INTRODUCTION, PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF THE STUDY As part of the Counterminous United States Mineral Assessment Program (CUSMAP), the United States Geological Survey found anomalous copper in stream sediments from washes draining Black Mountain and the Batamote Mountains, two miles south and ten miles northeast of Ajo, Arizona, respectively. The anomalous area defined by the values to the northeast of Ajo encompasses the northwestern two -thirds of the Batamote range. However, the source of the values was not determined by the U.S.G.S. The purpose of the present study is to define, characterize and explain this anomaly. Five mechanisms are considered to be possible explanations of the anomaly: 1. Airborne contamination from a smelter located in Ajo; 2. Abnormally high background copper concentrations in the volcanics composing the Batamote Mountains; 3. Primary hydrothermal mineralization within the study area; 4. Dispersion through the volcanic pile along normal faults; and S. Contamination of the volcanics immediately before or during their eruption. Each of these working hypotheses should have a unique dispersion pattern and a characteristic partitioning of copper among mineral phases. 1 2 The smelter is located just south of Ajo. Smelters are known to produce anomalies in soil samples, and the wind in the area was observed to blow southwest to northeast at times; consequently, airborne dispersion from the smelter could produce, the observed anomalies. Dispersion from this source would tend to have a plumose form and decrease in intensity downwind. Any copper would be held in glass as part of the smelter dust. The second possible mechanism, abnormally high background values, would be characterized by a highly uniform distribution of high values within the stream sediments. Additionally, the source rock unit would have to have high copper concentrations; the copper would probably be held as a trace component within silicate minerals. Primary hydrothermal mineralization would be characterized by a dispersion pattern localized around the mineralization. anomalies would tend not to be very widespread. As such, Given the aridity and nature of weathering in the Batamote Mountains, primary copper minerals could be preserved in sediments in addition to secondary minerals and oxides. Dispersion of copper along normal faults would yield broad dispersion patterns at the surface, related spatially to the faulting. Copper would probably be held in oxide coatings, organics or as chrysocolla. The final mechanism considered, contamination of the volcanics before or during their eruption, would produce uniformly high values in streams draining the volcanics or a zonation about the volcanic center. If the contaminants were not assimilated, the bulk of the 3 volcanics would not contain unusual values of copper --only xeno- lithic fragments would contain anomalous copper. However, if the hypothesized contaminants were totally assimilated, the dispersion would be similiar to that observed for an andesite with high background copper; therefore, this mechanism could be indistinguishable from an andesite with high background. Given the expected responses for the five different mechanisms, the purpose of this study is to define the surficial dispersion of copper, both mineralogically and areally, within the Batamote Mountains. This information, in combination with lithogeochemical and geological data can then be used to infer the genesis of the copper anomaly discovered by Barton and others (1982). The study was conducted in three stages: 1. Resampling of the sites found to be anomalous by Barton and others (1982); 2. High density collection of stream sediment and heavy mineral concentrate samples; and 3. Reconnaissance geologic mapping, rock chip sampling and resampling the anomalies found in the second step. Field and analytical work was performed between December, 1982 and February, 1984. LOCATION, PHYSIOGRAPHY AND CLIMATE The study was conducted in the Batamote Mountains which are within the Basin and Range Province of southwestern Arizona- -five to ten airmiles (8 to 16 km) northeast of Ajo in Pima County. Ajo is the site of Phelps Dodge's New Cornelia porphyry copper deposit and the previously mentioned smelter. Figure 1 shows the location of the thesis area in relation to Ajo, Phoenix, and Tucson. The study area lies almost entirely within the Ajo and Sikort Chuapo 15minute U.S.G.S. quadrangles. The mountains trend west -northwesterly and have a length of twelve miles (19 km) and a width of up to five miles (8 km). Maximum elevation is 3202 feet (972 m) with relief of up to 1700 feet (520 m). Physiographically, the mountains occur as relatively low plateaus surrounding a high central peak that has the appearance of a dissected stratovolcano (see Figure 2). However, the preserved surface of the peak is not depositional (Gilluly, 1946). The mountains have relatively youthful drainages which are characterized by narrow canyons with moderate to steep gradients (Gilluly, 1937) . The area around Ajo receives an average of nine inches of precipitation annually, with the rainiest months being July and August (NOAA, 1981). Temperatures range from 30 °F to 120 °F (0 °C to 50 °C) with temperatures in excess of 100 °F (38 °C) common from 4 S May to September. washes. Consequently, drainages in the area consist of dry Field observations indicate that the wind often blows from the southwest to the northeast, creating a potential for airborne smelter contamination in the study area. 6 GILA BEND AJO 10 MILES LUKEVILLE r TUCSON N 100 MILES Figure 1 -- Location of study area / Figure 2 -- Photograph, looking east, of the high point, Batamote Mountains PREVIOUS WORK Previous work on the geology, surficial geochemistry and geophysics of the Batamote Mountains is contained within reports encompassing larger or nearby areas. with Joralemon's report in 1914. pared in 1984 by Harris. Early work in the area began The most recent report was pre- Existing literature pertaining to the geology, geochemistry and geophysics of the area is reviewed in this section. Geology Joralemon (1914) discussed the history and economic geology of the Ajo district. DeKalb (1918) and Ingham and Barr (1932) dis- cussed the same topics, but they also concentrated on the mining methods employed at the New Cornelia Mine. These three papers refer only briefly to the geology outside the immediate Ajo district. Bryan (1928) described the physiography and geology of the Batamote Mountains in general terms. Additionally, he described the log of a well located one mile west of the mountains. Through 1936 this is the only paper that described the geology of the area of interest. In 1935, Gilluly published the first of four papers that are probably the best work on the geology of the Ajo area. In this paper Gilluly described the history and geology of the Ajo mining district. However, in papers published in 1937. 1942 and 8 9 1946, Gilluly discussed the geology and physiography of the Ajo 15minute quadrangle in addition to the district geology. These papers contain excellent descriptions of the geology, lithology and physiography of the western half of the Batamote Mountains. Following the last Gilluly paper, there was a long hiatus on publications relating to the Ajo area. Dixon (1966) and Wadsworth (1968) described the geology of the New Cornelia Mine and Cornelia pluton, respectively. Jones (1974) discussed the geology of the Ajo Range, south of the study area. The most recent publication covering the Batamote Mountain area is a compilation of the geology of the Ajo 1 °by 2°quadrangle by Kahle and others (1978). As this is part of CUSMAP, more litera- ture should be forthcoming from this group. The geology of the Hat Mountain and Sikort Chuapo 15- minute quadrangles has been mapped and reports are in preparation as part of a cooperative study between the U.S. Geological Survey and the Bureau of Indian Affairs on the geology and mineral resources of the Papago Indian Reservation (Haxel and others, 1980). Surf icial Geochemistry Also as part of CUSMAP, the U.S. Geological Survey conducted a reconnaissance exploration geochemistry study over the Ajo 1° by 2° quadrangle (Barton and others, 1982). Anomalies discovered as part of this project served as the impetus for the present study. Most recently, Theobald and Barton (1983) discussed the statistical 10 relationships within the U.S.G.S. data. More literature should come out of this group in the future. Geophysics Finally, Klein (1983) published a residual aeromagnetic map of the Ajo and Lukeville 1° by 2° quadrangles. Raines and Theobald (1981) are conducting remote sensing studies in the Ajo 1° by 2° quadrangle. Again, future papers should be forthcoming about the geo- physics of the area. REGIONAL GEOLOGY The regional geology of the Ajo area is described in excellent detail by Gilluly (1946). that work. This section is largely based on For further discussion, the reader is referred to this and other papers by Gilluly (1937 and 1942). The Ajo and Sikort Chuapo 15- minute quadrangles consist mainly of Tertiary volcanics and Quaternary alluvium. Pre -Cenozoic rocks crop out dominantly in the Little Ajo Mountains and the Chico Shunie Hills, west of the town of Ajo. Figure 3, based on Gilluly (1946), gives the stratigraphy of the Ajo 15- minute quadrangle and can be inferred to represent the general stratigraphy of the entire area. Figure 4 is a regional geologic map of these two quadrangles based on Wilson and others (1969). Stratigraphy The oldest unit in the area is the Precambrian Cardigan Gneiss. The unit has a wide variety of rock types within it, ranging from gneisses through schists with minor pegmatites. This unit has been intruded throughout by small bodies of Precambrian hornblendite that show chilled contacts against the gneiss. The Cardigan Gneiss crops out principally in the Gibson Arroyo, west of Ajo. According to Gilluly (1946), the only Paleozoic rock present in the region is hornfelsic sandstone, shale and volcanics occuring as xenoliths in the Chico Shunie Quartz Monzonite, which crops out 11 ' 4i ú IF tu 12 _ IQV' 1111119lb El tom I11141 RlpiEZ - s 1a I4 tll1(I/Um;, ilílÌllUte..w.í-üw ululi wlwillil ivI ,11 mI11 i111!lilmu nlunluwuui III Lilllillunn IIIII I f/ IId l'/'1 Ill. 1 IIAIU111 IIIII'I Il 16 e'd";U fit Iua11nu1 uwoL.I;u1+I VeInrivautno.uor,nIImvmu. b.. ' .- ^7 :.:iì- : °~:` `' = `\\ `>ii., ` .,92K ~ s Alluvium Quaternary Qa Plio -Pleis- QTa 1Older Alluvium Unconformity tocene , `. o , ,,te5°' '1./.1a0'0....á.; 6Y Symbol Unconformity Nia HIM on (I6\/1I111111 { vl MIR III 11111111'il li _ mid niiinnnit u s1 01.7 Age ' ° .q1111lI/11'::RII191IIIIIIIIIIIIIIItil11 I C Unit _ 15 14 13 Batamote Andesíte-intrusive facies Batamote Andesite-extrusive Batamote Andesite-vent facies Miocene Miocene Tba Miocene ' Unconformity ,.e.`. 12 2Childs Latite 11 Daniels Conglomerate Miocene Miocene Tv Tps Miocene Tv Miocene Miocene Tv Tms Tertiary/ Cretaceous Tertiary/ Cretaceous Tertiary/ Cretaceous Cretaceous TKi Mesozoic Mzgr Unconformity 10 2Sneed Andesite Unconformíty 9 2Aj o Volcanics 8 Locomotive Fanglomerate Unconformity 7 6 5 1Felsic to intermediate plugs, sills and dikes Cornelia Quartz Monzonite (main facies) Cornelia Quartz Monzonite (dioritic facies) Concentrator Volcanics TKg Unconformity 4 3 Chico Shunie Quartz Monzonite Hornfels Paleozoic Unconformity 2 1 Hornblendite Cardigan Gneiss PrecambrianpCgn Precambrian ZUnit from Wilson and others, 1969 The Childs Latite, Sneed Andesite and Ajo Volcanics were combined in Wilson and others,. 1969 Figure 3-- Stratigraphy of the Ajo area (after Billuly, 1946) 5 MIs.ES ScALt: o:25q000 COFFEEPOT MOUNTAIN Figure 4-- Simplified geologic map of the Ajo and Sikort Chuapo 15- minute quadrangles, Arizona (after See Figure 3 and text for description of units. Wilson and others, 1969). P69" Qa Tho TEA B RTAMOTE MOUNTRItJS 14 extensively in the southwestern part of the region. This unit has a highly variable texture and composition, but the predominant variety is a coarsely porphyritic quartz monzonite. Unconformably overlying the basement, the Cretaceous Concentrator Volcanics crop out one to two miles south of Ajo. This forma- tion consists of andesitic tuffs, flows and breccias that have been extensively altered. No pre- Tertiary rocks crop out in the Sikort Chuapo quad- rangle (Wilson and others, 1969). The Laramide Cornelia pluton intrudes the Concentrator Vol - canics, Cardigan Gneiss and Chico Shunie Quartz Monzonite over much of the Little Ajo Mountains, several miles west of the town of Ajo. The pluton is composed of a wide range of distinct facies, many of which show gradational contacts. Two units have been separated out by Gilluly (1946), a border quartz diorite facies, located in the These western part of the intrusive, and a quartz monzonite facies. two units show a sharp contact. As the description of these rocks is not the thrust of this discussion, the reader is referred to papers by Dixon (1966) and Wadsworth (1968) in addition to the papers by Gilluly and a thesis by Harris (1984) for a more detailed description of these units. The New Cornelia orebody, which was originally the cupola of the Cornelia pluton (Wadsworth, 1968) has been downfaulted several thousand feet by the Gibson fault; it lies south of the town of Ajo and southeast of the main pluton. Through 1962 two million tons of copper had been recovered from 255 million tons of ore and 270 million 15 tons of waste (Dixon, 1966). Recently, after a short shutdown caused by the depressed price of copper, Phelps Dodge reopened the New Cornelia Mine. The smelter was built in 1950 and is currently not operating. Unconformably overlying the Cardigan Gneiss, the Concentrator Volcanics and the Cornelia Quartz Monzonite in pediments and slopes to the southeast of the Little Ajo Mountains, the Middle Tertiary Locomotive Fanglomerate consists of clasts of widely varying composition and grain size. Boulders up to two feet in diameter are common, although the average size of the fragments is less than one inch. The quality of bedding and degree of sorting increase to the southeast. The Middle Tertiary Ajo Volcanics, located west and southwest of the Ajo Peaks, conformably overlie the Locomotive Fanglomerate and consist of andesitic breccias, flows and tuffs. The Middle Tertiary Sneed Hornblende Andesite conformably overlies the Ajo Volcanics in the southern part of the Childs Mountain, four miles northwest of Ajo, and in Copper Canyon in the western part of the Little Ajo Mountains. Unconformably overlying the Sneed andesite, the Middle Tertiary Daniels Conglomerate crops out along the southern flanks of both Childs Mountain and the Chico Shunie Hills. The unit consists of alternating pebbly and sandy layers, with boulders up to four feet in diameter. As the two youngest bedrock units in the area are the only bedrock in the study area, they will be described in much detail in the following chapter. Their regional distribution in the Ajo 16 and Sikort Chuapo 15- minute quadrangles will be discussed in this section. The only information available to the author on the Sikort Chuapo quadrangle comes from a geologic map of the State of Arizona (Wilson and others, 1969). Owing to the scale of the map, many Tertiary volcanic units were not distinguished according to their relative ages and compositions. The Miocene Childs Latite crops out extensively throughout southwestern Arizona. In the Ajo 15- minute quadrangle, the unit crops out on the western side of Childs Mountain and as a small patch in the north -central Batamote Mountains. Within the Sikort Chuapo quadrangle, intermediate "Pliocene" volcanics (probably the Childs Latite or its equivalent) compose the eastern part of the Batamote Mountains, the Pozo Redondo Mountains, south of the Batamote Mountains, and the western part of the Sikort Chuapo Mountains, east of the Batamote Mountains (Wilson and others, 1969). The Miocene Batamote Andesite, which was split into three facies -- extrusive, intrusive and vent --by Gilluly (1946) crops out extensively in the Batamote Mountains and on Childs Mountain. It also crops out in the south -central part of the Ajo 15- minute quad- rangle and in Black Mountain, four miles south -southeast of Ajo. The extrusive facies is by far the most abundant. Outcrops of vent breccias and the intrusive occur in the northeast part of Childs Mountain and the central part of the Batamote Mountains; they probably represent vents from which the Batamote andesite was extruded. In the Sikort Chuapo quadrangle, "Plio -Pleistocene" basaltic volcanics (probably the Batamote Andesite) crop out in the eastern 17 part of the Sikort Chuapo Mountains and around Coffeepot Mountain in the northeastern section of the quadrangle (Wilson and others, 1969). Two units of alluvium are present within the area. Plio - Pleistocene alluvium crops out in several places in the Sikort Chuapo quadrangle (Wilson and others, 1969). Quaternary alluvium fills valleys and occurs as active stream deposits. Structure The oldest unit in the area, the Cardigan Gneiss, has undergone several phases of deformation, the first of which probably occured in the Precambrian. The Chico Shunie Quartz Monzonite intruded during the Mesozoic; both the Cardigan Gneiss and the Chico Shunie Quartz Monzonite show cataclastic deformation inferred by Gilluly (1946) to be Mesozoic in age. The pre- Tertiary rocks were intruded by the New Cornelia stock in early Tertiary time (Dixon, 1966). Other Tertiary structure in the Ajo area is characterized by normal faulting, some of which is probably related to basin and range tectonism. The Little Ajo Mountains are bounded on the northeast and east by the Little Ajo Mountain and Black Mountain faults, respectively. The Childs Mountain fault partially bounds Childs Mountain and the Little Ajo Mountains on the west. The Gibson fault has dropped the New Cor- nelia orebody relative to the quartz monzonite stock. Other faults within the Little Ajo Mountains include the Chico Shunie and Ajo Peak faults ( Gilluly, 1946). 18 The Batamote Mountains have been broken by a northerly to northeasterly trending set of normal faults in the northwest part of the range. detail. These will be discussed in the next chapter in more Tertiary faulting in the Sikort Chuapo quadrangle includes northerly to northwesterly trending normal faults in the Pozo Redondo and Sikort Chuapo Mountains (Wilson and others, 1969). The only folding present in the area is gentle warping in the northern part of the Batamote Mountains (Gilluly, 1946). In summary, the most important structural features present in the region, relative to the problem being addressed, are Tertiary normal faults. Motion began before the Miocene with early movement on the Gibson fault and continued into the Holocene. LOCAL GEOLOGY The study area was mapped at a reconnaissance scale using aerial photos. The results were then compared with earlier maps by Gilluly (1937 and 1946) and Wilson and others (1969). Additionally, contacts and faults were field checked as much as possible. Two distinct bedrock units were recognized, the Childs Latite and the Batamote Andesite, as named by Gilluly (1946). The Batamote Andesite has been subdivided into three subunits -- extrusive, intrusive and vent facies. Two units of alluvium were observed: an older unit that forms low, sinuous hills in the north and dissected pediments in the south, and a younger unit that fills the valleys as active alluvium. The stratigraphy and structure of the immediate thesis area are described in this chapter. Stratigraphy The oldest unit in the thesis area is the Miocene Childs Latite with an age between 17 and 20 million years (May and others, 1980). Disconformably overlying the Childs Latite, the Batamote Andesite also has a Miocene age of 15.52 ±0.54 million years (Shafiqullah and others, 1980). Batamote Andesite. The two units of alluvium post -date the The distribution, physiography and petrography of these units are described below. 19 20 Childs Latite Distribution and Physiography. Within the study area, the majority of the Childs Latite occurs toward the eastern edge. Small patches occur in the north -central part and the northwestern part of the area. The morthwestern patch is the southeasternmost extension of the Crater Range. The Childs Latite tends to form rounded to pointed hills in the study area; however, on the western flanks of the Sikort Chuapo In general, this Mountains, the unit tends to form prominent cliffs. unit weathers to colors ranging from white to maroon. Petrology and Mineralogy. In hand specimen, the Childs Latite is typically holocrystalline and porphyritic -aphanitic, with white, glassy, subhedral, medium to coarse grained feldspar phenocrysts in a pink to maroon, aphanitic groundmass. However, the grain size and de- velopment of crystal faces of the phenocrysts varies widely from outcrop to outcrop; in some instances, the feldspar phenocrysts are anhedral and fine grained. The unit, in general, shows excellent flow banding. In addition to the extrusive porphyry, the Childs Latite contains small outcrops of dikes and breccia. The dikes have the same general texture as the extrusive unit, but they are characterized by discordant attitudes relative to the subhorizontal dip of the unit. The breccia, which weathers from brown to yellowish white, consists of coarse to very coarse (0.5 to 50 cm) blocks in a slightly vesicular, aphanitic matrix. The blocks are composed of flow banded, porphyritic -aphanitic Childs Latite. The breccia crops out in the northeast in a geographical embayment of latite into the 21 Figure 5 -- Photomicrograph of Childs Latite (under crossed polars). Note zoned plagioclase and augite phenocrysts (135 X). 22 Batamote Andesite. In the same area, stratigraphically below the breccia, the latite has been extensively argillized. In thin section, the latite shows the same textural variability seen in the hand specimens. The typical texture is holo- crystalline, porphyritic -cryptocrystalline to microcrystalline, with very fine to coarse grained anhedral to subhedral phenocrysts in a felted cryptocrystalline to microcrystalline groundmass. The phenocrysts, which comprise 40 to 60 volume percent of the rock, are dominated by andesine and /or labradorite (An orthoclase, magnetite and augite. ) with lesser to An 40 60 The plagioclase phenocrysts show marked zoning, with calcic cores that have been locally argillized to montmorillonite. Some sections contain partially resorbed, zoned sanidine and minor biotite. The groundmass, when its com- position is distinguishable, consists of plagioclase, augite and magnetite. Figúre 5 shows the typical microscopic textures and mineral compositions of the Childs Latite. Batamote Andesíte-- Extrusive Facies Distribution and Physiography. The Batamote Basaltic Andesite is the most widespread unit in the study area, and it crops out over most of the Batamote Mountains. The extrusive facies makes up the bulk of the outcrop and forms mesas that have been extensively dissected by deep canyons. This facies, in general, dips away from a central plug located near the high point of the range. as the volcanic vent. This is interpreted 23 Petrology and Mineralogy. The extrusive facies of the Batamote Andesite occurs dominantly in flows which range in thickness up to 20 The flows show a strong textural zonation, grading from a meters. basal gray, fissile rock of aphanitic texture, through an intermediate black, massive, aphanitic section, and finally into a black, or yellow, while the intermediate and upper units weather maroon or scoriaceous cap. black. The basal unit of a flow typically weathers maroon or Some sections show flow banding. Secondary minerals include zeolites filling amygdules and chalcedony along joints and fractures. This unit also includes minor volcanic breccia and volcano clastics. The volcanic breccia, which is probably a result of flow brecciation, consists of blocks up to 50 cm in a medium to coarse grained matrix. The volcanoclastics consist of a medium to coarse grained, poorly sorted, poorly consolidated wacke. The minor lithologies are not described microscopically. The three textural zones characteristic of the flows are distinctive under the petrographic microscope. The basal zone is typically flow banded, holocrystalline and porphyritic -microcrystalline, with fine grained subhedral to euhedral plagioclase and olivine phenocrysts in a felted, pilotaxitic microcrystalline groundmass consisting of plagioclase laths. Some sections had glass in the groundmass. The intermediate zone is characteristically hypocrystalline, porphyritic -microcrystalline or vitric, with fine grained, subhedral mafic phenocrysts in a pilotaxitic, microcrystalline plagioclase groundmass or a black hyaloophitic groundmass of microcrystalline plagioclase laths and glass. 24 Finally, the upper zone is scoriaceous, hypocrystalline, porphyritic - vitric with one or two sizes of phenocrysts in a vitric groundmass. The larger phenocrysts consist of fine grained subhedral to euhedral olivine crystals, whereas the smaller phenocrysts are typically plagioclase microlites. Figures 6 and 7 show typical textures and mineralogies of the basal and upper zones of the flows. Although the texture varies widely within the flows, the mineralogy remains relatively constant. The coarsest phenocrysts in all thin sections are olivine grains that have been partially to completely replaced by iddingsite. Plagioclase occurs both as phenocrysts and microlites within the groundmasses. tions ranging from sodic andesine (An ) It has composi- to calcic labradorite 36 (An ); more typical anorthite contents range from 45 to 60 %. Magnetite is a common accessory mineral, while hypersthene and augite occur infrequently. Batamote Andesite- -Vent Facies Distribution and Physiography. The vent facies of the Bata - mote Andesite occurs in the central part of the study area just southwest of the high point of the Batamote Mountains. This facies crops out on the periphery of, or stratigraphically above, the intrusive facies. The unit forms outcrops that stand out relative to the surrounding rocks. Petrology. The vent facies is a red to maroon oxidized volcanic breccia that consists of blocks ranging in size from 10 cm to 1 m in an aphanitic to coarse grained matrix. The easternmost 25 Figure 6 -- Photomicrograph of the basal section of a typical flow, Batamote Andesite (under crossed polars). Note plagioclase and olivine phenocrysts in felted, pilotaxitic microcrystalline groundmass (135 X). 26 Figure 7-- Photomicrograph of the upper unit of a typical flow, Batamote Andesite (under crossed polars). Note two sizes of phenocrysts in hyaloophitic groundmass (135 X).. 27 outcrop has a sub -horizontal, sedimentary -like bedding up to 2 m thick. This facies was not described microscopically. Batamote Andesite -- Intrusive Facies Distribution and Physiography. The intrusive facies of the Batamote Andesite crops out in a one square mile area in the central part of the study area southwest of the high point of the range. The facies has no distinctive topographic expression. Petrology and Mineralogy. The Batamote intrusive can be subdivided into two distinct units, a fine grained, equigranular diorite (or gabbro ?) in the south and a dense, massive porphyritic- aphanitic basaltic andesite in the north. The nature of the con- tact between the two phases was not determined. In hand specimen, the diorite is holocrystalline, hypidiomorIn out- phic- granular, fine grained with a salt and pepper texture. crop, the unit, which weathers gray to reddish -yellow, is massive towards the center and grades outwards into an outer zone that is highly jointed. In thin section, the diorite has a grain size ranging from 0.3 to 1 mm. It is dominated by andesine (An ) with to An 40 50 accessory olivine (that has been altered extensively to iddingsíte), magnetite and minor intergranular augite and hypersthene. The olivine /iddingstie crystals have a slightly larger grain size than the other crystals. this unit. Figure 8 shows the textures and mineralogy of 28 The porphyritic -aphanitic unit, which composes the bulk of the intrusive, weathers yellow on outcrop. Towards the center of the intrusive, the phase develops two roughly perpendicular sets of vertical joints. developed. Towards the edges, this jointing is less well At the edges, the unit interfingers extensively, or grades into, the vent facies described earlier. This unit is holocrystalline, porphyritic- cryptocrystalline to microcrystalline, with subhedral to euhedral fine grained (0.3 to 1 mm) phenocrysts in a cryptocrystalline to microcrystalline groundmass. The phenocrysts are composed of olivine that has been altered slightly to iddingsite; the groundmass, when distinguishable, consists of andesine to labradorite (An thene, magnetite and augite. ) with lesser hypers- to An 45 60 In this unit, the hypersthene predomin- ates over the augite, whereas in the dioritic unit, augite predominates over hypersthene. Figure 9 shows the textures and mineralogy of this phase of the intrusive. In summary, the intrusive facies of the Batamote Andesite has two distinct units: a diorite and a basaltic andesite. The rela- tionship between the two units was not determined. Older Alluvium This alluvium, which is younger than the Batamote Andesite, consists of pebbles and cobbles in an unconsolidated fine sand to silt matrix. In the northwest, the unit forms low (3 m), sinuous hills on the outwash plain north of the Batamote Mountains; the pebbles and cobbles are composed of Batamote Andesite. On the other 29 Figure 8 -- Photomicrograph of the dioritic unit of the intrusive facies of the Batamote Andesite (under crossed polars). Note the relative coarse granularity of the unit (135 X). 30 Figure 9-- Photomicrograph of the porphyritic unit of the intrusive facies of the Batamote Andesite (under crossed polars) (135 X), 31 hand, in the southeast, the unit forms a dissected pediment and the pebbles and cobbles consist of Childs Latite. Quaternary Alluvium The valleys and active stream channels are filled with an unconsolidated gravel with cobbles and pebbles in a sandy to silty matrix. In places, the alluvium has been cemented by extensive caliche. Structure Deformation within the study area is limited to normal faults in the Batamote Andesite and minor warping of both the Childs Latite and the Batamote Andesite. Since there are no marker beds in the study area, the structure in the area is largely conjectural, and is based on topography and aerial photographs. Faulting The only faults present are located in the northwest. Although inferred from aerial photographs, they agree well with those reported by Gilluly (1946). observed along one fault trace. Additionally, fault gouge was However, due to the lack of marker beds, the displacement of the faults could not be determined. The fault as shown by Wilson and others (1969) to pass through the center of the range, was not observed in the field. Folding Gilluly (1946) reports relatively minor warps within the Batamote Andesite; however, the majority of the attitudes in this 32 unit are depositional. During reconnaissance mapping, an anticline was observed in the Childs Latite in the northeastern embayment into the Batamote Andesite. Alteration In view of the geochemical anomalies derived from it, the Batamote Andesite is notable for its lack of significant alteration. The only secondary minerals present in the unit are amygduloidal zeolites, and joint and fracture filling chalcedony. However, a "limonite" multispectral imaging anomaly occurs around the Batamote plug (Gary Raines, U.S. Geological Survey, personal communication, 1984) . On the other hand, an extensive zone of alteration was observed in the Childs Latite in the northeastern embayment of this unit into the Batamote Andesite. strongly argillized. In this area, the unit has been LITHOGEOCHEMISTRY A total of 58 rock chip samples were collected within the study area, pulverized and analyzed for 31 elements using semi quantitative emission spectro -scopy (Grimes and Marranzino, 1968). The results of these analyses are given in Appendix Ia, while their locations are given in Plate 2. Of these samples, 41 came from the extrusive facies of the Batamote Andesite, three came from the intrusive facies of the Batamote Andesite, five came from the Childs Latite, and six samples came from other rock types, including chalcedony, caliche and volcanoclastics. In addition, Gilluly (1946) and Jones (1974) presented major element oxide analyses for Childs Latite and Batamote Andesite within the region. In this chapter, the analyses of the major and minor oxides from other studies are reviewed, and the distribution of trace elements in the Batamote Andesite and Childs Latite, especially copper, lead and zinc, are discussed. Major and Minor Elements Gilluly (1946) reported analyses of rocks for 18 oxides and sulfur, and Jones (1974) reported analyses for nine oxides. results of these two studies are summarized in Table 1. The The analyses indicate that the Childs Latite and the Batamote Andesite have essentially the same concentrations of silica, alumina, ferric oxide, soda and titanium oxide. On the other hand, the Batamote Andesite 33 34 has significantly higher concentrations of ferrous oxide, magnesia and lime, while the Childs Latite has higher concentrations of potash. The most marked difference is in magnesia, where the con- centration in the Batamote Andesite is more than twice that of the Childs Latite. The mineralogy of these two rock types reflects the difference in their composition. The presence of olivine as the predomin- ant mafic mineral in the Batamote Andesite reflects the high magnesia content, while the presence of orthoclase and sanidine in the Childs Latite reflects its higher potash content. Based on the relatively high silica concent, Gilluly (1946) classified the Batamote Andesite as an andesite, although he said true basalt flows may occur within the Batamote Mountains. Table 1-- Summary of major element oxide analyses of the Childs Latite and the Batamote Andesite (after Gilluly, 1946 and Jones, 1974) Oxide Childs Latitel Range Mean Batamote Andesite2 Range Mean Si02 55.52 53.00-57.65 55.93 49.06-59.88 A1203 16.08 14.56-18.14 16.33 15.69-17.33 Fe203 4.70 2.29-5.61 4.09 3.10-5.38 Fe0 2.58 1.65-4.07 3.78 1.41-6.37 Mg0 1.73 0.52-3.22 4.14 2.74-6.17 Ca0 5.37 4.42-6.38 7.03 5.31-8.95 Na20 3.98 3.40-4.39 3.41 3.11-3.62 K20 3.80 2.36-4.27 2.22 1.52-3.25 TiO2 1.20 0.79-1.55 1.05 0.79-1.40 All values in weight percent. 1Four samples from Gilluly (1946) and four samples from Jones (1974) 2Five samples from Gilluly (1946) 35 The results of the semi -quantitative analyses for elements that had greater than 75% unqualified values are summarized in Table 2. For statistical analysis, qualified values were assigned values one and one -half of a spectrographic step below the detection limit for "N" (not detected), and "L" (detected at levels below the detection limit), respectively. Because of the small population for the Childs Latite, the standard deviations are not given. The semi - quantitative nature of the data in Table 2 should be remembered. The major and minor elements, as determined by semi- quanti- tative emission spectroscopy, show the same relative abundances by rock type as the oxide analyses. The Batamote Andesite has higher concentrations of iron, magnesium, calcium, titanium and manganese. For the Batamote Andesite, all major and minor elements have relatively low standard deviations relative to their means. Only calcium has a relatively high standard deviation. Trace Elements Trace elements are defined as elements that have abundances of less than 0.1 percent (Levinson, 1980). Table 2 have this characteristic. Fourteen elements in Of these, two (B and Be) have significantly higher concentrations in the Childs Latite, which probably reflects the more felsic nature of this unit. On the other hand, seven elements (Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Sc, Sr and V) have higher concentrations in the Batamote Andesite, which reflects its more mafic nature. Four elements (La, Pb, Y and Zr) have approximately the same concentration in these two rock types. Barium proved to be 36 Table 2 -- Summary of emission spectroscopic analysis on the Childs Latite and Batamote Andesite Batamote Andesite Standard Deviation Mean Childs Latite Range Element Range Mean Fe (%) 0.3-2 1.1 2 -7 4.5 1.2 Mg (%) 0.2-1 0.48 1 -2 1.3 0.4 Ca (%) 0.2-1.5 0.82 1.5 -10 1.9 1.3 Ti (%) 0.03-0.3 0.12 0.2 -0.7 0.44 0.11 760 1000 -2000 1200 330 42 10-50 19 7 630 180 Mn 700-1000 B 20-70 Ba 50-500 Be N(5)-10 Cr N(10) Cu L(5)-10 Ni N(5)-20 Pb 10-30 0.3 1.4 10-30 20 7 5 10-150 34 29 6 15 -50 28 10 50 -100 82 21 10 -70 28 18 10 -30 19 5 500 0 3.8 50-100 300-1000 L(1)-2 4.7 1-7 Co La 190 72 5.6 20 190 500 Sr N(100)-500 V N(10)-50 23 50 -100 86 17 Y 20-30 22 10 -50 34 12 Zr 50-200 199 58 110 50 -300 Replacement values for qualified values Element Qualified Value Element Qualified Value N L Ni 2 3 3 Sc 2 3 5 7 Sr 50 70 2 3 V 5 7 N L Be 0.5 0.7 Co 2 Cr Cu Values in parts per million unless otherwise indicated. 37 unusual in that it has higher concentrations in the andesite; yet, in general, it is concentrated in more potassium -rich rocks (Levinson, 1980). Therefore with the exception of barium, major, minor and trace elements conform to the expected relative abundances of the two rock types. As this study is concerned with the concentration of copper, the distribution of base metals in the Batamote Andesite is important to later interpretations. Figures 10 through 12 are histograms showing the distributions of values of copper, lead and zinc, respectively, in the extrusive facies of the Batamote Andesite. Copper values have a restricted range of values characterized by one mode at 30 ppm, indicating that the Batamote Andesite has a relatively even distribution of copper. Moreover, because the average abundance of copper in andesite is 55 ppm (Wedepohl, 1969) the Batamote Andesite is somewhat depleted in copper relative to other rocks of similar composition. Lead has a similar restricted range of values around 20 ppm, which is enriched relative to the 5.8 ppm average abundance in andesite (Wedepohl, 1969). Zinc has an irregular distribution with values up to 1000 ppm, but clustering around L(200). This distribution indicates that zinc has a higher than average abundance relative to andesite at 70 ppm (Wedepohl, 1969). R -Mode Factor Analysis R -mode factor analysis was performed on 41 samples from the extrusive facies of the Batamote Andesíte, as this is the most 38 important rock in the study area. All elements, except strontium, that had greater than 75% unqualified values using semi- quantitative emission spectroscopy (18 total) were used in this analysis. Quali- fied values were assigned numerical values as in earlier statistical treatments of the data. Strontium was not used because it had no variance over the sample population. The exact method used was principal factoring with iterations and varimax rotation (c.f. Nie and others, 1974). The results of the factor analysis are given in Table 3, and a graphical depiction of the factor loadings (which represent both correlation coefficients and regression weights between the elements and the factors) is given in Figure 13. Four initial factors with eigenvalues greater than one (i.e. the factor explains a greater amount of the total variance than is explained by a single element), explained 70.5% of the total variance within the data. The other 14 initial factors explained 29.5% of the variance. When terminal factors were determined by iteration, the first two factors accounted for 81.0% of the total variance. The other two terminal factors explained less than 20% of the variance; they have much less importance than the first two factors. Low communalities (less than 0.5) for titanium and boron imply that the four terminal factors do not explain the variance of these elements well; other factors played a greater role in determining their concentrations. Factor 1 probably represents the mafic component of the Batamote Andesite; it corresponds very well with the ferride assemblage of Theobald and Barton (1983). High positive factor loadings 39 VALUE FREQUENCY (PPM) 5 10 15 20 N(5) L(5) 5 7 10 15 20 30 50 figure 10 -- Histogram showing the distribution of copper in the Batamote Andesite FREQUENCY VALUE (PPM) O 5 10 15 20 25 30 N(10) L(1O) 10 15 20 30 Figure 11 -- Histogram showing the distribution of lead in the Batamote Andesíte 40 FREQUENCY VALUE (PPM) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 N(200) L(200) 200 300 500 700 1000 Figure 12 -- Histogram showing the distribution of zinc in the Batamote Andesite 41 Table 3-- Results of R -mode principal factor analysis with iterations after varimax rotation for the extrusive facies of the Bata - mote Andesite, Batamote Mountains, Arizona Element Communality Factor 1 Factor Loadings Factor 3 Factor 2 Factor 4 0.66560 0.61128 0.75973 0.38460 0.55794 0.78658 0.67672 0.04594 0.33886 0.17178 0.18030 -0.32253 -0.07245 0.51152 0.18675 0.02773 0.21855 -0.03935 0.00967 0.70138 0.11667 -0.03932 0.86650 0.08959 0.04017 Co Cr 0.19663 0.39957 0.61659 0.72540 0.70063 0.24489 -0.10538 -0.19760 0.78461 0.62398 0.28708 0.52316 0.70325 -0.10914 -0.55629 -0.22155 0.30878 0.24807 0.30995 0.04274 0.07184 0.13938 -0.14645 0.04253 -0.00172 Cu La Ni Pb Sc 0.51839 0.82499 0.92211 0.66127 0.73552 0.42356 0.04252 0.82012 -0.02951 0.76293 0.13340 0.86665 -0.47226 0.71231 0.17019 0.56102 -0.13663 0.15327 0.39013 0.12324 -0.08020 -0.23114 -0.05122 -0.03104 0.33062 V Y 0.68194 0.69455 0.64201 0.80772 0.36794 -0.13381 0.11867 0.59870 0.78843 -0.10038 0.22903 0.02032 -0.07330 0.38508 0.04560 Fe Mg Ca Ti Mn B Ba Be Zr Factor 1 2 3 4 Eigenvalue 4.93591 4.22015 1.12328 1.01915 Percent of Variance 43.7 37.4 9.9 9.0 Cummulative Percent 43.7 81.0 91.0 100.0 Zr Pb Cu g Bç Ba La Mn Y Ti Sc B Cu Fe Mn FACTOR 2 Cu -- B Ti Ca La v CrSc Fe Zr NiM9 Pb -Co BaBe Mn FACTOR 3 Ti Ba gNi Cu geLa V M Pb Zr CoMn B Fe Sc FACTOR 4 Figure 13 -- Factor loadings for 18 elements from R -mode factor analysis of the Batamote Andesite -1.0 0.0 Co Mg -Cu Cr Sc -V Fe Ni FACTOR 1 1.0T 43 clearly group elements with a mafic association (Ni, V, Fe, Co, Sc, Mg and Cr). Additionally, elements with a felsic association (e.g. Be, Zr, Pb and La) tend to have either a low or negative factor loading. Conversely, factor 2 probably has a felsic or intermediate association. In this case three groupings of elements can be seen: a group with high positive loadings (La, Zr, Pb, Be, Y, Ba and Ti), a group with low absolute factor loadings (B, Mn, Fe, Sc, Cu, V, Ca and Co), and a group with high negative loadings (Mg, Ni and Cr). With the exception of titanium, the elements in the first group --the group that defines the factor --all have a felsic or intermediate association; the elements in the third group --which has a negative correlation with the factor --have a more mafic association. This factor, therefore, seems to be positively correl- ated with the intermediate to felsic component of the rock. The nature of the other two factors is much less straightforward. Factor 3 separates manganese and copper, with relatively high factor loadings, from the rest of the elements. Possibly this factor could be associated with the copper anomalies discussed later in this report. Factor 4 separates calcium and possibly yttrium and scandium from the other elements. It could represent calcite - filled amygdules or the effect of caliche on the samples. Both these factors account for relatively little variance (less than 10% each). STREAM SEDIMENT GEOCHEMISTRY A total of 101 stream sediment samples were collected from 89 sites. The samples were collected in three phases: 1. A pre- liminary phase to check the anomalies observed by Barton and others (1982); 2. The main phase to define the distribution of copper; and 3. Follow -up work to determine the changes in the concentration of copper upstream along anomalous drainages. Sample locations, along with the drainage patterns and areas of influence of the samples, respectively, are given in Plates 3 and 4. The samples were analyzed using semi- quantitative emission spectroscopy (Grimes and Marranzino, 1969; E.F. Cooley, U.S. Geological Survey, personal communication, 1983), a hot nitric acid leach (modified after Ward and others, 1969) The results of the semi - and two sequential extraction techniques. quantitative emission spectroscopic analysis are presented in Appendix Ib; the analytical methods are described in Appendix II; and the results of the chemical analyses are given in Appendices IIIa through IIIb. Preliminary Phase To confirm the results of the survey by Barton and others (1982) and to check the possibility of contamination from the Ajo smelter, seven stream sediment samples were collected in December 1982. Of these, two (AJ001S and AJ002S) came from washes that drained the Valley of the Ajo, which lies between the smelter and 44 45 the area of interest, while the others drained the Batamote Mountains. Using nylon and aluminum screens, five size fractions were sieved and then pulverized to -200 mesh. The size fractions are: -30 mesh ( <600 pm), 30 mesh to 80 mesh (600 pm to 180 pm), 80 mesh to 150 mesh (180 pm to 100 pm), 150 mesh to 200 mesh (100 pm to 75 pm), and -200 mesh ( <75 pm). Each size fraction was analyzed for copper with atomic absorption spectrophotometry using a hot nitric acid leach (see Appendix II). The results of this analysis are given in Table 4. The results of this preliminary phase indicate that the anomalies described by Barton and others (1982) are real, that airborne smelter contamination is not significant, and that -30 mesh stream sediment is perfectly adequate for more detailed work. The values of 100 to 190 ppm copper in the -30 mesh fraction correspond nicely with the anomalous values ranging from 100 to 200 ppm copper reported by Barton and others (1982). Consequently, further work was justified. Smelter contamination was considered unlikely at the end of this phase of the study for two reasons. First, high values persist on the eastern (downwind) side of the Batamote range. Samples AJ003S, AJ005S and AJ007S came from this area; their values remain anomalous, especially in light of the background values of copper in the Batamote Andesite. Additionally the intensity of the anomaly does not increase significantly on the west side of the range as might be expected with airborne contamination. 46 Table 4-- Concentrations of copper in selected stream sediment samples relative to particle size Sample -30 Size Classes (U.S. Standard Mesh) -150/ +200 -301+80 -80/ +150 -200 AJ001S 170 190 190 160 230 AJ002S 90 60 30 140 170 AJ003S 140 120 120 160 290 AJ005S 120 120 120 120 160 AJ007S 110 120 130 140 190 AJ008S 190 170 200 210 260 AJOlOS 130 110 130 170 220 Second, high copper values are present in the coarsest fractions of the samples. For a typical smelter, 50% of the smelter dust passes through a 400 mesh screen, and 80% of the dust passes through a 150 mesh screen. communication, 1984). (E. Partelpoeg, Phelps Dodge, personal Therefore, barring sorption, airborne contam- ination would be important only in the finest fractions. Although the concentrations of copper increase with decreasing grain size (which is expected anyway), the presence of anomalous values in the -30/ +80 mesh fraction argues against airborne smelter contamination. Additionally, the results of later work also argue against this mechanism. Finally, the -30 mesh size fraction proved to give adequate values and reasonable contrast. Therefore to minimize effort in sample preparation and to decrease problems with eolian transport and contamination, the -30 mesh size fraction was chosen for further work. 47 Main Phase The second phase of stream sediment collection involved sampling 78 sites at a sampling density of 0.89 samples /tang to determine the distribution of copper in the Batamote Mountains. Each of the preliminary sample sites in the mountains was resampled; replicate samples were collected at seven additional sites. Repli- cate stream sediment sample pairs are listed in Table 5: Table 5-- Replicate stream sediment sample pairs AJ003S- AJ036S AJ010S- AJO3OS AJ096S- AJ097S AJ005S- AJO11S AJ083S- AJ084S AJ098S- AJ099S AJOO7S- AJ021S AJ087S- AJO88S AJ1O3S- AJ104S AJOO8S- AJO29S AJ091S- AJ092S AJ105S- AJ106S Field Methods At each sample site, stream sediment and heavy mineral concentrate samples were collected. Sediment, composited along a 100 foot reach of channel, was screened through a 5 mm sieve in the field. Between 400 and 1600 g (usually 500 to 1000 g) of -5 mm sediment was collected as a stream sediment; between 1500 and 3500 g (usually 2000 to 3000 g) were collected as a heavy mineral concentrate. Sample Preparation In the laboratory the stream sediment samples were sieved to -30 mesh and split. mesh. Between 30 and 80 g were pulverized to -200 The rest was saved for later investigations. material was discarded. The +30 mesh 48 Results of the Hot Nitric Acid Extraction All samples were analyzed for copper using atomic absorp- tion spectrophotometry with a hot nitric acid extraction (see Appendix II for technique). The extraction solubilizes all adsorbed ions and most common sulfides and oxides. However, it is not total because silicates are not attacked to a significant degree (Ward and others, 1969). The results (see Appendix IIIa) of this analysis suggested a bimodal frequency distribution, with one mode at 75 ppm and the other mode at 150 ppm (see Figure 14). Two anomalous areas (defined using a threshold of 100 ppm) separated by a trough of lower values occur in the northwest and north -central parts of the study area (see Plate 5). The values trail off to the east and southeast to values around 50 ppm. The northwestern anomaly (which has values up to 280 ppm) has a strong spatial association with the northerly trending normal faults described earlier in this paper. However, the easternmost fault in this group lies within the trough of low copper values. The north -central anomaly (which has values up to 150 ppm) has no obvious structural or lithological control. Conceivably, it could be a continuation of the northweatern anomaly. In fact, later analyses tend to support this hypothesis. Results of Semi -Quantitative Emission Spectroscopic Analysis Each sample was analyzed for 31 elements using semi- quanti- tative emission spectroscopy (Grimes and Marranzino, 1969) modified 49 RANGE (PPM) FREQUENCY 0 5 10 15 20 1- 25 26- 50 51- 75 76-100 101 -125 126 -150 151 -175 176 -200 201 -225 226 -250 251 -275 276 -300 3 3 Figure 14 -- Histogram showing the distribution of copper (extracted using hot nitric acid) in -30 mesh stream sediments 50 to lower the detection limits of certain elements (Ag, As, Au, Be, Bi, Cd, Cu, Pb, Sb, Sn, W and Zn; E.F. Cooley, personal communication, 1983). The results (see Appendix Ib) indicated anomalous areas in the northwest and north -central part of the study area characterized by highs of copper, silver and bismuth. Copper. The results of semi -quantitative emission spectro- scopic analysis of copper, an analysis for total copper, are similar to the results for the hot nitric acid extraction. Both procedures show a bimodal frequency distribution and similar areal distributions. In fact, the two procedures have a correlation coefficient of 0.8185 based on 92 samples. Therefore, owing to the high variance inherent in semi -quantitative emission spectroscopy, only the results for the nitric acid extraction are presented graphically in this paper. Silver and Bismuth. pattern observed in copper. Both silver and bismuth mimic the anomaly Figures 15 and 16 and Plates 6 and 7 show the frequency and areal distributions of silver and bismuth, respectively. High silver values (greater than or equal to L(0.1)) have a wider distribution than the high copper values, yet they occur in the same general areas. Bismuth shows a distribution that has a better visual correlation with copper than silver. A trough of low values, corresponding with the one for copper, also appears in the bismuth map; the trough is not apparent on the silver map. As the values reported are right at the detection limit (especially for bismuth), the true backgrounds for these two elements could not be determined. 51 FREQUENCY VALUE (PPM) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 N(0.1) L(O.1) 0.1 0.15 0.2 0,3 0.5 0.7 1 Figure 15 -- Histogram showing the distribution of silver (analyzed using semi -quantitative emission spectroscopy) in -30 mesh stream sediment VALUE (PPM) 0 5 10 FREQUENCY 30 25 40 45 N(2) L(2) 2 Figure 15 -- Histogram showing the distribution of bismuth (analyzed using semi -quantitative emission spectroscopy) in -30 mesh stream sediment 52 Silver is a chalcophile element that is typically associated with copper in "red bed" sandstone deposits and some porphyry copper deposits. Crustal abundance averages 0.07 ppm and ranges from 0.04 ppm in felsic rocks to 0.1 ppm in mafic rocks (Levinson, 1980). For intermediate igneous rocks, average abundance is 0.07 ppm (Wedepohl, 1969). It has a high mobility in the primary environment, but is only slightly mobile in oxidizing, acid and gley secondary environments (Levinson, 1980). Consequently, the association of sil- ver with copper is not unusual; however, the lower values of silver are near the background for andesites. A chalcophile element, bismuth has a crustal abundance of 0.17 ppm, which implies that the observed anomaly of 2 ppm is significant. The abundance of bismuth varies from 0.1 ppm in felsic rocks to 0.15 ppm in mafic rocks. metallic deposits. Bismuth can occur with copper in poly - Although its mobility in the primary environment is high, it has a very low mobility at the surface, commonly precipitating with iron oxides (Levinsion, 1980). However, relatively little is known about the detailed geochemical behavior of this element. Within the Ajo 1° by 2° quadrangle, bismuth has an association with the Precambrian. It best characterizes a "half- moon" shaped Bi -Pb -Mo anomaly, centered over a magnetic bullseye (possibly indi- cating a shallow intrusive) in the presumed Precambrian of the Mohawk Range, northeast of the study area (P.K. Theobald, U.S. Geological Survey, personal communication, 1984). Elsewhere in southern Arizona bismuth has been observed in pegmatites and is 53 associated with pyrometasomatic deposits in the Pima District (Cooper, 1962). Other Base Metals. Plate 8 shows the distribution of anomal- ous values of molybdenum, lead, tin and zinc in -30 mesh stream sediment. Figures 17 through 20 show the frequency distributions for the same elements. Of these, only anomalous values of tin (ranging from L(5) to 10 ppm) seem to be associated with the copper- silverbismuth anomaly. The anomalous values of molybdenum, lead and zinc occur in no recognizable systematic way throughout the study area. This, in combination with the relatively low values of the anomalies, suggests that they are not significant. R -Mode Factor Analysis. R -mode factor analysis was performed on the stream sediment data using the same criteria and methodology described earlier in the chapter on lithogeochemistry (replacements of qualified data were different as different lower detection limits were used). In this case, strontium was used in the analysis be- cause it had siggíficant variance. The results of the analysis are given in Table 6 and graphically depicted in Figure 21. Five initial factors with eigenvalues greater than one accounted for 67.5% of the total variance. Fourteen other initial factors accounted for 32.5% of the total variation. After transformation to terminal factors, the first factor explained 59.8% of the variance - -by far the dominant factor. other factors each explained 15.6% or less of the variance. The So in this case there is one dominant factor and four lesser factors. 54 FREQUENCY VALUE (PPM) 0 5 10 70 75 N(5) L( 5) 5 7 10 3 Figure 17 -- Histogram showing the distribution of molybdenum (analyzed using semi- quantitative emission spectroscopy) in -30 mesh stream sediment FREQUENCY VALUE (PPM) 0 5 10 15 20 45 50 N(2) L(2) 2 3 5 7 10 15 20 30 50 70 100 150 200 300 J 7 Figure 18 -- Histogram showing the distribution of lead (analyzed using semi -quantitative emission spectroscopy) in -30 mesh stream sediment 55 VALUE (PPM) 0 FREQUENCY 70 10 5 75 N(5) L(5) 5 7 10 Figure 19 -- Histogram showing the distribution of tin (analyzed using semi -quantitative emission spectroscopy) in -30 mesh stream sediment FREQUENCY VALUE (PPM) 0 5 10 6 0 N(50) L(5O) l 50 70 J Figure 20-- Histogram showing the distribution of zinc (analyzed using semi -quantitative emission spectroscopy) in -30 mesh stream sediment 56 Table 6 -- Results of R -mode principal factor analysis with iterations after varimax rotation for -30 mesh stream sediments, Batamote Mountains, Arizona Element Communality Factor 1 Factor Loadings Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Factor 5 0.74229 0.74964 0.26428 0.91213 0.46846 0.69705 0.84115 0.18574 0.35775 0.60964 0.33028 0.12003 -0.07881 0.83552 0.15351 0.31758 0.05638 0.39103 0.25571 0.01800 0.18934 -0.07092 0.14340 0.09664 0.21378 0.10304 0.13959 0.22382 0.01646 0.16494 0.41485 0.68883 0.28242 0.76290 0.73356 -0.51733 0.39648 -0.37576 0.80419 0.72339 -0.05579 0.48920 0.00893 0.32809 0.12224 -0.21456 0.08998 0.15277 0.07367 -0.29935 -0.20552 0.53036 -0.29445 -0.03520 -0.23905 -0.23630 -0.05418 0.17634 0.04324 0.22038 Sc 0.54530 0.32292 0.54275 0.31048 0.90160 -0.22608 -0.16380 0.63838 -0.07723 0.85625 -0.05215 0.14914 0.22980 0.04165 0.07096 -0.26265 0.37634 -0.20687 -0.04738 0.36210 -0.07471 0.33595 -0.04416 0.54749 -0.14707 -0.64568 0.13910 0.20535 0.02800 -0.10332 Sr V Y Zr 0.59892 0.46831 0.47772 0.36704 0.44652 0.45452 -0.01590 -0.05413 0.30450 0.46389 0.11381 -0.03312 0.33982 -0.17469 0.65063 0.00217 0.38647 0.12519 -0.20183 0.01597 0.20490 0.01850 0.02171 -0.60229 Fe Mg Ca Ti Mn B Ba Be Co Cr Cu La Ni Pb Factor 1 2 3 4 5 Eigenvalue 6.31778 1.64818 1.15515 0.84477 0.59299 Percent of Variance 59.8 15.6 10.9 8.0 5.6 Cummulative Percent 59.8 75.4 86.4 94.4 100.0 Fe Co Sc Pb Y Be B -Cu La Zr Ca . Pb Ca Cu Sc gC r M_ Mnn La Sc Fe Co Ba -Ti Ba Ti V -Mn Ni Cr Mg FACTOR 2 La Y Cr V Sr -B Cu Ni Pb Mñ g oBa Be Sc -Sr FeTi a FACTOR 3 Be B Sc CuMg Co Mn Ca Sr Pb ZrTi La Ba FACTOR 4 Fe La Co Be Mg Ni Ca Ba Y Mn Sr Cr FACTOR 5 Figure 21-- Factor loadings for 19 elements from R -mode factor analysis of stream sediments -1.0 0.0 1.0 FACTOR 1 58 As with the bulk rock analysis, the dominant factor is relatively easy to explain, but the four lesser factors are problematic. Factor 1 in stream sediments has relatively high loadings for scandium, magnesium, cobalt, chromium, iron, nickel and manganese, with possible associations of vanadium, strontium and barium. As with factor 1 in the bulk rock analysis, most of the elements with high loadings are associated with mafic rocks. Additionally, boron and beryllium, elements associated with felsic rocks, have high negative loadings, indicating a negative correlation with the factor. Therefore, factor 1 probably reflects the mafic component of the Batamote Andesite, which crops out in the majority of the sampled area. It also corresponds to the ferride factor of Theobald and Barton (1983). Factor 2 is characterized by high factor loadings for titanium, barium and vanadium; factor 3 has high loadings for yttrium, and possibly calcium, lanthanum, scandium, strontium, iron and titanium; factor 4 has high loadings for lead, barium, strontium and lanthanum; and factor 5 has high negative loadings for copper and zirconium. Of these, only factor 5 has meaning in context of this study. In it, copper and zirconium are the controlling elements, with some possible contribution from boron. separated from the other elements. These three elements are distinctly Both boron and zirconium are weakly correlated with copper (correlation coefficients are 0.4466 and 0.4153, respectively). Also high values of boron and zirconium do occur in the anomalous areas as defined by copper. Therefore, 59 this factor might reflect the mechanism that produced the anomalous values observed. The factors with obscure explanations could represent contributions to the sediment from a single mineral or suite of minerals. Factor 2 could represent rutile and other titanium oxides and hydroxides; factor 3 could represent the presence of xenotime or monazite (thorium was found in the non - magnetic fraction of heavy mineral concentrates); and factor 4 could relate to the presence of potassic feldspar as lead, barium and strontium are common trace elements in this mineral. In the final factor solution, the five factors explained less than 50% of the variance for calcium, manganese, boron, beryllium, lanthanum, lead, vanadium, yttrium and zirconium. several other elements have low communalities. Additionally, Therefore many other factors are required to explain the variance beyond the five terminal factors generated. Results of the First Sequential Extraction To determine the mineralogic distribution of copper within the stream sediment samples, two sequential extractions were performed. The first, which was performed on one sample from each site, involved three steps. First, hot oxalic acid was used to remove the "oxide" fraction (T.T. Chao, U.S. Geological Survey, personal communication, 1983). Then a combination of potassium perchlorate and cold hydro- chloric acid was used to remove the "reduced" (i.e. sulfide and organic) fraction (Glade and Fletcher, 1974). Finally an aqua 60 FREQUENCY RANGE or 102) 0 5 10 15 20 25 0.01-0.25 0.26-0.50 0.51-0.75 0.76- 1.00 1.01- 1.25 1.26-1.50 1.51- 1.75 1 1.76-2.00 2.01-2.25 2.26-2.50 2.51-2.75 2.76-3.00 3.01-3.25 3.26-a5O 3.51-3.75 3.76-4.00 4.01-425 Figure 22-- Histogram showing the distribution of copper normalized to iron (extracted using hot oxalic acid) in -30 mesh stream sediment RANGE (PPM) FREQUENCY O 5 10 15 20 25 1- 10 11- 20 21- 30 31- 40 41- 50 51- 60 61- 70 71 -80 81 -90 91 -100 101 -110 Figure 23 -- Histogram showing the distribution of copper (extracted sequentially using potassium perchlorate and hydrochloric acid after oxalic acid) in -30 mesh stream sediment 61 regia /hydrofluoric acid leach was used to determine the residual fraction for 20 samples (Filipek and Owen, 1978). The analytical methods are presented in Appendix II, while the results are presented in Appendix llla. The results of each step are summarized in the following discussion. Oxalic Acid Leach. To minimize the effects of large vari- ations in the concentrations of iron, copper values were normalized to iron. Figure 22 and Plate 9 give the frequency and areal distri- butions for this extraction. In this extraction, a unimodal frequency distribution was produced with an upper shoulder. Assuming the shoulder to contain the anomalous values, the threshold was set at 0.0100. With this threshold, anomalous values occur in the areas defined by the nitric acid extraction. Although the area covered by the northwestern anomaly does not change, the north -central anomaly is significantly reduced in area as anomalous values do not extend as far to the north. This leach accounted for between 30 and 61% of the total copper in the stream sediments (calculated using the sum of the different fractions as the total; for samples in which the residual fraction was not determined, a value of 15 ppm was assumed). Within the anomalous population, the percentage of copper extracted using oxalic acid ranged from 40 to 61% of the total (x = 48.44 %, s = 4.51 %, n = 21); on the other hand, in the non -anomalous population, the percentage of total copper ranged from 30 to 57% (x = 43.20 %, s = 6.40 %, n = 53). At the 95% confidence level, these two 62 populations are statistically different, indicating that in the anomalous samples, the oxide fraction constitutes a greater proportion of total copper than in the non -anomalous samples. This is probably due to the increasing relative importance of copper in the residual fraction of the non -anomalous population. While the copper concentration in the oxide fraction decreases in the non -anomalous samples, the residual concentration remains constant and has a higher relative contribution. In general, the oxalic acid extractable fraction contains more copper than the potassium perchlorate -hydrochloric acid extractable fraction. Only in sample AJ001S, which came from a wash draining the area containing the New Cornelia tailings ponds, does the reduced fraction predominate over the oxide fraction. In all but the lowest background samples, the oxide fraction predominates over the residual fraction. In summary, the oxide fraction is quantitatively the most important fraction of this sequential extraction. Potassium Perchlorate -Hydrochloric Acid Leach. This extract - tion, originally designed for the analysis of base metal sulfides (Olade and Fletcher, 1974), attacks the sulfide and organic portion of the sample. Both the frequency and areal distributions for the copper in this step are slightly different from those of the oxalic acid and nitric acid extractions. Figure 23 and Plate 10 show the frequency and areal distributions for this extraction. The frequency distribution for this step has the appearance of a log - normal distribution, as opposed to the bimodal distribution 63 observed in the nitric acid extraction. tribution, the threshold is not obvious. Due to the form of the disHowever, the values in the northwestern anomalous area increase upwards from 40 ppm, suggesting that this is the probable threshold. With this threshold, the north -central anomaly does show up, but with significantly less contrast than in the other methods. Moreover, this anomalous area is more spread out, with no distinct highs. The northwestern anomaly does not change significantly in either areal extent or character. As with the other techniques, the values decrease to southeast to values around 10 to 20 ppm. Therefore this extraction shows the same areal distribution as the other methods; however, the frequency distribution is significantly different, suggesting additional or different processes controlled the dispersion of copper into the sulfide and organic fraction of stream sediments. Aqua Regia /Hydrofluoric Acid Leach. This extraction is designed to decompose silicate minerals, releasing copper and other trace elements from silicate structures (Filipek and Owen, 1974). Owing to the time required and the difficulty of the procedure, only 20 samples were analyzed. Samples were chosen to include both anomalous and background samples as indicated by previous analyses. The results indicate that this fraction has a relatively uniform, low distribution throughout the study area. Values ranged from 8 to 19 ppm with an average of 14.05 ppm (s = 3.03 ppm). By inspection, high values from this extraction show no correlation with high 64 values from other extractions. Therefore, copper extracted using this method probably represents the lithogeochemical background. Summary. The first sequential extraction indicated that the copper that constitutes the anomalous values probably resides in both the oxide, and organic and sulfide portions of the stream sediment. The technique does not give any indication of exactly how the copper is held in these two chemical fractions. Copper held in the silicate framework of the stream sediment does not contribute to the anomalous values. Results of the Second Sequential Extraction To determine the mineralogic fractions that holds the copper, a second, more selective sequential extraction (modified after Filipek and Owen, 1978; modified after Chao and Zhou, 1983) involving five separate steps was used. The concentrations of manganese and iron were also determined in each step. The steps were intended to remove the carbonate and exchangeable fraction, followed by the easily reducible, moderately reducible, sulfide and organic, and crystalline (silicate) fractions. Although the steps attack princi- pally the mineralogic fractions described, they are not perfectly selective, so the values determined cannot be taken as a strict description of the behavior of these elements according to the mineralogic fraction. To further define the phases that hold the copper, samples were separated into three parts using bromoform: the portion that sinks (the "heavies "), the portion that remains suspended (the 65 "slimes "), and the portion that floats (the "lights "). The informal terms "heavies ", "slimes ", and "lights" will be used in this paper for clarity and efficiency. The heavies contain minerals that have a specific gravity of greater than 2.90 (the specific gravity of bromoform) -- typically amphiboles, pyroxenes, olivine, sulfides and other heavy minerals. The slimes contain minerals that have spe- cific gravities of about 2.90 and flocculant minerals such as clays. The lights contain minerals that have specific gravities less than 2.90 such as feldspars, calcite and quartz. All three fractions were pulverized to -200 mesh and analyzed using the five -step extraction. Additionally a bulk sample was also analyzed, making a total of four separates per stream sediment sample. Owing to the length of the procedure, only ten stream sediment samples were analyzed in this manner. Four were selected from the anomalous group of samples, three from a group considered borderline anamalous, and three from samples representing the background. For comparison, a sample running 300 ppm copper held as chrysocolla was prepared and analyzed. selected. Table 7 lists the samples All four samples from the anomalous group came from the northwest anomaly, while samples AJ012S and AJ015S of the borderline Table 7 -- Samples analyzed using five -step sequential analysis Anomalous Group: AJ019S, AJ038S, AJ039S and AJ040S. Borderline Group: AJ012S, AJ015S and AJ049S. Background Group: AJ069S, AJ094S and AJ103S. 66 anomalous group came from the north -central anomaly. The results of this sequential extraction are given in Appendix IIIb, and they are graphically displayed in Figure 24. In general, the heavies have the highest concentrations of all elements of interest in all mineralogic fractions, while the lights have the lowest concentrations. Because the lights comprise the bulk of the samples (always greater than 87% by weight), the bulk analyses reflect those of the lights. The Distribution of Iron and Manganese. More specifically, both iron and manganese concentrate in the silicate fraction of the heavies, slimes and lights. iron in this fraction. In fact, the heavies contain up to 29% The other mineralogic fractions contain less iron and manganese by several orders of magnitude. Of the other fractions, the moderately reducible, and the sulfide and organic fractions contain most of the rest of the iron, whereas the manganese content does not vary significantly. In both the moderately reducible, and the sulfide and organic fractions, the heavies and slimes contain the most iron. The concentrations of manganese and iron vary inde- pendently of the concentration of copper, although the sulfide and organic fraction of the anomalous samples does contain more iron than that of the borderline and background samples. The greatest variation between samples, density separates and mineralogic fractions occurs in the concentration of copper. The anomalous samples contain significantly more copper in all mineralogic fractions for heavies, slimes and lights. and slimes contain more copper than the lights. The heavies 67 PPM 1000 -- 700 0 BH S CHYSOCOLLA L B AJ019S H L S O H S L SYMBOL 500 8 H S L AJ04OS AJ03BS AJ039S ANOMALOUS SAMPLES FRACTION CRYSTALLINE SULFIDE AND ORGANIC 300 ® MODERATELY REDUCIBLE Iilil EASILY REDUCIBLE CARBONATE AND EXCHANGEABLE 200 B H 100 O S ñ B L H S L B H S B L S L AJ049S AJO15S AJ012S H BULK HEAVIES SLIMES LIGHTS BORDERLINE SAMPLES 200 100 0 ii :i% .=°' BH S AJ069S L v, ..:_ j B H S T.! L AJ094S BACKGROUND SAMPLES B 7:77. H S l AJ103S Figure 24 -- Distribution of copper among mineralogic and density fractions of selected stream sediments, Batamote Mountains, Arizona 68 The Distribution of Copper in the Crystalline Fraction. Of the five fractions analyzed, the least variation occurs in the crystalline fraction. Although the heavies and slimes do contain more copper in this fraction, the difference is small compared to the variations seen in other fractions. Additionally, the concentrations of iron and manganese in this fraction do not vary significantly relative to total copper content. This indicates that the crystalline fraction represents a background value; copper in other fractions determine whether a sample is anomalous or not. The Distribution of Copper in the Carbonate and Exchangeable Fraction. The carbonate and exchangeable fraction shows large variation between anomalous and background, and between heavies, slimes and lights. Anomalous samples have a 10 to 20 times enrich- ment over the background in this fraction. Moreover, the heavies show a two to four times enrichment over the lights and a lesser enrichment over the slimes. However, the percentage of total copper accounted for by this fraction increases significantly from background to anomalous samples; the percentage does not increase as markedly for the slimes and heavies. This implies that the lights are affected the most by this mineralogic fraction. The Distribution of Copper in the Easily Reducible Fraction. On the other hand, although the anomalous samples have higher concentrations in the easily reducible fraction, the concentrations do not vary significantly between heavies, slimes and lights. The nature of the extraction and the low variation between the density separates suggest that this fraction occurs ubiquitously through the sample, 69 probably as coatings on grains. The relatively low contribution of this fraction to total copper and its ubiquitous nature indicate that it is a quaternary affect of tertiary dispersion in the stream sediment- -i.e., it is a product of higher order dispersion of the copper introduced into stream sediment by secondary processes. The Distribution of Copper in the Moderately Reducible, and Sulfide and Organic Fractions. The moderately reducible, and sulfide and organic fractions show the greatest variability between heavies, slimes and lights, and between anomalous and background. Both fractions have higher copper concentrations in the anomalous samples and in the heavies and slimes. The sulfide and organic fraction, by far, has the largest contribution of copper in the heavies and slimes, implying that it controls the distribution of copper within these two density separates. The distribution of the moderately reducible fraction in the heavies and lights mimics this pattern. However, in the lights the easily reducible and moderately reducible fractions control the distribution of non -silicate copper. In com- parison, the sulfide and organic fraction contributes relatively little copper to the lights. This distribution is prevalent in the anomalous and borderline samples; in background samples, the moderately reducible, and sulfide and organic fractions contribute little copper in comparison to the crystalline fraction. Summary. To summarize, the crystalline fraction represents a regional background concentration of copper. The anomalous values stem from concentrations of copper in the carbonate and exchangeable, easily reducible, moderately reducible, and sulfide and organic 69 probably as coatings on grains. The relatively low contribution of this fraction to total copper and its ubiquitous nature indicate that it is a quaternary affect of tertiary dispersion in the stream sediment- -i.e., it is a product of higher order dispersion of the copper introduced into stream sediment by secondary processes. The Distribution of Copper in the Moderately Reducible, and Sulfide and Organic Fractions. The moderately reducible, and sulfide and organic fractions show the greatest variability between heavies, slimes and lights, and between anomalous and background. Both fractions have higher copper concentrations in the anomalous samples and in the heavies and slimes. The sulfide and organic fraction, by far, has the largest contribution of copper in the heavies and slimes, implying that it controls the distribution of copper within these two density separates. The distribution of the moderately reducible fraction in the heavies and lights mimics this pattern. However, in the lights the easily reducible and moderately reducible fractions control the distribution of non -silicate copper. In com- parison, the sulfide and organic fraction contributes relatively little copper to the lights. This distribution is prevalent in the anomalous and borderline samples; in background samples, the moderately reducible, and sulfide and organic fractions contribute little copper in comparison to the crystalline fraction. Summary. To summarize, the crystalline fraction represents a regional background concentration of copper. The anomalous values stem from concentrations of copper in the carbonate and exchangeable, easily reducible, moderately reducible, and sulfide and organic 71 Follow -Up Phase To check the distribution of copper in anomalous drainages, samples were collected upstream of samples AJ003S and AJ039S. Stream sediment samples with numbers greater than 140 are part of The samples were analyzed using semi- quantitative this group. emission spectroscopy (with higher detection limits, however), the nitric acid leach, the oxalic acid leach, and the potassium perchlorate- hydrochloric acid leach. Ia and IIIa. These results are given in Appendices All analyses illustrate the same observation: anomalous concentrations of copper do not change significantly up drainage. Figures 25 and 26 depict this point using the results of the oxalic acid leach. The lack of significant variation upstream from anomalous samples implies that the input of anomalous copper occurs throughout the drainage area of anomalous sample sites. This argues against input from a single structure, or localized mineralization. Instead, the copper came from a source that does not change in intensity over a wide area. Summary of the Information Derived From Stream Sediments Analysis of stream sediments yielded two anomalous areas characterized by high concentrations of copper, bismuth and silver. The presence of anomalous values on both sides of the Batamote Mountains and the presence of significant copper in coarse sediment indicate that airborne smelter contamination is unlikely. 72 Tba '.. 142(1.28) / 143(1.47) N Tba 3$(2.27) ` f . P>./. / \ / K137(1.40 Qa -- 2000 FEET SCALE: 1:24,000 Figure 25-- Distribution of copper normalized to iron (extracted using oxalic acid) in -30 mesh stream sediment samples upstream of sample AJ003S (concentrations in parentheses) 73 ¡- iL- ) 4:,10(t71) N 1.l \\(2.56) 439 1 148(j.38) 1499 / r Iba .(1.85) ;50(2.50) Tba 11 ( 154(2.39) 15301 , i .1 N `" QaN Iba \. -- 42(1.65) 2000 FEET SCALE: 1:24,000 Figure 26-- Distribution of copper normalized to iron (extracted using oxalic acid) in -30 mesh stream sediment samples upstream of sample AJ039S (concentrations in parentheses) 74 Most of the anomalous copper is held in a reducible form (probably iron or manganese oxides), although significant copper does occur in a oxidizable form in the heavies and slimes (probably organics, but possibly sulfides). The source of the anomalous copper occurs ubiquitously throughout the anomalous areas because copper does not change concentration upstream. Although the north- western anomaly does have a spatial association with northerly trending normal faults, the source of the copper cannot be traced solely to these structures because of the ubiquitous nature of the anomaly. INTERPRETATIONS FROM HEAVY MINERAL CONCENTRATES During the main phase of sample collection, heavy mineral concentrates were collected at each sample site for a total of 78 Replicate samples were collected at four sites to confirm samples. anomalies shown in the main phase of sample collection. After preparation, the non -magnetic heavy mineral fraction was analyzed using semi -quantitative emission spectroscopy, and its mineralogy was examined visually. Sulfide grains were extracted from the sam- ples and analyzed for copper with a microprobe. Finally, the C -1 and C -2 (magnetic) fractions were analyzed for copper using the nitric acid extraction. The methods used, results, and interpreta- tions of this part of the study are discussed in this chapter. Field Methods As with stream sediments, samples were composited along a 100 foot reach of the drainage and passed through a 5 mm sieve in the field. Between 1500 and 3500 g (usually 2000 to 3000 g) of sample were collected. As no water was present in the field area, samples were taken elsewhere and panned to remove the bulk of the light minerals (e.g. feldspar and caliche). For efficient panning, fines were removed from the sample by kneading and washing. Samples were panned down so their dry weight was between 50 and 200 g. The samples were then taken to the laboratory for further preparation. 75 76 Sample Preparation The panned samples were sieved through a 30 mesh screen; the +30 mesh material was discarded. Heavy minerals were then separated using bromoform (s.g. = 2.90). The lights were discarded. The heavies were split into three magnetic fractions with a hand magnet and a Frantz Isodynamic Magnetic Separator (front slope = 5 °; side slope = 10 °). Table 8 gives the setting and typical mineralogy of each fraction. The minerals listed in the "C -3" fraction include all the minerals observed during the study. Table 8 -- Magnetic fractions and representative mineralogy Fraction Range (amps) C-1 <0.2 C-2 0.2 - 0.6 <0.6 C -3 Mineralogy Magnetite and ilmenite Pyroxenes, amphiboles, olivine and iron oxides Sphene, zircon, apatite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, covellite, arsenopyrite, galena, barite, cerussite, wulfenite ( ?), cassiterite, copper carbonates, lead shot, caliche fragments, rock fragments and pyroxene The presence of caliche fragments and pyroxenes in the C -3 (non- magnetic) fraction indicates that the process is not 100% efficient. The presence of lead shot points out one other signifi- cant problem with this kind of a study: contamination due to cultural activities. Of the three fractions the C -1 and C -2 fractions had the greatest mass. Masses of the C -1 fraction ranged from 0.61 to 31.88 g, while those of the C -2 fraction ranged from 0.53 to 12.40 g. 77 The C -3 fraction has the least mass; it ranged from 0.04 to 1.29 g. Both the C -2 and C -3 fractions were split. One split from each fraction was pulverized; the C -3 fraction was hand pulverized. The C -1 fraction of ten samples was also pulverized. Analysis of the C -1 and C -2 Fractions The pulverized splits of the C -2 fraction, and the pulverized C -1 fraction of ten samples were analyzed using hot nitric acid. The results of the analysis are given in Appendix IIIc. Figure 27 and Plate 11 depict the frequency and areal distributions, respectively, for copper in the C -2 fraction. As with the stream sediments, this sample medium shows a bimodal distribution, implying possible background and anomalous populations. The modes occur at 15 ppm and 50 ppm. However, the areal distribution is slightly different. If 40 ppm or more is considered anomalous, the northwestern and north -central anomalies merge into one continuous anomaly with rather erratic highs. Moreover, anomalous values do not extend as far to the east, and an anomaly in the south -central area appears. As with other sample media, the values fade off to the southeast. Of possible greater significance, the values reported for this analysis range from 30 to 260 ppm in the C -1 fraction and 15 to 100 ppm in the C -2 fraction. As shown in the previous chapter, the concentrations of copper using the same nitric acid extraction in the heavies and the slimes separated directly out of stream sediments (i.e. without washing away the fines) ran upwards to 78 FREQUENCY VALUE 0 (PPM) 1- 10 15 20 25 10 11- 20 21- 30 3141516171- 40 50 60 70 80 81- 90 91 -100 Figure 27 -- Histogram showing the distribution of copper (extracted using hot nitric acid) in the C -2 fraction of heavy mineral concentrates 79 1000 ppm copper. Obviously, the values observed in the C -1 and C -2 fractions cannot explain the high values of the stream sediment heavies. Therefore, the copper must occur in some other form-- in either the C -3 fraction or in the fines washed away during the panning process. reasons. The lost fines are the better candidate for two First, due to its relatively small mass contribution, the C -3 fraction cannot produce the required copper (in fact, analyses of this fraction indicate maximum concentrations of copper to be 300 ppm). Second, the slimes --which would have been washed away during panning --also have high concentrations of copper. Therefore the lost fines probably contain high concentrations of copper to account for the copper in the heavy fraction of stream sediments. Spectroscopic Analysis of the C -3 Fraction The C -3 fractions of all 78 initial samples and four replicate samples were analyzed for 31 elements using semi- quantitative emission spectroscopy. Because different weights of sample were used in the analysis, the detection limits are different. The results of this analysis and the detection limits are presented in Appendix Ic. The four replicate samples were collected in order to confirm anomalies found in the original 78 samples. are listed in Table 9. Replicate sample pairs In all cases, the anomalies were confirmed; however, the replicate values did fluctuate significantly from the original values. One of the most severe problems with the type of sample is the high variation of values in samples collected at the 80 Table 9-- Replicate heavy mineral concentrate sample pairs AJ011C - AJ132C AJ090C - AJ127C AJ013C - AJ128C AJ105C - AJ117C same site. This is due both to the small size of the analytical sample (5 mg) and to the small amount of sample actually realized when preparation is finished. These problems should be considered when reading this or other studies using the non -magnetic fraction of heavy mineral concentrates as a sample medium. The distribution of copper and other economic and economically -related elements are discussed in the following section. Copper Both the frequency and areal distributions of copper in the C -3 fraction of heavy mineral concentrates (see Figure 28 and Plate 12, respectively) differ from those in the whole stream sediment. The correlation coefficient between these two sample media is only 0.4395 for copper. The frequency distribution for this medium is unimodal, with the mode occurring at 70 ppm. Assuming the top 10% of the values to be anomalous, the threshold is 200 ppm. With this threshold, the anomalous values of copper occur without any systematic order. However, if a cutoff of 150 ppm were used (this includes 63% of the samples), the northwestern two - thirds of the study area would be anomalous. This area would be consistent with --but much larger than --the anomalous areas observed with stream sediments. This sample medium does not enhance the values observed in stream sediments. The high values reported in both media are about 81 VALUE (PPM) FREQUENCY O 5 10 15 35 40 N(2) L (2) 2 3 5 7 10 15 20 30 50 70 100 150 200 300 J Figure 28 -- Histogram showing the distribution of copper in the nonmagnetic fraction (C -3) of heavy mineral concentrates 82 300 ppm. Therefore, the minerals in the C -3 fraction cannot be the major cause of the anomalies observed in stream sediments. The distribution observed is consistent with known anomalies, but it does not enhance them in any way. Other Elements A totally unexpected result of this study is the discovery of significant anomalous values for other interesting elements besides copper in the non - magnetic fraction of heavy mineral concentrates. Plate 13 shows the distribution of anomalous values (upper 10 to 15% of reported values) of silver, arsenic, barium, copper, molybdenum, lead, antimony, tin and zinc. Figures 29 through 36 show the frequency distributions of these elements (except copper). The distribution of anomalous values is rather widespread within the study area. To pick out possibly significant anomalies, the clustering of anomalous values of elements with similar geochemical associations was used as the primary criterion. Based on this, three anomalies were considered most significant. The first anomaly, located in the northwest portion of the study area, consists of a tight grouping of three samples with anomalous values of molybdenum and tin. this one has the easiest explanation. Of the three anomalies, The samples come from washes that drain the Childs Latite in the area that alteration was observed. The Childs Latite has also produced anomalous tin in other parts of the Ajo 1° by 2° quadrangle (P.K. Theobald, personal communication, 1983). 83 VALUE (PPM) FREQUENCY 0 5 70 10 t l N(O.2) L(O.2) 0.2 0.3 0. 5 0.7 1 1.5 2 3 3 5 7 10 15 20 30 J Figure 29 -- Histogram showing the distribution of silver in the nonmagnetic fraction (C -3) of heavy mineral concentrates VALUE (PPM) 0 FREQUENCY 5 10 70 75 N(1OO) L(1OO) 100 150 200 300 500 700 Figure 30-- Histogram showing the distribution of arsenic in the nonmagnetic fraction (C -3) of heavy mineral concentrates 84 VALUE (PPM) FREQUENCY 0 5 10 15 N(50) L(50) 50 70 100 150 200 300 500 700 1000 1500 2000 3000 5000 7000 10,000 .J j Figure 31 -- Histogram showing the distribution of barium in the nonmagnetic fraction (C -3) of heavy mineral concentrates VALUE (PPM) FREQUENCY 0 5 10 65 70 N(10) L(10) 10 J 15 20 30 50 70 100 3 150 200 3 Figure 32 -- Histogram showing the distribution of molybdenum in the nonmagnetic fraction (C -3) of heavy mineral concentrates 85 VALUE (PPM) FREQUENCY 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 N(5) L ( 5) 5 7 10 15 20 30 50 70 100 150 200 300 I I 500 700 1000 1500 3 2000 Figure 33 -- Histogram showing the distribution of lead in the non magiñetic fraction (C -3) of heavy mineral concentrates VALUE (PPM) FREQUENCY 0 N(20) L(20) 20 30 50 70 100 J 5 70 10 l 75 =1 3 Figure 34 -- Histogram showing the distribution of antimony in the nonmagnetic fraction (C -3) of heavy mineral concentrates 86 VALUE (PPM) N(10) LOO) FREQUENCY 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 J 10 15 20 30 50 70 100 150 200 300 500 700 1000 J J J Figure 35 -- Histogram showing the distribution of tin in the nonmagnetic fraction (C -3) of heavy mineral concentrates VALUE (PPM) FREQUENCY 0 5 10 75 80 N(100) L(100) 100 150 200 300 500 J Figure 36 -- Histogram showing the distribution of zinc in the non magnetic fraction (C -3) of heavy mineral concentrates 87 The second anomaly, defined by a clustering of four sample sites showing high values of the volatile elements arsenic and antimony with lesser copper, molybdenum and tin, occurs in the north central part of the study area. Of the four sites, two were re- sampled, confirming the anomaly. A contiguous sample also contained grains of chalcopyrite and covellite (see next section) although only 70 ppm was reported in the analysis. No geologic expression of the cause of the anomaly was observed by traversing the drainage. But owing to colluvium on the walls of the canyons, any alteration present could easily be missed. The anomaly deserves follow -up work in the future. The final anomaly, located towards the southeast, consists of a group of six samples showing high values of silver, molybdenum and arsenic. This anomaly is the most obscure because its cause was not seen on the ground or during visual examination of the samples (with the exception of one sample which contained arsenopyrite). Apart from the three anomalies just described, other samples could be considered anomalous. However, they are not discussed because they do not meet the previously described criteria. Mineralogy of the C -3 Fraction To determine the sources of metals in the non -magnetic fraction, the non -pulverized split of each sample was examined under the binocular microscope to determine the minerals present. Ore 88 and related minerals are commonly preserved in stream sediments under conditions of rapid erosion. This fraction contains sphene, zircon and apatite as the dominant minerals. Pyrite, chalcopyrite, covellite, arsenopyrite, galena, barite, cerussite, wulfenite ( ?), cassiterite and malachite occurred in one or more samples. Other significant materials ob- served in the samples include lead shot, caliche fragments, rock fragments and pyroxene. Plates 14 and 15 show the distribution of economically significant and related minerals. From these data, two generalizations can be made. pyrite occurs throughout the study area. First, Its widespread occurrence implies pyrite is probably a minor accessory mineral in the Batamote Andesite. Second, high values of lead, bismuth, antimony and tin should not be trusted. In three samples, lead shot was observed, raising the possibility of contamination in other samples. mony and tin are common alloys in shot. Bismuth, anti- Solitary high lead values should be regarded with suspicion. Other minerals reflect the analytical values to greater and lesser degrees. Arsenic occurs as arsenopyrite; lead occurs as galena, lead shot, cerussite or wulfenite; copper occurs as chalcopyrite, malachite and covellite; and tin occurs as cassiterite. The second anomaly, as described above, is caused by the presence of arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, malachite and covellite. the third anomaly, only one sample contained arsenopyrite. In Other scattered mineral occurrences were observed through the study area. 89 The Concentration of Copper in Pyrite Grains Pyrite grains represent a possible source of copper within the heavies and therefore the stream sediments. To test this hypoth- esis, pyrite grains were extracted from seven samples and analyzed for copper using a microprobe. besides pyrite were found. During this analysis, other minerals Although the majority of the grains did turn out to be pyrite, grains of rutile, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite and covellite were also analyzed. given in Table 10. The results of this analysis are The galena grain was analyzed to determine its identity. Of the samples analyzed, two are considered anomalous (based on copper values in stream sediments), two samples are considered borderline anomalous and three samples are at background. Although some pyrite grains in the anomalous samples did contain significant copper (up to 3400 ppm), the average grain from the anomalous samples did not contain significantly more copper than grains from the background samples. Therefore, the copper held in pyrite cannot explain the anomalous copper present in stream sediments. Summary The distribution of copper in the C -3 fraction of heavy mineral concentrates reflects that in the stream sediments in a very general way. The northwestern anomaly shows up when the threshold is 150 ppm; however, at this threshold 63% of the samples would be considered anomalous. More importantly, the anomaly is not enhanced 90 Table 10-- Concentrations of copper in pyrite grains from selected heavy mineral concentrate samples Sample Grain Cu AJ029C 0.091 0.040 0.029 47.833 47.358 47.921 48.136 47.934 47,753 48.093 47.917 47.433 47.591 47.715 53.973 53.912 53.967 54.030 53.854 54.256 54.214 54.181 53.962 54.197 54.012 0.000 0.002 0.141 0.341 0.072 0.002 47.499 47.568 46.634 46.588 46.322 47.619 51.940 30.689 64.709 0.00.0 30.774 0.038 47.814 0.003 0.035 0.023 0.007 46.558 47.327 47.191 48.057 53.003 53.188 0.006 0.000 0.013 0.000 0.006 47.980 35.592 35.744 35.240 35.367 54.020 0.011 0.001 0.000 0.026 46.751 47.412 47.077 47.210 53.557 53.562 54.078 53.879 -11.177 0.000 0.000 -46.289 47.892 0.000 0.010 0.023 0.071 0.000 0.014 0.113 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.049. 8 9 AJ037C 1 2 3 4 AJ056C -- 1 2 3 4 AJ069C 1 2 3 4 AJ076C 1 2 3 4 5 AJ077C 1 2 3 4 AJ091C ' 1 2 3 Concentration (percent) Pb As S Fe --- Total 101.806 101.279 - 101.911 102.236 101.789 102.024 102.240 102.146 101.486 101.827 101.757 -- 10-0.166 -r- --- -- -- 99.389 52.596. -- 51.643 53.688 52.654 53.949 98.419 100.617 99.058 101.571 96.300 92.401 101.465 53.65.1 99.563 100.549 . 53.7.11 -- 100.9.26 53.927 -- 101.991 23.001 20.775 22.533 54.018 53.832 PY PY py PY PY PY PY PY PY 1Y PY PY py ru 34.837 27.654 22.82.1 Mineral -40.938 40.971 40.934 -- 40.909. 83.870 -- cv py py py py py 102.005 99.351 99.778 96.949 98.815 py 100.319 100.975 py py py py 10.1.155 10.1.166 -- cp 95.047 100.307 10.1.724 as as as as gn py py 91 relative to stream sediments in this fraction, implying that this fraction is not the primary source of copper in the anomalous areas. The low values of copper in the C -1 and C -2 fractions preclude them from being a significant source of anomalous copper. This suggests that the bulk of the copper present in the heavy fraction of stream sediments could occur in fines that were washed away during the panning process. The high copper values in the slime fraction of the stream sediments supports this assertion. Copper is not held to a significant degree in pyrite, which implies the copper held in a reduced form probably occurs as organics. Since the slimes would be expected to contain organics in preference to sulfide, the high concentrations of oxidizable copper (along with relatively low concentrations of reduced iron) in the slimes support this hypothesis. The most intriguing results of this part of the study are the presence of high concentrations of volatile and base metals in certain parts of the study area. Of the three anomalies defined by heavy mineral concentrates, only one has a ready explanation. OTHER RESULTS As a test of the hypothesis that the anomaly could be caused by dispersion from material within or related to the normal faults, samples containing oxide coatings along fractures or broken zones within the Batamote Andesite were collected in both anomalous and background areas. Three samples (AJ136R, AJ152R and AJ155R) were collected in areas considered to be anomalous, and six samples (AJ162R through AJ167R) were collected in areas considered to be background (see Plate 2 for locations). The oxide coatings were removed using a hot oxalic acid leach and analyzed using semi - The results are tabulated in quantitative emission spectroscopy. Appendix Id. Because the anomaly of interest is comprised of high values of copper, silver and bismuth, this discussion will concentrate on these three elements. Of these, copper and bismuth showed a signifi- cant enrichment in the samples collected the anomalous area. Copper is enriched by factors ranging between 6 and 20, and bismuth is enriched by factors between 20 and 50. This indicates that these coatings are possible sources of bismuth and copper in anomalous stream sediments. However, silver is concentrated in the samples from non - anomalous areas by factors up to 15. But the highest concentrations of silver also come from a drainage area that has high silver in 92 93 heavy mineral concentrates --part of the third anomaly discussed in the previous chapter. Other elements that show some enrichment in the samples from anamalous areas include arsenic, beryllium, antimony and tin. Therefore the enrichment of these elements -- espically copper and bismuth --lends credence to the hypothesis that the anomalous copper values were derived from dispersion from normal faults and fractures within the northwestern part of the study area. On sample AJ136R, oxides as "limonite" extend into the rock for up to one cm. The silicate minerals within this zone were not altered to a greater extent than in the rest of the rock. calcite was observed in the zone in addition to the oxides. However, The lack of alteration of silicates in this zone indicates that the ,waters that deposited the copper and bismuth in this crack were relatively cool. SUMMARY OF DATA PRESENTED, EVALUATION OF WORKING HYPOTHESES, AND CONCLUSIONS The distribution of trace elements (principally copper, silver and bismuth) in stream sediments and rocks of the Batamote Mountains was examined in this study to determine the cause of anomalous values of copper reported in earlier studies. The Batamote Andesite has a copper concentration of around 30 ppm, which is relatively low for rocks of similar compositions. The values of copper have a very tight distribution, implying that copper has a homogeneous distribution throughout the unit. The Batamote Andesite is the predominant bedrock in the study area, so its copper concentration must control background copper concentrations in stream sediments from washes draining the mountains. Analysis of stream sediments defined two anomalous areas within the Batamote Mountains, which are characterized by the suite of copper, bismuth and silver. The most significant anomaly, located in the northwestern part of the study area, has a distinct spatial association with a series of northerly trending normal faults. The second anomaly, located in the north -central part of the study area, has no obvious lithologic or structural control. In several of the chemical extractions, a definite trough separated the two anomalous areas; however, in other extractions and sample media, the two anomalous areas merged together, suggesting that they might be part of one larger anomaly. Since copper values do not vary 94 95 significantly upstream of anomalous sample sites, the input of anomalous material comes from throughout the drainage basin; therefore, anomalies cannot be traced to a localized source. Detailed sequential extractions imply that the copper in anomalous samples is held dominantly in a reducible state although significant copper is held in an organic or sulfide state in the heavies and slimes of stream sediments. Values of copper in all fractions of heavy mineral concentrates cannot account for the values observed in the heavies and slimes of stream sediments. Since fines are lost during the panning process, this material could contain the missing copper. In fact, the high values for slimes support this hypothesis, as they would tend to be washed away during panning. Analysis of pyrite grains extracted from the non -magnetic fraction of heavy mineral concentrates demonstrates that coarser grained sulfide cannot account for the copper anomalies observed in any sample medium. Analysis for other elements in the non - magnetic fraction of heavy mineral concentrates produced three other anomalies not related to the stream sediment anomalies. One anomaly, character- ized by tin (cassiterite) and molybdenum, occurs in an area where extensive alteration was observed in the Childs Latite. The other two anomalies, characterized by arsenic and antimony, and silver, molybdenum and arsenic, respectively, remained unexplained. No alteration, other than the presence of chalcedony and zeolites, was observed in these two areas. Finally, analysis of oxide coatings from fractures in both 96 anomalous and non -anomalous areas (as determined from stream sediments) show that oxide coatings in anomalous areas contain signif icantly more bismuth and copper than those in non -anomalous areas. Evaluation of Working Hypotheses In the introduction to this paper, five working hypotheses were presented as possible explanations for the anomalies observed by Barton and others (1982). In this section, each hypothesis is reviewed in the light of the data generated by this study in order to determine its relative merit. Airborne Contamination from a Smelter in Ajo This hypothesis calls upon wind blown smelter dust from Ajo as the source of copper. This mechanism is unlikely because the anomaly does not decay significantly downwind from the smelter (anomalous values occur on both sides of the Batamote Mountains), and the coarser fractions contain anomalous values of copper (smelter dust is very fine grained). Therefore, this mechanism probably did not cause the observed anomalies, although it cannot be ruled out due to the immense amount of copper that went up the stack of the Ajo smelter. Abnormally High Background in the Batamote Andesíte Another possible source of copper is the rock unit that the washes drain. However, analysis of samples of the Batamote Andesíte give a background value of around 30 ppm for copper. Since anomalous values in stream sediments range upwards to 280 ppm, this mechanism is impossible. 97 Primary Mineralization Primary hydrothermal mineralization alone could not account for the broad copper anomalies observed in the stream sediments. Yet, it best explains the three anomalies observed in heavy mineral concentrates. The minerals that cause the anomalies include primary minerals. But in two of the anomalies, evidence for primary mineralization was not observed on the ground. Dispersion Along Normal Faults Most evidence presented in this paper suggests that the best explanation for the anomalies observed in stream sediments is that they were produced as the result of dispersion of metals from oxide coatings in faults and joints in the northwestern part of the study area. Two principal pieces of evidence point to this mechanism. First, the anomalous values have a definite spatial association with the normal faults. Second, analysis of oxide coatings from fractures in the anoma- lous areas indicate that they have concentrated both copper and bismuth relative to oxide coatings in fractures from non -anomalous areas. On the other hand, the fact that entire drainages contribute significantly to the anomalies implies that the actual faults were not the only contributors to the anoalies. Mineralized fractures and joints within the northwestern faulted block also probably contributed significant metals. The evidence presented to this point ties the source of metals in stream sediments to oxide coatings in faults, joints and fractures in the northwestern section of the study area. However, 98 a more basic and interesting problem remains to be solved: original source of metals in these structures. the Clearly, the metal in the faults, joints and fractures is the result of secondary or even tertiary disperson from some other source. Possible sources of the metals in the faults, joints and fractures include: 1. Unusual weathering processes that somehow concentrated metals from background andesite into weathering rinds along openings in the rock; 2. A higher water table that allowed groundwater to deposit the metals; 3. Solutions migrating from the New Cornelia Deposit; and 4. An upper -level hydrothermal system in the Batamote Andesite that deposited metals that were subsequently concentrated into the oxide coatings. This should not be consid- ered an exhaustive list, as many other mechanisms could be called upon to deposit the metals; however it does include the most reasonable (in the author's view) possibilities for a source of metal. Weathering can and does produce oxide coatings that significantly concentrate metals relative to their host rock. However, oxide coatings from, the anomalous area contain significantly more copper and bismuth than those from the background. Presumably, weathering of the Batamote Andesite could not account for the great differences in metal concentrations observed, and it could not produce the observed distributions. If a higher water table existed in the recent geologic past, solutions enriched in metals leached from rock below could provide the metals observed in the oxides. The original source of the metals would have had to be relatively close, possibly directly below, the 99 observed anomaly. This would be a reasonable mechanism to produce the metals in the faults, joints and fractures. The third possibility, lateral migration of supergene solutions from the New Cornelia orebody, is unlikely because of the long distances involved (up to 10 miles), and because the observed metal assemblage in the stream sediments (Cu- Bi -Ag) differs from that observed around the orebody (Cu- Mo -Pb) (P.K. Theobald, personal communication, 1984). Therefore, this mechanism is considered unlikely. The fourth alternative in which the primary metals were deposited by the distal portion of a hydrothermal system and then weathered and deposited into oxide coatings in faults and joints, is considered the best possibility for several reasons. First, although no extensive hydrothermal alteration is present in the Batamote Andesite, evidence for hydrothermal circulation does exist. Chalcedony fills joints and fractures throughout the unit, and a "limonite" multi - spectral imaging anomaly exists around the intrusive plug. It is not unreasonable that a hydrothermal cell developed during or shortly after the volcanism that produced the Batamote Andesite. Second, the anomalies observed in the heavy mineral concentrates are best explained as the results of hydrothermal activity. The arsenic- antimony anomaly observed in the north -central section of the study area would be best explained as the result of primary low temperature hydrothermal circulation. The scattered base metal anomalies could also be produced by hydrothermal activity. Therefore, a distal hydrothermal system could provide the 100 necessary metal as sulfide, which in turn could be weathered and redeposited into faults, fractures and joints as oxides. It should be remembered that the above discussion is only speculation about the source of the metals in the faults --none of the hypotheses presented could be confirmed by this type of a study. They should be regarded as working hypotheses for future investigations. Based on the data presented, the only conclusion that can be made is that the observed anomalies are best explained as dispersion into stream sediments from metals tied up with faults, fractures and joints in the northwestern section of the study area. Contamination of the Batamote Andesite During its Eruption The mechanism involving contamination of the Batamote Andesite before or during its eruption is also unlikely. The back- ground values for the Batamote Andesíte are too low to allow total assimilation of the contaminant to be a cause. Additionally, the copper values show no zonation relative to the central vent from which the unit was extruded as might be expected from contamination without assimilation. Therefore this mechanism is considered unlikely. Conclusions At least two processes were involved in the production of the observed anomalies: primary mineralization and dispersion along normal faults. The anomalies observed in the non -magnetic fraction of heavy mineral concentrates are best explained as a result of 101 primary mineralization. The minerals observed in this fraction include primary sulfides of copper, lead and arsenic. These minerals usually occur in hydrothermal environments. The copper- bismuth -silver anomalies observed in stream sediments are best explained as the result of higher order dispersion from metal held as oxide coatings along fractures and joints. The original source of the metals that were deposited in the oxide coatings still remains unresolved. Viable possibilities include ground- water solution and deposition and distal hydrothermal activity in the Batamote Andesíte. Assuredly, these are not the only possibil- ities, but they can serve as models for further exploration in the area. Given the location of the study area within the porphyry copper belt of southwestern North America and the requisite size of the original copper source to produce such a widespread anomaly, the potential for a porphyry copper deposit buried in the subsurface below the Batamote Andesite as the original source of metals exists. This potential is enhanced by the presence of a magnetic dipole coincident with the copper- bismuth -silver anomaly presented in this paper (Klein, )982). Additionally, the anomaly lies along the Jemez lineament, upon which the New Cornelia and Casa Grande West porphyry copper deposits lie. Therefore a potential for porphyry copper mineralization exists below the Batamote Mountains. APPENDIX Ia ANALYTICAL RESULTS (USING SEMI -QUANTITATIVE EMISSION SPECTROSCOPY) FOR ROCK CHIP SAMPLES, BATAMOTE MOUNTAINS, ARIZONA 102 103 ., zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz Z 4Z ZZ zzzzz zzzzz c. ti) o0000 00000 0000in 00000 00000 00000 0 0000 0000 O00 in NNH M r u1 111 0 O co O O O 0 0 in 0 U1 u1 u1 cn U1 111 tn M M u'1 M Cf1 M N 00000 N N N N u1 H .-1 H H O 0 0 OO O tf1 0^ON H u1 N N u1 M OO00 U1 U1 u1 N N O N Lt1 -+ - H 0 N u1 in M H H d 1.r) in tf'1 tfl .-t H U'1 U1 ti u'1 N N O O u1 u1 U1 N in M 121 -+ O r, N N u1 r` v rocu + 4-1 .0 ,.y U) U) U) a) a) a) a) v y da)0 .0 0 0 a) a) u w a) U) U) u., rl.0 riü .0 raCA Oü U) ri 4-1 a) a) a) a) -1:1 b ub m cOd U ro r.1 4-1 a-+ r-1 r-4 U ri r-I O i O U) Cro) cd p cd CA ei ct1 cr) pa txl Pa r--1 ^.3 r± to .N rI ] 4.J r-i U r-1 U) r-1 CID ro cd a) p U) Pa rl ° Gü .4.4 .r1 U) +-1 Cl.) ct! x x x VO CT ca. x OOONN U U) a) a) 4-4 G c r! U) U 4)-1 CO ri U rl ri U .0 U) i-, r-i a. 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E a p. xxxxx O\ 7 O O O N N ,so 0 0 0 0 0 < 6 4 < o4xo4 wrx qD r, Co O 7 7 7 7 ul ul O O O_ O O 4 < < 4 <4 x<4oaxx '-+ r1 vO qD r, n r, oo o4x<4Foz in Co On 01 O -+ O O O'--1 O O O O O O-+ 6 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 o4xxrxx .-o N M 7 un r-+ -+ .-+ --r <4 <4 <4 <4 <4 N 30 20 30 70 10 20 AJ046R AJ047R AJ048R AJO5OR AJ054R AJ062R AJ071A AJ071B AJ073R AJ086R 50 N N 70 N 50 30 AJ111R AJ112R AJ113R AJ114R AJ115R 15 50 N AJ095R AJ108R AJ109A AJ109B AJ11OR 20 N 10 30 15 10 10 10 20 10 20 20 30 20 20 30 20 20 30 30 20 10 20 15 15 20 30 30 20 L V N 15 15 N 20 N 100 100 100 N N N L N L L L N 200 150 N N N N N 30 30 30 30 30 N N N N N N 500 N 500 500 N N N N N N N N N N 5 20 N 100 50 50 100 100 70 50 50 N N N N N 200 200 100 200 100 1000 L N 50 20 20 50 30 N N N N N 500 300 2000 500 L 5 20 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 10 20 N 20 N 300 150 200 50 200 200 L L N L 50 20 30 20 50 N N N N N 100 50 100 500 500 500 N 500 N 20 50 50 50 20 L L N N N N N 500 30 N N N N N 200 200 200 100 200 20 20 20 20 10 N N N N N L L N N N N N 100 70 100 100 70 500 500 500 500 500 N N N N N N N N 15 15 N N N N N 70 300 200 200 30 L L L L N N N N 10 N N N 50 50 50 N 100 100 70 70 L 500 500 500 500 200 N 10 Th (PPm) Zr (PPm) Zn (PPm) 20 N N N N Y (PPm) W (PPm) N (PPm) N (PPm) (PPm) (PPm) (PPm) 50 50 20 Sr (PPm) Sn (PPm) Sc Sb Pb Ni AJOO4R AJOO6R AJOO9R AJ025R AJ026R Sample Appendix Ta -- continued ó ui AJ138R AJ139R AJ14OR AJ144R AJ146R Basaltic Vesicular Vesicular Basaltic Vesicular andesite andesite andesite andesite andesite Basaltic andesite Caliche Basaltic andesite Caliche Caliche AJ135R AJ137A AJ137B AJ137C AJ137D andesite andesite andesite andesite andesite Hydrothermally breccíated andesite Chalcedony Basaltic andesite Vesicular andesite Basaltic andesite Intrusive Vesicular Basaltic Basaltic Vesicular AJ122R AJ123R AJ124R AJ125R AJ126R Latite andesite andesite andesite andesite AJ129R AJ13OR AJ131R AJ133R AJ134R Basaltic Intrusive Basaltic Intrusive Description AJ116R AJ118R AJ119R AJ12OR AJ121R Sample Appendix Ia-- continued Fe 1.5 1.5 2 5 2 2 1 1 1 5 3 3 2 1 1 1.5 5 5 3 1.5 1.5 2 1.5 1 1.5 7 1 1 1 1.5 20 1.5 20 20 2 0.3 0.3 3 1 1 1,5 5 5 1 5 0.5 1 5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.1 1 0.02 2 2 1.5 1.5 2 2 5 2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 Ca 3 3 3 1 1 3 2 Mg 0.2 (%) 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.05 0.5 0.05 0.05 0.5 0.3 0.03 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.5 Ti 2000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 200 1000 100 100 1000 300 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 700 1000 1000 1000 1500 5 N N N 1 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Ag iPPm) Mn (PPm) As N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N OPm) o rn 1-, 107 rz á zaaaz zaaaa .4Z1-4 aa azazZ .4a.4Ña zZzzz zZzzz z z z ZZ z Z-+ z z z z z z z Z 0 0 0 0 o u1 u1unO1.01 O o o O O O o 0 0 0 O O O O r,N O O Oo ONONN rl 0 0 0 0 0 a O á C4 .., R1 E a a u1u10rrO r`0000 00000 un,.aoo0 N 01 M t, 01 cYi CYf N M N c+l U ..E a ... 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N N '--i r` O r t\ O --+ Z Z Z z Z Z Z Z Z Z P4 <C PI C U Q ul r, r` r` 0, 00 on O-43 O 01 01 C*1 CY} CM on c¡l -d- ,f á N C4 P~ A4 P4 M Pa P4 P4 P; ß: r-1 q D CO CT O r-+ - .-+ 4-4 N N .. .. .. .-. .-a N C1 t u1 q O CL E N N N N N .. ,. .-4 .. .-r N M 01 on 01 ...I 1-.1 --.1 .. .4.4 .. 1-1 P; P4 P4 ß+ P4 c 6¢ F.-1 F-i 1--1 1-1 ,-1 AJ138R AJ139R AJ14OR AJ144R AJ146R AJ135R AJ137A AJ137B AJ137C AJ137D AJ129R AJ13OR AJ131R AJ133R AJ134R 15 20 20 20 15 20 L L 5 20 10 15 15 N 10 15 15 N N N N N N N N N N N 20 20 20 20 L 20 20 20 N N 10 N N N N N N N 10 20 20 20 20 15 15 10 20 10 N N 15 N 15 15 15 N 7 15 10 10 20 20 10 15 10 L 10 10 20 20 30 30 L L 20 50 30 30 20 N N N N N N 70 L 70 N L 50 100 100 100 70 500 500 500 500 200 500 500 500 500 500 N N N N N N N N N N N N N 20 N 30 30 30 N N N N N 50 20 70 100 100 500 100 500 500 500 N N N N N N 20 20 30 30 30 N N N N N 100 100 70 70 70 500 500 500 500 500 N N N N N 70 70 20 N N AJ122R AJ123R AJ124R AJ125R AJ126R 10 20 70 70 70 100 10 15 15 20 N N 10 20 30 50 20 N N N N N 50 500 500 500 500 500 N N N N N 5 N 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 100 AJ116R AJ118R AJ119R AJ12OR AJ121R Y (PPm) W (PPm) (PPm) (PPm) (PPm) (PPm) (PPm) (PPm) V (PPm) Sr Sn Sc Sb Pb Sample Ni Appendix Ia -- continued 200 200 150 200 200 L N L L N N N N N N 20 300 20 20 200 300 200 200 200 200 N N L N L L L N N 300 L N N N N N N N N N N N N 200 200 200 200 200 10 50 70 200 L L L 200 L 150 150 150 200 50 L 200 200 N N N N N Th (PPm) Zr (PPm) Zn (PPm) o oo f,- Basaltic andesite Caliche Vesicular andesite AJ160A AJ160B AJ161R andesite andesite andesite andesite andesite Vesicular Vesicular Basaltic Vesicular Basaltic Description AJ147R AJ151R AJ156R AJ157R AJ159R Sample Appendix Ia-- continued Fe 2 1.5 5 1 3 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 20 1 3 1 1 5 2 1.5 0.7 1 5 Ca (%) 5 1 3 Mg 0.5 (%) Ti 0.5 0.05 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 CZ) Mn 1000 200 2000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 íPPm) Ag N N 1.5 1 L N N N (PPm) N N N N N N N N As (PPm) N N N N N N N N AJ160A AJ160B AJ161R (PPm) Au AJ147R AJ151R AJ156R AJ157R AJ159R Sample 20 10 20 10 20 20 10 20 (PPm) B Appendix Ia -- continued 300 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 Ba (PPm) 1.5 N 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 (PPm) Be Bi N N N N N N N (PPm) Cd N N N N N N N N (PPm) Co 30 N 30 20 20 20 20 15 iPPm) Cr 10 70 50 20 50 70 30 30 (PPm) 30 15 30 20 30 15 20 30 100 20 50 70 100 100 100 70 La iPPm) Cu Wm) N N N N N N N N (PPm) Mo L N L L L L L L (PPm) Nb 50 5 50 20 10 20 10 20 20 20 20 15 20 20 20 20 Pb (PPm) Ni (PPm) Sb N N N N N N N N (PPm) 20 N 15 15 15 15 15 10 (PPm) Sc N N N N N N N N (PPm) Sn 0.1 200 10 10 20 Ag As Au B Ba Mn Ca Ti 0.05 0.02 0.05 0.002 10 ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm % % % % ppm Lower Detection Limit Fe Mg Element Ni Mo Nb Cu La Bi Cd Co Cr Be Element Lower detection limits: 5 20 5 20 5 1 10 20 5 10 ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm Lower Detection Limit Zr Zn Y W V Sn Sr Sc Pb Sb Sr 100 L 100 70 100 100 70 70 (PPm) V 10 50 10 200 10 10 100 5 10 100 ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm Lower Detection Limit 500 300 500 500 500 500 500 500 (PPm) Element L = Detected at levels below the detection limit N = Not detected at lower detection limit AJ160A AJ160B AJ161R AJ147R AJ151R AJ156R AJ157R AJ159R Sample Appendix Ia -- continued W Th Element N N N N N N N N (PPm) Y Zn 100 ppm N L N L L L L L (PPm) Lower Detection Limit 50 L 50 20 30 30 30 30 (PPm) Zr 300 30 200 200 200 200 200 200 (PPm) N N N N N N N N (PPn) Th APPENDIX Ib ANALYTICAL RESULTS (USING SEMI -QUANTITATIVE EMISSION SPECTROSCOPY) FOR STREAM SEDIMENTS, BATAMOTE MOUNTAINS, ARIZONA 112 AJ024S AJ027S AJ028S AJ029S AJO30S AJ019S AJO2OS AJ021S AJ022S AJ023S AJ014S AJ015S AJ016S AJ017S AJ018S AJ008S AJOlOS AJ011S AJ012S AJ013S AJ001S AJ002S AJ003S AJ005S AJ007S Sample 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 1 1 1.5 3 3 3 2 2 1 1.5 5 5 3 2 2 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 2 3 3 2 1 3 2 1.5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 2 1 1 3 1.5 1 2 2 1.5 2 1 3 3 1 3 2 1.5 5 70 50 70 70 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N L L L L L L L L L L 0.1 L 0.7 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 500 500 500 500 500 700 700 700 500 500 500 700 500 500 500 500 500 500 1000 1000 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 3 2 1.5 1 3 N N N N N 100 70 70 50 70 N N N N N N N N N N L L L L 0.2 500 1000 700 700 500 1 0.5 2 5 1.5 1 1.5 1.5 3 B 50 70 50 50 50 70 70 70 70 70 100 50 50 100 70 70 (PPm) Au (PPm) As (PPm) Ag (PPm) Mn Ti (%) Ca (%) Mg (%) Fe (%) (PPm) 700 700 700 1000 1000 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.5 1.5 1 1 1.5 1.5 1 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 L L L L L 2 L 2 L L L L L L L L L L 2 2 N N N L L Bi (PPm) Be (PPm) Ba (PPm) Appendix Ib -- Analytical Results (Using Semi -Quantitative Emission Spectroscopy) for Stream Sediments, Batamote Mountains, Arizona 114 OOOZZ zzzzz ZZZZZ zzOLrlLri ZZZZZ Ln N -+ N 0 Lr1 0 0 Lll ,--i -I .-1 00000 O Lrl O O.-I O rd ZZZZZ ZZZZZ Ln Ln 0 0 111 Ln Ln Lf 0 Ln zzzzz zzzzz ZZZZZ 1-1 4-1 1-1 14-1 00000 0 00000 OO OhO h00000 Ill Ln h 0 0 h0Ln0 h Ln Ln Ln h Ln h h hO h Lrl hhhh Lr'1 Ln Lrl O Ln Ln Lr1 1--1 .-i 11 '-1 Ln Lr1 Ln O O Lrl .-a '-d .-+ -1 Ill 0 Ln O Ln -I N--I N 00000 NNNN 0 0000 NNNNN aaaaa aaaaa aaaa aaaaa aaaaa zzzzLn ZZZZZ zzzzz Lnzzzz zzzzz O OOOO tf'1 Lrl Ln Ln h 0 0O0h0h 0h Ln 0 0 0h 0h 0 h h0i11 h 0h 0h 0h 0h 0 0 0 0 0l hhh1/ 00000 00000 00000 OO OOO 00000 Ln O Lrl Ln vl 0 Ln 0001/10 00000 000a-)0 N v-1 N N C''1 N Cn Li-1 0 .-1 00000 00000 0h00000 M h Ln h h h h Ln Ln h0 0 h h0u'10Ln h h h hOh O hOh O h hO h OLrIOOL.n .-i reel in 0 0 0rl O -I O Ln Ln Ln Lr1 ZZZZZ ZZZZZ zzzzz ZZZZZ C/l Cll Vl C/D C/l CO cil VI Cr) CO Cn Cr: 1--1 C/D C/D e--1 rM Lr1 1-4 Lr'1 Ln Ln Ln .-i 1 CIl C/l CO CO If) Ln «l O Ln '-1 1-1 1--1 N r-1 zzzzz cl] CO CO C/D O-N Lrl kO h 7O O 0-1 N M .t h CO 0\ O 00 po 0 000 0r-4'--1 r-1 r-1 NNNM 00000 0 0 0 00000 O .-1ON0N NON ON00000 O 6 N M Lrl h 1-) 1.7 .-1 .--1 .-1 r-1 1-.1 ..-1 C1] 50 30 30 30 30 N N N N N 100 100 100 100 100 500 500 500 700 700 AJ024S AJ027S AJ028S AJ029S AJO3OS 30 30 30 30 50 N N N N N 500 500 500 500 500 AJ019S AJO2OS AJ021S AJ022S AJ023S N N N N N 30 30 30 30 30 30 50 30 30 N N N N 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 500 500 500 500 500 AJ014S AJ015S AJ016S AJ017S AJ018S 20 30 30 30 30 N 30 100 100 100 100 100 500 500 500 500 500 AJ008S AJOlOS AJ011S AJ012S AJ013S (PPm) Y (PPm) W N N N N N 100 150 100 100 100 500 500 500 500 500 AJ001S AJ002S AJ003S AJ005S AJ007S V (PPm) Sr (PPm) Sample Appendix Ib -- continued L I_, I. L L L L L L L L L L 500 500 500 300 300 200 500 500 200 500 300 200 200 200 200 L I. 300 200 200 200 300 200 300 200 300 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N (PPm) (PPm) 100 Th Zr L L L L L L L I. L L (PPm) Zn 116 CV N N N 1-4 a rl G FA a. aa a a ..+ PO E . .-+ .-A .- -- .-1 W E N N N a 1--1 a r .- . r. .i ..- r-, .- Z, ,-1 tn c 0 0 0 0 00000 o0000 OOcOo 00000 00000 0000o coocO 00000 00000 0000O c000O OOOrO oOOOO O r. 0,O.. -r o O o O O O Ó 0 0 0 O 0 O o O o O o O O o O O O O Ln Ln Ln Ln in Ln un h r` r` -. Z ZZ Z Z z ZZ z Z E zzZZZ zzzzz ZzzzZ ZzZZZ zzzZZ un un un u1 un u1 un Ln un un ^ un u1 r, uî a. ._, ZZ z z z z z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z ¢ a. 6 Z .. aar- aa N ó O O O o o O O O O O ulnr,r.r. C O 0 0 0 0 .r 1-4 ti u1 u1 un u'1 u"1 r, u'1 un un u1 ,4 CA á. óó E O O o O O O O O O O .. Z\ ó 00 li .1 .-r r-r ,4 -4 O O o O 0 0 0^ O c O O O O O r,r- OhO r,0 r, r- . . i U) U) U1 C/] U] Ni C1 01 M M M C1 O O O O O U) C7 U1 U) N. 00 0T O 6 C'l M on C1 .1- ;-i O O O O O 1.-1 + u'1 u1 M u1 u1 u'1 C'7 u'1 u1 u'1 U1 U] U] C!] U) UJ V) co U) Cn '-+ Ni Cl ,T ,t ,7 7 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O r.r,r,r.r . ,- W d) aaaaa azzzz 1.0) O O O O O N 01 Ln u1 ul in u1 0 0 0 0 0 .- 11 ,+ ,- un u'1 ui u1 un U] U] CID U] U] ,O r` CO CT O u1 ul i.n u1 D O O O O O . 117 .. O E z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z un un u1 un u1 un u1 un u1 0 -1 u1 0 o u1 ul ,-, en a a u E m a "a . - - , -0E a ma u1 ul ul u1 o u1 u1 u1 u1 un .-1 -1 --i -1 -1 --1 -1 .-4 ..-i -1 .--1 Z Z Z Z Z z z z z z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z z z z z z O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O .-1 .--i .-i .-t .-i .-+ ,-.1 .-i -1 .... -. N. O r\ ul r, ,I1 Fo. a a .., rl E z a N. r. r r` r` N. N. O M u'1 M r r- r.- O N r. r` r` r, f\ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 44444 44444 44444 4 a,-404 4 ra a4 4a z z z z z Z Z Z Z Z M ^4 0 0 0 0 0 M M M N M 0 0 0 0 0 M N M M M 0 0 0 0 0 M N CV un n 0 0 0 r, r, r, un un r, N N N N P. g. a ... z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z O F. ... cu E 4 a 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 O o o r, o 0 0 o u1 r. . u1 r. r. o o CL e C) a O O O O O 0 0 0 r, 0 N ,-i .-, - -, -1 - -, -a O O O O O r 0 0 0 0 N M N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O r.ulr-ul0 O (il r, r, O N. r, r, r, r, r, r, o u, Lt) O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 r- 0 o u1 r, 1-1 . O O r` O r, .--i CL O O O O O U rrrunr, u1 OOOO un r- r, r, O ul 1/1 ul u1 N u1 u1 ul ul O N O O O O O . O O O O O OOO Cr- un u1r,r\r. O O O ul ul Ni N N O ul u1 O O Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z u1 on N ,-1 r- N N COO z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Cn vo vo vo vo Cn Cn vo co Cn qD r. C O 01 O C/) C) (11 r I CL N M.t ul MMCIMM MMMM T O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 Cf1 Cn C/1 Cn N M.t ul ,t,1 ,f 0 0 0 0 0 CID vo Cn Cil pl N M u1 C!1 Cn CI1 Cn DO CT .D r` co Cr) O O 0 0 0 0 O O O O O ,tulu1u1u1 ulinulul.O c<4 Sr 700 700 700 1000 700 1000 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 1000 1000 700 700 1000 700 AJ036S AJ037S AJ038S AJ039S AJO4OS AJ041S AJ042S AJ043S AJ044S AJ045S AJ049S AJ051S AJ052S AJ053S AJ055S AJ056S AJ057S AJ058S AJ059S AJO6OS (PPm) AJ031S AJ032S AJ033S AJ034S AJ035S Sample 100 100 100 100 100 150 150 100 100 100 100 100 150 100 150 150 100 100 150 100 100 100 100 100 100 (PPm) V Appendix Ib -- continued W N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N (PPm) Y 30 50 50 50 50 30 30 50 30 20 50 30 30 30 30 30 30 50 50 50 30 50 50 30 30 (PPn) Zn L L L L L L L L L L L L 70 L L L 50 L L L L L L L L (PPm) 200 200 200 300 300 200 300 300 300 200 200 300 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 200 500 200 300 (PPm) Zr N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N (PPm) Th 119 .1 zazzz aaazz ZZ z z z zzzzz zzazz Ga yE tn .-r N Lr) tn . . N Ill N itl 0 1--1 0 Pc) -4 N. r` 0 O ... 00000 O 0c 00 00 00 00000 00000 O 0 c0 0c 0 00 0 00000 00000 00000 0 a? a OOCrO r,r`r\ r`r`r` rrc0 000N.0 a ... ro E -, ,. 0 0000 0 0000 OOOOO O0000 r` r\0000 0Le-1 tn tn tn tn ul (V Lt-1 un N. tn Ln in Lr1 Lrl pC1 r.1 tr1 Lr'1 Lr1 CV ázzzzz zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz z z z z á z zzz zz z < á ó zzzzz z z z z z z z z z z zzzzz zzzzz z z i-1 -i z ó ó ... E 0c c0 O0 oc cc a - 0O0r`o 00 00 00 0 0 00 00 0Li.)0 0rv i.n o O c cc O o oO co r r` r` in r` v1 In r` N. r` r`. n M N M M C*) M M CV M N In c'') tn M N c*1 M N N N NNNNN NNNNN N N N N In N N -I N to c"'1 CN tr1 r` r` ul to ur1 ti-) r r. O Lc) o o co oc oc Oo tn -4 '-- N. . N. r\ H O0000 O0000 000 O 000 0 0 000 71 ,. \ QJ N rI a c! i. t N r, r` . r` - .-i .-r t+'1 tr1 tn tn tr1 C/) - M L!) toCn.O .o O O C!1 C/] tn tn to in in N tn N r` N to If) is) to O C/) rn C!1 C/] Cn G] C/] C/) N. DO Ch c N .O .D O n C/] Lc) .O r` CO C/: C/] C/1 C/1 O1 O. N c*1 C/7 Cn C/] C/) Cn r CO O1 00000 0 h0 0 0P: 0 00000 h h r r7O O O c 0 00000 ? 66 f-- < 6 r- 00 00 CO 00 Co CO C)o CO CO <6d 6 <4 < 6 6 ¢ 120 g Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z ZZ z z z Z Z z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z u uÌ in O Ln Ln O L1-1 Ln L:1 ul L:1 Ln Ln Ln 0 0 0 u1 ul u, ZZZZZ ZZZZZ ZZZZZ ZZZZZ ZZZZZ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O C C Ln Ln r` Mr- O O O O C r` r` r` L!1 Ln in ul M r` Ln O o o O O N M O r` r` O C C O O O O Ln O u-) O o Ln O O 0 0 0 0 0 s-1 Ln -- Ln fn Ln .'-+ M r` r` r, C`'1 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a zzzzz zzzoz ZZzzz zzzzz ZZZZZ pO r` o O O O C O o O C o 0 0 0 0 0 0 en . CL. .. UE Ln Ln M M N ,-a --i -- C!) C-` .= C/0 .fl E P-i ri Z a E r` r` r` Q r` O O O O O N N M N Ln N Ln Ln o M u, N -+ . Z aa a a a a a -ID Á ., a aEa có e-s E C..J }+ E r O E a ri Cl) PL. E 0 o O r, C r, -4 O C O 0 0 r,Or,rr- p o O o O o,- O Ln, Ln r- r, r, r, Ln r. r, O r- r r- r, O O O O O Or`LnCDr, 0 0 0 0 Ln Lnoul Ln-+ O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O C O O 0 0 0 0 0 r,r`LnLnO C O 0 0 0 r- r. ,-- Lnr1c*1Lnr` r, r`Cr`OO 1--1 a U U r O O C O O Or`u,r` 0 0 0 0 0 r,LnOOO LnOr- ON Ln O C O O O N N N N N u1 O O O u, .1 N N N -+ O O Li-) O a ZZZZZ ZZZZz zzzzz r 0 . 1 - I 0 . 1 O C Ln 0 0 N N Ln ZZZZZ OOr`r`O Cr) Cr) 0 0 0 «1 O Ln Ln N CV ZZZZZ a C/) Cr) Cr) ,--4 M d' Cr) U) u l S D Vo L.0 V0 V0 V0 O O O O O CI) Cl) C!] CJ) C!) r` 00 C A O N .o Lo .o r r o O O o O CID C/) CID C/) Cf) Cf) :n en Cr) Cr) , t Ln V D r, 00 CT O'-+ N M r., r- r- r, r, r, oo co 00 00 O O o p O o O O O c Cn CID C!) Cr) Cl) ,t Ln r` 00 CN 00 00 00 00 00 O O o 0 0 Sr 1000 700 700 700 700 700 700 500 500 500 500 700 500 1000 500 1000 700 500 1000 1000 1000 700 700 700 700 AJ067S AJ068S AJ069S AJO7OS AJ072S AJ074S AJ075S AJ076S AJ077S AJ078S AJ079S AJO8OS AJ081S AJ082S AJ083S AJ084S AJ085S AJ087S AJ088S AJ089S (PPm) AJ061S AJ063S AJ064S AJ065S AJ066S Sample 150 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 150 150 70 100 100 100 100 100 100 70 100 70 150 100 150 100 150 (PPm) V Appendix Ib -- continued W N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N (PPm) Y 30 50 50 30 50 50 50 50 50 30 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 30 30 50 Lr 50 L L L L L L L L 50 50 50 L 50 L L L L L L L L L 50 I. (PPm) Zn 50 50 50 50 (PPm) 100 300 300 300 300 200 200 200 300 100 200 200 200 200 150 300 300 200 150 150 200 200 200 200 200 (PPm) Zr N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N (PPm) Th 122 E W zz.. .. .. .. zzzzz zzzzz zzZZZ O O O COCO Oe-I .. .. .. .. zzz zzzz z P ti ,r --i ., , Ln Ln Ln Ln Lfl Ln u1 u1 .--i ..4 1-1 C Pgl 1-1 e--i P. E c*J GU CL CL E O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000 O O CO OLnulLfl O O O O O OLnO O O 00000 Or\O OO OO 0000o O 0 0 0 0 Lfi Ln Ln Lfi Ln 0 0 0 0 0 Ln Ln u-) Ln Ln 0 0 0 0 0 Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O u-) un un un u1 0 0 0 0 O ui u1 Ln Lf1 Ln ui Ln Ln Ln Ln O 0 0 o O 0 0 0 CL CL Zzzzz z z z ZZ zzzzz 6 a a E ..zzz zzzzz .. .. . .. ... .. ,.00 .. ,.00000 .. .. .. .. z zO ... zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz O O o N .,. N O O O O O N N N N N tf1 ui Lfi Ln ò 0 ó z z z zzz zzzzz o) ei zzzzz zzaaz zzzzz 6 a ../ .. E o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N. U1 I, f` f\ a, t\ .-+ f, r\ n H\ { U . O . . . 0 0 0 O 01 M cn N cd - O-' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C\ Ln r, ti t\ n O n O . . N N N N N Ln Ln O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0w r, Co Ln + 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 un u1 f, r, r, 0 0 0 0 0 o c o 0 0 r` t\ n t\ N Lf) N O N N N N M O O O O O N N N N N Ln N Ln Ln u1 t\ . O . . O O Ln N N N M O O O .-I O t\ f` n t\ Ln . ,-I .--i N N ul N N,--i N N N , o 0 N N N N Ln N N n n r\ .-i ,-4 .-+ Ln Ln un Ln N- O 0 0 oc 00 C Ln O Lf1 Ln ul ul un u1 Ln ul Ut I- U1 Ln Ln Ln Ln M N N .-i M N N M En C/] a] u] ul V] U C/o C!7 En vo CI] vo C/] Cn C/o vo U] Cu] H N r-I CL E CO O r+ N M7 a, C0 gr) c h 01 O O O C O ; 6 ,O r` CO C r O CN CN Cr, T o O C_ O O, ,--I 6 2 r C , N Mt ul 0 0 0 0 0 ,-+ r, .-a .-.i ,-i '1,262 : 2 C/5 uIJ ) . 0 n r-+ N M O 0 ,-- < ' - - .-+ , , . 2 : 2 ,' 2 -1 .--. ' Cfi Cll Cn fn co O, O 01 ,i- u-) Ln.-u1 '-, <4.6 123 .. OE ZZZZZ .. cn rl Z Z ZZZZZ Z Z .. ,-, ,. ,-, ,. 000 O O O O O.-N ... .. ../ .. `/ `/ .,. zzz zzzzz O U1 U1 U1 U1 U1 U1 in in U1 U1 U1 Ul U1 Ul ri v1 O ri OO ZZZZZ zzzZZ ZZzzz /\000 ,1 r\ U1 P4 ZZZZZ a cn OCOOO /1 /-. .-. O OOCO 000 00000 .-e ... .. a . .. ... ... zzz ..zzzzz .. 00000 r. r. OOOOO h U) Ln r` N. 00000 N. r` r` r` U1 0 0000 u'1 ul U1 M M 00000 N c'1 M M M , o000o N U1 OoOOO r N V'1 r` N o0000 Cr) M U1 U1 M 00 Lnoin M 0000Ln a E /á E a a I-- F+ I--; ra a I--1 ha zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz ZZZZZ .., .-N aro E a 00000 r` 0 0 r r. 0 0000 N. r` N. r. N. 00000 N. N. N. N. 0N. 0N. N0 0 0i.n 00000 Ln Ln Ln .. COCCO 0 0 r` 0O 00 0000 0 0O 00 O O U1 N . r` r` r, r` 0 in r- U1 O r1 N-0 r` 0 r, Q0000 r` O O r, O OE U p, a .., E UQ. ..a $.+ .- ,--i .-a 00000 r` O O n r` r-a r-i b --I O OO r r\OOO Or--. NN -4 1--1 00000 M tf1 N U1 r` 0 0 Oinin NN v1 O U1 Ln O u'1 0000 ,--I N N N N ZZZZZ ZZZZZ z Z z,7. z óo N CL E cñ oóóóó zzz zzzzz .. .-I r-1 0 0ocO r\ r` U1 M U1 r-i O Ln O O t.l1 cr1 N-+ E r-1 -I r-i 00000 N. N- r` O r` .00 000 NMMNN OE U I-I Cln Ul Cn CID Cn O--, N M1' Ol O1 O) O a, Cn Cn G] CID C/) .O r. OJ 0 O Cr, O\ O", CT O 00000 O O O O r1 < 6 << d < <<< Cn Cn V] Cn Cn Cn Cf) cn up Cn CI: Cn O OOOO ,-a r-+ ,-.1 r-r .--i Cf) O n.-;C!] NCf) M O O 7 7 T r-a r1 r-+ r-{ .-i OC) O, O M-.7 -..1' .....t u1 in tn < 6 <6 < << d ¢ --I N re) .1' u-1 < r-, r-r ,--i 1--1.-1 << < 700 1000 700 700 700 1000 500 500 700 700 700 700 1000 1000 700 700 700 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 AJ096S AJ097S AJ098S AJ099S AJ100S AJ101S AJ102S AJ103S AJ104S AJ105S AJ106S AJ107S AJ141S AJ142S AJ143S AJ148S AJ149S AJ150S AJ153S AJ154S (PPm) Sr AJO9OS AJ091S AJ092S AJ093S AJ094S Sample 70 70 50 50 70 50 70 70 150 150 150 150 100 150 150 150 100 150 150 150 100 100 150 100 150 (PPm) V Appendix Ib -- continued W N(50) N(50) N(50) N(50) N(50) N N N(50) N(50) N(50) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N (PPm) Y Zr 30 20 20 20 15 15 15 15 50 30 L N(200) L(200) L(200) L(200) N(200) L L(200) N(200) L(200) L L 150 200 100 150 300 300 300 150 150 150 200 300 200 200 L L 300 L 300 300 200 300 300 200 300 300 200 300 (PPm) 30 30 30 30 L L L L L L L 50 L L Zn (PPm) 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 50 30 30 30 (PPm) Th N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N (PPm) AJ158S Sample 2 0.7 Ca (%) Mg (%) Fe (%) Appendix Ib -- continued 1 Ti 0.2 (%) Ag (PPm) N(0.5) 500 Mn (PPm) N(200) N(10) Au (PPm) As (PPm) B 50 (PPm) Ba 500 (PPm) Be 1 (PPm) Bi N(10) (PPm) AJ158S Sample N(20) 10 Co (PPm) Cd (PPm) Appendix Ib -- continued Cr 20 (PPm) Cu 70 (PPm) La 50 (PPm) N (PPm) Mo L (PPm) Nb 10 (PPm) Ni 20 (PPm) Pb N(100) (PPm) Sb Sc 7 (PPm) Sn N(10) (PPm) N 150 N(200) 20 N(50) 50 300 Ba B Nb Ni Mo 1.a Y Zn Zr W V ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm 1 20 5 20 5 Cu ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm 0.1 50 2 10 20 Ag As Au Mn Ca Ti Cd Co Cr Pb Sb Sc Sn Sr ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm 0.5 2 5 5 10 Be Bi % Z Z Z ppm 0.05 0.02 0.05 0.002 10 Fe Mg Element Lower Detection Limit Element Lower Detection Limit Element Lower detection limits (unless otherwise indicated): 10 100 10 50 10 ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm 5 ppm 5 ppm 100 ppm Li Lower Detection (PPm) (PPm) Th Zr (pptn) Zn (PPm) Y (PPm) W (PPm) V (PPm) Sr L = Detected at levels below the detection limit N = Not detected at lower detection limit AJ158S Sample Appendix Ib -- continued Th Element 100 ppm Lower Detection Limit APPENDIX Ic ANALYTICAL RESUTLS (USING SEMI -QUANTITATIVE EMISSION SPECTROGRAPHY) FOR THE C -3 FRACTION OF HEAVY MINERAL CONCENTRATES, BATAMOTE MOUNTAINS, ARIZONA 128 129 E . Pg G o zzzZZ zzzZZ zzzZZ Zzzzz zzz2z G. ... C) Cd w a) E M ca Z Z Z Z Z z z z z z -, N r, O r Lr1 r ul '--i .-r O 0 0 0 0 O O O O O r- C1 M O ul .-1 ,, N O M N. O O O r. u1 O O O O O O ul O O O r. -, -1 -4 O O O O O O O O O O -, Z Z Z z Z Z Z Z Z Z z z z z Z z Z1-4 z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 00000 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 00000 O O O O O v ÇS, 1 U N i. ,C Cd E 4J CU a a )-1 O r, CV u1 ul Cn r` r 0 0 0 00000 O O O O O -, .-+ w , oa E a. CL 0 u O O O O O -a 4-1 O u1 O r` r. r, tl r- cln u, r, O O O O O O r` r- u1 -, a. Cl) 0 + 4-1 cd z z z Z z z z z z z 00004 0000 Z Z Z OOZ ZZZZZ Z ZZ Z Z Z Z ZZ Z U G Ó. Ñ 6 Ó. GL G o ., cc en G á E ro w+ G z . cL NG O oo rd a) d ß. r-+ 4-1 P. r- - O á ro M G cd .. C" aa G E a u a) v a. r E cf) 4-1 G CD $.4 G+-) r-I G r1 E-a \ ) u O JJ rl r-I G cd Cn la a) ZZZZZ ZZZZZ ZZZZZ ZZZZZ ZZZZZ vu OOOOO COCCO OOOOO COCCO COCCO O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O r, r u l tr1 Lr1 i. ,-, i. i.n N N N N N C7 C7 C) C7 ü cl) m Lr) Ln 01 01 (d i. U \ Cn rr1 r. N N N N N r1 N. u i Cr1 r r, Cr1 r- ir1 un N. Lr1 M u ,-. r. ,-, r-. i. r. ,-, i. i. .. .-. r. ,-. N N N CV CV N N N N ). N i. N N N CV N C7 0 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C_) C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 CL CD C7 O O O O N. O O O O O .-i r-1 .-i .-- -- O O O O O r-I --i -- r-I .-- O O O O O -1 r-1 ,-- O O O O O r-1 ri r-1 N N N --i N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N M M M M N M 01 M M N 01 M M M M M M M 01 M M M N N M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M N M.7 url ,O h- CO Oh O --r N 01 ,t r, CX) ON CO N CJ CJ C) U C.7 01 ,T r, O O O O O O O O O O I--I ri '-. r-I C.) .-1 --i .-i rI a) CG G r-I r! Cd 4-) ro a) x G M O [- CJ H ri ^Cy G a) PL CL a) p. E ` CJ CJ CJ C.) U ü CJ 0 0 0J N 6 1.-eZ C7 CJ CJ U C) N N N N N O O O O O J CJ U C) U N N M M M O O O O O M M c+1 M M O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N AJ016C3 AJ017C3 AJ018C3 AJ019C3 AJ020C3 AJ021C3 AJ022C3 AJ023C3 AJ024C3 AJ027C3 AJ028C3 AJ029C3 AJ030C3 AJ031C3 AJ032C3 AJ033C3 AJ034C3 AJ035C3 AJ036C3 AJ037C3 L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L (ppm) (ppm) N Co Cd AJ011C3 AJ012C3 AJ013C3 AJ014C3 AJ015C3 Sample Appendix Ic-- continued 200 200 200 200 200 150 150 200 150 150 200 200 150 100 200 150 100 150 150 200 200 200 200 200 100 (ppm) Cr 150 200 150 150 200 150 150 150 200 150 150 150 200 150 150 200 150 150 150 150 200 150 150 150 100 (PPm) Cu 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 (PPm) La N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N (131m) Mo Nb 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 (PPm) Ni L L 20 20 20 L 50 L 50 20 L L 50 20 L 30 L L L L L L L L 50 (PPm) Pb 50 70 50 30 70 70 50 70 2000 70 70 70 50 50 100 70 50 50 200 300 70 100 70 70 20 (PPm) Sb N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 100 L L (PPm) Sc 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 30 20 20 30 30 30 30 50 30 30 30 30 30 70 50 50 30 20 (PPm) Sn 50 70 70 30 50 50 70 100 50 50 70 70 70 50 70 50 50 50 50 70 100 150 50 50 30 (PPm) w o 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 700 700 300 300 500 500 500 300 300 300 300 300 1000 700 700 700 500 500 AJ016C3 AJ017C3 AJ018C3 AJOI9C3 AJ020C3 AJ021C3 AJ022C3 AJ023C3 AJ024C3 AJ027C3 AJ028C3 AJ029C3 AJ030C3 AJ031C3 AJ032C3 AJ033C3 AJ034C3 AJ035C3 AJ036C3 AJ037C3 (PPm) Sr AJ011C3 AJ012C3 AJ013C3 AJ014C3 AJ015C3 Sample 700 700 500 500 300 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 N N N N N N N N N N N 200 200 300 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 N N N N N N N N 500 500 300 500 500 N N N N N 0(2000) G(2000) 0(2000) 0(2000) G(2000) 0(2000) 0(2000) 0(2000) G(2000) G(2000) G(2000) G(2000) G(2000) G(2000) G(2000) G(2000) G(2000) G(2000) G(2000) 0(2000) N G(2000) N G(2000) N G(2000) N.G(2000) N G(2000) Zr (PPm) Zn (PPm) N 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 N N N N N Y (PPm) W (PPm) V (PPm) Appendix Ic -- continued Th N N N N N N L N N L L L L N L N L N N L L N L N N (PPm) wt ! - 132 r4 a1 E zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz C. a, z z z z z v E aa z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z w CL cu E Pa GL CL 0 0 0 O 0 oCOO o O O O u1 O N N r-e O o 0 O C PD a. 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O O o 0 0 O O O O O 1, ,-, u1 u1 h, u1 u1 01 r, c1 M M u1 u1 u1 cÒ u1 u1 Cl r-t C.) \ M Ci N N C1 N r*1 u1 C1 u1 N N u1 na N N N N N C1 N N N N u1 C1 M M N Cl N N N 01 N M c*1 N N 01 01 M N C1 M 01 M N N N c'1 cl M M M M M M M 01 r1 M M 01 M C) U U U U 01 M 01 c*1 M 01 01 C1 C1 01 o0 01 0--+ N 01 -4' ul 01 ,--1 N 01 u1 qa r, 00 01 O,--+ c+1 .T .t .t .t u1 In u1 In In u1 ul u1 AO AO AO .t ul ,0 h, 00 AD AD AD AD AU On .. (1) w \ (I) ,--i CL a U U UUU M 01 .t .t .t o o C 0 0 c ¢ U U U U C.) C C O O O O O 0 0 0 UUUUU 0 0 0 0 0 UUUUU C O O 0 0 L L N N N N N N N N N AJ058C3 AJ059C3 AJ060C3 AJ061C3 AJ063C3 AJ064C3 AJ065C3 AJ066C3 AJ067C3 AJ068C3 N N N N N N AJ052C3 AJ053C3 AJ055C3 AJ056C3 AJ057C3 L L L L L L L L L L L L L 200 200 200 200 150 200 150 150 200 200 100 150 150 150 150 100 L I. 200 500 100 200 150 150 100 150 150 150 150 150 150 200 150 150 100 50 150 100 70 150 150 150 300 150 50 100 100 (PPm) (PPm) 200 200 200 200 200 Cu Cr L L L N N N N N AJ043C3 AJ044C3 AJ045C3 AJ049C3 AJ051C3 L L L L L (PPm) (PPm) N N N N N Co Cd AJ038C3 AJ039C3 AJ040C3 AJ041C3 AJ042C3 Sample Appendix Ic -- continued 500 700 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 (PPm) La N N N N N N N N N N N N L N 70 N N N N N N N N L N (PPm) Mo 100 100 100 100 150 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 (PPm) Nb 20 L L L 10 10 10 10 50 20 10 50 50 50 10 50 20 20 20 20 50 30 L L 20 (PPm) Ni 100 50 30 200 100 50 30 30 50 1000 50 300 100 30 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 70 50 100 (PPm) Pb N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N (PPm) Sb 30 30 50 30 30 50 30 30 30 30 30 50 30 20 50 20 30 20 30 20 50 30 30 30 50 (PPm) Sc 70 50 50 50 30 150 70 20 30 20 30 30 30 30 50 30 30 30 30 20 50 50 50 30 30 (PPm) Sn 134 . z azzz azzzz zzzzz zzzzz z zOa a Na ,.ooOOC .. .. .-. , . .ooOCO .. . . .. ,, ..00000 .-. ,1 .-. . 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E co P. ß. ul O r, O O Or, f\ n Or, n n u1 1`, r- Cr, r, CC c cc N N N N t\ un un (, N M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 00 0h O,--1 N M M -Zr -Zr 7 N M ul `C n M M M M M U U U U U M -Zr u1 ON ,--i -Zr -Zr -Zr -Zr -Zr u1 u1 u1 un u1 u1 co Cr) O,--f M u1 u1 JD JD gD U U CJ U U O o C C C U U C.) CD U C O O O O 6 6 CD U U U U O O C O O 6 6 d 6 U U CJ U U O C O O O 6 6 d Li-) ,D r, CO JD D s.D gD ,D O C O O O 6 6 AJ096C3 AJ098C3 AJ100C3 AJ101C3 AJ102C3 AJ089C3 AJ090C3 AJ091C3 AJ093C3 AJ094C3 AJ081C3 AJ082C3 AJ083C3 AJ085C3 AJ087C3 AJ076C3 AJ077C3 AJ078C3 AJ079C3 AJ080C3 AJ069C3 AJ070C3 AJ072C3 AJ074C3 AJ075C3 Sample 1 0.7 2 2 2 3 10 7 10 10 10 2 1.5 2 2 5 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 10 10 10 10 10 0.7 3 0.7 0.7 1.5 1.5 10 2 5 3 10 10 7 10 10 15 1 0.7 1 G(2) G(2) G(2) G(2) G(2) G(2) G(2) G(2) G(2) G(2) G(2) 2 1 1 G(2) G(2) G(2) G(2) G(2) G(2) C(2) G(2) G(2) 10 10 15 10 10 10 10 10 2 G(2) (%) Ti 15 10 (%) Ca 3 2 1 0.7 0.7 5 2 1.5 3 2 1 3 3 1 1 2 (%) (%) 3 Mg Fe Appendix Ic -- continued 500 500 500 500 500 N 500 500 700 700 500 N N 0.5 N N N N N N N N N N N N 2 30 N N N N N N N(0.5) (PPm) Ag 700 500 1000 500 300 500 300 500 300 300 1000 200 1000 500 300 (PPm) Mn N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N(10) N N N N (PPm) Au N N N N 700 N N N N(200) N N N N (PPm) As 50 50 100 50 100 30 70 50 50 70 20 20 20 20 20 50 30 50 50 50 20 50 70 20 150 (PPm) B 300 500 1500 500 200 700 300 5000 1500 500 1000 150 700 700 700 200 100 1000 200 1000 150 50 150 500 150 (PPm) Ba L L N L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L 1 N N N L (PPm) Be N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N(10) N N N N (PPm) Bi N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N AJ076C3 AJ077C3 AJ078C3 AJ079C3 AJ080C3 AJ081C3 AJ082C3 AJ083C3 AJ085C3 AJ087C3 AJ089C3 AJ090C3 AJ091C3 AJ093C3 AJ094C3 AJ096C3 AJ098C3 AJ100C3 AJ101C3 AJ102C3 L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L 300 300 500 70 100 100 150 30 150 150 150 300 100 70 100 100 100 150 70 50 50 30 100 100 70 150 100 30 150 700 500 500 500 500 N N 100 N 500 500 500 500 500 N L L L N N N N N N N N N L N N N N(20) 10 L N 1000 1000 200 500 500 500 500 700 700 700 700 200 500 506 700 Mo (PPm) La (PPm) Cu (PPm) 300 100 100 200 300 200 200 20 500 150 50 50 150 150 150 100 70 70 100 200 200 L L L L L L L L N(20) AJ069C3 N AJ070C3 N AJ072C3 N AJ074C3 N AJ075C3 N(100) Cr (PPm) L Co (PPm) Cd Sample (PPm) Appendix Ic-- continued Nb 150 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 150 100 100 100 100 200 100 100 200 (PPm) Ni L L L L L L L L L L L L 100 L L L L L L L 10 L L L 10 (PPm) Pb 30 50 30 50 200 100 30 2000 300 200 30 30 10 50 20 50 50 50 50 150 70 30 70 50 20 (PPm) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N(50) (PPm) Sb 20 20 30 20 30 30 20 20 20 30 20 N 50 30 20 20 20 20 20 20 30 20 30 50 50 (PPm) Sc 50 30 50 50 50 50 30 50 50 50 100 20 N 20 50 50 30 50 50 50 70 500 100 N 1000 (PPm) Sn w ch 137 . E-I a, ' a $.4 N O. G. E N C, zzzOr. zzzaz zzzzz zzzzooN oazza o0 0 N O ,n in z C O O N o O C N o O O N O O o N C7 U C.7 C7 G z z O O 0 N O C N O O O N ¡-s i. i. C O O N O O C N 0 O O N 0 O 0 N i. i. .. i. C 0 C N O o o N C C 0 N O C 0 N O 0 0 N C 0 O N O 0 C N O 0 O N C 0 0 N C 0 0 N r. .. o O 0 N 0 C 0 N 0 O 0 N 0 O 0 N 0 O 0 N 0 0 0.7 C7 U C7 C7 C7 C7 C7 C.7 U :7 C.7 U C: C7 C7 U C.7 ZZ Z Z z z z z z z z z z ZZ Z Z Z Z Z z E CL C. i.E CL a ... r. D> E 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 o C o O o C o 0 0 0 0 0 o O O o 0 0 oOOCO OoOOO ooOOO 000OO OooOO O M O M to 01 M M u1 to u1 ul . M u1 u1 in un u'1 u1 u") M ur1 u'1 u1 ZZZZz ZZZZZ ZZZZZ ZZZZZ CCOCC N-- N N Cn O C C O O o C o C o OoOu10 N N-+ N C o o O C N N N N N O O O O O O o O O c O C O O C o 0 o O O -+ zzzzr,OC .z u1 o C o o C ululCO C N N C C O O OOOOC Co000O cg N N N N C.`. >+ E CO p., M r, M N r` 0 0 0 0 0 o C O 0 0 O O O O O O 0 o O o M N i11 M u'1 ul N u1 ur1 in r, u1 r, r, Grl M M M M M CL M M M M M U C.J U C) CJ M M M M M M M M M M a) C co C7 CJ U C) CJ u ) r - c l ) t3 O1 O cg . t ul O r\ r, r, r- cif r, ro C) U U CJ CJ N M u1 n C) CJ U C) U Q1 C M,.7 C C O 0 0 O C O O O un N ul u un M M M M M CJ C) U U C) O CO CD .-i N Ch O O C 00000 00000 00000 00000 CT 00.-+-+ r, n t\ r, co 00 co 00 co <4 co Oh Oh ch ch <4 <4 -4 <4 <4 -4 <4 <4 <4 <4 AJ128C3 AJ132C3 AJ103C3 AJ105C3 AJ107C3 AJ117C3 AJ127C3 Sample 1 2 1 2 10 3 5 3 5 2 3 5 3 (X) (X) 3 Mg Fe Appendix Ic -- continued 15 15 30 20 10 15 15 (%) Ca G(2) G(2) G(2) G(2) G(2) G(2) G(2) (X) Ti 2000 2000 700 700 700 5000 5000 (PPm) Mn Ag N(1) N(1) N N N N(1) N(1) (PPn) As L(500) 1000 700 700 N N N (PPm) Au N(20) N(20) N N N N(20) N(20) (PPm) B 200 200 200 70 50 50 200 (PPm) Ba 2000 2000 2000 200 700 5000 700 (PPm) Be 5 5 5 5 L L L (PPm) Bi N(20) N(20) 20 L(20) N N N (PPm) N(50) N(50) AJ128C3 AJ132C3 70 N 50 N N(50) N(50) N I. N N 30 150 L N 300 200 500 500 500 500 500 50 N N N N 500 500 500 N 200 L 500 100 100 150 100 100 150 100 50 500 500 500 L N 200 (PPn) (PPm) (PPm) (PPm) (PPm) Nb (PPm) Mo (PPm) La Cu Cr Co Cd AJ103C3 AJ105C3 AJ107C3 AJ117C3 AJ127C3 Sample Appendix Ic -- continued Ni L L L 20 20 L L (PPm) 150 150 30 700 70 200 200 Pb (PPm) 200 200 300 200 N N N Sb (PPm) N N N N 30 30 30 Sc (PPm) Sn 200 50 50 50 100 50 50 (PPm) 2000 2000 AJ128C3 AJ132C3 N(100) N(100) N N N N(100) N(100) 200 200 200 200 200 200 100 (PPm) W V (PPm) 500 500 500 500 500 700 500 (PPm) Y G(2000) G(2000) G(2000) G(2000) G(2000) N 500 N N(500) N(500) N(500) G(2000) N(500) G(2000) (PPm) (PPm) Ba B Ag As Au Mn Ca Ti Mg Fe Element % % % % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm 0.1 0.05 0.1 0.005 20 0.2 100 5 20 50 Lower Detection Limit Cu La Mo Nb Ni Cd Co Cr Be Bi Element 2 50 10 50 10 ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm Y Zn Zr W V Sc Sn Sr 20 200 20 100 20 5 20 10 10 200 Sb Pb 1 5 10 10 10 ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm Limit ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm Lower Detection Element Lower Detection Limit Lower detection limits (unless otherwise indicated): N N L N L N N Th Zr Zn (PPm) L = Detected at levels below the detection limit N = Not detected at lower detection limit G = Greater than value shown 300 700 700 1500 2000 (PPm) Sr AJ103C3 AJ105C3 AJ107C3 AJ117C3 AJ127C3 Sample Appendix Ic -- continued Th Element 200 ppm Lower Detection Limit ó }-, APPENDIX Id ANALYTICAL RESULTS (USING SEMI -QUANTITATIVE EMISSION SPECTROGRAPHY) FOR OXIDE COATINGS ALONG JOINTS AND FRACTURES, BATAMOTE MOUNTAINS, ARIZONA 141 AJ164R AJ165R AJ166R AJ167R AJ136R AJ152R AJ155R AJ162R AJ163R Sample 10 5 2 3 7 5 2 7 10 1 20 15 5 3 0.5 2 3 2 1.5 1.5 15 5 1 1 U.) (%) (1) 50 50 50 Ca Mg Fe (PPm) N(20) N(20) N(20) N(10) N(10) N(10) N(10) N(10) N(10) (PPm) 500 700 L(500) N(200) N(200) N(200) N(200) N(200) N(200) (pPm) (PPm) 0.15 0.15 0.2 0.02 G(5000) G(5000) G(5000) 1500 5 2 30 1 7 7 1 1 2 Au As Ag Mn 0.2 G(10,000) 0.2 G(10,000) 0.7 G(10,000) 0.1 5000 0.2 G(5000) (70) Ti 7 2 2000 1500 2000 150 7 3 5 7 2 2 7 5 7 100 150 100 Bi (PPm) 2 15 15 100 100 100 100 100 100 500 100 20 Be (PPm) 5000 1000 2000 700 700 (PPm) Ba 500 (PPm) B Appendix Id-- Analytical Results (Using Semi -Ouantitative Emission Spectroscopy) for Oxide Coatings Along Joints and Fractures, Batamote Mountains, Arizona 10 10 20 20 20 N(10) AJ164R AJ165R AJ166R AJ167R 200 500 500 50 700 500 500 200 70 (PPm) N(50) N(50) N(50) Co (PPm) Cd AJ136R AJ152R AJ155R AJ162R AJ163R Sample Appendix Id-- continued Cr 100 50 50 100 150 100 200 50 150 (PPm) Cu 100 100 200 500 2000 2000 3000 500 200 (PPm) La Mo 100 200 200 50 50 N(5) 70 70 50 50 100 100 50 100 50 70 (PPm) 200 500 (PPm) Nb 20 20 20 L(20) 20 20 100 L(50) L(50) (PPm) 100 100 100 50 150 100 300 500 70 (PPm) Ni 200 1000 200 150 1500 1500 1000 700 700 (PPm) Pb N(l0) 10 N(10) 30 1000 300 200 20 20 (PPm) Sb 20 20 30 L(5) 10 5 20 50 20 (PPm) Sc Sn N(10) N(10) N(10) N(10) N(10) N(10) 20 100 500 (PPm) Sr 200 200 200 N(100) AJ164R AJ165R AJ166R AJ167R V 150 30 200 200 300 200 500 500 200 (PPm) W N(50) N(50) N(50) N(50) N(100) N(100) N(100) N(50) N(50) (PPm) Y 10 200 150 150 50 10 200 700 50 (PPm) Zn 500 500 500 L(200) 1500 500 2000 500 500 (PPm) L = Detected at levels below the detection limit N = Not detected at lower detection limit G = Greater than value shown 200 200 200 200 200 (PPm) AJ136R AJ152R AJ155R AJ162R AJ163R Sample Appendix Id -- continued 300 200 300 50 300 100 500 500 700 (PPm) Zr N(100) N(100) N(100) N(100) N(200) N(200) N(200) N(100) N(100) (PPm) Th APPENDIX II ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES 145 146 Appendix II-- Analytical Techniques Nitric Acid Extraction (Modified after Ward and others, 1969) 1. Weigh 0.50 grams of sample into 20 ml disposable test tube containing boiling chip. 2. Add 2.5 ml of concentrated nitric acid. 3. Heat for 30 minutes to drive off nitrous oxides. 4. Dilute to 10 ml with distilled water and bring to a boil. 5. Cool and centrifuge. 6. Analyze extract using atomic absorption spectrophotometry (expansion 20). First Sequential Extraction (T. T. Chao, 1983, personal communication; modified after Olade and Fletcher, 1974; modified after Filipek and Owen, 1978) Oxide Fraction 1. Weigh 0.50 grams of sample into 50 ml centrifuge tube. 2. Add 25 ml of.3% oxalic acid, cap and shake. 3. Heat in preheated block at 100 °C for 15 minutes. 4. Centrifuge and decant liquid into 50 ml beaker. 5. Wash and dry remnant sample in test tube. 6. Evaporate liquid in beaker to dryness. 7. Place beaker in furnace at 500 °C for 4 hours to burn off oxalic acid. 8. Dissolve residue in 25 ml of 4 N nitric acid (2.4 N hydrochloric acid is also adequate) and stir. 9. Analyze extract using atomic absorption spectrophotometry (expansion = 50). Sulfide and Organic Fraction 10. Add 0.50 grams of potassium perchlorate to remaining sample. 11. Add 5 ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid. 147 Appendix Il -- continued 12. Let stand for 30 minutes. 13. Dilute to 25 ml with distilled water and shake. 14. Centrifuge. 15. Analyze extract using atomic absorption spectrophotometry (expansion = 50). 16. Decant off extract and wash remaining sample. Crystalline Fraction 17. Wash sample into 50 ml teflon beaker and evaporate to dryness. 18. Add 10 ml of concentrated hydrofluoric acid and digest at 120 °C to dryness. 19. Add 6 ml of aqua regia (3 parts nitric acid to 1 part hydrochloric acid), cover and heat to dryness. 20. Repeat steps 18 and 19. 21. Extract with 25 ml of 2.4 N hydrochloric acid and stir. 22. Analyze extract using atomic absorption spectrophotometry (expansion =_50). Second Sequential Extraction (Modified after modified after Chao and Zhou, 1983) Carbonate and Exchangeable Fraction 1. Weigh 1.00 grams of sample into 50 ml centrifuge tube. 2. Add 20 ml of 1.0 M acetic acid and agitate for 2 hours in a mechanical shaker. 3. 4. Centrifuge. Analyze extract using atomic absorption spectrophotometry (expansion = 20). 5. Decant off extract and wash remaining sample. Easily Reducible Fraction 6. Add 40 ml of 0.1 N nitric acid to sample and agitate for 30 minutes 148 Appendix Il -- continued 7. 8. Centrifuge. Analyze extract using atomic absorption spectrophotometry (expansion = 40). 9. Decant off extract and wash remaining sample. Moderately Reducible Fraction 10. Add 40 ml of 0.25 M hydroxylamine hydrochloride in 0.25 M acetic acid and agitate for 30 minutes in a 50 °C water bath. 11. Centrifuge. 12. Analyze extract using atomic absorption spectrophotometry (expansion = 40). 13. Decant off extract and wash remaining sample. Organic and Sulfide Fraction 14. Add 15 ml of 30% hydrogen peroxide acidified to a pH of 2. 15. Heat at 80 °C. 16. After 1 hour, add an additional 5 ml of acidified 30% hydrogen peroxide. 17. Continue heating until dry. 18. Extract with 40 ml of 1 M ammonium acetate in 6% nitric acid for 30 minutes. 19. Analyze extract using atomic absorption spectrophotometry (expansion = 40). 20. Decant off extract and wash remaining sample. Crystalline Fraction 21. Wash sample into 50 ml teflon beaker and evaporate to dryness. 22. Add 10 ml of concentrated hydrofluoric acid and digest at 120 °C to dryness. 23. Add 6 ml of aqua regia (3 parts nitric acid to 1 part hydrochloric acid), cover and heat to dryness. 24. Repeat steps 22 and 23. 149 Appendix II-- continued 25. Extract with 25 ml of 2.5 N hydrochloric acid and stir. 26. Analyze extract using atomic absorption spectrophotometry (expansion = 25). APPENDIX IIIa ANALYTICAL RESULTS OF THE NITRIC ACID EXTRACTION AND THE FIRST SEQUENTIAL EXTRACTION ON STREAM SEDIMENTS, BATAMOTE MOUNTAINS, ARIZONA 150 151 Appendix IIIa -- Analytical Results of the Nitric Acid Extraction and the First Sequential Extraction on Stream Sediments, Batamote Mountains, Arizona Extraction Technique Sample Oxalic Acid HNO3 Cu Cu Fe Cu /Fe HCl -KC103 (x102) Cu . HF /Aqua Regia Cu AJ001S AJ002S AJ003S AJ005S AJ007S 170 90 140(150) 120(120) 110(130) 47 46 52 51 52 3800 3600 3300 5300 3200 1.24 1.28 1.58 0.96 1.63 106 21 51 33 AJ008S AJOlOS AJO11S AJ012S AJ013S 190(180) 130(140) 60(70) 76 67 4300 5100 1.77 1.31 61 36 13 90 140 32 44 3300 3800 0.97 1.14 33 38 16 110 100 140 130 160 46 35 63 53 64 3900 3400 4800 4700 3600 1.18 1.03 1.31 1.13 1.78 36 35 41 58 10 16 10 AJ014S AJ015S AJ016R AJ017S AJ018S 43 43 AJ019S AJO2OS AJ021S AJ022S AJ023S 280 160 170(180) 130 200 109 66 2600 3500 4.19 104 1.89 50 -- 53 105 4800 6100 1.10 1.72 39 67 AJ024S AJ027S AJ028S AJ029S AJO3OS 150 150 140 170(180) 130(130) 55 54 55 3600 4100 4500 1.53 1.32 1.22 48 51 43 64 5400 42 8700 29 6000 37 10,300 6400 50 1.19 0.48 0.48 0.36 0.78 45 4000 3300 4100 4100 1.40 2.27 2.56 61 AJ031S AJ032S AJ033S AJ034S AJ035S AJ036S AJ037S AJ038S AJ039S AJO4OS 150 90 80 80 130 110(110) 160 200 230 170 56 75 105 70 1.71 18 24 30 20 15 39 80 85 62 15 15 13 12 152 Appendix IIIa- continued Extraction Technique Sample Oxalic Acid HNO3 AJ041S AJ042S AJ043S AJ044S HF /Aqua Regia HC1 -1(C10 3 (x102) Cu Cu 60 14 Cu Cu Fe 160 140 76 79 33 38 28 4700 4800 6200 7600 7700 1.62 1.65 0.53 4700 6200 6900 6200 4700 0.70 0.65 0.72 0.71 0.51 25 26 42 16 8 8000 4100 44 10,700 7500 37 8500 38 0.69 27 63 12 0.62 0.77 0.53 0.71 0.43 21 31 Cu /Fe 36 22 32 A.J045S 75 95 80 AJ049S AJ051S AJ052S AJ053S AJ055S 95 33 110 130 120 60 40 50 AJ056S AJ057S AJ058S AJ059S AJO6OS 120 150 100 95 90 55 58 AJ061S AJ063S AJ064S AJ065S AJ066S 70 80 70 110 70 26 23 44 26 4200 3500 4300 6000 6100 AJ067S AJ068S AJ069S AJO7OS AJ072S 120 70 46 27 20 22 22 5800 6200 4300 6800 4300 0.79 0.44 0.47 0.32 0.51 42 25 AJ074S AJ075S AJ076S AJ077S AJ078S 50 5200 6200 4800 17 12,200 4500 18 0.50 0.45 0.44 0.14 0.40 11 16 14 AJ079S AJO8OS AJ081S AJ082S AJ083S 40 5700 4600 7000 9400 4100 0.23 0.28 0.30 0.18 0.24 10 12 50 60 55 65 55 40 50 44 24 27 26 28 21 45 55 45 13 13 21 17 30(25) 10 0.50 0.36 1.41 0.41 0.49 0.45 21 19 44 22 25 20 18 33 24 15 18 30 16 1] 13 9 9 3 17 153 Appendix IIIa-- continued Extraction Technique Sample Oxalic Acid HNO3 Cu Fe 40 35 7800 5300 0.51 0.66 30 75 33 5400 0.61 28 70 33 30 7100 4400 0.46 0.68 23 26 23 7100 4700 0.32 0.28 16 13 9100 0.25 19 24 10,100 0.24 17 Cu AJ084S AJ085S AJ087S AJ088S AJ089S HC1 -KC103 30(25) 80 80(70) 80(70) Cu /Fe (x102) Cu 95(100) 90(90) 55 40 AJ096S AJ097S AJ098S AJ099S AJ100S 60(55) 70(50) 60(60) 70(50) 60 23 21 9700 0.22 15 AJ101S AJ102S AJ103S AJ104S AJ105S 70 70 30 23 13 0.35 0.26 0.18 20 35(35) 45(45) 50(40) 8600 8800 7100 19 6300 0.30 13 65 95 75 75 28 45 46 50 5300 4000 3600 3400 0.53 24 1.13 1.28 1.47 49 80 55 63 70 80 67 4000 3400 2800 2600 2800 1.38 1.85 54 52 60 71 64 AJ148S AJ149S AJ150S AJ153S AJ154S 11 16 10 -- 19 17 60(60) 100 130 130 140 Cu 16 AJO9OS AJ091S AJ092S AJ093S AJ094S AJ106S AJ107S AJ141S AJ142S AJ143S HF /Aqua Regia 2.50 3.08 2.39 42 42 All values in parts per million unless otherwise indicated. Parantheses indicate duplicate analyses. 14 APPENDIX IIIb ANALYTICAL RESULTS OF THE SECOND SEQUENTIAL EXTRACTION ON STREAM SEDIMENTS, BATAMOTE MOUNTAINS, ARIZONA 154 Density Separate Bulk Heavies Slimes Lights Bulk Heavies Slimes Lights Bulk Heavies Slimes Lights Bulk Heavies Slimes Lights Bulk Heavies Slimes Lights Sample AJ012S AJ015S AJ019S AJ038S AJ039S 13 70 65 40 12 20 9 6 18 18 22 20 59 13 52 19 26 56 46 25 11 18 50 60 70 50 65 50 45 40 90 60 75 56 16 14 55 13 65 33 24 57 36 25 61 200 118 40 114 305 41 46 67 31 160 139 142 300 31 129 121 113 270 61 65 200 62 61 260 66 46 50 49 46 52 45 19 13 50 12 15 6 35 60 4 19 40 11 30 4 12 14 28 40 13 52 6 15 23 35 30 39 125 75 27 40 40 30 30 29 180 65 35 120 49 38 17 51 22 12 14 64 27 17 500 3000 1100 300 400 2800 1400 500 400 1400 700 400 400 1600 600 200 400 1900 600 400 15 20 80 45 55 20 80 20 15 25 60 40 75 35 45 100 65 40 50 50 Moderately Reducible Cu Fe Mn 45 30 125 35 25 30 30 35 40 65 40 35 40 50 50 Mineralogie Fraction Easily Reducible Cu Fe Mn 23 Carbonate /Exchangeable Cu Fe Mn Appendix IIIb-- Analytical Results of the Second Sequential Extraction on Stream Sediments, Batamote Mountains, Arizona Density Separate Bulk Heavies Slimes Lights Bulk Heavies Slimes Lights Bulk Heavies Slimes Lights Bulk Heavies Slimes Lights Bulk Heavies Slimes Lights Sample AJ012S AJ015S AJ019S AJ038S AJ039S 9 14 480 360 38 9 240 520 33 32 460 200 52 4 15 180 10 1 39 240 90 1950 580 60 17,000 65,000 51,000 10,000 18,000 95,000 45,000 13,000 82 32 44 105 77 36 15 420 1500 1100 290 450 1450 1100 310 1200 580 40 15,000 105,000 31,000 12,000 54 10 25 25 10 430 1350 1100 580 25 10 20 10 10 20 30 26,000 290,000 40,000 18,000 46 46 95 115 40 115 58 26 105 10 25 20 10 220 500 280 170 95 1950 280 45 70 100 220 2450 440 65 18,000 270,000 41,000 13,000 34 59 66 22 140 2650 340 Mn 15 25 30 10 Fe 320 750 740 230 Cu Mineralogic Fraction Crystalline Sulfide /Organic Mn Fe Cu Appendix IIIh- continued Bulk Heavies Slimes Lights Bulk Heavies Slimes Lights Bulk Heavies Slimes Lights Bulk Heavies Slimes Lights Bulk Heavies Slimes Lights AJO4OS AJ049S AJ069S AJ094S AJ103S Chrysocolla Standard Density Separate Sample 50 40 13 120 12 17 5 9 230 2 14 10 36 240 2 7 21 2 23 11 2 130 2 20 2 6 13 2 15 160 5 2 15 2 5 5 45 180 60 50 45 130 55 45 45 170 65 45 19 45 150 22 14 5 12 15 40 16 27 62 23 17 68 93 12 5 110 485 73 82 340 91 98 335 76 68 350 62 49 74 290 89 60 5 9 4 9 7 4 7 9 8 8 11 53 23 65 75 27 31 40 14 54 7 45 55 40 40 L(5) 60 60 50 50 8 35 20 6 17 8 21 6 14 27 22 10 24 14 42 35 17 110 70 25 31 N(100) 1500 5800 2000 1300 40 700 3000 1100 500 N(5) 75 85 90 135 30 19 140 30 90 135 20 600 3800 800 200 55 115 135 30 95 70 40 50 , 800 3800 900 400 400 2000 1000 400 Moderately Reducible Fe Mn Cu 45 60 40 50 90 40 40 50 30 25 35 Mineralogic Fraction Easily Reducible Mn Fe Cu 15 41 Carbonate /Exchangeable Mn Fe Cu Appendix Illb -- continued Bulk Heavies Slimes Lights Bulk Heavies Slimes Lights Bulk Heavies Slimes Lights Bulk Heavies Slimes Lights Bulk Heavies Slimes Lights AJO4OS AJ049S AJ069S AJ094S AJ103R 21 7 3 18 36 3 2 35 19 7 4 41 40 6 4 63 80 8 5 460 250 80 450 610 890 400 410 420 720 370 360 450 420 230 420 730 1050 390 340 1250 980 250 15 N(5) 20 30 40 20 15 20 20 40 25 10 15 15 35 15 30 15 10 20 30 5 17 29 70 52 26 52 48 22 75 22 60 28 43 100 64 30 44 90 125 36 Cu L(1000) 28,000 330,000 43,000 17,000 19,000 75,000 60,000 17,000 23,000 115,000 55,000 15,000 26,000 85,000 44,000 21,000 17,000 65,000 50,000 13,000 Fe Mineralogie Fraction Crystalline Sulfide /Organic Cu Fe Mn All values in parts per million. Chrysocolla Standard Density Separate Sample Appendix IIIb -- continued L(5) 170 3050 270 60 90 960 680 70 70 2400 760 120 200 1500 150 130 85 560 85 1250 Mn APPENDIX IIIc ANALYTICAL RESULTS (USING NITRIC ACID EXTRACTION) FOR COPPER IN THE C -1 AND C -2 FRACTIONS OF HEAVY MINERAL CONCENTRATES, BATAMOTE MOUNTAINS, ARIZONA 159 160 Appendix IIIc-- Analytical Results (Using Nitric Acid Extraction) for Copper in the C -1 and C -2 Fractions of Heavy Mineral Concentrates, Batamote Mountains, Arizona C -2 Sample 55 AJO81C AJ082C AJ083C AJ085C AJ087C 20 20 50 55 30 100 AJ089C AJ090C AJ091C AJ093C AJ094C 65 AJ058C AJ059C AJ060C AJ061C AJ063C 55 65 60 55 45 AJ096C AJ098C AJ100C AJIOIC AJ102C AJ028C AJ029C AJ030C AJ031C AJ032C 70 45 50 60 50 AJ064C AJ065C AJ066C AJ067C AJ068C 25 AJ103C AJ105C AJ107C AJ033C AJ034C AJO35Ç AJ036C AJ037C 45 70 55 50 65 AJ069C AJ070C AJ072C AJ074C AJ075C 120 85 45 AJ076C AJ077C AJ078C AJ079C AJ080C C -2 Sample 45 20 AJ043C AJ044C AJ045S AJ049C AJ051C 45 60 55 60 55 AJ052C AJ053C AJ055C AJ056C AJ057C AJ021C AJ022C AJ023C AJ024C AJ027C 65 Sample AJ011C AJ012C AJOI3C AJ014C AJ015C AJ016C AJ017C AJ018C AJO19C AJ020C AJ038C AJ039C AJ040C AJ041C AJ042C C -1 85 35 50 35 90 70 50 70 55 260 90 75 50 55 All values in parts per million. C -1 60 20 50 20 15 -- 20 25 30 40 20 50 15 45 15 10 15 10 10 25 10 25 10 20 C -1 C -2 15 20 60 40 35 15 25 20 15 25 25 \20 30 30 15 15 20 REFERENCES Barton, H. N., Theobald, P. K., Turner, R. L., Eppinger, R. G., and Frisken, J. G., 1982. Geochemical data for the Ajo two degree quadrangle, Arizona. U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 82 -419. 119 p. Bryan, K., 1925. The Papago country, Arizona. Survey Water -Supply Paper 499. 436 p. U.S. Geological Chao, T. T., and Zhou, L., 1983. Extraction techniques for selective dissolution of amorphous iron oxides from soils and sediments. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 47, p. 225 -232. Cooper, J. R. Bismuth in the United States. U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Inventory Resource Map MR -22. 19 p., 1 sheet. DeKalb, C., 1918. Ajo copper mine. Mining and Science Press, 116, p. 115 -116 and 153 -156. Dixon, D. W., 1966. Geology of the New Cornelia mine, Ajo, Arizona. In: Titley, S. R., and Hicks, C. L., eds. 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Preliminary geologic map of the Ajo 1° by 2° quadrangle, Arizona. U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 78 -1096. 2 sheets. Klein, D. P., 1982. Residual aeromagnetic map of the Ajo and U.S. Lukeville 1° by 2° quadrangles, southwestern Arizona. Geological Survey Open File Report 82 -599. 1 sheet. Introduction to Exploration Geochemistry. Levinson, A. A., 1980. Second edition, 924 p. May, D. J., Peterson, D. W., Tosdal, R. M., LeVeque, R. A., and Miller, R. J., 1981. Miocene volcanic rocks of the Ajo Range, In: Tectonic Framework of the Mojave south -central Arizona. and Sonoran Deserts, California and Arizona, p. 65 -66. Annual National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1981. 19 p. Summary of Climatalogical Data for Arizona, No. 13. Nie, N. H., Hull, C. H., Jenkins, J. G., Steinbrenner, K., and Bent, D. H., 1975. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. 675 p. Olade, M., and Fletcher, K., 1974. 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Atomic- absorption methods useful in geochemical exploration. U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1289. 45 p. Wedepohl, K. H., ed., 1969. Handbook of Geochemistry. Wilson, E. D., Moore, R. T., and Cooper, J. R., 1969. Map of Arizona. 1 sheet. 6 vols. Geologic 112°50' 4 112° 40' DESCRIPTION OF UNITS r 4 Z OW 32°30 Qa QUATERNARY ALLUVIUM. POORLY SORTED NSIVE AND VALLEY FILL. CEMENTED IN PLACES BY BYEXTENSIVE EXTENSIVE CALICHE DEVELOPMENT. 1- 32° 30' QTa UNCONSOLIDATED ALLUVIUM PREDATING Oa. FORMS SINUOUS LOW MOUNDS IN THE NORTH AND DISSECTED PEDIMENTS IN THE SOUTH. Tbi BATAMOTE ANDESITE, INTRUSIVE UNIT. APHANI TIC TO FINE GRAINED HYPERSTHENE OLIVINE ANDESITE. OCCURS IN TWO DISTINCT PHASES A FINE GRAINED SALT AND PEPPER HYPERSTHENE OLIVINE ANDESITE AND A WEAKLY PORPHYRITICAPHANITIC OLIVINE ANDESITE. WEATHERS GRAY TO YELLOW ON OUTCROP. Tba Tba rc BASALTIC ANDESITE WITH HIGHLY VARIABLE TEXTURES. OCCURS IN FLOWS UP TO 50 FEET THICK, AS A TUFF AND A VOLCANIC BRECCIA. THE FLOWS TYPICALLY GRADE UPWARDS FROM A GRAY APHANITIC COARSELY FISSILE SECTION, THROUGH A MASSIVE INTERMEDIATE ZONE, AND INTO A HIGHLY VESICULAR UPPER SECTION. ALSO INCLUDES MINOR VOLCANOCLASTIC SEDIMENTS. WEATHERS GRAY, YELLOW, MAROON AND BLACK ON OUTCROP. H Qa BATAMOTE ANDESITE, EXTRUSIVE UNIT. APHANITIC OLIVINE lTb ,I BATAMOTE ANDESITE, VENT FACIES. RED TO MAROON VOLCANIC BECCIA. TEN CENTIMETER TO ONE METER BLOCKS IN A RED, OXIDIZED, VESICULAR, APHANITIC TO MEDIUM GRAINED ANDESITIC GROUNDMASS. w II l 1111 r Tai CHILDS LATITE. FLOW BANDED PORPHYRI TIC AUGITE LATITE. TYPICALLY PORPHYRITIC -APHANITIC WITH SUB- TO ANHEDRAL, MEDIUM TO COARSE 'GRAINED POTASSIC FELDSPAR PHENOCRYSTS IN A PINK APHANITIC GROUNDMASS. FORMS FLOWS UP TO 80 FEET_ THICK. LAHARIC BRECCIA ALSO PRESENT. WEATHERS FROM WHITE TO MAROON ON OUTCROP. FORMS ROUNDED, POINTED HILLS. . 112'50 3025 32° 25' iN EXPLANATION: CONTACT, DASHED WHERE APPROXIMATE OR UNCERTAIN, DOTTED WHERE COVERED. FAULT, DASHED WHERE APPROXIMATE OR UNCERTAIN, DOTTED WHERE COVERED. ,a. ATTITUDE 45" O 2 O 2 112° 40' 4 3 3 4 5 KILOMETERS SCALE: 1:62500 PLATE I- SKETCH GEOLOGIC MAP, BATAMOTE MOUNTAINS, ARIZONA DAVID LOWELL HUSTON, DEPARTMENT OF GEOSCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA, 1984 g.ha i4itËeve cP, adFnsr 'Room DEPART UNIVERSITY : GEOSCIcNCES FSZJNA MILES 112° 50' 45' 112° 40' I 32° 30' 32° 30' 112° 50' EXPLANATION: N / 32°25' 32° 25' 0e--/ LINE OF EQUAL CONCENTRATION ON PPM) BOUNDARY OF SAMPLED AREA 45' 112 °40' 3 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 MILES 5 KILOMETERS SCALE: 1:62500 PLATE 10-COPPER, LEACHED USING POTASSIUM PERCHLORATE AND HYDROCHLORIC ACID, SEQUENTIALLY AFTER AN OXALIC ACID LEACH, FROM -30 MESH STREAM SEDIMENT, BATAMOTE MOUNTAINS, ARIZONA N, AEevt /Ceadinff DEPARTMENT 0F GEOSCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA DAVID LOWELL HUSTON, DEPARTMENT OF GEOSCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA, 1964 112° 40' 45 112° 50' 32° 30' 112°50' i EXPLANATION: /1 LINE 32° 25 F EQUAL CONCENTRATION BOUNDARY OF SAMPLED AREA 112° 40' 4 0 1 1 0 1 2 3 4 MILES 5 KILOMETERS SCALE : 1:62500 PLATE 1 I- COPPER, LEACHED USING NITRIC ACID, IN THE C -2 FRACTION OF HEAVY MINERAL CONCENTRATES, BATAMOTE MOUNTAINS, ARIZONA `:7h. 04"ntevs %Ceading( Wooers OEPARTI'ÍLNT OF GEOSCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA DAVID LOWELL HUSTON, DEPARTMENT OF GEOSCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA, 1984 112°50' 45' 112° 40' 32° 30 32° 30 112° 50' EXPLANATION: N / 32 °251 32° 25' °o' LINE OF EQUAL CONCENTRATION (IN PPM) ./ BOUNDARY OF SAMPLED AREA 112° 40' 45' 0 1 1 2 1 O 1 2 4 3 3 4 MILES 5 KILOMETERS SCALE: 1:62500 PLATE 12- COPPER IN THE C -3 FRACTION OF HEAVY MINERAL CONCENTRATES, BATAMOTE MOUNTAINS, ARIZONA DAVID LOWELL HUSTON, DEPARTMENT OF GEOSCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA, 1984 CAlevs 9eaC>!inff DEPARTP? i'il UNIVERSI-fiY ' or /'Coon. G[OSCIENCES ;,RiZOt`iA 112° 50' 45, 112° 40' 32° 30' 112° 50' i EXPLANATION N ELEMENT 32 °25' CONCENTRATION RANGES (PPM) 1 Ag As Ba L(0.2) -10 L(100)-500 2000 -5000 200 Cu L(10)-50 Mo Pb 200 -500 L(20) 100-300 Sb Sn L(100) -500 Zn 2 15 -30 700 7000 -10,000 300 70-100 700 -2000 20 -100 500-1000 OANOMALOUS DRAINAGE BASIN "°. BOUNDARY OF SAMPLED AREA 45, 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 KILOMETERS SCALE: 1:62500 PLATE 13- ANOMALOUS SILVER, ARSENIC, BARIUM, COPPER, MOLYBDENUM, LEAD, ANTIMONY, TIN AND ZINC IN THE C -3 FRACTION OF HEAVY g %a Ctnfç-vF lrCeading' WoQm DEPARTNE:N GEOSCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA MINERAL CONCENTRATES, BATAMOTE MOUNTAINS, ARIZONA DAVID LOWELL HUSTON, DEPARTMENT OF GEOSCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA, 1984 45' 112 °50' 112° 40' t \\ 32° 30' i- 32° 30' J > ---\..,-.r.-- > , _ --1./ .; .. i f/ r-..J \\ l EXPLANATION: N .. 32° 25' \ SAMPLE SITE o WASH MINERALS PRESENT PYRITE i \ V COVELLITE OARSENOPYRITE 1 1 .. .. 1 `. . . - _ _;r -e... --(. i: 1 \ ti \.. \ 1 . ---. 2 2 4 o ^..¡ i _ / ),.:<- . Y .. I / / 112 °40 4 MILES 5 KILOMETERS PLATE 14- PYRITE, CHALCOPYRITE, MALACHITE, COVELLITE AND ARSENOPYITE IN THE C -3 FRACTION OF HEAVY MINERAL CONCENTRATES, BATAMOTE MOUNTAINS, ARIZONA /Q.4lidlMff ROCYH pEF'AR`i`WhlÌ' (.', G"._OSCIENCES UIdIVERSIT! OF ARIZONA .,- \/ SCALE: 1:62500 ;14ntdVr 32 °25' :\ 45' 3 3 / .1 l L_.. / \. -, --- 1 ._ . ? .J .. -- ._ -- (-/*- -) 1 1 0 . \ - .). ` S ../ '' . . i- .:-. .-...-- "N..------ / O ) . \. MALACHITE 1 -- . .0 CHALCOPYRITE A .: . ._ 112 °50' : DAVID LOWELL HUSTON, DEPARTMENT OF GEOSCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA, 1984 45, 112° 50' 112° 40' 'r~`. 32° 3Ó r `o » . .. I : % )4 . , !- . -- ( r ' - 11 f / Os.. -. 112°50' EXPLANATION: 32° 25' o SAMPLE SITE r r WASH MINERALS PRESENT BARITE A V O CERRUSITE GALENA LEAD SHOT WULFENITE O CASSITERITE r\ 45' 2 O 0 1 2 4 MILES 3 3 4 5 KILOMETERS SCALE: 1:62500 PLATE 15- BARITE, CERUSSITE, GALENA, LEAD SHOT, WULFENITE AND CASSITERITE IN THE C-3 FRACTION OF HEAVY MINERAL CONCENTRATES, 43.4 ,gevs leading DEPARTfa9 i ï ; GEOSCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA BATAMOTE MOUNTAINS, ARIZONA DAVID LOWELL HUSTON, DEPARTMENT OF GEOSCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA, 1984 45 112 °50' 157 147 32°3d + 15'4E152 1 56 112° 40' 1s5 161 159 160A, B 54 6 138 137A-D 32° 30' ±A,48 47 46 50 71A,B i133 135 4 134 136 25 4126 73 12944131 130 .113 122 111 112 11162 110 120 123 121g 9 140 109A,B 119,118 139 86A. £144 £108 146 124 164 125 126 62 165 112° 50' 32 °25' 3 2° 25' N /1166 EXPLANATION: 95 25 ROCK CHIP 136. OXIDE COATING 115 116 114 167 O 1 1 0 1 2 112 °40' 45" 3 2 1 3 4 4 MILES 5 KILOMETERS SCALE: 1:62500 PLATE 2 -ROCK CHIP AND OXIDE COATING SAMPLE SITES BATAMOTE MOUNTAINS, ARIZONA 'JAe C4intevs 92eading ieoarw DEPARTMENT ,.;= GEOSCIENCES - UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA DAt/ID LOWELL HUSTON, DEPARTMENT OF GEOSCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF AR ZONA, 1984 j t\ 32 °30 \ 40 -, A\ 2 ; ~ "- l 0 ' ' 7,21 22 41 sy / /" 56 \1 J. '. \ < \. ) S \ \ 427 `3,36 10.30 I . 5P).\\. 53 S .-. 38 ) , 1 '. ' Ì r 3k )( c \ 37 .r7 ) ..,\ ` 1' t ' .63. 1 f 67 60 /r % 2 \ ' 98,9g9 100 1 .. N EXPLANATION: \ SAMPLE SITE .1 i 1 O 1 . o - -_ i' / DEPART:T (=7 GEOSCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF 'r, rILONA Í i/ eo ` ) 182( . :. - 32° 25 1. --.. . 2 3 4 107 : n05, / 106117 , . -- './ 112 °401 4 MILES 3 2 ( Y 5 KILOMETERS SCALE: 1:62500 ghe nEevs eadin8 /oam \ 79 94 96,9% 45' 1 - - ! . 0 1 TEN/s4/ '..LÇHUgA 1 78 r 1 ' '-1 SIK ( /... 103,104 . \ \,.`.. ._fE _.SH"'"\' . WASHES \ 102 t92 ..-.c JJ l 101 93 . i75 l 1 "0,127 / ` \ ) 11 .. \..', 32 °25 ^ ,s7,8á 89.--- ). ( 85' ts3,84 1 112°50' . (. \.. L. '% \ 64c l 59 58 ._ ' k ,/ ) \ 1 69 7 ( 32° 30' \ --... `-- L.2 \ 15 1,, g 1.49 1 34 ;35 544 51 13,128 ..i r 52 5,11,132 n 28 '. 7 112° 4d 45, 112 °50' PLATE 3- DRAINAGE MAP SHOWING STREAM SEDIMENT AND HEAVY MINERAL CONCENTRATE SAMPLE SITES, BATAMOTE MOUNTAINS, ARIZONA DAVID LOWELL HUSTON, DEPARTMENT OF GEOSCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA, 1984 45' 112° 50' 40 112° 40' .39 + /,_,720 32° 30 11 `_1 r 55 ' % `- -7, 21 41¡ 53 52 )\_, 56 l ,11,132 J23 42 \ \ I i 24 \ 1 87 13 27 --\ 36 \I2 -I \ J 8, 10, 30 I 14f 15 ., \,"941.-\\ \- ) l /6 ( 1 - r64 f--,, 1 57¡___ \ \ f 1 ' ).8,54.84/ ,./ > v . `> I \-\61 59 t_60 f '67 ? 7775 I \ C 78 88¡g 63 580' -40_,/' ( / / /// \ ' 72 I ) , t_,. -- ( 38<i37 l `~, / 1 31 1 69 7 16 / 32° 30' + 4544 68 c\ 49/\ \ \ 1 r1 / 128 341 y-I'l 28\ ----, 51 90, 127 l 93 \/ -- t 91,92 103, N EXPLANATION: 104 ! 81 r"-82 \3 32° 25' 94 96,97 7 SAMPLE SITE DRAINAGE BASIN BOUNDARY 112 °40' 45, o 1 0 1 2 4 3 2 1 3 4 5 MILES KILOMETERS SCALE: 1 :62500 PLATE 4- STREAM SEDIMENT AND HEAVY MINERAL CONCENTRATE SAMPLE SITES, SHOWING AREAS OF INFLUENCE, BATAMOTE MOUNTAINS, ARIZONA 431'¢ .a4ritevg CPeading 92oa,y DEPAR M; CEúSCIENCES 11fVIVFRSITY OF ARI7nNa DAVID LOWELL HUSTON, DEPARTMENT OF GEOSCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA, 1984 112°50' 112°40' 45, 32° 30 112° 50 EXPLANATION: N 32° 25 LINE OF EQUAL CONCENTRATION (IN PPM) BOUNDARY OF SAMPLED AREA 1 0 0 1 2 4 MILES 3 2 1 3 4 5 KILOMETERS SCALE: 1:62500 4Eí4'4a riti UNIVERSITY PLATE 5- COPPER, LEACHED USING NITRIC ACID, FROM -30 MESH STREAM SEDIMENT, BATAMOTE MOUNTAINS, ARIZONA ding 9eoóm CF OF ARIZONA DAVID LOWELL HUSTON, DEPARTMENT OF GEOSCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA, 1984 112 °50' 45 112° 40' 32 °30' 32 °30 112° 50' i EXPLANATION: N // 32° 25' 32° 25' BOO/ LINE OF EQUAL CONCENTRATION (IN PPM) BOUNDARY OF SAMPLED AREA 45, 0 1 1 2 1 0 1 2 112 °40' 4 3 3 4 MILES 5 KILOMETERS SCALE: 1:62500 PLATE 6 SILVER IN -30 MESH STREAM SEDIMENT, `1e cAtevs DEPlR7ivi{i7 eading j ,COOn, GEOSCIcNCES UNIVERSITY OFCARIZONA ,- BATAMOTE MOUNTAINS, ARIZONA DAVID LOWELL HUSTON, DEPARTMENT OF GEOSCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA, 1984 112 °40 45, 112 °50 32 °30/ 112 °50' EXPLANATION: N y / 32 °25 ° LINE OF EQUAL CONCENTRATION (IN PPM) BOUNDARY OF SAMPLED AREA 112°40' O 1 1 0 1 4 MILES 2 1 2 3 4 5 KILOMETERS SCALE: 1 :62500 PLATE 7- BISMUTH IN -30 MESH STREAM SEDIMENT, BATAMOTE MOUNTAINS, ARIZONA é cri cvs Vading Woon DEPARTM_NT CF. GEOSCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA DAVID LOWELL HUSTON, DEPARTMENT OF GEOSCIECES UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA, 1984 45, 112°50' 112° 45' 32° 30' EXPLANATION N ELEMENT 32 °25 CONCENTRATION (PPM) 1 Mo Pb Sn Zn L(5)-5 100-150 L(5) -5 50 RANGES 2 7 -10 200 -300 7 -10 70 OANOMALOUS DRAINAGE BASINS BOUNDARY OF SAMPLED AREA 0 1 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 KILOMETERS SCALE: 1:62500 PLATE 8- ANOMALOUS MOLYBDENUM, LEAD, TIN AND ZINC IN -30 MESH STREAM SEDIMENT, BATAMOTE MOUNTAINS, ARIZONA DAVID LOWELL HUSTON, DEPARTMENT OF GEOSCIENCES 4 isadevs Weadi» t7 DEPARTrviIPT ;;,- UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA, 1984 Coo 112° 50' 45, 112° 40' 32° 30 32° 30' 112° 50' EXPLANATION: 32° 2 32°25' N °° LINE OF EQUAL CONCENTRATION RATIOS (Cu /Fe x 10 -2) BOUNDARY OF SAMPLED AREA 45' O 1 1 1 0 2 1 112°40' 4 MILES 3 2 3 5 KILOMETERS SCALE: 1:62500 PLATE 9- COPPER (NORMALIZED TO IRON), LEACHED USING OXALIC ACID, FROM -30 MESH STREAM SEDIMENT, ghe :4nfevs `12eading %ooI DEPARTMENT OF GEOSCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA BATAMOTE MOUNTAINS, ARIZONA DAVID LOWELL HUSTON, DEPARTMENT OF GEOSCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA, 1984 THE SIGNIFICANCE OF A WIDESPREAD STREAM SEDIMENT COPPER ANOMALY IN THE BATAMOTE MOUNTAINS, PIMA COUNTY, ARIZONA by David Lowell Huston A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of the DEPARTMENT OF GEOSCIENCES In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCES In the Graduate College THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA 1 9 8 4 STATEMENT BY AUTHOR This thesis has been submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for an advanced degree at The University of Arizona and is deposited in the University Library to be made available to borrowers under the rules of the Library. Brief quotations from this thesis are allowable without special permission, provided that accurate acknowledgement of source is made. Requests for permission for extended quotation from or reproduction of this manuscript in whole or in part may be granted by the head of the major department of the Dean or the Graduate College when in his or her judgement the proposed use of the material is in the interests of In all other instance however, permission must be scholarship. l n obtained from the author. SIGNED: APPROVAL BY THESIS DIRECTOR This thes Ms been approved f S. R. TITLEY Professor of Geosciences the date shown below: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research was undertaken with the assistance of many individuals associated with the U. S. Geological Survey and The University of Arizona. First of all, I would like to thank Spencer Titley and Chris Eastoe of The University of Arizona, William Payne of Getty Mining, and Henry Alminas of the U. S. Geological Survey for their criticisms and assistance during the fieldwork and the preparation of this paper. I would especially like to thank Paul Theobald of the U. S. Geological Survey for suggesting the topic, for his invaluable assistance and advice in conducting the research, and for providing funding. Additionally, I acknowledge the help of T. T. Chao and Lori Filipek of the U. S. Geological Survey, Burt Lamoureux, and all the other individuals who helped me in analyzing my samples. A special thanks must be given to E. F. Cooley of the U. S. Geological Survey for reading my spectroscopic films. Finally, I thank my father Richard Huston, my step- brother Larry Green, and my friends Roy Jemison and Greg Zeihen their assistance in collecting samples. Without the help of all these people, the completion of this project would have taken much longer, and the research would not have been as complete. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page viii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS LIST OF TABLES xi LIST OF PLATES xii ABSTRACT xív INTRODUCTION, PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF THE STUDY 1 LOCATION, PHYSIOGRAPHY AND CLIMATE 4 PREVIOUS WORK 8 Geology 8 Surficial Geochemistry 9 Geophysics 10 REGIONAL GEOLOGY 11 Stratígraphy 11 Structure 17 LOCAL GEOLOGY 19 Stratígraphy Childs Latíte Distribution and Physiography Petrology and Mineralogy Batamote Andesite -- Extrusive Facies Distribution and Physiography Petrology and Mineralogy Batamote Andesite- -Vent Facies Distribution and Physiography Petrology Batamote Andesite -- Intrusive Facies Distribution and Physiography Petrology and Mineralogy iv 19 19 19 20 22 22 22 24 24 24 27 27 27 V TABLE OF CONTENTS -- Continued Page Older Alluvium Quaternary Alluvium 28 31 Structure Faulting Folding 31 31 31 Alteration 32 33 LITHOGEOCHEMISTRY Major and Minor Elements 33 Trace Elements 35 R -Mode Factor Analysis 37 STREAM SEDIMENT GEOCHEMISTRY 44 Preliminary Phase 44 Main Phase Field Methods Sample Preparation Results of the Hot Nitric Acid Extraction Results of Semi -Quantitative Emission. Spectroscopic Analysis Copper Silver and Bismuth Other Base Metals R -Mode Factor Analysis Results of the First Sequential Extraction Oxalic Acid Leach Potassium Perchlorate -Hydrochloric Acid Leach Aqua Regia /Hydrofluoric Acid Leach Summary Results of the Second Sequential Extraction The Distribution of Iron and Manganese The Distribution of Copper in the Crystalline Fraction The Distribution of Copper in the Carbonate and Exchangeable Fraction The Distribution of Copper in the Easily Reducible Fraction The Distribution of Copper in the Moderately Reducible, and Sulfide and Organic Fractions 47 47 47 48 . . 48 50 50 53 53 59 . 61 62 63 64 64 66 68 68 68 69 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS -- Continued Page Summary Summary 69 70 Follow -Up Phase 71 Summary of the Information Derived From Stream Sediments . INTERPRETATIONS FROM HEAVY MINERAL CONCENTRATES . 71 75 Field Methods 75 Sample Preparation 76 Analysis of the C -1 and C -2 Fractions 77 Spectroscopic Analysis of the CCopper Other Elements Mineralogy of the C -3 Fraction tion 79 80 82 87 . The Concentration of Copper in Pyr ains Summary 89 89 OTHER RESULTS 92 SUMMARY OF DATA PRESENTED, EVALUATION OF WOR CONCLUSIONS Evaluation of Working Hypotheses Airborne Contamination from a Sm, Abnormally High Background in th Primary Mineralization Dispersion Along Normal Faults Contamination of the Batamote Eruption . . . . !YPOTHESES, AND 94 . in Ajo mote Andesíte . 96 96 96 97 97 to During its Conclusions APPENDIX Ia: ANALYTICAL RESULTS (USING SEMI -QUANTITATIVE EMISSION SPECTROSCOPY) FOR ROCK CHIP SAMPLES, BATAMOTE MOUNTAINS, ARIZONA 100 l00 102 V11 TABLE OF CONTENTS -- Continued Page APPENDIX Ib: ANALYTICAL RESULTS (USING SEMI -QUANTITATIVE EMISSION SPECTROSCOPY) FOR STREAM SEDIMENTS, BATAMOTE MOUNTAINS, ARIZONA 112 APPENDIX Ic: ANALYTICAL RESULTS (USING SEMI -QUANTITATIVE EMISSION SPECTROSCOPY) FOR THE C -3 FRACTION OF HEAVY MINERAL CONCENTRATES, BATAMOTE MOUNTAINS, ARIZONA 128 APPENDIX Id: ANALYTICAL RESULTS (USING SEMI -QUANTITATIVE EMISSION SPECTROSCOPY) FOR OXIDE COATINGS ALONG JOINTS AND FRACTURES, BATAMOTE MOUNTAINS, ARIZONA 141 APPENDIX II: ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES 145 APPENDIX IIIa: ANALYTICAL RESULTS OF THE NITRIC ACID EXTRACTION AND THE FIRST SEQUENTIAL EXTRACTION ON STREAM SEDIMENTS, BATAMOTE MOUNTAINS, ARIZONA APPENDIX IIIb: ANALYTICAL RESULTS OF THE SECOND SEQUENTIAL EXTRACTION ON STREAM SEDIMENTS, BATAMOTE MOUNTAINS, ARIZONA 150 . 154 APPENDIX IIIc: ANALYTICAL RESULTS (USING NITRIC ACID EXTRACTION) FOR COPPER IN THE C -1 AND C -2 FRACTIONS OF HEAVY MINERAL CONCENTRATES, BATAMOTE MOUNTAINS, ARIZONA 159 REFERENCES 161 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Page Figure 1. Location of study area 6 2. Photograph, looking east, of the high point, Batamote Mountains 7 3. Stratigraphy of the Ajo area 12 4. Simplified geologic map of the Ajo and Sikort Chuapo 15- minute quadrangles, Arizona 13 5. Photomicrograph of Childs Latite 21 6. Photomicrograph of the basal section of a typical flow, Batamote Andesite 25 Photomicrograph of the upper unit of a typical flow, Batamote Andesíte 26 Photomicrograph of the dioritic unit of the intrusive facies of the Batamote Andesite 29 Photomicrograph of the porphyritíc unit of the intrusive facies of the Batamote Andesite 30 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Histogram showing the distribution of copper in the Batamote Andesíte 39 Histogram showing the distribution of lead in the Batamote Andesíte 39 Histogram showing the distribution of zinc in the Batamote Andesíte 40 Factor loadings for 18 elements from R -Mode factor analysis of the Batamote Andesite 42 Histogram showing the distribution of copper (extracted using hot nitric acid) in -30 mesh stream sediments 49 viii ix LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS -- Continued Page Figure 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Histogram showing the distribution of silver (analyzed using semi -quantitative emission spectroscopy) in -30 mesh stream sediment 51 Histogram showing the distribution of bismuth (analyzed using semi -quantitative emission spectroscopy) in -30 mesh stream sediment 51 Histogram showing the distribution of molybdenum (analyzed using semi -quantitative emission spectroscopy) in -30 mesh stream sediment 54 Histogram showing the distribution of lead (analyzed using semi- quantitative emission spectroscopy) is -30 mesh stream sediment 54 Histogram showing the distribution of tin (analyzed using semi -quantitative emission spectroscopy) in -30 mesh stream sediment 55 Histogram showing the distribution of zinc (analyzed using semi -quantitative emission spectroscopy) in -30 mesh stream sediment 55 Factor loadings for 19 elements from R -Mode factor analysis of stream sediments 57 Histogram showing the distribution of copper normalized to iron (extracted using hot oxalic acid) in -30 mesh stream sediments 60 Histogram showing the distribution of copper (extracted sequentially using potassium perchlorate and hydrochloric acid after oxalic acid) in -30 mesh stream sediments 60 Distribution of copper among mineralogic and density fractions of selected stream sediment samples, Batamote Mountains, Arizona 67 Distribution of copper normalized to iron (extracted using oxalic acid) in -30 mesh stream sediment samples upstream of sample AJ003S 72 X LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS -- Continued Page Figure 26. 27. 28. Distribution of copper normalized to iron (extracted using oxalic acid) in -30 mesh stream sediment samples upstream of sample AJ039S 73 Histogram showing the distribution of copper (extracted using hot oxalic acid) in the C -2 fraction of heavy mineral concentrates 78 Histogram showing the distribution of copper in the non - magnetic fraction (C -3) of heavy mineral concentrates 29. . 81 . 83 Histogram showing the distribution of arsenic in the non -magnetic fraction (C -3) of heavy mineral concentrates . 83 Histogram showing the distribution of barium in the non -magnetic fraction (C -3) of heavy mineral concentrates . 84 Histogram showing the distribution of molybdenum in the non -magnetic fraction (C -3) of heavy mineral concentrates . 84 Histogram showing the distribution of lead in the non -magnetic fraction (C -3) of heavy mineral concentrates . 85 Histogram showing the distribution of antimony in the non -magnetic fraction (C -3) of heavy mineral concentrates . 85 Histogram showing the distribution of tin in the non -magnetic fraction (C -3) of heavy mineral concentrates . 86 . 86 Histogram showing the distribution of silver in the non - magnetic fraction (C -3) of heavy mineral concentrates 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Histogram showing the distribution of zinc in the non - magnetic fraction (C -3) of heavy mineral concentrates LIST OF TABLES Page Table Summary of major element oxide analyses of the Childs Latite and the Batamote Andesite 34 Summary of emission spectroscopic analyses on the Childs Latite and Batamote Andesite 36 Results of R -Mode principal factor analysis with iterations after varimax rotation for the extrusive facies of the Batamote Andesíte, Batamote Mountains, Arizona 41 Concentrations of copper in selected stream sediment samples relative to particle size 46 5. Replicate stream sediment sample pairs 47 6. Results of R -Mode principal factor analysis with iterations after varimax rotation for -30 mesh stream sediments, Batamote Mountains, Arizona 56 7. Samples analyzed using five -step sequential analysis 66 8. Magnetic fractions and representative mineralogy 76 9. Replicate heavy mineral concentrate sample pairs 80 1. 2. 3. 4. 10. Concentrations of copper in pyrite grains from selected heavy mineral concentrate samples xi 90 LIST OF PLATES Plate 1. Sketch Geologic Map, Batamote Mountains, Arizona 2. Rock Chip and Oxide Coating Sample Sites, Batamote Mountains, Arizona 3. Drainage Map Showing Stream Sediment and Heavy Mineral Concentrate Sample Sites, Batamote Mountains, Arizona 4. Stream Sediment and Heavy Mineral Concentrate Sample Sites, Showing Areas of Influence, Batamote Mountains, Arizona S. Copper, Leached Using Nitric Acid, from -30 Mesh Stream Sediment, Batamote Mountains, Arizona 6. Silver in -30 Mesh Stream Sediment, Batamote Mountains, Arizona 7. Bismuth in -30 Mesh Stream Sediment, Batamote Mountains, Arizona 8. Anomalous Molybdenum, Lead, Tin and Zinc in -30 Mesh Stream Sediment, Batamote Mountains, Arizona 9. Copper (Normalized to Iron), Leached Using Oxalic Acid, from -30 Mesh Stream Sediment, Batamote Mountains, Arizona 10. Copper, Leached Using Potassium Perchlorate and Hydrochloric Acid, Sequentially After an Oxalic Acid Leach, from -30 Mesh Stream Sediment, Batamote Mountains, Arizona 11. Copper, Leached Using Nitric Acid, in the C -2 Fraction of Heavy Mineral Concentrates, Batamote Mountains, Arizona 12. Copper in the C -3 Fraction of Heavy Mineral Concentrates, Batamote Mountains, Arizona 13. Anomalous Silver, Arsenic, Barium, Copper, Molybdenum, Lead, Antimony, Tin and Zinc in the C -3 Fraction of Heavy Mineral Concentrates, Batamote Mountains, Arizona 14. Pyrite, Chalcopyrite, Malachite, Covellité and Arsenopyrite in the C -3 Fraction of Heavy Mineral Concentrates, Batamote Mountains, Arizona xii LIST OF PLATES -- Continued Plate 15. Barite, Cerussite, Galena, Lead Shot, Wulfenite and Cassiterite in the C -3 Fraction of Heavy Mineral Concentrates, Batamote Mountains, Arizona ABSTRACT To determine the cause and distribution of a widespread copper anomaly in the Batamote Mountains discovered by the U. S. G. S. (Barton and others, 1982), detailed stream sediment and heavy mineral concentrate sampling and reconnaissance geologic mapping were undertaken in the area. The stream sediments yielded two anomalous areas characterized by copper, silver and bismuth, separated by a narrow trough of low values. The anomalous values are spatially associated with a series of northerly trending normal faults. The anomalous copper is held predominantly in iron and manganese oxides, but a significant portion is held in a reduced form (probably organics). Analysis of pyrite grains from heavy mineral concentrates for copper indicates that pyrite cannot contribute enough copper to cause the observed anomalies. Analysis of the non -magnetic fraction of heavy mineral concen- trates produced a similar anomaly pattern for copper, but no enhancement was realized relative to stream sediments. This analysis also yielded three other anomalous areas characterized by a volatile element assemblage, a tin -molybdenum assemblage and a silver- arsenic -molybdenum assem- blage, respectively. The cause of these anomalies remains problematic. The primary anomaly is best explained as the result of dispersion along normal faults. The original source of the metals in the normal faults could not be absolutely determined in the present study. xiv