I nternat. J. Math. & Math. Si. Vol. (1978)93-96 A NOTE ON RIESZ ELEMENTS IN C*-ALGEBRAS D AVID LEGG Department of Mathematics Indiana Un iversity-Purdue University Fort Wayne, Indiana (Received December 5, 1977) ABSTRACT. written R It is known that every Riesz operator R on a Hilbert space can be Q + C, where C is compact and both Q and CQ QC are quasinilpotent. This result is extended to a general C*-algebra setting. INTRODUCTION. In [3], Smyth develops a Riesz theory for elements in a Banach algebra with respect to an ideal of algebraic elements. In [I], Chui, Smith and Ward show that every Riesz operator on a Hilbert space is decomposible into R where C is compact and both Q and CQ QC are quasinilpotent. Q + C, In this paper we use Smyth’s work to show that the analogous result holds in an arbi#rary C*-a Igebra. 2. DEFINITIONS AND NOTATION. Let A be a C*-algebra, and let F be a two-sided ideal of algebraic elements D. LEGG 94 An element T of A. A is a Riesz element if its coset T + F in A/F has (T) is a finite pole of T f ft is isolated in A point Z spectral radius O. (T) and the corresponding spectral projection lies in F. is not a finite pole of T}. Smyth also showed that if T is a Riesz Q + U, where Q i quasinilpotent and U This is a generalization of F. West’s result [4, Thm. 7.5]. [3, Thm. 6.9]. We now extend the result of Chui, Smith and Ward [I, Thm. I] by showing that UQ QU is quasinil- Q + U is the Smyth decomposition. potent, where T 3. (T)’Z Smyth has shown that T is a Riesz element if and only if E(T) {0}, [3, Thm. 5.3]. element, then T {X Let E(T) OUTLINE OF SMYTH’S CONSTRUCTION. Let T be a Riesz element, and label the elements of (T)\E(T) by n I, 2, n in such a way that In > .IXn+ x n +0 finite pole, so each spectral projection P is in F n then fnd a self-adjont projection Qn Let V n Qn-1’ Let S n Qnsatisfying SnQ n and define U as n. Qn and P Each X + + P QnSn n S n. U is clearly in F and Q kVk n is a T -U is shown to be quasinilpotent. 4. THEOREM PROOF. UQ QU is quasinilpotent. For any S s A, let S denote the left regular representatfon of S. Then by Lemma 6.6 in Smyth [3], we have that Since S Qv A Qn QnQn That is, QQnX QnSX subspace of Q. form we have QQn Qn Qn S e Qn A" Hence Now let v belongs to range Qn" Qn A is an Q(Qn e Qn A, range Qn’ nvariant subspace of say say v Qn S Q(Qn Qn x Hence we see that range . for some Then Qn is an nvariant It follows that Q has an operator matrix representation of the RIESZ ELEMENTS IN A22 A23 0 where Aij A 13 A 12 A 11 C*-ALGEBRAS With ViQV j. 0 ,212 0 0 respect to this blocking, we have 0 X313 0 (1-:kn)A1n 0 He n ce 0 o O,n_1-,n )A n-l,n uQ Qu 95 96 D. LEGG Now let P be the orthogonal projection onto range Qn’ and let n An Qn)(UQ QU)(P as n. Hence UQ QU But UQ QU (P Qn ). It Is easy to see thee IA n l IXnlll A n converges In the un!form norm to UQ QU as n. A n has the form where N is nilpotent. It follows that UQ QU A n has no non-zero e!genvalues. , Thm. 3.], p. 14 of [2] can now be easily modified to show that UQ non-zero eigenvalues. i.e., UQ diag. Since UQ QU be longs to this means a(UQ QU has no QU) {0}, QU is quasinilpotent. REFERENCES I. Chui, C. K., Smith, P. W., and Ward, J. D., A note on R!esz operators, Amer. Math. Soc., 60, (1976), 92-94. 2. Gohberg, [. Co, and Krein, M. G., Introduction to the theory of linear nonselfadJoint operators. "Nauka," Moscow, 1965; English transl., Transl. Math Monographs, vol. ]8, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, R. I. 1969. 3. Syth, M. R. F., Riesz theory in Banach algebras, Math Z., ]45, (1975), 45-155. 4. West, T. T., The decomposition of Riesz operators, Proc. London Math. Soc., ]IT, Ser. 16, (966), 737-752. Proc_____=. AMS (MOS) Subject Classification numbers 47 B 05, 47 C 10 KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. C* algebra, quasiilpote op, Ritz n.