An Abstract Window Toolkit Visualizer for Computer Science Instruction Josiah DYkstra DePartment of ComPuter Science IIoPe College dYkstra@cs Keith SuPPes Department of Computer Science Alma College edu 99suPPes@alma Herbert L. Dershem Department of Computer Science HoPe College Abstract is an importanttool The In thetoachingandleamingof ComputerScicnce,visualization to visualizetheexecution goalofthis prcjectis to prcvidea tool thatwill permitstudents if a programthat includis event-driveninterfacacomponents.In particular,it is designed to viiualize programswritten in Javausing the Abstact Window Toolkit (AWT)' Whentho pro$am is executedundercontrol of the AWT Visualizationsoftwarc,a visualizationwindowi8 displayadto monitorexecutionunderusercontrolandth€ This producedby theprogram'sexecutionaredisplayedconcuffently. components enablesthe studentto view tho codeandits coEespondingaction andto visualizethc hierarchyof calls that results. The papercontainsa descriptionof how thg softwareis usedandincludesdetailsof its implementation.ln addition,it providesa comPleteexamplethat demonsffateshow this tool canbe usedfor CompuierScienceinstructionandprogam debugging L,0Introduction proglamhave For thepasttwo yea$,studentsin HopeCollege'sComputerScience,REu created wo*edin thefieid of ProgramExecutionAnimation.In 1997,JamesVanderhyde theFunctionVisualizera;a bol to teachrecusion.Thisprogam wasrevisedandgreatly to allow Weinhold lt wasgeneralized in 1998by D. Erin ParkerandRebecca expanded functionduringexecutionOneof the primary foi the visuatizationof anyuser-defined assetsof this tool is the mannerin which it helpsto visualizethe function call stack Also dudng the summerof 199?,Jamesvanderhydecreatedthe Object visualizer, a powerful tool fir deconstructinga class file into its methodsand the objects that those methods retum. This allows foi an easy visualization of how objects interact betweendiffercnt methodsand classes.We expandedthesetwo programs' adding further rcfinementsto both the userinterfacesandthe functionality of each. of thessexistingtools'we createdour own visualization In additionto the enhancement programcalledthe AbstractWindow Toolkit Visualizer(AWTviz) This progam was creoltedfor the purposeof visualizing the executionof an gntire Fogram ln particular' we wanted to visualize progams that incorporate Java's Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT). AWTviz providestwo views,the Visualizationwindow and User Application Window.The VisualizationWindowcontainsAWTviz'sdisplayandconkol componcnts andtheUserApplicationWindowcontainstheoutputof theuser'srunningprogram' ' . ui"rnppii.,i, I l Brllll Irn!dhod0 l$brk s d @ @ @ @ @ @ i Iricure l: Visualizltil,nlvindow r d User,\pplicrti Wi lovs ti,r ttst. 2.0 VisualizationWindow Componcnts The VisuiilizalionWindowcontainssix kcy display nd cooll.olcomponentsThc displly givesthe uscl infonnrtion 4boutwhal is happcningwithin their Program.The contfol iLndsomeol what is being functions4llow thc user10iLdjustlhe spccdol visualizdliorl visualized. cal Stack Melhod p u b i ( v o i d l , !l l , l e t h o d0 @ @ @ @ @ @ p u b l i c! o i d My r " i € i h o d 0 int i=4 HIfi*E ^.1 0 ); retlay@t (n4 llo,laydt Label leb6ll = nB Labe] l LBbel cllle )i Teirfield rb1 - ns Te*rield{201i butl = n@ Buctm( Butt6 )' bur1. add.{crlmli sraer (this)i for (int i=0ii<5ii++l l sy3tm.d!.Fintln ('!i I I )i Figure2: VisralizationWindo* lbr test. 2.1 Code View (|,'igure 2 - A) Thc code vicw portion of the VisualizalionWindow dispJaysthe code of the user-dctined program.As eachline of code is executed,lhat line is highlighted2.2 Specd Control (Figure 2 - B) The speedcontrol consisisof two parls, a scrollbarand a button Thc scrollbarellows the speedof the user'sarpplicationto be incrcasedor decrcasedduring execution The button pausesand resumcstlre execuuon. 2.3 Ca[ Stack (Figue 2 - C) The Call Stack is a listing of the namesof each currently active method called by the displayed. user'sapplicationsequentially 2.4 Variable Dlsplsy @igure 2 - D) The Variable Display is anotherlisting that displaysthe variablesin the user'sproglam' As the valuesof the vadableschange,thesechangesarc rcflsctcd iII thc display' 2.5 Method HierarchY @igure 2 - E) The Method Hietarchy is a scrollableareaupon which coloredboxes are drawn for each method of the user's application.The boxes are dlawn as the methods are called and appearin a hierarchy,with sub+alts being indentedfuthor to the right than the method tttat cattedthem.ttri Method Hierarchy canvaswill expandwhen it runs out of room to displaymoreboxes. 2.6 Menus (Figure 2 - F) File Restart- This option causesthe programto startagain' with all valucs reinitialized. Quit - This option will quit the program. Valiables canbe <dependson the variablesiII the user-definedFogram> : :1ch v.9r-rable selectedor deselectedin this menu.Whenselected'a variablewill app€arin th€ valiable display.When deselecled,it will not appearin the display' 3.0Usingthe Program There are two phasesthat a user-providedprogram must S! thrgug! in order to be visualized. The program must fusi be processedby a set of Perl soripts-to cofiecdy format it prior to pasiing the formattedcodeto the Javaapplicationfor visualization' Flgure3r Javacodefor tart Linftrtlong 3.1Specifrcatlons/ One of the goalsof this projert wasto designa tool that would bs usefulon a wide varietyof FoblemsandsituationsWhile muchwork wasdoneto ensurethis, a number limitationsstill exist.In orderto run the programthe uscrmusthavea of unavoidable Kit (JDK) 1.1or higherand local copyof the AwTviz program,theJavaDevelopment Perl installed,ard Fovide their own Javaprcgmmfo! Visualization.Whenwdting the Javaprogam, the user must abideby the following rules. First, the user-provided Secotrd,thg user may not have any plimitive prognm must extendjava.awt.Framg. Third, theremay not be morethan 99 primitive variablesthat end with an undcrscorc. primitiYe variablesof differenttlpcs maynot have variableswithin theFogram.Fourth, thesamename(ie. int alphaandcharalphaarenot permitted,howeverint alphaandchar Fifth, usersshouldnot havea methodnamedrun0 anywherein Alphaare acceptable). thef Fogram. 3.2Pre-processing ol interacting The testprogram,a$writtenby the user,hasno way of cornmunicating with AWTviz.In orderto makethis possible,a setof Perl scdptsmustmodifythe usercodealong providedcode.TheresultingJavafile is anexactYe$ionof theuser-provided with a numberof AWTvizmethods. Figure4: Pathof testinput codethrowh Pre-processitrg' 3.3Visualization When the Fe-procossingis complcteand the resultingfiles are createdthe Java applicationis eiecuted.TheJavaprogramreadsin theclassandtext files andusesthem to'd"t"t-in" thc visualization.Utilizing the contols in AWTviz, the usel canconhol vadousaspectsof the pro$am.Theu89rcanalsointelactwith his or her own prcgram ftom withinit's ownwindow. 4,0CodeStructure Codingfor AWTviz wasdonein JavaandPerl.The full programconsistsof threePerl All files rcsideandareexecutedfrom theAWTviz dire{tory scriptJandsix Javaclasses. Figur€4 showsthemovcmentof inputthroughthevadouscodes€ctions. 4.1Perl line to begintheprogam. from thecommand TheGo scriptis whattheuserexexutee MoveBraceiis a scriptthatquicklyformatsthecurly bncesin theuser'sFogram Thisis for AWTviz'sueeonly andhasno effert on theoriginalprogramcopy.Foflnatis the codeto theuser'sFogramallowingit to primaryPerlscdptthataddsthenecessary interactwith AWTviz.(seeFigure4) 4,1,1Go scriptandthe Javaapplication'Go first co is a simplesffipt thatcallseachsubsequent ensul€sthattheuser'sinputfile existsandis validby compilingit' (seeFigure5) ' p.^-"m lhiriltiTe.i Fisure5: RunningAWTviz{ith Go. 4.1.2MoveBraces MoveBmcesis a short script that handlesthe fomatting of curly braceswithin the inputtedprogramcode.Whenthe scriptlinds an opencurly braceon a line by itself it ptacesit on itreenaof the previousline. If it finds a closedcurly braceon at the endof a iine followingothercode,it placesit on the next line by itself This is doneto makethe job of theFormatscripteasierandmoreefficient. 4.1.3Format Fomat doesmost of the work in readyingthe user'sprogramfor usewith AwTviz It uses pattem matchingto add instructionsfor AWTviz and generatesa file called On thefirst passthtoughthecode, methods' L Formatlocatesandplacesin anaray thenamesofall user-defined arepresent Javaimportstatements thatthenecessary 2. It alsoensures On thesecondpass, l Formatreadseachline of codeandinterpretsit code 2. The scriptwill pdnt to the outputfile the originalline as well as necessary beforeand after the line 3. This partof the scdptchecksto makesurethe user'sfile extendsjava'awtFrame implementstatements. andcontainsthenecessary thenameof theclassfrom theuse/snameto ProgFrame 4. lt changgs 5. Speciaiinstructionsto link the VisualizationWindow and User Application Window togetherare addedto the inito method,in additionto renamingit from lnlt tOrun. methodexists,codespecificto thatis inserted. 6 . If an actionPerformedo '7. Everyotherline in theprogramis checkedto seeif it containsthe nane of a user or assignment. definedmethodor variabledeclaration lin€s arc addedto tell AWTviz to method, user-d€fined contains a 8 . If the line incrementth€ levelof theMethodHierarchy,to addthe methodto the Call Stack, to createa new methodbox, to highlightthatbox, to pauselong enoughfor these thelevelof theMethodHierarchy. actionsto complete,andto decrement a line is addedthat tells declatation, primitive variable type contains a 9. If the line lists' arrays,and all necessary AWTviz to handlethe additionof that va ableto hashtables. threelines are addedthat retrievethe l0.If the line containsa variableassignment, currentvalue,adjustthe displayin AWTviz'sVariableList, andupdatesthevalue in AWTviz. ll.For every non-curlybraceline after init0 in the user'sprogram,two lines are added.TheseinstructAWTviz to highlightthe curent line in CodeView andto pauserclativeto theSpeedContlol. Fifre 6: Excerptfrom ProgFrameirvs osgenerat€dby Format. 4.2lavs 4.2.1AWTlliz AWTviz implementsthe AWT Visualizer application.It createsan iostanceof Progviz andcalls tho init0 method. 4.2.2Progviz Progviz is the pdmary classfor the visualizationcontainingall the components mentiongdin section2 The classconsistsof the following methods: inito - perfoEDsthe layout of all the various componelts of the Visualization Window andsetsinitial yaluesfor much of the visualizer. the code getcode0- getsthe originalcodefrom the user-defir€dprcgram'placesit in list, anddisplaysit in code view selectlineo- sel€ctstheproperline in thecodelist while theprogramis executing' mvwait0 - causesthe threadrunningthe userdefinedprcgramto for thecodeselectionto be in syncwith theactualexecution pausejust longenough events - handlesAWT actionsfor this object This methodprocesses actionPerformed0 Window buttonin theVisualization ftom themenusandpause/resume - handlestheadjustment of the speedslider' adjustmentvaluechanged0 - doesall thethingsnecessary to restarttheprogam' handleRestaflO addvariableo- addsa variableinto the variablelist and displaysit in the Visualization Window. - toggleswhethera variableis visiblein thevariablelist or not' itemstatechangedo - makesa largerMyCanvasobject(see4 2 4) andreplacesthe old one expandcanvaso whenthereisn'tanymoreroomto drawa methodbox unhighlighto- callsunhighlightin Mycanvas. highlighO- callshighlightin MyCanvas. methodwhenit is called,storesthe newBoxo- createsa new box for any user-defined infomationfor it in an instanceof Data(see4.2.3)andthendrawsthebox on thecurent is call€d' instanceofMyCanvas.If thecanvasis too small,expandcanvas0 4.2.3Data Datais a classmadeup of datastucturesthat storeinformationaboutthe methodboxes that aredisplay€din tte currentinstanceof MyCanvas.Sincethe Mycanvasobjectwill likely needio Le disposedof anda largeroneput in its place,this classexistsso thatthe data;boutthecontentsof thecanvasmaypersist.Thercaretwo methodsin thisclass: theint vatiablelevelby one. inclrvelo - increments theint variablelevelby one. declJvelo - decrcments 1.2.4MyCanvas format' Mycanvasis thecanvasuponwhichboxesaiedrawnin a hierarchical paintO- cyclesthrcughtheanayofmethodboxes,paintingeachoneasit goes highlighto- highlightsa methodbox if theprogramis cuflentlyexecutingthatmethod. unhighlight0- repaintsall methodboxes,with noneof themhighlighted 4.2.5MyPanel sizefor thepanelto be that allousa specrfic MyPanelis an extensionof java.awt.Panel setby calling setPrcferedsize0. 4.2.6ProgFrarne ProgFrameis the user createdprogram,with some additionalcode to aid in the visualization. andFutureWork 5.0Conclusions we sawthattoolsalreadyexistedto visualize Whenlookingat thetopicof visualization, of programs' to be a visualization objectsandfunctions.Thenext logicalstepseemed visualizea is a tool whichcansuccessfully research Theculminationof thissummer's a setof through input program format the will programsOur widerangeof user-defined Perlscriptsandthendisplayboththeuser'sprogramandthe AWTviz control The follow thelinesof code'anddisplayin AWTvii programwill displayandtrackvariables, a graphicalmannerhow methodcallsaremade.The userhascontroloverthe speedof executionandwhichvariablesareshown. tool,it hastheabilityto be While our intentionfor AWTviz wasasaneducational The primarypurposeof thisprogramis to visualize appliedto manydifferentsituations. htw theJavaAbstractWindowToolkithandlesprogramexecutionThe usercanvety clearlyseehow theoftencomplexstuctureof methodcallsaremad€ A programwlth by seeilgtheparent/child for example,is muchmoreeasilyunderstood recursion, in a visual in visuil methodcalls Th€ abilityto trackvadableassignment relationship madeare assignments where when and who areconfusedasto way may aid students Finally,controloverthespeedof programexecutionallowsfor quickelcomprehenslon settingis themost within one'sown program.The academic ofthe eventprocessing placefor AWTviz, howeverit couldeasilybe adaptedfor software appropriate andproducttesting. development Thereare additionalimprovementsthat could be madeto fwther the AWTviz progam' ever)4hing' we wercunableto accomplish oltime constraints, However.because AWTviz wouldbe anevenmorepowedultool if it couldvisualizenon-frameJava Th- abilityto dynamicallysuppofianynumberof vadables andJavaclasses. aDolications in a user'sprogramwould also addto usability.The idoa alsoaroseto color codethe methodboxesdisplayedin the MethodHierarchyaccordingto the level of indentation. 6.0Aclmowledgments We would like to aclmowledgethe National ScienceFoundationfor thet financial supportof the REU Fogram, We would alsolike to $a!k Hope Collegeandow advisor Dr. HerbertDershemfor their hospitality aIIdcontinuedsupportof computerscienceand REU.