68, 2 (2016), 93–99 June 2016 I -CONVERGENCE OF NETS IN

originalni nauqni rad
research paper
68, 2 (2016), 93–99
June 2016
Pratulananda Das and Ekrem Savaş
Abstract. In this short note we continue our investigation of nets in locally solid Riesz
spaces from [P. Das, E. Savas, On I-convergence of nets in locally solid Riesz spaces, Filomat, 27
(1) (2013), 84–89] and introduce the idea of IτK -convergence of nets which is more general than
Iτ∗ -convergence and obtain some of its basic properties.
1. Introduction
The notion of Riesz space was first introduced by F. Riesz [25] in 1928 and
since then it has found several applications in measure theory, operator theory,
optimization and also in economics (see [3, 22, 24]). A Riesz space is an ordered
vector space which is also a lattice, endowed with a linear topology. Further if it
has a base consisting of solid sets at zero then it is known as a locally solid Riesz
space. In a very recent development, the idea of statistical convergence of sequences
was studied by Pehlivan and Albayrak [1] in locally solid Riesz spaces.
On the other hand the notions of usual convergence and statistical convergence
of sequences were further generalized in [11] where the notions of I-convergence and
I ∗ -convergence of a sequence was introduced by using ideals of the set of positive
integers. One can see [6–9, 13, 15, 17–19, 21, 22] for more works in this direction
where many more references can be found. The idea of ideal convergence has also
been investigated in (`)-groups (a structure more general than Riesz spaces) in
[3, 4]. In particular in [21] the notion of I ∗ -convergence was further extended to
I K -convergence.
In an interesting development, the notion of usual convergence of nets was
extended to ideal convergence of nets in [19] where the basic topological nature of
these convergence was established (also continued in [8, 9]). As a natural consequence, in [10], we introduced the idea of ideal-τ convergence of nets in a locally
solid Riesz space and studied some of its properties by using the mathematical tools
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 40G15, 40A35
Keywords and phrases: Ideal; filter; nets; Iτ -convergence; IτK -convergence; IτK -boundedness;
Iτ -Cauchy; locally solid Riesz space
P. Das, E. Savaş
of the theory of topological vector spaces. As a continuation, in this short note we
continue our investigation of nets in locally solid Riesz spaces from [10] and introduce the idea of IτK -convergence of nets which is more general than Iτ∗ -convergence
and obtain some of its basic properties.
2. Preliminaries
In this section we recall some of the basic concepts of Riesz spaces and ideal
convergence of nets and interested readers can look into [1, 3, 10, 19] for details.
Definition 2.1. Let L be a real vector space and let ≤ be a partial order
on this space. L is said to be an ordered vector space if it satisfies the following
(i) If x, y ∈ L and y ≤ x then y + z ≤ x + z for each z ∈ L.
(ii) If x, y ∈ L and y ≤ x then λy ≤ λx for each λ ≥ 0.
If in addition L is a lattice with respect to the partial ordering, then L is said
to be a Riesz space (or a vector lattice).
For an element x of a Riesz space L the positive part of x is defined by x+ =
x ∨ θ, the negative part of x by x− = (−x) ∨ θ and the absolute value of x by
|x| = x ∨ (−x), where θ is the element zero of L. A subset S of a Riesz space L is
said to be solid if y ∈ S and |x| ≤ |y| imply x ∈ S.
A topology τ on a real vector space L that makes the addition and scalar
multiplication continuous is said to be a linear topology, that is when the mappings
(x, y) → x + y (from (L × L, τ × τ ) → (L, τ ))
(λ, x) → λx (from (R × L, σ × τ ) → (L, τ ))
are continuous where σ is the usual topology on R. In this case the pair (L, τ ) is
called a topological vector space.
Every linear topology τ on a vector space L has a base N for the neighborhoods
of θ satisfying the following properties:
a) Each V ∈ N is a balanced set, that is λx ∈ V holds for all x ∈ V and every
λ ∈ R with |λ| ≤ 1.
b) Each V ∈ N is an absorbing set, that is for every x ∈ L, there exists a
λ > 0 such that λx ∈ V .
c) For each V ∈ N there exists some W ∈ N with W + W ⊂ V .
Definition 2.2. [3] A linear topology τ on a Riesz space L is said to be
locally solid if τ has a base at zero consisting of solid sets. A locally solid Riesz
space (L, τ ) is a Riesz space L equipped with a locally solid topology τ .
ℵsol will stand for a base at zero consisting of solid sets and satisfying the
properties (a), (b) and (c) in a locally solid topology.
We now recall the following basic facts from [10, 19] (see also [5, 6]).
On IτK -convergence of nets in locally solid Riesz spaces
A family I of subsets of a non-empty set X is said to be an ideal if (i) A, B ∈ I
implies A ∪ B ∈ I, (ii) A ∈ I, B ⊂ A imply B ∈ I. I is called non-trivial if I 6= {φ}
and X ∈
/ I. I is admissible if it contains all singletons. If I is a proper non-trivial
ideal then the family of sets F (I) = {M ⊂ X : M c ∈ I} is a filter on X (where c
stands for the complement.) It is called the filter associated with the ideal I.
Throughout the paper (D, ≥) will stand for a directed set and I a nontrivial proper ideal of D. A net is a mapping from D to X and will be denoted by {sα : α ∈ D}. Let for α ∈ D, Dα = {β ∈ D : β ≥ α}. Then the
collection F0 = {A ⊂ D : A ⊃ Dα for some α ∈ D} forms a filter in D. Let
I0 = {A ⊂ D : Ac ∈ F0 }. Then I0 is a non-trivial ideal of D.
A nontrivial ideal I of D will be called D-admissible if Dα ∈ F (I) ∀α ∈ D.
Definition 2.3. A net {sα : α ∈ D} in a topological space (X, τ ) is said to be
I-convergent to x0 ∈ X if for any open set U containing x0 , {α ∈ D : sα ∈
/ U } ∈ I.
We also recall the following definitions from [10].
Definition 2.4. Let (L, τ ) be a locally solid Riesz space and {δα : α ∈ D} be
a net in L. {δα : α ∈ D} is said to be ideal τ -convergent (Iτ -convergent) to x0 ∈ L
if for any τ -neigbourhood U of zero, {α ∈ D : δα − x0 ∈
/ U } ∈ I. In this case we
write Iτ -lim δα = x0 .
Definition 2.5. A net {δα : α ∈ D} in a locally solid Riesz space (L, τ ) is
said to be Iτ -bounded if for any τ -neigbourhood U of zero there exists some λ > 0
such that {α ∈ D : λδα − x0 ∈
/ U } ∈ I.
Definition 2.6. A net {δα : α ∈ D} in a locally solid Riesz space (L, τ ) is
said to be Iτ -Cauchy if for any τ -neigbourhood U of zero there exists some β ∈ D
such that {α ∈ D : δα − δβ ∈
/ U } ∈ I.
3. I K -topological convergence of nets in
locally solid Riesz spaces
We first introduce our main definition.
Definition 3.1. Let K be a non-trivial D-admissible ideal of D. A net
{sα : α ∈ D} in a locally solid Riesz space (L, τ ) is said to be I K -topologically
convergent (IτK -convergent in short) to x0 ∈ L if there exists a M ∈ F (I) such
that M itself is a directed set and the net {tα : α ∈ D} defined by tα = sα if α ∈ M
and tα = x0 if α ∈ D \ M is K-convergent to x0 .
Example 3.1. In the locally solid Riesz space R2 , k·k with the Euclidean
norm k·k and coordinate ordering choose the neighborhood system Nx0 of any point
x0 ∈ R2 . It is known that Nx0 is itself a directed set D with respect to inclusion.
Take two proper nontrivial D-admissible ideals K and I of D such that K contains
I0 properly. Choose C ∈ K/I0 . Let {sU : U ∈ D} be given by
sU ∈ U ∀U ∈ Nx0 \ C
sU = y0 ∀U ∈ C
P. Das, E. Savaş
where x0 6= y0 . Then it is easy to observe that {sU : U ∈ D} cannot converge to
x0 usually but IτK -converges to x0 as choosing M = D we have M ∈ F (I) and
{U ∈ M : sU − x0 ∈
/ U} = C ∈ K
for any τ -neighbourhood U of zero which does not contain y0 − x0 (such neighborhoods exist because of Hausdorffness of R2 ).
Note that the above example can be formulated in any Hausdorff locally solid
Riesz space (L, τ ) with a point x0 for which Nx0 contains infinitely many members.
Theorem 3.1. Let (L, τ ) be a locally solid Riesz space and {sα : α ∈ D},
{tα : α ∈ D} be two nets in L. Then
(i) IτK -lim sα = x0 =⇒ IτK -lim αsα = αx0 for each α ∈ R.
(ii) IτK -lim sα = x0 , IτK -lim tα = y0 =⇒ IτK -lim (sα + tα ) = x0 + y0 .
Proof. (i) Let U be a τ -neighbourhood of zero. Choose V ∈ Nsol such that
V ⊂ U . Since IτK -lim sα = x0 , there is a M ∈ F (I) such that the net {tα : α ∈ D}
defined by tα = sα if α ∈ M and tα = x0 if α ∈ D \ M is K-convergent to x0 . Then
{α ∈ D : tα − x0 ∈
/ V } ∈ K.
But {α ∈ D : tα − x0 ∈
/ V } = {α ∈ M : tα − x0 ∈
/ V } (as ∀α ∈ D\M , tα −x0 = x0 −
x0 ∈ V ). Thus {α ∈ M : sα − x0 ∈
/ V } ∈ K, i.e., (D \ M ) ∪ {α ∈ M : sα − x0 ∈ V }
∈ F (K). Let |a| ≤ 1. Since V is balanced, sα − x0 ∈ V implies that a (sα − x0 ) ∈
V . Hence we have
{α ∈ M : sα − x0 ∈ V } ⊂ {α ∈ M : asα − ax0 ∈ V } ⊂ {α ∈ M : asα − ax0 ∈ U }
and so (D \ M ) ∪ {α ∈ M : asα − ax0 ∈ U } ∈ F (K).
Now let |a| > 1 and as usual let [|a|] be the smallest integer greater or equal
to |a|. Choose a W ∈ Nsol such that [|a|] W ⊂ V . As before, (D \ M ) ∪ A ∈ F (K)
where A = {α ∈ M : sα − x0 ∈ W }. Then we have
|ax0 − asα | = |a| |x0 − sα | ≤ [|a|] |x0 − sα | ∈ [|a|] W ⊂ V ⊂ U
for each α ∈ A. Since the set V is solid, we have ax0 −asα ∈ V and so ax0 −asα ∈ U
for each α ∈ A. So we get
B = {α ∈ M : asα − ax0 ∈ U } ⊃ A
and so (D \ M ) ∪ B ∈ F (K). Clearly then {t0α : α ∈ D} defined by t0α = sα if
α ∈ M and t0α = ax0 if α ∈ D \ M is K-convergent to ax0 and so IτK -lim αsα = αx0
for each α ∈ R.
(ii) Let U be an arbitrary τ -neighbourhood of zero. Choose V and W ∈ Nsol
such that W + W ⊂ V ⊂ U . Since IτK -lim sα = x0 , IτK -lim tα = y0 so there are M
and M1 ∈ F (I) such that (D \ M )∪A ∈ F (K) where A = {α ∈ M : sα − x0 ∈ W }
and (D \ M1 ) ∪ B ∈ F (K) where B = {α ∈ M1 : tα − y0 ∈ W }. Now M ∩ M1 ∈
F (I) and clearly
(sα + tα ) − (x0 + y0 ) ∈ W + W ⊂ V ⊂ U
On IτK -convergence of nets in locally solid Riesz spaces
for each α ∈ A ∩ B. Hence we have
(D \ (M ∩ M1 )) ∪ {α ∈ M ∩ M1 : (sα + tα ) − (x0 + y0 ) ∈ U }
⊃ (D \ (M ∩ M1 )) ∪ (A ∩ B)
= ((D \ (M ∩ M1 )) ∪ A) ∩ ((D \ (M ∩ M1 )) ∪ B)
⊃ ((D \ M ) ∪ A) ∩ ((D \ M1 ) ∪ B) ∈ F (K)
and so the set on the left hand side also belongs to F (K). This proves that IτK lim (sα + tα ) = x0 + y0 .
Theorem 3.2. Let (L, τ ) be a locally solid Riesz space and {sα : α ∈ D},
{tα : α ∈ D}, {vα : α ∈ D} be three nets such that sα ≤ tα ≤ vα for each α ∈ D.
If IτK -lim sα = IτK -lim vα = x0 then IτK -lim tα = x0 .
Proof. Let U be an arbitrary τ -neighbourhood of zero. Choose V and W ∈ Nsol
such that W + W ⊂ V ⊂ U . Now by our assumption there are M, M1 ∈ F (I) such
that(D \ M ) ∪ A ∈ F (K) where A = {α ∈ M : sα − x0 ∈ W } and (D \ M1 ) ∪ B ∈
F (K) where B = {α ∈ M1 : vα − x0 ∈ W }. Then M ∩ M1 ∈ F (I). For each
α ∈ A ∩ B,
sα − x0 ≤ tα − x0 ≤ vα − x0
and so
|tα − x0 | ≤ |sα − x0 | + |vα − x0 | ∈ W + W ⊂ V.
Since V is solid, so tα − x0 ∈ V ⊂ U . Hence
(D \ (M ∩ M1 )) ∪ {α ∈ M ∩ M1 : tα − x0 ∈ U }
⊃ (D \ (M ∩ M1 )) ∪ (A ∩ B)
⊃ ((D \ M ) ∪ A) ∩ ((D \ M1 ) ∪ B) ∈ F (K)
and so (D \ (M ∩ M1 )) ∪ {α ∈ M ∩ M1 : tα − x0 ∈ U } ∈ F (K). This shows that
{tα : α ∈ D} is IτK -convergent x0 .
Definition 3.2. A net {sα : α ∈ D} is said to be I K -topologically bounded
if there exists a M ∈ F (I) and if for any τ -neighbourhood U of zero
there exists some λ > 0 such that {α ∈ M : λsα − x0 ∈
/ U } ∈ K, i.e.
(IτK -bounded)
(D \ M ) ∪ {α ∈ M : λsα − x0 ∈ U } ∈ F (K) .
Theorem 3.3. If a net {sα : α ∈ D} in a locally solid Riesz space (L, τ ) is
IτK -convergent then it is IτK -bounded.
Proof. Let IτK -lim sα = x0 . Let U be an arbitrary τ -neighbourhood of zero.
Choose V and W ∈ Nsol such that W + W ⊂ V ⊂ U . Now there is a M ∈ F (I)
such that
C = {α ∈ M : sα − x0 ∈
/ W } ∈ K.
Since W is absorbing, there exists a λ > 0 such that λx0 ∈ W . We can take
λ ≤ 1 since W is solid. Again since W is balanced, sα − x0 ∈ W implies that
λ (sα − x0 ) ∈ W . Then we have
λsα = λ (sα − x0 ) + λx0 ∈ W + W ⊂ V ⊂ U
P. Das, E. Savaş
for every α ∈ M \ C. Hence {α ∈ M : λsα ∈
/ W } ∈ K, which shows that
{sα : α ∈ D} is IτK -bounded.
Definition 3.3. A net {sα : α ∈ D} in a locally solid Riesz space (L, τ )
is said to be IτK -Cauchy if there exists a M ∈ F (I) and {sα : α ∈ M } is K|M Cauchy, i.e., If for every τ -neighborhood U of zero there exists a β ∈ M such that
{α ∈ M : sα − sβ ∈
/ U } ∈ K.
Theorem 3.4. If a net {sα : α ∈ D} in a locally solid Riesz space (L, τ ) is
IτK -convergent then it is IτK -Cauchy.
Proof. Let IτK -lim sα = x0 and Let U be an arbitrary τ -neighbourhood of zero.
Choose V and W ∈ Nsol such that W + W ⊂ V ⊂ U . Now there is a M ∈ F (I)
such that A = {α ∈ M : λsα − x0 ∈
/ W } ∈ K. Then for any α, β ∈ M \ A,
sα − sβ = sα + x0 − x0 − sβ ∈ W + W ⊂ V ⊂ U.
Hence it follows that {α ∈ M : sα − sβ ∈
/ U } ∈ K. As this is true for every τ neighbourhood U of zero, {sα : α ∈ D} is IτK -Cauchy.
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(received 22.02.2015; in revised form 08.03.2016; available online 21.03.2016)
P.D.: Department of Mathematics, Jadavpur University, Kolkata - 700032, West Bengal, India
E-mail: pratulananda@yahoo.co.in
E.S.: Department of Mathematics, Istanbul Ticaret University. Üsküdar-Istanbul, Turkey
E-mail: ekremsavas@yahoo.com