pRtNClpAL INFORMATIoN ABOUT tNvESTtGATORS/pROJECT DTRECTOBS{pt/pD) and co-PRINCIPAL INVESTtcATORS/cGPFOJECT DIFECTOFS SubmitonlyONE copyof this formfor eachPUPDand co-Pl/PDidenlitied onthe proposat. Thetorm(s)shoud be attached lo theo ginal proposalas specified in GPGSectjonll.B.Submission oi lhis information is volunliry;ndis nota precondilion of award.Thjsinfonnailon will not be disclosedto externalpeet reuiewerc.Do NoT INCLaDETHISFqRM VITH ANyoF 'TEEOTHERCO|IES OF TOUR\RO\OSALAS THIS MAY COMPROMISETHE CONFIDENTIAUTY OF THE INFORMATION. pUpDName: Herbert L Dershem Gender: (Choose Ethnicity: onoresponse) Race: (Selecl oneormore) I lvale E American Indianor AiaskaNative E Femate orLatinoI NotHispanic orLatino E Hispanic E Asian orAlfican American D Elack E NaiiveHawaiian or OtherPacificlslander I Whil€ DisabilityStatus: (Selectore or more) tr tr tr o tr Hearing lmpairm6nt Visualmpairment I\,{obility/O.thop€dic lmpairnent Olhsr Non€ Citizenshlp: (Chooseone) I U.S.Citizon E Permanonl Besidsnt E pllpDname): Checkherclf youdo notwlshto provldeanyofallof theaboveInfomatlon(exctudlng Olhernon-U.S. Citizsn E FEQUIRED: Checkhereit youarecufientlyserving(orhaveprcviously served) asa pl, co,plorpDon anyfedorally tunded prolect a EthnicilyDeflnlllon: Hlspanlc or Latlno.A percon of [,4gxican, Puorto Bican, Clban,SouthorC€ntral American, oroth€rSpanish c(rturoororigin, regardless ol tace. RaceDefinitlons: Amerlcan IndlanorAlaskaNativ6. A percon having origins inanyol thsorlginalp€oples ot NorthandSouthAm€rica (including Contral Arnerlca), andwhomainlains tribalatliliatjon orcommunity altachmenl, Asian,A person having origins inanyol lh€originalpeoples ol thsFarEasl,Souiheasi Asia,orthelndiansubconlinent inctudlng, tor examp s, Cambodia, China, lndia,Japan, Koroa, lvlalaysia, Pakistan, thePhilipping lslands, Thailand, andVigtnam. Blackor AfricanAmerican. groups A person having origins inanyol th€blackracial oi Al ca. NativeHawaiian or OlherPacltlclslander. A porsonhaving o ginsin anyol thsoriginapsoples ol Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, orotherPacific lslands. peopl€s While.A person having origins inanyol theoriginal ol Europe, thellliddle East,orNorthAl ca. WHYTHISINFORMATION IS EEINGREOUESTED: The FederalOovemmsnt hasa coniinuing commitmenl to monilorthe operalion oi ils reviewandawardprocesses to identilyandadd@ss any inequiliesbasedon gender,race,ethnicity,or disabililyoi its proposodPls/PDs.To gatherinformation neededfor this imponant lask,lhe proposershouldsubmita singl€copy01this fom lor each identiiiedPI/PDwiih each proposal.SLjbmjssion ol lhe reouested iniormalion isvoluntary andwillnotallecitheorganization's eljgibilityloran award.However, inioffnation notsubmiiied wilise oustyLrnderrnine lhe slalistical validily,andtherefore lhe usefulness, of inlomationrecieved lromolhers-Anyindividual notwishinglo submitsomeor allthe informalion shouldcheckihe (Th€sxceptions boxprovided forthispurpose. arethePllPOnarneandtheiniomation aboutpriorFederatsupport, the lasiouestion above.l Collection ot lhis infomalionis aulhodzed by lhe NSFAcrof 1950,as amended, 42 U.S.C.1861,et seq.Demographic dataattowsNSF10 gaugewhelheroLrrprograms and otheroppoduniiies in scienceandtechnology are laidyreachingand benelitingeveryone rsgadlessol groupshavelhe sameknowl€dge demographic calegoryilo ensurelhatthosein under-represented ol andaccesslo programs andother research andeducalional oppuriunities; andlo assessinvolvement oi intenational investigators in wo* suppoared by NSF.Theinfonnalion may be disclosed to govemmenl coniTactors, experis,volunleers and researchers lo completeassignedwork;and to oihergovemment agenciesin orderto coordinate and assessprograms. The lnlormaijon rnaybe addedto the Reviewerlile and usedto selectpotenlial 1oseNeas peerreviewers candidales or advisorycomrnitlee mernberc. SeeSysiemsol Recofds,NSF-50,"Principal Investigato/Proposal 'Reviewe/Proposal FileandAssocialed Records' 5, 1998),andNSF-51 FileandAssociated , 63 FederalFegisler267 (January Fecords", , 63 FederalBegister 268(January5,1998). NSFForm1225(10/99) ililililffiil COVERSHEETFORPROPOSAL TOTHENATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION PFOCRAM ANNOUNCeMENI/SOLICITATON No"/CLOS|NG OAtErd NSF00-107 FORNSFUSEONLY 09n5/00 NSFPROPOSAL NUMBER FORCONSIDEBATON BYNSFOFGANTZATTON UN|T(S)(htrrbhrq.rx!dllnM,ii.qn4ffi,e) 0097464 EIA - CISERF^SEARCH INF'RASTRUCTURE )ATEBECEIVED OFCOPIESDIVISION I NUI!,IBER (tuu"'sdMtuios'tu) ASSIGNEDFUND coDE IDUNS# I F|LELocAt6F 050947084 €MPLOYER IOENTIFICAIION NUMSER IEIN)OF TAXPAYEFIOENTIFICATION NUMBEFCTN) sHow PBEVTOUS AWARD NO.tFTU|StS tr ANACCOMPLISHMENT-8ASED FENEWAL 16TH]SPROPOSAL BE]NG SUEMIITED TO ANOiHERE6EdT AGENCY?YESO NOE IFYES,LISTACRONYMSG} 381381271 NAMEOFOSOANIZATION TOWHICI]AWABD SHOULD BEMAD€ AOOFEsS OFAWAFDEE OBGANIZATION, INCLUDING 9 DIGITZIPCOOE HopeCollege P.O.Box9000 Housnd,MI. 494229000 AWAFD€E ORGANIZATION COOE(F XNOl/ll\l 002n3nw I1AME OFPEFFOBMINO OBGANIZATION, iF DIFFEBENT FFOMABOVE ADORESSOF PEBFOqMNO OCCA\IzATION,IF D FFECEAT, INCLUOIAG 9 DIGITZ,PCOOE PEAFOBMNO OFOANIZATON C,ODE(IFKiiOWNI |5 AMnDEE ORoANTZATTo (Ch&* AI TtEtAppty) ls!. GP0ll.0.tForDothtddr) TFOF.PROF|TOBGAN]Z TON qSMAILBUSINESS DMtNOFtTyBUS|NESS O WOMAN.OWNED SUsINESS Nrl.E OFPFOPOSED FFOJECTmfj Slt ! An Und€rgrsduate Res€arch Psrtlciprtionpmgram in Computer FEQUESTED A,\'OIJNI PFOPOSEo (1€0MoNrHst BEOUESTEO OUBATTON 6IABTNGDATE SHOW FELAIEO PFEPFOPOSAL NO., 36 nonrra 02lowl CHEC|(APPBOPFIATE BOX(ES) IFTHISPBOPOSAI INCLIJOE6 ANYOFTIE IIEMELISTED BELOW tr aEotNNlNo tNvE6TtoAloF {0p0LA.sJ trVEFTEBBATE ANIMALS(OPS II,D.12) IACUCAP', r 159,300 tr olscLosuFE oFIoBBYNGAcTtvtTtES tOpG l.O.ll tr PFOPFIEIARY TPAIVILEOED INFOFMATION {CPGII,O.1OI O NANONAL ENVIFONMENTA! POLICY ACT(OPO II.D.JOI tr HtsToFlc FL cEstcPo ,D,to) oSVALLGFANT FOhEXpLOi. FESETCCH (SOEF)(Cpc LO.t2, Deprrtmeotof CompuhrSci€nce 616-395-7123 Ilerbelt L De$hem Received:09/15/2000 Ph.D, tr HUMAN (oPO SUBJECTS [,D.12) Er.mprrd &bE iotr_ ortFAApp, ort. E NTEENATIONALCOOPEBATIVE ACTIVIIIE$COUNTFY/COUNTBIES D FACILITAI1ON FOBSOIENTIST&INOINEEFS WITNDISABILITIES {OPOV3,) O AESEAFCI'] OPPORTUNIIY AW.AfiO IOPGV.HI PUP_DIOSTAL 4^O.DRESS HopeColl€g€ Hollind, MI 494229000 UnitedSbtes 1969 6l&38s.7s0E CERTIFICATION PAGE Certification for PrincipalInvestigators andCo-principal Investigators: I cdity b or myknowradsa that: (1)lh6 sratematstuBii (exctuding scisntfc hyporhesos 6ndlcienliticopinions)a@truoandcomptole, and (2)rtul6tlandqdphsha.an6wenasanvac.ompanyingpublimlonsorothordocuments,unt;$oheMisondicaiad,areth€orgnatwo*ofih€ ndffiheispoNision.I a9@ roaccapr Esponsibiu! torthescienliic conduct otthapmj6claid roprcvida lh6 €oLtrod 0!9 es sporkilar aead is tradoasa Bsulrortl.s prop.set. undorclandlhalthow lulprdslonoitas€inlomationorcon@a nqa m6i6riallaol nthsprcposatoranyothafcomhui€tionsubmredroNsF€a (U.S.Cods, c minaoliense Tl6 lS,Section 1001t. 'cs"u HerbertL Dershem a a ti Certification for Authorized Organizationat Representative or Individual Applicant: 8y siqnng€ndsubmifiing thispbposatt& individuEt appticant orrh6authoiz.doficE ot lh66ppedrnghtuions i1l@dlvrnothat siat€m€.ts madahorcin6€lrusandmmp6le rothebostolhidhsrrnowtedOe:and (2)aoEe'no roa@pl thsob oEiion io;niy wiihNSF awadtehs€ndmndionsilanaqadsmads6saGsuftolhbappcdtion Fudher,lhoappt@ntish6Fbyprovtdinoenificalong rcgadingF6daEd6btstalos,dsbahonl andsusp6neion, druO.troo wo*p ac., andtobbyingaolviii* (sa6b6ow),as d bnh i. CBnt ProtosalGu ds (GPG), NSF0G2.W tulprcvision othle. iolofratDnh lhis6pp@l'onana !supponing d@ud6nlso. n FpodsBqurco L l d 6 r 1 1 6 1 r L ' l 0 s w a d i s a d T roaf i . r o . L s c o d s , - r 6 1 3s e c r o it o o l l In addilion,il th6qpPenl instluliononployshorc thanliily por6onE, lh€ aulho'izedotlicialol theappliclnlinstitutoi s eniti.s ihattho nstituton hqs mprom0nleda wdllsi ando.lor€d conlliciot intorost po cylhal b @.sisiod w ln theprovisions ol O6nt PollcvManuatSocron s 1o: lhdrlo thobosr olhdhorknowl6dse,slliinancaldiscGur€sGqubdbylhat@ilclotnloEstpocyhaveb6dnn6dsraidthataUidentitiadconttlctso|ntaEsrwt have b6on salislaclorly haiag6d, rcdu6d or elin naiodprior1othe Nrirution'sexpenditu G ol anylundsondd th€awad, i. a@odane withrE in6tituiion Bconllcl ot int€bst pollcyConlliclwhlch€ niot bs sdtsiactoritymanas6d, rodu@do| € minaledmu6tbodlscossdto NSF Debland Oebahenl Cerlificatlon6 6xplanat on.) {ltanawer'y.3lo oilh.r,pra$Bprovide lslheorcanialion dolnqua.tonEnyFed6faldebt? pEsillyd€ba'Ed,su6p6nd6d, lsth6oeaniaiion prcpoedtordebamont, or c pincipals d6cl6rod liEllsibr., orvotunlaity s|c udsd rrom6v6redtGmaclions byanyFsdBEl d6panm6hl oraosncy? Y6str NoE NoE CeftificationRogardlng Lobbylng Thiscodt elion ieEqurcdlofanaward gEnl,or@opoElivo ol a F€dsEl@nkacl, .grc6m6nt oxcoodins $1oO,oOO andtofanaw6dot a F6d6Et toanor provid gl5O,OOO 6 conmitmonl nolorih. UniladStat€s b insuEorsuaEnia.a todnoxcesdiis for Contracts, Cerlificalion Grsnls,LoansandCooperative Agreements ThouidodOned€ni$,rolh6b6srol hisorherknowLadgo andb6ti6l, ihEl (1)Notsdaraapptoptialediundshavobeanp6ldorwillb6paid,byoronbshalloilhsund6BOnad,toanyp€Mnlofintuancinooranonplingtonflu6nce anorii€ror.mpoyesol any6gancy, a I\r6mbd.rC!nq@ss,6. olii€f of ampoy6.otCongro6s, ofanampoyB6 ora M6mber ot Consrcss i; @nnoction wllhlho awadiiC oi 6nyl6d6rEconlhcl,thonakinool a.y FsdoElsEnl, th6nakinsot sny FodaErro.n,rh6enrornqInroot anycmp;atve aOrc6m6nl, andth€oxtoruon,6nl nualion,ronewal,am€ndma nt oI modI @tionol anyF€dant mnlEct, Otsnt,t@., or @op6r6iiv6 aOb6ment. (2)llanylundsolhorthan Fa&GlapprcFai6dlundshavob6onpaidof w ll b6paidio anyporson ngoranenplinstoinituenc6.n dfiicer or employea or anyag6ncy,a Momborol conoB$, anolrid or enployosoi ftnoEs6, or anonproy€ooi a lrohb6r ot ConOrcss in mnneclionwiththis ,,Disctosure gEnr,loan,d @op6fatvo FodaEl@nt€d, agrcomonri $6 und66On.d 6haloompot3and submit StandadFom-LLL. Fom to Rsoon Lobbyin0, n ac@dan€ withils iistucions. (3)Ih. undaGioned shallBquna$at ih6language ol lh s cenicalio.b6incud6dinthoa{a.ddeumonlsiora | dubawads al atliioEinctud nd submntacls, subs'anl6, andconlhctsunddgEnL,loansand@op6htivoagEamsnts6ndiharattsubEciptsnlsshat6dtyanddscosoaa;dhoty This@dt€lion is a miar al bpbssnialion oi iactuponwhichBlian€w5splaced whe.lhistGnsctimwasmad.orentorod inlo Submission otthis conil€lionisapB.aquisitolo|makinoor6nl6nginrorhslia.saclionmposedby6ectoi1352IIo3],u.S.Cod6 AnVp.rsonw6olaitsio f 6 rh6 tsquiEdcdnifelionshalb6sub€cttoaciviloonalrvolnore$lhan$10m0.ndndtnor6thahfi00m0l. AUIHORIZED ORGANIZATIONAL REPFESENTAT VE DATE (TYPED) NAMVTITLE 08/07/00 ELECTFONIC MAILAOORESS .SUBMISSION OFSOCIAL SECUBITY NUMBEBS S VOLIJNTAFY ANOWILL NOIAFFECTTHE OFGAN]ZATION'S ELGIBILITY FOFANAWABD. NOWEVER, THEYAREAN ]NTEGRAL PARTOFIHE NFOBMATION SYSTEM AND'€SISTINPBOCESSINc TNEPFOPOSAL SSNSOLICITED UNDER NSFACTOF1950,ASA]\'ENDiO Project Summary TheHopeCollegeREU programin ComputerScienceis designed to providepromising undergraduates with an intensiveandmeaningfulresearch experience thatwill encouagethemto considera careerin computersciencercsedch.Our goalis to exposestudents to thetechniques, attitudes,andrewardsof computerscience.esearch andto provideencowagement anddircction in thepursuitof sucha careerthroughclosecollaboration with a facultymentoton a significant project.Wewill makeextensive effots to includequalifiedfemaleandminoritygroupstudents amongtheparticipants. Eachyear a partnerunderyraduateinstitution will be selectedwherethereis presently insufficientinfrastructure for a sfong undergmduate progmmin computerscience. research One facultymemberfrom thepartnerinstitutioflwill be invit€dto participate joining program, in this threeor four HopeCollegefacultymembersasresearch mentors.In addition,two students from thepartnerinstitutionwilljoin threeHopeCollegestudents andthrcestudents frcm otherinstitutionsasstudentpafiicipants. The studentparticipants will resideon theHopeCollegecampus,spendinga minimumof 40 hoursper weekon research activitiesfor a l0 weekperiod.Eachparticipantwill work in close collaboration with a facultymentorandbegivenexclusiveuseof a workstationon theHopeCollogeCompuierSciencenetwork.The development of communication skills will beemphasized prcsentthgirresultsduringsummerseminars, by havingparticipants at theirhomeinstitutionduryear,andat a rcgionalor nationalconforcnce. ing thefollowingacademic In addition,theparticipantswill preparea research reportandan onlineposterdescribing theirwork. ProjectDescription Introduction The NSF-REUPlogran hasallowedthe ComputerScienceDepartmentat Hope Collegeto successfully prepd. undergraduates for careersin computerscienceresearchfor the past nine yean. In addition,over rhisperiod of tim€ this supporthasenableda numberof other institurionsto strengthenrheir undergraduate computerscience researchprogramsthroughcollaborationandconsultationwith thoseparticipatingin this pmgram.The successof the programandthe plansfor the next three-yearperiodare describedin this proposal. I 0verview 1,1 Objcctivesand IDtendedImpsct The objectivesof this projectare: to encourageand motivateundergraduate participantsro pursuecaree$ in ComputerSciencercsearch to supportandenhanceundetgraduateresearchandinstructionin the Hope CollegeComputerScjenceDepanmenr to provide a model for ComputerScienceundergraduate rcsearchfor otherprimarily undergraduate institutions to encouageand supportundergmduateresearchat institutionsthat presentlylack the infrastructue to support suchresearch . !o increasethe numberof undergraduaies ftom groupsundenepresenled in computerscienceresearchwho are consideringsuchcareers ' . ' . As a result of this project, we expectthat the CompurerScienceundergraduate researchprogramat Hope Collegewill continueto havea majorimpacton thestudents, faculty,andcurriculumofthe department. We atso expectthat as a result of their paJticipation,the siudentandfaculty participantsin this programwill play a role in incrcasingthe presenceandimportanceof undergraduate r€searchat many other institutions,andas a result,the entirecomputerscience academic communitywill benefit. 1.2 ThrgetedStudentParticipants This projectwill targerstudentswith an intercstin andaptitudefor a researchcarcerin computerscience. Thesestudentswill be studcntsattendingHopeColl€ge,studentsfrom an annually-selected predominantlypa ner institution, andfrom other institutionsthroughoutthe United States. undergraduale Throughour recruitingefforts w€ will specificallytargetqualified females,minoriry group members,and siudentsattendinginstitutionswith linited opportuniticsfor undergraduate research. 1,3 IutellectualFocus The r€searchprojectsthat will be carriedout underthis projec will b€ chosenaccordingto the following criteriar (1) lhe project will be one that the faculty h€ntor is interestedin, enthusiasticabout,andqualified to carry out, (2) the project is accessibleto undergraduates and will engagestudentsin activities that will exposethemto the techniques,the process,and the rewardsof computerscienceresearch,and (3) exrendthe knowledgebaseof computerscience.In our local progran, the firsr.wo criteda will be of higher prioriry rhancrirerion 3. It is expectedthat the mentorandher stud€ntteamwill work on their proj€ct in a ctose,collaborarive 1.4 OrganizationalStructure The Principal Investigator will havefiru responsibilityfor . recruiting faculty mentors . definition anddescriptionof projects . preparingpublicity andapplicationmaterials . selecaingundergraduateparticipants ' adrninistrationof the surrmsr Drosriun . carrying out all assessment andreportingactivities The Fsculty Mentors will serve,along wirh ihe principal Investigator,on rhecornmitteethat selects participantsfrom amongthe applicants.They will also supervisea singleproject with oneto three undergraduate undergaduatecollaborators. 1.5 Timetable The following is the timetablefor the threeyearsof the projectl Activity Facultyrecruitedandproject defined 20o1. 2002 2003 Sept - Dec of the precedingyear Publicity andapplicationmatedalsdishibuted Jan15,2001 ApplicationDeadline Feb20,2001 Feb2O,2O02 Feb20, 2003 Offersextended to undergraduatos Mar l, 2001 Beginningof research period May29,2O01 May28,2002 May27,2003 Endof research period Aug 3, 2001 Annualprcgress reportsubmitted to NSF Nov15,2001 Nov 15,2002 Nov15,2003 Follow-up activities Iar 15,2.402 Jan15,2003 Mar 1,2002 Mar 1,2003 AuE2,2OO2 Aug 1, 2003 The followingacademicyear 1.6 InstitutlonalCommitment TheComputerScienceDepartment andHopeCollegearecommittedto theprinciplethatexcellence in undergmduate education mustincluale activestudentinvolvementinsignificantresearch.In supportofthis commitment, thecollegewill providehousingto participants in thisprogramat one-halfthenormalcostaswell as providingrll of theservicesnormallyavailablero HopeCollegesurnmerstudents, Theseservicesincludeuseof th€ physicalactivitiescenter,the carcerandcounselingcenter,the library, andcomputerfacilities. In particular,each participantwill b€ given exclusiveuseof a workstationon the depa.rtrnent's nerworkfor the ten-weekperiodof the Program. The collegesupportsresearchefforts of faculiy andstudentsthroughreleasetime for faculty, faculty developmentgrants,tfavel funds to scientific meetings,acquisitionandmaintenaoceof hardwareandsoftware, generalsecretarial andclericalsupport,andfundsfor expendable supplies, Thesewillall be providedin supportin supponof theactivitiesof thisprojec!for borhtheHop€CollegefaculrymentorsandthevisitiDgfacultymentor. In addition to the eight annualparricipantssupportedby rhe NSF-REUfunds,addirionalundergraduate researcheNwill be supportedby otherfunds availableto Hop€Collegeandthe faculty mentors.During the nine year period of previousNSF-REUsupport,T2 undergraduate reseatche$haveparticipatedin this programwith 57 of them supportedby NSF-REUfunds andthe remaining15 supportedby other is expectedthat this ratio will continueduring the next threeyeals. The Fdl UndergraduateComputerScienceResearchSynposium, describedlarer in rhis proposal,will be fully fundedby HopeCollegeasa part of its institutionalcommirnenrto this project. 2 NATIJR.EOF STUDENT ACTIVITIES 2.1 Studentlnvolvement The studentparticipantsin this projectareexpectedto spenda minimum of40 hoursper weekfor 10 we€ks on the researchprcject to which they are assigned.Bachstudentis assigneda faculry mentor,two or morestudents being assiFed to eachmentorand working as a team.Early in rhe program,the srudentswork closely with their mentors'but as they gain experiencethey will be encouragedto work more ind€pendenrly.Eachstudentdoeslibrary researchin addition to the laboratoryresearchso tharthey becomefamilie wirh techniquesfor sedching andusing 2,2 StudentOrientation The P.I. servesasthe programcoordinatorandis responsiblefor rhe adrninistrativederajlsincluding housingarrangements, stipendpayments,menrorassig4ments,schedulingof startingdatesfor students,the seminar progran, organizingsocialactivities, andsubmissionof progressreports.It is particularly importantfor the p.L, with assistancefrom the Hope Collegestudentparticipants,to provide an orientationto the campusandthe departmentfor the non-Hopestudentparticipants.All studentsreceiv€an orientationro the departmentallaboratory facilities, both hardwareand software,andthe libnry facilities, particularlyrhe useof vaious researchtools. During the orientationperiod,eachmenroralsoprovidesher studentswith rhe particularinformarion neededto cany out the assienedproject. 2.3 Weekly Seminars Eachweeka seminaris held that will be attendedby all studentsandfaculty. Early in the projectperiod, eachstudentor teampresentsoneseminatdescribingthe natureof theproblem being investigatedand a research plan. At the endof the projectperiod,eachstudentpresentsthe resultsof the researchproject. In additionto ihesestudentpresentations, otherseminarsincludefaculty presentationson tdsearchmethods, technicalwritingandpresentation, andtheuseof variouscomputerresources, Also,Hopealumniwhoafecurently at0endinggraduateschoolin computersciencepresentseminarsandinformally meetwith the reseajchstudentsto descfibethenalureof graduate studyin computerscience. Whenpossible, lhis meetingis heldon lhecampusofa graduate school.Othorspeakers from exrefialorganizations will be includedwhenavailabl€. In therecentyears, speakeN fromMicrosoftandtheNationalInstituteof Heahhhavemadepresentations, 2.4 Student-FacultyCommunication In orderto achievethegoalsofrhis project,it is vitally importantthat therebe extensive communicarion participant betwe€ntheundergraduate andherfacultymentor.This will takeplacein thefollowingwaysl . Prior to the summerthe nentor wiu give rhc panicipantpreparationinsiructionsthroughemail. . During the sumrnerthe mentorwill meet with her researchteama minimum of lwice eachweek,past expedencehasshownthat thesemeetingsoccul muchmorefrequently, . All faculty mentorsattend€achweekly seminarmeeting. ' A weekly lunch or othersocial eventis scheduledthat includesall faculty mentorsandall undergraduate panlcrpants. ' A visit to a n€ighboringgraduateschoolandotherfield trips are scheduledlhat includefaculty menrorsand undergraduates, . The faculty mertor continuesto work with undergraduate participantsin rhepreparationof posFsummer presenrafionsandpapers. 2,5 Student-Student Communication In addition to the weekly seminars,therewill be otheractivities andsituationsthat involve student-studenr . . . . All studentworkstationsar€in the samelaboratory. Studentswill live in the sameaparunentbuilding and,whenpossiblesharethe sameapartmenror live in neighboringapartrnents. Weekly studentinitiated social activitieswill be scheduledfor the computerscienceundergraduales. Socialactivities are availablethat include studentsin all disciplinesthat aredoing researchon the HopeCollege campus.This includesover 10Ostudenrsin six sciencedisciplines.In rhepasttheseacrivitieshaveincluded weekly ice ffeam socials,beachvolleyball comperitions,andscavengerhunts. 2.6 ResearchPrujects The problemsdescribedbelow representresearchinterestsof Hope faculty that could be madeavailabteto undergraduate studentsasresearchprojectsjn this program.EachFoject is designedto requirethe studentto apply experienceandinformation gainedin formal classroominstruction.Theseprojectsare onty representativeof those that might be conducted.The projecisdirectedby faculry from partnerinstirutionswill be dererminedaccordingto the interestsof the faculty select€d. Proj€ct r : Objechoriented Execution Visualization Envirotrm€trt Herbert L. Dershem Previouswork hasdevelopeda numberof stand-aloneexecutionvisualizationtools for usein introducrory computerscience courses. Thesehavebeendesigned to visualizemethodcalls,objectmanipulauon, anoevenrdriven userinterfaces.This projectwill integrateand€nhancethis prcviouswork into an environmentthat rs accessible througha webbrowser.Itwill alsodevelopmaterials for usingthistool in theclassroom anddesignand implenent experimentsfor measuringits effectiven€ss. Project 2r Taklng Noteswith Handheld Devices Ryan L, McFall In thisproject,w€ se€kto ascertain theviabilityof creatinga hand-held basednotetakingsysten,in which thehand-held devicecanbe useda botha webbrowserandalsoasan inputdevice.Usinglhe emergingstandards of )Pointer,)Oink, andXSL we will attemptto createan interactive notetaking systemthatallowsrheresultingnotes to be viewedanywherethatthedevicehasnetworkconnectivily. Noteswill be shareable via thenetwork,andwill be both textual andsketch€s. Proj€ct 3: Creating a Single Computing Environment from a Handheld Network MichaelJ. Jipplng Thisprojectwillexploreandimplementthetechnology to maintaina networkof handheld computers asa platformfor distributed computingproblems. We will examinecxisting technology in bothdistributed computing (suchasPVM) andwirelessnetworking(suchastheemergingBluetoothstandard). We willjmplementexperiments usingthesemeihodsto implementa unitedcomputingplatform derivedfrom many separarewirelesslynerworked handheld machines. Project 4r Using readability m€ssuresfo €stimatesoftwar€ compl€xity Herbert L. Dershcm Previousstudentresearchhasdevelopedseveralmeasuesof softwarecomplexitybasedon formular used to estimate thereadability ofEnglishtext.Thisprojectwouldexteddtheworkdonein thefoltowingways:(l) obtainempirical databasedon comparisonsof new metricswith traditionalmetricson samplesoftware;(2) experimentwith changesin parametersin the readabilifymetricsto further reinement their accuracy;and(3) implementparsersto gvaluatgthesemetricsin a variety of languages, Project 5: Enabling R€mot€Displays on Handheld Comput€rs with Jini Michael J. Jipping This Foject will study lechnologyro enableremoredisplay andmanagementof handheldcompurers.We will examinete.hnologiesinvolved in remotedisplays(suchasthe X Window sysremandWindows,Based Terminaltechnoloeyfrom Microsoft) andthosethat enablethe networkingof handheldmachines.Specifically,the latter will be handledby experimentingwith JavaandJini technologyfrom SunMicrosystems.This projecrrequires Programningexperiencein Java. 2.7 Post-ProjectActiyities All REU participantsarerequiredto submit a final written reporton their researchactivities,an electronic posterdescribingth€ir work, andan evaluationof the overall program.The p.L andrhe mentorreconmendfollow, up activitjesfor eachpadcipant to carry our during the following academicyear.For exremalstudentsthis might involve remoteaccessto Hope college computingfaciliries aswell ascomrnunicationvia electronicmail between studentandmentor.For Hope students,rhis foltow up work may includeformal continuationof the projecrby enrollmentin the depafinental SeniorProjectSeminarand./orthe IndependentStudy/Research course.All participantsarerequiredto makea presentationof their work at their homeinstitution andto submit it for presentationat a scientific meeting.wlen appropriate,the student'swork will be includedin a publicationsubmitted to a professionaljoumal. 2.8 Fall Undergraduate ResearchSymposium Eachfall after the summerresearchprogram,we proposerheholding of a Fall UndergraduateComputer ScienceResear€h Symposium at HopeCollege.This symposium wouldprovidea forumfor all parricipants in the Hope Collegeprogramto presenttheir researchresults,but beyondthar it would includepresentationsby Hope undergrduateswho performedrcsearchin otbersettingsandstudentsfrom neighboringidstitutionsandfrom former partnerinstitutionswho haveresearchresults. Invitedto thissymposium will be all computersciencestudents at HopeCollege,neighboring insrilutions, thepartnerinstitutionfor thecurrentyear,andall formerpaflnerinstitutions. Thisone-daysymposium will bea way to havegreaterimpactonotherinstitutions, will serveasa follow-upwith formerpartnerinstitutions, andwill be an opporlunityto recarit undergraduates andfaculty for future Hopesummerresearchprograms.In addition,it wil estnblisha useful forum for studentsto presenttheir work to other studentsand faculty who havenot beenactivein research theprevioussummer. All arrangements for thisseminars will be madeby thePdncipalInvesrigator andall costswill be paidby HopeCollegeasan institutional commiimentto rhisproject. TIM RESEARCHENVIRONMENT 3.1 Principallnv€rtigator The Principal Investigatorhasbeendirecringundergraduate researchprojectsfor all of the 31 yearsrhathe hasbeenon theHopeCollegefaculty.He hasdirectedover100suchprojectsduringthattime.In addition,hehas servedas the directorof the HopeCollegeSummerUndergraduateResedchProgramin computersciencein eachof the nine yearsthat it hasexisted.He hasfurther administrativeexperiencegainedby servingfor the past25 yearsas the chair of the Hope CollegeComputerScienceDeparrment. He hasmadenumerouspreseotationsandservedon a numberof panelson undergraduate research.For the pastsix yearshe hasbeena Councilorin theMathematics andComputerScience Divisionof lheCouncilon (CUR).He hasalsoservedasa consultant Undergraduate Resear€h to manycollegesanduniv€rsities on the integraiionof undergraduate researchinto their computersci€nceprograms. 3.2 Institution HopeCollegeis a four-y€arliberal a s college(enrollmentof approximately2900 students)that is known for excellenceanda historical commitmentto undergraduate researchin scienceand marhematics.The Hope Collegefaculty and administrationareconvincedthat the training of future scientisrsis best achievedthrougha research-richcuniculum build upon collaborativeresearchbetw€enfaculty andundergraduate srudents.Hope Collegecurendy holdsfive NSF-REUgants in the disciplinesof biology, chemistry,computerscrence! mathematics, andphysi€s. In the period ftorn 1995to 2000,the Natural ScienceDivision of Hope Coltegereceived90 exremalgranrs totaling nore the $5.5 million. The Division is identified by ProjectKaleidoscopeas a model "ProgramtharWorks,' baseduponthe research-richculture that is the focus of the division's progran. Hope Collegeis one of oDlyten undergraduate insritutionsrecognizedby the NsF with an Award for Integrationof ResearchandEducation(ArRE). The ComputerScienceDepartnent hasreceivedover onemillion dollan in extemalgants in the period from 1989to 2000.During the twenry-yearperiod hom 198l-2000,the Hope CollegeCompurerScience Departmenthasgraduated259majo.Ofthose,46(18%)attendedgraduateorprofessionalschoolimmediately after gaduation and 193(7%) participaredin a ResearcMndependent Study projectduring their time at Hope.Of thoseHopestudentswho haveparticipatedin the summerresearchprognm over the pastnine years,rg% have attendedgraduateschoolimmediatelyupon graduation. 3,3 Faculty The department'sthreefaculty membersarea goodmix ofjunior andseniorfaculty. A founh faculty memberis to be hired in the 200G2001acadenicyear.Interestandability ro participateasa mentorin the summer undergraduate researchprogramis a requirementfor this position.All threeof rhe faculty hold a ph.D. in computer scienceandall are activein computerscienceresearchand haveexperiencesupervisingundergraduate research. Two of the threemembersof the faculty havebeenprincipal invesrigatorsof NationalScienceFoundationprojects. In addition,theyhavebeentherecipients of supportfor research fromothergovemment agencies includingthe Departmentof Energy,NASA, DARPA, and rheUnited StatesAir Force. In the nine yearsof REU programsat Hope,all faculty in the departmenthavesupervisedundergraduate research teams.Facultyparticipating duringthenextthreeyearswill be HerbDershem, Mike Jipping,andRyan McFall. The fourth tenure-trackfaculty memberwill be expectedto be a regularparticipantin rheREU programas Eachyear,oneexternalfacultymentoris invitedto pafticipate in rheprogram.This mentoris a facuky memb€rat an institution that doesnot presentlyhavesufficienr infrastructureto supporrandencouragesuch research.It is expected thattheexperience of parricipating in thisprogramwill €nablethisfacultymemberto establish prcgramat her institution. anactiveundergraduate Theaviilabilityofthis positionwill be announced via theSIGCSElist serverandwill alsobe publicizedthroughinformalnetworksofrhe HopeCollegefacully.Each applicantwill submira proposed projectalongwirh herapplication. research Fromamongrbeseapplicants, oneor morewillbe chosentojoin theprogramandworkwith a leamof undcrgraduates duringihecourseofthis program. Thefacultymember,ifwithin commutingdistance, will berequiredto be on !b€HopeCollegecampusworking with thestudents at leasrtwo daysofevery weekduringthelen weeksof theproject.Shewill alsoremainin contact with thestudents elecfonicallyon theremainingdays.It is expected thata differentinstitutionwill be represented by an externalfacultymembereachof thelhreeyearsofthis project.Supportis requested to reimburse thetravel expenses for a neaby facultymemberor to subsidize housingcostsfor onebeyondcommutingdistance. Threeexternalfaculty mentorspanicipatedin the programfrom 1998ro 2000.They werel . Alyce Brady, Kalomazoo College . Myles McNally, Al|na College . Gary L€wandowski, Xavi€r UDiv€rsity (Ohio) As a result of thesepastcollaborations,two papershavebeenpublishedand foul conferencepresentations madeby thefacultyandstudents at theseinstitutions. In addition,throughtherelationships established with these other institutionsthroughthis program,oneinstitution hasreceivedequipmenthom rheHope ComputerScience Department,anotherinstitution hasusedHopefaculty asconsultantsfor their CompurerSciencepfogram.In addition,ajoint researchsymposiumhast€en held with faculry andstudentsfrom Hope and oneof the partner insiitutions during a yearother thanthe yearof the partnership.One faculty memberfrom a partnerinstiturion remainedon the Hope campusfor the academicy€arfollowing the summerof his participalion for fu.ther collaborationwith Hope faculty asa part of his sabbaticalleave. 3.4 Facilities and Equipment The departmentsof ComputerScience,Mathematics,andPhysicsare housedin VanderWerf Hall. This buildingwasconstructed in 1964anda majorrenovation wascompleted in 1990,resultingin thebuildingbeing joined to Van ZoerenHall. The complexnow includes,in additionto the threelaboratoriestha( areexclusivelyfor CompuierScience,threecampus-widecomputerlaboratoriesthat contain59 Pc-compatiblesystemsand a wide variety of workstations,all connectedvia a campusnetworkbackbone. The Compute.ScienceDepartment'shardwarefacilities areculrently 34 wo*stations. Theseare shownin r r 3 +Fr Disk Capacity Unit Momory tnha enterprise 450 512MBytes 40 GBytes Linux PC 333MHz 128MByteB 6 GB,'tes Web/Databaseserver Ultra-2 128MByt€s 4 GB)4es R€searchserver 2 Ultla-s's 64 MBltes 2 GB)'te 2 Ulha-1s 32 MB]'tes 2 GB]4eB S Lntla-lo's 128MB,'tes I GBJ'tes 5 Pentium IIh 800MHz 256MB,'tes 20GBytes 2 ulha-1os 256MBr.tas I GByteg l Ultra-l 64 MB]'tes 4 GB)'tes 1 PeDtium800 MHz 256MBt4es 10GBytes d uttra-ls 64MBytes 2 CBytes 5 Ultla-lo's 256M8]'tes 9 GBt'tes Notes Tlfs is our oain server 2 processors B O systemanddocumentation, windowingsystem,and Sunoperating Lab softwareincludesthestandard environment, network includeCandC++ compilers, JavadeveloPment reference material.Unbundled components managementandprotocol implementations,word processors,andcodedebuggingenvironments.Many public domaintoolsarein use. by oneindividual.About7 hoursperweekaredevotedto lab Thelab is cunentlyadrninislered is handledby thisindividual.Operatorduti€s,e.g.,file administration administration. Bothsoftwareandhardware handlesmaintenance ofiis aremostlyautomal€d. Thedepaitrnent andpreventative maintenance systembackups facilities by itself. It negotiatesmaintenanc€contracts,keepson handsuppliesfor irs printersand otherperipherals, maintenance, andmaintains a provideslbe"raw materials"(e.g.,cable,connectors, etc.)andtoolsfor hardware "sparepartsmachine"for €omputerhardwaremaintenance. 3.5 DepartmentalStatistics Craduatirg Study md 1983-84 l6 2 1984-85 29 3 1985-86 1986-87 l8 2 I2 1987-88 l6 2 5 17 1988-89 1989-90 8 l 9 10 l5 1990-9r t991-92 t992-93 t993-94 t4 1994-95 7 1995-96 1996,97 t991-98 1998-99 1999-00 4 Attending 12 o 8 2 4 3 3 22 14 2 5 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 3 7 8 8 4 tl l0 2 6 5 3 4 10 t4 I l0 l0 2 6 5 6 ,7 1 StudentRecruitmentand Selection 4.1 RecruitmentofParticipants 4.1.1 llope CollegeStudents programin computersciencewill be announced Thesummerresearch in all uppeFlevelcompurer science classes, in thedepartmental seminar, throughnoticeson thedepartmental bulletinboard.andthroughan elecrronic mailingto all compulersciencemajors.A packetdescribing iheFogram,research areas,pardcipantbenefilsand obligations, andapplication procedures will be availablefrom rhedeparrmental office.Sinceupperlevelclasses in computerscienc€ aretypicallysrnallerlhan20 students, theprofessors will be ableto individuallyencourage pronisingstudents especially to applyincludingwomenandminorities. 4.1.2 Non-HopeCollegeStudents At leastfive ofthe eightparticipants eachsummerwill be ftom insritutjons otherrhanHopeCollege.Ar leasttwo oftheseparticipanis will bechosenfromtheinstirutionofthe non-Hope facultyrnentor.Recruiringat that institutionwill follow thesamepattemasthatdescribed abovefor HopeCollegestudents. Theselected outside facultymentorwill directtbeprocess ofrccruitingsludents at herinstilution. As many asthreeparticipanrswill be instiruiionsotherthanHope Collegeand tbe insritution of the outsidefaculty nentor. A specialeffort will be madeto encouagewomenandminorities from other insntunons to apply. A programannouncemenr will be sentto the ComputerScienceDepartinentChair and the Officer for Minodty Affai$ at all collegesanduniversitieswithin an approximate500 mile radiusof Hope College.These ChairsandOfficers will be askedto sendthe namesof womenandminodties who are majoring in computer science.They will also be askedto posrth€ announcement of the progam whercit canbe seenby potential participants.The P.I. will contacrall studentswhosenamesare submittedthroughthis processto encouragethem to apply to the Fogram. Extensiveusewill be madeof the Inremet.Announcements will be disrdbutedro a lisr of ComDuter Science Deparhentsvia email.Thismail listhasb€enconshrctedfrom inquiriesreceivedduringrhepastnine yearsof the HopeCollegeComputerScienceREU program.In addition,publiciry andapplicationforms will be madeavailablevia World Wide Web. Infomarion will alsobe sentto the lislserverfor ACM SpecialInterestcroup tbr Computer ScienceEducation(SIGCSE). Contactswill b€ madewirh ConputerSciencedepartrnenr chairsat institutions whichhavehistorically enrolleda largePercentage of minodty students,inviting faculty to dominateminority studentsat their institution for participationin the program.Pastexperiencehassbownthat this mailing hasresultedin a large numberof appli€ations to our program,thoughwe havebeenlesssuccessful in turningthoseapplications into participants. All promotional materials will be distributed by January15,Applicarions andtranscripts will be dueby February20 andnotification of the awardswill be madeno later thanMarch 1. 4.2 SelectionProcess Therewill be eightsrudent pa(icipantsin rheprogran.Typicallytherewillbe threeparticipants ftom Hope College,two from thevisitingfacultymentor'sinstitution, andthreefrom otherinsritulions. Duringth€application process, theHopestudents willbe considered asonepoolof applicants, applicants from the visiringmentor'sschool anorher, andthenon-Hope students srill anorher. Allapplicantswill be askedto submita writtenstaremsnt indicatingtheircareergoalsandtheroleof research in theirfutureplans.Students from otherinstitutions will alsobeaskedro providea fanscripranda letterof reference ftom a facultymember.Theseitemswill be obtainedby theP.L dir€ctlyfbr Hopestudenrapplicants. Thecriteriaconsidered in theselection of participants withineachpoolof applicants aretherpplicanfs(l) academic (2) recordi demonstated interestin computerscienceandresearch; (3) potentialfor success in research as indicatedby independence, creativity,andmotivation;and(4) careerplans,Thefacultypadcipantsin thjsprogram compriserbeselectioncommittee thatmakesthefinal selection ofstudentpanicipants. Theoverallaimof thisprocess is to provideflexibleguidelines for theselection of participants to ensure that the programhasthe maximumimpacton the parlicipantsin their choiceof a carc€rin corhputerscienceaodon thedisciplineofcomputerscienceitself. 4,3 Matching Participants with ResearchProjects After the studentpanicipantsare selected,the P.L will coordinatethe assignmentof studentsto specific faculty mentorsandresearchprojects.Eachfaculty mentorwill be askedto selectfrom the participantsthose studentswhoseinterestsandqualificationsmatchthe requirementsof oneof the mentols researchproject! and interview that group of students.Thosestudentsat institutionsotherthanHope Collegewill be inrerviewedby phone.As a result of theseinterviews,eachmentorwill provide a priority lisr of thoseparticipantsthat shewould like to supervise.The P.I. will thenmakethe final assignments of pani€ipantsto projectsbaj€d on theseprioriry lists as well asconsultingwith the mentorsandthe studentparticipants.No assignmentwill be maderharis nor enthusiasticallysupportedby both the mentorandrhesrudenrpanicipant. 5 Project EYaluation The evaluationcomponentsassociatedwith eachof rhe objecriveslisted in Section 1 of this proposalare givenbelow: . to moti\,ateunderyruduatepaticirynts to pursuecarce.s in computersciencercsearch All panicipantswill completean exit inte iew su ey uponcompretionof their summerparricipationand thef will be askedto completeanothersurveythreevearsfolowing their participation.In addition, au participants will be trackedto monitor their future academicandcareeractivities. r to suppoft and ethancethe underyrudwte rcsearchand instructionin the Hope CoIteSeComputerScience This will be evaluatedby the amountof researchactiviry asmeaswedby grantsreceived,artictes published,andpapen presentedby the strdentsandfaculty at Hope College. ' to pro|ide a nodelfor computerscienceundergruduateresearchfor otherptimarily underyra.Iuateinstitutions This will be evaluatedthroughthe numberof parlicipantsof this programwho appearin panelsat national or regionalmeetingsandthe numberof articleswritten by participantsencouragingundergraduare computerscience research, . to encourugeand supportunderyruduatercsearchat insritutionsthat prcsentlytack the Wrastructurc to suzqort suchresearch The successof researchprogramsat institutionsof the externalfaculty mentorswill be measuresby grants, articles,andpapers, andby theundergraduale rcsearch activityat theseidstitutions followingrhefacultym;naor's panicipation in thisprojecr. . to incrcasethe numberof undcrgmduates from 8rcups undefteprcsentedin computerscienceresearch\rho are consideting such carcers Datawill becollecteithatwill quantifytheparticipation groups. of undenepresented 6 RESULIS FROM PRIOR NSFSUPPORT GrantNumbei CDA-92001 I8 Amountof Award:986,550 SupportPeriodrApril 1, 1992to September 30, 1995 GrantNumber:CDA-9423943 Amountof Awardr$114,393 Suppo(Period:MarchI, 1995to February28, 1998 CrantNumber:CDA-9732339 Amounlof Award:$ 146,700 SupportPeriodrFebruaryI, 1998 to January3I,2000 Title: REU: An Undergraduate ResearchParticipationProgramin ComputerScience 6.1 GeneralResults With suppo( from the NationalScienceFoundation,HopeCollegehashosteda CompurerScienceREU site programeachof the summersfron 1992,2000.During this time, REU hassupported5? participanrs.while an additional 15 undergraduaGresearchers havebeensupportedby otherfunds.Theseadditionalfunds hav€been providedthroughgrantsawardedto rhefaculryandtheinstitutionby sources thatincludeNASA,NSFRUI, pew Memorial Trust, Howad HughesFoundation,andthe United StatesAir Force.The studentparticrpan$nave completed32 projectsthat are listed later in this proposal. 10 The table below providesdaraaboutrhe parricipantsin rhisprogramover the pasrnine years Participants Total REU Distinct Supported 1992-r994 u t995-1997 2 l 1998-2000 27 Total 72 sritl Minorities Females # V o Va under grads Grad School att€ndees 9a l8 2I 6 29 0 0 0 10 18 21 3 I4 I 5 0 9 10 38 3 t2 ll 8 l8 28 4 6 ll 2l 65 48 )J 50 It canbe seenin the precedingtablethat someprogresshasbeenmadein severalareasdudng the most recentthee yearsof this program.The panicipatiodby femaleshasincreasedsignificantly to 38% during the most recentthree-yearperiod,comparedto a combined21% over the first six years.Minority participationhasalso increasedto 12%ftom a combined2% during the first six years.While both of thesefigures areencouragidg,lhere is still room for improvementin theseareas.It shouldalsobe notedthat the percentageof graduatedparticipants enteringgraduateschoolis the samefor femalesasfor rheentire population(50%) andhigher for minority group (75%), members It canalso be notedrhatthe percentageofparlicipants attondinggraduateschoolimmediatelyafter graduationhasbeenhigherduring the 1998-2000period.Among the elevenparticipantswho havgnot yet received their baccalaureatg dggree,sevenprcsentlyplan !o atend graduateschool. Graduate schoolsartendcd by $oject alumniincludeDuke,Clemson,Illinois,MichiganState,Utah,Texas A&M, Michigan,Colorado,UMass-Lowell, UMass-Amherst, Texas,Virginia,Indiana,andWilliam & Mary.Many students who did not attendgraduate schoolhavegoneon to pursueresearch-related careersin computerscience, Amongtheemployers of projectalumniareBellLabs,Evans& Suth€rland, CroweChizek,Microsoft,Ford.UsAir. Macromedia, Max PlanckInstitute,andlBM. 6.2 Recruitment In mid Januaryof eachyear, announcements of the HopeCollegeREU programare distributed.Email announcements are sentto computersciencedepartmentchairsat collegesand universitiesthroughoutthe United States.In addition,announcemenbar€sentvia the United StalesPostalService!o Minority Affairs Officars at large universities throughout themidwest.Announcements arcalsoplaceon rheACM SICCSEmail list server.Chajrsof computersciencedepartrnentsat over 50 predominandyminority institutionsare contactedindividually via email ro especially encourage theirstudents to apply.At thesametime,an announcement is distributed in all computer scienceclassesat Hope College.The applicationnumbersfor the six yearsof surnmerundergraduate research supportedby the abovelwo grantsaregiven in the following tabl€: ApplicalionProfile Extemal applicants 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 82 59 65 67 5',1 62 52 39 3 l 3 3 2 5 5 ll t2 t7 15 l7 20 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 0 2 2 2 Extemal participants Hope applicants ,| Hope participants Undergad researchers not supportedby NSF-REU 2 TI 1998 t999 2000 2 l3 Two disturbingtends canbe observedin this table,both of which we will ad&essin the proposedprojecr. First'it is apparent tharrhenumberof applications hasbeendecreasing in recentyears.our hyporhesis is tharrhisis the resull of an increasingnumberof competingopportunitiesavailableto computersciencestudents.we intendto addressthis with Hope Collegesrudenlsin future yearsby moredeliberatelyemphasizingthe benefitsof ihe programin preparationfor a res*rch career.We hopero do this thrcughacademicyearpresentationby alumni from theprogram.To address thisconcemwith non-Hope students, weplanto communicate moredirectlywirh facultyat otherinstitutions to encourage themto communicate advantages ofour programto heir qualitiedstudents. In order to do thismo.eeffectively,we will especially worktlnoughfacultyat insriturions thathavesentstudenrs io this programrn preYlousyears. Theseconddisturbingobservation from thepreceding rableis thelow numberof externalparlicipants in the2000program.Infact,we wereunableto fill anyof thethreenon,Hope,non,partner insrirutions slotsduringthis year.We madea totalof nineoffersfbr thethreepositionsandall ninechosenot to artendour Fogram.Basedon thefollow-upinformationthatwassolicited,fhctorstharcaused thiswerenotbeingassigned ro theirpreferred projectandtheavailabilityof opportunities rhatwerebetterpayingandgeographically closerto rheundergraduates. In additionto increasing theapplicantpoolby thestrategyoutlinedin thepreceding paragraph, we inrendro address thisby beingmorecarefulin narchingapplicants with projectsandby steppingup our effortsto recruitparticipants in Michiganandneighboring states. 6.3 PastProjects H CollegeComputerScienceSummerResearchProjects,1992-2000 Projects 1992 FacultyMentor An obJecconented Apphcatlon/Programmer lnterfacefbr Network Programming Visuahrarron of AbstraclModelsofComputation An ObjectOoenkdTesrBedforPdrallelRayTr!.ing HerbenDershgm GordonStegink Jennrrer Howell.Mrngshu*, RobertWohlfarth BrettFolken,RyanMcFall Eric Matlhews,Mike Shield TheGeneticAlgorithmParallelProgramming Projecl CordonStegink wendyttartn,chen ltowshet Bob Chen* RussellN€lson,BryanShowers An ar<. Sn'd! ^f S^frwrr.lnrFar"h^ MichflelJipping Adavtsron and I t-u<tADs: Algoflthm Animation & ExperimentalLabs for TeachingData Structures 1993 Techniques 1994 1995 1996 Undergraduate Researche6 * indicatesnon-REUfunded JonBeard*,Mike Crider*,Serge Hallyn,Nick Rahn Lreanngan rn@grared loncunent SystemDeslgn Environment Visualizalion Algorirhm andAnimrtion FindinganIde lPrrh UsingGenelic Algonthms MrchaelJrpprng Mlke u der.t $ergeHaltyn*, tJurrdrnga NetwofkrngLalloratory MrchaelJipping John Duperon,HeatherMintz HerbertDershem CheriBowsher,Da.rickBrown GordonStegink DeborahKelan, Nick Slager Evaluanngraraxel Jorawareueslgn 10()ls Lvncnaer Jlpplng Johnuuperon. ren uegema Comparison of Ada95 to C++ for ObjectOrienred HerbertDershem Manuel Calderon,Andrew Van Programs Construclionof an OperatingSystemLaboratory MichaelJipping DarrickBrown,Mike Crider DynamicUpdating& Visualization of Large GordonStegink RobertPowell,DanToth VoronoiDiagrams Java'Oriented TestHarness HerbertDershem Java-Based Object-Oriented FractionVisualizalion HerbertDershem A JDBCInplem€ntation for SyBase Ryan McFall Foundations of a Pascal to Java Compiler Ryan McFall 12 Mike Thelen,Vic Polites MarvinMalkowski MarciaJanjecic KathrynBoner Projects Faculty Mentor vlsualzalon rn lava DN 1998 Undersraduate Researchers * indicates non-REU lunded JamesVAnderhyde PeterBrummund EducationalAnimationsof Algorithms HerbertDershem DynamicAnomalyDetectionin Java Michael Jipping MikeBradshaw, NateOostendorp,AnitaVanEngen* PersistentAnnotationof HTML Documents Ryan McFall JeffPenney. DarylBlood Dynamlc Anomaly Detectlon M ' c h a e rJ . J l p p t n g ttob Munllo, Nate uostendorp ALAN: The Algorithm Animator HerbertDenhem Dave Christian JavaDevelopmentEnv ironment GordonStegink Synchronize Implementation of Classes The Function Visualizer AlyceBrady HerbertDershem MichaelJipping JonPater,DaronVroon MatrHahnfeld*.llya Lrpkin Erin Parker,BeckyWeinhold Andy Aardema*,Patti Marcoux Ntrcnael Jrpprng r\4fl r(ascne-,Luatcrazangr l MichaelJipping Maria Casipe,JessicaHovater HerbertDershem ChrisRowland,Tim Vroom WALDO:WebAccessible LeamingDesign Options tsxploflng lnln Lllent leclnorogy on Handheld Computers 1999 Supporting Classroom Interaction By Handheld Computers AlgorithmVisualization on theWeb Prosram Execudon Animation andVisualization HerbenDershem JosiahDykstra,KeithSuppes LearningAlgorithmsAppliedto GamePlaying MylesMcNally Jessie Link,DaronVroon 2000 JupporllngLlassroomrnleracuon l,y Hanonelo Computers Sma((?)LegoRobots TimetableConstruction andStudeotCourse Scheduling MrcnaerIpp'ng JAm Janoro, Josnl|nxKe! naran Dieter AndrewVanPernis Mike Branstein, BenWing* GaryLewandowski AbbyWalker,PrakashOjha* Eachsummer,fte participan(swerepresenton the HopeCollegecampusfor ten weeksof research.Those panicipants supported by non-REUfundsareindicatedby an *. In additionto theresearch work rhatwascarried out,thefollowingactivitieswerealsoheldin someor all of thesummers: . . . . . ' We€kly seminarswherestudentspresenttheir researchwork Field trip to a University graduatecomputersciencedepartrnent Weeklyseminarforpreparation for thecomputerscience GREexanination Field trip to comput€rtradeshowwhenoneis in the area Faculty-ledworkshopson.opics that are pertinentto all projects Workshopon how to givetechnicalpresenhtions Studentsfie requiredto makea formal final presentationof their researchduring the final weekof the project md to submit a final researchreport. In addition,all studentsare requiredto submit an electronicposterof theh research.Thesepostersare thenplacedon the World Wide Web.Participants,Ie alsorequiredto presenttheir resultsin a colloquiumat their homeinslitulion andto submit it for presentationand/orpublicationto ajournal or 6.4 Post-SummerResults: Presentationsand Paoers 13 (* indicatesundergaduate co-author) 6.4,1 Paperspresented McFall*, R. 1992.Using the Computerto Visualize andSimulateAbstractMoalelsof ComDutation.pew MidstatesConsodum UndergaduateResearchSymposium.crinnell, IA., October Shu*, M. 1992.An Objec.,OrientedApplicatioD,{p.ogrmnmer Inreface. pew MidstatesConsortium UndergraduateResearch Synposium.crinoell,IA. Mauhews*,E. andM. Shield*.1992.photosynthesis: An ObjecrorientedTesrBedfor paraltelRay Tracing. ArgonneSymposirunon Undergraduate Research.Argome, IL. Howell*, J., R. Wohlfanh*, andM. Shu*. 1993.An Object-OdentedApplicarion/programmerInterfacefor Network Progamming. Symposiumon Apptied Computing.Indianapolis,IN. Engel,c., H. Dershem, R. McFall*,A. Lopez,andS.Wilrz. 1993.Research Exoerience for Undergraduates Panel.SIGCSETechnicalSymposiumon ComputerScienceEducation.IndianaDolis,IN. Nelson*,R. andB. Showers*.1993.ThecenericAlgorithmparallelprogramming proj;ct.pew Midstares ConsortiumUndergraduateResearch Symposium.Chicago,IL. Barth*,W. andC. Bowsher*.1993.AdavisionandTHREADS:AlgorirhmAnimarionsandExperimental Laboratoriesfor Teachinga Data StructurcsCoursein Ada. ArgonneSymposiumfor UndergraduateResearch. Argonne,IL. D€ruhem,H. 1993.Algorithm Animation for DataStructures.Uni0edStatesAir Force AcademvComouter ScienceColloquium.USAFAcademy.CO. Jipping,M,, S.Hallyn*,M Crider*,N. Rahn*,andJ. Beard.1993.An EmpiricalCaseSndy of Software IntegrationTechniques.NASA Langley SpaceFlight ConterSymposium.Langley, VA. McFall'i,R.andH,Dershem.1994,FiniteStateMachineSimulationin an Introductory Lab.SIGCSE phoenix,AZ. TechnicalSymposium on ComputerScienceEducarion. Dershem, H., Barthl, W., Bowsher*,C., andD. Brown*.1996,DataStrucrures wirh Ada packages, Laboratories, addAnimations," FirstAnnualAustralasian Conference on ComputerScienceEducation, Sydney, AU. pew Mrosrares Penney*,J. andD. Blood*. 1997.Pcrsistent Annotationof HTML Documents. UndergraduateResearchSymposium.Chicago,IL VanEng€n*,A,, Bradshaw,i, M., andN. Oostendorp*. 1998.',Extending Javato SupportSharedResource ProtectionandDeadlockDetectionin ThreadsProgramming',ACM Studentposters,SIGCSET€chnical Symposium, Atlanta,GA. Dershem, H. andP,Brummund*.1998,"Toolsfor Web-Based SortingAnimation,"SIGCSBTechnical Symposium, Atlanta,GA. Dershem, H. andJ.Vanderhydei.1998,"JavaClassVisualization for TeachingObject-Oriented Concepts,"SIGCSETechnicalSymposium,Atlant!, GA, Dershem, H., Parker,D.E.*,andR.Weinhold*.1999."AJavaFunctionVisualizer,"Computing Consortiumfor Small Colleg€s:Rocky Mountain Conference,ColoradoSprings,CO. Dykstra,J.*, Dershem,H., andK. Suppes*.2000."An AbstractWindow Toolkit Visualizer for Computer ScienceInstuction, " Midwest lnstuction andComputingSymposium,Minneapolis,MN. Vroom,T.* andC, Rowland*.2000."Salsa:A Tool for TeachingandLea ing Algorithmsthrcugh Animation," NationalConfer€nceon Undergraduate Research,Missoula,MT 6.4.2 PapersPublished Howell*, J., R. Wohlfarth*, andM. Shu*. 'An Objear-OrientedApplicarion/hogramm€rInterfacefor NetworkProgranming,"Proceedings of the 1993Symposium on AppliedComputing,1993. McFall*, R. andH. Dershem.'Finite StateMachineSimulationin an IntroducroryLab,,, SIGCSEBulerin, 26,1(1994),pp. 126-130. Dershem, H., Banh*,W., Bowsher*,C., andD. Brown*."DataStructures with Adapackages, Laboratoies, andAnimations,"Proceedingsof the First AustralasianConfercnceon CompurerScienceEducarion, Sydney,Australasian, July3 5,1996,W.32-38. Van Engen*, A., Bradshaw*,M., andN. Oostendorp*."ExtendingJavato Suppo sharedResource ProtectionandDeadlockDerectionin Threadsprogaitllning',, Cmssroads,4,2(Winrer1997),9_17. Dershem,H. andP. Brummund*. '.Toolsfor Web-BasedSortingAnimarion,,'SIGCSEBulletin, 30,1(Mar 1998\.222-226. Dershem,H. andJ. Vanalerhyde*.'Java ClassVisualizationfor TeachingObject-OrientedConcepts,,, SIGCSEBulletin,30,1(Mar1998),53-57. Dqsh€m, H., Parker,D.E.*, andR. Weinhold*, "A JavaFunotiodVisualizer,,'Joumalof ComDutinsin SmallColleges.15.1(Oct1999).221-230. Dyktra, J.*, Dershem,H., andK. Suppes*,,,An AbstractWindow Tootkit Visualizer for ComDurer ScienceInstruction," hoceedings of the 33rd Midwest InstructionandComputingSymposiumrCD_ROM).Aprit 14-15,2000,Minneapolis, MN. 6.4.3 Panelson UndergraduateResearch Dershem, I{., withBngelG.,McFall,r,, R.,Lopcz,A., andS.Wittzi,.,,Research Experiences for Undergraduates," Twenty-fourrh SIGCSBTcchnicalSymposium onCompuierScience Education, Indianapolis, IN, March,1993. DeNhem,H,, withBard,G.,andD. Bcque. ,'FindingandDeveloping Research Experienc€s for Undergradu&tcs in theSmallCollegeSetting,"ThirdAnnualCCSCMidwestemConferoace, Greencastle. IN. october,1996, D€rshem, H., with Sanders, D., Eller-Meshrcki, - Welcome!o R., andG. pitts,,,Undergraduate Research the21stCcntuy,"Twenty-eighth SIGCSETechnicdSymposiunonComputerScionce &lucation,SanJose,CA, ' bershear, H., withHedges,Il. "Birdsof aFeathorScssion onNSF-REUprogramfo. ComputerScicnce,,' Twenty-ninth SIGCSETechnicalSymposium onComputer ScienccEducation, Atlenta,GA, March,199g, l5 BiographicalSketches PrincipalInvestigator:HerbertL. Dershem Education: B.S.UniversityofDalton, 1965 M.S. (ComputerScience) PudueUniversity,1967 Ph.D,(ComputerScience) PurdueUniversity,1969 ProfessionalExperience: professor,1974'lggl, HopeCollege,Assistant Professor, 1969-1974, Associate Professor, l98l-present,chairof ComputerScience Department, 1975-Fesent. Oak RidgeNationalLaboratodes,Visiring ResearchScientist,l9'/7-19j8. BostonUniversityOverseas Prograrll,VisitingProfessor, 1982-1983. United StatesAir ForceAcademy,DistinguishedVisiting professor, 1993-1994. Publicotions(last si* years): Dykstra,J., Dershem,H.L., andK. Suppes,"An AbstmctWindow Toolkit Visua.lizerfor ComputerScienceInstruction," Proceedingsof the 33'dMidwestInstruction qnd Computing Symposiun(CD-ROM),April 14-15,2000,Mianeapolis, MN. Dershem,H.L., Parker,D.E., andR. Weinhold,"A JavaFunctionyisualtzer," loumal of Computingin SmallColleges,l',l(Oct 1999),22t-23O. Derchem,H.L. andJ. Vanderhyde,'TavaClassVisualizationfor TeachingObject-Oriented Concepts," SIGCSEBulletin,30,l(Mar1998\,53-57. Dershem, H.L. andP, Brummund,'Toolsfor Web-Based SortingAnirnation,,, SIGCSEBuuetin, 30,1(Mu r998), 222-226. Dersher4H,L., Barth,W., Bowsher,C., andD. Brown,"DataStructurcs with Ada packages, Laboratories,andAnirnations,"Proceedingsof the First AustralasianConferenceon ComputerScienceEducation,Inly, 1996,32-38. Demhoq H.L. andM.J. hppmg,ProgrammingLanguages:Modelsand Structures:Second. Edirion.PWSPublshingCo.. 1995. McFall, R. andDershen\ 'Finite StateMachineSimulationin an Introductory Lab," S/GCSE Bulletin, 26,1(Max1994),126-140. ResearchGrant Awards: Co-director,'lnhoduction of the Computerin the StatisticsCurriculum,"NSF Office of ComputingActivities,i971-19?3,$45,800. Director, "A Modular Approachto the Introductory Coulsein ComputerScience,',NSF l,ocal CourseImprovement Program,1978-1980, $14,200. Co-dtector, "A Mcrccomputer l,aboratoryfor usein TeachingStatistics,"NSF Instructional ScientificEquipmentPrograrn,1979-1980, $10,315. Dircctor, "CSNET Membershipin Supportof ComputerScienceResearch,"NSF Rt]I kogram, 1987-1990, $9,375. 'Computer Director, ScienceUndergraduate ResearchProgran4"NSF REU Prcgam, 19921994,$86,550; 1995-1997, 1998-2000, $114,393; $146,700. Dircctor, 'Use ofAd4 laboratories, andVisualizationin the Teachinsof Data Structuresand DiscreteMathematics,"DARPA CurriculumDevelopmentCrant; I gg3-lgg4, LZ3,O1O, Director, "CurriculumandTextbookDeveloFnentUsingAda 9X for the Teachingof ObjectOrientcdConcepts,"US Air Force Conrract,1995-1996,$34,464. Co-Dircctor,"An IntegratedClassroom/Laboratory for Inkoducing Studentsto Obje{t-Oriented Concepts," NSFILI Prcgram,1996-1998, $,{6,356. Collaboration: A list of collabolatorsovor the las148 monthsincludos:Mchael Jipping,Gordon Stegink,RyanMcFall BiographicalSketches Michael J. Jipping . EDUCATION ComputerScience,May 1986,The University oflowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242.Dissedation:'An Information-BasedMethodologyfor the DesignofConcurrent Systems".Advisor:Ray Ford. ComputerScience,December1984,The University oflowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242. ComputerScience,May 1981,Calvin College,Grand Rapids,Michigan 49506. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE AssociateProfessor, Departmentof ComputerScience,HopeCollege,Holland, Michigan49423(August,1994- present). Taughtcourseson sofbwareengrneering, programrninglanguageconcepts,operating systems,letworking, parallel programming, and programming handheld computers. Adminietered a departmental computing laboratory basedin Unix workstations. Participated in departmental academicand researchactivitiesas well as personalresearchprojecte. AssistantProfessor,Departmentof ComputerScience,HopeCollege,Holland, Michigan49423(August,1987- July, 1994).Taughtcourseson introductionto programmingand Pascal,softwareengineering,programminglanguageconcepts,operating systems,and parallel programming.Administereda departmental computinglaboratorybasedin Unix workstations.Participatedin departmentalacademicand researchactivitiesas well as personalresearch projects. ResearchFellow,NASA LangleyResearchCenter,Information SystemsDivision, SystemArchitectureBranch,Hampton,VA 23681(June- August, 1992).Worked on a researchteam investigatingsoftwareintegrationstrategies. AElistant Professor,Department of Computer Science,The University of lowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242(August,1986- August, 1987).. PABLICATIONSAND REPORT S M.J. Jipping, "Using Tcl as a ToolTalk Encapsulation Mechanism", Proceedingsof the 1993Sun UserGroupConference, December1993,pp. 161-174. D.E. Eckhardt,M.J Jipping, C.J.Wild, S.J.Zeil, and C.C.Roberts,"OpenEnvironments to Support SystemsEngineering Tool Integration: A Study Using the Portable ComrnonToolEnvironment(PCTE)",NASA TechnicalMemorandum4489, NASA LangleyResearchCenter,September1993. M.J. Jipping and K. Bruce, "Imperative LanguageParadigm", published in ?fte ComputerScienceand EngineeringHandbooh,A.B,'fucker, ed., CRCPress,1996. H.L. Dershenrand M.J Jipping, Progromming L.tnguaEes:Structures and,Models, 2nd.Ed,itinn.PWSPublishingCompany,1995. M.J Jipping, "Developing a Formal Model for Concurrency Cottrol Design,, Proceedings of the SecondGreatLakesComputerScienceConference, Aprit 1991. 'On R, Ford,M.J Jipping,R. Schultz,and B. Wenhardt, the Performanceof Concurrent Tree dgorithms', Journal of Parallel and.Distributed, Computing, 8, March L990, pp. 253-266. M.J Jippiag,JR. Toppen,and S. Weeber,"ConcurrentDistributed Pascal:A Hands-on Introduction to Concurency" , Proceed.ingsof the 1990SIGCSE TechnicalSymposium, SIGCSEBulletin, Vol. 22, No. 1 (February,1990),pp. 94-99. H.D. Dershemand M.J. Jipping,ProgratnrningLanguages:Structuresand Models, Wad.sworth PublishingCo.,1990. M.J. Jipping,and R. Ford,"PredictingPerformancefor ConcurrencyControlDesign", qnd,Modelingof Computer9ys1987ACM SIGMETRICSConference on Measuretnent pp. (May tems, \32-742,Banff,Alberta, Canada 1987). M.J Jipping and R. Ford,'Performance Predictionin Distributed SystemDesign', Proceed,ings ofthe 1986RochwellInternationalSoftwareEngineeringSymposiutn,pp.3.2.!3.2.8,CedarRapids,Iowa (October1986). M.J. Jipping,'An Information-BasedMethodologyfor the Designof ConcurrentSystems",Ph.D.Thesis,TechnicalReport86-01,The University oflowa, Iowa City, Iowa (May 1986). RESEARCHGRANTAWARDS M.J. Jipping,"Using HandheldComputersin the HopeCollegeComputerScienceCurriculum,"NSF Grant No. 9972390,$89,751,June 2000. M.J. Jipping,H.L. Dershem,G.A.Stegink,"An IntegratedClassroom/Laboratory for IntroducingStudentsto Object-Oriented Concepts',NSF Grant No. DUE-9650129, June 1996. $46,356, M.J. Jipping,'A Laboratoryfor Experimentingwith OperatingSystemsand Networking Concepts",NSF Grant No. DUE-9550902,$52,601,June 1995. Recipientofa NASA /JOVEAugmentationAward,June 1995- September,1996, $17,600. M.J Jipping,"Building a SoftwareInfrastructurefor Parallel SoftwareDesign",NASA LangleyResearchCenter,NAG1-1480,February1.993- January 1996. Recipientof a NASA Joint VentureAward,June 1992- May 1995,$45,000. M.J Jipping,"Metricsfor ConcurrentSystemDesign",HopeCollegeFacultyDevelopment Grant, June-August,1991. M.J Jipping,"Refininga Metric for ConcurrentSystemDesign",HopeCollegeFaculty DevelopmentGrant, June-August,1990. M.J. Jipping,'A New Coursein ParallelProgrammingfor Undergraduates",NSF Grant No. USE-9050417, Instrurnentationand LaboratoryImprovementProg?am,$54,761,July, 1990. M.J Jipping, "Creating an Environment for Parallel Programming", Hope CollegeFaculty DevelopmentGrant, June-August,1989. SUMMARYOF UNDERGMDUATBINVOLVEMENT A total of 71 undergraduatestudentshavebeenadvisedby Dr Jipping. 17 students have conductedresearchwith Dr. Jipping, . COLI,ABOMTION A list of scientists coll.aboratedwith on projects over the last 48 months would include: Herbert Dershem, Dave Ecklardt, G Michaet Schneider,Chris Colgate,Tom Whaley,Henry Walker, Kim Bruce, Robert Cupper,JamesBradley, Allen T\rcker,and Ra].srondFord. BiographicalSketches Ryan L. McFalI Ed cation: B.S.HopeCollego,1993 !I.!. (ComputorScience)Michigan StateUniversity, 1995 Ph.D. (ComputerScience)Michigan StateUniversiiy,2000 (expected) Ptofessiona.lE peience : Hope College,AssistantProfessorof ComputerScience(2000-present) TeachingAssistant,Michigan StateUnivoriity, 1998-2000 Co-Developer,CPS l0l "Computing Concepisand Compentencies,', Michigan State ' Universitv.-1996-1998 Visiting Instructor,Hope College, t9g5-lgg6 TbachingAssistant,Michigan StateUniversity, 1993-1995. Publications(last six years): McFall,R. andC, Stegink,"InkoductoryComputerSciencefor GeneralEducation:Laboratories, - , lextbooks, andtheIntemet,"SIGCSEBulletit,29,1(Mu 1997),96-100. McFall, R. andDershem,"Finite StateMachineSimulationin an In6oductory Lab," S/GCSEB!l_ letin, 26,1(Mar 1994\, 126-140. Collaboration: A list of collaboratorsover the last 48 monthsincludes:Herb€rtDershem.Matt Mutka. andGordonStesink. SUMMARY OFGANIZATION PRINCIPAL INVEST]GATON / PROJECT DIRECTOF A. SENIORPERSONNEL: P/PD, Co-P's, FacultyandOlhefSeniorAssociales (Lisleachseparalgly withlille,A,7, shownumberinbEckels) 1.HerbertL D€rch€m.non€ 6. I 0 r OTHEFSlLlS lNolv DUAI. v ON BUDGETJUSTIFICA-ON oAG 7 . I 3 ) T O T A L S E N IP OERR S O N N E L I l B. OTHERPERSONNELISHOW NUMBERSIN BRAC 1{ I I POSTDOCTOFALASSOCIATES 2 { O I OTHEFOFOEESSONA.S{TECdNICIAN, PROGFAMMLFETC 0l UNDEFGflaDUATESTUDENTS SECRETARIAL. CLEFICALI FCHARGEDDIRECTL TOTALSALARIESANDWAGES C, FAINGE BENEFITS CHARGED AS OIFECT (A+ B+ TOTALSALARIES, WAGES ANDFRINGE BENEFITS D. EOUIPMENT(LIST ITEI',4 DOLLAAAMOUNTFOB ANO EACNITEIV EXCEEOING $5,OOO.) TOIALEOUIPMENT 1, DOMESTICI NCL,CANADA,MEXCO AND U,S.POSSESSION 2. FOBEIGN ',"liL"^lH"'i"o"'jot"xpoo ";";;;- . "r.i"t.^". 3.200 2'4oq ! OTHEF TOTALNUMBEROF PABIIClPANTS TOTALPAFITCIPANTCOSTS DIBECTCOSTS G. OTHER ]. I']IATENIALS AND SUPPLIES 2, PUSLICATION COSTS/DOCU[IENTATION/DISSEI"lINATION LTANTSERVICES 3, CONSU 4, COMPUTEFI SEFVICES TOTALOTHERDIBECI COSIS H. TOTALD]FECTCOSTS(ATHBOUGH (F&A)(SPECIFY I. INDIFECTCOSTS BATEANDBASE) Bas€:26000) 2570of Fl (Rate:25.0000, TOTALINDIFECTCOSTS (H+ | J. TOTALDIRECTANDINDIRECTCOSTS (IF FOF FUFTHEFSUPPOFTOF CUFRENTPFOJECTSSEEGPG II.D,7,i. K. FESIDUALFUNOS L. AMOUNTOFTH S REOUEST {J)OF IJ MINUS PROPOSED LEVEL$ M.COS'T SHARING PIl PDTYPEDNAME& SIGNATUFE' AGFEEDLEVELIF DIFFEFENT FOF NSF USEONIY ]NDIRECTCOSTFAIE VEB]FICAT]ON OFG,FEP.TYPED NAME& SIGNATURE' NsF Fom 1030(10r'99sup€E€d€sall peviousedirlons 1 'SJGNATURESREOUIFEDONLY FOR FEVJSEDBUDGETIGPG IT,A) SUMMARY A ORGANIZATION ET FORNSF USE ONLY PF]NC]PALNVESTIGATOR / PROJECTDIFECTOR SENIORPERSONNEL: PVPD,Co-Pt,s, Facutty andOtherSenior Associales (Lisleachseparalgty wirhlilte,A,7, showfumborin bEckels) 6( U )OTHEBS(L ST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGETJUST]F]CATION PAGE 7 . ( 3 ) T O T A L S E N I OPFE R S O N N E L I l . 6 (SHOWNUMBERSIN B, OTHEFPERSONNEL r. ( I ) PosTDocroRAL AssoctaTEs OTqEF PcOTFSSIONALS (ll CF {lClAI\ PqocFAVVE O )GFAOUATESTUOENTS O) UNDENGRADUATESTUDENTS U )SECRETARIAL.CLEFICAL(IF CHARGEOD]BECTL 6 .( 0 ) O T H E B TOTALSALAFESANDWAGES lA+ B C. FFINGEBENEFITS(IFCHAFGEOASD FECTCOS TO AL SALABIES. wAGl S ANOFBI\CE Bl NEFI-Sra+ a r D. EOUTPMENT (LISTrrEt\4AN0 DOLLARAMOUNTFOF EACHtTElMEXCEEOTNG $5.OOO.j TOTALEQIJIPMENT E TFAVEL 1 DOMES_ C (NCL CANAOA, VEXTCO ANDU.S POSSESS|O 2. FOFEIGN F, PAFTICIPANT SUPPO 1.STIPENDS $ 3.200 2.400 3,SUBSISTENCE 4, OTHEF TOTALNUIVBEFTOF PAFTICIPANTS( G. OTHER D BECTCOSIS 8 TOTALPARTICPANTCOSTS 1 IVATEFIALS AND SUPPLIES 2 PIJBLICA-ON COSTS'DOCIJME\TAT ON/DISSEI4 NATION 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES 4. COMPUTER SENVCES TOTALOTHEFD]BECTCOSTS H. TOTALDIRECTCOSTSIATHFOUGH l. INDTBECICOSTS (F&A)(SPEC|FY RATEANDBASE) 257,of Fl (Rate:25.0000, Base:26000) TOTALINDRECTCOSTS J. TOTALDIFECTANDNDIRECTCOSTS lH + (IFFORFUFTHERSUPPORTOF CUFRENTPFOJECTSSEEGPGII,D.7 K. FESIOUALFUNOS L. AMOUNTOFTHLS FEOUEST(J) OR IJ I'/lINUS M, COSTSHAFINGPROPOSED LEVEL$ AGREEDLEVELIF DIFFERENT PIl PD TYPEDNAi/E & SIGNATLJBE' FOR NSF USEONIY INDIRECTCOSTRATEVERIFICATION ORG,REP.ryPEO NAME& SIGNATURE' NsFForm1030(1049)S@ercedesalrpGviouseditoE 2'SIGNATUAES FEOUIhEO ONLYFOFREVISED BUDGET IGPGIII,g] SUMMARY BUD ORGANIZAT]ON FORNSF USEONIY PRINCIPAL INVEST]GATOF / PFOJECTDIRECTOF SENIOnPERSONNELP]/PD Co-pfs,Faculv andOhe. SeniorAssociales (Lisleachseparalely withtille,A.7. shownunrberinblackets) 6 r--.!lEM!!Il9:ll 7 ( lv DLALvoN BLDGFIJUsrlFlcAT'oNPAG 3 ) T O T A L S E N I OPFE F S O N N E L I l (SNOW A. OTHEFPERSONNEL NUMBEFS INBFAC 1.( I ) POSTDOCTORAL ASSOC ATES 2.( (TECHNICIAN. U)OTHER PROFESSIONALS PROGFAMMEB, ETC GFAOUATE STUDENTS STUDENTs O ) UNDEFGRADLJATE SECBETARIAL. CLEBICAL(IFCHARGEDD RECTLY OTHEF TOTALSALAFIESANDWAGESIA+ C FRINGEBENEFITS( F CHARGEDAS DIFECT T O I A LS A .A F E S W A C E S A N oF F T N GB EE \ E | t T Sr A - B - C D. EqUIPMENT(LIST]TEMANDOOLLABAMOUNTFOFEACHITEMEXCEEDING $5OOO.) TOTALEQIJIPMENT (|NCLCANADATMEXTCOAND 1. DOMESTTC U S.POSSESSION F PAFTICIPANT SI.JPPOFT COSTS 1.slPENos s 26.000 2. TRAVEL 3.STJBSTSTENCE 2'400 TOTALNIJIVBEROF PAFTICIPANTS( TOTAL PABTIC PANTCOSTS 8 G. OTHERDIBECTCOSTS 1, MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2 PUBLICA]IONCoST9DOCUMEVIA I ON/olsSEMNATTON 3. CONSULTANT SEFIVICES 4, COI"IPUTEF SEFVICES TOTAL OTHEFD]FECT COSTS H. TOTALD]RECTCOSTS'ATHFOLJGH I, INDFECTCOSTS (F&A){SPECIFY RATEANDBASE) 257. of Fl (Rater25.0000,Base:26000) TOTALINOIBECT COSTS J. TOTALDIFECTANo INDIBECTCOSTSlH + | K, FES]DUALFUNDS(IFFORFUFTHEFS! PPORTOF CUFRENT PBOJECTSSEEGPGI].D.7,i. L. AMOUNI OFTHISFEOUEST M. COSTSI]AFINGPROPOSED LEVEL$ AGREEDLEVELIF DiFFERENT PIl PDTYPEDNAME& SIGNATURE' FOF NSF USEONLY INDIFIECT COSI RATEVERIFICAIION ORG.REP.TYPED NAME& SIGNATUFE' NSFForm1030(10,99) Super$d€s€ll pEvrou. editions 3'SIGNATUAES AEOUIRED ONLYFORREVISED BUDGETIGPG III.A] SUMMARY UDGET OFGANIZATON FORNSF USE ONLY PFINCIPAL INVESTIGATOF / PROJECT DINECTOR A. SENIOFPERSONNEL: PtlPD,Co-Pts,Faclhy and OlherSeniorAssociales (Listeachsepalarety withlllte,A.7. shownumberin bEckots) 6 | OTHEFS(LISTINDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGEIJUSTIFICATION PAGE 7 . ( 3 ) T O T A L S E N IPOEBR S O N N E L I l . 6 B, OTHEFPEBSONNEL (SI]OWNUMBERSIN r. ( 3) PosTDocToRALASSOC ATES 2 . { 0 ) O d L F P R O F F S S T O Nt TAFLC Sh N tACN p p O C q e v v e nr,r c GFADUATE STUDENTS 0) UNDEFGFADUATEsTUoENTs SECFETAFIAL C.L E R I C A(LF C H A R G E D I F E C T L OTHER TOTALSALAFIESANOWAGES(A+ B C . F F I N C FB L N E F I TiSl F C F A B G E D A S Dtqtcr COSTS TOTALSALARIES, WAGIS AND FFINC' BENEF.TSIAI B I D. EOUIPIVENT(LIST ITEIVANODOLLAFAMO!NT FOREACHITEMEXCEEDING $5,OOO,I TOTALEQUIPMENT (iNCL.QANADAMEXTCOANO 1. DOMESTTC U S, POSSESSION E. TRAVEI. F. PAFTCIPANT SIJPPOflT COSTS 1 sr PENOS s 2 TRAVEL 78.000 9.600 3. SUBSISTENCE 4, OTHEF TOTALNIMBEFOFPART]CIPANTS ( 24 G, OTI]EFDIFECTCOSTS 1. MATEFIALS ANOSUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION COSTS/DOCUl\4ENTATION/D]SSEMINAT ON 3. CONSULTANT SEFVICES 4 COMPUTES SEFVICES TOTALOTHEFOIRECTCOSTS H. TOIAL DIFECTCOSTS(AIHROUGHG . TNDTFECTCOSTS (F&A)(SpECtFy FATEAND BASE) TOTALINDIFECTCOSTS J. TOTALDIBECTANDINDTFECTCOSTS rl-i+ K F E S I D U AFLU N D S' I I O F I U R I H E qS J P P O F T O IC U F B E N -P F O - .C t S r E E G p G . O7 L A M O U N T O F T H IRSE O U E S T M. COSTSHARINGPROPOSEO LEVEL AGREEDLEVELIF D FFERENT P /POTYPED NAME& SIGNATUFE' INDIFECTCOSTRATEVERIFICATION OFG.FEP.TYPED NAME&SIGNATUFE' NSFForm1030(10/9o) Sup€rs6d.slllpevious edltlons BEOUIRED CTSIGNATURES ONLYFORREVISED BUDGET IGPGIII.S) BudgetJustiticationPage Al.The salaryfor the ProjectDir€ctor includes$2,000per year for administrationof the project and $2,000for directing th€ work of two undergmdustes. A2, A3, 81. EachFaculty Associatereceives$1,000per undergraduat€researcher sup€rvised.Typically, eachFaculty Associatewill direct two undergraduates. C. Fritrge benefits for faculty is calculated as 207. of facultv salaries.This includes FICA, MQFE, and retirementbenefits, E. Trsvel is provid€d for the external faculty mentor to travel from home to the Hupe Coll€gecampus a minimum of twice eachweek. F1. Studentstipendssre $325per w€ekfor 10 we€ksfor 8 students.Th€ Hope Colleg€ contributionto FICEMQFE is includedin this smount.The amountactualy receivid by studentsis therefore approximately $300 p€r rreek. F2, The perticipanttravel budgetincludes$400per student.This is usedto pay participant travel expensesto make pres€ntstionsof thcir results at reqional and nationalconferenc€s, Local funds will be us€dto suppl€mentth€s€travel expenses and to pay faculty mcntor travel expenses to thesesameconferences, F3, Thc costof studenthousingis approximately$60per w€ekfor a totrl costof $600per studentfor the ten.weekperiod,HopeCollegervill subsidizeon€-halfofthis amount, leaving$300per studentto be paid by the NSF-REUgrant. Gl. Materialsand suppli€sare budget€dat $1,000per summer.This is usedfor postage, t€lephone,copying,and other generalexpenses. It will alsobe usedto defray the costof field trips and off-campusspeakers. Currentand PendingSupport .. .. _(SeeGPGSectionI.D.8 for guidanceon intormationto inctudeon this form.) d.i.,,de@;d€Er",@ Investiqator: Herbert Dershem O h e ' a g e - c : $ | - c t u d n g N S F ) t o w . i L - t h i s p r p o s a , h a s ooeeest roowr h e d planned Support: ECurrent o Pending ElSubmission in NearFutur€ fI*Transfer of SuoDort ProjecvProposal Title: An Object-Oriented Execution Visualization Enyironment for Learning Introductory Computer Science Sourceof SuoDortr NSF-CCLI TotalAwardAmount:$ 74,937TotalAwardperiodCovered: 05/01/01- 04/j0/03 Location of Project: Hope College,Holland,MI Porson-Months PerYearCommitted to theProject. Calt0.00 Acad:0.00 Sumr: 2.00 planned Support: tr Current E Pending tr Submission in NearFuture E'Translerof Suooon ProjecvProposal Title: REU: ComputerScienceResearchExperiencefor Undergraduates Sourceof Suooorl: NSF-REU TotalAwardAmount:$ 159,300lotatAwardperiodCovered: 0z01nl - 01,131104 Location of Prolect: HopeCollege,Holland,MI Person-lvlonths PerYearCommitted to the Project. Cal:0.00 Acad:0.50 Sumri 1.00 Supporl: trCurront tr Pending ESubmission Planned in NearFuture tr *Transfer of Support ProjecVProposal Title: Sourceof Support: TotalAward Amount $ TotalAward PeriodCovered: Location of Projectl Person'Months PerYearCommitted to theProject. Cal: Acad: Sumr: Supporl trCurrent tr Pending ElSubmissjon Planned in NearFuture tr*Transfer ot Support ProjecVProposal Title: Sourceof Support: TotalAward Amountr$ TotalAward PeriodCovered: Locationof Project: Person-l\4onths PerYearCommitted to the Projecl. Cal: Acad: Sumrl Supporl ECurrent tr Pending E Submission Planned in NearFuture EI'Transfer of Support ProjecVProposal Titlel Sourceof Support: TotalAward Amount:$ TotalAward PeriodCovered: Location of Project: Person-Months PerYearCommitted to theProject. Calt Acad: Summ: "ll lhis pojet has peviolsly boe. lunded by anolher agency,please list and iumish intormarionlor immediatotypre@dinoilndino period. NSFFom 1239(10/99) PageGl USEADDITIONAL SHEETSAS NECESSAnY Currentand PendingSupport GPGSectionll.D.8for on Informatlon to includ..n *,pe,m;l;,,re,ofid rem;b thr. f.rh l*;d€irdorhffi OtheraOencies(incrudlngNSF)lo whichthis prcposathasbeen/wiub€ submifiod. Investigator: MichaelJipping planned Suppod: ECurrent tr Pending Esubmission in NearFuture O*Iransferof SuDDort ProjecvProposal Titte: Using Ilandheld Computers in the Hope College Computer ScienceCurriculum Sourceof Suooort NSF-CCLI TotalAwardAmountr$ 86,610TotatAwardperiodCovered: 05/01/00. 0gi/31/01 Locationof Project: Hope College,Holland, MI Person-Months PerYearCommitted to theproject. Cal:0.00 Acad:4.00 Sumr: 4.00 planned Support: tr Currsnt tr Pending tr Submission in NearFuture E"Transfer ol Suppon Project/Proposal Title: Sourceof Support: periodCovered: TotalAward Amount $ TotalAward Locationof Projectl Person-Months PerYearCommitted to theProject. Cal: Acad: Sumr: Supporl: tr Current tr Pending ESubmission Planned in NearFutur€ ElrTransfer ol Support ProjecvProposal Title: Sourceof Supportl TotalAward Amount:$ TotalAward PeriodCovered: Location of Projecl: Person-l\ronths PorYearCommitted to theProject. Cal; Acad; Sumr: Supporti ElCurrent EtP€nding tr Submission Planned in NearFuture tr.Translerof Support ProjecVProposal Title: Sourceof Support: TotalAward Amountr$ TotalAward PeriodCovered: Locationof Project: Person-l\ronths PerYearCommitted to theProject. Cal: Acad: Sumrl Supportr tr Cufient ElPending tr Submission Planned in NearFuture tr'Translerof Support ProjecVProposal Tille: Sourceof Support: TotalAward Amount:$ TotalAward PeriodCovered: Location of Projecl: Person-lvlonths PerYearCommitted to theProject. Calt Acad: Summl 'll this poject has pcviolsly b€6n lunded by a.other ag6ncy, pt6e tist and tumish intormlion tor immediat€typecedinQtlndins penod, NSFFom 1239(1t1,€9) PageG-2 USEADDITIONAL SHEETSAS NECESSABY CurrentandPending Support GPGSectionlt.D.8for Th"lonfrdg"lo-a{fi d.@db. on inform.tidn t in^l'r.|. prcvd.d'o,ddl ,orh.,agoncm Investiqator: Ryan McFall I Support: tr Current E Pending Elsubmission planned in NearFuture CI,Transfer of SupDort ProjecvProposal Titte: An Object-Oriented Execution Visualization Environment for Learning Introductory Computer Science Sourceof SupDort: NSF-CCLI TotalAward Amount:$ 74,937TotatAwardperiodCovered: 05/01/01- 04t30/o3 Location of Projoct: Hope College,Eolland, MI Person-l\4onths PerYearCommitted to the project. Cal:0.00 Acad:0.00 Sumr:2.00 planned Supporl trCurrent tr Ponding trsubmission in NearFuture Et,Transfer of Support ProjecvProposal Title: Sourceof Support: periodCovered: TotalAward Amount;$ TotalAward Location ol Project: Person-Months PerYearCommitted to theproject. Cal: Acad: Sumr: plannod Supporl: ECurrent tr Pending EJSubmisslon in NearFuture tr,Transfer of Support ProiecvProposal Title: Sourceof Supportl IolalAwardAmount:$ TotalAward PeriodCovered; Location of Project: Person-l\,4onths PerYearCommitted to theProject. Calt Acad: Sumr: Suppon: tr Cufient tr Pending tr Submission Planned in NearFuture tr,Transfer of Support ProjecVProposal Titlel Sourceol Suppon: periodCovered: TotalAward Amount $ TotalAward Locationof Project: Person-Months PerYearCommitted to theProject. Cal: Acad: Sumrl Support EICurrent tr Pending trSubmissjon Planned in NearFuture tr rTransfer of Support ProiecvProposal Title: Sourceof Support: TotalAward Amounl:$ TotalAward PeiodCovered: Location of Project: Person-Months PerYearCommitted to theProject. Cal: Acad: Summ: 'll thls projed has p€viously b@n rundedby, pl€a* lisl and lumish inroruiion rof immediatey precodingtundingpenod. NsF Fom 1239(10/99) PageG.3 USEADDITIONAL SHEETSAS NECESSAFiY SUMMARY YEAR 1 ORGANZATLON PFINC]PALNVESTIGATOF / PFOJECTDIRECTOF Herbert L Dershem A. SENIORPERSON NEL|P /PD, Co-P's, Faclltv and OlherSenio.Associares (Lsr€ly withlnb, A.7. shownlmber in brackels) I HerbertL Dershem.none 2. Michael.I JioDine 0.000.50 2.00$ 0.000.00 2.00 3. Rlan l, Mct all 0-00 0.00 2-fy.l 4.000$ 2.000 2.000 5. t, OTHERSILISTINDIVDUALLYONBUOGETJUST]FCATIONPAGE) . 6( )1 7 . ( 3 ) T o T A LS E N I o B PERSoNNEL NUMBEFS IN BFACKETS) B, OTHEFPENSONNEL ISHOW 0 3. POSTDOCTOFALASSOCIATES OTHEFPFOFESSIONALS {TECHNIC AN. PROGFAMM€F.ETC.) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.000.50 6.00 E.000 0.000.00 2.00 0.000.00 0.00 2-000 0 0 0 STUDENTS U GRADUATE STUDENTS 0 UNOEFGRADUATE 5. 0 SECBETABIAL- CLEFCALOFCHAFGEDDIBECILY) 6. o OINER TOTALSALARIESANDWACES (A+ B) C. FFINGEEENEFITSIIF CHARGEOASO FECTCOSTS) T O T A L S A L A F I EW SA G E S A N 0F F N G EE E N E F I T S ( AB++ C ) '| 0 0 0-000 2.000 12.000 D. EqUIPMENT{LISTTEMANDDOLLAFAMOUNTFOREACI]ITEMEXCEEOING $5,OOO.) 0 TOTALEQUIPMENT (|NCL,CANAOA,MEXTCO 1. DOMESTTC AND U.S.POSSESSONS) 2. FOFEIGN 1.400 0 E, TBAVEL PAFTTCTPANT SUPPOFT COSTS ^:::.::"- :#:'";^.. - . - ^_^ ------rsoq 2.000 U 19.750 TOTALPARTIC]PANT OOSTS TOTALNUMBEROF PABT]CIPANTS ( 5) G OTHEFDIFECTCOSTS 1. MATEFALSAND SUPPLIES 2 PLBLCATONCOSTS'DOCUMENTATION'DISSEVINATION 1.000 0 0 3. CONSIJLTANT SEFIVICES 4. COMPUTER SERVICES 0 ll 0 1.000 6 OIHER TOTALOTHEFDiBECTCOSTS H. TOTALDIRECTCOSTS IATHROUGHG) FATEAND BASE) I INOLBECT COSTS(F&A)(SPECIFY 34.150 25% ofFl (Rate:25.0000,Bas€:16250) TOTALINDIRECTCOSTS(F&A) (H + ) J. TOTALDIBECTANDjNDIRECTCOSTS FOR FUFTHER SUPPORT OF CURFENT PROJECIS SEE GPG ll D 7 l ) K. FESIOUALFUNoSllF L . A M O I - J N I OTFN I SB E O U E S {I J I O R( J M I N U SK ) LEVEL$ M.COSTSHAFINC PBOPOSED P O DI V P ID N A M E & S G N A ' L A' I HerbertL Dershem OFG,FEP,TYPEDNAME& SIGNATURE' NsF Foh 1o3o (l d99) sup€rsed6 all p6vious .ditions O 4.063 38-213 0 $ 38.213$ AGFEED LEVELIFDIFFERENTS I DAIF I FOF NSF USE ONLY LNDFECTCOSTRATEVEFTIFICATION DATE i 'SIGNATUFESREQUIFEDoNLY FoR BEVISEDBUDGET(GPG lll.B) SUMMARY LB G FORNSF USE ONLY PFINCIPALINVEST]GATOF / PFOJECTDIF-iG A. SEN,OIPEFSON\EL:D,,pO C.p s r"crr,n,anOOrr*.Senora"roci"r". I'sreacr seoE.atety hlt- r. e,A.7. shown_mber rl orc(e.s, bert o t 0t!!fE4ii!l!l ]g!l!qru v or.rai6oriluEirrr,-a:o Ercr pEBSoNNELI; 7.( 3 r rorALsENroF B !IIfE!!E!!9!!E!G!9!!urveER- rr.r-Eia r ( ,.r I I POSTOOCTOFAL ASSOC ATES q4\.'BocBAi/rvER,Erc. !l-qME:!q:!S!_9!3!qIEq! GFADIJATE STUDENTS UNDEFGFADUATE STUDENTS SECFETAFIAL. CLERICAL (F CHA8GEO DFE'iT ToTAL SALAR|ESANDWAGES{A+ c F F ' \ G EB C \ E E s ( E C H A q G qAos o t R F c lc c r s , s WAGESANOFBINqEAENEFITS{A+ B + C D. EQ!tpMENT (L|ST tTEtvtANO DOLLAfl AI\4OUNTFOF EnCgrrel,rexcqEorr,relspoo,t TOTALEOUIPMENT E, TFAVEL 1. DOIVEST|C {]NCL CANADA,tVE\tCOANDU.S F. PABT]CIPANT SUPPOFT COSTS 1.ST]PENOS $ 3.SUBSTSTENCE 26.000 2.400 TOTALNUMBEFOF PARTICPANTS TOIALPABTIC PANICOSTS G OII]ER DIFECTCOSTS 1. MA-TEFIALS ANOSUPPLIES 2 PUBI-ICATION COSTS/OOCUl\4ENTATION/O SSEMINATION 3. CONSULTANT SEFV]CES 4,COMPUTEF SERVCES IOTAL OTHEFDIFIECICOSTS I] TOTALOIFECTCOSTS(AIHFOIJGH t. TNDTBECTCOSTS (F&A)(SpECtFy RATEANOBASE) 2sqaof Fl (R^tet 25.0000,Base:26000) TOTAL NDIFECTCOSISIFAA J, TOTALDIRECTANDINDIRECTCOSTS K. RES|DIALFUNpS(tF FORFURTHERSUppOFr OF CUBRENTPFOJECTSSeeCpO l-Uz L A M O U N T OT F N I SB E O U E S T M. COSTSI]AFINGPFOPOSEDLEVEL$ AGREEDLEVELIF DIFFEBENT PIl POTYPEDNAME& SIGNATUBE' FORNSF USE ONLY OBG,BEP.TYPED NAME&S]GNATUNE' NSFForh 1(a0(10/99) Sup€rEede. a previousedirions ]NDIFECTCOSTRATEVEFIFiCATION 2'SIGNAIURES FEOUIaED ONLYFOBBEVISED BUDGETIGPG III.B] SUMMARY PR P YEAR FORNSF USEONLY ORGANZATION PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR / PROJECTDIFECTOB A. SENIOR PERSONNEL| PI/PD,Co-Pls FacultyandOtherSenior Associales (Usleachseparale y wirhlirleA.7. shownumberin bEckels) 6.I oV N B J D C E TJ U s ' I c A I I o l \ P A G O ) O T H I B SI I I S I I N D I V I D L A L L 7 .( 3 ) T O T A L S E N I O PR E B S O N N E.L6{ 1 B. OTqEF PEFSONNEL(SqOW\UI'/B' BS IN BRAC^ET I.I I ) POSI DOCTOFALASSOCIATES (TECHNIC]AN.PROGRAMMEF, 2.( 0 OIHEF PFoFEssroNALs PFOFESSIONALS ETC. U))orHEF STUDENTS 0 MDEBGFADUATE DLRECTL O ) S E C R E T A R I AC L .L E q I C A{LF C H A B G E O TOTALSALARIES ANDWAGES lA+ C FRINGEBENEFTS ( F CHABGEDAS OIRECTCOSTS TOTALSALAFIES, WAGESANDFRINGEBENEFTSiA + B+ (LISTI'TEMAND DOLLAFAMOUNTFOREAC]]ITEM€XCEEOING D EOUIPMENT $5OOO,) TOIALEOUIPIVENT 1. DOMESTTC MEXICOANDU.S.POSSESSTON 0NCL.CANAOA, F. PARTICLPANT SUPPORTCOSTS 1 stpENDs $ ?9#X 2 TRAVEL 3. SUBSTSTENCE 4.OTHEF TOTALNUMBEFOF PABTICIPANTS G, OTHEFDIRECT COSTS TOTALPAFTICPANTCOSTS I. MATEFIALS AND SUPPLIES 2. PI]BLICATON COSTS/DOCUM ENTATION/DISSEMINATION 3, CONSULTANISEBVICES 4. COMPUTEFSERVICES TOTALOTHEFDIFECTCOSTS H. TOTALOIRECTCOSTSIATHBOUGH (F&AXSPECIFY I. ]NDIFECT COSTS RATEANDBASE) 2570ofFl (Rate:25.0000. Baser26000) TOTAL ND RECTCOSTS J. TOTALD FECTANDLNDFECTCOSTSil_l+ K. RESIDUALF! NDS( F FOF FUFTHERSUPPOFTOF CURFENT PROJECTSSEEGPG II D.7 L. AI\,IOUNTOFIHISREOUESTIJ)OB {J MINUS M. COST SHARING PROPOSEO LEVEL AGREEDLEVELIF D]FFERENT P / PDTYPEO N A M E& S ] G N A T U R E ' INDIRECTCOSTRATEVERIFLCATION OFG,FEP.ryPEDNAME& SIGNATUFE' NSFFom 1030(l rygq Sup6rsdesall pGviouseditions REQUIhED ONfY FORREVISED BUDGET(GPG III.B) 3'SIGNAIURES SUMMAFY B FOF NSF USEONIY PFINCIPALINVESTIGATOF / PFOJECTD]FECIOR S E N I O Fo E q S O N N E L : P t p D C ,o . p t s .F a c J J ya r o O r e r s e - o . A s s o c a t e s (Lisreach s€pararety wilhI e, A,7,shownumberin backors) 6. { ],( ) OTHEFS{LIST ND V|OUALLYON qUDGETJUSTIFICAT ON PAG 3 ) T O T A L S E N IP OERF S O N N E L ( 1 B. OIHER PEFSONNEL(SHOW NUMBEFSIN BBAC I. ( J) POSTDOCTOFALASSOCIATES 2 . ( 0 ) O l ' r E q P F O | L S S , O N AS.l T E q r N . C t A NP,F O G q A M M E q E,T C 0) cFADUATE sruDENTs UNDEFGRADUATE STUDENTS U )SECBETARIAL.CLEF]CAL(IF CHARGEOOIBECTL TOTALSALAFIESAND WAGES aA+B C. FF NGEBENEFITS(IF CHARGEDASOIFECTCO TOTALSALABIES, WAGESAND FFTNGE BENEFTTS {A+ B + O, EQUIPMENT(LST ITEIVAND OOLLAR AMOUNTFOF EACHTEMEXCEEDING $5,OOO.J TOTALEOUIPlVENT 1. DOMESTIC CANADA, MEXICO ONCL. ANDU.S.POSSESSIO F PARTCIPANT SUPPOFT COSTS I sr PENDS $ 2 TRAVEL 3. SUBSISTENCE 6E.250 8.'$0 OFPART]CIPANTS{ 21 TOTALPAFTICIPANT Iq!\L NUMBEB COSTS G. OTNER OIFECT COSTS 1 ]MATERIALS ANDSUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION COSTS/DOCUI',4ENTATION/D]SSEMINAT ON 3 CONSULTANT SEFVCES 4. COMPUTEF SEFVICES TOTALOTHEROIBECTCOSTS H. TOTALD]RECTCOSTS(ATHFOUGI,] I. NDIRECICOSTS{F&AXSPECIFY RATEAND BASE) TOTALINDRECTCOSTS J. TOTALDIFECTANDINDIRECTCOSTS lH + l K. FESIOUALFUNDS (IFFOF FUBTHERSUPPORTOF CURBENTPROJECTS SEE GPG I.D.7 L. AMOUNTOFTH]S REOIJEST IJ) OR IJ IVINUS M. COSI SHARINGPROPOSEDLEVELS AGFEEDLEVELIF D FFERENI P I l P D T Y P E ON A M E& S G N A T U R E ' INDIRECTCOSTFATEVEB FICATON ORG.BEP.TYPEONAI''E& S]GNATUFE" NsFForm1030(10/99)Sup€6ede.rttprevlou3€dilion. BEOUIRED CSIGNATUFES ONLYFORREVISED BUDGET IGPGIII.BI Reyiew Analysis Prcposal0097464from HopeCollegewith pI H. Dershemwas submittedto the CISE RE]J Sitesprogram. A total of 20 prcposalswere considercdby panelistson February2, 2001,asdescribed in the attached minutes.The panellated7 prcposalsasHighiy Competitive,6 ascompetitiveand7 asNon Competitive. This pioposalwasassiged by theparel to theHighly-Competitive category.Individualreviewersgayetheprcposal2 excellentratings, I very goodrating and I goodrutings. This proposalis a well thoughtout continuation of a successful REU siteprcgramthat hasbeenrunningfor nineconsecutive yea$. I concurwith thepanelandrecommend this proposalfor fundingasa 3 yearcontinuing awardyi$ incrcments of $38,213,$52,500and$52,500. TemporaryProgramManager Experimental andIntegativeActivitics NATIONAL SCIENCEFOL]NDATION Division of ExperimentalandIntegrativeActivities REU SitesPanelReview- Februarv2. 2001 PUBLIC MINUTES The panelconvenedin room I150 at 8:30AM. Therewere8 panelists. The m€eting b€ganwith Dr. Smithwelcomingthepanelists, discussing reviewcriteriaandconflictof interest(COI) issueswith tlrepanel.Al1thepanelistsreadandsignedtheCOI form. Panelists werecaLltioned abouttheconfidentialityof fte proposalsunderreviewandof theconfidentialityof the identitiesof thepanelmembersandthereviewdiscussions. D.. Smiththeninstructedthe panelistsregardingthereviewprocess.Dr. Wardlediscussed the historyof theREU SitesProgam. Ms. JonekaThompsonexplainedrhe administlative forms.The panelisrs werethenorganizedinto 2 subpanels, with 4 memberseach.In addition,Dr. JuliaAbrahams, a NSF programmanagerartended the paneldeliberations. The panelreviewedandevaluated20 proposalsfor suitabilityof fundingunderrhe Experiinental Paftnerships guidelines. Priorto thepanelmeedng,ali reviewershadbeen sentthesetof proposalstheywereto reviewin theirsubpanel. Theyhadalsowrirlen individualreviewsandassignedindividualratingsof Excellent(E),Very Good(VG), Good(C), Fair (F) or Poor(P) [o eachproposal.Eachproposalhadar least3 suopaner membe$who hadwinen individualreviewsandassigledindividualrarings.Then the paneldiscussed eachproposalandgavea recommendation for fundingp.iority of highly competitive(lI), comperitive(C) or notcompetitive(N). Disqualifyingconflictsof interestwercresolvedby havingtheinvolvedpanelmemberor NSF programOfficer leavetheroomduringdiscussion of the proposal. The cognrzant programofficer(C. Smith)reponeda conflictof interestwith I proposalthatwas handledsepararely from rhepanelprocess. Theseminutesarean accuratesummaryof thematte$discussed andconclusions reacneo at this meeting. Carl_Spirh emporaryPrcgnm Manager Exp€dmental andIntegativeActivities PanelSummaryfor ProposalEIA-0097464 Investigator:HerbertL. Dershem HopeCollege Major stelgths: This proposalis very_w-ellorganizedandpresented,showingthe resultsof a successlil progmm.Theca.eandnuhrdngof thestudents withrcspecr ro 11"--I^T_:19:119I".U t: andtheanalysis ofthe resulrsofpreviousyearsin theprogramrs :: f::{T "*":"^t: weu presenred. I hepl rsto becomrnended for evenleportinga disappointnent with the meagersuccess ln attractingtheundeneprcsented anddiscussing possibleplansto fluther address thisproblemin thefuture. Weaknesses -:. ft* y""kresses\^/iththeproject.Somequestions wereraisedwith respectto T:i: whethertheproJects in whichthestudents areinvolvedarereally ..research,,, or whether intothecategory ofq)€cial individual project. *ur -ight i" e*p""t.a l"l11:.-" "plll l,"tlscrence ln.regularcomputer programs.Thisobservarion camefrom comparisons with otherproposalsin whichparticipants wereassigned to researchers with oryoing, extemallyfimd€dresearch projects.Nonetheleis, thereviewerslike theprieci andthe resultthatmanyparticipants appearto go on to gladuatesahool. Othercomments It mightbepossibleto address theproblemof athactingtheundeneprcsented to theREU programby having_one or morepartnerinstitutionswith primarilyrninorityenrollrnent.A specificmentorat thoseinstitutionscouldpersonallyconiactappiopriate siudentsand actsasthehomesitementorfor theRIU project.Thisstrategfwouldprovidecoldnuing supportandencouragement to thosestudents whentheyretumto theirhomeinstrtutons. In general,this is a greatproposalwith goodorganization.HopeCollegeis to be commended for its work. Overallratins PROPOSALNO.: 0097464 INSTITUTION: Hope College NSF PROGRAM: CISERESEARCHINFRASTRUCIURE PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Dershem,Herbert L. TITLE: REU Site:An UndergraduateResearchpalticipation program in Computer Science RATING: Excellent REVIEW: What is the intellectualmedt of the proposed activity? SinceREU programs are substantiallydifferent from other NSF programs the commentshave all beenplacedin the summary statement. l^/hat are the broader impacts of the proposed activity? Summary Statement Overall, this is a very well done proposal. The enthusiasmand the motivation of those involved in the projectare evident. The reporting of the resultsof previous REU projectshasalso beendone very well. It appeajs that a lot ofefforais spent on the undergtaduatetesearchersin this environment. The experiencewith p;evious REU grantshas beenwell-analyzedused to enhancethis proposal,a laudableaspect. The oriy counterpointsthat might be mentioned are these: &#61623; Are there aiy opportunities for students to see (through, say, field trips) the kinds ofresearchactivitiesthat might be involved in larger, externallyfunded projects at other institutions or labotatodes where the primary objective of the scientists involved is reseatch?This would not only give studentsa tastefor reseaJchactivitiesas provided at Hope, but al6ogive them insight into real-world research. &#61623; lt rl'ay have been an oversight but I was unable to find a review of publications that had undergraduates from the program as co-authors, a point that was to be addressedaccolding to the progaamannouncement.I assumethat in this environmentthere havebeencollaborativepublications with undergaduates. It would be nice to highlight these. &#61623;'Providingprofessionaldevelopmentopportunities to undergraduates,was (I fti* t:.""imporrant) pointto U" UyUr"progr; 11:tl was not specifically "o"oua mentionedin the proposal. TheHope REUprojectappearsto be successfuland well_run. ";orrr,""^*t,hut PROPOSALNO.: 0097464 INSTITUTION: Hope College NSF PROGRAM: CISE RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE PRINCIPAL I|{.!.ESTIGATOR: Dershem, Herbert L. TITLE. REU Site: An Undergladuate Researchparticipation program in Computer DClence RATING;Excellent REVIEW: What is the intellectual merit of the proposedactivity? This€trikes me as an excellentproposalalong virtually all dimensions (cf. minority The PI hasgiven considerable-thoughtioho- tiu nfU i.r, Ue structured involvgmgnt), to maximize the experiencefor undergraduates,-'Iireidea of picking an annual partner is a creativeand apparentlyeffective;utreach effort. y"t, tfd nfU iaa" to this with a more universal search. Theexperience seemsto havesomestrongactivitiesfor the students,includin&but not limited to, the research component.Theil,s previousRfU experier,ce t uspaid off in a proposalfull of pedagogicaldevices,interestingtopics,and i-ritellectual atmosphere, Wlat are the broaderimpactsof the proposedactivity? Despitethe PI'seffodsto recruitminorities,the datatheyreportsuggesttheyhave had little success.One solution might be to weight minolityissues mor!"aggressivelywhen pickinga partner. This may require partnering with a more distant cji-ege. Another ^ore.aggr-essivewithout parrneringby visiting the schootor paying l]jiiUitlV 9 9" " tor a representahve to visit HoDe. SurnmaryStatement This is a solid proposalfrom an institution that hashad good successin past REUs.The costper intern is 96637. PROPOSAL NO.:0097464 INSTITUTION:HopeCotlege NSFPROGRAM:CISERESEARCHINFRASTRUCTURE PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR:Derchem,Herbert L. TITLE: REUSite:An UndergraduateResearchparticipation program in Computer Science RATING:Good REVIEW: What is the intellectualmerit of the proposedactivity? The proposalsuggestsa number of mainly independentstudy proiects(I am not sure if visualization,animatiory suppolting, explodng technologyprojecisof the types suggested in theproposalcanbe called,,research"). In my opinion,this projectwill hardlyleadto scientificdiscoveries, howevel,it will cer;iniv udrrance (L les"". extent)knowledge and (probably,to greaterextent)understanding within the field.On theotherhand,_there is no doubt (assupportedby the studenteviluations)that study pr+cts of this kind give studentsa very good chanceto exploreand further practicai applicationsof the knowledgethat they acquiredin classrooms,aswell asshapetheir careers. Suggested study topics(for example,algorithmand functionvisualizaliontypicalprogranuningexercises in manycolleges)do not seemtoo original,thoughthey will requirecertainskillsand creativityfrom students.Theteammemlers(especiallythe Pl) arevery qualifiedto conductthe project,thougb the qualityof prior work in manycasesdoesnot seemto riseabovethelevelof (sometimes, comperehensive) programming expercises.Taking into accountthe level o{ studies,aswell as qualificationsof the PI, there is no doubt that proposedactivity would be very well organized.Studentswill have accessto all necessarvresourcei l^rhat are the broaderimpactsof the proposedactivity? As the extensivelist of publications (co-authoredby undergraduatestudents)indicates, thells,are very skillful ir utilizing and advertisingresults of their researcfuespecially in the field of computer scienceeducation.Collaboratingwith their mentorson publicationpreparation,studentswill geta valuableeducationaland socialexpedence. The projectwill certainly advancehaining and teachingskills of the pls. On the other hand, it will hardly attract studentsfrom other colleges(asevidencedby prror experience of the team), since there are a number of mote atkactive research-oriented oppodunities around, In particular, it is not clear how this proiect targets studmts from underrepresmted groups, though the PIs provide some widence indicating that the number of students from these categodes participating in the program is steadily increasing. There is, probabl, no chanceto broaden paiticipation geographically. SummaryStatement G (good).The Criterion 1 (relatively low scientificvalue of the ploiect, relatively high educationalvalue of the proiect,high educationalqualificationsof the PIs) was critical to my decision.Criterion 2 (studentswill have broad opportunities to disseminatetheir results,the projectwill help them to maketheir careerchoicegthe projectis not very likely to athact studentsfrom other colleges)contributed to my decisionto a lesser extent. PROPOSALNO.:00974& INSTITUTION:HopeCollege NSFPROGRAM:CISERESEARCHINFRASTRUCTURE PRINCIPAI IIWESTIGATOR: Dershem,Herbert L. TITLE: REUSite:An UndergraduateResearchparticipation program in Computer Science RATING:Very cood REI'IEW: Vfhat is the intellectual medt of the proposedactivity? Thisis a proposalto continuethe supportfor a very goodREUprogram.Thefaculty arerlearly- good at running this program, at attracting students,anj at helplng undergraduate studentsto becomeinvolvedin researchactivitiesbeyondthe boundariesof the REUprogram. The availableresearchprojectsare ;U within the field of computerscience and in areassuchashandhelddevicesind visuarizationthat are particularlyappealingto students. The program recruits its studentsfrom around the nation, but primarily from Michigan and nearbystates.Five of the eight supportedstudentswill be from other colleges.Theevaluationo{ resultsof prior supporti6 quitegood,It showstheir success in attractingwomen and an improving recruitnent of minority students.Their total rate of graduateschoolattendaace is 507o,an excellentresult. What are the broaderimpactsof the proposedactivity? The useof a Fall_Research Symposiumgivesttis program the opportunity to further their educationalgoalsand to further encouaagethe studentsto continuein research programs.The program alsoincludesfaculty from other colleges.This outreachto other collegesfurthers the goalsof the REU progam by extendingiis rangeof influence. Sumrnar:yStatement This is a worthy program that hasdemonstratedits successwith prior REUfunding. It hasappealingcomputer scienceresearchtopics and faculty -" i*" -io ur" cornrnittedto undergraduateresearchexperiences.The overa.lllevel of extemal research support for the faculty is lessthan that of someof the other programs. NationalScienceFoundation 4201WLSON BOWEVARD, ARLTNGTON,VIRGTNIA22230 ttray 19, 2ooL EIA-0097454 ErA-0097464 Award No. Proposal No. Dr. James E. Bultman Presiden! Eope College P .O . B o x 9 0 0 0 Holland, MI 49422-9AOO Deai Dr. Bulrnan t The National Science Foundarion hereby avrards grant of S38,213 ' to Hope collese for supporL of rhe Droiec! ale;criu.a i"a it .--prJiolii ii t"r.,.,".a uuo,r. as modified 21,,20AI. This project, 'REU Sltes: by revised budg;r ;ubmiEred by your principal under the direction of Herber! !. Dershenr, is An Undergraduale Research participation ?his award is effeclive invesligalor June 1 . 2001 anal erpires on March enlrlteal: program in Conputer May 31, 2002. continuing granr which has been approved on scien!ific ll]:-t:-1 lor approxinaEely merrt 3 years. conEingenc on the availahiiiy lhe scieoEifrc proEress of Ehe DrojecE, NSF expecrs ro continue approxinarefy the fotlowinq Iev;l : / lechnicaf ot tunas ana supporr ac FX 2042 F Y2 o o 3 lii:i88 This -gran! is awarded pursuan! to the authority Foundarion Acr of 1950 (42 u.s.c. 1861 eE seq.l Conditions (cC-1) dared 04l01 and the fotlo;ing of lhe National Science u"a i" GranE General ""l]"fi-ro t..*. ."a'.."aiti""r, Funds provided by Ehis award inctuate supports fox ,,Research Undergladuates " in accordance wirh NSF Announcenenr O0_10?. Experiences The aEtached budgeE indicates based its support. tshe amounEs, by categories, The cognizanL NSF program official for this rhe cosnizanE NsF official sranrs ]9!-1?99 292-A21a for on which NSF has gxants is Carl H. Sndth (703) ;ontacr r" il,rii.v r Kerchner (?03) Sharon P- craham Grants Otficer CFDANo. 47.070 arndtGhope. edu E r A -0 0 9 7 4 6 4 000 SIJMMARY PROPOSALBT]DGET Award No. 0097464 Funds gran!ed sunr By NSF Person MOS A. (3.00) Total Senior personnel B. Other Personnel 1. (1.00) Posl DoctoraL associabes 2. (0.00) Other professionaLs 3. (0.00) graduate studentE 4. (0.00) Secretarial-clelical 5. (0.00) Undelgladuate sludents 6 . 1 0 . 0 0) O t h e t Total salaries and wages (A+B) acad 0 . 5 0 5 , 0 0 0 . 0 0s 8 , 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 . 0 0 2 . 0 0 s 2 ,0 0 0 0.00 0.00 s0 90 s 1 0 ,0 0 0 C. Flinge beneflts (if charg€d as direct cost) Iotal salaries wages and fringes (A+B+C) $2o , oo s 1 20, 0 0 D. Total permanen! equipmenE E. Travel 1. Dones!ic 2. Foreign F. Tota] pallicipant suppor! costs G. Other direc! costs 1. Matelials and suppliea 2. PubLicatlon cosLs/page charges 3. Consuflant services 4. Computer (ADPE) seruices 5. Subconlracts 6, Other TotaL olher direct costs H, TolaL dlrect costss (A through C) I. TolaL indirect costs ,J. Total direct and indirect cosls (tt+I) K. Residual funds / Small busineEs fee 1. Residual tunds (if for further suppor! of curren! projects GPM252 and 253) 2. Snafl business fee (J) or (,I-K1+K2) I,. Amount of this iequest M. Cost sharing s0 $1,400 s0 s 1 9 ,7 5 0 $1,000 s0 s0 s0 $0 s0 s L ,0 0 0 s34,1s0 $ 4 ,0 6 3 $38,213 $0 $0 $0 Use the Back bulton on the toolbar to retum !o the Dreviousscreen. User: 'dershem H^er-. cl :ee. T^h -:n/l:1 d:nd: cI .n^r,^ f l f i rh.. F Annual Repofi:9732339 Annuel Report for Period: 0211998- 0U20Ol Principal Inv€stigator: Dershem,Herber L. Submitt€d olr: 02/05/1999 Award ID: 9?32339 Organizstion: Hope College RIU: ComputerScienceResearchE\periencefor Undergraduates psrticioant Indtvidu|ts Senior P€rsonnel Name: Dorshem,Herb€rt Worked for morc thrn 160 HouNr No Cotrtdbutlon to Project: Name: Steginl, Gordon Worked for more than 160 l{ou$: No Contribuf ion to ProJect: Faculty Associate Nsme! Jipping,Mchael Worked for more than 160 Houlrt No Contrlbutton aoProj€ctl Faculty Associaie NametBrady,Alyc€ Worked for morr than 160Hourst No Contributlon to ProJectl ExternalFaculty Associa0e Post.doc Grrduate Stud€na Undergrrduate Student NamerPater,Jonathan Work€d for mora than 160 Hours: Y€s Contrlbution to ProJec,! Undergraduatcparticipant Name! Vrcon, Daron WorkEd for more thrn 160 Hours: Ycs Cotrtribualon to Project: Undergraduat€participant Nome! Murillo, Robe Worked for mor€ than 160 Houm: Yes Contdbution to Pmj€€t: participant Uddergraduate Name: Parker,Daisy Workcd for more than 160HouB: yes Contribdion to Project: participant Undergraduate Name: Weinhold,Rebecca Worked for mor€ then 160 Hourx: Y6 CotrFibutlon to Pmject: Undergaduateparticipant NamerLipkin,Ilya PageI of3 AnnualReport9732319 Worked lor more than 160 lloum: yes ContributioD to Project: Udergaduale Participant Name: Chdstian,David Work€d for more than 160 Hours: 116 Contribution to Projectl UDdergaduateParticipant Nsmet Marcoux,Pataricia Worked for more thsn 160 Hours: yEs Co[tdbution to Project: StudentParticipant Prrtn€r Organbctlnm Other Coll.borator* Acttvtd€ and Ftndtng! Research Activitles: Fiveprojec$wcrcconductd duringthcsummer of 1998.Theywerc: 1,AlgorithmandCodeAnimarions ontheWeb 2.Concunency AnomalyProvention UsingPOSIXThreads 3.Exploring DynamicWcbPageImplementrtions 4.Visualization of FunctionCalbandExecution s,LinkingProgamlmplementltions 0oOriginalSpccifications 6.JavsInt€ractive Bnvironment ResearchFlndingsl R€serrchTralnlngr All undcrg.aduat! participants rcceivedtaining in rescarch tcchniques andpresentation skills. Educatlodrnd Ouareach: formql publications stegink'G A.' Pater,J.andvroon,D. p. , vol.31,(1999). ) Accepted , "CodputclsciencesndceneralBducationt Java,craphics,andthcweb',,I;lCCsEBdl€rtn, Books nr Oth€r One.tim€ hhlicrtions Webnnterret Sit€s URI(S): nl http://www.cs.hope.eiu./-dersherbheu/postersg8.html D€scription: Page2of 3 AnnualRepoft: 9732339 Oth€r Speciffcpmducts Contributions Contributions withln Discipline: Contributions to Other Disciplin€sl Contributions to Fiucation .|rd Human R€souc€s: Conhibutions to Scienceand T€chnologyInfra$ruqurel BeyondScienceeDd Engln€€ring: SpocletReduircm€nb Specialreporting requhomentsl Changein ObJe.tivesor Scopel Utubligahd Fhnds: Anirnal, Hum.|l SubJ€ct!,Blohazard!: Categnrlerfor whtchtrothtngii rcport d! ParE|erOrganizstions Activiti6 andFindingsiAny &lucationor Outreach AnyBook Any Product ConEibutionsr Any withinDidcipline Contributionsj To Any OtherDisciplines Contributions: To Any Education or HumanResourc€ ContibutionsiTo Any Scicrceor Technology Inflastucturc Contributionsr BeyondScicrceor Bngincqing Chauge in Objectives or Scopc:None SpecialRcquirements for AElrualProgress Repod:None Change in Objcctiv6or ScopqNone Unobligated funds:Nooe Animal,humansubjects, biohazards: Node Page3 of 3 Page1of 5 ProjectReport- VeGion1 2] PreviewbeforeSubmission[NsF JlOJzuA FINAL BEPORTEQRA]A/A]BD HerberlL D erchem; HoPe CoIIege Programin ComputerScience RisearchParticipation REUSites:An Undergriduate Par!icipartltrdividuslsI MichaelJJipping:RyanMcFall:MatthewDeJong} SeniorErsonnel{s}: MatthewShaefer Johnsoni : Christopher n"r".Jfr e*poi"n"" for Undergriduaiesls.l williamFitzgerald. RoseShumba: : KeithVanderlinden; Seniorpersonnel(s) Matthew Boes;Harkness il"r"_JL S*p"ri";". f"r undergraduates(s): Ngozi uti; samhAllen; SteveMarlowe; -c-""*ri; chdsfy Niemerg; laiirr*l r"; carrie Ha-lvorsen;iimoth'y relley; chad rettner; Martin Kane; AgataBugaj; Morse;JordanKairys;AndrewKalafut;KathleenLudewrg; g"; O";ftipi"ti, oo""fd Porter;JoshuaRowe;Joshua Van Dort f'lutiun fooirttu; e.on Phillips;BenjaminRamsay;William Sumn€r;Pamela Participants'Detail PadqerO-rgarizatio[s: Activitiesatrdfindillgg: Res6arcb and Educatlon ActLvltt€s ! sumrer of 2004 exlension During lhe summer of 2004, one studen! was supporled by an enlire lhe on a report Projecl ts of this grant. Below The following 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ?. projeccs were codducted during lhe sunmer ot 2004: Discovering properEies of nobile phones Modeling a celllrlar tranpoic eystem links in the gene onlologv Mining inplicit over Bluecoolh nelworks Mobile Java for older usere conEiderations interface User Programmer-def ined formalting E-lextbook Project Recruilment and Selection: the The program was announced lhrough the SIGCSE listsserv and lhrough deparlnents science computer of chairs addilion, In Systers ristserv. were sent informarion about the program' ai minority inelilutions Nuniber of applicancs Numlcerof applicants from bost institution: fron outside' 94 21 studenEs were paid a sbipend of $3800 and their provided. In-Program Activities Piel; txip !o Ehe universitv - GRE Exam PreParation eeninar on-campus housing was of Michlgan sraduale echool{r@@@ 741'1 zGjjMddeNN%3AZ%3ADDU1D"' 6124/2005 2 of5 Page ProjectReport- Ve$ion 1 2] PreviewbeforeSubmission[NsF - Presentations by participantss and outside speakers Outs-of-Program Activities - occasional socla1 events - WeeKly Pizza uncheons via - ;;;;;'"";i"" with undersrad researchers in other depar'EmenEs and picnics' cr.eam socials, beach volleyball, ice summer of 2003 projeccs were conClucEedduring the summer of 2003: rr1. torrori.g 1 2. 3. 5. Textbook DevelopmenL Eleclronic of Abstract Data T)?es Autonated Visualization using Eandheld ComPuters Analysis l,{ireless netswork and Cellular Processes of Gene Modeling FuncEionaf sDeech and Dialog on sma1l Devlces Rectuitment and seleclion: throush the srccsE lisbserw and lhroush tne ,"" ;;;-;;;;;.; """"".""a rn aaldilion, chairE oi compuler science departnents "t.a'.i"-ri"a".* i n s E r E u r i o n s w e r e s e n t j n f o r m a E i o n a b o u E L h e p r o g ' a m ""tl.v 21 NJnber ot applicants from host ;'6tiEution: 92 Nunber of applicants from ouEsidc: on_canpus housing was therr students were paid a stipend of $3e00 and ptovided. In-Progran Activitles --'"i.ii..ip sraduace school !o Puralue universitv seminar - GRE Exam Preparation and outside Bpeakers - p.."."."ci""i bv participanls -Program Aclivities Out-of - Occasional social events - l,{ee,(]y Pizza luncheons via - i"i.ii"ir"" with understad tesearchers in olher departmenls picnics' and cream eociafa, beach volleyba1l, Summeriof 2002 projects i"ri."itg ii. ice were conducted durj.ns lhe summer of 2002: ElectronicTextbooks pr.".aett.e Neloork rechnique TooI Developnen! A n a l y s i s T o o l D e v e l o p m e n Ef o r C + + P r o g r a m s . . , s t a t i c 3. of Computalional Geometry-Algorl EnnB SIMD hplementalion 4. Platf;rm for NeEwork Analysis using $andheld computerE u. " Recruitment and selecEion: che wa6 announceal through lhe sIGCsE lisEserv and through il departmenEs sclence "t"".". of computer In addition, chairE "'".!-"-i]"."".r. insEituEions wel:e sent information aboul lhe program' "i.i."ti." 10 Number of applicant6 from host institution: 44 outsside: from Nunrber of applicants 1. j. studenls were Paid a stipend of $3800 and cheir Actiwities l""i.iii-1.'p !o tshe Michisan state universirv seminar - GRE Exam Preparation https://www.fastlanensf gov/cgi-binNSF-P il:ptl@@@ on-campus hou6ing was sraduate school 7411. zGjjMddeNN%3AZ%3ADDU1D" 6124/2005 3 of5 Page ProjectRepofi- Ve$ion l.2l PreviewbeforeSubmissionfNSF speakers - Presentations and outside by partsicipants j'eg Out-of -Program AcEivits - occasional social eventss - $ r e e kL y p i z z a l u n c h e o n s deparLments in other - rnteraclion researchers with undergrad p i c n i c s ' a n d w o t l e v b a l l , b e a c h cream socials, via ice Summerof 2001 The follo\ting projectss were conducted during lhe summer of 2001: 1. Infr:aEtructure Design for a Mobile Ad Eoc Nelwork for Parallel eiect.onic Readei6 and soflware: The rextbooks of the Future Obwi6: Tbe Objecl visualizex one-to ManY crYPtograPhy Sersing user Documenlation lvith Dynanic Web Pages 5. Enhanc;ng a GuI Even! Recordex to suPpor! ltre Aulomaled creation 6. User Documentsation Haral\tare Design and Teeting over a LAN ?. .IVALL: Java Visual Automaled Linked List 8. z. 3. 4. of Recruitment and selection: and lhrough the The prograin was announced through che sIGcsE lislserv deparlments Bcience . In aaiati!ion, chairs of computer lv".i."'ri".".t progran che abou! infolmaEion wele 6ent ai minority inslilucionB Number of applicantss trorn hosts institutionr Number:of applicants from oulside: 42 15 Students were paiil a stipend of SSSOOand their provided. on-campue housing was rn-Program Aceivi!ies of Michigan graduate school - r' t.ip to lhe univeraity - GRE Exam Preparatsron aemrnar and oulside speakerB - Presenla!ions by pat!icipants -Progran Activi!ie€ out-of - occasional social eventa - !,leekly Pizza luncheons - rnteraciion witsh undergrad researchers in olher departmentB vra rce and picnics' cream socials, beach vol]eybal1, !indings: TcP/IP 6tack' 1. Development of Java classes thaL charactserize the lransport' wirele66 characterizes Ehat of ,lava ctas6 it.t"i." ,. with method pase annotation web "r"frof a darabase-linked ;: ;;;i""..". browEer EuPPor.E of linking oenome databaEeE' 'innowatiwe +. oiscoveiy of wav6 ror arsorithms and nachine visiari'"tioo" or ;;i;;;:"; ;: TlaiDing atrd DeveloPneD!: This pr.oject developed reEearch skills parlicipated. in lhe students who 7411. zGjjMddeNN%3AZ%3N)DU1D"'6D4/2005 Page4 ot 5 ProjectReport- Version1 21 hcview b€foreSubmissionlNsF OuLreach Actlvitlea ' tso include stsudents. from -institutsions anal selected partsicipants t'hat do no! have active gtoop" ."d from """".r"pt."."i." tesearcn programs. we recruitsed Joqrellubliratians: NetworkingUsinga Ira-flpping,e. euga1,L. Mihalkova,andD Porter,"UsingJavato Teach swposium,'ro1. 35, proceeditlgs Technical of the 20039IGCSE pio*'u,n.n'*r" Ni*o fk s,'iffef" (2003),p. 120.Published and Laboralories in lheClassroom Computers "UsingHandheld A. Sherstov. S. Martowe. M. Jipping. Bulle n vol 33'(2001)'pl69 Published S/G:CSE Machines". on Handheld Colla'boraiion SIGCSEBulletin'vol 53' H. Dershem,R. McFall,andN Uti, "AnimationofJavaLinkedLists"' (2002),p. 53.Published 'A Linked List Protot)?e for the Visual Representationof Abstract H. Dershem,R. McFall, ard N. Uti, Leantins' vor' 4' i;;;;;";;rle iultimedia EtectronicJournal of Computer-Enhanced ;"{"\;;;;:,(2002),p. na.Published WiredandWirelessNetworks M. Jipping,A. Kalafut,N. Kooistra,andK Ludewig,"lnvestigating progra,nmuote sn,ffer",ITICS{|114 Proaetlings,vol.36,(2004),p l2. Published Usinsa Java-based Boqk(s) of oller slre-ti4e plblirqtiolc(s)i Other SpecilicIrodlrctsi Internet Disse-|nitralion-: html httpr// This web site conEains links lo del-iverables from ehe Summei 2004 qonlribrlionsi withir Discipline: Contributions t. Development of Eechnique6 and appr:oaches to algorithm viEualiza!ion geonetrv z. oeveropme.t of a paxa1lel approach to computational of metho.Ie for esrabrishins links in Lhe sene ontoloqv ;.";;;;i;;-""r developnent for mobile ad hoc ne!!'orks proEocol n. sa"ay "t for precedence nelwork development tools of s. oeveiopment for the sLudy of the effectivenees of ar_ tools of o..r"f"p.""t i. 7 . D e v e l o p m e n l o f tsechniques for comPuting handheld analyzing wirelese networks using Contributionsto Other Disciplines: https://www.fastlane.nstgov/cgi-binA{SF-Pr:Rpt?@@@ 7411. zGjjMddeNN%3AZ%3ADDUlD " 612412005 rage ) 01) PrcjectReport- VelsionI 2l Previ€wbeforeSubmissionfNsF The wor.k on tbe biolo9/. the gene ontologY contributed to the discipline of Contributionsto Educationand Iluman Resources: l'his school preparaEion to graduate the exposure appreciated stualents These preparation the GRE trip and fiel'd our through rcitr occurrea and we were encouraged to eontinue ihem were both cited as highlights in bhe fuEure some were encouraged conlributions StudenLs were excitsed about their o c c urred in connection lhis woik in reBearch contests; bo enter lheir s u b s e q u ent submi6sion to p a p e r a n d of lhe research oiLh lhe wriling tork was accepted r e E e a r c h T h e c o n f e r e n c e s . sIGcsE, ITIcsE, anat Ccsc and used c o n t r i b u tions t o o k l h e i r o t h e r s a t S I G C S E . for compeli!ion olhere s ! i l 1 c l a s s e B p r o j e c E s i n s r u d e n t f o r s c h o o l a t t h e i r bhem research nrentor beyond lhe summer into work lvith lheir contlnueal lheir senester ' lhe fall for the sludents was.rated the summer research experience rn general, from lhe students a c c o m p l i s hnenls exl;emery high. Amons lhe research to h addition p r e v i o u E l y l i s l e d were lhe research conlribulions ''orking tattl a n d o t h e r s m e e t i n g i n c l u d e d ; v e r e o E h e r s t.hese, several to a thal it is posEible lo conttibute j.nterescing learning studentE, s e w e r a l a d d i t i o n ' p a p e r ' I n a scienlific $Iririns pi"j."t, ie".u."}' increaeed .Tava progranming ski11s, paper rr'lriting weie cited' skilrs developed lhrough experience wilh ski1ls atta heighlened "sU f f " , r€search Proi ecls. pecific to aBsess the REU experience's impacL on career rt waB dj fticulL sleered thetn one tha! lhe experience nol indicale d i d l 4 o E t choices. i t w as alwavs ln a was indicated, \rav or anoLher' !'ihen a direction r e E earch dareer' s c i e n c e c o m p u l e r toward a direc!ion ."i" oositive uothingjs reporledi Ca&gorieJ tor r.ryXrrh organEalons Partner Participants: Participants:OtherCollaborato6 Products:Bookor othetone-timepublication Products:OtherSpecificProduct Contributionsto Resourcesfor Scienceand Technology Coltributions BeyondScietrceand Engine€ring I srb.ftlt R"t""I lffiElffi onthissvstem *" *"t"ome aq'!E!d! https://www.fastlane.nsflgov/cgi-binNSF-PiRpt?@@@ 741'1-zcjjMddeNN%3M%3ADDU1D 6/2412005 detailINSFPrcj€ctReport- Ve$ion 1 2] PmjectParticipants' fage I or / Project ParticiPants DershemL Herbert : Principal Investigator worked for more thatr 160hours : Yes Has -C""tiiu"A"" t" p-iect ! Dr. Denhem wasthe directorofthe project Specificresponsibilities ofextemal faculty mentor.2. Collectionandediting project descriptionsftom *"*, i. n""-i*^"* requiling materials-4' uiilu"oft". f. pt"putution and <listributionof all undergraduate andselectionprocess.5 Dfection ofthe duringtheapplication applicants -6. i.,n'o*il."ii"" i,itt "ll parf;ipants. Make housingandother local arangem€ntsfor J"ulo. oro"".t fo. lrndeaaduate plan and coordinate-allseminarsand l. n".erveil facilides fo, the progam. 8. activities l0 Serveasliaison for "iip"rtl"ii*tr. uctMties fo. the .ommer. g Prepareandadministerall assessment -J *O"tgra<luatesduring the summerprogram l l Prepareall requiredreportsfor NSF' "iif"""fty JiDoinsJ Michael : Seniorpersonnel Itas worked for more thatr 160hours : No Contribution to project : Facultymentor McFall Ryar : SeniorPersonnel Has worked for more thatr 160hours : No Cotrtribution to proiect I Faculf,ymentor DeJonshMatthew : SeniorPersoflrel Has wdrked for more than 160hours I No Cortribution to project ; FacultyMentor Vatrderlinden Keith : Seniorpersonnel Has worked for more th&D160hours : No Contributio! to project : FacultyResearchMentor ShumbaRose: SeniorPersorjlrel Hasworked for more than 160hours : No Cotrtributiotr to proiect ; FacultyResearchMentor Fitzgerald William : Seniorpersonnel Ilasiorked for more than 160hours : No Mentor Cotrtribution to project : Faculty Reseaxch Johnsou Christopher I Res€archElperience for Undergraduates Has worked for more thar 160hours : Yes Contributiotr to proiect : No infomation. Yearsof schoolingcompletedlJu or I{ome ltrstitutiotr: SameasResearchSite Home lNtitution if Otler: Home Institution Highest DegreeGranted (itr lields supported by NsF):Bachelor'sDegree Fiscal year(s) REU Participant supported: R.EUFunding: R-EUsite award gov/cgi-bin4{SF-PrjRpt https://www.fastlane.nsf. 6/24t2005 detail[NSFProjeatR€port- Version1.2] ProjectParticipants' Page2 ol7 ShaeferMatthew : ResearchExperiencefor Undergraduates Has worked for more thatr 160hours i Yes Contribution to project : Worked on projecl User IntedaceConsiderationsfor older Users Yearsof schoolingcompleted:Sophomorc Ilome Institution: OtherthanResearchSite Home Institution if Othert ValparaisoUniveNity Ilome Institution HighestDegreeGranted(in lields supportedby NsF):Bachelo/sDegee Fiscalyear(s)REU Participart supported:2004 REU Funding:REU siteaward Uti Ngozi r Res€archExperiencefor Undergraduates Has worked for more than 160hours : Yes CooaributioDto project : No inlormalion years of schooliDgcompleted:Junior Ilome Institution: OtherthanResearchSite Homeltrstitution ifOther: NonhemKenruckyUniversiry Degee HomeItrstitutiotrllighest DegreeGratrted(itr tieldssupportedby NsF):Master's Fiscalyear(s)REU Participatrtsupported: REU Funding:REU siteaward Alletr Sarah : R€searchExperiencefor Uldergraduates Has worked for more thrtr 160hours : Yes Cotrtributiotrto proiect : No information. Yearsof schoolingcompleted:Junior Home ltrstitutlon: OtherthanRes€archSito HomeInstitutlon ifOther: CarletonCollege Degree HomeIrstitutior Ilighest DegreeGratrted(itr lields supPortedby NSF):Bachelor's Fiscalyear(s)REU Participatrtsupported: REU Funding:REU siteawald Marlowe Steve: ResearchExperiencefor Undergraduates Has worked for more th8tr 160hours : Yes Contribution to project I No infomation Yearsof schoolingcompletedlJunior Site Ilome Institution: OtherthanResearch South ofthe University HomeInstitutiotrifOther: (in Hom€Institution HighestDegreeGranted lields supportedby Nsr);Bachelo/sDegree Fiscalyear(s)REU Participantsupportedl REU Funding: REU site award BoesMatthew : ResearchExperiencefor Undergraduates IIas worked for more than 160hours ! Yes Contribution to project : No information. Yearsof schoolingcompleted:Junior Site HomeInstitution: SameasResearch if Other: Institution Ilome Degee ione fnstitution Ifighest DegreeGratrted (in lields supported by NsF):Bachelor's Fiscalyear(s)REU Participantsupported: https://www. fastlane.nsf.govlc gi-binNSF-P4Rpt 6/24/2005 ProjectParticipants'detail INSF ProjectRepof - Vqsion 1.2] fage J or / REU Funding: REU site award Connell Harkness : ResearchExperiencefor Undergraduates Has worked for more than 160hours : Yes Contribution to project : No information. Yearsof schoolingcompleted:Sophomore IIom€ Institution: Otherthan ResearchSite Home Institution if other: KalamazooCollege Degree iome Institution Highestl)egreeGrarted (in fieldssupportedby NsF):Bachelor's Fiscalyear(s)REU Participaotsupported: REU Funding:REU siteaward Ku Michael : ResearchExperiencefor Undergraduates Has worked for more thar 160hours I Yes Contributionto project : No information Yearsof scboolitrgcompleted:Junior Home Institutionl OtherthanResearchSite HomeInstitution ifOther: CalvinCollege Degree HomeInstitution HighestDegreeGranted(in fieldssupPortedby NSF):Bachelor's Fiscalyear(s)REU Partlcipantsupported: REU Furdingr R.EUsiteaward Ilalyorsen Carrie : ResearchExperiencefor Underyraduates flas worked for more thatr 160hours : Y€s Contributiotrto proiect ; No information' Yearsof schoolingcompleted:SophomorQ Site Ilome Institutiotr:SameasResearch Homehstitutiotr if Oth€r: Degree Hometnstitution ItighestDegreeGranted(in lields supportedby NsF):Bachelor's Fiscalyear(s)REU Participantsupportedr2002 REU Funding: REU site award for Undergaduates Expetience Kellev Timothy ; Research Yes : hours 160 Hasworked foi more than Contributiotr to project : No information' Yearsof schoolilgcompleted:Junior Home Institution, Otherthan ResearchSite HomeItrstitutionifOther; CalvinCollege De$ee ffome institution EighestDegreeGranied (in lields supportedby NsF):Baohelot's Fiscalyear(s)REU Participautsupported: REU Funding: REU site award Kettner Chad : ResearchExperiencefor Undergraduates IIas worked for more than 160hours : Yes ContributioDto project : No information' Yearsof schoolingcompleted:Junior Ilome Institution: SamcasResearchSite https://www.fastlane 6/2412005 detailINSFPrcjectRepofi- Version1.2] ProjectParticipants' Page4 of7 Ilome Institution if Other: Home Institution Highest DegreeGranted (in fields supported by NsF):Bachelor'sDegree Fiscal year(s) R.EUParticipant supported: 2002 REU Fundirg: REU sit€ award Kane Martin : ResearchExpedencefor Uodergraduates IIas worked for more than 160hours : Yes Contribution to project ; No infomation. Yearsof schoolingcompleted:Junior Home Institution: SameasReseaxchSite HomeInstitution if Other: Hom€Institution HighestDegreeGranted(in lields supportedby NSF):BachelolsDegree Fiscalyeer(s)REU Participantsnpported:2002 REU Futrditrg! REU site award for Undergraduates Experience BugajAgata : Research IIasworkedfor morethan160hours: Yes Contributionto project: No information. :Sophomorc Yearsof schoolirgcompleted Site HomeInstitutiotrt OtherthanResearch University if other: Camegie-Mellon Itrstitutior Home De$ee (in by NSF):Doctoral HomeItrstitutiotrHighestDegr€eGranted lieldssupported 2002 Fiscalyear(s)REUParticlpantsupported: award REU site REUFutrding: for Undergraduat€s Experience NiemergChristy : Research Hasworkedfor morethan160hours: Yes Contributionto project: No infomation. :Junlor completed Yearsof schooling Sito Homeltrstltutior: SameasResearch Westem Illinois UniYe$ity if Other: HomeInstitution Degree by NsF):Mastels flomeItrstitutiorHighestDegreeGranted(in lieldssupported 2002 Fiscalyear(s)REUParticipantsupported: award REU Funding:RBUsite for Undergraduates Experience OcchipintiBen ! Research Hasrdorkedfor morethan160hours: Yes Cortributionto project: No information. Yearsof schoolingcompl€ted:Junior Site Ilome Irstitutior: OtherthanResearch Va11ey StateUnive$ity Grand HomeItrstitution if Other: Degee by NsF):Master's IlomeInstitutionHighestDegreeGratrted(in lieldssupported 2002 Fiscalyear(s)REUParticipantsupported: awad REU site Funding: REU for Undergaduates Experience Porter Donald: Rosearch Hasworkedfor morethan160hours: Y€s httDs://www.fastlare.nslgov/cgi-binA'lSF-PrjRpt 6/24/2005 Prcject Participants'datail INSF ProjectRepof - Velsion 1.2] Page5 of 7 Contribution to project ; No information. Yearsof schoolingcompleted:Junior Home Institution: OtherthanResearchSite Home Itrstitution if Other: Hendrix College Ilome Institution HighestDegreeGrented(tu lields supportedby NsF):Bachelo/sDe$ee Fiscal year(s) REU Participant supported: 2002 REU Fu[ding: REU site award Rowe Joshua : ResearchExperiencefor Undergraduates IIas worked for more than 160hours : Yes Contributiotr to project : No infomation Yearsof schoolitrgcompleted:Junior Ilome Institution: OtherthanResearchSite Home Institution if Other: GrandValley StateUnivercity Degree HomeInstitution l{ighestD€greeGratrted(ir lields supportedby NSF):Master's Fiscalyear(s)REU Participantsupported:2002 REU Futrdirg: REU site award Morse Joshua : ResearchExperiencefor Undergraduates IIas worked for more than 160hours : Yes Cotrtributionto proiect : No information. Yearsof schoolitrgcompleted:Junior Site Homehstitutiotr: SameasResearch HomeInstitution lf Otber: HomeInstitutioDHighestDegreeGratrted(itr llelds supportedby NsF)lBachelo/sDegee Fiscalyear(s)REU Partlcipantsupported:20032002 REU Futrding: REU site award Kairys Jordan ; ResearchExperiencefor Undergraduates Has worked for more thatr 160hours i Ycs Cotrtributiotr to project : No information. Yearsof schoollngcompleted:Junior Ilome Institulion: OtherthanResearchSite HomeInstituuon if Otherl KalamazooCollege De$ee Ilome InstitutiotrElghestDegreeGrarted (iu lields supportedby NsF):Bachelor's Fiscalyear(s)REU Participantsupported:2003 REU Funding: REU site award Kalafut Andrew i ResearchExperiencefor Undergraduates Hasworked for more than 160hours : Yes Co[tribution to proiect : No informatioo. Yearsof schoolingcompleted:Junior Ilome Institution: OtherthanR€seaxchSite Ilome Institutiotr if Other: BradleyUniversity Degee HomeInstitutiotrIlighest DegreeGranted(in lields supportedby NsF):Master's Fiscalyear(s)REU Participantsupported:2003 REU Fundirg; REU site award gov/cgi-binNSF-PrjRpt https://www.fastlan€.nsf. 6D4/2005 PrcjectParticipants' detailINSFProjectReport- Ve$ion 1.2] Page6 of7 Ludewig Kathleen : ResearchExperi€ncefor Undergaduat€s Has worked for more than 160hours : Y€s Conhibution to project : No infomation. Years of schoolingcompleted :Freshman Home Institution: SameasR€searchSite Homelrstitutiotr if Other: HomeInstitution HighestDegreeGratrted(in lields supportedby NsF):Bachelor's Degee Fiscalyear(s)REU Participantsupported:2003 REU Funding: REU site award Kooistra Nathatr : ResearchExped€ncefor Undergmduates Has worked for more thatr 160hours : Y€s Contributiotrto project : No information. Yearsof schoolingcompleted:Junior Home Itrstitutiotr: SameasResearchSite HomeInstitution if Other: HomeInstitution Ilighest DegreeGratrted(in lields supportedby NSF):Bachelor's De$ee tr'iscalyear(s)REU Participantsupported:2003 REU Funditrg: REU site award Phillips Aarotr : Res€archExperiencefor Undergraduates Has worked for more thao 160hours : Y€s Contrlbutiotrto project i No information. Yearsof schoolitrgcompleted:Junior Home IBstitutio!: Otherthan ResearchSite HomeIostitutioDifOther: WheatonCollege Degree HomeInstitutioDHigh€stDegreeGratrted(h fieldssupportedby NsF):Bachelor's Fiscalyear(s)REU Participatrtsupportedr2003 REU Futrditrg:REU siteaward RamsayBenjamin : ResearchExperiencefor Under$aduates Has worked for more thatr 160hours : Yes Cotrtributiotrto project : No information. Yearsof schoolingcompleted:Junior Site Ilome Institution: OtherthanResearch HomeItrstitutior ifOtherr TaylorUnive$ity Degree HomeInstitution HighestDegreeGranted(iu lields supportedby NSF):Associate's Fiscalyear(s)REU Participantsupportedr2004 REU Futrding: REU site award Experiencefor Undqgaduates Sumner william : Reseaxch Has worked for more than 160hours : Yes Contribution to project : No information. Yearsqf schoolingcompleted;Sophomore Home Institutioni SameasResearchSite HomeInstitution if Other: Home Institution Highest D€greeGranted (in lields supported by NsF")iBachelofsDegree Fiscalyear(s)REU Participantsupported:2004 htFs://www.fastlane.nsfgov/cgi-bin/NSF-PrjRpt 6/24/200s ProjectParticipatrts' detailINSFprojectReport_Version1.2.l Page7 of 7 REU Futrdlng: REU site award van Dort PaEela : Res€arcbExperieDcefor Undergraduates Hasworked for more than 160hours : yes Contributior to project : No itrfomation. Yearsof schoolingcompleted:sopnomore Home lnstitutioD:SameasResearcb Site Home Institution if Otierr Ilome lDstitutionHighestDesreeGrao_ted supportedby NSF)rAssociate,s Gtr^fields Degrce Fiscalyear(s)REU prrticipant supported:2004 REU Furditrg: REU site award W ffi! *" *tt"omecomments onthissvstem https://wwvr'. fastlane.nsf gov/cgi-bin/NSF_prjRpt 6t24/2005