Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 9 No. 3 (1986) 521-524 521 TAUBERIAN THEOREM FOR THE OISTRIBUTIONAL STIELTJES TRANSFORMATION D. NIKOLI-DESPOTOVI and S. PILIPOVI( Institut of Mathematics Novi Sad, Yugoslavia (Received March 31, 1985 and Revised July 5, 1985) ABSTRACT. In this paper we use the notion of L-quasiasymptotic at infinity of distri- butions to obtain a final value Tauberian theorem for the distributional Stieltjes transformation. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Slowly varying function, the quasiasymptotic behaviour at infinity, distributional Stieltjes transform. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 44A05, 46F12. i. NOTIONS AND NOTATION. L Throughout this paper, tion on [A, ) will denote real valued, positive and measurable func- such that lim L(t) e(t) for each % tion 0, is called slowly varying and the class of such functions is introduced a 0. Function L which is regularly varying with index of regular varia- and investigated by J. Karamata. The quasiasymptotic behaviour at infinity of tempered distributions with supports in [0, ) (denoted by Definition i. the power a e R S$) was defined by Zavijalov A distribution f and with the limit (see for instance [I]). S+ has the L-quasiasymptotic S+ g # 0, if for every at infinity of g e S (S is the the space of rapidly decreasing functions) lim k/ f(kt) kaL (k) <g(t). (t) >. (t) From the properties of homogeneous distributions it follows ([i]) that if this limit exists then for some g is a homogeneous distribution of degree C # O, where fa+l (t) , H(t)ta F(a+1) a Namely, g(t) a>-i Dnf a+n+l (t a<-l, a+n -I. Cfa+l(t) D. NIKOLIC-DESPOTOVIC and S. PILIPOVIC 522 As usual, H (0, =) is the characteristic function of the interval D stands and for the distributional derivative. We use the definition of the distributional Stieltjes transform given in [2], [3] in a little different notation ([4]). N u {0}) Space J’(p), p e R\(-N o) (No supports in [0, ) (a) DkF; f k e N iff there exist with the support in [0, =) F grable function f e J’(0) such that is the space of distributions with such that f= IF(t) l(t+B)-O-kdt (b) and a locally inte- o for B 0 (i.I) 0 (D is the distributional derivative). (b) we suppose that there exist If instead of IF(x) (c) C(l+x) 0+k-l-e < I’(0) J’(0), 0 e C(F) and x 0, e c(F) 0 such that I’(). the corresponding space is denoted by Obviously if C R\(-No). It was proved in [4] that: J’(0), f If e 0 (k is from (a)), then p+k I’() f for 0 and R-N o ). If J’(0), f R-N o (I 2) f e I’() 0, then 0+k (k is from (a)) and -k for ). (1.2) S The Stieltjes transform of index 0 of a distribution f J’ (0) R\(-N o 0 0, with the properties given in (I.i) is a complex-valued function given by (Sp{f})(s) (0) where 0(0+I) (0) s J’(0) f 0 e s (0) and (S {f})(s) C-=,)] in the domain Observe that f0 (t+s)0+k, (0+k-l), k It is proved in [3] that variable F(t)dt k C(-,0] {i.3) o is a holomorphic function of the complex f J’(0). J’(0+n), n e N. provided that f implies that The following equality holds: (S0{Dnf})(s), (0)n(S0+n{f})(s) J’(0) f and n e N. We shall need the following theorem ([5], p. 339, Macaev and Palant) THEOREM A. Let us suppose that for some de(k) m+l (+x) f 0 f 0 0 m and x d() (+x) m+l and the following conditions are satisfied: I) Functions 2) lim and are defined for x 0 and are non-decreasing- (x) x+ 3) For any C that for any there are constants x y (x) N is c () Y and N 0 y m, N 0 such - TAUBERIAN THEOREM FOR THE STIELTJES TRANSFORMATION +, Then, for () (). (This means 2. TAUBERIAN THEOREM. THEOREM. s > i, Let us suppose that (S {f}) (x) L o(e)’) F (from (l.l)(a)) x/ P where < if l’(p) and p+k-s-i > 0, f e Moreover, let is non-decreasing function. e 523 xSL(x) [A,=), is slowly varying function in some interval such that x 0+k-s-I L(x) is non-decreasing function. Then has the f L-quasiasymptotic of the power (-s) p-l-s and with the limit xP-l-s k (P)k Let us put PROOF. xP+k-S-iL(x) x > A 0 x<A (x) has the Then the limit f= 0 x p+k-s-I ([i] Theorem I) and with L-quasiasymptotic of the power p+k-s-i By [6] it is de(t) (x+t) (2.1) (p+k-l) p+k-I (t)dt p+k (x+t) f 0 (p+k-l) Now we show that the conditions of Theorem 0 < y < p+k-2 only to show that for some A hold for and every (2.2) x xSL(x) and C F In fact we have N there exists 0 such that (ky) (y) Let us put C kY k for where we choose p+k-s-l+e (2 3) N y and e 0 such that y N where 0 e and s-l. After substituting (2.1) in (2.3) we obtain L(ky) < C and this inequality is true if From the assumption that (P)k f 0 (Sp{f})(x) dF(t) (x+t) p+k kL(y) k and l’(p) f 0 depends on dF(t) f (P)k-i N C (see[6]). and (2.2) we have (x+t) p+k-I s x L (x) X It implies (P)k f 0 dF (t) (x+t) p+k-1 d f (x+t) +k-1 and by Theorem A it implies (P)k F Thus. we obtain that Since p+k-s-i F(x) x x p+k-s-1L (x) O, it follows ([I]) that x+ F p+k-s-I has the L-quasiasymptotic of the power p+k-s-I and with the limit ([i]) that has the L-quasiasymptotic of the power f (p+k-s-l)...(p-s) x p-s-I (P)k x Since A O-s-1 DkF it easily follows and with the limit D. 524 COROLLARY. Let us suppose that (S{f}(x) where L NIKOLI-DESPOTOVI6 x and S. PILIPOVI faJ’(p) and for some , $ > p sR\(-N O I, s xSL(x) x-S+kL(x) [A,). Further, suppose -s+k>O and k+l D (f F(t)dt)). (Consequently, fel" () and f(x) is slowly varying function on is non-decreasing in [A,). 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