysis conditions at a low feed rate should be performed. Data from pyrolysis and hydropyrolysis experiments run at 8000 C would provide information for a deeper analysis of temperature effects on swelling and agglomeration. ADpendix A: Data Tables Table 1 20-25 Am 6000 C He Agglomeration Feed Rate Factor (mg/min) 1.44 11.9 1.44 1.40 1.40 13.5 19.7 23.8 Table 3 20-25 um 10000 C H, Agglomeration Feed Rate (mg/min) Factor r 15.0 2.36 28.4 1.98 Table 2 20-25 um 10000 C He Agglomeration Feed Rate (mg/min) Factor 15.0 1.75 17.2 1.91 21.3 1.92 28.4 2.01 Table 4 45-53,m 6000 C He Feed Rate Agglomeration (mg/min) Factor 6.9 1.11 1.24 15.3 26.9 31.7 1.26 1.26 41.3 1.36 Table 5 45-53um Feed Rate (mg/min) Table 6 1000 0 C He 21.1 Agglomeration Factor 1.28 1.48 29.3 1.57 32.5 1.40 15.9 4 5-53 m• 10000 C H9 Feed Rate (mg/min) 15.9 26.9 32.5 Agglomeration .Factor 1.20 1.14 1.15 Table 7 :Swelling Factor, Weight Fraction Recovery, and Particle Size vs. Run Condition T Final Sample wt. Sample wt.) Initial Sample wt. Condition (Inal Swelling Factor Mean Diameter (0m) 20-25 m He,600 0 C 0.61 1.25 40.3 20-25mm o 0.47 0.98 41.7 0.42 1.16 56.9 0.63 1.01 63.7 0.44 0.718 50.7 0.40 0.768 43.1 He,1000 20-25 Am m He 6000 C 45-53 m He 10000 C 45-53 Deviation (% of mean) 41.8 C H2 ,100 00 c -53w Standard m H2 10000 C 30.0 Table 8: Feed Size Particle Mean and Standard Deviation vs. Rate at 6000 C,He Main Gas Condition 20-25 Aum He-, 6000 C Feed Rate He,1000 0 C Standard Deviation (% of mean) 11.9 38.4 13.5 19.7 39.1 44 42 42.0 40.8 43 38 50.3 29 61.4 30 30 35 23.8 45-53 *m Mean Particle Diameter (•m) Feed 6.9 15.3 26.9 31.7 41.3 57.8 57.8 82.1 26 Table 9 Data for agglomeration analysis 6000 C He Feed Rate (mg/min) 45-53 /Am Count (particles/mg) Average (particles/mg) 7500 6500 Feed 6460 6100oo 4730 6300 6000 8170 6.9 7400 7520 6890 8270 4870 5360 15.3 6990 26.9 5260 4980 5120 31.7 5030 5210 5120 41.3 5100 4400 3070 4190 4220 He 6000 C Feed 23000 20500 23250 11.9 13.5 19.7 10020 14280 12330 12400 13630 12860 20-25 mm 22250 12150 12370 13250 9480 23.8 15860 14260 13200 Table 9 (cont.) He 10000 C 45-53 Feed Rate (mg/min) 15.9 /m Count (particles/mg) 6840 7090 Average (particles/mg) 6965 21.1 4430 4590 4510 29.3 3660 3800 3730 32.5 5340 5280 5310 He 10000 20-25 Am 5310 15.0 9800 8637 10800 17.2 6380 7080 6729 21.3 6580 6500 6536 28.4 5230 5671 6200 H2 10000 C 45-53 mm 8432 10320 9376 26.9 10110 12240 11175 32.5 12670 8930 10800 15.9 20 Table 9 (cont.) 20-25 tim HII 10000 C -- f Feed Rate (mg/min) 15.0 28.4 Count (particles/mg) Average (particles/mg) 3830 4200 4015 7250 6230 6740 Table 10: Particle Size Data Particle Size Distribution 6000 C He 45-53 ,m Particle Diameter Ranges Feed rate (mg/min) 40-55um 0-39um (%) 56-77um 78-99um (W) (%) (%) feed 5 68 36 2 6.9 11 55 36 12 15.3 5 38 50 46 26.9 8 36 57 30 31.7 8 48 39 30 41.3 1 25 51 62 100-121um 122-143um (%) (%) 45-53um 10000 C He - Particle Diameter Ranges Feed rate (mg/min) 0-24um 25-34um 35-44um (o) (%) 15.9 14 37 32.5 8 32 45-54um 55-69um 70-88um 89-1O8um (%) (%) (%) 15 30 0 1 18 39 3 0 45-53um 10000 C H2f J Particle Diameter Ranges Feed rate (mg/min) 0-24um Wf) 25-34um 35-44um (%) 45-54um 55-69um 70-88um (%) (%) 15.9 32 19 28 26.9 61 9 13 61 11 7 32.5 0 21 (%) 0 89-108um (%) 0 22 I0 CD N) CD CD - m.,, 0 "A o N) N) 00 00 ý'OA CD OBkM-SC CD NJN H- ) 'D O'\ op 0 0. CD 0 0 OO SC C 0 7\ O 0 CO - ZC 0• ,0 S--0 2 N) 0 So N) coP N) 0 F" ) N) N) O CO \0 -N)O \z N) 1,0 -,. 0 N U,0-•,.. H -0 f-, Cc+ ~-~~ri o 0 0 So /'9 N0 ,c --- N) P N) O~ h*-~* I-~ 00 C ,cD0 O\ 01 /'9 cor -0 0 -',. CD e 00 "0 0 Or --,3 ..- ,co--0 L.x \0 CD N) C 00 POP• t-., • 0 ~0 I ON ,----0 0 ON N N) *---- Co ., N) - ,O CO N) P CD CO "-0", 0 -0 2 ' 0 N) "- Cc ", Cc 0\ P'--00 cc ON 2 23 Appendix B Error Analysis for Particle Agglomeration and Swelling Experiments Agglomeration Errors in precision were analized. In the agglomer- ation counts, the largest variation for a given set of conditions was in the case of the 20-25,~ m particles at 10000 C using He main gas, fed at 15 mg/min (see Appendix 7.8). In this case , Variation= 0.5 Total Spread of Counts ( Average Count 5)(490) 8637 0.318. The variation in the 20- 2 5mm feed counts was =(0. 5 )(22250)= 0.062. 22250 Plugging the average counts into the agglomeration factor equation yields 1.75. Plugging in the extremes within variations calculated above yields 2.05, The percentage difference = 2.05-1"75 1.75 (100%)= 17.2% Therefore 17.2%is the maximum precision error in a reported agglomeration factor. At-least two counts were performed in determining each agglomeration factor to lower this error substantially. Swelling As a consistency test for swelling determination,the average particle diameter in each of three sets of two photographs of a given sample was determined. percentage of variation was = (0.5)(61,m- 4 ,am) The total (100o)= 6.3%. This percentage is small enough to provide confidence in swelling factors calculated from the number of particles provided by two photographs. 24 Appendix C: .Figures Figure 1: Detailed Schematic of the. Reactor and Peripheries 110 VAC 200A 200 five *o 10 VAr A *'10 1. 20 25 i .60 1.40- 0 0 1.20 S 0 H 1.00 * n 80 1L I 4 I I I SI1 t 1 t I i 10 et i v t -- 7 40 Feed Rate Figure 2 Agglomeration vs. Feed Rate (mg/min) 20-25um 6000 C He 26 2.20 . r 2.00 W. -,. 9/* / 0bfL o O• 0 *H 1.80 - Cd O / / E / / / 1.60+ / / 1.40 I I I r S ! t i / ) I ~! ) I I I-i j I I - I 1 - I- I T 20 Feed rate (mg/min) Figure 3 Agglomeration vs. Feed Rate 20-25um 10000 C He I• I Id 27 1.60 1.40- D 1.20- I a C O H 1.00 0.80 1 _1 r1 · 1 ~1 I · I I · . . I I I I I -~ .~ q 1 I __ 1 IL I _· I I I · I I L I · 40 10 Feed rate Figure 4 (mg/min) Agglomeration vs. Feed Rate 45-53um 6000 C He - 28 1.60 . 1.40 - 0 1.20 - - 0 *H 4: S 0 bL 1.00 - .8 m -I O.C I I ·. 1 I I | - · 1 -r· I I I I· ----I l I Feed rate I 1 -----1 20 s · I I I I ·I I I ·~--- · | I I (mg/min) Figure 5 Agglomeration vs. Feed rate 45-53um 10000 C He - 29 1.60. 1.40. - - C 0 1.20 z 0 1.20 - S 0 H 00- 0 .80 - - 0 _ __ __ _ _ 10 Feed rate Figure 6 I- a I 30 20 i (mg/min) Agglomeration vs. Feed rate 45-53um 10000 C H2 i I 40 2.0 1.5 .4,. * * * * -.. 4 *4 4. * 0 - . --- - - _ - _* * - - 1.0 20-25"m 10000 C He - - - 6000 C He . 10000 C He 20-25,'m - 45-53 m 6000 C He 0.5 , f I f I l I 10 1 1 1 1 1 20 I l I S Feed Rate (mg/min) Figure 7 Linearized Plots of Agglomeration vs. Feed Rate l 1 1 30 I 30 1 m • m -IV S 4 I i Figure 8 20-25/Am Feed Figure 9 20-25Am , 6000 C , He Figure 10 20-25 um, 10000 C , He fed at 21.3 mg/min b -. Figure 11 20-25 Mm , 10000 C , H2 fed at 28.4 mg/min Figure 12 45-53,mm Feed Figure 13 45-53gm ,6000 C , He fed at 26.9 mg/min 34 '· I -- rt: Figure 14 45-53 um , 10000 C He fed at 32.5mg/min ML AK Figure 15 45-53,Mm 10000 C H 2 fed at 26.9 mg/min 35 Bibliography and Footnotes 1. Pohl, J.H. , H. Kobayashi, and A.F. Sarofim, "The Effects of Temperature and Time on The Swelling of Pulverized Coal Particles", paper presented at the Combustion Institute Technical Meeting Boulder , Colorado 2. (1978) Sung, W.F., "The Study of the Swelling Property of Bituminous Coal", S.B. Thesis , Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass., (1977)