Iern. J. Math. & Mah. Sci. Vol. 6 No. 3 (1983)459-466 459 SOME REMARKS ON THE SPACE R2(E) CLAES FERNSTRM Department of Mathematics Unive rs ity o f S to ckho im SWEDEN (Received on April 26, 1982 and in revised form on September 28, 1982) ABSTRACT. Let E be a compact subset of the complex plane. We denote by R(E) the algebra consisting of the rational functions with poles off E. LP(E), 1 < p < , is denoted by RP(E). The closure of R(E) in section 2 we introduce the notion of weak bounded point evaluation of order identify the existence of a weak bounded point evaluation of order R2(E) necessary and sufficient condition for E such that R2(E) 2. In this paper we consider the case p L2(E). R2(E) and > i, as a We also construct a compact set has an isolated bounded point evaluation. the smoothness properties of functions in , B In In section 3 we examine at those points which admit bounded point evaluations. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Rational funns, compact set, LP-spaces, bonded point evaluation, weak bounded point evaluation, Bessel capacity. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. 30A98. INTRODUCTION. Let E be a compact subset of the complex plane E. LP(E) For each p, i <_ p be the linear space of all complex valued functions f for which fl < p , let is inte- grable with the usual norm dm(z)} 1/p where m denotes the two dimensional Lebesque measure. Denote by R(E) the subspace of all rational functions having no poles on E and let RP(E) be the closure of R(E) in be a bounded point evaluation (BPE) for RP(E), LP(E). A point z 0 E is said to if there is a constant F such that 460 C. dm(z)ll/P In [I] Brennan showed that RP(E) is a BPE for Fernstrm FERNSTRM for all f LP(E), RP(E) R(E) 2, if and only if no point of E p 2 (See The theorem is not true for p and Polking [3].) Fernstrm [2] or In this paper we show that if the right hand side of (i) is made slightly larger a corresponding theorem is true for p We also show that 2. this theorem is best possible. If z f(z E is a BPE for 0 [ f(z)g(z)dm(z) 0) RPkE there is a function g for all f e R(E). LqkE i_ + 1 q P i, such that The function g is called a representing E function for z 0. that a set A, A C one when Let B(z,) denote the ball with radius 8 and centre at z. , has full area density at z if (z_z0)-s (Iz-z01) -i g Lq (E), RP(E), 2 < p, represented by g e where s is a nonnegative integer and decreasing function such that r qb(r) -1’ 0 when e E 0 r’0. Lq(E) and is a non- Then for every e > 0 there is a in E having full area density at z such that for every f e 0 R(E) and for all 0 If() <_ tends to tends to zero. Suppose now that z 0 is a BPE for set E m(AB(z,))m(B(z,)) We say -i f(z 0 f’(Zo) ( l! Zo Is (I Zol) I z f(S)(z0)(r s! I/p 0 if(z) p dm(z E )I z 0 )sl This theorem is due to Wolf We shall show that the theorem of Wolf is not true for p 2. [8]. We shall also show that a slightly weaker result is true and that this result is best possible. The main tool to show this is to construct a compact set E with exactly one bounded point derivation for order s for RP(E) A point z if the map f linear functional on 2. R2(E). 0 f(S)(z 0), E is a bounded point derivation (BPD) of f R(E), extends from R(E) to a bounded RP(E). BPE’S AND APPROXIMATION IN THE MEAN BY RATIONAL FUNCTIONS. Denote the Bessel kernel of order one by G where G is defined in terms of its Fourier transform by REMARKS ON THE SPACE R2 (E) (Z) L2() For f (i + IZl 2) -1/2 we define the potential u The Bessel capacity C (z) am G(z-’r) f(’r) for an arbitrary set X, XCI2, is defined by 2 din(z), where the nfmum u f (z) 461 i for all z s X. s taken over all f The set function C 2 L() C2(X) [nf such that f(z) 0 and is subadditive, increasing, translation invariant and C 2(B(z,6)) = 6 og J O < i. For further details about this capacity see Meyers [5]. The BPD’s -n-I < Theorem 2.1 can be described by the Besse! capacity. Iz-z01 _< 2 -n Let An(Z 0) denote the annulus The following theorem is proved in [3]: Then z is a BPD of order s for R2(E) if and Let E be a compact set. only if n= Definition 22n(s+l) C2(An(Z) E) < Set log L z (z) iZ_ZoI for Z-ZoI < for Z-Zol > 0 1 e A point z 0 e E is called a weak bounded point evaluation (w BPE) of order $, S > 0 for R2(E) if there is a constant F such that for all f e R(E) We are now going to generalize theorem 2.1 in two directions. Theorem 2.2 Let s be a nonnegative integer and E a compact set. is a BPE for R2(E) represented by g e L2(E) and Suppose that z 0 that is a positive, nondecreasing function defined on (0,) such that r (r) decreasing and tends to zero when r function g e L2(E) g such that (z-zo)- ([ Z-Zo[) e L 2 (E) -) 0 + Then z 0 -i is non- is represented by 462 FERNSTRM C. if and only if 22n(s+l) (2 -n -2 C E) 2(An(z 0) < . n=0 Then z is a w BPE of order Lot E be a compact set. Theorem 2.3 B for R2(E) if and only if n -g2 2n C2(A n (z) -E) < n=l The proofs of theorem 2.2 and theorem 2.3 are almost the same as the proof of theorem 2.1. Wolf proved in [8] that the condition We omit the proofs. 22n(s+l) (2-n) -2 C 2(An(z 0 E)) < is necessary in theorem 2.2. n=0 The compact sets E for which L2(E) can be described in terms of the The following theorem is proved in Hedberg [4] and Polking [6]. Bessel Capacity. Theorem 2.4 R2(E) Let E be a compact set. Then the following are equivalent. L 2(E). (i) Re(E) (ii) C 2(B(z,6)-E) (iii) lim sup C 2(B(z,6)) C2 (B(z,) -E) > for all balls B(z,6). 0 for all z. If we combine theorem 2.3 and theorem 2.4 we get the following theorem. Theorem 2.5 Let B > i and E be a compact set. admits no w BPE of order B for Then L2(E) R2(E) if and only if E R2(E). Now we shall show that theorem 2.5 is not true for B < i. We first need the following theorem. Theorem 2.6 There is a compact set E such that E) < C 2(B(0,1/2)) (i) C 2(B(0,1/2) (ii) n -I n=l 22nC2(An(z E) for all z. The proof is a modification of a proof in [2] or [3], where a weaker theorem is Since we shall need the construction of E later, we give some details. proved. roof. There are constants F Fl(log ) -i <_ C2(B(z,6)) F I and 2 such that _< F2(log )-i for all 6, 6 < 60 < I. REMARKS ON THE SPACE R 2 (E) Choose , Let A 0 C2 (B(0,1/2)). < log2n Cover A be the closed unit square with centre at the origin. -n with side 2 disc i, such that > n 463 Bn(i) exp(-c4n Call the squares A n Bn such that log2n). n (i) An and (i), (i) 1,2,..., 4 i n In every A 0 with 4 (i) n n squares put an open have the same centre and the radius of Bn (i) is Repeat the construction for all n, n > 2. Set n 4 n= 2 The subadditivity of C (i) n i=l now gives (i). 2 In order to prove (ii) it is enough to prove F1 for all n, n E) > C2(A 32 4nlog n 2 (i) Consider all B n(i) k(i) We get 4 <_ k _< n discs with radius exp(-4n+(n+Z) log2 (n+Z)) Call the discs D (r) n n2-n+l 4 1,2 r (2.1) O Bk(i._ An such that n > n 0 < Z < n 2 n. -1 3 Thus 2 F1 a4 n 2 jn 1 "= j log’q <- Set Dn t D r C2(Dn (r) < F2 4 jn n .= 1 j logZj (r) n Since the distances between the discs are large compared to their radii, it can be shown that C2(Dn) >_ Z C2(Dn(r)) if n is large. r (See theorem 2’ in [2] or theorem 2 in [3] for a proof.) Thus if n is large, C2(An (i). which is (2.1) E) > C2(Dn) 2 F n 84 jn 1 >---n 1 J log2j F1 16a4nlog n C. 464 Theorem 2.7 FERNSTRM There is a compact set E such that e 2(E) (i) R 2(E) 2 (ii) E has no w BPE of order one for R (E). Proof 3. The theorem follows immediately from theorem 2.3, 2.4, and 2.6. BPE’S AND S!IOOTHNESS PROPERTIES OF FUNCTIONS IN R2(E). In this section we treat the theorem of Wolf mentioned in the introduction for the 2. case p Theorem 3.1 Let r L be a positive, nondecreasing function defined on (0,) such that 0(r) (r) -I is nondecreasing and r L Suppose that z 0 is a BPE for (z-z 0) -s (Iz-z01) -i Zo, -I 0 when r 0+ represented by g and L (E), where s is a nonnegative integer. g > 0 there is a set E such that for every f (r-Zo) i! I f() E 0 in E, having full area R(E) and every f(s) (Zo) f- (z0) f(z0) f() (r) 2 Then for every $ > i and density at R2(E) 0(r) s! (-Zo) E T 0 s 12 Lz0 (z) The proof of theorem 3.1 is only a minor modification of the proof of theorem 4.1 in [8]. l.breover, there is a proof of theorem 3.1 for B 2 in Wolf [7]. We omit the proof. Remark. E (the boundary of E) be both a BPE for Let z 0 sector contained in Int secotr. Let s E. R2(E) and the vertex of a Let L be a line which passes through z 0 and bisects the 0 and let be as in theorem 2.2. For those y e L E that are sufficiently near z 0 Wolf showed in [9] that f(z)]2 If(y)-f(zo) _< dm(z)l 1/2 for all f Our next step is to prove that theorem 3.1 is not true for B I. R(E). We first need a theorem, which we think is interesting in itself. Theorem 3.2 Then there is a compact set E such that Let s be a nonnegative integer. (i) (ii) n -I E 22n C2(An(Z)-E) 22n(s+l) C2(An(O)-E) if z # 0. < Proof . R2(E) REMARKS ON THE SPACE 465 Let B k We shall modify the set constructed in the proof of theorem 2.6. Let all B denote the same discs as in that proof. Jl Choose C2(AIj) E J>Jl < 2 diam(Alj i and Suppose that we have chosen An+2 Choose 2’ An+3 and diam(An+I Jn+l -1 Jn" Let all AIJI’ All (k) Bj Anl which intersect ,AnJn, be denoted by Jn+l C2 (An+l < 2 -(n+l j < 2 -(n+3) Let A0 be the closed unit square with centre at the origin. k) such that B (k) l<n< and union of all B Anm , 22n(s+l) We have C 2(An(0) E) <_ 0. A 0- (The Set E l<m<Jn) -n 2 < n=l n=! Let z An+l(0) 3’’’’ so that their diameters are decreasing. Jn+l so that 22(n+I)(I) E > < 2 -3 Jl and which do not coincide with i, AI(0) so that 22(s+l) An+l which intersect so that their diameters are decreasing. All, AI2, AI3,... be denoted by -. k)j If is large all (k) Bj (k) B] C A(z) differ fro Anm < n < and i < m < j I n._ Now exactly as in proof of theorem 2.6 it follows :. Corollary 3.3 Proof Remark n -I 22n C2(An(Z)-EI) q.e.d. 2 There is a compact set E with exactly one BPD of order s for R (E). Just combine theorem 3.2 and 2.1. The situation for p # 2 is different. all points z Theorem 3.4 E, E compact, are not BPE for In [i] Brennan showed that if almost RP(E), Let s be a nonnegative integer and E admits no BPE’s 2 for R (E). be as in theorem 2.2. Then there is a compact set E such that (i) z 0 is a BPE for R2(E). (ii) There is a representing function g for z that satisfies 0 466 C. FEPdqS TRM 2 (Iz-z01)-i geL(E) (z-z0)-s (iii) For every T e E, and every positive integer n there is a z0 T function f e R(E) such that f(s) (z0) f, (z0) f()-f(z0)- i (r-z0) > n Proof If(z) Lz0 (z)dm(z) s’ (-z0)Sl > 1 /2 Theorem 3.2 gives that there is a compact set E such that n -I 22nC 2(An(z) E) z z0 n=l 2n (s+l) (2-n) -2 C 2(An(z0) E) < n=l Now theorem 2.1 gives (i) and theorem 2.2 gives (ii). Moreover theorem 2.1 gives that 2 z 0 is a BPD of order s for R (E) and theorem 2.3 that is not a w BPE of order i for 2(E) R This gives (iii). REFERENCES i. Brennan, J. E., Analysis, 7 2. Invariant Subspaces and Rational Approximation, J. Functional (1971), 285-310. Bounded Point Evaluations and Approximation in L p by Analytic Functions, in "Spaces of Analytic Functions Kristiansand, Norway 1975" 65-68, Lecture Notes in Mathematics No 512, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Fernstrm, C., 196. 3. FernstrSm, C and Polking, J. 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