HARFORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE Minutes of Special Board Meeting July 23, 2012

Minutes of Special Board Meeting
July 23, 2012
The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College met on Monday, July 23, 2012, at
6:00 p.m. in the Chesapeake Center Board Room.
Trustees present: Mrs. Doris G. Carey; Mrs. April L. Fritts; Mr. John F. Haggerty Mr. Bryan E.
Kelly; Mr. Richard D. Norling; Mr. Bradley R. Stover; Dr. James J. Valdes; and,
Dr. Dennis Golladay as Secretary-Treasurer
Trustee absent: Rev. Cordell E. Hunter, Sr.
Staff present: D. Cruise, G. Deal, V. Dodson, N. Dysard, S. Garey, C. Henderson, R. Johnson,
A. Pagura, D. Resides, C. Sherman, and D. Wrobel
Others: E. Stark, College Counsel; M. Gallo, The Aegis; K. Beiser and Robert Rabe, Tecta Solar
B. Kelly called the meeting to order.
C. Sherman called the roll. Quorum was present.
At the July 17 Board work session, detailed information was presented on a twenty year
purchase power agreement (PPA) for a roof photovoltaic solar system to be installed on
roofs of four campus buildings – Susquehanna addition, Chesapeake Center, Student
Center and Joppa Hall.
R. Johnson, vice president for finance and operations, spoke in support to the project
noting that the PPA will benefit the College through lowered energy costs with a
potential savings of $1.2M over the twenty year period. The PPA price of $0.057 per
kWh during the first year is well below the market price at the current time.
In January the College issued a request for proposal (RFP) for the design, installation,
and maintenance of a roof mounted photovoltaic energy system through a purchase
power agreement. Fifteen firms responded to the RFP. A team of HCC staff including the
capital projects coordinator; the associate vice president of operations; the dean of
science, technology, engineering and math; and the procurement director evaluated the
proposals and short listed two firms for oral presentations. Following the oral
presentations, the two firms responded to questions and submitted best and final pricing.
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Tecta Solar was recommended by the evaluation team based on best technical proposal
and lowest cost.
V. Dodson commented on economic drivers noting that the revenue streams to the seller
include a federal tax credit, an accelerated depreciation allowance, revenues from the sale
of solar renewable energy certificates (RECS), and revenue from the PPA agreement. The
accelerated depreciation allowance expires at the end of the current year, and a solar
facility must be connected to the grid and in ordinary service by December 31, 2012 to
qualify. In the unlikely event that start-up does not occur by December 31, 2012, the
economic impact on the PPA price is an increase of $0.0053/kWh.
At the conclusion of the twenty year term, the College has the option of buying the
system or having the seller remove the system. If the College elects to purchase the
system, the price would be based on the fair market value.
Question was raised concerning options for technology advances that will occur over the
twenty year term of the PPA. The PPA agreement includes language that the parties agree
to negotiate in good faith mutually beneficial terms for an upgrade to the solar facility in
the event that there is a change in technology that improves the efficiency and reduces
costs. A 7% increase in efficiency is a guide for upgrading the existing system.
S. Garey mentioned that there is a 45 solar panel array on Aberdeen Hall provided
through a grant from the J M Huber Corporation. Experience with the system has been
positive. There is a display monitor that shows information on the system’s performance,
i.e., power generated for current day, previous week or month. The solar array for the
additional buildings differs from the Aberdeen Hall installation; the new system being
considered does not require penetration of the roof, rather the solar panels rest upon a slip
sheet. The panels are designed to withstand winds up to 120 mph. Additionally, the
installation will not negate roof warranties.
Other documents associated with the PPA include a lease whereby the College would
lease the space where the solar panels are installed to the seller. According to the terms of
the agreement, the seller owns and maintains the solar panels. Lease will be signed by the
College president on behalf of the Board.
D. Wrobel spoke about the College’s role in teaching sustainability and demonstrating
sustainable practices on campus. J. Valdes cautioned that, as part of the teaching, students
must be made aware that technology such as this requires tax breaks and incentives which
distort the market.
Ms. Wrobel noted the project will strengthen sustainability modeling to students and the
community. In addition, it can enhance outreach as the College engages in additional
partnerships with other members of the community. Further, the project allows the
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College to offer academic programs around energy and provides the opportunity for
development of noncredit certificate programs in solar technology. Ms. Wrobel reported
that the College was invited to partner with the University of Maryland College Park to
develop curriculum in energy literacy.
J. Valdes complimented the staff on the thoroughness of the materials and the depth of
information provided.
Motion was made by B. Stover, seconded by J. Haggerty:
The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College accepts the twenty-year
purchase power agreement with Tecta Solar of Ft. Washington, Pennsylvania, for
roof photovoltaic solar systems to be installed on Susquehanna addition,
Chesapeake Center, Student Center, and Joppa Hall roofs. Installation and startup is expected to be completed by December 31, 2012. The electric power rate
will be $0.057 per kWh in the first year, escalating by 2.75% per year thereafter.
In the unlikely event that start-up is completed after December 31, 2012, the
electric power rate will be $0.0623 in the first year, escalating by 2.75% per year
In addition, the Board of Trustees of Harford Community College approves a
lease with Tecta Solar for the location, installation and operation of a Solar
Facility on a portion of the College’s property and approves Resolution 2012-1
authorizing the President to execute all documents on behalf of the Board and
Harford Community College in connection with the Lease.
Vote: adopted unanimously.
D. Golladay shared a letter from William E. Kirwan, Chancellor University System of
Maryland, to Danette Howard, Secretary Maryland Higher Education Commission, on
progress of the Towson University/Harford Community College ground lease which will
be presented to the Board of Public Works for approval at the August 1, 2012 meeting.
Also at that meeting, approval for the assignment of architectural, engineering and
construction management contracts originally procured by Harford Community College
in order to complete the pre-construction phase of the project will also be presented to the
Board of Public Works.
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Motion was made by A. Fritts, seconded by D. Carey and the meeting adjourned at
6:35 p.m.
Dennis Golladay
Bryan E. Kelly