71 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. (1986))1-79 Vol. 9 No. ON SOME SPACES OF SUMMABLE SEQUENCES AND THEIR DUALS GERALDO SOARES DE SOUZA and G. O. GOLIGHTLY Department of Mathematics Auburn Unlversity Alabama 36849 (Received May 18, 1984 and Revised March I], 1985) Suppose that ABSTRACT. n>oSUp aj Jl lla’S and aJBl S "a"SllSl’J S is the space of all summable sequences J the space of all sequences this inequality leads to e a wlth of bounded variation 6 e description of dual space It, related Inequalities, and their consequences are the content of paper, In parttcular the Inequality cited above leads directly to the Stolz of S as J. this form of Abel’s theorem and provides a very simple argument. Also, some other sequence spaces are discussed. KEY WORDS AD PHRASES. Dual spaces, sequence spaces, bounded operators. 1980 Mathematics Subject Classification: I. INTRODUCTION. S Suppose is the space of all summable sequences Ls In>0 J-- "s"s’Sup norm glven by An example of such an s (-1)n n 46A45, 46A20 n O, I, 2, 3, so that Here, as is readily verified, 2. with after s n-terms. s, summable but not absolutely summable, Is given by X --’----’--(-1)n =0 n+l the natural log of (s)(R) n nmO the remalnder In the sum of n+l series. s ,s, S sup n>O Is an alternatlng convergent <-> l- in 2, the -n ’J This paper is based on the observation that S, with this norm, is naturally isomorphic to co, the space of all sequences having limit zero endowed with the supremum norm. Moreover, if we consider S on Its own, we get several Interestlng results. the dual of S Is isomorphic to co and 41, the space of all absolutely summable S*, the dual of S, is isomorphic to 41 For example, since co, is Isomorphic to sequences, then It follows that co* 72 G.S. DE SOUZA and G. O. GOLIGHTLY However, if we compute the dual of S without using the Isomorphism with c0, we find that S* is isomorphic to J, the space of all sequences 8 of bounded variation with 11311j---11301 8 by n Bn- 8n_ll n.l= + = an example of such a O, I, 2, 3, n so that n+l J Of course, t is isomorphic to 8 being given i!n 1...] n+l + II J n=l Another example is that we get the following I. I s 8 < ,’s,, S j=o used to glve a proof of Abel’s Continuity Theorem. 8 e J If new inequality: and S s 2. H Similarly, we consider the space which can be "8"j, (Xn):_0 X of all sequences such that n J=0 j[ "H n>0Sup {l[l that I. H %n (-l)n’ is finite; for example and only if XOp + (8) n n=l (0 8 n-1 + Consequently we have that for lim 8 0 e J* If J 8 Also, we glve characterizations of the bounded linear operators on obtained from a description of operators on so A e H, 8 e J, and We get the following inequality: If 1400 +n--1 n(O- n_l)[ _< ,,"H.,Sllj. then O, I, 2, 3, n c S easily These results, however, may be obtained using the uniform boundedness principle. To make the presentation reasonably self-contalned, we shall include a resume of pertinent results and definitions. PRELIMINARIES 2. DEFINITION 2.1. Let (X, fix) . and (Y,II y:X R by y(X) n=O b two sequence for those x XnYn spaces, which are (yn) Y define the (xn) in X for which the For a fixed Banach spaces with the respective norms. mapping y) y series converges. ..lY(X) <Mllxll x Assume that y M with is a bounded linear functional on X space of all bounded linear functlonals IIx. y. b(y) sup x X If the dual of [(x)] and b Is onto and X, in this sense DEFINITION 2.2. some absolute constant, that is, for any fixed we rlte llyllx, Y Y to X* S, I, , Y s (s) n n=O summable sequences such that H Co, and CO { (n)n=o’ (Yn)=O lls p>_.O J n n=O { =0 I1(R) lim n+ sup < (R)}, J>...o Yn 0, ,,Y,c0 sup n>O be the is by S X* given by then we say that X*. We define the sequence spaces Let X, endowed with norm on the mapping from llylly Y. y p respectively SPACES OF SUMMABLE SEQUENCES AND THEIR DUALS n=O’ n H n>O J=O We believe that this is the first time that TqF)REM 2.3. T:S The iometry -] S The space c 2.4. :),I’IN[TION S is taken as a space with this is a Banach space isometrically isomorphic to c 0. T(s) (r (s)) and T-I :CO S by being given by (n- n+1)n=O () 73 n=O n r (s) where (X,I Two Banach spaces fIX) (Y,U and fly) are isomorphic eq,Ivalents if there exist a one-to-one and onto lnear mapping Nil ,IX --< ITXlly _< such a T Mllx;l with X, I;Xllx, llTxlly with N M and absolute constants. then we say that X Y and T:X Y such that If there exists such a are isometrically ono rphlc. Notice in Theorem 2.] T and T -I can be represented as infinite matrices, 0 0 0 0 0 0 -I 0 0 0 TIEOREM 2.5. M 0 0 0 0 0 0 -I -I 0 0 -I 0 0... is a bounded linear operator from c is represented by an infinite matrix with columns in uniformly bounded in i) llm n/ rank 0 i l- That is if for any flxed M (rank) into c c if and only if and rows in il then k, n>O k=O THEOREM 2.6. $ that for any such (n) () e n co* is in I () e c and if and only if there is a JltJ co* n=O nYn’ IIJJ I 6 (6) e n I such in which case there is only one M G.S. DE SOUZA and G. O. GOLIGHTLY 74 I L-I:I O, and 8-I (Bn) I L:J The isometry space, isometrically isomorphic to ) (B is given by L(B) n-I n=O n is a Banach J The space THEOREM 2.7. J I t-l() by n=O j=O with e (5) n I and J. E The space THEOREM 2.8. H space isometrically isomorphic to is a Banach E(R). n :H The Isometry by -l(U) 3. THE DUAL OF (n- n-1)n=O S For N > s Bn n N-I nO= r (s) where with (Holder’s type inequality) THEOREM 3 Proof: () is given by follows that . . s (s) e S n and B () n J I, we notice that N rn(S)[Bn__l Bn-l]l IrN(S)BNI IrN(s)I’IBNI -r0(s)B n Now since s rN(s) n=O If 0 BN . . N as r0(s)B0 + Sn n B is summable and s Therefore we have proved that rn(S)[B n Bn_l] n=1 Is bounded, It consequently so that the theorem is proved. Consider the mapping (8 n) 8:S R In J. is a fixed element s where Is At this point, a natural question is: S. a bounded linear functional on (s) B n=.O n n In view of Theorem 3.1, we have defined by are these all the bounded linear functlonals on S? The next result tells us that the answer is yes. , (Duality Theorem). THEOREM 3.2. such that IIIS, ,J Prof lllj. Se (s) (s) Sngn, e Bn for any s e S (s) n () Moreover s 8 then 0 e S* so that the mapping n n n= 0 is an Isometric tsorpht fro J t S. then e already hae seen by Theor 3.1 that e Se. So it reatns t pre the S, that ts Se; then using Theore 2.3 e hae a bounded linear guncttonal on Let rl then there is a unique (s) (a) by n0 first part. s n--0 Conversely If degtned If that is, S If SPACES OF SUABLE SEQUENCES AND THEIR DUALS o T Now notice that -I E 75 (Yn) co*, so that there is a Y l (see Theorem 2.6) such that (s) I Yn T-l)[(nSj) J= ( o [_ n s n=0 n=0 and A o T-II c0* ,yU (3.3) n Observe that (3.3) can be written 8 where j0Y_L-I(y), n 8 Since 8 J g such that inequalities we (8) by SB ve We 8" lBtIj ve (B n) therefore we may let B Consequently given E there Is a S* c 0* n=0 I, It follows tt*tIS* implies J. In is y On the other hand Theorem 2.6 tells us that =0 liT-lit Now as B n=0 Snj =0 j; (s) (since ttOS* that Also notice that Theorem 3.1 liJ iOS*" CB). Therefore putting together .I; consequently the mpplng $:J these last S* o defined Is an Isometry, so that the theorem Is proved. used Theorem 3.1 to characterize all bounded linar functlonals on Now we are going to use this theorem again to give a proof of Abel’s continuity S. theorem which Is as follows. THEOREM 3.4 (Abel’s continuity theorem). f(z) n=0 then > N . C p=NapzP _< (I+C)(ap)NS 0 N-I A < N /2. is summable and is restricted to approach the a zPl < ,(z p(R) )p.Nllj-,(ap)N,S by the above inequality applied to the sequences p=O P so that Hence + N as (a) and p (zP), + + C. since (an) Consequently, e S. Then N-I P B #z[ (zP)N J N using the hypothesis we have fix z (an) be a positive absolute constant such that + P a-- llm f(z)= f(1), where z+l ’irst of all, let Proof: for anZ If p=0 P (2+C)](ap)N[ S a z p= a lira p z+l p=O p=O p p=N P /2. For z-1 sufficiently sll, Therefore the theorem Is proved. G.S. DE SOUZA and G. O. GOLIGHTLY 76 J THE DUAL OF 4. (Sn) s Of course, for fiel S in (8n) 8 !fete lira 8 I . nZl + B_1) l: s 0 where jfoSj)p + .jfoSj(Bj-o) for Z j --s_ I. S. . e J, and (B) n (L) e H, B n L If [LOP + n:lT L(pn -8n-l)[ then and 0 is in so that ,s(B) then 0 < [LH.,B,, "J Ths inequality follows easily from the observation that Proof: 10P + with limit (Holder’s type inequality) TIiEOREM 4 }LOp J is in l: L(p Z=0 0; 0O + p As a key to I*. members of j.OSjBj Os(g) the formula However, these are not all the our description of J*, we note that if J. defines a bounded linear functional on oB0 + L (p- 8 n -I n Lj)[8n n=l 8n n ZOLj[(IB01 + sup Xn(p- Bn_l) _< n>0 n=l J= n so that !llBn- Bn_l}). S, we consider the mapping As we did for I]; CL:J R defined Z (L) is a fixed element in L (p where L B n-1 n n nil is a bounded linear functional on J. Theorem 4.1 assures us that by Lop + eL (8) H L The claim of the next theorem is that these are all the bounded linear J. functionals on Here, our representation is in a slightly different sense than that of the Definition 2.1, the latter appearing more natural to us. (Duality Theorem). THEOREM (4.2) L 8 (Ln) (8 n) [{ e J. Moreover Proof: Here, J* then there is a unique that is, (8) L ll@llj. :H So that the mapping morphism. eL’ such that e J* If X00 Conversely if H. (L) defined by +n=l@[" Xn (O-Bn-l) llm 8. 0 By the observation preceding the theorem we see that it remains to e J*; then in fact using Theorem 2.7 Let -! L-I)(L(8)) (L o L(8)) (@ o (@ o L-I)((8 8n_l)nffiO) 8-1 O. o L Now notice that (4.3) e: J*. is an isometric iso- prove the first part. @(8) then @X for any ( (8) o -I e n I’ so that there is a L-1)((Bn Sn-1 )-n=O) n By Theorem 2.8 consequently U n (4.3) OXj for n (8) becomes > 0 . n=O [ Un(Sn L )(8 J=0 N 8 n-I L and some LOB0 + n (u n) e . 8n-1 )" n.O Observe now that N n I I Lj)( n n=0 j=O p (Xj) e H; -B n-I n I I Lj)(8n n:l =0 8 n-1 such that . SPACES OF SUMMABLE SEQUENCES AND THEIR DUALS N X0 N + n--I Xn[N X0B N + 8n_l N [B N 100 n--I Xn[N 0 0] k n= 0 n + n--1 kn[0-Bn ]" . [B N since p] lOp + I 0 II H ln[P 8 o L IIIH. llm 8) n [- ,, N -I Therefore we have n-I -IIII* < hand Theorem 4.1 gives us llIIj, _< n=l (p N as II Again by Theorem 2.8 lllll n-I n--O n=l or 0 Taking the limit as ,op + _)(,,- ,_) J =0 + N we get n=O N 77 N L-III< o ll’tIl3**llL-111 that (B) n llull. n sup n>O sup llllj, sinc IlL-Ill _< I. S llX"H""j(since X ), Putting together these two inequallttes we have J=O On the other which implies llj, so that the theorem is proved. S CHARACTERIZATION OF OPERATORS ON 5. In this section we characterize all bounded linear operators on S, even though an alternate proof can be given using the uniform boundedness We rather use the characterization of operators on principle. cO In fact we have the following result. THEOREM 5.1. A:S The linear mapping is an infinite matrix (ank) cO is bounded if and only if there such that for any ao0 alO aOl all a02 a12 a0n aln ano ant an2 ann s (Sn) S SO AS satisfying 0, for any fixed k i) lira a il) sup n>O k=O Here 0 for n Note that the operator Proof: maps an(_l lan(k_l)- ank co into co, that is > 0 i.e. the columns of the matrix are in c 0, < i.e. the rows of the matrix are uniformly bounded in J. 0, I, 2, 3, where ATT-I A P P:c0 S T- Is as in Theorem 2.3 c0, so that applying Theorem 2.5 we get the desired result. THEOREM 5.2 The linear mapping B:S S is bounded if and only if represented by an infinite matrix such that for some A:S c B we have is , 78 G.S. DE SOUZA and G. O. GOLIGHTLY X Is defined by B A- ( is a shifting of TB S co, where wlth Is as in Theorem 2.3. T Now using the matrI representation for -1 I 0 0 0 0 0 -i 0 -I 0 B ank a(n+l)k. ank .;=nbjk Note that T-I we get i]A [I A IA- B:S Notice Theore 5.2 is equivalent to saying that B r(B) then the rows of , r(B) r(B) with (Ynk), are uniformly bounded In The linear mapping C:e S S Notice c0 C T-1M therefore T c0, where I up by one row. Is a bounded B is summable, S where b Ynk Jfn k’ then J. is bounded if and only tf M:c represented by an Infinite matrix such that for some C MM is a shifting of M up by one row. Proof: A- is an infinite matrix such that each column of and if we consider the matrix THEOREM 5.3. A- Is formed by the shlftlng of is the Identlty matrix and operator If That is, T-I. B so that X (nk) up by one row) A A:S We define Proof: A where as in Theorem 2.3. C is we have e So define M TC; M. rl are special A’s as are the B’s. The C’s are B’s. The reader might wish to compare these last three theorems with Exercises 45 and 46, pg. 77, of [1]. We would like to point out that the spaces tt and J may also be found in [1] (pg. 240). Another space there, denoted by cs, is the space of all M’s Note here that the special n summable sequences (sj) s . normed wlth norm on shown, as pointed out there, that es* looks llke J. ,I that is not the dual of cs < Ilsn the inequality Let s so I, (s) BO= O, BI s3 s4 -I, B2 < In the sense of Definition 2.1. does not hold .ll,l [max n>0 -2, 83 ZO J-- s -2, s6 0, s5 S and llsll For > I]-,,BII J -4, B5 -3, B4 _< 211SNcs. 0 let ej So that (B): n O; also, B -4. B6 does not hold. are equivalent Banach spaces: S Consider the example: s7 To Illustrate further the difference between and In particular, be given by s2 sl s.8 ffiOS [. It may be n>0 We hasten here to note H, max if Is In be the sequence S T . s and cs Is In S If and only if such that T S, we note that cs ns! then @ < cs-- 2|s! S Is In cs*. and If k Xk O. 79 SPACES OF SUMMABLE SEQUENCES AND THEIR DUALS Now for S [__08js] (s) by (ej)) 8j cs* with the sequence is in then i,j {(e)} In 4. J J and is defined on So the tural Is not an Isometry. J, obtained by noting that cs sequences normed with isomorphic to the space c of all convergent represenbeing isometrically isomorphic to I. This Isomet from cs* isometrically ; the tation of c* as no In (so that In assoclatlo of There ts an {(ej)}j=0 the sequence But if 8 is the sequence of the example and IS*. I(%(ej)}nj ’)i=0sj(ej); S*,(s) in onto c* dual Is complicated by and also the representation of cs* as J, floweret, c. In span does not ve dense the fact that the sequence as J) Is de somewhat simpler by applying cs* (of the latter representation N the Nth partial Theorems 2.7 and 3.5. For s in S let I, {e]} sum with o o(s) s, and L j(s)u0 + lm 0 uses (as - (ej) 8j. Now, we ve (s) =oS(e) s] 0(> + l=[() s_(>){ n Bn-1 B n-1 lm B, u n Bn); so v L(U), wth =OSj. s In Theorem 2.7, l= 00(> + Z=I B (){ Sn_l(S)Vn n n n [I)) should be gven used there s lm B + (v B0 the space by mlB,l SN(S) cs Let Bn + be In cs* wlth These computations suggest that f one used n J rather than S the norm to (lira B( + Zn=l(Bn- Bn_l(- the same as ours (see I the Holder’s pe Inequality we get s pg. 239). (Z=OBj( However, the norm With ths norm, < iI’ ,B, NBN, on J n s and of ths last paragraph wth some The reader might wish to compare the remarks and page 964 of [3]. of D. J. H. GarlIng In pages 999-1000 of [2] certain power seres spaces ntroduced on norm These ideas were suggested by a [4 of Fourier sne seres and Ldstone by the latter uthor In an nvestgaton series. REFERENCES [I] DUNFORD, N. and SCHWARTZ, J. T., Linear Operators, Part I, Interscience, New York, 1958. [2] GARLING, D. J. H., On Topological Sequences Spaces, Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 63 (1967), 997-1019. [3] GARLING, D. J. H., The B and y-duality of Sequences Spaces, Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 63 (1967), 963-981. [4] GOLIGHTLY, George O., Sine Series on [O,Z] for Certain Entire Functions and Lidstone Series To appear in J. Math. Anal and Applica. [5] ZYGMUND, A., Trigonometric Series, Cambridge University Press, London, 1959.