Real-Time Intrusion Detection with Emphasis on Insider Attacks Shambhu Upadhyaya Computer Science and Engineering University at Buffalo Polytechnic University October 3, 2003 Some Facts & Figures (CSI/FBI 03) CEISARE @ 2 Source of Attack CEISARE @ 3 Attack Types CEISARE @ 4 Actions Taken CEISARE @ 5 What Could be Learned From It? Good prevention techniques must be in place Good policies must be set up Need to know what is important Need to know the application environment IDS is a must But there is no IDS that is applicable to all environments CEISARE @ 6 Outline of the Talk General introduction Evolution of IDS Major players Insider threats and how to mitigate? Conclusion CEISARE @ 7 Outline of the Talk General introduction Evolution of IDS Major players Insider Threats and how to mitigate? Conclusion CEISARE @ 8 What is an IDS? In its general sense – Acquires information about its environment to analyze system behavior Aims to discover security breaches, attempted breaches, open vulnerabilities that could lead to potential breaches Types of information – Long term info. – a knowledge base of attacks (static) Configuration info. – a model of the current state (static) Audit info. – describing the events happening (dynamic) CEISARE @ 9 IDS Architecture (Macroscopic View) Slide adopted from UCDavis, Jeff Rowe CEISARE @ 10 IDS Side-effects False negatives (failed detection) poor coverage False positives (wrong indictment) poor QOS Degrade normal operation poor performance CEISARE @ 11 Outline of the Talk General introduction Evolution of IDS Major players Insider Threats and how to mitigate? Conclusion CEISARE @ 12 Evolution of IDS Paul Innella’s timeline: CEISARE @ 13 Current State-of-the-art 1st generation tools are largely signature based Security is by penetrate and patch Today’s focus is on detecting novel intrusions New techniques must consider insider attacks, social engineering based break-ins etc., Need for new paradigms – Design for Security? New ideas – Combining IDS with vulnerability analysis Detection is not fool-proof; must be merged with recovery CEISARE @ 14 Outline of the Talk General introduction Evolution of IDS Major players Insider Threats and how to mitigate? Conclusion CEISARE @ 15 Major Players – Academia Purdue – CERIAS UC Davis – Developed GrIDS (Graph based IDS) CMU – Home of CERT/CC Cornell Language-based security Columbia IDS and Data mining Above list is incomplete CEISARE @ 16 Major Players – Industries IBM Watson Global Security Analysis Laboratory Microsoft Started the Trustworthy Computing initiative in 2002 Cisco Does research and development Builds intrusion detection appliances – sensors and software MAFTIA European Union of academia and industries CEISARE @ 17 Major Players – Labs/Government SRI International – Developer of EMERALD through funds from ITO, DARPA Air Force Research Lab – Defensive Information Warfare Branch Naval Research Lab – Center for High Assurance Computer Systems Multi-level security National Institute of Standards and Technology – Computer Security Resource Center National Security Agency – Research and education CEISARE @ 18 Popular Websites SANS (System Administration, Networking and Security) Institute CERT/CC CERIAS (Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security) NIST (National Institute of Standards and Tech.) CEISARE @ 19 IDS Tools List Mike Sobirey (copyright: Dr. Michael Sobirey) List of ID Tools from 1995-2000 92 host- and network based Intrusion Detection (& Response) Systems Additions are appreciated NIST Intrusion Detection Tools Coverage is only up to 1996 (not up-to-date) About 20+ tools listed The above two lists have little overlap (cover >110) CEISARE @ 20 Recent Releases Responsible for real-time packet capture and analysis ( on Linux/Unix Prelude platforms Portsentry – An IDS that detects and responds to port scans against a target host in real-time ( SPADE – Statistical Packet Anomaly Detection Engine ( inspects recorded data for anomalous behavior based on a computer score Stealthwatch (Lancope), Stormwatch (Okena) Stackguard – Protects from stack smashing attacks ( Netscreen -- There is no tool that is universally applicable CEISARE @ 21 Outline of the Talk General introduction Evolution of IDS Major players Insider Threats and how to mitigate? Conclusion CEISARE @ 22 Who is an Insider? CEISARE @ 23 How to Deal with the Problem? Model the Insider Prevention of Insider Misuse Detection, Analysis and Identification of Misuse We focus on the detection only CEISARE @ 24 IDS with Emphasis on Insider Current systems are signature-based and they use audit-trail or rule-based protection Not effective for insider attack detection Anomaly detection is applicable, but not very effective New theory needed, proactive mechanisms needed CEISARE @ 25 Guidelines for Effective Anomaly Detection Use the principle of least privilege to achieve better security Use mandatory access control wherever appropriate Data used for intrusion detection should be kept simple and small Intrusion detection capabilities are enhanced if environment specific factors are taken into account CEISARE @ 26 Our Approach An out-of-the-box Reasoning Framework for intrusion detection Technique used: Control flow checking from FT (basis for encapsulation of owner’s intent) Reasoning based on Theory of Risk Analysis from Economics Problem is similar to Pricing Under Uncertainty S. Upadhyaya, R. Chinchani, K. Kwiat, “An Analytical Framework for Reasoning about Intrusions”, IEEE SRDS 2001 CEISARE @ 27 User Intent Encapsulation Obtain the intent of the user either by inference or query Session scope serves as a certificate Reduces the search space during monitoring CEISARE @ 28 Illustration of Search Space Reduction Commands and System calls User Audit data reduces as we go higher up Kernel Resources CEISARE @ Typical audit data 29 Overall Layout of System Operation Disk User Sequence of Operations Interface Network Resource CPU Memory System CEISARE @ 30 Expected Sequences Certain “normal” ways of doing a job Also, certain “less normal” ways of doing them A job is completed by performing a sequence of operations May not be possible to enumerate all the sequences CEISARE @ 31 Cost Analysis Cost of Operation = Co Proportional to the amount of resources used Cost of Sequence = Cd Proportional to the difference between current chosen operation and past history Cost of Job CEISARE @ = *Co + *Cd 32 Job Activity Stochastic At any stage, a user “chooses an operation” with a probability “Choice of an operation” is a random variable Sequences of operations construct a discrete stochastic process CEISARE @ 33 User Activity as a Martingale Theorem: Let the lateral sequence of random variables for any state i of a sequence of operations be denoted as: X1(ti, ), X2(ti, ), … Xn(ti, ) Such a sequence of user activity is a Martingale CEISARE @ 34 An Example nfrm pine exit nop nop pine ls exit nop nop mail finger nfrm pine exit nfrm pine finger exit nop (nfrm, pine, ls, mail, exit, finger, nop) CEISARE @ A Note on Martingale Martingale uses concepts of conditional probability and has applications in economics Model is used to predict market parameters like a share of a stock Future price of a commodity depends only on the last known distribution and not on the entire history of the prices There is a parallel between uncertainties in intrusion detection and the concept of pricing under uncertainty CEISARE @ 36 Reasoning Tl Nonintrusive Nondeterministic Th Intrusive Monotonically increasing costs CEISARE @ 37 Cost Scenarios Low Co + Low Cd Non-intrusive Maps into the non-intrusive region High Co + Low Cd Intrusive and tending toward a DoS attack on resources Maps into the non-deterministic region CEISARE @ 38 …contd. Low Co + High Cd The intruder?? Maps into the non-deterministic region High Co + High Cd The clumsy attack Maps into the intrusive region CEISARE @ 39 Quantification of Thresholds Threshold Tl Minimum cost over longest sequence Threshold Th Maximum cost over shortest sequence CEISARE @ 40 Algorithm: INIT_DISTR (Generates the initial distribution) Enumerate all possible sequences Find the longest sequence Create a discrete stochastic process Generate probabilities at each stage and shape the distribution CEISARE @ 41 Algorithm: MODIFY_DISTR (Modifies the existing distribution) Check to see at each stage of the sequence if the user is conforming to the profile At the job termination, if the sequence is not intrusive, update the frequency distributions and probabilities CEISARE @ 42 Algorithm: DECIDE (Makes a decision in the non-deterministic region) Calculate the longest sequence from current stage to complete the job. Move Tl to that position The window (Th – Tl) depends on the gradient of the cost accumulated since DECIDE was last invoked CEISARE @ 43 Sketch of the Overall Algorithm User logs into the system Chooses the job s/he wishes to perform Check the size of the session scope If too large,warn user YES User wants to change it Launch inter work-space level monitor Create workspaces for the jobs Launch workspace level monitor thread per workspace Launch command level monitor thread per command Report command type Authenticate command Loop Report object accessed Monitor Command CEISARE @ 44 Preliminary Implementation Developed in Java on Solaris 2.8 A university environment was simulated Monitoring at basic command level Limited sequence monitoring Not many scenarios Perhaps, not realistic for actual deployment CEISARE @ 45 Test Cases User activity collected over two months Test cases grouped into four categories 1-user, 1-user with multiple logins, multiple users, multiple users with multiple logins Two sets of experiments – worst case and average case Legitimate and intrusive operations 32 attacks Obvious ones such as transferring /etc/passwd files, exploiting vulnerabilities such as rdist, perl 5.0.1 Subtle attacks similar to mimicry attacks CEISARE @ 46 Summary of Results Summary 1 User, No Multiple Logins 1 User, With Multiple Logins 2 Users, No Multiple Logins 2 Users, With Multiple Logins User Detection 87.50% 78.60% 74.90% 91.90% and Latency 33.4 35 36.1 29 User False Positives 12.50% 21.40% 25.10% 8.10% False Negatives 0% 0% 0% 0% User Detection 98% 89% 100% 94.70% and Latency 0 11 0 9.6 Intruder False Positives 0% 0% 0% 0% False Negatives 2% 11% 0% 5.30% Intruder Detection 99% 100% 98.20% 100% and Latency 0.4 0.7 0.6 0.5 User False Positives 0% 0% 0% 0% False Negatives 1.40% 0% 1.80% 0% Intruder Detection 56% 81.30% 77.40% 91.50% and Latency 15.9 14.8 17 27 Intruder False Positives 0% 0% 0% 0% False Negatives 44% 18.70% 22.60% 8.50% CEISARE @ 47 Types of Detected Intrusions It can detect internal attacks A cracker logs in and executes commands Inadvertent operator faults Internal abuse External attacks Masquerading Subversion attacks by presenting overly permissive session-scope (penalty in terms of reduced QoS) CEISARE @ 48 Undetected Intrusive Activity It cannot contain or detect External Denial of Service attacks Extremely low-level network based attacks CEISARE @ 49 Ongoing Research Addressing outstanding issues like State explosions due to partial orderings Scalability Values of α, β , ?? A more realistic prototype implementation and testing Project is currently funded by DARPA CEISARE @ 50 Concluding Remarks – Vision Insider threat is very much real Penetrate and Patch method is not adequate CMU and other studies show current IDS are not effective Anomaly detection schemes, that are environmentindependent may be in the focus Monitoring at user command level has distinct advantages Conceptually independent of systems and applications As the no. of threats grows, IDS will become a required element of system security CEISARE @ 51 Concluding Remarks – Research IDS and vulnerability analysis Effective means of system evaluation Good metrics for performance, coverage etc. Return on investment studies Merge IDS with firewalls Merge IDS with recovery It is not possible to detect all intrusions Protection against unknown threats – Proactive mechanisms Rapid Incident Response CEISARE @ 52