MINIMAL EROSION IN CENTRAL TIBET SINCE THE EOCENE AND IMPLICATIONS FOR PLATEAU DEVELOPMENT by Alexander Rohrmann A Prepublication Manuscript Submitted to the Faculty of the DEPARTMENT OF GEOSCIENCES In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE In the Graduate College THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA 2009 (Sample Approval Pagefor Prepublication Manuscript) STATEMENT BY THE AUTHOR This manuscript, prepared for publication in the (insert the name a/journal, series, etc.), has been submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for the Master of Science degree at The University of Arizona and is deposited in the Antevs Reading Room to be made available to borrowers, as are copies of regular theses and dissertations. Brief quotations from this manuscript are allowable without special permission, provided that accurate acknowledgment of the source is made. Requests for permission for extended quotation from or reproduction of this manuscript in whole or in part may be granted by the Department of Geosciences when the proposed use of the material is in the interests of scholarship. In all other instances, however, permission must be obtained from the author. 03/ 30 IoG) (author's signature) (date) APPROVAL BY RESEARCH COMMIITEE As members of the Research Committee, we recommend that this prepublication manuscript be accepted as fulfilling the research requirement for the degree of Master of Science. f'AVL EM" Major Advisor (type name) (signature) (type name) 'Pete r Re; V1 e..rS (type name) (signature) 'R-;f;;-~ (signature) (date) 3/~()09 I (date) ( Minimal erosion in central Tibet since the Eocene and implications for plateau development The growth history of the Tibetan plateau remains elusive, despite its importance for assessing mechanisms of continental lithosphere deformation and associated changes in surface elevation and climate system dynamics. A characteristic of the modern Tibetan plateau interior, which distinguishes it from the actively growing plateau margins, is low erosion rates. Here, we present low-temperature thermochronologic (K-feldspar 40Ar/39Ar, apatite fission-track, and apatite (U-Th)/He) results from samples collected away from late Cenozoic rifts in the Lhasa and Qiangtang terranes of central Tibet. The data indicate that in most places, low erosion rates (< ~0.05 mm/yr) were established by the time India collided with Asia ~50 Myr ago, following earlier episodes of more rapid exhumation that correspond in time with documented Cretaceous – Eocene thrust belt activity. Findings of large-magnitude (≥50%) upper-crustal shortening and substantial exhumation prior to 50 Myr ago, followed by minimal subsequent denudation, support the establishment of a proto-plateau in central Tibet prior to the Indo-Asian collision. The mean elevation of the Tibetan plateau is more than 5000 m from the Pamir in the west, to ~96°E longitude, east of which it gradually decreases at a slope of ~0.1°. Distinguishing the Tibetan plateau from its margins are low relief (generally <500 m) and low erosion rates (3± 1 mm/ka of Lal et al. 2003) in all places except along late Cenozoic rift systems and externally drained river valleys. Very low relief erosional surfaces have been identified in eastern Tibet (Clark et al., 2006) as well as within the higher part of the Tibetan plateau (Shackleton and Chang, 1988; our own observations). The eastern Tibetan margin is characterized by a high elevation, low relief landscape that is dissected by narrow river gorges. The surfaces in eastern Tibet are interpreted to have developed at low elevation prior to river incision since the Miocene. Given little evidence for Neogene upper-crustal shortening, thickening of the crust by eastward channel flow has been invoked to explain uplift of the surfaces to their current high elevation (Clark et al., 2006). The most direct approach that has been applied to reconstruct paleoelevation in Tibet is stable isotope paleoaltimetry (DeCelles et al, 2007, Rowley et al., 2006, Wang et al., 2006 and Cyr et al., 2005). Recent studies indicate that localities in the southern Lhasa terrane (Oiyug), and along the Bangong suture zone to the north (Nima and Lunpola), achieved near-modern elevations by mid-Miocene and EoOligocene (but certainly by 26 Myr ago) time, respectively. Although uncertainties exist regarding the source and composition of ancient meteoric water in northern Tibet, data from Late Eocene (?) strata near Erdaogou similarly indicate a paleoelevation of >4 km (DeCelles et al., 2007). Additional evidence supporting the latter includes the appearance of high-altitude pines in the pollen record at ~38 Myr ago in a basin rimming the northeastern margin of the plateau (Dupont-Nivet et al., 2008). The only maximum age constrain on elevation gain is that it must postdate the deposition of the youngest marine strata (~100 Myr) exposed in Tibet north of the Indus-Yarlung suture (Kapp et al., 2005). Until paleoaltimetric data are obtained on older basin deposits, we must rely on more indirect approaches to infer the history of plateau growth. Shortening history Shortening of the upper crust must be compensated in the deeper crust may be compensated by either homogneous shortening and thickening of the deeper crust or lateral displacement such that crust is thickened in adjacent regions by crustal underthrusting. In either case, major upper-crustal shortening events should result in susbantial crustal thickening. Inferring surface elevation gain from the uppercrustal shortening history by using isostatic argumenets is complicated however, because of uncertainties of how/where the shortening is accommodated in the deeper crust and possibilities of dense, eclogitic root development (which would tend to suppress surface elevation gain) and lithospheric removal (which would tend to enhance surface elevation gain). Nevertheless, a reasonable inference is that major upper-crustal shortening must produce some level of crustal thickening and surface elevation gain. Whereas almost all popular models attribute Tibetan plateau formation to the collision between India and Asia since ~50 Myr ago, the bulk of upper-crustal shortening in much of central Tibet is older (150-50 Ma) and of sufficient magnitude (≥50%) to have resulted in substantial crustal thickening and elevation gain. This contractional tectonism is attributed to the collision between the Lhasa and Qiangtang terranes along the Bangong suture, which began during the Early Cretaceous, and the development of an Andean-style Gangdese retroarc thrust belt along the southern margin of Asia during Cretaceous to Eocene northward subduction of Neo-Tethyan oceanic lithosphere (Fig. 1; Murphy et al., 1997; Kapp et al., 2007). Intriguingly, initiation of Indo-Asian collision marks the cessation of major upper-crustal shortening in the Lhasa terrane. During the 50–30 Ma time interval, the upper crust of the Qiangtang was only moderately shortened (~25%; Kapp et al., 2005), whereas major (≥50%) shortening was localized to the north in the Hoh-Xil – Fenghuo Shan – Nanqian thrust belt (HFNTB; Fig. 1; Coward et al., 1988; Spurlin et al., 2005), and to the south of the Indus-Yarlung suture in the Tethyan Himalaya thrust belt (THTB; Fig. 1; Ratschbacher et al., 1994). An explanation is that the gravitational potential energy related to the development of thick crust and high elevation in the Lhasa and Qiangtang terranes (e.g, a Lhasa-Qiangtang protoplateau) was sufficient to inhibit major upper-crustal shortening and to promote thrusting at lower elevation regions to the north and south. Thermochronology: Previous work Low temperate thermochronolgy is widely used to infer erosion rates in various tectonic settings. The thermal history of rocks, and therefore the time that has elapsed since passage through the closure temperature, enables one to calculate a time-averaged erosion rate . The (U-Th)/He system is especially sensitive to surface erosion and relief forming processes (Reiners et al., 2003), due to the near-surface (i.e. shallow) closure temperature isotherm, which can range from 50 to 70 °C depending on erosion/cooling rate. The sensitivity of the (U-Th)/He system makes it an ideal tool to identify exhumation events in the upper ~2-3 km of crust. Multi-diffusion domain modeling of K-feldspar 40Ar/39Ar data from Shiquanhe (Kapp et al., 2003), Nima (Kapp et al., 2007), and Amdo indicate relatively rapid cooling to below <150°C at 65 Ma, 105 Ma, and 119 Ma, suggesting <5-6 km of erosion in these areas at these times—all of which predate the Indo-Asian collision. Rapid cooling is attributed to documented thrust belt development in these regions in response to the Cretaceous Lhasa-Qiangtang collision. Samples from Kapp et al. (2003) from western Tibet show a period of slow cooling during the Early Cretaceous, followed by a pulse of accelerated cooling coeval with Late Cretaceous shortening, and consistent with a K-feldspar age of 67 ± 3 Ma from Rutog, 100 km north (Matte et al., 1996). JV1(NMA) cooled rapidly at ~100 Ma, coincident with Cretaceous thrust faulting (Kapp et al., 2007a). Two samples from the Amdo basement (PK1A and PK3A) (Fig. 1) have similar cooling histories, attributed to exhumation as a result of the Early Cretaceous Lhasa-Qiangtang collision (Guynn et al., 2006). Fission track data from north-central Tibet (Wang et al., 2008) suggest <4 km of erosion since 60 Ma, yielding time-averaged erosion rates of ~0.05 km/myr. Very little post-Eocene – Oligocene erosion is consistent with the preservation of pristine, flat-lying 45 – 29 Ma volcanic rocks in the Qiangtang terrane (Ding et al., 2007). Thermochronology: New work We present the first low-temperature thermochronologic ((U-Th)/He apatite and apatite fission track) data from samples collected away from the influence of major late Cenozoic rifts (where Miocene and younger apatite He ages have been determined; Kapp et al., 2008; Stockli et al., 2006) in the northern Lhasa and southern Qiangtang terranes in central Tibet. A total of 17 samples were collected for (U-Th)/He analyses, including: nine samples from the southern Qiangtang terrane, seven samples from the northern Lhasa terrane, and one sample from the southern Lhasa terrane near Lhasa (Fig.1). Each sample consists of 2-4 replicates, except for three samples of poor quality where only one aliquot was analysed. The majority of the samples yield Eocene and older ages. Exceptions include AR1, AR2, PK6 and SH2, and can be explained by local phenomena (Fig. 1). AR1, AR2 and PK6 are all located north of the Bangong-suture zone and are located in the hanging wall of a thrust fault of Tertiary age (Kapp et al., 2003). The youngest age of 17 Ma is obtained from sample AR2, which is located the closest to the fault trace. AR1 and PK6 possess older ages of 19 Ma and 28 Ma, respectively, and were sampled progressively farther away from the fault trace. These ages may indicate local thrust reactivation and exhumation during the early Miocene, which perturbed the thermal field in this area. Sample SH2 was sampled in a presently externally drained part of the Plateau in the southern Lhasa region and yields an age of 15 Ma. Previously obtained apatite fission track ages for granites located to the south in the Lhasa area range from 1844 Ma, and were interpreted to represent the timing of movement along the Gangdese thrust (Copeland et al., 1995). However, we interpret the youngest apatite fission track ages (~18 Ma), and our obtained (U-Th)/He age, to mark onset of river incision in the southern Lhasa region. The obtained (U-Th)/He age stands in sharp contrast with (U-Th)/He ages just 50 km to the north that are ~50 Ma (Fig. 1). This suggests the presence of a strong erosional gradient across this region of the Tibetan Plateau. The remaining samples in the southern Qiangtang and northern Lhasa terranes (PU1, PK3A, PK1A, JV4, JV1, PK2, PK3, AR3, GT1, AR5, AR6) yield Eocene and older apatite He ages (Fig. 1). These ages suggest that all samples were located at uppermost-crustal levels (~2 km) no later than early Eocene. The oldest obtained (UTh)/He age of 122 Ma emphasizes the nature of persisting minimal erosion in the Plateau interior. The most northerly located sample, AR4, has an age of 37 Ma, indicating that this sample cooled through its closer temperature coeval with thrust belt activity in the northern Qiangtang terrain (Kapp et al., 2007; Murphy et al., 1997). Apatite fission track (AFT) and K-feldspar 40Ar/39Ar data were obtained from samples that yielded Eocene and older (U-Th)/He ages in order to resolve continuous cooling histories (Figs. 1, 2; see Data repository). Six AFT analyses yield ages between 74 Ma and 53 Ma, consistent with the apatite (U-Th)/He results. They indicate moderate to slow cooling (provide rates) during the late Cretaceous to early Eocene . Our AFT results for the Amdo basement differ from Wang et al. (2007), which may be due to poor quality or compositionally inhomogeneous apatites of the Wang et al. (2007) study, offsetting their ages by a consistently younger factor. Continuous cooling histories and erosion rates The combination of (U-Th)/He, AFT and K-feldspar and biotite 40Ar/39Ar data enables us to construct four continuous cooling histories (Fig. 2). All cooling histories are similar and consist of a Cretaceous cooling event recorded by K-feldspar 40 Ar/39Ar, followed by continuous moderate cooling through the AFT- closure temperature (110°C) (Naser and Faul, 2007), and the finally very slow cooling through the (U-Th)/He closure temperature. We calculated the (U-Th)/He closure temperature using the program Closure by Mark Brandon (for details see Datarepository) and obtained very low closure temperatures, between 46°C and 53°C, as a result of the slow cooling experienced by the samples. If we use a standard geothermal gradient for Tibet of ~30°C/km (Nansheng, 2002), this means that all samples were emplaced into the upper-most crustal level (~1.5-2 km) by early Eocene time. Thermal modeling results using Hefty (Fig. 2; see Data repository for details) suggest that the samples cooled slowly through the rest of the Cenozoic with a rate of 1-1.5 °C/myr, and an initially faster cooling event on the order of 3°C/myr before Eocene time. Using the aforementioned results, we calculated erosion rates using the program AGE2EDOT by Mark Brandon (for details see Data-repository) to be on the order of 0.03-0.05 km/myr. For comparision, these rates are twice in magnitude lower than typical late Cenozoic erosion rates in the Himalaya (1-4 km/myr; Thiede et al., 2005; Jain et al., 2000; Blythe et al., 2007; Wobus et al., 2008). Moreover these rates suggest that minimal erosion and tectonic denudation occurred in the internally drained central part of the Tibetan Plateau since early Eocene. The geomorphic expression of a low eroding landscape is generally associated with low relief (Montgomery et al., 2002), which is widespread in the central part of the plateau. Very low erosional exhumation on the Plateau is supported by studies by Horton et al. (2002) and Spurlin et al. (2005), which noted minimal mass removal in adjacent areas of local Eocene to Miocene basins in the eastern Qiangtang terrane. However, the erosion-rate estimates are somewhat lower than late Quaternary rates of 0.3- 4 km/myr determined for the interior of the Tibetan Plateau (Lal et al., 2003), which may be a result of greater denudation during the most recent glacial cycles. Discussion The thermochronolgical results derived from the central Tibetan Plateau region have important implications for the growth history of the Tibetan Plateau. Ages in the northern Lhasa and southern Qiangtang terranes are Eocene and older in age. Towards the north and south of this zone, ages become progressively younger. It is to note however, that the youngest ages in the north and south are also found at the lowest elevation (Fig. 3). The observed age distribution and trend relates temporally and spatially to known ages of major thrust belt activity (Fig. 1; 3). Pre-Eocene and Eocene ages, which are found along the Bangong-suture, as well as the first order observation of a north and southward progressive younging of ages, can both be related to coeval upper-crustal shortening events; in the first case with a propagation of a fold and thrust belt during Late Cretaceous times (NLTB; Kapp et al., 2003: Kapp et al., 2007) and in the second with a development of a thrust belt in the northern Qiangtang terrane during early Oligocene times (HFNTB; Kapp et al., 2007; Murphy et al., 1997) (Fig. 1). Interestingly, the majority of thermochronologic ages along the Bangong suture do are all older than the Indo-Asian collision and can be attributed to the earlier Lhasa-Qiangtang collision. These results suggest that the initial growth and establishment of the Tibetan Plateau was not initiated by the collision of the Indian and Asian plates, as invoked in most popular models of plateau formation (Meyer et al., 1998), but rather from a zone of already thickened crust in the central part of the Tibetan Plateau. Moreover, the theromochronologic results and temporalspatial distribution of upper-crustal shortening support models those invoke northward and southward growth of a Tibetan Plateau during Indo-Asian collision from a zone of thick crust in central Tibet that can be attributed to the collision of the Lhasa and Qiangtang terranes along the Bangong suture zone in early Cretaceous. We propose the establishment of a Lhasa-Qiangtang Proto-Plateau that is characterized by early Eocene and older (U-Th)/He ages, requiring minimal subsequent erosion and low relief similar to the modern day (Montgomery et al., 2002). Younger (U-Th)/He ages represent local denudation events and modification to an overall formed Proto-Plateau in pre Indio-Asian collision times. Later the IndianAsian collision itself reshaped the appearance of the Plateau and thus following features can be ascribed to the most recent collision, broadening of the Tibetan Plateau, the Himalayan Mountain range as well as localized, late Cenozoic exhumation associated with regions of active upper-crustal extension (Kapp et al., 2008; Stockli et al., 2006). Studies from along the eastern margin of Tibet reveal the establishment of a regional landscape that underwent minimal erosion since the end of the Cretaceous, and disrupted by mid-late Tertiary exhumation in discrete tectonic zones, including the steep and narrow topographic slope of the Longmen Shan ( Reid et al., 2005; Arne et al., 1997; Xu and Kamp, 2000; Kirby et al., 2002; Fig. 1). The Longmen Shan mountain range seem to be a Late Miocene to Pliocene development in response to plateau expansion (Kirby et al., 2002). In the low-gradient margin of southeastern Tibet, rocks at high elevation (> 3500 m) yield Cretaceous-early Tertiary AFT and (U-Th)/He ages, and those at lower elevations within gorges (< 3000 m) yield late Tertiary ages (Clark et al., 2005). The authors interpret this split in ages to be the result of Miocene river incision in response to surface uplift (Clark et al., 2006). We note that the (U-Th)/He ages determined by Clark et al. (2005) from samples at high elevation, AFT ages by Reid et al. (2004), and AFT-results from Lai et al. (2007), are similar in age to the AFT and (U-Th)/He ages that we obtain from the internally drained central part of the Plateau (Fig. 1). The obtained Eocene and older ages at high elevation by Clark et al. (2005) imply similar low erosion rates, as samples from the high plateau. The only major difference between these two regions is that we observe major river incision in eastern Tibet. This incision has been assumed to mark progressive surface uplift. However, our data indicate that the Lhasa area was incised at the same time as eastern Tibet ~15 Ma, yet most available evidence suggest that it was uplifted significantly earlier. A recent study by Wu et al. (2008) noticed major Miocene lake deposits that are spanning from the central part of the Plateau towards the east. The deposits cross the modern boundary between internal and external drainage. This has significant implications, since lakes naturally form in an internally drained area, but today parts of the area are being externally drained, implying that the internally drained part of the plateau extended further east in the past. This can be interpreted as headward river migration upstream showing a non steady state configuration of the drainage network in the Tibetan region. Collectively, these observations suggest that a Lhasa-Qiangtang Proto-plateau could have extended much further eastward. Miocene onset of river incision in eastern Tibet may be in response to a change in climate, such as intensification of the Asian monsoons as this time, rather than surface uplift. Not only could have a possible Proto-Plateau extended further towards the east, but a recent study by Van der Beek et al. (in review) from the western edge of the Tibetan Plateau, found possible remnants of a further extending westward Tibetan Plateau, that is today incised by rivers and externally drained. Conclusion K-feldspar 40Ar/39Ar, AFT and (U-Th)/He data from the internally drained, interior part of the Tibetan Plateau indicate that the Tibetan Plateau is not solely a result of the Indo-Asian continent-continent collision, but parts of the plateau where established before early Eocene. 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"Tectonics and denudation adjacent to the Xianshuihe Fault, eastern Tibetan Plateau: Constraints from fission track thermochronology." Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth 105(B8): 19231-19251. Yuan, W.M., J.Q. Dong, et al., (2006)."Apatite fissiontrack evidence for Neogene uplift in the eastern Kunlun Mountains, northern Qianghai-Tibet Plateau, China." Journal of asian earth sciences 27(6): 847-856. Acknowledgements A particular thanks goes to S. Nicolescu for his assistance during the (U-Th)/He analysis procedures, conducting the wet-chemistry analysis and measuring the samples on the ICPMS. The apatite fission track work was performed at the Department of Geosciences of the University of Potsdam. 40Ar/39Ar analysis for samples PK3A, JV4, PU1 was carried out by Matthew Heizler at the New Mexico Geochronological Research Laboratory. Thanks go as well to fellow graduate students for discussion and comments and all other people that supported this work. Figure captions Figure 1. Monochromatic SRTM-30 base map showing major tectonic elements of the Tibetan Plateau and locations of low temperature thermochronlogical studies and ages: green stars- this study; red diamonds- Wang et al., 2008; blue triangles- Copeland et al., 1995; light blue rectangles- Kirby et al., 2002; purple circles- Lai et al., 2007; dark blue circles- Reid et al., 2005; pink circles- Clark et al., 2005; yellow pentagons- Jolivet et al., 2001; brown flattend circles- Yuang et al., 2006; yellow hexagon- Van der Beek et al., in review. (UTh)/He ages are shown in green, AFT ages are shown in orange. Purple lines represent outlines of terrains: IYS- Indus Yarlung Suture; BNS- Bangong Suture; JS- Jinsha River suture; Kunlun Suture. Yellow and aquamarine lines represent extend of upper crustal shortening events. Main tectonic elements and age of activity: QCUL- Qiangtang Culmination; NLTB- Northern Lhasa Thrust Belt; GRTB- Gangdese Retroarc Thrust Belt; THTB- Tethyan Himalayan Thrust Belt; Himalayan Thrust Belt; HFNTB- Hoh-Xil-Fenghuo Shan–Nanqian thrust belt; KQTB- Kunlun-Qaidam Thrust Belt. Red outline represents area of suggested Lhasa-Qiangtang Proto-Plateau Figure 2. Continuous cooling histories for samples PK3A, JV4, PU1 and JV1 with a 2-sigma error for the closure temperature. Area in pink represents HeFTy modeling results for individual samples cooling paths. No modeling was obtained for JV4. Figure 3. The upper part shows a longitudinal (N-S) mean topographic swath profile along 93°E. Superimposed are projected sample locations and its elevations into the plane of the profile. Purple dashed lines indicate locations of suture zones; for abbreviations refer to figure 1. Lower part shows ages of projected samples into the plane of the profile. Grey boxes are representing times of upper crustal shortening events. Orange circles represent AFT-ages on the same sample that is represented as a green star (This study). Figure 2 Figure 3 Data Repository m Item Supplementary Geochronologic and Thermochronologic Data Table DR01 – Location and description of samples Sample Lon. Lat. Description Crystallization Age AFT pooled age (Ma) Source PK1A (PK-97-6-4-1A) 31.881 91.699 Amdo orthogneiss Cambrian 72.9 ± 3.0 Kspar - Guynn et al., 2006; AFT - this study PK1B (PK-97-6-4-1B) 31.881 91.699 Amdo orthogneiss Cambrian 72.7 ± 4.4 AFT - this study PK2 (PK-97-6-4-2) 32.026 91.705 Amdo orthogneiss Precambrian 74.4 ± 3.0 Kspar - Guynn et al., 2006; AFT - this study PK3A (PK-97-6-4-3A) 32.124 91.711 Amdo orthogneiss Precambrian 71.9 ± 3.1 Kspar - Guynn et al., 2006; AFT - this study PU4 (AP070504-A) 33.250 92.007 Tanggula granitoid Late Cretaceous 53.6 ± 2.1 U-Pb, Kspar and AFT - this study JV1 (JV61504-1) 31.335 89.875 Bange granite Early Cretaceous 61.7 ± 2.9 AFT - this study JV4 (JV61504-4) 31.365 89.892 Bange granite Early Cretaceous 53.7 ± 2.6 AFT and Kspar - this study SQH (97-7-3-3bpk) 32.496 80.328 Longzi La granite Early Cretaceous Kspar - Kapp et al., 2003a JG1 (JG082103-4) 31.515 85.087 Xiagangjiang granitoid Early Cretaceous Kspar - this study NMA (7-19-98-2) 32.220 87.220 Xiabie granite Early Cretaceous Kspar - Kapp et al., 2007 Lon. - Longitude; Lat. - Latitude; AFT - Apatite Fission Track; Kspar - K-Feldspar Argon/Argon. Sample numbers in parentheses are original sample numbers and/or from previous sources. GEOCHRONOLOGIC & THERMOCHRONOLOGIC METHODS U-Pb GEOCHRONOLOGIC METHODS for PU-4 (AP070504-A) All separation and analysis was carried out at the University of Arizona. Zircons were separated from a ~2 kg sample of fresh rock using standard crushing and separation techniques, including a water table, magnetic separator and heavy liquids. Individual zircon crystals were then hand-picked under a binocular microscope to select large, inclusion free grains. Approximately 50 grains were then mounted in epoxy and polished to approximately 2/3 of the crystal thickness. The grains were ablated with a New Wave DUV193 Excimer laser, operating at a wavelength of 193 nm and using a spot diameter of 35 microns. The ablated material is then carried in argon gas into the plasma source of a Micromass Isoprobe multicollector ICP-MS and ionized. The Micromass Isoprobe is equipped with a flight tube of sufficient width that U, Th, and Pb isotopes are measured simultaneously using nine Faraday collectors, an axial Daly detector and four ion-counting channels. All measurements were made in static mode, using Faraday detectors for 238 U, 232Th, and 208-206 Pb and an ion-counting channel for 204 Pb. 235 U is determined from the 238U measurement assuming 238U/235U = 137.88. Ion yields are ~1 mV per ppm. Each analysis consists of one background run with 20-second integration on peaks and the laser off, 20 1-second integrations with the laser firing, and a 30-second delay to purge for the next analysis. The laser ablates at ~1 micron/second, resulting in an ablation pit ~20 microns in depth. A common lead correction was performed by using the measured 204 Pb and assuming an initial Pb composition from Stacey and Kramers (1975) (with uncertainties of 1.0, 0.3, and 2.0 for 206 Pb/204Pb, 207 Pb/204Pb, and by the presence of 208 Pb/204Pb, respectively). Measurement of 204 Pb is unaffected 204 Hg because backgrounds are measured on peaks (thereby subtracting any background 204Hg and 204Pb) and because very little Hg is present in the argon gas. The errors in determining 206 Pb/238U and 206 Pb/204Pb result in a measurement uncertainty of several percent (at 2- level) in the 206Pb*/238U age. The low concentrations of 207Pb in younger samples (approximately < 1000 Ma), due to the low concentration of in a substantially larger measurement uncertainty for 235 206 Pb/207Pb. 206 U relative to 238U, result The 207 Pb*/207Pb* ages for younger grains accordingly have larger uncertainties. Pb*/235U and Inter-element fractionation of Pb/U is generally <20%, whereas isotopic fractionation of Pb is generally <5%. These fractionations were corrected by analysis of a standard, with a known, concordant IDTIMS age, between every three unknown analyses. The zircon standards are fragments of a large zircon crystal from a Sri Lankan pegmatite (e.g. Dickinson and Gehrels, 2003) with an age of 564 ± 4 Ma (2 ). The uncertainty resulting from the calibration correction is generally ~3% (2 ) for both 207 Pb/206Pb and 206 Pb/238U ages. U and Th concentrations were determined by analyzing a piece of NIST 610 glass with ~500 ppm U and Th and using the resulting measured intensities to calibrate the sample measured U and Th intensities. The crystallization age reported in this paper (69.2 ± 1.4 Ma; Fig. DR01b) is a weighted average of individual, concordant spot analyses using the 206Pb*/238U ages, since the 207Pb*/235U and 207Pb/206Pb* ages are less precise for these younger granitoids. The stated uncertainties (2 ) on the assigned crystallization ages are absolute values and include contributions from all known random and systematic errors. Random errors are included in the data tables. Systematic errors (2 ) is 1.05%. Analyses which have very low 206P/204Pb ratios, high 204Pb intensities or very low U concentrations are discarded due to the impractically high uncertainty. Fig. DR01a is a concordia plot of all the acceptable spot analyses (24 total); Fig. DR01b shows the weighted mean of the 206 Pb*/238U ages. All U-Pb plots and weighted average calculations were made using Isoplot 3.00 (Ludwig, 2003). U-Pb References Dickinson, W.R. and Gehrels, G.E., 2003. U-Pb ages of detrital zircons from Permian and Jurassic eolian sandstones of the Colorado Plateau, USA: paleogeographic implications. Sedimentary Geology, 163(1-2): 29-66. Ludwig, K.R., 2003. Berkeley Geochronology Center Special Publication No. 4. Stacey, J.S. and Kramers, J.D., 1975. Approximation of terrestrial lead isotope evolution by a two-stage model. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 26(2): 207-221. Table DR02 – U-Pb data for PU4 (AP070504-A) Isotopic ratios Sample U spot (ppm) 206 Pb 204 U/Th Pb 207 Pb* 235 ± (%) U 206 Pb* 238 Apparent ages (Ma) ± (%) U error corr 206 Pb* 238 ± (Ma) U 207 Pb* 235 ± (Ma) U 206 Pb* 207 Pb* ± (Ma) 1C 809 2839 0.8 0.07890 16.11 0.01077 2.22 0.138 69 1.5 77 12.0 334 364 2C 270 912 1.2 0.05700 55.63 0.01209 4.80 0.086 77 3.7 56 30.5 -773 1675 5C 445 914 0.7 0.10230 23.91 0.01227 2.56 0.107 79 2.0 99 22.5 621 520 7C 2591 3901 1.8 0.07470 6.04 0.01091 1.32 0.219 70 0.9 73 4.3 179 138 8C 2107 5641 0.9 0.06650 7.20 0.01033 1.72 0.239 66 1.1 65 4.6 34 168 11C 259 128 2.5 0.11662 38.49 0.01170 7.55 0.196 75 5.6 112 40.8 994 795 13C 1049 1827 3.4 0.11449 47.74 0.01085 1.13 0.024 70 0.8 110 49.8 1110 1014 14C 399 870 0.9 0.07962 24.63 0.01021 4.53 0.184 65 3.0 78 18.4 475 543 15C 583 991 1.0 0.07610 27.48 0.01097 2.83 0.103 70 2.0 74 19.7 210 644 16T 352 946 1.6 0.09090 32.96 0.01074 4.67 0.142 69 3.2 88 27.9 653 718 17T 546 666 1.0 0.10227 50.75 0.01216 7.99 0.157 78 6.2 99 47.8 639 1150 18T 407 2506 1.5 0.11120 22.94 0.01169 3.72 0.162 75 2.8 107 23.3 899 473 19T 506 2224 1.7 0.07856 26.30 0.01092 3.78 0.144 70 2.6 77 19.5 293 603 20T 546 535 1.3 0.07819 12.70 0.01017 1.46 0.115 65 0.9 76 9.3 444 281 21T 412 1822 1.5 0.09208 17.61 0.01110 1.96 0.111 71 1.4 89 15.1 608 381 22T 493 2172 1.9 0.09422 21.04 0.01127 2.23 0.106 72 1.6 91 18.4 626 456 23T 550 2224 2.2 0.07497 27.00 0.01188 3.42 0.127 76 2.6 73 19.1 -15 658 24T 1092 5173 1.6 0.07843 11.34 0.01071 1.46 0.128 69 1.0 77 8.4 333 256 25T 601 2990 1.4 0.08500 18.98 0.01037 2.02 0.106 66 1.3 83 15.1 584 413 26T 438 756 1.7 0.07692 32.45 0.01119 4.25 0.131 72 3.0 75 23.5 188 766 27T 604 3555 1.5 0.08199 18.52 0.01061 2.80 0.151 68 1.9 80 14.2 454 409 28T 360 783 1.5 0.08921 49.20 0.01124 3.88 0.079 72 2.8 87 40.9 513 1145 29T 384 1766 1.7 0.09893 25.90 0.01128 4.68 0.181 72 3.4 96 23.7 728 548 30T 756 1510 1.7 0.11421 16.06 0.01058 2.22 0.138 68 1.5 110 16.7 1154 318 0.020 a) 110 0.016 0.012 70 206 Pb*/ 238 U 90 50 0.008 30 0.004 10 0.000 -0.05 0.05 0.15 207 U b) 85 75 206 Pb*/ 238 U Age (Ma) 95 235 Pb*/ 0.25 65 Mean = 69.2 ± 1.2 Ma Average = 69.2 ± 1.4 Ma MSWD = 3.6 55 Figure DR01. U-Pb plots for sample PU4 (AP070504-A). All uncertainties are at the 2-σ level. a) Condordia plot of all analyzed zircons. b) Weighted average of 206Pb/238U ages. Green bar represents the mean. The "Mean" age only includes random uncertainties; the "Average" age includes random and systematic uncertainties and is the reported age for this sample. 40Ar/39Ar THERMOCHONOLOGIC METHODS 40 A r /39A r M E T H ODS A ND A G E C A L C UL A T I ONS A ll isotopic data were measured with a MA P-215-50 mass spectrometer equipped either a B alzers SE V 217 or Johnston electron multiplier. T he multipliers are operated at about 1.3 kV or 2.2 kV , respectively and yield a gain above the Faraday collector of about 5000 to 20,000 depending upon source sensitivity. R esolution at 5% peak-height at mass 40 was 450 to 600. A dditional information about the New Mexico Geochronology R esearch L aboratory can be found within New Mexico B ureau of Geology and Mineral R esources open file report OF-A R -1 at Furnace Step-Heating: T he K -feldspar and biotite were step-heated in a double vacuum Mo resistance furnace. Heating times for the K -feldspars were highly variable and are designed to maximize recovery of the diffusion coefficients and to resolve excess argon contamination by performing several isothermal replicate-heating steps (T able DR03). Heating time for the biotite was 5 minutes for each step. T he samples were gettered during heating using a SA E S GP-50 getter operated at ~450¡ C . Following heating, gas was expanded to a second-stage of the extraction line where it was reacted with 2 GP-50 getters (one at 20¡ C , one at ~450¡ C ) and a W filament operated at about 2000¡ C . T he K feldspar gettering time in the second stage was 1-2 minutes, whereas biotite was gettered for 3 minutes. T he furnace thermocouple was calibrated by melting copper foil and the recorded temperature underestimated the sample temperature by 15 to 50¡ C . For the K feldspar data, correction of thermocouple temperature to the Cu foil melting point was done and the reported temperature in the data table is calibrated to the foil melting. E stimated accuracy of the heating temperature is ±15¡ C for any given step. B lanks and backgrounds for the K -feldspar was determined during a 15-minute, 800¡ C blank run. For the long and higher temperature heating steps this method undercorrects the true blank and therefore the reported radiogenic yield for these steps contains DR 1-1 atmospheric argon that is not solely derived from the samples. However, the blank contribution to the long heating steps is still less than 5% of the total 40A r signal. B lanks for the biotite were run before, during and after the step heating and typically yielded values of 2x10-15, 4.7x10-18, 6x10-18, 1.5x10-17, and 4.5x10-18 moles for masses 40, 39, 38, 37 and 36, respectively. I rradiation, Flux monitoring and A ge Calculations: T wo irradiations were preformed. Samples from NM-173 were irradiated at the Hamilton, Canada McMaster reactor (position 5C). I t was 75 MW hours with samples being irradiated in air while enclosed within an A l vessel. NM-194 samples were irradiated within the central thimble at the USGS Denver T riga reactor for 15 hours. Here samples we vacuum enclosed within a quartz vessel prior to irradiation. Fluence gradients were monitored with Fish Canyon (FC-2) sanidine with an assigned age of 28.02 Ma (R enne et al., 1998). Fusing 4-10 individual crystals from each location monitored 4 to 6 locations within individual sample trays. A plane was fit to the weighted mean value of each location and J-factors were determined for the unknowns based on their geometry and the calculated curve. J-factor errors range from 0.1 to 0.17% (1! ). Correction factors for interfering reactions were measured with K -glass and CaF 2. T ypically 4 to 5 grains of each were fused with the CO 2 laser to obtain a weighted mean value for each correction factor. A plateau age is determined from the inverse variance weighted mean of the chosen steps with the error magnified by the square root of the MSWD for MSWDÕs greater than 1 (T able DR03). T otal gas ages and errors were calculated by quadradically summing isotopic values from each heating step. K -feldspar Multiple Diffusion Domain (MDD) thermochronology: T he determination of a thermal history using the MDD method (L overa et al., 1989) requires many steps that are outlined below. T his is an abbreviated description of the method and more details can be obtained at the New Mexico B ureau of Geology open file report #26 by Sanders and Heizler (2005) or data repository from Sanders et al. DR 1-2 (2006). T he step-heating schedule is designed to resolve the A rrhenius parameters (e.g. activation energy, diffusion coefficients) of 39Ar transport, a high-resolution age spectrum and to correct of excess argon (T ables DR03 and DR04). T o correct the age spectrum for a characteristic behavior of excess argon release we compare the relationship between apparent age and release of 38A r derived from chlorine (Harrison et al., 1993; 1994). I n this study, JG082103-4 K -feldspar reveals significant excess argon that displays a characteristic oscillation in apparent age for isothermal heating steps that shows an old age for the first isothermal step followed by a younger age for the second step (Figure DR02; T able DR03). T his age variation also correlates with a change in amount of 38A r derived from chlorine that is interpreted to be a systematic decrepitation of fluid inclusions that contain both excess 40A r and chlorine. T able DR04 shows the relationship between age ( 40A r*/39A rK ) and chlorine ( 38A rCl/ 39ArK ) and Figure DR03 plots the difference between these values for the first 5 isothermal duplicate steps. T he slope of a best-fit line with y-intercept of zero yields the relationship between excess 40A r and chlorine ( 40A rE /38A rCl) that is then used to produce a Cl-corrected age spectrum for MDD thermal history determination. T he chlorine corrected ages are given in T able DR04. For sample 5July-4 K -feldspar there is very minimal excess argon and no correction was required (Figure DR04). For JV 61504 K -feldspar (Figure DR05) the spectrum has oscillatory age behavior for the first few percent39of Ar released that was corrected in a fashion outlined by Sanders et al. (2006). A more problematic part of the spectrum is the intermediate age hump (cf. L overa et al., 2002) between about 10 and 20% of 39A r released. Here the measured ages are corrected in a somewhat ad hoc fashion prior to MDD modeling by setting the ages to 102 Ma with the large uncertainty shown by the green spectrum in Figure DR03. T his is done to prevent the automated modeling process from trying to fit the complex part of the spectrum, but also assumes that the age gradient from about 100 to 110 Ma is accurate. T he diffusion coefficients for 39A r are calculated for a plane-sheet geometry using the fraction of 39 A r released and time of each heating step. T hese data are used to construct the A rrhenius and log(r/ro) plots (Figures DR02,03,04; b & c). T he activation energy (E ) and initial diffusion coefficient is given by the slope of the low temperature diffusion coefficients on the A rrhenius plot and this A rrhenius law is referred to as ro. Using these parameters, the entire release of 39A r for steps at or below 1100¡ C are used to DR 1-3 determine the diffusion domain distribution. T he log(r/ro) is simply a different way of viewing the A rrhenius relationship and links the percent of 39 A r to individual diffusion coefficients (L overa et al., 1991). Once the domain distribution is determined, the measured age spectrum is forward modeled by inputting thermal histories until a good match is produced between the measured and modeled age spectrum. For this paper we the automated routines (Quidelleur et al., 1997) to deliver a family of thermal histories (Figures DR01,03,04; d). DR 1-4 R eferences cited Harrison, T .M., Heizler, M.T ., L overa, O.M., 1993, I n vacuo crushing experiments and K -feldspar thermochronometry. E arth. Planet. Sci. L ett., 117, 169-180. Harrison, T .M., Heizler, M.T ., L overa O.M. and Wenji, C., 1994, A chlorine disinfectant for excess argon. E arth Planet. Sci. L ett., 123, 95-104. L overa, O.M., Grove, M., and Harrison, T .M., 2002, Systematic analysis of K -feldspar 40 A r/39A r step-heating results: I I . R elevance of laboratory argon diffusion properties to nature, Geochim. Cosmochim. A cta, v. 66, no. 7, p. 1237-1255. L overa, O.M., Harrison, T .M., R ichter, F.M., 1991, Diffusion domains determined by 39 A r released during step heating, Journal of Geophysical R esearch, v. 96, p. 20572069. L overa, O.M., R ichter, F.M., Harrison, T .M., 1989, 40A r/39A r thermochronology for slowly cooled samples having a distribution of domain sizes: Journal of Geophysical R esearch, v. 94, p. 17,917-17,935. Quidelleur, X ., Grove, M., L overa, O.M., Harrison, T .M., Y in, A ., 1997, T hermal evolution and slip history of the R enbu Zedong T hrust, southeastern T ibet: Journal of Geophysical R esearch, v. 102, n. B 2, p. 2659-2679. R enne, P. R ., Swisher, C. C., Deino, A. L ., K arner, D. B., Owens, T . L ., and DePaolo, D. J., 1998, I ntercalibration of standards, absolute ages and uncertainties in 40A r/39Ar dating: Chemical Geology, v. 145, no. 1-2, p. 117-152. Sanders, R .E . and Heizler, M.T ., 2005, E xtraction of MDD thermal histories from 40 A r/39A r K -feldspar step heating data: NMB GMR Open File R eport OF-A R 26. Sanders, R .E ., Heizler, M.T . and Goodwin, L .B., 2006, 40A r39A r thermochronology constraints on the timing of Proterozoic basement exhumation and fault ancestry, southern Sangre de Cristo R ange, New Mexico, Geol. Soc. A m. B ull., v. 118, no. 11/12, p. 1489-1506. Steiger, R . H., and JŠger, E ., 1977, Subcommission on geochronology: Convention on the use of decay constants in geo- and cosmochronology: E arth and Planetary Science L etters, v. 36, p. 359-362. T aylor, J.R ., 1982. A n I ntroduction to E rror A nalysis: T he Study of Uncertainties in Physical Measurements,. Univ. Sci. B ooks, Mill V alley, Calif., 270 p. DR 1-5 Table DR03. Argon isotopic data and age assignments. ID Temp Ar Age (%) (Ma) (Ma) 52.9 68.36 69.15 68.53 68.38 68.91 69.00 69.10 68.67 67.80 68.74 2.3 0.61 0.14 0.14 0.28 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.69 0.14 99.4 68.87 0.13 JV61504-4, Biotite, 4.96 mg, J=0.003657±0.17%, D=1.002±0.001, NM-194E, Lab#=56146-01 A 640 14.54 0.0641 26.62 6.19 8.0 45.9 1.4 B 740 19.17 -0.0003 1.887 48.2 97.1 12.0 C 840 19.02 0.0014 0.7691 120.6 362.3 98.8 38.5 D 910 19.45 0.0090 0.8261 46.6 56.5 98.8 48.7 E 990 19.82 0.0171 0.8646 57.4 29.8 98.7 61.4 F 1065 18.98 0.0134 0.2577 112.9 38.0 99.6 86.2 G 1100 18.93 0.0239 0.3831 28.46 21.4 99.4 92.4 H 1170 18.89 0.1218 0.0037 24.27 4.2 100.1 97.8 I 1200 18.87 0.1466 1.399 6.68 3.5 97.9 99.3 J 1240 20.07 0.0777 7.934 3.38 6.6 88.3 100.0 Integrated age ± 1! n=10 454.8 27.8 K2O=9.63% 43.49 118.72 119.85 122.42 124.65 120.56 120.02 120.53 117.88 113.3 119.73 0.90 0.29 0.23 0.31 0.23 0.19 0.24 0.25 0.69 1.1 0.25 40 Ar/39Ar 37 Ar/39Ar 36 Ar/39Ar -3 (¡C) (x 10 ) 39 (x 10 ArK -15 K/Ca x x x x x x x x x x steps B-J Plateau ± 1! no plateau n=9 n=0 MSWD=2.80 MSWD=0.00 461.4 0.000 DR 1-6 Ar* (%) mol) 5July-04, Biotite, 5.21 mg, J=0.0036038±0.13%, D=1.003±0.001, NM-194B, Lab#=56112-01 x A 640 39.52 0.1349 105.8 2.76 3.8 B 740 17.25 0.0172 22.09 17.9 29.7 C 840 12.07 0.0053 4.132 86.5 96.7 D 910 11.11 0.0032 1.212 91.2 158.5 E 990 11.13 0.0095 1.360 31.2 53.7 F 1065 11.27 0.0262 1.566 44.9 19.5 G 1100 11.50 0.0300 2.282 49.8 17.0 H 1170 11.66 0.0666 2.771 88.5 7.7 I 1200 11.47 0.0470 2.370 46.6 10.9 J 1240 11.56 0.0256 3.129 4.83 19.9 Integrated age ± 1! n=10 464.1 18.8 Plateau ± 1! 40 39 20.9 0.6 62.2 4.5 89.9 23.1 96.8 42.7 96.4 49.5 95.9 59.1 94.2 69.9 93.0 88.9 93.9 99.0 92.0 100.0 K2O=9.50% 60.7 ±50.6 0.000±0.000 0.0 0.00 ±1! 0.000 Time (min) Table DR03 cont'd. Argon isotopic data and age assignments. ID Temp (¡C) 40 Ar/39Ar 37 Ar/39Ar 36 Ar/39Ar -3 (x 10 ) 39 (x 10 ArK -15 K/Ca DR 1-7 Ar* (%) mol) 5July04, K-Feldspar, 15.72 mg, J=0.0036097±0.14%, D=1.002±0.001, NM-194B, B 450 557.2 0.1496 1834.4 1.39 C 450 162.5 0.1835 505.1 0.532 D 500 61.75 0.0929 173.6 1.02 E 500 30.88 0.0758 71.35 1.47 F 550 26.39 0.0556 55.25 2.92 G 550 15.03 0.0515 16.47 3.97 H 600 22.58 0.0657 41.01 9.39 I 600 12.14 0.0591 5.951 8.44 J 650 15.12 0.0500 15.56 13.7 K 650 11.53 0.0408 3.615 13.6 L 700 12.52 0.0373 6.323 14.4 M 700 11.00 0.0308 1.571 19.8 N 750 12.21 0.0302 5.611 26.0 O 750 11.09 0.0230 1.765 26.5 P 800 11.88 0.0198 4.500 32.4 Q 800 11.22 0.0172 1.964 23.9 R 850 12.18 0.0161 5.090 24.6 S 850 11.19 0.0130 2.095 27.2 T 900 13.12 0.0124 8.289 30.6 U 900 12.06 0.0120 4.989 27.0 V 950 15.20 0.0116 15.26 37.9 W 950 13.77 0.0086 10.22 30.6 X 1000 15.99 0.0105 17.62 58.7 Y 1000 14.38 0.0086 12.28 61.9 Z 1050 14.96 0.0085 14.08 110.6 AA 1050 13.28 0.0094 8.637 66.2 AB 1100 13.60 0.0119 9.580 101.9 AC 1100 13.03 0.0119 7.631 85.1 AD 1100 12.77 0.0089 6.813 100.4 AE 1100 12.73 0.0071 6.655 99.1 AF 1200 12.78 0.0056 6.479 71.1 AG 1250 13.54 0.0067 9.249 62.9 AH 1350 13.52 0.0107 8.730 38.2 AI 1690 13.28 0.0143 8.012 60.3 Integrated age ± 1! n=34 1293.7 40 Lab#=56111-01 3.4 2.8 5.5 6.7 9.2 9.9 7.8 8.6 10.2 12.5 13.7 16.6 16.9 22.2 25.8 29.7 31.8 39.2 41.0 42.5 44.1 59.2 48.7 59.3 60.4 54.0 43.0 43.0 57.3 71.5 91.2 75.7 47.5 35.7 37.5 Ar Age (%) (Ma) (Ma) 96.0 84.5 66.8 62.7 64.3 64.99 66.86 66.34 67.21 66.85 68.01 67.28 67.43 67.52 67.40 67.95 68.16 67.49 68.13 67.62 68.24 68.60 68.85 68.61 68.91 68.49 68.72 68.79 68.67 68.69 69.34 68.98 69.83 69.64 68.57 15.5 7.9 3.4 2.1 1.2 0.69 0.59 0.32 0.35 0.22 0.23 0.17 0.18 0.15 0.16 0.16 0.19 0.15 0.19 0.17 0.24 0.21 0.23 0.19 0.19 0.16 0.16 0.15 0.14 0.14 0.15 0.17 0.18 0.16 0.18 39 2.7 0.1 8.2 0.1 16.9 0.2 31.7 0.3 38.1 0.6 67.6 0.9 46.3 1.6 85.5 2.3 69.6 3.3 90.8 4.4 85.1 5.5 95.8 7.0 86.4 9.0 95.3 11.1 88.8 13.6 94.8 15.4 87.6 17.3 94.5 19.4 81.3 21.8 87.8 23.9 70.3 26.8 78.0 29.2 67.4 33.7 74.8 38.5 72.2 47.0 80.8 52.1 79.2 60.0 82.7 66.6 84.2 74.4 84.5 82.0 85.0 87.5 79.8 92.4 80.9 95.3 82.2 100.0 K2O=8.76% ±1! Time (min) 10.7 20.9 9.9 20.4 9.1 20.0 12.1 22.1 12.0 22.1 12.0 22.2 11.8 22.0 12.5 22.6 12.4 22.5 12.8 22.9 12.7 22.8 12.8 22.8 12.8 22.8 12.8 22.8 56.8 116.8 6.7 6.6 7.0 3.0 Table DR03 cont'd. Argon isotopic data and age assignments. ID Temp (¡C) 40 Ar/39Ar 37 Ar/39Ar 36 Ar/39Ar -3 (x 10 ) 39 (x 10 ArK -15 mol) K/Ca 40 Ar* (%) Ar Age (%) (Ma) (Ma) (min) 682.8 129.0 365.0 95.5 200.36 88.09 121.72 91.18 101.09 97.00 101.22 102.26 105.16 105.89 106.59 106.86 106.50 106.54 105.48 103.90 103.01 102.87 102.31 102.71 103.28 103.82 105.51 106.85 107.99 108.81 109.78 111.60 111.82 113.40 110.11 3.8 4.1 1.5 1.1 0.61 0.52 0.28 0.26 0.23 0.21 0.20 0.24 0.20 0.21 0.22 0.23 0.23 0.22 0.24 0.21 0.23 0.21 0.20 0.19 0.19 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.15 0.14 0.14 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.18 10.9 20.9 9.8 20.5 9.1 19.9 12.0 22.3 12.0 22.1 12.1 22.3 11.8 22.1 12.4 22.6 12.4 22.5 12.8 22.9 12.7 22.8 12.8 22.9 12.8 22.8 12.8 22.8 56.9 116.8 6.6 6.6 6.9 3.0 39 JV61504-4, K-Feldspar, 15.56 mg, J=0.0036288±0.12%, D=1.002±0.001, NM-194B, Lab#=56119-01 B 450 254.4 0.0264 431.8 2.37 19.3 49.8 0.2 C 450 68.88 0.0860 164.0 0.729 5.9 29.7 0.2 D 500 74.81 0.0420 44.02 2.44 12.2 82.6 0.4 E 500 19.65 0.0511 15.80 2.34 10.0 76.3 0.5 F 550 37.91 0.0233 18.71 6.51 21.9 85.4 0.9 G 550 14.73 0.0186 3.149 4.92 27.4 93.7 1.2 H 600 21.07 0.0131 6.195 15.7 38.9 91.3 2.2 I 600 14.68 0.0156 1.299 11.8 32.6 97.4 3.0 J 650 16.82 0.0130 3.149 18.5 39.3 94.5 4.1 K 650 15.43 0.0105 0.6780 15.9 48.4 98.7 5.1 L 700 16.43 0.0097 1.751 20.7 52.3 96.9 6.4 M 700 16.22 0.0093 0.4825 18.5 54.6 99.1 7.6 N 750 16.97 0.0093 1.424 22.4 54.8 97.5 9.0 O 750 16.80 0.0110 0.4621 15.3 46.2 99.2 10.0 P 800 17.10 0.0116 1.093 21.7 43.8 98.1 11.4 Q 800 16.97 0.0121 0.4764 17.7 42.3 99.2 12.5 R 850 17.19 0.0136 1.447 17.5 37.5 97.5 13.6 S 850 16.99 0.0092 0.7238 15.7 55.7 98.7 14.6 T 900 17.30 0.0150 2.355 14.2 34.1 96.0 15.5 U 900 16.72 0.0110 1.266 17.6 46.3 97.8 16.6 V 950 17.09 0.0110 3.021 20.8 46.2 94.8 17.9 W 950 16.92 0.0089 2.515 21.7 57.2 95.6 19.3 X 1000 17.51 0.0086 4.799 27.6 59.6 91.9 21.0 Y 1000 17.43 0.0086 4.328 35.9 59.6 92.7 23.3 Z 1050 17.91 0.0132 5.620 51.3 38.5 90.7 26.5 AA 1050 17.74 0.0121 4.756 56.5 42.1 92.1 30.1 AB 1100 17.94 0.0153 4.502 76.3 33.3 92.6 34.9 AC 1100 17.92 0.0132 3.717 69.9 38.7 93.9 39.4 AD 1100 17.83 0.0083 2.767 97.6 61.3 95.4 45.5 AE 1100 17.84 0.0048 2.357 119.1 105.2 96.1 53.1 AF 1200 17.95 0.0025 2.202 153.3 204.4 96.4 62.8 AG 1250 18.13 0.0012 1.807 338.8 442.5 97.1 84.2 AH 1350 18.16 0.0023 1.795 152.5 224.9 97.1 93.9 AI 1690 18.40 0.0052 1.738 96.9 97.3 97.2 100.0 Integrated age ± 1! n=34 1580.3 74.5 K2O=10.75% DR 1-8 ±1! Time Table DR03 cont'd. Argon isotopic data and age assignments. ID Temp (¡C) 40 Ar/39Ar 37 Ar/39Ar 36 Ar/39Ar -3 (x 10 ) 39 (x 10 ArK -15 mol) K/Ca 40 Ar* (%) Ar Age (%) (Ma) 39 JG082103-4, K-feldspar, 11.63 mg, J=0.007862±0.10%, D=1.0035±0.0005, NM-173L, Lab#=54573-01 B 450 123.0 0.0149 89.09 8.50 34.2 78.6 0.3 1019.5 C 450 12.17 -0.0263 13.37 3.78 67.4 0.5 112.6 D 500 17.04 0.0100 5.952 13.3 51.2 89.7 1.0 204.38 E 500 3.179 0.0093 2.112 8.49 54.6 80.2 1.3 35.49 F 550 12.96 0.0232 3.464 40.3 22.0 92.1 2.9 161.51 G 550 2.815 0.1266 1.089 13.7 4.0 88.8 3.4 34.77 H 600 9.479 0.0992 2.722 63.2 5.1 91.6 5.8 118.78 I 600 2.866 0.1342 0.7153 18.2 3.8 92.9 6.6 37.02 J 650 3.571 0.0572 0.9085 29.6 8.9 92.6 7.7 45.92 K 650 2.443 0.0150 0.3018 21.5 34.0 96.4 8.5 32.70 L 700 2.663 0.0310 0.3619 26.1 16.5 96.0 9.5 35.53 M 700 2.412 0.0150 0.2579 26.9 34.1 96.9 10.6 32.45 N 750 2.560 0.0120 0.3234 34.4 42.4 96.3 11.9 34.24 O 750 2.451 0.0045 0.2249 32.5 112.6 97.3 13.2 33.10 P 800 2.639 0.0067 0.2804 38.6 76.2 96.8 14.7 35.503 Q 800 2.570 0.0066 0.2255 34.8 77.7 97.4 16.0 34.772 R 850 2.715 0.0099 0.2935 39.6 51.7 96.8 17.5 36.510 S 850 2.781 0.0046 0.2951 36.0 110.7 96.8 18.9 37.416 T 900 3.106 0.0119 0.5596 37.7 42.9 94.7 20.4 40.84 U 900 3.071 0.0014 0.4297 41.8 373.8 95.8 22.0 40.877 V 950 3.495 0.0140 0.6780 49.1 36.6 94.3 23.9 45.75 W 950 3.558 0.0080 0.6253 59.1 64.0 94.8 26.2 46.828 X 1000 4.049 0.0135 0.7095 89.0 37.9 94.8 29.6 53.275 Y 1000 4.079 0.0055 0.6283 107.8 92.0 95.4 33.8 53.999 Z 1050 4.274 0.0078 0.6073 160.5 65.2 95.8 40.0 56.782 AA 1050 4.285 0.0060 0.4769 123.6 84.7 96.7 44.8 57.457 AB 1100 4.552 0.0065 0.5896 131.6 78.2 96.2 49.9 60.667 AC 1100 4.648 0.0056 0.5575 94.6 91.1 96.5 53.5 62.111 AD 1100 4.880 0.0048 0.5619 142.4 106.8 96.6 59.0 65.267 AE 1100 5.159 0.0030 0.6348 179.3 170.7 96.4 66.0 68.79 AF 1100 5.397 0.0019 0.7662 145.7 267.3 95.8 71.6 71.501 AG 1200 5.481 0.0024 0.7336 278.1 214.5 96.0 82.3 72.773 AH 1250 5.725 0.0009 0.6432 342.6 545.4 96.7 95.6 76.463 AI 1350 5.863 0.0007 0.8824 40.0 692.6 95.5 97.1 77.38 AJ 1700 5.932 0.0017 1.168 74.1 299.7 94.2 100.0 77.16 Integrated age ± 1! n=35 2586.3 50.9 K2O=10.86% 68.786 DR 1-9 ±1! (Ma) 2.2 1.3 0.55 0.48 0.22 0.25 0.16 0.17 0.14 0.14 0.15 0.11 0.10 0.11 0.092 0.090 0.099 0.094 0.12 0.084 0.11 0.086 0.085 0.084 0.076 0.069 0.079 0.085 0.076 0.34 0.091 0.069 0.086 0.13 0.11 0.086 Time (min) 10.9 20.9 9.8 20.5 9.1 19.9 12.0 22.3 12.0 22.1 12.1 22.3 11.8 22.1 12.4 22.6 12.4 22.5 12.8 22.9 12.7 22.8 12.8 22.9 12.8 22.8 12.8 22.8 56.9 116.8 6.6 6.6 6.9 3.0 6.6 Table DR03 cont'd. Argon isotopic data and age assignments. ID Temp 40 Ar/39Ar 37 Ar/39Ar 36 Ar/39Ar -3 (¡C) (x 10 ) 39 (x 10 ArK -15 K/Ca mol) 40 Ar* (%) Ar Age (%) (Ma) 39 Notes: Isotopic ratios corrected for blank, radioactive decay, and mass discrimination, not corrected for interfering reactions. Errors quoted for individual analyses include analytical error only, without interfering reaction or J uncertainties. Integrated age calculated by summing isotopic measurements of all steps. Integrated age error calculated by quadratically combining errors of isotopic measurements of all steps. Plateau age is inverse-variance-weighted mean of selected steps. Plateau age error is inverse-variance-weighted mean error (Taylor, 1982) times root MSWD where MSWD>1. Plateau error is weighted error of Taylor (1982). Decay constants and isotopic abundances after Steiger and JŠger (1977). x symbol preceding sample ID denotes analyses excluded from plateau age calculations. Weight percent K2O calculated from 39Ar signal, sample weight, and instrument sensitivity. Ages calculated relative to FC-2 Fish Canyon Tuff sanidine interlaboratory standard at 28.02 Ma Decay Constant (LambdaK (total)) = 5.543e-10/a D = Mass discrimination. 1 AMU in favor of light isotopes. Correction factors: NM-194 (39Ar/37Ar)Ca = 0.000676 ± 5e-06 NM-173 (39Ar/37Ar)Ca = 0.00079 ± 2e-05 36 37 (36Ar/37Ar)Ca = 0.000283 ± 5e-06 38 39 (38Ar/39Ar)K = 0.0124 40 39 (40Ar/39Ar)K = 0.02895 ± 0.00059 ( Ar/ Ar)Ca = 0.000276 ± 2e-06 ( Ar/ Ar)K = 0.0132 ( Ar/ Ar)K = 0.01 ± 0.002 DR 1-10 ±1! (Ma) Time (min) (a) -2 (b) -3 5J uly-4 K -felds par -1 70 -4 E=45.7 kcal/mol -5 Do/ro2=4.67 /sec 65 K -felds par meas ured K -felds par model B iotite 60 -6 -7 Domain # D/r2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7.48 6.08 5.89 3.51 3.51 2.48 2.27 -8 -9 0 20 40 Cumulative % 80 -10 100 6 7 8 9 Volume fraction 0.016 0.058 0.030 0.384 0.138 0.260 0.115 10 11 12 13 14 10000/T(K ) 39 Ar released 400 (c) 350 meas ured model o 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 60 Temperature ( C) 55 log(r/r o) meas ured model 2 log(D/r ) s Apparent Age (Ma) 75 (d) 300 250 200 150 0 20 40 Cumulative % 60 80 100 100 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 Age (Ma) 39 Ar released Figure DR02. K-feldspar MDD and biotite results. a) age spectra for biotite and K-feldsar. b) Arrhenius plot, c) Log (r/ro) plot, and d) calculated thermal history assuming only cooling from an initially high temperature. DR 1-11 Table DR04. Cl correlated excess argon corrected ages. Run ID Temp (¡C) 40Ar*/39ArK 38ArCl/39ArK delta 38ArCl/39ArK delta 40Ar*/39ArK Cl-corrected Age (Ma) JG082103-4 K-feldspar, J = 0.007862 54573-01B 54573-01C 54573-01D 54573-01E 54573-01F 54573-01G 54573-01H 54573-01I 54573-01J 54573-01K 54573-01L 54573-01M 54573-01N 54573-01O 54573-01P 54573-01Q 54573-01R 54573-01S 54573-01T 54573-01U 54573-01V 54573-01W 54573-01X 54573-01Y 54573-01Z 54573-01AA 54573-01AB 54573-01AC 54573-01AD 54573-01AE 54573-01AF 54573-01AG 54573-01AH 54573-01AI 54573-01AJ JG082103-4 JG082103-4 JG082103-4 JG082103-4 JG082103-4 JG082103-4 JG082103-4 JG082103-4 JG082103-4 JG082103-4 JG082103-4 JG082103-4 JG082103-4 JG082103-4 JG082103-4 JG082103-4 JG082103-4 JG082103-4 JG082103-4 JG082103-4 JG082103-4 JG082103-4 JG082103-4 JG082103-4 JG082103-4 JG082103-4 JG082103-4 JG082103-4 JG082103-4 JG082103-4 JG082103-4 JG082103-4 JG082103-4 JG082103-4 JG082103-4 96.62073 8.188618 15.25754 2.527133 11.91237 2.474954 8.656024 2.637329 3.279039 2.326341 2.529505 2.308615 2.437001 2.355471 2.527867 2.475363 2.6003 2.665521 2.912405 2.914855 3.266949 3.344773 3.812066 3.864688 4.066986 4.116149 4.350008 4.455302 4.685828 4.943357 5.142288 5.23563 5.506794 5.574234 5.558093 0.1463815 0.0219944 0.0296253 0.0139111 0.0241373 0.0128939 0.0206098 0.0134755 0.0139477 0.0124905 0.0126832 0.0126375 0.0126018 0.0122403 0.0124864 0.0123355 0.0123535 0.0125965 0.01296 0.013019 0.0138169 0.0139743 0.0147565 0.01434 0.0148541 0.0143678 0.014706 0.014606 0.0144316 0.0147413 0.0150184 0.0155263 0.0151683 0.0157619 0.0155096 0.1101893 88.432112 0.014995 12.730407 0.0107982 9.437416 0.0067582 6.018695 0.0013438 0.952698 0.0000263 0.22089 0.0003431 0.08153 0.0001406 0.0177526 -0.0002426 -0.0189828 -0.0000833 0.1138853 -0.0001673 -0.028819 0.0004013 -0.0084887 0.0004619 -0.0368537 9.4E-05 0.0227495 Figure DR03. Excess argon - Chlorine plot 100 y = 804.352x 90 R2 = 1.000 Delta 40Ar*/39ArK 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 Delta 38ArCl/39ArK DR 1-12 0.1 0.12 32.2 35.0 32.3 23.0 42.0 31.5 34.6 26.5 30.5 32.3 33.1 30.3 32.7 -2 J G 082103-4 (b) -3 -1 (a) K -felds par meas ured K -felds par C l-corrected K -felds par model -4 E=43.66 kcal/mol -5 Do/ro2=5.20/sec -6 -7 Domain # D/r2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7.77 7.40 6.33 5.86 3.24 1.96 1.60 -8 -9 0 20 40 Cumulative % 60 80 -10 100 6 7 8 9 Volume fraction 0.030 0.029 0.004 0.046 0.348 0.278 0.265 10 11 12 13 14 10000/T(K ) 39 Ar released 2.0 400 (c) 350 o Temperature ( C) 1.5 log(r/r o) meas ured model 2 log(D/r ) s Apparent Age (Ma) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1.0 meas ured model 0.5 (d) 300 250 200 150 0.0 0 20 40 Cumulative % 60 80 100 100 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Age (Ma) 39 Ar released Figure DR04. K-feldspar MDD results. a) age spectra measured K-feldsar as well as Cl-corrected data. b) Arrhenius plot, c) Log (r/ro) plot, and d) calculated thermal history assuming only cooling from an initially high temperature. DR 1-13 -2 (a) 120 -1 J V 61504 100 K -felds par meas ured K -felds par corrected K -felds par model B iotite 90 0 20 40 Cumulative % -4 E=44.11 kcal/mol -5 Do/ro2=5.54/sec 60 80 -6 -7 Domain # D/r2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7.13 5.97 5.65 3.03 1.83 1.55 -8 -9 -10 100 6 7 8 9 Volume fraction 0.029 0.047 0.019 0.271 0.109 0.525 10 11 12 13 14 10000/T(K ) 39 Ar released 2.0 400 (c) 350 o Temperature ( C) meas ured model 1.5 log(r/r o) meas ured model 2 110 80 (b) -3 log(D/r ) s Apparent Age (Ma) 130 1.0 0.5 (d) 300 250 200 150 0.0 0 20 40 Cumulative % 60 80 100 100 80 90 100 110 120 Age (Ma) 39 Ar released Figure DR05. K-feldspar MDD and biotite results. a) age spectra; green boxes represent a spectrum that removes the intermediate age hump from the measured spectrum. b) Arrhenius plot, c) Log (r/ro) plot, and d) calculated thermal history assuming only cooling from an initially high temperature. DR 1-14 APATITE FISSION TRACK THERMOCHRONOLOGIC METHODS Apatite Fission Track (AFT) thermochronology provides information on the timing and rates of cooling occurring at temperature (T) between ca. 60-120°C, defined as the Partial Annealing Zone (PAZ). The exact T of the upper (hotter) boundary depends on the kinetic characteristics of the apatites and the cooling rate; the former can be quantified by measuring the diameter of track etch pits, known as Dpar (Gallagher et al., 1998; Donelick et al., 1999; Ketcham et al., 1999). In general, smaller Dpar are typical of flourine-rich apatites and are characterized by lower temperatures of the upper boundary. Fission track-lengths provide information on the proportion of the cooling history that the sample experienced within the PAZ, and hence how quickly the apatite passed through the PAZ. Therefore, in order to interpret the AFT data in terms of a T-t path an integrated analysis of fission-track age, track length distribution, and kinetic characteristics of the apatite grains (Dpar) is necessary. Samples were prepared and analyzed following the procedure described by (Sobel and Strecker, 2003). An average of twenty grains for each sample was analyzed for seven samples (Table DR05). Confined track-lengths, angle between the confined track and the Ccrystallographic axis (C-axis projected data), and Dpar were measured. Use of the angular data mitigates track-measurement bias (Barbarabd et al., 2003) and improves annealing model results, as confined tracks anneal anisotropically as a function of orientation (Donelick et al., 1999; Ketcham et al., 1999). All samples pass the chi2 test (Green, 1981; Galbraith and Green, 1990); therefore, pooled ages, calculated using the Trackkey program (Dunkl, 2002), are reported in Table DR05. AFT Thermal Modelling Thermal modeling was conducted using HeFTy program of (Ketcham, 2005). For all samples the model was initiated at a time (t) corresponding to at least double the pooled age of the considered sample. A T between 5-20°C was considered as present-day surface T; no extra additional t-T constrains were initially used. However, for most samples the best results (i.e. highest number of good fits) were obtained by applying an additional lower T constraint. This is because of the consistent presence in all samples of few lengths at ca. 14 m, and longer, together with lengths between ca. 8-12 m (>60%). In order for the model to reproduce the data, the samples need to reside in the partial annealing zone, after the main cooling phase (e.g. crystallization age), for a considerable proportion of the sample thermal history and then experience a late stage cooling. Therefore, an extra T constraint of 80-5°C was set from 30 Ma to Present; if a good fit was not obtained at these conditions, the upper limit of this constraint was reduced by 5 My steps until a good fit was obtained. Comparison of our results with Wang et al., (2007) The 40Ar/39Ar results of Guynn et al. (2006) for the Amdo basement match well with those of Wang et al. (2007), but the AFT results presented here do not. Their pooled AFT age for sample NT-7 is ~40 Ma compared to ~73 Ma for PK1A and PK1B, located near NT-7. Their NT-9 is near PK2, yet the former is ~105 Ma compared to ~74 Ma for the latter. Given that 1) NT-7 and NT-9 do not pass the 2 test (i.e. P( 2)<5%), which makes a pooled age not meaningful, 2) ages for NT-7 and NT-9 are very different though only ~12 km apart, and 3) all four samples from the Amdo basement presented here pass 2 and have consistent ages, we feel that our results are more robust. NT-10 of Wang et al. (2007) is located at the very northern edge of the Amdo basement and shows moderate cooling in the mid-Tertiary. This sample is farther north than the PK samples, closer to the northern limit of the suture zone where there may have been Tertiary reactivation of the thrust belt (Kapp et al., 2007) or Tertiary strike-slip and/or normal faulting may that have resulted in younger exhumation (Kidd and Molnar, 1988). Sample PU4 is close (~25 km north) to NT-12 from Wang et al. (2007). AFT modeling of NT-12 by Wang et al. (2007) shows rapid cooling at ~160 Ma, while our AFT modeling of PU4 shows a period of slow cooling following crystallization and rapid cooling in the Late Cretaceous. The difference between the two may simply reflect a later crystallization age of PU4. However, there is also some inconsistency in the AFT modeling procedures adopted by Wang et al. (2007) including: NT-12 was modeled despite failing the 2 test; there is a lack of compositional data (Dpar); and the assumption, possibly incorrect, that the apatites of NT-12 are compositionally similar to Durango apatites. For these reasons we consider our modeling to be more robust. References Barbarabd, J., Hurford, A.J., and Carter, A., 2003, Variation in apatite fission-track length measurement: implications for thermal history modeling: Chemical geology, v. 198, p. 77-106. Donelick, R.A., Ketchman, R.A., and Carlson, W.D., 1999, Variability of apatite fission track annealing kinetics: II. Crystallographic orientation effects: American Mineralogist, v. 84, p. 1224-1234. Dunkl, I., 2002, Trackkey. Galbraith, R.F., and Green, P.F., 1990, Estimating the component ages in a finite mixture: Nuclear tracks and radiation measurements, v. 17, p. 197-206. Gallagher, K., Brown, R., and Johnson, C., 1998, Fission track analysis and its applications to geological problems: Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, v. 26, p. 519-572. Green, P.F., 1981, A new look at statistics in fission-track dating: Nuclear tracks and radiation measurements, v. 5, p. 77-86. Guynn, J.H., Kapp, P., Pullen, A., Heizler, M., Gehrels, G., and Ding, L., 2006, Tibetan basement rocks near Amdo reveal "missing" Mesozoic tectonism along the Bangong suture, central Tibet: Geology, v. 34, p. 505-508. Kapp, P., DeCelles, P.G., Gehrels, G.E., Heizler, M., and Ding, L., 2007, Geological records of the Lhasa-Qiangtang and Indo-Asian collisions in the Nima area of central Tibet: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 119, p. 917-933. Ketcham, R.A., 2005, Forward and inverse modeling of low-temperature thermochronometry data: Mineral. Soc. Am. Rev. Mineral. Geochem, v. 58, p. 275-314. Ketcham, R.A., Donelick, R.A., and Carlson, W.D., 1999, Variability of apatite fissiontrack annealing kinetics: III. Extrapolation to geological time scales: American Mineralogist, v. 84, p. 1235-1255. Kidd, W.S.F., and Molnar, P., 1988, Quaternary and Active Faulting Observed on the 1985 Academia-Sinica Royal-Society Geotraverse of Tibet: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, v. 327, p. 337-363. Sobel, E., and Strecker, M.R., 2003, Uplift, exhumation and precipitation: tectonic and climatic control of Late Cenozoic landscape evolution in the northern Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina: Basin Research, v. 15, p. 431-451. Wang, Y., Zhang, X., Sun, L., and Wan, J., 2007, Cooling history and tectonic exhumation stages of the south-central Tibetan Plateau (China): Constrained by 40 Ar/39Ar and apatite fission track thermochronology: Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, v. 29, p. 266-282. Table DR05. AFT Analytical Data Sample location code No Xls Rho-S a NSc Rho-I NIc P( )2 b Rho-D NDf e (e5) (e5) Age error (Ma) U ML Error (ppm) ( m) ( m) SD Dpar SD ( m) (N) PK1A Amdo 20 13.535 1086 34.211 2745 36.18 1.0321 4009 72.9 3.0 42.86 / Amdo 20 20.83 1320 52.422 3322 44.08 1.0245 4009 72.7 4.4 64.1 12.7 / 2.5 0.4 0.88 1.3 2.0 0.3 1.05 1.5 2.0 0.2 1.04 1.4 1.9 0.1 1.01 1.7 2.2 0.1 1.5 2.0 0.1 0.1 1.7 0.1 (PK-97-6-4-1A) *PK1B N(119) (PK-97-6-4-1B) *PK2 Amdo 20 11.757 1176 28.692 2870 51.13 1.0169 4009 74.4 3.0 34.75 *PK3A Amdo 20 8.969 982 21.501 2354 54.53 1.0018 4009 71.9 3.1 27.47 (PK-97-6-4-3A) *JV1 Bangge 20 12.876 703 43.446 2372 60.49 1.1488 4773 61.7 2.9 53.81 (5July04 pullen) 12.2 N(77) Bangge 20 4.496 682 17.91 2717 66.93 1.152 4773 53.7 2.6 19.83 (JV61504-4) *PU04 13.1 N(70) (JV61504-1) JV4 12.9 N(69) PK-97-6-4-2) 13.1 N(35) Tangulla 20 9.681 1227 31.837 4035 88.51 0.9715 4009 53.6 2.1 41.34 12.6 1.08 N(106) Samples analyzed with a Leica DMRM microscope with drawing tube located above a digitizing tablet and a Kinetek computer-controlled stage driven by the FTStage program (Dumitru, 1993). Analysis performed with reflected and transmitted light at 1250x magnification. Samples were irradiated at Oregon State University. Samples where etched in 5.5 molar nitric acid at 21oC for 20 seconds. Following irradiation, the mica external detectors were etched with 21oC in 40% hydrofluoric acid for 45 minutes. The pooled age is reported for all samples as they pass the 2 test, suggesting that they represent a single population. Error is one , calculated using the zeta calibration method (Hurford and Green, 1983) with zeta of 358.97 ± 4.42 for apatite [unpublished data, 2006, B. Carrapa]. a No Xls is the number of individual crystals dated. b Rho-S and Rho-I are the spontaneous and induced track density measured, respectively (tracks/cm2). c NS and NI are the number of spontaneous and induced tracks counted, respectively. ( )2 (%) is the chi-square probability (Galbraith and Green, 1990; Green, 1981). Values greater than 5% are considered to pass this test and represent a single population of ages. e Rho-D is the induced track density in external detector adjacent to CN5 dosimetry glass (tracks/cm2). f ND is the number of tracks counted in determining Rho-D. Dpar: fission track etch pit measurements; SD is the related standard deviation. ML: mean track length; SD: standard deviation. N(x): number of length measurements. *are the modeled samples. /: no data. Time-Temperature History 0 a) PK1A 20 AFT: Track Length Distribution 2E 0.40 0.35 60 80 100 Frequency Temperature (°C) 40 2E 120 0.20 0.15 0.05 0.00 180 200 20 0.25 0.10 140 160 0 0.30 140 120 100 80 60 Time (Ma) 40 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Length (µm) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Length (µm) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Length (µm) 0 b) PK2 0.30 60 0.25 80 2E Frequency Temperature (°C) 40 100 120 140 0.20 0.15 0.10 160 0.05 180 0.00 200 140 120 100 80 60 Time (Ma) 40 20 0 c) PK3A 0.35 0.30 Frequency 0.25 2E 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Time (Ma) Figure DR06. AFT thermal modeling results and track densities for a) PK1A (PK-97-6-4-1A), b) PK2 (PK-97-6-4-2), and c) PK3A (PK-97-6-4-3A). Time-Temperature History 0 20 AFT: Track Length Distribution d) PU4 0.40 2E Temperature (°C) 40 60 100 0.20 140 0.15 160 120 100 80 60 40 Time (Ma) 20 0.10 0.05 0 0 4 8 12 16 Length (µm) 20 0.00 0.40 0.30 0.35 0.25 0.30 0.20 120 0.25 0.15 140 0.20 0.10 0.15 0.05 60 80 100 160 180 200 0 5 10 15 Length (µm) 20 e) JV1 40 Temperature (°C) 0.15 0.10 180 20 0.20 0.25 2E 120 0 0.25 0.30 80 200 0.30 0.35 0.10 120 100 80 60 40 Time (Ma) 20 0 0 4 8 12 16 Length (µm) 20 0.00 0 5 10 15 Length (µm) Figure DR06 continued. AFT thermal modeling results and track densities for d) PU4 (AP070504-A) and e) JV1 (JV61504-1). 20 UP77-1_PK1A.APA Tibet PK1A-UP77-1 Apatite Cryst.: 20 Ns: 1086 Ni: 2745 Pooled: Mean: Central: 25 Jul. 06 --- 24 Feb. 07 --- TRACKKEY ver. 4.1 --Amdo granite granite Area: 50 823 RhoS: 13.535 RhoS RhoI: 34.211 0.396 72.9 ± 3.0 0.406 74.9 ± 2.4 0.398 73.4 ± 3.3 BC UP Chi-sq.: 20.56 P (%): 36.18 Dispersion: 0.08 a: 0.894 b: 0.379 r: 0.9 Irr.: UP77 Glass: CN-5 Nd: 4009 RhoD: 10.321 RhoI Zeta: 358.97 ± 4.42 U.: 42.86 100 2 5 3 12 0 20144 1 6 11 2 15 8 10 90 9 80 16 19 70 18 13 -1 Dp (± 38 %) Central value: 74.9 Ma 1 100 3 17 -2 60 7 60 40 30 20 15 Rel. error [%] Grain accumulation 0 72.88 1 20 Poisson (1x) St. dev. (1x) Zero tracks Chi pass/fail (5%) Figure DR07. AFT plots and statistical parameters for PK1A. 50 100 UP77-2_PK1B.APA Tibet PK1B Apatite Cryst.: 20 Ns: 1320 Ni: 3322 Pooled: Mean: Central: 28 Jun 2006 --- 24 Feb. 07 --- TRACKKEY ver. 4.1 --Amdo granite Area: 50 650 RhoS: 20.83 RhoS RhoI: 52.422 0.397 72.7 ± 2.8 0.418 76.4 ± 2.7 0.398 72.7 ± 2.8 BC UP Chi-sq.: 19.25 P (%): 44.08 Dispersion: 0.02 a: 5.596 b: 0.302 r: 0.86 Irr.: UP77 Glass: CN-5 Nd: 4009 RhoD: 10.245 RhoI Zeta: 358.97 ± 4.42 U.: 64.1 2 100 Dp (± 28 %) Central value: 76.4 Ma 90 3 20 1216 1 8 13 18 7 0 5 1 80 2 14 10 4 15 -1 6 9 70 2 19 11 17 -2 50 30 20 15 Rel. error [%] Grain accumulation 0 72.65 1 20 Poisson (1x) St. dev. (1x) Zero tracks Chi pass/fail (5%) Figure DR08. AFT plots and statistical parameters for PK1B. 50 100 UP77-3_PK2.APA Tibet PK2 Apatite Cryst.: 20 Ns: 1176 Ni: 2870 Pooled: Mean: Central: 23 Jun. 06 --- 24 Feb. 07 --- TRACKKEY ver. 4.1 --Amdo granite Area: 20 1026 RhoS: 11.757 RhoS RhoI: 28.692 74.4 ± 3.0 0.41 0.416 75.5 ± 2.5 74.4 ± 3.0 0.41 BC UP Chi-sq.: 18.17 P (%): 51.13 Dispersion: 0.03 a: 4.129 b: 0.262 r: 0.81 Irr.: UP77 Glass: CN-5 Nd: 4009 RhoD: 10.169 RhoI Zeta: 358.97 ± 4.42 U.: 34.75 2 50 Dp (± 29 %) Central value: 75.5 Ma 4 7 135 6 1 90 14 15 819 80 11 0 3 10 9 -1 20 12 1 18 17 16 70 3 2 -2 50 30 20 15 Rel. error [%] Grain accumulation 0 74.36 1 20 Poisson (1x) St. dev. (1x) Zero tracks Chi pass/fail (5%) Figure DR09. AFT plots and statistical parameters for PK2. 50 100 UP77-5_PK3A.APA Amdo-Tibet UP77-5 Apatite Cryst.: 20 Ns: 982 Ni: 2354 Pooled: Mean: Central: 31 Oct. 05 --- 24 Feb. 07 --- TRACKKEY ver. 4.1 --PK3A granite Area: 20 1123 RhoS: 8.969 RhoS RhoI: 21.501 0.417 71.9 ± 3.1 0.423 72.9 ± 2.9 0.418 72.0 ± 3.2 BC Potsdam Chi-sq.: 17.66 P (%): 54.53 Dispersion: 0.04 a: 1.11 b: 0.372 r: 0.92 Irr.: UP77 Glass: CN-5 Nd: 4009 RhoD: 10.018 RhoI Zeta: 346.06 ± 4.82 U.: 27.47 18 Central value: 72.9 Ma 14 7 13 9 20 19 1615 -1 12 70 3 6 4 60 40 30 80 11 17 0 90 10 5 83 Dp (± 44 %) 2 1 50 20 1 15 Rel. error [%] Grain accumulation 0 71.91 1 20 Poisson (1x) St. dev. (1x) Zero tracks Chi pass/fail (5%) Figure DR10. AFT plots and statistical parameters for PK3A. 100 200 UP77-9_PU4.apa Tibet PU4 Apatite Cryst.: 20 Ns: 1227 Ni: 4035 Pooled: Mean: Central: 20 Jan. 06 --- 24 Feb. 07 --- TRACKKEY ver. 4.1 --Tangulla Shan granite Area: 50 1300 RhoS: 9.681 RhoS RhoI: 31.837 0.304 53.6 ± 2.1 0.307 54.1 ± 1.3 0.304 53.6 ± 2.1 BC Potsdam Chi-sq.: 12.01 P (%): 88.51 Dispersion: 0.03 a: 0.588 b: 0.284 r: 0.97 Irr.: UP77 Glass: CN-5 Nd: 4009 RhoD: 9.715 RhoI Zeta: 364.06 ± 4.82 U.: 41.34 2 100 Dp (± 54 %) Central value: 54.1 Ma 14 1 3 8 7 9 2 11 4 0 12 60 1719 16 10 20 -1 13 18 5 15 6 4 50 1 -2 50 30 20 15 10 Rel. error [%] Grain accumulation 0 53.55 1 20 Poisson (1x) St. dev. (1x) Zero tracks Chi pass/fail (5%) Figure DR11. AFT plots and statistical parameters for PU4. 50 100 eJV1.APA Tibet eJV1 Apatite Cryst.: 22 Ns: 703 Ni: 2372 Pooled: Mean: Central: 30 Aug. 05 --- 24 Feb. 07 --- TRACKKEY ver. 4.1 --- BC Uni Potsdam Granite Area: 50 560 RhoS: 12.876 RhoS RhoI: 43.446 0.296 61.7 ± 2.9 0.299 62.2 ± 2.5 0.296 61.7 ± 2.9 Chi-sq.: 18.69 P (%): 60.49 Dispersion: 0.03 a: 2.225 b: 0.245 r: 0.9 Irr.: UP75 Glass: CN-5 Nd: 4773 RhoD: 11.488 RhoI Zeta: 364.06 ± 4.82 U.: 53.81 Central value: 62.2 Ma Dp (± 46 %) 18 3 200 80 5 16 4 1 8 2 13 19 20 21 11 7 0 17 10 15 -1 6 14 22 40 30 60 3 12 9 60 70 1 50 20 Rel. error [%] Grain accumulation 0 61.68 1 22 Poisson (1x) St. dev. (1x) Zero tracks Chi pass/fail (5%) Figure DR12. AFT plots and statistical parameters for JV1. 50 100 UP75-10_JV4-1.APA Tibet JV4-1 Apatite Cryst.: 20 Ns: 682 Ni: 2717 Pooled: Mean: Central: 31 Aug. 05 --- 24 Feb. 07 --- TRACKKEY ver. 4.1 --Bangge granite BC Uni Potsdam Area: 20 1556 RhoS: 4.496 RhoS RhoI: 17.91 0.251 53.7 ± 2.6 0.261 55.9 ± 2.3 0.251 53.7 ± 2.6 Chi-sq.: 15.82 P (%): 66.93 Dispersion: 0.02 a: -0.538 b: 0.293 r: 0.88 Irr.: UP75 Glass: CN-5 Nd: 4773 RhoD: 11.52 Zeta: 372.8 ± 5.8 RhoI U.: 19.83 50 (± 37 %) 80 Central value: 55.9 Ma 12 2 70 7 1 1 0 9 1116 14 17 131810 6 15 5 60 3 8 2019 -1 4 50 3 45 -2 2 60 40 30 20 15 Rel. error [%] Grain accumulation 0 53.68 1 20 Poisson (1x) St. dev. (1x) Zero tracks Chi pass/fail (5%) Figure DR13. AFT plots and statistical parameters for JV4. 50 100 (U-Th)/ He analyses Sample preperation All sample preparation and analyses were performed at the University of Arizona. Apatite seperates from 17 samples were extracted by standard separation techniques which include, crushing, sieving, water table, magnetic seperator and the use of heavy liquids (Lithium-Metatungstate and Methylen Iodide). Individual grains were handpicked under a Leica MZ16 stereozoom microscope and checked for inclusion in plane-polarized darkfield. Afterwards inclusion free apatites grains dimensions were measured to apply alpha-ejection corrections. For apatite we assume pinacoidal terminations (Farley et al., 1996; Farley, 2002) at the tips of the crystal. Grains are wrapped in metallic foil for laser heating (House et al., 2002). Apatite is placed in Nb tubing and the ends are pinched closed. We used the approach of single aliquot analysis in our study; usually 2-4 replicates per sample. He extraction and measurement Crystal-bearing foil packets are placed in a Cu or SS planchet, under a KBr coverslip, inside a ~7-cm laser cell pumped to <10-9 torr. Aliquots are heated for 3 minutes by a focused beam of a 1-2 W (Nd:YAG) up ~900-1000 °C. If necessary reheating (reextraction) of single aliquots are preformed to confirm that all 4He has been extracted at least below blank level. Gas released from heated samples is then spiked with 0.10.2 pmol 3He, and condensed onto activated charcoal the cold head of a cryogenic trap at 16 K. Helium is then released from the cold head at 37 K into a small volume (~50 cc) with an activated Zr-Ti alloy getter and the source of a Balzers quadrupole mass spectrometer (QMS) with a Channeltron electron multiplier. Peak-centered masses at approximately m/z of 1, 3, 4, and 5.2 are measured. Mass 5.2 establishes background, and mass 1 is used to correct mass 3 for HD and H3+. Corrected ratios of masses 4 to 3 are regressed through ten measurement cycles over ~15 s to derive an intercept value, which has an uncertainty of 0.05-0.5% over a 4/3 range of ~103, and compared with the mean corrected ratio to check for significant anomalous changes in the ratio during analysis. Helium contents of unknown samples are calculated by first subtracting the average mass-1-corrected 4/3 measured on multiple procedural blanks analyzed by the same method (a “hotblank“), from the mass-1-corrected 4/3 measured on the unknown. This is then ratioed to the the mass-1-corrected 4/3 measured on a shot of an online reference 4He standard analyzed with the same procedure [minus the mass-1-corrected 4/3 measured on a 3 He-only spike shot analyzed using the same procedure as the reference 4He standard (a ”lineblank“)]. The resulting ratio of measured 4/3's is then multiplied by the moles of 4He delivered in the reference shot. This procedure assumes linearity between measured 4/3 and 4He pressure, which has been confirmed over the the vast majority of the range of 4He contents we analyze by performing multiple replicate analyses of known-age standards with masses and therefore 4He yields ranging over three orders of magnitude. This procedure also relies on the accuracy of the 4He delivery from the reference standard and the precision of its measurement with the 3 He spiking procedure. The delivery and its depletion with time are calibrated by multiple capacitance manometry measurements of the volumes of the reference tank and pipette, and the final filling pressure of the tank. Between ~2-5 (depending on the number of unknowns) 4/3 measurements of spiked 4 He reference standards are made each measurement day. Average measured 4/3 of lineblanks ( 3He spike only) are nearly indistinguishable from that predicted by the purity of the 3He spike (99.75% 3 He). Hotblanks, or procedural blanks measured by lasing/heating empty Nb foil packets are typically 0.05-0.1 fmol 4He. Following degassing apatite grains are dissolved directly in the Nb foil by addition of 20% nitric acid in order to measure the U, Th and Sm of the sample (House et al.,2000). Nb foils with dissolved apatite crystals were then spiked with two different spike solutions, each in 5% HNO3 solution. The first is 25 or 50 μl of a nominally pure 233 U-229Th spike with total U and Th concentrations of 7.55 ± 0.10 ng/ml and 12.3 ± 0.10 ng/ml respectively. The second is 25 or 50 μl of an enriched (97%) 147Sm spike with a total Sm concentration of 10.8 ± 0.10 ng/ml. Following spiking, 200 μl of concentrated SeaStar Baseline HNO3 is then added to each sample, and the mixture is heated at about 90 °C for two hours. After cooling, the solutions are diluted with 2.5 ml of double-distilled 18 MΩ H2O, for final spike isotope concentrations of ~0.1-0.2 ppb. Each samples, including blanks and standards, 229Th, 232Th, 233U, 235U, 238U, 147Sm and 152Sm content were measured on a Thermo Finningan Element2. Apatites samples were run with a method using Escan peak jumping with the magnet parked at mass 229.031, sample time 2 ms, 100 samples per peak, mass and averaging windows of 5%, and counting mode, 5 runs and 400 passes for a total of 2000 isotope ratio measurements. Apatite (U-Th)/He ages typically have approximately 1-3% (1σ) error. For more information see also Reiners et al., 2004.