HOPE COLLEGE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT TECHNOLOGY TEAM Opening: This meeting of the Technology Team was called to order...  

Meeting Minutes
September 8, 2013
This meeting of the Technology Team was called to order at 3:00 p.m. on September 8, 2013 in The
Kletz by co­directors Ashley Blauwkamp and Kate Bauer.
Members Present: Alex Klomparens, Ashley Blauwkamp, Brady Van Malsen, Hannah
Bauersfeld, Holly Brinker, Jencen Smith, Kate Bauer, Rachel Lundstrom, Sam Pederson, Sarah
Krzak, Susan Cherup, and Zoe Edwards
Member Absent: Abby DeVries
Approval of Agenda
A formal agenda had been prepared for this meeting by Ashley and Kate.
Approval of Minutes
The meeting minutes from April 11, 2013 had been uploaded to the Tech Team website.
Meeting Business
● Summer Tech Event Recap
Tech team members who attended summer events/conferences shared about their experiences:
o Brady and Jencen presented at the e­Cornucopia conference at Oakland University, sharing
how to use Twitter as an educational tool. This included their experience using it in Secondary
Block, under Professor Deb VanDuinen. Brady expressed that he gained confidence in giving a
conference presentation. Jencen was motivated by how realistic and accessible using Twitter in
the classroom is. Susan added that audience was very receptive to the presentation and they felt
comfortable asking questions and giving input.
o Several members attended the iBooks Author Hackathon and Hannah shared her
experience with us. In addition to simply learning about how iBooks Author works, she gained
insight about what it would be like to use it as a teacher. She discovered that using it effectively
in a classroom is a time consuming task. Hannah also saw how you could utilize iBooks author
without making an entire textbook. She found the conference beneficial, but does not see a way
to use iBooks Author with the Tech Team at this time.
*If anyone is interested in exploring iBooks Author, it is available for free. There
are MacBooks available to borrow in the library for anyone without a Mac.
● Recap of Calvary In­Service Day
On August 29, a group of tech team members presented on various types of educational technology to
teachers from Calvary schools. Members discussed what they shared and how they felt the presentation
o Brady presented on Evernote. He thought the presentation was well received and noted that
the teachers were interested though they were previously unfamiliar with the program.
o Zoe and Sarah presented on science apps and their partnership with Douglas. Zoe said the
teachers had a positive reaction to the “Show Me” app and were impressed with each of the
apps’ functions, but overall thought the teachers were hesitant because they did not have iPads
in their school. The teachers were interested in alternatives for the apps on other devices.
o Rachel Presented on Drop Box. She felt her presentation was well received, especially
when she shared that Drop Box can be used on computers, not just iPads.
o Abby Presented on Livescribe
o Kate presented on a variety of topics, including iPad apps and making reality mimic apps
when apps are not accessible. She expressed that our presentation may have opened up an
opportunity for a continuing relationship between Calvary Schools and Hope’s education
● Recent Tech Team Contact Developments
The Tech Team now has a Hope email address. Any questions and emails relating to the Tech Team
should be sent to edtechteam@hope.edu All of the Google Docs will also now be associated with the
new email address. Make sure to let other people know about it.
Business card have been made with the Tech Team’s contact info. Susan will pass them out to the team
as soon as possible. They can be handed out to students, professors, or field placement teachers.
● Chalk and Wire Sessions
The Chalk and Wire sessions will take place on September 10th,11th,12th,16th,and 17th from 7:00­8:00
p.m. in Van Zoeren 152. Either Ashley or Kate will be leading each session. If you have never led or
observed one, make sure to attend a session. Even if you have been to one in previous years, try to
attend one of the sessions to walk around and assist students. Sign up on the Google Doc if you can
make it and be there at 6:45. The Chalk and Wire PowerPoint has been revamped for this year’s
* As members of the Tech Team we get free Chalk and Wire subscription renewals. Talk
to Amy Scholten if you need a renewal.
● Committees and Partnerships
In previous years, Tech Team members have been assigned to individual professors to assist them with
any technology needs. Many times, professors have not fully utilized this resource. To be more efficient
this year, we will now be split into four committees. Professors who need help from the Tech Team can
now go to our website and contact any members of the committee that relates to them. Each committee
will have a chairperson who serves as a first contact and liaison to the rest of the committee. The list of
committees and chairs are listed below and can also be found on the “Member Positions” Google Doc:
o Elementary Committee Chair­ Zoe Edwards
o Secondary Committee Chair­ Brady Van Malsen
o Special Education Committee Chair ­ Alex Klomparens (1st Semester) Abby Devries (2nd
o Early Childhood/K­12 Committee Chair­ Hannah Bauersfeld
Chairs: Please contact the professor who is the head of your committee’s department to let them know
that we are a resource to them. (Ex: The Special Ed. Committee Chair would contact Susan)
o Elementary Committee Chair­ Tony Donk
o Secondary Committee Chair­ Laura Pardo
o Special Education Committee Chair ­ Susan Cherup
The Partnerships with Saugatuck and Hamilton will also continue this year. Rachel Lundstrom will be the
chair of the Hamilton team. Sarah Krzak and Zoe Edwards will be co­chairs of the Saugatuck team.
o If/when you meet with your partnership, update who was present and what happened during
the meeting on the Partnership Update Google Doc
● New Positions and New Website
Secretary: Sarah Krzak
Newsletter/Tech Team Summary: Jencen Smith
Web Managers: Zoe Edwards, Holly Brinker, Alex Klomparens
o Our goal is to create a new, fresh, website for the Tech Team using Wix or Weebly
so that we can manage it ourselves. Kate and Ashley already have some ideas of what
they want the website to be like. In the meantime, we will update our current website so
that the list of tech team members is accurate. Tasks will be handed out to interested
members as they are generated. No finish date has been set yet for the completion of
the web overhaul.
● Specific Departmental Needs
1. Laura Pardo would like her students in Secondary Block to edit and upload clips of themselves
teaching to Chalk and Wire. She wants students to be able to create comments on the video. Brady and
Sam will talk with someone from Chalk and Wire on October 18th to see if this is a possibility
2. Jane Finn would like a website designed for Ed. 333 to upload documents so that they are saved and
accessible. Rachel and Holly are both in her class, and will assist in this need.
3. Rachel is creating a database on Evernote for all of the apps the Tech Team have researched. (The
login username and password for the Evernote account is hopeeducation.) This database could
eventually be added to our new website. If you research new apps, add it to the database or email
Rachel. There will be sections for websites and other resources and a section for disability resources for
4. Susan and Jane Finn need two members to present a Chalk and Wire refresher course to their ED
225 classes. This will take place on September 17th. Rachel will lead the 9:30­10:50 course and Sarah
will (tentatively) lead the 1:30­2:50 course.
● Recruitment
Because Amelia and Kyle have graduated and Amanda and Krystal have left the Tech Team, we are in
need of new members. Half of our current members will be graduating in the spring, which increases our
need. Be looking out for students to recruit. They must be education majors, preferably freshman and
sophomores. Diversity of majors and genders is also preferable, including art/music/Spanish education
majors. Potential students don’t need to know everything about technology, but must be hardworking
with a willingness to learn. There may be rewards for members who find good recruits!
● Member Contact Information Sheet
Please fill out the contact information Google Doc as soon as possible.
● Student Teaching Portfolio Presentation and Review
o The presentation will be on September 30th from 6:30­7:30 in VWF 102. Ashley and Kate
will be presenting. Try to attend not only to get an early look at what you will be doing, but in
case you have the opportunity to do a student teaching portfolio presentation in the future.
o The portfolio review will be on October 28th from 6:30 to 8:00. Tech Team members will
have the opportunity to watch student teachers present their portfolios and give feedback. In
order to go to the review session, you must attend the presentation on the 30th.
*You can log hours for both events
● Name Change!
We have changed our name to the Hope College Educational Technology Team. This name emphasizes
our focus and distinguished us from the Chapel Tech Team.
● Full Group Meeting Times
We will meet bi­weekly (unless otherwise indicated) on Tuesdays from 9:00­10:00 p.m. in Van Zoeren
Meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m. The Tech Team’s next general meeting will take place on Tuesday,
September 24, 2013 at 9:00 p.m. in Van Zoeren 247
This concludes our meeting
Respectfully submitted,
Sarah Krzak, clerk