ANd DIRECTORS(PVPD) INVESTIGATORS/PROJECT ABOUTPRINCIPAL 02 INFORMATTON DIRECTORS INVESTIGATORS/CO.PROJECT co.PRINCIPAL io thooriginal shouldbeattached Theform(s) ideniified ontheproposal. ontyONEcopyofthisJomfor eachPI/PDandco-Pl/PD Submii will of award. Thlsinfomaiion andisnota precondition is voluniary ll.B.Submission ofthisinformation sDecifedin GPGSection orooosalai AS to externalpeetrcviewe$.Do NoTINoLUDETHISITORMWTELNy OFTEEOTEETCO?IESOFyOURPROP(NAL not bedisclosed OFTHEINFOXMATION TEECONFIDENTULITY TEISMAYCOMPROMISE HerbedL De6hem PUPDNamel Genderl I [,l|ale oneresponse) Efinicity:(Choose E Hispanic orLatino E E tr D Native Amedcan lndianorAlaska Asian Amecan Blackof African E orolherPacific lslander NaliveHawaiian I Whiie tr tr tr tr Hearing lmpairment E NOne E U.S.Cilizon Disabili9Status: Citizonship: (chooseone) E Female orLalino NotHispanic IVobility/Orthopedic lmpaimenl Olher E Pemanenl Residont E (excludlng PI/PDname): checkhereItyou do notwishto provldoanyor allottho abovolnformallon oihernon-U.S. Cilizen E soNodlaBa Pl,co-Plor PDon anytodomllyfund€d Chookherelfyou arecurrontlyserving(orhaveprevlou3ly REOUIRED: proj€cr tr EthnicityDsfioitionl y'\rnerican, culiur€ ororigin, regardless orolherSpanish Pu€rtoRican,Cuban, SoLIhorCenlral Hispanic or Latino.A pe6onoi Mexican, Rac6D€finitionsl Central ofNorthandSoulhAme ca(including AmeicanIndlanor AlaskaNativ6. A pe6onhavingo ginsin anyoflh6oiginalpeoples andwhomainiains l balaffiliation orcommunity attachmenl. Arneric€), peoples Asia,orlheIndiansubcontinenl including, for ottheFarEast,Soulhsast Asian.A peFonhavingo glnsin anyol theoriginal thePhilippin€ lslands, Thalland, andVieinam. China,India,Japan,Korea,Malaysia, Pakislan, example, Cambodia, A psrconhaving o ginsin anyoftheblackracialgroups of Africa. Blackor AfrlcanAm€dcan. of Hawaii, Guam,Samoa, A perconhaving odginsinanyofiheo ginalpeoplss NattveHawailan or OtherPacificlslandsr. orolier Paciliclslands. peoples of Europe, ihel\,liddle East,orNorthAfrica. Whlte.A person havingoiginsin anyofiheoriginal WHYTHIS INFORII|ATION ISBEINGREOUESTEDI to id8ntify andaddrcss to monitor theop€€tionof itsrcviewandawad processes ThsFgd€ral covemment hasa continuing commitment Pls/PDs. To gatheriniomafonneededfor this impodanl or disability of jts propos€d any inequities bas€don gend€r,race,eihnicity, Submission of the requested PI/PDwilheachproposal. task,the prcposer shouldsubmita singlecopyof lhis fonnlor eachidentjlied Howevef, infomation notsubmilted willseriously 0ndermine eliglbilityforan award. information isvoluntary andwillnotaffsctlheorganization's of infomaiionrecievedfromoihers.Anyindividualnotwishing10submiisomeor all lhe the statistical validity,andthercforeihe usefulness, infomationshouldchecktheboxprovidedforthispurpose.(TheexceplionsarcihsPl/PDnameandlheinfofiationaboulpriorF 42 IJ.S.C. 1861,ei seq.Demog€phic dataallowsNSFlo is authozedbylheNSFAciol 1950,as amended, Colloction of lhisintomalion andbenefil'ng everyone regadless of gaugewhsther in sciencs andtechnology arcfairlyreaching ourprograms andotheropportunitios groupshavglhg sameknowledge andother of andaccessto prograrns demog€phiccategoryito 6nsur6thal thosein under^represented invesligato6in worksuppodedby NSF.Theinformation oppurtunllies; andlo assessinvolvomentof international rcsearciandeducational experts,volunleorcand esearchers10completeassignedwork;and to othergovernmeni contractors, may be disclosedto government lil€ andusodlo selectpotenlial Theinfomatonmaybe added1othe Reviewet andassessprograms. agencies in orderto coordinale peer Records, NSF-50, members. SeeSystemsof to serveas reviewe$or advisorycommittee candidates "PrincipalInvesligatodPoposal Records", "Reviewer/Proposal FileandAssocialed Records", 63 F€d6mlRegistef 267(January 5, 1998), andNSF-51, FileandAssociated 268(January 5, 1998). 63 Federal Registef List of SuggestedReviewers or RgviEwers NotTo Include(optional) SUGGESTED REVIEWERS: Not Listed REVIEWERS NOTTO INCLUDE: Not Llsted SCIENCE FOUNDATION TOTHENATIONAL COVERSHEETFORPROPOSAL ON NO./CLOSINGDATEi d PROGRA, ANNoUNCEMENT/SOLICLIAT FORNSF USEONLY NSFPROPOSAL NUMBER 09/15/03 NSF03-577 BY NSFORGANIZATION UNIT(S)(debhdlFirc$ri@ FORCONSIDERATION a rbsd,ffi,e) EIA - CISERESEARCHIMR,ASTRUCTURI ASSIGNEDFUND CODE OFCOPIESI DIVISION ]ATE RECEIVED I NUITiBER ]DUNS# (frb UdE Nufui@SFltr) I FILE LOCATION 050947084 (ErN)OR SHOW PREV OUS AWARO NO,IFTHISIS EMPLOYER IOENTIFICATION NUMAER (TrN) DENTiF CATION NUMBER tr ARENEWAL TAXPAYER TOANOTHER FEDERAL ISTHISPROPOSALAENGSUBMITTEO AGENCY?YEStr NO8 FYES,LISTACRONYM(S) RENEWA! OANACCOMPLISHI\iENT-BASEO 381381271 TOWHICH AWARD SHOULD SEMADE NAMEOFOROANIZATION CODE0FK}rOWN) AWARoEE ORoAN|a{TION COOE AODRESS OFAWARDEE ORoqNIZATION, NCLUOING 9 D]OITZIP HopeCollege Plrc€ 41Graveo f,olrnd, MI. 494239000 0022731000 \CLIIONO9 DIGTZIPCODE F OIFFERE\T, OFPERFORMI\GORGq\EAT.O\, NAMEOFPERFORM NGOROqNIZAT ON.F DIFFERENTFROMABOVEADOREsS PERFORM NGORGAN]ZATION COOEIFI(]IOWN} (ChdclAllThrl Apply) oRGANlzAtlON lSAWARDEE lS€.GPGll,CForD6flnbn!) PROPOSAL f] IFTHISISA FRELIMINARY tr SMALLEIJSINESS tr MLNORIIYBUSINESS HERE BUS]NESI TIlENCHECK tr FOR.PROFIT ORGANIZATION trWOMAN.OWNED PROJECT T|TIE OFPRoPoSEo REU: An Uodergrrdulte Res€$chPuticlprdon Progtlm in Computer Science AMoIJNT REodEs-ED t 342,2s0 ollRATlo\l i.!0 r/olfxsr I FRoPosEo 60 | rrrt'r,^*" r"oro*, to. DArE REouEsTrDosraRnNG I iloo#;gpo SELOW INCLUDEA ANYOFTHE IIEMSIISTEO BOX(E8) ]FIHISPROPOS,\L CIECKAPPROPRIATE (GPG (GPO SUBJECIS II,O,d) I A) tr HUMAN INV€ST G.qTOR tr BECINNING (GPG Elndjo &bi.dlond lRs App o.L ||.C) LOSBY NGACTVTIE6 E OISCLOSIREOF couNTRY/Col.lNTRlEg INVOLVEo (GPG.8,ll.C,1d) COOPeM1VEACTVITLES| INFoRVATIoN O INTERNAIIONAL 3 PR'!'LEGED E oRoPRIETARY 0 f{sroRrcPLACES {0PGL|,c,2j) {0P6ll,c,2j) (SGER) REsEARCH O6MALLOMNTFOREXPLOR. {6PGII.D,O (GPGLD,s) IACUC A!p,oato ANIMAIS O VERIEBFATE Deprrtmentof CodputeJScience GRAP!|C6 WHERE EXACT COLOR ONGMPHICS/OIHER tr Hlol RESoLUT (GPG IE.O ISFEOUIR€D FOR PROPER INTERPRETATION REPRESENTAIION 27GrrvsrPlsce Eo rnd, MI 494229000 616-395-7123 (ryPEO) NAMES Eerb€rtL Dershem Ph.D. 1969 616385.7508, PAGE CERTIFICATION Organizatlonal Representative or Individual Applicant. for Authorized Certification q sql T a'o <Jbrm! tr prcpGd r| rld oJrhotodofcialor rt e roo cdnlinsliirron! t l €l: 's lh.l d s mad. as a Bsulr dl h r apPlicato^. Fuih.i lna sppllenl h h.reby providingBdlfcat ons 'er'dhoo6b.r€i r10 sJsoa.sol otrg-lao*o*paco,r.olobblinga(ljvli6s(so6o6lot'aee€llo'$'nG'al in thissppliqlion.ndis suppoding d@ P;@raiGuid€rcPcl.NSFo3{4r wlltul odvEloi orlab. nromarjon Til€13,selion 1001). und3ranffiuinoasadis.dhi.alofoiss(u.s.cod6 h addilion, I th6 aoDi€nl InsilMis €mploysmrc rhanffiy p.6ons, hd aulhoizod otfclal ol lhe app crnl l.5l lulion i5 codit ng hai lhe Lnnituto^has Lslonsisrs *i(hU1opmv6Lon!olGianlPorloyMsnuals.diou510rrharl0lhabasi hot.m.nr6d6 tritsi aid sntor..n@ ct orhtsrcbrporrcyinal orii s/hd Instodqo, aninaici.t dhclosu@smquEd by ih.r @nlliolof inlqBn pofiq hav. b€€nm.d.; 6ndlhat all denlifod connlcEoi initasl will havo pnd ro tt. hsttutons o^porcllJEorsy tu{8 undff $..ta_d 116@dan*Pir\lh6 r f aqso6dLd o_.ln €l€d bs6nsa&radodlv hrdrL[o* 6nnd orIn6rclrNlc/. cod 'cls*F r cdr.or b. s.rslado'irtma496d,GoL@ d 6llm ar.d.Lsl b6 d sLrosedo Nsq DrugFresWorkPlaceCsrtlflcatlon Appll€nl is ptuiding lho DrugF... Wodi PlacoCodif€lion By €bcrcn catt stotongh a NSF ft opola Cd& Shs6l h o Aurhorz.d OlganlzgrlonalRoprslsiia0ve or IndLvidusL 6nlaln.d n aD@ndr c ol lh. Ganl Prce6dGu d.. Cartlflcatlon andSusponslon Debarm6nl or ilr Odndp6l! pEsnly d.b.ftd, s h. orcanLzallon (llaniwor'yos,pleae prdid€.xPana0on ) !u lpondqd, p@po$d lor dsbrm€ntLdodaod m lg b . or voLunia'ilvsto udgd o, r.iiil"?"Jr'""*ri""i uviry r*u,u ,jspainant "g"*,? Ys tr NoE By€|odon@|ly!ionln9uoN5FF'opo96c4ol5h.o|'h6Aulhotzodo{.nial]on.|R.pE5.ilal]voolhnvidua|&pno.nlbpfv|!5ponsloiconl@!on d^lrln.d LnADo€ndi\ O of lh. Oanl ProoolalG!do Lobbylng C€rtlflcatlonRogardlng T]ft€dicatonl!6quk9d'd6nawsdolaFodoE|@n!to|,o6nl.o.c@p€i'uv.ao6gn6nld@.d|nql100,o00.nd.ol.n.wadolaFddoE]|cno. . flov dhglorlho! dledsl.l€s lo lNurcor 9u4anl6aa oaner€.ding 0150'000 Agroemgnls Grsnts,Loan!andCooPerallvg for Contracts, Certlflcatlon lo th. b€st ol hl! or hd kno$.do. 5nd bollo( lh.ll o^.d to .ny p€6on lor Inou.nolngo. Ellompll.9 lo nt u6dc. I 1| No f.d.E aoorcrd.r.d turd! h.v. b..n paLdor *in b€ pald by or o b.h.f .l |n. und.E -s..!3 d .. .mplov.. or a Memb!' ol c orgf$r ln @fqctol v.mb* ol colgro!! af o,i@r d ..plov.. ol co * .y i,i " iI'o-&'rgor.nvr.d.ErgE{tena$.00'€rgrononl r 6 f"m*i 6 a d a r d h"o",i" d a w"'l o d 6"s"".y 6@rlle *o ua *rcmon c.mrnorcn rero*d 6F€1dhoit, q M i@!o1 oi aiv F.ds.l 6nhd otanl lo.n d dpo60!6 4 t'mnr Th. lnd.FLonod 6t[.s, 12ll6frllt!olhdoafF.dsdlop/opnd*tum!hav.o..npaoorw''dlo.rvp.to1'or'ilL.ndn!oaftron9lol Lanc6dio'frc'ro' asi*i, uro",i c;iors$ 6nond or.horot . orcorms d 'n 'mpro/'-'d e Mrb$ orco'sos I^ smdd *irhnh i,i'pi$Jg.i E96em..rh. urd€'3 o1.0!h. ;.ol€E .id .LbFltSlEt.roFdr'LL- DscolroorLobby'T ro'ieriro.rr".i, qie.r,o*" . Inel4o{oi3. AdlvLd6,h eo'daM wlh ltt"oodalv. 13|'!hound.Eqnodsha|Fcu|G$altF|anqu.!6o'h|!c6n[d{mb6|idudgdnthg4edd6uft9il!lola|gubswald3aldld!hcud|io undoa.a;E |o.E, aid @p@rv. .s€.dodl! ad rh.rdt lurddpronr!3h6| od,0t!. i Gi,ir,"JJ iiui"^r., *a -n "a" nlo subnkslo^dt [J6 lhLsc./df@|lonl. a m.l€dalEp..36nl6lonol lacl upmtrhl.hrcll.n6 wE!plMd $tFd lhlctcdecl oi Me m'd' oronlord ,.i;"!"s orencdnerfu hF ldi..ciis tmDo,.dby6.cron1352,u0. 31 rJ.s.cod.. Anypoconwhofarki. ir6 rh6 Jiiri'Jiiriii iii "*",r,tr" *,""a *rritciuon Jrgt* cUeqGa dv p€n;[vorrcl163!uEnt1000oadiol'ot.htnl1o0c{0/or'&flLcFra-t N'N^ RFPRESEMTANVE MME MAILADDRESS ELECTRONIC @ThEoRdqMzATIoN's HOWEVER,THEYAREAN ELGI8ILfi FOR}NAWARD, Acr0F1s50, AsA,MENDEo UNoER NsF ssNsoLrcrTED rHEpRoposA!. lNpRoc€sstNc NDASStsr ,ii:'iiJiliiiii o-iiiiNroaiirirDNstsrEM ProjectSummary Programin ComputerScience Research Participation REU Site:An Undergraduate in ComputerScienceis to providepromisinS Thepnnary objectiveoftlE HopeCollegeRese&chExperience ihemto oonsidera experience thatwill encourage with anintensiveandneaningftl research undergraduates to the techniques, attihrdes,ad is acconplished by exposing shrdents This careerin computerscienceresearch. ad dir€ctionthough closecoUaboration rewardsofconputer scienceresearchandp.ovidingencolragement project,includitrgstudentpar.icipationin thepreparationof formal with a facultymentoron a sisnificantresearch postes,ad r$earchaliicles. disseninaiionof thework by meansof presentations, at leastfour ofwhom will be In eachoffive years,thisprojeotwill supporttheparticipationof€i8ht students, on willjoin at xnostfourHopeColl€seundergraduates ftom institutionsotherthatrHopeCollege.Thesesnrdents in teamsthatwill work with foul facultym€ntors.ThesementoNwill eachleada teamofundergraduates research 'wo*ing on a rcsearchprojectthatwill usuallybepartofthe mentois r€search progam andfirndedby other projectswill be distributedto potentialapplicants bothon andbeyondlheHope Descriptionsoftheseresearch frod qualifiedfemalesandmembersof Collegecampus.Specialeffortswill benade to athactapplications will bechosenftom anongthe applicsnbbasedon th€ir inleiestin their minoriti€s.Participants undenepr€sented career,andth€irlevelofprepamiionfot iheir project.Thiswill chosenproject,theirmolivaliontowarda research by sratemcntifrod theapplicsntands professorat th€applicant'sinstitution,andth€applicant's beassessed tansciipt. undergraduat€ piogramsat otherinstihrtionsandto In orderto firtller encourrgeihe st€ngtheningofundergadu e res€arch providediversityin theHopeCollegeprogrsm,edchyearonefaculfymentorwill b€ recruit€dflom an institution research basedon theapplicant\ pot€ntialasa successful oth€rthenHopeCollege.This fl€nlor will be selected researchat th€applicanfs will haveon undergmduate mentorandthepotentialimpactthatpartioipatiotr institution. minoritygroup res€arch Oneundergraduatc losition will bercscrvedfor a inemberof anundenepresent€d deSree. This participantwill rec€iv€an invitation who is at leasttwo y€arsawayftom r€ccivitrgthebaccalaur€ale with theinvitstionfor thes€condsummercontingentupon to panicipaiein th€progromfor lwo summers, successirlpadicipationthefirst suirllner. spendinga minimum Duringeachsumrner,th€ studentlarticipanBwill resideon theHopeCollegec&mpus, of40 hoursper w€ekon resesrohaotiviticsfor a 10weekp€riod.Eaohpaiicipant will work in closecollabomtion with &faculiymeniorandb€givenexclusiveuseofa StlN worktation anda PCon lhc HopeCollegeComputer The Scienoenetworkin addilionio anyotherhardwareor softwarcneces$ryfor theparhcipant\ assignment. througha seminarseri€son t9!iu!4-preE!gu9!ts ofcommunicationskills will be emphasizcd development will prerareind delivera ralk.l!4er' Th. part-icipanls stils, includingsJsglils, witing, *9 Poggggg{'poster,and,! elecifonrcposteron tdclr worKat $e conclu a .'-To career,theywill be providedopport nitiesto encourage studentsto cotrsid€rgraduaLstdy a a research Science themfor takinsthe Eraqllelion, meetandtalk brosramwhoarecorrentlvin lraduateschool.attendresearch withalumniofthe ihe;ese6rchlabsat a maj;r unive$iryandcalkwi-fi pidlE3E66and scholars,snd graduat€shrdents there, projectsaredmwniom a lllunberof irnportantfieldsof ConPuterScience IntellectualMerif Theresearch res€dch includingbioinformstios,algorilbms,wirel€ssnetwod6,andproga ming etrvironmedt research undergraduat€ Bro|der Imprce ThisprogramFovidesa nod€l for a successtul Fogramihatwill ofstong progralIsirvolving a diverseSroupoffaculty andstud€ntsat institutions ercouragethedev€lopment for successtul res€arch tbai cu€trtly haveno suchprogam.It will alsopreparea cohoitofundergraduates Institution: HopeCollege ComputerScieoce Msjor freldatrdsubfields: ParticipationProglanh ComputerScience Tiiler Aa UndergaduateResearch progrim length: 8/sumher,10wE€ks?suomer, for 5 surlmers involved and of studenk Number hote edu d€rshem@cs Point of Contrct: Dr. HerbertL. Dersh€q (616)395-7508, TABLEOF CONTENTS soeGPGs€oUon ll.C. Forfonlslzeandpageromatlng spoc|nc€|ions, Total No. of Pages Pag6No.' (optlonal)' Foundation th€NalionalScleno€ CoverSheetfor Proposalto I pag€) ProjsotSummary(notto€xc€€d Tableof Contents 1 tromPdor R63ulb ProjoctDgscrlption0ncludlnE t5 NaFsupport)(notlo .x€€d 16pe9€5)(A(...d onh lr .llo[d by . rF.clfc progrum.nnoun..m.nU.ollclb{on or lt lFprov.d h .dv.nco by $. .pptopdab l{gF A..lthnt Dhcior or d..lgn..) Clted ReferEncEs 2pag6!6Ech) Sketches(Notto€xco€d Biographlcal Budget (Plusup !o 3 p.g€8ot ludglt iBdfo.llon) Support andPgndlng Currenl andOtherRe6ourc€s Equlpment Facilltl€s, Docum€ntation Information/Suppl€m€ntary Speclal Appgndlx (Ltstb6low) (tnclud. only lt .llow.d by | .P.clflo ntoCnn .nnoudc.n.d/ .ollclt.{on or lf +Frov.d In bv th. .ppaopdrh N3F A..l.l|nt olr.ato. or d.dgn..) lt€me: Appendix mustb€paginated. .proposErs how€v€r, TheentlreProPosal mechanism forth6Proposal. mayseloctanynumbefing bothoolumnsonlyit tho proposalis numbaredcon$ ComDlete ProjectDescription The NSF-REU progim hlts prouded supportto thc Computer ScienceDepa.tment at Hope College to prepareundcrgraduates for careers;n comput€rscienceresearchlor thc pastnvelveyeaB This has successfully research allowedusto evalu.tewhatworkswell in undersraduate lrojecrs md hasiDfonnedthe desl$of thc projectpresentcdin this proposal.In addition,overthisperiodoftine this sulpori hasenablcda numberof other computerscienceresearch institutionsto stengiher thcir undergraduate llogrms tl oughcollaborationmd consullationwith thoseparticipating in this prcgram. The successoltho lrogra and the plans for le next five'vear leriod dc d€scribedinthis proposal.Inaddilion,theprojccldescribedinthisproposalbuildsryonthe crpcriences to address areaswhereour evaluationhasshown oflhe pasttwolveyearsin that it proposcsnew approaches a) OveNiew Objectivesand IntendedImpact . The objectivesof thisprojectare: to cncourageand motivnte undergraduateparlicipants to pursuecarccrs in Compute. Scienccrcscarch in$tutions rcsearchfor odrerprinrarilyundergraduate 10trovide a modclfor ComputerScienceundergraduate who are in coInpuicrscrenceresearch fron Sroupsundenep.esented 10increasethe nutuberof undcrgraduates consjderinssuchcareers .esearchandinstructionin thc IIoPeCollegeComputerScicnce to supponand enhanccundcrgraduate . at inslituliotsthatprcscntlylack the ;ntiastnrctuicto suppon to cncoLrrage and srpportundergraduteresearch . . . programat As a resultofthe proposedproject,we expeclthatthc ComputerScioDccundcrgaduateresearch tlope Collegcwill continueto havea major impacton the sludcnts,faculty,andcumiculumof thc departmentwe qb; expectth0t asa resullofthcir parlicipation,thc studeniandfacultypdrticipantsin this lrosram will plav a rolc research at manyotherinstitulions,andas a resull'the and importanceofundcfgmduate in nrcreasing the presence community will bcnciit science academic cntircconrpnicr Target€dStudentParticipants This projccl targetsstudeniswithan interestjn andaptitudefor fcscarchcarccrsin computc.scicnccThese sludentswill be studentsaltendingHopeCollegeandstudcntsliom otherinstitutionsthtoughoutthc UnitedStales minorities, Throughourrecruilingeffodswe will specificallytargetqualifiedfemalcs,mcmbersofund€rlepresentcd for undergaduale rcscarch limitcd opportunitics md studenlsattendingirstitutionswith Intcllectual l-ocus projectsthat will bc caniedout with supportfrom lhis grant will be chosenaccordjngto thc The research about,mdqualified followinscriteria:(l) the!rcjectwillbe onethatthe facultymentoris inrercstcdin, enthusiastic md will engagesnrdedsitractivitiesthatwill !o undergtaduates to carryout,(2) theprojcctwill be accessible and(3) theprojectwill th€processes, andlhe rewardsof computerscienceresearch, exposcthen to the techniqu€s, program, the fi6t two research undergroduaie cxtcnd the knowledgebale of computcr science.It the Hope College 3. priority than criterion criteriaareof higher h is expecledthat eachfaculty nentor and h€r studentteam will work on iheir project in a close, couaborative manner.ln addition, there will be a focus on othcr topics that aie integral to conputer sciencercsearch,including and comunication skills. lesearchtechniques Structure Organizational for ThePrincipal Itrvestlgatorwill havetull responsibiliry . recroitirc facultymentors . collectingdefinitionsanddescriptions ofprojeots . prelaringpublicityandapplicationnaterials . selectingundergraduatepanicipants . managrng mesummerprogam . carD4ngoui all assessment andreportiogactivities The Fsculty Mentors will serve, alory with the Princilal InvestiSator,on the committee that selects undergraduat€particilmts fiom among the applicaDis Thev will eachalso superdse one or two proJectteans consisling ofthe mentor and two to four undeqraduate collaborators Timetable ThefollowrosN lhe t[netablefor tbe five yearsofthe !Lol$! Aotivity lubliciry & applicationmaierials listributed 2004 2005 2006 2001 200E Iar 15,2004 Ian15,2005ar 15,2006an15,2007l a n1 5 , 2 0 0 8 reb20.2004 reb20.2005:eb20,2006Feb20,2007'eb20.2008 v{ar1.2004 vlarl.2005 !4ar1.2006 \4at L 2007 ! . I & 1 . 2 0 0 8 to undergraduates lffers extended v fav26.2008 v {av30.2005UNy29.2006 Uav28.2007 period vtav31.2004 lesinninsof research q,uc {us 1.2008 {us 1,.}007 5.2005 {uE4.2006 period 2004 6. lnd of research ,,lov15.2006' . l o v1 5 . 2 0 0 7),lov15.2008 .{ov ,Iov 15.2005 15. 2004 to NSF submitted repon {nnualDroqress InstitutionalCommitment 'th€ computersci€nceDePartnentandHop€cotlegearecommi8€d,tothePrinciplethatexcellencein ln supportofthis r€search under;duate;ducation musti;clude activestuaentinvolvementitl sigrificant wellas normalcostas program at one+alflhe parricipanrs rhis in to willlrovid€ housing thecollege comm;hent, use oIthe include These servrces srudents summer to HopeCollege available normally of*...i1..r each "li lfl "r"i,oinn facilities and computer the libmry, ceffer, Panrcular, and counseling the career ;hvsrcsl;hvitirscenter, anda pc onthedelartmenfsnetworkfor ther€n-week useofa suN workstation iai opont*itt ueeiu"nexclusrvc of(hedepanmenl resoutces lo allcomputing andtullaccess ;efloLloirhe ^ '- -:irr. program " iaculty " faculry timefor rboughrclcase and srudents offaaufy cffods .orl'"".'rupponr.escalch andsofvare ofhardwsre atd maintenlnce acqu'stron mcctrngs. a"'"r"i.""i *-""it. i*a t,ndsto scientific of supponandtundsfo;exle;dsblesuppliesThcscwrll all bc pro'idediDsLPPon meffor "r.rrlal \'rs'ong racurry and thc menlors faculrv Hopc Collcge "i"i'"i'.""ti.r"-i""a ofthisproiectfor boththc ihe activ'ties addrlonal by theNSF'REUfunds'al leaslttue"e supported Inadditiontotle;ightsnnuslpaniciPants menlors and lhe tacully College to HoPe available other funds by will be suPported researcheri underaaduate in have researchers 109undergaduate supPort. Participated or.'rlifr" *Ou. o.nodofprcviousNSF-REU (25%) bv ofier supported 27 the remaining 6mds and by NsF REU ,lt,tii?r*r *i,rt 6: O'szl ofth;m supPorled ofth€otherfimdsh6ve duringthenextfiveyearsSources It it .ip"."d thalthrs;;dowill continu€ n"oii"ufin of Encrgv' Departmcnt "at. Fairchild Foundation' Sherman Hughcs Foundation, Howard i."i lriit"""-nfu oti*ts), tunds Hop€ college and local corporation Amway fu,rsA oefcnie, or ocpanmcni (a) NATURXOF STUDENTACTMTIES StudentInvolvem€nt 'the l0 weekson studentpattlcipanhin lhls projectarecxpectedio spenda mininum of40 hoursPerweekfor studenll more mentor' two or a faculty is assigned ttrereiearctrprolc'ctto wtrichthcy ar; a*igned E ch student with their i"inn *r,-ia t *.ft t*tor andworkng ase leam Earlyin thelrogram,thestudentswork closelv doeslrbrary srud€nr work Each more rndependenrly. ro wrll rhey be encouraged .io'torr. u-ur* rr,.veuin.xpenence andusing for searching techniques familiarwith rhaL rhey becorne so research taloralory ."r"".r,;n "aat,to,i,l",rc rcsearohliterature'stud€sarerequiredtoproduceawrittenrepon'anoralpr€scatron,aposterlreseniauon'ano ataD lhcirworkal therhomei6titurroDsro Presentit work,roprcsent thcirrisearoh *"1"""t* p..*"t"i"" "f " and,if thequahi of ther workmeritE,presen!i! asa submissionto r 'esearch il#;;il;;'t;;;;h journa-lor conference."".ference, StudentOrientation TheP'I.servesas|heprogamcoordimtorandisrcspoN|blefortheadminisr.atiledelallsincludinghousing program' lhe semmar orsoftingdaleslo' students schedul'ng payments, mentorasgignmenls stipend arransements. wittt the.P.I for padicularlv imponant lr 's olprosessrepons andsubmjssion or*,i.i"" '""ili*,ri,ii", rolhecmPusandthedePrtmenl stude paFicrpdlsto provideanorientation r* ftopeCollege asi,stanc"-from for thenon-Ilop€studentparticipanb.AII shrdenhreceiv€anorientatiotrto thed€parhentallabontoryfaciliii€s, tools. bothhardwareandsoftware,andthelibmry facilities,p0rtioularlytheus€ofvariousresearch with the specificinformationneededto Duringthe orientation!€riod, eachmentoralsoprovidesher snrdents proj€ct. carryoutthoassigned 2.1We€klySeminars Eachweeka seminarwill behelddnt will be attended by all studentsdd faculty.Edly in theprojectperiod,a andpresenting a s€ninaris devotedto eachstudentor teamd€scribingthenatureofthe problen beinginvestigated teamsgive plan.Nearthenidpoht of the sudner, a seminaris schedul€d wheretheundergaduate research proSress repodson theirworlq explaininghowiheir ob.,eotiv€s havechanged,ditrculties theyhaveencoudered, theEsults anda revisedplm for theremainderof th€sumrner.At theendof th€projectperiod,eachtead pr€setrts projectin a formaltalk. Duringall studentpr$mtations,outsid€attendees ]vill b€ itrvited.Th€servill ofits res€arch includecomputersci€n€eprof€ssors andstudentsfiom neighboringinstitutions,otherHopeCollegeconput€r andHopeCollegeprofessorsfiom otherdisciplines.Studentpr$entaiionswilt b€ vid€orccorded sciencestudents, skills.Eachstudentwill receiv€a coly of therecordingof andusedby lhe mentorsto improvestudentpresentiation h€r final presenlation. on researchmethods, ln additionto lhesestud€ntpresenlations, otherseminarsincludefacultypresentations Alumni ofHope sumcr res€ technicalwdtiq andprcsentation, sndth€us€of\.ariouscompulerresoufoes. andinform6llydeet with the who arecurently atFnditlggrrdriateschoolin computersciencepres€ntseminars participants!o dcscribethemtureof graduatestudyin computersci€noe, Eachyear,oncsuch undergraduate canalsoialk with gr&duatc faculty meetingis heldon th€csmpusofa gadualeinstrtutionsothattheundergraduates will !e includedwhenavailable.In the andvisit rescarchlsborstoriqs.Otherspeak€Nffon €xi€malorganizetions recentyears,sp€akeNffom Mi$osofi andtheNstionalInstitut€ofHedth havemsdepres€niations. Student-Faculty Communicrtion I'l orderto &hiev€th€goalsofthis projecl it is vitally importantlh thercbe extensivecoftlnunication panicipantandherfacultymentor.Thh will tek€plscein thefollowingwaysl betweeneaohundergraduatc . Prior io thesurnmerthementorwill emailto th€participsntinstuctionson how to preparefor ther€search prior . . . . tcame EllittlllglgLbiiilielgbl{€ek. Past Dudngthe sunner th€mentorwill meetwith h€rres€aroh experienoe hasshownthatiheserneetingsactuallyoclur muchmoreilequently. Undergsduat€participantswill be requiredto maintaina daily webioumald$cribing theiractiviti€s, reviewed,andresiultsoblained.Tbisjournalwill be reviewedregularly sumnarizingpapersandoth€rresourc€s by thefaculrymentors. partioipartswill atlendeachweeklyseminarmeeting. All fa.ulty mentorsanddl und€rgmduate tbatincludesall faoultym€ntorsandall undergraduatc A weeklvlxnchor or1'€rsocialcv€ntwill be scheduled 'Avisittoangig&94!&gbgE-!e[oola[dothcrfirldtripswillbeochedul€ddlatincludefacultyn€ntorsand participants. uadergraduaies . After the l0 weeksummerperio4 thefaculiymeniorwill continueio work.rrithudergraduat€Panicipanbin thelreparationof posfsuxnmer Fes€ntdionsandpa!€rs. Student-StudetrtCommunication In ndditionto theweeklyseminan,thercwill be othersctivitiesard ev€ntsthatinvolv€studeftsnrdent . . . All stlrdent]vork|tationswill bein th€samelaboratory buildingan4 whenpossibl€sharethe satie apartnenior live in Shrd€nts will be hous€din thesameaparhnent neighboringapanments. for thc conputerscienceundergmduet€s. Weeklysbrd€ditritiatedEocialactivitieswill be schedul€d on theHope social activiti€swill be aBilable thatholud€studentsin all dhciplinesthataredoingr€s€arch in six sciencedisciplircs.In thepasttheseactivitieshaveincluded Coleg€canpus.This ioclud€sover100shrdents hunts. weeklyice creamsocials,beachvolleyballconpetitionr,ad scavenger ReserrchProjects jnterestr to avallable thatcouldbemade ofHopefaculty research belowrepresent described Theproblems project requrre the student to apply p.ogram. is designed lo projects Each in this asresearch students undergraduate md informationgainedin fomal classrooninstroctionTheseprojecisareonlv relresentativeof those experience Th; projectsdirecledby facultyftom parmerinstituiionswill be determinedaccordingto nishl be conducted. th;t theinterestsoflhe facultyselected. Projec.1: Automat€dAnimtdon of AbstractDlta TIT€S HerbertL. De$hem a numberof criteriafor effectiveinstructionalanimstions.This proleclseeksto Recentr€searchhasesrablished aoDly|her€sultsofftatresearchtod€velopautomgticaoifiIAtionsthatresuhioeffectivelemingofawiderangeof thatestablishes researchers andmdeEraduare pno. wolkby Dr.Dershem rtis *ork wi extend allra.r aatarypes. andmstructor. by both student to use andeAy anaDlroacht; animaiionsof linkedlists andanaysthatis €onvenient lpproach €ffectiveness ofthis Stud-i;swill be conductedto determine.he CodeUrde$ttndtng Project2:TextFornrttlngto EnhaDce Ryrn L, McFrll andtcxt ediiorsprovidea capabilityto formatlanguage Environments ManyIntegratedDev€loPment progtam This cap6bilityis thotrghtto aidin reducingsyntaxerfors' text ;esl ofth€ the $an kevwords'differ;dy a by thesysienindicates on a portion;l thecodethatyouthinkshouldbemodrfi€d si;e thclackofformatting svnlaxenor'ADerhapsmoreinteresringmethodofformsthtrscodewouldbetogtFmpttot.cilltalesemantlc'r morelikeword of wrriingcodebecomes iil" t*".ii", ,i"a*i"tai"g of thecod; h thrscase'thcProcess thaL'nakcupa rDbold;procedures scctions of rhecodecanbc formancd ,ll* "aititgilmponanr and so 0 "ioiiiti* characteristics. "*, codecanbegrvensrmilarformal(ing ofthe ioercalpoition '-"'-li" rhcuseof w'lte\aluarewherher Thcfirurexperimenr t*o experimcnts. o."i*, .iria."ig" anCixecutc will €x-periment The s€cond enors in ftequencv ofsvntax thc a"cs rcducc Prosams **"i i'i"[ri'j"i'* proE'am by a ofa "art undcrsbndrns codecanleadrobcuersemanric formatted ii"."i,""i. *ti,ii"i *iii"e manually lhe REUPanicipants using on a rialbasrs willbe run t . *,ttit of thepiogramThecxperimenr it t year' ""i will thenbemodifiedandpre!0redfor uscon a largersamlledunngtneacad€mlc as"a.i".rt" subjects;they Project3r UslngFteldProgrrmmrbleCsleAnty! MtchrclJ, ''"-ir.ra JlDDine garcsandan ofunconn€crcd collections ii"!i"",Lrur" cat€ ArravstFPGAs)arcchipscontstnins rha(will and hardwdc ofsofrware wifi a combination proj;ct wiltexpcrinant This ln*rt*it. i""""""""ii,fi more adders to from simple circuits, fioauce workabletogiccircuits. \ie will producea sericsolrefcrence CPUdesigns complicated softwrrecomple$ty 4: Uslngrerdcbilitynersur€sto estimste Projeca IlerbertL, Dershem ofsoftwarccomplexitybasedon formulasusedto irevious studenrr€s€srchhasdevelopedseveralmeasures theworkdonein thefollowingwaysr(1)obtain ext€nd *ti."t" f,".."a"u ity orE slishiext.Tiis proj€dwoLrld metricson samlle softwar€;(2) expenment faditionst metrics wirh of new emD,ricaldatabasedo; comparisons parsers theiraccuracy;and(3) imprernent refinemcnt merics to turiher p*" in thc readabitity in "i,i"r,alrg." in I vdieryoflanguage: thesemetrica to evaluate Devicet wlth Jiva or HsDdbeld Proleca5:Expertrnendng J. Jipping -Mtchr€l --someutilize produced areequipledw,th,avavirNatmachines. curr€nity v"ri."itior-rr-ar,aa pDA devices platforms lhese Choosingbetween EdidonI p"""*U"* t1""" r I 8) andsoBleimple;entJ2MEiJaw2 Mobil€ rhrc applicarion prograo'nins end ease of Performece canbeatra&offbetwecn ;fi;;;;;";pl,;.;""s willcompa'€ and perfonnance and application ease progr.rnming gather dala on with dd oroiec!willcxDe;menl platfoEn for vanousr}.esoi spphcadons aboutlhesurcabilirvof€ach ir'. a"r" ro.eait conctusions Project 6: Functioml Modeungof Gen$ and Celtular Proc$ser Mrtthew DeJongh of theHumatrGemmeProjectby lrovidiog technology Computersciencehasplay€da vital role in thesuccess andmethodsfor anal)zingthe sequence ofeachof our genes.As the sequen€ing €ffort windsup,sciontistsare tumingiheir attentionto discoveringthefrmctionsofthe genes,creatinga needfor softwaretoolsthatcanbeusedto modeltherolesthatgen€splay in the frndamentalcetlularprocess€s of life. Thesetoolswill be usedto sirnulate cellularprocess€s andpredicttheimplicationsofmanipuletinggenetunctions.This projectwiUinvestisate of thefirnctionsandcaual nechanismsof gefts thatcanbeusedfor automatingthe oomputer representations elysis ofgeneexpression daia.. Post-ProjectActivities activities,a physicalposter All REUparticilanb arerequircdto submita final wdttenreponon theirresearch proglalr. poster th€ir work, and an €valuation ofthe overal The P.l. andthementor anda web describing r€conmendfollow- up activitiesfor eachlarticipantto carryoutdudngth€ followingacademicyear.For exiemal via students this mightinvolveremoteaccess to HopeCollegeconputingfacilitiesaswell ascornmunication drisfollorv-upwork mayincludefomd electronicmail betweensnrdentatrdm€ntor.For Hopestudents, continuarion of theprojectby €nrollmentin thedepartnentalSeniorProjectS€minarsnd/ortheIndep€ndent course.All padicipanisarerequircdto mskea pr€sentaionoftheir work at theirhomeinstitution Shrdy/Research thestudent3work will at anundergraduale r€search conference. Whenappropriate, andto submitit for presentation joumal or a paperor postersubmittedto a professional b€ includ€din a publi0alionsubmitledto a professional Research tr'allUndergrsduate Celebration This Rcsearch C€lebration, Eaohfall rft€r th€surnmerreseffchprogran\HopcCollegeholdsa Undergraduate who by Hole Collegestudentsffom 0ll discipliDes. All Hopelllldergraduates eventinoludesposterpresentations participants particjpateio thisprogamwill bercquiredto givea lost€r presentation ot lhis event.Undergraduate at similareveotson theircampuses. from otherinstitutionswill be €ncousgedto giveposlerpresentations (c) THE RESEARCHENVIRONMENT Prlncipal Investigator ThcPrincipslInv$tigator hasbeendirectingurdergBduat!r€scarchprojecbfor all of the34 yearsth.t he has beenon theHopeColleg€fsculty.H€ h!! dir€ctedov€r100suchprojectsduringihat time.In sddition,hehasserved Research Programin coroputersciencein tenof the asthedir€otorof th6HopeCollegeSurnm€rUnd€rgraduaie gsinedby servingfor th€past28 ycarsas tw€lveyearsthatit hasexisted.Hc h6sfirther administativeexperience thechairoffte HopeColl€g€ComputerScienceDepalhneni. pres€ntations reseaich.He is andservedon a Nmber ofpanelsoDundergraduate Hehasmadcnumerous cunentlya Councilorin th€Math€naticsad Comput€rSci€nceDivision of theCoumil on (CUR).Hehasalsosewedasa coNultantto matryooll€gesanduniversiiieson th€integrationofundergmduate research into their compulerscienceprograrns, FacultyMetrtor$ ThedepartneDtsfou facultymemb€rsarea goodnix ofjuior andseniorfaculE.Interestin andability to programis a requir€m€nt research whenev€rlhe deparhent larticipat€asa nentor tu thesummerundergraduat€ hiresrcw faculty.All four ofthe falulty hold a compuierscienoeandall arcactivein compurerscimce research. Thr€eofth€ four menbersofthe faculryhave r€search aid hoveexperi€rcesup€rvisingundergraduate ofNationalScienceFoundaiionprojeoh.In addition,theyhavebeenther€cipi€dsof beenprincipalinv€stigators includingth€Departnentof Etrerry,NASA DARP,\ andlhe fiom othergovermtertagencies supportfor research UnitedSiatesAu lorce. In thetwelveyearsofREU progra$sat Hope,all faodty in theHopeCollegeDspartmentofcomput€r rcsearchleaDs.Facultyparticipatingdlring th€next 6veyealswill beMatt Sci€ncelave supeFisedundergraduate DeJongh,HerbDershem,Mike Jipping,andRyanMclall. Their$alificatiors for thisprojectaregiv€nin The seotionof thisproposal. BiognphicalSketches Eaohved.oneexte@tfaculrymenrorEmvltedtoldticipateintheProglam'lnth€pastthismentdrhasbeen Forthe suchresearch. andencourage to support inftastructuro tha!lackssufficrent a facuttym;mberat an inshtutron invirarion to faculty permit of an extending to be broadened that this cflrerion prol.ct, *e ooi rt aseor dre lropose liberaiarlscolleges, universilies, comprehensive research universilies, tnctuding ata iorietyof Opis of insutuhons via theSIccsE ls1 mounced positiofl will be this avaiiabilitv of The minorityinstitutions andDredominmily win EachapPlic'nr facultv HoPe Coilese ofthe iaformal neiworks p.tiicized through * r alio Ue seni' ana will be mm€ one or these appliczrts' projectalonewith h€rapplicationFromamong ," p."p*.d **i"t The visning progam coun€ of this the during undergaduates .r'"i"" ,Jt"i" tt" pt"gr"In ino work wrtha teamof the io to be availatJle basis on a regular ca$pus Hope College to be on lhe i"."fir .J"., *fi t*-p"cted a stipend and m alllhasesof theprogramTo makethispossible' reamandto panicipate researct unaerlaauate to thevisidngfaculrymeotor' willbe provrded housi;qallowance particrpared in theprogamfiom 1998to 2003Thevdre: S;xexlematfacultvmentors . AlyceBrrdy, Krlrmrzoo College ' luylesMcNallY,Aln! College . Gtr\ Le\t!trdowskt,xrvler Unlveriitv(Ohlo) . KeithVanderlnden,CslvlnCollege ' CbrttttaDTrefftz, GrlDd Vllley StateUdversltv . Willhm rltzgerlld, Krltin.zooJColleg€ presentaltons made andslxcoDfercnc€ havebeenpubhshed lwopapers As a resuhof thesePastcollsborations, wrth these other esBblished therelatioffhrp-s through ln addhion' tv rfri frc,rtrvanastuaen;ut fteseInstinrtions (omput€r5c'ence the Hope ftom equipmenl rccerved program, has one institulion this tiuoueh institutions scicnceprogam ln for lheir computer ii."",.^.",, *",[i,,"ui*ri-on hasusedHopefaculryasconsultanrs Hopc andoneoI meparnel liom snd studeots wrth faculty held hasbeeD svmposium ad;irion.a iointresearch 0lanner-rnsl'ruuon liom member faculiy panncrship Onc year lhe the of than otlte; u v.ut ir"iruuonJaunnc pan'crpanon lor rurtrcr h's 0t ycarfollowinglhcsummcr for ft€ ecademic onthcHopecamPus remained wnh a Hopefacurry !o colsborarc confinues and tcave parr sabbatical ofhis ;r,r,-ii;p; r"lulry asa ""1i"i",",i"" Institution 3000srudesrthatisknowrfol ofapproximalely (cDrollmcnt artscollege libcrat isa four'vear HoDe CollePe TheHopecolleSe m'hemat'cs. and in science rcaeafch rounacrgsduate **ri""i. r"a iir"rr.rr .Jmrntrmenr a research'rich though achieved " is be$ scientists of tuture thatthc-t*ining convinced ,JJ"irn"tr"" i"""r," currenrrv Hope LolleSc e studenls ".a "" and undelgradu faculry bcrwcen research collaborative cuiclluo builtLrpon phvsica ln and malhematics' compurerscienc€' chemistry' of biologv, the drsciplines ilil;;n-;i-Piu;ilin in undersraduate rnstifurions top fiv€ of the thcus N;ws& worH R;Pona3onc ffi; ii;;;;;-td*,?;at 90ext€mal8ran6 DivisionofHopecollcgereceiv€d ln theoeriodfiom 1995to 2000,theNaturalscietrco projecr lhatworks." model as a "Pro'ram Krleidoscote by is idenrified D;vhion Th€ ir," sl.i^rrion. ."r,"","i. onlv rcn is one of prosram couege HoPc of thcdNition's ;;;; ;;;; il;.;*;"h-".h cultuethatisthcfocus (AIRE)' Education Research and of for Integntion an Award bv thcNSFwith 'ecosnized il;;;;;iitil;"; _"-'Trr.-i"to'"-* overonenillion douarsin extemalgrantsin thep€riodftom s.i"".e Dipartnenthasreceived has Departrnent science qsl-i;i:.i;;;th. period Hopecolleseconputer 1983'2003,the fi'om r**rv-v'ear r and afrer rmmedrar€ly schoot graduare orprofessionat saduarion anenaea ;;i,,ri. or *o'se , s: izo.z") (rudenLs llope atHope olthose trme projecrdurins their ""a-r."a-;es Studv isi'ii?"i"-..t.';ti.a '" ResearcMnd;pendent twelvc scduare " sumerrescarch progrmoierthepasr ved' 42%ha'e s endcd ,.a i" ,r'e *l"i*.'ok.ipi gaduabon upon irn$ediately scbool provides fundingThecollege facultydcv€lopmedl through research undergraduatc alsosuppons HooeCottece prosam. research undergraduare io csrablishan suppon t"iiy ne.beriith onesu.-er's .""h;i.;;":;;k projecrs eachsunnerihroughits researcb facutry-student ofcooperative a; a numb€r ii-rair:rtii,i,in" "i'rt"dt FacultyDev€lopment Prog|m Facililiesand Equipmert Thepartioipants inthislrojectandtheirmentors haveexclusiv€ useofthecomputer science departnent,s conpuringfacilitiesduringthe sumnerasrhereareno otheractivitiesgoinson within the department.Inaddition, eachundergaduale lailcipant will haae€xchsiveuseofa SUN workstalionanda PC. Thc ComputerScienceDeparrnent'shardwarefacilitlcscufently consistsof 4 servers(SunUtha Enic.prise 450,Sun UltraEnterprise 250,andtwo catewayPl33 Blddes),30 worksratioN(13 SunBlade100s,12 SunBladc 150s,4Linux PCs,and I Apple F,l Dual Processor),25 Conlaq tabletPCs,and28 handhelddericcs(12 Sharp LiNx PDAS,l2 PsionnetBookPDAS,2Compaqbaqs, md 2 Nokia comnunicator9290s).All SunWorkstations haveenbeddedSUnPCIcards. Lab software includesthe standardSun olerating systen and docunentation, wlndowing system,and rcfcrcoce daterial.Unbundledcomponents includeC aDdC+ compilers,Javadevelopnentenvironment, network management andprotocolimplernentalions, word processors, andcodedebuggingenvironments. Manytublic domaintoolsarein us€. The lab is cunentlyadministered by lwo individuals.About 7 hoursper weekaredevotedto lab Both softwareandhardwareadmidistration administration. ishandlcdbytheseindividuals.Operatorduties,e.g.,filc systemhackrpsandpreventaliyenaintenancearemostiyautomated. The departinent haDdlesmaintenance ofils facilitiesby itscll It n€gotiates maintenance coDhacts, keepsonhandsuppliesfor its printersnndotherperipherals, providesthe 'law haterials"(e.s.,cable,co rectors,ctc.) ud toolsfo. hardwaremaintenance, and marntains a '3prelarls mchine" for computerhardwaremaintcnancc. In addition,thepa.l;cipants;nrhislrogram willhevc acccssto thc HopeCollcscTechl-ab,which is localedin the sane buildingconplcx asthc computorsciencelaboratories. This lab contairudigitalcancras,digitalvidco cameras, aposlerprinter,a CD bumer,anda largccollcctionofmultimcdiaandpublishingsoftware. (d) StudentRecruitm€ntandSelection Recruitmentof Participants HopeCollegeStudents The summerrcscarch programin computerscienccwillbc announccd in all upper-lcvelcoDputcrscrencc classes, in the d€parhnental colloquia,though noticcson the departmcntal bulleiinboardand allcourseweb pages, andlhroughan electonic mailingto allcomputersciencemajors.A packetd€scribingthe program,rcscarcbarcas, panicipantbcnefitsandobligaiions,andapplicationprocedures will be rvailableftom the dcpartmcntal office.Each HopeCollegcprofessorwill presentacolloquiumdescribinghis research udc.graduateswillbe lroject. Interested invitcdto attcndthesccolloquia.Sinccupper-lev€lclassesin compulersciencearetwically snall€rths 20 sludents,theprofessors willbe ableto individuallycncouagecspcciallypromisingstudedsto.pply includjng womenand minorities. Non-HopeCollegeStud€nts At leasifour ofthe eightpadicipantseachsumnerwill be fton] instinrtionsotherthanHopeCollcgc.A special efort will b€ madeto encourag€women and minorities ftom othei institutrons to aplly. Extensiveusewill be nade ofthe Intemetfor recruiling.Announcements will be distribut€dtoa listof CornputerScienceDetartments via email. This rnail lisl has beenconstructedfrom inquiries rcccivcd duing the past twclvc yearsof!h€ HopeCollegcComputerScicrceREU program.In addition,publicityandapplicationfoms wiu be nade availablevia World Wide Web.Infomation willrlso be sent10the listsewerfoi ACM SpecialInterest Croupfor ComluterScienceEducation(SICCSE). A web pageisposledeachyearthatdescribos the progam, containsdetaileddescriptiotrs ofcachproject, includingavideo ofthe professor'scolloquiumtdk desffibinghis project,anda link to an onljneapplicationform. Minority Students Coniactswill be lnade with Computer Sciencedepartmentchairs at instihrtioN which have hisbncally etrolled a large percentageof ninorily students,invitirg faculty to noninate minority studentsd their institution for parricipation in the program. In addition, th€ director ofninority studentafairs at institutions within a iwo state radius will be sent naterials describinethe progam. ?ast experiencehas shoM that this mailing has resultedin a large number ofapplications to our program, thoughwehavebeenlesssuccessfulin tumingthoseapplicatioN intoparticipants. As we examined theassessment dataconcemingthis it wasapparentthatour failureto convertapplicanbinto participantswasfor two r€asonsi( I ) minorityapplicantswho werequdified for theFogramwerein highdemandandhadnany otheroplortunitiesfor sdergladuateresearchftom which lo choosetand(2) therewer€alsoa larsenumbe.of mino.itJ applican$who werenotqualifiedto participatein ourprogam. In orderto addresstheseissues,we areprolosingthatwerese e at leasloneundergraduate posinoneachyear fur a minorityparlicipant,who will beoffercda two-yearappointnentlo otrrlrogram.This will address bothof the situationsdescribedabove.In thecaseofthe qualifiedstudeni,thetwo-yearappointment will makelarticipationin theHopeColl€gesummerresearchprogmma mor€athactiv.optionandincr€alethechancethalthe studentwill student,dwinSthe first summer,in additiotrto acceplour invirationto padicipate.In thecaseoftbe undeFprepared workingor oneof theresearch teams, fte student will begivenbaokground oecessary for and programfor thefollowingacademicyed thatcm becdied out on lhe providedwith a continuing€nhancement stud€rit'shomecampus.Thesecondyear,lhat studenlwill b€ invitedbackasa qualifiedpanicipantin thep.osram. to be mostappropriatefor lhis two-year Eschyear,theminority.ppli€nntthatisjudgedby theselection€ornmittee positioneachyearmaybe ofthis nature,bui we appoirtmentrrill be giventhis otrer.Morethanoneundergaduate guarantee for lhesecondyearwill be contingentuponvenficationby the thatonewill be offered.Theappoinbnent diligenceh tfi€ first yearofpanicipation.This facultymentorandth€P.l. thatthestudenthassholn adequat€ position fromaninstitution otherthanHopeCollege will slwaysbefilledbya stud€nt Selection Process andtranscripts will bedueby no by January 15.Applications mat€riahwill b€distnbuted Allpromotional larerthanFcbruary20 a|1dnotifioationof the,wardswill belnsd€no laterthsnMsrch L Therewill bc eightstudentparticipanhin ih€p.ogram.Tylically thcrewill bc four participanlsfrom Hote will beconsidered asone Duringtheapplication College andforuftomotherinstitutions. lrocess,theHopestudents will bea sub-pool ofthonon-Hope poolofapplicants students asanothcr. Minorityapplicants andlhenon-Hope poolfor selection of thchro-yearappointe€. goalsandtheroleof research indicating thcircare€r Allapplicrntswill beaskedto submita 1'Titlenstatement provide 1o a transoripl anda letterof instihtions will also be ssked fiom other in t!€ir ftturellans.Students applicants Thisinfonralionwill beobtained directlyby lhcP.l.forHopestudent ftoms facultymember. reference withineachloolofapplicanBarethealplicanfs(1) in thesel€otion ofpsrticilants Thecrit€riaconsidered potential in as for success inter€st in conpulersciercesndrcsesrch;(3) academic r.cord;(2)demonst.atcd creativrty,andmotivation;and(4) careerplans.Thc facultyparticipan$in thisproSram indicatedby independence, of studcdpaniciPants committce tbatmakeslhefinalselection comprise theselection io ensure that for theselection ofparticipanb is lo provideflexibleguideliner Thooverallaimofthisproc€ss lhe participants a career in compuier science and ot in theirchoiceof th€progamhasthemaximunimpacton th€ science itseli dbciplineof computcr Proiects MatchingParticlp.ntswith Research theassignrnent of studentsio sPecificfaculty An€r ihe studentlrticipants arcselected,theP.l. will coordinate projects. asapanoffte application, is sskedtosubrnita firslandsccond Each&pplicant, andrcsearch mentors in thoseprojecisandanyspecialpreparationlheyhave choiceofproJecrandto describewhy thcy areinterested to selectfromthepanicipantsthosestud€nt!whose Each faculty mentor will be asked to their ohoices. related projecisThePl andlh€facully research matchtherequircmenb ofon€ofthementor's andqualificaiions int€rests AssigirneDls areusuallymadelhat honorthesnrdenfs mentorswill me€ttogetherto finalizetheassiSnments. sprojectthatis nol Ill no cas€will a student beassigned selection offtst choicefor theproj€cton herapplicalion. by boththementor not enthusiastically support€d will be nad€ ttrat is choices. No assignment oft ofher to! rwo andthestudentparticipant. (e)ProjectEvalustionandReporting reseerch'we have As a resultofextensiveevaluationofthc nrst twelveyeds ofNSF{uPPoiedund€rgraduatc Among the areasof the well and made ftany irnprovements. what doesn't work works well and wbat discovercd arehighliShtedin projeclthathavebeenshownto needinprovementis theevaluationprocess.Suchimprovements belowthatarelistedaccordingto fte objectiv€beingassessed thedescription6 ta encotmge an.! notitate underyraduateparncipants to pwsue carcen it1conputer sciencercsedrch In the past, all studentscotrrpletedan exit survey upon comlletion oftheir surnmerpanicipation and thev were askedto comllete uothcr survey thee years following their participalion ln addition, all paiticipants were tracked io monitor their ftture academicand cdeer activiiies Theseactivities will be continued,but upon assessment,we discoveredthat in order to determinctlrc role of this program in rnotivaring students,we needto havesomemeasureofthe students' interest in computet science reseirch before the trograln begins.Therefore,in the presentproject we will conduci tbree survevsofstudent aftitude and acconplishment: before lhe summerProglam, at the end ofthe summef progam, and ttuee vears after the summerprogram. Thesesur{eys wjll d€ternine the level ofirnpact lhat this Proglam hat on students' interestin researchthrough a conparison ofindi dual responsesacrosstine This obieitive will also be evaluat€dby the quality ofthe presenLtions, papers,and poste$ produced bv the participants. All ofthese will be .ecordeddigilally and available for later review . toptovide d odellor computet sciekce undtgrd.luae r^@rchIot okq prinoiu underyra.luote institrtiois Tilis hasbeen ud will continue to be cvaluatedtlrough the nunber ofparticipanls ofthis program who appetr in panels at mtional or regional meetings,thc trunber ofeticles *ritt€n by participants encouragingundergraduale co;puier scienceresearchand the numberofpositions held by participating facultv on commitlees and $oups tliat encourageand supportund€rgraduderesearch. . ,toincreasethenumbetofuideryaduatestonsrcupsundemprcsentedinconputerscienceresearchdhoate consi.leikg such ca/eea groupsin our programAlso' the Datawill be collectedthatquantifiesthepanicipationof undenepresented to indicateimpacton this group talliedfor undefcpresented result!ofrhe surveyswill be separatcly Participants . to sllppott dh.l enhanceMderyrcduate r^@r.h and i tructiot in the Hape ColleAeCotnP ter Scithte by the amounlofres€archactivityas oeasued bv gants rcceived,articlespublished, Tiis hasbeenevaluated by the sludentsandfacultyat HopeCollege.This hasproven!o be a suitablemeasur€so we andpapcrspresented will conlinuelo evalualethis objecliveinthe sameway to encoutagean.l support underytucluateresearchat inslitutions that prese , lack the lnfrastructure ta s\pport slch tesearch bv grants. The success ofrcsearchprogramsat institutionsof the extemalfaculryrn€ntoNhasbccnm€asured aticl€s, and lapcrs, and by aheudergmduate researchactivity at thes€inslinrdons following the facultv mcnlols participation in thjs projcct. We will continue to use lhis measuem€nt. . We wlll continue to use our evaluationresults to improve the lrogram throughout the duration ofthis project In particutar, this informed inprovernent will be applied io evaluatlonas well as all oth€r aspectsofthc project (fl RESULTSFROM PR]OR NSF SUPPORT Gr:ntNunber cDA-9200118 cDA-9423943 cDA-9732339 s86,550 $114,393 cDA 0097464 Inirial:$146,?00 RevisedrSl63.213 1, 1998to February 1,2000!o Marchl, 1995to February 31.2004 Februarv 28. 1998 Januarv3l.2000 JanuarY SuplortPeriod April l, 1992io $146,700 Seotember30, 1995 REU: An Uftl€rsraduaie Research PaiiciDation P.oqam in ComDuterScience Tide General Results Hole Coll€gebashosteda ComputerScienceREU site With supponfromtheNationalSoicnceFoundation, Duringthis time,REUhassupport€d87 panicipants,wbilean programeachofthe sunmersftorn 1992-2003. by olherfirnds.Theseadditionalfundshavebeen roso$chershavebe€nsupported additional25 undergraduate grants faculty and ihe institution by sourcesthatincludeNASA, NSFRUl, Pew awarded to the providedtbrough MemorialTrust,Howa.dHughesFoundstion,theUnitedStstesDeps.hnentof Energy,andtheUnitedStatesAir ForceThestud€ntparticipantshavecompl€ted58 projects,themostrelent of which arelistedlaterin thisproPosal p.oj€cts hsstakentwoforms,surey andstatisticslTo obbinthisdata,allpast oftheprevious Theevaluation palticipants e contaciedeverytbreey€arta Participatei0 a $Ivey ln additionto colle.tingupdatedstatislical in lheHopeCollege theimpacttha!th€irpanicipation data,thissurveyask thesepasiporticipas to evaluate lo lhe Progrsmhashadon themsndtheircareersThecomPletctexl of all of theresPonses R€searoh Undergraduate quotes fiom the responses h[il. A few 2003aurvey is foundathttp://www.cs.hole.edrt-dershenr/re\tsurvevresults t/'e by savinEthatI an capableof "l guess the inpo antthingta nt careerabouttheRE\Jwasthatit encourageel doingresearch,ande|en beingpublished" "My &p;rienc6 taughtne howtofornulate interestingaearch problens'jnd andinplenent solutiahsta those thePftblen andsolutionto others andconnuhicate Droblens, ''M; pa dpotiok ia theHopeCotlegeNSFREU Prcelam'vith theConPuterSciehcedePartnenthelpedto drive ' t y inl;rc infurlhet contpulersciekcesludiesandin conputersclenceresearchHatlnglirst"handknawledge ny lechnicalabililies,atlrucledattentionto n) res me andet"periene ol conpuler scietl.ercsearchsharpened post'Bachehtstttdiesin Conputerscience' pursuing in ny conldence pitential and increased enpfoyee asa "HopeCa egehREUprogran gavene an intrccfuclionlo rc:earchandprovidedmewith a supPoltiveconnunity 'ototheraonDuter of cohtinuing onto medecidethatIwas capable helPed studentsThEcanbination Science rlanted pa ny ar of was something I lutwe iraduoteschoolandthardotngso 'Thi prosran uposedne ra the essentiats ol scholarl! researchl gainedhakds"onresearchtki s as ee asa as a scholarand iroader undirsandingof conPuterscienceresearchl gainedconfdencein nv Potential ' ralized tha!rcsearchw6 somethingI |9ouldreally enjovdow on aProlessiohallerel the Thctablebelowprovrdesdataaboutthepanicipantstn thj!-P!99!4q!LSl-p!!!!E Participants Femaler REU # Yo* Total 1992-1994 t995-1991 1998-2000 28 2001,2003 |2 Iotal .S".{an'"lpants 18 18 22 25 81 5 I 4 l0 lt l9 3'l 29 29 lve still Crad School Minorities o * utrder attendees # I 3 3 8 ll 9 8 srads 0 # o * 7 l3 0 0 19 II )2 19 u 4l 6 33 40 40 p"'tt 'pated in bultiple years Pcrcentagesare calalated basedon unique panicipdts thisinformation regardiDg Thereareseveralimportantobservations . In theBost recenithee years,thoproportionofpnrticipantsfundcdby notr-REUfundshasgrownto one'third. approximately . Theparticipationby femalesr€mainsat aboutI in 3. 10 . Minoriryparticipationhasrernainedessentiallyunchang€d at a.ound10% . Thepercentace gaduationhasheld sbadyat 40%. graduate school upon ofpartioipantsent€ring gradute schoolh 50%for bot! female percentage gaduated panicipants of edering also be noied that the It shonld Also, 50%ofthe non-HopeCollegeparticipanbhaveenteredgraduateschooloompar€d andminoriryparticipantswith 38%ofthe HopeCollegepanicipads. Yerrr sincegr|durtion sohool att€ndanc€is found in the iable b€low: AttendedGrrd StiI in Grld RecelvedM.S. Total School School r0(40%) Uor€thrD 7 llore than3 l,Iore thrn 0 0 7 18 23 (43%) 35 (44%\ 80 10 (40%\ 23 (43%' 27 R€ceivedPh.D, 1 (28d/o\ 7 '| Thistableshowsthatlhe 43%of studentswhohavebeenout lons enoughto get a mastersd€gr€ehave complet€doneand28%whohavebe€nout longenoughto realonablyconpl€tea Ph.D.or otherterminaldegee ofparticipanBatiendinggraduateschoolhasbeensteadily havedoneso.This tabl€alsoindicatesthatthepercentage increalingin r€centy€ars. Gmduates.hoolsaltendedby projectalurnniincludeSouthemCalifomia,Iowe State,GeoigiaTech,Duke, Clernson,Illinois, MichiganState,Utah,Texs! A&M, Michig64 Colorado,UMass-Lowell,llMass-Amherst,Texas, schoolhavegoneon to pursue Virginia, Indiana,andWilliam & Mary,Manystudentswho did not attendgmduatE Bell olreersin computerscience.AmongthecnployersofprojectalumniarcH€witt Associales, ieseatch-relat€d Max PlanckInstitute,atldIBM. Labs,Evans& Sutherlsnd, Crowechizeh Microsoft,Ford,UsAin Ma€romedia, Recruitment ofdE HopcCollegeREUprogramaredishibuted.Ensil In mid Januaryofcsch year!announc€ments armouncements eresentto computersci€nced€psrhrcntchsirsai collegesnd univcrsitiesthoughouttheunit€d ercsentvia lheUnitedStat€sPosialScrviceto Minority Atrairs Officersat laree States.In addition,announcem€nts universitiesthroughoutthemidwest.Arllounccmentsarealsosent0othc ACM SIGCSEmail lisi server'Chairsof ot over50 predomintntlyminodtyifftrtutioN ar€contactedindividuallyvia emailto computersci€nc€dcparhnents is distibuted in all computer thehstudents to apply.At thesametim€,anannouncement especiallyencourage r€search scienceclass€sat HopeCollege.Theapplicationnumbersfor th€six yc&s of suffDer undergraduate Ihe abovetwo srants lre given in lhe following tablel ixtemal aDDlioants 3xt€moloarticiDarts :lopeapplicant! :IoDeDarticiDsntr not Jndergradres€arche$ iuDDorted bv NSF-REU 1992 1993 t994 19951996 82 59 l 3 3 3 3 t2 t7 l5 7 ll 3 2 3 3 3 3 l 2 2 0 1997 I998 1999 200020012002 2001 92 62 52 39 2 5 5 4 2 5 13 l0 1 0 21 I7 20 t4 3 3 6 4 3 2 4 3 4 2 2 while w€ hadobservedlittl€ €hangpin thenumberof applicadsto ourprogramprior to 2003,we experienced ad the applicationsftom studentsal other mor€lhana l0tle/ojumpi[ boththeitrtem8lHopeColleg€applioations inierdt among ii-stitutions.While we night like to attributeftis to drequalityofthe progan ard the increa8ed in cornputerscienceresearch, wearcsurethatth€righterjobmarkethadsom€iDfluerccasw€ll. It is undergraduat€s m acceptanoe rdte&old applicantsofferedpositionsof alsonoteworthythatwhereasin someyearsweexperienced progam in 2003wrs 88%. by wd€rgraduates ofofrers to our aslow a! 50%,our a4ceptanc€ SummerResearch Science FacultyMe or 992- )2 Projeots$,€r€conductedduriry thefirut six yealsof liv€ individ als 997 he HopeCo egeProgran. ll 1992-2003 Undergraduot€ R€searche.s * indicat€snon-REUtunded t5 studentparticipaDts, 16 with IEU support !.{iohael J.Jipping 3obMunllo,NateOostendory 1998 )ynamicAnomalyDet€clion )ave Christian \lAN:The AlAoritl n Animaror a v a D e v e l o D m eEnntv i r o m e n t lvnchronizeInDlenentationof Classes Sordon Sleaink onPater*,DaronVroon UvceBradv 14a$Hahnfeld..Iha Lrnkin lrin Parker,Becky Weinlold A.ndyAardema*. Patti Marcoux <arl Rasche+, MarciaZcngrilli Ihe FunctionVisualizer MAIDOTWebAccessibleLeaminsDesisDODtions {ichael JiDrins !4ichaelJipping onHandheld 1999lxplorinsThinClientTechnology jupponingClassroomInteractionBy Handheld \4ichaelJip!ins \,IanaCasipe.Jessica Ho"ater :hris Rowland.Tim Vroom* \lcorirhm Visualizationon lhe web )rosmmExecutionAnimalionandVisualizalion lerbert Dershem losiahDyktra, Keith Suppes -eaminc Alsorithms ADolied to Game Plavine vfvlesMcNally Interaction By Handheld 2000 luptoningClassroom !,licha€lJipping essieLink, DaronVroon ;am Sandro,JoshKiikke, Sdah )ieter !,tik€Branstein,Ben WinA' tineLableConstuctionrnd StudentCourseSchedulinp3a.vLew8ndowski\ bbv Walker.lrakashOiha* Designfor a Mobile Ad HocNetworkfol vlichaelJipping v{attBoes,Mike VanHemeft* 1001:nftastructure 3lectronicReaders& Softwar€rT€xtbooksoflhe ryanMcFall iarah Allen, CaFi€Halvos€n DerekAualbursed lerberlDershem :IarkConnell, )bvis:TheObieclVisualizei IimKcllev {van McFall )nelo-ManyCrlptograPhY jervineUserDocumentltionwith DynamicWebPsgelftith Vanderlindenlo€Ku lhenL'ul ftith Vanderlioden lnahncinga CUI EventRecordcrto Supportthe of UserDocumentation \utomated Crestion 2002 neve Marlowe,Alex Sh€!stov {ardwareDesictrand Testinsovera LAN \,lioh8elJiDDinr |VALL;JavaVisualAutomatedLinked Lisl lerbertDc.shem ),lsoziUri 'recedence NetworkTechniqueTool D€veloDoent tyan McFall lva! McFall laric Halvorsen,Marty Kane for C+ PrograrnsLoseShumba ItaticAnalvshToolDeveloDment lhadKettner, MikeKolchick' lhenLiui. CkistinaNiemers of Computational Oeometry lhdstidnTreinz IMD Implementation Joshxa Rowe lenocchipirti, q.Platformfor NctworkAnaylsisUsiq Haodhcld :onrouten \gaiaBugaj,Lily Mihalkova*, )on Porter vlilhael Jipping Jistribued VisuaLzationof CraphAlsorithms Ielbert Dershem )anielaBaN*, Nicksunner,Dad Hansens+, Chris tyanMcFall 1003 \utomrledVisualizationof Absts3ciDataT,?es :lechoD'cTextbookDev€lopmcnt Iohnson.Liz Dahmi 'lathanKooistra,AndrewKalatut, ftthleen Ludewis runctionalModelinsof O€ncsandCetluld Processes vlatlhewDeJongh lamVanDon.Beniamio Ramsav ! ,lichael Jipping Computen UsingHandheld trireless NerworlAnalysts villiam Fitzgerald Iordan Kairvs. Aeod Phillils ;DeechandDislog on SmallDeviccs Eachsummer,thepanicipantswerepreseDton theHopeCollegecampusfor tenweeksofresearchThose by nor-REUtun& areindicaiedby a r' ln addilionto ihe res€archworkthatwascMied larticilants support€d werealsohetdin someor all oftlE sunrnersl followinS activities our,the . Weeklyseminars work wheresnrdenbpr€senttheit research . Fieldhip to a Universirygaduatecomputersciencedepaftnent(mostrecentlyMichiganStateandPurdu€) . weekly seminarfor preparationfor the conputeiscienceORBexanination . FieldtrD to compulernad€showwhenoneis heldnearby . Faoultyledworkhols on topicslhal ar€pertinentto all projecis t2 . . . . workshA on how to giveteohnicalpresentations Workshopon howto do tecbnicalwriting poster workhop on holvto Feparea research REUpoject €thicshetdin €onju€tion with theHopeCollegethvsics andEngineenng Workshopon research theproject the 6Dal week of presentation ofthen research durins fo@l fitral to nake a ar€ required Studend ar€requiredto preparean electronicposte'oftheir andto subnit a final .es€archreport.ln addition,all shrdents arealsorcquiredto presentthei' res€arch. Th€sepostersarethenplac6don the]#orld WideWeb.Participants presentation and/orpublicationto ajournalor for and io submit it resultsin a colloquiumat theirhone institution psrtioipants hav€providedanider€stingmd diverse€nvironmentfor the summer Severalnon-REUsupported researchprogarn.Thes€haveincludedonehigh schoolslude , onestudentfiom a riniversitvin Mexico'andone Post-Summer Results: Pretentations and Papers (* lndicates utrdergraduate co-author) Papers presedted McFall., R. 1992.Usiq tlle Computerto Visualiz€6ndSimulateAbstr.ctModelsofcomputation Pew Resesrch SlmposiumGritnell,IA., Ociobei MidstatesConsortiumUnd€rgraduat€ Interface.P€wMidstatesConsortium Apllication/Prcgmmmer Shu*,M. 1992.An Object"Oriented Res$rchSymp$ium.GriDnell,IA. Undergraduste TestBed for ParallelRavTracing An Obj€ot-Odcnted Matthews*.E. andM. Shield*.1992.Photosynthesis: Argonn€, IL. R$eerch. Symposium on Und€rgraduate A.rgonne lnterfacefor Howell*,J., R Wohlfarth*,andM. shu+,1993,An objeot-OricntedAppli€ation/Progrstimer on ApplicdColnputinglndianrpolis,IN Syrnposium NetworkProerarnming. Bxp€riencefor Undergmduates Erg€|,C.,H. Dershem,R, McFall*, A. Lopez,andS Wiltz 1993,Res€arch Panel.SIGCSET€ohnicalSl,rr|losiumon CompulerScienceEducstion.hdianapolis,IN, N€lson.,R. sndB. Showers*.1993.TheC€neticAlgorithmPsrallelhograffning ProjectPewMi&tat€s Chicago,IL. Symposium. ConsortiurUnd€rgsduat€Res€arch Barthr, w. andC. Bowsh€r*.1993.Adavisionmd THREADS|AlgodthmAnination andExp€rimcnlal Research. for Undergraduaie for Tesrhinga DataStructwesCousein Ada fugoDn€Symposium Laboratories A4onne,IL. Dershem,H. 1993.Algorithn Animationfor Ddo StucturesUnitedSbtesAir ForceAcademyComputer ScienceColloquium.USAI AcademnCO. Jipping,M., S.Hallynt, M Crider', N. Rahn+,andJ Beard.1993.An Empiti€d CascStudvofsoftwde NASA LangleySpaceFlight CenterSldDosiun. Langley,VA. IrteglationTechniques. McF&ll*,R. andH. Dershem.1994.Fi t€ SiateMachineSimulationin anInfoductory Lab sIGcsE on Comput€rSoi€nceEducationPho€nix,AZ T€chnicalSymposium DeNhern,H., Barth*,W., Bowshert,C., andD. Brownt. 1996"DataStructueswith Ada Packages, Conference on ComputerScie&eEducation,Sydney' andAlimations,"first Adual A!.strslasian Laboratories, AU. A.ruxotatiotr ofHTML Documcds.PewMidsiatesUndergaduate Peoney*,J. andD. Blood+.199?,Persist€nt Researoh Synposiun.Chi@go,IL VaDBng€nr,A., Bndshav*, M., andN. Oostedorpt. 1998"Ext€nditrgJavato SupportSharedR*ouce Prolectionad DeadlockDeiectionin ThreadsPmgax0ming",ACM StudentPost€rs,SIGCSETechnioal Symposiun,Atlmta, GA. SortingAnimation,"SIGCSETecbnical Dershem.H. md P. Brummund'.1998."Toolsfor Web-Based SyxposiurD.Atlanta,GA. Concepts"' Dersh€n,H. andJ. Vanderhyde*.1998."JavaClassVisualizalionfor T€achingObject-Oriented Atlanta,GA. SIGCSETechnicalSymposium, Dersher4H., Parker,D.E.*; andR. Weinlold* 1999 "A JavaFunotionVisualiz€r,"ComputingConsodium coloradoSprings,co. for Sflall coll€ges:RockyMomtain Confei€nc€, Dykstra,J.*, D€ishen,H., ad K. Suppes*.2000 "An AbshactWindowToolkit Visualizerfor Conpuier Minneopolis'MN. Sci€nc€Instructio4" Mdwest llstruction andCoEputingSymposium, l-€arningAlgoritlms thmugh for Teaching aDd 2000. A Tool Rowland*. "Salsar Vrooi0,T.' ad C. Missoula,MT. R€s€arcb, or Undergraduate Animation,"NationalConfer€nc€ l3 Coftput€rs in theClassrooml "UsingHandheld M.J., DieteF,S.,Krikke*,L, and SSardro*,2001 Jipping, Charlotte, NC. LabontoriesandCollaborationon HandheldMachines,"SICCSETecbnicalSymposium, Methods", 9thACM Study ofCowse Scheduling P.,2001. "Empirical J.,andOjha*, A.*. Wanner*, Walker, NC. Research Contest, Charlotte. tntemationalStudent Undergraduate LinkedLisl,"CCSCMidwestCorference Uti*.N..2001."ryALL: JavaVisualAulomated Boubonnais,IL PaDerPresentation. -Marlowe*,S.andA.Sherstov*,200l."HudwareDesignandT€stingoveraLAN,"CCSCMidwest Bourbouais,IL. Conference UndergaduotePaperPresentaiioN, CCSCMidwestConference "ObYisr Th€ObjectVisualiz€.," D. sndH. Connell*,2001. Augsburger*, IL. BoubonDais, Post€rPresentations, Undergraduete Textbooks oftheFuture,"CCSC andSoftware:The "Elechonic Readers t en', S.andC. Halvors€n*,200l Bourbonnah,IL PosterPresenlation, Undergraduat€ MidwestConf€rence Paper Undergaduate crDlogalhv," CcSc Midwestconference Kelley*,T.,2001."one-to-Many IL. Bourbonnais, Presentstions, D€signfor aMobileAdHocNetworkfor P'r'llel M. andM. varHenertr,2001"Inftastructure Boes+, Bourbomais'IL PosterPresentstions, CCSCMidw€saConfermo€Undergraduate Processing," andTestHardwat'circuirs Java to Design and Sherstov*, A,2002 "Ustng S., M.J.,MarloweN, .JippiiB, KY Cincinnati' Technical Symposium' Nevork", SIGCSE Overa Ciassroorn Cincinnati, Svmlosium, Technical of JavaLinkedLists",SIGCSE Dersh€GH..N. Utir,2002."Animation KY. Borndro' CaseAPProximatioo "An Average G.,Ojha,P, Rizzo,I.,andA Walker,2002 Lewandowski, Theory of the Practice and on Conference Malching," Intemstional Bipartilie by Gr€edy couse Schedulirg Gent,Belgium. Automat€dTimetablitrg, Undergaduate CCSCMidwestConfer€nce Textbooks," C. andM. Kane*,2002."Electronic Halvorseni, Marion,IN. PoslerPresentation, Ccsc Midwest ToolDevelopment," NetworkTechniquc "Preccdcnce Ke$nerr,C. andM. Kopchiok|,2002. PostcrPresmtation,Marion,IN Undergraduate Conferenc€ Confcrence CCSCMidwest withDFamicW€bPages," UserDooumcntation Ku*,J.,2002:"ServinC IN Marion, Presenhtion, Poster Undcrsaduate Liu+,S.,2002."Enhanoinga GUI EvcntRecorderto SuppodtheAuiomatedCreationoJUser Prcaeation,MarionIN Poster Undergradualc CCSCMidwestConfer€ncc Doc[men(adon," CCSC Algorithms," Ceometry of Computstional Implementalion B. andJ.Rowei,2002. "SIMD 0cchiointi*, IN Prcsenlation, Mdrion, Pap€r Midw€stCo;fer€nceUndergraduote AtgorithnsusingDISVZ,"CCSCMidwestConfercnce andDistributcd A.,2002,"Visualiz.tion Sh€rstov'. Manoo,IN PaDerPrcseotaiion, Undersraduatc Slcrstov+.A., 2002,"steamlining DistibutedAPplicationDcv€lopmenl,"IASTEDIntemationalConferenoe MA Cambridge ADDLicd ModelinrandSimulation, " Javato reach nctworksrUsing Jippins,M.I:,Bugsj+,A,M'halkovar,LsndPorler*,D ' 2003."lnttoductory Reno, NV Tecbnicalsymposium, a progmrunablenetworkstliffer",slccsE n"t*ori<ing-"oo.cps ",lti with a JavatoTeachN€two*ingconcepts l-., andPoner',D.,2003.'Using sueoi"..{..Miltnttoun;, lw Contest Reno proeratr;aUte Research Intemational Student llm ACM NerworfSluffer," sherstovt.A.. 2003."Distributedvisualizationofgraphalgorithms",2003 SICCSETechical Svmposrum, Reno,lW. i-heistov*,,c,.,2003."streamliningDisribuiedApplicstionDevelopment,"116AcM IntematioDrlstudent Contest,Re[o, NV Research Papers Published Iderfacefor Network Application/Prograrnmer Howell*.J.,R. Wohlfanh*,andM Shu* "Ar Object-Ori€nt€d l99l Computing on Aplli€d ofrh€ I993Svmposium ProceedDss Prosranunins." McFa ;. R. andH. D€rshem.'Tinlte SlateMachineSimulaiionin anIntroductoryLab," SIGCSEBulletitt' pp.126-130, 26,1 ' (1994), Laboratones, b."fiii, ff., Sonh*, W., Bowsher*,C , andD Browtr+ "Dat! Stuctureswith Ada Packages, Education, Sydney' Scienc€ on Computer ofthe First Australasia[Conferetrce andAni6ations,"Pro0eedings July3'5, 1996,pp32-38 Australasian, t4 Vm Ensen*, A., Bradshaw', M., and N. Oostendor!*. "Extendins Javato Suppon SharedResourceProteorion andDeadlockDet€ctionin ThreadsProgramning",Crossroads, 4,2(Winrer1997),9 17. Dershem,H. andP. Brummund*."Toolsfor Web-BasedSortingAnination," SIGCSEBullelin,30,1(Mar 1998),222-226. De6hem.H. andJ. Vanderhyde*."JavaClassVisualizationfor Tcachinsobjed,OrientedConcepts,', SIGCSE B u l l e t i n3, 0 , 1 ( M a1r 9 9 8 )5, 3 - 5 7 . Dershem,H., ParkerD.E.*, md R. Weinhold*,"A JavaFunctionVisualizer,"JoumalofComputingin Small Colleges,15,1(Oct1999),221-230. Dyksha,J.*, De.shem,H., andK. Suppes*,"An Abstr&t WindowToolkir VisualizerforComputerSci€nco Instruction," Proceedings ofthe 33rdMidwestInstructionandComputingS),rnposrum (CD ROM);Apr;l 14,15, 2000,Minneapolis,MN. Jippins,M.J., Dieter*,S.,Kdkke*, J.,and S.Sddro*, "UsingHandheldComputersinthe Classroom: LaboBto.iosud Collaboration on HandheldMachines",SIGCSEBulletin,33,1(March2001),169-173. Jipping,M.J.,Marlowe*,S., md Sherstov*,A., "UsingJaaato DesisnandTestHardwareCircuitsOvera Classroom Network",SIGCSETechnicalBulletin,34,1(March2002),162-166. Dershem,H., McFall,R., andN. Uti*, "AnimationofJavaLinkedLish", SIGCSETechnicalBuuetin, 34,I (March2002),51-57. D€rehem,H., McFall,R., andN. Uti*, "A LinkedList Protot}?efor theVisual Repr€senration ofAbstractData TFes," InteractiveMultimediaElectronicJournalofConpute.-Enhanced Leanins,4,2(Oct2002). Sherstov*,A., "StreamliningDistributedApplicationDevelopmert,"Proc.IASTED Conference on Alplied Modelingand Simulation,(Nov 2002). Jipping,M.J.,Bugaj*,A.., Mihalkova*,L., andPonerr,D., "Introductorynelworks:UsingJavato rcach netrvorkingconceptswith a programmable n€tlvorksniffer",SIGCSETechnicalBulletin,3 5,1(Feb2001),120-124. She6tov*,A., "Dis.ribuledvisualizationof graphalgorithms",SIGCSETechnicalBullctin,35,I (I€b 2003), 376,380. Awardswon by Undergraduate Researchers JosirhDykshaand K€ilhSupp$,beststudent paperawardarMidwestInsructionaland Compuhng Sy posium2000. Josiah Dykstra, bcstsludcntresearch awardat CCSCMidwestConference 200I . Alexand€r posteraw.rdatCCSCMidwestConference Sh€rstov andStevcMarlowe, beststudent 2001. paperawardat CCSCMidwestConference NgoziUti, beststudent 2001. NgoziUli, toplenpnpers awardatSICCSD 2002. Alexander She6tovandStevcMarlowe. toptenpapenaward SIGCSE 2002. Josiah Dykstra, recipient of iheVanTamelen Prizefor excellenc€ in scientific research, a campus-widc Hopc Collese award,2002. palerawardrt CCSCMidwestConference Al€xmderSherstov, beststudenl 2002. AlexanderSherstov,top five in Undergaduate Research Comp€titionat SIGCSE2003. AlexanderShersiov,finalist for CRA Outstanding Undergraduare Awm4 2002. Alexander Sherstov, r€cipientofthe VanTamel€n Pdzefor excellence in scienlific research, a canlus-wide HopeColl€ge award, 2003. l5 BiographicalSketches HerbertL. Dershem PrircipalInvestigator: ional Prcparati on Ii ) Ptu fess of Dal'ton,1965 B.S.UiLiversity 1967 (Computer Science) furdueUniversity. M,S. 1969 Purdue University. Science) Ph.D.(Conipuler n'oo'n'frK! 1981 Prolbssor' 1974Professor r orrse.Assisran! , 1969-lgt4,Associate "t' Depl,1976-2003 Scrence chair,Computer i'rofessoi,1981-present. 1977-1978 VisitingResearch Screnris-t, OakRidgeNationaiLaboratodes, visitingProfessor. 1982-1983 Program, BoslonUniversiwOverseas 1994 VisitingProfessor. 1993Distinguished Aii ForceAcademy. UniredStates fti Pablicalions IJDto 5 Dublicotionsmos,closelvreloledto thepruposedproiect: H.L.,McFall.R.L,.andN. Uri*,'"A LinkedListProtorwefor lheVisual o'ersherir, Electronic Journalof ctiveMuhimedia ofe.bslraciDataTr?es. ,lr?/era nepiisenarion g 4,2(Oct, 2002) p in ed Le arn rE n hanc Con ute nAniniation Bulletin' of JavaLinkedLists,"SIGCSE o"tirr"ri.'n.f lvif ott,R.L.,8nd'NUti*, 34.1(Mar,2001),53-57 for ComWindlw ToolkirVisuaUzer ft.i. bvftoa*, J.,andK. Suppes',"An Abstract -O"rrttini --ourii'sil.n." s)m' and compuing Instracrion the 33rd Midwest inrttuciion,"ProceediigsoJ 'nosiun MN. Minneapolis, ICD-ROM).April14-15,2000, Journalof o*!li.. H.L- p*t.ii, d.t., undR']told*, A JavaFunctiorv isualizet"' 221-230 1999)' eges,ls,I(Oct, Comiutinsin SnaltCo 'iJivaclassVisualization objecForiented for Teaching anal. vandertr]d!*, oerJtririi.'lt.I-l ' I998)'53-57 Bul/etir,30,1(Mar, Conciots.SIGCSE UDto 5 othetsisnilicantpublicaliohs,whetheror not relqleil to lheproposed.proJect: Sl6csE Animatron," soning forweb-Based "Tools olrirtJri.H.t-.iia"p.snir:rmund*, Bulletin,30,1(Ma\ 1998),222'226. withAdaPackages, C.,andD. Blown*,"DataStructures H.L,,Barth*,W.,Bowsher*, Dershem, on ofthe FirctAllstrulasiahConference andAnimat\ots,"Proceedings Laboratories, 32-38 ScienceEducation,Jrrly,1996' Cotnputer Dersher[H.L. aodM.J.Iippinl, ProgrammitlgLanguaga:ModelsandStructures:Second Co.,1995 PWSPublishing -Edition, tab," slCCS' in anIntroductory "FiniteStateMachineSimulation McFall*,R, andDelshem, Butletih,26,1(Met 1994),126'140 ft,' SvneqisticActivit ies grantsrwarded: ;. PraYious Co-alt""ioi,Tl"ttoao"tion of theComputerin theStatisticsCurriculum",NSFoffice of Activities,197I -I973.$45'800. ComDutins to theIntloductoryCoursein computerSoience",NSF Dtecrr,''iA lilodular .npproaoh $14.200 Progam,1978-1980, LocalCouneImprovdmen! Sulislics', NSFInsruc"e Midrocomputer for usei! Teachiog La-boratory Co-birector. l0'315 Progam,1979-1980. tionalSiiendficEquipment ', NsF RUI scierceResearch of Computer in Support M"id;ership Di.;;d'tSNET $9,375 1987'1990, Prosram, l992NSFREUP-rogarn Program'. Research Undergaduate Science nr".roi tb.put.t --lsia, $163,213' 2001-2003. s146,?00: 1998-2000, 1995-199?, $114:393; s8o,s'50; Director, "Use of Ada, Labontories, ard Visualization in the TeachingofData Shucturcs and DiscreteMathematios",DARPA Curiculum DevelopmentGrant, 1993- 1994, $23,010. Director, "Curriculurn and Textbook DevelopmentUsing Ada 9X for the Teachingof Object-Oriented Concepts",US Air ForceContracI,1995-1996, $34,464. Co-Director, "An IntegratedClassroomflaboratorJfor htroducing Studentsto Object OrientedConcepts", NSF ILI Prcgram,1996-1998, $46,356. b. Councilor for the Coancil on analergrudvaleResearch: CouDcilor,Divisionof Mathematios andComputerScience,1994-2000, 2003-present. Memberof consultants committee.1996-Dresent. Leaderat CUR ProposalWriting lnslirute.2002. c. Member ofpanels rclated lo undergrddaateresedrch: Dershem,H., with EngelG., McFall*,R., Lopez,A., andS. Wiltz*. "Researoh Experiencesfor Undergaduates,"Twenty-fourth SIGCSETechnical Synposium on ComputerScienceEducation,Indianapolis, IN, March, 1993. Dershem,H., with Bard,G., andD. Berque."FindingandDevelopingResearch Experiencesfor Undergraduatesin the Small College Setting," Third Annual CCSC MidwesternCo[fercnce,Greencastle, IN, October,1996. De$hem,H., with Sanden,D., Eller-Meshreki, R., andG. Pitts."Undergraduate Research- Welcometo the 2lst Century,"Twenry-eighthSIGCSETechnical SymposiumoI1ComputerScienceEducation,SanJose,CA, February,1997. Dershem,H., with Hedges,H. "Birdsofa FeatherSessionon NSF-REUPrograrnfor ComputerScience,"Twenry-ninth SIGCSETechnical Slrlposium on Computer ScienceEducation,Atlanta,CA, March,1998. Dershem,H. with Mccuffee, J.,Lankewicz,L., Ijwaodowski, G., Lopez,D., andO. Slotterbeck."Managing UndergraduateCS Research,"Thirty-third SIGCSETechdcal S),rnposium on ComputerScienceEducation,Cincinnati,KY,2002. d, Suttrhary of undergrdduale resedrchitwobe ent In the past 12 years,Dr, Dershemhassupewised25 studentsin undergraduateresearch projects. (u) Collaboratiohs and Other Afliliatia s o, Collahorato4 and Co-Editots A list ofscientists collaboratedwith on Droieotsover the last 48 montbs would include: scott crissom (GrandValley StateUniversity),MichaelJipping(HopeCollege),Ryan McFall (Hope College),Myles McNally (Alma College),ThomasNaps (Univenity of Wisconsin-Oshkosh),SamuelRebelsky(Grinnell College),Henry Walker (Grinnell College). b, Gradrate and PostdoctoralAdrisols Robert E. Lynch (PurdueUniversi9 c, ThesisAdvisot and Poslgruduate-tcholar Sponsor None Sketches BiograPhical PrincipalInvestigatortMatthewDeJongh (i) Prcfessional Prepa ltion 1985 B.S.TheOhroSlateUniversit). lq86 LnlversiLy. TheOhioSLate Science) M.S.tCompuler l99l ersity. Stale Uni\ (Coniputer Science)The Ohio Ph.D. Appoinrments tii) Engineer, Inc.),SeniorSoftvr'are lnc.(formerlyNetcenics, LIONbioscience 1998-2002. Professor, 2002-present. Assistant HopeCollege, fti Publicatlotts proiect: moslclosel!rclotedto theprcposed IJDto 5 Dublications in for Bioinformatrco Languages Eichange ofOntology Evaluation R., ol.,'An 'V'cSoG, 'iociediies St5temslorMoleculor "r otrh" Eipfuhtnternational on lntelliSent Co-niercnce MenloPark.cA. 2000. Riatogy,p6.i39-250:AAAIPress. IJDto 5 othersisnilicantpublicatiotrs,whetheror not rclatedto theprcposedproiect: A, O.,Amra,N , andBayazitoglu, M, Fischer' f.,loinson. T., Smith.J , DeJongh, totrnson, ofthe Proceedings in for RedBloodCellAntibodyldentification," System "RedSoar-A in MedicalCare,Pp 664-668' Applications on Cortputer Symposium Ann;al Fifieenth 1991. D.C, MccrawHill, Washington, Modelsofa Domainfor ProblemSolving,"in M. andSmith,J.,;lntegrating DeJongh, on ExpefiSyslefisandTheir ofthe EleventhInternatio al Cokference Pioceedings 1991. l25-135,Avi$on, France, ,Apptications,pp (iv) Syneryistic Aclivities a,Prcviousgruntsawarde.l: ACM SIGCSESpecial Curriculum", Science 6o-nii""iot]"giornto. aticsin theComputer present, to $5000. July 2003 Gralt, Projects b,Suntmar!of tthdergr^du$tercsearchittrolve,nenl res€alch in undergraduate 2 students superyised In thesulune!of2003,Dr.DeJongh Projects tu) collaboralionsand other Afliliations a, Collaboratorcand Co'Editots overthelasl48monthswouldinclude: vilh onprojects collabomted e. fsr oiscientists Mcfall MA), MichaelJippingtHopeColleg+.Ryan liart LiBl;c twl.aton College, ''-tff"pi fHope Bumalowska'Hledin Marit tHopeCollege), C.iiigO. Fl*b Dershe-m College) b, Grsd atea d PostdocrorulA.lrisors (TheOhio StateUniversity)' JackW. SmithandB. Chandrasekaran Sponsor c, ThesisAdvisorandPostgrududte-Schol,r None BiographicalSketches Co-Pritrcipal Inv€stigator: MichaelJ Jipping (i) ProfessionaI Preparation B.S.CalvinCollege,1981 M.S. (ComputerScience)Universityoflowa, 1984 Ph.D.(Computer Science) Uaiversify oflowa,1986 (ii) Appoihf e ts HopeCollege, AssistartProfessor, 1987-1995, Associate Professor, 1995-2003, Professor, 2003-prcseff,Chair,ComputerSoienceDept,2003-prcsent. NASA LangleyResearch Fellow,1992 CentetResearoh University of lowa,Assistant Professor, 1986-1987 fii Pttblications Up to 5ptblicalions mostclosdy rdated ,o thepropoiedprojecl: Jipping,M.J,, Bugai,A.*, Mihalkov4 L.', andPofier,D.*, "U6ingJavato TeaohNotwo* NetworkStriffer,"procaedings Concepts Usirg a Programmable of the200JSIGCS, TechnicalEtuposiunton ComputerScience Ed cotion,SIGCSETechnicalBulletin,36, I, (March,2003). Jipping,M.J., Marlowe,S.*, atrdSherstov, A.*, "UsingJavato DesignafldTesthardware CircuitsOvera Claassloom Notwork,"prooeedings of the2002SIGCSETechbical TechnicalBulletin,3t l, (Maroh, ok Computer Science Education, SIGCSE Emposium 2002). Jippitrg, M.J.,Dieter,S.*,KdlLe, J.*,andSandro, S.1,"UsingHandheld Computers in the Classroom: Laboratories andCollabolationotrHandheldMachines,"ploceedingsof the2001 SIGCSETechnicalSynposiumon Computer ScienceEducotion,SIGCSETechnicalBulletih, 31, 1, (Muoh,2002). publlcalionc,t'hether or not rclatedto theproposedprojeclt Up to 5 orher signl;ficanl Progrannirg, SymbianPressby J. Wiley alld Sons, M,L lipping,SynbianOSCommunieatiorc 2002. M.J. Jipping,K. Bruoe,"ImperativeLaryuagePamdigm",ohapt€r94 in me ComputerSciefice EhgineefikgHahdbook,A. Tuoker,Ed.,CRCPress,1997.pp, 1983-2005. Dershem,H.L. andM.l, Jiwi/Jg,PlogrammingLangrages:ModelsandStructures:Second tditior, PWSPublishing Co.,1995. M.J. Jipping,"Usiry Tcl asa ToolTalkEocapsulation Meohadsm",P,,oceediltgsofthe 1993Sun UserGrcupConference, Deoember1993,pp.16l-174, D.E. Eckhardt,M.J. Jipping,C.J.Wild, S.J.Zeil, andC.C.Roberts,"OpenEnvironments to EngineeringTool Integration:A ShrdyUsingthePoltableColnmonTool SuppodSystems En-vironmed (PCTE)",NASA TechdcalMemorandum 4489,NASA LangleyResearch Center, September 1993. (i, SyneryisrtcAcrtriries a. PreviousgrantsNwarded: Director,"ImplementingandSimulatingHardwareitr ComputerAichitecturcClasses", NSF CCLIProgam,Grant# 0310757, 2003-2005, $158,252. Director,"UsingHatrdheldComputeNin theHopoCollegeComputerSoienceCurrioulum", NSFCCLIProgram, Grant# 9980790, 2000-2003, $83,000. for IntroduoingStudentsto Object Co-Director,"An htegated ClassroonL/Labo@tory 1996-1998, Oriented Corcq)ts",NSFILI Progam,Grant# 9550902, $46,356. NSFILI Program, Diector, "A New Coulseirl ParallelPrograamingfor Undergaduates", 1990-1992,$54,7 6l Grant# 9050417, 1996,$17,600. Director,NASA /JOVEAugmentation Award,June1995- September, Diiector, "Building a Sollware Infrastructurelor Parallel SoftwareDesign", NASA Langley ResealchCenter,NAG-1-1480,Febluary1993- January1996. Recipiontof a NASA Joint Venture Award, June 1992- May 1995. b. Sammary of undergruiluate rcsearchinvolvefient In the past 12yea$, Dr. Jipping hassupervised28 studentsin uodergaduateresearch projects. (r') Collaborulions and Othet AlJilialions a. Collaboruro6 and Co-Edilots wilh on projectsoverthe last48 monthswould include: A list ofscientistscollaborated JoelAdams{CalvrnCollege),Alvce Bradv(KalamazooCollege)'Kim Bruce(Williams Collese).RoberlCuppei(AlleghenyCollege),HerberlDershem(HopeCollege).Scot Drysd-ale lDartmouti Universit). Ma,t Hailperin(GustavusAdo-lPhus^College). AndreaLawrence(SpelmanCollege),Gary Kilemen (SwarthmoreCollege), Chiarles M€taxas McFall (HopeCollege)'-Takis (XavierCollege),R)€n Leleaodowski and Mary), RhysPriceWrllurn of tWelleslevColiese),Roben-NooninlCollege jones (Macalaster Michael Schneider G. (Rochesterlnsrrtute of Technology), 'CoiiJgiie'iien ruorcr (BowdoinCollEle),HentyWalker(CrinnellCollege)' b. Gmdwte and PostdoclorulAdekors None Sponsor c, ThesisAdvisorafld Poslgroduqle-Scholqr None BiographicalSketches Faculty M€ntor: Rynn L. McFaI (i) Prcfessiohdl Pleparation B.S.(ComputerScienceandMathematics) HopeCollege,1993 M.S.(Computer Science) MichiganSLaLe Uni!ersiry,lqs5 Ph.D.(Computer Science) Michi-gan SlateLruver,iiy,2000 (ii) Appoinltue ts HopeColleg€,Visiting Instructor,1995-96,Assistantprofessor,2000-presenr (ii Pttblications Up to 5 publications rost closely rcIsteil to the proposedproject: Dershem,H.L., McFall,R.L.,ard N. Uti*, "A LinkedList Protot?e for the Visual Represenationof AbstractDaIaTWes," Interactiye Multimedia Electronic Journal of Computer-EnhancedLeaming, 4,2(Oct, 2002). Dershem,H.L., McFall,R.L.,andN. Uti*, "AnimationofJavaLinkedLists,"SIGCSEBulletin, 34,1(Mar, 2001),53-s7. Ap tu 5 othet sigrrilicant pablicdtiotts, whethet or ,tot klated to the Dropose.lprciect: McFall,R.L. andSleginl. C.. "lnrroducroryCompurSciencefor GenErafEducajion: Laborato es,Textbooksandthe Internet,"SIGCSEBulletik,29,l(M6r, 1997),96-100. McFall,R.L., U$an-Lurain,M. andWeinshank, D.J.,"A Web-To-Database Sysremfor CollectingStudentData,"Proceedings oflEEE Frontie$in Education200i, November, 2002-FlEl4-Fl F.t8 McFall , R. L. andDershem,H.L., "Finite StateMachineSimulationin an IntroductoryLab,,' SIGCSEBulletin,26,1(Mar1994),126-140, (iv) Sy eryhtic Activities a Previous gronls awarded: Principal Investigator,"Student and lnstructor CenteredElectronic Textbooksin the Hope Coll€geComputerScienceCurioulum",NSF CCLI program,2001-present, $74,967. b. Summdry of undetgrdduate research intobernent In the past 8 years,Dr. McFall hassupervised14 undergmduateresearchstudentsfor sumner projects and 1I studentsdoing independentresearchprojects during the academicyear. (r) Collabotulio sa d Other Afltliatiorrs a, Collabofilors and Co-Editors A list of soieotistscollaboratedwith on projects over the last 48 monthswould iElude: Mark Urban-Luain (Michigan StateUniversity), Don Weinshank(Michigan State Unive$ity), Michael Jipping (Hope College),H€rb Derchem(Hope College), Alyce Brady (Kalanazoo College),Dave Berque(DePauwUniversi9. b. Graduate dad Postdoctotul A.lvison Matt W. Mutka (Michigan StateUniversity) c. ThesisAdvisor atudPostgruduate-ScholarSponsot None SUMMARY oPo ORGANIZATION / PROJECT DIRECTOR PRINCIPAL LNVESTICATOR andOlh* S€nlorAssocaids Pl/Po Co-Pl's,FacuLty PERSONNEL: A. SENIOR sh@numb€rlnb6ckeG) {Lrsre.chs6pa.at6lywlhill€,A.7 PAG oi! BIJDGEIJ|ISYIFICATIoN 6.I 0l OTHERS(LlsTINDIVDIJALLY 7,' 3 I TOTALSENIORPERSONNELO. (SHOWNUMSERS IN B B. OTHERPERSONNEL ASSOCIATES 1.1 I t PosTDocToRAL 2. I (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMVEE.IIQ O) OThERPROFESSIONAIS STUDENTS IJNOERGMOUATE . OLERICA!(IFCHAROED OIRECIL SEORETARIAL (A + B + BENEFITS WAGESANDFRINGE (LISI ITEMANODOLLAR AA'iOIJNT FOREACHITEMEXCEEDINC $5'OOO') O, EOU1PMENT L, CAMOA MEXICOANO COSTS F PARTICIPANT SLJPPORT , slpENos s-------------i:_i 3. SUBSTSTENCE----------; 4 OTHER ANOSUPPLIES COSTS/OOCUMENIA 2. PUBLIGATION RATEANOBASE) COSIS(F&A)(SPECIFY I. INOIRECI (Brto: 8as0: 33600) 25.0000, stlD.ns 25%olst0rlort TOTATNDIRECTCOSIS INOIRECT J. TOTA!DIRECTANO (IFFORFURTHER FUNDS K, RESIDUAL SEEGPG I. RTOFCURRENT PROJECTS L. AMOUNTOFTHIS M. COSTSHARINGPROPOSEOLSVELS USEONLY INO]RECT COSTRAIE VERIFICAT]ON 'ELECTRONIC BUOGEI REqUIREDFORREVISEO SIGNATURES SUMMARY BUDG PRINCIPA!IN\ESTIGAIOR / PROJECTDIRECTOR coPl's,Fact]lty andOherSonlor Asrociales A. SENIOR PERSONNEL:P!Po, (LisleachsepaElotwilhUUe, 4.7. Bh@numb.rin b6ckels) 6. ( 7. ( O) OI}IERS (LISTINDIVIDUALIYON BUDGETJUSTIflCqNON FAG 3 )TOTALSENIORPERSONNEL IN B. OTHER PERSONNEI ISHOWNUMEERS WAGES ANDFRINGE B TOTA!SALARIES, O, EQUIPMENT{LISTITEMANODOLIARAI'OUNT FOREACHITEMEXCEEOINO I51(]OO,) F, PARTICIPANT SUPPORTCOSTS 1. STTPENDS I ----------si ---------------js""; 2.TMVEL 3.SUAStSTENCE . OTI{ER n; 3, CONSULIANTSERVICES 4. COMPIJTER SERVICES (F&AXSPECI'Y rdATE ANDAASE) I. INOIRECT COSTS (Rat6:25.0000, Sase:33E00) 25%ot studonl sllpand6 J. TOTATOIRECTANDINOIRECTCOSTS{H + K RESIDUA!FUNDS(|F FORFURTHERSIJPPORTOF CURRENTPROJECTSSEEGPGII.C. (J OR{J MINUS L. AMOUN'OFTHISREOUEST PROPOSEO IEVEL M.COSTSHARING INDIRECICOSTRATEVERIFICATION 2 TELECTRONICSIGNATURESREQUIREDFOR REVISED EUDGEI SUMMARY FORNsFUSEONLY (months) DUMTION HoioColloon PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR / PROJECT DIRECIOR Hslb€dL Dslsism A. SENIOR PERSONNEL| PI/PD,CoPls, FacullyandOlhd S6nor Asmi.t€s (LlsteachsepaFt€lyw lh ![e, A.7, 6h@ numb6rinb€ckeh) 0.0( 0.50 2.0t5 0.0{ 0.00 2.0( 0.0{ 0.00 2.0( PI 2. MlchrElJ Jinnird . Fecdtv M.nl0r J nvanL McFall-tacullvM€nlor 5. 6.I O) OTTiERS {LISI INDI!IDUAILY ON BUOGEIJUSTIFICA'IION PAGE 7.( 3 )TOTALSENIORPERSONNEL {1.6) (SHOWNUMBERS INSMCKETS) B. OTHERPERSONNEL 1.I I ) POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCTATES PROGRAMMER, ETC,) 2, i O) OTHERPROFESSIONALS ITECHNICIAN. STUDENTS 3,( (|) GMDUATE 4.( 5. { STUDENTS OI IJNOERGRAOUATE - CIERICALOFCHAROEO OIRECILY) OI SECRETARLA! 6.( 0)oTHER 3.500$ 2.000 2.000 0 0.0{ 0.0( 0.0( 7_500 .,,Y r&lglx..-, 0.0d 2.0{ 5.000 0.0d 0.0{ 0 0 0 0 0 12.500 0.501 6.0( TOT,{ SALARIESANOWAGESIA + 3) (IFCHARGED I.s OIRECICOSIS) C, FRINOE BENEFITS TOTA! SAI-ARIE9,WAGESANOFRINGEBENEFITS{A + A + C) (LISTITEMANDDOLLAR AMOUNTFOREACHITEMEXCE€OINO D, EOUIPMEIJI $5.OOO.) 1.750 1t.250 i'] TOTALEQUIPMENT CANADA, MEXTCOAND U.S,POSSESSTONS) IRAVEL t. DoME9lC0NCL, 2. FOREIGN PARTICIPANT SUPPORT COSTS I STTPENDS l-------:*i ---2 TMVEL 0 3.000 0 ,ffi U IOTALNUMBER OFPARTICIPANTS 8) TOIALPARTICIPANT COSTS G, O'IIIER DIRECTCOSTS 1. MAIERIALS ANDSUPPLIES 2. PIJBIICATION COSTSDOCUMENTATIONDISSEMIMTION 3. CONSIJLIANT SERVICES 4, COMPUI€RSERVICES 6.OTHER TOIALOTHER DIRECT COSIS H. TOTALOIRECTCOSTS IAIHROUGHG) RATEANDA,ASE) I. INOIREC'COSTS(FEA)(SPECIFY 37.600 1.000 3.200 0 0 0 1_000 6.200 60.050 (Ralo: 25.0000, 8.80:33600) 25%oldudontsliponds 8-400 TOTALINDIRECT COSTS(T&A) (H + D 68.450 J, TOTAI.DIRECTANOINDIRECTCOSIS PROJECTS SEEGPG I C 6 l ) 0 S'JDPORT OF CIJRRENT K. RESIDUAL FIJNDS(F EORFURTHER (J)OR (J MINUSK) $ 68.450 L. AMOUNTOF THISREOUEST L .IIFFF E R E N T $ LEVELI M.COSTSMRINGPROPOSEO O I A G R E E O L E V ED FORNSFUS€ONI.Y INDIRECT COSTRATEVERIFICqNON REQUIRED 'OR REVI!'ED BUDGET SIGI|^TURES 3 'EIECTROI.IIC SUMMARY FORNSFUSEONLY PRINCIPAL INVESTGqTOR / PROJECT DIRECTOR A, SENIOR PERSONNEL: PI/PD, CcPl's,FaclltvandOlhorSenlor l€soclalos (UsteachsepaEieywlfrlltle,A.T. shownlmb€rLub6ckoti) 1.Helherl L DsrshemPl 2. Mrtlioer orJonohFacultillsnl0r - Fac[lNManlor 3 l\llcharl J Jloolnd 0.001 0-001 2-0{ 3_500$ 2.000 2.000 0.0d 0.001 0,0( 0.001 0.501 6.0{ 0 7_500 0-001 0.001 2-M 0.n{ 0-001 0-M 5.000 0 0 0,s01 2-01$ 0-onl 0-001 2-01 5, (LISTINDIVIDUAILY O.( O) OTHERS ONBUDGEIJUSTIFICAIION PAGE 7 r 3 TOTALSENIORPERSONNELII"6I (SHOWNUMBERS B, OTHERPERSONNEL IN BRACKETS) 'I POSTDOCTORAI.ASSOCIATES 1 2 . ( n OTHERPROFESSIONALS ITECHNICIAN. PROGRAMMER. EIC,I 3 . ( [ GRADUATE STUOENTS 4 . ( 0 UNDERGRADUATE STUOENTS (F CHARGEO 5 . ( [ SECREIARIAL. CLERICAL DIRECTLN 6 . ( [ OTHER TOTALSqLARIESANOWAGESIA + BI (JFCHARGEO C. FRINGE BENEFITS 'S DIRECT COSTS) (A+ B+ C) IOIAL S,qLARIES, WAOES ANOFRINOE SENEFITS 0 0 0 12.500 1.750 14.250 D. EAUPMENT(LISTNEM ANDDOILARAMOUNTFOREACHITEMEXCEEDINGS5,O@,) TOTALEOI.JIPMENI (NCL.CANADAMEXTCO 1. DOMESTTC A\D U,S,POSSESSTONST 2, FOREIGN 0 3.000 0 PARTICIPANT SUPPORT COSTS 1,STIPENDS S 1,000 3,SUBSTSTENCE 4.OiHER TOTALNUMAEROF PARTICIPANTS G. OTHERDIRECTCOSTS 1,MATERIALS ANDSUPPI.IES 8l TOTALPARNCPANTCOSTA 2, puBlcAioN costs/oocuMENtAioN/DlsSEMrNATroN 37_8[[ t.[0[ 3.200 3, CONSULTANT SERVICES 4, COMPUIERSERVICES 6, OTHER TOTA!OThERDIRECT COSTS H, TOTALDIRECTCOSTS{A THROUGHG) I. INDIRECTCOSTS(F&AXSPECIFY RATEANOBI"SE) 1.000 5.200 E0_050 (Rat6: 25ry" d studonlsllpands 25.0000, Baso: 336001 TOTALINOIRECTCOSTS(F8A) J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECI COSTS {H + I) a lnn 84 450 K. RESJOUA! FUNOSIIF FORFURTHER SUPPORT OF CUFREM PROJECTIi SEEGPGII.C.6.I.) L. AMOUNT OFTHISREQUEST IJ)OR(J MINUSK} 88.450 M. OOSTSHARINGPROPOSEDLEVEL$ O I AGREEDLEVELIF DIFFERENT$ FORNSFU6EONLY INDIRECTCOSTRATEVERIFICATION ORG,REP,NAME4 'ELECTROI{IC SIGITIATURESREOUIREDFOR REVISED BUDGET SUMMARY FORNSFUSEONLY PRINCIPALINVESTIGATOR / PROJECTDIRECTOR tl.r!.d t Dir$em A. SENIOR PERSONNE! Pl/Po,Co-Pl's, Facully andOlhnS€nlor Associ€i€s (LEt6€ch36p.r€lolywllh!11.,a.7. shdnumb€rInbEcksts) L HsllsrlL D8lsnsm-Pl qq 2. M.nhEwO.lor.h - FBctrllvMenl.r 3, n v r n t M c F a l lF . nlltvMenlor 0.0( 0.5d 0.01 0.0{ 0.01 2-0t $ 2.Ol 3.500 $ 2_000 !.01 2_000 0.01 0 7.500 2.01 5.000 0 5, ON BUOGEIJUSTIFIC,ATION 6. { O) OTIIERSILISTINDIVIOUAIIY PAGE (1.6) 7.{ 3 JIOTALSENIORPERSONNEL (SHOWNUMBERS IN BRACKETS) S. OTHERPERSONNET 1 ] POSTOOCTORAL ASSOCIATES (IECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, EIC.) || ) OTHERPROFESSIONAIS OI GMDUATESII]OENTS SIUOENIS || ) UNOERGMDUATE 0.0{ 0.0{ 0.0{ 0.<( T 0.0{ 0.00 (IFCHARGEO 5 , O) SECREIARIAL. CLERICAL OIRECTLY) 6 . 0) otltER TOTAL STARIESANOWAGE6(A+ B) WAOES ANOFRINGE BE\EFITS(A+ B+C) TOTAISALARIES, (LISTITEMANOOOLLAR AI'OUNTFOREACI]ITEMEXCE€OINC o, €QUIPMENT I5,OOO,) TOTALEOUIPMENT MEXTCO ANDU.S.POSSESSTONS) 1 DOMESTTC I|NCLCANADA. 2, FOREIGN COSTS F, PARTICIPANI SUPPORT I ST|PEND9 l----."+: s.suBslsTENcE -____-___0 4, OTHER OFPARTICIPANTS TOTAL NUMBER G, OIHERDIRECT COSTg 0 0 0 12.500 1.75[ FRINGEBENEFI'6 IIF C||ARGEOAS DIRECTCOSTS) E, TRAVEL 0 1t.250 0 3.000 0 1.000 3.000 E) TOTALPARTICIPANT COSTS 37.600 1,MATERIALS ANDSUPPLIES t-000 2 PUBLICATION COSTS/DOCUMENTATION/OISSEMIMTION 3,CONSULTANTSERVICES 3.200 4. 'OMPUIER SERVICES 6,OTHER TOTALOTHEROIRECTCOSTS H, TOTALOIRECTCOSIS (A IHROUGHG} RATEANOBASE) I, INOIRECTCO9IE (F&A)(SPECIFY (Ral6: B,so:33600) 25.0000, ?57.olstrd.nt8llp80ds TOTA! INDIRECTCOSTS(F&A) (H+ I) ANDINDIRECT COSTS J. TOTALDIRECT 0 0 0 t-000 5_200 50.050 s.400 68.t60 0 68.{503 SIJPPORTOF CURRENIPROJECTS SEEGFGII.C.6J.) FIJNDS(IF FORFURTHER K, RESIOUAL REqUESI(J)OR (J MINUSN 3 L. AMOI,INTOFTHIS LEVELIF OIFFERENT LEVE!I $ M. COSTSMRINGPROPOSED O I AGREED FORNSFUSEONIY INDIRECTCOSTRATEVERIFICATION HorionL Dorsiom SIOMIU'IES RECIUIRED FORR6/ISEOBUDGET 5 IELECTRONIC SUMMARY FORNSFUSEONLY PRINCIPAIINVESTIG,ATOR / PROJECTDIRECTOR Hsftrrl L osrshtn #:f.,#:f. A. SENIORPERSONNEL: PIPO, CoPl's, Faculty andOtherSenlorlssoclates (Llsl6€cnseparal6lywlh iluo,A.7. sh* numb4 ln bEck€ts) - Facultr, 2.l\lallh.wo.Jonoh lll.nlor 0.00i 2.50 10.0{$ 0.00 8.0{ 3. lllilhaslJ Jirrino- Facullv ftnlor 4. EvanL rFall 0.01 0.00 0-01 0.00 1. H.rbnt t Dilsham-Pl 5. 6 { ) OTHERS IIST INDIVIOUALLY ONSUDGET JUSTIFICATION PAGE (1- 6) 7.{ 4 ) TOTALSENIORPERSONNEL (SHOWNUMBERS B, OTHERPERSONNEI. IN BRACXSIS] l ( 5 POSTDOCTORA!ASSOCIATES (TECNNICIAN, 2 . t I OTHERPROFESSIONALS PROGMMMER,ETC.) 6.0{ 6.01 0-001 0.01 0.01 2.50130.0( I 0.01 0.001r0.0( 0.0( 0.0d 0.0( 3 . i 0 GMDUATESTUDENTS 4 . t n UNOERGRAOUA1E STUOENTS . CLERICALIIF CHARGEDOIRECILYI 5 . i 0 SECRETARIAL e . ( 0 OIHER TOTA! SALARIESANOWAGES{A + B] C. FRINGE BENEFITS IIF CMRGED'.s OIRECICOSTSI (4.6 + C) IOTA! SAIARIES, WAGEStND FRINGE BENEFITS o, EOUIPMENT(LISTITEMANDOOLI-ARAMOUNI FOREACHIIEM EXCEEDINO'5,OOO,) iffii;a;ij 17,500 8.000 6.000 6.000 0 37.500 25.000 0 0 0 0 0 62 500 8.750 71.250 TOTA!EOUIPMENT (INCLC'{NADA, 1. DOMESTIC MEXICOAND U,S,POSSESSIONS) 2, FOREIGN E, F, PARNCIPANI SUPPORT COSTS 1.SNPENDS $ 3.SUBSISIENCE 4,OTHER 15.000 0 188-000 15,000 0 TOTI'I NUMBEROF PARTICIPANIS {0) TOTA! PARTICIPANTCOSTS G, OTHEROIRECTCOSTS I. MAIERIALS ANOSUPPLIES 2. PUBIICATIONCOSTS/OOCUMENTATION/DISSEMIMTION 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES 4, COMPUIER SERVICES 6. OTftER TOTAI OT11ER OIRECTCOSTS (ATHROUGH H, TOTA!DIRECICOSTS GI 188.000 6.000 16.000 0 0 0 5.000 26.000 300.250 (F8A)(SPECIFY I. INOIRECTCOSTS FATEANOAASE) TOTALINOIRECTCOSTS(F&A] t2.0[0 J, TOTAI DIRECTANOINOIRECTCOSTSIH + I} 342.25n SUPPORT K. RESIOUAL FUNDS(IFFORFURTIIER OFCURRENTPROJECTS SEEGPGII.C.6I.) 0 L. AMOUNT OFTHISREOUEST IJ OR(J I INUSKI $ 342.25{l $ M- COSTSHARINGPROPOSEDIEVEL $ I I AGREEDLEV€LIF DIFFERENTI FOR I{SF USEOI{LY INDIRECTCOSTRATEVERIFICANON Horhorl L oorsltom ORG,REP,NAME' FORREVISEO BI'DGET C 'EIECTRONIC'IGMIURES REOUIRED BudgetJustification A1. Proj€ct Director The ProjectDirectorreceives$1,500for time spentdunngthe academicyearin creatinganddishibutingpublicity,directingthe applicationprocess,andmaking for housingandotherresources pdor to the arrivalofthe participants. anangements ln pa(icipantsand addition,the ProjectDirectorwill be thementorto two undergraduate will receivethe standardstipendfor thatresponsibility. A2-3,Faculty Mentor Stipetrds Each faculty mefltor is expectedto meetrcgularly with their studentsand be availablefor guidanceon a daily basis.Thementorreceivesa stipendof $ 1,000for each for tle time spentwith the student.It is studentparticipant.This is compensation that thementor'sresearchwork will be supported by fundsotherthanthose expected providedby this project. 81, PostDoctoral Associates This stipendof$5,000 eaohyearis to providesupportfor the extemalfaculty it is anticipatedthat shewill be mentor.This mentoris provideda largerstipendbecause requiredto foregosomepotentialsourcesoffunding by beingawayfrom her home campus. C. Fringe Ben€fits Fringebenefitsfor HopeCollegefacultyarecalculatedat the following perc€ntage !ate: 6.20% FICA Medicare | .45% Retirement 10.5% Total 18,15% Fringebenefitsfor extemalfaoultymentorarecalculatedasabov€without fo! a basicraterof7.65% retilemenr contributions E1.DomesticTravel This is providedfor the gxtgmalfacultymento!to providesupportfor havel lrom duringtheprogram, lt is anticipated andhousing whileh residence l'rerhomeinstitution mentor's family. havel expenses fo! the may include tiat theseexpenses Fl. Participantstipendsandfringebenelito:8 students@ $4'200per student. of $300to coverthe of $3,900withbenefits will receivea stipend Thestudents This is the sarne student stipeld thatwe have collggecontributionto FICA aodMedicare, usedfor thepaslrwoyearsoftheprogram. F2. ParticipantTravelr4 studetrts @ $250per student Thgsefundsargusedto providetavel supportlor non-HopeCollegestudentsto to travelfrom theirhomesto theHopecampusandfor studelttravelto conferencas research. pesenttheresultsoftheir F3.ParticipantSubsist€trce Ooehalf of thestudenthousingis providedby HopeCollege.Thetotalcostof housingis approximately $500for thetenweeks.Theamormtbudgetedis $250per studentperweekfor a totalof$2,000. Eachweektherewill be a groupmealprovided.This is budgetedat $100per meal for a totalof$1,000. Gl. M8terialsatrdSupplies Suppliesinoludecopying,software,books,andpostersuppliesneededfor rccluithg andresearch projects. G2.PublicationCosts/Documertation/Dissemination This will providesupportfor shrdenttravelto andparticipationin conferences wheretheywill presetrttheirresearch. This is budgetedat $400per shrdent. G6.Other Visit to graduateschool:$500 Stipendfor cornmunication skills workshopleadeE:$300 Tmvelexpenses for visit of formerHopeREUparticipants:$200 I. Indirectcosts 25%ofstudentstiperds InstitutionalCommitment HopeCollegewill provideone-halfof thecostofeachstudent'shousingfor the surnmer. This is a totaloornmitnentof $2,000eachsulnmer. Hop€Collegewill provideeaohstudetrtpadioipantwith €xclusiveaccessto one workstationin thedeparhnent lab for thetetr-weekperiodalongwith full aocess to the d€parhn€ntal rctwork, HopeCollegewill provideall studentparticipants with full accessto campus libraryandrecreational facilitiesfor theten-weekpedod. currentandPending Support GPGSectionll-D.afor on lnformation to includeon thisrcrm Th. ro @ n9 !{ormiion she Ldbe piwid.d ior 6..n hFsirsalor and orhsr!.nror p8Mmr. Frluc !o prdldo rhl! liro md on may d.lay @n!ld. dlon or rh3 prcposal. (includino Olherasoncies NSF)10 whichlhisproposalhas been/wilbesubmited Herbert Dershem lnvestioator: Planned inNearFuture tr*Transfer ol Support Support: tr CurrentE P€ndingtr Submission Research ParticipationProgramin Title: REU:An Undergraduate ProjecvProposal ComputerScience sourceof Supporl: NSF REU . IA3UO8 342,250TotalAwardPoriodCoveredr 01./01104 TotalAwardAmount:$ ol Project: HoPeCollege Location lo theProject. Cal:0'00 Acad:0.50 Sumr: 2'00 PerYearCommitted Person-l\,lonths of Support in N€arFuture El'Transfer Planned Support: BCurront tr Ponding tr Submlssion Title: ProjecVProposal Sourceof Support: PeriodCovered: TotalAward Amountt$ TotalAward Localion of Project: Acad: to the Project. Cal: PerYearCommitted Person-lvlonths Sumr: ol Suppoft InNearFuture tr'Transter Planned Support: tr Curr€nl tr PendlngtrSubmlsslon Titlel ProlecVProoosal Sourc€of Supportl PoriodCovered: TotalAward IotalAwardAmount $ of Proiectl Looation Acad: to the Project. Cal: PerY€arCommitted Person.Months Sumr: in NqalFuturo tr'Transfelol Support Planngd Supportr trCurrent tr Pgnding tr Submisslon Titlo: ProjecVProposal Sourceof Supporti PeriodCovered: TotalAward Amounti$ TotalAward of Proiect: Location Acad: to th€Project Cal: PerYearCommitted Person-lronths Sumr: in NearFuture tr'Transferof Support Plann€d SuDoort: tr Cutr€nt O Pending n Submission Title: ProiecVProposal Sourceof Support: PeriodCovered: TotalAward Amount $ TotalAward Locationof Project: Acad: to theProject. Cal: PerYearCommitted Person-Months Summ: Er |meo|a@|yprewn |U U||U|g u" ""' 'tnis orc|ecthaspr6v'ous|y b€€n|Und6doy anohgrag€ncy'p|eas€|iand fumEFr|ormalLon Fag€G-1 USEADDIflONALSHEETSAs NECESSARY Current andPending Support GPGSeCtiOn ll.D.6lorquidanceon ifiormalion to includeon this form Th6rorr@n9 inromaion shd d b6 poi&d ror 3ao\ iNestsad andorher3e olherag6nces(jncludiiqNsF)towhichthisp@posalhas beedwllbesubmtted. lnvestiqator: Matthew DeJongh Supporl tr Curr€nt I Pending tr Submjssion Planned in NearFuture tr'Transferol Support ProjecvProposal Tille: REU: An UndergraduateResearchParticipationProgramin Computer Science NSF REU Sourceof Suooort - 12131108 TotalAward Amount:$ 342,250TotalAwardPerjodCovered: 01101104 Location of Project: Hope College Person-Months PerYearCommitted to theProiect. Cal:0.00 Acad:0.00 Sumr: 2.00 Supporl: tr Current ElPending EISubmission Planned in NearFuture tr'Transferof Support ProiecYProposal Title: Sourceof Support: TotalAward Amount$ TotalAward PeiodCovered: Location of Projoctl Person-Monlhs PerYearCommitled to theProjEct. Cal: Acad: Sumr: Support: tr Cufient EIPending ElSubmission Planned in NearFuturo Et*Transfor oJSupport ProjecVProposal Titlel Sourceof Supportl TotalAward Amounl:$ TotalAward PeriodCovered: Location of Project: Person-Monlhs PerYearCommitted to theProiect. Cal: Acad: Sumr: Support: tr Curent tr Pending tr Submission Planned in NearFuture fltTransferof Support ProiecVProDosal Titlel Sourceof Suooort: TotalAwardAmount:S TotalAwardPedodCovered: Locationof Proieci: Person-Monlhs PerYearCommittedto the Proiect. Cal: Acad: Sumr: Planned ih NearFuture D*Transfer ol Slpport Support: tr Current tr Pending tr Submission ProjecYProposal Title: Sourceof Support: TolalAward Pe od Covered: TotalAward Amount$ Location of Projectl Person-Months PerYearCommitted to theProject. Cal: Acad: Summ: 'll thisprcjecrhaspreviously procsdlngiundinqpsriod. lor im'n€dlalgly beenlundedby anoiheragenry,pleaselisiandlumishinlormalion PsgsG2 USEADDITIONAL SHEETSAS NECESSABY Current andPending Support GPGSectionll.D.8for quidanceon informa on ro,dA^h rh lorireras@ Investigator: MichaelJipping I ptanned Supporl: trCurrent E Pending tr Submission in NoarFuture E.Transfer oi SuDoort ProjecvProposat Titte: REU: An UndergraduateResesrchparticipation progam ln ComputerScience Sourceof SuoDort: NSF REU IoialAwardAmount:$ 342,250TotatAwardperiodCoverod: 0ll}7l04 . I2l3llug Location of Project: Hope College Person-l\4onths PerYearCommitted to theprojoct. Cal:0.00 Acadt0,00 Sum 2.00 plannod Support: ECurrent tr Pending tr Submtssion in NearFuture E,Transter ot Suooort ProjecvProposal Titlo: Implementingand SimulatingHardware in Computer ArchitectureClasses Sourceof Suooort: NSF CCLI TotalAward Amount:$ - 0gt3ltq4 52,743TotalAwardperiodCovered: 09101103 Location ot Projecti Hope College Person-Months PerYearCommitted to theproiect. Cali0,00 Acad:2.00 Sumr: 2.00 Support: ElCurr€nt tr Pending trSubmission Planned in NearFuture tr'Translsrof Support ProjecvProposal Tillel Sourceof Support: lotalAwardAmounl:$ TotalAward PeriodCoverod: Localion of Projecti Person.l\4onihs PerYearCommitted to lhe Project. Cal: Acad: Sumr: Supporl: trCurrenl tr P€ndjng tr Submission Plann€d In NearFuture Et*Transfer of Support ProjecVProposal Title: Sourceot Support: TotalAward Amount:$ TolalAward PeriodCovered: Location of Project; Person-Months PerYearCommitted to theProject. Calt Acad: Sumr: Supporl: fl Current ct Pending tr Submission Planned in NearFulure tr'Transf€rol Support ProjecVProposal Titlel Sourceof Support; TotalAward Amounl $ TotalAward PeriodCovered: Locationof Project: Person-l\4onths PerYearCommitted to theProject. Cal: Acad: 'l! Summ: hasp€ubudy b€6nrundedbyanorheragency,pl6a6€llstandtu,ntrhintormt on tor imm€dtar€ty pr€c€dinstundhopedod. lhls prcj6c1 Pag6G€ USEADDITIONAL SHEETS ASNECESSARY Currentand PendingSupport 6e GPGSectlonll.D.8forquidanc€on Inlormalionlo includeon thls lorm. ille ionMno iniomalio sho! td ba pwtd€d tor 6achinve.rigdordd odr.I snlo poFonndl. F4luE lo prc\4dolhls nJomarionm.y d6layssideaiion oi lhb propos.l beedwlllbesubmined (includ o|neragencies ns NsF)to whichlhi6proposalhas lnvestioator:Rvan McFall Supporl Plannedin NearFuture Ei*Transferof Support tr Cufient E Pending E Submission ParticipationProgramin Research Title: REU:An Undergraduate ProiecvProposal Computer Science sourceof Support: NSF REU AwardPeriodCovered: 0u0ll04 - l2l3u08 342,250Total TotalAwardAmountr$ Location of Proiect: Hope College to theProject. Cal:0'00 Acadr0.00 Sumr 2.00 PerYearCommitted Person-Months of Supporl in NearFuturo El'Trans{er Plannsd Supporl: ECurrent tr Pending trSubmission Title: Studentand Instructor CenteredElectronicTextbooksin the ProjecvProposal Comouter ScienceCurriculum NSF CCLI Sourceol Support ' l/31lo3 AwardPeriodCovered: 06101102 74,967Total TotalAwardAmount:$ Location of Project: Hope College to theProject, Cal:0.00 Acad:2.25 Sumr: 2.00 PerYearCommitted Person-Months of Support in NearFuture El*Transfer Plannod Support: tr Cur€nt tr Pending tr Submisslon Title: Project/Proposal Sourcsof Supportl TolalAward PeriodCovered: TotalAwardAmount $ Locationof ProjEct: Acad: to thEProjEct. Cal: PerYearCommitted Person-Months Sumr of Support in NearFuture El*Translsr Plannqd Support: trCurrent ElPending ElSubmission Title: ProjecvProposal Sourceof Support: PeriodCovered: TotalAward TotalAward Amount:$ Locationof Project: Acad: to theProject. Cal: PerYearCommitted Person-Monlhs Sumr: Plann€d in NearFuture tr'Transferof Support Support: EtCurrent ElPending OSubmission Title: ProjecVProposal Sourceof Suppott: TotalAwardPeriodCovered: Amount:$ TotalAward Locationof Project: Acad: to theProject. Cal: PerYearCommitted Person-Months Summ: 'tt ttt|soroieortr* orpvioustv iundingpedod. OeentundBdby a,lotheragency,p eassllstandlumishinlomatlonior iffidialely prec€ding SHEETSAS NECESSARY USEADDITIONAL Pagee4 2oo3 Hopecou.g.-*puffi Resutrs BEUI\lqmniSurve.y Th_e-Hop: CollegeREUp.@ science orInvorving ue iieloofcomi;;;;#;; ;::il::.,*9:::l:,:?ipurer herp.i sreatly r. p,.p*",;;o;;;;;ft"ft;,fift:"i:ff;iir"r,," Ioundlo bea daunting panolihe'aoolving,to graduare school process. In largepan,oueto workandexperience t had at Hope Colegi.t amplanning.on lhe ,,""ii"* r?jrro *n*, ts':i beginning in rhefallof2004foraph.D.i".,i ",""1l,-"^-?;;.:'J:'ll:il j,"':J"lifl; -!ii|,11l1li1i"_T"#:: t:'i.i:T:1i",:H' :f,; ni*"::::*:-"1,:d'il underg.duate schoot optionwhiih wasnoi ;;;;;gH#;H:,:? "f;;;?;;l; TheREU gavemea goodopportunitvto consolidate whatI hadleamedin theclassroom, *"fidencein mya6ititya, u ,"i"ntirf l^*-y]:,".]"t fesearchprocess. "ornput", ""I"^p"r*" " ,fr" * *e HopeREU programhashada phenomenal impacron my eoucarron YLfTj.]L.::: (navenr got to rhe.careersmgejustyet). It provided me with mv iia..""i ."."";" experience andhelpedme in decrdinglo goto graduate school.Additionaily,Di oershem,s GREprepcourse helped merogerse.-rioui.abdi;h;;l;;;;;";;;';'e;';il;*p*r." nodoub{fhat wirhout.rhe research exp.,t"n..fia-p,iui,..uon. lflj::"T:].li:11 thatresulred fromliave mysummer arHopa,I wo"ld topprogramsacrossthecountrv. ilh;;;il;;ffiJfffi;jffi" In^addilion to thetechnical.aspect of theprogram,I havebeenexrremelypleasedwith the socralexperience aswell. With thestud{ snrsllvtngtoge-th€r jn planned andparticipattng socialactivities, Iwas ableto getto knowmu"voT.i r"iio* pui.;;;;;;;;il;';ii:1" summary, I hada blastoverthecourse of thesumm"igotto.ipe.i"i." u o"n of tf," country, madea lifeJongftiend,gotserious ""r" aboutgradlchool,icquireJitre to programs "reaentiats q:l lcc",qt:9tojop^-I9tch andof courseliameda totof compurer science. ,1 -rn-a nopes KtU program getsanA jn my book. t helpedme to leamhow to work in a t€am,andI madesoodftiends. During my.REU researchexpedenceat HopeI hadthe opportunityfor the fi$t tlme to proj-ctfro. tt ioogti-f-r"-Lr,,urion. ff,1!"_.1L15: l"lll,*, " development "o"""ption i"d:, deveropm"ni.*iiiii,-r,u, u""n_y Tl:-"lT::^::"^:l':',ltll ,llce :,!It_d.rn.{ rhen. workingwifr ralenred srudents professors and was inspins :::1.:::l.1q1i andhelpedme to realizeandpreparefor my careergoals.I feel ve.y fonunu," ,o f,uuJ'f,uj sucha greatrcsearch,/work experienceasan undersiaduate. ope College'ssurnmerresearchprogramreally helpedme to decideon Aoingro aouateschoolalter I gol my B.S. It wasrery ruceto actuallyparticipaGin; research toknowwharresearch life is goingro betikein gruaout" ,"iooi *iii; i;;;11 , :rgraduate studenr. Ir alsohelped meto decide wharfieldLhat I likedthemoslin My time in sumnerresearch realJyhelD€ jilr'{ifi,?:#,il.?tr#l#;""tft.":ffi,, _,, ::xl,:x$ixii*:ii! asrewarding,I was able toattend aconferenlJ;i;;ffi;;;:,"uJil""rii;:,irHifi:,?LI ger me a graspon thefield andtheindustrythatit suDDorts. HopeCollegeREU wasa tremendous experience for me.notjusr for theprogrammrng r: *," p-".., oii"."".i'r,i"e fii";,o", * Hlffi"tJ,'11il**:.:1t:,1lTf whitepapers.,The contacts andsocial"lL1l: nitwo;kd;ir^,;;;;;";:;;';;""#;;::*#9". personar professionaii,r;.' ana v;;fi :ilffI1; chance to*:i::ll' workwithanoenloy "':# tre "ompiny;;6;;;'j #Jl,i,J g",,n" ffiilT,:,r:fl: to my carceraboutrheREUwastharir encouraged g::tj.,j-".1Tp"n*,,rl,ing^ meby pubrished. r *""iai""" gon",o :*1t"111,'"T"",}t*:",:1.1"1:9:::";r1.1, :"{_even.being ::1 aTi#l?*","'i[,'Jf *:f ;*:f,yjjiil*i{ffi ;ffi#ffiJJlil'Ji"3ff undergraduate institutionto.atiefld,theopponunityto engagein research levelwas wc. uxv onour of thc u,! prnrcrpal pnncrpalrcasons rcasonswhy why I chose choseto attend atrendHope :,,^1T^1fr:l{ito"" HoDe collegeAs it tumsout,I wasgiventheopponunity to panrcipate in t-r,",ui'*", ,"r"ur.r, eailyastheseiona ,",i,"rti,oi niyl;;;;;;;. fl?-ef::t"I""J:S"] helping_ro chartthedirection of ourefforts irrr""eh'd""ii;L;;ffi:'Jf Fr",n ft;:,:hh g.";th;"J;i,;""".yi"co","e"0 " uv,r,i. q.,ona Ii:ly::l?jll"1,g1ll?_|11,:.1!" experience served asasolidfoundation formyp"rdl";;;;i;;dilffi";#; re^search. Furrhemorc, i t uu","rlliin"J u"iy ;r";;;;;ffi ll*^1Tl_"pi.:"i"*" colleagues with manyof thepee$I metthroirll tfr" ,"r-". **ir";;;";; ""0 believethattheopportunities providedto undergraduate studenrs throughthesummer for crearinsthe engtneers andcomputerscientists of todayandtomorrow. research programcompnseanabsolutely invaluableformativeexperienci AlthoughI did-notmatriculatefrom Hope_College (duein no smallpartto a unique ly rosrudyin rhenewtyformeiSovierUnion).I feelas$;;th rl;;;;i; rravlorectry contriuuiJ,o',-y'i."."n,-ouy :l"p-""1"I?:^':ll"-iTT:'::"Tl.ptog*I research effortson behalfof theOfficefor NavalResearc'h t;f*r;d;;_""o 1ONR.1, (DARPA). tumvResearch' Instiiute (.nnrfrii-.c;y r""r *::TLIo;:::'-Agencv utomolive Research Developmenr and Engineering Cenrer tTARD;Ci ^, iJr"" h Laboratodes (AFRL),Officeof theSecretary of nU"n." fOSfjl, -a lir,"r.. For enablingthoseexperiences, I wouldlike express thedeepest gratitudeto theNational S€ience Foundation, thefacultyof theHopeColtegeoepartirentli iornpui"r-!","n"., uno fellow classmates. It helpedme get someintensivetimein with oneproject,whichI didn.treallyget belbre. Panicularly,it helpedme learnsomediscjplinein workingon a larg" piol""i'*"lr* r aar,t havea close,bydeadline to keepmemotivared. It alsohe"tpea mef?-uii,iVfi",io,n,"rrn. of whatkindsof thingsI couldpull off in a givenamount oi timewitha c;rtainsetof tools. And if nothingelse,it helpedme realize I wasn,treadyfor grad schooldght then ! rcience research program durins the LHf :P,1'9T;1J1;*:J: -"l_tl:f : !:ip_ i",y i."nr'oi. i-J*"il; ;:iJl'Xfl;1.:jHii"ilio"."o lj i3l"?il'^r",:l* :':qli i,.i",*r",,d.";;,#,?iJ:ilJ::il: x;Jijl]:,i"j::".lii:lgi,1Tt:ltly:11,r. il;il;l;il;"'H;l Xi*,1i,":;:"^"jjill:1.-"1,".y1,1,,1r'.i"ti"ne{;1;;;i:iil; ;;:;:* il;;i ffi 3,#L:**:"*"*l:: ff i::1"-"ig:r:l;r.#, reamermoie thanl,rt ::ff;.,1j:.:T:1f"l:crr ["Jil:il"fi'", ".*-i"ir,"ii"gi;r,iiffi;Jil:,.r;tll Jtismy^sincere hope,r,"ri"i*""r*i",irlJ;,'ffi j",1T J:,T:T::', opportunity toparticipate ".,:"1 intreHopetor.e.c"lp"i". i.ri#i:"#;.r11]il;". ;;: vly participationin the summerresearch il;H;;;""*. ",:'#g"t{lf nxiT;: tr-"fl i:::lgiiffi;"';"1.".'""l3*x1 :;,lii:,:lT,j raushr mehowroformurari inreresrins d;h ;;;;;;ilil':ffi#l,i ,1"p,."br.. *r,,i""t"-J;..:'lt;,illii,n,n*, :::::"1i"*T.:.,"I.^.:y"",:il" research resurted rnapaper pubricario; "i,a intil aCu,J,iy,ip"rr"ri'ild;rdiHtffi:,j presentins tlis.paper anapa.ticipating inih;-.;;i;;;; **" :Yl,".llY:,llg,iid iallyinvatuable tomyunaeritanaing oftteiioc#;i4ilil;:#ff"X#.. In doingresearch, theHopeCollegesummerrcsearch programprovided educatiotaltalksanda visit to Michiganswe ro teammore abou!graduate schoot.-fhe talksaddressed suchissuesashow tJgive technicaltalks,andsrill ;"";;;;;;. roday. OLirvisitrorr,tcnigan'State .dg.Jesearch lrr.t!. :l.on low.iis lave." i"rr" *f,"t graduare school like. andhada largeparttoptayin-myaecisi'on " "r ; ;;;ffi;. summ€r research prcgram alsohada largeimpactonmy carcer, I havenodoubrnat ,,1rn1* ':*g:r pruy"a i, ina",p""Jui" .iJi" g"u,ng :::""::::"^'"ii*pj -?ll:9."': meacceptod tosuchCsgraduate schools,as tt uniui.rltyoi wi..;;;ffi;;;i"#, oi nl,ish Columbia, " ofcrriialo,anJirr"iiiti"*:ry theUniverstty [",Ynt:"rti,r "r The.field ofComputer Science canbe,alittleov€rwhelming in thattherearesomany possible career parhs.Oneof my goalsduringcollegewasto"trya, rn-n of ,ii ar"* i" LJ asI COUtd tOdelermtne whatI enjoyed.Thesummer program research gavemerhe *w rechnologies anddivelopap=plicauons usrng :f"p:ylty,_:y:j::il-T11-!T "b:* them, co-writeand.publish a paper,andpresentour group'sresultsto ot-heri.In addition, jnsightiiro ihetechnorogte. *iir, *r,io, *,"y 3::-":.::.1,:y^by_?,9:^T: -eu::,-".*ln" were working. The experience helpedme pinpoint what I might like-to do afier graOuating. Now into my secondjob searchsitce graduating,I seehow often experience working in a teamor theabilityto communicate effectivelywith others,for exampie,areasteOtbr specificallyin job descriptions. I apFeciatethit I wasabreio be inuoiu"oin t ,"."u..r, programevenmore now thanI did at the time. " *e REUarHopeCo ege.t knewlharI definiretywanred rul so 1,1:: g r a ot-Tl:lTi u a r e s c"t_il hoot..lhtssummerprogramalsohelpedmetorea i z erow h i i h a r e a o l s r u d wanted to Dursue. Jd:?"", **"i"lfi:Jfi:T:i#: #0",#;"J;itT"ll,f * il"",,",'o llff*il, school. smduate compared wjrh mvore"t"*ffi;;i: #ffi:ilJH'::,?#5:1". theHopecottege REUprogram beiause_*-rcJi" p"i-."r-""a 1e tneprospects r ,ii, .,liil""*o o, of tife.Discussrng ofsraduate school and "*", :,1_,:":::l: :i:.tlTjtase undergraduates ;x!"J'XJ|",il'jiJ'jfi "OjjjlS: ry""' mvag;;;d;;#;;;;#;"iiji""!##il *- ,", ,:ponance._was theimpactrheHopeCollege REUhadonmy Durin^g rhesurrn".progrurn.-u *e.kty,,, :flr"::i1"":T,gr:l"Tre_schoot. h_erp uspracrc",","ilj;;i"CR'#H#;JJriil"l:::""" *", *'ouerrout ,r,""i.,'n''".,","u."i1.ijJ",,',iii"oui,o, t vJsLt' rrry auvrsorwai *u. ;i:T:,1:: 11toy11111 obvious:11i:i:l choice for me write recco"mn my.Sraduate-school applications' 3strenght ofhis recco-o"n6u,1on un6,lll-olll1ns'ror rcsearch experience at Hope College raifltv nt,r,art .i_-:r:^^_r -^1,ny ce:tainty ptayedeasignificant rolejin myad;itt-." i"i" g"r"a""i","i"iT'w"rrl'iTi,", dtuecror forc;mpute, ,"i"n""uiwllu_ unJilu.y,'i*u, ,o,o,r.,u, f.l:*jr_i"":S:':.JTs my summerrcsearch expeaience wasthe strong,factorin decidingto acceptme, a studentftom a small undergraduate colege, lnro melf Drostam. 'tr;'ili!'fii:ff sisnirican, ?iJ"T;;H:iffi;T: ff F,l"ff ;'#il,Hhad have beenexrremely valuable to my imploy"rr,uiA r,u""pi"""n ioi"-ue.y '-' uatuaot" -'to rne andasa business owner.ThrougirheHopi :^T^l1i.p.:Igl"lt."el. program. College Summer Research f *us uUfeioa"""ioi'"unug"rn.n,,tittr, while.leaming howro workboihindepenoenlty andaspartof a team.ltalso taught mepresentarion skillsthrough ihepres"nration oi ou,t"a, f.o1""iioitt andthrough symposium presentatidns atArgonne ",,"urnr, National Laboratory.Mosrimportantly.rheexperienieraughtme to grcw in my ' computerskillsand knowledge. andto persevere in a projicr rhroughro rheend,-rising to *hichit presinted. rt" is"arctr rrasalsorraoarey ["_Try_"1|tlq* path,as "ife.ience'iiJelf ir proven has to be very attracrive to employers, andhas 1l!1!t !n-3V "rcgr significantly contributed to my beingselectea fo. p<isitions *frlct i-aii-fiJ Besides probably helpingmeto landsubsequentjobs, thesummer research program also achance ntroniytowo.rk asateam, uriurlollp."p*" i:j?:1i:lljjtl :."1_:,Irwassuchasmeetingdeadlines,giving,"golu, tbr thedailyrigorsofemployment, upautoto supervisors, andpresenting findingsto a group. TheHopeCollegrsummerresearch programgaveme a first look at whatis invotvedin oorngresearch.I havesincegoneon to hold a positionasa gnduatestudentresearch ch papersinthefield of naturallanguage eiPlisf' a f.ewrcsear. processing, and I1s]ilt. perorrnprolesstonal research anddevelopment asanemployee of Attensitv.IbelieveLhat my_participationin Hope's surnmerresearchprogramhelpedme begin to forrn an understandingofresearchthat serr'esas a foundationfor my cuneniint"r".t. unapur.uit.. e sr]irrmerresearchwas a greatway tojump into the world ofresearch. Althoush it was ly tu wasfte perfectamountof tjmeto seewhalresearchis aboui. finga-paper publishedandberngableto present thercsearch at a conference wasoneof mostexctbngparlsol theentjreprogranr. * "ii"""t1J]:iiilfiirfif ffi:: i{#1ifl'::':,i:[iii:itJH#lli:i"ii"]ff opportunityto leam new aspeiti of computerscienie. *.EU gaveme a quick,accumte,andearlyview of whatcomputerscienceresearch is a has bcen'varuabre asa.",ffijn-;f f,3* *,l1::::*.":,f:::: helped jobptu""rn"nt mesecurc unau"ua"ii1'"ilffi;;:. it"iffifr""irtm*" ;;[fi." _o r,u, tntooneavenue of CSandhelpedshape whatkindof career I wantro My participation in theHoDeColleseNSF-REUprogramwith rhe CompurerScience department helped,to drivemy-interestin.further computersciencestudiesandiu cumpurer scrence research. Havingfirst_hand knowleageanae^ire.ienctoi;;;p;;J;""" rcsearch sharpcned my technicalabilities,attracted atation to my ,".-uln"'^ u oot"ntiuf employee andincreased my confidence in pursuingpost-Bacheloi,iuai",i"-C","lp.r", sofriare g::"""ogg forrnM forJl"_,,.i,uu-" :",;.*:. :j::::11,:l1l:9::l al4aster's degree frcmtheUniversiry of Te;r, e"i i" "o_p,","o computer science. ", *-ii,;""J'r,"p.;""#.';;;;#"j' Withouimy exp.ri.n". i,lii'_'Rdupiier;? college, I doubttharI wouldhavecontinued'"" ,; ;il;;r.';A;;;ia"fi'ffi'no, ""p" r,uu" been assuccessful in mypost-graduation searcn. Joo t has.averylargeimpacton me.It showedme whatresearch is like, andtold me (onceand ,9leepgoing asfaraspossiule intherieraofiiomluo.iii"i.". r, *", :l 3t]).,!.11 I *"llthat bestsummer i've everhad! Toughtme how to dig into things!n my own andwhento askquestions. I neededto do prenryor boththen.andthis is a skill I conlinuelo use. Most importantly, the summerresearchprogramallowedme to experience researchfrrst hand.lvly. bein-gpaflof a team.meeringwirh my advisorregularly,'""J;";;;;; surflcrenuy drltrcultproblemto work on allowedme to geta feelfor whatreiarch entails andhelpedme realizetharI wouldgrearlyenjoygoingti graduate ."h;;. i;; ."__", researc-n-program alsoincreased my confidence in my abiliryasa comput€rscienlist,and rnelact thatI wassuccessful at it encouraged me to takeup somechaliengingprojects during the folloing academicyear. ffnor.for REU,I mighrbe_doing physicsright now! It,s hardto tell thesethings,butl gil tlIT T"* :.rponsiblefor reaching me to find my own answers thanan-yotherpart '.'' of my education.In addition, it offersa Jhanceto work'fora l"rg", ii-" projectthanis rcallypossible in a classsetting.If I everendup tiachingcomputer ""Tiarg".science, hopeto makeREU a part of the depafiment'sprogram. y expedencein the Hope CollegeREU ln c,omputerscrenceencouagedand validatedmy Lrsuitof the BA in computersciencethat I did achievein 2000. enJoyed thechallengeofcontinuingand *:"!.'+.,:,;,,,i,",,,i:Tillo il"'"ili":Hil[xi.j*::Lirf:iiiuHffi on a project while leaming a new langu: rxv du.ry .' maKe[ea'l ;:ffi::il""f ::l,"ffii:l,..i":",,"f;,Ji;" *l*1,'":ll il:::::::i""4f F[.ffi can ftequently meet andit is thosemeetin!,G;;;; 'f .Jl""it#i:"#?':'#J#"'r";"ffi ;lfi[*''*irsaduate workon preparing stua"noro.@ independence t9pj"-d seeing rhepaperthroughropublicarjon. In ll^:T::Tq,, subsequent projects tnesewerethetwomostchallenging areas, be surcto keepthegrereviewdontretit gettoo big -- thepersonalcontactis wonderturi experienie^in g"r;",,e bi"k;;_i1i*;"iiiu, no,,oo *:ili: 1".,"-",.:^yd-some fr"Tdoing myown stufii"".' t"iri"? rir""fri",,li,,liJr" Ti,^..1.j"-l111-"y:y . ii"a "u""?.,"n tutoriir woura gooaioi re ."." p""pr" fiT",X.iiH:,:f"T:*"^31"_:llt::::l"las who areunfamiliar dontbeafraidtotakepeople i;il;j";"#; ##i.t i_"J sewanee) More advisorinvolvement, seminarc with outsidgprofessionals in thecomputerfield wouldhavebeengreat. RE & PresentationseminaNarethe bestpart of this summer researchprogram,in my better, if wecan.have a fewseminars about coniuciing icientific :t:]:jl ,llyll (in the!:,:y field ofCS) andcomposingscientificrepor,paper. Lookingback,I wishI hadworkedharde,on my papers_ theyare reallythe most importantaspeclof the research process. sorTy. h"t noralrcady. HopeColege shoutd formpannerships wirhspecratized ]l^,f:,?".9r1":* researcn rnstltutes associated wjthotherleaminginstitutions (forexampie, thelnsriture for CreativeTechnologies at USC)andexchange students throughth" .uni."iie."*"t ogram,to permit broaderexposureto variedfields of studt. Along thoselines,Hope eithersoliciting.matching fundstuo; indu;ryoi :lt:-T,*:lld research efforts:''".nifr with industry aspart oflhe sumnierresearchprosraml "o_.ponro.,ng herear€ a lot of thingsI wish I'd donedifferently aboutmy collegecareetasa whole, but can't think of anythingthat shouldchangeaboutthe REU prograi asI knew it. would be goodto bdng in a few alumni of the programwho arein graduateschoolto tnell researchand talk aboutlife asa graduate student. - Ourgroupprcsented ourrcsearch at a conference, whichI missed,unfortunately.But I good a experience rc go ro anorher schoot Itll dudngthatnexttalt and snowil,y:dd what we lr".".been had done. - Thebuildingcouldbe air conditioneda little less...:) (crrR) thefo[owins I#X,:T:li"i;1tr"r""r1,:,rj*1 *:-y"lil"l.lqgfMassachusetts was more,interaction.ui*"",il" .i"a*i, i,i;;,.J.',i,j;1,".::iii ;;11T.1:"1: lT::1"_': r.o, unalr,"i-,i," ;i*.:n"*Jffi;"h:"uff :Jl; *lt::": l:::i:::^t;z urur^.. ;; ;ijiir'; ; ;;':i#Jffifilill.Y: ;,"i::*f ,:i::.j."J"',:i"::::1:::,qt{!:; ' ;;'t":"r"";:i#:i:: ;';;,;:;;": : Tjl:1,::""':'::n'^i:1jlitj:tr-:tu*i:.,r; *" r,ua u p."i n"riffi ;;fi #tj Gl"#iJT:lltJ:Tjl: *l1l *rj:1"-"1".:n:,",1,. found [i.]:lp,l:::T-o1l'.y. oursiJves.hangi"e ";"..y ",sii""j:;;""T::ulfi., i"d;:,;iil'zu;# yl ;i;r$[ffi , :jl,ll,i::g';::"n:.*,:T":"1'"ir,",i,h;ii,*I"" #aiij.id5ill,e ;i " [il;"Ti*:ilj:**",,]ij*ll:t"-:iltu -" summer, makingit moredifficultfoi usto e.t"lrL-i l" establish anout-of-wo* relationship withthem. ",,i"i-.,,^-*il-l;::l::ll"'ts I think theHopeCollegeSummerResearciprogram is wonderful,andI hopethatrt may continuosothatotherstudents "' mayhavetheopi.*ily 6-;;i;;;;'i;,"" orepizza! Justkidding. Well,no,I,mnor. Iseem to recallrharperhapssomeofthe papers forpubricaiion'ii or:ff::.".:Sl,p,,"Ij:,I3".i:::,:1ly-:"!-*d. conferenc€s, butI don'tthinkthat'mv pro,. ;fr-'ii;;;;;l:i:;:l.":,::::::l-:illl1^ "*.uio,rnur, ;;#iil!,ff l/,flf#, i'f,"1"11,:; :il",ili:ff :iT f:,"TtriliT *#ii;,T,jT:tq vi.iii"g pup". results of.theirworkforpublicarion in aschoi3rV:"".iilr'."iriii.J " u"it*uy,oii_"in!'"n","rit"'ioor, :i*:li#1",,':"1":n",:,:::l.iyi:r-ll" aton€'sownwork,andtofocustheaimsanag""1,# r" ,"ri"rJ i;; c"teiil' ",r,i"ary demonsrabte way.AndiL'sagreatconfid*"!u.o*i'ii ii. p"i"ri"*"r"?ii""rry g"" *": overayearago,t don.rremember everyrhing tharwenton. Ido l,T: ",1". !l9tl"r thrnk thatmoreorganized activiries wourdhavebeen fun.Also,moi resources wourdhave I that Don strusgled year tast witl tryinl io iina-intlirnution uuout !1:1 T]!fl] ; frn"rnFr wireless andhadto endupgoingro B&N-totna i,natneneedejli;;;;;;;;1.,","^, canoelmproved upon,though. Try to draw from a greatergeographic arca.Collabomtingwith studentsandfaculty from o!tsideHopeCollegeandMichiganis impoftantfor networkingin the field, information sharing,anddiverseideas. wishI couldthink ofsomething,butI can'f_it wasexcellent. - Maketheexperience morelike realgraduate school,if possible...for examDle: 1. Includemore direct teachingof how to readresearchpapersana ao tieiatr.c surveys. This is an essentialskill for continuedresearchandgraduateschool. Maybe this can weekly a reading group on the subject p.oi"", Lhat tie rer"u."t ,. ,n. ^be-done.with r. lnctude/encourage sludygroupsfor theCS subiecrGRI exam. 3-In additionto thefaculrydirccted Dro. LTy:ffi;l;?ffJH",ff ;t":*; ll;ly;*":is""E::*::tiqiil*ff [ ursumemeynavear wouldbeinteresting. Sincemanv*.adrinvoivechoosing vourownprojecrin Lt'esuole"r-ea. itrt! i;;;;;;'jd"il",""",-t:jourses andunderstand what proiect -J--^" is rvqorviw'.irw! feaiibie,vet r int".""iioglor xrlcrcsung roi tha th" hme ti;;;il;;;;;;'tyou have alloted. A workhop on grantor fellowshipwritingwould be helpful,asthisis neededlater ,-".4, soon (otten aftergraduation, if someone rs applyingfor a graduate fellowship). s a paper-writins nana,_n,;rr-_seminur t,A _rro,n "-* ro*.rt!'p;;;il;il;;ffi;;ffi;"'.prould arso be - Hold group_gatherings with all NSF_REUstudentsat Hope. It seemedthat the peale students (biologicalsciences) hadthei o with moreresearch becoming cmss-rris.inrinc m,vh^ rr.----^ areas ^-^-- of -:vlrn,odg s-discipline, maybe thereare researct o, ""iil;i"";;";;ilitltli"."o andVanZoerenrrhink it woul-d-u" ,"rr"iil ," :tj"q;**tl"^*",fen-peale gatherings (social, preseDrations, etc.)for alfNSf-nfU p"niffit* "ery - Holdingsomecollaborarive garherings with otherCSNSF-REUparticipants ar orner ?)woird yicrrstate atso b.-h;rpr.ilfi;""fii'5iiii'rl*. ,_", ::l*':,,,::qgy^' Maybe anange todopr""ti""^n, oi dr"ar"-t ::lrg: ld:" paft-way throughtho summer. i,r"i"i,it""i, i"iiir, ",r,. - Involvepotential participanrs or Seniors headed to gradschoolin thegrant_submrsslon Thiscouldbea greatteamingexpeiience anarnigtrtieneraiesumenew fi.::r^l:l,lfF and originalresearch ideas. I don't know..,find a way to makeit lastanotherweekor two, maybe? * It.wouldbeniceto tell thestudents a little bit abouttheprccessof research at the beginning,of theprogram sothattheyknowwhatto expe;tby theendandwhatro pay attentlon to. * At the.endof thr prcgramstudents tendto stan doing softwaredevelopmentratherthan y91d. goodif Fofe6sors.helped themkeepfocusea, ior exampie Uy ::T^:T^"1,._Ij ing them toi"readmorc advancadpapers concemingtheir work. I lovedit exactlyasit was. None, It was a goodexpedence,both asan acadomicpuNuit andasa tasteof computerscienceoutsidethe normalclassroomixperience. &w&bPage -- u, J P . ,. t..gsrlr: !!o!lc--. .-1, , _!eJ,i i n c s s ,-i-,,':.liq.,-.1 Proposal Itrformatiotr ProposalNumber 0353566 REUsite: An Urdergraduate programin Computer Research Proposal Participation Title _ Scietrce Receivedon O9/12/Oj PrincipalInvestigatorfl€rbert Dersher Institution Ilope College This ProposarhasbeenElectronicalrysigtredby the Authorized organizationalRepresentative (AoR). ProgramInformation NSFDivision DivisiorofcomputeratrdNetworkSystems Program Name RSCHEXPERFOR UNDERCMD ;mES ProgramOfficer LawrenceBurton Telephone (703)292-8950 E-Mail lbujjg!@nsf.qov Proposal Strtus Status As ofT'oday Dated:03/lll04 A programrecommendation for awaxdwasconcurred with by rhecognizantDivislon/Directorate on 03/11/04. However,noawardis ensured andtherecommended duatio; is 12riontrrr'*itr, un ive dak of 04t0r/04 aresubjectto changc.Theganteeinstitutior unyp."_"**J"ori, o*n"rr""t NSFmayrcquest additionalinformation. ""ro*". "iit" "rt. AwardDuation: (months) Reviens AJlof thereviewsofyour propnsalthathavebeenreleased to youby yourNSFprogamofncercanviewed below Pleasenotethatthesponsored Research office (or equivalent)at you, organization is Nor giventhecapability IOVleWyOuIrevlews. Click the buttonto view the review text. Document Release Date Feb1220044:26PM &u& [€ffi1 Feb1220044:26PM |J.Bedu'e*l Feh1220044:26PM [ffid] Feb1220044:26PM &w&bPage Ifyou wouldlike t'ther iofoqnationabout.ttre evaluationofyour proposal,pleasecontactLswrerc€Burton or Lisrbi##',t'iv **au'.,o,i,ioro,Gi ffiffiffi?,'ittli;;r:;ftt* *o"*"'t sv't"", &1& &w&bPage F !!4_ - u , s i n c-,,'As s t c_ea!:!r. -i_- _- Review#l PROPOSALNO.:0353566 INSTITUTION:HopeCotlese NSFPROGRAM;NSCHEFER TONUNDERGRAD SITES PRINCIPAL IN\TSTIGATOR: Dershem, HerbertL TITLE: REUSite:An Undereraduate pardcipation program Research in Compurer Science MTING: MultipleRating: (Excellenuverv uood) R.E\/IEW: Whatis theintellectualmeritofthe proposed activity? I particulaxlylike thesmallsizeof theresearch.Thiscanbe criticalin students whoarestartingout in rcsearch. In nany casestheclosoness with facultycantretpstuoenrs wtrentiiey-meJfi inevitabre',bumpin theroad.,, Whatarethebroaderimpactsofthe Foposedactivity? Therearesetasidesfor minoritiesandwoman,whichmeansomeimpacton a field group.Thiscouldeventuallyimpactthenumberandthedirectionso'ftfr"r" g.oup"withoutmanyof either SummaryStatement ofthisprojecr erou,n makes ir anexcelenr candidate forapproval in ll$9:_,flPr:,:lth1 Eacnlngandsupportrng researchers in thisarea. &u& &w&bPage ,,!e!e- ,, r F - __- t_",gqlr. -.. r.--. -!:t1! i n e s , ._L _-.].tri".__-'_- Review#3 PROPOSAL NO.:0353566 INSTITUTION:HopeCollese NSFPROGRAM:RSCHE*'ER FORUNDERGRADSITES PRINCIPAL IN!'ESTIGATOR: Dershem, HerbertL TITLE: REU Site:An Undersmduate participatioqprograrnin Compute. Reseaxch Science RATINGiExcellent REVIEWT Whatis theintellectualmeritof theproposed activity? Theproposalis to supporteightstudents, at leastfourof whomwill notbefrom Hope,for eachof five summers rna l'-week program.Thestudents wil work in teamssupervised bjloio ili'J.y *"nr* on proJects relatod!o Theresearch ropias are in the areas'of bioi"i"i*"u"r, wireless nerworks, *T1:fll"Tg"n. and programmlng envlronment rosearch. "G**,_s, programin-computerscienceunderprofessor TheHop€collegesummerResearch Dersh€mhasbe€n successful in thepast. Thecunentpropo_Jal uuitason irastsuccess ,ro rru,ua* .ootad in small,but significant,waysbasedon experien-ce.' Ther"rpt" p.j""ttpi"p,ot"iii"ati-aicessrute uy unaerg.aauates, while.thef,address importnt aomputersciencequestions.rire io-weektengthofthe Fogramallowstime for meamngflrworkto bedone ThepI andfacultymentors arequarinea.rG"racifitresand-selrcti;np;;;;; approp:iat:.Daily webjoumalswill enhance commrmication with fapultymento6. w€eklyseminers, a resear,ch pla!, a revisedrcsearch planat thehalfu?ypoint,anda finalpr"'r.ntai,L al *o.t together to iaciritate studentsuccess What are the broaderimpactsof the p|oposedactivity? Meeting with alurnni of the HoD€SummerRas:archp.rogmm_y.h9.are cunently in graduateschoolwill p.ovide both motivation andinformationfor the currentparticip;ts. Visitine a;;;te rnstrtuhonsothe undergraduates canvisit laboratoriesandtark tolacurty membersis iso"a goodopportrurityfbr the students, sFnsorin€a minoritystudent for twosummers to increase thelikelihooa ii rri, rr* prii"ip"u*-Jt" guranteehisor hersfongpreparation "i for thesecond summer wasagoodidea.nequiring webp;eis, ;wat aspapersandpbysicalposten. aidsin dissemination andprovidesgo6dexperience for thes6ents. Reouirinp "'t students ro present theirworkat theirhomeinstitutiors encourages'o*"" i. p"ni"ip"i" ***u,"r, Sponsoring a facultymentor,eachsurnmer, whois not tom Uole spreads "rr"l* fd&b,ige of anaexp"nise i, conducting research with computerscienceundergraduates. Theproposalincludesa thoroughprogramevaluation pran. conductinga surveyof studentattitudesboforctho -summerproglar4immediatelyafterit, andtfueeyearsafferit, wi herf <btermine therole of theprogr;in motivating student interest in compuler scjence research. &u& &w&bPage G S S Review#4 PROPOSALNO.: 0353566 INSTITUTION: HopeCollese NSF PROGMM: NSCSEFEN PONUTHTOERCRAD SITES INITSTTGATOR: Dershem, Herbed L lgygry4l,. TITLE: REUSite:An Undersraduate Researcn Fa.tiJpationfrogramitr ComputerScience RATING:Excellent REVIEW: Whatis theintellectualmeritofthe proposed activity? Theproposed activityis very.impoflant,in advancing knowledge andulderstandug in rhisfield. -n"loTheresearch toprcsthal'arepresented aretimelyandhavethepotintialfor sigrun*nt in rr," rr,r"i"'*'" rmponantly.theyoffer inlerestingandmorivatingresearchoppo-rtunities "oni.iuuti-o* ioi unoe.graduare studenrs. Thelopics arerathernarrow,whiohis a reflectionofthe expertise of theiaculw ourtiaiou,'" Thefaculty members whowoutdbeinvotv:q ylyf: ir"*F;r,igii'ffiea rromtrreperspective ofpasr REu,p'ojects. Theyhavebeuractivelyinvorve-d in undergraduate ."-r""."L qurr" fo, ,ore trme, asreflected on theirbiographicar perhaps sketches oneareaor *eatnesiistrraimosii-r'their researcrr pubrisrred is in proc€edrngs seems thatafur 12y""^ oiro*ing;o ,.rut"a,..J-"'r,liolor. trr"t therewouldbea leverof maturitvtorheirret"-rh th;;;;il;unipu"ffioo ,o r,rgl,er qualityjournals. to be relying.on past hil; ; ;*r;i;r;; ,"[r.'i",ii[. *g.0, there T:.ry,ry:3 appea$ tobe remrrvely rew",ry:t Innovatrve andcreative concepts posedfor moxivating ,tud"ot". lto*iu"i of theproposal is rhalrhefaculwreamcontinuei tobuitdontheirpil;;;;;;".. """ "aiil;;;L ihi ;'r"il;#;il*^ number of studenr authored/coauthored puur,"urion, Thernajorsuength of rheproposar is thatiri1^q.l"1""Jgiuau"i"ffirii*"i"re tr appears thaleachstep ,r'grpv"or-nru--prqi."e. m theirREUprocess framework is wellplanned facultyto supportthestudentresearchars. andorganizid. Theiearesufficrent resources andcommitted Whatarcthebroaderimpactsofthe proposed activity? Thefaculty.tean.has Fomotedthedissemination of shrd€ntresearch quiteeffectvely. Thenunberof student co-authored publications hasbeenincreasing *crty*. ir.ou-Giit aini ur-* ro. outsranding research r*"*Tg ara steadyrate rtre tacuri, panicip-ts rrur" ro otseminate l31ro-T* their unoergraduate researcb experiences publications Lbrough "o"-r-n"". andoresentations l heproposar crearryidentifieshowminorif srudents wi be iecruited.pasthistory-showsa shongparticipation perhapsa weakness by femalestudents. ofireproporar rr tnaiir,eteu," oi-ifrr" ,*urry p.oposers. I,, thepast, only oneextemalfacultyparticipantwasfemale. lhe proposers do not specificalrvaddress tl'e significance ofthis projecrfrom a societarperspective. o'e could inferliom pastREUprojecrsthatthebenen,t g."t rrti" ii"ilil * i"**r' t femalepartrcipants wbenthenumberof femares " Jsrudeis iiat contrnuewth a graduate in IT andcs are"* to*] rle oumoer education arestong, whichcouldalsobeviewed* ,ignin; so;i"d;"n;iit. " SumnaryStatement &u& &w&bPage Review#5 PROPOSAL NO.:0353566 INSTTIUTION: HopeColleee NSFPROCRAM:NSCHE>6'CNrON UXTOERCRAD -STTES --PRINCIPAL INVf,STIGATORTDershem, HelbertL TITLE: REU Sjte:An Undergraduate paJcipationprogramin Computer Research Science RATINGrExcellent REVIEW: Whatis theiniellectualmeritofthe Foposedactivity? Projectsproposed appearto hayeasp€cts thatar-edoableby mostcapableunder$aduate cs students.Mostwilr producercsuttsrhatwourdbepubtis-hable in s"ft;;#r;-r-.g,;;;iirJit ci"r, or.o.purer science Theprojecis prrjrl"g"iiroi".* areextensi:Tof ril" rr, r,uuepublicarion 3T*.l,l"ll-"1 records pnmanly mcomput€r science education v€nues.*. Several oftheprbjeia traveanimpaci*dil;fiilceriainconcepb in cS. Theprogram hasbe"o*"n orga;;;;';;-f,itHa "ao ii upp"*, n *ll beagain.There appear to beadequate resources. Whatarethebroader impacts ofthepoposedactivity? Pastprognmsatthisinstitution engaging student reaming andsharing opporhmities andinformation withsisterschoors in thearea. depaft;;;-i;u*-n rililrtur in ,""ruiting womenata tatebigherthantheusualDoDulation rstio.witl.Th€ mlnoriiies, ii-rrasrraar"tp."iuul"ru.."r.. r" iiirj i.ip"'.ii, tn" PIis tryinsto ensure thep-aricioation of at reasa;;;;il;;i'prrd;il;;'ff['"*,og u,pu... Theprosram haspgn lucgessfrl g"itingstud"nsto continue studies gra,ir* ii""il'pr"gr",n hasalsoencourased at'ttie in partioipation byfacultyoutside theinsriturion_as mentors. Resuliaredefltniteiy;r;il";A;fi;;;fi; thelonglistofpublications fromprevious REU-rp"*g*a pr"gr* . ffi iitn" pupo,* in com'uter soience educarion venues andmavhaveaaimpacioncs cunic-'la"c*.ri u.o"nito'ilr"iii ii'iiii!"i"a number of students fromundenepresented poput"t"", *-t""ffiili" schoolin CS. """ti"Jng Summary Statemerd Deparnneot hasatack recordofsuccess in tlrcREUprogram.Thisproposal will continue analr€ady successful prograul &u& SUMMARY FORNSF USEONLY llo.e Collooe Had0loanhoit (Lr8reafi $p66!.t w'r' tid6,az R4d.dsl shq numbsrin b6ck6rE) o.ool - F cutv [{6nt0r 2. ilrlliaw 0eJonoh o.0oi o.o( ,.o t 0.001 0.0d 2-0 9.5001$ 2.[001 2,000 o.ool o.od o.rx ffioon' <. ' u / v i nEr r^vrssura! -. r s / v!v^EilIhl ( | EcHNrcrAN, PRCIGF|AMMER. ETc.l _uLEKrL4 or LdrcEo 7.500 o.ool o.or o.oo{ o.od n-rx 6.m0 0 orREcl|yl 0 0 t2.t00 UULNR AMUUNT FORE.ACHNEM EXOEEOING 96.000.I TOTALEOIJIPMENT -.,-. I, yyrE,,,! !NLL, ($AUA M*ruo ANo u.s. FTOSAESS|ONi) 2. FOREIdN F. PARIICIPANTSUPPORICOSTS I.6T|PENDS i l o.ool 6rx F#ii - bntubyNsr 1.7E0 11.260 0 6.000 0 16.900 lfi|n 3, SUBSISIENCE .t. oTftER IVI^L IIUMEEKUF FAdIIUIPANIS I '} TOTALPARIICIPANTCOSTS 20.t00 ,]lI!'l5,,vN uur I ruvuuMe^ | ^ oMu[rsrEM ,JAnON 3. CONSUI.TANT sERVICES ,r. cOMPUTEi SERr'lcES t.200 I 1.000 6.0i0 t5-1gt r. TND|RECT COSTS {F&Al{SpECrry nnremo enseJ TOIATiNOTRECT COSTS rF!^l t-2[0 J. ' u IAL urxEu I anu NutREcr cosTs (H + tl UE IUNUS OFTOR FURTHERSL'PPORTqF CURFENTPROJECTSSEE GPGII,C,6.I.) t0.tsr L. trwtr| 1!.330 uf I nF KEqq$ | {J, oR u n{NUs K) 0 iRENT! ll.t.rl L o!l|h.m ---__ll TncaYardl 2 .ElEcrfiof{c soxafltnHt REoutnEo FoirG1/|sEDEcEi SUMMARY FORr|6FUSEO[tY PRINCIPAL INVESTIGAToR / pRoJE.i Dii;.i6i sr.fl91l-E-!!gl!.rf, od,*s. ,",A*"d"b" (:IglryllglE "-up., ".pr;.;"""jry ""d bEcrs6, a7.srrow numb*,n oN auocE l JUSTIF|CAT|ON B. OIH€R PERSONNEL (SHqW NttaEiS |N;RACKETS 5.( 0 ) SECRETARhL FRTNGE BEr.lEFrS(tFCHARGaDE D.eeupMENr (!rsrrrEMAND oolrAR;i6lii;di66ii*fiEGEE6li;Jto-6j cL,ca 4DA,MEr.lCO ANDU.S, I,SiPENDS $ 33.800 r. rNorFEcr cost6 (FEXSFECTF/ RATE AN-SASEi 25%ol.fid.nt !Up.M.(natr:26.000.0, !a..: 3gt00l TOTALINDTRECT COSTSIFIIAI arD tNotREcTcosts lH + UALFUNOS(IF FOR R'RTHERSUPPORIOF .EtEglRoMc a|6l{Ar|tiE6iEeunro ronffi [GEr FORIISFUSEOI{LY PRINCIPAL INVE5TIGATOR / PR6]E'iiiiEM "s.l)l-o.1T$91!Fl"ll-1c_pr"r-Grv""a6*G.ffi tus $cr' t€p36t t w|n utg, A7. shd nu,nborh bred€l!) 8, OTT]ERPERSONNEL D.EourpMENr (Lrsrrr€M AND Do!.aR AtouNi;oR-E6nli;iE6EE6ii6Je6oo,) OTHER OIRECT @STS rNorREcT coa1sF&AIspECrry nereeNoarsEi SUPPORTOF CURRENTqROJECTSSiE GPGoF TIIS REAUESI {J) OR tJ M|NIJS c rrrctnoxrc stqreruFgnrqu6dffiuocEr tr3. Participant Subsistenc€ Onehalfof&e studenthousiacir housingis approximately $500for tle-tsn studentperweekfur a totalof$2,000. idedby Hop€College.Thetotalcostof Each week there wjll be a grouD for a totalof$1,000. pmvided.This is budgetedat $100per meal Cl. Mrterials and Supplies Suppliesincludecopying,soAware, reoruititrgandreseorch projeots. The aftount budgetedis $250per . and poster suppfie8neededfor G2. Publication Cos This will provide supportfor studeDt to andpartioipatiooin codercnoes where they will presenttheir research.This i budgeted at $400per studetrt. G6.Other Visit to graduateschool:$500 Stipandfor cornmuuioation skills Travel oxpensesfor visit of former L lndircct cortr 25oloof studentstip€nds Inrtitutiond Commitmen, HopoCoUege will provideorc-half $mmer. This is a total ooEmit6erf of $2. Hope Collegowill provide each workgtatiotr in thed€partrefi lab for the departmofialrctwork. HopeCollegewill providoall studqrt lbrary ad reoroatiomlScilities for the theaostofeachstudent'shousilg for the eaotrsunrmet. partioipaft with exol$ive .co€ssto oae p€riodalongwith firll .cc6ssto the with firll accessto campus From:'TnceyAmdt <> I o: jippin8@bope.edG sennje@hope.€d,r Kraay@nope edu (tr mewau@hoD€.edu Subject:FWD:Ayard Id:0353566,pt DerstExn uate: Mon. 12AE 2004l0:59:34-0400 congraluLatio4s taelb! >:-==r original Awald Date: Mes6age Frm b6anniorahrf -.- --___ April 2, 2004 cris-0353566 cNs-0353566 Dr. Jatnes E. Bullnan Hope College 35 E. t 2rh slreer Sclence cenrer, Roo:n 2OOO Holland, ltl 49423-9OOO Dea! D!. BultGn: The_Nalional Science Foundatton hereby awaldB a Eran! of g91,570 ro BoDe collese_for sup!'orr of rhe projecr de;cribed ln;r,. i.Li."i!i -i,jp."ii' ' .r.". as modified by revised budgaE dated Uarch J., 2004. 'REU si!€! qhig projec!, enrilled Ar Unit€lgladuare Research palricj.Darion !!os!a,n Lr colrpu€er scterce, ( is under Ehe-drrecaa.; ;;-;;;;;;;-;:5;;"h.,. Thi.s award lB eflective April 1 , 2 O O 4a n d e ) @ l r e E U a r c h 3 1 , 2 O O S . This is a conllnuing Erant t,hich has been approvecl on scienltfic nerlt for ap_ploxlnarely 5 yearg. conrinsen! on lhe avaltabiltty lhe sclenllfic prosress of lhe project, NsF e:f9€cEs t" approxihalely Eh€ foltowinq ]evel : "oniir"i FY FY FY FY 2 00 5 2006 2OO? 2008 / rechnical iuiJe ana "t a;D;;;; "" 549,330 $?0,450 s ?0 , { 5 0 $ 70 , 4 s 0 This _srant is av,arded pufsuan! !o rhe aulhorily o€ rhe sci€nce FoundationAct of 1950, as anendedGz u,s.c. ieer_rsi Narional ina-rJ-uuti."i-co nse Grant ceneral condiEions (cc-1), daEed O7l02 Tbe atiacbed budge! lndicares baseal ils support. me coEnizant lhe allounls, by calegories, on NSF has NsF proglah officlat glatrt is fo!.rhis Larerence Bu!!on, cosnizdt NsFslants orficial ioncact ts e,a,ii n. iiini, {703) ???-19:9.rh. rro, 292-4212. Bria! J. Mantrion Grdls aDd Aglreendls C F D AN o . 4?. O7o Otficer cNs-0353566 000 SUMMARYPROPOSATBUDGET A. (3.00) rorat senio! personnet 0 . 0 0 0 . 50 B. Other personr1el 1 , ( 1 , 0 0 ) p o s E D o c L o l a 1a s s o c i a E e s 2, (0,00) Oiher Dlofessionals 3. (0.00) claduaEe students a. (0.00) secletaliat-clerical s. (0.00) nndelgraduaEe sEudenrs 6. (0.00) oth€r Tota] satalies and wages (AlB) sub! By NSF 6.00 $?,500 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 2 . 0 0 s 5 ,O O O 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0.00$0 s0 s0 s0 s 1 25, 00 c.-Frlnse beneflrs {if charged as itirec! cosr) IoEar Ealalies wages and flinges {A+B?c) s 1 . 7 50 sx4r250 D. Total pernanen! E. travEl s0 equihen! 2. Forelgn F. Total participant support coEEE u. uEne! drlect coEts 1. MatelialE and suppties z, ruDrrcaEron cosls/page charges r, uonsu-rlant Eervices 4. Conpurer (ADPE) selvices 5. Subcontractg 5. OEher Total olher direct cos€s H. ToEaI dlr€c! cosls (A rhrouqh ct L ToEal, lndirect cosrE J. Total dIlect and inaulecr cosls (E+r) K. Regidual fundE / sNtl buBinesE f€e 1. Resiatuat funatE {if fo! fu!!he! support of currenr proj€cls cpM 252 and 253) 2. snal.l businesE fee !. A:noun!- of lhlE reques! (,r) or (J-K1+K2) l.I. Cost sharlnq AsslElant !o lhe Dean of Natural Federal clanls coorallnaror Hope Co]l€ge 35 E. 12!h S!, SC 2oOO EollaDil, !{I 49423 616-395-?923 tax Sctences s5,000 9 5 4 ,a 0 0 $1,120 s 3 ,20 0 s0 s0 s0 s1,000 s?8,970 s12,500 90 s0