02INFORi4ATION ABOUTPRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS/PROJECT DIRECTORSTPUPD) and co-PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS/co-PROJECT DIRECTORS Submitonly ONEcopyofthisformfor eachPI/PDandco-Pl/PD idenlified ontheproposal. Theform(s) sholldbeatlached totheoiginal prcposalas specified in GPGSection ll.B.Submission oflhisinfohalionis volunlary andis nola precondilion of award. Thisinformation will notbe disclosed to exlemalpeetrcviewe.s.DONOTINCLUDETEISFORIIIWIII ALr OFTEEOTEERCOPIES OFvOUnPROPOSAL AS THECOMIDENNALIWOFTEEINFOR|IUTION TEISMAYCOMPROMISE P|/PDName: HerbedL Dershem Gender: E lt4ale Ethhlclty:(Chooseonercsponse) E HispanlcorLatino E Racoi (Seect one or morc) -, E AmericanIndlanofAlaskaNative tl as|an E BlackorAlricanAmerican D NativeHawaiianor OtherPacificlslander tr Female NotHispanicorLatino E While DlsabllltyStafus: Citizenship: (Chooseone) lmpamenl D H€aring Visuallmpaiment D lmpanmonl E l\,lobility/Orlhopodic E Oiher E None E U.S.Citiz€n E Poman6nt R€sident E (€xcludlng PI/PDnam€): Checkherellyou do notwlshto provldeanyor alloftho abovslnformallon Othernon-U.S. Citizen A chsckhsr€lfyou arscurrentlyssrvlng(orhavsprsvlously sswsd)as a Pl,oo-Plor PDon anyfedsrallyfundsd REOUIRED: prolect A EthnlcltyD€flnltlon: Hbpanlcor Latlno.A person of l\,4exican, PuertoRican,Cuban, Soulior Canlral Ameican, orotherSpanish cullureoro gin,regafdLess RaceDeflnltlons: peopl€s (incLuding lndlanorAlaskaNatlvo.A person havlngodglnsInanyoflh€orlginal oi NorlhandSouthAmenca Cenlral Amerlcan Amoric€), andwhomaintains ldbalaftiliation orcommunlty attachmBnt, orthsIndiansubcontinent including, for havingo ginsinanyoftheoginalpeoples oftheFarEast, SoutheaslAsia, Aslan.A p€rson Thailand, China,Indla,Japan, Korea,[,lalaysia, Pakislan, thePhilippine lslands, andVietnam. example, Cambodia, Blackor Af canAmarlcan. A pBrson havlng o glnsInanyoflheblackracialgroups ofAfica. peoples A p€|sonhaving o ginsin anyot theodginaL of Hawaii, Guam,Samoa, NatlveHawailan or OtherPaclflclslandsr. lslands. of otherPacific peoples in anyof thsoriglnal of Europe,lhe Middle Easl,orNorthAfrica. Whlte.A person having origins INFORMATION ISBEINGREQUESTED: WHYTHIS to monilor of itsreviewandawardprocesses to identify andaddress TheFede|al covernme hasa continuing commilrnont theop8ration neededfof thisimpodant or disabilily of its pfoposed PltPDs.To gaiherinfomation anyinequities basedon gender,lace,ethnicity, Submission of the lequested PI/PDwitheachprcposal. task,the propos$shouldsubmita singlecopyof thisfom for eacl identified organi2ation s eligibililylor.n awafd.However, information nolsubmilt€d willseriousLy undemin€ infomauon isvolunlaryand willnotafiectthe Anyindividual notwishing to submitsomeor allth€ andtherefors theusefulness, of lnformation recieved fromothers. thestallsticalvalldity, purpose. (Theexceptions aboutpriofFederal suppofi, the checkthe boxprovided forthis arelhePl/PDnameandtheinformaiion infomalion should 42 U.S.C.'1861, et seq.Demographic dataallowsNSFto is authorized by theNSFActof 1350,as amended, Colleciion of ihisinfomation gaugewhether andbeneliting everyone regardless of ln science andiechnology arefairlyreaching ourprogEmsandotheroppodunities groupshavethesameknowledge of andaccessto prog€msandother demogmphic category; io ensurelhalthosein undeFrepresented investigators in worksuppoded byNSF.Theinformation andto assess involv€meni of intefiational rcsearch and€ducational opplronities; voluntesrs andresearcheF to complete assigned wolk andto olhefgovernment maybe disclosed to government conhactors, experis, maybe addedto tha Reviewer fileandusedio selectpotential andassessproglams. Theinfomalion agencies in orderto €oordinate of Re@ds,NSF-50, InvestigatotProposal or advisory committee members. SeeSystems "Principal candidares to serveas peerrcvieweE 'Reviewer/Proposal FileandAssociated RecordsN, Records', 63 Federal Regisler 267(January 5, 19S8), andNSF-51, FlleandAssocialed Register 268(January 5, 1998). 63Fedetal DIREcToRS(PUPO) and INVESTIGATORS/PROJECT ABOUTPRINCIPAL 02INFORMATION DIRECTORS INVESTIGATORS/CO.PROJECT co.PRINCIPAL beattached lo lheofiginaL Thefom(s)should idenliJied ontheprcposal. Submit ontyONEcopyoflhistormfor eachPI/PDandco.Pl/PD of awardThisinlomaiion will andis nota prccondition isvoluntary of thislnformation tl.B.Submission proposata; speciiiedln GPGSection AS iroib A;sctoslato externatpeet rcuieverc.DONOTINCLUDETEISFORMwTE lNy OFTEEoTIIERcoPIESOFvoURPR0POSAL OFTEEINFORMANON TIN CONF(DENNALITY TEISMAYCOMPNOMISE PI/PDName: TonY Donk Gender: (Choose oneresponse) Ethhlcity: (Select oneor more) Status: Dlsability (Selecl oneor more) tr tr N{ale B Native IndanorAlaska American tr tr tr tr E E E E I Female Hispanicor Latino E NotHispanic or Latino glackor Aiicsn American or olherPaciliclslander NativeHawaiian H€ang lmpanment Visuallmpairment lmpajrment i,4obility/Odhopsdic Olher tr None Citizenship: (Chooseon€) E U.S.Citizen E Rssidsnl Pemanenl E PI/PDnamo): checkhor6lfyou do notwbh to provld€anyor all ofthe abov€Infomatlon(sxcludlng Othff non-U.S.Citizen E fund€d sorved)asa Pl,co'Plor PDon anyfoderally Chsckh6r€lfyou afs curr6ntlyservlng(orhav€provlously REQUIRED: proJsct tr EthnlcltyDefinltion: oroth€rSpanish clllureofofigin,rggardless American, Pu€doRlcan, Cuban, Southor C€ntral otlllexican, Htsoant;orLatlno.A Derson RaceD6flnltlons: (incLuding peoples Central ofNodhandSouthAmerica in anyofth€orlginal A petson havlngofigins Amadcantndtanor AtaskaNattv6. attachment, orcommuhlly trlbalafiliation Amedca), andwhomainiains for including, p€oples Asia,orthelndianslbcontinent ofthsFarEasl,South€ast hsvingo ginsin anyof theoriginal Aslan.A person andVietnam. lslands, Thaihnd, Pakistan, ihePhilipplno China,Indla,Japan,Kofea,I\,lalaysia, example, Cambodia, of Afrlca in anyof theblackracialgroups Blaci or AfriclnAmo can,A p€Eonhavingorlgins ofHawaii, Guam, Samoa, A p€rsonhavingodgins in anyoflheoriginalpeoples lslander. orOth€rPaclflc NativeHawatlan lslands, or othea Pacific of Eurcpe, thellliddleEasl,or NonhAfdca havingo ginsin anyoflheo ginalpeoples White.A person IS BEINGREOUESTED: WHYTHIS INFORMATION to identivandaddress of itsreviewandawardprocesses to monitor lheoperation hasa continuing commitrnent covernment TheFede|at galher needed for thisimpoftant proposed To information gender, lts Pls/PDs. race, ethniciiy, or disability of on any inequities bassd Submission ot the requesled PI/PDwitheachprcposal. shouldsubmita singlecopyof thisfom for eachidentiiied task,ihe propossr willseouslyundermine infomalion notsubmitted eligibilityforan award. However, organization's isvotuntaryand willnotaffectthe infomation notwishing lo submitsomeor allthe fromothets. Anyindividual recieved theusefulness, of inlormation vatidity, andtherefore theslatisticat informationshoutdch€cklheboxprovidedfofthispurpose.(TheexceptionsarclhePUPDnameandtheinformalionaboutpfio dataallowsNSFto 42 U.S.C.1861,et seq.DemogEphic byths NSFActof 1950,as amended, is authodzed of thisinformaiion Colection or everyone rcgardless andbenefiting andtechnology arefai y rcaching in science gaugewhether andoths oppodunities our progrcms andolhef groupshavethesameknowledge ol andaccessto programs thatihos€in underrepresented to ensure aem;gEphic categoryt by NSF.Theinforrnallon investjgatoB in worksupported of intemational nitiesiandto assessinvolvement reseaich andedu;t6natoppurtu assigned work;andto olhergovernmenl lo complete volunteers andresearcherc conlractors, experts, to government maybe disclosed frleandusedto seleclpotentlal maybe add€dto the Reviewer Theinformaiion andassessproglams. ag;nciesin oder to ;oordinate NSF-50, "Principal Invesligator/Proposal Systems of Recods, mernbels. See peer or advisory committee reviewers ;ndidatesto serveas 'Reviewer/Proposal FileandAssociated Recotds', andNSF-51, 267(January 5, 1998), Register Records,,, 63 Federal FiteandAssociated 26s(January 5, 1998). 63FederaRegisler and DIRECTORS(Pl/PD] INVESTIGATORS/PROJECT ABOUTPRINcIPAL 02INFORI,IATION qlBEqIgEs INVESTIGAToRS/co"PRo!!q! co-PRINcIPAL beathchedto lheoiginal Thefom(s)should onth€proposal. identined onlyONEcopyof thisfom for eachP|/PDandco-Pl/PD Submit js will prccondition of awad.Thisinformaiion not is voluntary and a information Submission ofthis ll.B. proposat ]n Gpc Section ai specinei AS OF Y0URPROPOSAL to externalpeetrc\iewets-Do NOTINCLUDETEISFOMI WTE ANy OF THEOTEERCOPIES ;ot be disclosed OFTEE]1\IFORM'ITION THECONFIDENTAL(TY THISMAYCOMPROMISE PIiPDName: JohnJ Krupczak (Choose onercsponse) Ethnlclty: tr Fernale tr lt{ale E Hispanicor Latino E n orAlaska Native Ame canIndian Asian BlackorAfiican American Hawaiian or OlherPaciliclslander Native E E E NotHispanic or Latino El While Disability Status: oneor more) {Select tr tr tr tr Hearing lmpaimenl lmpaiment MobiLity/Orthopedic Other D citlzenship:(chooseone) E U.S.citizen E Resident Pomanent tr (oxcludlng PI/PDnetne): Checkherelfyou do notwtshto provldoanyor all oflh. abovaIntormatlon Oth€rnon.U.S. Citizen tr tund€d sorved)asa Pl' co'Plor PDon anytod€rally Ch€ckh.rs lfyou arscurrohtly36rylng(orhavsprevlou3ly REQUIRED: prolect tr EthnlcltvDoflnltlon: orothd Spanlsh cultuteototigin,regardless American, Soutior C6nlral ottvexican, PusrtoRlcan,Cuban, Hlspant;or Laflno.A person RacoD6finltlomi Cenltal of NorthandSouthAm€ calincluding inanyol theoiginalpsopl€s havingorigins Ame canIndlanor AtaskaNatlvo.A person attachment. trlbalaffiliation orconmuhity andwhomaintains America), ior lncluding, p€oples Asia,orths lndiansubcontinent oftheFarEast,Southeast in anyoflle original havjng origins A3lan.A person Thaihnd'andVieham Philippine lslands, I\,lalaysia, Paklstan,lhe Cambodla, Chine,India,Japan,Korea, example, groups of Af ca Inanyof theblackraoial A p€Bonhavingorlgins Blackor AfrlcanAm€.lcan, ofHawali'Guam'samoa, A psrsonhavingo ginsinanyoftheoginalpeopls8 lsland€r. NatlveHawailan orOthorPaciflc lslands. or otherPacific thelviddleEast,ot NoihAfrica ofEurcpe, in anyoftheoiginalp€oples whlts.A percon havihgorigins lS BEINGREQUESTED: wHYTHISlNFORli,lATloN to id€nlify andaddress lheoperalion of itsreviewandawardprocesses commitment lo monitof hass continuing TheFedeEtGovernment gather needed for this important proposed To infomalion its Pls/PDs. gender, rac€! sthnicity, or disabilLiy of on any inequities bassd Submission of the requ8sted PVPDwitheachproposal. shouldsubmita singlecopyol thisfom for eachidsntitied task,the proposer wilLseiously lndemine infomation notsubmited award. However, organization's eligibilityloran willnotaffecrthe information isvolonraryand notwishing to submitsomeor allthe recieved fromolhers.Anyindividual of information andthEreforc thelsetulnsss, theslatisticatvalidiry, aboutpforFede|al suppon, the (Theexc€plions Pl/PDname andtheinfomation arethe forhispurpose. shoutd ciecktheboxprovided infomarion dataallowsNSF1o 42 U.S.C.1861,et seq.Demoglaphic is authozedbytheNSFActof 1950,as amend€d, Co ectionof lhisinfomation rcgadless ol andbenefiting everyone arefaiiy rcaching in science andtechnology gaugewhether andotheroppodunities our programs gfoupshavethesameknowledge andother ol andaccessto programs to ensurethatthosein undeFfepresentod demogEphic cat€goryi investigaioF in wo* supported by NSF.Theinfomallon of iniematlonal oDDurtunitiest andto assessinvolvement research andeducrtional assigned work;andto olhergov€mmenl andresearchers lo complete experts, volunteers conlractors, maybe disclosed to government to selecipotenllal lile andLrsed maybe addedto lhe Reviewet andassessprcgEms.Theiniormaiion ag;nciesin orderto coordinate Invesiigator/ProPosal SeeSystems of Recods,NSF-50, "Principal committee membe6. ;ndidatesio serveas peer€viewsrsor advisory Recotds^, FileandAssociated 5, 1998), andNSF-51, Rosister 26T(January "Reviewer/Proposal Records", 63 Federal FiteandAssociated (January 5, 1998). Fedetal Register 268 63 NotTo Includs(optional) or Revletver€ Listof SuggestedReviswers REVIEWERS: SUGGESTED Not Urted NOTTO INGLUDE: REVIEWERS Not Lirted FOUNDATION SCIENCE TOTHENATIONAL COVERSHEETFORPROPOSAL DATEft d NO/CLOSLNG PROGMMANNOIJNCEMENTEOLICITAT|ON FORNSFUSEONLY NUMSER NSFPROPOSAL 03Br/05 NSF05-528 i! qtrh UNII(S) (deldldrsdl.rfrbfli 3Y NSFORGqNIZATION FORCONSIDERATION 0531978 dMh.t) DUE - RobertNovceScholrrshipPr0qram ffi|FUNDcoDEDlJNS*DMU1d\.!da6}balF|LELocAT|oN 050947084 (EIN)OR NUMBER EMPLOYER IOENTIF]CqNON NUI\iBER TAXPAYER IDENTIF CATION OIN) NO,IFTHISIS SHOWPREVOUSAWARD FEOERA TOANOIHER BENGSUBMIT1ED ISTI]ISPROPOSAL LISTACROITYM(S) AGENCY?YESfI NO8 IFYES, RENEWAL SNMENT.BP€ED O ANACCOMPL 381381271 ON,INCLI.IDING 9 D GITZ P COOE ORGANIZAT ADDRESS OFAWARDEE SHOIJLO BEMADE TOWHICH AWARD NAiIEOFORGANIZATION HopeCollege 35E. 12thStreet Housnd,MI. 4942.19000 CODE(|FKNOW) ORMNIZATION AWAROEE 0022731000 IF DIFEERENT FROMAAOVE NAM€OF PERFORMI\GORGANZAT'ON D GITZIPCODE ORGANIZATION. IF DIFFERENT,INCLUOING9 ADORESS OF PERFORMINO CODE( FXNOIVI!) PERIORMING ORGANIZATION -Ihd (Chel All Appr9 OR6ANTZATToN s AWARDEE {s.. GPGll.CFd D.rdlioiB) PROPOsAI, BI.ISINESS O IFTHISISA FRELIM1NARY tr MINORITY tr 5MALIBUSNESS BU6]NES|]HENCHECKI]ERE I OROANIZATION tr WOMAN.OVINED O FORPROF PRoJECT r.LEoFPRoPoSED RoberrNoyceSchol shlpProgrrm HopeCollege REOIESTED AMOUNT $ 346,000 (-30MONfrS) REOIEATED OATE STARTING DUFIATION I PROPOSED 01i01/06 O ^'u. | I NO' PREIIMNARYPROPOSAL SHOWRELATED lFAPPLTCaBLE ITEMS LIsTED BELOW INCLUDES AI'IY OFTHE ]FIHISPROPOSAL APPROPRIA]E 8OX(ES) CHEC( (GPG 11.0.6) SLrBJEcrs tr HUMAN NGrN\€siGATbR El BEoTNN icpc I A) otLoflRBApp Er.npronsub!.clld(GPG ACIIV llES ll C) oFLoBBYLNG 0 DISCIOSIRE INVoLVED AdrMTEs:colNTRY/couNlRlEs (6pcr.B,L|,c,1d) cooPERArl\,€ tr INTERNATIoNA! tNFoRl,iATtoN &pRLvtLEGED tr FRopRtETARy (GP6 (OPG 0 C2' rl.C2.1) PLACES tr HSTORTC (SGER) (GPGl|,D,O FORD(PLOR,RESEARCII tr SMALI. GR,ANT tr VERIE8MIE AN|M,\[6{GPG||,D's)|AcUcApp'D.l. Sclence Deprrtmentof Comput€r WHERE Ex^cTcoLoR GRAPHLoS.oTHER GRAPH|CS tr H|c|l RESoLUT|oN INTERPRETAIION(6FGI'E.1) ISREQUIRED FORPROPER REPRESENTATION 27CravesPkce Holrtrd,MI494229000 616-395-7123 NAAiES fryPED) HerbertL Dershem PhD 1969 61G395-?508d€rshem@cs.hope.€du. TonyDoDk DPhiI 1996 615-395-7190 donk@hope.€dr JohnJ IftupczaL Ph,D. 1994 616395-?152 kupcrak@hop€.edu PAGE CERTIFICATION or lndividualApplicaht: Certificationfor Autho.i2edOrganizationalRepresentative Bv:,qnhoarosrbn.Ptd'rptpos€l,ihdindiduslapA@nldlhesuih@doffcadhcspd6ntir5ltdonsll)c611ngt-al NsF r'" i.a d-p6re,orhFb.iorniens km ads.:ro\21aq'eF1s ro'(epr rheob o'tol b ffnYwh ii'.:."i,:"0" """t,i" d dn awamisnadeds aEetol hE appliEdr' qLfte. theappliellisherebypro{dngcemcalon3 arard lems anomdiljo-s lobbing acnvues16.. o.lowJ ae 3erronhrr Grall , drug{Es wotlpraca,aro -rrdjf In f P;oos GLro€rGPG,,NsF0+2r. w I'urpslld o'Lr$ lnder a seuins arad ls a diminEoffen* {U S Cods,TiUe13,s.c$on1001). hs li sddlld, ll hr sDDl4l Lnslitutn €f,plovs moB ihs lihv p*o6, lh. tulhdizod oildal of ih. tppli€d Instlut on is 'stfrig lhat ito in'lrbiioi ol hltHl po ci l al b 6tisl6-l rlh vE pbrilirs ol cral Po cv Mtrual stcrr sl0: thsl lo lhs Md ,"a e.m"a *i'd irJ " "'in!" aI iinf.i.t di!.lo$rs rcquneddy hir ddticl or inioreErpd'cy hrv. b.on @do: fd dEr arrld€1d'iodmfrcls orrntdelr k h.!. "re"ri,a ol h;/hd iio*l@@. rdL@ o dimintbo pr o lo tno hsl blm : drpf,druF or mv tundsLdd h. awd in a@odmc€ * i $o beel 5a&lacrrlr;afagoo tr dr dlnot bo lalfaclotilv m.nBgod rodu@do' .r -hsso hut rniluron s Lonflld ol inbrcst oo cv. csii6 DrugFr€ework Placeceftificatlon pr@diig ih€ OrugFEo Woi< Pla@C.dili€ljon By €Loctolcaly stgn69 ft€ NSF p.op6at Covorsh..l, tho Aulhqiad O4.niarjonal Rspd5.nl.ljv. or IndivldualApplient i3 6nl5 nsd in AD!.ndix C or the Gldnt Prcposl Guid€ (lr ssw.r 'yo3', plos6. pldld. oxdanatoh ) D6barmentand Su3pensionCertlllcatlon ls hs oman'aljd d 'rs pinc p.B ples'tly o.o.rod !u!p.no.d, proposodld o.bam.r! d ag.nq? lrom .ovdrcd han6adons br anv FdeEl dopaf.{ o6cl.Ed 'n.l'gld' or w Jia'ilv srdLd'd NoE or lid vidualApplidnlls Folid nglho osbamant.nd su$snsloncqnircaljd organizatmaRopEssnladw Bystociroii6ly s gnn9iD NsF ptupolatCovdsh.st thoAlrhodz€d @nr.lnodlnADp.ndirD oflh6G6ntPla.Ell Guldo Lobbylng CertlflcatlonR€gardlng 1ll]!c.nil]@on!6quk.d'dEnMdo'.Fodg6|conlr.c|gEn!olcoopo6lLv..gJ€€hont.x@dn90100'000.ndld5n5*adolaFad.E|o.nd aoommlnontpE\,tdisldlh.UnltdstsrtsioInelBorOuamnt..ro.i.xooodlno1150,000 Agrsohsnts for Co ract3,Grants,Loan3andCooperallvo Certlflcatlon Th.und€Elgnod6{f.d,t h.bostolhl!dhdknNl.doe6ndb.ll.llhall rund! h.v. b6on D.rd q wll b. p.ld by or on b.h6 I ot rho undodlgn.d, lo .ny porlon ld 6nu..dng of altomplhg 16l.ilu€rc. I I I No r.do@l.DDmDdsrod -v eoocr,, M6-ooror cono,.e! f otrroror.mptoy.. ot coTEls. or.1 .-p oy.. or ' v.-br or coneus ri @1.cfs i i"ni.iia mJoi" h. m.ldr s ol ;iy E.d.6l sE{ lh. m.rhe o' .nv F.oril oa1 't .nr.dns hb or o/ Fopdtr € tgrcomorl |} r* ,i rv "rl""i*,i -"i;.d """adq;. c6tnL.!o1, r.l.w. , .mcnon.- t or r odLic.dd ol .ny F.dd.l rdir.ct gEfl rM or 6op.E!v. .gr.oh.ir "*d d, drsns " cr I an' tund! ohd l_an F.d6rt .pprop''.t.d ll^d3 hsv. b.f prd d f, lb. pald lo ft ooGonlq'.1u.fclng or lltoroij'o b hfuonco 'n oficor 0r ' r hls !,i'or""je or r"v m-w e trlerLja csor4s, an ofic.r or .moloyt. or crsEs! d s" .-p ov.. ol 6 MomDdd CrsEs! r @4c[ol $. uno.€o1.d !}a r oiC.r. .Fo &bm t si'noEd Fom -LL "ob'lduE or Lobbt's a coo..&d4,oonrr i";.iiotEci, niali*1 Ao[vl!.r, in .cddano. w lh ib nslr!o0on., g G) Thc undo6r..d !h.ll deu r. h.l h. anoutgo of lhls Bdfldton b. Indld.d li lh6 .wsd do@msl! lor all lubMdc tl El iLds l"lud I !i,i,ili'i""ii "iun.r., sh.ll@dt anddb.l*. 'o'ddLnslv' *"ma. mdeis;l!, bmq md@opmwo.sEm$t!6ndnEi.ll6utoclpl.nls q.sbEd nto subs s on ol lhls Thls @dfl€Ion ls a md.nal rcpE!€nt 0on ol Lcr up.i whldr B l6n@ wE! pL.$d wh6nbl! lEn$cdn w6 ndd. . us coo6 Atv p.Eon efo ?16lo illeh' 6dt;[rb.DErqulgrotorr.ilFgd!1ltmohiolhlshFlacrlmps.do/sdo1352Tlb31 Eddhsd cdftfcrt on sn.ll oo .ub o.r b . q{l 0.16 ! ol not l*s ttan t1O 0OO.fd nol mG hdn t100 000 ror .act .ucr $nur' REPRESENTATI\€ ORGANIZATION'I AUTTiORIZED ElectronicSigtraiure Trrcey Arndt Mar3120052:05PM ELECTRONICMAILADDRESS 616-395-?190 arndt@,hope.edu 61e395-7923 THEY AREAN HoWEVER FoRANAwARo. THEoRGAtllzAloN s ELlGlBlLlrY tsvoLtNTARy AND!!tLr NorAFFEoT oFsoctAlsEctRTyNUIrBERS CuBt!4tssoN p€A iENDED. NsFAcToF 1s50, THEpRoFosAL. ssNsoLlcTEDUNDER iietn ri ienr or ne rruromlrrbNsysrEMAND,es sr rNFRocEssrNG NATIONAL SCIENCEFOT]I{DATION DivisioD of Underyraduate Education NSFFORM 1295:PROJECTDATA FORM The instnrctionsand codesto be usedin completingthis fomr are provided in Appendix II. l. Program-track to which the Proposalis submitted:Robert Noyce Schohrship Progrrm 2. Name ofPrincipal InvestigstorlProject Director (as showr on the Cover Sheet): Dershem,Herbet 3. NameofsubmittingInstitution (asshownonCoverSheet): HopeColleee 4. Other Institutionsinvolvedin theproject'sopemtion: ProjectDatrl Code:99 A. MajorDiscipline B. AcadernicFocusLevelofProject UP C. HighestDegreeCode:B D. CategoryCode:_ ParticipationCode:NA E. Business/Industy F. Audience Code:T G. InstitutionCode:lgl H. StmtegicAreaCode:_ L ProjectFearur€sl to bedirectlyaffectedby theactivitiesofthe Foject Esiimatedlurnberin eachofthe followingcategories duringits operationl J. Unde4raduate Students:!! K. lr€-college Students:0 L. Coll€geFaculty: 0 q M. Pre-college Teachers: N. GnduateStudents: 0 NSFForn1295(10/98) ProjectSummary talentedstudentsin the fieldsof for academioally This projectwill providescholarships to become andengineering to suppotthei preparation science,technology,mathematics The scholarships will supportthefinal two K-12 teachersof scienceandmathematios. yearsof studyat HopeCollegefor five studontsin eachofthreeyears.R€cipientswill be years. selectedduringtheir sophomore teohnology, Theobjectivesofthis projectare(1) to horeasgthenumbeiof soienoe, gngineering, programat a K-12 teaohing degee majo$ oompleting andmathematics and the diversityofsoience,technology,engineering, HopeCollege,and(2) to inorease pro$amat HopeCollege. degree aK-12tgaching mathematics majorscompleting taken will occurin oouEes for recipients ofthesesoholaNhips activities Recruiting duringthefirst two yearsby sciencemajorsandin cou.sgstakenby studentsin the oommittee prognm.Selgction of recipients will bemadeby a selection teaoher education or for a teaohing career in science and motivation on thebasisof academicachievement mathematics, in a to eitherparticipate will havetheopportunity All recipients of a Noycescholarship Institute program by the Howard Hughes Msdical research funded HopeCollegesummer Soienoe cahp. attheHopeCollegeSummer or serveasassistants IotellectualMerit program the at HopeCollegewill combine RobertNoyceScholarship Theproposed Division,a andMathematios availablethrougha strongNaturalSciences opportunities program, tesearchto and an institutional history ofundergaduate Education highlyrated majors to beoome K-12 andmathematics soience, enginegring, helpencourage mathehaticsandscienoeteachers.By unitingthesethreeareas,theproposedprogram teachers addhelpsto assurcthattheseteachers offersexoitingincentivesto prospective possess excellentoortentknowledge.Underthis progam,eachyearfive Noyae with Hope in researoh duringthesummer will eitherpadicipate recipients Scholarship Summer Facultyor assistin thehighlysuccessful andMath€matics NaturalScience addan andhaining.Thes€experiencas Scienge Camp,in additionto usualcoursework is expected to broaden and Soholars that extradimensionto theeduoationofNoyce asK-12 major,andimprovetheireffectiveness invigorate theirviewoftheirdisciplinary teachers. BroaderImpacts progam at HopeCollegewill encourage in l5 soience, TheRobertNoyceScholarship Addingthis numberof majorsto becomeK-12 teachers. or malhematics engineering, of out-of-field to the nationalapplicantpoolwill helpreducethe instances rcw teachers prospective the haining of By strengthening teachingin scienceandmathematics. contentare4theRobertNoyceSchola$hip teachersin their soienceor mathematios prograrnat Hopewill helpto reducethenumberofteaoherswho leavetheprofession duringthefirst few yearsofteaching. TABLEOF CONTENTS Fortontsizedndpagafomatlng spelfcallons,s€eGPGs&lion ll.C, Total No. of Pages PageNo.* (Optional)' CoverShe6tfor Proposalto theNationalScience Foundation Project Summary (notto q@6d 1 pag6) Tableof Contents (ncludlns ProjectDescription RsutbllodPdor NSFSuppon)(notto o(c€€d15pass) (Ex@d only r .llosd by . sp.clflc prcgramlnnouncomrnf,bollclt tlon or lf lpphv.d In .&.nc6 by th. approprla!. NsFAl.l.tanr ll|lclor or dotlgh4) Refer€nces Cit6d Biographlcal Sketoh€s(Not to€xc€€d 2pag33 €ach) Budg€t (PluBupto 3 pa!€6or budgetJu6llfl€ton) CurentandP6nding Support 3 Facilities, Equlpmont €ndOtherResourcos Sp6ciallnfomatlon/Supplomentary Documontation 0 (u.lberow. Appendlx ) (l6clud€only lf .llo$,.d by . .p€clflo progr.r .nnounc.m.nu lollolbtlon or [ .pp.ov.d In ldvrnc. by th. .pprop .U. NgF A.rl.tlnl 9lr.610. of de!lsn..) Appondix ltems: *Proposers mayselectanynumbering m€chanism fortheproposal, Theentireproposal however, mustbepaginated. onlyif theproposal is numb€red consecutively. Complete bothcolumns ProjectDescription 1.Resultsfrom Prior NSF'Support HopeCollegehasreceived nopdorNSFsupport liom theRobertNoyce Scholarship program. HopeCollegescience departmenrs participaring in $is projecthav€recejv;d considerable NSFsupportin thepastfor projects involvingfacultyresearch, undergraduate research, scientificequipment,andcurdculumdevelopment. The Tablc belowsu summarizes thetoLalot of grants srantsrecejved received bv lhese rhesedepanmenls denzddenrc fir by in n'er Dastfi\ep vp'rc Department Biology Chemistry Geological,lEnvironmental Science Mathematics Physics & EnAineering NumberofNSFgrants Dollaramountof receivedin the past5 years NSFfutrditrs 4 $648,265 6 $694,423 I $232,513 6 $199,750 $ I,019,948 t0 2. Project Objectives Theobjectivesofthe proposedprojectare: L To increase the numberofscience,technology,engineering, and mathematic! majorscompletinga K-12 teachingdegreeprogramat HopeCollege. 2. To increase the diversityofscience,technology,engineering, and mathematics majorscompletinga K-12 teachingdegreeprogramat HopeCollege. 3, Program Description ln eachofthreg years,this programwill selectfive sophomore HopeCollegescience students to receivea scholarship of$10,000per yearfor their final two yearsofstudy in the pursuitofa K-12 certifiedteachingdegreein oneor moreofthe sciencedisciplines. This will producea total of 15newteachersoverthedurationofthe procram.Thi rable belowliststhenumberof students recei\ingcenifiable majorsandmino'fsin science duringthe pastthreeyears. 2003-2004 Subi€ct Elementarv Secondary Elementary Science Grouo 2002-2003 Elementarv Secondary Chemistry Biology Physics Ceology Composite Subiect ElementaryScienceGrouD Chemistry Biology Physics Geology Composite Maiors 7 Minors 2 8 I 5 I I 2 2 0 2 Maiors Minors 2 7 2 0 I 0 0 2 0 0 2 2001-2002 Elem€ntary Secondary Totals Subiect ElementaryScienceGrouD Chemistry Biology Physics Geology ComDosite Maiors 5 1 4 I 1 0 Minors 0 I 0 0 0 3 42 40 4, Recruitmetrtand Selectiotr a, Recruitment The recruitmentofparticipantsin this programwill beginduringthe student,sfirst year of studyat HopeCollege.The Pl willcoordinatethe distributionofDrintedmaterials aboutthe programandan in-classpr€sentation in all ofthe First-yearseminarclasses (includingthoselor PhelpsScholars)and in introductorycoursesin eachscience discipline.SeeSections8c and8e ofthis proposalfor a desc ptionofFirst-year Seminar andPhelpsScholars. The purposeofthesepresentations will beto encourage studentsto considera careerin K-12 teachingandto makethe students awareofthe availabilityof theNoycaScholarships. A web pagedescribingthe programwill be created.Linksto this web pagewill be placed on the web pagesofall sciencedepartments, the HopeCollegeDepartment ofEducation, financialaid,andadmissions. A fofm on the web pagewill allow a visitorto request furtherinformationaboutthe program.The formatofthe web pageswill follow the fbrmatusedin HopeCollege'ssix successful summerresearchprogr,unsfundedby the NSF REU program(seeSection8d) andourNSF CSEMSprogram(seeSection8g). DuringFebruaryofeach year,all studentsgnrolledin coursesthat areappropriate to majorsin the participatingsciencedisciplineswill beaskedto considerapplyingfor a NoyceScholarship. This will includethosestudents who arealreadyenrolledin the teachereducationprogam andthosewho arenot.The PI will informeachofthe applicantsofthe requirements ofthe NoyceScholarship program.The applications will becollectedby the PI, who will determinea list ofcandidatesfor the program.This will follow the similarprocedures usedat HopeCollegeto recruitapplicantsfor the Clare BoothLuceScholarship andtheNSF CSEMSSchola$hips(seeSections8fand 8g of this proposal). Throughoutthe recruitrnent and selectionprocess,specialencouragement and consideration will be givento sfudentsfiom groupsthat areundeffepresented in science education,includingpersonsofcolot personswith disabilities,andwomen. b. Selection After the candidatelist is finalized,theNoyceselectioncommitteewill conducta personalintervie\ry with eachcandidate. TheNoycaselectioncommitteewill consistofa facultymomberofthe HopeCollegeDeparhngnt of Educationasdesignated by the chair of thatdepartment, a facultymemberftom the ScienceDivisionasdesignated by the Deanofthe Sciences, andthePI ofthisproject.ThePI will sorveaschairofthis committee.Thecommitteewill determinethe five rccipientsofthe NoyceSchola$hips eachyearbasedonthe followingo teria: . Motivationandpotentialfor a sucoessful teachingc*eer in the sciencesor mathematics. . Academicmerit asmeasured performance by aoademic duringthe student'sfirst threesemesters of collegework. . Finanoial needoftheapplicants. 5.AdministrativePlan a. Managemetrt andAdministrqtiveStructure An AdvisoryCommittee will oversee theimplementation ofthisprogram. That committee will consistofthgPI,thetwo co-Pls,thechairperson oftheHopeCollege DeparhentofEducation, ahdtheDeanoftheNaturalSciences. TheAdvisory Committee will bechaired by thePI,whowill beresponsible for theday-to-day management oftheprogram. In addition, thePI will directtheevaluation planandfulfill thereporting functionto NSF.Thetrackingof$aduatesoftheprogram will be performed by theHopeCollegeDepaftnent ofEducation. TheHopeCollegeFinancial Aid Ofncewill beresponsible for thedistibutionofthe scholarships andthecoordination ofthescholarships withotherfinancialaidbeing received by thestudents. In no casewill theNoyceSchola$hip replace otherscholarships beingreceived by thestudents, b, Infrastructure TheDepartment ofEducation at HopgCollegeactivelyworksto maintainrelationships with all graduates ofthe teachereducationp.ogBmastheycommitto teachingandongoingprofessional development, bothbeforeandaftergraduation tom theinstitution. program. Thisinfrastruotule will beavailable to recipients ofthescholarship prospective Thrcughouttheirundergraduate experience, teachersat HopeCollegeusea varietyofon-linetechnologies to intemctwitheachotherandfaculty.HopeCollegeuses DISCUSfor disoussion boardsrelatedto courses, aswell asMoodlefor course management anddiscussions. Theseteohnologies will beavailable to recipients for discussions relatedto thef course workandresearch activities.As newteachers, recipientswill usethewebsitedevelopedby theHopeCollegeDepartment ofEducation for on-goinginteractions with thedeparhnent andfaculty. smallsizeof HopeCollege, Giventherelatively aswell asits mission, closeFofessional relationships betweenfacultyandstudents areencouraged. Theserelationships are froquentlymaintainedasstudentsentertheteachingfield. As newteachers,it is common practicefor individualsto contactfacultyfor professional adviceandon-goingmentoring - online,via thetelephone,and/orin person.ln addition,facultymembercregularly trainingin schooldistrictsin whiohgaduateswork provideFofessionaldevelopment the iometimesat the initiationof fomer studetrts.In additionto thesginformaloontacts, ofEducationhasdevelopeda systematicsurveythatis HopeCollegeDepartment gmduates. to administered PartneNhips c. Futrctioning of Educationat HopeCollegehasa longstandinghistoryof TheDeparhnent collaboiationwith schoolparhe$ in our region,manyofwhich schooldishictsmeetthe agenoy.Education criteia in theNoyceguidelinesasa highneodlocaleduoational aotivities, facultyprovideserviceto areasohoolsthroughPofessionaldevelopment and membe$hipon schoolanddistrictcommittees, presentations to K-12 students, school board. on a local membership includes: Recentevidenceof suchpartnerships Programformalizestheprocessfor o TheField Placernent BuildingRepresentative andK'l 2 Depaftnent of Education theHopeCollege between collaboration to nearlyall whichareattached schoolsvr'ithregardto field placements, is chosenfrom prognrn, one teacher rgpresentative In this courses. departmental of Depaftment ofthe Hope College eachschoolto actasthe"eyesandears" twice a facultyonceor in thatbuilding MeetingwithEducation Education on field providefggdback ftomtheirschools representatives theteagher sgmester, andinterest. placement andpattems of concern experignces for minorityprospective . Projeot opportunities TEACH(seeSection8h)provides to be identifiedin areahighschools.Theyarementored teachercandidates duringth€ir lasttwo yearsofhigh schoolthroughadmittanceinio thecollegeto education. ofthe prognmin t€acher aompletion of . A recentprojectin anareamiddleschoolpairedHopeCollegeDepartment the andstudentsastheydiscovered Educationfacultywith sixthgradeteachers in oomputers education. valueofhand-held . TheHopeCollege througha projeotfirndedby tho ofEducation, Department withminority candidates involves teacher education Foundation, Templeton in area andstudentteachingexperienoes studentsfor intensivcfield plaoement schools. projectsinvolvirg teachersand . Educationfacultyareinvolvedin research studentsin areaschools. Motritoring d. Compliance for monitoringandenforcingcompliancewith therequired ThePI will beresponsible at thebeginning teachingcommitment.Eachparticipantwill signa confactualagreement will legallybindtherecipientto the of eachyearof scholarshipsupport.Thatagreement is not fulfilled, thePl will work with Ifthat commitment commitment. requiredteaching iherequired ofthecollegeto implement Seflicesdepaftment theHopeCollegeBusiness procedures. TheHopeCollegeOfficeofCaroerPlanningandPlacementSenices andwill providethePI with the monitorstheteachingemploymentofall graduates infomation. neoessary 6. InsfitutionalCommitment Cetrter a, NewScience In Ootober,2004,HopeCollegededicatedits ngwScienceCenter.The sciencecenter projeotincludedboththeconshuctionofa new,85,900squarefoot buildingandthe rcnovationofthe existing,72,800squarefoot PealeScienceCenter.In doublingthe slze in bothteohnologyand ofthe existingPealeScienceCenterandrcflectingohanges teachingmethodologysincePealeopenedin 1973,thenewbuildingandrenovationof teachingand Pealehelpassurethatthecollege'sfaoilitiesareequalto theoutstanding scholarship thattakeplaoewithin them. thegeologioal and ofbiology,chemistry, thedepaftnents Thebuildinghouses to complement the psychology. lt was designed nursingand scienoes, environmental gmphasis research asa teaching student-faculty on collaborative on-going college's betweendepartments. model,andorganizedto facilitateconnections in thisbuilding. olasses andlaboratories will haveall oftheirscience TheNoycesoholars b, HowardHughesMedicrlInstitutegrrnt Medical a $1.5milliongrantftomtheHowadHughes In 2004,Hopecollegercceived proiect program. part is the A ofthis science of its undergraduate Institute for support K-12 development ofpre-service Scholars to promote Education HughesScienoe project. initiative ofthat ofother 8a for a briefdescription SeeSeotion teachers. intending a will support5 students stipends of2005-2008, Annually,in thesummers teaching to workwith facultyon sohoolsoience in primaryor secondary oareer Theywill be projeot,inoluding ofmodules. thedevelopment cuniculumdevelopment manner targetedto mentoredby the facultysuchthattheywill "scale"theireffortsin a thegradelevelsin whichtheywill do their studentteaching.Thus,theywill form a ieam with thein'service andwill partner leamingin science needsofK-12 student to address class.The or methods into the ofthe teaohingmodule teaoh€rfor implem€ntation mentoringfacultywill beexpectedto visit thestudentwhile sheis teachingand participatewith the studentin understanding the stengthsand/orlimitationsofthe TheEducationScholarswill experience andmakeadjusioentswhenappropriate. researchandteaohing,the workshops on integating participatein the facultysummer enrichmentprogram,andwill makeall on- andoff-campus studentresearch presentations. will be identifredthrougha nominationprocessby theEducation Students facultyof HopeCollegeandcompletgthe summerapplicationprocessasappropriatefor will bethesame for Education Scholars Stipends students at HopeCollege. all research asfor all researchsfud€ntsat Hope.Facultymentolsareselectedfor their intercstand efforts. involvementin currioulumdevelopment Education at leasttwo oftheHughesScience 2006-2008, In eachof th€summers provide thesestudentswith Scholarswill beNoycesohola$hiprecipients.This will fundingto participatein theprogramdescribedabove Camps c,Ilope SummerScietrce hostsa SummerScietrceCamp.SeeSection8b for a Hope College Eaohiummer, description. project,at leastthreeNoyceScholarship EachsummerduringtheNoyceScholarship assistants with this camp Thecampemployssix as undergraduate recipientswill work eachsummer.Duringlhe firct 4 weeksof sfudentswho se e asassistants undergraduate ftom manydifferent pull togetherexperiments the summer,thesestudentassistants for eachoamptheme.Theythencompilethis informationinto a sources/resouroos the manualwilh daily lessonsandhandson aotivities.Thenextweek,theyassemble purchasing through local them materialsby locatingthemat HopeCollegeor necessary andmakenecessary testtheexpedments storesor online. Finally,thestudentassistants parent helpermanual. construot a ready, they they have everlthing adjustments.Once modirying the materialas teaching and when theoampsbeginstheyareinvolvedwith for the oampsftom both necessary.At theendof eachsessiontheyconductevaluations anoparcn$. caunpers HousitrgWaivers d. HopeCollegeSummerResearch for housing costofon-oampus EachsummetHopeCollegewaivesone-halfofth€ provided for all Noyce (Seotion This suppod will be 8d). summer research doing students program. Scholar Scienoe Education in theHughes whoparticipate scholars 7. Evalu.tion the located ontheHopeCollegecampus,will conduct Center, TheCarlFrostResearch is an independent Frcst Center projeot, in 1990,theCa Established ofthis evaluation for a widevarietyofacademic, research serviges instituie, Thecent€rprovides resgarqh glients. include:needs services Speciftc research commercial and community, proflles,andfindings program evaluation, demographic suweyresearoh, assgssments, SchoolDistriot workfor theOttawaCountyIndependent Currenteffortsinolude analysis. after 1 and5 yearsof service.Additional conduotingsurveysofdistrict teachers informationabouttheF/o,rtCertel canbefoundat:! 4{:tq!lE9!!c!4!g or www,hope.edu/frostcenter. with existing directorofthe F/ost Cente4is fal.'t.i]liat Dr. EileenRoberlson-Rehberg, protocols necessaty for modifying instruments and the assessment teachereffectiveness and Management suchtests.Sheholdsa Ph.D.in PolioyAnalysis andadministering research on quantitativeandqualitative from ComgllUniversity,andhasconduoted methodsin prograrnevaluationandplanning.Shewill overseetheprcgramevaluation researchinstitutetheFrostCenteris well-suitedto oonducttheO?eof As an independent cited ovaluationneededfor theNoyceProgam.Besidestheexpertisein assessment researchcenter'TheFrostCenteris stand-alone above,theFrcstCenteris anestablished recipients, ofthe Noycescholarship a multi-year evaluation position to carry out in a TheEvaluationPlan The evaluationplan will addressthe extentto which the pro$am has athacted undergraduatemathematicsand soiencestudentsthat are committedto and well prepared pro$am recruitment,implementation and for ateachingcareerin grades.To address quantitative and the evaluationwill employa mixedmethodsdesignofboth outcomes, qualitativemethods. Centerat sevemlpointsin time from a Datawill be gatheredby the FrostResearch varietyofsources.Datawill be gathereduponstudententryinto the program,duringeach ofthe student's andeachsemester at the institution,at the endofeach semester, semester point in time to each Methodologies specific agency, to a localeducational assignment aredescribedbelow: Recruitmentl . Datawill be gatheredto identiryhow the programhasathactedstudentsinto teacherpreparation . Intakeinterviewswill be conducted hashelped to discoverhow the scholarship need studentsto addressfinancial . Demographic datawill becollectedas studentsenterthe program Programimplementation: . Documentation will be providedby the collegefor an ofstudentperformance assessment ofstudentprogressat the endofeach semester' . Interviewsofstudentsat mid sgmester will providequalitativedatafor assessment ofstudentprogressandpotentialbarriersto success Programoutcones: . The teachingassignment will beevaluatedeachyearwith a surveyofprograrn instructionalmaterialsand strategies, recipient'sselfreportedinstructional ofstudentachievement.The surveywillprovide the program assessment recipientan opportunityto selfreporton "lessonslearned"in the field of STEM lnsrucuon, . Classroomobservation will rateprogramrecipientson sitefor factorssuchas and student clarityof presentation organization, knowledge,preparation, participation. Prolocoh, Roles,andResponsibililies the evaluationresultsasprocess(formativeevaluation)andasa The planincorporates (summative progBm evaluation).The formativeevaluationwill provide completed programsupporters in STEM andEducationdisciplineswith valuableinfomation to enhance the student'slearningexperi€nce.Studentinformationwill be reviewedby A summative€valuationwill includeall ofthe programsupporters eachsemester. will be conducted gatheredprogramdataandanalysisto funders.Summativeevaluations on an annualbasisandwill be cumulative. will bethe responsibilityof datacollectionanddatamanagement Surveydevelopment, is availablethrough school wherc infomation Center except in cases ihe Frcst Research andtheywill be anangements of datacollection will befully advised Students records. contractuallyboundto thoseagreements. 8. Activitieson Whichthe CurrentPmjectBuilds MedicallostituteProjecl a. HowardHughes a $1.5milliongmntliom theHowardHughesMedical In 2004,Hope-ollegereceived include to supporta numberofactivitiesTheseactivities lnstitute program for womenandminoritystudents . anearlyentryresearch ln complexsystems thataddrcsses curriculum . developrnent ofan interdisciplinary m mmorc and new courses for €xisting biologybuiltthroughmodules Modeling andComputation Neuroscience andstudent teaching, res€a'ch, in interdisciplinary . developing facultyasscholars intiative postdoctoral a futurefacultythrough andpreparing learning, educators. . trainingofpre-service K-12science Camp b. HopeCollegeSummerScience to explorethemistry, for K-8 students opportunity provides a summer Hope'College Theprogram rockehy,flightandhealthsciences forensics, biology,physiis,geology, ihanOs-on" in a fun yet concepts to teach desighed lntiractiveinvestigations f"utui'es for provided parent manual are (forusein thecamp)anda way.A workbook challenging period summer' each areofferedovera six-week sessions Twentyone-week eachseisioin. were ofthe sessions titles some sample of2004, In thesummer . LegoRobotics . MathPentathlon . CrimeScene lnvestigations . Prehistoric Planet . ToxicPlanet . Space andRocketry o E R . DementedDissection €. First-Year Seminars HopeCollegeoffersFirst-YearSemina$,which arerequiredofall HopeCollege oftheir initial year.First-YearSeminanaresmall' studentsduringthe fall semester who serveas academicadvisorsfor by classestaught professors discussion-driven studentsin their seminar.The First-YearSeminarhelpsintroducenew collegestudents to the life ofthe mind andto the kind ofcollege-levellearningexpectedin otherclasses at HopeCollege.Eachsectionofthe First-YearSeminarfocuseson a differenttopicthat is chosenby the professor. d. UndergraduateResearch researchprogmm' The sciencedivisionat HopeCollegehasan activeundergmduate projectin science research participate in undergraduate Eachsummerover 100srudents for Undergraduates Experiences havecontinuingNSI Research division.Six departments areBiology,Chemistry,ComputerScience, (REU)projects.Thosedepartments andPhysics& Engineering' Mathematics, Geological& EnvironmentalSciences, summerrcsealchFojects,HopeCollegescience. . Throughtheseundergraduate departirentshavedevelopeda completesystemfor recruitingandselectingparticipants andinformationwebpages.These inaludingdistributionofinformationin scienceolasses ln addition, of NoyceSoholars. effective recruibnent for the will beemployed resourcei Institute summer thoseNoycescholarswhoparticipatein theHowad HughesMedical programwill partioipatein manyofthe activitiesprovidedthroughsummerresearch e.PhelpsScholars to oachoth€r,have EveryAugustsince1999,apFoximatelyfifty newstudents,strangers PhelpsScholars The year Phelps Soholars of college as theb first to begin cometo Hope fiom all College lieshmen to Hope program available Programis a multicultural Hope College transition to enjoyable an desi$ledto facilitate backgrounds, raciil/ethnic andprovidethefoundationfor productiveyearsasmembersofour studentbody The include: of thesePhelpsScholars activilies . First-YearSeminarin the fall term . Encounrer $ith culturesin thespring . Bi-monthly on manydiffer€nttopios,suchas"Cross-Cultural meetings Sports" and"TheRoleofRacein American Communication" Memodal, Holocaust Dehoit's . Fieldtripsto numerous including destinations, at re-enactrnent Railroad andtheUnderground WorldMusicFestival, Chicago's ConnerPrairienearlndianaPolis in Hope'sCASAprogram pattyfor elementary students . Sponsoring a Christmas just for tun parties,andget-togethers . Informalgatherings-dinners, L ClareBoothLuceScholerships each two ClareBoothLucescholarships hasawarded ln 2004and2005,HopeCollege Femalestudents physics, or engineering. science, yearto womenmajoringin computer oftheirsophomore semester pursuing oneoftheeligiblemajorsapplyduringthesecond the summer at Hope during research supportthemin conduoting year.Thesoholarships junior yearandduringthesummerfollowingtheir duringtheir ifter theyarechosen, junior year.The students alsoare€xpectedto continue!o engagein researchasseniors, duringthe summeraftergraduation.They andwill havea chanoeto continuein research for tuition,fees,roomandboardfor theirjuniorandsenlor alsoreceivefull soholarships yearsatthecollege. g. NSFCSEMSScholarships to studycomputer to 36 students HopeCollegewill awardscholarships In 2004-2006, renewable for upto fouryears, Thes€scholarships, or mathematics. science, engineering Eachoftwo Scienoe Foundation. grant fiom the National of$400,000 funded by a are cou$es in science already enrolled years,12incomingfirst-yoarstudents and6 students with the ln accordance at HopeCollegewill beawardedoneofthesescholarships. provisionsof this program,recipientsmustbe efiolled in a programin oneofthe thrce financialneed.In addition,membersof groups disciplinesandmusthavedemonstrated three fields aregivenspecialconsideration in these thatareunderrepresented h. ProjectTeach In 1994,HopeCollegereoeivedfundingto beginan innovativeprogramthatwoulda desire itudentsof color in thelocalschooldistrictswho expressed identifyand-support process, high four and interview application Througha thorough to bec;meteachers. arcchoseneachyearto becomemembersof"Project Teach" Thesefour schoolstualents of Educationstudentmentorwith studentsareprovidedwith a HopeCollegeDepartment thenbecomepartofthe extendedgroup whomthoyhaveweeklycontact.Thesestudents Project studentmentors,all other-current includes Hope that of ProjectTeachparticipants curently Hope who are still in high school,ProjectTeachstudents Teachstudents the ProjectTeachDircctor,andfacultyadvisorsThoextendedProjectTeaah students, by one yearfor a socialeventplanned groupmeetsoncea monthduringtheacademic Dilector to discuss the Pro$am with meet monthly pair.Thementors also mentor/student grade point their high retain theprogressof eaohProjectTeachstudent.lfthese students aveiagethroughouthigh school,theyareprovidedwith a full four-yearscholaNhipto HopeCollege. Programs 9. QualityEducational Division Science a. Natural ofBiology, thedepartments at Hopeincludes TheDivisionofNaturalSciences Mathematios, Sciences, & Environmental Geologigal Scignce, Computer chemistry, has a long-standing faculty. Hope College over 60 FTE and totals and Physics Nursing, in coherent soience cutting-edge to learn opportunities to providestudents commitment modes oflearning, research-based hands-on, thatstress oourse andrigorouslaboratory TheDivisionofNatural withfacullyin research. manner andtowork in a collaborative that as a whole Kaleidoscope "Program by Project is recognized at Hope Sciences the I 0 liberal arts one of is one of only and Works"andasa modelfor otherinstitutions, of recognized bytheNSFwithanAwardfor theIntegration to bereoently institutions programat Hopehas research theundergradualg Additionally, and Education. Research programsin the the leading Repofi as araong beenidentifiedin IlS. News& World in 2003). 4'among4ll institutions nation(ranked at Hopemirrorsthatof the Themissionofthe programin scienceandmathematics intertwines sludentlearniugand culum, which provide innovative cur an collegeto principl€ researchis an thatunder$aduate faculty developmetrt.Weoperateon the andeffectiveleamingThecollegialoulturewithin ofgoodteaching componcnt essential vital anintellectually in sustaining is the theDivisionofNaturalSoiences keyingredient several leamingcommunityfor facultyandstudents.Ourcommunityis enriohedby to campus.In this wa) seminarseriesthatb ng asmanyas3 extemalspeakers/week studentsandfacultyleamtogetherandtakewhattheyhaveleanedbackto the rir'orkin a collaborativefashionin a Students andresearchlaboratories. classrooms students serve asmentorsandrolemodelsfor younger numberof ways,andupper-level Facultyareexpectedto be schola/educators, studentsin formalandinformalcapacities. andenvironment to support is expectedto sustainan infrastructure andthe administration write faculty/administrators Hope science On the average, faculty activities. studentand annually in greater million dollars thanone grantproposals thatresultin awardstotaling t0 andoutreach educational to supportour research, from extlamulalsources newresources programs. ofthe to beproductivemembers Our goalat HopeCollegeis to prcparestudents We aimto oppottunities scie;ific communitywho arcableto pu$uea varietyof oareer for the alt ofthe scientificendeavor.Studentlearningm instill in themanappreciation in a curriculumthat is majoris embedded our pro$amsfor th; science/mathematios grorth lt is a promote scientific ohaliengingandprovidesindividualattentionto aspartnersin the environmentin whiohfacultyandstudentsseethemselves research-rich leamingprocess. whohavea diversityof ethnicbackgroundsTo We seekto identifyandsustainstudents with theUniversityof assistusin this regardwg haveformeda uniquepartnership undergraduate ofcolorfor fully-supported tecruitstudents Michiganto cooperative graduate and/or medical at HopeCollegefollowedby fully-supported education program, alongvr'ith Thishighlysuocessful ofMiohigan. at theUniversity eduoation groupsin faditionallyunderepresented representing programs to K-12students outreach provide goal opportunities in our to assist us together to scienoeand;athematicswork to all individuals education for scienoe/mathematics and. communicatg, to leaveHopewithanabilityto understand, Weexpectstudents critical ofmaking be fully capable and to ways of knowing differcnt criticailyappraise number of higl An unusually judgments bodyofknowledge. ibouta fundamental Duringtheir andmathematics in science ;tudents(-40%)enterHopewithaninterest thatprovides ofleamers community a supportive students into daysat Hopewe integrate nothavea we do Although leamingopportunities. richin lesearch-based anenvironment -85olo do researoh. majors andmathematics requirement, ofHopesoience research or graduate in science witha degree 33%ofHopeCollegeseniors Approximately '300lo a recent NSF study, graduate According to sohool. enter Ofthese, maihematics, nationally ofthe strongest thePh.D.is one whoachieve ourrecordin trainingstudents The school. gmduates seckto enterprofessional About35%ofour scienca-mathematics who engage for students and it is 90% is 71%, rate for these students acceptance lo-year €nt€rtheworkforcedirectlyupon while at Hope.Theremainingstudents in research profession asK-12educators. theteaching graduation, withmanyentering HopeCollegefacultyrank Facultyandstudentssustainvitality by engagingin researoh. publications andl4th researoh numbers offaculty for 4thofall liberalartsinstitutions Citation bytheScienoe asmeasured ovemllfor highestimpactofthosepublications research haveco-authored students lndex.Since1990over300undergraduate publicationswith faculty.Coryorateanduniversityrecruitershaveidentifiedthe valueasan importantattribute laboratodes in research/teaching of experience addedcomponent in andout ofthe clas$oom thatstudentscarrywith thembeyondHope.Research andproblemsolving,traitsthat are promotesstudents'o tical thinking,reasoning education ofour research-based Thesuccess in anyendeavor. to success essential at large.Hope on the oollego in its impact mathematics is evident programin scienceand programfor facultyandstud€ntsin the rccentlyinstituteda collaborativeresearch 1l is an humanities,social sciences,and afis, and collaborativeresearohwith students revised part, a newly in in notrn of au".y new faculty hire. This hasresulted, leaming' "to"ot"A interdisciplinary institutionalcoie curriculumthat emphasizes b. TeacherEducationProgram TeacherEducationhasa longhistoryat HopeCollege Elementaryteachemwere oreoaredl-orthe leacherexamsasearlyas 1853at the HopeAcademy when Hope boilegewaschaneredin 1866the secondarlteacherprogrambegan ln I975 Hope a SpecialEducationprogram TheEducationfacultyhas Colleie facultyimplemented revlew soush]nationalacireditationssincethe early 1960s. our mostrecentsuocessful the wa;onducted by outsideexaminelsin March200l The Departmentis accredited-by ofthe (NCATE) 500 Only Education NationalCounciifor AccleditationofTeacher ofeducationnationwid€havereceivedthis recognition 1200departmentycolleges technologyhasbeenintegatedinto allofour . Sincethe early 1990's,instructional articulatedby the lnternational guidedby nationalstandards educationcoursework, effortswere SocietyfiorT€chnologyEducation(ISTE) ln 2002the Departrnent's with one ofonly six nationalawards,oursbeingthe only smallliberalarts recognized college. ofEducation'smissionis "to prepareteacherswith the The HopcCollegeDepartment to makeand implementprofessional knowledge,skilis,attiiudesandvaluesnecessary decisionsin a changingworld " The l3 full-timefacultymembersand 5 adjuhct aredediiatedto ensuringthatthis missionbscomesrealityby nurturingsix orofessors research lrofessionalabilitiesin their stude;tsthroughcourseactivitiesandassignments, relationships.Theseabilitieswill enablea anddevelopingprofessional opportunities giaduateto actas: . . . r . . an effectivecommunicator oollaborator a professional developer a ourriculum a oroblemsolver a decisionmaker a scholarlyeducator Councilfor ExceptionalChildrenand chaptersofnationalorganizations, Student-led offer professional Development, andCurriculum Associationof Supervision prcgrams' education for teacher andserviceopportunities development ofHope's educationprogramteachin public schoolsandprivateK-12 schools Gmduates aroundthe country. Most gnduatespursueadvanc€dstudiesfor continuingcertification andto completegnduatedegrcesin specialareasofeducation,suchas reading, counselingandadministration specialeducation, curdculumdevelopment, t2 BiographicalSketch Principal Itrvestigator HerbertL. Dershem Depsrtnentof ComputerSci€nc€ HopeCou€ge Plac€ 2? Craves Holland,Michigan49423USA 616-395-7508 dershemaacs.hope.edu PROFESSIONALPREPARATION: lnstitution ofDalon, Dalon, OH University Purdu€U;iversity, WestLafayette,IN IN PlrdueUniversig,WestLafayett€, Maior Mathematics ComputerScienc€ Science Computer Degree& Year BS 1965 MS 1967 PhD 1969 APPOINTMf,NTS: Hop€College,2005 lnterinDeanoftheNaturalSciences, HopeCollege'1981'present Scienoe, of Computer Professor HopeColleg€'1974_ 1981 ofcomputerSci€nce, Professor Associal€ HopeColl€8e'1969_ 1974' Science, andCompuler Professor ofMathemaiics Asshtant 1993-1994 Air ForceAcademy, UnitedStates VisitingProfessor, Dislinguished Program' 1982' 1983. BoslonUniveNityOverseas VisitingProfessor, 1977- 1978, OakRidgeNaiionalLaboratories, Scientist, VisitingResearch OTHERSIGNIFICANTPUBLICATIONS: of for rheVisualRepr€senation H.L.,McFall,R.L.,andN. Utit,'A LinkedListPrototype Dershem, LeaminS, ol ConputehEnhanced Jo\lnal AbstraotDaraTypes,"/'r€lac tfie Mtltinedia Electrcnic 4,2(Ocr,2002). of JavaLinkedLists,"S/GCS'Bu etih'34,1'(M^r' H.L.,McFall,R.L.,andN.Uti*, "Animation Dersh€m, 200D,53-57. for Compurer J.,andK. Suppes*, H,L.,Dykstra*, "An AbsiractWiddowToolkitVisualizer D€rshem, (cDgSrnposiun ahdCodputi ofthe 33rdMidu)estInstudion Sciencelnstruction,"P/oceedings Roltt, Apnl 14-15,2000,Minn€apolb,MN in Journalof Conputing Visualiz€r," D.E.,andR.Weinhold*,'AJavaFunction H.L.,Park€r*, Dershem, 1999\,22r:230 Sna Co eges,ls,r(Oct, Dershem,H.L. andJ. Vanderhydet,"JavaClassVisualizationfor T€achineObjectorient€dConcepts"' SIGCSEBu elin,30,|(Mt, r99E),53'51. Dershem,H.L. atd P. Brummund*,"Iools for Web'BasedSortingAnimation,"'SIGC'ssa'lleri', 30,I(Ma\ 1998),222-226 'Data Struciur$with Ada Packages, Dersh€m,H.L., Banh*,W., Bowsher*,C., andD. Brorn*, on Conplter oJthaF st Asialasi n ConJercnce md Animations,"Prcceedings Laboratori€s, kience Education,July,1996,32-38. E-1 Dershem,H.L. andM.J JiPpine,Prcganniry LanSlases:ModelsandStrltctwes:SecondEdition'Pws Co.,1995 Publishing McFall+,R. an; Dershen,"Finite Stat€MachineSimulationin an lntroductoryLab"' SIGCSEh etin' 26.1(Me1994),126-140 ACTIVITIES: SYNERGISTIC granisrsarded: Previous Co-d]rector,"Introductionofthe Computerin the StatisticsCuniculum",NSFOfficeof Compuling $45,800. Aclivities,1971-1973, Science",NSFLocalCourse Director,'A ModularApproachto theIntroducloryCoursein CompLrter 1978-1980, Progam, $14,200 Improvement Laboraloryfor usein TeachingSlatistics",NSFInsiruclional Co-Dir;clor."A Microcomput€r 10,315. 1979-1980' Program' c Equipm€nt Scienlifi NSFRUI Program' in SuPportofComputerScienc€Research", Dnector,"CSNETMembership 1987-1990. $9,375. NSFREUProgmm'1992-1994' Program", Research Undergraduate Science Director, "Computer 2004-2008' 2001-2003, $163,213' 1998-2000, $146,700; 1995"199?, $l14,393; $86,550; $352,250. andVisualizationin theTeachingofData Slructrresand Director,"Us€ofAda, Laboralori€s, Grant,1993-1994'$23,010 Development DARPACu.riculum DhcrcteMathematicJ', for theTeschingof obj ect-oriented Ad6 9X Using Director,"cuniculum andTextbookDev€lopment 1995-1996, $34,464 USAirForceContracl, Conceots". lbr lntroducingStudentsto Obj€ctOriented Co-Director,"An IntegmtedClassroonvlaboralory 1996-1998, 546'356. NSFILI Pfogram, Concepts", andMaihematics,"NsF Engin€ering, in Computer Science, Program Dhector, "bSEMSSchol6rship 200a-.2008, $398.040 CSEMSProgram. Outreach: fof in educatioh andcours$for creditontheuseof lechnology shortcourses, manyworkshops, Conducted University HopecollegeandcentralM;chigan & OTHERAFFTLIATIONS: COLLABORATORS (GmndValleyStateUniversity) ScottGrissom Mik€Jipping(HopeCoueg€) RyanMcFall(HopeCollege) MylesMcNally(Alna College) ofWhconsin- Oshkosh) Naps(Univ€rsiry Thomas (CriDnell College) Rebelslq Samuel HehryWalker(GrinnellCollege) Gradu.t€andPostDoctorrlAdvisors: RobertE. Lynch(PudueUniv€rsity) L2 BiographicalSketch Itrvestigator CoPritrcipal TeunisDonk of Education Department HopeCollege 284Vd,ZoerenHall Ilollad, Michisan49422 6t6-395'',1734 donk@hope.edu PROFf,SSIONAL PREPARATION Itrstitutiotr MichiganUniversity Westem MichiganUniversity Westem MichiganStateUniversity Desree& Yerr Mrjor t977 B.A English/El€mentaryEducation 1983 M.S W. SocialWork and cuniculum,T€aching Ph.D. 1996 Policy Eduoational APPOINTMENTS 1996- pres€nl Hop€College, of Education, Professor Associate 1987- 1992 Hop€Colleg€, HTPProgram, ofEducation, Professor Assistant WestOttawaPublicSchoob,1977*1996 T€acher, RESEARCH: PUBLICATIONSRELATEDTO PROPOSED OTHERSIGNIFICANTPUBLICATIONS: Dell:Olio,J. & Donk,T. (ln Prccess),Usihgnodek o/ leachitlglo addresscotnentstahdardsThousand Oaks,CArSagePublicarions. modelsr€auy andtesching to teach$riling- Cantheory.research TE r€form:Leaming Donk,T. (2004). thetiberotarts education in (Eds teacher Rehming Mezeske )' influencspractice?In: R.J.Mezeske& B Lang Publish€rs York Peter rarrtr,g.New Donk,T. (1996). Linitlliont oftheoryin guidinsonJined.cisiobnaking in Focess wtititg conteltt: The cased Enily. Doctoraldisse(ation,MichiganShreUniv€rsitv. Reading Journal (21\3'13-17 Michigah Donk,T.(f994).WritingskillsrAretheypartofth€process? T E. (1992).Liteftcy throughteanwork Holl^nd,MltLove' Inc '^#orld Vision Donk,T & Reagan-Donk, ACTIVITIES SYNERGISTIC grarts rwsrded: Previous ofEducationStudentLiteracvCorpGranq1990-92. Director,U.S.Department Curriculun Developm€rt: YearSeminar Developedsndtaught"CreatedEqual:A Visionor Realityin AmericsnSchooling"asa First College. at Hope erts students fo. liberal including:HollandPublicSchools, fo. K-12 teachers, traininssin Lite€cyandpedagogy Conduct€al -all in Micbiean Publjcschools ioloma puuricscioors,wyomingiublii Sihools.andcoop€rsville The Inlernatjonal includinS: conferences national,andint€rnational at severalsr.atewide, PresenEd and for supervision Association on Leming, conference Netviork Literacvanasaucationnesearch the and Confer€nce, Association R€ading Michigan Conf€renoe, Anrual DeveloDment curic;hm (up€oning). IntemationalReadGgAssociationConf€rence COLLABORATORSAND OTHERAFFILIATIONS Collrborstors; Je$ineDell'Olio,(HoPeCouege) Richad Mez€sk€,(HoPeCollese) Grrduate rnd Polt DoctoralAdvborsl (MichiSanStateUniversity) SusanFlodo-Ruane Diare Holt-Reynolds(Dec€ased) BiographicalSketch Inv€stigator Co-Principal John J. KruPczak' Jr. of PhysicsandEngineermg Department HopeColl€ge 27 GravesPlac€ 49423USA MichiSan Holland, 152 6t6-395-7 kflpczak@hope.edo PREPAMTION: PROFESSTONAL tDstitutiotr wiiliamscolleg€,williamsto*nMA Univ€rsiiyofM;sachusetts,Amherst,MA Amh€rst,MA UniversiryofMassachuseth, Degree& Yerr Mrior Phvsics 91 l?!9 MechanicalEnSineering MS 1986 M€chanicalEngineering PhD 1994 APPOINTMENTS: ProgmmDirector,HopeColl€ge'2000-presenl' AssociateProfessorofEngineeringandEngineering HopeColl€ge'1997-2000 of Engineering, Professor Assistanl HopeColl€ge'1994' 1996' of Engineering, Professor VisitingAssistant Dallas,Texas'1992'1994 Laboralory, Sup€rCollider Engine€r, Superconducting Cryogenics 1998_ 1992' MaserLabomtory, Hydrog€n WillamsCollege Assistant, Reseafch Departnent' andT€achingAssistant,MechanicalEngin€ering Research 1983- 1987 Amh€rst, of Massachusetls, University Laboratory. Teohnolo$/ GTEInc, Advanced Research Technician, 1982 1983. Massachusetts, walrham, OTHERSICNIFICANTPUBLICATTONS: Krupczak,J.J"ReachingOutAcrossCampus:Engine€rsasChampionsofT€chnolo9i.alLiwacy"'Liberul Ed;cationin the2lo Century,WorcesterPolytechnicInstiluteSeri€son Studiesin Science'T€chnology, andCulture,H. Luegengbil,K Neeley,andD Ollis, €ditors'PeterLangPublishers'N€w York, 2004)' andD' M. Scholr€ns, K Lantz,D. Lappenga, P Berke,D. Corlew, Krupczak, J. J.,N. Bair,T. Benson, MajorsrLeamingPrinciplesofPhvsicsin th€ wo;ssner,"Hands'onLaboratoryProj€ctsfor Non-Science Cont€xtofEverydayTechnolopJ,"Anetican SocietyforE gineerw EducationAhn Cotf Ptoc (2000)' Liltr,rccv,"Anqicak on Technological ofNon-Engineers Krupczak,J.JandC. Gr€en"The P€rspectiv€ (1999). An" Cokf Proc Education Essineetins Societylor Education?R''sM' oci'obel Krupcz.k,J.J"Demy$iryingTechnology,"Am€ricanSooietvfor Engine€ring (1997)30-34. Krupczak,J.J"Scienc€andTechnologyofEverydayLife: A cours€on technolog/for libeml arlsstudenls," Aneican SocieDiforEnsineetinsEtucationAntl Conl Ptoc.(1996) E-1 F/o'liers PinkertonLR., J.J.Krupczak€t al., "An Apparatuslo MeasureForc€in a Simpl€TrussSyst€m"' (2002) it Ed cationConIercnce, in a LiberalArts Expenences Stud€nt "Mulitdisciplinary KnDczak. J.J.B. Mulder.and J.D vanPutteq ( lqe7) ConI Proc An' Education Lklineetins ie de tuan Soc ,a Progmm." Enelneering Dfor Krupcak, J. J., D.R McAllaster,S.B.Crampton,A L Cole,andA J Kerman"A CryogenicHvdrogen MaserOperatingat l0 K " ,'ldv Cryo.Engr 40 0995)286. c Collins' DeisC., R. wao€n, D. Richied,N Martovebkv,J.J.tuupcztk, A Sidi-Yekhlef,J Pace,-and (1994) 389 39 Eng Designfor th€GEMIlagn4" Ad' Crvo eilquiau"rir. cryog.nicsystem Li K Stringfellow' C. Shipp,A Sidi-Yekhlef, H Heletl, D. Richi€d, KruDczak. J. J- R. Fox,K. Hawkes, ModuleTest' juanu v. w;tson,'tnilial Designol theCrvoeenics forrhec tM calorimeler Svst€m ";. Doc:GEMT\-ql-53| (Dec l99J)' CEMcollaboralion SuperColliderLaboratory Supcrconducting ACTIVITIES: SYNERGISTIC ofkill of thedistdbuiion Fitsllnc , to promote wilh Science a collaboralion Establish€d Disseninationr ofth€se First lnc, some Through Scienc€ for non-engineers proiects develop€d iateriatsror raUoratory Inc' Inc, and Sargent-welch ofFisher education distributoN kitswillbe caffiedbyih;;ajor science canpsforK-6childrenat summer HowThingswork we€k'long andconduci€d: Outreach:Developed fromgroups students project middle school with (200i-2002). an airfoild€si8n conducted ioDe Collece (Octoler college at Hope Program Science lheHughes rhrouBh in science undenepresinteo ll?:I Middleschool(May 1999)'caffi€d in zealand of cry;talradioabv 23 siudents theconstruclion s;onso;ed (Oclober1998)' on makingholograms teach€rs at HopeCollegefor highschoolsci€nce o;t workshops L;teracv onTechnological andchairofsessions asorganizer Serviccon NrtionalOrgrnintlons: Served 1998,1999'and2004' EducationAnnualConfer€nces atihe Arn€ricanSocieryaorEngineering MichiganandwBT Charlotle' WYURDelroit, st6tions by regionalradio PublicInformationrInterviewed work' how things students non-technical ropicofteaching discussthe to NorlhCarolina Currlcrlum Dev.lopdent Developedandtaugh!"scienceandT€chnologyof EverydayLif€" a courseon technologyfor Iib€ralartsstudenlat HopeCollege & OTHERAFFILIATIONS: COLLABORATORS CollsDorrton: of Virginia) LouisBloomfield,(University (WilliamsCollese) stuartCrampton, (University of wisconsir-Madison) D{ryl Thelen, Grtdrate.trd PostDoctorrlAdvisors: T. R. Blake(UniversiBofMassach'isetls) StuanCrampton,(WilliamsColleg€) / PROJECTDIRECTOR PRINCIPALINVESTIGATOR e, setttonpensolNEr,pvpo,cePl! Fdtv sndoth€rssnlor&&ciaies (Lbt6achs.psErervsihdrreAr.lal!1E!!!98!:l- JUSTIFICAM! ON BUOGET TNDtvTDUALLY INB (qHOWNUMBERS B OTHERPERSONNEL BENEFITS {IFCMRGED (A+ B+ SENEFITS WAGES ANOFRINGE t EotlrPtrEr,rr(L'sT'Tiii'i ANDDoLLARAMouNTFoREACHlrEM ExcEEDlNo$5000) SUPPORTCOSTS F, PARTICIPANT I,ST|PENDS f-------4; ----------; 2. TRAVEL 3sUBs|sTENcE---------.-; 4OTHER --------------- H. TOTALOIRECTCOSIS (A THROUGH RATEAND MSE) I. INOIRECTCOSTS(F&AXSPECIFY (Rat6: , East:) COSTS TOTALINDIRECT INDIRECT COSTSIH + SEEGFGII'C'6 OFCURRENTPROJECTS K. RESIDUA!FUNOS(IFFORFURIHERSUPPORT OFTHISREOUEST L, AMOUNT M. COSTSHARINGPROPOSEOLE!E! INDIRECT COSTRATEVERIFICAIION .ELECTROIIIC FORREVIgEOBUOGET REOUIRED SIGNATURES SUMMARY OIRECTOR / PROJECT INVEST]GATOR PRINCIPAL ffin pensoulet, pupo,coPl s Facultvandolh€rsenior'6s@latos {Ll6t €&h $paaldy oi-. vdtl tit6. A'7- .how numbs In bEck6ts) orl guoeet,JUsnrtcrttoN ) ontens(rtst tttotvtquA-Lv lNsMcKETs -orxea eensomler(srowNUMBERS STUD UNDERGRADIJATE . CLERICAL {IFCHARGED SECRETARIAL ANOl44qE!14-! TOTALSALARIES C. FRINGEBENEFITS (A + g + BENEFITS WAGESANDFRINGE o, Eo,iFMENi (llsT lTE|ll t5'000') tl-cR,Al\,tolJNlFoREAchITEMEXoEEDING (|NCL. MEXICO CANADA, ooMEgTrC AIqqq SUPPORTCOSTS F, PARTICIPANT 1. STTPENDS $ ----------s; -----------; 2. TMVEL 3. SUBSISTENCE ---------------4.OTHER COSTS DIRECT G. OTHER MTE AND B,cSE) I, INOIREC-ICOSTS(F&A)(SPECIFY (Balo: , B.s.:) COSTS IOTALINDIRECT COSTS(H+ I ANOINDIRECT J, TOTATDIRECT oF!!EBE!llE9lE9fq!EE!t9.1!9q suPPoRr x. nesrou*runosltr ron suRrHER M. COSTSHARINGPROPOSEOLEVEI $ A6REEOLEVELIF OIFFERENT INDIRECTCOSTRATEVERIFICATION 1EIECTRONIC SIGNATURESREQUIREOFOR REVISEDBUOGET SUMMARY DIRECTOR CnttlCtpettttVtSlelrOn t pROJECT fllroa pgnsouJer, plpo, ccPl !, Focultv6ndolhorsonlorA$oclate6 h bEckers) slth ll!€ A 7, shd numb€r (Li.t 6achsBpoEt€lv 6 ( 7.( ONBUDGET O)OTHERS(LISTINOIVIDUALLY (I '6 3 )TOTALSENIORPERSONNEL nt erctneaeensovlet(sxowrtrugens STUDENTS IJNOERGMOUATE (IFCHARGED OIRECTL ARIAL. CLERICAL (IFCHARGED AS DIRECT AENEFITS WAGESANOFRINGEAENEFIE (4IJI D. EoAPMENT (Ll T TTEI.iANODOLL,IRAMOUNTFOREACHIIEM EXCEEDING$5,l)OO') MEXTCO AND U.S. POSSESSION SUPPORICOSTS F, PARTICIPAMT T.STTPENDS $--------s; 2.TFAVEL 3. SUBSISTENCE TOTALOTHERDIRECTCOST! H. TOTALDIRECI COSTS(A THROqq! i Nonecr costs €an)GpecFY RAIEANDBASE) TOTALOIRECI AND INDIRECTCOSTS 6PG II' OF CJRRENTPROJECTSSEE SUPPORT TORTURTHER TLLIIOSITT r, ACSIOUET. M. COSTS|TARINGPROPOSEDLEV!! LEVE!IF OIFFERENT AGREEO FORNSFt'SE ONLY INDIRECTCOSTRATEVERIFICATION 'ELECIROIIICSIGNATI'RES BUDGET FORREVISED REQUTREO SUMMARY / PROJECTDIRECIOR PRINCIPALINVESTIGATOR Settton pensolllleL: pupo,CePts, Fadllv andOlmr S€nlo'Asoiatos (Lbt 6dchssp.Eisly with liue,A 7 Ehd numb€rln bEck6ls) on guoegrluslrtclttottl orxens(rrstrr'lotvtottlLLv NUMBEEg B. OTHERPERSONNEL {SHOW !! ANDFRINGEIEIE! WAGES TOTAI.sAIARIES, $5'000 ) AMouNrFoREAcfltrEMEXCEEoING 6lidiiFfiet'rr (rtsr rer',1llD Do!LAR SIJPPORT COSTS F, PARTICIPAMT $ ---.....g; 1. STIPENDS 2,TRAVEL cosrs/oocuME!@9!@!9!!!l!4l9! 2.puBlrc,AT|oN H. TOTALDIRECTCOS'S (A THROIJGH RATEANDBASE) I. INDIRECICOSTS(F&AXSPECIFY (Bat6: , Baso: ) J. IOTAI DIRECTANO x. nesouAruros (trroa FUEME!!!!qEM!! E!I-! 9M .c PROPOSEDLEIVE! M. COSI SHARTNG INOIRECT COSTRATEVERIFICATION 4 'EIECTRONIC SIGNATURESREQUIREDFOR REVISEDBUDGET SUMMARY FORNSFUSEONLY PRINCIPALINVESNGqTOR/ PROJECTDIRECTOR flt on pensoNNeL,pl/po,cePl s, Facul9andolhorsonlor'soclates inbrack€ts) (Lisreachsp6Ehlysilh tlu., A7. shownumber B. OTHERPERSONNEL ISHOWNIJMBEESI! EIq :. r I rorxenpaoressror.uls crEcH!E!44.!899E4!!EE GRADUATESIIJDENTS UNDERGMDUATESTUOENIS (A+!I BENEFITS WACES ANDFRINGE 0oooo) roa EAcflFei, ExceeotNe AMoUNT 6Teoutpueu(usrreu erc ooLLAn MEXTCO ANOU,S,POSSESSIO SIjPPORTCOSIS F. PARTICIPANT 2,TMVEL 3. SUBSTSTENCE-----------; 4 OIHER IOTAL OTHERDIRECTCOSTS H. TOTALDIRECI COSTS(A-IHROUGH I, INOIRECICOSIS (FIAXSPECIFYRATEANOSASE) J. TOTA! DIRECTANO K. RESIDUALFUNOS(IF FORFURTHERSIJPPORTOF CURRENTPROJECTSSEE GPG M. COSTSHARINGPROPOSEOLEVEL$ O COSTRATE\€RIFICATION INDIRECT BUDGET REQUIRED FORREVISED C 'EIECTRONICSIGI{ATURES Budgethstilicatiotr for CumulativeBudget SeniorPersotrnel On" ron* of r"t"ut" time eachacademicyearis providedfor the Pl' HerbertL at $6,000peryear,thecostofhifing part-timefacultyto teach fhis is btraget€d Oershem. to directthe onecourse,allouing ir. De$hemodeoowserelgasetime eaohsemester project' ofthis funotions adminisftatior!reporting,andevaluation PrrticiDantSuDPortCosts per.academic^year'-fhis of $10,000 n" tGnJ uflo*un". will providethescholarships yearsz anoJ durmg ten studeots years 4 and I and will supportfive studenlsduring Materials and Supplies ai $1,000pef yearto payfor publicitymalerialsandrecruitingcosts' itris is UudgeteO ConsultstrtServices ii. Cri riott n.tttott centerwill dosignandimplementall ofthe evaluationsctivities will cost$6,000in yearI and$4,000peryearirl the oftbisproject.Theirservices remainingthreeyears. CurrentandPendingSuPport ^Dl: sadi.n to Includeon thl3form on lnformation ll C 2 hfor *".-bnqdq@'ez ;**;*;- mor r tF46dl ofSuppori in NgarFutufe tr *Tfansfer Planned Support trCu(ent E Pending trsubmission Title: Ilope CollegeRobert NoyceScholarshiPProgram ProjecvProposal Foundation solrceof Support NatiotralSci€nce - 12131109 TotalAwardPedodcover€d: 01101106 Amount:$ 346,000 iotalAward IIoPe Colleg€ of Project Location to thGProject cal:0.00 Acad:1.00 sumr: 0'00 PerYearCommitted Porson-lvlonths suooort:ElcurrentcPendingtrsubmissionP|ann€dinNearFutureE.TransferofSupp RetearchParticipationProgramin Titlet REU SitelAn Utrd€rgraduate ProiecvProoosal ' ComDuterScience Foundation' REU sourc€of support NatiotralScience Period Covered: 04t0'J04- 03131/09 Award Total Amount$ 352,250 TotalAward of Project: HoP€College Location per year c;mmitt€dio the Project, cal:0.00 Acad:0'50 Sumr: 0'50 person-vonttrs ofSupport inNearFutur€ tr'Transfor Plann€d SuDoort: ECurront tr Pondingtrsubmission EngiDeering, Titler CSEMSScholarthipProgramin ComputerScience, ProiecuProposal at HoPeCollege andMathemat'cs - CSEMS Foundatton sourceof support NationalScienc€ Covered: O8l0ll04- 07131108 TotatAwardPeriod Amount:$ 398,040 TotalAward HoPeColleg€ Location of Projecl to the Projeot cal:0,00 Acad:0.00 Sumr:0'50 PgrYearCommitted Person"l\,4onths inNearFuture E Planned Support tr Cufient tr Pendingtrsubmission Title: ProjecVProposal sourceofSupport: Cov€redl Period TotalAward Amount:$ TotalAward Locationof Proj€ct: Acad: to th€Project. call PerYearCommitted Percon-Months *Transfer of Support Sumr: in NearFuture tr'Transferofsupport Support trCurent tr Pending nsubmissionPlanned Title: ProjecvProposal sourceof supportl Covercd: TotalAwardPeaiod TolalAwardAmount $ of Project: Location Acadi to the Proiect Cal: PerYearCommitted Person-lvlonths Pao€Gl Summ: NECESSARY SHEETSAS USEADDITIONA! Currentand PendingSuPPort I c 2 h rorduidance on Informationto Includeon thb folm ) -.ffi ot'lilq!;;;J i;i T--unnnL ^sNsF)t""h"hrh"p'pogrh6 b"" /*' 'u' n"a I Suooort:trcurlenlEPendingnsubmissionPlannedinNearFuturetr*TransferofSuppolt Title: Ilope CollegeRobert NoyceScholarshipProgram ProiecUProposal National ScienceFoundation- Robert NoyceScholarship sourceof support: 345'000TotalAwardPeriodcovered: 0ll0u06 ' 12131/09 ioutnwaru nmount;$ HoPeCollege of Projecl Location p"|.v""r Committedio the Project cal:0'00 Acad:0'00 Sumri 0'00 F"i.on-ft,,lontnJ of Suppod in NearFulure tr*Transfer Planned SuDDort: trcurrent tr Pending Dsubmission Title: PrcjecuProposal Sourceof Support: TotalAwardPeriodCovered: Amount $ TotalAward of Projoct: Location Acad: to the Projoct. Cal: PerYearCommitted Person-l\,4onths Sumrl of Support in NearFuture tr *TIansfer Planned Support: trCurrent C Pending trsubmission Titlel ProlecUProposal Sourceof Support: TotalAwardPeriodCovored: TotalAwardAmountl$ of Project: Location Acad: to the Project Cal: PofYeafCommitted Porson-Months Sumr: in NearFulure tr'Transferof Support Planned Supporti tr Cur.snt D Pending C Submission Title: ProjecUProposal Sourceof Support: TotalAwardPeriodCovered: Amount $ TotalAward of Project: Location Acadl to the Projecl. cal: PerYearCommitted Person-lllonths Sumrl Planned in NearFuture D'Transferof support Support: trCurrent tr Pending trSubmission Titlel ProjecUProposal Sourceof Supporti TotalAwardPeriodCovered: Amount:$ TotalAward Location of Projectl Acad: to the Project Cal: PerYearCommitted Pelson-lvlonlhs Summ: '|flhisprcjecthasp€viousybeenluidedbyanolhelagencylpaage|hlandfumishnlo'malonb|mmeoa|e|ypr€c6o|nglunongperco' PagsG-2 ASNECESSARY SHEETS USEADDITIONAL CurrentandPsndingSuPPort ll c 2.hlorouldance on informationto include on thls fom.) -ffi ' ' "Iou'iiig*"*i l^hn Krtrnczak I 'd is N'ijGnNJii " p' """rG b*"^'LLb*u'ri'o - ofSupport in NearFuture tr'Transfef Planned Support trCur€nt EP€nding trsubmission Title: HoPeColl€geRobert NoyceScholarshipProgram ProjecvProposal - RobertNoyce Foutrdation of support NationalScience Source - l2l3ll09 01101106 covered: TotalAwardPeriod Amount:$ 346,000 TotatAward of Proioct I{oPeCollege Location p", v""r c;mmifted io theProject cal:0'00 Acad:0'00 sumr: 0'00 F"rson-vontt" ofSupport inNearFuture tr'Transfer Planned Support E Cur.ent tr Pendingtr Submission Titl€: A CaseStudyof alr EstablfuhedTechnologicalLiteracy ProjecUProposal Course National Sci€nc€Foundation- BEE SourceofSupporl - 08/31/05 74,884TotalAwardPeriodCovor€dl 09/01/03 Amount:$ TotalAward HoPe College Locationof Projoct PerY€arc;mmittodaothe Project. cali0.00 Acad:0'00 sumr: 1'00 P€rson-Monthi ofSupport inNearFutur€ tr'Transf€r Plann€d SuDDort:BCurrent trPending trsubmisslon LlteracyWorkshop Titlel Technology ProjecUProposal Fouldrtion - CCLI souroeof supporl NationalScience TotalAwardPedodCov€r€dr 08/01/04- 08/01/05 49,900 Amountr$ TotalAward of Project IIoPeCollege Locatlon to th€Projoct. Cali0.00 Acad:0.00 Sumr:1'00 P€rYearc;mmittod Person-Months ofSupport in NoarFuture E*Transfer Plannod Support trCurent tr Pending trsubmission Title: ProjecvProposal Sourceof Support: TotalAwardPoriodcovered: IotalAwardAmount $ Location of Projectl Acad: to the Project cal: PerYearcommitted Person-Months Sumr: of Support in NearFuture tr *Transfer Planned Support tr Curent tr Pending tr Submission Title: ProjecVPrcposal Sourceof Supportl pmount $ TotalAwardPeriodCovered: TotalAward Location of Project: Acad: to the Project Cal: PerYearCommitted Person-lvonlhs iiGiii-i*r nmiousrv Summ: o""n rundodby anolh$ asonry,pl@66lbl .nd tumishinlom.tion rorjmmodlat6lvpE6dine tundinsped'd PaoeG3 ASNEoESSARY SHEETS USEADDITIOML alnt{,$Rn! $Arue{!sclldr;s MoIch25,2t05 Dr. !le$ Dcdlom f,tepqlneq(lf co!&&tq 3!i€!* ll*e Cclbg! Hofiarld"[ifl 49r!3 DeaJl{cJb: t eotlusiartiosly sufort ]'clt NsF RobeflNoyceScbolr$ip poposal' The HoPeco[ogg bar lo4 baonconninod b incJllrin8 lho Dumbcr9f-Stlif'"d . . otri.i"r.iN"tA'Sfo-i* rlaEhclJofscicrcc at dE K-l2lrtcl' Tb plo!,ccd s€hohIshlpFlogt8trl'by pl{wl{tulgfllancral fS gopu Colttge Etude$ to coDPkdetbeir Ftpordon asK-Ul scictcole'chelr' will "uomJfot nraie a rignifioort clnt ibutionin helpingus ftrffill thir cormitmonl t ro oaniculadyexclredabour|heffy th.t tldaFoj€.. wi|l dr|lv tryotrotbo' itritlrdvcs withit rrr. fr'on CoU# U"ision of Nannl'scicnor* At HopeClllqe, wt hwr o nqjor cammitmcrfl io thc i'nrorrdi; of r€eor€h andkanioS. u i8 th0lofolefitlllg lhrt lbb ptoposslincludcsdte opponuati for rle sclslrship rtcipiortr ro panioiDrrrin rcearch thlou3hthecollegc'sHowotd Hugh€sMldiosl Insailu&proil(d. Sincrreln y,( Dr.Jrml C€0tils Dcanof}laturll SsicncrsDivisioll A***r*u tocr t 9ctENarRrgFArcH NationalSlim6cFounda{iirn 4201WllsorBlvdAlliagroqVA 22230 Mlrc-h4,2005 To whomit mryconcon: TheFroslRsi6!rchCcnlt iar lndnsinadrhcUgho qualitys!t"ic.sin&s.Lni dasign' dar.!$abri! sd clt'lDiion fu o{.[ 15yri... Ttc Co$orh{! mnductiditrltitutiosd ldd I cdtu.rddiYar€itysunev Ilsc$chlor Uop.futlo!!, inphdngba.hctls!€ssm.ms lhtuugb rurv.ysendd4r| our rcrvioo! dislricti rith Wahw. Drcddldlogsldohool .ftixi! ofltudldr6postgr{dust !rhi!v!d&$, ond!ot9.tjoc.€. Out€lcpirtiseprovidd Hol[nd PublicSchoobwiih th6nc.lrs.ry d.t to c.ntlco ovduatid trqu .o.ot, fo! fcd.lolfblding, h is our!t0nt lo pr$vidoImf..6ionr.lsv.luadod..ft'lccah a tl$.ly 6!d proft$ional erm.( to thcHopoColhgr'sSci.lcoDMrion h th! ivcn( ft{ th€No}EdSohol*slip DrocmDis swrd€dtn sndmB. olE 6valuitionpld !rcvidle srpponftr $o lroga$ 1n pharo&rdalroe rm lal andcurn' alivcr€portof proganlrc.ult6lo ifu inrplccoartarior thcpmjeolcoordh|lon. fti malhodwill cr$e.o prognm6f.c6 sndabomdnhii tho &4ou[rsbilitynqui d !y lFnl guid0llna6, Dir€ctor,ThoFst Rctcr.thC.ntcr !'^ri ZOt8l\ HALL/.r'l CN/W(sPlr\ff/ 9OBOx9{J00 Hl)Lt$iq Mlc T6AN{S4r2-90m/ 615,!!t7556 / f r 61tl9t.t,{lo HOPECOLI.EOE DIAN I'ORTHI SOC]ALSCIENCES March30,2005 Dr. He$ert Detshe& ComputerScienceDepartrnent HopeCollege Holland,Michigan49423 DearHe.b, proposal' supponto yourNSFRobenNoyceschola$hip I amwritinqto lendmy enthusiastic it belon8s which andthesocialscienceDivisionto of Eduiation iir"-H""" f"u"o" n.,jartmenr sincerhe1850's education io qualityK' l2 rcacher havebeencomrnitted withoutweakressby NCATE the In 2002Hope'eEducationDeparinentwasre'accredited andwascalled,by the extemalreview Nationalcouncil for Accieditationof TgacherEduoatiotr, progrsm team,alroxemplalyteaohereducation overmanyyears'their commirnentto lncreaslng facultyhavealsodemonsrated, OurEducal.ion thelumberofwell-qualifiedK'12 scienceteachers.In 1989,for example,the Education the receivi a $500,000grantfrom theKelloggFoudation whichenhanced Deoanment Hope's Morcrecently, teachers' andpre-service in-servica for elementary ofscience teaching in the development Depaltrneuts-collaborated andPhycics/Engineering Psychology, Educati>n, 'tecbnological to asa-meens couse literacy grantproposalto theNSFfor a of a successful just in August pfoject completed was uadr"s.tt u *ginu"ti1tg ;ducationof K- 12teachers."That of2004. sulport-for15 ole College program, wbichwill Fovidefinancial scholalship Theproposed will contributefurtherto th€excellence studins to completetheirireparationasK'12 teachers, we havealreadyattainedandwhichwe scokro cnhanco.Thefactthattbeproposalincludesan recipientsto takepartin researchwith facultymembers initiativethat;ill enablethescholarship les€arch to undelgraduate commiunent alsoreinforcesHopeCollege'slongstanding Sincerely, W(^71rt//* Dr. Nancyl,litler Deanfor SocialSciences PO BOX9OOqHOLLAND,MICIIICAN49422'9OOO PI,ACE, VANZO:RENHALL,41CSAVES / rAX 616-395-7506 616-395-7901 sPa[' gov/rcsearchadminrliewProposalstafu httD6://www.fastlane.nd. NSF Fastl-ane:: ProposalStatus 'w sF Hom. I N.s PIICO-PI anagement- I sit. M.P I GPGI GPl.{| contlct Ut I H'lP ft'tLtE ch.ts. P.owor'l I Lotout Prcp@:l Fqnction. I Hol4E i Proposal Status I MAIN' O.g.nization: HoPeCollege PanelSummarY#l Proposel umber: 0531978 Pan6l SumfiarY: lntell€dualI'lerlt preparation traditlonof sclentificresearchat Hopecollege The teacher *i rli" ii]!'i]"p'i!iii! proposal itselfs€ems with thts resear'htradition The " "rong fro; a cbse associatlon o.ooiumseemsto leneflt as well rhe mathematics include more deliberatelv to Ii *ouro u" r'"tpn''i ;|;;;;;u""t'on ;;:;;ii"".i;; plan' and the membershave a such quailfled to lmplement very weu seems team orcrectmanaoement buriea bt of expenencewlth otherNSFprojects Efoad€rlmPact of facultyin a iir-Ji"ir"".! Jtr," nrlnber of srEM reachersw t certalntybenefttthe area.The ab tty role couldhelp in the in a mentorlng wlth students rrln .off"i! i"tting to aeveloppersonalrelationships basefor the experlence add to would rehtlonshlps tho; systemattzlng i"t nton oi poi"ntif t""chers the same' to do seeklng universlties and othercolleges Summary The lotro proposalwlth clearevldenceof a planto Increasethe numberof STEMteachersplan There iiiilli implementation ofthe detalls ofthe on some bit more a elaborated r'it" iii-"i.iri;lrr'JJi theseprosrams ;f ;;osrams and acttvltles.lt wouldbe helpfulto artlculatehow ;J;;-t'";ili,;ll;th, programs ls the ;iii;;;;i;;di; ;;"dd"o new-stEmteachersthe Interactlonamonstheseextstlns proposal itself . the strengthened rhat woutd.have Hlpe co ege.anorherrtem ;;6; ;;;iilt6;-fd whlle letters. th;oushattached andsupport lnt;tvement of sch;ootdts;; il"r'ii-ti*J ili-" i" i,ior"atl;n prolects reported were not for thase prlorNSFsupport theoutcomes ii,"i" fi* U"lnl"nifO"rabte { !.ck to Prooor.l Status Dstlll for viewhg PDFflles DownloadAdgbe.AfCo-.b9.l.Re..eC.ej t{.tldxl sd{|o ronrhloo 4201wlbon Boul€vlrd,Arllnllon,Vlrghl. 22230,USA Tel: 703"292-51U,FIRS:ao0'877_a$9ITDD: 703-292'5090 I of r I!!!4.!!d 6..uritv 2:19PM 13/2005 12J httD6://*vw.fastlrne.nsf.gov/researchadniD/VievProposalstahN NSFFasfl-ane:: Proposl Status Sit PIlCO-PI Management Po|'@l Functldt l.l.p I GPG I GP|l| | co Er n I H.lD F..tl5n. Ch.ngc PEBword I Losout I HollE i : Proposal Status I MArN Organization: HoPeCollege Review #1 Proposal Numb€r: 0531978 Pcrformin9 Olganization: HopeCollege NSF Progrtm: Program RobertNoycescholarshiP Prlncipal Inve6ti9etor: Dershem,HerbertL Proposal Tltle: Program HopeCollegeRobertNoyceScholarshlp Rating: Good REVIEW: what ls the lntellectualmerlt ofthe proposedactlvlty? graduatlngSTEMeducatorsby offeringflve HopeCollegeseeksto Increaseboth numbe6 and diversityof programls limltedto exlstingHope to the ..h^r.r<hihcrA. rhcrrflnal two vearsot stuov.Recrultment mavalso th" ."cruitmentto lncludehlshschoolstudents A;iffi?fi";;iJiat;;;"rtr'orjgh of applicants Novce.pool the potentlal "tp"nJrn;l malo;, andtherebvIncrease ;";;*;;;'";;;iluers-Jt-srirur at dlsciplines for the srEM pre-college rccruitment provtde some camps ;il;;-h;"-i;;;;;atenJe rhe provlde a hrsher wotrldtrkelv vield stuaents iri higtt-schoot ffi;3;;;;;;;t"i;proairr to Insurethat the poolwill rorNovcecandldates GPArequlrement a min|mum ;;;":,;";;Jd+;id and the prosrcms dlscusses Thebulkoi the proposal in mathor the sctehces ;;;;l6is ;;;;;;; address how but do,not to build' on whlch base programs provlde a strong flelds.These in STEM currlcula partlcula rly ln preparatlon supPortr. and teacher to improve p."go.s talloi'ed would 6e tt[" .i".ii-riifiv relatlonshlps mentoring basedonthe personal Thesupportstructure, ii#. 'itino.rtureciunment. ls alsoa good "l expenence' therr undergraduate ounng siJaents ;-#[i,;il;"ril;p;;f"Jsoo partlcularly for support, maxlmum "na to 1obe morehighlicodifled drovlde neeOs startinooolnt,burperhaps college from the dlstance some areas h high-need stud€ni;teacirlng actlvity? whatarethe broaderlmpactsof the proposed prooramwouldlikelyrmprove the overallnumbe'sof shidentsenteringthe K-12 TheNovceScholarshrp the jrdv wi alsoincfease presence srEt4eoucarors ofquatifred the rieids.Additiona[y iil.irl"llr""" r" potentlally incrcasing optlons, career legtttmate fletds as and maih view s{ience ir.i.E or.tua"nt, *to In thefuture at HopeCollege students of STEI\4 the numbers summarystatement at infrastRlcture for uslngthe strongSTEM mechanisms perhaPs speclflc needsto address Thisoroposat and science of math to reciuit,retainandsupportteachers Hop;College { Sack to ProDosalstatut Detail DownloadAdobeAcrobatReaderfor viewingPDFflles lof2 Ir13/20052,19PM fff gov/r€seaJohadsiduewPmDosaDu[ulrN' httDs/w$'w.fastlane NSFFas{,an€:: ItoposalStatus t{sF Hqn. I d. ffirw coit!'t I sit6 x5F I GPGI GPx I PIlCO-PI Management chtrg' Ptt'word lk I I Lotout t Poposl functlon3 | HoME Proposal Status I MAIN! Organization: HoPeCollege Review #2 ProPo!€l Numbsr: Parforming Organization: 0531978 HopeCollege PlinciPal lnvostlg.torl Propo6.l fitls: Program RobertNoYceScholarship Dershem,HerbertL Program HopecollegeRobertNoycescholarshlp Rating: Good i{sF Program: RErr'lEW! merlt of the what is the Intellectual proposedactlvltv? -"' f; llfiTtl$:.l,l#':r'ru?3il:"r*:":' i'":3'"fl H,'i;1,.iii"'hr,s::"j#:ifl proposed activltv? whatarethe broaderlmpactsofthe technorosv' o''"rence' o""""n"" :liifJ:fllil#a:'fi:'f:Ll'J;xT"li"il#1"J":r1'.1,u,$" Statement Summary H*#***i***[{***H** plan,andstatethattheywr gk P*r"iilruin,ng wth anemphasis recrultment to ueexcellent, .-, groupsTheTience_un^oere''--_'whetherthe tuiuon, underrepresented rugh "p-p""o giventhe pirttcltaay r"T31'l:i"-*^liilio'n,ii small relativelY a from sivento undersraduate oi iili"* ["".n"o I ;cholarshipswlll be able to atLrac an Auur ":*."llence student populatbn PDFffles DownloadAdobeAcrobatReaderfor viewing l2lr3/20052:20PM httos://flww.fastlane.nd.gov/&searc$adsinfuiewPmp0salilaltt$lE NSFFastlltre :: ProposalStatrs ffisw PI/cO-Pt M.nagement PFp€al functids sitG r|.D I GlG I GPil I conttclut- | F..tL.n. n.lp I logout CrF.sG P.3*od I HOMEI ProPosal StatUS I urur : oloanlzatlonr Hope college Review#3 Proposal llumbcr: 0531978 Pe]fotming Organization: HopecolEge NSF Program: PdnciP.l hv€6tl9.tor: Program Robet NoYceScholaGhlP Dershem,HerbertL Propot.l Tltl€! Program HopeCollegeRobertNoyceScholarship R.tlngl Good REvlEwt actlvlty? merltofthe proposed whatls the Intellectual Insurethat majo6would-h€lp for'sclerce opportunltles research hlstorYof undergr€duate Instltute HooeCollege's iloward-Hughesf'ledlcal graduaung rom tne prc;;;.-;I" r'ighitqu"trn"ol teacheG the scrence camp sclence summer rheHope v""t res€ar.noppo*unt'"' 'ot.ti"J'lioiJ" iir'dr"]i oranrwtttDrovlde scholars' Novce to the " studene oppor.tuntt'et il-piti]iiie rn'iJtirng *ltf' pattners ;'ll alsoorovldeadditlonat rnthe regionthrougn sitroot wtttr "no oi;i;ooiit'on n'"tory alsohasa lone-.tunotng Thecolleqe on commtaees membershrp to ttuo"ntt' to teacne'slJiJtlnt"t'ont iili., i'i?i.ir!-"iiil", o;v-etop,nenf andlocalschoolboaros. adlvltY? ofthe proposed whatarethe broaderlmpacts wlllhelpreducethe Program the NoyceSchola6hlp throLlqh teachers The15sTEIvmalorswhobecome the retentlon anii'iirt siroigiittatntnguil heiplncr€ase rnscrence teacntng of olrt-of-fleld Instances and to-ldentiry colle€e for !h€ penoo.protecl' *ci pii"iJ"i"^ 6pp"nunrt prolect' ratedunnqthe Induction An-other scho"ol hlgh strll In ar; they whrle canoro;te; mentororospecve mlnorttyteachrng lor students wlthminoritycanaraates eO''caiion founo"t'on,'nuo'uJ'i-e"cfrei fundedby theTempleton the wlth relatlonshlps tong-stanotng to rn" .r"u .,.. or.n-"itt-egi teaas Retdptacement. tntenstve long'termmentorlng encouraging oraduates, Statement Summary MentonngofteachersdUrhgtheinduct|onperiod|snotsystemat|c;mostcompon.entsofthementor GPA periooandareveryInformalA mlnimum 'hig]n o"u",op"oouflneihliilservice deoenduoonretationship. of the evidence arechosenNo qt'ahtysttrdents wo,tanetpto 'ns"'etiiai for Noycescholarships from candidates teaching science ina rirattr *r.^"iiuppo? of newinir"oruour".o devetooment grouPs underrepresented < Btck-to PJooQBtl Stttrl5 D!t'i! DownloadAdobeAcrobatReaderforviewlngPDFfiles l2l1^3l2ffi52.2OPM I of2 htpJ/www.fastlare.nS.gov/researciadmh'liewPr0posal NSFFastlane:: ProposalSlatls SitG il.p PIlCO-PI titanagement Prco6al I GPG I GPH I Co.ltGtU'- I F..tL!n. r.rp Ch.ngc P€sword I losout Fun uoE I Hot'lE 7 Proposal Status I MAINl org.nizstlon: HoPecollege Review #4 Propo6al Numb€r: 0531974 Pe]formlng Organization: HopeCollege NSF Program: Princlpsl InY€stig.tor: Propo6.l Tltlc! Rob€rtNoycescholarshlpProgram Dershem,HerbertL Program HopeCollegeRobertNoyceScholarshlp nating: REvlEw! actlvlty? merltof the proPosed what lsth€ lntellectual wlth|n forteacherpreparatlon the NoyceScholarshlps ls sltuatlnq ofths proposal Oneof the strengths are College Hope at resea.rch fot una"rgraduale '". researcn. ioiiiOifririt of sctentrnc sucha rtchrradttton ln engaged she he or lf t""ngths t"-nv nrgnsili;ii*ouii Orlr|g A teachertntne puorrc vervlmpr€sslve pnogram teacherpreparatlon in]l*i! orL.lr"..n ,r'.ughouttireundergraduate actlvlty? whatarethe broaderlmpactsofthe proposed of teache6wlllbeof greatInterest In the preparatlon research in sclentlflc Therot€of dlrectengagement demonstrates ;ii;i'rtiy wtitiott'er jtltitttit fundedprolects ThePrlorhvolvement for otherhstltutlons. the clatmfor duppo't "tternatlv certatnlv r't'i'gr""n an exceenttradluonof m"n"g,ngp.oJ"ct,"rii'ft]iiini. envlronment 6 res€arch-rlch summaryStatement Inthe lasttwoyearsof of students to the schooldlstrlctsIn sucntnlnosasthe mentoring Theoutreach staff Theres€arch and plrt tacutty ot tne hnh school|s lmpresslve, q,rt" " to-rn'itlnion tne wrth benchresearch with ln"tlit'at "no wiif;elo rne cnarrenge emohasts ls welldocumentea probabrv rs happen "ntnut'astit wrlr this now atl stuaents the newteaahe;ioGain wlth ;*lil-til ;l;i;;;6 w-eall knowexcellent ";able ,i" iia-ti;of the pmposal. no,,n". .unfort.,natelv, oartof vourptan,butwaa prepararron wlll benetit.rom vour "'"o.,n Thefietdofteacher gtftedteachers, i""l!""i.i"" iii teachlns' enthusiastic wlth r;seirch solld ;;;.;t;"* il"".irris prog.amit vou canrneise ;::il;;"t"d 'l Sack to Prooo6ll Strtu6 Det'il DownloadAdobeAcrobatReaderfor vlewingPDFflles 1of2 2:20PM 12113/2005 httos:rk w.Sstlarc'nsf.govftes€archadoinlviewPropoglstatusRe NSFFastlnnei I ProposalStatus sit Wffi PI/CO-PI l4anagementPEDGJ FurctloF .D I GPGI GPx I cont€Gt tl6 | F..tL!n. HclB Ch.ng. D...wdd I Lo(root I Hol'4E7 Proposal Status I talrr r organizstlon: HoP€College Review #5 Proposal Numbar: 0s31978 P€rfoaming Organization: HopeCollege NSF Progr.m! PrlnciPal hv€stigator: Prcgram RobertNoyceScholarshlp Dershem,HerbertL Propor€l Tltl.! Program Hop€CollegeRobertNoyceSchol6rshlp Ratingl REVIEW! adlvlty? merltof the proposed what lsthe lntellectual Notclearlyartlculated. activlty? Whatarethe broaderlmpactsof the proposed In teaching poolwlllhelpreducethe out-of-fleld appllcant to the natlonal Adding15newteachers andsclence. math€matlcs Statement Summary duringthe flrstfew the profession the numberof teache6leavlng doto reduae Whatwllltheapplicant gNen. Onpage4 several not qoils is wtltOeachtlvea on now-6e yearsofteachtng? A cteardescnphon A Scholarshlp.Program? the Noyce wlth be ahgned wrll thei now arementtoneo, oroiects/Dartnershlps candldates the match to planis notspe;lflid wh;t crteriawlllbeused ii,iiiiiti,'Jii Ji-"i'iii ""6luatlon wltha facultymentor? { Bask to Prooolrl st'tqs OqlEil for vlewing PDFfiles DownloadAd9.b.€.acrqbat.Re€der I{rrl.ml sdqF F.und'tloo Arllngton,vtrginla222fo, USA 42ol wllsonBoulevard, Tar:td3-292-5111,FIR5:800-377'8339| TDo: 703-292'so90 lofl .P.dqa*rnd s!s!!H 2t20PM 1211312005 govh€s€arcbadmiDliewkoposalstatus ww.fastlane.nd. httpsJfu NSFFastlfle ::PloposalStatus NsF H6m. I d. I Sib r|.p PIICO-PI Management PoDoel Pfoposal run.floB ChEnC. Pdord I HOMEt' StatUS I urul r r& | llclD I Loeod I GPG I GPx I cnt*t F..tL.n. collese Hope orsanrzation: Review #6 PloDosel Number: 0531978 Performlng Organlzation: HoPecollege l{SF Program: Program RobertNoyceScholarship Plincipal tnvostigatori Dershem,HerbertL Proposal ThlG: Program HopeCollegeRobertNoyceScholarshlp Ratlng: Good REVIEw! Whatls the Intelledualmerlt of the proposedactlvlty? commltmentto sclenceeducatlonand proposesto lbteg€te Thls orooosalbulldson a strongInstltulonal seve;al;xisthg activltles(HopecollegeSummerSclencecamp, etc. ) to effectlelyrecrultand retah future STEMteache6 what ar€ the broaderlmpactsofthe proposedactivity? The lncreaseof 15 new STEMt€achers. SummaryStatement This ls an adequateproposal.Thereare a numberofquerstionsleft after reathg the proposal(1)Math seemsto be a; afteithdughts,(2) Ther€ls no evldenceof support(no leRer)from areaschooldlstrlcts, studentsfrom in recrulhng/retarnhg (3) Ihere is llRleto showhow thev wlll be successful inierr"resented groups,(4) there is llttle researchbaslsto thelr app.oach.Therels a strongevaluatlon plan. < 3lckto Propolalstrtu3 Datail Acroba!Be€derfor viewhgPDFfiles Adob.C Download rt|.trEr s<idn F4.d!tim 42ol wllsohBoul.vard,Arllngton,vlrghls 22230 "c^ FlRs:aoo-s77-a$9 lrDD: rorlidzlioso Ter:7o3-292-s111, lofl PdEellll| SrF-ulllr 2120PM 1211312005