Peer-to-Peer Spatial Queries in Sensor Networks Murat Demirbas Hakan Ferhatosmanoglu

Peer-to-Peer Spatial Queries
in Sensor Networks
Murat Demirbas
Hakan Ferhatosmanoglu
The Ohio State University
Sensor networks
• A sensor node:
8K RAM, 4Mhz processor
magnetism, heat, sound, vibration, infrared
wireless communication up to 200 feet
costs ~$10 (right now costs $100)
• Applications include:
ecology monitoring, precision agriculture
military and surveillance
• In OSU, we developed a tracking service for DARPA-NEST
classify trespassers as car, soldier, civilian
report the tracking information to a base-station (laptop) for
Spatial queries in sensor networks
• The primary goal of sensor networks is to monitor spatial
information about a region of interest
Nearest neighbor (NN) queries are essential :
What is the location of the nearest data object to (x,y) ?
• Database systems
R-tree for efficient execution of nearest neighbor queries
Challenges in sensor networks
• energy constrained nodes, network contention :
programs should avoid excessive communication
centralized programs are not suitable
work in database systems not readily applicable
• faults :
data is noisy
nodes fail in complex ways
on site maintenance is not feasible
self-healing programs are needed
P2P spatial queries in sensor networks
• Pursuer- evader tracking
• A pursuer should be able to
query a node for the location
of the closest evader
• Every node is a peer :
– each node (not only the basestation) can insert a query
– each node can participate in
the processing of the query
• query is processed as local as
Our contributions
We present a peer-to-peer query processing system where
only the relevant nodes for the correct execution of the query
are involved in the query execution (for minimizing energy and
response time)
the indexing structure, peer-tree, is self-stabilizing (for
achieving eventually correct answers in the presence of faults)
• Model
• Peer-tree structure
• P2P nearest neighbor queries
• Pursuer – evader tracking revisited
• Conclusions
Geometric network model (2-D)
Connected graph; duplex links
Transient faults
Maximal parallelism in node actions
• Model
• Peer-tree structure
• P2P nearest neighbor queries
• Pursuer – evader tracking revisited
• Conclusions
R-tree structure
A .
• Approximately balanced tree
• A node holds n to 2n
(c,mbr) pairs :
– c is the child pointer
– mbr is the minimum
bounding rectangle (MBR) of
all rectangles at c
• Rectangles at any level may
be overlapping
• Every descending path in the
tree is a sequence of nested
rectangles with the last one
containing the actual data
Peer-tree construction
• Hierarchical partitioning of a sensor network based on the
number of nodes (n to 2n) contained at each cluster
every node cooperates at level 1 of the partitioning
only clusterheads of level i cooperate for level i+1
• Every node v maintains
l.v : highest level of construction v has cooperated
p.v(i), 0<i=<l.v : parent of v at level i
c.v(i), 0<i=<l.v : children of v at level i
mbr.v(i) : MBR of v(i) calculated using c.v(i)
Peer-tree is the tree that c pointers embed over the network
• Two actions
Join/form cluster
Split a cluster
Join/form a cluster
v executes a join/form cluster action if l.v=i yet p.v(i)=nil
• v searches for a node with l= i+1, at increasingly larger radii :
if such a node is encountered v joins that node’s cluster
• Else, if v encounters n nodes with l=i during its search :
v waits for a random time (to avoid formation of multiple clusters
that are concurrently started by multiple nearby nodes)
if v is not contacted within this wait, v forms a cluster
c.v(i+1) is set, mbr.v(i+1) is calculated
Split cluster
• During concurrent executions of join/form cluster action by
multiple nodes, a level i clusterhead v may end up with > 2n
• v assigns extra level i clusterheads among its children and
ensures that each cluster has n to 2n nodes
Self-stabilization of peer-tree
• v’s i’th level cluster is collapsed if:
c.v(i)<n, or
there is a node u in c.v(i) s.t.,
 mbr.v(i), or
p.u  v
• the nodes in the collapsed cluster join neighboring
clusterheads or form their clusters
• Model
• Peer-tree structure
• P2P nearest neighbor queries
• Pursuer – evader tracking revisited
• Conclusions
NN queries over traditional R-tree
The search starts from the root (highest) level, and performs a
traversal of the relevant MBRs
• The MBRs that are guaranteed not to have the closest data
point are pruned
e.g., MINDIST, the shortest possible distance from a point in an
MBR to (x,y), is larger than the current candidate for NN
• At every iteration, the algorithm
sorts the MBRs with respect to their MINDIST,
considers the first item in the list, expands its children, and
inserts them to the list for processing
P2P NN queries over Peer-tree
Any node in the network can submit an NN query concerning any
coordinate (x,y)
• If the query can be answered locally, there is no need to
propagate it till the root (highest) level :
query is propagated up if (x,y) is not enclosed within current MBR
• At some level a clusterhead that contains (x,y) is reached :
from this point on, the query is sent to children
children are ordered with respect to MINDIST
this way only the most relevant children are queried
NN query execution
NN query execution
P2P NN queries
• If (x,y) is not within MBR of v at level i, mbr.v(i), then forward
query to p.v(i)
• let u be the first encountered clusterhead that contains (x,y)
u forwards query to relevant children in c.u
• While the query is traveling downwards, each clusterhead
sorts the children wrt MINDIST
prunes list using the replies from queried children
• A level 0 node returns its nearest distance NN, reply is
propagated up
• u aggregates the replies
if (x,y) is encapsulated by c.u, the reply is sent to querying node
else, u punts the query to its clusterhead
NN query execution
Tradeoff : time vs. energy
• Minimal response time
The clusterhead forwards the query to its relevant children in
parallel (concurrent execution)
• Minimal energy consumption
The clusterhead forwards the query to its relevant children
sequentially (to maximize pruning)
• Optimizing both
Hybrid of the above
• Model
• Peer-tree structure
• P2P nearest neighbor queries
• Pursuer – evader tracking revisited
• Conclusions
Pursuer-evader problem
• Evader is omniscient;
Strategy of evader is unknown
• Pursuer can only see state of nearest node;
Pursuer moves faster than evader
• Required is to design a program for nodes and pursuer so
that pursuer can catch evader (despite the occurrence of
[Demirbas, Arora, Gouda]
Evader-centric program (cont.)
• Tracking tree is dynamically rooted at the evader
• Parent of a node is closer to the evader
Evader-centric program (cont.)
• Tracking tree is dynamically rooted at the evader
• Parent of a node is closer to the evader
Evader-centric program (cont.)
• Tracking tree is dynamically rooted at the evader
• Parent of a node is closer to the evader
Pursuer-evader tracking via
P2P spatial queries
• The pursuer submits an NN query with its own location to
find out the location of the nearest evader to itself
On demand approach
No tracking tree is maintained, a clusterhead is only aware
of the existence of an evader in its region, but does not
know where it is
• We have presented for the first time a peer-to-peer spatial
query processing system for sensor networks
• We are implementing this system in the context of our work
on tracking services for sensor network (LITS)
• Indexing in database systems, peer-to-peer systems, sensor
networks have a lot of similarities (as well as distinctions)
peer-tree is based on R-tree concept in database systems
possible to extend peer-tree for wired systems
since energy is no longer an issue, scalability and load balancing can
be improved by inserting long links