PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Centre Wellington D.H.S.


Centre Wellington D.H.S.

905 Scotland St., Fergus, ON N1M 1Y7


November 15, 2013

Upcoming Events

• Nov. 18th - 22nd - Grad Photos &

Saffe Cdub Week

• Nov. 20th - Parent Learning Fair

@ Centennial C.V.I.

• Nov. 22nd - Last Day To Drop A


• Nov. 28th - CW’s Got Talent

• Nov. 30th - Titanic Dinner Theatre

• Dec. 3rd - 13th - Angel Campaign

• Dec. 5th - Battle of the Bands

• Dec. 12 - 19th - Jingle Holiday

Food Drive

• Dec. 13th - Credit In Jeopardy

Letters Go Home

• Dec. 13th - Co-op Breakfast &


• Dec. 13th - Semi-Formal

• Dec. 16th - 19th - Holiday Spirit


• Dec. 18th - Social Justice Banquet

• Dec. 20th - Jan. 6th - Winter


• Jan. 9th - Cookies & Cram

• Jan. 14th - Gr. 8 Parents Night

• Jan. 15th & 16th - Grade 9 Math


• Jan. 23rd - 29th - Semester 1 Final


• Jan. 30th - PA Day

• Jan. 31st - Semester 2 Begins

• Feb. 7th - Semester 1 Report

Cards Go Home



Just an advance reminder that final exams are from January 23rd - 29th,

2014. Culminating activities will also be occurring in classes throughout the month of January. Please do not schedule vacations as these exams are




Welcome to our November Newsletter!

I hope this newsletter finds you and your family well and enjoying our winter-like weather. We are generating this newsletter at the same time you will receive the

Ontario Provincial Mid-Semester Report Card. Unlike the early progress report in

October, which gave you a “snapshot” of your son’s or daughter’s progress, this report includes specific grades, comments and learning skills. In some cases, the teacher may not be able to assign a mark for a particular subject. The comment in such a case will reflect that the teacher was unable to assess a grade due to incomplete or missing assignments. Remember that the final grades are based upon a student’s most consistent and most recent achievement, so even if mid-semester marks are not as good as was hoped for, there is still plenty of time to substantially improve before the end of the semester.

For success, regular attendance and participation in class are essential. The Vice Principals and our Student Success Team will be meeting with students who are not attending regularly, and in consultation with you, will be making decisions about future options. We are taking a strong stand on attendance and punctuality this year. We need your help and support to get students to class regularly and on-time.

It has been a busy start up here at CW, with multiple sports and club activities for students to be involved in. Our teachers have planned field trips and outdoor education activities. Our

LINK crew did a great job welcoming our Grade 9 students and helping them become part of our community. We have held assemblies and our Wake-Up Wellington program is providing a great breakfast to hundreds of students on Wednesday mornings as well as lunch each day. Any contributions to these programs can be dropped in the donation box at lunch.

We have recently had our website upgraded to meet provincial Accessibility Standards and we continue to review and add the content that was modified during this process. Please feel free to contact me with questions or suggestions on the website. You can always find the latest Educational Information and School Information on my twitter feed @cwprincipal.

Please don’t hesitate to call any of our staff for information. Dial 519-843-2500 and follow the prompts to access voice mail.


The laneway at the front of the school, parallel to Scotland Street, is needed for emergency vehicle access, and during certain times of the day is also used for the drop-off and pickup of our students who need special transportation and wheelchair access. The laneway is narrow, and there have been occasions when fire trucks could not get through because of parked cars, and special transportation students have had to be moved through traffic. We would really appreciate it if parents would not drop off and pick up in this laneway for all the reasons I have mentioned.

We continue to explore the construction of a swing gate to restrict access during peak times and will notify our community if this project receives final approval.


Beth Burns, Principal




Once again, Centre Wellington has created its examination and summative evaluation schedule using “block scheduling.” This method has helped to alleviate a number of challenges during the examination and summative schedule. For students, there are no conflicts between exams or summative evaluations and they can expect to write only one examination per day. For teachers, the collection of materials and providing support for their students becomes easier.

Please do not book family trips and/or vacations during this period of time. Thursday, January 30th, is a P.A. Day. The first day of Semester 2 is Friday, January 31st, 2014.



Day 1

Jan. 23/14

Day 2

Jan. 24/14

Day 3

Jan. 27/14

Day 4

Jan. 28/14

Day 5

Jan. 29/14 a.m. p.m.

Period 1

Classes… examinations/ summative evaluations to be written in regular classrooms

Study/ Examination and summative evaluation preparation

Period 2

Classes… examinations/ summative evaluations to be written in regular classrooms

Study/ Examination and summative evaluation preparation

Period 3

Classes… examinations/ summative evaluations to be written in regular classrooms

Study/ Examination and summative evaluation preparation

Period 4

Classes… examinations/ summative evaluations to be written in regular classrooms

Study/ Examination and summative evaluation preparation

CO-OP course summative evaluations/ French oral evaluations/ students with extenuating circumstances

Final opportunity to return course materials


What to do when my student............

Is absent from school - Send a note with the student explaining the absence when he/she returns. The note is to be shown to all of the student’s teachers.

Is late for school - Send a note with the student. The student signs in at the Attendance

Office with the note upon arrival .

Has to leave during the day for an appointment - Send a note with the student in the morning indicating clearly the time he/she is to be excused (and may return). The student should show the note to his/her teacher, then take the note to the Attendance Office to sign out. Please do not send email messages regarding student’s attendance/ appointments etc. to the C.W. generic email address.

Feels too ill to stay in class - Student reports to the Attendance Office. A parent/guardian will be contacted for permission for the student to go home. If you cannot be contacted during school hours, please provide us with an emergency contact who can assume responsibility for your student.


Centre Wellington DHS is implementing the Safe Arrival program for Grade 9 students this school year. This program is designed to ensure student safety, improve communication between parents and the school and ultimately aid in student success.

If you know your child is going to be absent from school for any reason, please call the school attendance line at 519-843-2500 ext. 301 . If you could leave your name, your child’s name, and the reason for the absence and expected return to school, that would be greatly appreciated.



There is a great deal of information and research out there that advocates Parent Involvement in schools. There is

Parent Involvement Committee, Parent Advocacy Group, Parents for Education Group and Parent Council. There is also the 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, parent responsibilities of work, home and outside activities that require our attention. In today’s world, parents are pressed for time.

So what do you say when you get that request from us, your child’s school, to volunteer? How can you fit it all in this school year? How do you stay involved in your child’s education, manage all of your other responsibilities and carve out even a minute for yourself?

The good news is that the research about parent involvement has shifted. While we used to talk about parents being in the schools (which we’d still love to see happen), it now mentions ways that we can work together to support your child’s well being and learning. John Hattie (2009) suggests that you can best support your child’s learning by talking with him/her. When you do this, he suggests that your child will be more successful at school. As the 2013-2014 school year continues, make it a daily habit to talk with your child about his/her day at school. Other than the traditional, “What did you do at school today?” try these questions to get more than the typical “nothing” response.

What helped you learn today?

What was hard for you today?

What are you going to try to do differently tomorrow?

What questions did you ask today?

What questions could you have asked?

What are you interested in learning more about?

As your child’s teachers, educational assistants, principals, vice principals, office and custodial staff, we value and want your support. Support however comes in many shapes and sizes. Being involved includes more than attending Open

House, Parent-Teacher interviews and meetings, reading the school and classroom newsletters and volunteering. Being involved means being a partner in your child’s education. It means talking and working with your child’s teacher to ensure your child is coming to school each and every day this school year ready to learn. Support means being a listener, asking questions, mentoring, being a coach, talking about school and being a co-learner (Building Parent Engagement 2011).

Parent Involvement means holding high aspirations and expectations for our children. (Hung & Ho, 2005) Expect the best from your children, hold the bar high and, this school year, when you ask, “What did you do at school today?”


“What leads to success in Mathematics?"

It is hoped that every student will arrive each day well-rested and ready to learn.

It is hoped that every student will arrive each day prepared for class by having worked on his or her homework.

It is hoped that every student will arrive every day with the equipment needed to succeed: a notebook, pencil, eraser, textbook, and scientific calculator.

The E.Q.A.O. assessment of Grade 9 Mathematics will take place January 15th & January 16th, 2014.

The assessment will take place during regular class time.

Please try to avoid out of school appointments on these dates so that your child can complete all components of the assessment. School and individual results will be available next fall.


Community Involvement Information Manuals for our Grade 9s have been distributed. Students need to complete 40 hours of community service in order to graduate! If you have any questions please call the Guidance Office at 519-843-2500 x 311.

Lost your pamphlet? Copies can be printed from guidance or picked up in the Guidance Department.


Centre Wellington is pleased to welcome

Landry Britton, Geography Dept.

Erik Drebit, Co-op Dept.

Kyla Haramule, Art Dept.

Ashley Meagher, Business Dept.

Elizabeth Mick-Anger, English Dept.

Dawn Mosey, Library Assistant

Janice Minor, Library Assistant

Debbie Richards, Guidance & Science Dept.

Jason Walker, English Dept.


Grade 12 University & College important dates:

January 15th, 2014 - deadline for university applications

February 1st, 2014 - deadline for college applications

Need help with your application? Book an appointment in guidance and we would be happy to help.

It is suggested that all students apply before the New Year to avoid the last minute rush.


Join us for a fun-filled evening on Saturday,

November 30 th , 2013 at

5:30 pm on the RMS

Titanic. You know how the story ends but


THE FIRST CLASS DINING ROOM? Murder, mayhem, song, laughter and improvisation will all occur. A delicious full buffet that reflects the last meal served that fateful night is provided. Bring extra funds to purchase draw tickets for Titanic memorabilia including an actual artifact from the ship! Costumes that reflect the

1912 era ( Ladies: long gloves, parasols, big flowered hats, long dresses and fascinators. Men: suits, vests, top hats, pocket watches and walking sticks) are encouraged but not mandatory. Prizes will be awarded. When you arrive at the front door you will exchange your ticket for the boarding pass of a real passenger who sailed upon the Titanic in 1912.

Our event is a fundraiser for the CWDHS breakfast program Wake Up Wellington.

Ticket prices are $25.00 per person, performers $15.00

To order tickets you may pick up a form at the

CWDHS front office to complete or you may contact

or call 519-843-

2500, voicemail x 625.


Wanting to stay involved? Not getting all the school news?

Attend a school council meeting! One hour a month is all it takes to stay in touch with the school, other parents, the community and your child.

Meetings are held at the school the last Monday of each month.

Next Meeting: Monday Nov. 25th. See you there!

The 'Free Reading' program has recently changed at our school. The students will now read the items of their choosing for twenty minutes per day, Tuesday to Friday. This year, students will 'Free Read' during the same period all week, enabling them to leave their reading materials in the classrooms each day. Students have been reading fiction, non-fiction, graphic novels, manga, magazines, and e-books downloaded through UG2GO. Ask your child what he or she read during 'Free Reading' today. You might be surprised!


Students wishing to make timetable changes for Semester 2 should make an appointment in the Guidance Department. Choosing courses is one of the most important things students do. As your child is thinking about what to take next year, visit uppergrand , and have him/her fill out an interest survey. This helps students to make good course choices.

Any students unsure about college and university requirements should make an appointment in Guidance.

The last day to drop a class semester 1 is November

22nd. Any drops after that date will show up on your transcript with a mark and

“W” for withdrawal.


SAFFE /Equity – What is this?

  All schools in Ontario are mandated by the Ministry to develop plans and strategies to implement equity and inclusive attitudes within their communities. In “old terms” this would refer to “Anti-Bullying”, but the staff and students at CWDHS feel that we would prefer to use terms like “community building” and “ S afe A nd F riendly F or E veryone” because by developing a strong sense of community we help to foster positive attitudes towards everyone who learns and works at CW.

The SAFFE/Equity Committee is a group of staff and students who have planned the following events during “SAFFE

CDUB Week” from November 18 to 25 to educate and inform CW students;

• Monday November 18 - Launch of Random Acts of Kindness Week

The opening event of the week: a day to think of others and do kind deeds for no specific reason and then have the recipients pay it forward for the rest of the week and into the rest of time!

Monday - Video Contest: Why CWDHS is Great

Students can submit a video detailing why CWDHS is a great, safe place to be!

• Tuesday - I Remember

Many people in the CW community have experienced loss and we want to help those who are grieving by fostering a compassionate and supportive atmosphere in our building.

• Wednesday - Ryan Laird, country singer and speaker

Ryan is a past student of CWDHS and has experienced the effects of bullying first hand.

• Thursday - Youth Talk & LINK Grade 9 event

Link leaders will be leading an activity with grade 9s to write letters of gratitude.

• Friday - Signing CW Quilt of Belonging

There are still some blocks open for students to sign before the quilt gets hung up in the school as a symbol of


• Monday November 25 - Tour for Humanity

A bus will visit the school and pick up selected students and staff to participate in their mobile educational experience on topics of “diversity, democracy and Canadian civic rights and responsibilities as well as the effects and consequences of hate when left unchecked.” Visit the website at


Knitters still meet every Monday and Wednesday at lunchtime, learning an ancient craft while enjoying good company and excellent Food School cookies. The tradition has been to knit squares, which are then sewn together into patchwork afghans and donated to Wellington Terrace. In this way we can include even the earliest attempts of beginner knitters in an easy project. As knitters develop their skills they can start attempting more ambitious projects – last year we even had a senior student produce a knitted rendition of the Mona Lisa for her art portfolio! This year the CW knitters have placed “Knit-a-Row-and-Go” baskets in places where people often sit and wait, like guidance, the front offices and the library. We invite anyone to pick up some knitting and drop it back in the basket when they leave, to add more squares to our afghan collection.

Quilting among adolescents is not as popular as knitting, but there are one or two students who still carry that torch.

They have been working hard at creating a CW Quilt of Belonging, which is close to completion and will take a place of pride in our building.

Learning to knit and sew allows students to connect to skills that foster patience and creativity in an age of instant gratification. We are happy to welcome new members, both staff and students, to join in. We pay tribute to Mrs. Iravani for her enthusiastic and caring mentorship in our club and wish her a happy retirement as of June 2013, and we welcome Mrs. McCracken and Ms. Rowan to the ranks.

Mon, Dec 9/13

Tues, Dec 10/13

Wed, Dec 11/13

Thurs, Dec 12/13

Fri, Dec 13/ 13



Grade 9, 10, 11, 12

@ CWDHS - Dec 9-13

11:00 –


Apprenticeship Panel – How to become an Apprentice + Employee Panel

11:40 –


College Information Panel – College Reps – Competitive Programs and

Hidden Gems

11:40 –


11:40 –


University Information Panel – University Reps – Competitive Programs and Hidden Gems

CWDHS Course Selection Fair by Subject Departments

8:50 –


Friday, December 13, 2013 – Main Conference Event

During the regular instruction full-day, students will attend all four classes with a focus on pathway planning, careers and post-secondary options. Students will attend presentations from these options:

Agricultural career reps Arts & Culture career reps

Business career reps Conestoga College Dual Credit

Construction career reps Employment Counsellors

Environment career reps Financial Advisers

Health & Wellness career reps Hospitality career reps

Manufacturing career reps Motivational speakers

Not-for-profit reps OYAP representatives

Post-secondary advisers Skills Canada

Sports career reps Transportation career reps

Social Service career reps Co-op Expo


(Specialist High Skills Major)

For more info:


+ 123 SHSM Graduates received the

RED seal diploma wearing the RED stole at

CW’s Oct 2013 Commencement Ceremony

+ 400 grade 11 and 12 SHSM students: + 10 Employment sectors including:

Agriculture Sports

Arts and Culture



Health and Wellness


Technology and Trades:



