SOLUTION OF A NONLINEAR INTEGRAL EQUATION USING A NEW THREE-STEP ITERATION Yunus Atalan1, Vatan Karakaya2 Department of Mathematics, Yıldız Technical University, İstanbul/TURKEY 1 Department of Mathematical Engineering, Yıldız Technical University, İstanbul/TURKEY 2 Abstract: In this presentation, we introduce a new three step iteration process and show that this iteration process strongly converges to the unique fixed point of contraction mappings. Furthermore, we obtain this iteration process is equivalent to Mann iteration method and converges faster than Picard-S iterative scheme. Also, we create a table and graphics to support this result. Moreover, we show that this iteration method can be used to solve a nonlinear integral equation. Finally, a data dependence result for the solution of this integral equation is proven. Keywords: Three step iteration, strong convergence, rate of convergence, data dependence integral equation. References: [1] F. Gursoy, V. Karakaya, “A Picard-S hybrid type iteration method for solving a differential equation with retarded argument”, arXiv preprint arXiv:1403.2546 (2014). [2] M. Abbas, T. Nazir, “A new faster iteration process applied to constrained minimization and feasibility problems”, Matematicki Vesnik, 66(2014), 223. [3] R. Chugh, V. Kumar, S. Kumar, “Strong Convergence of a New Three Step Iterative Scheme in Banach Spaces”, American Journal of Computational Mathematics, 2(2012), 345-357. [4] V. Berinde, “On the approximation of fixed points of weak contractive mappings”, Carpathian J. Math, 19(2003), 7-22.