S1-Equivariant Function Spaces and Characteristic Classes Author(s): Benjamin M. Mann, Edward Y. Miller, Haynes R. Miller Source: Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 295, No. 1 (May, 1986), pp. 233-256 Published by: American Mathematical Society Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2000155 . Accessed: 19/02/2011 11:48 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp. JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at . http://www.jstor.org/action/showPublisher?publisherCode=ams. . 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By TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Volume 295, Number 1, May 1986 S1-EQUIVARIANTFUNCTION SPACES AND CHARACTERISTICCLASSES BENJAMIN M. MANN EDWARDY. MILLERAND HAYNESR. MILLER ABSTRACT. We determine the structure of the homology of the Beckerof spheres (with standard free S1-action) as a Hopf algebra over the DyerLashof algebra. We use this to compute the homology of BSG(S1). Along the way we give a fresh account of the partially framed transferconstruction and the Becker-Schultzhomotopy equivalence. We compute the effect in ho- May. Introduction. Let H be a compactLie groupadmittinga finite-dimensional W suchthat H acts freelyon the unit spheresW. H orthogonalrepresentation of S1 in S3) oroneof a knownlist [13]of finite mustthusbe S1,S3) the normalizer including(as subgroupsof S3) the cyclicand groupswith periodiccohomology, generalized quaternion groups.Let EndH(sW)denotethe spaceof H-equivariant continuous self-mapsof sW. Byjoiningwiththe identitymapwe obtaininclusions EndH(s(nW))C EndH(s((n+l)W)), andwewriteG(H) forthe directlimit. The by J. C. BeckerandR. E. Schultz[2],and homotopytypeof G(H)wasdetermined of G(H) of W. If we writeSG(H) forthe component turnsout to be independent = G(H)if H is connected),then in [3], containingthe identitymap (so SG(H) productin BeckerandSchultz(seealso[9]in caseHis finite)enrichthecomposition spaceBSG(H) classifies spacestructure.Theclassifying SG(H) to an infinite-loop H-actionmodelledon s(nW), orientedspehricalfibrationswitha fiber-preserving withfibersW. joinswiththe trivialH-fibration stabilizedby formingfiberwise In this paperwe determinethe modphomologyof SG(S1)andof BSG(S1) as algebra.Alongthe way,we computethe effect Hopfalgebrasoverthe Dyer-Lashof and of the equivariant mapsSG(S1) ) SG(Zpn) in homologyof the "forgetful" maps. §1 The startingpointforouranalysisis the studyof certain"transfer" of thesemaps. andgeneralproperties is devotedto an accountof the constructioll In §2we studycertaintransferst associatedto an inclusionK c H of compactLie groups.If E is a smoothprincipalH-space,then obtainedby mixingE 1 E/H with the adjoint whereW;H is the vector-bundle denotesformationof the representation of H on its Lie algebra,the superscript infiniteloopspaceof X. ThomspaceandQX is the enveloping Received by the editors August 12 1980 and in revised form June 15 1985. 1980 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary55R40; Secondary55R91 55Q50 55R12. ({)1986 American Mathematical Society 0002-9947/86 $1.00 + $.25 per page 233 tl* iZ2 is1: t ty: H*(Q(CP+ SO U5EndH(E) )) G(H) SG(S1) SG(Z2) A Q((E/H)¢H Q(BH¢) S1)) Q(CP+ QRP+ H*(QBZ+) AX)S1) B. M. MANN, E. Y. MILLER AND H. R. MILLER 234 Thenin §3we describea map generalizing a variantof a construction of Beckerand Schultz[2]. Weshowthat if K c H)then the inclusionEndH(E)c EndK(E)corresponds undertyto the transfert. If H is a "periodic" Liegroupas above,thenwe obtainfromtya map whichwasshownby BeckerandSchultzto be a homotopyequivalence. In particular,SG(S1)= G(S1)is homotopyequivalent to Q(CP+AS1). §4is devotedto the evaluationin modphomologyof the transfer tn: CP+ AS1 ) Q(BZ+n)) n > O, associatedto the inclusionZpnc S1.Thisis oneof ourprincipaltechnicalresults. Wegivethestatementhereforn = 1. Letar E H2r+1tCP+ASl) ander E hr(BZp) be the standardgenerators(see §4),andlet X be the canonicalantiautomorphism on H*(QX) THEOREMA . Forp = 2, tl*ar = E e2>+l * xe2(r_r) + E Qt+let * (xer_t)*2. Forp > 2, tl*ar = E e2>+l * xe2(r_>). Sincetransferscomposewell,andthe transferassociatedto 1 c Zpessentially definesthe Dyer-Lashof operations, it is easyto deducefromTheoremA the effect of to in homology; the formulaearegivenin TheormeC, andin Theorems4.4 and 4.5. An easyfiltrationargument(carriedout in §7)resultsin the C OROLLARY . Forp = 2, t0*: H*(Q(CP+ A S1)) ) H*(QS°) is injective.Forp odd, is injective,whileto*is not. §5is dedicatedto a studyof the equivariant J-homomrphisms Let Ac: CPn-1ASl U(n) senda pair(1,z), whereI c Cn is a complexline and z E C has lZl = 1, to the unitarytransformation whichis the identityon 11 andmultipliesby z on 1. Then we havethe followingtheorem. plex J-homomorphism Jc: U QS°in termsof the loop-structure in H*(QS°). S1-EQUIVARIANT FUNCTION SPACES THEOREMB. 235 Thecomposite CP+°°AS1 >> U is1 Q(CP+°° AS1) is homotopic to thestandardinclusion. Thereis a realanalogue; seeTheorem5.1. Theorems A andB haveas a corollary the determination of the imageof the generators of H*(U)underthe classicalcomForp odd,this resolvesa problemleft openby J. P. Mayin [5, pp. 121-123]. THEOREMC. Theimageof arE H2r+l(u; Zp) underJc* is Jc*ar = Q E + E [1]* XQ ( 8)[1]* [1] Qt+lQt[l] * (XQr t[l]) * [1] for p = 2, and Jc*ar = (-l)k Es dQ8[1]* XQk-8[l] =O if r = (p- 1)k- 1 otherwise for p odd. Theinfinite-loop structureof SG(H) is verydifferentfromthe naturalinfiniteloop structureon Q(BH¢H). In [11], R. E. Schultzdescribedthe composition productin termsof the transferassociatedto the diagonal embedding /\: H H x H. ForH finite,this theoremis recoveredandextendedin [8];and by the Corollary to TheoremA, this casesufficesforpresentpurposes.In §6we combine this with TheoremA to provethe followingresult,whichcompletelydetermines the composition producto in H*(SG(S1)). THEOREMD. Forp = 2, aqo ar = aq* ar + (q + (q-2t, - s, r - s)Q2(q+r-8)+la r-2t)Qq+r+lqq+r-2ta Forp odd, aqo ar = aq* ar + E c(q,r,t):Qtaq+r+1_(p_l)t, t where (q) ) ) #( ) ( r ) ( t- k ) Wethenappealto resultsof [8],relatingG(H) forH finiteto the multiplicative structurein a certainEOO-ring spaceA(H), the "Burnside space"of H, introduced (as a space)by G. Segal[12]. By the Corollaryto TheoremA, the relationship betweenthe Dyer-Lashof operationsin SG(S1) andthe *-productandloopDyerLashofoperationsin Q(CP+°° AS1) areimpliedby analogousrelationships forZp. Theseformulae showhowtheDyer-Lashof actiononar (given,inviewofTheoremB B+ A Sk- B- Elo(i) B. M. MANN, E. Y. MILLER AND H. R. MILLER 236 andthe factthat iS1 is an infinite-loop map,by Kochman's formula[7])determine the actionon all of H*(SG(S1)). We turn next to a "global"analysisof H*(SG(S1))by meansof a "weight valuation".In §7,we prove THEOREME. P= 2 H*(SG(S1);Zp)is a primitivelygenerated Hopfalgebra.For H*(SG(S1))-H*(U) X P[ar2: r > 0] @ H*(Q(CP+ AS1))//P[ar: r > O], andfor p odd, H*(SG(S1))- H*(Q(CP+ AS1)) as Hopfalgebras. Finally,we follow[10, 5 and8] in usingthe classifying-space spectral andDyer-Lashof operationsto prove(usingthe usualDyer-Lashof sequence notation[5, p. 16]) As Hopfalgebras, for p = 2 H*(BSG(S1))- H*(BU) X E[aQ2r+lar: r > O] @ p[Q2r+2ar: r > O] XP[aQIar: I admissible,I(I) > 1, e(I) > 2r+2, r > O], andfor p odd, H*(BSG(S1))- H*(BU)X S[a/3£Qr+lar: E = O or 1, r > 0; THEOREMF. I admissible,I(I) > 1, e(I) + b(I) > 2r+ 2, r > 0;. Here S denotesthefreecommutative algebra. Wewishto thankJ. P. Mayforan instructive correspondence aboutsigns.This work wasdonein 1977-1979,whenthe authorswere at Harvard University(Mann andH. Miller)and M.I.T.(E. Miller). During this time all threeauthorswere partially supportedby the NSF. @ S[aQIar: 1. Generalitie#on the tran#fer. In this sectionwe recallthe definition thetransfer,generalized slightlyto allowtwistingby a vectorbundle. We of then catalogue variousproperties whichwillbe usedlater.All manifolds will be smooth, and we writer(M) forthe tangentbundleof M. Letlr: E ) B be a smoothmapbetweenclosed j:E > -B of E into the trivialvectorbundle manifolds.Chooseanembedding overB of fiber-dimension k, such that (1.1) X ", / pr B commutes. (Forexample,embedE intoRk by i, andlet j have components (lr,i).) Write zJ(;)for the normalbundleof j. The Pontrjagin-Thom construction then yields a mapof Thomspaces: (1.2) (1.5) t1r = t1r,+: EX¢@>(i)Ed@T(X)@v(i) Bf Ee S1-EQUIVARIANT FUNCTION SPACES 237 Givenany vectorbundle¢ overB, we may composej with the axis embedding ) ¢ @ kB; the Pontrjagin-Thom construction then givesa "twisted" formof _B (1.2) (1.3) Bf ASk- B¢@- , Es ¢@v(i). Givenalsoa bundle4 overE, a relativeframingof lr,(, ¢ is a bundleisomorphism (1.4) 0: X f @ V(j) -( @ kE (or,rather,an equivalence classof pairs(j, p)). Wethenobtaina stablemap calledthe transferassociatedto 7r,(, ¢ (with(j, ) understood). If lr is a submersion, we havea naturalexactsequenceof vectorbundles (1.6) 0 , r(X) , r(E) X*T(B) ,O in whichr(lr)is the bundleof tangentalongthefiberof lr. Foranyembedding j as in (1.1),thereis a naturalexactsequence ° ) 7(T) )-E ) >(i) )° Since-E k hasa naturalmetric,we havea naturalsplitting: (1.7) 7(7T) @ I>(j)--E A relativetrivialization of lr,(, ¢ is a shortexactsequence (1.8) 0 (T*¢r(T) ) O. A choiceof metricin lr*¢splits(1.8)andgivesan isomorphism (1.9) GT f-4 @ 7(7T). Combining this with (1.7),we havedefineda relativeframing (1.10) 4: lr*¢@IJ(j)-( @ T(7T) @ I/(j)-( @-E The homotopyclassof the associatedtransfertX,¢,:Bf ) Ed is independent of choiceof metricin lr*¢,becausethe homotopyclassof the homeomorphism is. All the relativeframingswe dealwithherearisein this way. Wenownoteseveralfeaturesof the transfer. Note1.11. Fundamental classes.In caseB is a singlepointand¢ = O,the map (1.3)givesa stablehomotopyclass [E]ESn(E ( ))) wherezo(E) is thezerodimensional virtualnormalbundleofE andn is thedimension of E. Thisis the stablehomotopy fundamental classof E, withtwistedcoefficients. A framingof E givesriseto a class[E]E Sn(E);andpinchingE to a pointproduces a classin the stablehomotopyof spheres,Sn(*) namely,the usualPontrjaginThomclassof the framedmanifoldE. fiber Note F,1.16. 1.15. andthat Pull-backs. Compositions. we t1,> are Bf given Let Let Bf f:alrl: A B' trivialization B+ BE1 be 1AJ>+ E, a smooth 41,Bf( zJ(j) A be map S°atransverse relatively (kBf - n)E, to nframed =lr, dimF. and map Then let to 238 B. M. MANN, E. Y. MILLER AND H. R. MILLER Note 1.12. Fundamental class of a framedmap. In case ( = 0 and dim¢-= dimE - dimB = n, the transfer(1.5)composedwiththe pinchmapE ) * gives a stablecohomotopy class e(7r) E S-n(B¢-n) This is the stablefundamentalclassof lr, with twistedcoefficients.A framing ¢ @ k- n @ k givesriseto a classe E S-n(B), the Pontrjagin-Thom classof the framedmapir. Note1.13. Composition withtheprojection.Supposethat lr is a fibrationwith F has a well-defined framing,andso defines[F]: Sk B¢fE3- ) sk-n. t EX f@(k [ ] Bf ASk-n 11 Thenthe diagram n) 1s Bf ASk commutes. Note1.14. Products.Let lr':E' ) B', (',¢' be anotherrelativelyframedmap. Thenlr x lr',( x (', ¢ x ¢' has a naturalrelativeframing,andthe diagram (B x B)¢x¢ 11 Bf AB'¢' (E x t, E')(X(' 11 Ed AE'( twAtw, commutes. E. Thenlro lrl: E1 ) B, 41,¢ hasa canonicalrelativeframing,andthe associated transferis givenby the composite: tXoX1 = tX1o tX 7r':E' ) B', (', ¢' be the pull-back of lr,(, ¢ alongf. Thenlr',(', ¢' hasa canonical relativeframing,andthe diagram B'¢ t/ f l E'( Bf lt7r f Ef commutes. Note1.17.Reframings. Thetransfercanbe interesting evenin caseE = B, lr= id, and( = ¢. Onethenhasthe canonical framing: ¢ ) ¢ by the identity.Then a smoothmapA:B ) O(k)inducesa newrelativeframing 1 @A: ¢@_ ¢@_, where)v(b,v) = (b,)v(b)v),withan associatedtransfert1 : Bf ) B¢. If J: O(k)+ ) S° is the stablemapadjointto the inclusionO(k)c O c QS°, thentl X is the composite E' (2.2) (2.3) Now ) E. letThen O 0 Kc*(E, 0H t: fKbe fHH) °fK a fH (E/H)¢H closed *f ) X(T(E)/H) T(E)/H (E)/K) subgroup, describes fH )(T) soE+. r(E/H) athat functor x*7r:°,(E/K) )TE/K into O.(E/H) E/H the g isstable a fiber oO homotopy bundle S1-EQUIVARIANT FUNCTION SPACES 239 of moregeneralmapsmay UsingNote 1.15,the transferassociatedto reframings alsobe expressedin termsof J. 2. Transfersa##ociatedto Lie groups. Let H be a compactLiegroupand E a compactsmoothprincipalrightH-space.H acts alsofromthe left on its Lie algebrafi by the adjointaction;andE/H thussupportsa canonicalvectorbundle E XH e , calledthe adjointbundle.In this sectionwe showhowthe transferendowsthe andapplythe notesof §1 formationof the ThomspaceEf withnewfunctoriality, whichwillbe usedin §4. to verifysomeproperties To begin,onemayeasilycheckthe followinglemma. ¢ = fH = 2.1. Thereis a naturalshortexactsequenceof vectorbundlesover LEMMA E/H diagramof vectorbundlesover with fiberH/K. Wehavea naturalcommutative E/K, withexactrowsandcolumns: o T(T) 1 1 1 11 1 o Theserpentlemmathenprovidesa naturalshortexactsequence (1.8)of 7r,fK, i.e., a relativetrivialization fH. map Thereresultsa stable"transfer" t: (E/H)¢H ) (E/K)¢K. If, forexample,K is the trivialsubgroup,then extendedfunc(E/H)¢Hwiththe following Thesemapsprovidetheconstruction tionality.Considerthe categorywhoseobjectsarepairs(E, H), whereH is a Lie groupand E a compactsmoothprincipalH-space,in whicha morphismfrom smoothmap (E, H') to (E, H) is a closedinclusionH' O H andan H-equivariant category. we maycontructa stablemap BH by manifolds, By approximating (2.4) t: (BH)¢H > (BK)¢K compact Let the inclusion j: Esmooth ) (Eon xprincipal the E)/H (E/H) first (E/K)¢K (E/K be(E/K)¢K@T(X) (E/K)¢K H-space fH the factor. E/K xAmap E/K Sn H/K)¢KX_ A with xeNote (E/H) (H/K)+ )AH/K base (e, that SnfH E/H *)H point (E/H)¢H j* (E/H)¢H (E/K)¢K E/K (E/K)¢K A(¢H) and (E/H) * and let _ and projsetion fH i: i*E/H (¢HE/H X1r: fH) x E/H EfHE/H. @_ be 240 B. M. MANN, E. Y. MILLER AND H. R. MILLER froma closedinclusionK C H whichis well definedup to weakhomotopy. This givesthe suspensionspectrumof (BH)¢Ha contravariant functoriality on the cateogryof Liegroupsandclosedinclusions. Wenowprovethreelemmaswhichwillbe usefullater. Let K c H be a closednormalsubgroup,and E a smoothprincipalH-space. Then (2.5) l pr1 l T is a pull-backdiagramif oeis the H/K-actionmap oe(xK,h) = xhK. This action lifts to makefK an H/K-equivariant vectorbundleoverE/K; so we havea canonicalbundleisomorphism °t fK-fK XO overE/K x H/K. Thusthe pull-backproperty(Note1.16)of the transferasserts thatthe diagram (2.6) 1 tprl 1 ts is homotopy-commutative. Nowlr is a principalH/K-bundle,so a choiceof orientationforH/K determines a naturaltrivialization forr(lr). NowusingNotes1.14 and 1.11,the diagram(2.6)leadsto the followinglemma. LEMMA 2. 7. LetK c H be a closednormalsubgroup of codimension n, and let E bea compactsmoothprincipalH-space.Then,withthe abovenotations,the followingdiagramis homotopy commutative. 1 1A[H/ff] 1 ter Here[H/K] is theclassof H/K withthechosenorientationandthe corresponding right-invariant framing. g this is a degenerate formof a "doublecosetformula", andits propergeneralizationshouldbe of greatinterest. LEMMA 2.8. Let H be a compactLie groupof dimensionn, and let E be a Thediagonalinclusion/\: H ) H x H iduces/\: (E x E)/H Undertheseidentifications 1 terAl E+ ASn commutes up to homotopy. l tz 2 ((E x E)/H)¢H ) E/H x E/H. andthe inversion BH¢ABHF x X-1inE/H H BH induces lAt E/HXE/H BHXBH a self-map BH¢AS° X of BH.H BHFacts trivially on 241 S1-EQUIVARIANT FUNCTION SPACES PROOF. Thediagram E A (EXE)/H 1t 1s so Note 1.16givesthe result. g is a pull-back, ,u:HXH )H. Nowlet H be anAbeliancompactLiegroupwithmultiplication the classifyingspaceBH inheritsa product,i, Since,uis a group-homomorphism, ,u is its Lie algebra,so the bundle¢ has a canonicaltrivialization.Furthermore, coveredby a bundlemap,i: _ x ¢ ) ¢, includingan actionmap H BH+ABHF ,BH¢. Lett: BHF , S° be thetransferassociatedto theinclusionof thetrivialsubgroup. Thefollowinglemma(dueto R. Schultz[11]in the caseH is finite)computesthe in termsof t. transfert<, associatedto the diagonalsubgroupHCHXH, is weakhomotopy2.9. Withtheabovenotation,thefollowingdiagram LEMMA commutative: (B(HXH)¢HXH BH¢ABHF 1 hA1 BH¢ABH+ABHF l tz 1 lAX+Al BH¢ABH+ABHF 1 1Ay Applythe compositionproperty(Note 1.15) of the transferto the diagram commutative PROOF. il X 1 a BHXBH wherea(x, y) = (x,x(x)y) andi1(x) = (x, 1). Of coursethe transferassociatedto a is just the inverseof the mapa inducedon Thomspaces;so the diffeomorphism ta =ti1 oa. Nowthe left leg of Lemma2.9 is a, andthe bottomcomposite,by Note 1.14,is til. O construction 3. The Becker-Schultzmap. Wenowdescribethe "graph" ty:EndH(E) ) Q((E/H)¢)) of Beckerand Schultz[2]. HereH is a Lie whichis a variantof a construction group,E a compactsmoothprincipalH-space,EndH(E)denotesthe spaceof Hinfiniteloopspace conditionsself-mapsof E, andQX is the enveloping equivariant of the spaceX. f'(e) (3.2) aEndH(E), sociated map The=B reduced (e,f(e)). > Ss to in EndH(E)+ BH the such (E!H) classifying diagonal canonical This a way (E/ff)>K H isi\: that Aframing equivariant, tty: Ef': Bv B B, (E2/H)Pr*> the E2/H EndH(E)+ Bv to f(E2/H)Prlt9. (2.2) reuslting (E2/ff)pr;>K has (E2/H)prllo obtain and normal of 1r: QBH¢. awe equivariant map get bundle E/K a (E/H)¢H aE/H. map (E/K)¢K isomorphic f': map Bf:E2/H A Ato M Ss Sxof 7(E)/H, Eorbit E is 242 B. M. MANN, E. Y. MILLER AND H. R. MILLER Choose an embeddingof B = E/H in a Euclideanspace R8, and let Ivdenote the normalbundle. We have the usual Pontrjagin-Thomcollapse c:Ss yB>. (3.1) Let f: E --> E be an equivariantmap, and form the "graph"f': E > E2 by spaces. If pr1: E2/H > B is induced from projectionto the Srst factor, then prl o f' = 1. Thus f' is coveredby a bundlemap v >prlao,and we get a map _ on Thom spaces. This constructiondependsonly on continuityof f, and depends continuouslyon f, so we get a map which, by Lemma 2.1, is isomorphicto r(B) (E3 ¢. Since A prlao= >, we get a transfer (3 3) ti,: (E2/H)PrlM --> B>@T(B)@3¢Bf ASs The compositeof EndH(E)+A (3.1), (3.2), and (3.3), gives a pointedmap ty: EndH(E)+ A Ss > Bf A Ss. The map tyis obtainedby composingthe adjointof tYswith the inclusion Q8S8Bf QB¢,and is, up to homotopy,independentof choices. We may also composewith The followingnaturalityresult is due essentiallyto Beckerand Schultz[2, 5.16]. THEOREM3.4. LetK bea closedsubgroup of theLie groupH, andlet E bea compactsmoothprincipalH-space.Then EndH(E) l inc a Q((E/H)¢H ) 1 t EndK(E) 5 Q((E/K)¢K) commutesup to homotopyif t is the infinite-loop extensionof the transfert asPROOF. BY Notes 1.12,1.15,and 1.16, we have a homotopy-commutative diagram (in whichthe subscriptsindicatethe groupsinvolved) CK \ l t l t l t fromwhichthe theoremfollows. O We will usually study ty by mappingsome compact smooth manifoldM into smooth. givenby f'(m, Moreover e) =we (f will (m, e), arrange e) is transverse that the reduced to A: B E2/H. graph Then f': the Mxpull-back B E2/H S1-EQUIVARIANT FUNCTION SPACES 243 property(NoteI.16),appliedto the pull-backdiagram r A B 41 (3 5) p 1 A { Mx B \ E2/H t 1 prl M showsthat M+ 2 Qrs*¢ 1 f Qs EndH(E)+ < QB commutesup to homotopy. In [2],BeckerandSchultzconsiderprincipalH-spacesarisingas the unitsphere sV of an orthogonal representation V of H. Theyconstructa map A: EndH(sV)+ > Q(sV/H). The description[2, 5.6] of A showsthat it is identicalto tyexceptthat i\ is replacedby the antidiagonal A-(u) = (u,-u); the identification (Theorem3.4) is essentiallythe transfert\-. Let A(u) = -u denotethe antipodalmap. Wehavea commutative diagram,foranyf E EndH(sV), (E2/H)Prlv f jt (3.6) \ Bl' tzs- 1 lxA Af- \-, Bf ASs /7 tiv (E2 /H)Prlv so we findthat EndH (sV)+ (3 7) 1 (Ao) QBf /X r EndH (sV)+ commutesup to homotopy. WhenH admitsa finitedimensional orthogonal representation V suchthat the unit spheresV is a principalH-space,the mapseyare compatibleunderjoining withthe antipodalmap,andgiven,in the notationof the introduction, a map (3.8) q: G(H) > Q(BH¢)* THEOREM3.9 (BECKER-SCHULTZ[2]). Wereferthe readerto [2] forthe proof. tyis a homotopy-equivalence. (4.1) (4n2) in dimension r.(QBH¢)2 Embed to: Zpn CP+°° /\2 into CP+°° (QBH¢)4 S1 so that 1x#xl theAresulting (QBH¢)3 AS1 S map QBHf 1 7r:QS° Ln S°.CP°°pulls . 244 B. M. MANN, E. Y. MILLER AND H. R. MILLER THEOREM3.10. LetH = id. If dimV is even,then(f) = 1- [f] whereas -if dimV is odd,then(f ) = 1 + [f]. PROOF. [2, 6.13] showsA(f) = 1- [f]. (Thereis amistake in the original proofof this fact in [2] but Becker(privatecommunication) has givena correct proof.) The correctedproofshowsthat A(f)= 1+ [f] whendimV is odd. The evendimensonal casefollowsdirectlyfrom(3.7) and [2, 6.13]. Finally,werecallR. E. Schultz'sexpression forthe composition pairingo: G(H) xG(H) ) G(H). Let i\: H ) H x H be the diagonalinclusion,andlet #: QBHf x QBHf t Q(B(H X H)¢HXH) t QBHf whereta is the transferassociatedto 1\. Then THEOREM 3.11 (SZHULTZ [11]). The composition pairingo is homotopic (undertheidentification ) to the composite 4. The homology of the U(1)-transfer. Let U(1) act by multiplication on S2m-1c cm. Thereresults(2.3)a stabletransfermap cp+m-1AS1 ) S2m-1 usingthecanonical trivialization of theadjointbundleto identifythesource.Pinching S2m-1to a pointgivesan "Eulerclass"CP+m-1 A S1 ) S°. Thesearecompatibleoverm, andgivea stablemap This is preciselythe map consideredby K. Knappin [6]. Wewill computethe homologyof its adjoint,the pointedmap Actually,the sameworkyieldsa computationof the homologyof the transfer associatedto an inclusionZpnc U(1). If LndenotesBZpnx thenthis is a pointed map (4 3) tn:CP+°° AS1 , QLn+. To state the results,let H* denotemodp homology,p any prime. Let x E H2(CP°°) be the canonicalgenerator,let ar E H2r(CP°°)be dualto xr, andlet ar E H2r+l(CP+°° AS1) be the suspension of ar. Letu E Hl(Ln) andv = -:nu E H2(Ln) be thenaturalgenerators, andlet er E Hr(Ln)be the dualof themonomial x backto v; then 7r*e2n = an THEOREM4.4 . Letp = 2 andlet tn beas in (4.2) and(4.3). Then (a) to*ar= E ¢Q28+1[1] * XQ2(r8)[1]+ St Qt+lQt[l] * (xQr t[l])*2. (b) tl*ar= E 3e28+l* xe2(r_s)+ St Qt+let * (xer-t)*2. (c) Forn > 2, tn*ar = E 3e2s+l* xe2(r_s)+ St Q2t+le2t * (Xer-2t)*2 THEOREM4 . 5 . Letp beoddandlet tn beas in (4.2) and(4.3). Then (a) tO*ar = (-l)k Et dQt[l] * XQk-t[I] for r = (p- 1)k- 1, and= Ootherwise. (b) Forn > 1, tn*ar= , e28+l* xe2(r_8). Ln+ A S1 CP+°° A S S1-EQUIVARIANT FUNCTION SPACES 245 PROOF. WeapplyLemma2.7 to Zpn c U(1) with E = S2m-1. As a framed manifold,the quotientgroupU(l)/Zpn is S1withits nonbounding framing.The lemmathusadjointsto give(takingm = oo henceforth) a homotopy-commutative diagram: lA[Sl] S Ln+ AQS+ (4.6) ol tn At Q((LnAS1)+) Q+ QL+ HereA is the usualsmashproductmap,anda is the actionmap.Since7r*e2r = ar, we cancomputetn*arfrom(4.6). To beginwith,let h:1r*QS+,HQS1 be the Hurewiczhomomorphism. Thenh[Sl]E H1QS+is characterized by three properties: (1) It is a coalgebra-primitive andis killedby all Steenrodoperations. (2) It reducesin H1QS° to the Hurewiczimageof 71E 1rlQS°,by Note 1.11. Thisis Q1[1]* [-2] forp = 2 and0 forp odd. (3) It reducesin H1Sl to the fundamental classa. It followsthat (4.7) h[Sl]= a * [-1] + Q1[l]* [-2] forp = 2, (4.8) h[S1]=a*[-l] forpodd. Wenowrestrictattentionto p = 2, leavingthe ratherdegenerate caseof p odd to the reader.Wefirsttreat the casen = 1, so that the diagonaland Steenrod actionin H*L1= H*RP°°aregivenby .9) i\er= E eE)et, s+t=r (4.10) Sqtier= ( t ) er_t. Recallthe distributivity formulae[5, p. 15]: (4.11) x A (y * z) = ,(x' A y) * (x" A z), (4.12) x A Q y = EQ ((Sq*x)A y), wherei\x = Ex'X x". From(4.7)and(4.11), er A h[Sl]= erA (a * [-1] + Q1[l]* [-2]) = ,(es A a) * (er_ A [-1]) + ,(es A Ql[l]) * (er_ A [-2]). t t t B. M. MANN, E. Y. MILLER AND H. R. MILLER 246 From(4.11),(4.12)and (4.10), er_ A [-1] = Xer-) er_¢A [-2] = (xet) 2 if r-s-2t, =0 if r-sisodd, e, AQ1[1]= tet*2 if s = 2t-15 = Qt+1et if s-2t. Thus(replacing r by 2r) (4.13) e2rAh[Sl]= ,(es 2) a) * xe2r_49 + E Qt+let * (xer_t)*2. Finally,in cohomology a*x = x X 1 + 1 X x, so dualizing, (4.14) *(er X 1) = er, *(er C)a) = (r + l)er+l. Theorem4.4(b) now followsby applyinga* to (4.13)and recallingthe diagram (4.6). Theproofforp = 2,n > 1, is completelyanalogous, usingthe differentstructure of H*Ln,namely i\e2r = E e28 C) e2t, t3+t=r i\e2r+l= E e¢@etX t3+t=2r+ 1 Sqt*er = ( t ) er_t fort even, =0 fort odd. Part (a) followsfrompart (b), sincetransferscomposewell (Note 1.15),while thetransfert: RP+°° ) QS°is givenin homologyby Q [1] bydefinitionof the Dyer-Lashof operationQr Thiscompletesthe proof. O REMARK4. 15. The oddcellsin BZ+n mapto 0 in CP+°°,andhencein QBZp+n andin QS° Thisresultsin the followingamusingidentitiesforall n > 1 andr > 0: (4.16)In H*(QBZ2+n; Z2)X t*er = E e243+l * xe2(r-43)+l + E e2t2+l * (Xer-2t) 2= 0 (4.17)In H*(QS°; Z2) E Q2s+1[1] * XQ2(r-8)+1[1] + E(Q2t+ [1]) *(XQ [1]) (4.18)In H*(QBZp+n; Zp)forp odd, E e24¢+l * xe2(r_8)+l = °- tary l: to transfer Q(CP+ (a) X 1.)transformations A Define QX jZ2 S1) tn: denote AR: °QBZ+nx aCP+ AR map RP the AXt: is CP+n-1 S1 )standard are by QBZ+n RP+ 0)Theorem S1-equivariant. AQRP+ AS1 In inclusion, RP U(n) homology 3X10 b ) by S0) the sending and itDefine infinite Ac therefore i\: CP+ (I,z), XaXmap loop x ASl X commutes AR: where the extension RPn-l U. diagonal I C with O(n) Cn ofis loop map, the bya S1-EQUIVARIANT FUNCTION SPACES 247 (4.19)In H*(QS°; Zp)forp odd, /3Qt[1] *X/3Qrt[1]= 0 E t REMARK4. 20. A similaranalysismaybe appliedto computethe transfer QRP+ t : (HP°°)¢, in mod2 homology, whereHP°° is quaternionic projectivespaceand Z2 C Sp(1) is the center.TheThomcomplex(HP°°)¢ is thenJames'"quasiprojective space". The computationis substantially moretedioushere,however,sinceby the same argumentas above,the Hurewiczimageof the stablehomotopyfundamental class of Sp(1)/Z2= S0(3)in H3Q(S0(3)+) hasnineterms: h[S0(3)]= e3 + el * e2 * eO 1 + +Q3eo*eol +el + Q eO * Qlel * eO Q2el * eO 1 *Qlel 3+ *eO2+Q2Qleo QleO * Q2eo * eO *eO3 3+ Q1eo* QlQ1 -7 whereen generatesHnSO(3). REMARK 4.21. The restrictionmap G(S1) ) G(Zpn)) regardedas a map productsandloopDyer-Lashof operations.SincethesegenerateH*(Q(CP+ AS1)) fromH*(XP+ AS1), we havecompletelyanalyzedthe homologyof the restriction mapsG(S1) ) G(Zpn ) andG(S1) >G(1) 5. EquivariantJ-homomorphisms. Weshallstudymaps jz2 ° > QRP+X jSl U ) Q(CP+AS1) arisingfromthe fact that orthogonal transformations are Z2-equivariant andunisendinga realline I c R.nto the reflectionthroughthe hyperplane perpendicular complexline and z E C has lZl = 1, to the unitarytransformation whichis the identityon 1l andmultiplication by z on 1. Also,let A:RPn-l ) SO(n)be AR composedwith the reflectionR throughthe hyperplane x1 = 0 (if x1,. . ., xn are the coordinates in Rn). Thesemapsarecompatibleas n varies,andgivemaps Leti: S° ) RP+ be inducedby the inclusion1 C Z2, andlet t: RP+ ) QS° be the associatedtransfer.Let t>: RP+ ) QRP+be the transferassociatedto the identitymapof RP°°with the framingtwistedby A (as in Note 1.17). Any infiniteloopspacehas an involutionX obtainedby smashingwith -1 E QS° Let foranyspaceX. THEOREM5.1. Withthesenotations, (b) Thefollowingthreemapsarehomotopic. The QRP+°° PROOF adjoint is homotopic OFmap 5.1(a) S2n-l/Z2 f: toRP2n-l itX. Let QS°-AR: By x s2n-l Theorem RP2n-1 QRP+°° s2n-l 3.11, S2n-l/Z 0(2n) istherefore, smooth, be AR and the composed the lower associated right-hand with the map B. M. MANN, E. Y. MILLER AND H. R. MILLER 248 (i)RP+ A SO JZ2 QRP+, (ii)RP+A&QRP+XQRP+ (iii)RP+ tA ttX QRP+ ()QRP+ QRP+*(1)QRP (C)jS1OACt:CP+AS1Q(CP+AS1). Beforegiving the proofs,we note some corollaries. COROLLARY 5.2. In the stablecategory,CP+°°AS1 is a retractof U. a COROLLARY 5.3. (a) In mod2 homology, jZ2er = E Q8eo *xet *eOl. s+t=r (b) In homology withanycoefficients, jSl*ar = ar. 2 Herewe are writinger for A*erand ar for AC*ar antipodalmap A E S0(2n). Since S0(2n) is connected,->R Weapply (3.5) to the map f RP2n1 JZ2 ° (-aR): f/ is transverseto the diagonali\ / P ( > Endz 1 (S2n-1) 1t X S2n-1/z2 < homotopicto AR. (see (3.5)), with pull-backs2n-1/Z2 1^ RP2n-l iS g (s2n-l x s2n-l)lz2 prl > Rp2n-1 Thecompositep is clearly the identity. The framing,however,is nontrivial;it is twistedbecauseIo(A)is pulledback acrossthe degree -t map f. Thus jZ2°>RXt byNote 1.17. The proofof 5.1(c) is similar,except that the analogueof f/ has degree+1. PROOFOF5.1(b). By Lemma2.8, we have a homotopy-commutative diagram QS° x QRP+ ],lAt ix1 QRP+ x QRP+°° Jr# where # is the diagonaltransferas in Theorem3.11. Thus the map (-1)#: QRP+°° RP+ RP+ QRP+ QRP+ / U QRP+ Q(BW+)K) CP+ x QRP°° Q(S AA(H), it-*X S t ) QRP°° S1-EQUIVARIANT FUNCTION SPACES 249 boxin the followingdiagramcommutes. QRP+ x QRP+ 4 > t AR ( 0 X >, Ro < o t t Xxx X QRP JZ2 QRP+ x QRP+ >, (-l)o QRP JZ2 > t itX*l *l ) it*x v -1) QRP++ The upperleft-handbox commutesby (S.l)(a), andthe rest of the diagramcommutesfortrivialreasons.Thisproves(i)(ii). To see that (ii)(iii), we recallthat E. H. Brownhas proven[4] that tx is homotopicto the composite Theresultfollows. L Theorem3.10impliesthat - u / c( S JS1 Q(CP+ A S1) Jc Q1(S°) k t*(-1) iQo(S°) commutesup to homotopy.Adjointto this is the stable diagram: (5.4) S jc so S° id ) TheoremC of the Introduction followsfromthis and Theorems4.4 and 4.5. Also,(5.4)togetherwithS.l(c) yieldthe homotopycommutative stablediagram: CP+ AS1 S S° t U > jc S° t id 6. The local structure of H*(SS(Sl);Zp). In this sectionwe describeformulaesufficientto characterize the R-Hopfalgebrastructureof H*(SS(S1);Zp). Werelyon [8]. Therewe construct,fora finitegroupH, an EOO-ring spaceA(H), calledthe Burnsidespaceof H. Thereis a homotopyequivalence of infiniteloop spaces (6.1) K whereK rangesovera set of subgroups of H representing its conjugacyclassesof subgroups, andWkis the quotientby K of the normalizer of K in H. Thereis thus a map (6.2) i: QBH+ , A(H), 250 B. M. MANN, E. Y. MILLER AND H. R. MILLER whichis up to homotopya split monomorphism. The ring-structure map ,u in A(H)extendsthe transfer# inducedas in Theorem3.11by the diagonalinclusion A: H ) H x H; that is to say,the diagram (6.3) QBH+x QBH+ # L ixi A(H)x A(H) 4 QBH+ ,i A(H) is homotopy-commutative. If H admitsa finite-dimensional orthogonal representation W suchthat the unit spheresW is a freeH-space,then a mapp: G(H) ) A(H) is constructed.This mapcarriesthe infiniteloop-spacestructure[3, 8] on SG(H)to the multiplicative structurein A(H). Furthermore, if *(-1) denotesthe evidentcomponent-shifting self-mapof A(H), then G(H) ; QBH+ PS S i A(H) *(-1) A(H) is homotopy-commutative. In particular,p is (upto homotopy)a split monomorphism. It followsthatrelationsbetweenthecomposition structureandtheloopstructure in H*(SG(H)) can be obtainedby translatingthe usualdistributivity andmixed CartanandAdemrelationsvalidin H*(A(H)).To describethe translation,let # F*(A(H))C)H*(A(H)) ) H*(A(H)) bethe multiplicative product,u*;on elementsin the imageof H*(QBH+) it is inducedby the diagonaltransfer.LetQrbe the multiplicative Dyer-Lashof operation inH*(A(H)), while* andQrdenotethe additive(loop)productandDyer-Lashof operation. Leto andQrdenotethe (composition) productand(composition) DyerLashofoperationin SG(H).Then LEMMA 6. 5 . Omitting "p* ", x ° Y= (-1)1S Qr(x* y) = E 1IYIx'* y' * (x//#y//) Qix'* Qj(x #y ) * Q (y ), i+j+k=r where /\x = EX'@ x" and/\y = Sy'@ y". PROOF. The first expressionis due (in the moregeneralcase of a periodic compact Liegroup)to R. E. Schultz[11];it followsfromhis Theorem3.11above. Itfollowsalsofrom(6.3)andHopf-ring distributivity: (x o y) * [1]= (x * [l])#(y * [1]) = (-1)1x 1IYIx'* y' * (x"#y")* [1]. Thesecondexpression followssimilarlyfrom(6.3),the mixedCartanformula,and thefactthat QU[1]= Oforu > O. O X H*(CP°°) THEOREM 6.6. H*(CP°°) Let is p =the 2. identity In H*(SG(S1)) (with mod2 H*(Q(CP+ coefficients), /\ S1)), and that 251 S1-EQUIVARIANT FUNCTION SPACES space In principle,the structuralformulaevalidin the homologyof an EOO-ring couldnowbe translatedintoformulaerelatingo andQrto * andQr.Thesewould determinethe structureof H*(SG(H)),givex o y andQrxforx, y C H*(BH). In viewof the complexityof the mixedAdemrelation,however,we shallnot complete this exercisehere. Weturnnowto S1. Sincethe infiniteloopmapi: SG(S1) > SG(Zp)is injectivein homology,the aboveholdalsoin H*(SG(S1 )) . Indeed,sincei* wascomputed considered formulae in §4,whilethe R-Hopfalgebrastructureof H*(SG(Z2)) wascomputedin [8],we the R-Hopfalgebrastructureof H*(SG(S1); Z2); andsimilarly,forp odd, "know" the Hopfalgebrastructureof H*(SG(Sl);Zp) and someinformation we "know" aboutits R-modulestructure.Wewishto be moreexplicit,however;and,by the whereas in §4, ar indicatedformulae,it will sufficeto computeaq o ar andQqarX is the canonicalgeneratorof H2r+l(CP+ /\ S1;Zp). (a) - s, rS)Q2(q+r-S)+la aq o ar = aq * ar + ,(q 1Qq+r-2ta (q-2t, r-2t) Qq+r+ +, t Q (b) THEOREM6.7. (a) r r ) ( q+rn Q2q+la Letpbeodd. InH*(SG(Sl))_ =° H*(Q(CP+ASl)), aq o ar = aq * ar + E c(q,r, t):Qtaq+r+l_(p- l)t t where (q' ' ) (b) ( r ( ) Qqar= (-l)q+r+l (q r PROOF OF THEOREM6.6. ) ( t- k ) ar+q(p-l) We applyLemma2.9 with H = S1. Note that /\ S1) > H*(CP+/\ S1) is givenby *: H*(CP+) (23H*(CP+ ,i* (aU X ar)-(U, r)ar+u Thus, (6.8) ) aq#ar = E (u, r)aq-u/\ t*ar+U u B. M. MANN, E. Y. MILLERAND H. R. MILLER 252 to Theorem4.4, t*ar+Uis a sumof twosortsof terms.Forthe first,we According use = aq-u X 1 + 1 8) a i\aq-u 1 /\ XQt[l] = bo, ( q- u - t ) _ 2t- to find (6.9) [1]) [1]* XQ2(U+r-8) aq-u/\ (Q28+1 = bu+r E ( q u t) Q2s+2t+laq-u-t forthe secondwe find Similarly, aq-u * (XQU+r-8[1])*2) /\ (Q8+lQ8[l] E ( t ) ( t ) Qs+2i+1Qs+2ta NowQ8+2i+1killsthis dimensionunless2i > q - u, whilethe firstbinomialcoeffiis thustrivialunlessq - u is even, cientis zerounless2i < q - u. The expression andthen * (XQU+r-8[1])*2) a2V/\ (Q8+lQ8[1] (6.10) = bu+r E t) ( V Q8+q-u+l Q82tav-t a Substituting(6.9)and(6.10)into (6.8), aq#ar= (u,r) (q + (q-2v, t t) t r) ( Q2(u+r+t)+la ) Qq+r+lQq+r-2(t+t)av-t v,t Now,forfixeds, E u+t=q-s E v-t=s t (u,r) ( (q-2v,r) ( ) = (q- s)r - s), t ) = (q-2s,r-2s), so we concludethat aq#ar= ,(q- s,r - s)Q2(q+r-8)+la + ,(q-2s, r-2s)Qq+r+lqq+r-2sa Part(b) follows fromKochman's w: H*(QBZp+; formula toF [7] H* Zp) and (QS° Nthe fact ) that jsl: U SG(S1) S1-EQUIVARIANT FUNCTION SPACES 253 Nowaqandar areprimitive,so by Lemma6.5, aq o ar = aq * ar + aq#ar, andpart(a) of the theoremfollows is an infinite-loop map[3]. 0 Theproofof Theorem6.7 is analogousandis left to the reader. O REMARK 6.11. From(6.6)we findthat ar ° ar = ar * ar + Q2r+lar = ° whichis consistentwithCorollary 5.3. Indeed,it canbe usedto provethatis1* ar = ar at p= 2. 7. The global structure of H*(SG(S1))and of H*(BSG(S1)).Recallthe weightval?lation w:H(QS°;z)N whereN = {0,1, . . ., x}. It is the smallestfunctionwith this sourceandtarget satisfying (7.1) w(x * y) > w(x)+ w(y), (7.2) w(x + y) > min{w(x),w(y)}, W(QI [1]) = pl(I) forI admissible withe(I) > O. (Wereferto [5, pp. 16, 42]fordefinitionsoflength,admissibility, andexcess,for Dyer-LashoSoperations.) Thusin particular w(O)= x andw([n])= O. Similarly, we define respectively w: H*(Q(CP+°°/\ S 1); Zp) >N, to be the smallestsuchfunctionssatisfying(7.1),(7.2),and,forI admissible, w(QIer) = pl(I)+l fore(I) > r > O, andl(I) > O, w(er) = p forr > O, W(eO) = °, respectively, W(QIar) = pl(I)+l fore(I) > 2r + 1 > 1. In all threecasesit is clearthat (7 3) w(x1* * xr) = w(xl) + + w(xr) if x1 * * xr is nonzeroandeachxi is suchan element,QI[1],QIer,or QIar. It is easyto check,usingTheorems4.4 and4.5, that the transfermap H*(Q(CP+/\S )) wH*(QBZp+) ],tF preserveweight:w(0*(x))> w(x) for 0 = to,t1, or t. Thusit makessenseto computethemmodulohigherweight,andwe havethe followinglemma. t1*: H*(Q(CP+ A sl)) H*(QB:Z+) B. M. MANN, E. Y. MILLER AND H. R. MILLER 254 LEMMA7.4. Foranyp, tl*QIaT--QIe2r+l *e andforp = 2, to*Q ar _ QIQ2r+l[l] * [_21(I)+1] mod higherweight. PROOF. ForI empty,these are immediatefromTheorems4.4 and 4.5. The AdemrelationforQnQO impliesthatforanyn > Oandanyk E Z, w(Qn[pk]) > p2. It followsby inductionthat Q (Q [1]* [_p]) _ QI Q2r+ l [l] * [_ pl (I )+ l ] modhigherweight.Theassertionforto*follows,andthe othercaseis similar. O As a corollary, we havethe injectivityneededin §6: COROLLARY7.5. Forp = 2, to*:H*(Q(CP+°° /\ S1)) ts injective,andfor p arbitrary, > H*(QS°) is injective. O Nextwe notethe behaviorof the weightvaluationwithrespectto the composition productin SG(S1) Q(CP+/\ 51). LEMMA7.6. In H*(Q(CP+ /\ 51)), (a) w(x#y) > w(x) + w(y), withequalityif andonlyif p = 2 andw(x) = 2 = w(y); i.e., x = as,y = at (b) w(xo y) > w(x) + w(y). (c) x o y--x * y modulo higherweightunlessp = 2,x = as,y = at PROOF. (a) By the mixedCartanformula,QIa¢#QJat is a sum of termsof the formQK(ai#a;), wherel(K) = I(I) + I(J). Substituting in the valueof a#aj fromTheorems6.6 and6.7 we findthat eachtermin this sumhassveightat least pl(I)+l(J)+2. NOW pl(I)+l(J)+2 > pl(I)+1 + pl(J)+2 andthe inequalityis strictunlessp = 2 and l(I) = O= I(J). Thisproves(a) for suchelements.If xl, . . ., xq,Y1,. . ., Yr)aresuchelements,theneachis primitive,so the distributivity formulaimpliesthat (xl * * xq)#(y1* * yr) = O if q 7& r = 2, i(Xl#Ya(l)) * * * (xq#ya(q)) if q = r aCSq andthe resultholdsby (7.3). (b) and (c). SinceQIaS andQJatareprimitive, QIa, o QJat = QIa, * QJat + QIa,#QJat by Lemma6.5. By (a), this is congruent to QIaS * QJat modhigherweight,with the notedexceptions.Again,the extensionto monomials is easy. O H*(SG(S1)) H*(SG(S1)) H*(U) X P[ar*2: H*(Q(CP+ r >/\ O]sl)), S1-EQUIVARIANT FUN5TION SPACES 255 we have As a corollary, THEOREM7.7. H*(SG(S1)) is a primitivelygeneratedHopf algebra.For p = 2, X H*(Q(CP+ /\ s1))//P[ar: r > O], andfor p odd, as Hopf algebras. C] spacespectralsequence WenowstudyH*(BSG(S1 )) bymeansof the classifying (7.8) TorHF (SG(S1)) (Z Zp) > H*(BSG(S1 )) first, homologyspectralsequenceof Hopfalgebras.Consider Thisis a firstquadrant with s > 1, the dividedpowersof the suspensionvar of ar. amongthe generators is1: U >SG(S1) mapsontotheseelements,by J-homomorphism Theequivariant Corollary 5.3. Sincethe spectralsequence Tor ( )(Zp,Zp)> H*(BU) cycles. arepermanent collapsesat E2, we concludethat thesegenerators with s > 1, so the spectralsequence Forp =-2, thereareno furthergenerators (7.8) collapsesat E2. Forp 7&2, eachodd generatorin H*(SG(S1)) leadsto a [5, dividedpowersequencein E2. Theseareconnectedby the universaldifferential p. 125] dP-1ap+j (ax) = - (ff:Q 1x)Aj(5x) . Here,if 2s = have Ixl + 1, thenQ1x = uQSxforsomeunitu E Zp. To computeQ1, we 7.9. In H*(SG(S1)), for I admissiblewithe(I) LEMMA > 2r+ 1 and l(I) > O, QlQIar-QlQIar modhigherweight. This is a routineexercisewith the weightvaluation,and is describedin more detailin [9],so its proofis omittedhere.Thislemmaresultsin EPr[var: X r>O]@E[ff:Qsar: str>O] D[aQIar: l(I) > 1, e(I) > 2r + 1, r > O], algebratruncatedat heightp. No further whereD denotesthe freecommutative arenowpossible:EP = E°°. differentials andthenextlemma J-homomorphism, Lemma7.9, togetherwiththeequivariant extension,andTheoremF of the Introthe multiplicative whenp = 2, determines ductionresults. B. M. MANN, E. Y. MILLER AND H. R. MILLER 256 LEMMA 7.10. Forp= 2 Q4r+3Q2r+l a =O in H*(SG(S1)) . PROOF. UsingLemma6.5 andthe factthat ar is primitive, we expand Q4r+3 Q2r+ 1 a = Q4r+3 (a*2) intoa sumin whicheachtermappearsexactlytwice.Sincewe areworkingmod2, the lemmafollows. O BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. J. C. Beckerand D. H. Gottlieb, The transfermap andfiber bundles,Topology 14 (1975), 1-12. 2. J. C. Beckerand R. E. 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