COMPUT'RSCIENCEAT A IIBERA! ARTS COII.EGE l{erbert t. Dershem fiop€ Colleae Houand, Uiciiigan ."" 1!:_!:'Xi:$'i:i"X ".1":fl fi1,1'"1*" o:-go?" ::if-:^." at.a snarr, riterar arrs #Hff#f ;itffi+'silt'iff*#:+:' rrst€al-aeparet€Iyfronr niirrimaiiis ana Introductlon i'lii"*iiil""ii,i""'*il;*E *iff :,".. ;;,9:",::i"iliil"iT"$:* """"'ilgi;;; wrrn_rr€ devef,opnent of rnany acadsDlc 'f,.3":":i#:i':l':;" ;"ni" #:fif, I:::" ffimruu iffi'TffiffiFli'i".iff"i::: #i"i*gil"H'll*"i*", li5-:;"#f:ift;;iil;#r *rr* ttu** ".'"n3lir3!"ttifinti,"":Hii#"li trtri*i****f **tr[]ffi'* -. r5i;jj;triili-fil*:*: In. 1969 a compurer scientj st was phit osophv i:::f,:r,:3:""i:uHi't: ?i!.::H;ltJ: ::*iii"R:iTiH"tf iH::t:;.3:l!:ij+"i::!:li'"." :" "*"'13'i3!BTSI F"'iff !!#iHi"i"i'l"if,i; fl;::":":*"'i;:::"" students with an l:-I:.I:9Ild:L r - _ ! .l e c o r n e . ;:::..:::r ;;':i: ":::;. t2a -'l:l: rarnir.iar with aPPrrcatrons' and each student how to nare ;::;.;fi,.il":ij':;l:i;"'i^3"x:i::*",". i5;i-ii'f,ilziii:i":!; ::13:::.* . "r;"3:-::::l j;rH"3"" #m-;i'$:i3ffii;ii#i ::,:nl: '"'3:: Curriculurn til:";::.':'.la:h:::n..-d:veloped ;":*F:lj:"; "rilff -r:o'::ff ".ri":^;:","" r";iii, :l:;!t,jjii":i "J;"t"" *+**r'u*ffi' *1ttft***f ****r*ffi, ffi **;**ffi-'" n*$u*tff ll;"::fjjle !:iij:.ti.:""*'ii"',:*tli, ::}:::;ili,:;"ii;l;; ".id"iiit""!"*l* +-;$;"" igirlf *i:*ff f*#iift *m.**ffi ,;i!{*+i+u,:{.lii;:'" " #trfi$ffit$ iitil'fi j",*nini"x33' ji ;;":ii"ii":,.';":i"g: "n" ****fi**ffi"n-*****u*ff !29 ;"!f:i"T++*+r:.,:3t: ::T3:t"il" Irntroductoay computing coJr;e and is Conctusions reqlrrred ot-afl majors. The courses ar€ Lonpurer and_progran organization, FiIe ftanag€ment,Data structures, ,na ir"Eii._ nrng tanguages, 2._Flgctiye component, A ninimuh of -cour aoorrronar conputer 6cience courses are requrred. These ar6 chosen to match the student'a neads and interests. Choice6 can De nad6 fronr any of rhe conputer acrehce coura€s not inciuded in- cne core and th6 Efec_tronics course offerect by cne physics Departnent. Ar least tw; speclal topics cour€eE are offered each computer 6cience to meet Lne sp€crar needs and interests of the stu_ dents. Ih€se courses may be recaken as orren as desired.with d.ifforent topj.cs, fn€y provrde an inportant rnerhodoi atErnlng the al6sired f16xibility. l. 4p4&ejj9! componehr. Each maJor hust conprete a sequonce of courses out;id€ of conlutor acienc6 which constitutes a arrong pleparetion in an ar€a to which the computer can be applied, Thi6 is norhaltv 6rx cours6s, but this may vary wiuh rh6 ' srudent's needs. The6e coursls may aLl oe rron on6 department'a offerings, but rrequentty span aoveraf oepartrneirts. uolllnonchoices are buainess, math€matics, phystcs, and ch€nistry. a. Elperletce Component! Thls componenr pha8€E., The first is in computer l::_l9yf operatlona.which the studenr usually b€gln3 during his,/her Sophonorey€ar. In rnra phaae thg studenr gaine expirrence :y le|vlng as an operator in the colleg€ conput€t c6nter. year, rhe s dent besinE ."]l_!l:.{"t"| phase rne consulting of ths experrencs conpon€nt. Ihi6 consists of doinp prog?anmingconsultine work with ather students, facuL!y, or off-canpu6 compu.ler Th: proeram has been successfut _s e v e r a l p o i n t s o f v j e w . F i r s r , L n e from srudenrs have been enthusiastic in cheir and participarion ancrsraduares :T:r1i9!t thejr. experienca at-Hop€ :::: lgporteq approlrrate for their ]ater work. A.rrnoughpreparation for eiaduai€ school rs not one of the prlmary goals rhe progren, three graduates in ths of iasL lwo perforhed very welt in compurer sclence €raduate proerams. In addi!j.;n, nany gracruatesgo-on !o study for grarluaao other fie.Id6, such as -ne The second group for whomthe proEram . 1 6 a s u c c e s si s r h e f a c u l r y . T h e y - f i ; d rherr work. very- chal lenging and r;warding. lh€ rnierdisaiptinary nature of the de?ar'tnen-t helps to pronotg facutty growth in new area6 of conputer screnc€, The col]€ge also is pleased with program because it is artractive to the procpecttve students, it srrenethenE rn6 olfsrings of oth6r disciplin€s; and it 1S one ol the hoEt cost_effective departnents on campuE, The final g?ouF to rate the progran a. success is the prospsctive empioyers who offer fine opportunttiea to our graduatas each y€ar. . Plarc for the future, in addition ro the nodufar inlroductory cour6e, incLuale rhe estebliehnent of a miniconDuter Laboratory for uss by students in hardware. software, and application exPerrh€ntatIon. New cours€s which witl oe aodsd tn th€ hear future are Business Infornation Sy€tens, Xardware and Softwar€-SystenE, Dara Base Managemen!, Modeling and Silnularion, and-Conputer !iblioEraphv t. Austing. R.H., Barne6,8,8., arrq C,l. Enge] "A Survey of ihe Literature in Conputer Science Education Since Curriculun '68" Connqnjcarions -r -of -Lne -. No credi.! i6 awarded for either of the !Irst two phasss of lhe experience con_ ponent, but the 6tudent6 are Daid for thelr work. The last two phaaes borh reau.r! rn academi,ccredit, The firsr of these is the Independent Srudy/Research p h a s e m w h i c h t h e s r d c n r c o m p l e r e sa project of his,/her own desien under lne supervlsion of a facutty m6;ber. 4!! 20, 1(ranuary , g-7lF,-t--i3:2T. 2. Austing, R.H. and C.L. Enaet ..tconpuler Science course pros;am for r!' i8fi ",3:ii;s;:;,S+}frr.i+i8,= _. Th6-fourth phase is the Inrernship. 'rne.srudenr works in a computer instal_ latron off the campusfor approximately Iu nour6 a week tor a senesrer. Both the Independent StLdy/Research and Internship phases are conplered during th6 Senio! year and the projects are chosen .co oe suitable for each individuel student. 3. Couger, J.D. ,'Curriculun Recornriendations for undergraduare pioerans in Infor-ation Syslens' Comnuniaationsof !!s 4!:! 16. 1z(Decemoei ,-l91j1l-1i:zFg . l+. Connittee on the Underaraduate Prograns in Mathenacics (CU!M) Reconmeno_ ations for 4! Undersraduate A"oei;;E- r30 #ff#**rF3r!eil€ cuPM, Be,kerey, t ii:ii::rt3ilff ff: ii+:iilriii5:::;:ff ;;il;:;"ff: and one Year or science i;difiii'*rieq#,;j;'it-*"* Siilrffff*#qr"ffifii:'fl; 6..Curricutur1 Co"1|nirte6on conDuter "l.:;::r':fjjijli":"" :ii:liie;:i{i:ii ilii;i;;,it:;x::s,;;fi:'i,#!@ Frahce, . anil R-W s"i""""-r".-i rJi!.iii;;i ;6+# R6rh " utrfl$*ru*f it1"$fs#4"*$i*{i**.i 3l:.::,*"*o 5i3i#g :|",i;:#':l,ii,3l"l"ili3l: approxination. !slr_e_!r4 5.r (February, ";"il*;::'p""" io73), APPEIIDTX f:j:r':l.1ld Hope Colleae Conputer Sclence Courses 197?-?B 5:i:;::'i8. lf l;",1,+l++***ier-.+. +lrg}"r sciehcet"t'"a,"ii""' ii iiji"'ill-i"'";'E:pr.e';.'i,!'-ri"di!51 ""'pi;e,Iffi iii""trr" 4rqllqecnnrque. Experlence solving rnteractive :'^::-,:T:_oY.-:o1P:J9r. DArruprosrahlninsransrtese """ ;;;;;iilt iii*#le,f IIi,.{:*i:ffi.#+refi rvurnerrcar urdrnary diff€rential tT6requisitest conput€r ilffiffi tr#" ::l "," "!u!.,*ffi +if '* ;"?:::"'giiiL. " iiri::iit'fffi:S!!fr:ie'H::fu ir,iltii:rniiriii""'" i';i5;,iff fr:51;uL*ff Apprrcatt ona of data structufes. rrereqursite ! ComputerScience igz. :x" f;*ffisixffiffiqn* -,gs#ff ii-#"d:;fi*!'*-:::fl-ffi $|:Ii;1,:?,3, "3:;ii,ii*!:i"i:;"i,iaG;;"". l,ang extetlsibility, .uage AppI j.catron i?tfliE"i"itij["?; Fi![";i1,iHE"iiii ter ComputerSclence :1{giffc$:'"ffiffii'l: fnctucled In regufar courses. r-oprcs-have bsen Th6 p6ychologyRscenL oi coh_ il;:lrfi:H:3T"* andArtif ici;r iii:*#ffn:tr;:--*":"1"!:;;i::"::;;i::;" lfl l; ggP;p,*"-enf;:-ff"*fffu opportunily to work on a project or Skitl. witl-b. .ano ;:.:.ff "i:ff ; 3Fo:?;;t,l#l: t:*"'::I"i;':*.il"Hff Tl:'.:ilili5: prosranhins !il!"iiilliitS";".'ii: i;,::ii'*L, rne, :_amp.L melhods of controt. Experience j:,ili:;I:i'" 3':F::;;::iT:ii;:", #;Bi:fi oara ansrysis, i3l " *"gli,;Wi*i$ll'',:,i5:. lli**m#f*:**#;itf* *:ritu:'':er4i:i :ii#il*ifu i;;iff iiilqi#itr;;;;::"iiir"iiiI":ll,. 't32