C HEM 1ST R Y LIB R A R Y ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 1992 - JUNE 30, 1993 The Chemistry Library has become a very busy, active and efficient library. Reference statistics for the past five years show 4,872 reference questions answered in 87/88, while 7,343 reference questions were answered in 92/93. The journal-use study of 1988 was repeated in early 1993 and found a fifty percent increase in journal use. Chemistry Library statistics confirm this increase has occurred in all other library services. The staff of the Chemistry Library is to be congratulated for shouldering an increased workload, for adapting to a more active work environment and for their interest in providing capable and reliable service to all library users. I. Implementation of Last Year's Goals A. A new microfiche/film reader printer was purchased for the Chemistry Library and was received in December 1992. The School of Chemical Sciences contributed two thirds of the cost of this new equipment; the Gladys Swope Chemistry Library fund contributed one third of the total cost. Response to this new equipment has been overwhelming. In the first six months, over 2,700 copies were printed. Patron response to the reader/printer has been very positive. B. A fourth photocopier has been requested and ordered for the Chemistry Library. This new equipment is in response to patrons' complaints about waiting lines and disabled copiers. C. Work has continued to secure additional space for the Chemistry Library in Noyes Lab after the completion and move into the new Chemical/Life Sciences Building. Discussion with SCS administration continues about quantity and location of additional library space in Noyes Lab. Some additional space has been assured. D. Each and every year the Chemistry Library staff achieves their goal to maintain the collection and provide adequate access. Again this year the entire collection was dusted and vacuumed, the shelves were "read" a minimum of three times throughout the year and tattle-taping of additional journal series was completed. E. Library hours were increased by 8 hours per week, from an average of 78 hours to 86 hours per week. This increase was due to faculty and student demand for more open hours for the Chemistry Library and an increase in our student wage budget. II. Most Important Accomplishments of Last Year A. A journal-use study was conducted from January ­ March, 1993 to measure use of the collection by title. Chemistry Library staff and student workers collected the data and it was tabulated and input into Lotus 1-2-3. The data confirmed our perception that use of the Chemistry Library collection has dramatically increased: a 50% increase in journal use was found between the 1988 and 1993 studies. B. The Chemistry Library Endowment Fund generated approximately $12,000 for the purchase of books during 92/93. These funds enabled us to buy much-needed reference books such as the Dictionary of Inorganic Compounds and the 12th Collective Index to Chemical Abstracts on CD-ROM. We were also able to buy books requested by faculty and books for Reserve. This fund made a significant difference in the quality and depth of the Chemistry Library collection, as it will for years to come. C. The circulation loan period for all monographs and for some titles in contin series was reviewed. After consultation with SCS faculty, the loan period for monographs was changed to four week loan. The faculty further agreed to allow circulation for some of the series sets in the Advances In ... and Progress In ... series. These projects were ini tiated in response to faculty and student requests for circulation loan period changes. D. Serial cancellations for the year were based on use and cost information: paid subscriptions with no use during the 3-month use-study and titles with a cost-per-use over $100.00 per year were proposed for cancellation. Cancellations were negotiated with the entire SCS faculty again this year. Each faculty member was asked to provide comments and suggestions for required serial cuts. This research and consultation resulted in journal cancellations faculty can live with, kept faculty aware of budget limitations and the soaring cost of journals and led to a win-win situation. III. Goals for the coming Year A. A major mid-year shift is anticipated and planned for the Chemistry Library collection. Shelving from the old Engineering Library will be used to expand the downstairs bound journal collection. This shift will involve the entire bound journal collection and will again force us to eliminate study carrels from the lower level. B. Tattle-taping of bound serials that haven't yet been taped will be accomplished this year. This project will complete the security for the present collection; ongoing tattle-taping of new materials will continue. C. Planning for the remodeling of the post-1995 Chemistry Library will continue and increase. Space allocations for Noyes Lab after 1995 will be finalized and plans can start to be made for the Chemistry Library's additional space. D. The Chemistry Library will be re-keyed this year in order to better control access to the library. At present, we do not know who or how many faculty (or others) have library keys. E. Two document delivery projects will be started in the Chemistry Library. One involves local delivery of journal articles to other campus libraries; the second is a funded pilot project to provide commercial document delivery for articles not available on campus. Both are possible due to the new fax machine. F. Acquire a CD-ROM jukebox to provide continuous access to the 12th Collective Index to Chemical Abstracts. A new equipment endowment for the Chemistry Library will pay for a portion of this cost. _Ch_enu __ ' s_t_ry"'--_ _ _ _ LibraI STATISTICAL SUMMARY I. GROWTH OF THE Armua1 Report 1992/93 COLLECTION SUBTRACT AOO TYPE LAST YEAR'S TOTAL 01 IOlATERIAL CATALOGED VOLtJMES 60,929 , UNCA TALcx;rn '--'JlUME S PA,¥,P}lL ET '" I CROF' I z Vl ~2lU ~-<~ !i -2 ut~ ~-~ ~W_ iij 68l, 1327 !:I ffi -< u. ~ V7 % L ; J 6LI -Vl ~Vl w VlW ~Vl ~~ -14.1 0 TOTAL AS OF JUHE: 30 L ~~ 68 +1882 62,811 -10 78 88 s2 10 0 L~3 187 -. i, - xx,. 191 III.,. 0 11'1 CROCAROsh 0 ' 0 -­ fA I CRoPR I NT 4 HICR~ lOIX 0 6,137 0 SI,l 6,678 S TOTALS 67,Jld pm' 00 I CAL 6 6811 1327 6/.j. 3 68 .... +1872 69,758 -11 5 /t3 55 11 X)(X xxx xxx xxx xx. TI TLES CONTI mJAT10~ 3711 xxx xxx xxx •• x xxx 0 374 928 xx,.. )(XX xxx xxx xxx -11 917 T'TLE:S TOTAL SERIAL 6 TITLES J. 2 .. l: ;. 6. Netu,.e of 1hms I ncluded as uncataloged volumes. Online searching tools V~,.tlcL't1 Ille Ib'f'I'l:!i. RI!por t the numb er 0 f r (tit Is. Report th. number of Individual cards. Vacant apaces are for alidse, !iL~tripa, maps, disks, etc. Rarer!) to titles currently checked in, including duplicates. II. Chemistry Library 1992/93 Annual Report Other Information A. Seating capacity l. 30 Seats at tables 2. Carrel gaats 26 3. Lounge chairs 6 B. Physical facilities l. Total square feet in library 10,608 2. Linear f.et of shelving C. 6 1 261 Nu:m.ber of hours open weekly "'"... 86 l. Fall 2. Spr1.a.a 3. StlI'IaMlr 86 69 O. Parsonnel (exe1ude tho.e not b.i.rad by the Library) l. Nuraber F.T.!. Profe.aiona.ls 2. Nuraber F.T.!. Graduate Aa.i~tants 3. Nuraber F.T.!. Noa..acad em..i cs 1 .50 2.5 4. Average veekly hours of student help &. 62 b. Sprina 62 Sl.IDIMr 30 c. .5. Fall Name. of earployees (note ine1u.sive date. of employment) e. b. Nonacademic Libral ~I' ~1 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign II-=IJOr'tinC Unit: I II. Titles: OCLC printouts TItles: Typed copyslips I Titles ) Recata­ loged I UIUC theses prlntid Text 78 (Mlcrofo rms (specify 'type) 59* July 1, I992 CATALOGING STATISTICS -- REPORT FOR THE PERIOD Analy tics All other titles Analytics TItles process uncata­ loged June 30,1993 Tltles discard uncata­ loged Items added All other titles l' ,,', 148 10 comput~r files Mss. I Music scores Sound Recordings MotIon pictures Vldeo­ recordings , I I GraphIC materials 3 ,Other" I (spec if y) ! ~TALS ! I ., 7 I I "! /1/,\ . co J. ~-'" I 1. Includes bOOKS, broadsides, pamphlets, sheets. 3~ Includes floppy disks, cassettes, etc. Includes art originals, charts, filmstrips, -1. t.ransparencies. 1 n e l l ](1 e s d i 0 r a In d S, 2. 9 a In e s, kit 5, n; i c r0 S flash cards, pictu::es, slides, cop e s 1 ide s 1 mod e 1 s, rea 1 i i'l f car L0 CJ ( a \ I I technical drawings, phi c md t e t i a 1 s . Circulation Statistics Chemistry Library 1992/93 Month : Faculty/Staff • ___ ~ Student ________ •• ______ IRR : Permit C/Card : ~ ____ ~ _______ ~_~_ _ ________ w ___ w.~" : Special Charges ___ : Reser. _______ • ______ Nonprt. : Mater. : l , Hater . ~_w_. : LCS : Kanual: LCS : Manual: LCS : Manual: LCS : Manual: LCS : Manual : -------------------------------------.------.-------------------------.-------- .. --------------------------- -~----------: July : 529: 72: 1021: 2 : 55: 0; ;, 120 : 78 63: 233 4 :1 ______ ~ ______ ~ _____ • ___________ ~ _________ * __ • ___ ~. August 434 : 65: 1040: September 472 : 117 : 1131 : 10 : October 467 : 156: 122€: 10 : November 473: 140: 1234: 9; Decelloer 460 : 89 : ,. ,I 8 ~o January 472 : 97: 1047: February 487 : 108: 1179: 133: 1415 i __ • ___ ~w 'I i 1 ________________________ • • ___ , 30 : _ o: 100 : 237 : 208 : 3 : nv I 118 : 326 ; 212 : o: u ; 169 : 111 : 132: 2116 .) ;. I v I 131 : 109 : 1:18 1939 ,I ~ 32 : ~_____________________ v , j 173 : ________ , o: 'I " , I 20 : I 4: __ ... ____ 1 , March April TOTAL I 1I Last Year ~ ! , 34: o: 30 : 1: 20 : r, V , 51 : r.v , 26: , , .i. I "'J , 90: Inl?~ 482 ; 98 1037 : 4: 39 : 5567: 1299 125H : 10E : 424: GRAND TOTAL : Incr/{Decrl 5: 463 : June 11' o: 120 : I (\ 1 V , o: 1241 28 € : 58 9v ~ , , t;,,,,! ; i I I 263 ~ 130 ; 524 : -24: -100: ., iii o: ~ 2448: o: 359: I 78 1488: I 30 027 ~ 1179 : ! , ,! 996 : ! 1912: 14 8& : 13385 ; 69 : 146: 133 6366 : 5281: 208 : 70 i.: I "? , , 99 : 405 : 13~3, 18763; 3~45! IB183: 18776 : 1847: 2066: leGO -359: -154: -07 ~ I I "1 ,J. G v I • I , AG------- ----.- ------ ------­ Che;istry Library June 1993 Faculty/Staff LCS Student : Permit C/Card : IRR ! Spec ial Charges : Reser. : Nonprt,: ---------------- ------- ------ - --------------- ----------- Mater. Mater.: : : Manllal: LeS : Manual: Les : Manual: LCS Manual: : Mar.~al LeS , --.-----~--- ______ I Charges 168 : Renewals 314 : Snags (-) TOTAL GRAND TOTAL : 98: 19 : c: 13 142 ; 2"v ;, n u ', 482 308: 4 ; r. 1: 98 590 1037 v 4 : 1041 ; 111 !,J V I I 78 405 : 78 : 405 : 18 : I I 39 : o: 39 : c: 142: o: 0: