Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. Vol. 9 No. 2 (1986) 331-340 331 IRREGULAR AMALGAMS JAMES STEWART Department of Mathematics McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4KI SALEEMWATSON Department of Mathematics Pennsylvania State University Media, Pennsylvania 19063 (Received July 17, 1985) ABSTRACT. The amalgam of L sequence of LP-norms p q and consists of those functions for which the over the intervals been studied in several recent papers. {In;neZ a cover each of the form [a,b), and investigate which properties of (LP, q) In particular, we study These spaces (L p,q) have [n,n+l) by (LP,q) carry over to how (LP,q) varies as n amalgam 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 46E30 INTRODUCTION. The amalgam of L in L q. vary and determine conditions under which translation is continuous. KEYWORDS AND PHRASES. [. is in of the real line consisting of disjoint half-open intervals I these irregular amalgams p, q, and [n,n+l) Here we replace the intervals p p q and is the space (LP, q) of functions f which are locally and satisfy f! LP-norms p,q if(x)iPdx]q/p}I/q < =, [[n+l -n intervals [n,n+l] form an q-sequence. [ (I.I) n=- (If either p way.) Special cases of amalgams were first introduced by Wiener [I], [2] and Stepanoff [3] in the 1920’s but their first systematic study is due to Holland [4]. p Notice that for p q we have (LP, p) L and indeed some of the properties of that is, the over the or q is infinite, the expression in (I.I) is modified in the usual Lebesgue spaces can be carried over to amalgams. norm given by (I.I) makes I/p + I/p’ (LP, q) For instance, if into a Banach space with dual 4 p,q (LP’,q’), < , the where I, and the analogues of Holder’s inequality and Young’s inequality are also valid. It is not difficult to establish the following inclusion relations between amalgams. If ql < q2’ then (LP, ql c , Lp q2 ). (1.2) JAMES STEWART and SALEEM WATSON 332 If P2’ Pl then (L P2 ,q) LPl ,q). c (1.3) For further information about amalgams we refer the reader to [5]. In this paper we propose to replace the cover consisting of .the intervals In n+l) in {I ;neZ} (I I) by a cover of the real line consisting of disjoint [ab), whose union is the real llne. n If refer to a cover of this type. the cover use term to Throughout the paper we half-open intervals I each of the form ’f! we define the irregular [fl n If(x)IPdx]q/p}I/q {" P,q, n (L p q) {f; flp,q,a [6] on approxima- Such spaces have arisen in the work of Jakimovski and Russell tion theory. Given a complex sequence (Yn)nEZ and a linear space S of real-valued For a given increasing functions, they considered the interpolation problem: sequence (=), find a function f in S such that f(an For certain normed Yn" n sequence spaces E they took S to consist of the functions f with L p an and showed the existence of optimal solutions to the interpolation problem. p then S becomes the irregular amalgam (L q) where that if we take E Notice q n An important special case of an irregular amalgam is the dyadic amalgam (L p,q)-nwhere -2 If n {[n,n+l)} < O. J.W. is the cover given by Wells proved that if f n Fourier transform f lies in the dyadic amalgam (L g o O, LP(--,-), n < 2n if n > O, 2, then its (Kellogg [7] and Williams p’,2). p [8] proved similar results for the circle group and connected groups, respectively.) Certain facts about irregular amalgams are straightforward generalizations of kno results about regular amalgams. proof. THEOREM I. If whose dual space is (L THEOREM 2. < p,q p If f e , * q) (L (LP, q) Thus we state the following theore without the irregular aIgam (L p p, q) is a Banach space ,q and g e (L lfgH ,q p ), where p,q glp, ,q |fl; P,q,a I, then fg e L and , Other aspects of regular amalgams do not always generalize to irregular amalgams. For instance, as stated in [5], although the inclusion (1.2) holds for irregular amalgams, (1.3) does not hold in general. In fact we show in Section 2 that the analogue of (1.3) holds if and only if the lengths of the intervals I bounded above. . are n In Section 3 we discuss inclusion relations between irregular amalgams when p and q are fixed and the sequence We write varies. intersect boundedly many of the intervals of then (LP’q)c (LP’q)B with reversed. B =. strictness if It then follows that (L p q) (L p B if the intervals I and show that if q Eq) If B q p and n = E B, p, the inclusion is if and only if = B and B . 333 IRREGULAR AMALGAMS B and We write the latter conditions as this defines an equivalence relation on the set of all amalgams. In Section 4 we investigate conditions under which translation is a continuous operator on (L p,gq) In particular we show that all the translation operators are continuous, with uniform bound on their norms, if and only if On {[n,n+l)} = p, where is the cover that gives the regular amalgam. Finally, in Section 5, we discuss generalizations to functions on measure spaces and groups. 2. THE VARIATION OF (L p,gq) q WITlt p In this section we consider the irregular amalgam (L p,q) defined by a fixed cover a {I and investigate how it varies when p and q vary. n The variation with q is an immediate consequence of Jensen’s inequality [9, p. 28]: I/q I/q2 lanl 2] q lanl I] I, q [ Taking an Ill n If(x)IPdx] I/p, THEOREM 3. If [. flfH and (LP, q) (]I n I;nEZ} (2.1) ql < q2 (LP, q2 fif P,q2 ,a P,ql ,a varies with p, the truth of the corresponding inclusion will depend on the lengths THEOREM 4. < then (LP, ql When 0 we have the following inclusion. q2’ ql < llnl Let of the intervals < Pl Then (L P2" In E a" P2 ,gq) c (L Pl ,q) if and only if the set is bounded above. PROOF: Let f n Suppose that the set be the function which agrees with f on I {[I n l;nZ} n and is 0 elsewhere. It follows from Holder’s is bounded above. inequality that and so gfflq Pl ’q’= . n Hf n gf n flq < Pl < If n Pl I n flf n Iq where K is an upper bound for the set (L P2 ,q) c ilnl P2 P2 II n {II n I/PI-I/P 2 q(I/p -I/P2 < K If q p2,q, q(I/PI-I/P 2) nZ}. It follows that Pl (L ,q) Now assume that may assume that {llnl;nZ} llnl lln+ll. Without loss of generality we (If not, we take a subsequence, reorder if necesis not bounded above. sary, and assume the function constructed below is zero on intervals not in this then c on I say f(x) subsequence.) Observe that if f is constant on I n n n llf c I/p. n II n In order to construct f n p choose the c’s in such a way that n E (L P2 q) with f (L Pl q) we shall JAMES STEWART and SALEEM WATSON 334 P2 ’q’= If n p n If n . q Pl I P2 n [CnlInl I n while If q ’q’ Hf|q q I [Cnllnl n 1/P2 ]q < I/p . (2.2) l]q To do this we use the following fact due to Stieltjes [I0, p. 41]: there is a sequence (d n) of positive numbers such that If we choose converges. d If a x diverges while n . (2.3) 0, then a d n n q(l/P2-1/P ,. then a II n -. 0 since n a d n n < d and . n By the result of Stieltjes there exist numbers d n with Let d 1/q n 1/Pl n Then (2.2) and (2.3) give I cqn n llflq P2 ’= ’q Pl ’q’ 3. P2 ,q) THE VARIATION OF (L q/P2 n (L Pl is not contained in p q) . I a nd n I cqn lln lq/pl Iflq This shows that (L ]I n d < n ,gq). WITH In this section we fix p and q and consider how the irregular amalgam (L varies when the cover = For that purpose we need the inequalities provided varies. . by the following lemmas. LEMMA I. If a 0 and p n f]En, Suppose f n of R and f I, then p llf n=l If a n=l n where El, ..., E N are disjoint measurable subsets f N p, then lfll q . IfH q. p q n p N q P If n=l N (c) n Jensen’s inequality (2.1). LEMMA 2. (b) I aP]n I/p n=l The left inequality follows from Holder’s inequality and the right one PROOF: If q N N a n=l (a) . I, then N N_I/p, is just p, q) If p,q PROOF: l, then (a) N-q/P’( I n=l Since q/p If n q. n p q) p Ifl q p N Nq/q’ I n=l If n q) p I, Jensen’s inequality gives q/p q If lq f p [I IP] n p I (b) Here q/p and the result again follows from (c) From Lemma we have If n p Jensen’s inequality. IRREGULAR AMALGAMS Iflq [I If n N-q/P’II IP]q/P p 335 N-q/P’II Ifnlq )q If n p p The inequality on the right follows from Minkowski’s inequality and Lemma I: p Ifl = Let DEFINITION. q p Ifnl p )q Nq/q’[l If n q] p be of the covers B {Jn} (I {Inl and We say that described in Section 1. N of the J ’s. [ntersects at most has index N in B The notation m B and real llne of the type "N write B if each I n K N 8 for will mean that sore N. Suppose a has index N in B. THEOREM 5. (i) > If q (LP,q)Bc (LP,q)= p I, then q p p, then (L and P,q,B P,q, (ii) If < q) NfH q) N P,q,B and I/q NfN I Nfll n Nqp nI Nq/q’ mI Nfll n NJ m NfNq p,q,= n Nq/q’ I llflJ m qp N m IfN Thus Nf > N P,q, I l’q’ NfN q p q/q’ NfN q P,q, P,q,B and 2 we write (ii) Using Theorems But q’ P,q, Using parts (c) and (a) of Lemma 2, we have (i) PROOF: (L p c Np,q, B sup {lffgl; Nglp, ,q, ,B sup {NfN P,q, NgN ; P’,q P ,q ; NgNp, ,q ,B p’ and so, by part (i), Ifllp,q, sup {fl P,q, Igll P ,q igi , N I/q} N llq Ifl constant N P,q, and 2), but the We note that part (ii) could also be proved directly (using Lemmas I/q would be replaced by N I/p’. THEOREM 6. (i) PROOF: If B If B , , there is an interval, say then the inclusions in Theorem 5 are strict. there are two cases. First we consider the case where which intersects infinitely many I Jl’ Define f to be 0 outside J n ’s. Let I’n n and fl I’n c n [nlI’n I] -lIp Then n slnce q > p, but If If no Jm "fl l’nq-I cqn II’1n q/p= I nqp < n p n NPP q g fj Ifl p: nI cpn li’l n intersects infinitely many such that J m In’S 17 then we may assume there exist intersects at least m of the I ’s, say I m. n .-., I m n Jl’ J2’ and the intervals JAMES STEWART and SALEEM WATSON 336 l’m. Im. Let are all disjoint. Ik fll’m. c. j . . . . 3 U J 0 off J and f 2 Ifq P’q’a U k IfllklqP I flfl I’k fiqp n k=l k ,q y. ’flJ mp m q Pq,8 3 cqn I’m q/p= n k=l nfn -I/p Then n and Jm and define n-(I/p+I/q)ll’m. N m cp. I m 3 m n n-q/p-l= nk=l n-q/P< n Ifll’mj ,P]q/P p m j=l I’m. I] q/p . m I I m-l-p/q] q/p m j m Thus, in both cases, (LP,q) (LP,q) s (ii) We consider the same two cases as in (i). In the first case we define I’n -I/p -I/q n n Then ’Ifq p,q,a I cqn I’n q/p nI n whlle I cpn I’1n ’fliPp,q,13 since q < I n-P/q n In the second case we take p. I’ . f so that lf lq p,q,a c- m. n -2/q 3 n I cqn k=l n < n I’m q/p -I/p . I’ m. n I n I n-I -2 n k=l k n while "f’q p,q, m m q/p= re(q/p-2) Im I =P. I’m. I] q/p= mY j=lI m-2p/q] m 3 3 j < This completes the proof. By combining Theorems 5 and 6 we obtain the following. p c (L (i) If q > p I, then (L p q)B THEOREM 7. (ii) If p,q)Cp (L p,q) if q) (L q) if and < p, then (L p q, then (L q p,q I, p * Furthermore, the norms are equivalent. DEFINITION. We write a if a From Theorem 7 (iii) we note that B and q) if and only if = only if K . = and only If and (iii) If K < a. is an equivalence relation on the set of all irregular amalgams. (r) {[an,an+i) For example, consider the class of amalgams given by where r n n > O. (In these and the following examples we assume that a and 0 n o (r) p q) (s whenever 0 < r < s and .) Then is O, where (L -n n p the regular amalgam (L q) discussed in Section 1. Thus we have infinitely many =- (I) p, . IRREGULAR AMALGAMS p and mutually inequlvalent amalgams both (LP,q) with n 2n a(r) satisfies > 337 Clearly the dyadic amalgam p. {[n’n+l )I where but 3n n Another amalgam of some interest is defined by taking intervals I llmn_l llmn I, such that n This amalgam is equivalent to the regular 1, 2, ..-. I/n, n We shall see in the next amalgam but has intervals of arbitrarily small length. section, however, that no amalgam with arbitrarily large intervals is equivalent to the regular amalgam. TRANSLATION. 4. For the case of regular amalgams, Holland [4] showed that the translation operator is continuous on (L p,q) and used this fact to investigate the Fourier Here we determine when the translation transform of functions in this space. In order to state the first result operator is continuous on an irregular amalgam. we use the notation a t f(x-t). ft(x) THEOREM 8. on (LP, q)a PROOF: (i) If q > (LP,q) a (i) If a a (ii) t. if and only if a "N at > and q p we have at, (LP,q)=t (ii) then by Theorem 6, (L p If a "<N at q and < Thus at, such that f < ft is continuous T_t p, the operator is t I, then, by Theorem 5 (i) applied N to ft’ I/q’ p,q, a t p q)a and so there exists f_t (Lp’ q)a and (f_t)t (Lp’ q)" f! f that is t Nl/qf p,q,a P’q’at (LP,q)at (LP,q) a then by Theorem 6, (LP,q)t q p, then Theorem 5 (ii) gives f -t p,q,a If a a q)at q (L (LP’q)a" such that f If Nl/q’lftl p,q,a Ift Wp,q,a = - I, the translation operator T t f p if and only if a continuous on If units to the right and to mean the cover a shifted (Lp (L p so there exists f q)a q)a REMARK. It is possible for the translation operator T to be continuous for t some values of t but not for other values. For example, consider the amalgam obtained by splitting each unit interval [n,n+l) at the points n+2 -k k 2 3 -.. By Theorem 8, T t is continuous for integer values of t but for no other value. We also note that it is possible for all translation operators T to be t continuous, but without a uniform bound on their norms. the dyadic amalgam has this property. THEOREM 9. {TtW t R} is bounded if and only if If there exists N such that a "N at conversely. II . PROOF. If a we claim that sup n < given any positive integer k and k adjacent intervals {Inl interval I N such that INI > . -.., 4, 3, 2, I, I/2, I/3, I/4, intervals of successive lengths show in Theorem I0 that It is not hard to see that Another example is obtained by taking lnl + + Inkl" In fact we a for all t, then a For if sup Inl,...,Ink I n and -, then we can choose an Thus there exists t such that JAMES STEWART and SALEEM WATSON 338 (InlU Ulnk)tC IN "I" Since k is arbitrary, this contradicts our hypothesis. lnl Therefore we can write sup interval In M where M is an integer. meets at most M + Suppose now that Then there are intervals in 0 which contain a. arbitrar1y many l.’s. It follows that any intervals from p, i.e., It follows from the pigeon-hole principle that there are interval of R of any given size which contain arbitrarily many l.’s. In lj s particular, a given interval in a can be translated to cover arbitrarily many so a . at" N To prove the converse we assume that a there is no N such that a for all t. a This means N t in a containing arbitrarily many I llnl that we K Then sup < . Suppose can find an interval II +t’s for some t. But, since K, it follows n n (as above) that there is a unit interval which intersects arbitrarily many I +t’s n and therefore a unit interval [k,k+l) meeting arbitrarily many I ’s. This is a n contradiction. THEOREM I0 Tt, The translation operators with uniform bound on their norms, if and only if a sup sup PROOF. ;ITt if q p l;Tt I/q N if q N at q) In this case we have O. I/q’ N where N [s the smallest integer such that a (L p R, are continuous on t p for all t. This follows from the two preceding theorems together with the proof of Theorem 4.1. REMARK. 8]. Continuity of translation is an essential ingredient in the proof that (L q p,q 2, then the Fourier transform f [4, Theorem ,P (L p,q), I if f Thus, in view of Theorem I0, it seems unlikely that any such result will hold for amalgams other than those equivalent to the regular amalgam. Translation also arises in the consideration of convolution and {In} If inequality. ~N(a we write y B + B) if y N state the following version of Z}, {Jm }, and y are covers and a + B {I n (a + B) and (a + B) N Y" With this notation we can Young’s inequality for irregular amalgams. I/Pi + I/qi ~N r (a+B). r Suppose y I, then f*g (L f*gI Theorem |I 2 The proof [II]. is similar to that of Theorem 4.2 in THEOREM II. Young’s + Jm; n,m (L Pl If f )y, where i/r N f rl,r2,Y i Pl,P2 ,a P2 I/Pi and g e (L + I/qi q2 ql ), where and gq l,q2,B holds for amalgams on groups (see the next section for definitions) but on R the condition y ~N (a + B) holds if and only if a, , and y are all equivalent to the regular amalgam, as we now show. THEOREM 2. PROOF. Then 5. a If y If y (a + ), then a, , y (a + B), then clearly y O by Theorem 9. Similarly B p. a for all t and so a t 0 and it follows that y a t for all t. also. AMALGAMS ON MORE GENERAL SPACES. In this section we discuss the extent to which our results can be generalized from functions on R to more general functions. sense on any measure space. The amalgam spaces themselves make 339 IRREGULAR AMALGAMS {E; Let (X,v) be a measure space and E J} any covering of X by disjoint % measurable sets of finite measure: u(Ek) < kJ EX’ X p In terms of this decomposition E of X we define the amalgam (L q) E to consist of functions f such that llfH I p q E ]I/q lflq p L (E J < ) Then all of the results of the first three sections extend to this setting follows from a general result [12, p. 359] particular, the extension of Theorem concerning the dual of the space a Banach space, and llxN [ In q(B%) of nets x llxnUq]I/q < . (xk), Taking where B-- LP(Ek), x B%, each B is and using this result, we have (LP’q)*=E q(LP(Ex))* q’(LP’(Ex)) (Lp’’q’)E Theorems 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 have verbatim proofs in the general context of measure spaces For translation, of course, we need algebraic structure and so we assume that G is a locally compact abelian group (with Haar s valid for amalgams on G. 10 for groups measure) and easily see that Theorem 8 The question then arises as to an analogue of Theorem Regular amalgams on groups have been defined and studied in [13], [14], and [II]. Nonetheless we do not see how to extend Theorem I0 to groups without imposing severe restrictions on the shape of the sets E k, even for groups as R simple as G 2. We thank John Fournier for useful suggestions ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. This research was supported by NSERC Grant A4833. REFERENCES I. WIENER,N. 2. WIENER, N. 3. STEPANOFF, W. Uber elnige Verallgemelnerungen der fastperlodischen Funktionen, Math Annalen 95 (1926), 473-498 4. HOLLAND, F. 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