8080 Te|206882 Rednond, wA 93052-6399 Mkxwtt' PhD JoeiP. Kanter, Microsoft Way OneMicrosoft WA98052-6399 Redmond, July24,1995 HerbertL. Dershem Computer Science HopeCollege 49422-9000 Holland,MI DearAwardRecipient: LabGrantforsoftware on beingawarded a MicrosoftInstructional Congratulations valuedat $18,900. licenses forsoftware to supportcoursesin existing LabGrantlicenses WeawardedInstructional programs. to eitherteach Theawardsweremadeto schoolsthatwillusethesoftware Thehighestvaluewas programming to solveproblems. or program th€applications products. givento schools multiple Otherpriorities usingprogramming to integrate pages web ontheInternet, through theschool's included willingness to sharematerials reached. andthenumberof students forthefollowing sottware: Youwillreceivelicenses OtticeProfesslonal 50 CoDiesof Microsott@ 50 Copiesof Microsoft@VisualBs#?rog?arflr;drg.sy3temi Pr€M€d'rtion Windows@ 95 50 CoDiesof Microsoft@ r+r \{v0 youmusteitherownor purchase onecopyof each Perthetermsoftheaward, you Windows can make the copies. In the case of Microsoft 95 applicatjon fromwhich you you caninstall,anda only,we willsend a betacopyoverthenextweekthat released copyof theproductafterthereleasedateof August24, 1995.Youshouldbe 95 in yourlabduringAugustandthen ableto installthebetacopyof Windows whichmeansthat complete theupgradeuponship.Theawardincludesmaintenance, grant youmayupgrade throughJune30, 1996.To thesottware coveredbythis youcanpurchase will onepackage andmakethenecessary copies.Microsoft upgrade, youto upgrade yourlicenses fromJulyI renewal letterallowing sendyoua separate thecourse syllabi 1996through June30,1997,provided thatyoumaintained your year. websitethroughtheacademic mentioned belowat Microst Coaonnonisadequaloppofiu.nycnployci ' i J M I C R O S O F TI N S T R U C T I O N ALLA B G R A N TA W A R DL E T T E N J U L Y2 4 , 1 9 9 4 The sofwarein the grantwill supportthe followingcourses: CourseName DateOftered DatabaseManagement Systems URLto Document ^ ..G\ €usindss-mEnnatiorsvsten *o- \s}) iirt-; +**prl:+ldi"i dtr"='r. Pleasemakesureto completethe aboveinformationin the copyot the letterthatyou return.Youmayprovidesyllabifor additionalcourses. To activate youmustreturn: thelicenses, r A diskwiththedocument filesforyourcourse syllabi r Printedcopiesof yourcourses syllabi r A signedcopyof thelicenseagreement andthisletter Thedocument filesforthesyllabiwillresideon theWorldWideWebserverat ldaho StateUniversity. Theywillserveasbackupin caseus€rsareunableto linkto the URLS forthesyllabi housed at yourschool. Bytheendof S€ptember 1995,userswillbe able to navigate to theMicrosoft Developer Curriculum Projecteitherdirectlyor throughthe Microsoft HomePageat HTTPT,^WWW.MICROSOFT.COf/. ForthecoDvof the document thatwillresideat yourschool,pleaseaddlinksto anyothermaterials that youmaybe willingto share.Pleasealsomakesureto addtheURLaddressof the homepageat yourschool's website. pleasefinda diskwitha Microsoft To assistyou,enclosed Wordtemolate. SYLLABUS.DOT. Youcansavethisfileto yourWordTemptate directory andusethe Newcommand on theFilemenuto createnewdocuments fromtheSYLLABUS t€mplate, Youcanusetheappropriate sectionsin thistemplate your to complete coursesyllabi.Youcanomitsections markedas optional fromthetemplate. pleasefirstsendemaitto CSEDWTSH@l\4ICROSOFT.CO|V. lf youhaveanyquestions lf youdo notgeta response please in 24 hours, callJoelKanter at (206)996-.j699. PAGE 2 MrcRosoFT itsrnucttottlL LAB GRANTAwARB LETTER J U L Y2 4 , 1 S 9 4 Youmustreturnthecoursesyllabi,letter,andlicenseagreement to JoelKanterat the 15,1995. addressaboveby September ForMicrosoft Cirporation, I\ Ost) K -tbtx\'\cur-""' JdelP. Kanter Programs Manager Academic I aoknowledge receiptof thislelterandtermsot thegrant, HerbertL. Dershem HopeCollege P A G E3 - Mk,o.ot'Copo.drion r wdr One\,ficro'or WA930526399 Redmond, Tel206882E080 Tele\160520 Fu 2069367329 luly 27. 1995 Mkxosolfit' HerbertL. Dershem Computer Science HopeCollege Holland,f,4l49422-9000 Re: Permission to Reproduce Copies of MicrosoftSoftware underthe MicrosoftInstructional Lab GrantPro$am DearAwardRecipient: Thisletter(.'LicenseLetei') shallserveasalicensefromMicrosoftCorporation ("Microsoft")for useof certainMicrosoftsoftworeproductsin conjunction with Hope College ("Licensee")participation in theMicrosoftInstructional LobOrdntProg.am("Progran"). permission to reproduce in numberasdescrib€d in the MicrosoftherebygrantsLicansee (individua.ly, a "MS copiesof theMicrosoftsoftwar€products tableartJrcendof thisdocument, Producf'orcollectively,"MS Product!")subjectto thefollowing: I. Licenseeis in goodstanding asa panicipantof theProgram. 2. Theuseof eachMSProductis subjectto thetermsof theEndUserLicense ("EWA") received withtheoriginalretailversionof theMSProduct; Agrement Licensee for intemal All copieswill beusedsolelyby Licensee's stldentbody("Students") 3. ("Faculty') purposes, Licensee's in with clossroom and/orby faculty conjunctjon teachingor courses thatteachprogramming, database development, integration of softwa.e developing presented products, ai partof thecontentof a course. oasolveproblerns 4. in conjunction with Program-related ProvidedthatFacultyoleusingMSProducts andFacultyareprovidedcopiesof eachrespective MSPrcduct counesor cou6edevelopmenL EULAusedby Faculty,Facultyshallbedeemed alicensee(asLiceNee'sagent)of eachsuchMS Product,with full rightsandresponsibilities underthetermsof eachapplicable EULA.Studena licensed shallhaveno rightsto usetheMSProducts underthisLicenseLetlgroutsideof the cla.ssroom/computer lab. By wayofctarification. to theexrentrhctFaculriprovide Srudents with sa$ples may used Students outside of the suple codeor opplications, such be by classroom/computer labonlyif Students haveobtaineda licensedcopyof theMS Produclto which relates. tie sanplecode/application 5. Licenseeagrees to informFacultyandStudents of tlEir respective rightsfor useof theMSProducts underof thetermsandconditions of thisLicenseLettel Micm$hCorpomLion isd equl opponuniry enployer M I C B O S O F TI N S T R U C T I O N ALLA B G R A N TL I C E N S EL E T T E R JULY 24, 1994 7, THE USE OF THE REPRODUCEDCOPIESOF THE MS PRODUCT IS 'AS IS' WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO TIIE RESIJLTSAND PERI'ORMANCE OF THIS PRODUCT IS ASSUMEDBY LICENSEE: 8. Theseadditionalcopiesof MS ProductaJefor Licensee'useonly as contemplated underthis LicenseLetter aodthe termsandconditionsof Licensee'spadcipation in the Prograln. Exceptasprcvidedin this LicerNeLetter,the licensegrantedhereinmay not be tm$ferred, nor the copiesmadebe distributed,to any thid pafiy; 9. During tle termof this LicenseLetter, Licenseemay b€eligible ior upgrudesto MS Products. Upon purchaseof one retail packageof eachMS ProductLicenseedesircsto upgmde,the termsof this LicenseLetter andthe upgradeprovisionof the MS Producfs EULA shall apply to suchupgrade. 10. The term of thelicenseganted by tids letter shall commenceasof June30, 1995, andexpireAugust1, 1996. If you agee to theseconditions,pleasesign this letter below andrctum it to me at the aboveaddress,I haveenclosedan additionalcopy of this 1etlerfor your records. If you haveany quesdons,pleasecontactme at the aboveaddress.Thar* you for your supportof Micrcsoft products, Academic ProgrmsManager MicrosoftDevelop$Dvision ACCEPTEDAND AGREED Byl Nameerinted),$&*\,*aL:-b*.L,"ritte: C[q\, pu6 So$1tl.\*. \3 . \qqs P A G E2 M I C R O S O F TI N S T R U C T I O N ALLA B G R A N TL t C E N q EL E T T E R JULY 24. I994 Tableof SoftwarcAwarded: 50 Copiesof Microsoft@Offlce professional 50 Copiesof Microsoft@Visual Bsi€ef.regqFqipgrsyst€mr.kof€asrotrd. Editior C++ 50 Copies of Microsoft@ Windows@ 95 PAGE3 Hope College Depafiment of ComputerScience 16 14,1995 September JoelP Kani€r,PhD Microeoft one Mcroroft W&y Redmon4WA 98052-6399 D€arJoel: 10, of Septembcr Thislcthr is to confirmthc pemissionthatyougavem€in yourcommunicatiotr for theMiorosoftlNkuctionalLab cre!* 1995to modiryth€awEtdlett€randlic€nr€agreem€nt to thelettef to Hop€Collcg€.A8peryow instuctions,I havemadeandinitial€dall modifications your approval. andagrcrmentandI amrctuminglhcmfor andhclp. Thankyou for yourcooperation Herbed L. Dershem Professorof ComputerSoienca Hope College Houan4 MI 49423 Mcrosoft DeveloDerDvision Instuctional Lab Grad Recipients From: Joel P. Kanter,AcademicPrcgmmsManager, loperDivision 23,1996 Dato: January MicrosoftInstructionalLab Gratrt Statos Lab Grantaward.The pl€asefind a reportwith thestatusofyour Miqosoft Instsl.lctional Enclosed, in thrceparts: reportapPears . PartI - Tlis pan includesidentiryinga . ofthe Part2 - Thispartincludescouseinformationincluding,acceptability to materialsfor Microsot DeveloperCuniculumProject,file information,UR.LS andtheIntemetrelatedmaterialsyousPecifiedin theoriginal schoolandmaterials, grantapplication. . Part3 - courseinformation. to yourschool. awarded Thispartincludesthenumberof licenses we dotrothaveyoul licenseon recordwhich in thispackag€, Ifyou rcceivgdanothersetof licenses licenses corectly.PleasesigDall enclosed couldbea resultof trothavingsignedtheorigiml licenses specifiedbelow.(YoucancheckPartI for theliceEse andlett€rsandretumthemto theaddress the thatincludedlicens€,we alsoincludedanothercopyof SYLLABUS.DOT, status.)ln packages syllabi. templatefor supplyingcouJse Purposeof Program We want all awardrccipieDtsto have a good experiencewith the program Therehavebeenmany different interpretationsatrdquestionsregardingthe rcquirem€ntsofthe program.Pleasekeep the following objectivein mind asyou createcou$e syllabi and othermaterials: . To build a faculty communityfor sharinginformation, ideas,ard materialsto suppot the teachingofprogiamming or that useprogrammingfor problem solving activities. Submittedmaterialsmust be usableby otherfaculty to be recognizedas fulfilling the award recipient's obligation.Coursesylabi with miDimalhformation atrd with sectionsmarkedTBD will rot be consideredasacceptablematerials.Facultyreadingthe syllabi needto view the sequenceof given, and the readingsus€dto supportthe topics taught,a descriptionofthe specific assigDments . Jamary23,1996 Microsof lnshtctional Lab Gru t Progan Staa$ . Departnent- Department thatoversansubmission ofthe application. . Addr6s Infornation- FieldsincludeAddressI , Address2, City, State,Zip. ft's impoitantto havea streetaddrcssor buildingnam€for Ad&essI or Address2. . CoulseNumber- Thenumberassigned for couN€catalog. . AddedAfrerGrantProgEm- Checkmarkindicatescouisesubmittedwith syllabi,nor originallysubmitted with grantproposal.Youmaysubstitutecourses for thoseorigidallysubmitted. Youmayalsoprovideadditionalcouls€s. 'r CouFe Name- Shouldbemmethatappears in coursecatalog. . Dateof CouFe - Semester cours€is offered. . Cou6e Depaftnent-DepartneDtofferingcourse. Paft2 In additiorto thefieldsthatareduplicatedfromPartI , youwill find thefollowingfields: . URLto School- TheURL address to yourschool'shomepage. . NotAcceptablg- Cou$eswith a checknark indicatethatthematerialsdid not meetthecriteriaspecifiedon a previouspage.Thesematerialsarceithernot usable by anoth€rp€rsonastheyarei&omplete,or thereis no mentionof Microsoft softwale.Youarcresponsible for reviewingyourowncoursematerialsin this r€gard. . please FiloName-File nameassigrcd to thecousesyllabi.As a convention, use theprefixfor yourdepartnentalongwith th€coursenumberwherepossible.We separate materialsinto a dhectoryu queto yourschool. r BadFile- A checkmarkindicatesthatthefile submiftedwasuffeadable.Please eithersubmita MicrosoftWod documenta docume wilh anRTI extension, or a text document. Documents shouldprovidetheinformationrcquested in SYLLABUS.DOT. . URL to Departnent- . URL to Course - The URL addressto coursesyllabi maiDtainedat your web site. . lrilaterhb Promit€d - List ofmaterials specifiedh your grant applicationfor availability on the Intemet. The IJRL addJessto your d€parunent'shomepage. Part3 Thispartof thereportliststheyoursoftwate license awards. Page3 zo E 6 6 q P P P Q v g g 9 z I f f t s 3 s o t I o (o * N - 9 < e ". JT r t - AP 6 =f U o o t 6 - cil ?l e B l- 3 4 E b za c 6 a I L 9 a € E? g = E E - o E fl s, s] E sf Ig q 6 8 q 6 a 3 E g - -t -r a a l2 9 E S E 5. a I ! q Q d 6 ; -.t T & - E o o ,E 3 gF 9 F 6 A =!? o o z, c> 6C € t 6 E 6 = a I 8 F a d = = 6 I €a -' = s tB E q? - - tr B t > 1 t{x ga 5i a It Ff 6 at E I tr 6-a t F I ld tg lt tl - I l; ap 3 f a6 i * 6 a F+E aaE =98 <i EN c E.F> B a RSE F*8 i35 PF ;g ;5 t l t l - -t F' a g a = = 9.e = 4. g. 4 gY - .T € 8 E o -. E !t (D (D GT o F< > c gE € t 6 E A 8 8 = 6 FT - CD FT = g g E Et - B -l Ff ga Ei FI r's 3E .fl, - + €€ J< E g E. == *1 E * 9 2 F ; E MiffiftCoryonrion OcMicmsoftway Redmo.4WA98052-6399 Tel206882m80 Te1q160520 Fd2069367329 Mt' M^y 24, 1996 He.ted L. Der'hem HopeCollege Iftllan4 M 49422.9000 Dear1995GrantReoipietrt: Woarcploaledto fuformyoutiat your 1995toshrctionrl Iab Grantawrrdhasb€€nronowed for 1996.ThiBmean!tial yor carrupgradcth! Miotoraftodofrwars lic€orosyouwercawEdeduntil Jutrc30, l9t. Afrorrbatrif,€ youmaycodtinueto us€thatvorrio4ofthe softnareonyour compute$.Hoq€ver,iflo[ wishto uDgrado to rcw€rveGionsoftho sofrs?r€aff€rJutro30, 199?, youwill le€dto saquireftw lioenses. To folfifl yJuf obltation! to thoproglafi, youwill trccdto U)dateyou cour.csyllabior you! 8.hool'dWo d Wilo rl9S ,it€. Startiagthis sumrer,]ou will alsobeableto upda&tlo desoiption ofyour datodal6dircadyat theMiqosofrDlvEloperCwdct{umprojact.rte will besendi[gfilrdrer instructionS tftis surmor. fyou havoanyquestions aboutyourgntrt, plea$ $od c-nail to osdwish@micloaoft.oom. A'ld thankyoufor yourpanicipationh itreMiorosofrIlrtructiodal LabGrantProgtan. Sircerely, &rt(.a Joel?. IGrtor, Ph.D. AcademicPlografisMalager MicrosoftCo4,otatiotr MimsoftCorlontionisd e$al opportuirydpbyq