What do worms want? Geographic variation and habitat correlations of trematode parasites in the gastropod Lavigeria nassa Student: Ranjan Muthukrishnan Mentor: Ellinor Michel Introduction Parasites can exert strong control on their hosts, influencing behavior, fertility, and mortality (Jokela & Lively 1994; Levri & Lively 1996). In areas where parasitism is common, parasites are likely to be important agents of natural selection and significantly affect host distributions. If the selective pressure is strong enough and if there are environmental variables that produce patterns in parasite distributions, these should also control host distributions but with an inverse pattern. But what determines parasite distributions is poorly understood. Two major factors for parasite distributions are availability of hosts and the ease of transmission between hosts. Digenean trematodes have complex life cycles that involve multiple hosts with at least one intermediate molluscan host (Briers 2003). The definitive hosts for digenean parasites are most often vertebrate species (Mouritsen & Poulin 2002). In Lake Tanganyika the Lavigeria gastropod species flock has been studied extensively and multiple parasites have been found (McIntyre, et al. 2005, Faloon 2002) but the definitive hosts have not yet been identified. Significant differences in intensity of parasitism between sites have been indicated in past studies (McIntyre, et al. 2005, Faloon 2002), but the extent and ecological correlates of geographic variation were not explored. Lavigeria species also show highly patchy distributions (Michel, et al. 2003, Barrett, et al., 2003) but the factors structuring communities are unknown (see papers by Huntington and Meyer, this volume). I aimed to document patterns of parasite variation on a wider scale than had been attempted in the past, focusing on Lavigeria nassa which is found at most sites around the lake, and to correlate parasite prevalence with habitat variables. Materials and methods Site selection and environmental quantification Ten sites were selected along the eastern shore of Lake Tanganyika in the Kigoma region of Tanzania, with selection criteria based on similarity in rocky substrates and other variables discussed below (GPS coordinates and names in Table 1). Field work was largely a team effort, with each team member responsible for specific analyses. Species diversity (Fisher’s alpha, which combines species richness and eveness) and L. nassa densities were calculated for all ten sites (J. Meyer this volume). Shoreline aspect and benthic algal biomass were recorded at seven sites and rugosity at nine sites (B. Huntington this volume). Benthic gross primary productivity was measured at six sites (T. Thoms this volume). Phytoplankton biomass after an upwelling event was recorded at seven sites (J. Corman this volume). Data collection For this study, a minimum of 100 snails were collected at each site by divers from a depth of 5m (+/- 1m). When possible, individuals of larger sizes (18mm+) were preferred to increase the proportion of sexually mature individuals. After collection, samples were brought back to lab and maintained for up to three days before processing. Each individual was digitally photographed (D. Athuman this volume), and measurements were taken of shell height, distance from the aperture to top of snail, and distance from each scar to top of snail (measured from the point where the scar meets the suture). Snails were assigned as either juvenile, sub-adult, or adult based on lip thickness and angle of shell accretion at the aperture (adult modifications, sensu Papadopoulos et al. 2003). The shells of individuals were then cracked open using a hammer and the soft tissue was examined under a dissecting microscope. Sex and reproductive status was determined by presence/absence of a brood and examination of the texture of the gonad, and parasite infections were recorded if present. If a parasite infection was not obvious from examination of the intact gonad, it was dissected out, squashed between two glass plates, and reexamined under the dissecting microscope. The gonads of brooding females were also not dissected due to the unlikelihood of infection (pers. comm. P. McIntyre). All parasites were identified as digenean trematodes and were further classified by morphotype. Seven different morphotypes of parasite cercaria were identified and sporocysts unaccompanied by cercaria were grouped together. Parasite prevalence was then calculated for each site as the number of infected hosts divided by the number of individuals examined (Bush et al. 1997). Data was analyzed using JMP IN v4.0.4 using standard least squares regressions to compare single habitat factors against the continuous response variable of parasite prevalence. Logistic regressions were used to compare single factors against a nominal response variable. Linear regressions were then conducted between sites comparing parasite prevalence as a response to other site wide characters. A multiple regression was used in cases of multiple factors predicting a continuous response variable. At the individual level, logistic regressions were performed using parasite presence/absence as a response to other individual level characters. Temporal trends in parasite prevalence were examined by comparing data from 1998 (McIntyre et al. 2005) and 2002 (Falloon 2002) in a logistic regression. Results Logistic regression revealed significant differences in parasite prevalence between sites (Wald test df=9, x 2=73.860, p<.0001). Linear regressions demonstrated significant correlations of parasitism and average shell height (Fig. 1, F=5.7621, p=0.0437) and average scar prevalence (Fig 2, F=7.1285, p=0.0284) such that sites with larger and/or more frequently scarred individuals had higher parasite prevalence. There was no significant correlation for habitat rugosity (F=0.1102, p=0.7496), species richness and evenness (quantified with Fisher’s alpha, F=2.6365, p=0.1431), L. nassa density (F=2.694, p=0.1392), species richness (simple species presence/absence counts, F=0.0404, p=0.8487), benthic gross primary productivity (F=3.5514, p=0.1326), algal biomass (F=0.0031, p=0.9574), phytoplankton biomass in response to upwelling events (F=4.9536, p=0.0677) or shoreline aspect (F=2.8925, p=0.1497). Phytoplankton biomass was further analyzed in a multiple regression with average shell height to normalize for size differences between sites and resulted in an increased significance for both factors (F=11.4136, p=0.0137). Logistic regressions at the individual level revealed significant correlations of parasite presence with later life stage (Wald test df=2, x 2=6.592, p=0.0370), greater individual height (Wald test df=1, x 2=20.196, p<.0001), and scar presence (Wald test df=1, x 2=13.194, p=0.0002). Temporal comparisons showed an overall increase in parasite prevalence over time. With year nested within sites as the independent variable and parasite presence/absence as the response there was a significant correlation (Fig. 3, Wald test df=4, x 2=29.451, p=0.0002) Discussion I looked at predictors of parasitism at two different scales: the individual and the site. At the individual level there were good predictors and there was considerable site to site variability but the cause of the inter-site patterns is uncertain. At the individual level, shell height is the best predictor of parasitism which is a commonly found and accepted result (Krist & Lively 1998). Age and size are strongly correlated so larger individuals are likely to have had more time to encounter parasites. Large individuals also have a greater probability of randomly encountering parasites by virtue of their bodies providing larger targets. The second and possibly more interesting predictor of parasitism is shell scars. Shell scars are the result of failed predation attempts by crabs and can be interpreted as a proxy for crab/snail interaction levels. The data suggests two possible interpretations which are neither mutually exclusive nor all-encompassing. Firstly, there is the possibility that parasitism in some way “weakens” the snail making it more susceptible to predation which appears as higher scarring rates. The second possibility uses scarring rates Figure 1: Significant correlation of average shell height with parasite prevalence (F=5.7621, p=0.0437) Figure 2: Significant correlation of scar prevalence with parasite prevalence (F=7.1285, p=0.0284) only as a measure of crab-snail interaction and thus assumes that high scarring occurs when interactions are common. Under such conditions higher parasitism should correlate with greater scarring if predatory crabs are another intermediate host of the parasite because common encounters would assist transmission between hosts. Trematodes must move to a vertebrate as their definitive host, and are obliged to find a mollusc for their first intermediate host, but crustacean secondary hosts have also been documented (Mouritsen and Poulin 2002, G. Nkwengulila, pers. comm.), but always between the mollusc and vertebrate hosts. Thus, since the direction of transmission is almost certainly from the mollusc to a crab host , and not vice versa, this correlation suggests that parasite presence in a snail increases the likelihood of crab encounters. It is possible that in this system parasites induce aberrant, predator attracting behaviors in the snails. This has been documented in other systems, and would be of interest as an indication of fairly highly co-evolved interactions. Moving up to the scale of site-to-site differences I hoped to find environmental characters that could be structuring parasite distributions. The only places where patterns appeared were again in the individual-based measures, scarring and shell height, which suggests that there is some other factor about the sites that causes parallel responses in multiple variables. Possibly any of the three could be driving all of the characters in concert, but without experimental evidence those causative relationships cannot be teased out. Other measures (i.e. productivity, shoreline aspect, Fisher’s alpha, etc.) were considered to test for site-wide factors that could be influencing the variation between sites but variation in response to upwelling events in phytoplankton biomass (when normalized for height differences) was the only factor that could significantly predict parasitism, whereas phytoplankton seems to be a fairly removed variable from snail parasite abundances it could quite possibly be linked by indirect mechanisms. The upwelling response supports a hypothesis that a second intermediate host of the parasites is a planktivorous fish whose distribution is controlled by phytoplankton abundances (pers. comm. P. McIntyre). Sites that consistently respond more strongly to upwelling should be able to support larger planktivore populations with the upwelling subsidy than more poorly responding sites (J. Corman this volume). Consequently, if a plankitivorous fish environmental variable, be it biotic or abiotic. A likely variable to be controlling parasite prevalence in snails is the distribution of a second intermediate or definitive host of the parasite. The identity of those other hosts is unknown but correlations between parasite prevalence and physical variables may provide clues to the identity of alternate hosts by predicting host distributions. Finally, parasite prevalence may not be controlled the distribution of alternate hosts, but directly by the physical factors themselves and in such a case only direct experimental evidence will be able to verify the causal link. Figure 3: Changes in parasite prevalence over time at 4 sites. Shows a significant increase in parasitism over time (Wald test df=4, x 2=29.451, p=0.0002) is the definitive host for the parasites, regions with higher local abundances again should provide higher parasite encounters and have higher infection rates. It is difficult to make definitive statements about what is driving parasite distributions without experimental evidence but the strong patterning between sites suggests there is some factor, or composite of factors, affecting them either directly or indirectly. Finally, an analysis of three datasets collected over a period of eight years shows a general trend of increasing parasitism over time (Fig. 3). This conclusion contradicts earlier findings that parasite prevalence was temporally stable (Faloon 2002) and is perhaps questionable because the pattern is largely driven by only two of the four sites which have multi-year data but it does statistically exist. This could be a likely pattern if L. nassa was a relatively long-lived species, trematode infections have a relatively low impact on mortality and the parasite invasion was relatively recent. Very little is known about L. nassa lifespans but the second condition of low mortality is likely to be the case. The parasites studied here were exclusively found in snail gonads. While parasite presence has strong selective implications for the snail because the individual becomes “reproductively dead”, for the parasite does not necessarily decrease survival and thus may not directly increase mortality in the population (Mouritsen & Poulin 2002). This condition would allow time for parasites to be passed through a population and, all other things being equal, the infection rate should be a function of the number of currently infected individuals that can “donate” parasites. Although infection is not fatal, parasiteinduced sterility would eventually lead a local population to extinction unless the population could equilibrate to a stable proportion of parasitized to unparasitized individuals. This could occur from a resistant phenotype arising in the population or from a constant immigration of uninfected individuals. My results, showing significant differences in parasite prevalence both geographically and temporally, indicate that such an equilibrium has not been reached, and the interactions between snail hosts and trematode parasites are in dynamic flux. Conclusion Parasitism is not rare in the Kigoma Bay region and appears to be on the rise, making it likely to be a significant selective pressure on local species. Different sites in the region show variability in trematode parasite prevalence in L. nassa. This variability is likely to be controlled by some as-yet unknown Acknowledgments I would like to thank Ellinor Michel for her assistance at every level of this project, Pete McIntyre for his insights on parasites and their ecology, Daima Athuman for help prepping samples, Brittany Huntington, Justin Meyer, Joe Sapp, and Cody Helfrich for assistance in collections and the NSF for funding of this work through the Nyanza Project. References Barrett, M., J. Catron, and B. Bishobishiri. 2003. 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Site Name Jakobsen Outer Jakobsen Inner Maji Menge Katabe South Hilltop Nondwa Point Euphorbia Kalalangabo South Mitumba Mwamgongo Longitude 29.5961°E 29.59835 °E 29.5947°E 29.60062°E 29.61325 °E 29.60848 °E 29.60877°E 29.60742°E 29.63163°E 29.63817°E Lattitude 4.916367°S 4.9134°S 4.902683°S 4.90005°S 4.887117°S 4.862817°S 4.849267°S 4.843833°S 4.63295°S 4.616°S Table 1: Site names and GPS coordinates Site Jakobsen Outer Jakobsen Inner Maji Menge Katabe South Hilltop Nondwa Point Euphorbia Kalalangabo South Mitumba L. nassa density ind/m^2 Rugosity Fisher alpha Parasite prevalence Scar prevalence Avg height (mm) GPP mgC/ m^2h shoreline aspect chl a Species Richness 8.6 6.3 1.65 0.15 0.41 20.06 91.974 90W 8.373 9 3.4 8 6.47 6.54 1.81 1.12 0.51 0.25 0.61 0.48 21.32 21.27 117.798 139.580 80W 95NW 8.878 9.387 7 6 12 12.2 6.26 5.28 0.85 0.83 0.1 0.08 0.16 0.2 18.87 16.45 42.746 - 180N 210NE 10.089 8.348 6 6 6.2 1.8 5.99 0.96 1.21 0.18 0.14 0.24 0.49 19.80 20.17 65.315 85W 15.315 7 8 5.6 7.41 7.64 1.76 0.93 0.13 0.18 0.39 0.43 19.21 21.06 60.451 - 145NW - 4.526 - 10 - Table 2: Site characteristics