College-wide Governance Meeting April 9, 2014 – 12:45PM Gateway A&B

Photo Taken from SUNY-ESF Adirondack Ecological Center Facebook Site
College-wide Governance Meeting
April 9, 2014 – 12:45PM
Gateway A&B
Minutes/Announcements (Donaghy)
Technology Report (Turner)
CoC Actions (Daley)
IQAS Actions (Abdel-Aziz)
Bylaws (Donaghy)
CoPSO (Donaghy)
Elections (Meyer/Fierke)
Spotlight on Student Research
• Good participation: 74 grads, 83 undergads
• We need judges!
• Faculty judge graduate posters on Tuesday, 4/15
– 12-1pm or 1-2pm
• Grads and Alumni judge undergrads 4/16
– 12:45-1:50
• Contact Tom Taggart (
if you can give at least 30 minutes of your time
to judge
• Proceedings are available at:
• White-paper
• Resolution of Endorsement
Curriculum Committee
Report to Faculty Governance
Curriculum Committee Actions
(March 26, 2014)
• Courses (new and revised) approved by Committee
• CME 387 / 587 Renewable Materials for Sustainable
• CME 422 / 622 Composite Materials for Sustainable
• FOR 333 / 533 Natural Resources Managerial
• FOR 454 Renewable Energy Finance and Analysis
• FOR 499 Internship in Forest and Natural Resources
Curriculum Committee Actions (March
5, 2014)
• Committee recommends
Adopt Physics Minor
Adopt Computer and Information Technology Minor
Adopt Math Minor
Adopt minor revisions to Environmental Writing and
Rhetoric Minor
• Reminders (see the CoC website):
– Proposal reviews
– Next Meeting April 24, 12:00 p.m. Room TBD
OIGS Proposal
of Policy and Procedure to
comply with SUNY
initiative on crossregistration of courses
within SUNY and other
partnering colleges
Cross –registration policy originated by
SUNY in 1973, and memo to presidents
was sent out, we never got ours?
How much are college faculty
earning in Upstate New York?
“High paid administrators: The number of full-time
non-faculty professional employees continues to
climb at most higher education institutions.
Administrative positions more than quadrupled
between 1976 and 2011, and employment in nontenure-track faculty positions more than tripled.”
• April 7, 2014
• Example: ESF has 3 VP’s and our country has 1.
SUNY has recently introduced a new policy and
procedure enabling more student driven, intra-system cross
registration procedure between SUNY member colleges and
universities, including community colleges. Introduced in
the Memorandum to Presidents (MTP) Vol. 13, No. 1, this
modification of University policy on the cross registration of
students was initiated in fall 2013 semester. “It establishes
the method by which State University of New York
campuses, including community colleges, can enter into
cross registration arrangements with other SUNY campuses
to provide students a wider variety of options to strengthen
a student’s academic program. These options may involve
including a course or courses not taught by the home
institution, removing a course scheduling conflict that delays
timely program completion, or utilizing existing faculty,
facilities, and resources more efficiently.”
Proposed policy & procedures for ESF
student use of SUNY intra-system Cross
The following language is proposed to
address the ESF’s intended practice to
implement the new Cross Registration
policies proposed in the MTP. The new
policy shall be placed on the College
Registrar’s website, and in the ESF College
Catalog in the Academic Policies section
following the entry headed Syracuse
University Courses:
SUNY Cross Registration Courses:
ESF undergraduate students who are registered for a full-time course
load may elect to cross register for up to 6 credits of courses (per
semester) offered at participating SUNY university centers,
comprehensive and specialized colleges, and community colleges when:
SUNY cross registration facilitates progress toward graduation in a
timely manner, which may not otherwise be achieved through available
resident coursework at ESF or Syracuse University.
-orSUNY cross registration enables students to take focused upper division
courses which strengthen their academic program in a manner not
available through resident coursework at ESF or Syracuse University.
Forms and procedures for participation in SUNY Cross Registration
Courses are available on the ESF College Registrar’s website. Students
shall “pre-approve” all proposed transfer credit by Petition to the
Faculty prior to pursuing cross registration
SUNY Cross Registration Courses:
ESF undergraduate students who are registered for a full-time course load
may elect to cross register for up to 6 credits of courses (per semester)
offered at participating SUNY university centers, comprehensive and
specialized colleges, and community colleges when:
SUNY cross registration facilitates progress toward graduation in a timely
manner, which may not otherwise be achieved through available resident
coursework at ESF or Syracuse University.
-orSUNY cross registration enables students to take focused upper division
courses which strengthen their academic program in a manner not
available through resident coursework at ESF or Syracuse University.
Forms and procedures for participation in SUNY Cross Registration Courses
are available on the ESF College Registrar’s website. Students shall “preapprove” all proposed transfer credit by Petition to the Faculty prior to
pursuing cross registration. . Petitions shall be submitted with SUNY Cross
Registration forms attached and explicitly note the intent to use “SUNY
Cross Registration” to take the course(s) in question and transfer credit to
• CoR Composition
• Library Council
Committee on Research
• Currently
Section IV.E.2.C
This committee shall consist of
a. Minimum of seven (7) voting faculty members
FCH, PBE (rotating terms if desired)
EFB (2 faculty members)
iii. ES, LA (rotating terms if desired)
iv. FNRM (2 faculty members)
SCME, ERE (rotating terms if desired)
Vice-Provost for Research
Vice President for Administration (non-voting)
Library, Director or his/her designee (non-voting)
Graduate Student Association, President (non-voting)
Staff Members from Administration, Academic Affairs and Enrollment Management and
Marketing (non-voting)
Proposed Changes
This committee shall consist of
Minimum Nine (9) voting Faculty members
Chemistry (FCH)
Environmental and Forest Biology (EFB)
Environmental Resource Engineering (ERE)
Environmental Studies (ES)
Forest and Natural Resources Management (FNRM)
Landscape Architecture (LA)
Paper and Bioprocess engineering (PBE)
Sustainable Construction Management & Engineering (SCME)
Vice-Provost for Research (non-voting)
Graduate Student Association Representative (non-voting)
Undergraduate Student Association Representative (non-voting)
Three (3) Professional Staff Members one (1) each from
Administration, Academic Affairs, and Enrollment Management and
Marketing (non-voting)
Library Advisory Committee
The Purpose of the Library advisory committee
is to ensure that the ESF library and its partners
provide the resources that are needed by faculty
and students.
• To advise and inform decisions and problemsolving involving library content, and access to
library content.
• To facilitate two-way communication between
library users (faculty and students) and
decision-makers at the college level.
This committee shall consist of
a. Minimum five (5) voting Faculty members
i. Chemistry (FCH)/Paper and Bioprocess engineering (PBE)
Ii. Environmental and Forest Biology (EFB)
Iii. Environmental Resource Engineering (ERE)/Sustainable Construction
Management & Engineering (SCME)
Iv. Environmental Studies (ES)/Landscape Architecture (LA)
V. Forest and Natural Resources Management (FNRM)
b. Library Director (non-voting)
c. Provost/VP for Academic Affairs or Designee (non-Voting)
d. Vice-Provost for Research or Designee (non-voting)
e. Graduate Student Association Representative (non-voting)
f. Undergraduate Student Association Representative (non-voting)
g. Three(3) Professional Staff Members
The Chair of the committee shall be a faculty member (non-librarian) and will
be elected by the members of the committee and will serve on the Executive
Committee of Faculty Governance.
Committee on Public Service and Outreach
• Fall 2013 – no chair stepped forward
• Executive Committee voted to deactivate for
the 2013/2014 academic year
• New projects
– ESF students to NYC
– Exploring/developing on-line content for civic
engagement as well as for our classrooms
– Faculty service – award, oversight, funding
• Volunteers?
• Total number of people voting – 120
• SUNY Senator: Stephen Weiter
– 1 Write in – David Sonnenfeld
• SU Senator: Ted Endreny
– 5 write ins – Ruth Yanai, Paul Hirsh, Chris Whipps,
Andrea Parker, Rebecca Rundell
• Executive Chair: Kelley Donaghy
– 10 write ins - Doug Daley (2), Anybody but, Steve
Weiter, None of the above, Melissa Fierke, Art
Stipanovic, Mickey Mouse, Sharon Moran, Phillipe
SUNY Senator Alternate
• Steve has been promoted
• We need an alternate!
– Not a lot of work
Scholars’ Table
April 11, 2014
Nifkin (Alumni) Lounge
11:30AM – 1:30PM
Free Lunch…..
Final thoughts….
• Last College-wide meeting
– April 30, 2014 at 3:30 PM
• Reading Day!!!
• Executive Committee Meetings
– 4/17 at 8:30 AM
– 5/20 at 3:30 PM (intro for new chairs and planning
for AY 2014-15)
• Interested in Chairing a committee?? – let a
current chair or someone on the EC know!