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Summer 2016
C&I 403(g) Middle Level Education
Join us as we delve into education at the middle level! This survey course provides teachers
greater insight into the middle school concept. Understanding the unique developmental
characteristics of middle level students provides the backdrop to examine the difference
between a junior high and the middle school concept. Specific focus is provided on
integrated curriculum, effective instructional strategies, and contemporary issues at the
middle level. Designed to meet the needs of both pre-service and in-service teachers.
C&I 576 Family & Community Engagement
Whether you receive funding that requires family involvement or you know the impact
such involvement has on student achievement, you need to know HOW to develop a family
and community engagement program that truly reaches these stakeholders. Do you teach
on the high school, middle school, elementary, or preschool level? Come find out how to
involve families and communities in the education of children, including the use of
technology, making plans that you can realistically implement. No boring projects that will
collect dust after the course ends; the projects you will do will be ones you can use this fall.
RDG 553 Integrating Reading & Writing Through Inquiry
Learn techniques to support your students in the engagement in research projects. Discover
ways to implement technology in your instruction in meaningful ways beyond skill and drill
approaches. This course will help you: • Increase student motivation through collaborative
inquiry • Provide effective reading and writing instruction within the framework of authentic
and purposeful learning • Increase students’ comprehension of informational text • Increase
writing skills • Develop critical literacy skills • Support students’ high order thinking skills of
analyzing, evaluating, and synthesizing information • Scaffold students’ research skills
RDG 570 Integrating Literacy Instruction in Elementary Curriculum
If you need information about basic reading concepts and reading instructional practices,
this is the graduate course for you! This course, taught by an experienced full professor of
reading, is a foundation course, so you do not need a previous reading graduate course to
take it or to understand the content. Introduces the relationship between reading
concepts/instruction and both Response To Intervention (RTI) and the Common Core State
Standards (CCSS). It serves students who need a course that is an introduction to reading
and also those who might wish to explore the Reading Masters degree program.
RDG 586 Language Development & Reading
Discover how language development impacts student reading and literacy in Pre-K
through 12th grade settings. Beyond presenting characteristics of typical language
development and language components, RDG 586 places a special focus on students
who struggle with reading, including second language learners, students with learning
disabilities and hearing impaired students. You will identifying typical and atypical
language development, exploring strategies for supporting language development and
literacy, and understanding theories of language development.
SPED 519 Psychoeducational Assessment
QUESTION: Hey, Dr. Anderson, why should I take an assessment course?
ANSWER: Every teacher should inform instructional decisions based on individualized
data gained from assessment. Effective assessment can and should form the bridge
between present level of performance and instructional needs.
QUESTION: How does a master teacher accomplish the task?
ANSWER: This course will introduce various assessment procedures for K-12 students
with a focus on: Response to Intervention (RTI), academic achievement, intelligence,
behavior, perceptual abilities, speech/language, and early intervention.
QUESTION: Will this course impact my teaching?
ANSWER: Yes! Administration of effective assessment and interpretation of results will
form connections to practice. You will also learn how to write assessment reports.
QUESTION: But aren’t online courses boring?
ANSWER: No! Professionals currently serving as special education teachers will "drop
in" for virtual chats to provide real examples!
SPED 552 Instructional Methods for K-6 Learners with Disabilities
The content of this online course covers K-6th grade special education teaching methods
for students with mild disabilities, and is appropriate for Special Educators, Elementary
Educators, or Any Other Educators. The course credit can be used for: • Professional
Development • A Master’s Degree in Special Education • Special Education Endorsement
Comprised of textbook readings, online quizzes, and written assignments, all academic
subject areas are covered, in addition to oral language, technology, transition, and
collaboration. The chapter material is really practical, with some research, but also
practical examples, and lots of research-based strategies. This is a self-paced course
designed to allow you to work ahead if you would like to. Please e-mail me if you have
any questions! Dr. Mary Jensen, at
SPED 553 Instructional Methods for Secondary Learners with Disabilities
This online course explores the teaching methods, strategies, curriculum options
and delivery systems for students in grades 7-12 with disabilities in multicategorical settings. Participants will gain an understanding of the teaching
strategies for students with learning problems such as creating responsive learning
environments; assessing students for instruction promoting social, emotional and
behavioral development; assessing and teaching social competence; differentiated
instruction and accommodations, assistive and instructional technology; studentmediated instruction; teacher-directed instruction; life skills coaching and
promoting transitions.
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