Date May 30. 2000 IIOSE COIIEGE A?PROVAL I'ORX OF A?PIICATION l. FOR A GRANI Departnent Computer Science Prol ect director Nev Progrard Proposal to be dubrlltte Project titl€ An Eyaclti.\n ohieat-oriehfad Purpose of ObJectlve Proposed perlod froD f.'r Tnfr^ 0 4 I 3 0t 0 3 stafJ and studetlts! faculty Eembers, other than projoct Effect oD facultt, a. The lollonlag Rene\ral Env Visrrali?al-idn dlrector, wtll (on PaltlclPate nore thsr a tokea besls) NATI'R,E OF PARTICI?ATION NAI.IE co-PrinciDal McFalI b. Nulber of studeDts to partlcipste p€lsonaol for tbe project (secretarlal, technicaL' Nsne any addltlonsl doctorel, 6tc.) {hO are not presently €mPloyed by Hope Co1le8e. N0 YES --Xevelhble? Ar€ spsce atrd a€ce6sary fecllltles 6. If d. 7. Investiqator a. y€s. Bulldhg Roord _-yr.o-Zce.Ie.a__ Post- R24 If no, cormeat on iour requlretn€nt for a6s space end facllltles' If th€ prograr! ls off campus, please lndlcat6 locattoa: of najor equtpn€rt .equl!€ evantual cost to HoPe College (€.9., IttII acqulslttoa rnsht.aanc., r6palr' expendable supPlles for lrstlllstlon, acc€tsorl.s, lnatrumanta) ? NO ___X_ Expleln YES _ reoulred? wtltcomputerservicesorco.putii-ilslstaace--EE If yaB, th6 grant Fust cov€r co6ta fo! coroputer ttn; .tth€r ii-!-aliiiliiii grant or ea Datchllg funda tf requlred. offlce equlpoent or computer equlpment requlred for thla Lldt eny eddltlonal project, not lncluCed ln the 8rant. Suromaryof proposed budSet: TOTAI *Conputer Charges Selari€a and VagoF. . rErtrployoe 8e!6flts... Coroputer Tlme . C o m p u t e rP e r a o n n e l . . . . . . . , Supplles . . . . . , . . , . . . conputer Equlpruent. . . . . . . , Equlpoent,.,........ T r a v 6 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . ,( 1 q o o it" r r n d t r e c cr o s t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . @ - S @ : (It€nlzed Oth€r under notes) rorA!.. . . . . . . . . . . . b. 8. c1 nnn ffi-a.zle a&nlnlater these funds? ____=_+esiltll th; Hope CollFge 9usinesa Offlcc Nene the aPeclflc Indlcete any cogts which are to be pald by llope College. of, th€ae fund6 and the correspoDdlng Hope College account number. Notes *axplanatton lndlrecl us€d ln calculating of rDethods _:1t - - ^ f r . et r-rr R'4ir p.s? charge6. \ o . > eAt af i a. "e-$ _ €Qr Jttaliei-in-iawance of subnis app P!-oJect rector (d employee benefltE ftc6 +fiatpe ): ( onal Dean d byt Jac yenhuis, Pr (date ) TechnoloAy i f c o r D p u t e r charges are included. (directions for this forn on reverse) te) (date) st (- Infornation AppI icable source FOUNDATION SCIENCE TOTHENATIOI{AL PROPOSAL SHEET COVER .mi|cijNcFMEi.nsolcilAiontio-i NSr 0G63 Eld!r!.i.d'*Ne@ -OSlhCoArE d""c[ab,@,tE NUMBER NSFPROPOSAL 6m6/00 U ns) BYNSFORGANIZAIIOI1 FOR@NSIDERATION !@d de l|fl*hd**lrturd e) coDElEuNs#1o-u*or-unr*r COPIISTDN-iffiil'iS3idNEDTFUND )ATERECEIVED I NUMBEROF I LocArloN FILE m094'r0E4 ToAl,loltlERFEDERAI BEING susr,rlrrED lsJFis-pRoposaa AGENCY?YEStr r'rOE lFY€S,LlSTrCAOdtlrS(S) AwtRD No.r rHlsls (Er'{)c)R .Ho$rPREvrots moyEdDEilrFoarloN NUiTBER IAIPAYEED€NiIFIC'TIOOI'UIIBERFIN) n-{ RENEl4a RENEWA 0 AXACCOiiP!r9{1,€NT-AAS€D 3t13t!2?1 Gffissffiffio€EffirzaloN. nope Cotlege P.o. sor 9000 HoIrd, ML 1912296S0 CHAWINOST IlAMEOFORGANIZATIONTOW AWARDEEORGqMZATION@OE (f I(€VIN) 0022?31000 I oIGIT 4PcooE ttcLUolNG -eooness lNcruoNcI olcrrzrPcoo€ or renromrtlc oncwzarroN, 'FDIFFER;NT MAiE OF PERFOM {G ORGAI{IZAIION,IF OIFI oRGNlzaroNcoo€ (rFKriotYN) FERFoRMtNc IloN (Cndr |l t!4 Apt r) oRCacNlZ rSAWARD€E lJ FOfi rs* GPGrlo I Fq l)sfillou) TIII€ OrfROFOo€EtROJEcT A! llbleCtIrtrodocto n NORTTY€ristNESSoWOMAI+OIVIIEOBtiSlNESS ffi""-tog yCorDputer sclcrce REOUESIEDSTARIINGDAT€ o€Eo !IO., SHOW iE-AIED PR€PROPOSAT 0t0v0l 74296 BEIOW AiIYOFIHEI1EII6LISTED IFIHI6 FROPO TNCLUDES BOX{ES) APPROPRIAIE CI{ECK ll 0 1a nCUCAlp D6t' Ax|irALsIGPG tr VAIEBRATE '{IJESIIGAIOR(GFG1 A3) tr BEGTNNING UOl4 ((rP! ot) EHllllA SllAlE4rl (GPG o.otscroalBE0F !4aEVtG ACXDTTIES slRB APP0.L 4mnhn s!!...ddINFORAiAIION:G |l.010) & PRIVILEGED O PROPRIEIARY COTJNIRYIGoIJMTRE5 ACTTVITIES AI|OTA! COOPEnATVS NTE (C tr ,O,10) 'CT MENTA! POIICY tr NATIOM!ENVRA tr HrstoRrcPLAoE6(GPGlt.D.1o) (GPGV'G) WIIHOISABILIIIES tr FACITANO FORSCENftI9ENGINEERS (S( ) (CPGII.D.12) RESEAROI tr $ll!l GRANrFoREXPIOR. O aEgEtRc$trpoeruu:rYAwanD{oFc v,l4 27GlrverPl|ce sot"Cofiagc Holbod,MI 49i4229t6$ Dep.Ilm.nt of CompuaersclcDce 6t6-395-7123 Hclbe L Dtrthem h.D. 1969 6tG3ts7508 der6hem@cs.hoDcedu. Rv|n Mctrdl h.D 2ln0 616'3y,-Stn Mctdlry(4ca.hope.eriu PAGE CERTTFICATION lnvestigators: andCo'Principal for PrincipalInvestigators Certitication lhatl I enlfu to lh6 besro( myknowledg6 | 1rhs suterult h.B'n loYcludnos 641'lc htloLtsss a.d *'en[fic @hions)at€ trusandmmplelosrd ;er * anya-o.panyinsp rur.otof(o, orh€rd@trenh.Lnes o.6N s no,€roda,€n6 onsir"r&n orf a iii i,,. i*i"r rhs 6ndic prcvrde ", @nducr oirheprciocr ""i "i-r,., **i"s,ndd torih6scienrific rhstr;uped;@ t;sre€to ac€pr€sponsibitily 1il""t"*"ii"i"-a,"r" pro0o5s@poGile awa'o5 Ttds N E €sullol rhs ormoel @qunEd a mtoial lacl in ths prcpcal or sv olhorMmuniml on submltad!o NsFis a | lnd€Btandihal Ih€willlu ptdl6ion ol lals inlohslion or @n@aLino 1m1). Til€ 13,S€ciion of€nss(U.S.Clda, criminal HerbertL Denhem 1t6 i Ryan McFall z ? ? Applicant: or Individual Representative OJganizational lor Authorized Certitication is:(1)6ditlns lhst olliciaol lh. sppl@ntinelilulion orlhoaulhodzsd Bvsidn,no an! subdi LnqlhED,opNt,th6hd vduatappticgnl toaBpt rhooo sarol lo eno /*'h rcF rotfs b;,r orhis/hffho+ €d066rc €)eotoeiFs r"'"'^;'" 'i";.d comprer6 ;;;""L;;"" rJri\o lt6 app6ni i. f€robvoor dng@n[@or( s@.dlormsandLot.lons.lsrstatdismsd.aqaBsullo'ln'taopli-rlon 6ssbnn r o6rt @ kp'ace aidlobbilo6clivrl€s{s0Derow) suspslsior' dNorB€ dsbatn6ni and Feootal d€bl6rdtu!, fso6roi.o p-'i**ioloi raio. rsr,joz. w tu prcu$o;ortab; ir; Foionin r{. app@io1'1d 'E suopor''oddlrsrrs o '' 'oponcEoL sd TitL€ ls Section 1001) und€ranamu noawadie5 cridnalotlens(U S Code, tnaddir,on.tftoaooticanr,r!finolerpto/sho€lnan,ilypB$rs,rheaJrFo'z6dolc6.oltrapplicalt'.sttruho1ts€n'a'.gtF8ttn€irsliul'onha5 ror\s bssl s . inr p@rsrororGEnrDol(yvanJas6clb15r0:rhai ,_"t6mnr;d. *,in;nano6rro,€d@rl (iotills,6stpocyrtari5@nsBl€nt -r,iglFir.*r.*. .6qun6d corl cc orlntd6sidrita\6 ;y lt;r di,,ct or,nbEsrpo.c, rhararrEent'ieo r"--, ois.tosL,ss i 'ute urdetrl'€asfd ln3€ddEn6,k ll- |\6 "rl @,ed or alTi@Gopl o; io tt€ Fd (l 01. $p€10tu@ol .nv u*n sr,sraao"rv-mmmeo ii;tt"^:"-"rji o mti." coltr {ich isnrot Do6ansr.crorv tutloo Edu6 or er'min't€onLd b' dis ossdroNsF "rioer ([ an!M,'vss' Iooith6.'pl.a$ptdid6 explan6lion ) Debt and Debamenl Cerllficallons \6so lstnooroaniatordslfaL6{on.nv L€do6l@bl' p@pos.d d€claBd i.6Lsibl6orvolunlailv€rcl0ded rofdob6.ment, i" ir'eo,imr"r *. nsinrcip" pia36.tvdebai3d,suspsnded, oraoslcvt rm d;Ed hnsacl0.6 bvar " E dsdl ooDanFonl No& No& Lobbying CertificalionRegarding Thls6n t efon is @ouir€dtor an a*ad ol a FBd€Et@ntacl gnnr d oop.rslio ag@m nl €r@odino$100,000andlot anEwadol a Fedo6 loan or providino lor lh6 un iod sl.l6 lo ins!6 or ouatanl66a loan6x6edino$150,000 a @mmitmonl Agreemenls Grants,LoansandCoopemtive tor Contracts, Certification -Iho und€6i0ned@dli*,lolho boslolhbor h6. kno{lodooand b6lbl lh€l bspaio,byorono€|"al'o'th6und€Bg1e lo arv n'lLonc10o cnotrpli'g 'o {ll€nca ll)t\ol6draaDooo.areoturoshavsboe.paidort M6Fbo, orCo.q a.s. al olrco' o' 6rplov6ao'Consr$, o al snpov6. ol6 Morb€' or coro 655r @nrocrol a1v, a ;no1i6,o,6mpioy66or .6 rakho or;ny F€dsEtsini.tne ma<19 or any rao6E en. rtd 6nlarns .1roo'aT @po€rvo aq'oor6rr, is;t _v balaim1;ad, *,r, r|.6 ""arc or modli€lon ol any F6d6'a Nntacl oianl roan oreops'trvsao@emonr sndtlooxlsnsion @niinualionrcnowal,amondhonlL l2rli anvtLdr dih6 han Lsdota .pp opncrediu.dqh.vo D6ol pcd o' w'llo€ paidb anvpar&r'o irlJo(ns !'i ir"*L ii,"r v**, d a €notrs to 1'l' Mm r '!'_s d r\6 o o Msnodo corsrc$1 mr6diorw'rF orcoryas, snoriio oranoov* orcororcsots' onoro'€' Lo'r 1*", rdBapod "0"-". i;";;i;.';; ;:;.i " . -"rda|lv;6s@rod. rla mdoEio;odq' I o.d ubmi sr.fd6d Fo'mr' L "oiscr6uB wih rc inshct om in a@dan6 Lobbying," in lho awatddum6ils lor tl Lsubwads al al iie6 includinq r3l Th6undo6'onodshaLlGqutr6 $at thola.ouao6ol lhis@d lralion b6incLuded -a -"md, utrd€'s,r;is eN, and@p€rarv6€srconenlsandlhal arLsub@ pi6nLshallcodit anddiscr.soa€odino v l,i-"n"a", "ius.^s into submsslonolthls wh6nrhlrtaneclionwasmadoot 6nl6red Gp6entaronot taclupon*hichr6lian6waspla@d This€riitimlo. isa mal6.ial to|@kho or6nrensinlorhiair4sacroi mpo$dbyso.ronI3s2 rlto31US Cod6.Afypodonwh.l8ikloribnr6 @difurionis a prc,€quistro cdtrii..i..di'di6nsia]Lb6subioctioa.ivilDanaLlvolnolL6sslhan$10,@ II fl NCITFNORGANITATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE NAA,ISTITLE IIYPEO) JamesM. Gcniile,DeanNaturalScience NIJMBEF TELEPHONE 616-395-7190 Bad_Date MAILADDRESS ELECTRONIC 616395:1n3 @EcTTHEoRGAN|zAT|oN'sEL|GL3|L|TYFonANAWAB0'HowEvEF'THEYABEAN UNDER NsFacr oF igso,Asa TENDED rHEpFoposALssNsoLlclTED sysrEMaNDAssrsr rNpRocEssrNc irni oirrr rNronuATroN riiidii[ ProiectSummary tllat Thisprojectwill build anenvtoffnentfor visualizinggograrnexecution d|atmakeuseofthis swportsstudentlealdng.It witl alsoFoducernaterials introductoryComput€rSci€ncecourse in anObjeclOriented,Java-based envirorunent by will bebuilt fiom conponenbthathaveaLeadybeenconshucted Theenvironment ofprior research d.ldngthreesurnrners andhis students thePrincipalInvestigator enviroffnentintodle inducticry thevisualization Thecousematerialwill integrate with follow up activities,in coursetlnoughthedwelopmentoflectue demonshations Thesewill be homeworkexercises. classlaboratoryactivities,andoutside-of-class refinedandimprovedthroughclasstesting. tbroughstudent on leamingwill beevaluated TheimpactoftlF environment surveys,loggingstud€ntusageic measuedle nahrcandimpactofuse ofthe will all bewebenvircffnen!andby thecriticalreviewsofoutsideexperbThernaterials basedandwill be disnibutedtl)Ioughits availabiliryon theweband0rough workshops A cornrnunityof userswjll be createdand F€€entedat regionalandnationalconfetences. andadditionalcours€matedalswill be made maintained on thewebwhereupgrades available. TABLEOF CONTENTS For font sizeand pagetomatling sP€crications,see GPGsectlonll-C- Total No. of Pagesin Section Sectlon PageNo.' (Oprional). CoverSheet(NSFForm1207)(SubmitPage2 withoriginalproposalonryl A 1page) ProjeclSummary{nolto€xo€ed B Tableof Contents{NsFFom1359) C r,omPrior ProjectDescription {dusResulrs 1 ,1 (noilo excood15 pages)(Exceedonlv ll allos€dbv a NSFSuppod) In or lf approved program announcemenvsoliclktion speclflc or deslgnee) NsFacslstanlDirector advance bytneEpproprlate D RelerencesCited E €ach) 2 pas€s BiographicalSketches (Notto €xc6€d 1 Budgot (NSFFom 1030,plls !p io3 pagesol budgstjustilioatlon) Currenland PendingSupport(NsFFom1239) .I (NsFForm 1303) and OtherResourc€s Equipment Facilities, 0 I Dooumentataon SpecialIntormation/Supplementary 0 J Appendix(Listbslow. ) announc€m€nv (lncludsonly bya speclllc ll allowed NSF 3ollcllatlonor ll approv€dIn advanceby lho aPproprlat€ or d€.lgnee) Asststanl Dlrecior App€ndixllemsl 'Proposers mustbe paginated however' Theentireproposal lortheproposal. mechanism mayselectanynumbering bothcolumnsonlv if the proposalis numberedco! NSFFom 1359(10/99) An Otlject-OrientedExecutionVisualizationEnvironmentfor LearningIntroductoryComputerScience ProjectDescriPtion I ResultsfrQm Prior NSF SuPPort educatron ThePrincipalInvestigtor hasreceivedtlueeNSF grantsrelatedto undergmduate laterin form belowandreferenced overthepastsix years.Thesegants arelistedin abbreviated theproposal: . . . Prognmin ComputerScience Participation Research REU:An Undergraduate cDA-9423943 C{antNumber $l14,393 AmountofAward 28' 1998 March1, 1995untilFebruary SuppodPeriod to Object-OrientedConcepts for IntroducingStudents An Inte$atedClassroom,4-aboratory A. Stegink Gordon MichaelJ.Jippingand Co-PIs DIJE-965 0 129 GrantNumber $46,3s6 AmountofAward June15,1996LntilMay 31, 1999 Period Support Programin ComputerScience Participation Research R.EU:An Undergraduate EIA-9732339 Gnnt Number $146,700 AmountofAward 31,2001 15,1998untilJanuary February Period Support Thetwo REU grantsarethe latestof tlrce glantssupportinga HopeCollegeREUsiteprogmm researchprqectseverysurrner overthepastnineyears.The Pl hassupe isedundergaduate researchunderthis projectin 1996.Four undergaduate liom 1992-1999.The Co-PI supervised by ttrePI aredirectlyrelatedto theproj€ctprcsentedin this proposal of theprojectssupervised of a combinationclassroom theestablishment TheDLrEgrantwasanILI projecttllat supported and thatprovidesa searressintegrationof la.rgegroup(classroom) andlaboratoryenvironment berng purchased wittt this grantis presendy snull group(laboratory)learring.Theequipment ofthe andthisfacility alongwith successon tsed in all HopeCollegeComputerScienceclasses environmenllor the presenrprojecl' will provi& tie classroom originalequipment 2 Project OverYiew for visualizingprogEmexecutionthat TheFoposedprojectwitl build anenvironm€nt in an studedle3mingandwill dwelopmataialstlBt mak€useofthis environment supports will be inductory ComputerSciencecouse TbisenvtoDrnent Object-Oriente4Java-based tllat havealrcadybeenconstuctedby thePI andhis studentsandwill be built from components developedunderthe leadenhipofthe co-PI €nvionmentintothecoulsethrcughtl1e drcvisualization Thecoursematerialwill integrat€ homework laboratoryactivities,andoutside-of-c1ass oflecturedemonstrations, development exqcises.Thesewill be refinedandimprovcdtlrcugh classtesting though studentsurveys, Theirnpactofthis €nviroffnenton leamingwill be evaluated loggingstudentusageto measuenatur€andimpactofuseofthe envionmenqandby tlrccritical reviewsof outsideexperts. 3 Goalsand Objectives objectives' Thisprojecthasfourgoals,aslishdbelowalongwiththeirconesponding envtonmentto visualization execution Goal 1:We will developan integnted,web-based intoductoryComputerScienceleaming. enhance for Javaprogram components Obiective1a.We will int€gratepreviouslydeveloped protocol,recusior! andevenf&ivencomputlng clasvm€thod visua.lizing development, and ftat will permitcodegeneration Obiectivelb. We will adda facilityto thisenvircnment interactions. playbackof visualuser^nachine environment' Goal2: We will developcoursemodulesthatusethevjsualization modulesincludingfollow-upweb-based Obiective2a.We will developlecturepresentation envircnrnent reviewmattrialstlat utilizetie visualizarion usingthevisualizalionenvlofinent Obiective2b.We will delgloplaboratoryexercises requiringuseofthe Obiective2c.We will dwelopout-of-classhomeworkexercises envrcnment visualization tlrc materialsandmodi! fhembasedon theevaluatron' @glf: We will evaluate Science225cornse' 9bi99l@3q. We wil usethesematerialslocallyin theCornputer by coll€ctingdataftom students' Obiective3b.We will evaluateeffectiveness Qbigq!@3g. We will distributeour matedalsto a panelof expstsfor criticalreview' Obiective3d.We will modifi andimprovetlle materialsbasedon thes€ with otherComputerScienceeducators Qgg!!: Wewill sharethematerialsdeveloped publication,web ow resultsthroughprofessional Obiective4a.we will communicate publication,andworkshopsat nationalandregionalconferences a cornmunityofusersfor thecontinuedevaluation, Obiective4b, We will establ.ish of thesematerials. developmen!andmaintenance 4 ProblemAddressed ln thepasttenyears,we haveseena majorchangein boththecontentandmethodsusedin in this project' areaddressed introductoryComputerScienceinstruction.Threeofthosechanges Theparadigmofproblemsolvinginnoducedin thiscourwhaschangedftom predominandy This hasbe€nevidentin tle textSookpublished objecForient€d imperativeto used. languages andin theprogramming teachingin this coursehasmovedtom lecture-based In additiorqthemodeof classroom leaming.TheComputingasa Disciplinereport[4] gave presentation to interactive,cooperative imDetusto thismovementandit hascontinuedto growasmoreemplasishasbeenplacedon in in generalandin C,mputerScienceeducation leamingi:r a[ ofhighereducation collabomtive particdar[3] U8l. ofthe learninghasbeena phenomenon Finally,theuseofthe WorldWide Webio enhance in ComputerScience[1] partof coulsepresentration lastfive yean,andis b€cominganintegrated t2l. TheproposedFoject is intendedto addresssomeparticularinstructionalproblemstbatare presentin object-oriented inductory ComputerSciencelearningby applyingthenewwebleammg. activ€,cooperative technologlin a maffIertbatwill encourage ba.sed protocolof by tlis Foject are(1) tlrc class/method Thettre€ instructionaltopicsaddress€d problemsolving;(2) recursion;and(3) event-&ivencomputing. object-odented to problemsolvingin paradigmhasbecome*re approach As the object-oriented inrtuctionalchallengehasbecome a fimdamental inductory ComputerSciencecourses, prolocol.This hasbe€nnotedby ofthe class/method esbblishingearlystudentunderstanding theBIueenvironment[11] andits successor, othersincludingKitling [9]U0l who hasd€veloped tlrcBIu€JenvironnentU2l ttrathassimilargoalsto thatofthe presentprojectin workingon this problem, A secondproblem0ut haslong existedin Cofiputrl Scienceinsbuctionat all levelsis ofproceduralrecursionU3l[20], Visualizationbasfrequendybeen developinganunderstanding usedasa tool to addressthis problem[8]. by thisprojectis developingstudentundeNtanding addressed A tlrirdinstructionalchallenge of everf&iven computing.This is a morcrcc,entissue[19],withouta longhistoryof visuali tionapproaches. 5 Prior Work 4 h the last threeyears,the PI has addrcssedeachofthe three instructionalproblems describedin Section4 tltough tl1euseofvisualization teclmiquesThis work was done\l1th srLpportftom tle NSF REU programduring the sunmers of 1997-l999 SeeSoction I tor a <lescriptionof this sutpport.The rcsultsoftlis prior work will fonn 1l'tcb:rsisfbr the prescnt Boxcs appearfor paramctcrsofmcthods and consh'ctors. projcct. J a v xb u i l t - n l E i d E @@,- .II,, .II,, .II, I e s : E I E E r l - ,f -1r,, &I n H I @ li iql [ @ n"'-'*'f-_ll' .""4 ligurc I Srmplc screenfron' Obviz ror lisualizirg ! Frrction class 5.1ObjcctVisualization thevisualiT'atlon by lamesVarderhydeandthePl [5], addrcssed Thefusl project,developed protocolby providingtheabiliryto vicw anyJavaclass'methodprotocol ofthc class/method and activatingany ofits medrodsby draggingand &opping objeotsinto its pararneterpositions andclickingon tre methodbox.After theclic( theactionofthe methodis performedandany r€tumedobjectappea$in thewindownextto themetlnd A sampleinteractionin progressis tle capabilities andfomat of ObViz,theJavasoftwaretlut shoxnin Figue I to illusb:ate providestlis facility.Obviz needsonly theJavaVirtualMachinecodeofa classto visualizetlut heredueto spacelimitations thatcarmotbe descdb€d class.This soft\a"rehasmanycapabilities andhasbe€nus€din manydifferentcoruseonviIofinerfsat HopeCollegeatrdelsewhero. appear for Frames ofthc eachexecution methodwithpararnet€r visibleto the values Thecodefor the in methodappears cachframewith cunentlyexecuiing statem€nt highlighted. Theuserhasa conlrol window(notshown here)to control cxecutionsPccdand Figure2 FunctionVisuelfuerwith thre€r€cursivecdls to fibonrcclfunction 5.2RecursionVisualization by ttrcPI Visualizationofrecursionis providedby a packagecaled VizFun[6] developed Weinlrold Thispackageacceptsasinput Erin ParkerandRebecca alongwith unde€raduates soulc€cadefor Javametrcdsandproducesa visualizationfor theexecutionofthosemethods prodrcesa fiamefor eachmetrrodcall,includingrecunivecallsor callson Thevisualization Eachmelhodcall framecontainstlresoucecodefor tltatmedlodwitb fte othermedrcds. highlighted.A[ activemethodsarevisiblein a stackas cunentlyexecutingJavastatem€nt shownin Figwe2. 53 Visualizationof EYent-DrivenComputing of A third development Foject result€din AWTV4 a Foduct thatFoduc€svisualiztions by JosiahDykstraandKeith Suppes Javaevent-drivenmethodcallsffl. AWTViz wasdeveloped workingwirh thePI. kr this case,drcwindowof AWTViz, shownin Figure3, containsthe souc€codeofthe cwlentlyexecutingmethodwith an€xecutiont'ace,a call stackfor metlpds, anda historyofmefiod calls,all arrangedsothattheshrdentcanfollow in detailtle executron of meftodsttat arecalledby eventsproducedby usetinteraction Sourcecod€of cunenlly executingmethodwith windowsgenerated by thcAWT will appearalongwith this window during highlighred Figure 3 AWTViz visuali"ition ofEvent-Driv€nJava 5.4A Jaya DevelopmentEnvironment A.notlersoftwarepoduct developedundertheHopeCollegeREU programis JaDE,a Java Javasou{cecod€ontry,editing,and Envtorunerfdratpermit web-hosted Development by hofessorGordonSteginkwltb executionofthe resultingapplet.Thiswasdeveloped JonPaterandDaronVrcon [16] Figue 4 showsa snapshotofth€ JaDE from students assistance envirunment. Javaprogram de1clopmenteniironment Figure 4 J!DE: a browser-based 5.5IntegratedClassroomand Laboratory activitiesrelatedto thisprojectwill occurin theclassroom Thesettingfor theclassroom contains in SectionI This classroom with supportfrom theNSFILI gant described conskucted to thatsupporseasytransitionftom lectureto discussion in anarrangement 12Sunworkstations containsprojection laboratoryactivitiesfor up to 24 shrdents.Inaddition,thisclassroom by mearsofthe effectivelywith sfudents facilitiesto enabletheinstructorto communicate iiskuctor's stationat theiiont of theroom.This clas$oomis usedfor all ComputerScience at HopeCollege,includingtheonethatwill bethehostfor theshrdydescribedin this classes ofthis clas$oom. proposal.Figue 5 illushatestlrcconfiguration -------r- --.-r-.-----Er- l n i l t r l nt l tL-----:-tL----:----J n i l n t 12studentstrtions contrining for24studenh Figure5 Computer classroomnrborrtory 6 Proj€ctActivities Thegojecttimelineis givenbelow: Softwareimplemenbtion Coursemat€dalpr€paration AcademicYear,2001-2 Classtesting Softwareandcoursematqial rcfinement Preparation for dissemination 2002 Summer, workhoD desim Summer,2001 6.1Background- CourseandFacilities by this projectis CSCI225,Softwarc Thecousetlut will hostthematerialsdeveloped coursein t}rcHopeCollege DesignandImplementatiorlIt is thefrst CompuleiScience tlat f}restudenbhavesomepnor programmrng curriculum,ftough it hasasa prerequisite with languag€ usingdreJavaprogramming It is an inhodr]ctionto ComputqScience experience. teatmentofevent-&ivencomputingthrough an objects-firstapproachIt alsoincludesextensive theintroductionoftlre JavaAbstractWindowsToolkit (AWT) libraryclassesThecourseoudine for CSCI225is givenin APPudix A. in Section5 5 andmeetsfor five fifo-minte described Thisclassmeetsin theclassroom andlaboratory periodspo week,with thattime flexibly dividedinto lecfire,demonstratioq is tbattlle timeis dividedinto activities,dishibutedat theinshuctor'sdiscretiorAn estirnate 30% lecture,30% demonstratior!and407olaboratory. 6.2 SoftwareDeYelopment processwill takeplaceduringthesummerof200l. This effort Thesoftwaredevelopment who will be fuIdedby by two undergraduates will be headedby co-PIRyanMcFall,assisted Goal I in Section3. The NSFREU f.uds or by HopeCollegef.mds.This activi$ will address activitiesto meetthespecificobjectsaregivenb€low: I . Integmt€Feviouslycompletedsoftwar€corponents. Theproposedactivitieshereare r UseObViz asthemain userinterface. . througbtheuseofJaDE. fo! visualization Facilitatestudentcode-geneEtion . usingVizFunwhena method traceandvisuaLization IncludeoptioDalmethodexecution is activatedthough Obviz. . Allow optionalactivationofA\lTViz tlroughObVL . via a webbrowser. accessible Makeall components . offuturevisualization Providea genenlinterfacetllat will enabletheintegration components beyondthoseincludedin thisproject l0 Thiswill generate usageofindividualcornponents 2. Providea capabilityfor loggingshrdent by monitoringindividuatstrdelrtactrvrty datatbatwil behelpfirlin tlreeraluationprocess withindresoftware. andplaybackfaciJityfor ObVD Thiswill rccordall 3. Provideanoptionalcode-generatioo methodinvocatioruactivatedby ObVL andrecordthemasJavacodethatcanthenby "playedback"at a latertime by an ObVizplaybackcomponent' 6.3CourseMaterial Preparation duringthesummerof 20Ol This processwill be directed Coursematerialwill b€ developed who will be fundedby NSF REU of two students by PI HerbertDenhemwith theassistance funds.This activirywill ad&essGoal2 in section research flmdsor Hop€Collegeundergraduate in a similarformatwithinthe components 3. ThePl hasakeadyusedthepreviouslydeveloped softwareandrcsultin materials CSCI225course.This activitywill makeuseoftlle integrated ThematerialdevelQedwill takethreeforms: thatwill evertuallybe suitablefo! dissernination. with follow-up 1. Lectureillusb-ations Thisis bestillusfatedby anexample.Whenintoducingt]le conceptofclassesandtheir will be developedfor alassroom metlrodFotocol, a numberof suitableexampleclasses of Javac'de andits withinflrcObviz componentTheconcurentexarnination illusbration modificationwithinJaDEwill alsobeusedin rhisseting Follow-upaaivitieswill include studentplaybackof lechle illustrationsbothbeforeandaftermakingdirectedmodificationto thecode. 2. In-classlaboratoryexercises by pain ofstudentswithin an to be completed Thesewill be activitiesdesigned by a webpage Eachlabomtoryexercisewill bepresented environment. instructor-supervised ll tl|atwill describetheaativitiesandFovide opporhmityfor studentinleractionln additioq eachlaboratoryexercis€will makeussofone or moreof thevisualizationcomponents. will belephreillustaion follow'Ws andactivitiesto Somelaboratoryexercises tools.A furtherexampleof a labomtoryexerclse wilh tlrevisualization familiarizesnrdents witl a faulty 0leleamingofrccursionwouldprovidetlrestudents tlut wouldenhanc€ recunivemethodandleadthemthroughdiscoveryof theenorby usingVizFun.The wiftin JaDEand tbrcughrMking corrections exercisewouldthendirecttle students for a nunber ofdiff€rentrecursive vedfyingits corectress.Thisproc€sscouldbe repeaf€d methods. 3. Out-of classActivities by thestudentoutside to becompleted A fu)alt ?e of leamingactivityis tbatdesign€d and setting.Suchactivitieswouldbe similarto in-classlaboratorycxercises, ofthe classroom in fact,in-classlabsaretequentlycompletedasout-olclasshomework.But additional Theseactivities for out-of-classleamingreinfor@ment. especially activitieswill bedesigned to couldb€ eitheroptionalor requiredAn exampleof suahanactivityis anassignment to useAWTViz createa classinaludingits userinterhce.In additionto directingtlrc shrdents wouldbe askedto testtlleir classwlth of theinterface,thestudents in theconstmction sourcecodeto theinshuctor'Another ObViz,recordingthetestandsubmittingthegenerated classesfor blackboxtesting student-written €xchange out-of-classactivityis io bavestudents withinObviz. 6.4 ClassTestiog and Material Refinement of2001,thePI will teacha sectionof CSCI225usingthe Duringtle Fall Semester duringtheprecedingsurnner.He will refineandimproveboththecourse materialsdeveloped l2 fiom theCo-PI.ThePI will haveone-fowthrelease rnaterialsandtlrc softwarcwith assistanc€ providedasaninstihrtionalcontributioqto work on thisproject.Data time duringthis semester, for evaluatingthematerialswill alsobecollecteddudngth€s€mester. againrefining Theco-PIwill teacha sectionof CSCI225duringthe Spring,2002semester, time for andimprovingthecoursematerialsandsoftware.Theco-PIwill haveone-fourdrrelease by thePI andwill beassisted workingon thisprojec! providedasaninstihrtionalcontribution, offering Eva-luadon datawill alsobe collectedduringdrespdngsemester 6.5Preparationfor Dissemination in final form duringtlrc ThePI andCo-PIwill put all ofthe softwarcandcou6enraterials in theEvaluation ofall of tlreproductsmentioned summerof 2002.Thiswill includepreparation of matedalsfor theworkhop describedin the Plan(Section9) andthedesignandpreparation samgsection. 7 Facilitiesand Resources needed!o completetldsFoject arepresentlyavailablein tlrcHopeCollege All resources and3 PCs These Thesefacilitiesinclude26 Sunworkstations ComputerScienceDepartrnent. in Section5.5andtwo described machinesareorganizedin threeareasrtheclassroom thatpmvidebotha generalcomputingfacilitysuppotingall classactivitiesandan laboratories ofa widerangeof Because needsofupperlevelclass€s. areatailoredfor theexperimentation andmachine envirorynents uses,eachareais equippedwith a rich setof softwaredevelopment ttnt supportour curricularofferings. configurations 8 Experienceand Capabilitiesofthe PrincipalInvestigators of ComputerScienceandchair ThePrincipalInvestigatotHerbertDenhem,is a Professor at HopeCollege.He basbeena facultymemberat Hopefor 31 years.Drofthe Deparhnent ll andtheuseofvisualizationin teaching Dershemhasbeenactivein€ developmerf receivinggranbandpublishingpapersin thesearcas.He is ttrcprimary ComputerScience, inshuctorfor the cowsethatis target€dby tlis Poposal. RyanMcFall,hasbeeninvolvedin cuniculumandcourse TheCo-Principalklvestigator, at bothMichiganstateUniversityandHopeCollege.At MichiganStatehewas development a part ofa teamthat designedttle couse CPS100,"ComputingConceptsandCompetencies," problemsolvinginstuctionwith largeeffollrnenqnorF[Iajorcowsethatcombineslab-based ofa web-based modifiedmastery-learning U7l. Ir addition,PrcfessorMcFall wasa co-designer at HopeCollege inuoductiotto ComputerSci€nc€for generaleducationshrdents lab-intensive visualization h€ workedon aninstructional usingJavaandgaphics[15].As anundergraduate, projectunderthe directionof thePI [14]. to tlrcproject His technologies McFallwill alsobringexpertisein webdevelopment worl(son automaticdetectionandrepairofbrokenlida in distibuted doctoraldissertation bfornation systemssuchastheWorldWideWeb. 9 Evaluationand Assessment f}lematerialsdevelopedfor this in two ways!o assess Datawill be collectedfiom students will be aft€reachactivi4/andstudents Foject. Snrdentsuvey datawil be collectedirnmediately ofthe materialsat tlrcerd ofthe course' givena surveyto deteminetlrcir overallassessment oDline asa pa't ofthe shrdent wil be keptbriefandwilt be c-ompleted Thesesuweyinstrurnents wiih adviceAomtlle HopeC'll€ge Frost andanalyzed Theywill be designed assignments. Centerfor SocialScienc€Research. Ii additiorLdatawilt be collectedttroughttreloggingfeaturesofthe soffrare Thisdatawil by eachstudentAgain,we will mrsttlt measuethearnountofusageofthe variouscomponents l4 andin ther with theFrcstC€nterto assistin thedesigoofttE datacollectioninstrurnents amlysis. Finally,we will employa panelofoutsidereviewe$to evaluatethematerialsat theendof theswnrnerof 2001.Thispanelwi includehofessonAlyce Bradyfrom KalamazooCollege, ftom XavierUniversityin Ohio,and MylesMcNa[y fiom Alma College,GaryLewandowski DaveBerqueftom DePauwllnivqsrry. of Results 10 Dissemination softwareandcorusc Thisprojectwill resultin two Foductstbatwill be disseminated: will be madeavailablefor materials. Thesoftwarealongwith illustrativedocumentation on theintemet,aswill all cou$ematerials. do\4'nloading We expectto publisha paperon ttreresultsofthis Foject &at will detailthemethodsaid S)Tnposiun.We will also results.Thispap€rwill be submittedto lheACM SIGCSETechnica.l providea completeinhoductionto thematerialsandour resultson theWorld WideWeb.This thematerials.Also includedherewill will alsoserveasa gat€wayto dolv'nloading webpresence bethecapabilityfor usersofthe rnat€rialto submitrnatldalsof tlEir ownasw€ll assuggestions andcdticisrns.we e4ert ftat thiswill includematedalstbatusethe softwarein othercourse to futureupgrades andimprovernents will beusedto cornrmmicate settings. Thiswebpresence the softwarcandcouIs€material. We will alsogeparea workhop for intoducingComputerSciencefacultyto thesoftware Thiswill be a four-hourworkshopandwill resultin theparticipants andits us€in tlleir classe6. wing thesoftwarc.This workshopwill beproposedfor designingactivitiesfor ttreirovn classes ofthe Consortiumfor presentation at tlrc SIGCSES)'mposiunandat drercgionalconferences in SmallColleges. Computing 15 Appendix A CourseOutline for CSCI22+-Software Designand Implementation Problem Solving(1 6. Object-Oianted l . Background(1 week) . EvohrtionofProgadrning . Intemetard World Wide Web . Java- an Ovorview 2. Applets(l week) . TheAppletClass . JavaM€thod$ . G-Ahicalkoganrning 3 . GraphicalUserInterfac€s(l weeD . Components r TextualWidgpb r ActiveWidgeb 4. VisualDesign(1 week) . Containers . Layouts . IlgFl€vel containqs 5 . Javalrnguag€ (2 weeks) . T)?es . Idendiers . Olteraio$ . Sbt€ments r Conditionals . EvenbandElEntHandling w€eD . Desigr . Classdetcrnination . Metlpddetemination '7. Collections (2 weola) . Loops . turays . Solting . Srings (2 andInput/Output 8 . Excoptions weeks) . Exc€ption Corditions . Exc€.ption [Iandlers . St€ams o Files (l week) 9. Threads . Thr€aded Execution . Synchrcnzng thEads . Appletsin cyboFpace 10.Applesfor theweb(1 week) . Irnages andSounds . AJrimations 16 ReferencesCited U] Borcni,C.M., et al, "A ParadignShift! The Iniemet,t}IeWeb,Browsers,Jav4 and theFutureof ComputerScienceEducation,"SIGCSEBulletin,20,l (Mar 1998), 145-152. D., et al, "WWw htemctiveL€amingEnvtonnentsfor ComputerScience Carlsoq [2] Bulletin, 28,1 Mat 1996),290-294. Education,",SIGCSE ProblemSolvingTbroughoutthe Collabomtive R.l, et a.l, Daigle, "Integrating [3] -241. Bulleth,28,l o'':ar1996),237 Cuniculuq"SIGC,SE [4] Deruring,P.J.,et al, "Computingasa Discipline,"Communicationsof theACM' 32' I (Jao1989),9-23. H.L. andJ. Vanderhyde, "JavaClassVisualizationfor TeachingObjecF De$hem, [5] SIGCSEBulletin,30,1(Mar 1998),53-57 OrientedConcepts," [6] De6hem,H.L., Parker,D.E.,andR. Weinhold,"A JavaFunctionMsualizer," Joumalof Computingin SmallColleges,l5,I (Oct 1999),222-230. K., andH.L, Dershem,"An AbstractWindov Toolkit Visualizer [7] Dykstra,J., Suppes, for ComputerSciencaInstrucno4"Proeeedingsofthe 33d MidwestInstructioh and ComputingSymposiun,(CDROM), Apr I 4- 15, 2000,Minneapolis,MN. New Enon," andDiscovering [8] George,C.E.,"EROSI- VisualisingRecttrsion SIGCSEBulletin,32,1(Mar 2000),305-309. PaftI: Programming: [9j Kiilling, M., "The ProblemofTeachingObject-Oriented -Oriented Programning, ll ,8 (Iar' 1999)' 8- 15 Journal of Object Lan€a)ages," '"fhe hograrnming:Parttr: of Teaching Object-Oriented Problem [0] Kiilling, M., Envfonments," Jolrna I of Object-OrientedPfogranning, | | ,9 (Feb 1999),6- 12. with theBlueEnvironment " Joutnal of M., "TeachingObjectOrientation [11] Ktt11ing, (May 1999), 14-23. 12,2 Progrqmming, Object-Oriented J. Rosenberg, Ktiling, M. and "ObjectsFirstwidr JavaandBlueJ,"SIGCSE [12] Bu\etin, 32,1 (Mar 2000),429. Leron, U., "wliat MakesRecu$ionHard," Proceedingsof the SixthInternational 3l F Hungary(1988). Congresson MathematicsEducation,Brtdapest, [4] McFall,R andH.L. Dersherq"Finite SiateMachineSimulationin anIntroductory Lab," SIGCSEBulletin,26,l (Mar 1994)'126-130. McFa[, R. andG.A. Stegink,"IntroductoryComputerSciencefor Genetal [15] Textbook, andtheInternet" SIGCSEBulletin,29,l EducationLaboratories, (Mar1997),96-100. [16] Stegink,G.A., Pat€r,J.,andD. Vroon,"computerScienceandGenerdlEducatron: Java,Graphics, andtheWeb,"SIGCSEBulletin,3l,l (Mat 1999),146-149. '1Do andI Undentand:MasteryModel u7l UrbarFlurain,M. andD.J.Weimhank I-eamingfor a t argeNoFMajor Couse," SIGCSEBulletin,3l,l (Mar 1999), 150-154. *CollaborativeLeaming:A CaseStudyfor CS1at Gftmell College [18] Wa.lker,H.M., andUT-Austiq" S/GCSEBulletin, 29,l @4at1997),207-213 [19] WoodwortbP. andW. Darm,"IntegatingCoruoleandEvent-DrivenModelsin CSl," SIGCSEBulletin,29,l (Mar 1999),132-135. [20] Wq C., Dale,N.B., andL.J.Bethel,"ConceptualModelsin CognitiveLeaming St/es in TeachingRecuniot\"SIGCSEBulletin,28,1 (Mu 1998),292'295 BIOGRAPHICALSKETCH No Bio Data Provided BiographicalSketches PrincipalInvestigator:HerbertL. Dershem Education: B.S.UniversityofDaytor! 1965 M.S.(ComputerSci€nce)PudueUniversity,1967 Ph.D.(ComputerScience)PurdueUniversity,1969 ProfessionalExpelie ce: 19'74-1981, Associate Professor, Professor, 1969-1974, Assistant HopeCollege, chairofcomputer ScienceDepartrnent,1975-present. Professor,1981-prcsent, Scientis!1977-1978 VisitingResearch OakRidgeNationalLaboratories, Program,VisitingProfessor,1982-1983. BosicnUniversityOverseas Visitinghofessor,1993-1994 UnitedStatesAir ForceAcademy,Distinguished Publications(last sixyears): "An AbstractWindowToolkit visualizerfor Dyl$tr4 J.,D€rshem,H.L., andK. Suppes, ComputerSciencelrsfucnor.," Proceedingsof lhe 33* MidwestInstrrclion akd Computing MN. Symposiun(CDROM),Ap 1415,2000,Minneapolis, Visuallaer,"Journal of Function Java R. Weinhol4 "A Parker, D.E., and Dershem,H.L., Computing in SmallColleges,ls,l(Oct 1999),221-230. for TeachingObjecrodented "JavaClassvisua.lization Dershem,H.L. andJ. Vanderhyde, Concepts,"S/GCSEBulletin, 30,|(Mar 1998),53-57. SortingAnimation"'SIGCSEBulletin' Denhem.H.L. andP. Brurnmund,"Toolsfor Web-Based 1998), ?? 30,1(Max 'Data Stucnueswith Ada Packages, De$hem,H.L., Barth,W., Bowsher,C., andD. Brown, Laboratofies, andAnifitatiors,"Proceedingsof theFirst Aus*alasian Conferenceon ComputerScienceEducation,JtjJy,1996,32-38. Dersllem;H.L.andM.J. ltpplng,PrcgrammingLanguages:Modelsand Structurcs:Second ,Edtlor, PWSPublishingCo., 1995, McFall.R. andDershem.'Tinite StateMachineSimulationin anInroductoryI'ab," SIGCSE Bulletin,26,1(M^t1994),126-140. ResearchGrantAwards: Curriculurn,"NSF Officeof Co-director"Introductionoftlrc Compulerin theStatistias Activities, 1971-1973,$45,800. Computing Director,"A ModularApproachto theInhoductoryCousein ComputerScience,"NSF l,ocal CourseIrnprovementProgBm,I 978-I 980, $ 14,200. Co-Director "A MoqocomputerLabotatoryfor usein TeachingStatistics,"NSFIisfructional 1979-1980, $10,315. ScientifcEquipmentPrograr\ NSF Rt]I Program, Director "CSNETMembe$hipin Supportofcomputer ScienceResearch," 1990.$9.375. 1987Program""NSF REU Program,I 992Research Di€ctot "ComputerScienceUndergraduate $146,700. $r14,393t1998-2000, 1994,$86,s50;1995-1997, Direat6, "Us€ofAd4 i-aboratories, andVisualizationin theTeachingofData Stluotuesand Dsc{e,teMatlt€rratics,"DARPA CurriculunDevelopment Grant 193-1994, $23,010. Drcctor,"Curiculum andT€r&ook Developm€nt UsingAda 9X for theTcachingof ObjectOrientedConcepts,"US Ai Forc€Contracq1995-1996,$34,464. Co-Dkocbr, "An Inbgrat€dClassroom/-abordlory for InhoducingShrdenbto Obj€ct-Orieded Concepts," NSFILI Progmm,1996-1998, $46,356. Collaboration: A list of collaboratoFo1€rttp last48 monthsincltdes:Mchael Jipping,fuoll Sbginb RyanMcFal BiographicalSketches Co-PrincipalInvestigator:Ryan L. McFall Education: B.S.HopeCollege,1993 M.S. (ComputerScience)MichiganStateUniversity'1995 Ph.D.(ComputerScienc€)Mchigan StateUnivenity, 2000(exp€cted) Professional Exper i ence: HopeColege,visiting hsbuctor, 1995-1996,Assistantkofessor,staxtingFa[ 2000' PublicationsQastsix/ears): 'lnhoductoryCompubrSciencefor GeneralEducation:. McFall,R. andG. Steginlq Teitbool6, andtheIntemet,"SIGCSEBulletin,29,lQtar 1997),96-100 Laboratodes, 'Finit€ StateMachineSimulationin an IntroductoryLab," SIGCSE McFalLR. andDeNhen\ Bulletin, 26,1(Mar | 994), 126- | 40. Collaboration: A list of mllaboratolsoverthelast48 montls includes:HerbertDershem,Matt Mutka, andGordonSt€gink. $ Fom r03o {1019) S{Fr..d- dl prvld. .dld4. 1 ISIGNAIIJRES REQUIREOOI{LY FOR iEVISEO SIIOGET {GFO III.B} SUttllulARY PROPOSAL BUI,G€TGOil'|E TS- YearI ** C- FrltrgeBeneia I'ring0' .re.oDPrted |r 105% &lirtrr for redtfue[t botr ftr t 65% ofr!hd.. for trICA rnd Mcdlcllc r* I- Intlinc{ Coab hrli.r{t coabrll brr€d or 337. of MTITC, f,opc ColegeEegoattad rt''tak92s./o. l9J% fu coltegecoltihdor SUMMARY PRINCIPAL IN!€STIGATOR / PROJECT OIRECTOR H€rb€rt L Denh€m {u3t €adr 5€pdrat6vrih lid.,4,7, stFw numborinbEct6ts) 0-m0-002.00I 1.ll€rbert L Dershem- PI 2- Rvrtr iltLl.lll 3_ o-o{ 0.0{ 2.00 - tron€ 5. 6.( O ) OTH€RSI LISTINOIVIDUAILY ONAUDGE'JIJSTIFICATON PAGE) 0.00 0.0j ( I . 6) 7. ( : ' TOTALSENIOR PERSONNEL o-00 0l)il B. OTHERPERSONNEL(SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETSI 1 0 r PosroocroMLAssocrATEs 0.0n 0_0j 2 , O I oTHERPRoFESSIoNALS {TEC}iI,IIoIAN, PRoGFAMMER ETC,I 0_0j 3 . 0 ) GRADUAT€ sruoENTs O I UNO€RGMDUAIE SIUDENIS 5 , O I SECRETARAL- CLERICAL(IF cfiARGED DIRECTLY} 6 , O) OTHER TOTALSALARIESANDWAGESIA + BI FRII,IGEBENEFTSNFCHARGEOAS OIRECTCOSISI TOTAI SAIARIES,WAG€SANOFRING€gEN€FITS(A + A + C) (LISTITEMANODOLLARAMOUNTFOREACHI'IEM EXCE€OINGI5,OOO.) EOIJIPMENT 17.000 9.600 0-0{ 0 4.m )6.5axl 0-00 0.00 o 0 0 o o 0 26-600 4.424 31424 ,,,tt : , ' .:.,,..:',", r. ooiiEsncltNcL. cAMoA,MEXtco AND u.s,PossEsstoNst 0 l-5m 0 r "t , l l ' t rl :1 . , 1 ' l ' STJPPORICOSTS PARTICIPANT 1.snPENos $----------- -! i,i it . _____d ilYii'i""". 2. TRAVEL IOTA! PARTICIPANT COSIS IOIAL NUMBEROF PARTICIPANTS 0) G, OITJERDIRECTCOSIS I. MAIERIAL6 ANDSUPPLIES 2. PUBTICATION COSTEDOCUMENTATION/DISSEMIMTION 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES 4. COIIIPUTERSERVICES 3. OTHER TOTAI OTHEROIRECI COSTS (ATHROUGH GI H, TOTAIOIRECTCOSTS I, INOIR€CTCOSTSF8A)(SPECIFYRATEANOBASE) % of MTDC (Rrta: 33.0000,Base:26600) TOTAL INOIRECI COSTS (FAA] t: ,l tll,, ,l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 72-924 a-774 J, TOTALDIRECI ANOINOIR€CTCOSTS{H ' I) 41.706 o I( RESIDUALFUNDSOFFORFURIHERSUPPORIOF CURRENTPROJECISSEEGPGII,O.7J,) r 41.706 L. AMOUNTOF THISREQUESTIJ) OR (J MIiIUS () AGREEO LEVEL I' OIFFERENT M, COSTSNARINGPROPOSEDLEVELS O $ PI/ PDiYPEONAME& SIGNATURE' 1DATE INDIRECTCOSI RATEVERIFICATION [€rb€ra L Dershem DATE ORG-REP TYPEDNAME& SIGMTURE AFFm 10i,0(10l9C)S|l!md.. Flv|d.dhhd. REQUiEOOr[Y Fm REV€EOBUDGEIIGPGI A) 2IS|G|{ATURES - Year2 BUDGETCOMMENTS PROPOSAL SUMMARY ** E- Travel Travel to prcsentworkshopt SUM ARY xSF Fom 1030{10/S) SrFdnd€ rU trtlot .dldd. c.stGNATUiESREqUnEOOI{LYFORiEVIS€D AjDCET (GPGlll.B) BudgetJustification Al . Sahryfo Ssfor Persomel for twomordts.Thebudgrtrellecb $s PI anddF C-o-PIwill b€fi.mdod Eachsurmnor, increase overtheir 2D oftheirannualsalarywift lhosalaryfor 2001-2besedona 4%estimated 2O0GI sala.ies. orremorft oftlreCo-Pis salaryfor rlrc$lrmer of 2001will bepaidby Hcpe thecollegewil contrfun€fte %release asa contnbtionto tris proje{tIn additiorL CollegE b€Iow. Seethesunmaryofcollegeconhibtdions tinre€achsernessr. B. FriDgg Benefib Calculated at 10j% contibtdionto retirpne[tand8.65%contibutionto FICAand MQFE. E. Travel to pres€tttlrcir for tlrePl andCo-PIto t:alpl to a confercnce $1,500hasbeenbudgeted workonthisproject SeMces G3.Consultant wi6 fte of$250sacbfor tlpir assisance faq ty will bepaidstipends Fourconsulting project part evaludion ofthis HopeCollegeCondbudonr orremonthsalaryfor Co-PI,stmmct2001 timefor PI,Fall2001s€meder R€leas€ yearsalary l/8 ofacademic timefor Co-Pl Spring2002s€mester Release yea:sa.lary l/8 ofacademic Shtderfassisl{rts,Srrllmer2001 4 @ $3,000 Travelfot PI 6ndCo-PIpmvidedby HopeCollege ittditect 19.5%ofHoF Crllegenegotided costtrotchalg€d(52.5%is negotia&dnte. $4,600 TolalHopoColegeContibution 542'263 $9,500 $5J00 $12,000 $1,500 $9263 CurrentandPendingSupport cpc section ll.D.ator ouidanceon infomatlon lo includeonthis -@dsniqpeMnne1'F.i|!rc|opo!idet*hlomali6mayde|.y@mid€€iimolihis|oposal' Otheraaemies(includinqNSF)lo whicnlhis prcposalhas boedwill be submined. HerbertDershem lnvestiqator: of Support in NearFuture D *Transfer Planned Supportr ECurrent E Pending tr Submission Title: REU: Comput€rScienceResearchExperiencefor ProjecvProposat Undergraduates NSF-REU Sourceof Suooorl Amount:$ 146,700TotalAwardPedodCovered: OUl5l98- 0ll3ll0l TotalAward Location of Project: Hope College,Holland,MI Acad:1'00 Sumr: 1.00 to theP.oject. Call Person-Months PerYearCommitted of Support in NearFuture E*Transler Planned Suppod: tr Cufient E Pending trSubmission Title: An Object-OrientedExecutionVisuallizationEnvironmentfor ProjecvProposal learning Introductory ComputerScience Sourceof Supportr NSF-CCLI 74.937TolalAwardPeriodCovered: 05/0f/01- 04/30/03 TotalAward Amounl:$ Location of Projectr Hope College,Holland,Ml Acad: Sumr:2.00 to theProject. Call PerYearCommitted Person-Months Planned in N€arFulure tr'Transferol Support Support: tr Current O Pending tr Submission Title: ProjecVProposal Sourceof Supporl: Pe od Covered: TotalAward TotalAward Amount:$ Locationof Project: Acad: to theProjecl. Cal: PerYearCommitted Person-l\4onths Sumr: ol Support in NsarFulure El*Transfer Planned Support: ElCurrent ElPending trSubmission Title: ProjecVProposal Sourceof Support: TotalAward PeriodCovered: Amount:$ TotalAward Location of Project: Acadl to theProject. Cal: PerYearCommitted Person-Months Sumr: in NearFuture D'TransferoJSupPort Planned Support: tlCurrent tr Pending tr Submission ProjecvProposal Title: Sourceol Support: PeriodCovered: TotalAward TotalAward Amount:$ Location of Project: Acad: to theProiect. Cal: Person-Months PerYearCommitted 'll lhls pojecl h6 p€viously been lunded by @lh€r agency,pleae list and llnish hlomtion NSFFom 1239{10/99) PageG-l Summ: lor im SHEETSAS NECESSAFIY USEAOOITTONAL User: dershem Host: beorn Class: beorn .lob: / tmp/Acro-Daygc lNF0Rll4ATlON ABOUT PRINCtpAL tNVESTIGATORsi/pROJECT DtREcTOFS(pUpD) and ccPRINGIPAL INVESTIGAToRS/co.PRoJEcT DIRECToRS SubmitonlyoNE copyol thislorm{oreachPUPDand co-Pl/PDidenlified on theproposal. Thefom(s)shouldbe afiached to theoriginal s€ction ll.B.submislion-ot lhisinlormaiion isvolunrary;nd isnola prccondirion otaward. Thisinformatr:o; will f:f::i"T^:1","]11!jlglc n9t9e-discloleq foextemal peetrcuiewes. DoNor INjLUDErHIsFqRMtvITHluy or rus bt aar copAs oF youRpRoposaL as THISMAYCOMPROMISE'IHE CONFIDENTIAUTYOF THEINFORMATION. PUPD Name: Herberl L Dershem Gender: I lt{ale Ethnicity:(Choose oneresponse) E Hispanic orLatino E Race: (Seiecloneor more) E E E 0 E American Indian orAlaska Native Asian BlackorAfrican American Nalive Hawaiian orOtherPacific tstander White DisabilityStatus: (Selecloneor more) lmpairmenl D Hearing E Visuallmpairment E Mobility/Orthopsdictmpairment E Other I None Citizenshlpi (Chooseone) El U.S.Citizen E Female E NotHispanic orLatino Peman€nt Residenl E Checkherelfyoudo notwlshto provideanyor alloftheaboveinformaon(excluding pl/pDname): Othernon-U.S. Citizen E REQUIRED: checkhereil youarecuren y serving(orhaveprevlously 6e&ed)as a pt,co-plor pDon anyfederallylunded prolect tr Ethnlclty0etinltlon: Hlspanlcor Lallno.A personol l\,4exican, PuerloRican,Cuban,Southor CenlralAmefican, or oih€rSpanish cultureororigin,isgardless RaceDefinltlonst AmericanIndianor AlaskaNative.A pe6onhavingoriginsin anyoi theoriginalpeoplesof NorthandSoulhAmedca(including Cenha Amedca), andwhomaintains t balaffiliation or communitv attachmgnt. Aslan..Apersonhavingorigins in anyol theoriginalpeoples oflhe FarEast,Sourheast Asia,orthe Indiansubconiinenl inctuding,lor pakistan, example, Cambodia, China,lndia,Japan,Korea,l\,4alaysia, lh€ phiippinelslands, ihailand,andVielnam. Blackor AfrlcanAmerican.A persolhavingor,ginsin anyot t,r€btackrada.groupsot Atnca. NatlveH€waiianor other Pacitictstander.A personhavingo ginsin anyotlh€ iiginat peoptes of Hawaii,Guam,samoa, or olherPaciiiclslands. White.A pe6onhavingoriginsin anyofthe originalpeoptes ol Europs,thel\,liddle East,orNorlhAtrica. WHYTHISINFORMATION IS BEINGREQUESTEO: The FedelalGovernment hasa continuing commilmenl to monitorlhs opeaiionoi ils reviewandawardprocesses to id€ntifyandaddress any inequiliesbasedon gender,race,elhnjcity,or disabilityol ils proposedPls/PDs.To gatherinlormation neededlorihis importanl lash,lhe proposershouldsubmita singlecopy oJthis lormior each identiliedPI/PDwilh eachproposat. Submission ot the requested inlormalion isvoluntary andwjllnotaffectlheorganization's eligibility loranaward.However, informatidn notsubmiited wi sedousjy uncjemine the slatislical validity, andtherefore the usofulness, ol inlormation recieved fromothers.Any individuat nol wishingto submitsoftieor a lhe inlormationshouldchocktheboxprovidedlolthjspurpose-(TheexceptionsarethePl/PDnameandtheintormalionaboutp orFederatsuppoar,the laslquesliorabove.) Colleclion of thisinfomaiionis authorized by lhe NSFAct of 1950,as amended, 42 U.S.C.1861,et seq.Demographic dataal/owsNSFio gaugewhelherour programsand olheroppodunities in scienceandlechnology are fairlyreachingand benefitang everyonercgardless of demographic category; to ensurcthal thosein undeFrepresented groupshavelhe sameknowledg;of andaccesis to programJand other research andeducalional oppu unilies;and1oassessinvolvemeni ol inlernational invesligators in woft supported by NSF.Theinlormalion may be disclosed io governmenl contraclors, expeft, volunteers and researchers to completeassignediork; and to othergovemment agenciesin orderlo coordinaleand ass€ssprograms. The infofination may be addedio the Reviowerlile and usedto selectpoiential candidates lo serveas peerreviewers or advisory committee membels,SeeSystemsot Fecords,NSF-50,.PdncipalInvesligator/Proposal FileandAssocialed Records", 63 Fed€ralRegister 267(January 5, 1998),andNSF-51,'Reviewer/Proposat FileandAssoci;tedRecords., 63 FederalRegiste. 26€(January5,199€). NSFFom 1225(10,€S) INFORMATION ABOUTpRtNCtpAL tNVESTIGATORS/pROJECT DIRECTORS{pUpD) and co.PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS/co.PROJECT DIRECTORS submilonlyoNEcopyollhislormforeachPyPDandco-PlPoidentilied ontheproposai. Thelom(s)should beanached to theoiginal slbl:f:.91!t:-,I9gqt,!ii" anais noiaireconorrion orawad. rhisinrormation wirl fl:tT:l"T^.3;,"11"^d'1:.9:9^s.:1tl:: ll1 DoNorIN'LuDErntsronuy9l1"riry notbedisclosed peetrcviewets. toexternal wrn iiv or iai branncounsop vouRpRoioi;i;i THIS MAY COMPROMISETHE CONFIDENTIALITY OF THE INFORMAI'ION. PUPDName: Ryan l\,4cFall Gender: E tvate Ethnicityi(Choose onercsponse) E Race: (Selecloneor more) American Indian orAtaska Native Asian BlackorAlrican American Native Hawaijan orOlherpacific lslander E White DisabilllyStatus: (Selectoneor mo.e) lmpairment E Hearing E Visuallmpairment D Mobility/Odhopediclmpainnenl E Other E Nono Cltlzenship: {Chooseone) E E Female Hispanicor Latino I NotHispanic orLatino E E O D U.S.Cilizen E Pennanent Residsnt E Checkherell youdo notwishto provideanyora oflhe aboveIntormaon (excttjding pt/pDname): Othe.non-U.S. Citizen E BEoUIRED: checkhereif youarecurrenflyserulng(orhavepreviousry served) a6a pr,co-prorpDon anyfecreraly fund€d prorcd n ElhnlcityDefinition: Hispanlc or Latino.A person ol l\,lexican, Puerto Fican,cuban,southorcentral Amecaf,orotherspanish cultlreororigin, regafd ess of raco. RaceDetinitlons: Nalive. a personhaving origins peoples inanyol theoriginal ot NodhandsourhAmerica (inctuding cenlral iTji11"]19:: "!l]3,"-F AmencaJ, an0\irrho narnlarns lribalallil;aliOn Orcommunilv atracnmenl, psoples aly ol lheoriginal ofh€ FarEasr, sourheasr Asia.orrheIndansJbcorilrnrincJdins,ro, l-"]*,1l"j1Tl1l9-g,ls,ns,in pakistan, exampr€' Lambodra, uhrna,India, Japan, Korea, Mataysia, thephilippine lslands, Thailand, andvietnam. E|aCK orarrcanAmertcan. A persolhaving origirs;nanyol lhebtackracialg,oLlps ol Ataca NatlveHawaiian or otherPaciticlsrander. A personhaving origins in anyollhe; ginarpeopres of Hawaii, cuam,samoa, orolherPaciiic lslands. White.A person having origins inanyotlheo ginalpeoples of Europe, thel\,{iddts East.orNorthArnca. WHYTHISINFORMATION IS BEINGREOUESTED: The FederalGovernmenl hasa continuing comfiilmenlto monitorth€ opehtionol its reviewand awardprocesses lo identilyandaddress any inequitiesbasedon gender,race,ethnicity,or dlsabilityol its proposedPls/PDs.To gatherinlohalion neeaeaiorinis imfo'i-rr,r Submission ot lhe rcquested 13,"!L:-fl:p":"1.:h"!1d,",19.i1 1."ilqj" copyof this lonn for each identiliedP|/PDwiih eachproposat. norallecl lhe_ organization's eligibility toran award.However, inlormation notsubmitled wiitseriousty und;rmine ]:t:T9]l9l f ":i9]"ry "id,wrll me slallslcalvaldlly,and lhereloreihe usefulness, of inlomationrecieved fromothers-Anyindividual nol wishinglo submilsomeor all the inlormation shouldchecklheboxprovided forthispurpose. (Ihe exceptions arelhePl/Poname;ndtheintormation priorFederal abo'ut support, lhe lastouestion above\ Colleclion oi lhis inlomationis aulhorized by the NSFAct ol 1950,as amended, 42 U.S-C.1861,et seq.Demographic dataa owsNSFio gaugewhetherour programsandotheroppodunities in scienceandtechnology are iakly reachingand benefiling everyone regardess ol demographic category; to ensureihat thosein under-represenled groupshavethe sameknowledge ol andacceslto programiandother research andeducational oppurlunilies; andto assessinvolvement oi inlelnational investigators in worksupponed by NSF.Theiniomation may b€ disclosedto govemmenl contraclors, expsrts,volunleers and researchers to coinpleteassignedworkianl to othergovemment *gtdinale and assessplograms.The information may be addedro the Reviewerlite and usedto sete;tpotential 19:1il:,"-i,,"ld!i ]oas peer c€nd|dales to serve reviewerc or advisory committeo members, Se6Systemsoi Records,NSF-50,,principalInvestigato#roposal FileandAssociated R€!ords',63 FederalRegister 26T(January 5, 1998),and NSF-51,"Reviewe/proposat FiteandAssoci;tedRec;rds', 63 FederalRegister 268(January 5, 1998). NSFForm1225{10/99) NATIONAL SCIENCE FOI]NDATION 4201WLSON BOIJLEVARD ARLINGTON.VIRGINIA22230 DIRECTORATEFOR EDUCATION AND HI]MAN RESOIJRCES Division of UndcryraduateEducation(DUE) ocT18 2000 Dr. HerbertL. Dershem Departmentof ComputerScience HopeCollege 27 GravesPlace Holland,MI 49422-9000 Re: DUE - 0088407 DearDr. Dershem: Foundation's to theNationalSoience carcfullythe proposalthatyou submitted We haveconsidered you thatwe (CCLI) I regret to inform Program. Laboratory Improvement and Course,Cuniculum project. your proposed provide for support arenot ableto projectsupportarebasedprimarilyon theperceived regdrding decisions TheFoundation's Theadvicewe solicitandrcoeivefrom the meritof theproposals. scientificandeducational reviewers entersheavilyintoour decisions. copiesofthe reviewsreceivedfor yourproposalareenclosedThe Verbatim(butanonymous) ofthe reviewersandstaffjudgmentserveasthebasisfor our decisionPlease comments policyor reflecttheFoundation's do not necessadly that individualrevi€wetcomments understand position. We are gratefutfor your interestin improvingundergraduateeducationand appreciateyour effort informationandthercviewsexplain ill preparingandsubmittinga prcposal.I hopethe€nclosed please contact theProgramOfficerwho bul ifnot, actions, for the Foundation's the reasons (703) proposalat 292-8666 thereviewofyour managed Sincerely, 7a-'-Y {#,rNormanL. Fortenberry DivisionDirector Enclosures Officeror President Copyto: Business HopeCollege P.O.Box 9000 Holland,MI 49422-900 NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION 4201WLSON BOIJLEVARD ARLINGTON.VIRGINIA22230 FOREDUCATION DIRECTORATE AND HUMANRESOURCES Educatiotr(DUE) Divisionof Undergraduate Dr.Herbert L. Dershem Science Departrnent of Computer HopeCollege Place 27Graves MI 49422-9000 Holland, Re:DUE- 0088407 DearDr. Dershem: As indicatedin Dr, Fortenberry'sletter, ercloseda.rethe reviewsofyour Course,Curriculum andLaboratoryImprovement(CCLI) proposal. Thesereviewswere witten by faculty and othe!professionalsfrom the scientific communityinterestedin the improvementof education,andthey werea major factor in determiningthat your proposal undergmduat€ could not be fundedwithin the budgetfor CCLI. A written summaryofthe discussionby the panelalsois enclosed. Firstly, con$atulationson a wcll-w tten prcposal. The reviewersandI very much appreciate thequalityofyour writing, However,thercviewelsfoundtwo areasofmajor concemwith this proposalwith which I concur:all major componentsofthe project alreadyexist, having ofthesecomponents evaluation with NSF REU support,andno substantive beendeveloped hastakenplacein the contextof enhancedstudentleaming. The proposaldoesnot address why your approachis superiorto severalother similar efforts. In orderto makethis case,you must evaluateyow curent softwareproductsin termsof studentlearning. I suggestthat your appropriatenext stepshouldbe to evaluatethe materialsthat you havealreadydeveloped,in termsof studentlearningnot simple utility, andthen,if the evaluationis positive,to develop ar EMD:Full proposalfor review in a future CCLI routrd. education We appreciateyour efforts on behalf of undergraduato ProgmmDirector Division of Under$aduateEducation NATIONAL SCIENCEFOUNDATION Arlington, VA 22230 DIRECTORATE FOR EDUCATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES Divisionof UndergraduateEducation Course,Curriculum, and LaboretoryImprovem€nt(CCLI) GetrerelItrformrtion for Applicants,FY 2001 The CCLI programreceivedl04l proposals requesting $ 170million by thedeadlineofJune6, 2000. lt is anticipatedthat $40 million will be availablefor theseprojectsandthat thesefirnds will permit approximately300 goposals to be supportedin the CCLI program, More specifically, 427proposals weresubmittedto theEducational MaterialsDevelopment (EMD) (A&l), and22 to NationalDissemination track,592to AdaptationandImplementation (ND). Theprogramexpectsto makeabout100EMD awads,200A&l awards,and5 ND awards. Eachproposalwas considered by a panelof reviewers,eachof whom receiveda copy of all proposalsto be reviewedby that panel. Eachpanelmemberreadand wrote reviewsof the proposalsandthenthe panelconvenedas a groupto discussthe proposalsunderconsideration. Following these discussions, reviewerscompletedtheir individual written reviews of each proposal. The written remarksare addressed to the NSF and reflectthe views of individual reviewers.In mostcases,onememberofthe panelpreparcd a summaryofthe discussion. Decisions about particula! proposalsare often very difficult, and factors other lnan revrewer commentsand ratingsenterinto th€ decision. Commentsby a reviewermust sometimesbe considered in the contextof otherreviewsby the sameperson.Maintainingappropriate balance amongdisciplines,the availabilityof otherfunding,the total amountof fundsavailableto the programfor proposals, andgeneralfoundationpoliciesarealsoimportantdecisionfactors. pleasefeel Additionalinformationaboutthe decisionon yotu proposalis providedseparately. freeto contacttheprogramdirectorif moreinfomationwouldbe helpful.To seetheawardsthat .rre made as a result of this competition,you are encouraged to consult the Division of UndergnduateEducation's(DUE) Web-basedProject InformarionResourceSystem(PIRS)st <http://w\r'w.ehr.nsf.qov/PlRweb/Search>. This resourceis intendedto provide accessto currert informationaboutprojectsfundedby the NSF though the programsin DUE. lhe CCLI programwill operateagain in l-Y02. A revisedprogramsolicitarionand the application deadline will be available early in 2001 on DUE's Web site at <h!pxl!^U!€bl4gigq!@!&Dug>. Revisedproposalsare definitely welcome and will be si,'/end de novo re.view. w PR€P€9AL REVIEW FORM I{ATIOT{ALSCIENCE FOUNDATION NO: -7 PROPOSAL OMSNO: 31,|5-0080 [sF FORI' 1 (t0198) INSTITUTION: , Ca//< h nz INVESTGAToR: PRINCIPAL Dor.Ae^, t**zuf oo 83 40 l'L]--21 B6po*m+c -i a2, ^"II^ff!'e-> -.." - ^., -.]-"t 2'e",,1,i t z l,/'<....r', , 2n,t, ro--"-J -^ tc-w,.q 'ctiterlon 1;whetls th6Intellectu.lmeritof th€ proposed'ctivity? e:S J^a.c.I ' 'c.iterion 2: what atE the bro.der lrnpacts of itre proposed 'ctiviv? Pleas€attacha separateshe6(s) with your evaluationof this proposalwith respecl to each oJthe abovec.iteria o€r istructions on th€ pr6/ious page. Your specifc commentson the proposals slrenglhsand weakn€ssesare cdticsl Do not share copy.quote or olhetrll,lseuse or disdose mate;al this proposal.Destroyit aier you completeyour r6view in assigningyour Summary - statemGnti (lncludecodments on lhe relativeimportanceof lhe two cdteria if necessary') rating.Conunueon an additionalPeg€' I Jl-4 o*a c4-?1) Ove€llRatlng(ch€ckone); pdorityfor suppo( . . E Ercellent: outstandingproposalin all lespeclsid€serueshigh€stsuPponed I etan possrors should b9 p.oposalin allre€peds: quality nsaiy Good: High E Vory A oualiw DroposalwonhYor suPPon. E Good: in oneoamorecattc€lsspects;key issuesneedlo be addr€ssed Propossllacking E Falr: defqoncie6. has 6edous Proposal E Poor: to the maximumsxtentpossible NSFk€ep6r€viowsandyouridenlityas a €vi€w€rof sp€clicproposalsconfidenlial your name and affilialion. 16 ,i€w wilhout a copyof lii6 sendlhe PdncipalInvestigstor(3) Wewitl,how€ver, REVIEWER'S SIGNATURE: I{AMEANDADORESS REVIEWER'S trYPED): (OPTIO REVIEVVERS OTHERSUGGESTED FASTLANEPIN: RETURN BY: PLEASE PanelSurnmary 0088407 Dershem HopeCollege An Object-OrientedExecutionVisualizatiotrEnvirotrmetrtfor LeartritrgIntroductory ComputerScietrce This EMD proposalfor $74,000representsan extensionof sevenl previousgrantsto Hope College. This project consolidatespreviouswork into a singleenvironmentto aid i[ studeflt masteryof introductorycomputersciencecolcepts. The goalsofthis project areto build a visualizationenvironmentftom prcviously fimd€dcomponents;to integratethis environment into a completecoursewith web-basedlectures,in-classactivitiesandhomertork;to evaluate the environmentthoughstudentsurveys,shrdentusagelogs andextemalexp€rtevaluations; and finally to disseminatethesematerialsaodbuild a "community ofusers." The requested fimds are largely for faculty salaries.The University will provide matchingfunding for these cosls. Skelgths: Very wcll-wdttenprcposal Specificgoalsclear Goodthat this wo* is basedon previouswork is a "hot" topic Visualization HopeCollegeshowssolidsuppodfor theproposal CooduseofREUs OutsiderevieweNgoodidea Goodmodul€s Concems: Original challengenot reiterated,only implict is weak Evaluationandassessment What areoutsidereviewersreviewing? How this project is significantly different ftom BlueJ No evaluationuntil 2002;doesthis meanno evaluationthe first year? Shouldn'tthe beginningmaterialsalsobe evaluatedbefor€firll development? Needfor 4 sunmer monthsmight be excessivesincematerialsalreadyexist Not clearwhat the work is, given that most of the compolentsarc in place Suggestions: Move this into the realn of EMD disseminationto a largeraudience A setof surnmerworkshopsmoving project to a higherlevel; include moreinstitutions; more diveNity PROPOSALREVIEWFORM l{aTtot{a|- screNcE FOUTIDANO PROPOSAL flO: O{lE NO:314t4060 NSFFORM1 (.rry98l -INSTITUTION: tJo ooo 8a 40 1 ' PRI CIPALIi{VESTIGATOR: De,,-,tA.,.,,., , tJ.ct ef 1o//< q-e, n"Ii"fofl't,,D FBo-Po-SALniLE: lla oL; e.,r - art e-nt*-ezltrt.u*ztt A6.-!r zit.- L4r"-)"^-1 A'' Loow,)c 'Cdterion t: what i3 the Int€llec&:l merit of th6 proposedacdvit? aA e:S 'Crit3rion 2: What aru lhe bro.d6t lmp.cts ot the propG€d activity? .esP6clto eachot the Pleas€atlacha separdtesheet(s)with yourevaluationof lhis proposalwith page previous Your specifc @mments on the proposal's per the instructionson abovecnteria strongthsand weakness€sar6 critical. Oo not share. copy. qlole or olherwis€use or disdose osstroyit afferyou completeyourreview. matedalftomthisproposal, your oflhe lwo criteriain assagning Sunmary St tem€nr:{lncludecommentson the Glaliveimportance ifnece3sary') rating.Contnueon an additionalPage Ov€rallRatlng - (checkone); proposalinall r6specls;deseNeshigh€stpriodv for support' C Excellent: Outstanding proposal qlalit in neadyall €sp€cts:shouldbe supportedif at all possible' vsry Good: High E proposalworlhy ofsupport' quality A EOooa: Proposallackingin oneormorsciilic€laspsds;key issuesneedto be addessed E Sair: Proposalhass€riousdeficiencies, E Poor: EN II II;IYIL|:t|E.I(EI'-'J to the maximumeneni possible NSFkeepsreviewsandyouridentityas a €viewerof specilicproporalsconlldential your nameandaffiliation. re' /iew wilhout a copyoflhis Investjgalo(s) Wewill.however, sendlhePrincipal REVIEWER'S SIGNATURE: NAMEANDADORESS(TYPED): REVIEVVER'S O REVIEWERS FASTI.ANEPIN: PLEASERETURNBY: til Proposal HopeCollege # 0088407 Dershem An Object-Oriented ExecutionVisualizationEnviroFment for LcamingIntro.CS / Goal:Theprcposaldescdbes aplanto useexistiig adifactsftom FeviousNSF Summary grantsto developsoftwarcandcoursematerialsto support+ing visualizationasa leamingtool for OODin aninhoductoryCScourse. Strcngths: . Goalsareveryclearlystated. . Reuseofcunentmaterials/ extension ofprior work. . Collegoshowsobvioussupportfor thework. . to suppodtle prdposal. PI andCo-PIhavethebackground . CurentNSFgant will expirebeforethisproposalwjouldbeginsotherev/ouldbeno time conflict. . PanelofoutsidereviewersshouldgiveobjectiverwJew. Concems: . Evaluationcriteriais unclear . How is it difer€nt ftom BlueJ? . Whereelseis ObVizused? . Is therea contributionto theCSEdknowledge base Fere? Dissernination Plan: . Seemsadequate PROPOSALREVIEIA'FORM NAIIOT.IAL SCIENCE FOUi{DATIOI{ PROPOSALNO: '7 ao 83 40 i-snrufloNa /h nz (a//? PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Da tL" t"t az, Y,tr":"f!'.-,> <J 'Criterion I : What i3 the Intellectual merit of t}le propGed actlviV? - OMg ilo:31a5{060 t{sF FoRM I (t0198) eis Cdt€rion 2: What at€ ih€ broad€rlmpacb of ths propGod activity? Pleaseattacha sepa€te sheet(s)with your evalualionof lhis proposalwith respectto each of the lhe prerriouspage. Your specifc commentson lhe proposals abovecritenaper instructionso.l 'c{ilical Do not share copy. quole or othetwiseuse or dis€iose strsosthsand weaknsssesare mate;al from this proposal.Destroyit afrer you completevour revi€w oflhe twocritedain assigningyou' strl,|maryStatomenti(lnclodecommenlson the relativelmportance ) 6ting. Continueon an addilionalpageif necessary 1tL fiiTftCr,r(D OverallRating(chsckone); proposal'n all resp€ctsidessryeshlghestpnontvfo. suppo( . E Ercellent: outsran.ling proposal in n€adyall €so€ds: 3houldb5 supportedii at a possrole' qualiv fl Ve|v Goodl High quality proposal wonny ol suppon. A co6a: EJ cnticalaspecF:key issuesneedto be ador6ssed. in one ormor€ Prioosittackng Faii E sedous deficiencies. Prooosalhas E Poor: $s maximudextentpossible. NSFkeepsrevrewsanctyouridentltyas a Eviewerof specificoropoials contidentialto your andaffiliation. re wilhout name of lhis /iew a copy tnvestgato(s) Princigal will. how€vBr. send the We REVIEWER'S SIGNATURE: NAMEANDADORESS(TYPED): REVIEWER'S NAL) FASTLANE PINI ETURNBYI NSF Proposal# 0088407 PI-HerbertLDershem Co-PI-RyanLMcfau Hope College An Object-OrientedExecutiotrVisualizationEnvironmentfor Learning Introductory ComputerScience IntellectualMerit in CS education a majorchallenge This doesaddress research. offofprevious It doesbuild processis lackingin details. Theevaluation put goal togetherpreviouswork?Don't we all do this? is to First Don't we all do this? Secondgoalis to put it in new environment? you effectivenessor only utility? evaluating goal it, but arc to €valuate Third Outsideevaluationsappearsnice, but what arethey reviewing? Only the material,what or topics,etc.. abouttheoutcomes Fouth goalto disseminate? The targetaudience,pedagogy,andlit review s€emsgood, I only questionwhereit wouldgo flom here? Adequateuniversity suPport?Hope Coll€gehassomematchingfundswhich some proposals did nothaveasmuch. Breadthoflmpact Enhancingstudentleamingis the goal and assuchit must be measwed. Withoutthis it will be oflittle useto otherinstitutions 100studentsandtwo facirlty? How canwe getmorebang? Not surewhereit wouldgo ftom theendofthe proposal. Not enoughfacultyappearto be involved. commonthemesofNSF DUE. Doesnot address Conclusions Well written proposal. S€emslike going to the NSF moneymachinetoo many times without getting somesupportfiom elsewherefor research Rating Goodwith major additionsto proposal,fair ascurrentlywntten. PROPOSALREVIEWFORM XANO{ALSCIENCE FOUNDATIOT{ INSTITUTION: t/1b//< "PRIIICIPALI VESTIGATOR: Da -.Ae-, . tJar'otf PROPOSALtIO: Oo 83401 < 2, '"Il"fnf!'t-D W-:::ti.,G-:;;r,-,+',tt/,<,.."r,2o/,iLv,r".)";,a'-+"-,-zs-=4:a o - OmB NO: 31145{060 NSFFORM1 fl0/981 'C.ite.ion I ; what is the Intellectual metit of the propGed activity? /t r< 'Critetion 2: What are th. broad6r lmpacts of the proposed 'ctivity? Pleas€attacha separaleshee(s) with your €valuationof this proposalwtth respectto each oJthe p", in"t.aions on tho pre\riouspage Your sp€cificcommenlson the proposals "oo"i"ii".i"inO *e"tn.sses ar6 criticaiDo not share.copy quoteor otherwiseuse or disclose "r.nort'. maie;alfrom thisomoosalOeslrovit afreryoucompleleyourreview importance ofthe lwo critedain assigntngyour Summary ' Statemeng(lncludscommenlson lhe rclative page if n€cessary') iating.Continueon an additional t.x, '1- ot-Ff zuu L* rI Ratlng{checkone); proposalin all ftlspects:des6Nesh€h€stprioatyfor suppon , n E:callenti outstandinE oroposalin neaiy all respeds:shouldb6 supporlsdll at all poss|ole !fvery Gooa:Highqualii proposal wonnyol suppon A ouality E Good: i" o". itr morscritlcalasoedsikevssues needto be addressed iio.!iri"ii."g Fain E defdencies has serious Proposal E Poor: -', - ---Fsl extentpossible NSFkeepsrevi€wsandvour identitvas a reviewerof specilic proposalsconfdential to lhe marimum your affiliation' name and send fi" irin"ip"i fnu""ffgaots) a c;py of this rcviev,wilhout We will,however, REMEWER'S SIGI{ATURE: NAMEAND ADORESSIfYPEO}' REVIEWER'S RS (OPTIONAL) FASTLANEPIN: PLEASERETURNBY: FILE IN Prcposal Number:0088407 PI: Herbert Dershem HopeCollege The project aimsto build an €nvironm€lt for visualizingprogramexecutionin supportofstudent leaming,usethesgmatedalsin an introductoryJava-based computersciencecourse,evaluatethe impactof this, anddisseminatethe materials. ThePI's arequalifiedandhavehadsuccessful in thepast. Someofthe NSF research componentsofthe proposedsystemare alrcadyin plac€Aom this research. The choiceofclassesandmethodsin object-odentedprograrnming,recursion,andevent-driven programmingasthe thee instructionaltopicsto focuson was a goodchoicethat cameout of previouswork. Including lectureillustratiols, andboth in-classandout-of-classactivitieswas alsoa goodidea. An evaluationplan involving studentsurveydataandmonitoring usageofthe softwareis provided. A plan to evaluatestudentleamingis not included. Having a panelof outside reviewers wasa goodidea. Perhaps thepanelcouldb€ involvedin designingassessment materialsto evaluatestudentleaming. planis included.Givinga workshopallowingparticipants A dissemination to usethematerials to designactivitiesfor theirown students wasa particularlygoodmethodofdissemination. This hasthepotentialto be a very gooduseoftechnologyin supportofprogramminginsfuction. PROPOSALREVIEWFORM IIATIOTIAL SCIENCE FOUt{DATIOiI OMSNO:31G{060 ?{sFFORMI fi0/98) UTION: 1b//< IPALINVESTIGATOR: ),. !/, <,,.,,1, z.t,i L t 'C.ilerion 't: Wh.t |3 ttre inleltectual merit of th6 proposed activig? \ht,a Ja-+<a al e, 'Critstion 2l th6 broadsrlmPactsof the propGed actvity? Pleaseattacha separatesheet(s)tvith your evaluationof this proposalwith r6spectto each of lhe page Yourspeqficcommenlson lhe proposals on lhe prer4ous abovecnteaia Derinstructrons not share copYquot6or olherwtseuseor disclose Do critical. saenothsandweaknesses ar6 oestroyit ater you completeyour.eview mate;alfromthisproposal, your oflhe twocriteriain assagning SummaryStatemen!(lncludecommentson the relativeimponance if necessary') rating,Continueon an additionalpage' 5'. -+* "l*'l Overrll Rating - (checkone): proposalin all rcspects;d€s6 es highestpriodtyfor support' E Ercollene Outslanding proPosat shouldbe supportedif at all possible' in neaiy all respects: E very Gooa: Highqua[t suppon' proposalworthy of quality A ElGood: Pr6pos;llackingin oneor morediticalaspectsikeyissuesneedto be addressed' fl Fair: Prcposalhassenousdefciencies fi eoor: NsFkeepsroviewsandyoulidentityasaleviewelofspecj|icproposa|sconlidentia|lothemarimumexten|possib|e, WL wil, however,senCtire pdncipalInvestigator(s)a copy of this r€vi€wwithoutyour name and affiliatlon. REVIEWER'S SIGNATURE: REVtEwER'sNAMEAND AoDREss (TYPED': (OPTIONAL) TEDREVIEWERS PLEASERETURNBY: 0088407 I)ersh€m EMD Hope Coll€ge An Object-Oriented E(ursion Visualiz&tiod fnl'lronmeDt for Learning Itrtroductory Computer Science Goal The goal ofthis proposalis to developweb-basedvisualizatlonetrvironme s via modulesthat will enhancestudent leammg. StrenEths ne proposalbuilds uponpreviousNSF gra s andextendspdor wo* to includetopics suchaseventdriv€n actions andreculsion. The Pl hasdelineatedcleargoalsa1ldobjectivesof the Project Limitationsatd Concems Thereexist conceds relative to the proposal. The proposallacksidrovatioD &ndlatelal devoloPmentthat canbuild upon €xistingrnaterialsto achievea $eater ifipact to the intendedaudierce. It was difficult to seethe long-term impact ofthe proposalandhow it would best selvethe computi[g cornmunityat large Evaluationand Assessment The asse$mentofthe project seemedadeqn.te,but lackedbreadthanddcpth. The useof outsidereviewen s€emed apprcpriate,althoughit is qu€stionablewhat tbeir role might be. Dissemination The disseminatlonappearcdweak asit involves a possiblesubmissiol as a paperor a worklhop to a SIGCSE symposium, It is not clear if othcl disseminationavcduesw€rg cxplored. Btdget ApFopriate for proposal. Radrs. Good PROPOSALREVIEWFORM IIATIONALSCIEI{CE FOUt{OAllOt{ TIO: PROPOSAL ao 83 40 1 rEniuT|oit *)tz . PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Doz.he*,. tltto"f _ Q OltB NO:31i6{t060 sF FORit 1 fiors8) - C:o//< 54 NSFPROGRAM: naLT-alru - 'Critetion 'l : What b the Intellectual m€rlt of the proposed activity? 'Criterion 2: What ats lhc bro.d3. lmpacts of the Ptoposod activity? Pleaseattacha separatesheet(s)with your evaluationof lhasproposalv/(h respect lo each of the oalth€ prgriouspage Yourspecjficcommenlson lhe proposals abovecntenaoerrnstruclions srrenoths andweaknesses are criticelOo not share copy quoteor otherwseuse or disdose Oeslroyit afr€ryou completeyourreview' mate;atfromthasproposal. SummaryStat€mene(lncludecommentson the relativeimpo(anceof thelwo criteriain assigningyour if necessary') rating.Contjnueon an additionalpage. i g Gfracld) Over3llReting(checkone); proposalin all .especls:deserueshighestpriontyfor supporl . D Exc6ll6nt Outstanding ll at all posslol€ proposal in noadyall Gspects:shouldbe supporlect Efvery Goodl Highquality proposal suppon wodny ol A cuality E Good: iioo"ir''"cfing in one6r morectiticalasp€ctsikey issuesneedto be addressed O Falr: Proiosalhasseriousdefroencies. tr Poor: ials confidentaltolhe maximumextentpossible NSFke€psreviewsandyouridertitv as a reviewerof speclficpropol a copyof thisrcrdewwilhout your name and afflialion Wewill,howevor,sendthe PrinciaaiInvestigalor(s) REVIEWER'S SIGNATURE: (O GESTEDREVIEWERS REVIEWER'S NAME AND ADDRESS (TYP€D): NAL) FASTLANEPIN: RETURNBY: 0088407 Dershern HopeCollege An Object-Oriented Executiotr Visualization Etrvirotrmetrt for LearDitrg Introductory ComputerScietrce This proposalcomesfrom a PI with a strongrecordofparticipation andcompletior ofNSF fundedwork. The visualizationmaterialsthat havebeerld€velopedat Hope havebeen disseminatedin the pastandthe REU projecthascritical acclaim. This EMD proposalfor $74,000reprcsentsan extcnsionofseverul prcviousgrantsto Hope College. This prcject attemptsto consolidateprcviouswork into a singleenvironmentto aid in stud€ntmasteryofintroductory ComputerScieooeconcepts.The goalsofthis project areto build a visualizationenvilorunentaom previouslyfimdedcomponents;to integratethis environmentinto a completecowsewith web-basedlectuos, in-classactivities andhomework; to evaluatethe environrnentthoughstudentsurveys,studetrtusagelogs andextemalexpert evaluations;andfinally to disserninatethesematerialsandbuild a "comnunity ofusers." The requestedfundsaxelarg€ly for faculty salaries.The University will provide matchingfi.rnding for thesecosts. The materialsaddressthreeinstructionaltopics:class/methodprotocol for OOP;recusion and event-driven computingin Java. This ploposalacknowledgesthe existenceof the BlueJproject in Australi4 andof the software. What the proposaldoesnot makeclear,however,is how this differs significantly &om that effort. or how it would meshwith it, This extensionof the earlierwork at Hopeis clearly outlined. It fills in the gapsin tems of suppllng ancillary lectureandhomeworkmaterialssothat othersmay more easilyadoptthe matelials. It alsoutilizes visual enviroDmerfsfor the developmentofprograms capitalizingon the strenglhsof the co-PI. The proposalindicatesthat the work on the ObViz hasbeenused "elsewhere", bur thatis not documented. portion ofthe projectincludessurveyinstrumentsandlogging dataaswell as The assessment outsidercviewers,but doesnot includestudelt performanceor retention. Demographicsof studentsard leamingobjectivesarc alsorct addressed, Th budgetseemsrcasonable.Theredoesnot seemto be a plan for cotrmercial distribution,but throughAeedistributiol tluough professiorBlsocietiesandthe web This materialis leachinga stateof developmentthat shouldmoveit beyondproof-of-concept.The goalsmay not be farreachingenough. Ratirg basis Summaryandchallengefaced: implicit in otherrvork-Fevious Foblem no discussed enough, good Clarity of goals very good Rationalefor activityselection considered Studentbackgrormd Assessment ofstudelt leaming pleviousworh good not addressed studentuse,not studentleaming:good Effectiveuseoftecbtrolory exoelle4t Capabilityof faculty Adequacyof facittiesaudcommih€ntexcellent program verygood into academic Lntegration good base Conbibutionto lomwledge of results Communication disseminatiou andadequacy ofplatrexcell€nt Poteutialfor wide-spread Whichobjectivead&essed qualitySMET (v€ry good) (ro attempt) int€rdisciplinary group (!to 8tt€[pt) uodErrEpresented nationalstandards(outdlted) lit€rdcy (some) PROPOSALREVIEWFORM }{allot{a|-sctExcE FOUXOAnO{ : Cz'//z a4, D99S?"iz tt{sTtTuTlo l/ooz It{VESNOATOR: I.ISFPROGR^M: PRINCIPAL a" LT' Zh OMBt{O: 3l4t{t060 NSFFoRi,l 1 {10/98) D z,/,i "Btjt"jtt'1tf - arte,,,*.ry' txt "'-h),- l/,<,,.'1, 'Criterion 1: YvhatB the Int lbc;l Lt,.".)"^J 1^ L o'-t ,.q a^J'" ') merit of the praPGed aclivity? 'Criterion 2: What a.€ th€ broadc. lmpacts of th€ propos6d activity? Pleaseattacha sepaEtesheet(s)wilh you. evaluationof this proposalffth respectto each of the abovecriteriaper instNclionson the pr6/ious page. You( specifrc@mrnenlson lhe proposals slrenglhsand weakness6 aaecrilical. Do not share. copy, quoteor otheMise use or disdose materialfrom this proposal.Destroy aner you completeyour revew. oflhe two ctiteriain assigningyour SummaryStatemenf(lncludecommentson the lelativeimportanc€ ifnecessary.) raling.Conlinueon an additionalpage OvsirllRatlng(chockons); proposalinall rcsp€c1si d€seNeshighestpriorityfor support. . 0 Ercallent: Outstanding proPosalin shouldbe supportedifat allpossibls. noarly allrespects: qualit Tl v€rvGood: High fr oo6o, Falt: E C Poor: of suppod. A qriatiVproposalworthy Prooosallackingin oneor morecritic€lasp€cts:key issu€sn€sd to b€ addressed Proposalhasseriousdeficiencj€s. lhe maximumextentpossibl€, NSFkeepsreviewsendyouridentityas a Gviewerof sp€cmcprcpolals conlidentialto your name and afliliaton We will. however.sendthe PrincrpalInvestigato(s) a copy of lhis re!,iew wilhout REVIEWER'S SIGNATURE: NAMEANOAOORESSTYPED): REVTEWER'S (OPTIONAL) REVIEWERS SUGGESTED FASTLANEPIN: RN 8Y: Proposal Number:0088407 PI: Dershem, Herbet Co-PI:McFall,Ryan Institution:HopeCollege Title: An Object-orientedExecutionVisualizationEnvironmentfor Leaming IntroductoryComputerScience Projectgoals: l. buildenvironmenllor visualizingprogramexecution 2. producematerialsthat usethe visualizationenvircnmentfor a Java-basedCSI course 3. evaluatethe impactofthe environmenton leaming 4. disseminatematerials/evnironment St€ngths: Well written proposal. Builds a good,complotoaasefor the project.PI is well qualified to do this work Goodinstitutional supportshowr by academicyearreleasetime. Thereis gooduseofNSF REU! Concems: Greatermajorityofthe work is to be doneduing the first summer(2001).However,no plansfor evaluationareincludedfor developingthe evaluationmaterialsuntil Summer year 2002.Doesthismeanthatno evaluation will takeplacedudngthe2001-2academic whenthe courseis first taught??How will the PIs evaluatethe success/failueofthe materialsd€veloped? The needfor 4 summermonths(including both PI andco-PI) for the secondyear seems needsto occurwhich whatmajordevelopment excessive. Unlessthereis a majordisaster, wouldrequirethismuchtime? Thepanelofoutsidereviewersis a goodidea.It is unclearwhattheywill be reviewingarc they only looking at the matedalsdcveloped?Peftapsthey might be more helpful at the beginningofthe developmentprocessby rcviewing the typesandcontentofmaterials Is thepanelmeetingtogetheror is eachmemberofthe groupreviewing to be developed. the materialsseparately? Would be helpful to know the numberof studentswho would be alfected. Budget: Budgotis all salaxy. PROPOSALREVIEWFORM AT|OI|AL SC|EIICE FOUNDATION PROPOSAL NO: '7 oo 83 4b OMBtlo:314t{0C0 SFFORLI (10,s8) At. LT- - eml Ro.L ca-y--q t .:"- L *ro--"-J .Critenon I : Wh.t ls the Intatlectuat mertt of the proposod .cgvity? .Crite.ton2: What.rE the bro.d6r tmpactsof the propGod e) activig? Pleaseattecha separatesh€6t(s)with your evaluationof this proposatwittl r6sp6ct to each of th€ abovecrileda per instructionson the p6/ious page, Your specifc comhents on lhe proposal's strengthsand weaknessesare crilical. Do not sharg, copy.quote or othe&ise use or disdose matedalfrom this proposal.Destroyit ater you completsyour reviev. Summary Statsm€nti (lndude commenGon lhe relatve importanceof th€ two criterja in assigningyour rating.Conlinu€on an additlonalpage,if nocessary.) 5". .//'Jd Over.llRatlng (ch.ckon6); E Exo.llent:Oltslandingprcposalin all Fsp€cts;deseNeshighestpriodtyfo. support. n€adyalllesped3: shouldbesupported ifat atlpossible. aVery Good:Highquali9propoaalin worlhyof support. A qualltypropog€l n Good: Propossllackingin oneor mor6cdtlcalaapecls:keyissuesneedto beaddressed, D Proposalhessedousdoficienclos, E Poon NSFka€psreviewsandyouridentityas a Gviewerof speciticproposals confdentialto themaximumextentpossible. W€will,however. 6endlhe PdncipalInv€sligator(s) a copyof thisrevi€wwithoutyournameandaffiliation. REVIEWER'S SIGNATURE: (OPTIONAL) OTHERSUGGESTED REVIEWERS PLEASERSTURNBY: a^J<'il Proposal Number:0088407 PI: Heftert De$h€m Institution: Hope College This proposalbuilds on considerablepreviouswork to extendcapabilitiesfor visualizationin the intloductory computersciencecourse, More specifically,the proposalseeksto provid€ supportfor faculty ove$ight for on-goingstudenffaculty collaborationin integating cxisting tools into curlent couses arldto expandthosetools somewhat. The PI hasan extensiveandstrongtrack rccordof facilitating on-goingstudenffaculty research,andthis proposalcontainsmany solid componentsthat reflect this experience. The goalsandobjectivesarewell definedand clearly stated,the environmentfor the work is clearly described,pastwork is describedwith appropriatesuppoting figwes, the implementatiol plan andtimetablearcwell laid out, the eyaluationplan includesboth intemal datacollection andextemalreyielv, andthe disseminationplan follows the wellestablish€dfolm which the PI hasusedwith considerablesuccessin the past. Altogether, the writing andorganizationfor the proposalarenicely done. With thesemany positives,however,the ploposalcontainsrelatively descriptionofthe actualwork to be done. More specifically,the proposald€scribesfour existingpackages developedby the proposers:ObViz asa visual interfacefor invoking clasyobject methods,VizFun for visualizingthe executionofrecusive methods,AWTViz for viewing Javaevent-ddvenmethodcalls, andJaDEasajava D€volopmentEnvircnment. The proposalseeksto integratethesetools,but it is not clearjust what this wo* might entail aseachpieceseemsto be completealready. Similarly, little detail is provided for the logging componentofthe work, or how the logging describedherewould differ from efforts underwayby others(e.g.,SamuelRebelskyat Grinnell College). Finally, while the proposalreferencesthe Blue andBlueJ environments,thereare few details conceminghow the cunent/prcposedeffon might differ. Altogether,the proposal$eatesa sellsethat the new work will continuethe on-goingand suacessfirleffort ofthe PI andhis colleagues,andthe proposalhasmany qualitiesone might expectof an experiercedgnnt-writer anddeveloper.However,the proposalalso seemsoverly brief concemhg someimportantdetailsand directions.