28 JANUARY 2009
Speaker, I would like to welcome all Councillors back from recess and wish everyone
Unyaka Omtsha ozele ngamathamsanqa. Alle seënwense vir die nuwe jaar.
I would also like to extend a special word of welcome to our new councillors following the
by-elections in late 2008, as well as those councillors who have returned under a different
political banner.
In spite of the economic difficulties that the world economy is experiencing, this was still a
successful festive season for Cape Town’s tourist industry by most accounts.
It has also been a successfully managed one from the City’s point of view.
I am pleased to say that the number of lives lost on our roads this year fell by over 50%
from last year’s festive period, from 278 to 128.
This even exceeds the considerable national reduction of 31%, and is partly due to lower
traffic flow, and partly due to visible and diligent policing on the part of our traffic
I would like to thank Councillor Dumisani Ximbi, Councillor JP Smith, Heathcliff Thomas and
Richard Bosman, as well as our law enforcement, metro police and traffic teams for their
efforts over the holidays.
Our traffic department has held 22 roadblocks and 53 vehicle check points since November,
and 110 arrests were made for drivers driving under the influence.
The City’s law enforcement and metro police teams also worked hard to keep our beaches
safe, clean and free of public drunkenness.
Over the Christmas and New Year week alone, about 1000 bottles of alcohol were
confiscated on our beaches and about 400 fines issued. Over the whole festive season,
around 320 fines were issued for littering and illegal dumping.
I would also like to acknowledge the tremendous efforts of our cleansing department to
keep litter and grime under control – they had teams on all major beaches collecting bins
twice a day and picking up litter from first light until late evening.
And I would like to thank all other City staff who worked or were on standby through
December and early January so that Cape Town’s workers and visitors alike could enjoy the
festive season, especially our City’s Fire Department, which has successfully fought up to 25
fires per day. It seems that the increased capacity and equipment in that department is
beginning to produce positive results.
While we have had a successful holiday season, I would like this council to note certain
serious incidents and sad events which have occurred since we last met.
Firstly, early in January a long standing member of this council, Councillor Willem Van Der
Bijl, passed away.
Councillor Van Der Bijl has served in the Unicity since it was formed in 2000, and
represented his constituency in Tygerberg before that, from 1996. We will miss him in this
I extend my condolences to his family and his colleagues in the DA caucus.
Our thoughts are also with all other councillors present today who have lost loved ones
recently, and with the family of Mr Sivuyele Ntlongotya, the worker who lost his life on the
Green Point Stadium construction site two weeks ago.
Lastly, I would like to take this opportunity to bid a sad farewell to one of our City’s longstanding senior staff members, our manager of public lighting, Mr Charles Kadalie.
Charles has served this City for 37 years, and is known to nearly every Capetonian who
listens to the radio or reads newspapers. I wish him well in his future endeavours, but
regret the loss to our administration.
Speaker, turning to the year ahead, this multi-party government is ready; once again, to
set new records for service delivery and infrastructure investment as we continue our drive
to promote economic growth and job creation.
This is our third year in office, and I hope that the 2007/8 Annual Report for the City which
I table today, as required in law, will help to motivate councillors and officials for the
continued work we need to do.
Most of the key achievements outlined in the Report have already been published in our
performance reviews, and in the media. Various speakers will highlight the most important
To recap briefly, we have made substantial progress in delivering on our constitutionally
mandated functions as a local government, including the provision of clean water, sewage
systems, electricity reticulation, refuse removal, storm water systems, road access, urban
planning, public health, planning and law enforcement.
In the year under review, R3.7 billion or 94% of our capital budget was committed to key
infrastructure projects, of which R3.2 billion was spent before the end of 2007/8.
This is the highest so far in the Unicity, and the third record for investment in a row – what
they call a ‘hat-trick’ in cricket.
Our rate of housing delivery has also remained 100% higher than the five year annual
average prior to 2007.
And our procurement processes for the delivery of key projects accelerated to 6.5 weeks, up
from 7.2 weeks in the year before, and up from 15 weeks prior to our arrival in office in
We also, once again, received an unqualified report from the Auditor General, and we have
again received the highest credit rating in the country, from international ratings company,
I must emphasise that these are not just abstract, behind-the-scenes statistics that we roll
out each year.
Capital expenditure is the total amount of money invested in projects that carry forward our
core objective, an objective of making Cape Town a sustainable urban platform for business,
living and development.
And our turn-around times for delivery measure how efficiently our administration is
building, maintaining and servicing this platform.
To put it differently, the figures in our annual report tell exactly how well we are fulfilling
our election promises to the citizens of Cape Town.
Looking at our mid-year Performance Review on today’s agenda, it is clear that we are
maintaining much of this positive delivery trend in the current financial year.
Our rate of capital expenditure by the mid financial year (31 December) already reached
around R2 billion, which is twice what the City used to spend in a full year between 2000
and 2006.
Our turn-around time for tenders has been further shortened to 5 weeks, from 6.5 last year.
We have increased the rate at which building planning applications are finalised within the
statutory timeframe, from 95% last year to 99% this year, and the rate at which land use
applications are finalised, from 72% last year to 100%. This used to be a major weak point
in the City, and is indicative of how much our administrative efficiency has improved.
We have created 7700 jobs through our expanded public works programme in the first 6
months of 2008/9, and therefore look set to exceed last year’s annual total of 12500. This is
an important part of promoting skills creation and economic growth in Cape Town.
Speaker, our mid-year performance review also shows we are on track to deliver the
greatest number of housing opportunities this City has ever provided in a year, a critically
important part of our plan to increase opportunities for our residents by offering a secure
living space. We delivered 4015 opportunities by the end of December. This is more than we
delivered in an entire year in 2006, and twice what was delivered in the entire year 2003.
Another aspect of our programme to create more opportunities for disadvantaged
communities is delivery of free basic services. Our mid year review shows we have
continued to meet all of our targets for the delivery of electricity, sanitation and water to
households, and we are on target with our informal settlement upgrade programme.
And, finally, in the interests of securing massive national government investment in Cape
Town, and boosting our city’s international appeal to investors, we have forged well ahead
of schedule with the Green Point Stadium, having completed 55% by the end of December.
In fact, we are doing so well in the area of 2010 preparations that the Adjustments Budget
on today’s agenda proposes moving R1.3 billion forward to the current financial year, funds
which we were only expecting to spend in the 2009/10 financial year.
Of this, R220 million will provisionally come from the City of Cape Town’s own funds
(followed by a further R80 million extra in 2009/2010), an amount which will be recovered
through ticket sales, stadium naming rights and other profits accrued from hosting the
In this regard I should also mention that on Monday we briefly celebrated the 500 days to
kick-off milestone for the 2010 FIFA World Cup.
Councillors have been given information supplements which appeared in the Cape Argus,
Cape Times and Die Burger. These contain useful information on the event.
Community papers will also carry supplements. The supplements are part of an information
and education campaign on 2010 which will run over five months, which is a joint initiative
with the two dominant print media houses in the metro, Media24 and Independent
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of this government, the City’s
top management team and all of our staff for their role in helping to bring about the
increase in productivity reflected in our Annual Report and our Mid-Year Performance
Review. I encourage everyone to keep up this outstanding work as we enter the second,
and traditionally busier, half of the financial year.
While we are making good progress in improving the City’s performance in key areas, there
are still some serious challenges that will require the full commitment of our staff to
Of greatest concern, in terms of our IDP goal of stimulating economic growth through
infrastructure investment, are delays on key projects and lower than targeted private
investment levels in Cape Town.
The delays on projects relate to capacity constraints in our own administration, and we
must continue to identify weak points and address them.
In some cases of delayed projects the delays are also being caused by other spheres of
This is particularly the case with housing, where large parcels of housing land owned by
various provincial and national government departments in parts of the City where demand
is high are still not being made available. After years of struggle, we are also hoping to
finally obtain the second phase of Housing Accreditation from the Western Cape MEC, as
promised, by February this year. But don’t hold your breath.
In terms of the job creation and investment figures in our Mid Year Performance Review, we
can see that the global economic conditions have started to have substantial effects in Cape
Town over the past six months.
We have to prepare ourselves for a difficult year ahead, although I must stress that this
downward cycle will eventually end, and we must prepare for the upward swing to follow.
In this regard it is unacceptable that an administrative bungle by the Provincial Department
of Planning and Environment relating to the Land Use Planning Ordinance (LUPO) has
caused Cape Town property owners’ land use development rights to lapse without their
being warned. This is a matter which could shake public confidence in Cape Town’s property
market at a point where our economy is already under strain.
Key sectors in Cape Town, including property development, construction and financial
services are being hit hard. There are also consequences for people with bank bonds on
properties where the loan may now exceed the value of their property.
This bungle was covered up by the Provincial Government for a year. When the City dug this
out it emerged that they should have extended the land use provisions of LUPO to prevent
this from happening.
We have taken expert legal advice on this matter and we now call on Province to
immediately and urgently restore people’s land use rights and appropriately extend the
relevant provision in LUPO. If Province does not do this now, it will be one of our priorities
when we take over after the elections.
We urgently need to restore confidence in our property market.
And we need to build public confidence in the capacity of government administration by
making sound decisions.
Unfortunately Province has also failed to do this in other areas in recent months.
I was not surprised to learn that the Speaker got a letter from Minister Uys yesterday
saying that the charges against Badih Chaaban were not considered serious enough to
warrant his dismissal as a councillor.
That is rich.
But I presume when you are supporting a Presidential candidate who is refusing to go to
court to answer charges on 783 counts of corruption, then it is understandable why the
convictions of Badih Chaaban through our disciplinary process seem minor in comparison.
Like the patronage politics that got Zuma into trouble in the first place, this syndrome is
another reason for the failed state. A fish rots from the head. And if this alleged level of
corruption is not only tolerated, but deemed fit for the highest office in the land, how can
lesser transgressors be called to account?
This is how we move so rapidly to the criminalised state. The voters know this. They will get
the government they deserve.
Speaker, let me make one final point before taking questions.
The City of Cape Town has been approached by the World Wildlife Fund to assist in holding
an event called Earth Hour. On the evening of 28 March the WWF has asked major cities
around the world to switch off as many of their lights as possible for an hour.
Leading up to the event, they are also on a drive to get 1 billion people to sign up on the
internet, committing themselves to this initiative (at no cost to themselves).
The aim is to send a message to the world’s most powerful nations that we need a better
deal on climate change when the Kyoto Protocol expires this year.
This is a clear priority for Cape Town, given that a sea level rise of only 2 metres due to
melting ice caps could cost us over R4 billion. And we also want to position our city as a
global leader on environmental issues, given our excellent track record in this area. We will
show our commitment by switching off the lights on Table Mountain and anywhere else
Of course, we would also like to challenge other South African cities to take part as well.
I urge councillors to take part by signing up on and spreading the
word to their constituents.
I thank you.
Issued by: Communication Department, City of Cape Town
Media enquiries: Robert Macdonald, Media spokesperson for the Mayor, Cell: 084
977 9888