TOTHE COVEBSHEETFORPROPOSAL FOUNDATION SCIENCE NATIONAL utltt(s) avt'tsronee,lraror Ei66lGffior F('NlFF USEOI{IY .h6r.tud..edh4b.44de!.1 NUMEEF NSFPFOPOSAL & Engineering Compul€I& InformationScience DATE iRocRAM A brouNcEH{r6otrcfiAiroNNoJcLoslNG NSF 93-1l2/REu/Augusl 4, 1993 CODE ASSIGNED FTJND coPlEs I DlvlsloN DATE REcElvEo INUMBEBoF (EN)( E6doydld€.ni[.dl. Numbd Numb.r I'rpayorldontiliatbn OIN) rRs#38r38r27lN cDA-92001l8 $ra@nym{c) I YEs, rca Add@ ol awrdo. organilalion,Indudiiozp codo: Deporunent of Compulerscience HoDeCollese Holhd, rvf 49422-8ooo AmdeooalnEa mCodo okm'il fu@ ol P.domh ooEnl4 oa f Diiad Fom Abovo l.s,,r"iiEo'!;lt ves- D AnA@ndishF.d.E4od R.nqwd HopeCoUege P6doinLgo{anhdh.c.d€ Fsderai k ltb Popolals.ingslhnhodToanolhor shflPGvb6tuar!No.[15k: b€Mad.: Nsma ololsdzarionto!{hkhamd should FILELOCATION I AddFssol Psnominoo,ladallon, ll DiL6d, I'dudio ziPcodo: 0tidi) rr"" 6F",P"ll'oE.ntdbn trsttrllg|'hod trt mOB6lFo Elvbmn(xrFdB6ln'4 Science Prograrnin Computer Participation Research REU:An Undergoduate PrcpoFdDua 0n (.60 mirh.) 36 rudh! a 102,C100 March1.1995 &r1.,) rlTt" P"p*tl 'rc|@€u Anyorlnai€ms'h.d a€b{: aEA tu"""jc. '' tr NEodlENloim€fldPo[qAd dv€n DflreAnima€ tr PDpd.G?ylid PdvL!€d Inbimllon O Hud4 suq6d! tr DiBdouuboi Lobql.s A.llvhls! lN.rllC.lorls.o OPGSadlonl) E 8€slrhlno lorsdo.lbwEnehoo6 wihDbabillue O Fadllr.tun O R.eodropr. Jnllytus'd coop.Eli{.Aclhlly: D ldomqtbMl --- So€GPGS.dlo. ll,C.12) tr gn.ll CrdnForErCodor!8.o.,!h (SGER. C*',y,C.*r,i* science D€Da$nen! of ComDuter ConDutorScienct HODeLbUeqe Hoillnd,lvtr49422-8ooo 6tG395-7r23 Hhl' D.!ft, Y. HorbeltL. D€rshem n14G8ffi Ph.D.1969 616395-?508 c.dfb.lon p.!. 6u.t t .ubnh.d hqE!]14l!o!!!!!4uqq9!!!!@! orE:nE FUIY STGNED .afto*do ormdi @iv ruit tr b vdhbry.d II.d dLc lD oi!!.&ddt dlgldlryk r *ad trNq. [q .. o libtd ldl d i,i. lsF Lb@!o .oldGduridNsFA.1011950,uwd.d .ydrnud-lhhgddngds!ed1Ss SUMMARY PROJECT ol h€ proposod pby€d'andlh€significanc€ his sunmgry' !o oompl€ia kmwl€dsoor€ducaircnarcld useol he lirEtp€neon iiii il--CJliiGi'&."^r "l (sodp-Prcsamsmavimpo66morgstiis€nr limhs) otle plcE fitiiiiifeiciEo NSF RESEARCH EXPERIENCFS FOR UNDERGRADUATES PROGRAM Form PruiectSummarY TypeaI entrie$Seethe revers€pidefor lnsbuctionslod codes to beusedh fllling out this form. 1.M{ior Field! 2. HighestDegeeCodet @mpoter Scie$ce 4. Focur Code _@_ 3. Sublteftlsr 5. AudieDceCode(s)l W M t. Nameof Iostltutiotrl 6. Scop€Code: N 9. IDst Code: UopeCoUoco 10.Nameof Prhcipal Invectigatorl Tldel 12. PruJe,c't 6r6395-7508 N*., rh^"ghrh* P. i.iFedd phgnm in c^ntf"1Fs'im" y€3! 13.Numberof Studerb Involved!---..1fu95 15.OtherItstltutlonr Itvolvedl PRry Harbertl. Dcnhem SRP()Ce.mallsddress: eRrr' An rrnd..gFdnrh tr.$.rh SI TdNo._____61G395.:508 _ lI. Ns[a ot St[dent Recruihelt Poht-of'Contlctl SRPOCfelNo.: 7. Typeof Project 14.Activitt Perlod!- S "n'd". ftarlHopcCouogo 16.Summnlyof Propos.dWork! with 6 noaningfirl to plovidotalent€dundogmdusEs TheREUprogrsmat HopeColegcis dc'siSned rcse€rch. Ou! goalis !o in comput4( scierFe a clr€or thomb oonside! roseafthexporignc!thrt will oncoutago scimc€ &se{rch and to rowads of conputat and aniut(ter, Fovido oxposotlle sntdenlsto thetelhdiqugs, nd diEctionh thpputsuitof such! c8e€r.Wevdll sfonglynduit wome$8nddnority stud€nt! ercourag€dl€ot eachyesr,tu€€ &omllopo Coll9gaalldthr€etom other bouprcgam. Sirpa icipootswil bgsolocrcd 'fre€kr in closecollabontionwit! a EopcfacuLy dudngthesummet ir8ti$tions.Thodg![rdrnt! wiUwoct for btr me os.SlrdcnEwill hsvolheopporfidly lo usetheH@aCollegpCottrpubrSci{ce SUNSPARGbtiotrnetf,'cEi. ircludoPa.alelalgoridms'systemalevelopmcnl aswoll aslheINMOStra$put!$. Atoo8of r€search voicetEcognitioo, otrvirqm€nts,{tatrcommmicalionr, St4hia'ralggid|rns,dggithm aninatioLand p€donn ildEpotrdoot tccaarEt\givcoralpt!$rtltions on Tho wil prog.amming lsiguagocqnpr.isons. stdcnts popcl!' ptesotlttheirwork!t selnlner3 at pr€Psle gmduale rnd 5cient'tfic school, ttroirworL,atondwdkshopson d€ir homeinsdertron& TABLE OF CONTENTS For tu 6iz€and pageformaiing sp€dfieilions. 6€e GPGsecton ll C TotalNo.ol Pagesln Sectlon' Sectlon CoverSheet (NSF Form1207 - SiJbmitPage2 wlth oiginal proposalonly) A ProlectSummary OsF Fom1358(notb oc€€d1peg€)) B Tableof Contents (NsFFomls59) C (tnduding fromPdorNsFSupPort) Re6utb PrclectDgscdption(NsFFom1360) (mt b oxc€od 15paqo.)Eto..d otrlvI ipptov.dIndv'no' ol propo..l or PrognmAnnounc.|ndSollolldlon .ubnl.don byNsFAr.l.llnt Dlr.cdor D Bhllogtaphy(NsFFormi361) E Skelches (Noitoeros€d2Pa!€8€ach.) BloOraphlcal F Budget Summsry G Cureni andPondhgSupport(NsFFom123e) H (NsFFom1369) andOthorRssouroos Facllltlss,Equlpmsnl I SpsalallntormatlorvsupplemontaryDocumentdlon J Appendlx{ustbelow ) (NsFForm1q90,IndudlnguPtoI pdg€sof budgollGdncadon ) hotudr ontylt .PProv.dIn .dvrnd of Plbpo.ll &bnbdon bv N8F^lollcll.llon. Appendlxltoms: Rrcruitsnent rnatlriats NSFFom 1359(1/94) NARRATIVE 1 INTRODUCTION 2 FROM PRIOR NSFSUPPORT RESUI,]TS Divisionat gope to oxcol9nce'TheScienc€ is a four-yqarlibeBl artscolegpdedicatod itroDeCoUoso Co[ecsis oneof lh.-stson'e$divisionsof ils kindat anyfour-yearcollege.HopeCrllegpwasthesiteof d'" lext in 1992andis tllerecipie[tof a rocentmajo!gmrt oado;l ne€tingof theC;uncil odUnd€(gradaFRosoaIch educ{tiotras11€ll8sgmntsfrom andrnatlEmatics &on lhoKolbg; Foudationb #,b imFoveK-8 scionce !o fundm4torequipment andtheKresgcFoundation flnchasos. shelrrunFairchiltFoundation to bea by und€rgraduatr's bolievele{oatchparticipolioo of HopeCoUege Thefacultyandadroinisradon offer at Hopo Colege deParments in theraining of funre scieotislsAI of thescienc€ c.iticaloomponent majors crcditis awaded Outstanditrg independeni studyprogmmsinvolvingsrudentrsso!."hfo! whichaaadomio past dre4 monrhs. For $e lhe summer O continuolheirlesegrchona full timebasisduring arooncourage<l wift REU deporuneffs hasb€enoneof fourllopc Collegosoioncc Depattrnent Sci€trc€ d;eComputer summe.s, proi€ctsat patticipdE REU in suamel hashadtwostrdents In addition,dledepargnont sumrne.Ese{rohptograms. otherinstitrtions. in tlrcscie&os.TheColnpubrScierlce rEsearch HopcColegghasa longtsadilionof undergraduats a partof lhis radition' A recentrtudyindicated$ar Hopewasthethild mostFoducdve oeportmentiasbecome fromamongtho48 institutionsin lhe"Obodingoup' asmqsurgdby Sqienc!rcsearch instiultionin CofirpulEr theComPut'rscience publications in dDpedod19?-1987.Duringlhe f3 yea!poriodftom 1981-1994, fupargnentgnauitea rgo nqjo6. of thos€,348[rndedgraduator Fofessionalschooland164panicipatrdin a ye€r. S$dy colqo duringtheAcadonio RcsaarcMn&pendoot flrulty^fid$t col8bq8tivereseerch' SuppottHoPeCollogesronglyencoumg€s tDsliuttiooal during-fi' summ€(of 1994in Undergndulror€6€drhwilh NSFsupportwasaadld outby morolha'' 70stxdonts Biology'andChenistsy.IlNtihltionalsuppoftfor Physics,Mahematics, Sci€oce, of Cornputer tlrodoportments Fund Discrotionary of a Pre,side$tk hasincrca!€dby thoostablistmeot rqsea$houlstteof tllo soienges collaborstive for thispurporo. GrantNumbe!:CDA-900118 Arnountof Award:$86,550 30' 1995 Supportkriod: AEil I, 1992to seplember Scionco Plogun in Computer Resraich Partioipation Title:RBU:An Unde4taduaio 2,1 Summer'1992 2.1.1R€cruitment Computer In Februaly,1992,infomalionabou!theHopoREUptogl:m wassenltrcmostundelgtadulto poasblc l mailcd via lho eiNet and as many a! Slatrs. We contacted in dre Uni&d &.pafinents Sciencc ftom 82applications WerEceived lo othorschoolsthatwe dbughtwouldhavogoodcandidatls. announccments procoss relcclion Hopo sntdedts. AfilI 8n oxtensive from lrd 7 applications llope Collego insd$tiongolh€8dutt b paldcipate, thrcoftoml{opeCollege, whichiovolvedall firee ofUF psrticipatingfaculty,we chode6 studonts ftom of Dayton. ard one tho Uniersity tom Taylo! Umvorsity, ono ftom Plyrtloulh Stale University, ono 2,L2 Pmjects proglambegrno! Jullel, 1992aodextended untilAugus!7. TIlepanicilantsworeplacedin Thores€€rch rEs€arEh t4ams,tvroworkingwith eachFofe,sso..A lhild memberwasatlded!o onetoamwith supporlftom the andaIIadditionals$rdentwasfundedby localfi$ds !o sorveaslbesystems PewMdstatesCoosonium, progmmming to all goup8. assistant wercasfollows: Thethte€paojects Au ObjectOri€nt d ApDlicationFrogrammerIntprfacefor NetworkProgr&hmiDg wohrrarth shu',Robert r'lrins noweu, l?Tjl#S::'f$J:l*lsoliennirer cranL Re'search Unde$taduab p"* lii#J consodum uv r,atasates an^ppu**iffiffi"t-i""J""" project developed This !o approach asEuctmd tosuppon dcsigncd sp""iut pGl'''ine. n"r*o,t frffi" [,T "f1":1y-Hi"f.:*lmm*n*fmm (€ouirEmenE of netwo* protocolsAnersurve: ne€ds' mect these method'which.will anqPo;b iry An obj;r-orien@d caseof use'oxtenslbdrly' whichDmvides suchassynchronialion'fie nol curcndy c"*i" *t** snddcscribed' wssDroDo6ed "itJ'titit" studv'"ppli&rions' asareasfor fu(her r u" .J*ooiifi t"* "oatt*sed Modelsof AbstrsctModelsof Computatiotr UsinstheComputerto VisualizeatrdSimulate [''.".1'l*Hlj."j;H]fi andruring autornao' pushdown stacautomau' "?i,*J"u"luro*".r*,""*"'u" or arenanymodels The@ ot ** 6 uiai" rrte**ttu"tiol-i:1-Ti::yot* rrasoeenAeverop"a calleitnas "otpoou*'i""i'iittJii"ite A program model Machines. of s panicular andtimitations trioersianitle capauitities Withtirislool,lhesuoent*ur ocLre' models. cnvircnmenl m;hinesin avis@rymanigdatcd $e sudeftwill beutt. ,o uu,ro"no"rJirlp""lrr" b€cause RsyTraciog Bedfor Parsllel AtrObjec!OrlentedTest Photosvllhcais: FacultvMentor:Cordon Stegirk Mikeshleld i,iT*#"i,"i"n*.*oers;Eric Mstth€ws' llowever'ils for image'synthesis^ pop"l"t t€ctmiques tnoti a' ont ot '" Eacinghasemerged Ray comDuladoEuyinrrnsensullom,Kcsltpmcucalonlyondedicatedcomputergraphrc'worksl!tronsano -*r""a *' liffio"i,l. .""'T"{ ,T'"n:ffi',:m.f "Tl.TfHiTHf;'*HH?:tf"ffi -zuJu* is a PvM ffiffi:f,1u":TftT#""":$'Ji'tffi;fiffi"#""i-i'nJ-p-vt'r*aso'"etop"a:rournJag"r" resouce.?_hotosyn$esis osa srnglecomputrng nevo.r"a *.pu,"r, a kbolalory andenables for Enderingon differenl nilwpbnc ino-sections of lwo '"putt ptotoi tltuiitJtf'e comprised aoDlicarion veryadaPtabls oesilnmans enotosynthe'sis diversiryot evu coupro w,i oif-ci oionrel D;ocessors.,Itc softwalcforcxperincnElnY tmclng' loports out' andwc€klysenina$whichwetpdgvoted10 In 8ddilionto ttroro$a$h work$ai wascsmed plogtu 'nir"t*t nt*em conduc@d a EEpamdon -sesio* w"repHia.a* iti" seventorher ondrercs€3rch, n" coute€roupof s$densandfacully "criuiri". euenitg * ro'*i"i-riy cnr scienc" scminarfor thccompurer wereheldat lhehomesof lhe weedy socialgathetings atl.ndeddD slGGt{APHAnnu"tconrt'"n""iogJJJ facultyor otbersuitablelocations' andPapers Results:Presentations 2.1,3Post-Summer al)aryI-ondlcir workwithPofessorSEginl at theA4onne EricMaltllcws8odMichaelShieldpresented ?' 1992' onNovember srtoosfiiot u"a..g"aua!r Resc€rch on RescarlhSymposlum pe* Undt{graduatc Consortium ttlia"t"tet u'" presenra -r"r"ru[ ar weIE Tvo @Der6 theothcrbvMingshuonhis ***t"lii,Tffi, J*ii iy"n and Dershem Profossor o"-rti"*-oit "itrt -'T.ffitfffr3:ilffi0* onApplied svmposium a!a era!dE1993 shupreserred. yohlfail,andMins ""'* work their abour compudns srccsE a!rreree3 Yf$.T-f:::":.8"'ilH#Ti^1#iil;:#u o,"gran RvanMcFall Dresen!4dnls worKa s".*.,il1i,iffi"i, t"*"ili "ia InEoduclorvt b," which was p**t* includedin dle Proc.adings' in3n simulation sute-Machine n*"r'lrni""i --""o;red apaPer"'Fim@ and Science t' tft" ie94 SICCSETech;icll Symposiumon Compuler c:z 2.2 Summer'1993 2.2.1 Recruitment In January,1993,we s€ntinformationaboutthoHopeREUproglam!o mostudergradualeComputEr Weconlaqrdasmanyaspossiblevia theIntrrNetandmailed Scien@deparmdtsin $reUniEdState's. we includeda specialmailingrothe wouldhavogoodcandidatcs. we thought that o orherschools announcenens minorityaffaiNofficersat major to the institutioDs and prealomfualely minority a[ departments Comf.tcr Science tha[ HopeColleggandlI applications other ftoo' itrstitutions applications univirsitios.Wereceived59compieted faculty'we of dlepalticipatinS process al1 three involved which selecdon an extensive &omttopestuaens.After DePauw one ftom Univelsily, Stalg ftom Plymoulh one panicipatE, Aom Hop€ College, fire€ chose6 ;ndenlsto Adolphus Colege. Gustaws University,andoncftom lhe 2.2.2Prcjects woroplacedin until July30'Thepanicipants prograrnboganonlvlay24, 1993andextended Thor€sesrch suppolt am with added to ono t motnbers werg pofossor. Twosdditiooal teams,wo workingwith €ach rosearch goup progamttrlng suppon al a lo anothor was adaled &oma NASA8rant,andanadditionalstudeotvolunte€r person.Ttoro ierc ninostude pafiicipa s in all' In addition,thepoolofapplicantsfor lheRBUprognm scieNo ShirlgyBtowneof thc}tropoCollegeComputer sqld€nlsfor Profe'ssor orovidedtwosummerresearch Ridge National and Oak ofTennes!€€ Univo$ity rcseatch at te bepartrn.ntwhospentthesumng of 1993doing Energy. Dopartrnent of from the by funding supported Iaiorotorieson tllg )<LibprojeclThosotvo stude'tswore Tholhre€projocts8l HopgCollogewerga! follows: Adivlsloo lnd THREADSIAlgorlthm AnimatlomatrdExpedmentalLtborstorlesfor Telching r Ilai' Cou|€eln Ada Strucaur€d FacultyMertor: Herbert Dershem UndergraduateResesrcher$WendyBarth, Cheri Bo*sher,BobChenr *VolunlelrunderStaduato Sssistant 'Ite goalof theprojcctis to implomont a laboratoryfor thedalasEucurcscouseusingAdaandalgorithm lhocourse!n6 canlibu6sto lhol€gming Thoworkinvolvedenhances visualization ;d animationteahniques. atdconsistingof 8ix succrssof cnolled strdents.Thefirst half of $e project,Adavisio[,is sn instsuctional of a toolcalledTHREADSused of thedovelopment Thosecoodhdf of theFojectconsists atgorithmanimations. io Iu[ €xperinonlsin a labdatorysetting. Adavilion combins!Adacodewith dynamicinagesto selveasa lcachingtool for alatasultcguescou$€s rnsyviewthe arecrest€dsostudents XTANGO,snimations oughtin Ada.Usingtlle atgorithmanimationpackage of tho Wi$ the exa'eption and data stsucures. oodatr belwe€nAdacod! andttF actionof Slgorithms connection orea of XTANGO. in lhe disPlay vilh eachalgotithmsppears AvL insertion,fio Adecodoassocisted 'nIREADS(tost Hrmqssfor RopetitiveBxporimen6onAdaD8a Sfiuc0res)is I tool ftat catrboused!o $m tr6tr ondatastucturesandalgoii$msin a labodory setting,ropqtingbackto thoolcl sometypeof s@arably,usingAdapactages, thata$ implemotlied of thetcst.Thotsst|atgblsckboxprograms measurenent io of THREADS'useof Adapackagr't,sfidentsarogxpos€d aswell. Becauso andrnsybetgstedandrun sepamtely lheoffectsof Siudentswill spend6ei! tine seeingsndexpedercing andalgorithms, morodatasFuchrres datasEuctueaThisshouldinqeasedrcirabilityto algodtlmsinsteadof codingthealgorithmsandcorresponding 0o6 ptoblem. andd effrciencyof differ€nlapproaches snalyzothoeffecliveness The GorcticAlgorithm ParallelProglammingProject Frculty MeDtoriGordonStegiDk Nelson'Bryan Show€rs UndergrrduateResearchda:Ru.ssell ProjectiJ a combinalion of thoslrdy of GeneticAtgoithms TheGenericAlgolidm ParalelProgranming ploject iovolvosa graphicalintrrfaceprogramthat ThoCenotioAlgodthmpottionof ttle andPamllelPrcgramming. program. TheprogatrIillusEalrsa Genetic onh!trrrsthovisualizslionof thoresultsof a hasicGeneticAlgodthm Chiomodome bitsrel'resenllhedir€ctions twopoints,subjectto constrainls. Algorithmwhichfindsa palhbetwe€n c-3 As $e stansby Eting randor gut's6q!on!tldiS'*-ead! of rhepi€c€sof thopath.ThcGercticNgoridun he diffe!€nt vi$aliz€s program parh. ne into"asinglo slsorithmcyclesrhroughsuor"qo"ntg"nouoo*iloioii*pathis morgftequefflyEavcledtlle co16d'rkons' ns a par.eoi ttre Dsrhsnkenasvaluesin a cltor Prcsrammins of?a'a[el srudv "anp. pq'b s"rrt-qhq'The ut*ia ri" ifi-r*fr ri *ili, r"* rr"qo"nriv Algorithm "oi"t'JG o'ogramu SiopleGenetic a non-Smphicd Vi*"f Machinel,andimplemented of a thgclntsol rnaster under machirp "J-pVfrf?"*ff"f time,cachonitsownslane ffii *"";-*n"r"ti"", '6nardlesame A! Enpftical Caa€Studyof Softwarehtegntion TechDiqu€s FocultvMeDtor:MichaelJiPPing neara*, uichael c dera'serseHdtvu' NicholasRshD ii;;;;"heriiJolarmn ;;;";i#;; * SuD;r@dby elantkomNASA prograrns can "tt_'i"r,*"i"L"g*,i"n refem!o vadouswaysof buildinganinfrastnrcuein wtich,sepdate ih";E*"" **r,e"il. :l*T"*,Tq1,#,tr;g|;Hiffiffi:"#i"Jtriil:Tff".'f 6:* ml:YTff;i;#niJrrio, some-d softwarq inrcsrating ms, i*rr"rr aomsunMicro.vsre studteslbe otfactivenessof implemetrEuonsor ilH;il.;;;i;;;rioi ffi;;;;ffi;o;;*t implements (PCIE), ftomEmenud€, roolEniironmenr anorrrepona'ecommon to sought us€4 bchnique inrgratioo e&h $e feauesof $e mdhods' studied of thesoft*arE gainao'n o" -plet"nta'ion' andcvSluabdeschmehodin lhelight oxp€rienc€ srxNnarize irnplementation. 6ndwe€klysomin,rswhich ercdevotedt]cr€pons In ldditionto thoreseschworkllratwascsrrie.lou!, a prcparauon conducl€d povidcdin theprogrun fiofessorDershern onrttcr.Ja]6,-*""era oter aclivideswcrc heldat the gathennss were social Weckly GREin fourweetlyevening;rsions. Science ;;;;;;;a;rp"facultyor olhsrsuilablolocations' homgsof .,"'.'". parrioigants rvaeplacedin " lho uoganonMayi,4, tS93andeirondeduntitJuty30.The fi;;;;ilcr_ wilh support one tqam to witrLctr professor'rwo sdditionalmdnb€rswelosdded ;:;;;dt *".h suppon programrning group as8 iili-"ilFi toano$er wasadd€d studcntvolunteer tadidonal iiani,anaan rErson.Tholgwereninestudon!parucDanlsusll.Inaddition.lhepoolofapplioasforheREUprogItam computqscience of droHlpoColloge shirleyBrowne *uaentsrorp.oiesso, ;;*;;;."*t fiil; andoakRidseNstion6l ; theuniveNirvof re$tess€o ot rps: do;;;r';h sur"rner 6;;;il;;;;G;d; of Energv Departnont from lhe funding i,iiGEiu p.:." rh*o *o tutS*s *oresupportdbv iifi''rtli andPresentations Papers Results: 2,2.3Post.Summer Prograndung Paralg] Algorithm Genelic 8pap€r""fhe Showers andBryan Fesented Nolson Russell 7' 1993' November on in chicsgo symposium uifrg.aouarilLsearch p,.t*r,,;;i;;ilft;;s c'onsonium ""*';;;;il"ndavisionand'IRE"ADS:AlSorithmAnim;donsandExperimenralLaboratoriesfor Rescarch forUndergradua@ Syrnposium co*se in eaa,"*"s ptes"naiatthotugonne --rr3 r*.r,ir,"liHs-^.*"" Denhem go*sher Professor onlhoirwort with ;; w"iav s""l' -d choi ;fr:ffi;;; "'.-'-''iir"r"i""t"a"i,swtrcwo*eawitrfiiessorJippingp&s€.drhoirresulrsinatechnic€lsymposiumat ' 22,1993 onOctober FlighiCentor Space Langley 2.3 Summer,1994 2.3.1 Recruitment ComputE 1994'wesentinfomationabou!thetlopeREUFograrnto mostundergradute In January, nailed and Inte'Nc! possiblo viathe asmanv!s * iiniai stotot'w" d;;"ffiil1; s"t""* tothe mailins "ri'oil""i"* "on*Ed w;d droug'hi we sd A^q*f:.Y:11"]:y-a spe'cial rrrar *hoob . o,rt" .tt"." major at omceis ninoriry!ffairs l'o the and rninorityinsliulioos atpreoomrnaity dcpafine$ts Science Computer onthewotldwide onthcintemci'Fcmswer€nudeavailable made wero of conais riii.qj*ry i-iii**. oth0r tovadous Edu and Colop newsgpup to theUSEMT weieorsuibuted webardviaFIP.AnnouncemenE c4 fton ftom institudorl|otherlhanHopeCollegeand12aPplications sPplicaiions listc Wercceired65 completed pdrdrcipatiog frculty, we chode6 ptoc.ess wliotr iNolved a[ dy€eof drc ff.* rora""i". m* * ftom susquehora "it"*ive'iptection Indiana' one colegc in sroiinrsm pstciparo,ttoeeftom llope couege'orlefron sL Jo6€ph CoUege. Har€rford fron the and one Universiry, 2.3.2Pmj€cts Crestirg eDIntegratedConcurre SystemDesignEnvhoiment FacultyMentorl MichaelJ. Jippitrg Reeeorche$:Mike Crider'' S€rg€tldlytri, JobnDuperoD'Helther Mintz UBdergraduat€ t SupporEdby grantftomNASA " of designing ad projectwarto davelopaninbgatodsetof toob capoble mc ovimtl goalof trrgresesrch rcse'rch The parglel confgurarionc' hsrdw8le various in corlbx! of psrtllel softwarE the system ovatustirg cormuea-wortstarteoty theprincipslio\€stigatora! Frt of e re.lerrchtaamat NASAI"ingleyRrsearchce$tel tools' toolinteFationmethodsand8[ HopeCollegeoll pamllelsoftvra&de'sign invostigating c'nsfucl 8nillegrated projecL invostiSab and to part b€ginning of dle ov€ral Ttriswck wasttlesecond they integmlet'og€6erand ard tho way philosophy, ils compononb' design desigtrcrvimnmenLTheenvionment mvironrneltv/as intf€flrd bol graphical io an us€ri rdscr a specificdly, wid! existingioolswer€devolop€4 parallol program cade. in snontlies out and conect s tool to $e€k alongwith consEuctad Algorithm Visualizatiotrrnd A nstioD Facultt Metrtor! HerbertL' Dershem Uld€rgrrdurte Resetrchers:Cberi Bowsher'Drrrick Brclrtr Elaboraloryfor dledatastrucn|trsco|rseusingAd& 1!c ovcrallgoalof lhisprojetti! lo implemqnt algorithmvirurlizationandantn4ion teclniquet,&d slgqithtn meorur€EtousingI bollrllod THRBADS' Thowott doncin dds to Suidethcf 1{o* in dtolaboratory. to tio ulodby students M;Dlalr havebaendovoloped snrdcnl8. of d|c onrolled le€ming suoa$s to dle projoctrr lllrclr thecoursoandoontsibutec - anda bssisfor drcTHREADS Pllviousworkon thisptoiectincludes6 complo&dalgdihm snimations includolink d list, it{ix to posdx oonveBion'bin!ry !€€ insrrtand progrsm,TIleprcviouslyctlttcd animations rotations, sllay r€€ zE-zagard zig-zigrobtions'ondAw lbgle anddoublo aaJto,,tW tcc insenionswith progDmro,tinos. included thecreatiolof fie intcrfac!andfundamentd mtrtion& heviouswort onTIIREADS boclosed, labo.rtary sessions individEl laborstory nuintsins that uledin deveMng lhe Thephilo$ophy A cloaed of dg6ithm.animation make usc cxporiments,8nd involvoalgqithmmeasurengnt uscAdapactages, An instructo! is slso in lsb retting. wort dE tirne!o havo8 scheduled Ufoaory meanstlut collectively,all students packages and rdy pac.kages rlre'.dy dovoloped, arq prosenrtthir timeto aidanddiEct theirwort Msnyof theAda ganbecovercditl Thus,morsdatasbuctur€6 by tho8tudents. iha!do notalre€dycxiri cin beelsily implomonEd allowstude$h and the experimenrs morcfatniliorwith algorithms dlecou$4'Ihe aninstionshelpsddentsbocome differentqualitiesof thealgorithms. to exp€rience ElechtcDrrwl $n! Findirg a! Ideal PafhUstrg GercticAkoritbms Frculty Mentof| GordoDA. St4gitrk Urd€ryrrduate Redcrrchers:DeborahKaplsn,Nlck Slrger b €volvcdlobostpossiblepathbotwcontwo Ourprognm,Rosd,i! ! 8€nolicalgodthrodosigned 'houscs",Theiniti.t populstionof pathsis a selectionof chromosomes id whichc€chrudomly g€nelstfdalele 'hoflherrt" or'houthersf'.Thefitnessof thepathis to niovoonospac!"oast", to tlteinstsuction conosp@ds go€1,andby thca!€abetwe.rthegiven itr final desti.atio[andils int€od€d detrdnincdby dledbtancebetwee$ path Alonglbo at€ohshcleswhtchtry to hindrrdlelin€ ftom pdft ad tlle straightpaft betw€en thetrr'ohouse6. gtver Thc htndrringobjectJstEnndomlyphredon dle&r€etr:eschtypoof object(a dostinstion. r€ochingta 'tonain), hasd soilalue by whichit cffecBfrhess.A! dto'!oads"rutr'lheprogramgraphics "village', or some producea visual&p.esentstion of tlle algoritlu!.By imihting nafi€'s mofndsof imFoveoent'ourEoglam rcute betwe€nthetwohooses. dynarnicalyoptimizeslhe worklhatwascrrriedouqard wa.ellysemina$n'hichweredevotedto rcports In addidonto tl|ercs€arch galheringt wt[€ heldat lhehomesof theflculty or otl€( sultablelocatiors. social on therosearch, \\'€@placedin progran belranonMay23, 1994andexlededuntilJuly29-Thepartisipanls Tlrclosearch c-5 teamwith suppo( Two ad'litional memb€rsw€{e adtled0oone pmtessor' resegrcht€ams,two working with each 'fiil'"ililIi-" ioall' rn*" werceishrsldenrParticipdno Presentations 2.3,3 Post'summerResults:Papersand $ team each nopresen"flt-9* F". ^u9,"-ulhough of tlis proposal, Artlrcrimeoftlle1,,,ritirlg year' academic lhe1994-95 auring ,t'* *o'i fo' p'ut"nt^tion p*"trli, "'"t*r',-t 2.4 BibliographY oflheHope andpresePd"Il"rn ry-lf:Y^Tearsplanned ofpublicauons thefolowingisabiblioglaphv for|he are p.posal o&ers or,rtit i*#liorJpr"iuoton ru p..;"", * s"i"n"" Compulor REU collego ned fuolE. 2.4.1 Pap€rsPresented Pew Ab$ractModolsof Computadon !o VisualizgandSimuLare McFall*,R. 1992.UsingtheCompu|er IA ' ocrober Grinnell' svmoosium Miarooi'i""*ia"t ij"a*s"i'uae Researct' consonium PewMidsotes lnterface epi'ioi'i"tVptgrammer Anobjecu"*shu*.M. 1992. s;Ttris;f#'tfuvn$esis: Rav unaueoauarer'eryagr restBedforParsllel Anobje'rorient€d €rraceror *"'*'^fi1;\tXft;$g4t61K[-l"t'ffif.$jH-'&n.dAppricltion*rosnrnmerr j5$i',H;*","n""**"*,", No*o*'fi e,""l-'n;;Sn:f m*t:f :ny,*:,r'1ffi 'ffi:Si';il**,* :!l:l"f ""**ffi lk:,il,Umi**";',run';*m,*rufi symlosiumchicago'IL' co*oniuiinoergtoouaoReseatch andExperimenl'l io"viti""ltlriHREADsIAlgori$n-Animauons Baah*. w.andc. Bowshet Reserch Undetgndua!4 for Symposium "t ioi'" in Adatugonne u ouruSrutt** forTeaching kboratories computtr tu8o*"*omt. Unittdsla!e'!Air ForcoAcadetny AnimrtionforDatastruptues' H tgg3 Algorithm o"oo*'o 'fffi*Q"u*:ii:#1ffi*r.'ifi "o' [['ff''* !fi!;",-oi,!ifr l"-"t"*"rilHllH:Ifilff.t3-Til#i; r'absrccsE inrnrocuctory tr";ffi ii'nutarion-in t*r,"riitio"li"t "" Az' Phoenix' Educadon science C"mpuler 2,4.2 PapersPublished Intr|facefol go*"11*,1.,R. wOhlfanha,sndrvl shu*. "An objectoridred APplication/Prc^granmel N"**r'ilirt'titg,; * 1p4"9c"tl"-11i.'-ll]1 svmpotiun it"""oris ofthe1993 Bullelin' t'b'" slGCsE inanlntroducory simutation o'nittlii't"richino R.8ndH Dor$cm McFall*. 126130' 26,1(1994)' PP. 3 NATUREOF STUDEM AqTIVTTIES 3.1 Studentlnvolvement bo|rsperweekfot 10 lo Th*y-9f-4: a fac[ltv mentor'rwoor Thosiudentparticipadsin tldsptojes will booxpeclEd -t!"nd.l witt berssisned Lachsrudent to wtrictrtioy areassignea ,il tilJtJriptjtit thesuibnls will work asatgan' E€rlyin tlle-Pro-gram' *6*ing t"ntl'i-o ""*" " o *tn boingsssigne'd Each moresntdents independently more work to encoomged wlll be '"v as o* ett-*;;i;;;tli"y menlors, their with closelv c6 srudentwilldoliblaryrcsearchinadditiontothelaborat]oryresearchsothattheybeco'nefamiliarwitht€chniques liErature. for sea$hingandusingrcsearch 3.2 StudentOrientation TheP.I.willserveastheProgranrcoordinat]crandwillbo'espoNibleforalofdleadminisEalivedelai]s includinghousingarEngements'stipendpa}4nent!,mentorassigoments,schedulingofstartingdat€sforstude repor6.It will beparticularly soaialactivities,andsubnissionof progress ttreseniiar program,organizing for thercn-Hopestudent importantfor th; P.I.!o Fovide a4otientation!o thecampusaddlhedeparment labomtoryfacilities,bothhaldwareand participans.a[ sodenswill receiveanorientalion!o thedcpa4mental softwate,andlhelibraryfacilities,patticutarlytheuseof variousres4rchtools. wilh theparticularinformation Duringtheoriintationperiod,eachmeniorwill alsoprovideherstudents project. to carryou!theassigned needed 3.3 WeeklySeminars by all sudentsandfaculty.Earlyin theproject Eachwe€ka semirarwill beholdwhichwill beattended Deriod'eachstudeo|willDresen!oneseminardgscribinstllonatueoflheProblemboinginvestigaledarda plan.At $e endof lheprojec!period,eachstudenlwill presentthelesultsof thelcscarchproject. proposed research onlesearch wil includefacultypreseltations othorseminars In additionto tlEsesodelttplesonlations, arc curendy Hope alumni who Also, rcsources. vadous computel tho tts€ of w'iring, 8nd lechnic€l methods, schoolin CompulerSciencewill prcsentsemitursandinformallyme€twith fie res€arch auendinggmaluate lhgnatureof gadualesludyin ComputelScience. !o doscribe stualenls Projects 3.4 Research of Hop€facultythatcouldbemadeavailableto res€atch interests belowrepresent Theproblemsdescdbed projeci howa studentcould progmm. describgs projeals Bach in this students asresearch undergraduate informationgainedin formal and to apply experience the sludent to rcquire mearingfullypadcipa@andis designed instrucdon, classroom ProjectL Probabilisticand ParnllelTechniquesoppliedto thec{nshuctionof two'dimensionalVoronoi diagrams HerbertL. Dershem 2 34 Eve[ introducilgparallelconsrudionof Vorcnoialiagrams.l Notuntil recentlyhavosgrdiesappeared !o thesameproblem:Weproposertle ofprobabilistictechniques lesshasb€ondonein thoapplications usinglhe h twodimensions anddisplayof Voronoidiagrams implemeltatiolof basicloolsfo! thoconsttoction of parallel followedby thestudyandimplementation anrlsweeplineT divide-and-conquef approaches, twoclassical L, Guibas,C. O'DunlaiqutdC, Yap,Ptoc 26thIEEE Slmp.Fouttd Com1. A. Aggarwat,B. ChazFUe, pul.5.i(1985) 2. H. DadounandD.G.Kirkpsfrck,Proc.3rdACM Srnp.Comput.Geon,ogn) Aspects ofComp Sci(1989, Pruc.6thAiiual Sltnp.ThAor. 3, O. Schwarzkopf, Proc.of 17th andprogr@nmlng, Atlonakt,14 guages, 4. R. Cole,M.I. GoodrichandC, O'Dunlaing, A,uual SJnp.(r990) andYoyamminS,Proc.4lTlh Anwol , Lanquages 5. L.J.Cuibas,D.E.Knuth,andM. sharir,, ulor?ald srnp.O990) 6. M.I. Shamos andD. I{oey,Ptoc.16thIEE Sltkp.Found.Comput.sci.(1975) (\981) 7. SJ. Fortune,Algorit t t'co 2Q)1153-174 c:7 suchas ro thesolutionof rclaEdproblerns Fchniques same |he apply will slso We approaches andprobabilisdc aro uo0vexrrurN Eianguladon Delaunav andTransputers' ""--''itp-rJt*"ro" *ill bedoneusingthesuN sPARcstations Paoj€ct2: ClientDesignfor NehYorkSearching paradigm 'ottt"' froma browsing.o-a-se€rching ,o networkresouceswill requtea tronsiuon t i:Lff;*.." galcwavs lo orilv browsingandProvide b.*s"rs, ,uct o" Mooic, iie oriemfdlowards c*r_, il;il:i;;;il; * *tf::":#ikl 0,'',1"*1"9 *,r'* ii,.i,","r..1, ffi:t" i':ffi;ff m** m:lll,'U*; 'rserb facedwith a variely of searchinEnaces $e ouerie;andlwically haveno way to evaluale aregivenlirLiegudancem rormularinc or b€cause services.users svailable was no lnformaoon iriuccussfut hrause effecdvenessof a search(e g , wnemera searcririii t*oo'opfrf, H;#ntliltff"lTf'i*'** Tl'erollowins rotwwwclienB suppon sealch native "tn"!ive narrower terms' (eg''t'roader sruJtures" andtheirsvn'lodc hesauri ofon-line iriJ.ilii oisplav modifviry,ITll,^ and inreli0ing o ttreuser assisunce i*i; rJ'"#-,"-0, inctudlng usedin variousindexes' vocabularies controtled into vocaDul;es ""*!ri*"i'i of userentry . Aubmalictranslation issueswill be investigat€d: - : A#;fiil"-J;"^p*qT3iY:'l#Ji,il',g1';H"Jl:',#:lfilJz3e.50 protoco,). varues) curoff sdring o.'ecar. : XTffJJl":i1".ffi:Tlillg#,1ljffi i;.;1.*i,i"i"ep#i,ion . . ' ' $e followitg: ' outthisproje'tinclude in carrying whichmayber'Bed Rcsourtts bvdte developed iari iJir-""tii"iastin*tn anaoesaulus' GAMS(Guiaero'qvainure Theon-tioe laborabwa!NlsT M'$ematics i'".p"i"g -o .qppiied 8ndReBievd Discovery fotIl"t*o*ta Information The239.50clientlib* uutno'" "o'n 'n"'Ettiingftout" forResearch arthecorporation b€ingdeveloped Nsmeresoludon r", u"ive6alResouJce !ti*?il;** of Tennesse€ initarivestCmD anoattlc Univcrsity of TeNessee. atlheUniversity derdevglopmetrt lndexing(LSl) databa A LalontSemanEc Proicct3t ConcurrentSoft*are Metrics *'"nut'N;',ii,lll$ rcsp€ctsLitrle desiSnin-sev-eral-signilicant ."r*are designdiJfersftom sequentitlsoftware 0n p.ojeclfocuses oe'sign..Th^is to parallelandsequenrial Jioiio'nr ro inrguo -o coordnat, to projecl done hasbeen ion"u*"t softwaremeErcsThe tyto'it'i#iriaity loolsfor thedesignphaseor "onr""tuot of anonaliesin a rrrno"tien, u.;tline rheabsence "on"o*nt a a."or" o,u" r'.'oi'.ir.1n[i metricsadakessing iteveloDs anomaly implefienting and presentin i uesign desisn,I! alsoworkl al dev"toping" r."a-" oi'-o;ties i"iutronnafne ouj"cdvesarettueefotrd: (l) define resolulon.ref,ningandex,naing 'rtt *ot* oriuliiiana tut ofalgorithms adaptations implemen! t" ot"iln pt^i; (2) defrneand in a waydu! is t"-ingtrut algori$ms anomaties resolution implement td unatsl otu"t;p or -ornu""' - u thepresenc€ will acldrcss in $is projeclfo! thepasl "ii"t'il"'ni-aoiii; havebeenparticipating siuaJnts utiotli-t' rcsourc" and for botr deadlock "o^puon oueeyeHis center' jointlv wilh NASMOVE 8nd$e NASALangleyRese'jrch projectis beingdevoloped Pioject 4l VoiceRecognition *t"o""tii,',.'oJ.lF, (2) easllvadded is (l) inexpensive' *t oevelopsoftwarefof a voicerecogniiionsv$sn thal fi"Ji*T:J,1;*:*11T"tftT?frfr"t#Hri"** unl-"*'"i'iir' (3ro"*,ir" toexisrine;;;s:and ct llrat unll "VoiceBox": a smallcomputing tNMos Transpu€rsfor -o tt"'p"' uoi"" inout ittis voicegoi is tasedon |o recognize computer hos! to dronumberof unitsin the itself adaPr will andwill tate on" t 'o* ot t''n]in-iGving softwaro echnoiogywilh comlilercon$mcuonhxical Drocrssing pttt' tottiiii'g n-eririlnenork box.Thisprojecthaseve'a nou"' b n0 panllelimplcmentatron providing anadaptablc ,Hviit-tirtiii"Ju"lld recogniz'el thephonerne c"8 phonemerecognizecan.lFovidinga..dal|slato/inlelpretertoolkrd.forthecorrstructionofonelsowrrtrans|ar'ro[ int€rprgtea. Project5: Usingreadabilitymeasrllesto estimatesoftwsrecomplextty L. Derehem Herbert ---'- 'Prerioos us€d bas€don foamulas hasdowlopedseveralmessuesof softwalecomploaity studerttresegrch (1) ways: in the folowing done the work pmj€ct extond would to astimaEthe.eadabilityof Englirhtexr Thii O"o tuix on6mParisonsof newmetdcswith tsEdlionalmeEicsonsamplesoftwarg;(2) o_toitt Urcirac'uacy; alld (3) "rpiriauf in param;rs in lhc rcldlbility motsicsto furtherrsfmement *i rt *-g* "ip"i*"riL lsnguages' vsriery of porserso evaluate lhesemeEicsin a implemenr Project6: World-WideWeb Clie Ex&nsiotrMechanisms Shirleyv. Browrc cllr'enlgeneral.puposeworld.widowebbrowse'saleno!e€Silycuslonizablofo'ulerswilhspecialized andmanipulabo a rro_tec;hrbiologistnay wishto havehisor herclientProgru urderstand necds.for exampie, paocasscs uaer_ servic€ that execution with a rcmoE intenct or sDeoaldataformatfor a moleculrfdalab6so for poviding a mechanism by inc!€$€d would be Sroatly J:-Cnura ourn.Cri*t nutibiliry aflf rdlptlbility of progrrrn' ne6ods Orrrant clic a updati;g,andcrlstomizing 8en€ral-pupose uu;.uticrltv ""rnOing, aiont capauilirylo.g',oiecutionof rlroll soriusftom thecliont,th€r4[ec URL rchome)arcploneto oxreoding wouldconsistof intarplop$fot oneo! nd! cli€nteitensio languaS€s, securiry[otes.A Uererrnechrnism Thccapabiliticsof the a .*n, or nuting rld rEieving noduleswitt n in thosebnguages. ogett J, 8oasto provont cnvircnmenl, "irt safo oxeouliod languages woull bopulposcfullylimited,by mc$s of a ex-tcnsion docmcniswhich in bo oxecutable will offect module,s Os[uctivc actions.Theextonsion .n"ticiooso. icci-aentatty rerieval wouldnot just Thoir atc. as otdinary documonts for, andretrieved mavbccalalocuedlndeicd,seatchcd pdticuld Thus a by tho clicnt in exeaution FoSram' rcsuttin tlreiriisud aisplay,howeve.,but rather their modulosthat biology,couldsetupI systomof 6lo rerversthstalphived_clieft aisciptno,soch^ users to customizo "orpohtional by bo downloaded and could biologycommunity woreporticularlyusofuiO rhecomputational biologyservicts. to compuadonal tlEir cliontprog.amsfor acc€ss module$ envionmentfor clieotextension a safeexecution Tlis risearchprojectwill focusondeveloping fte us€fulness of the illustsate thrt will clieltto ensionmodulqgfor I psrtisuhrus€!community andondeveloping Thefollowingistuecwill bc invostiSatEd: mechanism. to have aren€ce68a!y whrt operations . wbat operatlons mayssfolyboexecuLdby a clionlextenrionmodule? sufficientc{pabilityfo! intelqttingwih networks€fvic€s? cliento(tinsionmodubsandalowing fiese . what is thoappropriato clied programarchilEciuefo! supporting gach o. is a t6tallynewclient llosaic b€extended absr?C€nexistingclientssuchas to in;ract with module,s netied? architgcture . whlt doscriptivo andnaminginfqnation it neededlo allowclientp.ograns!o automaticalylocatoand modules? exte.nsion rerrievcappropriate such8slhosefd this troject will sdap!existingscriptinghnguageandurorintEdaceloolkil int€.prEtcrs, A us€r provid! lo a safeexerutionetrviionmefiL Tcl, Pytho&alldTk (thesoucecodDfor whichis public_domah) to lhat r€lovant modules $,i[ belocatedtlBr wil wo* widl theprojeclto developextonsion commuoity for thisusercommunityincludercrellchtrsin lheBiologyandChenisfy communilysdircipline.Candidales goup at OakRidgeNationalIlb' lgsearch arHopeCollegeandthoGrculdwalerContamination depaflments of object'orieutadprograDs Proj€ct?: Codparisotrof the useoaAda 9X io C++ for the deYelopment llerbelt L. D€r6hem ofthese Thisprojeatwil providea comparison anduseofclasses. Ada9X hasfaciliriesfor thodefioidroo in in c++ can be irDlomentEd aLeadyimplelnented featutesto lhoceof C++by studyioghowI v6rieryof claagos feaitlles of Ada givon the objecl-odented for off€€tivelyutilizing to techrdques aftentionwill be Ada9X. Particutar progammiry. for obj€ct'oriented evaluatingAda9X asa language wi beproduce-d 9X. A document project contract ftom theUnittd StalqsAit Force. by a will besupported Dershem's wod<ondds Professor c-9 3.5 Poet'ProjectActivities aswellas researchactivilies' a frnalMitlrn rePort'o^nlleir to submir required be padcipanls wiu A[ REU touow-upactivitiesfor each *iu ot theoverallptog*t rnu r'r' tl"i-u i"iti snevaluarion "lo*ni"na a"dr'* Jiiv i" H"' firhef:.:;''fi .'J;ff :'*-'tt$fi il,ir'ffi fm"#n"#f*' f mff "i', facitiqes in ; Hopecollesecomputinc i::{.e-tl.:i.;#Jfiinu-udon enrorrrnenr or rr,"p,ojectby wu ncruoerorr'"yT::::;"-i:--i;i,,,^"' rhisfolow'upwork HoDe;udents' w t be iir ""'t"ioanrs** sT"-.qd:l noi""' l#"'oi'J,rloto' #ii'ffiij*'. *"1lffild#:H'.'rff ffii::ffi !o makea presentadonol tlreu wofl jounal' encouraaed pmfessional ffi"Jiliil,;ffioJriil-;orr 4 toa submiued apublicstion w r te incruoealn THE RESEARCHENVIRONMENT 4,1 FacultY twoof each' aroa goodmix ofjunior andseniol-f1;^t|ty:wili fout hculty members Theileparrnent's andhave Sciencer€serch atl arcactivein Computer rn Ttu€€of &e facultyholda rn o in co*purt i"ienJt"anJ investigators principal mernbenof rhefacutlyhavebeen 'estarcni-eii_iour unaergtaouare supervising exDeriencc * r""io"t*'*r-"1' ;:'t'XH iiii"JJi"i.i $i5f:n: f:-r:*fr:/;gi#,*'*i*b1yJ:$ffi wr !_*5r lncruolng ulv rP4!trur tese{ch hom other govemmenl agenqes i ' _--' resostth undelgraduab I HoDe.all fou, of fie flcully hsvcsupcrvi_sed srdesAir Forcc. ,*,,pl.T:"T,!::.ftt},{ii},ffi}.iffi riil;;;:,it,x;3';tm,lu*,:m projecr as proposed orrhe t#fr:lr*"":T[fi ii il1"ffr1,fi;;;;;;itv rescarch trre wi supewise ;:T,H thoi availabilitYPerml6' andEquipment 4.2 Facilities in vanderwerf Hdl Thls andPhysicsarehoused Science'Mathemadcs' of Compurer Thedeparunen6 r"ra;,'g*",.i,sucra.i"-':".T1:flT*ii"",;jl*iifn'*f"mf;}*"Xiljh:T joinedlo van zosen tbll Thecomplexiow !-**' pc-comlatiblesyslems, 6 i*ri*-,iH.f, ."""t" sl nelwork vra acampus aIconnected ii*'r*arons' ir""l,lLi,ltl,1iilT;5."-TiHtili'1fil'l"itiJ"J" backbone _ 16sunworksl2tionsThesearc hadwareIa(lilities ateculrentlycompriseiof Science TheComputer shownin lhetablebelow: Machine/Pan Sun4860 (if any) Peripherals -'"tory,688 9600-baud l"s .d s oGBdiskdrives' iffiiiJg8 Exabvte 8mm drive' ili'nouri".sio*".."aem,cD'RoM backupunrt Sun4/470 los (4) SunSPARCstarion 5s (2)SunSPARCsration dffiiliotL diskdtivesCD-RoM ofslvlB.d 13GBvrc drive, SCSIEPedrivo gBPhicscoprocossol 32MB memory,3.5"floppydriv€s,cx drives 500MB andI GBdisk coprocossor' noppyttrives,Gx gmPhics F**y,:.s" I GB disk ddve c-r0 il{achine/Pan Peripheols(if any) IPcs (2)SunSPARCsadoo 16MBne$ory,500MBdiskdrive,3.5"noppy (2) SunSPARCstrdo!ls 16MB memory,3.5"floppydrive,Gx $aphicscoprocessor' 500MB diskdrive l+8 (3) SunsPARCBtation 16MB memory,35" floppyaln\s,Gx gaPhicscogoc€ssor' 500MB diskddve (32)INMOSftarsputets in thoSun4/470 ThqsearepamllelFocessingunitshoused Ore of theIrcs is a "spaGparts"machine.A 8mmbackupunit- anBxab''letap€ddve is comectedto Epson dot_matsix fou! 8rd printer, LC890 Silgnlwliler' an NEC ttleSun4/360file server.Ths labhasonelaser Robotics Spor6tei US modems' a 9600-baud (various zoo-baud lwo models),Thelabhasfou! modems: Drinters "odd-andhas a variety of The lab also Plus modem. TelebitQ-Blazer ;onnecred to theSun4n60,andI 9600-baud these' inclu'lcd smongdevice are ktobs" input setsanda Sun"dials and entls":mlny microphone windowingsystem,and s]€tomanddocumentadon, Lai softwareincludostheshndardSunoperating manaSement 8ndprotocol letwork compilors, include C and C++ comPonenls material.Unbundled roference purchased f6 have been Parallel tools elvironments. andcodedobugging wordprocessoN, implementadons, public are in use. tools Mlny domain envircnmel! thopgrallelTransputer working - with 'nrelab'ssoftwaieandhardwsrE MeritsCP'Theso provideaccest!o tlle Intometlfuougha college-owned Ethernet bridge. facilitiqsalsoprovidgsccesslo campusVaxostlEoughan to lab ftg Gbis currontlyadmidsEredby oneindividual'About? hous pe!welk aredevo@d duties,0.9,,ftle individual. opontol by this i8 handled Bothsoftwareandhsrdwareadministsstion sdminisEAtion. of its mainEnsnce hanaues lihe dopanment aremostlyautomahd. maintEnance sndprevcntative sy$rmbackups periphenls, other for itslrinters 8nd hand supplies ke4pson contracls, t;egotiates marntgnance facilitiesby itse11. andmsintsinsa providestho"raw matorials"(e,g.,csble,camectors,etc) andtoolsfor hltdwarcmaintenance, hlrdwarena$tenance. "sparepansmachino"for computer 4.3 DepartmentalStatistics Year Graduating Majols Ild.pendeot Studyand Res€arch Projectr Gaaduales AttEnding GmdSchool Sunmor Rcsertch SiudenB 0 1983-84 l6 2 1984-85 29 3 v 0 r985-86 l8 2 t2 0 r986-8? I5 3 5 0 19&7-88 16 2 t1 I 1988-89 8 4 1989.90 l4 3 1990-91 14 r99r-92 t2 Dn-93 8 1993-94 (esr) 1994-95 (osr) 1995-96 1 2 10 2 14 3 6 2 1* 2 5 8* I 2 8'l 3 4 8'|,'l 4 14 bYNSFREU csch$n mer$rDDonrd , Tha€c 6 sqrdatlts includo figurc.s byfiis ptopocal' sutrnot*trictt*outobotundcd 6 cacit ruiia][r't 'r ltrso fisutesinclude po,'oo* *-y 5 STUDENTPARTICIPAMS 5.1 Recruitmentof Participants 5.1.1 HoPeCollegeStudents Comput€r in8l.upp€r'lgvol wiIIbeannounc€d Science p.ogram iDComputEr r6€atsh Thesummor mugha 8nd boord depa'uoerul-buledn on 0|o *, ot"grr".r.'rrir*, t , ,io ffii"rio.t and participaft belFfits "ot* theprograrn' rserrch-areas' mqprsa pacro-t-&scribing scienco nuilingtoallcompulei in class€s Sinc€.uppoi-level omce' aipottnetttat p*o*t *- * u"ifuiiiifrn trr'o andapplicatio* obligations, v/ill beablcto individualyencoEagp 8retlDicary &ranlc'gurl z-usru&nE'thoprofosrors comDuErScienc€ andminorities' womcn GJirfr p..irrttg ,oii*r" o applyincluding 5,1,2 Non-HoPeCollegeStudents A *! b ryt PPPT :-11-ll:nItqpeCouege itrtlteREUpmglam Fiftypq(entofheparticipants !0 apply instiurtions te maooo oncoungewomen8ndninodtiesftomothet soerialefiori*iu c-12 chai$alldthgOffic€rfor andConputorScience will bosenrto tholvlathernatics A Droila$ armounc€men! Hope college'Theso andudversitieswilhin anapgorimato500dle radiusof Mt*.iw';fi;;; "u;b;be'seota pplv cardwhichwil 8si Ihemb serdtlrcnamesof wome!andmirodtiesvtho ch"#;Jof6;;] of oleprogramTheP'I' will ,t"rn"iotinn io cornoutt science.ihey wiu alsobeasLedto postthesnnouncement tlten to applyto dlgp@8ram. ontlrcr€ptycsrdsb encoumge naro,sarosubmiftEd ufi jirrd"n" "**i "lto"" will bodishibutrdto a guil list of c,mputer will bemadoof tl|e ltrbmel Announcem€nt$ rxte,lrsiveuse scienc!DelaftnentsviaomaillhismailtisthasbeeoconsEuctodftoninquidesrcc€ivedduringlhepasttlu€o v*'.oru"uopecou"gecomputerscierceREUp.ogram.Insddition'publicityandapp-lic5tijrlfor'nswillbo via WortaWidqryebandFTP.Iofonnatiolwifl alsobos€ntto pedircntUSENBTnewsgxoups. haaeavailaUte coac|swillbemadewithcompu&rsciencedepa.tnen!chaiBelinstiutioffwhichhsvehbloricoly at tbeirinstiiltion rninodty,-stJdlntsinviling facultyto nominate of minoity studenls, enroleaa targoperconage GqdonSt€8inkof lheI{a€ CollegocomPuE ior oanicirsiooin tlreptoetam'ln Fcboary,1994,Profcssor ',d o to lhoHopeColegep1ogmm Ctark-AtlarraUniv€.sityb recruitRBUstudents i"iio"" O"*.Un"nr "iiir"O ondfacultyfo! res€archsurdontJ of Hopo8ndCIa*-Atlaolsexchanging discuss|hepossibility andlrnscdptswil boduoby Applications 31' by January be disEibuted gomotilnA materiats wil eti Apdl 15' ftan made no lalex will be swards Mdrh 30ananotificarionof the 5.2 SelectionProcess h lheprogram'lhrceftom I&PcCollogeandthr€cftom othor licre will bosix studon!panicipants proceis,tlr Hopestudenlswill b€considordasonopoolof applicanbandlho insti$tions.D[ring lheapplication nott.llopcstud€naasano$9r. wil bosskedto rubmita writkn shfEmontindicatingdrcirclre€rgoalsandtheroloof All applicants h lh€ir fuffE plans.studentsftornolherinstibtionswill alsobossked!o pmvidea Esnscriptanda lctter re,se{rch ton I fscuhymomber.Thescibms wiu boobtrineddirtcdyby! Hop€studentapplicons. of rcferoncc withineachpoolof spplicants' itl dlesebctionof pamcipanls A nunberof criteliawill beconsidcred (3) ScigncQ$drc'search: (2)! in Computer (1) aca&micrer.rd; domonstrated Thescalethoapplicsnds (4) plans' The ctt€cr moriration: and and cre6tivity, 6sindicst€dby indcpendenco, potootiatfor succosin rose€rch selecdon of make lhe final that will iqcullyparthipantsin fris o.ogramwill somprisefie soloctioncommitt€e studentpaflicipants. 'Tho to insurE of porticiPsnts fo! lhesole4don ovorallaimof [ti.sEocossir to povido flodble guidotines scietrce of aclle.tin computor imprcton ropaitcipa ! in tlEir choice fiat fie Fogramwill havothem'aximum 8td on$e diaciplincof Comput€.Scionceitsof. 5.3 MatchingParticipantswith R€ssarchProiects of siudents to specific 60 assignment theP.I.will coordinate Afterlhc sud€ntpalticipontsareselected, those facultyn€ntolsatldreseatrhtrojects.Eachfacultyrnentorwilt beaskcdto sel€cttom thepalticipatrts mabhlhotcquircnonbof oneof thomontolst€sealchprogrtmsand andqualifications studc;tswhoseinta@sE by at iBtilutionsolh€6thrn HopeCollogewil beinterviewed intlrviewthatgroupof sbdents,Thosestudents d|atshewould eachmentorwill p.ovidoa prioriry[st of hoseparticipanB phone.Asa resultof theseintDrviews, iike to suparvisaTte p.I. will thetrmakethefinal sssignmes basedontheseprioritylists8swell ssconsultatiofrl supported by vitl benadethatis note husiasticalty with thg;cnb.s andtlle strden!pdticiponts.No assignment bolhthementorlnd thesodait panicipanr c-13 SKETCH BIOGRAPHICAL Herbert L' Dershem Dgpartm€lt of CoEPutcrSciflce HoPoColloge Hollan4MI 49422-8000 ofcomputerScience AcademlcRsnk Professor Educitiotr: of Dayton,1965 B.S.UniYcrsiry (ComDut€r PudueUnive6ity' 196? Scienc€) M.S. (Compu@! PurdueUnive'sity'1969 Science) Ph.D, Ex!edence: 1969-lt4 Assisunthofessor,HopeCoUegp, Aslocir@Itofessor,HopoCouego,1974-1981 Prcf€ssq,HoPeCotlege'l98l' 197?-1978 kbonrories' Nationsl viiilg-riu*ir"u S"L-n*t'OakRidSo 1982'1983 Program' Overseas ---.^-. Viiffi p.ft*t, soronUniv€rsity Ac{l€my'1993-1994 Forc€ Air sutos United P.ofossor, vi"iti"e iiilf,,irirJ HoDorsald Awarals: NDBAFellow,PurducUnivctsity,1965'1968\ p.l""t COleUf" l""td..e, DanmouthCoUegc,197? , -- 19?6 iqxe,/nsee su.tnot pouow,@dard spaceFliShtconllr' 197? Fellow, O8kRidgeAssocistldUnfvcrsitietSummor Grsrtsi Activitios' Cuniculun;'NSFOfficeof Computing doiior, "InooAo.tionof illg Comput! in theStatistiqs l97l-13 NSFlncal Couso CouJrcio ComputlsScietrco"' lo theInEoductory ep,proaoh Oiro"o., ' e fr4oaufar Prcgi8m,1978-1980 Itnprovcment cd;;, {iid;;pucr sciedfic NsFInstuctioual sadsdcs'" forusoinToaohing taborarcry Prcglaln,1979'1980 Eduiomen! Dtu*?;Ydiiii-fi;#ilp ;t;;:"ili;ffiilffi*" 1987'1990 NsFRUIPto-sr8m' scicrc!Recearh"' orcornpuor inCuppon NsF cIsE1992partiiipation scienc!'" h comput€! aosr8rn icita'ctr 1994 andDisct€tE of DataStsucn]Es pi$cor, 'Usc of eoa,I-sboElories,andVbualizatiolin theTeachiog DARPACuniculunDevelopnentGrart,1993'1994 MatiErnarics." of objecrcrientrd UsingAda9x for tle Toaohing oit""il,i'd-u"i"rh"t ot TextbookDovelopment U.S.AiI Forc€Conracl 1994-196 conceDts." (23iotd, lhosesinc€1989includedbolow) PubUcatiotrs: andrt Jipping'wadswonhPublishing Modztso,td sttucturcs,H'Dershern ;;;;rrr;;;'r"rg*;tt: Comprny,1990 L. De$hem'Pro.eedtrSr ..g,"1-e - -itt" illllfacltnre Sir"uladonh a h'odustoly kb," RyanMcFa[ andHeftert BuIhtin,,l,l26l30'Marh'1994 igsi stccfr"ct4icdt swposlum,slocsE Collsborstors:Ailvisots,andAdviseos:RobenlyDch,DavidCook'tuck Sw6!d NSFFodi 1362(1/94) BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Shirley V. Browne CompulorSciencoDepartepnt Universityof TeDnesse€ 107Ayresllall Knoxville,TN 37996-1301 Ac{debic Rank Assishnthofossor Educrtion: B.A.,IrdianaUniversity,1978 MEd., Univolsiryof inois,1960 M.S.,WichitaSlateUniversity(Madematics),l9g5 lvLs.,hldue Univqsi[y(ComputcrScience), 19g6 Ph.D.,PurdueUnive6ity(Comput€. Science), l990 Expodeoce: SofiwareUbrarianandApptications kogramrner,IFR,Inc., l9g0-l9gl ncrenllrcprogmmmer, Cessna AircraftCompany,l9g4 I$tuctoftf lvtathemrtics an4Comput€r Sci;ncaWichitaStabUniversity,f98l- 1985 AssiltantProfessor ofcompute!Science, HopeColege,Ig0Res€orch Associate, Unive6ilyof Tennossee; 1993_ 1995 ReserrchExperietrcel Assist€din rhedevelopment of newsEing_marching slgorifims Uont wort wl|n Alt€rb ApGtolicoandConcednaGueraal purdueUniversity) Iad a a gaphicaluserintefacoandclient-server softwarefor a relational(htlDasenodel ^taltnin developing of a networkdirccloryseNic€ (Jointworkwith othermembers of DougtasComelsresearch seminarondistsibuMs}Atems at pualue Universitv) De\elopedlgoriftmsfor quolum-based rocoveryin rcplic€hddatabases, implement€d andlesledthese algorilhms pro@rtT,e on a dislributed daubasosysrerh . ,, (Joinlwort wilh BharatBhargava arpudue Universiry) Developed ard implernented anobie{t-oriented application programm€! intedacefor mu.ltimedia applications (Join!worl wirhsummerREUstudents) C,'n.oly wolkingonslorago,search,andrefieval mechanisms andonusorintlrfacosfor distribulrdscieotific softwarcr€Dositories. (Jointworkwilh JackDonga4a8! theUniversity ofTenne,s$e€) Honorsand Awards: PurduoUniversitycraduateSchoolFelowship,l9g5-19g7 Grants: pexfofinance, "Syncfuonization, andFaultTole.anceIssuesin DistributedMultimedia systems''NsF Research PlanniryGlEnt,1992-1993 "Development of a coufseandresearch Droi€crs in rptwo*ing andatatacomnunications," pewMialstates Cons@iutnGranl 1992 NsFFom1r6a{l/sa) E2 Publications: panirioning", ands. Brcwne, B.Bhargava processinS lit-ffi]rugodrr* DuringNetwork r* TraDsacrion sciencc'Pvte' " computet ondTlaorcdcal onFoudttlonsof Sofiwac'richiolog! it"laliZi*nnn 1988 India.D€cenbe!' ph.D.tlFsis,h$duourivcrsity,May, s. Broq,ne, neptaeo oaataseSyslens", "Odffijff;;;"di 1990 andS Br!ffie'Proc l6th *t"iiiit n* DynanicQuolumAssig nents''BBh&gavaAugust'1990 "aa.ouif Australia' Brisbane' Lnveryra4c oaubaser' ii*r"ke Proc''toth ands' Blorvne' Bhgsava B oat*ases"' ieptiiateo in *';;:;m;;",f"r"rce "c;ffiffi;;#il;""v 1990 Nove$b€(' oi conputetconnunxdtiotu'NowDolhi'Irdi4 confercnce' g-**' science computlr se*nd Gleotlrkea s' "A ifffi;;A;;il;;J6;juocor, 1991 MI,OcL17-19'-o-ttaorcotto! Kalam.zoo, andc' ards Browne A' Apostolict sequeftes"' "F^[fiJfiil;c;;u"m". C!fi'.,Ttt or.tica! Conpue| Sclenct 1992' andJ srinivassn' s Browne' sysems"'B Bhargava' in Distibut€dDdabaso ilti*in"pr**io "ofiii" *'tdil".iil)iti*t (ctsMoD )' ol Data co4.renc.onI nlon'a'iottslitcnsondMoaoScment India,JulY1992. Bansrlore, s' Browrc'in DMbascsvstEjns"' in DiltibutedMultinedia t ;;;"ffi;a!ion Issuca *'),aii.iJ "co;;iffiffi; 1993' springer'verlas' sv*^r' ed'NabilAdtnsadt BharalBh$sava' i"itii andR' T Rowan' s -GI!!n'E .*-sse'K- l\doore' s. Brownc,l.Dongalra' d;'t"*", '"*wlic "N"ffi;;;; uT'cs-93'zn'$93' Repon Technical J"i"",iirvotr*"ess€o Dong8ra Collrborators,advisors'AdviseesiB Bha4ava'Jack E-3 SKETCH BIOGRAPHICAL Michael J. JiPPing Deparbentof ComputerScienct HoPeCo cge Holland'MI 49422-8000 hofessor AcodedicRstrk Assistant Educrtion: 1981 8.S..CslvinCoUege, (Computer Scienc€)'19E4 lova lvls., Universiryof (Computer Science)'1986 of Iowa Ph.D.,University ExDerietrce: Assislanthofessor,Univosiryof lowa' 1986-1987 Hopocolege' 1987Assistdt Professor, Conter,Summer,1992 Felow, NASALangleyResegrch Rescarch Grrntr: NSFInsEumeratiooandlaboratory fo! Undergraduatcs," Di;or. ' n Ne* Co*se in PanllolPrograrnming 1990 Irnprovemont, NASAJoinrVenureAwald' 1992-1995 RectDicot. cenll(' pi;o., ;soilding sot*aro InftasEuclurE for ParallelsoftwalcD€eign,"NASALangleyRes@rch 1993-1996 " Recipi.r , NASMovc Augme ationAwald,1995-196 indic{bd with ansstDrirk) co'authors Public.tlotrs:(Undergraduato SysEms,"M' Ji!pin8'PILD'drcsb' for l"{o$odology ttD DosiSnof Conounent "ln lotorm*ion-Sas€d Universityof Iow8,1986 '?cdormarrce'kediolion of tht 1986 in DisttibutadsystemDosigq"lvlJipping,ndR For4 Ptoceedings 1986 IA' Ocbber' Rspids' 8' Cedlr Engtneerhg SJrrlposh/!n,3,.1_3'2 Soffuarc RocbJ. Inanattonol SIGMEINCS Controtoesi8o,"lvt Jippingand&-Fctrd, 1987ACM for doncurronoy "lrcdictingPcrformanco May' f9&7 Canada, M;deUnB of ConpuerS)stent,132-142,-Alt€d& and neo"wewnt Coryie*" on co , 8ndlvt Jilping' wadswortltPublishing Prograintn| rantuages:saucttresdndModels,H.Dgrshem r990 to Concuency,"lvf JippinS'J.Toppen''8ndS' PascalA llands-onIntsoduction "ConcurootDistributed Bt Uetln'21'l'94'99'Fewn,try, Techntcol Swposlum,SIGCSE 1990 \IGCSE of the W@Wf , Pruceedlngs r990 TreDAlgodthms,"R. Fod, M. Jipping,R. Schultz'ad B' Wenhardt" of Ooncurrent "t)n ihoPerfornance March'f990 compatn8,E,253'256, DisfibuLd Panll4l a d JotnBI of 'Devclopiog; Formalfdodelfor Concurrency of tlE secondGreal Corml Dc'sig^:l\t- Jiwittg,PtuceedbSs Aptrl, l99l' Co$erence, IAks Cowukr Science Toolhtcgrarion:A'S[tdy UsinglhgPinableOonmon Engine€ling "ODen - Bnvilounentsto SuppoitSystoms (PcfE)." CJ. Wit4 SJ. z€il' sndC.C.Roberts'JvAs/t D.E. EckhardE [4I. Jipping, ToolEnvironment 1993. Septemb€r' Rcsearch ContEr' Langloy Menotutldus4489,NASA Tect:oltcal 'Using Tcl asaToolTalkBncapulation 1993 UserGroupCottfcrcncc' of thc SM Mechanism Proceedlngs :' 1993. December, Collaborrtors,Advisors,Advisees:RayFord E4 FirstYear SUMMARY Drocld H gBrnt:SH(P'oj€d c'ptr' Ferlv lrd oh€' sonid&sciEr3 GiiJffin"t+vpo, (L|sloadrloldeErywrd\tid€a7 '!*i'-!1xl-!!f- Dl;*-l Eqrlp*"t Eqrlp-**"""I 0l".bm am dols munr lo' c.6b suPPon F. P6rddp.d o@f hem€rc€odlnc'1 000) 18,000(d) -_--1-<7gr7Ej- r 2[n lo- zl-utlcarimcograooomenrartoruDiremlnaon hdln.r cod. (sp.dt R.t 3nd9s) 25%of surdenlstiPends ol qJ,rent pdel! se GPM252&d NEn€a slo Pl/ PDTyPed$r Fat€ve ndp! HerbertL. Dershem \Eqw 'signauros,eqdlBdody lo. rcvis€dbud0el(SPM233) NsFFolmlo3o(184) F-1 secondYear SUMMARY caPl ., FdlV ad OthersenldAl$dar.3 PUPD, A. senlorPe.s.nn€L (lsr €€.hiop&.bt wih i!€. At. dut nunbd h befors) (Ll.t lrm..d D. tbrlt|.mtE!|l)lsfl dolld .rcunt lo. tuh lbm.xo..dlno 01'OO0) 1. Do|n$lc (nd. Canada F. Plrddp.nsupPonco{r 18,m0 (d) d Ohor lidlrcd co.r. (sr.dt aai. .nd Be) ol emnl pd6cre !.e OPM252sd HertertL. De.shem 'signoo€E.!qull.d dly lorovisodbrdo.t (cPM233) NsFFom 1000(1D41 F-2 Third Year SUI MABY tly##f:B3H#'"'on"*', ardoh€l senrd&sodals rueo cop|! Fa@|ry ll6iiiffi-d|. smto','net: iu.l .adr ..e4abl sith hBeA 7. 3tw numb€'ltr btulclll sonelrF{ttchslod a !!!@! @d Fino. Ee.ofl! tA+g+ DE **"tE;lp*"l (utt ll* ",td swoncor F. thddpsnt dollsranountlor otollrm 'xc'sdin! $1'000) (d) l8{rn -r56Te)r,rnn(n cdrdDoormenq!!9qq!!9ll!!!9! 2. pubti@tbn Ldi.€d Co.l| {SP.dt Bale .rd Bs.) (. Rssidlslfund! (lrlof tuthoriu 25%of shrdenlstiponds o! oii€ni golocL s€ GPM25?!4! HerbedL. Dle$hem 9/f+isa 'slon;tu6 ,oqul€d onlyid E!1!.d budo6t(GPM233) F-3 Cumulative SUMMARY edncbslh!s&E!or./'6cbr Hen)enL. uersnem A, Sonld F'6ltoml PllPD,CcPl't' F@lly sd Ofi.r S.tld At dal6s (U!t €a.n !€pdably wlb dd., A z 3h9wnumbe h b@l6b) D. Ps|n!..ntEqulpmnt (U.t lt€mrd dolr lmunt lor .&lr lEn.u€dln! ll,oooJ F. Pdrld9.nsuppotrco.r 54,000(O lndr€d Cnr (Sp€dly Ral. ard B@) K, R€Bldu.l fun& lll lortuh6t 25%of snrdontstipeds ol cIr€nr oltM 252ud obl|,aM torovi.6d hrds6l(GPM233) F4 BudgetExPlanation of $e Fojectand$1'500fo! ditecting (a)'Ito salaryfor he Poject Di@tor includes$2,000for 8d$inistsatioo dlc workof two undgrgnduabs. O)TbosalatyoflhoFacultyAssociaEsis$l,5OOfordiroclinglhewo*oftwoundelgraduatoponicipants' (c) &ingpbenefitsis basedoq 2!% of dtefacultysalaries' (d) Snrdont arc$300p€rwee,kfd l0 w€e'lsfor 6 surdonts' sdpends ponicipants for EAvelbelween (o) Travelbudcetincludes$250pelsudenl Thiswill beBsedb rcimburse ''''loti-o'*rnp*"tutcb€gitmingrndconclusionottheplogram,andtopaypstticipanttravelerpenses ye{r' Loc'l tundswill beusedto of Gi t€sultsduringthefollowitlgacadomic o t;;p"outiotrlo* thesetravelexDonses. supplement (0 Thocosrof stud4! housingis apFoximatrly$40perwert for a robl cos!of $400persrude0lfbpe of thj.samounlleaving$200Pcrsnrdenllo boP8lcby ne granl" one_half couesewill subsidi2o 'Itis itill bousedfo! copying'andothn telephono' Postage' (s) a! $I,(no pcr sumfier. otllcr costsar! budggred -'ga*Ju*p"n"at.i,*ittalsobeusedtohelPdets8yIhecostofoff-csmpusspeorers' is 63'3%'Thecollogpwill forgothesmoun!in cxc€ss Itqn I. Indi&otCoslslThecuront cbargqby lhecoUogo of 25%(nerof 38.3%)asa con[ibutionto theProSram' SuPPort lnstitutional in lo theprincipletharoxc€llence andltropeCollegcarecommirrcd Dopanmont ThoComputcrSgiencc of lhis ln support rese!rch. ln significant aa,*Uon ,ust inctuaeacdvesnraeniinvolveirent *Oorgj|lf rcqui&d!o cdry out thieRBUproi:cl *rn-frarcnr, oo couego*,lll coftrbu@! subst&tirlpartof thorasourc€s fiiiiililiinpJtit ceJcet;tmallv sI ofdte ofthonomaloos!a!woll'! pmvidlns atoni'tratt rt"*inl o 0rcsuacno phycirl center' acttvitie! avsilrtlo o tlope summcrsurdcntsThNcrtrvic6 inoludouseof tlle faciliries' andcomputing t*tt' libraryfacilities, ana ft rrfi *-fi;i;ffi;pil rcleaee tino facultv'faculty "" rluough studcnts "d-ttting and hculty or tro ie,se;cheeons -fqandsoftwar' of hadware mainlenance and me€tings, ac4uisilioo scienrific g^3, to funds rti"il or""rop#ttr supplios andfundsforexpcndsble . .. '-'"'* sc{"eutidanacleticalsupPorq andwages'Hopecolloge is 633%of atlsalaries ptopo*b;l Hope "cnimi;;;;;;;;i-inoitiit c*tt t pioposar' lD urs F4uested saladqs of lhe25%of sluder! coslsin excess will *' allov€{he5d "^- Dqv !otlr RBUFognrnis givenin thetablebelow: collegeconErbutions ;r;;;iiipe Total(3yrs) Annual of HopeCologetoREUProje'cr Conm:butions $3,600 $ l'200 Ottoa"ns'@fOwetkspcrsnrdent ffousing, $33,000 $11'000 minus toquest o: 3%aI salaries s*.iudd inait "t "oJs, $36,600 $12200 TOTAL l.-J ' SUPPORT ANDPENDING CURRENT oiNLndndjm rEv dthv dEildido flr HerbenL. Dershem lnvestloator: ot ni' p"F€tl rsr) r stfth d$ hs b.dadll besuhnied. asmctegttnctuoins Plannedin NearFuture :l *Translerol Support Suppod: : Curr€nt F Pending :i Submission 'Iitle: scimce Pmject/Proposal REU:A! Undergaduaie Bogramh Computer Participatio! Resoarch Sourceof suppon: NsF-rcu Awad Anount(orAnnualRate):$ 102,OOO PeriodCovered:3lLpS- t2BU97 tocatlonof Prol;ct: HoPecouege Acad: 5% Summ: 25% to tho Project. Cal; Committed PeFon-fiionths of Support in NearFuture :l rTransfer Planned Supporl: ! Current I Pending I Submiss'pn Titl€: ProiocvP|oposal of UsingAda9Xfor theTeaching Development CuliculumandTextbook Concepts Objett-Orient€d At Force Sourc€ot Support: UnitedStates Periodcovered:7tr94-88v96 (or Rate): $33g34 AwardAmourt Annual Locatlonol Projecl: HopeColege Acad: l0% gumm.67Eo to theProjoct. Cal: Committ€d Pe6on-Months InNearFuture :i'Translerol Support Planned Support: I Current f Pondlng I Submission Title: ProiecvPoposal Sourc€of Support: PerlodCovered: $ AwadAmount(orAnnualBate): Locatlonol Proi€ct: Acad: to lhs ProJ€ct. Cal: Commltted Person-Months Summ: InNearFuturg l'Transferol Suppott Planned Support I Curr€nt :l Pendlng :lSubmlsslon Titl€: ProJ€cVProposal Sourcgol Suppotl: P€rlodCovered: Awad Amount(orAnnualRato):$ Locatlonof ProJect: Acad: to theProiect' Cal: Committed PerEon-Months Summ: in NoarFuture f'Ttansler of Support Plannod Suppori: I Curreni f, Pending :l Submiss'ton T"rtle : ProlectPtoposal Sourc€ol Suppott: Periodcovered: Awad Amount(orAnnualRate):$ Proiect: Locationof Acad: to theProiecl. Cal: Committed PeGon-Months '[mt pFle.t he rdioudy b6. tund.d bt NSFForm1239(1/94) s6(B ag€ncr,ptoeo lbt.rd tunbh Inlo@t m Pag6cG-1 Summ: 6r lmodalov preedns tundino!'dod' ASNEoESSARY USEADoITIONALSHEETS Appendix @ Hope College Department oJ @mPuter Science 6 in ComputerScience Research Undergraduate Summer1994 The CompulerScienceDepartrnentat Hope College with supportftom the Programof the NationaiScienceFounfor Undergraduates Experiences Research computerscience dation,is providinganopportunityfor a numberof undergraduate program. to participatein a ten-weekresearch students Dates:May30,1994to August5, 1994 Stipend:$2,600 housingprovidedatno cost Housing:On-campus tavel: Limitedtravelfiurdsareavailablefor participants degreeprogram Eligibility: Any s$dentwho will be enrolledin anundergraduate in Fall, 1994is eligible'Womenandmembersof minoritygroupsare to apply. particularlyencouraged opportunitiesareavailablein the fieldsof SoftwareDevelopProjects:Research Algorithm VisualizamentEnviroffnentJfor ParallelProgramming, tion andAnimation,andparallelgeneticalgoritlms' AppticationDeadline:March18'1994 Applicationsand Further Informationl Availablefrom your ComputerScience or trom Departrnent MichaelJ Jipping Departmentof ComPuterScience HopeCollege Holland.MI 49423 FAXr (616)394-7123 (616)394-7509 Internet: There is more information availablevia anon)'mousFIP from the site "smaug. cs . hope . edu" underthe "/pub/reu" directory'Aiso' information is available from the World Wide Web as the page " h t t p : , / , /s n a u g- c s . h o p e . e d u / r e u / i n f o ' h t m l " NATIONAL SCIENCEFOUNDATION 4201Wilson Boulevard Arlington, VA 22230 Officeof Cross'DisciplinaryActivities Computer& Information Scienc€& EngineeringDirectorate GeneralInformation for APPlicants (SitesProgram)- FY 1995 for Undergraduates ResearchExperienc€s for This vear, twentv-threeproposalswere submitted to the ResearchExPeriences competitionin the ComPuter& Information Science& u"i""*t"a""i"t'Sites with usualpractice,a Panelof scientistsand s"Li""?ii; Dii".r"rate. In accordance i,", convenedto provide evaluationsof the proposals. Basedupon thei! ""Ei"u*, evaluations,und *ltit funds availableto this Program this year' we t"i**t be able to tecommendabout twenty-six Pelcent of these ProPosalsfor .to"at,o ""a awards. Verbatimcopiesof all completedreviewsfor your proPosalare enclosedas is a panel summary. In readingthem,pleasekeepin mind that reviewersare addressingtheir primarily- to the National ScienceFoundation, not to the ProPoser' .o--"nt, Althoueh many reviewers do provide helPful information, they sometimesmake iemark! witho'ut giving detail;d referencesor Providing specific suggestionsfor improvement. 5omJ reviews may contain non-substantive,irrelevant or statements that the prog;am officer did not use in evaluating the "rr'on"ol.,, proposal, Thesecommentsare so marked. Decisionsabout parlicular proPosalsoften Prove very difficult,. and factors other than the reviewer's comments and ratings may influence decisions While the scientific medt of the proPosal and its wbrthiness in relation to other proPosals maintaining receivedin the samecompetitionare alwayscritical considelations, appropriatebalanceamong subfields,availabilityof- othe! funding, amount of ftiiding availaute to the program, and the geographic distribution of Plojects supporiedby the Foundationare alsoimPortantdecisionfactors' Information about reconsiderationof declined proposals is found in the Foundation'sGrant ProPosalGuide. This should be availableat your institution, usually at the office which folmally submittedyour proposal. FoundationPolicyis to acc'epta revised ProPosalfor leview and evaluation as a new Proposal, in accordancewith designaiedprogram deadlines,if reviewer's commentshave been substantiallyaddressed. If vou would like furrher information about the evaluation or the Program itselt plJus" cor,tu.t Harry G. Hedges,ProgramDirector,REU SitesProgram,at (703)306gov i980, or via e-mail:hhedges@nsf RevrewAnalysrs HoPeCollege cDA-9423943 yearfor thlee requestsfundsto suPportsix studenfs.Per ThisREUSiteProPosai include u"iir, in ptog*tnt.arriedour duringtheSummers Areasof work algo thm animahon' iarallel aigoiithms,sysfemdevelopment 'The environments, will utilizean advanced students iuiu .otn#"ni*t;ons,andothers workstationnetworkand a transPutersystemon theHoPeCollegecampus' has Womenand minority studentswitl be stronglyrecruited Hope-College operatedvery succeisfulREUSiteprogramsover thelastseveralyearsand can b! expectedio continuethis Patternof success' Fourof the five reviewerson thereviewPanelindividuallyratedthis proPosalas " Competitive",\,,hileoneratedit as"Highly ComPetitive"The Parelasa whole it ior funding-ifFunds recommended category; placed' lt in their"ComPetitive 'this programstandsoul in thearenaol andstatedthai wereavailable inslilutionsto whichHoPeCollegebelongs". I concurwith thereviewPanel'sevaluationand recommendthe ProPosalbe per yearfo! threeyears' fundedasa continuinggrantasrequestedat $34,000 zz4-. Harry G. Hedges Dr^ar:h ni16.r^r REUSitesPrcgram,CDA/CISE Ia\vary 23,7995 SCIENCEFOUNDATION NATIONAL ^<jifrtt CrossDisciplinaryActititigsg '-'" -^" Directorate gitte in "t uia s ti""J" "rin co-pt t", uii"ii"t,o*"" - SitesPfogaln Experiexces for llrdagraduates Research lnvestigator: H-L ' D t-" pA^TFLSLIMMARYFORj ifi)ii"i3tj^'-'j;'iii*" rnstitution: ']"lu AJrlT ' ,)l't*7-J Maiarstrensths: '-'*"'-"'-'tJB fuJ f "i.,a}t 'r')-rI ee:'j-,:ffi* z'ftr+e- LL7' Weaknesses: Li*-- alt1"' tzl--{ iJ,i?.t NATIONAL SCIENCEFOUNDATION Office of CrossDisciplinaryActivities Computerand Inlormation Scienceand EngineeringDirectorate - SitesProgram Experiences Research lor Undergraduates lnvestigator: Institution: FOR: ^. EVALUATION CDA-94 Proposat I (Y t 5 fl<.51'eun |4ry- Q//31 enonyrnoLrs copiesot this review will be sent only to lhe principalinvesligalor' Subidct to lhis NSF policy and applicablelaws, includingthe Freedomol lnloimationAct, 5 USC 552, and lormal requeslsfrom ChaiQersonsof lor NSF,reviewers'comments Commitleeshavingresponsibilily Congressional prolection fromdisclosure. willbeoivenmaximum andidenlities All of theselectioncriteriafor this Programareindicatedbelow. Pleasecornment on eachof them. Your remarksareof criticalimportancein providing guidance both to theproposersand to theNSFProjectofficers. for undergraduates, 1. Valueof the educationalexperience Particulallythe and the involvement of theresearchprojectsfor undergraduate appropriateness natuleof studentinvolvement. - *'S'f '"'0s,L"* .-[^.tq, ^ P,";z.f: g1'*. S[< ty '-{o b-e {e,.}''r-i-. .ft.1 K,ttLr J )Lo^.d'rppeo-r l r J n v 2. Quality of the supervisor,facilities,and management Plans. i1 -+- 0 cYQ '^o-'\)* K 4. Adequacyol ihe participantselectionprocedures. ,rlo u"tl" [a ^ REu SiteEvaluationFormfor Da^ 0nvestigator)- Page2 Caliber of plans for student preParaiionand continuation of Projects' n +6t'\ U Institutional record in the production of computer scimtists and engheers' I li i ltr, re\udk Ll 54"44\ PY* 7. Generalinstitutional commitmentto the Proieci. Modu&,, 8. Plansfor involving urderrePresentedgroups (women, minolities, and personswith disabilities). C'' 9. Additional comments. Ovenll RatinS: Competitive Hlghly I Compelilive KI NotCompetitivo I I FOUNDATION NATIONALSCIENCE Activities Disciplinary of Cross Office CornputerandInformation ScienceandEngineeringDirectorate - SitesProgran Ruurch Experiences t'orUndetgraduatn k.sL-.^ Investigator: lnstitution: FORr., ^, EVALUATION ClD A - 9 4 z 5 Y 4 < Proposa I\?-C^U"o<_ lo lhe principalinvesligalor @ laws' includingthe Freedomol suoirict1o tfii NsF policvand applicablo ol lormal requeslsfrom chairpersons 552, and 5 USC Act, lnloimation comments lor NSF r€viewers' havingresponslbility Committees Conoressional proieqtion lromdisclosure andide itieswillbeqivenmaximum All of the selectioncriteriafor this Proglamareindicatedbelow Pleasecomment on eachof them. Your resrarksari of criticalimportancein Providingguidance both to the proposelsand to the NSF ploject officers 1. Value of the educationalexPedencefor undergraduates,Palticularly the appropriatenessof the researchProjectsfor undergladuateinvolvement and the nature of studentinvolvement. Vtg6t"q^6 1*1r-sr.L O'l=t ( fer -.}*-e,, p:.-Ur lps-{.t r , l-.r) " plans. andmanagement facilities, 2. Qualityof thesupervisor, - ("-.* 4\.J---€ .,.ll .1*:r-< "'* *;","---b 3l-"-"\ ,ir,* -,.i\ V,- - "*-Vt1 -4-&i.--e-! *1 . {..-.t *'/"f*YJ activities. research 3. Merit of theproposed Y*, [*\-;+: t1 , ",ro"'.1.0' "f---r*g 4.Adequacyof theParticiPantselectionprocedures. 3o*t-1*t< [;*".r.ur'--) Ai "9 3 ?-*'t't t^-11-,ii.i o'-t-\'out- - , *:it^ o{n- (rs i "v l:t-!-.f, - - { (Investigator)- Page2 REU SiteEvaluationForm for andcontinuationof Projects. 5. Caliberof plansfor studentPreParation '-J+r ou.*Fo-ts^^_ "-^eq aA4.\-_.*11- p.-\s!-j**,"f f.*n U" 6,."l_ :F*:,q-J5)- bG* (*-*|..**f,--(*xr1"tG t-.(- 6. lnstitutional record in the Ptoduction of computer scientistsand engineers. fo"-( 7. Generalinstituiional commitmentto the Project i(r L**1 ' *,h, I a"/-ats\ ."'-\.v..* c.ts "-F.!\ a.-i 8. Plansfor involving undelrePlesentedgroups (women, minorities, and Dersonswith disabilities). i* t(* cr",^ '-L^'f *' h"t {.- ,,r'.",',^:H1- lu* h( (^rd \S _'" i.-*\J .^:._.,: l.t- - 9. Additional comments. Overall Rating: Highlycompetitive fl - Comoetitivefi r-. Notcornpetitive I NATIONAL SCIENCEFOUNDATION Office of CrossDisciPlinaryActivities Computer and Information Scienceand Engineedng Directorate ' Experiences Research for lfndergraluates SitesProgram InvestigatonDrtrKbwvw InstiNtion: [{-?Y,' Ev AL1A1PN FoR ^c),43 I'roposar\,rrA-7+ , ' investigator' thePrincipal ffi il9lYdllS laws' pdicy and applicabl€ 's Subjdct10 thia NSF lle-,119-e-o-T 9: ol lrorn-. chairpersons requ;sts u'sC-6si,an6'tormat i"iii:"i'itii"'riit, lor NSF, reviewers'commems Committeeshavingresponsibllily Congressional prolection tromdisclosu willbeoivenmaximum andidentilies All of the selectionclitelia for this Programare indicatedbelow Pleasecomment on eacfrof them. Your remarksareoicritical importancein Providingguidance both to the ProPoselsand to the NSF Proiectofficers' Ior undergraduates, Particularlythe 1. Valueof the educationalexperience involvementand the of theresearciprojectsfor undergraduate uppropriat"ness naiure of student involvement F"1t.-t.a^abt'tZt ' c^ t-"w-*l-,( \e.o-{ o1l*-* ,-f 6- t-LI-tI Plans 2. Qualityofthe supervisor,facilities,and management Lro--t i*t2. I r^."1 "v-'. 3. Merit of the proposedlesearchactivities' ,Lru vo1u I b,t'l tt r'>-t'l'.ud''"L- 4. Adequacyof the ParticiPantselectionprocedures' 9"J- ..k4s#i ('*xil /"- nt" ( eLr ltw L"ccJ 1tc--t ^ Plfa-'La ' ' 'ii. C /- REU Site Evatuation por to, Lt)4|1.b qnvestigator)- page2 5. Caliber of plans for studentPleParationand continuation of proiects. s"'-d 6. Institutional record in the-productionof comPuterscientistsand engineers AtAtWy,^jrro-l LLl. o,r,3v.".r,0.1--, fl1-&*to Lo t^ntr^^-.r 14 h\^- U-i,g-""- ^--J t/c^l'*Lil-\ f- ctwl' 7. Generalinstitutionalcommitmenito theProiect. 5J't , luu*1 gurai^/4. r*1,''LuoJ GJL" d^ ; ""i ry-.s..6uu) 8. Pla$ for involving undelrePresentedgroups (women, minorities, and personswith disabilities). r\. , , L&\Ll.,'t ' '--r tL@vl ,l,^o.r,+n ( r-J tzrcL vcal-d ) 9. Additional comments. Overall Rating: HighlvCompetitive Ef Comp€titive I Notcompelitive I { NATIONAL SCIENCEFOUNDATION Office of CrossDisciplinaryActivities Cornputerand InformationScienceand EngineeringDirectorate - SitesProstam Experiences Research lor Undergraduates Investigaton cEA^Ha4 Institution: Hape caLLecz EVALUATIONFOR: ProposalcDA-94-1p!!7 investigator' cod;s of tfnsreviaww,llbe sentonlyto theprincipal Anonvmous ol laws' includingthe.FJee-dom Subjdctlo thii NSF pliicy and applicable ol lrom chairpersons ini6liitiln'eit, 5 u'sc 352,anb lormalrequests lor NSF' reviewers'commenls Committeeshavingresponsibility Conoressional proleclion lrom disclosure. will maximum be andidentilies oiven All of the selectioncriteriafor this Programareindicatedbelow Pleasecomment on eachof them. Your remarksareof criticalimportancein providing guidance both to the proposersand to theNSFprojectofficers. for undergraduates, 1. Valueof the educationalexPerience Particularlythe and the involvement projectsfo! undergraduate of the research appropriateness natureof studentinvolvement. 74./ t ,4""A/|E^',7L1, OF -ua*)/ ot /.:> 4"'/ ttoeei //'4?o'L74'rZ Lz,aea A^a D'/4 -7€ Co'aPa'E/"/7 eS' t44J o^'s 2. Quaiity of the superuisor,facilities,and management Plans AO€A<-,a 7€ R€=oo^1Es- ./:b/L -7't E€sE4/-'4 /?r'OJE OUTLrr€a) 37/Lar'J4 A€=€a /LaH R),/' 4 //u'wa/L/7 7€a./7 /^,/a>7/ 7U 7/C\^) 4. Adequacyof the participantselectionProcedures. /L4O^-e D€LA|L:' LJou<t haw€ oF AE€Jw+1t4'=e'E &e? r'JeL?r'2c' 7'1cp c'/u2eLn 73' a onvestigator) - Page2 DEp.saEr'a REUSite EvaluationFormfor 5. Caliber of plans for student PreParationand continuation of Plojects. -to J'tav'v D6=<-^Jee 2 F*/R f/'ocE* PZ *e-> OF /..aaaert/^J4 37uDe'4s pPtELzJ(w( +JP 6. lrstitutional record in the production of computerscientistsand engineers. &P?A/La') c/ Atoo A'7 SrEi U./\-.zEt/11tt4pt/41€ L6.eL 7. Generalinstitutional commitmentto the Project. aJzt+bLe cot-t.\ ' tt)?PONT groups(women,minorities,and 8. Plansfor involvingundetreplesented personswith disabilities). NO7 ,auCH D, *..=9/ o.J Ott etuLutl,'ra4 Pt/e^-te 9. Additionalcomments, Peczttt zt--2 OverallRating: E/LOc4t'/4€ /4 aPy'a.lD.' Highlv compotliive n 6 4 comnetitive [l R4.{S NotCompetiiive E , - .i - : i^ NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Officc of CrossDisciplitraryActivities Computerand Informatiol Scienceand f,ngineeringDirectorate - SitesProgroms ResearchExpefiences Jor Undergraduates EITALUATIONFOR: ProposalCDA-94 23943 Investigator: H. L. Dershem Institutio[: Hope College subjeclto thisNsF investigator. copiesof thisroviewwillbesentonlyto theprincipal Anonymous 5 USC 552, andformal Act, thoFreedom of lnformation policyandapplicable laws,including for NSF,review€rs' havingresponsibillty Committees of Congrcssional feques{sfromChairpersons proteclion fromdisclosure. bogivenmaximum commedsandidentitieswill cdteriafor thispro$amareindicatedbelow.Plcasecommenton €achof All ofthe selection in providingguidance bothto theprcposers them.Your remarksareofcriticalimportance andto theNSFprojectofficers. particularlytheappropdateness of for undergraduates, experience 1.value ofthe educational involvement andthenaturcofstudentinvolvement. prcjectsfor undergnduat€ theres€arch with their thatappearto beassociated areinvolvedin cunentproblems Thestudents progam weekly seminar schedule. The maintains a interests. research mentors'mainstream to presentwork to theirhomeinstitutionsuponreturnin theFell. Students sreencouranged ofwork is commendable. on communication Theemphasis plans. facilities,andmanagement 2. Qualityofthe supervisor ofworkstationsis in operatinganREUprogram.The complement is experienced Thesupervisor toolsare development software quiteadequate for thenumberof students.Single-programmer software toolsarescarce, aboutparallel Specifics butCASEtoolsarenotmentioned. available, theOakNdgeP\/IVIismentioned. although research activities. 3. Meritoftheproposed ori€nted although single-developer to becurrent to theCSarena, Theprojects appear procedures. selection 4. Adequacy ofth€participant to befair andeffectiveat Theselectiooprccessfromwithinthepoolofapplicantsappears provided.) by Theinitialselectionpoolis hapered selectingsuperiorstudents.(No GPAdataare ofpublicitytargets.In light ofthe electronicdistribution,the arbitraryidentification somewhat wouldbemoreequitable.(Thiswould list, suchasForsythedepartments, useof a broadbased too.) students, targetcomputerengineering _.t a .U -L-.. H. L. Dershem - Page2 (InYestigator) 5. Caliberofplansfcr studentpreparation andcontinuatioo ofprojects. It appears thst students do notbeginto acqusiotthemselves with theirprojectwtil arival oo the campus.Thes€mimrprogram,continued collaboration viatheintemel andhome_institution seminars constitutegoodcontinuation efort. 6. Institutionalrecordin theproductionofcomput€rsciertistsandengineers. 7. Generalinstitutionalcommitment to theproj€ct. Otherthanaccess to resourceq theinstitutionprovidesneithu monetarynor ir-kind support. 8. Plansfor involvingunderrepresented groups(women,minorities,andpersons with disa.bilities). Theapplicantpoolis augmented with extrapublicitycontactwith minorityinstitutioNwithina 500mileradius.No mentionis madeof eforts to increase femalepanicifation. 9.Additionalcomments. OverallRating: HlghlyCompetitive0 CornpetitiveBdotCompetitiveE IIop6 cotl.gG HoUard, UI 49423 BusinessOffice 17, 1995 Dato: February Hsrboershem // I / From: KevinKraay l/ - To: tv" on your approvalfor a NationalSciencoFoundationgrant in tho amountof Congratulations BesearchParticjpationProgramin $4,i31 tor the proi€ctentitled"REU: An Undergraduat€ Science." Computer previous Instsadof creatinga now accountnumberfor this award, I will add this to the for expenses award,accountnumbet5'22822 Pleas€usethis accountnumber associstedwith this additionalfunding policy: To complywith CircularA-21, HopeCollegehas€stablishedthe tollowing Hop€Collegepersonn€lwho are workingon federallylundedgrantsand contracts sh;l maint;in a daily log of activity. The log shallrecordthe p'oject workedon and period ihe approximatetime sfent. This log shallb€ retainedbl th€ individualfor a programs for lund€d oI noi lessthan thres yealsafter the end date of the tederally be made which recordsar€ beingmaintain€d.Uponrequest.theserocordswill availablefor inspectionor audit. The Drug-FresworkplaceAct ol 1988 r€quir€sHopeCollegoto c€rtifythat we will mainiairiaOrugtteeworkplace.This certilicationtook placeon tho applicationfor the rlSi gi""i,"ttvo, applied. lt also requiresthe collegsto provideto 6achemployee *o*'ing *itlt federailysponsoredprogramthe Colloge'spolicyon drugs A copy oI this " for your referonce. policyis attached Pleasecontactmo if you haveany questions' HOPECO1IEGE OFFICT OF THEPROVOST April 19, 1995 Professor HerbertL Dershem Chairperson Departm€ntof ComputerSciem€ ItropeCollege DearHerb: Heartiestcorgratulaxions on yourreceiptof a $34,000 grantfrom the Natioaal ScienceFoundationl This three-yearREU grantis a fine honorfor yoq for your departmentandfor th€ college.I commend youfor your effortsto obtainfundswfuchwill support An Undergraduate Research Participationhogram in ComputerScience. Again,heartiestcongratulationsl Bestwishesasyougo aboutimplementing the grantandin all your endeavors. JEN:bm/apr95 Dc: DeaJrJamesM, Gentile DEWITTCENTTR, I41 E 12THST PO BOX9000HOILAND,MICHTCAN 494229000 616-394-77A5 11 / FAX616-394-71 1IOPEOO1IEGE OEPARTMENT OF COMPUTERSCITNCE July5, 1995 Ttrcy ZEiEler NationalScienceFoundation 4201WilsonBoulevard RoomI160 Arlirgton, VA 22230 DearMs.Zeigler: Enclos€dyouwill find a revisedcoverandbudgetpagosfor NSFREUproposal9423943. These ar€beingsubmittedto re4uesta supplement to theaboveprojectto coverthocollegecontdbution for FICA,/]VIQFE taxesfor thestudentpsrticipaltsin ourprogran.Thissupplemental fundingis $4,131pcrycarfor threeyearsfor a totalof $12,393.Thisatnountis ?.65qoof thetota.lstudent stipcnds. Thankyoufor assisting usin thismatter,Wewill bc happyto supplyanyfurtherinformationthat youmightrequire. Sincerely, HcrbertL. tlershem,Chair Departrnent of CompulerScience JamesM. Gentile,Dean Division of Natural Sciences HOLLAND,M|CHICAN 49422-9OOO / 616 395 7510/ FAX616 395-7123 COVERSHEETFORPROPOSAL TOTHE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION FOFCONDISEMNON BYNSFOFGANI?rATION UNIIIS) ft&dhdndd!4nBtui4(r Computer& Infomation Science& Enginerring NSFPBOPOSAL NUMBEF PAOGiAMAIINOIJIICEIIENT/SOIICITANON NO]CLO€II{G DA'IE NSF93-llZREU/August 4, 1993 OATERECEIVED INUMBER OFCOPIESI DIVISION ASSIGNED Erdoydlddlf@toi Nrmb{(€tN)d Toe.F. ldfi ncalo Numb€. (nN) gtfl PrEis ARln Nd r Th6lsl D anrdn lishdt.B.$d B.n *d lLh. d Omr{zlrlon |o whtchAMrd Shoddb. Mad€: YEs- NO]L UYes,ud adnyn{s) Departnenrof ComputcrScience HopeCollege Holland,MI 49422-8000 (trtr) Nrr€ olPslomln!oE nlrdfi. r ofi€€nrFm Abd. PlrloirilgOi!.nlzddCod. FILELOCATION Add6s€ orAwd€6oqaizdron. Indudng zp cdt€: Hop€College AurL€Oq€iLdmCod€ I h Thl6Prop@lSdngSlbtniisdToAno$srF€ri€i.l cDA-92001r8 IRS #38138l27 rN FUNDCODE Addr$sol P6dd||{.gOqontz!0on, D t.cil, hctudngzp Cod* ([hM) o Fortuncl|!4hadd o gnatBucrF6 o Mhodity BdM Dwanuomroallrrc RBU: An Und€rgaduateResearchPanicipationProgramin ComputerScicnce P|lc@dDlrdql $ 114,393 0.30Mfi) 36 non$! MarchI, 1995 Ot€4Apo'lptul€Bo(*)nftbPmpc.llndud6. Anvolth.li6NU.t dSdor E vdr.b6r. rdrub O Ndond En{Mn.ri.l potkr A.r D PrcCi.hry.nd Pdvll€!€d hlomatlm D Dbdo$B 11tobbYngdMls D Fadrlald ld sd{dBtdE dm.E $t Dt bild.! O R*.dr$ oppdtrdry a@.d tr l. .nau6.l Coot€tdlv. AdMla o 8.ohdn!rMsild8 (L. GPc6.dld 0 tr SnallGEti Fd EploEioryF!€!.rcn€GERS€.CPCS€dlmtt.C.12) DeDarErentof ComDuterScience rlop€ Lonege Holland,MI 49422-E000 Computer Scienc€ 616-395-7 t23 HerbeiL. Dershem OrEftoF,|.lYSG!!occ! 1s{tirsioior$dd.ditimD*r.v.tulhrtdrd*{d.rdtualun q*.84dcaiipbca<is[E!.w€d,sgx.dcr.dun&r 2?l-40-6660Ph.D.1969 6r6-395-7508 deNhem@cs.hope.€du ldonP.gehu3th.3ulnlttld lmmdhHyt ttort.! tfih Corershosr. 6!.r!a&yrdsMrd sFrdot1s0.6md. HMs.ir4&n n€sj!€lrdtb sFillq1ll@ C E R T I F I C A T I OPNA G E Certilication for Principallnvestigators and Co-principalInvestigators: I csdily to lh€ best oi my knowledgelhat: (1) tE slareme s h.@in (ercrudingeimtific hypotn€*s and sciendncorrnions) a@t@ and @trEt€te. dd alg,rq?hrg he.9ln 6 @ as Eny .@n'panytns pubtietiod d o$ar ddmnrs, unt;s o'la nie indEatgd,ae rhe o,isinarrc't ot dt6 !2,]-1!P:r uftre' rErr sup€wisron. asE6 lo a@pr cspmsibifty fd rh. 6ct6nrificddld ot rh. prcjod lntto povtd. r|. 3:,:jT_.j_ryI15f |'equf€o pogr€ss rEpor6Yoli1s f an a!^€rd |6 mad€ ns a resjl ol.tthis amlietim I tncl€Etand rhatrha llllfLrl pevision ol lalso Inloma on or @neall.g a nrat€tiallact in lhls pDporat or any oth€r cmmuotcslion sLomid€d to NsF ts a gjrnlnal ofl€ns (U.S.Code.Tllr6 18, Ssrion lml). PFoHerberl L. Dershem N",$"*sAt _ July5, 1995 Cartlfication for AuthorizEdInstitutionalRepresentalive or IndividualApplicant: By5bnhg andsubnl(lngtft PrcPsEl,t'€ hdlvidual€pp cantorrh€adnod:.d oltddr ol $o appllcanrInsiirnion16:{1)c€dttinq riar 6lar6nEnl!mads h.|Elnat6tu6 andoomplel.!o l||o b€slol hl6/horkmwlodg.;and(2)agc6ingb aoc€prthooulgadonto oomptywfitiNSFa\iai i6ms andcondttonsn sn &md b mtd6 s a r.6ut ol lhls appllcafon.Funh€r,s'6 .ppllcantb h.€by p@knngo.dlkitoB EgaftrngF€d€|atd6bl6tsrr6,dobam6rnand &!p6n6lon,dn4l€6 wbr1qla6,ard lobbyngaclMd$ {6€6h€l }. as 6€rlorh h th6Gdnr PlopossrGuir€(GPG).NsF 94-2. with;t plovtslonot tars Itfonhalld Inlhl. aPPllcaton andlt6dwpordngdo(xlmrnlsor ln €po& EqllEd undoran€ftdng 6wardls a cdmtnatofi6n6o(U,S,q;6, Tnto16. S€cton1001). Debt and D€barmenlCertificalions (lraErer a'.d !o enh€r.pl6as !rcvldo€tdda0on.) b lho o.ganluallondetlnquonion any F6d6|!l debt? lEth€oEanlzaonor h6pdnclp.lstrr66€.'tly dsbsn d, s|l3p€nd64pEp@.d tor .t€lain€nt, dact6r6dholg'U€, or voluntarity €xdudad lm a€r6d lransacrbn8 y€s_ l,y any F6d6EldepatuEntor agsncy? NojL CertllicationRegardingLobbylng gl oo,oooandtor an awardot a Fode|attosnor Thlserd{dllon ls €qulr€dlor an awardol d F€do6l@nlEct.glant,or coof€radwsgc6m.nt oxos€dlng pbMdlnglof th€ unlt€dstatol to iftur6 or gui|Ent€ea toan6)a€€dtng9150,000. a commftrn6ni Cortification tor Contracts,Grants,Loansand Cooperative Agreements Ti€ undoElgn€dc€rtitis, io lh6 b6r ot hl! or nerho!r,l6dq. andb€liol,th.r: (l) iJ,ol.d€nl apprcpial6diundshavsb€enpoidor *,i[ bo pald,byor onbshal ol th€ und€lslon€d, to anyp€Mn tor 'nltuondnqor atbmottnoto infiuonc€an otflc€ror€mdoys ot anyag€ncy,a M€mbdol Congcs, d oficsr o( €rnptoy€€ ot CsoGi orsn onptoys€ot a M€nbd i C sGss In clnmcdonwlthlh€ aMrling ol anyl€d€|alconlta.l thomaldngol sy Fod€ralgrant,0la naldngol arryFed€ratloan,h6 onledngInroot any@fodive agtEern€ntandths €xioosion,conllnualon,|6n€wal,amondmontd modiflcalion ol anyF6d€€lmtacr, g6nt loan,or @psBdw sg:r€6ni6nr. (2) { anytundsohor lhanF€dsralappropdat€d paid pald tun& hdE b.6n or w{l b€ to arrype@n lor inllsnchg or alt€rnpting ro intfuenc€an olffc€.o. €rnployseol anya!€nc1,a Membdol Congloss,anotnc€tor 6'hploy€6ol CdgE3q or d €mpby€€ol a M€mb€.ol Congr€s6In@nection widrthis Fo<bal@dEcl 96t loan,ot @p€Friw agGonMt, rh. undoclqn.dshdrcomptete ed BubmitStandardFon,LrL @ietosu@Fod lo R€Don L.bbying,.ln .edr.€ wiltrh6i.6truc{on6. {3) IrF undslgned shatlbqul€ lhal lhe languag€ol thb €nif@tion boIndudodh th6swad do@mmr6for attdbawardsat a! ti66 trf|uifno 6ubdl@iq subganls,and@l@ts undorgmt!.los,4d @opoallw agr€6m€nbandhat allsubredplsnbsns[ @n y anddlsdosoacc;dinsty. ThGerlift@lionis a matodalr€pr666nlalion ol lact upo. wnk$ clia@ w6 placodwi.n t{s lrffecton w6 nad€ or €nt€6d inro.subnlrsionol $i5 6difi6iim is a pr6r€qoisile tor maklngor ent€ingintotlls lran€actimlmpoed bysoc0oor35e 0t6 31,u-s. Code.Any p€6on *ho ta|s to flt€ ti6 |sqoi€d c€nitcsllonshallb€ 6ubjootlo a cMl ponattyol notlssslhen$10.0@andnol moF lhan9100,000tof €ach5uchtaitu€. AUTHORIZEDINSTITIf IONA! REPFESENTATIVE SIGNAIUFE NAMBNTLE'|YPED] JamesM. Gentile/Dean forthe NaturalSciences TEI.EPHONE NUMBER 616-3Ss-7714 ELECTFONIC MAI!AODFESS DATE l,u*u FAXNIJMBER 616-395-7125 First Year SUMMARY PdrclBl l@sroator / PEiecrDlEcror Herbert L. DeNhen senbrPs@nn.l:PUPD, cePl's, Fadtv dd olh€.s€.{orassociales (ti6l eacnsepa€lst wi$ tlile,A.7. shownumbor h brack6rs) D. P6m.n€nt Eqllpfi€nt .id Fdno€6d6fhl lA + € + (td ltm 6nd dolt.r aino! tor 6achlim €tc.€dtng $,ooo,) Dorn6& (hcl.can.dr .nd u.s, |?n0n 4.131ft) L l diBct CasE {Sp€.lly Fal€ andaas6} J. Tolll oicct and tndh€ctcosrs K R*idual Fund6(tl lor lutE. ot@m s$ GPM252and Pl / POTy!€d Nam€& Siqnaturc' H€rbertL. D€rsh€m 'frffiT,1:8f,iffi3r'* rv""dNdft6 &sisEtuB' NSF Fom 1030 0r'94) Sup.Md6E all p@i@! €ditjMs ol&rgs 'SigEio€ 6qui6d @ly tor rersed blds.r {GPM233) SecondYear SUMMARY LB PdndEl Invenioator/ Poiecl Diteclor HerbertL. Dershem s€.lor P€MNI P,PD. Co'Pl s, Facultyandolh€r senlor asslalG (usl eadr 6€oa6lelywih utle,A,7 shownumbe,i. bBck€is) g, OtEr P.conn€l {Shownumb.E ln lor €achllom€rc66dinq 11oooJ D, P€m@ Eaulpm.nt (usl [6F anddo{a.6mounl 1. oom.r{c{hcl CaNda.nd U S F. PanldpasuPponco6ts18t000(d) 1.sdp6n& I -l;sou-re)- I ro0 (n 4.131ft) 2, Plbrre onco6rrD@umdnLs{odoi33em|@non L lndlFcl cosls {sp6c{y aal6 andBse) Total olFd and Indlr€clcosE X. RsolduatFurds (ll lor luther ol cumnt D6jocls6eoGPM25eand Pl / POTyp6dNam & Sio@tuB' H€rb€rtL. Dershem o16gs TypedName& slgGture' NsF Fom 1o3o (1/94) s!pe6€d6 'st€naur4 €quiEd onlyior r€v!;edb!d!61 (GPM23a) all ptevlous edilions F-2 Third Year SUMMARY 'E PrindFl lnvstloator / PEi6d DiEctor Herhenl-. Dershem A- &nlor P€6on@1.PUPO,CePlt, Fadty andoth6r s.nio. A6slal4 (ust €achsepadory $lh lins, 4.7. snowNrber In biaok€is) Cal L Herben L. Dersnem,ProlectDlrector $ 2. MrchaerJ. rrpprng.facurryAssocrate 3,500 (a) $ 1,500(b) r,500(b) 5. 6. a I Olh.ts ltlsl lndivlduallvon budo€lmla@llon mo€l 7.( I TotalsoniorP€EonGl(1 - 6) B. Orh.r P€60nnsllshow tumbEF ln bDdoisl l Posto@toEl ass@lal6 2. I Olh€rP@r€sslonsls Clehnlcl.n, P6o6m6r, oic.l 6,500 ) undsEddusrs srudents 5. 6. Toi.l S.ladss end Wao.s (A + Bl c. FdmE Bd.fiE lll ch5Eod .s d6d @sr6) Toi.l S.lais.. Wao€s.nd Fdno6A€n€fts{A + A + Cl o. P€m!..nt Eqllpddr (usl ltmand doll emounllor ..dr li.m erc@dnotl,0oo.) TolalPsmn. 6,500 l,JUr,(c) 7.800 Eoulrm.nt (lncl,caru.h andu.5. lossossloft) 1, Domo6rlc 2. FotElg! F. Panblpqn slpporl c6t3 (d) 18,000 -rsuro1.100(n 4.131(hl 14 flll 2, Publledonco6ls/bo(rlmoniallodDlsmlM on (ADPE) 4.Conlout6r S€rlcas 5. H. TotalDrEcrCosts{At'ouoh G) l. hdi6c1 lsp4lly Fal€ 6ndBas6) 25%of stldentstipends 4,50{' J. Tolal DiEt and l|ldl.e.l CosGlH + I) K RosidualFunds{f lor |lllher suooorlol @mnl p.oiHc * L. Amunt ot This Fequ66t(J) o. (J innus $ M. Cd SrEnm P@s€d 38t3t GPM2s2 a.d 2!€) Lovel J Pl / PDTyp€dNam€& SrgnatuB' 7t5t95 Herbe( L. Dershem ol6ss tr" Nam€ asis€tule' $!is3T,f8"F,ifi3o* NSFFom 1O3O (l/94) Supe6odesall p@u@s.ditos Pag6 F-3 'sigmtud lndiEcrcosrFareVenfe on eqllred onlylor re!1ed bldgel {GPM233) Cumulative SUMMARY HopeColleee edn@r Inv6slsalor_/Pojocr DrE lor HefDed L, Dershem A. Senlo.Pe@nn6li PVPD,CePt's, Facuty andOtrEi S€niorArsoclaG. (Usl €adr s€oaEloty$||n fite, AJ. showtun6€l In b'a*ds) c6l 1 Herbe4L.Dershem, ProjectDir€.ror z Mrnae' J!lpptng, tsaculyAssoctare 3. rlur€l 5. 6, ( 7,( $ 10,500(a 4,500(b) v, Drowne, racurry Assoctarc 4,500(b) ) olh€B (!ht ldMduatty on budq€t€rotn.rbn @06l ) Tqrsrs.nrd P66on8t (1 - 6) a. O$or PsMnnd (Sh@ tuhb6E t9,500 In bEckot6) 1. { 2. ( 3.( ) Posl DoctoElAss@lal€s ) CnhorPoiosd@ls O.dDLion, Pmdms, ) GEdualoSlud€nls 4.( ) Undonqlu.loslud€nE 5,( ) Sectad.l' Crodqql 6. ( )oher oic.l Toitl S6l6dds,rd Wro* IA + al C, Frlno€B.n€ils d cn |E€de dlEct @st8) 1Sal.d6s,wag.8 and Fdno€B.n.nB {A + A r C) ! D. Equipmmr(tr5titm anddoltaramunrtor €achtr6h.rc.€dtngg1,ooo.) E. Tolll P€mandntEaullnsm 1. Dcfi66llc (|rc|. C.mda andU.S.oo636€slonsl F. PairdpenlSuroonCGt6 54,000(d) ------45mTd- 3r,0o(D 12.393 ftl ( ) Toial Pa.iclDanrCorE 2. Publlcall@cosG/D@mlnlitorvDbsomtidton 4.Cohpurer(ADFE) S.tulc.s H. Tollr Di@r Ccrs {A ihouoh 6l l. Indl@t Costs(Sloclly Ratoand Bs€) 25%of studentstipends 11,500 J- Tolal ol@t andhdtr@l ccE {H + t) K. RgsrdualFunG (i ior lufl.r s@oortol cumnl oti€6 L Anolnl or This R€qu66t{J) or lJ minls N0 M. cosl ShadnsP@pos€dL.v€l $ Pl./ PD TypedNa@ & Slg@tur.. @€ GPM252and 253) I ao6.d L6v€lI DinoEnr$ DA'IE HerbertL. Denhem 7t5t95 ,j*s3tlF&T8l3'i""ryp"o Nam€ asrsmtu€' NsF Fon 1030{1/s4)supeE.d$ alt pGvious€dr0ons ol6gs pase F4 lidi@r CostRaleVedti€ttm 'SOMtu€s €quk€d dty tor @vis€dbudget {cpM 233) Budget Explanation (a) The salarvfor the ProjecrDirector includes$2,000for adminisrationof rheproj€crand$1,500for direcdns Lhework of two undergraduates. (b) The salaryofthe Faculty Associatesis 9r,500 for directingthe work of two participants. "dergraduate (c) Fringeb€nefitsis basedon 2070of the faculty salaries. (d) Students.ipendsee $300 per \reck for l0 weoksfor 6 studenrs. (e) Travel budgetincludes$250 per srudenl This wi be nsedto reimburseparricipantsfo( rravel between homeandcampusat thebeginningandconclusion oflhe prcgram,andto payparticipant travelexpnses to makepresenhtionsof rheir resulir during the foltowing academicyear.tncal funds will be usedto supplemenlthesetsavelexpenses. (f) The cosrof srudenthousingis approximarely940per weekfor a toralcosrof $400 per sludenr.Hope Collegewill subsidize one-halfof rhisamounl,Ioaving$200p€rsrudenr ro be paidby rhcgnnl (g) Othercosbarebudg€ted at $1,000persumner.Thiswilt beusedfor postage, retephone, copying,andorher generalexpenses.It will alsobe usedro helpdefraythecost of off-campusspeakers. (h) Collegecontributionfor FICA,MQFE taxesfor panicipanls. ItemI- IndirectCosts:Thecunentcbargeby thecollcgeis 63.3%.Thecollegewill forgotheamountin excess of ZsEo(rcr of 383qo)as^ contribution to rheprogram. InstitutionalSupport TheCompurerScience Deparunent andHopeCollege arecommittedto theprinciplethat€xceltence in undergnduate educationmustincludeactivestudentinvolvement in significan! researcb.In supponof lhis cornmiment,thecollegewill con(ribute pa( ofrheresources a substantial requircdto carryout rhisREU project. Tbecollegewill providehousingto thestudents at one-halfof thenormalcostaswell asprovidingall of the services normallyavailableto Hopesummerstudenrs. Theseservices includeuseof thephycialacrivitiescenrer, thecareerandcounseling center.library facilities,andcompuring facilities. The collegesupportsIhe rcsearchefforts of faculty andstudenblhroughreteaserime for facully, facutry devclopmentgrants,tmvel fundsto scientificmeetings,acquisilionandmainrenanc€of hardwareand sofrware. generalse.retarialandclerical support,andfundsfor expendablesupplies. The currentrate of iodirect costsfor proposalsai Hopeis 63.370of all salariesaod wages. HopeCollege will pay all overheadcostsin €xcessof the 25% of studentsalariesrequestedin this proposal. A surnmaryof Hop€Collegeconiributionsto thc REU programis given in rhe rablc below: Contributions ofHope Collegeto REUProject Housing,6students @ 10weeksperstudent Excludedindirectcosts,63.3%all salaries minusrequest Annual $ 1,200 $ I I ,000 Total (3 yrs) $3,600 $33,000 TOTAL $12,200 $36,600 1IOPEOOII"ECIE O I F I C EO F T H EP R E S I D E N T July25, 1995 Mr. PerryW. Hooks,GrantsOfficer NationalScienceFoundation 4201WilsonBoulevard Arlington, VA 22230 DearMr. Hooks: SUBJECT: Grant# CDA-9423943 Amendment# I Proposal # CDA-9542161 your letterofJuly 19, 1995,regardingthe amended I ampleasedto acknowledge grantawardof $4,131for the supportof theprojectdirectedby HerbertL. Dershem of Computer Science.Thetotalgrantawarded nowtotals$38,131. of our Department The projectis entided Research ParticipationProgram "REU: An Undergraduate Science. in Computer " awardexpiresJanury 31, L997. Theamended wiselyandin accordance with the We pledgeour bestefforts to usethoseresources forth. conditions set termsand With all goodwishes, 1A".9* JohnH. Iacobson,President JHJ/km pc: $ lac.obE. Nyenhuis, Provost 'leftenL. Dershem,Professorof ComputerScience& Chair "/br. Dr. JamesM. Gentile. Dean for the Natural Sciences Mr. BarrvWerkman.Controller ] 4,] E ] 2 T H S T D EW I T T C E N T E R P O 8 O X 9 0 0 0 ,H O L L A N DM , |CHTCAN 4 9 4 2 29 0 0 0 6 1 6 1 9 5 7 7 8 4/ F A X6 1 6 - ) 9 5 - 7 1 1 1 NATIONAI-SCIENCEFOUNDATION 22230 Ft'ro6]h^''''RGN'A JUL24rees . , . . _ : J D : ,',,,rl- ) vn r: rEi ,u.E ._ ^X::i."i:: Anendnent No. proposal No. July 19, 1995 cDA-9423943 001 cDA-95421-61. HopeCcijege Dr, ,fohn H. ;facobson President Hope college Holland, YII 49423-369A Dear Dr. Jacobson: The National. gcience Foundation hereby alrards $4,131 to Hope college additional support of the project described in the request for supplernental support. This project? under the direction Cornputer science, is entitled I of Herbert L. Dersheh, Department of "REU: An Undergraduate Research Participation Science. rl ThiE award vrith this January 31, 1997, for amendmenttotals Progran in Computer $38,131 and expires This grant is awarded pursuant to the authority of the National science Foundation Act of 1950 (42 U.S.C. 1861 et seq,) and is subject to cc-L Grant ceneral conditions (05/94). Excep! as nodified unchanqed. by this anendnent, the grant The attached budget indicates has based its support. conditions the anounts, by categories, The cognizant NsF proqran official for this grant (703) 306-1980. The cognizant NsF grants official (703) 306-1213. sincerely, A / ./ on which NsF is John cherniavsky is Mary L. Inabinet ,1 // .fur1oshfut** P//rry W. Hooks L , ctrants rernain officer NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION ' AR.INGION.VIAGINIA 420- WILSONEOULCVARD cDA-9423943 001 St'MMARY PROPOSAL BUDGET A. ( 0.00) Total Senior personnel B. other Personnel 1. ( 0.00) Post doctoral associates 2. ( 0.00) Other professionals 3, ( 0.00) craduate students 4. ( 0.00) Secretarial-clericaI 5. ( 0.00) Underqraduate students 6. ( 0.00) other Total salaries and wages (A+B) PERSON MOS Funds granted cal acad surnr By NSF 0.00 0.00 0 .0 0 $0 0.00 0.00 0.oo 0.o0 0 .o o 0 .0 0 So $0 s0 $0 $0 s0 c. Fringe benefits (if charged as direct cost) Total wages and fringes (A+B+c) $0 $0 D. Total pernanent equipnent E. Travel 1. Donestic 2. Foreign F. Total particLpant support costs G. other direct costs 1. Materials and suppl ies 2. Publicatj.on costs/page charges 3. consultant services 4. computer (ADPE) services 5. subcontracts 6. other Total olher direct costs H. Total direct costs (A throuqh G) I. TotaI indirect costs J. Total" direct and indirect costs (H+I) K. Residual funds / snatl business fee 1. Resj.dual funds (if for further support of current p r o j e c t s G P M2 5 2 a n d 2 5 3 ) 2. snall business fee L . Amount of this request (J) or (J - K1 + K2) 1.,r.cost sharing 50 $0 $0 s0 $0 $0 $o $o $o 9o 54,131- $o $ 4, 1 3 1 So $0 A' SADJ K)PECOI.I.EGE OFFICEOF THEPRESIDENT Februarv14. 1996 Mr. Perry W. Hools, GrantsOfficer National ScienceFoundation 4201 Wilson Boulevard Arlington, VA 22230 Dear Mr. Hooks: SUBJECT: Grant # Amendmentf CDA-9423943 Wz I am pleasedto acknowledgeyour letter of February 6, 1996, regarding the additional awardof $38,131for additionalsupportof tho ResearchExperiences for (REU) program Undergraduates at Hope College under the direction of Dr. Herbert L. Dershemof our ComputerScienceDepadment. The projectis entitled: *REU: An UndergraduateResearchParticipationProgram in Computer Science. " The award with the current amendment(f002) now totals $76,262 and expires January 3t, 1997. We pledgeour besteffortsto usethoseresources wiselyandin accordance with the termsandconditionssetforth. With all goodwishes, 9n.* President JohnH. Jacobson, JHJ/km pc'. D9.{acobE. Nyenhuis,ProYost Professor of Computer Science dr. HerbertL. Dershem, Dr, JamesM. Gentile,Deanfor theNaturalSciences Mr. Barry Werkman,Controller D E W I T TC E N T E R] 4, ] E ] 2 T H 5 T PO 8OX 9OOO, HOLLAND,MJCHICAN49.1229OOO 616 395-7780/ FAX616 395 7111 NATIONAI. SCIENCE FOUNDATION 4m) WILSONBOUIEVAND . ARUNGION, VIRGINIA22230 Avard Date Grant No. Anendment No. TfrrlRFnnnn,_., Dr, John I{. Jacobson President Hope college Holland, MI 49423-369a Dear Dr. February 6. 1996 cDA-942 3 94 3 OO2 :'[$i . ,j frb . .. ':Tl,iOFF1CE ' Jacobsoni I Z jgg6 ,,.),_,JCollegg The National Science Foundation hereby a w a r d s S 3 a , 1 3 1 t o H o p e C o - L t e g e for additional support of the project being funded by the above-referenced award. This project. under the direction cornputer science, is entitl.ed: rrREU: An Undergraduate Science, rt This avrard vith this January 31, 1997. of Herbert L. Dershen, Departnent of Research participation anendnent totals progran in Conputer $26,262 and expired This grant is awarded pursuant to the authority of the National Science Foundation Act of 1950 (42 U.s.c. 1861 et seq.j and is subject to Gc-1 crant General Conditj.ons (10/95) . Except aa nodified by this unchanged. The attached budget indicates has based its 6upport. anendnent. the grant the anounts, conditions by categories, rr / / p.4".Y);urt9. Pqfry W. Hooks Grants on lrhich NSF j-s Harry c. Hedges is Carolyn Kofa The cognizant NsF program officiat for this grant (703) 306-1980. Ihe cognizant NSF grantg official (703) 306-1213. cin-6r6r . A / retnain Offi-cer I0PEOOL|^E0E O F F J CO E F T H EP R E S I D E N T February 17,1997 Mr. Perry W. Hooks,GrantsOfficer NationalScienceFoundation 4201WilsonBoulevard Adington,VA.22230 Dear Mr. Hools: SUBJECT: Grant# CDA-9423943 Amendment# 003 I am pleasedto-acknowledgeyour letler of Jsnuary20, lggT, rcgardingthe continuing grantswardofg38,l3l for thesupportofa projectdiiectediy fi".U"rt L. Dershem in our Department of Computer Science.Thi projectis entidfo: 'REU: An participationprogram Undergraduate Research in Computer Science., This awardwith thisamendment totals$f14,393andexpircsJanuary3t, 199g. Exceptas modifiedby thisirmendment, thegrantconditions ."rnninir*hung"a. we pledgeour besteffortsto usethoseresources wiselyandin accordance with the lermsandconditionssetforth. With all goodwishes, ff"re JohnH. Jacobson,President JHI/mjw pc:, Dr. \Dr. Dr. Mr. JacobE. Nyenhuis,Provost Heftert L. Dershem,professorof ComDuterScience JamesM. Gentile.Deanfor the Naturi Sciences Barry Werkrnan,Controller DEWITTCENTER. ]4I E ]2THST PO80X 9000,HoLLAND, M|CH|CAN 494229000 6 1 6 1 9 5 , 7 7 8F0Al X6 1 6 - 1 9/ 5 |i ProgressReport NSFREU Grant # CDA 9423943 REU: An UndergraduateResearchParticipationProgramin ComputerScience Hope College December18' 1995 1. Brief summary of progress,including results obtained to date, and their relationship to the general goals of the grant. During the summerof 1995,eight studentsparticipatedin underyraduatesummerreseaxchin computerscienceat Hope College.Six of thesewerc fundedby the NSF REU grant,onewas fundedthrougha NASA gmnt to ProfessorMike Jipping,and onewasfundedthroughan Air Forceconhactto ProfessorHerb Dershem,The studentsandthefuprojectsarelisted below: Project 1: EvaluatingParallelSoftwareDesignTools(Michael J. Jipping) from HopeCollege( JohnDuperon,sophomore from HopeCollege(oegema@cs.hopc.cdu) JeffOegema, sophomore of of theuseof Ada 9X to C++ for thedevelopment Project2: Comparison objecFo antedprograms(HerbertL. Dershem) from Universityof Toxasat El Paso(calderon@cs, ManuelCalderon,junior AndrewVanPernis,junior from HopeCollege(vnpemis@cs.hope,edu) Project 3r Constructionof an OperatingSystemsLaboratory(MichaelJ. Jipping) Danick Brown,junior from HopeCollege( Mike Crider,junior from HopeCollege( Project 4: DynamicUpdatingandDynamicVisualizationof LargeVoronoiDiagrams(GordonA. Stegink) RobPowell,junior from TaylorUniversity( Dan Toth,junior ftom Hiran College(tothsd@hiramf, The studentswereon campusparticipatingin researchfor 10 weeks.The programwascarriedout asspecifiedin the prcposal. 2. A brief summary of work to be performed aluring the next year of support if chang€d from the original proposal; an indication of any current problems or favorable or unusual developments;and any other significant information pertinent to the type of pmject supported by NSF or as specifiedby the terms and conditions of the granl The programfor the summerof 1996will be carriedout asspecifiedin the proposal.RyanMcFall who is presendya Visiting Instructorof ComputerScienceat HopeCollegewill be supervising studentsin placeof GordonSteginkwho will not be availableto ;ork onihis pqect AuringG sumrnerof 1996.Publicity materialswill b€ disftibutedin January1996. 3. statement of firnds estimatedto remain unobrigat€d* if m ore than ?.\vo - at the end of the period for which NSF currently is providing supporl I do not estimatethat therewill be anyunobligatedfunds. 4, Proposedbudget for the ensuingyear in the NSF format, only if the original award letter did not indicate specificincremetrtal amounls or if adjustrnentsto a planned increment exceedingthe greater of 107oor 910,000are being requested. We are requestingno modificationsto the approvedbudgetfor the 1996program 5, Information about otler current and pending researchsupport of senior personnel, if changedfrom the previous submission. ProfessorMichael J. Jipping hasthe following currentsupportnot reportedin the oliginal pro_ posal: NSF ILI grant 'A Laboratoryfor Experimentingwith OperatingSystemsandNetworking Con_ cepts",6/95though 5/98,$52,601. NASA.doveAugmentation crant, 6/96through7196,glj,98l. NSF ILI grant 'An IntegratedClassroony'Laboratory for IntroducingStudentsto ObjectO ented Concepts",6/96thrcugh5/98,946,356. 6. A statement describing any contribution of the project to the area of education and human-resourcedevelopment,if changedfrom any previous submission. No change. 7. Updated information on animal care and use,InstitutioDal Biohazard Committee and Human Subject Certificatio& if changedsubstantially frcm thoseoriginally proposed and approved, No chanpe. ProgressReport NSFREU Grant # CDA9423943 REU: An Undergraduate ResearchParticipation Program in ComputerScience Hope CoUege December17' 1996 to includingresultsobtainedto date,andtheir relationship 1.Brief summaryof progress, the general goalsof the grant. summerresearchin comDudng the summerof 1996,six studentsparticipatedin undergraduate puter scienceat Hope Collegewith supportfrom the NSF REU grant.The studentsandtheir projectsarelistedbolowl Project 1: Building a NetworkingLaboratory(MichaelJ. Jipping) from HopcCollege( MichaelThelen,sophomore VictorPolites,junior from HopeCollege( Proj€ct 2: Java-OrientedTestHarness(HerbertL. Dershem) Point from Universityof Wisconsin-Stevens Marvin Malkowski,sophomore ( Project 3: Java-BasedObject-OdontedFractionVisualization(HerbertL. Dershem) College(mjbl329@saintjoe.odu) Ma$ha Janjecic,freshmanfrom St.Josephs Project 4: A IDBC Implementationfor Sybase(RyanMcFall) Kathryn Boner,sophomorcfrom Franklin & MarshallCollege( Project 5! FoundatioN of a Pascalto JavaCompiler (RyanMcFall) edu) JasonBucata,junior from HopeCollege(bucata@cs.hope The studentswereon campusparticipatingin researchfor 10weeks.The programwascanied out asspecifiedin the proposal.A sunmary of the projectscanbe found on the World Wide Web at http: / /wv,w.cs . hope . edu/ -dershem/ reuposters9 6 . html 2. A brief summary of work to be performed during tle next year of support if changed from the original proposal; an indication of any current problems or favorable or unusual developments;and any otjrcr signiffcant information pertinent to the type of proiect sup' ported by NSF or as specifed by the terms and conilitions of the grant. The programfor the summerof 1997will be canied out asspecifiedin the pfoposal.Publicity materialswill be distdbutedin January1997. 3. Statement of funds estimatedto remain unobligated - if m ore than 20Vo- at the end of the period for which NSF currently is proyiding support. I do not estimatethattherewill be anyunobligated funds. 4, Proposedbudget for the emuing year in the NSF format, only if the original award lett€r did not indicate specificincremental amounts or if adjustments to a planned increment exceedingthe greaterof 107oor $10,000are beingrequested. We arerequesting no modifications to theapproved budgetfor the 1996program 5. Information about other current and pending researchsupport of senior personnel, if changedfrom the previous submission. Professors MichaelJ. Jipping,HerbertL. Dershem, andGordonA. Steginkhasthefollowingcurrentsupportnot reportedin theoriginalproposal: NSFILI grant'An Integrated Classroom/Laboratory for IntroducingStudents to ObjectOriented Concepts", 6/96through5/98,$46,356. Professor MichaelJ. Jippinghasthefollowingcurrentsuppoftnot reportedin theodginalproposal: NSF ILI grant'A Laboratoryfor Experimenting with OperatingSystems andNetworkingConcepts",6/95through5/98,$52,601. 6. A statementdescribingany contributionof the project to the areaof educationand human"resource development, if changedfrom any previoussubmission. No change. 7. Updated information on animal care and use,Institutional Biohazard Committee and Human Subject Certiffcation, if changedsubstantially from thoseoriginally proposed and approved. No chanse. APPENDIX D REPORT ANNAAL NSFGMNT PROGRESS NsFPrwrrm:Research ExPeriences for ljndergr.aduates PI Nrtnc:Helbert L. Dershen NSFAwrrd Numb€r: cDA-9425943 P..iodcovctrdBy Thir R.poit March 1, 1995 through Drt: Decenber 18, 1995 Elorgrdr.don:Hope College prAddr-., 9jparlngnt of Coqputer Science HOpeuol lege tlo1land. MI 49422-9000 It ConattruedFundilg is Reque$ed Pl.$c lrcludo tbc followlngloform|rloa: l. 23. 4. 5. 6. Z Bricfsurm.ryofprcgrEss,ilcludirgr8ultsobiaircdtoitrt,tndthcirrcl,rrio!$ip!o11l.ScrcralgoalsofthcgrNq Ahri.fe&Drry ofu/o* to bc P€rforrlcddurinSth. Dcl:t]'c!! ofsuppodifcbugFd froo ih€ oriSintlpftpo$li 3n indic.tionofuy qrttnt probl.os or flvorablcor unued ildcloFl.ols, .Dd|Dyolhct li8nficllt idornrrio! Fli r to tlc tnc ofptoi€ct$pport d hy NSFd !s 4.cificd by thctcnnsald conditio!! oflh.8nrq of ftnds €dimrt d to rcmail unbliS6!.d-if morEthtn 200r- rt tbc€ndof lhc pcriodfor l|/hic.bNSF Se.d conrotlYi! PoviditrgsuPPorl; Pnpod.dbudgctfor thc cn3uin8Jc,r in ill. NsF ftfmd, onlv ifthc Gigiml awrd r did notindi$t s?€cilio to a plrnn€dinca.mi'ltcx..cdiDglhc 8r.rtq of l07oor S10'000ttc b€itr8 iDrilrlcobt amouts or if sdjustrncob .! 4 t!i6E tion aboutolh.r clncot andpdding r..rcafthruplort of scoio(p€.sonnl, ifdulgcd itd thc prcvio[s artoirsioq dcvcloprd.nt'if A dlt ocllt dcadibingmy clntibution oflhc Proj€ctto thc u!. of cducstiorondhunan"reioorcc 8nd s:ubs*sioni cltnS€dt![n lny PrEviotrs Updlt d iDfomutio! on aninal cdE!!d us.. InsliurliondBiohrz.rdColllritic. tnd Hursr Subjcdc.nification, if chlnsd $bslmtially fromlhos. oriSinalyFopoccddrd rpFot.d andtci€ntifc opiDids)sre I ccdi& thit to thcbestof ny hoplcdgr ( I ) lhc staLm.tltshcreh (orcltdingscicnti.fich],po$csEs in rhisr€porl{s r$c[ sssnyaccomp$yingFrblic{rioasd olhq dooln€ds, tE rnd conplctq !!d (2) thetext andgraprncs or individuals$orkiogundcrlheir supervision.I olhqwisgbdicntc4 arctheoriginal\iotk ofthe siSnatod€s urd.{shd thatlle wi[fu] provisionof falseinforMtionor conc€aloga materialfactin thisrePortot ary otherconmudcaTidc 18,Section100I.) tl! sdmiu.d tq NSFis a {riidlal o&ts€ U 8i8!&re NSF Fom 1328(795) 3l SePt 1'1995 ProgressReport NSFREUGrant# CDL9423943 REU: An UndergraduateResearchParticipationProgramin Computer Science Ilope College Decernber18' 1995 to includitgrcsultsobtain€dto date,andtleir relationship 1.Briefsummaryof prcgr€ss, the generalgoalsof the granl in particiPated summerr€search in undergraduate Duringthesummerof 1995,eightstudents grant, one was the NSF REU were funded by computcrsciencoat HopeCollege.Six of these Mike Jipping,andonewasfundedthroughanAir fundedthrcugha NASAgrantto Professor andtheirprojertsalelistedbalow: Thestudents HerbDershem. Forcecontractto Professor Projectt EvaluatingParallelSoftwareDesignTools(MichaelJ. Jipping) from HopeCollege( JohnDuperon,sophomore fromHopeCotlege( sophomore JeffOegema, of of theuseof Ada9X to C+l for thedevelopment Project2: Comparison (HerbedL. Dershem) prograrns object-odsntod junior fromUniversityof Texasat El Paso( ManuelCalderon, An&€w VanPemis,junior fromHopeCollege(\' Inboratory(MichaelJ. Jipping) of anop€latingSystems Project3: Conshuction DanickBrown,junior fromHopeCollege(dbrown@cs.hope.€du) Mike Crider,juniorfrom HopeCollege(oider@cs' of La4e VoronoiDiagrams(CordorA. Pmject4: DynamicUpdatingandDynamicVisualization Stegink) RobPowell,juniorfrom TaylorUniversity(rpowell@css' . DanToth,junior from HiramCollege(tothsd@hiramf'hinrn'edu for 10weeks.Theprograrnwascaniedout in research wereoncampusparticipating Thestudents in theproposal. asspecifred 2. A brief summaryof work to beperformedduring th€ next yearof supportif changed from the original proposal;an indicationof any cunent problemsor favorableor unusual and any oth€r signiffcantinformationpertinetrtto the typeof projectsup' developments; portedby NSFor asspeciffedby th€ t€dttsand conditionsof the grant Theprogramfor thesummerof 1996will becaniedoutasipecifiedin theproposal.RyanMcFall whois presentlya VisitingInstructorof ComputerScienceat HopeCollegewill besupervising studentsin placeof cordonSteginkwhowill notbeavailableto workonihis projectduringthi summerof 1996.Publicitymaterialswill bedistributedin January1996. 3. Statementof ftuds estimatedto r€m|in unobligated- if morethan 20Zo- at the endof the period for whichNSFcurrently is providingsupporl I do notestimalethattherewill beanyunobligated fun<ts. 4. Propocedbudgetfor the ensuilg yesr in the NSFformat, only if the orighal award letter did not indicstespecifcincrementalamountsor if adjustmentsto a plamed increment exceadingtIrc greaterof 10% or $10p00are beingrequestcd. Wearer€4uesting no modiflcations to theapproved budgetfor the 1996program 5. Information aboutother currcnt and pendingrtsearchsupportof s€niorpersonne!if charg€dfrom the prcvloucsubmission. Professor MichaelJ. Jippinghasthefollowingcunentsupportnot reportedin theoriginalploPosal: NSFILI grant'A Laboratoryfor Expedmenting with OperatingSysiemsandNetworkingConcepts',6/95through5/98,$52,501. NASA./Jove Augmentation Grart,6/96through7196,$17,981. NSFILI grant"An Integrated Classroom/Laborrtory for IntroduciBg Students to ObjectOriented Concepts", 6/96throueh5i98,$46,356. 6. A stat€mentdescribingaly contributionof the projectto the aror of educationa|rd humsn-rcsourc€deyelopment, if changedfmm any pr€viou.s submission. No ahange. 7. Updatedinformationon animalcareand use,InstitutionalBlohazardCommitteeand HumanSubjectCertific.ation,if changedzubstantiallyfrom thoseoriginally proposedand appmv€d. No chanee. ANNAAL NSF GRANT PROGRESSREPORT NSFAwrrd Numb.n cDAa423913 PI Nrne: RecerrchBpcn@ces for Und.rgrrdurtes HerbertL. Derste|ll PI OrFtriador: SoPeColege Dste: JrnurIY 17,1996 NSFPmgrrm: PeriodcoveredBy Thls R€pori M.rch 1' 1995thru sept I' 196 PI Address:Deprrtm.trt of Comput r scLnce HopeColl€ge Hollrtrd, ldl 49422-9000 El CheckIf CondnuedFuDdlngls Rcqrcst'd Pl€$e bclude th. follo$lng hformdion: l.Bricf6ummiyofpro8lcss,includinsrc€ul6obEincdtodstc,ond|hcirrclationshiPtothcscnenlgoalsoftltegrant; ;ork; b. Frfonncddo'insth. ncit vclr of supportif chanscdrron rh!-orisinalProposdian ;;;i;;;;f i.problcrns or favonblc;r unusuald€v.topmcsi srd anyorh.r significintinfomation r,,ar*ri"-" ""ncnt bv NSFor ssAccificdbv thctcm'sandconditionsof thcsrant; or p'-ii..t suppoftcd rr'" i,e. o.rtin*t to"i*i tu^il: o,i'i',rfo rc 'ii'io -6ttigurcd -if morcthan20vr arihc endof thepcriodfor whichNsF 3. ib;;;i culrcndyis ProvidinSsupporq b,iaear"rjhc ;'uins vcarin rh. NsF fonnd, onlv ifdtc orisinalawardletterdid no-tindiclt' spccific i;;# c. ii*i*or ,,i'*"ts or if !dj';;cnb to s planncdincrcment.xcc'dins thcsr€atcrof l0% or I 10'000uc being ,. e. r. ffilH*1," *"", oth.r cun d sndp€ndin8r.$srch supponofs'nior pasonncl'irchans€dfion thcpr'vious 6ubmi6sioni ofrhc projcclrorhcula ofcduc.rionandhuun-rclourccdcvcloFnnt, if ao"".$ins lny ooniribution iii6*i lnd prcvious tubhissionl chans.dfromey Uoai"a inro-*ii6n on snim.tclr! md usc,InstitutionalBiohazadConmit cosndHurnanSobjc.lCcriificltion' if subjtsnti.llyfromtho$ oriSinallyproPos.drnd approvcd' clrangcd sci€ntifich]" ands.ientificopinio ) ate herein(€xcludinS I c€nifr rhlr ro th€besrofmy krowlcdee(l) rhcstaremcds public.ations or orherdocuments, a! rny a.conpanyi!8 (2) graphics in rhis report a5 welt th; tcxr srd and !r,e ;d comDterc, ii'ri..t i, *. rh€orisinalworkofrhesisraton€sor individualswo*ins understad subnfttcd "iG the",h;;* wilttul provisionof falseinfornationor conc.alinganrierial f!!t in lhis reponor ary othercommunicarion ttar roNSFis a cai;inalpffense(U.S Codc.Titk 18.Scction100| ) Pl Signaturc: NSFFormI328(7/95) 3l ProgressReport NSF R.EUGrant # CDA 9423943 REU: An UndergraduateResearchParticipationProgram in ComputerScience Ilope College December 17. 1996 1, Brief summaryof progr€6s,includingrtsults obtrircd to date,and their relationshipto the generalgoalsof the grant in comparticipated iMd:,qadualejunmer research Duringthesummerof 1996,six students and their granl The students pot", i"i"n"e Uop" Crllegewift supponftom theNSFREU "t below: projectsarelistsd Project1: Buildinga Networkingl,aboratory(MichaelJ' Jipping) . . hope'edu) ftom HopeCollege(thelen@cs i"lichaelThelen,sophomore (polites@cs'hope'edu) junior ftom HopeColleg€ VictorPolites, T€stHamess(HeftertL. Dershem) Pmj€ct 2: Java-Oriented Point fromUnive$ityof Wisconsilt-Stevens fuarvinMalkowski,sophomore ( (IlerbertL' Dershem) FractionVisualization Objecborientcd 3: Java-Based Project -Marsha College(mjb1329@saintjoe'edu) Janjecic,freshmanfrom St.Josephs (RyanMcFaU) for Sybas€ Proj€ct4: A JDBCImplementation fromFranklin& MarshallCotlege(KM-Boner@acad'fandm'edu) iGthryn Bone.,sopitomore of a Pascalto JavaCompiler(RyanMcFaU) Praject5: Foundalions hoPe'edu) iasonBucata,junior from HopeCotlege(bucata@cs for l0 woeks'Theprogramwascaried out in resoarch woteoncampusparticipating Thestudents asspecifiedin theproposat.A summaryof thoprojectscanbofoundon theWotldwide Webat trtip: / /wnr. cs . trope- edu/-dershem/ reupoeters96 ' html 2. A brief summaryof work to be performedduring th€ nextyesr of supportif chang€d i"o- tft" o"igi""f p-posal; an indicationof any curr€nt probleDsor favorabl€or unusual J"""top-"n6; .oa .iy other signiftcantinformatiotrpertinentto the typeof project sup' portedby NSFor asspeciffedby the termsand conditionsof the grant' Theprogramfor thosummerof 1997will becarriedoutasspecifiedin theproposal'Publicity maierialswill bedishibutedin January199?. 3. St|tementof frrndsestimtr€dto remainunobligated- if morethan 207o-- at the end of the periodfor which NSFcuEcndy is Foviding support funds. I do notestimalethattherewill beanyunobligated 4. Proposedbudgetfor the ensuingyesr in the NSFforma! only if the original award letler to a plantredincrement diatnot i[dicate specificincrcm€ntalamountsor if ad,iustm€nts exceedingthe grtater of 10% or $10,000are beingrequ€st€d. budgctfor the 1996progam to th€approved no modifications Wearerequesting 5,Itrformation sbout oth€r cunent and pendirgres€orchsupportof seniorpersonnel.if changedftom the pr€vioussubmissioD" andGordonA. SteginkhasthefollowingcurPrcfesso$MichaelJ. Jipping,HerbertL. Dershern, proposal: rcnt supportnot reportedin theoriginal to ObjectOriented fot IntoducingStudents Classroom/Laboratory NSFILI grant'An Integrated 6196through5/98,$46,356. Concepts", Professor Micha€lJ. JippinghasthefollowingcunentsuPportnotrcport€din theoriginalPrcposal: andNetworkingConwith OpcratingSystoms NSFILI grant'A Labolatoryfor BxPerimenting ccpts",6/95through5/98,$52,601. 6. A statementdeccribingany cmtribution of the projectto the er€aof educstionand developmen{lf changedfmm sny prcvioussubmission. human-resource No change. 7. Up<Iatedinformation on animd coreand urc, InstitutionalBiohazardCommittee8nd Iluman SubjectCertification,tf ch8lgedsubstantiauyfmm thoseoriginally pmpos€d8nd approYed. No change. oMB Nunb.r 3'r4+O0aA NATIONALSCIENCEFOUNDATION 4201wilson Blvd. Arlington,VA 22230 PIiPDNameand Address Derehem,Herbett L Ho and, Mt 494229000 United States FOUNDATION NATIONALSCIENCE REPORT FINALPROJECT INFORMATION PARTI - PFOJECTIDENTIFICATION 1.ProgramOtliciauorg. HarryHedgca- EtA INF'ASTBUCT CISEINSI,TUTIONAL 2. Program Name 3, Award Datos From: 02/15/95 Toi 0181/98 4. lnstltution and Address Hope College Hope Co ege Ho and, MI 4U23 5. AwardNumber 4n943 6. ProlectTitle Prognmin ResearchParticiPation REIJ:An lJnderyraduate science compuEr NSFGrantConditions(Article17,GC-l, andA icle9, FDP-Il) requiresubmissionota FinalProiect Report(NSFForm98A)to the NSFprogramofticerno laterthan 90 days alterthe expirationol the aw;rd. Final ProiectReportsfor expiredawardsmust be receivedbetorenewawardscan be made (NSFGrantsPolicyManualSection677). B€low,or on a separatepageattachedto thislorm, providea summaryof the complst€dprojectsand technicalinformation.Be sureto includevour name and awardnumberon each separatepage. See belowlor moreinstructions. PROJECT(for public use) PARTll - SUMMARYOF COMPLETED to a scientifically or technicallyliteratereader. and inlelligible The summary(about2OOwords)must be self-contained Withoutrestatingthe projecttitle,it shouldbeginwith a topicsentencestatingthe project'smajorthesis. The summary projectbeingdesc bed,thefollowing ilems: shouldinclude,if pertinenttothe . Theprimaryobiectives andscopeol th€proiect . Thetechniquss forcompr€hension usedonlyto thed€gr€enecessary or apptoaches ' Thelindingsandimplications andinlormatively as possiblo statedas concisely (see enclosed SUMMARY OF COMPLETED PROJECT) (tor programmanagementuse) PARTlll - TECHNICALINFORMATION rosultingfrom lhis awardand b efly describeprimarydata,samples,physicalcol!6ctions, to publications List refer€ncss and,if approprlate, howlh€yarebeingmadoavailable inthecoursoofth6re6€arch sottwaro, €lc.createdorgalhered inventions, invenlion numbor lor any NSF Invention Disclosur€ the to the research community.Provid€ (See enclosed TECHNICAL INFOBMATION) and (excludlng andscientiiic opinion) aretrueandcomplete, (1)theslatemenls scienlitic hypoth€s€s h€r€in tcerlity tothebestotmyknowtedge publications unless oth€rwi€€ indical€d, arelheodginal orotherdocuments, (Z)thetextandg€phics inthisr€potasw6llasanyaccompanylng wo* of the slgnalodgsor ol individualswo*ing undertheh supevision. | lnderslandthat willlullymakinga lalss statementor concealinga lo NSF is a crimlnaloli€nse(u.s. cod6, Tlile 18, Section1001). sLrbmill€d oln6rcommunrcaton material laclin thisr€oorl Submittedvia Fastlane DireclorSignature Principal Invesligator/Project Date IMPORTANT: MAILINGINSTRUCTIONS Returnthis entire packetplus all attachmentsin the envelopeattachedto the back of this form. Pleasecopy the informationfrom Part l, Block lto the Attentionblock on the envelope. NSFFom 9&C(Fev.1/94) PART IV - FINAL PROJECTREPORT- SUMMARYDATA ON PROJECTPERSONNEL (To be submin€d ro cognl2dl Proqram otller lpon conpbrbn oi prol€cq The data requestedbelow are importantfor lhe developmentof a statisticalprofile on the personnelsupportedby Federatgrants. The infomationon this parl is solicitedin responseto PublicLaw 99-383and 42 USC 1885C. All informalion providedwill be treatedas contidentialand will be saleguardedin accordancewith the prcvisionsof the P vacy Act of I 974. You shouldsubmita singlecopy of this partwith each{inalprojectreport. However,submissionof the requested informatonis not mandatoryand is not a preconditionof fulure award(s). Checkthe "Declinsto ProvidoInformation" box betowifvou do not wishto providethe information. Pleaseenterthe numbersof individualssuppoftedunderthisgrant. Do not enterintormationfor individualsworkinglessthan40 hourcin any calendaryear. Senior Slaff Doctorals Graduate Studenls Under Graduates Other l ale A. Total, U,S.Cltizens 4 16 2 4 t5 2 4 16 2 B. Total, ParmaneniResidonts U.S.Citizensor PermanentRosidents2: Americanlndianor AlaskanNativ€ 4sran,,,,,,...----,..,,,,,,Black,Notof Hispanicorigin. . . . . H i s D e n i. c. . . - - - . . . . . . . . . , , , P a c i l il cs l a n d e r . . . . . . . . . . . White, Not of Hispanic origin C. Total, Other Non'U.S.Citizens SpecifyCountry 1. 2. 3. D, Total,All pariicipants (A+B+C) ol3abl6d3 Dectin€to PrcvideInromarion:Chsck box it you do not wi€hto providethis inlomation(you aro still rsquiredlo r€turnlhis pag€ _ LJ alongwithParrsl"lll). lCatoqoryincludes, andwotkshopPanicipanl6, coll€g€andprocollege toache6,conl6r€nc6 for 6xamplo, 2 Us€ lh6 cat€qoryrhat b6st doscibesth€ orhnic/tacial wilh PermanenlResidoncy,/faor€ statuslor all U.S.Cilizensa.d Non-cltl26ns than ona Blegory aryligs, t!3e the de catagotykat nost closelyreflact' tha parcon'srccognitionin the @nnunity.) 34 p€rconhavinga phy€icalor menralihpai.mgntthal subslantially limitsons or more major lil6 activities;who has a r6cordof slch impaimont or who is rcsard€d as having such impairn nt. (Disablad^)individuals atso should be counted under the aPPhPnate ethnic/rccialgrcup unlesskey arc classifradas 'Othet Non-u S citizans AMERTCANtNDtAN OR ALASKAN NATIVE:A peFon havingoigins in any of rhe originalp€oplesol Nolih Americaand who mainor communily r6cognition throughlribalallilialion lainsculiuialidenlilication peoples pe€on oi rhe original ol East Asia, SoulheastAsia or the Indiansubconlin6nt.This area ASTAN:A havingoriginsin any Japan.KoroaandVi€tnam. includes, for exampl6,China,India,Indonosia, oi Ariica BLACK, NOT OF H|SPANICOFIGIN: A personhavinsoigins in anyolthe blackracialgroups cuhureor origin,regardless ol rac€. Soulh American or oth€| Spanish H|SPAN|C:A DeBonot Mexican,PuortoRican,Cuban,C€ntralor PAC|F|C ISLANDER: A p€rson having oigins in any of the orignal peoplesol Hawaiii the U.S. Pacific t€dlories ol Guam, Am€ican Samoa, and th€ Northeh Ma nasi the U.S. Trust T€r tory ol Palau;the islandsot Micronesiaand Melanesia;or the East. WH|TE, NOT OF HISPANICORIGIN: A psEon havingonginsin any olthe oiginal people€ol Europs,NorlhAlica, or the [,4iddle NsFFom 93A(Bev l/ea) PROJECT OF COMPLETED PARTII - SUMMARY The REU program in Computer Scienceat Hope Collegeproyialealtalented undergraduates with a meaningful researchexperienceto encouragethem to consider a career in computer scienceresearch.The primary objective of the project was to exposethe studentsto the techniques, attitudes, and rewards of computer scienceresearchand to proyide encouragementand direction in the pursuit of such a career. A strong effort was made to recruit women and minority studentsinto the program. Six participants were selectedeach year, three from Hope Collegeanil three from other institutions. Thesestudentsworked with a Hope Collegefaculty mentor for ten weeksduring the summer in the Ilope College Computer Sciencelaboratory. Areas of researchincluded concurrent systerns,algorithm animations, programming languages, computational geometry, databasesystems,compiler construction' and web-basedinstructional tools, The studentsperformed independent research, gaveoral presentationson their work, attendedworkshops on graduateschool,and preparedscientificpapersand presentations. NSFFoRMs3a (Rev.1/s4) PARTIII - TECHNICALINFORMATION Grat Number: CDL-9423943 Amount of Awaril: $11.4.393 SupportPeriod:March 1, 1995to February28, 1998 Recruitment: In January of each year (1995-1997)the PI adyertisedthe aYailability of positions for summer researchby doing the following: - Mailing announcementsand applications to over 300 computer science departments - Distributing information on a number of electronic lists and providing online application forms and web-basedinformation about the program - Mailing announcementsto the minority affairs officer at over 300 institutions - Informing department chairs at predominantly minority institutions about the program via email and soliciting nominations from them, Each year between60 and 90 applications were receivedfrom which the three external participants were chose[. In addition, three l{ope College participants were choseneach year from approximately 20 applications. Participants: In addition to the six undergraduate researcherssupported by REU, th€re were additional studentJparticipating in theseprojects with funding from other sources.In 1995,one student was funded by NASA and one by an Air Force contmct. In 1997,one student wasfrmded by the Hughes Foundation. Projects: The projects are given below by topic a[d participants. An asterisk (*) indicates the undergmduate student was supported by non-REU funding. 1995 Evaluating Parallel Softwar€ DesignTools Faculty Mentor: Michael J, Jipping Undergraduate ResearchersrJohn Duperon and Jeff Oegema* Comparison of the Useof Ada 95 to C++ for the Developmentof Object.Oriented Progmms Faculty Mentor: Herbert L. Dershem Und€rgraduate Researchers:Manuel Calderon and Andrew Van Pernis* Construction of an Operating SystemsLaboratory Faculty Mentor: Michael J. Jipping Undergraduate Researchers:Darr ick Brown and Michael Crider Dpramic Updating and Dynamic Visualization of Large Voronoi Diagrams Faculty Mentor: GoralonA. Stegink NSFFORM93A(R€{ 1/94) INFORMATION PARTIII - TECHNICAL (Page2 of TECHNICAL INTORMAIION ) RobertPowelland Dan Toth UndergraduatcResearchers: 1996 Building a NetworkingLaboratory FacultyMentor: MichaelJ. Jipping MichaelThelenand Victor Polites UndergraduateResearchers: Java-OrientedTestIlarness FacultyMentor: Herbert L. Dershem UndergraduateResearcher:MarryinMalkowski Java-BasedObj€ct-OrientedFractionVisualization FacultyMentor! Ilerbert L, Dershem UndergraduateResearcher:MarshaJar\iecic A JDBC Implementationfor Sybase tr'acultyMentor: RyanMcf,'all UndergraduateResearcher:Kathryn Boner Foundationsof a Pascalto JavaCompiler FacultyMentor:RyanMcFall UndergraduateRese&rcheri J.son Bucatr 1997 Visualizationin JaYa FacultyMentor: Herbert L. Dershem Undergraduat€Researcher:JamesVand€rHyde EducationalAnimationsof Algorithms FacultyMentorr Herbert L. Dershem UndergraduateResearcher:PeterBruDmund DynamicAnomalyDetectionin Java FacultyMentor: MichaelJ. Jipping MichaelBradshalv,NathanOostendorp,and Anita UndergraduateResearchersr Van Engen* PersistentAuotation of HTML Documents FacultyMentor: RyanMcFall Daryl Bloodand JeIf Penney UndergraduateResearchers: Papersand Posterspresented: Penney*,J. and D. Blood*.1997.PersistentAnnotationof IITML Documents. PewMidstatesUndergraduateResearchSymposium.Chicago,IL NSFFORM93A(Rev,'s4) PARTIII - TECHNICAL INFORMATION (Page3 of TECHNICAL IMORMATION ) Bradshaw, M., Oostendorp,N., and A. Van Engen. Dynamic Anomaly Detection in Java. Poster at 1998SIGCSE Symposium.Aflanta, GA Papers publish€d: Van Engen*, A., Bradshaw*, M., and N, Oostendorp*. 'Extending Jaya to Support Shared ResourceProlection and Deadlock Detection in Threads Programming', Crossroads,Winter, 1997. Dershem,H. and P. Brummund*, 'Tools for Web-BasedSorting Animation,' Proceedings of 1998SIGCSESymposium. Dershem,H. and J. Vanderhyde*, 'Java ClassVisualization for Teaching Object-Oriented Concepts,'Proceedingsof 1998SIGCSE Symposium, NSF FORM9AA(Rev.1/94)