=;-;--,;")ll2;:::::'~:Q~io:1 of L:s!:. '2.'"e,'i~' s ?ri=,ritie.s ---------------------------- A. ~he staff of t:-:e u;e:T,istry Library has con'::inued to work in tr.e ir:-,prove­ ment of biblio;~2phic contra::' for materials in the library. j'luch of this work has been in p:::-ep2t:-ation for closing the cerd catalog 2'ld ir::!)lc:"e:1t­ in:;]" F3R. 13. ~he E"~tCJhasis on t>:e il\t:lL'\'C~',CT:: of refr=r«ll~e service c'Llrin9 the t:last few years began to payoff this yec,r. ?r-.e (~,C',~:!::l for irifon:,,~tion incu-=2sed ~=c,:mg 011 levels of pat ro;;s i:~cLjd il'~,:'c --:'cr :.:r'O:lj::h:,,,. c. A ~-:eries prc.3~:Jtcd -=:>f lec':--'j~es :In t:~e ~~:::e of \~~.o-~·~ic:::(~l .r..~-_'st_c(--::,--=~s to .:..:.'.-.-= ~·;!,-Jer~L\-::;~·l_-,:e c·".~:T,is';_ry j:(~J<)rs. ,,·:~s ,~,~,:,~::,l ':J22 rind D. Gaps in serial a:1d journal holdings ~ere identified, as well as vol :lles 'l'hich have deteriora":ed beyond use. Lists of these moterials \,:'.=re sent to (:;;arilyn Satter-lee) Nan:::y Li:1:lell who is 'tJorkin9 with Alper and Kraus on replacin9 the necded volu~es and filling the gaps. E. A request for replacement cl;,'Oirs For t':;e lO\<,'(c'r level readi 19 area has been submitted to the U:li \'er~i ty ':"ibr2ry The Past Year' s P.. Acco;nplisr~,,"'nts Bibliographic control and iT,proved access to the collection. 1. The LCS and cr.emistry c,-,talog records for all seri;:11s and journal titles were verified ag~inst the holdings on the shelf. Discrep­ ancies in either recorj were corrected. 2. T\ew guide cards were placed i'1 the card catalog and instructions explaining the filing rules were typed on 3 X 5 cards a:1d inserted at intervals i~ the catalog. 3. The two journal index ]uides were up-d2~ed 2nd cross references were inserted for changes in titles. 4. Signs indica~ing the journals shelved in the v2rious sections of shelving were posted on the ends of e~ch ~aw of sh~lves. 5. The receipt of curren~ issues of jOlr~21s is p~sLed on a weekly basis. 6. All j0~rn~1 ti~les subscri~ed to '~,r '~=h F~xon ~re ~)~ r~ceived r:irect in ~he ,=-nf::~[istry l_;il-',r(~ry. Gate of receip~. F. Collectio~ 3i~te~a~ce ~~,,:,:,t. 2. ot~er thaI1 orderi~l:: '- ion 8f Last Yeac' s ?riori ties". :,e'"" :~, _ of collection devel t GJrin; ::':12 :' -::"r~is oyer the C'..~':~·_~ ..":~ Y·22r. J-' • c.:':lS titles, little ~..;as d')ne in the c::rea ye2r. S--25, 000 W3S adcec to our journal ~':e wi 11 :':e d'Dle to assess the of ..2 0f _r..di"i~!istr atio:1 Pa:rO:1 S!)I ~:"'.,-·;i S ':. r1' :·:e· ~lL1l0Y 2h::sics Ce;- i':nics B::ltc::ny Environ. Science ace the stat is­ of Patron ."',~~,xch f\t?fere~Jce ~~llo~ing 37 28 27 390 17 Gr aluate Faculty Other 2?4 :'Jr icul ure 30 29 14 12 8 2 226 122 22 5 4 F JOS & >.\J;r-i ion 3 Ii!.:Jrary Science 3 :e~logy 2 :-:ecr:.3-:ical I g 2 Science 2 This is "~he first year that cr,emis has had :J'::mand for online search service from 'ate students. 2. E~th asis an refe~ence service a:1o gradual improvement of Chemis­ try' s ,',:f(::,re~ce colle·:tion over the last few years led to wider ac­ il,'Jce ,T1d 1Jse of the service this year. vIe '""ere particul arly ;~c-,ri ',-lit.h the ~lse of this service by 'undergraduate students. We rleed to cGntin'le our efforts in this direction. 3. To her skills, the crlemistry Librarian attended workshop on bibli~graphic instruction for the use of Eeilstein and a \·nrkshop on struct'.lral searchin,::; of cr.ernic compawlds, on diT!:abases which contain cLemical i'lformation. Use Cif 1 :)c ary "!. OJr r.:::ircJ=ion st.atistics s\~':)\'J tr,ot: t]-le l:'brary [;2d a.."1 i'lcre2se in cirur::Jation of 6C31 iteT,s ewee the year. Tr,e b:,e2kdo'~m of this increase i"1 circJJation is as follows: ~~er[n5.. t ~n.srges IRE 925 +324 +291 + 56 2. ~~:'o 3. Li::;rclr~i i~ as circulatio~. F..TnOLl'1t this past year. It is rJe,'J Ye2rs, r':eTI.::;,rial -:)3Y, 4th of on all c~~p~s ~ol , FDd ~'~lris')rn Only a will and July, L a:>.)r ay, ffi3intenffilce of this schedule of hQurs. ciejici3::ej stl""rf .rons 'Jsim; the 1 ibrary o to 59. (Sixty nine is now our maximum c ty since we ;-,av;:> los' ';;'::':'r of c'F,:,irs.) The "aan per hOJr for "~he r2~~ ss;r,­ (~st er \.: -~s 2:: !~'~~rS")~1S per hO'dr 2nd for tr.e spc se:-;;es-tJ~L 30 persons. -':-heJ ',': :/ ""J o';t ;!Dre UTO'J :::hout tLe day U~,3n dJring ~'c<,:~C'. :-;'1-;-'l"1 ;;'~'::::er of p2CSCY;S ;,;Sl:;} ":'1e :~cary at in t:.e i-nll ;: ec \-:,::s /~.9 c::-~d 2~.3 in ~~!)~se;n­ e 1 J c: :1d '1? t3 Qpe~ 1-._:Y ..:1.--5 '.,::.=ce :::sed :"ys r;(~ ,'J 2_ 1. jr 1 2ry on ~--1(~:~,: ~vs ::~,~'S ~er. ~t~ A cL";ck 1. 25c;~ of the c.;sers t:le "'(';"lr at r ,~ e,~ i'~,,!s s>l,,.,'ed ~l,at v;eL'e ~]:~ n':) the li::]"ry ~or st';'l~', 2:}2J ,er 3".250,; for reserve redding a"1d 37.5::};~ for re:~c,i3rch. five per cent of the pecso:1s q;Jeried w...,re fro!1l the physical scieJKes d:1d 12.'3% 'V10:re from biology. ! E. sir::al enviro:rn'ant }\fter sE-\Ji='Lal yelrs of n ], we finally received improved jani­ t i2l 0rvice for the 1ib12cy. ~e this continues. e:i'lS 'Nith lel,k::; i , st:elll1 and 2. '::-:le lib:~;,r.y cO:'.tinues t'.!) hav,.:: fri)!1l L-::>.)rdtories on the floor 2 1,))Ve the library. A very alert staff [',;-,S ,my ::njor d'l.ma]e this ye2r. 3. Ac t~,r:: present time the library' sJre,,~e:3t n,?,=d is f2Jr loore chairs to ace these t[;'3t h2ve been broken or are about to break. This is necessary to maintain the seating capacity at its maximum level. 4. In]anllary and early February the libcClry experi<.':nced a rash of thefts of small items (postal scale, paper pU"1ch, tapr:: player, and slide vie'Ner, hole p;Jnch, plants, etc.) '?'r.ese,:c,"ce ceported to Anto:1y J-j-Jeert, who is in charge of the b 11iloin;. He in turn reported them to the ice. ~ 1. F. Staff 1. In july dJring the -:'982 S_"0i:"er sessio:1 it \'.':3S nece:3sary to two students full-time. 8ne was a work study student. At ~~3t in time o:--Ie clerical posi ::ion 2r:d the essie; tant 1 P:;:-cria"1 iO:1 \,--,:r;:re V'ac21t. ,:::ircJla-'::i 0:1 of tLe li'trary e71d t~;e i'~'='-':2S,:?d 'Jse Jring the e~ hours. C:erks ~ave ~ee:1 eriels truo" 1C p.m. i'-,:cC:' l~rary LO t"':.e .el ve fro:n 5 ?riorities for 198 rr~~_ of sr2.£f '''.I1d patrons in i f=s llse. B. c. C::mtin~~ed instructiJ~. is ':Jr1 epnic -- ---- ---------- III. Other A. Seating capacity 1. Seats at tables 38 2. Carrel seats 31 3. B. C. D. Infor~~tion 6 lounge chairs Physical facilities 1. Total square feet in library 62-:::0.5 2. Linear feet of shelving 7920 Number of hours open ~eekly 1. Fall 2. Spring 3. Sun,:ile r 106 106 - - - - -.. ­ 106 ----- Personnel (exclude those not hired by the Library) 1. Number F.T.E. Professionals 2 2. Number F.T.E. Graduate Assistants 0 3. Number F.T.E. Nonacademics 3 4. Average weekly hours of student help 5. a. Fall 5~.94 b. Spring 57.39 c. Summer 88.08 Names of employees (note inclusive dates of employment) a. Academic , 21, 1977 Oct. 6, 1932 AT]. b. Nonacademic --- i-larch 29, 1982 ---- Sep~. 06, -:932 ----:'j;;.y 24, 1033 - -- J~~e 30, ~931 - >:2)' 4, 1983 Library / ., 1. TYPE LAST 01 YU";i'S '."T[R IAL TOTAL G~: ",' I H OF ThE CDLIE CTiC: N ~ ut:i C!: ~ g G LlJ rl: l? ~Q'}J Z >;z III v.:::;<:.::. L>J ffi « l.I. ~ III Z _i~_ . .. j!t~_ Ci" TA Lc\-:; ED \\'lUNES r--:;,­ III e III lOTAL "S OF JUHE 30 Z « ~J~.... 51,008 ""l 1 1224 -.--------~-- .--~.-- I------~- P[RI(X) ICAl TI TL ES ., 6 xxx xxx xxx CON. I NUAT ImP TITLES TOTAL SER IAL 6 T S 1003 1_L_E_ _ _ _....L_ _ _ _ _ _ t . -T ._ 2. 3. h. 5. 6. ---.--~-~~~--",,--' -'~-- .---­ xxx xxx 643 f>--.--~------I---------- r• -------- -~ xxX xxx xxX xxx ---'J-'-' ,___ _ xxX XXX xxx xxX ~- xxx 3:;5 xxx ___ Noture 01 Itcm5 Included 05 uncots'oged Yolu~e5. Vert ,C~ I II I e I to~5. Report the number of rcer~. ~ePort th~ number 01 Indlvlduol cord~. Vs.ca."t spaces arc for el!'de~, fll......!3t.riFe J .~.'lP9J disks, utc. F..efer!! to titlea cu..-:rently cl.~ck~c in, ~Jjcludinc du;::lica<.A::e. --<'. II. LcSI V.mth Fac-:/ 7 -----'---··--- 3J7 ,1 22 .. ;r:y , .1 i>c rded Cse ,-_. --~--p------·it Staff ------i--- ...-.­ S t.uc2nt -.......--+­ ;--:an'l ....--.--.+------ I .­ ---- .. -- _._--,_._--'-----_._--,-_... Special C/Card Char~eo, IRR :';=1 2 __ ,....._t--...:Li,! 4:____ +.;6::...;0::::.....- __~---7::..::::.'6 7~ -­ 223 Rc: e:rve ~ja tel' ~als _.... , .. Xc'npr ot ~:a t - cria 15 _... ..... L ,-_._- ­___,._;..-_-._-._-_-.--..--.-i--- .. ­ - ---­ 120 ~ -----------.-----~--------+--.-------+-------+--------~-----------+-- LCSI r­ -­ v" n ' 1 .'56 36 S4 351 - . ---~-----------r---------~---------~----------+__. ---------+-­ ? ,5 ';" 8 -. 22 2 148 -­ '"54 ~----- -,!:c:;:-'-_ -___ - :- '"-:'_'_ 4..____.___ ._. ;. _-_~__J __ --­ :--:~_-. ­5'·----------lT.--:-.~-_--_-.--.'-.~-.--'---- --------.. --=-.----­.. ­ i_~. E..te:-'::>er +_~~c ____ +_/ _____.____~'}---C-,3--,-. . --___:-1 _____-'-­_________ .__....!._ _ _ _ , __ Lcsi 340 320 5~ 43 137 ......i .. 9__________+_-.-._,­___.._______.._ __.. _. --­ c'--,--,----,----;----------~-- -----+_-------~··---------~--------~---- Lcsi 33 297 Sove~ber 1 4 -------­ - ------+-------+-_._.._._----....;---_.­ 279 LcSI 53 December - -....------,---+---... 2 24 ------i-­ --- 1---­ 45 '24 2578 I-----------+---,-----~-------,-,--;i--, I L ;-..------­ - .. '1 ,., _.3,~5 ... ' 29 60 ,:-:5 355 BOl 65 384' 89 i 165 LCS f'-­ ~fan' February 1 ~oo 327 March 4 April 389 76 Xay June -Jt)o 90 LCS 202 45 7 r-L_C.S.. . ___+_4_0_2______+_1_0_8_0___4 '1 42 38 --I --~lq34 J ~36 .... ­ - ­... -.-------+------------..-.;..-------.------i __ 5)8 _ _____ ~i--5_7__ - .___ 119 .­ ---4-----------~----------- 316 351 I----------~-----+--------+_--------r--------+---------+-,--------~--------+-------- 3937 13,187 611 752 1873 978 2075 1 -­ 4915 15,762 512 73 r-------r--------r--~----+_-----·······~~------~--1---------t---------+---,------- Totals 29,672 1 29,672 1 I--------~----~-------+-- ------+-,------~~------~--------I---------~--~------+------,---- Grand Total -~-~..... Last - -...-----'----------- ... - - - - - - - - - t - , - - -..----+--------~-i,-------.--< -~------__+_--- ....·----·---I LCS 3037 10.918 309 509 07 I--------t---------.-----+----------I---------+ -----------t-----.------f,---------_+__ . - - - - ­ ~an'l 394 1295 12 31 Year 1------------1--------+- -.--------:~-------__+------_+__-------~ -,.----------...: LCS +850 +22G9 Inc rea s e I 1--------+----- . .- - _ _ + ­ -1-584 +780 Man'l Decrease ...}] 2 3 35 I1 -1-: 1--- ------,----- -..;,--­ -11 78,747 - - - - - -..----+---------1 1.2 o