Herb Dershem edu] edulcampusmail@hope Sentfor campusmail@hope PM 2:06 01, 2004 oc'tober Fridav, to Facultyoct, 2004 Prov6stsNewsletter F]om: Sent: Subiect: Message EronL Lannette >===== originat Carson <carson"ahope' edu> ===== CMPUSMAILDISTRIBUTTON(Fr:omProvost's office) Dear Colleagues: t t , s h a r c t t o b e ] l e v e b u t w e a l e n o w o v e l a m o n t h i n t o t h e n e w s too e n r enice ster.septen'bellras nonth for us to enjov' probablv i'ltJv-i.."-t-r.t"tiful I hope that to their: class assignnents. i" te- conauci"e !o stuctents attending has not been tbe case concer'ning the academic pxogr'an' I Since I believe i!'s imporlant to shale infonnation that will' ]e! you know some of lhe issues that *"if-*""""g" perioctically try to wrrle." do that' r are deafing with' The toilowing will attenpt to it'.-i""".-Ja Eaculty xecmitftent for 2005-2006: txack positions that will be open The deans have revieoed 12 requests for fill-ing tenure or not returning next year for the currenE Position holders are tetiring --;acrr next vear because and the rinar adveltised is currentlv beins or tnese i,.;;it;;" :;..';;;";;; We have also shor!]v' be-finatlzed wilI Delnrission to acluallv ntt" to tn"-po"ition four new and one-vea! sabbaticar repracenents to' fulr-tin'e i.q'.'""ti ;.;;i;;-;.;; president and I wjII lhe with reviewed beinq positions. These laEler two caEegories aie we nove As deparrnents a! to tne appro"ar or disapProvar shortrv ai;;;ted i;;;;--t;" goal to-aggressiverv I remincl evervon; of our i"io-l}r"-i".iuiting "eison, gtoip" so lhat ;e-increase our potential trorn unaerrepreseii"a seek candidates of colot' both ili"hiii"s. i- Jspect trrat itt SERI Faculty Survey: ot i"ow o"tsta"di"s facuftv and outside"" our disclprines' ;"" disci;lines ;;;*;;; nines'of those indivicluals vrith mt office ".r"i.-"nii" that can be shaled with all dePaltnents ' invenlory Therefore' I encourage and we will develop an at UCLA conducts a facuftv survey that Each year the Hrgher Education Research fnstitute Atthough Hope facully !o faculty relaled lssues a broad range ot worx frace ,aai"i""" not done the HERI we have the.Prc' prepared bv s'urvev in"'int"'n"r ;;;.ii;-";6i;;; There '::,:1:.I-'::t"" i"t sone tirne. rhis vear r hivi sisned up to do the. survev our perceptlons compare which to !.,ith ""i""v Eirst, it wilt give us nationaf data io ao-ttri". bv the sPecificarfv asked we were seconcl, periodicarlv' to do thl; -a .ia-it;"-i^p.iii"t The survev' in the participate mernber) to c"i'tp"" conpact (of wtictr we are llj.r'tig." perceptions assess hefp wil-] questions that own co*p.6t I]u" ;dded a- short group of their data as-a related to servlce .Learnlng assues. They want to anatvze the Michigan school to justifv data this to use hope thev Further, -o*pa'. it to n;tional data' ;;;;;i-; the walue of service learning and use it You will be receiving the survey later this funding support. to help solicit from me encouraging you to take the tine to complete nonth ;ith a cover letier rf you don't conprete it bv a certain date' vou wiII set a ;;;-"";;y. o". office does not e'er see the survev (vou nair it irirr. '"*r"a.i-i'.^ everything to HER.L)nor oo we Know who did or did no! conplete it directly for vou to wilf be it inportant how enouqh I can't enphasize is confidential. the analvsis ' of qet the fuflest:'lY: can so that;e survev tn. ..*pi.i" ":: U. easy !o bury the survey rn the pife. so do it when rt Thanksll be "irl done with itl carpus visit bY Larry Braskanp: colleagues wiII on October 5 and 6, Dr. Larrv Braskamp fron Lovola Univer:sitv and two 1 be prolecr sludents' and adninistrator:s r r efor a interview a group or facultv' ." ...O;" . .to r e D o rt on L\e F o s L e r r - l go L u o e n r iirouqn racu:rv o've opnent'' enr,rteo "",.i.p.""t as,l;:i:"i:.tu;.q$:ll'::l:::::l.H;l'i.'llll L .;i-,arpnasF o,.th s srud,,.is based on the oroiect rs Premrse t*rli*..:":ru:nrs nurrured as and tha! racuLty thenserves- need.ro be recosnized and and nentors tor ;;;.i; if thev are to be effective nodels ;".".*" the 'ole of facultv and students. The studv rs tryang !o better understand developnent of students' the in fosterins correqes reratla ;;.;;-';;'d;-;'."i !'rit]. be a book that wiLI rhe outc;ne dewelodent' ii.i"ai"g-ii"i;-"piritual a b out Lne holisLic c o ' r v e / s a t l o ' s comn-nrt:es ln ens!oino'n ;";;;i.;.p"" b e :ng ! ''-ed becarse c o l L e g e s e i g n t o n e o i s H o p e o.,r. op*",i of students. addr:essinq this in and effective the authors believe tnat we are intentionaf and Larrv son aitended-Hope Braskamp's dbn't kno!" Larrv tn."" ;';;";:-.-;;; \dno nas carson Lannetle to "r'. thanks Mv special here qo;"t ;";-;;."-" with a davs two the over ll'. scneaure or interviews i!s.in"i "p.ux.' ;;i;;';'; know and r afreadv interviewed' to be vou are rf vou ot persons. ;;]ii;;" of nunlcer a snall onty Although this involves ask 'i".n"rirni-.ii vou to nake it a pr.roxtty. it's =ni"ra be aw;re that thls is soins on' r think Itrs my goal to invite "iv"' a comDlinent that Hope was se]ected for this study' in further ii,], the resul"ts with us and ensage i"iiv'i.'"...-1..t "n.'. "''a between student developnent and facul'tv relationship the uuoot ai.iiqo" sealch for D€an Gentile's replacement and interin appointrnent: D e a n , ] i n G e n t i ] e h a s i n f o r n e c l n e o f h i s p h a s e d l e s i g n a t l o n ' f rJ1' omhisloteasDeanfolthe s"i""."" . Jin will continue fuLl-tirne unlrr December ili"tli2005 at serve half-time from Januarv 1, 2005 until APril 30' iOOl-."a-;n." of The Research as President to his ;osition ^oo" fufl-time fr. *ni"n-li*. to bit lonqer us a with "ifr to stav ippreciate ,tin's wirrinsn;ss 6.ril'.ilonl-w" to a new oean' ease the transitron aII was appointed in 'tuly and it consiets of the chairs of A searcb connittee the throueh worked arreadv we have Division' i" tt'. sii.""" ln!"i.pirii."t" posrtlon 1s of the job descriplion and job requirement:. q"9 tl: i.".i"i^."t process in the beei;. t6 rt l" our soal :'i9'3i::.::"i"" in (a.beautiful time "."-l"i"g'-"a""'ir"el. intervre!',s rn linuary and February Noveficer, concluct potential hire soneonefor ;urv i, 2oo5' rf vou knowof iii"ni.J.i f , ".a subnit those nanesto ne' candiaates,please of the Dean between January 1 and Apri] 30 To handLe the responsibalities new dean, r have appointed Professor Herb Dershen to serve of a hirins ind t e i;";a-;i;.t Her-b-is already neetins with Dean Gentil-e re r.r.t,.,iir s.iei,..". oean ror ::-;;.-;;;:,,il to provide a snooth 1"i9 Januarv between ';;r. collaboralivelv ."a-ir'.v"*iii' 1!:l].30 and his respect T am confident that ierb's experience as an adninistrator iransltlon. from his cofleagues !',iI] intellm dean' r'n sure he wifl appreciate you! io 16 an .rtectl"e i..ir"-nr* were All of the details re the search conunittee and Herb's appointment t" we]l. you all of thoughr r however, ago, ""oo.it facurty some rime ti,. science oi,ision .t5i.i-"iin shouLd be a!.,are of these actions. Budget lssues: I w a n t t o c o m e n d a l f o f y o u w h o a r e r e s p o n s i b l e f o r o v e r s e e i n g b u d g e t s . B e c a u s e o f y oau resuft r As the academic area he-lped contiibute to the end of year surpfus' diligence, the Acadenic Division has been awarcted an was awarded earrier' $50,000 beyond the $100,000 for capital equipnent that the to support additional S50,000 "iaJi"""i an received Atso, the llbrary we have r:estored a Sr5'000 fund budqei (which is noi{ 9412'000)' the rn total' nav require a cash natch qrants that for a"rr"'= ""'liai..r *.l3ni"d ;;;;;;;; resources' and equrpnenl related academic on will expend $270,000 aca'denLicdivision and reserve funds for the theatre equipnent inventory lre have bequn to establish Einally, are all when we that denonstrates the above equipnent at the Dow. I hope lr'. irii'""" these resources budsets and we. end the vear wilh a surprus' op"rati"q 'itr'' ;;.p;;;l;i; ""r 3:?:i:i"."::3iil":"31""R:::.*:3:.il"T"::l"l:iiii";,sl!!,3 ::':":t:h*"'i: -'3pil.'iii,." equisnentwe've rv. r'i', ;;i"; !o rist arr tn" :!':i:i' '.""""ir ttratt ltre nappv to ";; .,rrchased, but I'cl Do you hare a qood boon to it with you if vou are inter.-'sted' -econrend? for facultv to inform each other one of you recentrv suggesteo !o me ihat it would helpful good read for other mencers of if they have a particu.Lar ooor tttui thev think wourd be a you hefp usr{ow I rcnowthat this couri open Pandora,s-Box, but I hope ir].-i.l"rtv. and our rofes facultv lhe to applicabfe l' l'"ialv ,"oia you think o6"r." that iJ""tii" beinq done is is currentlv how this of A" '";*pi; '. .r.""'"'*' uno o,:t"ia. r'"ii-i"-"ra. So' if to CIS relationship in reading us for to demonstrated by the books t"..**t"a"a send the infornation founcl a gen and think others need to know about it, hebslte' o n o u r our office a n d h e c a n p e . : o o i c a l - t v p o s L . h e s e ldentifying students in to trouble: Forthe]astyearateanfxomlheRegistrar'soffice,AcadenricSupportSeivlcesano to revrew siudents reqularlv Studen! Development has been nee!ing This.has proven to p robrems' b e h a v i o r a l with academic and 'no are surracinq and also to earlY intervention nore effective in providins J;;;";ft ;;"";;; k n o w that w e H o w e v e r ' to the campus' renove students who are a qecrrnent rf vou are seeinq we niss and this is where vou. can help' ii.r"-.i.-"i"J""t; that signs who denonstrate i" your classes lh:y iI: ]1-tttubl' etc')' "I"a""i" signs of alcohor abuse, polential.dePression' i i..i.""t-i1i."..", inrornL hlllL and Deveropnent in student t6 nict'a'a Frost ;i";";;.J;;-;iir up follow will staff his He and experiencins' or .r" :;;i';;;-o;; we and canpus a big "..1"q This is course of action' .tt app.oPtiute ."J-J.t"t^1i," envilonment' fearning a healthY rrei!, ai we seek to naintain "..a-"".iv.;.'" Your srpporl wi]I be apprec-atec. campus SecuritY: T h e a d f i L i n i s t r a t i o f l h a s h a d s e v e r a l d i s c u g s i o n s r e c e n t f y r e c a n p urelaxed s s e c u r laltitude tyoue towards and the reiatively to some uni'ranted intrusions tnrt-t"i "t^pu" pa!!icularfy I an connunlly an our lV many "..u.i.V being EoEafIY accessible !o aII pe!sons lale into.the aoou! acadernrc ,".t-.t.i." concerned to rock.our academic buildinss on 6 we are-intendi;s rtrus, o,, !te,uet e"as. ;;;;;-;; Durinq.that 'ine facultv.and students will have p.i. rria"v until 6 a.n. on ltondiv. evafuating the card access access to the buardrnq cnrougn rheir ID caids We are currentfy and you i{i]] be informed access have wiII access needs process to lnsure that point' "fto I want vou to anow At this "".tyo". this is instituted' emarr-when ;-.;;;;;-"ide il;;;;; at a]l times' your ID card gure you carry that that this rs comlnq and t'o maKe I arn concerned about both we know that sone won't like this, but it is very inportant' at niqht when anyone can late areas isolated faculty and students who work and study in a c c e s s o u r b u i ] d l n g s . y o u r c o o p e r a t i o n i n b e i n g v i g i ] a n t a b o u t s e c u r i t y a n d c a l l i n gor using our buildinq Canpus Safely if y;u perceive that non-col]ege personnel ate in lhe fo! the campus' at ears eves and as we alf serve If r.r" \tili be appreciated. l.*ir"t.t in one pface at a be can onlv lrho slaff safetv campus to our help wifi le a tremendous helpl for vour time on a ]arqe and eve! growing campus. Thanks Classroorn courtesY: O n e o f o u r g o a l s , e s p e c i a l l v i n l h e n e w s c i e n c e C e n t e r , i s t o p r o v i d e c l a s s r o o m f u r : n i t u rand e then furniture The chalrenge now is rhat sone faculry are shifting rhat is fle;ib]e. The next facultv menlcer then shape after the class' not putting it back in its oriqinal has to take tine to Put it back So, ny simple request is to ]eave the cfassrooms as you found them in order. I'm sure vour colleagues will board; and furniture back in order' "itrl.r"",1 your courEesv. appreciate Closing comrcnts (yes, finally thls I want to e)Qress rny appreciation is to alf alnost overl): of y-ou who attended the cIS sesslons and If you didn't attend, it was your loss. The CIS encouraged your students to attend, pLarning group, to whon T've already expressed ny appxeciation, gawe us a tenrific sl,mposium with Lots of chaffenges. It is ny hope that the conversations will not end, nor will our constant effort to bring change to our conununity through our understandinq of race and culture. I do know that Peter Gones becane a gope convert during his stay and said he woufd wefcone an invitation to ieturn. My thanks to each of you for what you do to make liope Colfege an exciting place to teach, Learn and ser:ve. There are so nany good things qoing on across the campus, evidence that our carnpus is very In|ch afive. May God encourage you each day in what you do as you help to shape leaders who can be change agents in today's hurting worldBlessings, J.in Boelkins