DEFENSE AOVANCED RESEARCH FROJECTS AGENCY 37OI NORTH FAIRFAX DRIVE ARLTNGTON, VA 2220.3-1-714 January16,1992 Herbefi L. Dershem Departmentof ComputerScience Hope College Holland, MI 49423 Subje.t : B.a..^.PrcFcre! Use Ada, l,aboratories,and Visualizationin the Teaching of Data Shuctu€s -of LOSf, Z) sIJTo,BAA9I-I8 Dear Mr. Dershem: ,o]:"j:r:prr"l ,ubmittod inresponse to tbecommerce Business Daity I3:,:1T'.t:.:l.T:lT1T lssueor to Jutyl99l tor a DARpA_sDonsored program -BAA Engineering andAda,DARPA/CMO 9l-i8. of CuriculumDevglopment in Softwaro Yourproposalwasevaluated in accordance with thecdteriasetfofih in theannouncement, andis d.,_", a potential candidate for funding. Since it is not anticipeted that T:.:f.::i:r4 *u, * sutticienrto suppodall suchproposals, we are unable to be more specific i::.,-r:: li":: tlme.except ar rneprcseot to saythatshouldyourproposalthenbe selectedfor funding,youwill becontxcted by our ContmctsMamge[FntOffic€. Thankyoufor yourparticipation in thisprocuement.your offortsin expressing theideasandcon_ ceptsof yourproposalarcapprcciated. Weanticipate thepublicationofi new,ida Under$aduate CurdculumBroadAgencyAnnouncement by theendof February.DARPAwishesto encourage yourpsrticipationin '$is anddl fuiurcprogruns Dr. JohnF. Kramer ProgramManager Softwareand Intetligent SystemsTechnologyOffice cc: JamesM. Gentile / t - c A. CoYerPage 91-18 BroadAgencyAnnouncement ENGINEERINGAND ADA IN SOFT'WARE CURRICT'L'M DEVEITOPMENT CalegoryI Proposal ProposalTitle: Useof Ada, hboratories, andvisualizationin theTeachingof DataStructurcs andDiscreteMathematics TechnicalPointof Contacc HerbeitL. Dershem Departmentof Comput€rSci€nce HopeCollege Holand' MI 49423 (616)39+7508 dershem@cs.hop€.edu AdministrativePointof Contact: JamesM. Gentile Deanfor the NaturalScieoc€s HoP€College Ilolland, MI 49423 (6rq 394'7714 a"\ C{hb HopecoLLEGE L CIENCES D E A NF O RN A T U R A S September23, 1991 BAA #91-18 DARPA./SISTO 3701 North Fairfax Drive Arlington, VA 22203-17 14 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: It is with significantenthusiasmand excitementthat I endorsethe ideasand conceptspresentedby the Department of Computer Scienceat Hope Collegein this proposalentitled "Use of Ada, I-aboratories,and Visualizationin the Teaching of Data Structuresand DiscreteMathematics." The programdescdbedin this proposal is timely and innovative. It will allow a firm studentsto more easilybddge perceiveddisciplinarygapsand it establishes studfng mathematics and computer foundationoI connectedness for students in scienceand mathematicsis crucial science.The propertyof connectedness becauseit prcvidesthe learnerwith a tangiblemeansof knowing. The proposed cu[icular endeavoris welcomingof sludentsand it is understandingof the variancesin backgroundsthat studentsbring v/ith them from high school. It is designedto meet students'Vhere they are" and help studentsto achievetheir fullestpotentialof unde$tanding. Hope Collegeis committedto support this program in everyway. My office will work with ProfessorDershemin a coordinatedfashion to insureprcgrammatic success. we are thanKul for the opportunityto submit this proposaland \re look forwald to developinga vital programthat will provide studentswith the tools necessary for future successin computerscience. Sincerelv. ;h*'t / L--/ ,Aanes M. I)ean fot the NaturalSciences and The Kenneth G. Herrick Professorof Biologr JMG:b HOLLAND,MICHTCAN49423-369A/ 616 394 7714 B. Descriptionof the Project Summaryof Prcject of a rew coursein DataStucturesthatincludesthe Thepropos€dprojectis for thedevelopment following features: of theconc€ptof AbstractDataTypes. 1. The useof Ada to aid in the development wherestudentswould meetin a laboratorys€ttingorc€ a weekto 2. A taboratorycomponent in datastructues. carry out expedments for bothclas$oomdemonstration 3, Theuseof algorithmvisualizationandanimationtechniques atld laboratoryactivities. topicsinlo thecourse'includinggraphtheoryand 4. The inlegrationof discreiemathematics recurenc€rclations. CurrentSituation Hopecollegeis a four-yearliberalartsinstitutoowith enrollmentofapproximately2,500. The a comiuterscienc€depanmentsince1974. Thedepartment Fesendyconsilts cotiegetras-traa of four full-timefacultynembers,threeof whomholdPh.D.degrcesin Compuierscience.The il majorsin 1991and will gnduatea similarnumberin 19921 delartmentgraduat€d The data structurcscourseat Hope Collegeis closelybasedon the CS7 courseof ACM Curriculum78 Ul andCO2cou$e of the ACM Liberalkts Curriculum[1U. It is taker by ComputerSciencrmajolsin the sophomoreyear, with Induction !o Comput'erScienc€and hasbeentaughtwith ComputerSciencetr asprerequisiteclufses. Since1985,datastructures Modula2 astheprimaryprogratnmingtanguage.Prior !o thatPascalwasus€d. Beginningin 1990,the compuiu sciin-ceaepartnentUegana cunicularprogramthat introducesthe topics commonlyinciudedin a discreteshucturescourseinto the first four coursesof the computer sciencecurdculum,oneof whichis thedatastructwescourse.T'llediscretestructuescouse' which was taught within the mathematicsdepartment,n'as cons€quertlyeliminat€das a requirementfor the computersciencemajor' Activities ProPosed Theproposedprojectwouldseekto developmaterialsto suppona cousein datashucturesthat topicsinto the language,integraledisctetemathematics *ould oseAdi as the implementation cou$e, and provide laboratoriesthat would engagethe studentsin experimentalwork and algorithmvisualization-TheProjectDircctorwouldproduce,asa lesultof this Foject, course m;terialsincludingsy abus,a lab manual,Ada softwarcus€din supportof thelaboratory,and of the course. comPonent handoutssupportilgthediscretemathematics It is proposedthat the courseard laboratorydesignbe completedand supportingsoftware *ritteo duringthe sumruerof 1992,tlnt thecoursebe taughtandwdtten laboratoryexercises of 1993,andthat the filished lab manualard a paper be producedduringtheSpringSemester be wdtter duringthe summerof 1993. describingthe resultsof this curriculardevelopment , TechnicalApproachandRatiorEle l" Introduction of Ada as the primary languagein a Data Structur€scours€. The useof Ada in the datastructurescouse hasbe€npioneer€dby Feldman[9] and more of Ada as oudinedin [10] include the rec€ntlyadvocatedby Silver [13]. The advantages following: by the ability !o return any structurcas tlle resultof a l. Dataabstractionis enhanc€d function. 2. Packagesallow for the implementationof ADTS along with the scparationof specificationfrom implementation. the ability to implementencapsuLation. 3. Pdvatetyp€senhance 4. Genedcsenablethe studentsto work at an higher level of abstractionin the constuctionof ADTS. 5. Exc€ptionhandlingcanbe includ€das an int€gralpart of the ADT. In addition,aneadyexposureio Ada in theComputerSciencecurriculummakesthat language availableasa tool in all laterc.urses. In particular,Ada is aheadyusedasa primarylanguage andconcurentsystemscourses'and its usein datastructures in the programminglanguages wouldieducetheamountoi timeneededin theselater cnurses!o familiarizethe studentswith Ada, Furthermore,studentswouldbe morclikely to chooseAda in later courseswherethey havea choiceof whichlarguageto use. 2. Introduction of a liaboratorycomponedinto tie data structur€scou|se' A significantamountof attentionhasbeengivenin recentcomputelsciencecurriculumstudies to G introductionof laboratoryexperienc€s Bl [14]' At gope College,we havealreadybegun effortsto inFoiluc€laloratoriesinto ttrefust two coursesin the curiculum, that is, thosethat of thoseimplementations !o thedatastructuescou$e. Basedon the success arc prerequisites of theACM Curriculumcommitte€'we propor the ext€trsionof the and-therecommendations labontory approachto thedatastlucturcscourse. 4 The presentdatastructurescoursemeetsfor tirce hoursof lectureper week. The pmpord cours€would meetfor a two-hourlaboratoryin additionto the thre€hoursof lecture. The numberof credithoulsfor thecoursewouldbeincreased from thr€eto four. In thelaboralory, the studentswould be providedwith a workstationand the activitieswould be specihedin a written lab descriptionand throughverbal instructionsfrom the instructor. The laboratory activitieswould include,but not be limitedto, the following: Implementingapplicationsin Ada usingprovidedADTS. Conductingexperimentsthroughthe observationof timingsof variousalgonthmsto hypothesize or verify the run-timeefficiency. Obs€rvhgthechangeia behaviorin algorithmslvheodifferentdatastructures or different implemeltationsare us€d. Analyzingth€behaviorof algodthmsanddatastructures throughtheuseof visualization andanimationsoftware. Illustrating and emphasirc mathematicalmncepts through the use of computer simulations. 3. The useof algorithm visualizationrnd animationsoftwar". We havealreadybegunexploringthe us€of algorithmvisualizationandanimationsoftwarein laboratoriesat Hope Collegein the Introduction!o CompuierSciencccourseand in the Algoritlrns course. T'histechniquehasbeenus€dwith greatsuccess by othersaswen [2] [12]. We proposeintegratingtheuseofthis softwareto providelaboratoryexp€dences andclassrcom demonstrations in the datastructurescouse. Because visualiz:tionrevealspattemsin thechangingdistributionof an arrayof valuesas they are being sorted, it can aid studentsin doing in{epth analysisand comparisonof sorting algorithms.Complicatedschemesfor implementingbalanc€dsearchtreescan be understood more cl€ady throughgxaphicsdisplayand animationof the tse€structures.Algorithms for searchingandperformingcomputations on graphscanalsobe illustrat€dat the conceptualaIId intuitive level throughvisualizationtechniques.For largedatastructures,graphicaldisplayof statisticalinformation can!o a better unde$tandingof the asymptoticbehavior of algorithms. 4, Inclusion of mathematicsin the data structur€scou$e. Disdete mathematics playsanimpofiantrole in a datastucturescourse.Theapproachwe are implementingfor Foviding computersciencestudeotswith an adequate backgroundin discrete mathematics is throushfte inclusionof themathematics materialin thefint four coursesin the computersciencesequenc€,This hasseveraladvantages overtheofferingof a separate course on disqetemathematics:(1) Themathematics thatis neededin thecomputersciencecurriculum is coveredprior to or at fte sametime as the computersciencetopic that ne€dsit; @) The studentslearnthe mathematics in the contextof its applicationin computerscienc€,providing additionalmotivationfor leamingit; (3) The computercan be utilized as a tool to assistin leaning the mathematics throughcomputersimulation. PreviousRelate-d Work ProfessorDershemhasbeenactivein computersciencecurriculumdevelopment for morethan twentyyea$. His first activity wasin the designof a coursethat combinedthe teachingof statisticsandcomputerscienc€[4]. His work on thatprojectwassupportedby a grantfrom the NationalScigncefoundationandresultedin the publicationof a laboratorymanualfor usein sucha course[5]. ProfessorDershemwasalsofundedby NSFfor thedevelopment of a modularapproachto the part teachingof inttoduclorycomputerscienc€[6]. As a of this project, two moduleson prcblomsolvingwereproduced[4 [8]. More rec€ndy,Professo!De$hemhasco-authored languages a programming text thatusesAda pdmary as the languagefor thediscussion of imperdtivelanguagec.ncepts[10]. This lext has beenusedat Hope Collegefor tlrc pastfour yearsin both its pre-publicationand pubtished forms. ProfessorDe$hemhasalsobeenactivein cuniculumdevelopment andin the activitiesof the SpecialInterestGrcupon CompulerScienceEducation(SIGCSE)of the ACM. He servedas programchair of the 1988SIGCSESymposium andeditedtheproceedings of that symposium t91. Facilities Three computernetwork are in placeon the Hopecampuson which this project could be implemented.The choiceof theplatformfor theseactivitieswill be madebasedon the status of thesenetworlc at the time of implementation.The lhreenetwolks,which we will call the Sun, VAX, and PC networks,are describedin the Appendixof this proposal. The college alreadyhasthe Verdix VADS Ada environment availableon the VAX network. If the Sunor the PC networlGare usedfor implementation, thenHop€Collegewill purchasea suitableAda elvironmentfor useon thechosensystem, labswill me€tin a classroomset If the vAx or PC networksare chosenfor implementation, up on campusthat conains28 Swan386SXmisocomputersthata.reon a local areanetwork. Thesecomputersare arrangedin a clas$oomsettingsuitablefor crnductingthe lab described capabilitieswith the vAx in this proposal.Eachof thesesysiemsalso hascommunications in this laboratory. networkso that the useof eitherthe PCsor theVAX call be implemented The PhysicsandMathematics departments at HopeCollegerec€ntlyrcceiveda grant from the NsF ILI programfor theestabrishment of a labontoryof 20 x-ieminals for the instructionof elculus andphysics. Theexactnatureof this laboratoryhasnot yet beendetermined,but it is possiblethatthis laboratory,with theterminalsconnected to theCompuierSciencedepartment,s Sunnetwork,couldbe.usedfor the laboratoryactivitiesof this project. The decisionas to whichfacilitiesto usewill be madeafter the specifications andavailability of the X-leminal laboratoryhavebeendetermined.Algodthm visualizationand animation development softwareavailableon HopeCo egesystemsincludesGAIGSon pC systemsand TANGOon theSuns. Bibliography [1] ACM CuniculumCommitteeon ComputerScienc€,Curriculum'78; Recommendations for the undergraduat€ in computer scie,rce, CACM,22(3): 147-166, March 1979. Fogram [2] Brown,M.H., AlgorithmAninutior, Cambridge,MA, MIT prcss, 1987. [3] Denning,P.J.,Comer,D.8., cries, D., Mulder,M.C., Tucker,A.B., Tumer,A.J., and Young,P.R.,Computing asa disciplirc,CACM,32(1):9-23, January,1989. [4] Dershem,H.L., A courseon computingandstatisticsfor socialscience of Dn , pruceedings hnferer0e on Qnpurers in the Undzryraduate Currictla, At)allt^,GA, lgjL, Exercises [5] Dershem,H.L., Computer Wentworth,NH, Compress, for Elenv aty SraristicJ, lnc., 1979. [6] Dershem,H.L,, A modularinhoductory compuierscienc€caxw, SIGCSEBullain, 13(l):17-181,February,1981. [fl Dershern,H.L., UMAP Module 477: CompurerProblen So/yir,g,Cambridge,MA, BirliauserBoslon,Inc., 1981. [8] Dershem,H.L., UMAPMdule 478: Iterationand ConputerProblenSoling, Cambridge, MA, Birkhauser Bosion,Inc., 1981. [9] Dershem,H.L. (ed.), Proceedingsof thc NinateenthSIGCSETechnicalSymposiutn, Associationfor ComputingMachinery,1988. [10] De$hem, H.L. and Jipping, M.J., Programmingl,onguages:Modelsand Structures, Belmont,CA, WadsworthPublishingCompany,1990. [lU Feldman,M.8., Daa Abstattion with Ada, Reston,VA, R€stonPublishingCompany, 1985. [12] Feldman,M.B., Teachingdatastructureswith Ada: an eight yearpe$p€ctive,,SfGelEBul-ktin 23{1)391a0; trffit,-7991. [13] Gibbs,N.E. andTuck€r,A.B., Modelcurriculumfor a lib€ralans degrc€in computer scierce,CACM,29(3):202-210, March, 1986. Naps, T.L. Algorithm visualization in computerscienc€laboratodes,SIGCSEBulletin, n4l 22(1):105-1 10,February,1990. Silver, J-L., UsingAdato specifyandevaluaieprojectsin a datastructurcscours€,SIGCSE [15] Buuetin,23(l)1337340, March,1991. Tucker, (eds.), A.B. et al ComputingCuricula 1991:Reponof thz ACM/IEEE-CSJoint U6l CurriculumTaskForce,New York, ACM Press,1991. SectionC. Summaryof Deliy€rables 1. I-aboraloryManualfor Usein DataStructuresCourue. A laboratorymanualsuitablefor use in conjunctionwith a data stuctures coursewill be developedas a palt of this Foject. This manualwill containa descdptionof at least 20 laboratoryprojectswhichcanbe carriedout in a superviseilab setting,or allematively,caobe givenas outside-of-class will includedevelopingapplications assignments,Thes€laboratories usingprepaledAda packages,experimentalcomparison of algodthmsand daa structuresto observearldanalyzerun-timebehavior,computersimulations to illustratemathematic€l conc€pts, ard algodthmvisualizations andanirnations.Thislaboralorymanualwill bepublishedin a form suitablefor distributionto othersinterestedin implementing a datastructureslaboratoryand provideduponrcquestfor thocastof production. 2. Ada packages to supportthe DataSructuresI:boralories. A numberof Ada packages will be constuctedfor usein tlle laboratories.Thesewill include packages will all be mad€ for shcls, queues,s€quential lists, trees,andgraphs.Thes€packages availableto any interest€dpartiesfor usein datastucturesor otlEr relevantcourses. 3. Visualizationsand.Animations. andanimationsdevelopedfor laboratoriesand All datastructureand algorithmvisualizations clas$oomdemonstrations will be madeavailablefor us€by others. 4. Paperfor submissiotto SIGCSE Bulletin. materialswill be describ€din a A descriptionof the datastructuescourseandthe associated paper submitted!o the SICCTEBdkrtn and for presentationat the SIGCSE T€chnical Symposium. 8 D. Summaryof Sch€duleand Mileslon€s All work on thisprojectwil becardedoutby theProjectDfu€ctorwith Possibleassistance-&om a stud€nt,contingenton theavailabilityof local fiaancialsupportfor the stMert assisgnt. Date Activi8 June199 Designdatastrucillescou$e aodliaboratories July 1992 datastucturevisualizations' ftite Ada packages, to support algodthm visualiztions/animations and laboratories Jan-Apr1993 Project Director will t€ach the newly designed cou$e and concurrendy produce ttrc laboratory manual fvlay 193 ProjectDirectorwiU poduce the final boundhb manualandffiiic paperaboutprojectfor SIGCSE E. hopriefary Clains to R€sultc The Project Dir-ectormakes!o proprietary claidN to any rcsultsor other artifacts supportingard necessa,ry for the use of this oourse. 10 F. Qualitications of ProjectDirector CIJRRICULUM VMAE flerbert L. Dershem Fiu,cation: B.S.University of Dayton,1965 M.S. (Computer Science) PurdueUniyersity,1967 Ph.D. (ComputerScience)PurdueUniversity,1969 Experience: HopeCollege,AssistantProfessor,1969-74 Associat€ Prcfessor, 1974-81 Prcfessor, 1981-present Chairof ComputerScienceDepa.rtment, 1976-present OakRidgeNationalLaboratodes,Visiting ReserchScientist,1977-78 BostonUniyenity Overs€as Program,Visiting professor,1982-83 HonorsgndAwarh: NDEA Fellow,PurdueUniv€rsity,1965-68 HoneywellCorporationFellow, PurdueUnivenity, 1968-69 ProjectCOMPUTeAwarde€,DartmouthCollege,1972 NASA/ASEESummerFellow, coddardSpaceFtight Center,1926 OakRidgeAssociated UniversitiesSummerFellow, 1977 Gtants: CGdirector,'Infioductionof theComputeri.I theStatisticsCuniculum", NSF Offic€of -73 Computing Activities,1971 Director,"A ModularApproachto theIntoductory Coursein ComputerScience',NSF LocalCourseImprovenentProgram,19?8-80 Co-Dir€ctor, "A Micrccomputerhboratory for use in TeachingStatistics', NSF InstructionalScientificEquipmentProgram,1979-80 Director, 'CSNETMembershipin Supportof ComputerScienceRes€arch",NSF RUI Program,1987-90 Publications:(23 totat,thosep€rtinentto this projectlistedin Bibliography) Othermajorsowcesof support:None Relatedprcp1salsWnding: Norle ll G" Budget JuneJuly 1992 May 1993 ProjectDLector'sSalary @/9acadernicyearsalary) $11,800 B€nefitsfor ProjectDircctor (30%of sarary) $ 3,540 hoject DL€ctor'sSalary (1/9 academicyearsalary) $ 5,900 B€oefitsfor Proj€ctDirccto( $ 1,70 B0%of ulary) TotalR€quest $23,010 A HopeCo egecon&ibution will beproviding1/3release timefor theproj€ctDbeclorduring th€Spring1993senestswhileheis teaching th€course8ndwiting th€laboratory manual. Theapproximate amountof thatcontsibution wouldbe l/6 of thehoject Director'Jacademic yearsalarywhichwouldbe$8,800basedonhis 1991-92 salary.In addition,all hardware and softwarcn€€ded project b implement provid€d this wil be by HopeCo[ege. t2 II. Appendix - Descriptiotr of Hope CouegeComput€r Networks Computer ScienceDepartment Sun Network Machine/Part Peripherals Sun4/360 Sun4/470 (2) Sun4/40s (8) Sun4/60s 32 MB memory,688 MB disk,24o0baudmodem 32 MB memory,669 MB disk 12116 MB memory,207MB disk,3.5',floppy 16MB mernory,100MB disk, 3.5" floppy, GX graphics coProcessor 16MB memory,100MB disk,3.5" floppy 20 MB memory,200 & 480 MB disk, 3.5" floppy Parallelprocessing unitshousedin Sun4/470 (3) Sun4/65s Sun4/75 (32) INMOS Tr"anpute$ I-ab softwareincludesstandarddistributedsunos/unix software.This includesa distribution of Sun's Openwindows,whichis a ve$ion of the X windowingsystem.In addition,several packg€s have been purchas€dftom various vendorsincluding FrameMaker,SutrGKS, SunPHIGS,Sunlink DM DECnetsutport software,Saber-C,DOS Windows,and Adobe Ttanscript. INMOSlanguages anddevelopm€flt softwareareavailablefor theTranputers,T.he lab usesseveralpublicdornainsoftwarepackages includingTEX, EMACS, andDECnetutilities. The lab's softwareard hardwareprovideaccessto the Intemetthrougha collegerwnedMerit scP. VAX Network The coltegeowns t\r,o VAX 4000 syslemswhich servesthe entirc campuscommunityfor academic,administrative,and library applications. This systemis accessiblefrom eieven locationson campuswhichhavea total of 144stationsthat are Dubliclvavailabtefor student access.In addition,thereare mfiy otherterminalsavailablein officesandlaboratoriesacross the campus. A wide selectionof softwareis availableon the VAX syslemsincludingthe Verdix VADS syst€mfor Ada softwaredevelopment. FC Network There is a Novell loc€l area networkin the buildiog complexwhere this Foject will be conductedthatconnects 49 386SXsystems througha crmmonfile server.Twenty-eightof these systemsarelocatedin a computerclassroom thatincludes9 Epsonpli[ters, oneHp llserjet IIp printer, anda projertionsystem, 13 4***,r"* IE!qB0!!.uE DAIE! June 29' 1992 T0! HerbDershem FRol'lt (evin Kraay SUBJECT! DeJenseAdv n-c6dResearchProject Auard grani C o n g r a t u l a t i o n so n y o u r a p p r o v a l f o r a D e f e n s eA d v ' n c e dR e s e r r c hP r o j e c t c o u r s e i n i h e a o o u n t o f t 2 3 ' O 1 Of o r t h e p r o j e c t e n t i t l e d " U n d e r q r a d u a t e D e v e l o p o e n itn s o f t { a r e s c i e n c e a n d A D A ' " J h e a c c o u n t n u o b e r 5 - 2 2 6 5 5h a s b e e n a s s i g n e dt o t h i s g r a n t ' n u o b e rf o r a l l e x p e n 5 e sa i s o c i a t e d $ i t h t h e 9 r a n t ' Plerse uEe this U l i l l y o u p l e 4 5 es e n d n e a c o p y o t t h e b u d g e tr n d S e c t i o n C o f t h e T e c h n i c a l be rctiv'ted rhen thc budget nropo:at for thi6 grant' The iccount nuaber lill i5 receivod tnd €ntered into the Fin.ncial Record Syste'E' inforartion T h e D r u g - F r e el r o r k p l e c eA c t o f 1 t 8 8 r e q u i r e s H o p ec o l l e g e t o c e r t i f y t h a t $ e r,jill naintein a drug-free oorkplace' This certification took place on the e D D l i c a t i o n f o r t h e N S Fg r a n t u , h i c hy o u l , t e r ei w a r d e d . I t a l s o r e q u i r e 5 t h e C o l t e g e t o p r o v i d e t o e a c h e t n p l o ) ' ' eoeo r k i n g i t h e F e d e r a l l y s p o n s o r e dp r o g r a n t h e c o l l e q e ' s p o l i c y o n d r u g s ' A c o P y o f t h i s poticy is ittached for your reference. P l e a s e c o n t a c t i D ei f y o u h a v e a n y q u e s t i o n s . A n*u**ou DEPARTMTNTOF COMPUTERSCIENCE August 13, 1992 AagelaM. Coonce Grants Oftcer DefenseAdva.nced Research ProjectsAgency ContractsManagementOfi ce 3701North Faidax Drive ArJington,VA 22203-1714 Dear Ms. Coonce: This letter is to makeformal the requestthat I madeto you in a telephoneco[ve$ationlast mon!n. to Hope Collegehaveits terI requestthat the DARPA grant numberMDA972-92-J-1030 June 18, 1993 to June 18, 1994. The reasonfor this requestis mina,tiondate changedfrom that due to the late date that I wa.sinformedof the awardingof this grant, I lvasunable to completethe activitiesof the grant originally scheduledfor the summerof 1992, This requiresme to push the scheduleof the grant bark one entire year. My schedule,a revised versionof that lound on page9 of rny proposal,ie as follows: Activity Date Jan-Apr 1993 Project Directorwill tearh courseusingAda and generateideas for laboratories. Designda.tastructurescoumeand laboratories. May 1993 June 1993 Write Ada packages, data structurevisualizations, to suppolt and algorithmvisualizations/animations Iaboratories. Jan-Apr 1994 Prcject Directorwill ieachthe newly designed courseand concurrentlyproducethe laboratory manual. Ma,y1994 Project Director will producethe final bouod lab manualand write paper about project for SIGCSE, If you haveany questionsabout this request,pleasecontactme sothat we candiscussthem. Thank you lor a.11 of your help oo this matter. It has beeoa pleasureworkingwith you. Sincerely, $--qfiJo.jL HerbertL. Dershem H O L L A N D , M t C H t C A N , 1 9 412639 8 / 6 1 6 3 9 4 - 7 5 1 0 M E M O R A N D U M Date: August19' 1992 To: Greg Olgers fYom: Herb Dershem Subject: Informatiotr for a trewsrcleasefor a grant receivedrecently Greg, informationabouta grant that I rcceioedrccentlg'Giae me a call if you need H"ii it "o*" addi,ti,onal inlorm ati on, Projects HopeCollegehasreceiveda grant for $23,010from the DefenseAdvancedResearch chairperson Dershem, L egeucy (OARPA.).The project director will be Professorl{erbert otile tfope CotteleComputerScienceDepartment.The title of thenprojectis "Useof Ada, in the Teachingof Data Structures Laboratories,aod Visua,lization The purpooeof thia project will be to introducethe ugeof tbe Ada languageinto the Hope Collegebaia Siructurescoursethrough ihe inclueionof a la'boratorywith the course'The laboJory will makeentensiveuseof Ada,aod will includethe illustrationof data structure conceptsibrough the use of visualizationand anima,tion. The Hope CollegeComputer ScienceSun Workstationlaboratorywill providethe facilitiesfor the laboratolies' professorDershemwill first ofer the Data structurescourseusingAda in the spring 1993 semester.During the eummerof 1993he will designthe laboratoriesto be includedin tbe of 1994thoselaboratorieswill be conductedfor the first time' course.In ihe Springsemester ProfessorDershemwill summarizehis work in a scholarlypaperaod In the summerof 19-94, producea laboratorymanualtha,t cao be usedat other imtitutioos' Ada was developedin the late 19?0sat the initiative of the U'S Departmetrtof Defense' The purpose was to save money my standa,rdizingDefensesoftware developmentto one language, DARPA funds the learning of Ada by students to encouragernore widespreaduse ol th" l*guug.. ProfessorDershem' along with Professor Michael Jipping' has written a programming languagestextbook that is basedon the Ada Ianguage This is the fffth external graot receivedby Hope's Computer ScienceDepartment in the past yea,r. Four ol these grants have been frorn federal agencies.In addition to this Srant from DARPA, grants have also beenreceivedfrom the National ScienceFoundation and NASA' A Hooe Colleqe Departmerit o;f Comprlter Science lJrollc;nd, Miahig on 49 4 2 2 -I OOO (676, 394-7570 A] August22, 1995 Mr. EdwardBrown DARPA Softwarc& lntelligent SystemsTechnologyOffice 3701North Fairfax Drive l'llinglon, VA 222n3- l7 | 4 DearMr. Brown: Enclosedyou will find two copiesof the final reportfor DARPA grantMDA972-92-J-1030.The softwa& developedunderthis granthasb€enplacedin the ASSETlibrary at WestVirginia University, I appreciatethe supportI receivedfor this project.I think that you will find the resultsto be useful. Pleaselet me know if thereis anyother information0tat I canFovide for you. Sincerely, Heftert L. Dershem,Chair Copy: Kevin KJaay Enclosure:2 final teports AdaVisionand THREADS: Laboratories andExperimental AlgorithmAnimations for Teachinga Data StructuresCoursein Ada Dmrick P. Brown Dept,of ComputerScience HopeCollege Ho[aod,MI49423 CheriJ. Bowsher Science Dept,of ComPuter SaintJoseph'sCollege IN 47978 Rensselaer, HerbertL. Dershem Dept.of ComputerScience HopeCollege Holland,MI 49423 Abstract of a laboratory Theoverallgoalof tbisplojectis !o continuetheimplementation fs thedaa srucn[cs courseusingAdaandalgoritbmvisualizationandanination thecou$eandconribulesto thelcartrThework dotrehoroenhancos techniques. The6rsthalf of theprojoc!entidedAdavision'is of enrollcdstudents. ing success an instuctionalaid consistingof two BTt€€algorithmanimations.Thc s€cortd a toolcalledTIIREADS,whichis usedto run experihalf of thepmjcctdescribes B9trtsotrAdadatastructuesin a labotatorysetting. INTORDUCTION The overall goal of this project is to implement a labolatory for dre data sfuctures cou$e using Ada, algorithm visualiation atrd animation techniques, and algorithm measuremontusing a tool to guidctlFir wo* in to be usedby studcnts cauedTHREADS.Manualshavebeendeveloped to theleaming thecoursea]ldcontdbutes thelaboratory.Theworkdonein thisptojectenhances succe$sof the eNollod students. Prcviouswolk on this projectiocludes6 completedalgodthm arfEcationsanda basisfor the THREADS plogrxm. The proviouslyqeated aniruatj :rsinclude linked list, in6x to postfixcon's with rotations,splayttee zig-zlg and version,binary treeinsertanddelete,AVL treeinsc zig-zig rctations,andAVI- singleanddoublerotatious. hevious work on TI{READS included tho qoatiorl of theinterfaceandfili]CamentalprogramroutirEs, The philosophyusedin developil; :helaborxtorymaintainsthatindividual laboratorysessionsbe closed,usgAda pacl.113s,involve algodthmmeasuementoxporimgnts,andmakeuseof algoridlm animation. A closodhboratory msansthat collectively,all studontshavei scheduledtime to work in drc hb setti[g. 1^ninsfir.l.]r is alsopresontnt this time to aid anddircl their work. anda,.. packages thatdonot alreadyexistcan developed, Manyof d:eA:ir prckagosrlleahcr:.lJ' Thus, morc datn sltucturos can becoveredin thc coursg' by rtudr'rls. impleurented be easily The animationshelp studc...sbecoruemorc familiar with algoritirxosandtho oxperinentsallow studentsto oxpedencedifferontquiditiesof the algorithms. This Paperfocuseson tlte algodthm animationsanda tool usedto run experimentson algorithmsin $e laboratory. THREADS LaboratorYExPeriments: that involverurmingtestsoo algodthms thataroperfomredin tlle laboratolies ManvexDeriments catrbemeasupd ffi;#ili-il;;il;riig Esultsthat prcduccd tests ea"pu"tug"t'These involvedin their Workingin thelabgivessirdentsthechanceo bemoredirectly ;;;J;; theamouotof informationtbgyretain' learning,incr€asing butmolearoplovidedby themselves' will bewrittenby thestudents Somoof dleAdapackagos andalgorifiEs' stuarei*posedto moredat'-structures thestodeots -*liitp"tJ r"irtlt ru-ay, ii"-i,"ri."aiof actuallv theeffrctsof algoridmsin,stead ,ii"it timeseeingandexperiencing a"rir theirabilityto anasruitures' This shouldincrease .oainn ,rt" if*-i rt-" ard conesponding-data to a ptoblem' and/orefdciencyof differctrtapProaches lvze tf,eeffeclveness arEplannedfor thofollowingappUcations: Currently,experiments 1) Big OhExperiments of difforcntsortingalgoridms 2) Compadson 3) Binarysoarchtee vs.AVL aoe 4) Hashcollisionhandling 5) Big Oh cocfflcicntevaluation tool is tleeded' in a laboraorysetting,anapFopri&te In oldgrto run thcsgfyposor expenEents of sucha tool' namedTHREADS' consistsof thedevelopment il;rn"d ;;;;;;ti!oiect Bxpedment!onAdaDataStructu€s)is o toolthatcanbe THRBADSCfestHamcssfor Repetitive algolithms,reportingbackI' Jheusersometypeof tho t ." ,iri, * AatasEuctuesand'bl-ack and sepamloly' "*A box' prcgramsthatatEimplcmentcd ;tt. Thetcstsarc ;;;;;;;;;,h" aswell' maybet€sFdandrun seParstely HowtheStudentUsesTIIREADS ThebasicicleabehindTHREADSis ilustraledby thefotlowingchart BlackBox DataSet THREADS a datasetbasedon infoErationgivenby theuser.Thisdatasotis usedby a THREADSgenorates it retumsto TIIREADSthe blackboxto runoneexpedmed Upontheblackbox'scompletion, will be of tic tost. Themeasur€Elont samolesizeof thedatasotandanintegermeasuremsnt theuserruns' includedin a tablethatkeepstrackof eachexpedment inf-ormationneededfol tho RunningTHREADSbdngsup theinterfaceshownin Figuo 12' All are theusernay designate placesby theuser'Thepararoeters datasetis inDutio theapprcpnatg asfollows: Method:Theblackboxto usefo! theexperiment a WJ," a fl", Thenamedfile wherethedatasetis storpd lf nofile is designated' dofaultfile will beused' temPorary Thepatho thedirectorywbeleall datalnd files will bo wdtten' Wri genemted bv ijt" "nif"t ift" pu'rn*a nameof a dita setro beusedrnplaceof a file THREADS. of elemetsin thedataset' Size:Thenumber Samole themndom iiliri" o-lt*u"Jtt, Thestatisticalprobabittydistibutionusedto generated dataset. in thedataset' SampieOrderl The€xtertof oderingimposedon eloments randomlyfrom datasetgenerated rrr" a"i*Tt"ttingt at" for a 100element,iomll "tely unsorted a unifom rardomdistsibution. Method s black by theTHREADSprocess'WhenTHRBADSexecutes i-h" blu"kbo* p.""rs is spawned by TIIREADS' It thenwaitsfor theblackbox!o toi, it gtu"t O. lf*t bo; a datasstgener&ted Tableof Mea,"-iu* iVir* ,f," Uf*k boxreturns,iHREADS takssthedataandwlitssit to the is Theblackboxrentms2 integc$. Thc 6rstis thesizooftho dstasetandthesocond ;;;;;. thatdleblackboxrgtums' tlle tlgasurcment on whichblack Etumedby theblackboxwill varydo-pending Thencaningof themeasuement thatwere maybethenumberofcomparisons i"U"f"i-*". In somecasesthemolsurement measure'cent the " in a sortroutine.In thecsseof thobinarysearchEe€expedments, oerfonned will be tho mflsurement howover, cases, In all l]:.e. [ot"*ntt ,ttauu"Iag"dcpthof Enodcin the dnra struca.cjfiain or effrciencyof integit us;ful in analyzingthceffecdveness a ion-negariue ftom diffelentoxperiments roturne'd The Eeasw€rnents Jo" oi rrlo;trtrn foi a particulardati set. againsteachotherto aidtheuser'ssnalysis' canthenbecompared Writeto File thegenomted Thetextfield labeled..wdteto File:'' takesa nameasinput. If a nameis speci.fied, Pathi' text in the "write datasetwill be savedto a file wittr thatnarnein thcdiFctorysp€cified filo' thedatasetwill bs savedto a temporary field. If no nameis specifred. Write Path The"WdtePath:"textfield takesa pathsuingasitrpul THREADSwill notoperateuntil a valid pathis given. Thepathstringncedsto bea pathvheretheuserhasreadanilwriteperoissions' tgfff,{ps .enls anawites oany datafiles' If it cannotI€adalldw te its data"it will notwork to run a blackboxwithoutsupplingthewritc path,a noticeFompt plopedy.If theusorattempts information' wili appearaadnoti$ theuserto supplyTHREADSwith theapplopriate : S a r pel S iz e : lLasuret|lent Figure12 Use File mustcontairrlheontitepathand Tho"UseFilet' textfieldtakesa stnngasinput' Thistcxt stdng will usothisdata O" Jtt"nt" ," beused.If a validp;th andnameis givcn' TIIREADS "i a newdataseLTHREADSwill usea specifeddataset "r-" i.srcadof generating ;;;;;;a;; a newdataset'the datase-t'Thercfire, if thous* wishesto gene!"ate ;.;d ;;;;d;;w strinein the"UseFile" textfield mustbedeleted' SampleSize to beincludedin thedata frl"--u-pt" ,i"" n"ta auowsthousolto enterthenumbqof eloments by-usingthom-ouseto click otrthe *| t*gi"g no. f , 10000.Thesamplesi:o maybechanged defaultis 100sloments' oo]ao*? ,i,ro*r, ot ty manuallyenterirgthesizcinto thetoxtfield' The SampleDistribution Srffi;t"tb-i." in whichthedataelemcntsar€to bedistribt"dt"atesthetypcof randomness uted" Therearc six diffoFnt distributionsto chooseftom' 1) Uniforil. 2) Exponeotial. 3) Normal 4) Ca,|x|ma 5) l'Jisson 6) ljinom: 'urttolrlabeled'Distdbution Paramete$" If this :eDistribution, thereis a f" th" ilght tl," "i A r,..,Jowpanolwith numborfleldswi[ appea!(Figue 13)' i"*n ir""Li"t " (Figule 13) user canmodify the distributionsby changirg the parux!With this distribution window Panel,the etersfor eachdistribution Thesedistributionscanbe usodto ovaluatehow the distributionof datacanaffoct diffelEntdata structures.For nlost cases,Uniform distributionis sufficient. Futurgwork on distributions includosthe dovelopmontof blackboxesthat fully utilize the SampleDistribution featue of THREADS. SamoleOrder of odertheuserwouldlikei'. thodatasettobegenemted ii"]u--ol" -d"r."f"rs !othedeglee of thodatawill beir increasthat1007o orderof 100means *r!-* ["_ _]OO, f00. A sa-oiple sortcd A sampleorderof -100meansthat 10070ofthe datais in decreasing value Any oi zeromeansthatthedatais in psrfcctlyradom^order' "tO"r "tio-e-t-"pf" A valueof 50 meansthattlrctust 5070ofthe datais in roo is acceptable. i"i*Li-roo?a is in nndom order' sortedorder,ther€rnainder increasing il;il;;td* Data Set andodor i-" drtu ."t i, g"n"ot"d basedon theinformationfrom tlrc samplesize,disaibution' data setcanalso A to fulfill theuscr'srequirements' ut" rando6lygenerated n"far. m" "f",i""u l-pon"A datasetusingthe"UseFilej' tcxt field by supplyinga pathandname' "oto"-to- " Tableof Measurements The by theusor,exporimelsmaybercpoated' ,.s m"y besavedin filesdosigoated GI dutudutu mayalsobesavcd,sotheusc!maycomeback sessioir o-Ui"ofIn"u*ut"rnltusftom anexperiment rerord' experiment to rhedstaat a latertimeto continueinalysisor evenaddto thepre-vious 'File' menu' iaUt"r otetuueOty clickingthoright mousobuttonwhileon thotablo'Fromthe :S"ue table' geviously saved load in a as.,-.'anda savewindowwill appear'To a-ft*r" tft" option 'File' 'Opcn' monu. ftom dre choosetheoption RunExperiment to theapFoand-wdtton Whenthc 'RunExperbre0abuttonis clicked,thedatr setis genera@d andcxecuted'When0teblackboxfinishes'the is spawned Driarcfile, Next,theblackboxprosess If dreuserhasnotproarewdttento thetlble of measuremcnts' iamplesizeandmeasurement infomcri , theuserwill benotiied to do soandno uia"a THnSADS*irh thesppmpdate exDerimentwillberun.Iftheblackboxabortsorcrxhes,theuse!willbenotifedthattherewas an-erro!in thoblackboxandno datawill bewdtten!o thc tablo' View Graph Whentlre.ViewGraph'buttonisclicked,themeasurementscurrendyinthetablewillbeusedas 'xvgr' andmay be createdat anypoint ir the coordinatesfor a graph. Graphsareg:rerated using the expcrimentsession.Eachgriph is p'oducedin its own window with a uniquetitle' which allows for easycoDtparisonbctweengraphs. ClearTable sesThe'CloarTablo'butlonallowstheusertocleartheableatanypointdulingaTI{READS 'Clear Table' sion. This enablesthe userto stat a rrewsotof expedmcntsat any time. Whcn thc buttor is clickod a p(olopt will appearaskingif thcy really want to clear fte table' If "Clear the tablowifl be cleated. If cancelis selecte4dreusef,will be Etumed to Table' is selecte.d, TIIREADS with no changes. Coefficients will appoar(Figue 14)' If the 'Coefficients' buttoni$ clicked,a smallwindow with five buttons 'n' beingthe-samplesize' If one The fivo buttonsar€log(n), n, olog(n),n2,andn to soDopower' displayingttre coefficientsofthat particularBig * *rt t*u it .i,rr"t" t"*"t "pp"ar "u"fJ, tablo' For example,if the datain the tableis: Oh of tho datain the 100 600 tf the n2 buttonis clickod the xlorB will appeardisplaying: 600 6.000000000E-02 100 requirec to be This meansthat with n=100 andy=600,an expressionof the form y=cnz would If this coef6ciontromainsrelitively constalt over manyvaluesof n' the function ;.OOOOOOOB-OZ. process' rspresentedis a goodcandidatefor the big-oh function of theblack box Figute 14 Edp 'Help' buttonon th€TIIREADS-window,or by ptsssing Helpmaybofoundbothby clickingthe Thobuttoron theTIIREADSwindowwitl opena pop-upwhdow theirelpLy on thekeyboard" 'help' keyol thekeyboardwill givea shortsumttratcontainscompletehelptext.Pushitrgthe maryof helpfor thespoton thewindowwhelethecursoris pointing. Ouit If the'Quit' buttonis clicked,a noticepromptwill appearandaskif dleuserrcallywantsto quit' thouserwill ber€tumedto themainTIIREADSFogramwithoutany If cancoiis selscted, 'Quit' THREADSwill oxit andcloseall witrdows'Alsowhen is selectcd, changes.If filesremainin thespecitred fileswill bedoloted8ono unwanted ffnleOS ir qoit,oUtemporary wdtepathdt€ctory. THREADS T[torial tr,"'"i'u'.utt*to;alprogamthatisincludedwifiTHREADS.Whenthisprogramuruna alea"Thiswindowis sizod tutotialtoxtin s smoll'able compt"te i,lilirii"p-"* ,rttintpt'ays-oe fo{ easyrcfenonce screen *-,rtuiu-ii L prac.jnoxto tbetifi.EAos windowonthesarne when working with TIIREADS. For theInstructor of 11fles anda Makefile' Thefilesandtheirconlentsareasfollows: is composod TIIRBADS - --af,r"uOt,C, Devcuido3'0'1' Clgatedby thographicalilFrface codegeDeraor' pefinitionsofliuets usedto roceiveinformstiol abouttheUII objocts' ,r,*" Setsup theintedace,andbeginswaitingfor eventsto proccss' tl[ Callbackfunctionsfor thc variouswidgetsontheinterface'Also ,t""ua.-t*Ut."", containsanyauxiliaryfurctionsneededby TIIREADS' Containsthehelptextrotievedby presing the"I{elp" keyon the keYboard" Containsthocompletohelptextdisplayedin theTHREADShelp wirdow. thegaphicaldatafor rheTHREADSicon. Cont&ins dEesds.icon: Contahsthegnphicaldatafo! thoTIIREADSicor mask' th€ads.mask fo! xvgr. Containstheprefcrences xvgr.prcfs: theicript thatis calledwhenonethecoe6cientbuttonsarc Contains coef,scpt: clicked. thcReturn A verysmallplogramthatjust waitsuntil theuserpresses a[ koy; usedio coef'scpt. be Blnck boxesmay be addedto THREADSwith little efforl The spotswherethe codeneedsto modiced arenarked by cosmcnts of the fo!m: */ /* NBW METHODS: addatrynew methodsherc First, i! tho 6le,iNert the line: ('Ir{cthod name"); (void) r,,rhdchoice.addChoic€ 'Ir,iethod name'is the nase to appearon the menuin the interfece'For eachncw method where addc4 a sioilaf line mustbe inserted.Thc lines needto bc addedto thecursnt listing of choices, which is oarked in the codc. Next, ir the file,addanodrcr"else if' condition of the form: €lseif Gtrcmp(nethod,"\4e6odFile") == 0) { stlcatGomDand,"MethodName'); In this section'MethodFile' is theexeautablefile , .,cfot theblack box.Eachnew methodne€ds to haveits own casein the "if-else if' statomsnt. New nothods can alsobo usedby placing themin ths blackboxdtectory ad typing the namoof the nothod executablsin thi "Ivlethod:" tsxt field. This is mucheasierftom a FograrDmhg aspect,but this requircstho userto type in lhe nameinsteadof being abloto selectit ftom the menu. Newtypesofdistributionsmayboaddedin a siroilarfashion.Themenuchoicesfor "SampleDistribution"arcaddedthosamowayasthoscfor "Method."A cles dednitionof whatrhedisaibuin the tion meansandhowit will afrectrandomgencratiorof integorswill facilitatcthechangEs codoof In, thesystemcallsusethefull pathnamesto executetheblackboxandto use theo0le!includefiles. Checkthatthescpathsarecorpct,andchangetl:rm asappropliate. CONCLUSION As futur€ work on this Fojoct, further Adavision animatioltscould be geatedor animation$ which is exist aspart of the XIANGO packagecould bo Iefined for tho pu+ose of implementation into a datasfucturescourse. In €gard to THREADS, further useof the "SampleDistsibution" featureis yet to be found, andadditionalfeaturesmay be addedThe useof Adavision andTHREADSin a labomtorysettingis intendedto involve studentsmore direcdy in their instructionthan a classrcomsettingalone. The animationsarcintendedto improve students'unde$tandingof the datastructuresand algorithmsbeingtaught,andperfonning expedmentson the algorithos allow fte studentsto analyzeandexpedencethe effectiveness andefficiencyof differentsolutionsto Foblems. It is hopedthat ftis projectdoesindeedenhanca a datastruch{escourse,helpinginshuctors conveyto students theabstractconcepts of thecourse ard activelyinvolvethemin theinstruction. BIBLIOGRAPHY Donovan,Tommy. "Cetting Stanedwith TANCO." 1990. Pross,William H., Brian P,Flannery SaulA. Teukolsky,William T. Vatorling. Nunerical Reciper. Cambddgel.l..iversityPrcss,Cambridge, 1986. Stasko,JohnT. "BWE Prcgrnmmer'sManuat TANCO." Brcwn Univcrsity, 1990. Stasko,JohnT. "TAN6O: A ftameworkandsystemfor algolithm anitL,*tion."ComputerYol.23, No. 5, p. 27-38,1990. Tume!, Paul J. "ACE/gr User'sManual:Gmphicsfor cxploratorydataanalysis." Centerfot CoastalandLand-MarginResearch,OregonGladuatelnsdnr: of Sci. andTech.,1992. Weiss,Malk A. Dard StrucnresandAlgorithtn Analysisin Ad.a.BenjaminCummingsPublishing Co.Inc.,New York,1993. AlgorithmAnimations:AdaVision AdaVisionservesasa teachingtool for dau structuescoursostaughtin Ada by allowing students to visualizedatastsuctureconcepts,ratherthanry to leatn atrdunderstandthe concoptsin an abstractmanner,Using tlrc algorithmanimationpackageXIANGO, two-dimensional,color animatiollsareqEatedby combiningtwo files. The first file containstho implemootationof tho algolitllEr beingadmatedalongwith procedurecalls to the secold fi10,which consistsof dle animationscenes.The structu€s anddatainvolvod in the algodthmimplgmentatiotrareEpresentedin the aoimationscenesby imageswhich move asa rcsult of intErestingevents,suchasthe insertionof a rcde into a linked list. Someof the previousanimationsqoetedfot the AdaVisionprojectdisplaythe conespondingAda codeon the XIANGO window asthe algorithmis beioganimated This displayof codeenables studentsto view the connectionbetweenAda codeandthe actionof algodftms on dataanddata structurcs.At tho beginningof an animation,tho fi$t line of Ada codeis higl ighted by a rcctangular image. Succeedinglines of codearc thenhighlightedasdreyare executedwithin the algorithm implementation,allowing studentsto obsorvethe moveme of imagesuting placein conjunctionwith the higtiighted code. The two mostcurent AdaVisionanimationsillustratoinseltionsanddeletionson a BTree. Due to ttre complexityof the BTloo algorithm,theseanimationsdo not include the conespondingAda codoaspafi of their displays. Also dueto comploxity,andbecausethe implomentationis rct necessaryfor what the animationsate intendodto illustrate,the actualBTtee algorithmis not implomentodinto the file which normally would containthe &lgodthmimplomentation.Instead,each the possiblcsctionsthat would be perforued on a particular animationmorelydemonstrates BTfee if an insertionor deletionwerc to occur. Within eachof tho BTreeanimations,as a valueis insenedor deleted,imageswhich replesont nodes,Iinks andvaluesarerepositionedaccordingly. NodescontainingYaluesthat 8ronot releby empty,smaller-sized,rectangular vant to the particularBThcgdomonstration8rorEpresented imagcs,while nodescontainingvaluoswhich als necossaryfor ths demonsEationarcrepresented by non-empty,larger-sized,rectangularimages. The conditionof the particularBTreethat is showndependson the user'stesponsoto a sedesof questionsregardingtho BTreehe o! she would like to view. Thosequestionsareaskodin the folm of a dialoguebeforean animationis shown. Oncstho adlnatiort is displayed,a label describingthe insertionor deletionbeingperformedis writlen nea!the bottomof the XTANGO window. Also, in the upperleft cornerof the window is a displayof text which indicatesthe value beinginsenodor deleled. The BTreedelotion aniration additionallyincludesa shorttext phlase which explainswhat is occurringwithin the BTleo at tho momentthat the imagesaremoving. BTtee Insertion The BTreeinsertionarimatioo illustratesfour possiblgway$for a valueto be insertedinto a whoseancestoris non-fuII, or into thg BTree:into a non-full leaf, a leaf whosepalentis non-fu11, leaf of a BTreowhich doesnot fit a.nyof thesecases,in which casethe root is split. The anima- regardingthetypeof BTreointo whichhe a dialoguowhichaskstheuserquestions tion conlaiDs to thoquesperfumed on thous€r'srcsponso Dopending or shewouldlike to seeanimertion hsortionsimulationis shown. tions,thc appropriate Thecasein whichthevalue"100" is insertedioio e leafwhoscparqltis trotr-rulis illustrated below. Figur 1. Theoriginalfofm of theBTbo is displayed' Figure2. Thevalue"100" movesdowntbroughthctopof thea€e. Figu:e3. Thevalue"100" movesdowntlroughthcparcntnodc. Figu€ 4. The valuc "100" movesinto its cctect pleceh the leaf, Ftguro5. fbe micldlo valueof thelcof,"90', movcsupro thoparontnodcandtholoafle split. Figur€6. The split nodes,aloogrviththeirvaluesard linr.s, arcDDositioncd BTreeDeletion TheBTre€delotionanimationillustatessix possiblewaysfor I valuoto b€deletedfrom a BTtee: from a rton-leaf,a leafthatis largerthanminimumsize,a leafwhosoneighboris largerthanminimud size,whoseparentis largerthanminimumsize,whoseancestor is largettharrminimum size,or a ddetionfiom a BTrccwhichdoesnotfit anyof thesecases, in whichcasetherootis dissolved.Similarto theBTrc€insortion,lhis animationcontainsa dialogueof questions.Deperding on theuser'srespons€ to thequestions asked,theappropdate deletionsimulationis shown. Thedeletionof a valuefrom thctrceis illu$tatodasthevaluomovosdownandinto a ,,garbage can"image. Thocassin whichthevalue"100"is deleicdftom aleafwhoseparcntis largerthantheminimum $izoi$ illustratedbelow. DELEltOu FR04 LEnF, lEHr I'ttrlrtr',, aoTH HElct€ots MtNllul, P4REM,iot H$udLtl Figure 7. The ciginal form of the BTrce is displayod- DELError{noi !tnF, LEiF, 30tH rlal6l€0nE m*$ul, pnftm *Er $tfltiu,t Figurc8. Thcvalue"100" is movodinto dredolotion..garbage can.', N.Fa. dlh . h.tahbor. Dril$r0fi a$r,, Llir, r*Jr rit|{lriun roTH xErcr6as rirxr[r{ mtElrT Hor |ttnltit.t Figruc 9, The value"50" is Eovcd dou,nso that the loaf may rogainits orlct lrtltltoN lrtll lllAl, t|:tr r,tlrttnx. afiH ilEtd$rBot8HlliDt-it, pr|IEl{t ilot tl|ltl,iw Figur€10.Theleafonditsneighbor mergo. EOTHXErotBmgrltt$tti. pilE|{r Ngl tlHrxrtt Figu! 11. Th€two nodas,tbeirlinks,andvalucsasrepositioned asone. DataStructureswith Ada Packages, Laboratories,andAnimations Herbert L. Derch€m Wendy L. Barth Cheri J. Bowsher Darrick P. Brown 1.0 Introduction The datastructurescourseis oneof the oldestandmoststablecoursesin the comPutersciencecurriculum.It hasb€enpresentin all modelcuricula andcuniculum rccommendations ftom 1967on, andits contenthasrernainedremarkablystable' havebeenintloOver thg history of the datastructurescourse,manytools andapproaches using a was designed a courso that ducedandeffectively employed.This paperdescribes combinationof threesuchtools: the Ada programminglanguage,algorithmvisualization andanimation,and labontories with expcrimentalalgorithmanalysis.The tools developedandusedare describedin detail. 2.0 The Ada ProgrammingLanguage The useof Ada in the dataEtructuescoursewaspioneeredby Feldman[3] andmore recentlyadvocatedby Silver [6]. Severalvery gooddatastructurestoxtbooksarebasedon the Ada languageincludingFeldman[2]' Weiss[9], Hillam [4], andStubbsandWebre[8]' The advantagesof Ada in a datastructuEscourseincludethe following: . Packagesaodprivate typesallow the completeimplementationof abstractdatatyPes including encapsulationandthe separationof specificationfrom implsmentation' . Genericsenablostudentsto work at a higherlevel of abstractionwhenconstructing absfiactdatatYPs. . Exceptionhandtingcanbe includedwithin abstractdatatypesto fufiher enhance encapsulation. In the coulsedescribedhere,studentswereprcvidedwith a libnry of Ada packageswhich they usedin tleir programmingprojectsand laboratoryexercisesThis enabledthe studentsto usethe datastructuresin their own programswithout needingto implementthem in detail.The codefrom the packageswasavailablefor studentsto examineand wasused in the classto aid in the understandingof datastructureandalgoridm implementation' Packagesthat areprovidedin the library are: Dala Studus wnh Ad! P&kasps,Llboototi*. md Aninu!@ AVI- Trees Rationalnumbers Unlimited precisionintegers Binary sealchtrees Binary heaps Itftist heaps Linkedlists Queues Stacks . B-trees . SPIaYtrees from thosefoundin Weiss[9]' wereadapted Someofthesepackages 3.0 Atgorithm Visualizations and Animations in datashuctules andanimationhasbeenusedsuccessfully Algorithmvisualization arefoundin Brown[l] andNaps[5] Toolshavebeen coirsesfor sometime.Examples describedwhich facilitate thtdevelopmentof theseanimationsThe tool chosenfor usein thepresentprojectis XTango[7]. areusedfor bothclassandanimations course,visualizations In thepresentdatastructures to enhancestuintended room demonstrationandusein the laboratory.The animationsare dentunderstandingof algorithms,particularlysincetheythe studentsdo not write codeto illustratethealgorithmthrough Mostanimations implementthe algorithmsin mostcases. thealgowith theAdacodewhichimpl€ments an animationthaiis viewedsimultaneously is animated' rithm. Ada statementsin the codedisplayarehighlightedastheir action Many animationsareprovidedwith thedistributionof XTango Someof thesewerefound to be appropriatefor usein the datastructurescourse,often with minor modifications ln addition,oti-reranimationsweredevelopedasa part of the coursedevelopmentptoject' were: Thosedeveloped . Linked lists with insertion,deletion,andsearch . Infix to postf,x expressionconverslon . Binary searchtree insertionanddeletion . AVL tree rotaflon . AVL tree insertion . SPIaYtlee rotatron . B-tlee iNertion Dab Srrudues sith Ada Packages,Ilt)oaton6. ed Anidiio's found in A more detaileddescriptionof theseanimationsalongwith illustrationsare AppendixA. 4.0 The Laboratories the stuThereare eight labontory exerciseswritten for this course'Someof theserequire funnens qf"st Harnessfor the Repeat€dExecutionof Ada J"ns to ur"-u p*tug" "it"o on Data Structures).THREADS is descdbedin AppendixB' brief Descriptionsof the laboratoryexercisesarefound in Appendix C' The titles and descriptionsare given below. I . Writing an Ada Program the fh" ,tia"ntt -" intitoducedto the Ada larguageby writing a programto compute nth power of 2 usingintegersandfloats.They arealso requiredto writc a.Program whiih usesNewtoJs me*rodto calculatethe squarcroot of 2' Studentsobservethe limitationsof sizeandaccuracywith Ada'sbuilt-innumerictyPes' 2. Using Ada Packages 2 They StudJntsusea paJkagecalledBig-Inleger to obtainresultsfor lar-ger powersof alsousea rational numberpackagoto oblain moreaccuraterosultsfor the squarcroot of 2. 3. Using GenericPackages StudJntsusea genericrationalpackageandinstantiateit for Big-Integer to ilcreasethe accuracyof the squareroot of 2 calculation 4. Big Oh Sampling Fiie algorithmsareprovidedin Ada programswith variousBig Oh values-students run th; throughTHREADSto obsewetheir timing behaviorboth in tabularand graphicalform. 5. Big Oh Determination Sddentswork with l0 algodthmswhosebig Oh behaviorsth€y must analyzeand obsorve. 6. StacksandQueues Studentsrun animationsin XTangoto observeand analyzethe behaviorof a stack dnfix to Postfixconversion)anda queue(PostOffic€ QueueSimulation)' 7. ComDarisonof AVL andBinary searchTEes Studints usepackagesfor AVL tre€sandBinary Searchtreesto obseweandcompare timesandavenge depthof an elementin their behavioisin termsof search/insertion the tre€.THREADS is used!o performthe analysison tie observatrons' 8. SortComparisons THREADS is usedto comparethe behaviorof five different sort algorithmsover variousdatadistributions. Data Strudc *ith Ad! P&k!g€s, hloratoics' ed Anim'lions 5.0 Project Activities The project wasconductedon the following time table: 1. June-July1993 written, datastructurevisualizations Courseandlaboratoriesdesigned,Ada Packages constructedto supportlaboratodes.ProfessorDershemwasassistedby WendyBarth andCheri Bowsherwith supportfrom a NationalScienceFoundationResearchExperiencesfor Uldergraduatesprogam g.ant.Also' studentBob Chenassisted 2. November1993 Resultsof work of previoussummerwerepresentedby WendyBarth andChe'i Bowsherat the Argonn; NationalLaboratoriesSymposiumon UndergraduateResearch' 3. March 1994 Seminaron algorithmanimationwaspresentedat theUnitedStatesAir ForceAcademy dudngtheprevioussummer developed animations discussing 4. June-July1994 Coursematerialsfinalized,Documentationpreparedfor softwareproducts Professor by CheriBowsherandDaffickBrownwith suPportftom a Dershemwasassisted programgrant' for Undergraduates National ScienceFoundationResearchExPeriences 1994 5. Fall Semester ProfessorDershemwasprovided l/3 releas€time by HopeCollegefor the prePantion of the coursematerialsin the teachingof the cou$e' 6. November1993 by Dadck BrownandCheriBowResultsof work ofprcvioussummerwerepresented Research' sherat the ArgonneNationalLaboratoriesSymposiumon Undergraduate 1995 7. SpringSemester at HopeColPiofeisorDershemusedthefinalmaterialsin CSCI286,DataStructures, lego. 8. August1995 Final report wasprepared. DaraSbdu6 wi6 Ada P@kases,Laboolorid. andAninalions BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Brown, M.H., Algorithm Anim,tian, Clrlrbidge, MA, MIT Press'1987 Company' [2] Feldman,M.8., Data Abstracrtonwith Ada, Reston,VA, RestonPublishing 19851 eight yearPe$pective,S/GCSE [3] Feldman,M.B., Teachingdatastructureswith Ada: an June,1990. Bu etin,22.Q)t2l-29, l4lldlillajm,B., Introductionto AbstroctData TypesIJshg Prentice-Hall,1994 Ada,Englewood Cliffs' NJ' laboratodes, SIGCSEBulletin' [5] Naps,T.L. Algorithrn visualizationir computerscience 1990. 22(l): 105-l10,Fobruary, projectsin a datastructutescourse' [6] Silver, J.L., Uiing Ada to specifyard evaluate Butletin,23(l):337-340'March'1991' SIGCSE anilrrztion,Computer' Fl Stasko,JohnT. TANGO:A frameworkandsystemfor algorithm 23(5't:2'l -38, 1990. Data Typesmd Ada'Bos' [8] Stubbs,D.F.andN .W.Webrc,Data Structuresvith Abstract ton.PWSKent, 1993. Ada, New York' Benjamin [9] Weiss,Mark A. Data StructurcsandAlSorithn Analysisln CunmingsPublishingCo.Inc.' 1993. Daia Stucturcs wiih Ada Pattg6, Labodtori.s &d Alination paec5 AppendixB & Animation AdaVision- Visualization AdaVisioncombinesAdacodewithdynamicimagestoserveasateachinstoolfordatastructure coursestaughtin Ada. Using the algorithmanimationpackageXTANGO, animationsarecreated on dataand so ,tudens-muyniet the connectionbetweenAda codeandthe actionof algorithms with each datastructures.With the exceptionof the AVL insertiol, the Ada codeassociated arenot algorithm apPearsin the displayareaof XTANGO In somecases,procedureswhich explicitlydisplayedareusedin orderto simplifythecode' by images'Theseimagesmove The structuresand datainvolvedin an algorithmare represented of a events,suchastheinse(ionofa nodeintoa fteeor themovement astheresultof interesting thefirst line of Ada codeis highlightedby ilntin a rotatlon.e.t theieginningof eachanimation, linesof codearehighlightedastheyarcexecutedTheuser image.Succeeding a rectangular takingplacein conjunctionwith thecodehighlighting' imagemovement observei'the Linked List andfindsarcdoneon a linkedlist with a how inserts,deletes, The list animationdemonsfiates dummyheadernode.Insenmaybedoneatanypointwithinthelist,deletewillremovealloccur. in rencesof a particularvalueftom the list, andfind will searchfor the frrst occurrenceof a value thelist. XTANGo,sanimationwindowappears'andafterthe.runanimation,buttonisclicked,allinterthere,givingtheuserthe actionwith thouserwill occurin ihe shellwindow.A menuis displayed quitting the application' optionsof insertinga node,deletinga node,findinga node,or If the userchoosesto inserta node,sarewill be promptedfor the valueto be inserted,andthen promptedforthedesi'edplacetoinsertthenode:githeratthestaltofthelist,thoendofthelist'or after anotheruser-specifiednode lf theuserdesiresto deletea node,s/hewill bepromptcdfor the valueto be deleted,andinformedthat all [odes containingthe valuawill be deleted.If the user choosesto find a value in the list, s/hewill be promptedfor the valueto find, andinfomed that only the first occurrenceof the valuewill befound.After all informationfor a particularoperation hasbeengatheredfrom the user,the animationbegins' In an insert,an externalpointerfinds the nodeto be insertedafter anda new nodeis drawn and addedto the list. In a deiete,an extemalpointerfinds both the nod€to be deleiedandthe node immediaiglybeforeit prior to deletingthe node.In a find, a comparisonis animatedbetweeneach elementof the list andthe find value.The frnd valueappearsin the lower Ieft coner of the display area,andaseachelomentisvisited,thefindvaluemovesnexttothevalueofthenode.Ifthevaluesmarch,the imagesflash.If theydo not match,the find valuereturnsto its placein the comer' the valueof Nodesare representedby divided rectanglesThe teft half of the rettanglecontains poirters' suchasthose the node,while the righthalf holdsa pointerto the nextnode Any extemal App.ndix B Ad tsion \tsldizaion & Anination of the list image' The usedto f,nd a certainnodein the list' appearandmovealongthe bottom window' and after an -o"rponang to eachoperationappearsat the top of the animation "oO" it is erased'mJ original list consissof a poinler namedFIEAD that ft'-*"f"""a' points to NULL As lists "*raii-o" oli"" a a"*-v tt"ader,that is, atremptynodewhosepointer6eld " viewedby i""o." fong,ttt.y *ill moveoff the displayarcato the right' The imagescan still be window' usins ' the ar;ow buttonson the left sideof the XTANGO Prev-CeII != Find(inPut-vaLue' L); T e m p : = n e r , lN o d e ' ( X . P r e v - C e 1 l . N e x t ) i HEAD eII.Next := Tempi NULL e Prev-CeIL TernP Figure l. Inscdng a nodeat the stalt of a linked list Infix to Postfix ConYersion 'postfix' animalesan infix to postfix conversion'After clicking-XTANco's 'Run Adavision's Animation'button,the useris askedto enteraninfix expression'This original streamof characters ,INPI-IT,in the XTANGO window.The posdix expressionis built and below the label aDDears 'OUTPUT' andthe opolatorsarestorcdin a 'STACK' imageasthey are oiacedunderthe labet proccsed. Throughoutthe animation'ana'tow is usedto point to the characterof ths inPutstream 'nhich linesof Adacode-arealsodisplayedand is *rrently-und"r consideration.Thecorresponding is performed.Executionis completedwhenall symbolsin the infix ,tt" ttigttUlft "t been "a have "onversion alld the stackis emPty' expression Processed Itisassumgdinthisaninationthattheuserhasapreviousunderstandingofstackoperations'such aspopandpush.Oncea chamcter,or symbol'is read,it is pushedontoeither STACK or OUTPUT' ln op"r-a U tnt innx expressionmovesdire4tlyfrom the input to the output saeam'If an ooeritor is encountered,it is movedto tlrc outputafter all opentorswith a lesserprecedenceare poppedfrom the stackandpushedonto the output.A compadsonbetweenrheol)eratorbeing consideredin the input andthe operalorat the top of the stacki6 indicatedby a blinking top-ofstackelement. Affidix B Adavsion - Visualizrion & Atirndion havethe highgstpriority' while dght.pajentheseshave ln comparingoperators,left Parentheses is will neverbe pushgdontothe-stack lf a dght parcntheses none.fns ,ieuns rigfrt pareotheses will be poppedfrom tle stackandput in dre outputuntil a left oneis ;;;;;;;;;* andsoro parenthesiseverappearin i"*f,"J. rft" r"ft p"r".,t .ses iittr.en removerlfrom the stack, the outDut. coNvEFSpX shilo 60€ aFolli ll'lFrx To Fo5TFtr( .n4-of-inpuc-IooP ( ( 3 ' o ) + 6 / r ) ( next-ssmbol ) opoF.hd ) : puc ( noxt-39mboI = -)nox€-.smbol olsl,F (? toP(6!ack)/=uhr.I6 ); Put<|ooP(st'ck) 4 th'n 1F STACK then .looP |6oP (3€ack): ond th'n noe EmPts(3t.ek) dhtl6 ) <=Prlorrbs <nsxt-cs.nboI P.l6rlcg Lh'n ,/-'<'> 1€ (top (ctack) ( P o P ( c t l c k ) ) : Pqt 6nd I6oP, puch <noxc-ssiboI (lop(cc.ok) ) IooP ) i ot 'lPuT Ioo|c noE EnPtg<3tock) uh1t. pue <Pop <ttack> ) t Figure2. Theinfix streamis placedin IMUT. col{vEFsF tt<ttrr l.tqlo FoE fx II{FUT noc ond-oa-lhpqt-lo6P ohr.l. ).t 3.! (n.xl-a!FboI L€ oF. r.hd ( h.xt-.smbo] ): Futs(n.xt-.!6bof ELi? ) . . / ) t ) f !h'h ..rE-=6EEr=__._r'--EF;A dhrI. put coP(' (P6F <o!.ok) ) t (' IooF poF <, dnd th'h noe Empcs( dhlLo (noxt-3sFbol, > <=Pri orlts Pr!oF1tg Ehon (toP ( t/='<'t rF ), Pu€<PoP( pqsh ( n.:€-alrbo.r n6€ EmPts( uhrlc ), pu€ (PoP ( (toP (3t!ck) ) Ioop ( ): loop Figure 3, The symbolsarc processed,movedonto STACK andinto oUTPUT. Appodir B Adavsion vsualizarion & Animdion + Figure 4: The final postfixexpressionappearsin OUTPUT' Binary ScarchTree inscrtionsanddgletionson a binary searchtree' Adavision's "bintree" animationdemonstrates the right sideof the displayarea,andthe Ada codeis shownon the left il" o* it aUf"V"a "n sidc. seecompalisons'If Upon besinninqthe animation,ttle usoris askedwhetheror not s/ltc wantsto viewing of the anima,fr! uter int*"i Xnttativcly' all comparisonswill be animatcdduringthe if the inseras follows: tre€ ,i"" ir," *" u"itt""a iinmediatelybjfore a valuemovesdownthe less-thansign iion uAo" it f"tt ttt- the existingnode,it movesto the left of the nodeanda it movesto the node, aop"ursu"t*e"n ttte ualues.If the new valueis gleaterthanthe existing After making this ,i?f,i. f,f," ur". ao"r not wish to seethe comparisons,s/heshouldanswerno. in the shell window.The userinputswhich operations/hewould like to JiiSoq u -*u "pp"ars see,alongwith the valueto be insertedinto or deletedfrom the troe' level of recursionis shownby The Ada codefor both insettionsanddeletionsis rcursive' Each 'dim' by changingcolor wherla new outlining the treecurrentlyunderconsideration.Old outlines call' level of-rpcursionis entered.All codeis erasedandrewrittento showeachrecursive then movesto Whonan insertionis animated'the new valueapPearsin the upp€rleft comer aIId position: left if less' tight if the root position,The new valueslidesdowntothe appropriatechild qreatertiranthe node.This continuesuntil the oew valuefinds an emptyposition or encountersa If the new valuefindsartemptyposition,a new link is drawnto comect it i.J .f m" t^-" "a*.-ay appearmorethanoncein thetree,soif theuserdoestry to insert a value uuto" to tt in O" tree,the nodewitl flash,andthercw copy of the valuewill be movedout tft"t "?".-f'lo Ai"uny "*ittt of the fiee. the deletion A deletionis animatedin similar fashion,excoptthat we aresearchingto match the nodebeing deletedis value.once the valuehasbeenfound, the correctIeplacementflashes, 'pulled' 'lifted' out of the tree,andthe replac€mentnodeor suB-Treeis into placeby the link that App. 'x B Ad.Vsion - visurlizdion & Anitulion the deletionvalue' the DreviouslyDointedto the deletednode.If no nodeis foundthat matches 'lifted' out of dretree' Ltetion vaiuewill be ft-Iffisl T := nd Tree_Node- (x. .tslfX<T.EIdentth.n T.L.€t) i In.crt()(cls1fX>T.E.Lm.htth.n T. Rtghl) i fns.rt(X. nurr. Figure5. Insertinga nodeinto a suB-Tree AVL TheeRotation 'avlrotat' demonstrates singleanddoublerotationsof an AVL tre€uponthe insertion Adavision's times asdesiredby choosingan of an element,The usermay view anyof four rotationsasmany 'Run Anination' button' option numberin a shell window after clicking XTANGO'S andB' In the singleleft rotation,lhereexistnodesA andB' whereA is the original root of the trce triangles i, ti," ,oot which resultsfrom the rotation,The tre€ is filled in by threr e, t"tt 'n' A' "i'ita, *tri"tt t"pi"r"nt tuS-Tre€sof depth . The doubleleft rotationconsistsof thrconodeimages: this case' the orig;al root; B, A s left child; andC, which is B's right child andthe new root ln of depth the tre; is frlled by two triangularsuB-Treesof depthn, andtwo triangula! suB-Tre-€s in+l'. The nodesln eachrotationarEconncctedto suB-Tre€sby way of'links,' which serveas pointen to nodesin the tuee.Thc singleright anddoublodght rotationsare mirror imagesof the left rotations. The elementis lepresentedby a small,olaugetdanglewhich fust appearsin the top dght-hand comer of the XTiNGO window.After working its way down the tlee in standardbinary search potentiallycaustre€fashion,the elementatt2rhes,or inserts,itself to the bottomof a suB-Tree, of the suB-Tree ing the tre€ to becomeunbalaoced.The elemontis insertedinto the left-most oiiot for rhe sinsle left rotation,the right-mostsuB-Trcefor the singleright rctation, the right of thepivot for thedoubleleft rotation,andthe left suB-Treeof the right of,n"i"r, IJ-t "r,itd child of""the pivot for tie doubledght rotation' approEachrotationalsohasirs own displayof Adacode.As eachline of codeis highlighted,the irnage The rotation occurs Driatelink movementis perfomed. Orco all links arein position,the li eachnodemovesto its new positionin the balanc€dtree andthe links are redrawnaccordingly, A@dir B Adavision - Msualizltio & Aninatiot DoubI--Riahe Ro€.e1on Figure 6 . The repositioningof link dueto the insertionof an elementinto a suB-Tree' t oot := c:l AVL treefollowingtheperfomanceof a doublerightrotation' Fieure7. A balanced AVL Ttee Insertion into an AVL tree This animation insertions AdaVision's"avlins"animationdemonstrates assumesthat the useraheadyhasa working knowledgeof the four typesof AVL rotations:single in theanimationwindow'but left, singleright,doubleleft, anddoubleright.No codeis displayed the useris notified which rotationis beingperformed' 'run animation'buttonon the XTANGO window,the useris promptedfor the Aftor pressingthe into the tree.valuesmay be betwern 1 and 1000,with 0 servingasthe quit valueto be in-serted option. The userinputsthe values/hewould like to seeinserted,andthe animationproceedsfrom there. the First, the insertioninto the tree is animated,The new valueappearsin the upperleft comerof displaywindow,while the root of thg treeis surroundedby a blue circle' This blue lozengemarks the the position in the treecurrentlybeingcomParedwith the new value,ard witl eventuallymark comspoiwhere the value is to be piaced.Next, the circled nodeflashesto showthat it is being the lozoaredto the insertionvalue.If the new valueis lossthall or equalto the surrouldednode, the node' !ng" mou"s to tlt" positioo of the left child of the node lf the new value is Sreaterthan the-lozengemovesio the right child's position.After the conect moveof the lozenge'a new coma parisonis'done.If no node;xists to comparethe valuewith, the valueis insertedinto the tree as new node,and an edgeis addedto connectit to the treo' Appendix B Adavkion - lisualialon & A.ination First, we searchfor the If the new nodecausesthe tree to be unbalanced,a rotationis animated. the greenlozengemoves orruaun""a .os-rr"". The blue lozengeis replacedby a gle€none,and ,rf tle tree ,rntit it nnasa nodewhosetreeis unbalancedlf oneis found' the usetis notifled of greenlozwiich of the four rotationswill occur,andthe rctatio[ is done lf one is not found' the engedisappears. occu$' In a rotation,whena nodemoves,the edgepointing to it is deletedbeforethe movement pointsto it The only After the nodehasassumedits new position,a llew edgeis drawnthat the tre€' exceptionto this actionis whenthe nodeis moving from or to the root position in promptedfor the After the valuehasbeeninsertedand arlynecessaryrotationdon9,the useris next valugto insert into the tree. Singleteft Fotafon Figure8. FindingthePivotnode Figure9. The balancedtree following a singleleft rotation SPIaYTfe€ Rotation 'splay' demonstateszig-zig andzig-zagsplaytle€rctationsJhe user may view Adavision's 'Run Animaeitherof the two rotationsasmanytimesass/hewould like by clicking XTANGO'S tion' buttonandchoosingan option numberftom a shellwindow' andthe The zig-zagdemonstationincludesthre€nodesiX, theleft child of the pivot's right child parent node of X' the nodeti belcessed; G, the original toot aodgrandparentnodeof X; andR by iinks' to four triangularsuB-TreeslabelledA'B'C' andD' whereA Th"." nod", ." "onnected is the left-mostsuB-TreeandD the right-mostsuB-Tree' Appadix B Adavsion Vsu,liaiiot & Aninaron In viewing the zig-zaganimation,the links arerepositionedoneat a time andthe cor'esponding lines of Aia codJ arehighlighteduntil the objectiveof makingX the new root of the tree is accomplished.Following thi seriesof link movements,the imagesin the tree arercconstructed' bringing the tree into its rotatedform. similarly,exceptthatX is initially positionedasthe left child The zig-zig rotationis demonstrated of theDivot'sleft child. . ZTC'ZTG- SPLFY ROTATION nodeX' of linksin orderto access FisurelO.Themovement . ztc-zlG' SPLAY ROTATION *.---^------.:a A / A A \ ---^--=I G A\ a ,,\ A ' A ' t ] A Figurell. The rotatedsplaytreewith X asits newroot B-Tlee Algorithms to The following two Adavision animationsillushateinsertionsanddeletionson a B-Tree Due oi tt B-Treealgorithm,theseanimationsdo IIot include the corespondingAda tt e " is not nec"o-ptexltl codeaspart o?fteir aisplays.Also dueto complexity'arldbecausethe implementation implefi. *ft",,ft" -inLations are intendedto illustrate,the actualB-Trce algorithm is not each be lnstead' "*"ay mentedinto oneof the two separateXTANGO files asit nomally would performedon a particularBanimationmerely demonstra6sthe possibleactionsthat would be Tree if an insertionor deletionwereto occul' within eachof the B-Treeanimations,asa valueis inseltedor deleted,imageswhich represent Appendir B Addision - visutliu tion & Aninajlon pagell are not relenodes,links andvaluesarerepositionedaccordingly Nodescontainingvalueslhat by empty,smaller-sized'rectangular vant io ttr" pu.ticuf* n-Tree demonstrationarerePresented images,while nodescontainingvalueswhich arenecessaryfor the demonstrationare'epresented by rion-empty,larger-sized,rectangularimages.The conditionof the particularB'Tree that is showndependson the user'sresponseto a setiesof questionsregardingthe B-Treehe or she would like to view. Thesequestionsare askedin the form of a dialoguebeforean animationis theinsertionor deletionbeingpera labeldescribing shown.Oncetheanimationis displayed, formedis writtennearthebottomof theXTANGOwindow. Also,in theuppelleft comerof the The B-Treedele*inao* ls u aispluyof text which indicatesthe valuebeinginsertedor deleted tion animationadditionallyincludesa shorttextphrasewhichexplainswhatis occurringwithio theB-Treeat lhe momentthattheimagesaremoving B'Tree Insertion four possiblewaysfor a valueto be insertedintoa BTheB-Treeinsertionanimationillustrates intothe Tree:into a non-fullleaf,a leafwhoseparentis non-full,whoseancestotis non-full'or The animais split' the root case leafof a B-Trcewhichdoesnot Rtanyof thesecases,in which into which he thetypeof B-Tree regarding u aiufoguewhichaskstheuserquestions tion to theques"ontuint on theuser'srcsponse wouldlike to;ee an insertionPerformedDepending or she insertionsimulationis shown' tions,the approPriate is illustrated Thecasein whichthevalue"l00" is insenedinto a leafwhoseparentis non-full below. Figure12.Theoriginalform of theB-Treeis displayed' Appe.dix B Adavision visualianion & Aninalion Figue 13.Thevalue"100"movcsdownthroughthetopof thefee' Figure14.Thevalue" 100"movesdowntkoughtheparentnodc' Appddii a Adtvisid - Vrsurlidion & Adtdion pogp15 Figure15.Thevaluc"100" is inscrtedintoits conectplacein th€lcaf' Figure 16.The midrtle valuc of the leaf, Appadii B A&vfi@ '9O", movesup to the puent nodeandthe leaf is split' - vlsualiadon & Adnttli@ Figure 17.The split nodes,alongwith their valuesandlinks, arerePositioned' B-Tfee Deletion The B-Treedeletionanimationillustratessix possiblewaysfor a valueto be deletedfrom a BTree:from a non-lcaf,a leaf that is laryerthanminimumsirc, a leaf whoseneighboris largerthan minimumsiz€,whoseparcntis large!thanminimumsize' whoseancestoris lalger thanminimum sizr, or a deletionfrom a B-Trco which do€snot fit anyof thesecases,in which c'se the root is dissolved.similaltotheB-TEeinsertion,thisanimationcontainsadialogueofquestions. Dependingon the user'sresponseto the questionsasked'the appropriatedeletionsimulatiol is shown.Tie deletionof a valueftom the tre€is illustratedasthe valuomovesdown and into a proceedsastheir "garbagecan" image.The movementof rgmainingvalues,nodesalld links then imagesarerepositionedaccordilgly The casein which the value"100" is deletedftom a leaf whoseparentis largerthanthe minimum siz€is illustratedbelow. App€ndn B Ad.Vision - Visualizdon & Aninalion Figure18.Thc originalfonn of theB-Treeis DEl-aflOhtror LEAI. LErr fiInrhw' lorH '€rcrcoRs r{tfl$n1. riiErlr Ntri tirnrfi$l Figure19.Thevaluc"10o" is deletedby beingthlownintothc Aooadi,i B Adav*ion- ualizli@ & AIiET id '!a$age can' paF 18 oELEtloll Fto{ |EnF, ltAF Ilrrlll{ll, roTH }]Erd€on5 ||rm|{fi, PAREHTor ftiltt'ttl Figure20.Thevatue"50" is moveddownsothatth€leafmayr€gainits order' DELElrorllid{ LEif, LEiF rllfitn$L tltlrltllr'i. PnFEm||n talrllli.ll BOTHNEIC'EORS Figure 21. The leaf and its n€ighbormelge Appcndix B adav6id - ualit"ai@ & Ariddd !fi$ DETE Ofl rRd{ LEIF. LEiF ntuil}1. mRE{T fiCr H rd irllftu, nElqEfls asone' Figurc22.Themergingnodes,theirlinks,andvalucsarerepositioned Appendix B Adrviri@ - liludi4dd & Anir|aliotr pos.20 AppendixB THREADS Many experimentsthat areperformedin the laboratoriesinvolve runningtestson algorithmsthat havebeenimplementedusingAda packagesThesetestsproducedresultsthat canbe measured thechanceto be mo.edirectlyinvolvedin their working in theIabgivesstudents andanalyzed. theyretarn' leaming,increasilgtheamountof information but mo'e areprovidedby themselves, will bewrittenby thestudents Someof theAda packages the instructor.In titis w;y, th€ studentsareexposedto more datastructuresandalgorithms Stutheeffectsof algorithmsinsteadof actually dentswill spendtheirtime seeingandexperiencing theirabilityto anaThis shouldincrease datastructures. codingthe algorithmsandconesponding problem' to a lyze the effeciivenessand,/orefficiencyof differentapproaches areplannedfor thefollowingapplications: Cunently,experiments 1) Big Oh Experiments of differentsortingalgorithms 2) Comparison 3) Binary searchtlee vs AVL tree 4) Hashcollisionhandling 5) Big Oh coefficientevaluation tool is needed in a laboratorysetting,an appropriate In orderto;n thesetypesofexperiments of sucha tool, namedTHREADS' of thedevelopment The majorpartof our projectconsists is a toolthatcanbe on AdaDataStructures) ExPeriments THREADS(TestHamessfor Repetitive type of the user some algorithms,reportingback to the usedto run tLstson datastructurcsand'black and separately' thatareimplemgnted box' programs of thetest.The testsare measurement aswell. maybe testedandrun separately How th€StudentUsesTHIIEADS by thefollowingchart The basicideabehindTHREADSis illustrated BlackBox Data Set THREADS usedby a THREADS generatesa datasetbasedon informationgivenby the user'This datasetis bl-k bo* m--n on" uxperiment.Upon the black box's completion,it returnsto THREADS the will be samplesizeof the data;et andan integermgaswementof the test' The measurement includedin a table that keepstrack of eachexperimentthe userruns' RunningTHREADSbringsuptheinterfaceshowninFigure23.Allinfo'mationneededforthe datase;s input in the appropriateplacesby the user'The parametersthe usel may designateare asfollowsi Method:The black box to usefor the experiment Write to File; The namedfile wherethe datasst is stored'If no file is designated'a temporarydefault file will be used. Write Patir:The path to the directory whercall dataandfiles will be written' UseFile: The path andnameof a datasetto be usedin placeof a file generatedby THREADS. SampleSize:The numberof elementsin the dataset' Sam;le Distribution: lfte statisticalprobability distributionusedto generatedthe random dataset. SampleOrder:The extentof orderingimPosedon elomentsin the datasel' generatedrandomlyfrom The defauit seningsarefor a 100olement,completelyunsorteddataset a uniformrandomdistribution. Method executesa black ih" bl""k bo* pro""rs is spawnedby theTHREADS processWhenTHREADS ITthenwaits for the black box to box, it gives 'Wft"nth; black boi a datasetgeneratodby THREADS tft" Ufu"kbox retums,THREADS takesthe dataandwrites it to the Tableof Mea."toin. andthe secondis r"*t"",". ift" Uf* box rotums2 intogers.The first is the sizeof the dataset that the black box retums. the measurement retumedby the black box witl vary dependingon which black The meaningof the measurement may be the numberof comparisonsthat were box is beingrun. In somecasesthe measurement performedi-na sort routine.In the caseof the binary searchtre€exPerimgnts'the measurement will be depthof a nodein the tree.In all cases,however'the measurement Loi"t"r" itt" "u"."g" or efficiencyof a.cenaindatastrucu ion-n"g"du" inr"g-"rusefulin analyzingtheeffectiveness retumedfrom differentexpenments ture or al-gorithmfoi a particulardaia set The measurements canthen be comparedagainsteachother to aid the user'sanalysis' write to File the generated th".o. fi"la l"b"t"d..write to File:', takesa nameasinput. If a nameis specified, the "write Patlni'text datasetwill be savedto a file with that nameill the dire'tory specifiedin field. If no nameis specified,the datasetwill be savedto a temporaryfile' Write Path until a valid th" "Wri pu,h," ,"*t field takesa patlt string asinput' THREADS will not operate " The pathstring needsto be a pith wherethe userhasreadand write permissions' Dathis siven. not work ,""at i"a writeimany datafilei. If it cannotreadandwrite its data' it will inni,iDi without supplingthe write path' a noticeprompt f.operty. f *re ,rseruttemptsto run a black box AppendixB THREADS will appearandnotify the userto supplyTHREADSwith the approp ate information. ll6asur9|llen Figure23 UseFile The "Use File:" text fr€ld takesa string asinput, This text string mustcontainlhe enttue path and nameof the datafite to be used.If a valid path andnameis given,THREADS THRFADS will usea will usethis datasetfor theblack box iNtead of generatinga new dataset wishesto generatea new sDecifieddatasetbeforegeneratinga new dataset'Therefore,if thc user dala set,the string in the "UseFile" text field mustbe deleted' SampleSize data The samplesizefield allows the userto enterthe numberof elementsto be ircluded irl the to click on the J, rangingfrom 1 to 10000.The samplesizemay be changedby ushg th€ mouse is upidow-nainows,or by manuallyenteringthe sizeinto the text field. The default 100elements. in which the dataelementsareto be distribSampledistribution indicatesthe type of randomness uted.Thereare six different distributionsto choosefrom' 1) Uniform. 2) Exponential. 3) Normal 4) Gamma 5) Poisson 6) Binomial TotherightofthesampleDistribution,thereisabuttonlabeled.DistributionParameters'.Ifthis buftoni;fcked a windowparelwith numberfieldswill appear(Figure24)' (Figurc 24) paramwith this distributionwindow panel,the usercanmodify the distdbutionsby changingthe etersfor eachdistribution data Thesedistributionscanbe usedto evaluatehow the dist bution of datacanaffect different distributioN structures.For most cases,Uniform distributionis suffrcient-Futurework on featureof includesthe developmentof black boxesthat fully utilize the SampleDistribution THREADS. SampleOrder like in thedatasetto be generated' Thesampleorderrefersto thedegre€of ordertheuserwould of thedatawill bein indeasthat 10070 ---"i"" i.* -r oo . 100.A sampleorderof l0o meaIIS sortedorder' ;pl" ord",of -t 00 t""ns that100%of fte datais in decreasing #'#;;;;; -100 between vatue Anv il; ;i;;;'means thatthedatais in perfectlynndomorder' ^"#;; e vatu"of so m"ansthatthefirst 5070of thedatais ir inqeasingsoded ;;i 06;r;;r;;bb. is in randomorder' order,theremainder Data Set andorder i" g"n"rat"dbasedontheinformationfromthesamplesize'distribution' ih".ro:t" canalso data set A to fulfill theuser'srequirements ar" randomlygenerated nJia* ii" ""t -use File;" textfieldby supplyinga pathandname. "f",i*o datasetusingthe _^"'r...1i.p"*o Table of Measurements by theuser'experimeltsmayberspeatedThe Si"* ail *" In"VUesavedin filosdesignated mayalsobesaved'sotheusermavcomeback session from anexperimen-t ;;-";;;;;;"" re.ord. r"", ,imeto continueanalysisor evenaddto thepreviousexperiment a-,i" i"" 'File' monu' "i " Uy therightmousebuttonwhileonthetable Fromthe iuites ure,au"A :Suveas.L'anda savewindowwill appearToloadin a previouslysavedtable' ,t oo,lon "licking " option'OPen'fromthe'File' menu' "i*r" the choose Run Exneriment and.writtento theappronun n*p"timent' buttonis clicked,thedatasetis generated ffilnG andexecutedwhen theblackboxfinishes'the is spawned rl"i" nf'".n"-i, ,fti ulackboxprocess lf theuserhasnotProi"."r" ti"" -J t"*turement ;re written'o thetableof measurements information,theuserwill benotifiedto-dosoandno ;i h theappropriatc il tiliGADitheuselwill benotifredthattherewas *itt U" .n. ff th; bhck boxabortsor crashes, "*o"ri*"nt aninor in theblackbox andno datawilt bewriftento thetable' View Graph cunentlyin thetablewill beusedas ffili-th" ii.* Gr"ph,buttonis clickod,thomeasuemenrs 'xvgr' andmaybecreatedat anypointin using for a graph.Graphsarcgenerated thecoorrtinates iach graphis pioducedin its ownwindowwith a uniquetitle' which sessio'-n. theexperiment graphs' between allowiforeasycomparison Clear Table a TI{READSsesThe'ClearTable'buttonallowstheuserto clearthetableatanyPoiotduring the 'ClearTable' atanytime When theuserto stana newsetofexperiments sion.Thisenables thetable lf "ClearTable" Uuttonis ctickedapromptwill appearaskingif theyreallywantto theuserwill beretumedto THREADS is selected, If i. ,"i."t"a. *r" tuft *iit t "t"ut"a. "uncil with no changes. Coefficients will appear(Figure25)' ff th" Coeffrci"nts'bottonis clicked,a smallwindowwith fivebuttons n'teing the sample size' If one The five buttons are log(n), n, nlog(n), n2, and n to some power" of that particular Big of these buftons is clicied, an xterm will appeardisplaying the coefficients We25 Oh of thedatain thetable.Forexample'if lhe datain thetableis: 600 100 If then2buttonis clicked,thextermwill apPardisplaying: 600 6.0000000008-02 100 Thismeansthatwith n=100andy={00, anetFessionof theformy=cnzwouldrequirec to be overmanyvaluesof n, thefunction eooooooog-oz.rr tns cocfncientremainsrelativelyconstant for thebig-ohfirnctionof theblackboxProcess is a goodcandidate represented Figure25 HeIo 'HelP' buttolon tle window, or by pressing Help-maybe found both by clicking the IH-READ-S. THRBADSwindow will opena pop-upwindow the'helpiev on the keyboard.The buttonon the 'help' key on the keyboad s'ill give a shortsumthat containscompletehelPtext. Pushingthe mary of help for the spoton the window wher€the culsor is pointing' aui!'quit' askif dreuserreallywantsto quit' buuonis clicked,a noticepromptwill appearamd FG ii can"e'iis setect"{ th" userwill beretumedto themainTHRBADSprogramwithoutary Jtt-g"" ii ;' it t"f*t a THREADSwill exit andcloseall windowsAlsowhenTIIREADS fllesresrainin thesp€cifiedwritepath it, Ai"rip"..V nleswill be deletedsono unwanted directory. THREADSTirtorial progranis run a th"r" i, *."11 tototialprograrnthatis includedwith THREADS'Whenthis Appddir B fiRB,ADs window opensthat displaysthe completetutorial text in a scrollablearea This window is sizedso that it canie placedn;xt to the THREADS window on the samescreenfor easyreferencewhen working with THREADS. For theIrstructor THREADS is composedof 1l fites anda Makefile.The nles andtheir contentsareasfollows: Createdby the graPhicalinterfacecodegenerator,Devcuide 3'0 1' threads.G: Definitionsof labelsusedto receiveinformationaboutthe UIT objects' threads-ui.h: Setsup the interface,andbeginswaiting for eventsto process. Callbackfunctionsfor the vadouswidgetson the inlerface Also containsany auxiliary functionsneededby THREADS. Containsthe helptext retrievedby pressingthe "Help" key on the keyboard. Containsthe completehelPtext displayedin the THREADS help window. Containsthe graphicaldatafor the THREADS icon. threads.icon: Containsthe graphicaldatafor theTHREADS icon mask. threads.mask Containsthe preferencesfor xvgr. xvgr.prefs: Containsthe scriptthat is calledwhenonethe coefficientbuttonsare coef.scpt: clicked. A very smallprogramthatjust waits until the userpressesthe Retum key;usedin coef.scpt. Black boxesmay be addedto THRBADS with little effort. The spotswhercthe codeneedsto be modified are markedby commentsof the form: */ /* NEW METHODS: addany new methodshere inserttheline: thofile, ("Method name")i (void) mthdchoice.addchoice 'Method name'is the nameto appearon the menuin the interface.For eachnew mgthod where added,a similar line mustbe inserted.Thg lines nesdto be addedto the currentlistitrg of choices, which is markedin the code. addaoother"elseif' conditionof the form: Next, in the frle, elseif (strcmp(method,"MethodFile") : 0) { "MethodName"); strcat(command, I ,MethodFile' is the executablefile namefor the black box. Eachnew methodneeds In this section to haveits own casein the "if-else if' statement. New methodscanalsobe usedby placingthemin the blackboxdirectory andtyping the nameof .,Method:"text field. This is mucheasierfrom a programmingaspect, the methodexecutablein the but this requiresthe userto type in the nameinsteadof boing ableto selectit from the menu' New typesof distributionsmay be addedin a sirnilar fashion-The menuchoicesfor "sample Distri- ' of whai the distribution bution arc addedthe sameway asthosefor "Method"' A cleardefitrition the meansandhow it will affect randomgenerationof integerswill facilitate the changesin codeof box aodto use In,the systemcalls useths full Pathnamesto exccutethe black ttre other include nles. check that thesepalhsarc con€ct, andchangethem asapPropnate. Appddit B THRBADS pagc28 M'fueMm[&tu{Effial 40F4d!"-c D6's&ud(!5lth lt,rrllal !lg?29 DataStructures Laboratory 1 - Writing an Ada program 1. Write an Ada programto acceptasinput an integern andto calculateandpdnt the nth power of two (2n).Storeyour programin the nle r,AB1-1 . ADA. Run your progtamfor somevaluesof n andverify that it is coffert. List the valuesand resultsbelow: Findtholargestintegorvalueof n for whichthisprogramgivesa corroctvalue'what is thisvalueof n? What happenswhenyou entera valuelargerthanthe abovevalue? How many bits do you needto representthe largestvalueof 2n that Ada canrepresent? Hint it takesk bits to represent2k - 1, andk+l bits to represent2k' Do you think Ada can&presentintegersthat arelargerthanthe largestpossiblePowerof 2? Ii you are not sure,w;ite a little testprogramto sec.If so, what do you think would be integer? the largestrepresentable Sinceyour computeralsohasto representnegativeintegers,andassumingit represents useto approiimately asmanynegativesaspositives,how ma(tybits doesyour machile representinteger? 2. Modify the programyou wrote for #l to expressthe answerasfloat insteadof integer Appcndix c D€fa slru.toe L.b M nal type. store your modifiedprograurir the file r-lB1-2 ' ADA' Run your programfor somevaluasofn ald verify that it is corect' List the valuesand resultsbelow: Findthc largostintegervalueof n for whichthisprogramgivesa corect value-what is thisvalueof n? What happ€nswhen you entcr a valuelargerthanthe abovevalue? andtheexpoa floatingpointnumberin two parts,themantissa Thecomputerr€present uses!o reprenent.Fromyolrrrcsultsabove,howmrny digitsdo youthinkyollr comPuter atEpossibl€aswell' thatnegativeexponents R€member senttheexponent? ' Newton'smethodstartswith 3. Iffrite a programto useNewton'smethodto calculate^12 gucsses using.rn* t = (tr -;) successive aninitial guess,x0,andtheng€nerates guesses arethesa$e two consecutive whenevcr hasconverged Con8id€rthattheProcess or whenx2= 2. Foreachguesscalculatei$ errorasx2- 2. How accualeis theanswerwhichyouobtain?Tohowmanyplacesis it accuratc? How doesyour answerhererelateto your answerto #2? Appodir C Dna Stu.tu6 blt Mdurr psge3l Data Structures Laboratory2 - UsingAda Packages In this laboratory,you will solvethe sametwo problemsyou solvedin Laboramryl' but you will that you will useare makeuseof Ada packagesto enhanceyour solutions The two Ada Packages describedbelow: whichpermitsyouto do arithmeticon iltegerswith infiis a Package big-inceger Package nite prlcision. You are thercfolenot limited to the sizeof integersimplementgdon the machine that you areusing.A full setof adthmeticoperatorsareimplementedin this packagefor datatype is of thePackage big-inL. The specification big-integer . ads Note: It is reconmended chac this package be used with implementation that uses automatic garbage collection' package big-inteqer b!'pe big-i.nt an Ada is is Private; procedure pub(a : big-int); procedure get(a : out biq-inc); function nbi(s : sEring) leEurn big-int; : inEeger := 0) return big-int; function nbi(i -- noi stands for "Make Big Inceger" procedure dbi{a : in out big-int); function bi2int(a : big-int) return inteqer; function "+'(a, b : big-int) return big-inl; return big-int; "+"(a : big-int) '-"(a, b : big-inE) return big-inL; teturn big-int; "-"(a : biq-int) "*,1a, b : big-inE) return big-int; "/" \a, b : big-int) return big-int; "rem"(a, b : bj-g_int) return blg-int; div(a, b: biq-iat; result, remainder : in out big-int); "abs"{a : big-int) return bjg-inE; function function function "<" (a, b : big-int) "q=" 1a, b : big-int) ";'"(a, b : big-int) function function furrction function function function function procedure App€DdixC Dala Strctus bb Mmual retuln boolean; return boolean; retuln boolean; page32 ret\rrn boolean; function (>=" (a, b : big-int) function equal(a, b : big-int ) return boolean; -- This is not the same as Ltre operator "="' -- When making arithnetic comparisons for equality, the above funcLion. b : integer) return function equal{a : big-int; return floatt : big-int) function asfloat(a return bigr-int; function "mod"(a, b : big-int) : exceplion; big-int-error use boolean; pravate tl4)e digit-node, is access digit-node; drlJtr is tlrpe digit-node record d : integer range 0..9; next : dnitr; end record; is big-int record r boolean; is3os ' dnitr; dl record, end end big-integer; tlpe Belowis anexampleprogramwhichusesthetypebigint.Thisprogramshouldserveasa pattem for the progmmsyou needto wdto in this andtho following laborato es: -- Program co compute che square use text-io; with text-io; packase in!-io is new inteser-io u s e inl-io; wilh int-io; use tex!-io; wiLh Eexl-io; use big-integer, \,rith big-integer; procedure square nutnber lab2-examp]e : biqr-int : it':Leger; of an integet ( inleerer and Etore an'l print as a bj'gint ), is := mbi{1); begin set(nunber); -- nbi converts to biqint' intese!' ,= nlci {number ) *niri (nutnber ) ; ;ql]"t" -- this calls puE from package biq-inleger' end 1ab2-exa$P1e; app.ndrr C Dal!S@duEs Ltb Mtuutl ' l. Rewdtettle programyou usedin Laboratory1 to calculatepowers-of2, using tyPebig-int insteadof integerior the calculations.Calculate2 to the powersl 16,1023' 1024'and2M8' Verify that the first 16 powersof 2 arecorrectfrom the answersobtainedin l'aboratory l' What aresomeways that you canspotcheckthe answersto 21023and2102? How manydigitsarctherein 2104?How manyin 22s8?How manywouldyou expectin 24096? Another package that is provided is one that does calculations for rational numbers. A lational For number ii a number that is representedby two integers, a numerator and a denominator' I example, the float number 0.5 would be representedby the two integers ( I ,2) since it is equal to 1 ' The specification of the package rat-pack defining tyPe rational is Package tl'pe Rat-Pack Rati.onal is is Private; return Ratj.onaf ; function "+" (R1,R2:Rational) function "-" (R1.R2:Ratioltal) return RationaL; ' function " * (R1, R2 : Rational ) return Rational; function "/" (R1,R2:Rational) return Rational; function Rat (11,12: integer) return Rational; -- converts to a rational Ewo integers Numer (R: Rational ) return ltrEeger; function nuj'ber -- returns the o\rmerator of a rational inceger; Denoft (R: Rational ) recurn function nuniber -- returns of a rational_ the denominator boolean; function "<" (R1, R2 ; Rational ) return return boolean; function ">" (R1,R2:Rational) procedule Put (R:Rational), -- oueputs a rational nunber Value (R: Rational ) r:eturn float; function to a rational - reLurns approximation a ftoat zero Denominator : excepElon; App.ndrx C Dda StNcluRs ljb M&ual number -- raised when a rational denoninator operator lesulbs in a zero private tt4 e Rauional is record Nuln : intege!; Den : integer; enil record; end Rat-Pack; squareroot of two using Newlon's 2, Using the PackagelatJack, rep€atthc calculationof the mpthod. of digits ir thEd$ominator' that canbe What is the bcst aPproximahon,mcasulpdby thc number getreratcdusing tYPerational? possibleusingfloat? to thcb€stapproximation IIow doesthiscompatE Whatis exceptionis laiserlwhenyourprogramis terminatcd? Why wasthis exceptionraisedby youl Pro$am8t thistime? Appddn c DarasttucfG tib Mdoal pagp35 minateyour calculationafter the seventhestimate. What is the accuracythat you obtainedon the seventhestimate? Next we introducethe following genericpackage: -- ratgen. ads -- This is tl4)e Multiple -- nunlcers over tlte a qeneric package to define rational i-nttl4)e . operabors on inttl4)e are passed as par'lmeters ' generic boolean; as Prlvalet return ioetlpe; : inttlPe) "+"(i1,i2 '-"(i1,i2 : i.nttl'pe) return intt)/pei \-'(i1 return inttl1)e; : inttlpe) "*" (il-,i2 : inttl'pe) return inttl4)e; retuln 1ntts)'pe; : inttlpe) "/' (i7'f2 return inttype; inttype) : "ren"(i1,i2 : inttl@e) return booLean; equal(il-,i2 : inttlT)e, i2 : integer) return intequal{il inttype function function function function function funcgion function function tt4)e with with with with with with with with : inttlpe) return boolean; with function "<"(i1,i2 width : integer := 1000; : inttlFe; with procedure put(il base : with function asfloat(i1 package rat-gen rs tl4te racional is Priwate; function "+'lr!, -- sum of function '+'(11 -- identity functiolt "+"(r1 -- adds a funccion "+" (il-- functjon -function -function -function integer := 10); return : inttlpe) float' 12: rational) return rationali two rationals : rational) return rational; operator i1 : inttl4re) return : rational; rational to an inttyPe leturn : inttlGte; 11 : rational) adds an intlt)4)e fo a lational retuln raLional; rational) "-" lrI, 12: rationals of two difference return rational; (r1 rational) : "-" negation operator return i1 : inttl'pe) "-" (r1 : rational; from rational inttl4)e subtracts '-"(i1 return 11 : rational) : inttlFe; ADpodir C Dlta Slructm tj! Mdu,r rational; rational; ratj-onal; rational; -- subtracts rational from inttl'pe reeurn rational; 12 : rational) function '*"(r1. -- Product of two rationals function s*' (rl- : r:ational; i1 : intt)Pe) leturn -- multiplies rational bY inttl|tr)e retur:n 11 : rational) : inttft)e; function "*'{i1 -- nultiplies inttlrpe by rational / ' \ l . l , 12: rational) return rallional; function -- quotient of two rationals return i1 : inttlpe) : rational; function "/"(r1 -- divides rational bY anttl4)e return :; 11 | rational) function {/"(i1 -- divides intt]'Pe bY ratj-onal return rational; i2 : inttlpe) function rat(i1, j'I/i2 -- creates rational ouL of two inttypes function nr.rmer(r : rabional) return lnttltpe; r -_ returns the numerator of the rational leturn intLype; function denom(r : rational) r -- leturns the denominator of the rational function "a"111, r2 : rational) reeurn boolean; -_ less than comparison for two rationals return booleant function ">" lr!, t2 : rational) _- greater than conparison for two rationals procedure Put(r : rational ) ; -- output function for rational return float; function value(r : rational) -- eonvergs raEional to real zero-denominator rational; rational; ratlonal; rational; : exceptaon; private is t]4)e rational record num : 1n!E)4)e; den : inttlT)e; end recordt end rat_gen; root of 2 esti. 2. Using rat-gen with inttype dennedasinteget rerunyour programfor the square mation. Why did this fail to obtain the accuracythat you obtainedin #l ? What causedthe Processto fail. 3. Finally, apply the typebig-integer to the generictype rat-gen to obtain Appddir C Dat, ShcrurcsLlb Mdual 'ationals over the big-integer type. Run your squarercot of two progam usingthis dstatype andobservethe estimate. I€sults.Onceagain,terminareyour prc$am after the seYetrth How doesthe sevsnlhostimal€comparcwith tlre s€vonlhestimateyou obtainedio #l? of usinga sinple ovcrth€approach do you seeto usingthisgqedc approach Whatadvantage typ€in #l ? Appodn C Dat! Sti!.n6s Irb M4@t Data Structures Laboratory 4 - Big Oh SamPling repoltedftom andexaminingmeasuremgnts Threadsis a tool for runningexperimeltalprograms usingThrcadssoftware' This laboratoryis yourfirstexperience thoseprograms. of this software' ReadtheThreadshelpfile andfamiliarizeyourselfwith thecapabilities thobehaviorof variousbig-ohralosusingThroads' Fivepm$amsareprovidedfor youto observe 2nusinganalgorithmwhichis O(logn)' Runthispro1.LaM-l is a programwhichcomputes andgraphtheresultingdataForeachvalueof n' run gramttrioughmreiaasforn=64,128'256'512 threedatapointsat eachvalueof n' threetimes!o generaie ihe exoeriment Comparethegraphof yourdatawith theglaphof thelogarithmfunctiorlThebcstwayto do this to a straightlinc' The theresulting€mPh is to ptot ttrislraitr usingtheLog-linearaxes.Compare nearerthis apiroximatesastraightline,thc nearcryourtimesar€to O(logn)' Re'ordbelowthe thegraph' conceming andyourobservations datatablegenerated Appadii C Daia sh@lls lib Mmu.l 2.Lab42is ^prcgr.'1lwhichsumsthefirst n integers.It shouldrunwith a timeof O(n)'Runit andpdnt yourtableandgraph' for n=50'100,150,200,250, ;ith tlueerepetitions ,rt "eltTh*"i Recordyourdatatablein thespacebclow: a straightline if thetimeof this algorithmis actuallyO(!) Does Yourgraphshouldapproximate it appoarto apFoximatea straightline? 2i for i=l,..,n.It shouldhavea runnin€titncof O(n log 3. Lab4-3is a Fogramwhichcalculates and for n= 50, 100'150,200'250'300' with threerepetitions tbrcugh'Ihreads n). Runlhisp;g; rccordyourtableof restiltsbelow: plot on Log-log axes' GraDhthe tableof valuesgenerated'Changeyour graphof the abovedatato case? If this ls truty O(n log n) time, this graphshouldappearasa sraight line' Is this the Appddix C Data SEstuc bb Moutl It in I 4. Lab4-4 is a progalrl which calculatesa multiplicationtabtefor all paifs of integers "n' shouldrun with a time of o(n2). Run it throughThreadswith tbreerepetitionsfor n=50, 100,150,200andcopy your table valuesbelow; graph Changeyour graphof the aboved4tato plot on Lpglog axes rf this i8 truly O(n') time, this you the slope? estimate do strouli aipeaiara st.aight line with slopetwo. Is this the case?How additions'It doesthis very 2nvia repeated 5. Lab4-5 is a programwhichrccursivelycalculatas poorlyfrom a bigoh pointof viewandrunswith a timQof O(2n)'Belaus€this algorithmhasa with threerep€titionsfor n=10,11'12'13 iin-tirne whichlrowi vcry rapidly,runthroughThreads by 1' Record doubleseverytimen is increased and14.Noticethattheru;-timeapproximstely yourtablevaluesbelow: Changeyour graphof the abovedalato plot on Linear-logaxes'If this is truly O(2tr) time' this grapb,shouldappearasa straightline. Is lhis the case? ApD.nds C Dala ShdG t2b Mdul afterrgflectingontheresultsof thefive teststhatyouhaverun. 6. Answerthefollowitrgquestions In whichcases agreeto thorcsultsthalyouexpeeted? did theresultsyouobtained Howaccurately andwhichcasestheleast? wastheageementthegreatest thc cxp€ctcdrcsultsandthe between mighttherebcfor thediscrepancy Whatexplanations observed rEsultsin thes€experiments? is How do youexplainthevariancc,if any,in thetimesreportedwhenthesameexperiment repeated severaltimes? App@dsc DrtastnmG L:b Meual paec4l Data Structures Laboratory 5 - Big Oh Determination This labontory rcquircsyou to analyzelO differenttestproglamsto determinethe big-oh of the runningtime. You will f,rst be askedto determinothe runnilg time by analyzingthe codefor the function and thenyou arc to verify your hypothesisby usingThreads.A usefulfact for working with logarithmsin this lab is the following identity thatcar be usedto convertlogs from basea to baseb: . roe'"= function Testl (n: integer ) feturn count : integer: =0; newn : integer: =n/2; begin while newn>o foop .^rrnt- . =^^1lnt-+ toz^n @i integer is 1 ! newnt=nevrn/2; end loop; what is the runningtimc for this function in big-oh notation?Justify your answer Howdoesthisverify or conaadictyour Showresultsftom running0is functiorthroughThreads. previousanswer? if rccessary. Hint: try n=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 andse€if any Changeyourhypothesis pattememerges thatis helpful. ADMdir C Data structu@ tib Mdual Test2 (n: integer) function count : integer: =0; newn : integer: =n; begin white neun>0 loop : =count+1; newn:=newn-l; end loop; reEurn counE; end Test2; return ineeqer is wlrat is the running time for this functionin big-ohnotation?Justify your answer' showrssultsfrom runningthisfunctionthroughTheads.Howdocsthis velify or contradictyour if nec€ssary Chang€yourhyPothesis pEviousanswer? function arMdn Tesu3 (!r: integer) C D6ra$rctug trb M@u.r return integer is cou4t : integer: =0; begin for i in 1..n looP count: =count+Test1 (n) t end loop; recurn count; end Test3; What i6 the runningtimo for this function in big-oh notation?Justify your answer. Howdoesthisvgriryor contndictyour ShowrcsultsfromrunningthisfunctionthrcughThreads. if necessary previousanswer? Changeyourhypothesis Test4 (n: integer) function count : integer: =0 t Appcrdii C Daia $tuctG kb M@ual return integer is begin for j- in 1.-n looP colmt: =count+Test2 (B) ; end loop; return count; end Test4; What is the running time for this function in big-oh notation?Justify your answer. Howdoesthisveriryor conhadictyour Showresultsftom runningttrisfunctionthmughThreads. if nccessary previousanswer?Changeyourhypothesis Tests (n: integer) function count : j.nteger: =0; begin ApFldii C tu Si.lduq bb Mdu.l return inleger is fo! i in 1.-n loop courrt: =count+Test4 (n) ; end loop; recurn counE; end Test5; What is the running time for this functionin big-oh notatiol? Justify your answer. Howdoesthis vedfyor contradictyour Showresultsfrom runningthisfunctionthroughThreads. if necEssary previousanswer?Chang!yourhypothesis functsion ^^''-r- newn begin Test6 (n: integer) intAdar.=n: ; integer: =!/2; ApFndn C tu! sirud|s LabMeu.t return inbeger i5 while neltrr>o loop count:=counu+test1(n) rrewn: =newn/ 2 ; end loop; ; end Test6; What is the runningtime for this function in big-oh notation?Justify your aNwer. Caution:don'ttry to run this with n Showrcsultsftom ruBningthis functionthroughThreads. Changeyourhypothegr€alorthan20.How doesthis verifyor contadictyourpreviousanswer? sisif nec€Esary return TestT (n: integier) function count : inLeger: =0; begin if n>0 then count: =count+test7 (!-1) +1; App@dix C Dala St ndu6 t b M@od intseger is !4ge49 else count : =0; end if; return count; end TesgT; What is the runniry time for this functionin big-ohnotation?Justiry your answcr. Howdoesthisveriryor contradictyour Showrcsultsfrom runningthisfunctionthroughThrcads. if nccessary F€viousanswer?Changeyourhypothesis return intege! TestS (n: i4teger) function count : ineeger: =0; nelvn : integef: =n; begin if n>0 then count: =count+testg (n-L ) +Eestg (n-1) ; ,{@ndir C Dab St udl@ hb Mau.r is pag.50 else count: =1; end if; return count; end TeseS; What is the runningtime for this futrctionin big-oh notati'on?Justi$ your answer Showrcsultsftom runningthisfunctionthroughTh€ads.Ho}l'doesthisvedfyor contadictyour if nepessary previousanswet?Changeyourhypothesis return fu.nction Testg (n: integer) =0 t count : integer: begin if n>1 then counL: =count+test9 (n/2 ) +1; else count: =0; ApFdn C Darsstru@ Lrb Meutl inceger j-s end if; recurn count; end Bestg; What is the ru,nningtfunefor this &mctionin big.ot| nofafion?Justify your answet IIow doesthisYerifyor corltadictyour Showrcsullsftom runningthisfimctioathrc4b Threads. previou answc(?Chsngeyourhypob€sisif o€c€ssa'ry A9p@dr C Drr. SlrudhtrErLltb M!!'El p6€p52 DataStructures Laboratory 6 - Stacksand Queues For this laboratoryyou will be introducedto algorithmanimation ln orderto do this we will use the specialsoftwaxcpackagecalledXTango. 1. Run Xlango for the PostOffice simulation.In orderto do this you needto type the command / csci286 /xtango/anims /post /]nori.e program' In this case,we simulatea Postoffico with n servingstations,wheren is an input to the the 25 customA simulationis thenrun ani you will be askedto observethetotal waiting time for ersthat ale served.The file that containsthe aniYaltimesthat you will useis /hone/csci2 85 /Po . dat. Recordthe total waiting timesin the tablebelow: Number of Stations Total Wait Time I 2 3 4 In otherwords,afterthequeue what is thelimit in thesiz€of queueallowedin thissimulation? no longgrenterthesystemWhatis thatsizo? a certainsize,customers rgaches Did vou notice arv inefficienciesin the way the queueingsystemsworks?What thatis. with lesstoralwail time? maketheoueuesoperatemoreemciently, App.ndix C Data SlrudJA lab Mdual could be doneto 3. The Ada program for converting a string from infix to postfix form is given below: while not dar- if end_of_iBput /havf clmh^l I loop . operand (next_syrnbol ) then hrli- lhavi- crhh^-l I ' ) ' then elsif next,stanbol= while top(stack /='('loop hrrf /h^h lcf:^L\ \ . end foop; pop (stack) ; eI s e while not Empty(stack) and then <= Priority Priority(next*s\anbot) if top (stack) /=')' then nrr F /n^^/cF.^L\ anA if (top ( stack) ) loop \ . end loop; hrl c}l /navi- end if; end loop; lvhile not h,'t rh^h clm}\^l I empty(stack) / cf --L \ \ loop . end loop; Theprioritiesusedfor theoperands in thisalgodthmarcgivenin thefollowingtable: Operand ( + - Priority 2 I 0 In this algorithm,get meansgot the nextcharacterftom the input streamandput meansput the next characterto the output stream.Pushandpop refer to operationson a separatestack. Run the XTangoanimationfor this programby typing /ho e / csci286 / xtango/anims /postfix Run this for the input streama+bto seehow the algorithmoperates. arehandled,run XTangofof the inPutstrearna+(b*c). To seehow parentheses To seehow priodty is used,run XTangofor the input streamsa+b*c and a*b+cand Make up a complexexpressionthat containsat least5 operatorsandusesboth parentheses priodty. Write your expressio[in the spaceblow: App€ndix C Dall Skuctu€s bb Mdual Run throughthe algorithmby ha[d ad F€diot tho psttlting ouFut saeatnbelow: Now ruo thealgodthnin Xlango andvedryyourresult. Agpddn C De $rufiGr L.b Mrnu.l Data Structures Laboratory 7 - Comparisonof AYL and BST youwill beusingTHREADSto comparctheuseof AVL treesandBinary For this laboratory, Searchtreeswithoutbalancitg.Ttvoproglamsareprovidodin theMethodmenuof THREADS whichyouwill usefo. thislab.TheyareTbstAVLandTestBST. Theyretumtherotaldepthof all of thenodesin a binarysearchfteewith X nodesgenerated at random. l. RunTesESTto generate binarysearchtre€sfor samplesizes100,200,400,800,1600,3200. Run theexpcrimcntthre€timesfor eachsamplesize. (a)Ent€rthevaluesyouobtainedb€low (b) Make a graphof the valuesyou obtained.Doosthe graphlook linear? (c)Now we will perfonna moresophisticatcd testfor lin€arity,usiBgthe"Coefficients"buttonon THREADS.Generate thecoefficients for n, nlogn,andpower.Whatconclusions do youdraw from yourresultsasto thegrowthlateof thetotaldepthof all nodesin a randombinarysearch ttee? Apladir C Dala Srmct@ lr! Meuat 2. Now repeattheaboveexpedm€ltfor TestAvL.Firstclearoutyourtablein THREADS,then rerunall of theexperiments. (a)Writeyourresultsbelow: Howdo youexplain O) Howdothesevaluescomparewith thevaluesyouobtaincdfor TestBST? thiscomparison? (c) Runyourdatathrough"Coeffrcient"agafufor n, nlogn,andpower.How doesthiscompare for TestBsT? with whatyouobseryed App.trda C DaE Sm|l:lrc bb Meu.l . 3. Now we'rc going to placethe entriesin the hee in all odercd fashiol That is' we arc going to insqt into the tlee from smallestto largcst.You setthe ord€rby changing"SampleOdef in THREADS to 100.GlOo woutd do the same,but placathe valuesin descendingorder.)Do this andreruntlre experimelts for TestAvl. (a) Entcr the r€sultsbelow: (b) Usecoefficicntsto obscrvethegrowthrateof thisdata.Whatdo youobserve? Thistime,limit yoursamplesizesto 100'200,400' 4. Now rcpeatthesameploc€ssfor TestBST. and800. (a)Repottyourresultsbelow: Hon'doyouexplainthis? O) Useco€fficientsto observcthegrowthrat€.what do youobserve? (c) Why did I not haveyou rull this experimentfor samplesiz'es$eater than 800? ADHda c Dlh Srrcr6 r2b Mdual 5. Now try thesamsexperiment with thesaryle onlypartiallyorderedYoucandothis if youset SampleOrderto 20.ThismoansthatthefiIst 20%of thesampleis in orderandtheremainder is randonLNow reruntheexperiment in 4 usingthisordering. (a) Repodyourresultsbelow: (b)UseCoeffrcients to estimatethggrowlhrate.Whatdo yous€eandwhatis yourestimale? (c) Whathavcyouleamedfromthisentirelaborstory? AppordixC Dr|! Sirud'G rlb M6url p.Ce59 DataStructures Laboratory8 - Sort ComParisons For this laboratory,you will be usingTHRBADSto comparevarioussoding methods-The five sort mothodsthat we will comparcars Merye Sort,ShellSort,HeapSort, Quicksort,andInsertions Sort. l. Run Sortl, Merge SoIt, andobservetheelapsedtime for Sortilg 1,000to l0'000 valuesin steps of 1,000. (a) Enler the timo for 10,000b€low; (b) This sort is Merye Sort which is supposcdto be an n log n sort.Usethe Co€fficientbuttonof Theads to testthis hypothesis.Are the valuesyou obtainfairly stable?Do you concludethat your observationsaren log n? (c) Now rerunthosortsfor samplesize10,000,butuscordereddata.Whatwasthetime thatyou in (a)? overthetimeobserved Is this animprovement for 10,000? observed order = (d) FinaUy,run Sortl for 10,000samplesizewith thevaluesin rcverseorder(SamPle in (a)and(c)? 100).How doesthis comPaleto thetimesobserved Agpadix c D!r! stm.nq I:b Meual 2. Run Sort2,Shell Sort, andobservethe elapsedtime for sorting 1,000to lO,0O0valuesin steps of 1.000. (a) Enter the time for 10,000trelow: (b) This sort is Shell Sort which hasan undereminedbig Oh. Us€the Coefficientbuttonof Threadsto makean hypothesisaboutits big Oh. What would bc your bestestimaie? (c) Now rerunthesortsfor samplesize10,000,butuseordereddataWhatwasthetimethatyou observed for 10,000? Is thisanimprovemeot overthetimeobservcd in (a)? (d) Finally,run Sort2for 10,000samplesizewith thevaluesin rcverseorder(SampleOrder= 100).How doesthiscompare to thetimesobserved in (a)and(c)? A@dn C Drn! SIructUB kh Maual 3. RunSod3,HeapSort,andobservetheelapsed timefor sorting1,000to 10,000valuesitr sieps of 1.000. (a) Enter the time for 10,000 below: (b) Thissortis HeapSortwhichis supposod to beann log n sort.UsetheCoefficientbuttonof Threadsto testthishypothesis. Are thevaluosyouobtainfairly stable? Do youconcludethatyour aren log n? observations (c) Now rerunthe sortsfor samplesize 10,000,but useordereddata.What wasthe time that you observedfor 10,000?Is this an improvementover the time observedin (a)? (d) Finally, run Sort3for 10,000sampl€sizewith the valuesin reverscorder(SampleOrder= 100).How doesthis comparcto the timesobservedin (a) and (c)? Appddix C Dar! Struc{G tlb Meu.t timefor sorting1,000to 10'000valuesin steps 4. RunSort4Quicksort,andobservetbeelapsed of 1,000. (a)Enterthotimefor 10,000below: log ll sort Usc the Coofficientbutton of O) This sort is Quicksortwhich is supposedto be ann your to tt"t Oit ttypotlesis. AIe thevaluesyou obtainfairly stable?Do you concludethat ftrt "a" aren log n? observations butus€ordercddala Whatwasthetimethatyou (c) Now rerunthesortsfor samplesiz€l0,OO0, in (a)? overthetimeobserved for t0,000?Is thisanimprcvcment observed Order= (d) Finally,run Sod4for 10,000samplesizewith thevaluesin rcvels€order(SamPle in (a)and(c)? itio). ttow aocsOis conparcto thetimesobscrved ApFadncDltrstuctrBt blrdual pag.63 5. Rutr Soft5,INertion sort aIld observethe elapsedtime for sottiog 1,000to 5,000valuesin stepsof 1,000.The reasonthat we use5,000instoadof 10,000will becomeobvious. (a) Enter the time for 5,0ff below: to beannzsort.Usetbc Coefficientbuttonof O) This sortis InsertionSortwhichis suppos€d Do youconcludsthatyour Arethevaluesyouobtainfairty stable? Thrcadsto testthishypothesis, obscrvations aren2? (c)Now rsrunthesortsfor samplesizes1,000to 10,000,butusoordereddata.Whatwasthetime in (aX for 5,000?Is thisaninprovemcntover0retimeobserved thalyouobscrved (d) Fina y, run SorBfor 5,000samplesizewiih thevaluesin revers€order(SampleOrder= 100).How doesthis comparcto thetimesobsewedin (a) and(c)?Do youhaveanyexplanation for this? ApFodir C Dlb Sl'wtEr trb Msul