Forest Health Protection Washington, D.C. Compiled by Jesus A. Cota, Ph.D. Entomologist/Pesticide Specialist National Report Pesticide Use on National Forest System Lands In Fiscal Year 2002 Each year, Forest Service field units must report to the Washington Office the name and quantities of pesticides used on National Forest System lands. A listing of pesticide active ingredients and the amounts used by field units is compiled on a National and Regional basis. The report contains the purpose, by management objective, for which the pesticide was used and the total number of units (i.e. acres, trees, greenhouses) treated with each pesticide. In addition, the report contains a listing of biological control agents that have been released for the purpose of controlling invasive plant species. Summary of Fiscal Year 2002 In fiscal year 2002, Forest Service units applied a total of 144,634 lbs. of pesticides to 260,289 acres of National Forest System (NFS) land. Pesticides are used on NFS lands for a number of management operations that include: 1. Thinning or control of specific trees to promote growth of desirable species; 2. Thinning or control of vegetation to reduce fire fuel; 3. Site preparation for planting of trees; 4. Control of vegetation on highways, utility, and railroad rights-of -way in forests, 5. Control of vegetation in forest nurseries and riparian areas; 6. Suppression of insects and diseases; and 7. Management of aquatic plants and fish. The land area treated with pesticides is very small and represents approximately one tenth of one percent of the total forested and rangeland area within the NFS lands. The amount of pesticides used in Fiscal Year 2002 has decreased by 9.0% while the acreage treated has increased by 0.145% over the previous year. Since 1996, the use of pesticides by the Forest Service has remained below 200,000 pounds, but the acreage treated over the same period has fluctuated slightly, averaging approximately 230,000 acres per year. 2 National Report of Pesticide Use on NFS Lands Fiscal Year 2002 Pesticide Active Ingredient Management Objective Fungicides and Fumigants Sodium hypochlorite Amount Treated Quantity Measure Acre Feet Fungus Control 87.65 Acre Feet 1713.00 Gallons 87.65 Acre Feet 1,713.00 Gallons Summary for Acre Feet Units Total Fungicides and Fumigants Acres Basamid Soil Fumigation 2.44 Acres 1040.00 Pounds Basamid Nursery Disease Control 4.28 Acres 1485.00 Pounds Benomyl Nursery Disease Control 1.55 Acres 1.55 Pounds Borax Disease Control 1,302.00 Acres 145.00 Pounds Borax Fungus control 15,846.00 Acres 17124.50 Pounds Chloropicrin Nursery Disease Control 51.05 Acres 9183.40 Pounds Chlorothalonil Disease Control 53.27 Acres 94.87 Pounds Chlorothalonil Nursery Disease Control 69.83 Acres 141.09 Pounds Chorothalonil Nursery Disease Control 35.27 Acres 29.09 Pounds Copper hydroxide Nursery Disease Control 8.25 Acres 4.44 Pounds Dazomet Nursery Disease Control 14.57 Acres 5049.00 Pounds Dazomet Soil Fumigation 15.49 Acres 5546.50 Pounds Dodine Nursery Disease Control 9.75 Acres 7.50 Pounds Iprodione Nursery Disease Control 23.59 Acres 30.06 Pounds Mancozeb Nursery Disease Control 45.00 Acres 71.60 Pounds 3 National Report of Pesticide Use on NFS Lands Fiscal Year 2002 Pesticide Active Ingredient Management Objective Manzoeb Nursery Disease Control 6.66 Acres 7.50 Pounds Metalaxyl Nursery Disease Control 2.50 Acres 2.50 Pounds Methyl bromide Soil Fumigation 8.77 Acres 1767.50 Pounds Methyl bromide Nursery Disease Control 41.35 Acres 9485.60 Pounds Propiconazole Nursery Disease Control 155.15 Acres 15.61 Pounds Propiconazole Disease Control 0.20 Acres 0.04 Pounds Thiophanate-methyl Nursery Disease Control 61.20 Acres 29.39 Pounds Thiophanate-methyl Recreation Improvement 1.00 Acres 1.40 Pounds Thiram Nursery Disease Control 0.00 Acres 1.41 Pounds Triadimefon Recreation Improvement 1.00 Acres 0.30 Pounds Triadimefon Nursery Disease Control 4.85 Acres 1.21 Pounds Summary for Acres Units Total Fungicides and Fumigants Dimethyl 4,4-0 phenylenebis Amount Treated 17,765.02 Acres Quantity Measure 51,266.06 Pounds Greenhouses Nursery Disease Control 9.00 Greenhouse 28.73 Pounds Thiadiazole Nursery Weed Control 2.00 Greenhouse 1.12 Pounds Thiadiazole Nursery Disease Control 8.00 Greenhouse 5.69 Pounds Thiophanate-methyl Nursery Disease Control 1.00 Greenhouse 0.06 Gallons Thiophanate-methyl Nursery Disease Control 9.00 Greenhouse 10.86 Pounds 29.00 Greenhouse 46.46 Pounds Summary for Greenhouses Units Total 4 National Report of Pesticide Use on NFS Lands Fiscal Year 2002 Pesticide Active Ingredient Management Objective Fungicides and Fumigants Amount Treated Quantity Measure Pounds of Seed Carboxin/Thiram Nursery Disease Control 14.00 Pounds of Seed 0.03 Pounds Thiram Animal Damage Control 255.02 Pounds of Seed 1.06 Gallons Thiram Nursery Disease Control 75.00 Pounds of Seed 1.70 Pounds 344.02 Pounds of Seed 1.73 Pounds Summary for Pounds of Seed Units Total 1.06 Gallons Fungicides and Fumigants Dicloran Seedlings Nursery Disease Control Summary for Seedlings Units Total Fungicides and Fumigants 30.00 Seedlings 0.34 Pounds 30.00 Seedlings 0.34 Pounds Square Feet Dicloran Fungus Control 13,230.00 Square Feet 5.64 Pounds Iprodione Disease Control 25,974.00 Square Feet 5.36 Pounds Thiophanate-methyl Disease Control 417,960.00 Square Feet 89.00 Pounds Summary for Square Feet Units Total 457,164.00 Square Feet 100.00 Pounds 5 National Report of Pesticide Use on NFS Lands Fiscal Year 2002 Total 2002 Fungicides and Fumigants Acres Acre Feet Units Treated: Greenhouse Pounds of Seed Seedlings Square Feet Pesticide Quantities Used: Gallons Pounds 17,765.02 87.65 29.00 344.02 30.00 457,164.00 1,714.12 51,414.53 6 National Report of Pesticide Use on NFS Lands Fiscal Year 2002 Pesticide Active Ingredient Management Objective Amount Treated Herbicides, Algicides, and Plant Growth Regulators Diquat Quantity Measure Acre feet Agricultural Weed Control 3.00 Acre feet 12.00 Pounds Summary for Acre feet Units Total 3.00 Acre feet 12.00 Pounds Herbicides, Algicides, and Plant Growth Regulators Acres 2,4-D Nursery Weed Control 21.50 Acres 28.75 Pounds 2,4-D Recreation Improvement 35.00 Acres 30.00 Pounds 2,4-D Noxious Weed Control 21,535.39 Acres 16758.17 Pounds 2,4-D Housekeeping/Facilities 2,4-D 21.00 Acres Agricultural Weed Control 13,386.00 Acres 243.42 Pounds 9550.43 Pounds 2,4-D Right-of-Way Vegetation 67.00 Acres 52.80 Pounds Bensulide Recreation Improvement 1.00 Acres 12.70 Pounds Bromacil Housekeeping/Facilities 2.00 Acres 0.50 Pounds Bromacil Noxious Weed Control 14.50 Acres 1.60 Pounds Carbaryl Noxious Weed Control 35.00 Acres 0.96 Pounds Chlorsulfuron Noxious Weed Control 1,034.29 Acres 83.81 Pounds Chlosulfuron Noxious Weed Control 38.00 Acres 2.00 Pounds Clopyralid Agricultural Weed Control 1,694.50 Acres 216.36 Pounds Clopyralid Noxious Weed Control 7,035.52 Acres 1642.21 Pounds 7 National Report of Pesticide Use on NFS Lands Fiscal Year 2000 Pesticide Active Ingredient Management Objective Amount Treated Dicamba Agricultural Weed Control Dicamba Quantity Measure 3.10 Acres 2.50 Pounds Noxious Weed Control 3,829.84 Acres 3,679.21 Pounds Diglycolamine Noxious Weed Control 25.00 Acres 33.74 Pounds Diquat Agricultural Weed Control 15.00 Acres 10.00 Pounds Diuron Housekeeping/Facilities 0.00 Acres 0.50 Pounds Diuron Noxious Weed Control 3.00 Acres 13.60 Pounds Diuron Right-of-way Vegetation 22.50 Acres 180.00 Pounds Fosamine ammonium Noxious Weed Control 121.40 Acres 99.30 Pounds Fosamine ammonium Right-of-Way Vegetation 0.00 Acres 326.40 Pounds Glyphosate Housekeeping/Facilities 26.50 Acres 21.66 Pounds Glyphosate Wildlife Habitat 75.50 Acres 103.60 Pounds Glyphosate Site Preparation 1,085.30 Acres 1,542.83 Pounds Glyphosate Seed Orchard Protection 91.00 Acres 297.70 Pounds Glyphosate Right-of-way Vegetation 122.80 Acres 191.00 Pounds Glyphosate Recreation Improvement 86.00 Acres 51.03 Pounds Glyphosate Recreation Improvement 6.00 Acres 10.00 PIB Glyphosate Recreation Improvement 14.50 Acres 0.12 Gallons Glyphosate Nursery Weed Control 254.76 Acres 387.32 Pounds Glyphosate Nursery Weed Control 3.00 Acres 0.62 Gallons Glyphosate Hardwood Release 3.00 Acres 1.00 Pounds Glyphosate Hardwood Control 49.00 Acres 198.45 Pounds Glyphosate Conifer Release 4,775.00 Acres 19,003.32 Pounds Glyphosate Conifer Release 234.00 Acres 61.00 Gallons Glyphosate Conifer and Hardwood 527.00 Acres 1,186.60 Pounds 8 National Report of Pesticide Use on NFS Lands Fiscal Year 2002 Pesticide Active Ingredient Management Objective Amount Treated Quantity Measure Glyphosate Aquatic Weed Control 42.00 Acres 20.00 Pounds Glyphosate Agricultural Weed Control 188.66 Acres 806.91 Pounds Glyphosate Noxious Weed Control 17.00 Acres 57.30 Gallons Glyphosate Noxious Weed Control 4,053.64 Acres 3,846.13 Pounds Hexazinone Conifer Release 703.00 Acres 470.50 Pounds Hexazinone Site Preparation 883.20 Acres 2,667.22 Pounds Hexazinone Noxious Weed Control 10.50 Acres 5.20 Pounds Hexazinone Seed Orchard Protection 7.00 Acres 0.60 Pounds Imazapic Agricultural Weed Control 159.50 Acres 24.83 Pounds Imazapic Noxious Weed Control 57.16 Acres 12.87 Pounds Imazapyr Agricultural Weed Control 2,346.00 Acres 225.50 Pounds Imazapyr Conifer and Hardwood 810.00 Acres 14.81 Pounds Imazapyr Conifer Release 1,334.00 Acres 333.12 Pounds Imazapyr Noxious Weed Control 418.80 Acres 22.14 Pounds Imazapyr Right-of-Way Vegetation 191.90 Acres 19.70 Pounds Imazapyr Site preparation 219.00 Acres 30.88 Pounds Imazopic Noxious Weed Control 0.13 Acres 0.10 Pounds Imidizole Noxious Weed Control 265.07 Acres 22.37 Pounds Imidizole Agricultural Weed Control 1,077.00 Acres 33.38 Pounds Larinus planus Noxious Weed Control 50.00 Acres 1,000.00 Pounds Mecoprop Nursery Weed Control 0.00 Acres 3.75 Pounds Metsulfuron-methyl Agricultural Weed Control 8.10 Acres 4.87 Pounds Metsulfuron-methyl Noxious Weed Control 5,803.87 Acres 212.08 Pounds 9 National Report of Pesticide Use on NFS Lands Fiscal Year 2002 Pesticide Active Ingredient Management Objective Amount Treated Quantity Measure Oxyfluorfen Nursery Weed Control 191.46 Acres 135.70 Pounds Oxyfluorfen Housekeeping/Facilities 2.00 Acres 2.30 Pounds Oxyfluorfen Noxious Weed Control 165.60 Acres 155.60 Pounds Oxyfluorfen Nursery Weed Control 36.89 Acres 2.14 Gallons Recreation Improvement 3.00 Acres 9.00 Pounds Noxious Weed Control 61,530.32 Acres 12,995.62 Pounds Pendimethalin Picloram Picloram Picloram Right-of-Way Vegetation 18.00 Acres 4.30 Pounds Agricultural Weed Control 12,762.50 Acres 2,785.76 Pounds Sethoxydim Nursery Weed Control 0.70 Acres 0.15 Pounds Simazine Noxious Weed Control 0.67 Acres 9.00 Pounds Sulfometuron methyl Site Preparation 360.00 Acres 81.70 Pounds Sulfometuron methyl Conifer and Hardwood 270.00 Acres 9.00 Pounds Sulfometuron methyl Conifer Release 458.00 Acres 28.18 Pounds Sulfometuron methyl Noxious Weed Control 6.00 Acres 1.00 Pounds Sulfometuron methyl Right-of-way Vegetation 22.50 Acres 4.00 Pounds Sulfometuron methyl Seed Orchard Protection 12.00 Acres 1.50 Pounds Sulfometuron-methyl Noxious Weed Control 15.00 Acres 0.75 Pounds Triasulfuron Noxious Weed Control 5.00 Acres 5.10 Pounds Triclopyr Noxious Weed Control 913.79 Acres 1,155.41 Pounds Triclopyr Wildlife Habitat 730.00 Acres 21.75 Pounds Triclopyr Site preparation 1,958.00 Acres 2,016.25 Pounds Triclopyr Seed Orchard Protection 1.00 Acres 2.00 Pounds Triclopyr Right-of-Way Vegetation 65.00 Acres 32.80 Pounds 10 National Report of Pesticide Use on NFS Lands Fiscal Year 2002 Pesticide Active Ingredient Management Objective Amount Treated Quantity Measure Triclopyr Recreation Improvement 3.00 Acres 1.00 Gallons Triclopyr Housekeeping/Facilities 15.00 Acres 30.00 Pounds Triclopyr Recreation Improvement 3.00 Acres 3.00 Pounds Triclopyr Hardwood control 90.00 Acres 105.00 Pounds Triclopyr Conifer Release 3,019.00 Acres 2,000.10 Pounds Triclopyr Conifer and Hardwood 894.00 Acres 427.00 Pounds Triclopyr Hardwood Release 39.00 Acres 20.00 Pounds Triclopyr Agricultural Weed Control 127.80 Acres 98.56 Pounds Summary for Acres Units Total 167,645.66 Acres Herbicides, Algicides, and Plant Growth Regulators Glyphosate Noxious Weed Control Triclopyr Triclopyr Summary for Side Miles, Roadside Units Total 87,870.93 Pounds 122.18 Gallons Side Miles, 15.00 Side Miles, 17.00 Pounds Right-of-Way Vegetation 9.00 Side Miles, 59.00 Pounds Housekeeping/Facilities 4.00 Side Miles, 1.00 Pounds 28.00 Side Miles, 77.00 Pounds 11 National Report of Pesticide Use on NFS Lands Fiscal Year 2002 Pesticide Active Ingredient Management Objective Herbicides, Algicides, and Plant Growth Regulators Glyphosate Noxious Weed Control Summary for Square Feet Units Total Total 2002 Herbicides, Algicides, and Amount Treated Square Feet 50.00 Square Feet 0.16 Pounds 50.00 Square Feet 0.16 Pounds Plant Growth Regulators Acres Units Treated: Acre Feet Side Miles, Roadsid Square Feet Pesticide Quantities Used: Quantity Measure Gallons Pounds PIB 167,645.66 3.00 28.00 50.00 122.18 87,960.09 10.00 12 National Report of Pesticide Use on NFS Lands Fiscal Year 2002 Pesticide Active Ingredient Management Objective Insecticides, Acaricides, and Pheromones Amount Treated Quantity Measure Acres Abamectin Nursery Insect Control 6.50 Acres 0.06 Pounds Acephate Housekeeping/Facilities 1.00 Acres 0.50 Pounds Bacillus thuringiensis Insect Suppression Bacillus thuringiensis Nursery Insect Control 2.33 Acres 4.38 BIU Carbaryl Nursery Insect Control 6.00 Acres 6.00 Pounds Carbaryl Insect Suppression 623.00 Acres 806.76 Pounds Carbaryl Insect Eradication 7,850.00 Acres 393.00 Pounds Chlorpyrifos Nursery Insect Control 13.60 Acres 12.60 Pounds Chlorpyrifos Recreation Improvement 2.00 Acres 1.50 Pounds Deltamethrin Vector/Plague Suppression 48.00 Acres 2.76 Pounds Diazinon Vector/Plague Suppression 140.00 Acres 5.80 Pounds Diazinon Nursery Insect Control 7.00 Acres 28.00 Pounds Diazinon Housekeeping/Facilities 5.00 Acres 1.00 Pounds Dicofol Nursery Insect Control 0.32 Acres 0.02 Pounds Dimethoate Nursery Insect Control 7.00 Acres 4.20 Pounds Disparlure Insect Suppression Esfenvalerate Seed Orchard Protection 58.90 Acres 4.83 Pounds Esfenvalerate Nursery Insect Control 53.46 Acres 5.35 Pounds Hexathiazox Nursery Insect Control 0.64 Acres 0.16 Pounds Hydramethylnon Insect Suppression 5.50 Acres 9.00 Pounds Malathion Housekeeping/Facilities 1.00 Acres 0.50 Pounds Malathion Insect Eradication 7.36 Acres 0.72 Gallons Methylcyclohexenone Insect Suppression 14.70 Acres 0.79 Pounds 2,150.00 Acres 34,300.00 Acres 103,200.00 BIU 1,124.47 Pounds 13 National Report of Pesticide Use on NFS Lands Fiscal Year 2002 Pesticide Active Ingredient Management Objective Nuclear polyhedrosis virus Insect Suppression Amount Treated 270.00 Acres Quantity Measure 200,000,000,000.00 PIB Potash soap Nursery Insect Control 0.11 Acres 5.69 Pounds Pyrethrins Seed Orchard Protection 7.25 Acres 0.04 Pounds Sulfluramid Insect Suppression 11.00 Acres 0.18 Pounds Summary for Acres Units Total 45,591.67 Acres Insecticides, Acaricides, and Pheromones 2,413.21 0.72 103,204.38 200,000,000,000 Pounds Gallons BIU PIB Buildings Chlorpyrifos Insect Suppression 5.00 Buildings 0.21 Pounds Chlorpyrifos Housekeeping/Facilities 7.00 Buildings 0.00 Pounds Cyfluthrin Insect Suppression 5.00 Buildings 0.01 Pounds Cyfluthrin Housekeeping/Facilities 36.00 Buildings 0.74 Pounds Cyhalothrin Housekeeping/Facilities 5.00 Buildings 0.06 Pounds Cypermethrin Housekeeping/Facilities 21.00 Buildings 0.09 Pounds Cypermethrin Insect Suppression 5.00 Buildings 0.24 Pounds Deltamethrin Housekeeping/Facilities 19.00 Buildings 0.48 Pounds Diazinon Housekeeping/Facilities 14.00 Buildings 0.46 Pounds Permethrin Housekeeping/Facilities 19.00 Buildings 0.06 Pounds Pyrethrins Housekeeping/Facilities 7.00 Buildings 0.33 Pounds Pyrethrins Insect Suppression 9.00 Buildings 0.08 Pounds 152.00 Buildings 2.75 Pounds Summary for Buildings Units Total 14 National Report of Pesticide Use on NFS Lands Fiscal Year 2002 Pesticide Active Ingredient Management Objective Insecticides, Acaricides, and Pheromones Disparlure Amount Treated Pheromone Traps Research Summary for Pheromone Traps Units Total Insecticides, Acaricides, and Pheromones Acephate Summary for Ribes Plants Units Total Potash soap 30.00 Pheromone 0.00 Pounds 30.00 Pheromone 0.00 Pounds Ribes Plants Nursery Insect Control Insecticides, Acaricides, and Pheromones 826.00 Ribes 0.09 Pounds 826.00 0.09 Pounds Ribes Seedlings Nursery Insect Control 20,000.00 Seedlings Summary for Seedlings Units Total 20,000.00 Seedlings Insecticides, Acaricides, and Pheromones Quantity Measure 1.45 Pounds 1.45 Pounds Square Feet Bacillus thuringiensis Nursery Insect Control 9,144.00 Malathion Nursery Weed Control 8,512.00 Square Feet 2.50 Pounds Permethrin Insect Eradication 58,496.00 Square Feet 0.68 Pounds 76,152.00 Square Feet 5.48 BIU 3.18 Pounds Summary for Square Feet Units Total Square Feet 5.48 BIU 15 National Report of Pesticide Use on NFS Lands Fiscal Year 2002 Pesticide Active Ingredient Management Objective Insecticides, Acaricides, and Pheromones Disease Control Carbaryl Insect Eradication Carbaryl Insect Suppression Summary for Trees Units Total 1,938.00 Trees 142.00 Gallons 969.00 Trees 1,840.05 Pounds 2,095.00 Trees 534.80 Pounds 5,002.00 Trees 142.00 Gallons 2,374.85 Pounds and Pheromones Acres Buildings Pheromone Traps Units Treated: Ribes Plants Seedlings Square Feet Trees Pounds Pesticide Quantities Used: Quantity Measure Trees Carbaryl Total 2002 Insecticides, Acaricides, Amount Treated BIU PIB Gallons 45,591.67 152.00 30.00 826.00 20,000.00 76,152.00 5,002.00 4,795.53 103,209.86 200,000,000,000.00 142.72 16 National Report of Pesticide Use on NFS Lands Fiscal Year 2002 Pesticide Active Ingredient Management Objective Amount Treated Predacide, Piscicides and Repellents Quantity Measure Acres Denatonium benzoate Animal Damage Control 841.00 Acres 4.00 Pounds Putrescent egg solids Animal Damage Control 3,500.00 Acres 306.90 Gallons Putrescent egg solids Animal Damage Control 185.00 Acres 23.12 Pounds Strychnine Animal Damage Control 505.00 Acres 0.15 Pounds Triclopyr Site Preparation 20.00 Acres 18.00 Pounds 5,051.00 Acres 45.27 Pounds 306.90 Gallons Summary for Acres Units Total Predacide, Piscicides and Repellents Antimyicin Stream Miles Fish Eradication 0.00 Stream 0.28 Gallons Potassium permanganate Fish Eradication 0.00 Stream 113.20 Pounds Rotenone Fish Eradication 3.50 Stream 33.22 Gallons Rotenone Fish Eradication 6.00 Stream 10.00 Pounds 9.50 Stream 123.20 Pounds 33.50 Gallons Summary for Stream Miles Units Total Total 2002 Predacide, Piscicides, and Repellents Acres Units Treated: Stream Miles Pesticide Quantities Used: Pounds Gallons 5,051.00 9.50 168.47 340.40 17 National Report of Pesticide Use on NFS Lands Fiscal Year 2002 Pesticide Active Ingredient Management Objective Rodenticides Amount Treated Acres Strychnine Animal Damage Control 14,023.00 Acres Strychnine Site Preparation Zinc phosphide Animal Damage Control Summary for Acres Units Total Rodenticides Strychnine Bromadiolone 288.00 Pounds 719.00 Acres 7.00 Pounds 69.00 Acres 0.34 Pounds 14,811.00 Acres 295.34 Pounds Bait Stations Animal Damage Control Summary for Bait Stations Units Total Rodenticides Quantity Measure 1,395.00 Bait 0.10 Pounds 1,395.00 Bait 0.10 Pounds Buildings Housekeeping/Facilities Summary for Buildings Units Total 18.00 Buildings 0.06 Pounds 18.00 Buildings 0.06 Pounds Total 2002 Rodenticides Acres Units Treated: Pesticide Quantities Used: Buildings 1,4811.00 1,395.00 18.00 Pounds 295.5 Bait Statio 18 National Report of Pesticide Use on NFS Lands Fiscal Year 2002 Pesticide Active Ingredient Management Objective Biological Control Organisms Amount Treated Quantity Measure Acres Agapeta zoegana Noxious Weed Control 20.00 Acres 1,140.00 Insects Aphthona nigriscutis Agricultural Weed Control 350.00 Acres 384,000.00 Insects Aphthona nigriscutis Noxious Weed Control 1,170.00 Acres 904,800.00 Insects Aphthona lacertosa Noxious Weed Control 150.00 Acres 21,000.00 Insects Aplocera plagiata Noxious Weed Control 30.00 Acres 600.00 Insects Bangasternus fausti Noxious Weed Control 80.00 Acres 4,000.00 Insects Brachypterolus pulica Noxious Weed Control 10.00 Acres 1,155.00 Insects Brachypterolus pulicarius Noxious Weed Control 100.00 Acres 2,000.00 Insects Cassida rubiginosa Noxious Weed Control 15.00 Acres 1,260.00 Insects Cetorhynchus litura Noxious Weed Control 370.00 Acres 15,700.00 Insects Ceuterhyncus litura Noxious Weed Control 3.00 Acres 105.00 Insects Ceutorhynchus litura Noxious Weed Control 8.00 Acres 315.00 Insects Chrysolina quadrigemina Noxious Weed Control 75.00 Acres 1,500.00 Insects Cyphocleonus achates Noxious Weed Control 35.00 Acres 596.00 Insects Cyphocleonus achates Noxious Weed Control 50.00 Acres 500.00 Insects Cystiphora schmidti Noxious Weed Control 105.00 Acres 10,500.00 Insects Eriophyes chondrillae Noxious Weed Control 0.00 Acres 10,500.00 Insects Agricultural Weed Control 6,000.00 Acres 1,900.00 Insects Gymnetron antirrhini Noxious Weed Control 0.00 Acres 1,050.00 Insects Gymnetron tetrum Noxious Weed Control 15.00 Acres 900.00 Insects Larinus obtusus Noxious Weed Control 25.00 Acres 4,300.00 Insects Goats 19 National Report of Pesticide Use on NFS Lands Fiscal Year 2002 Pesticide Active Ingredient Management Objective Amount Treated Quantity Measure Larinus planus Noxious Weed Control 3.00 Acres 945.00 Insects Larinus minutus Noxious Weed Control 89.00 Acres 4,100.00 Insects Larinus minutus Noxious Weed Control 240.00 Acres 12,000.00 Insects Longitarsus jacobaeae Noxious Weed Control 10.00 Acres 500.00 Insects Mecinus janthinus Noxious Weed Control 20.00 Acres 800.00 Insects Oberea crythrocephala Noxious Weed Control 50.00 Acres 1,000.00 Insects Puccinia chondrillina Noxious Weed Control 0.00 Acres 2,100,000.00 Insects Rhinocyllus conicus Noxious Weed Control 50.00 Acres 1,000.00 Insects Sphenoptera jugoslavica Noxious Weed Control 5.00 Acres 25.00 Insects Tichosirocalus horridus Noxious Weed Control 30.00 Acres 600.00 Insects Trichosirocalus horridus Noxious Weed Control 185.00 Acres 5,500.00 Insects Tyria jacobaeae Research 0.00 Acres 5,000.00 Insects Tyria jacobaeae Noxious Weed Control 52.40 Acres 3,100.00 Insects Urophora species Noxious Weed Control 80.00 Acres 1,600.00 Insects 9,425.40 Acres 3,485,091 Insects Summary for Acres Units Total Biological Control Organisms Aphthona lacertosa Treatment Stations Agricultural Weed Control 1,009.00 Treatment Stations 4,036,000.00 Insects 1,009.00 Treatment Stations 4,036,000.00 Insects Summary for Acres Units Total Total 2002 Biological Control Organisms Acres Units Treated: Treatment Stations 9,425.40 1,009.00 Pesticide Quantities Used: Insects 7,521,091.00 20 National Report of Pesticide Use on NFS Lands Fiscal Year 2002 Grand Total 2002 Acres Acre Feet Greenhouse Pounds of Seed Seedlings Square Feet Units Treated: Side Miles, Roadsid Buildings Pheromone Traps Ribes Plants Trees Stream Miles Bait Stations Treatment Stations BIU PIB Pesticide Quantities Used: Gallons Pounds Insects 260,289.75 90.65 29.00 344.02 20,030.00 533,366.00 28.00 170.00 30.00 826.00 5,002.00 9.50 1,395.00 1,009.00 103,209.86 200,000,000,010.00 2,319.42 144,634.12 7,521,091.00 21