NOV-DEC 1979 Volume8 Number3 Nov-Dec1979 SprckrlFrctures 14 24 40 SEEWHATYOU HEAB& HEARWHATYOU SEE by Herbl\Ioore lVakingmusicwith the newAtari GAMESTO PROGRAM by Heden Kohl A Shogivariation CRYPTARITHMS bv John Ddvenoort Crehore Thevenerable NineHeximpartswisdom INTERRUPT by WarwickSloush Securitysystems andSwiss-style swindles FORTAANMAN by ToddVorosandLeeSchneider Our hero'smemoryis B ESTOREd TEXASINSTRUMENTS GRAPHICS & ANIMATION bYDonInman Creatinsnewcharacters on the Tl99/4 ,,4rticles 1l 16 25 2A 44 49 56 W MATCHME by Don Inman Komputingfor kindergarten kids THEJOYOF SOUND by DocPiumber Chipmunks,lasers, bombsandmusic CALENDAR by H. FrankAnderson,lV,D A technological Stonehenge APPL€ll'S THREElvl'S bv ChuckCarDenter Ivemory,monitorandmachin€languagei the conclusion A NEWALGORITHMFOBCHESS by DavidChelburs& DavidWalters {Part4) Thedvnamic evaluatioo WORKSHOPS BEATMATH ANXIETY by SlanleyKos€lman MAKINGMUSICON THE PET by AltredJ. Bruey Hardware. softwareandsimoletunes TO RECnEATIONALDISPUTING by JohnHirsch AN INTRODUCTION TheRDShasonlvon€bv-law Gomes& Stutf 27 34 46 47 54 55 63 TRS-80:ELEMENTARY MATH by Kar€nChepko Herfirst programk a winner TRS"8o:TOWEBOF HANOI by HerbertL Dershem Animationfor an ancientgame TBS.80-BINGO bv KarenChepko A micro-lesson in advanc€d BASIC TRS-8o|LOANPAYMENT by ft4ilan Chepko A uniqie commercial application CHOOSE-A-TITLE bv JackA Tavlor 673.920differenttitlesareoossiblol NEWETTAWL'SGOATONCEAGAIN by BrianYanny Results of a summerschoolproject COMPUTE.A.TICKETby DavidJ. Beard Gonerate ticketsfor anygoodevenl GAME by Kathy Burk and RachelWasserman AMINAL: A COMPUTER A Challens€ by kidsfor kids Deportrnents ps,28 59 61 EDITORS'NOTES& LETTERS REVIEWS ANNOUNCEMENTS TRS-80' TO\I{ER OF HANOI BY H ERBERTL. DERSHEM Severclissucsaso \\)epublishen4 coupleof prcgramexamptes usingrccu^ion. ^t that time, we ask d if anyonehad other that w?ft basedon rctu^iv( pro' hon, tunfutff applicotions cedwe!. To\rer ol Jlanoi, as Uesentedhere, makesexce ent use 01 a rccuni,e techniquefor implementingthe "morc" secnono1 the prosam But, be'Mrc!! If yow nicro doesnot havea recuniveDASIC, thit ptoglom wi not work lbr fou as it is witten. You will RZ haw Iu ahethnes1000-)140. This programis a versionof the Toiverof Hanoipuzzle,also conmonly known as DonutsGee"Donutsfor Kids" bv Ron Sonrote in CabulLtorclconpr,eru, Novenber, 1977). The puzzie consistsof N doughnutshapeddiscs,of different diamerers, and lhree v€rticallowerson which tlle discscan be plNccd.The problem beginswith a[ the discson the left' mosl of the three towers,calledTower i. The largerdisos areat the botlom ofthe stack. The object is to move a of the discsfrom Tower I to Tower 2, ihe middle ol the threetowers.Thereare threerulesto fo ow in rnovingth€ dkcs: t) only onedisccanbe movedat a time. 2) A discis movedby removingit from the top of the stack of discsof onetower.nd placingit on the top of a stack of discsof anothertower. 3) No discmay everbe placedon top of a srnallerdisc. 34 BECFIEATIONALCO]VPUTING The programgivenher€is writlen in LevelII BAS]Cfor tlre Radio ShackTRS'80. The userhas the options ol solving the puzzlehimselfor watchinsthc conrPulersolvcit lr either case,the userhrs the choiceol the numbcrof discs to be used,up to a maxinrumof I5. Theprcg.rmalsoprcvides a time estimatefor how long the solutionwill i:rkc.This is helpfulin the caseof 15 discswhcrcat leasl32,767rrrc'ves thc lLtTTlc-Lhcuser ar€ required.when the compulersoLves has the optjon of contlollingthe lcnglh ol tirnc betwcen moves.This fealureis helptul for (lcmo slniio'r purlxxcs. The methodusedby the conpuieris rectlsive,whicl' mcans that the routine10 determirethe orovescallsuponitscll.The basicprincipleherejs thal ifyou havea roulincto succcss{ullv moven- I discsfrom Toweri to Towcrj, ior lry i andi, tl'on you can moven discsfrom lower i to Towe. iby ihc fol lowingprocedure: l) Moven-l discsfrom Toweri to Towerk. 2) MoveI disclrom Toweri to Towerj. 3) Moven-l discsfrom Towerk to roweij. 'rherek is the nurnberof th€ Towetwhichis not Toweri or procedurc Towerj. In otherwotds,k - 6 - i -j. Thisreculsive 1000-1100. is sho\lnin statements Thjs programhasbeenusedwith studenisat boih rhc clemeo_ tary and the secondarylevei. The puzzlejs explainedby strowingthe studentsth€ computorsolutionwith threediscs. Usually,about a thre€ scconddelay is requ€siedbeiween of eachnove canbe giv€n.Fol_ movesso that an explanation lowingthis, the studenlsare askedto solvethe puzzlewith four discsand comparetheir numbcrof movesio what the ldes o rtterthey computerreportsasopiimrm. Aiter several moves, they watohthe number of the optimum do obtaln computersolvethe puzzlefor four discs,andthen go on to try it for five.After theoptimumeffort for five discsis found, on the eforl needed to conjeciure thestudents areencouraged for six or more. For a iargernumberof discs,runnitg th€ program at least to the point where tie time estimate is p.oducedis alsointeresting. TO\IER LISTING , : E a a - . o 3 o 6 i H a . 3 o 3 ? I - -3 r 3 - P P P = j ; 3 : 3 z ? ? ? ' ? 2 - = e ? " E = " - ' ; t ; ; ^ ^ . 3 = ; :; 9 ; 3 9 < a 6 zj 3 a = 3 6 = * : - 3 i 3 3 9 9 9 ; d . * 9 A 3 NOV.DEC 1979