I nternat. J. Math. Math. Vol. 6 No. 2 (1983) 243-270 243 DISTRIBUTIONAL AND ENTIRE SOLUTIONS OF ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL AND FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS S.M. SHAH Department of Mathematics University of Kentucky Lexlngton, Kentucky 40502 and JOSEPH WIENER Department of Mathematics Pan American University Edlnburg, Texas 78539 (Received February 25, 1983) ABSTRACT. A brief survey of recent results on distributional and entire solutlosof ordinary differential equations (ODE) and functional differential equations (FDE) is given. Emphasis is made on lnear equations with polynomial coefficients. Some work on generallzed-functlon solutions of integral equations is also mentioned. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Ordinary Differential Equations, Functional Differential Equations, Integral Equations, Distributional Solutions, Entire Solutions. 19B0 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. $4A$0, $4A$5, $4K25, $4K, $0D05, 46FI0, 45E99. I. INTRODUCTION AND PRELIMINARIES. This paper may be considered as a continuation of [I] which contains, in partf- cular, a survey of recent results on entire solutions of ODE with polynomial coefffclents. Integral transformations establish close links between entire and generalized functions [2]. Therefore, a unified approach may be used fn the study of both dlstrfb-utional and entire solutions to some classes of linear ODE and, especially, FDE with linear transformations of the argument [3]. It fs well known [4] that normal linear homogeneous systems of ODE with fnffnltely dffferentlable coefficients have no generalized-function solutions other than the classical S.M. SHAH and J. WIENER 244 In contrast solutions. to this case, for equations with singularities in the coefficients, new solutions in generalized functions may appear as well as some classical solutions may disappear. solutions of ODE are discussed. In Section 2 results on distributional and entire In Section 3 we study analogous problems for FDE. Research in this direction, still developed insufficiently, discovers new aspects and properties in the theory of ODE and FDE. dissimilarities between the behavior In fact, there are some striking of ODE and FDE which deserve further investi- gat ion. I. Distributional solutions to linear homogeneous FDE may be originated either by singularities of their coefficients or by deviations of argument. In [5] it has been proved that the system x’(t) Ax(t) + tBx(%t), -I % < I has a solution in the class of distributions an impossible phenomenon for ODE without singularities. 2. In [6] it was shown that a first-order algebraic ODE has no entire transcendental solutions of order less than may possess such solutions of zero order 3. 1/2, whereas even linear first-order FDE [3], [7]. It is well known [8] that the solution of the initial-value problem for a normal linear ODE wlth entire coefficients is an entire function. Let in the linear FDE w’Cz) the functions I%(z) Izl if even w(0) a(z), b(z), %(z) Be regular < i for < i[9]. a(z)wClCz)) + BCz), Izl < i. w 0 in the disk Izl < I, and %(0) O, Then there is a unique solution of the problem regular in In general, this solution cannot be extended beyond the circle a(z), b(z), and %(z) w’(z) are entire functions. i, Thus, the solution of the eqa_ tiOn a(z)w(z2), where a(z) is an entire function wlth positive coefficients, has the circle as the natural boundary 2. Izl [i0], [II]. DISTRIBUTIONAL AND ENTIRE SOLUTIONS OF ODE The number m is called the order of the distribution Izl I EOUATIONS ORDINARY AND FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL m x r. x () x ’ o, (t), 1-0 where real. (k) (2.1) measure, and the variable t is denotes the kth derivative of the Dirac Finite order solutions of linear ODE have been studied mainly for equations with regular singular points [12 (Wiener [16]). THEOREM 2.1. n Y. a i--O i(t)x (n-i) (t) If the equation (2.2) 0 (re+n- i C ai(t)_ with coefficients In [16] for the first time an existence 16]. (2.1) to any linear ODE was established. criterion of solutions in a neighborhood of t (I) a (2) m satisfies the relation -(m 3) there exists a nontrlvial solution 0(0) 0, m+n E j-- 0 has a solution of order 0, then: m concentrated on t mln (j 0Xk+j -n O, al(O) (x0, (-l)J-laj-i)(0)(k + J i=o m 0, 1, (Wiener [16]). THEOREM 2.2. + n)a 0’(0) + m) x of the system ,n) (k t 245 i)! 0 + n). Eq. (2.2) has an m order solution with support 0, if the following hypotheses are satisfied: (i) For some natural N(0 < N < m a (il) (0) O, 0, i + n), rain(N, n); m is the smallest nonnegative integer root of the relation M ):. I--0 (N+l-i) (O)(m + n (-I) N+l-i aj i)! 0, M mln(N + i, n), where N denotes the greatest number for which (i) holds; there exists a nonzero solution of system (3) in Th. 2.1. From these theorems it follows that if the equation n E t=0 ttatCt)x (i) (t) with coefficients ai(t) (2.3) 0 m E C and an(0) @ 0 has a solution (2.1) of order m, then S.M. SHAH and J. WIENER 246 n r. i=O (-1)ia i(O) (m + i) (2.4) O. Conversely, if m is the smallest nonnegative integer root of (2.4), there exists an 0 [16]. m order solution of (2.3) concentrated on t This proposition constitutes the basis for the study of finite order solutions to equations with regular singular The stated results can be used also in the search of polynomial and rational points. solutions to linear ODE with polynomial coefficients. Thus, we formulate THEOREM 2.3. The equation n Z i=O (air bi)x(n-i)(t) + with constant coefficients all poles s i al, 0 b and a i i, b 0 0 0 has a finiteorder solution if of the function n n Z R(s) (.i s i=0 i)ai)sn-i-I/ i=0I aisn-i (n- are real distinct and all residues r i res R(s) are nonnegative integral. S--S i This solution is given by the formula n -I C x (d /dr i-i sl)ri(t), C const md its order is n m= Er I--I i. 0 there exists also a solution If a n x- C H r (d!dt t--I s:t) I t -1. Polynomial and rational solutions of ODE have been studied extensively [17 25]. In [17] the author deals with the equation r. i-O where a S alx ai{t) (.t) 0 have mth order derivatives in [a, b]. Let aio a /a i 0 ORDINARY AND FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS (provided a 0 # 0) and (provided (a+l,j_ I + ai,j_l) / (al,j_ I + a0,j_l) aij al,j_ I + a0,j_ I @ 0). (Sapkarev [17]). THEOREM 2.4. 247 Eq. (2.5) has a polynomial solution of degree m if and only if a{,m_ I + a0,m_ I (apkarev THEOREM 2.5. m + i, + m 0. [17]). Eq. (2.5) has polynomial solutions of degrees m, i if and only if n ai+l,m-1 + a 0, I, 0 for i i,m-1 n i. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a maximal number of polynomial solutions to algebraic differential equations are given in [18] and [19]. Existence of polynomial solutions of an equation of Linard type is studied in [20]. The equation w’ a0(z) considered in [21]. Thus, in [22] n 7. + al(z)w + n a (z)w with n polynomials as solutions is n In a number of papers additions to Kamke’s treatise are made. proved that for the generalization it is x + (-l)i-itix(i) / i! + f(x(n)) i=l of Clairaut’s equation the following are two solutions: E X i=l CI, where citi / Cn I y + i=l where AI, + f(Cn) are arbitrary n-I x i! An_ I constants, and Ait i, are arbitrary constants and f,(y(n)) (_t)n/n!. In [23] and [24] rational solutions of Palnlev’s third and fifth equations are studied. (Gromak, [23]). THEOREM 2.6. zww" where zw’ 0, y solution has 82/4 2 0 or ww 3 + w + 8w + YZw + 87 # 0, poles and There exists a rational solution of the equation 4 0, if 8 -+ z, 2k, k 0, +-I +-2 ...; this rational 1 zeros. The work [25] concerns the study of properties of solutions to the complex equation (I) Pf g, where 248 S.M. SHAH and J. WIENER m P(z, 8 /z) k E Pk(Z) k;O i z k, / 1 z and g is a given holomorphlc or rational function. ( / x i / y) Various conditions guaranteeing that the solutions of (i) are polynomial or rational functions of a certain type are In the last part, differential equations of ’Euler type are considered. obtained. (Nova[25]). THEROEM 2.7. Let be a simply connected open set in If u is a regular singular point of P and every solution of Pf with g e Ru(), with a pole at is rational in u, g in 0( and u E . {}), then P is normal. Significant contributions to the study of asymptotic properties of the analytic solutions of algebraic ordinary and partial differential equations are made in [6]. The main properties are the growth of an entire solution, the order of a meromorphic solution and its exceptional values. In a certain sense, thls book completes the In the second chapter of [6], the author studies the fundamental monograph [26]. algebraic DE P(z, w, w’) 0. It is reduced to the form P0(z where Qi(z, w, --) -= r. QI(z ---) n) are polynomials In z and n. solution of (2.6) and let Substituting w (2.7) 0 W Let w(z) be an entire transcendental be a point on the circle Izl r such that in (2.7) and, dividing its terms by w(z), z wn() gives, with regard to Maclntyre’s formula [27] f’ ()/f() rM’ (r)/M(r) K(r), the equation n Q0({, E K(r)) Qi({, K(r))ji({). From here it follows that Q0 (’ The polynomial Z(r)) Q0(, o(.i). (2.8) K) is called the principal polynomial of Eq. (2.7), and (2.8) is called the determining equation. ORDINARY AND FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS THEOREM 2.8. (Strelitz[6]). The order and type of an entire transcendental solution of (2.6) are equal, respectively, to the positive order of one of the solutions of the determining equation (2.8). rllm K(r) /r ojpj, 249 rllm In M(r) /r Oj > 0 and type Furthermore, j. The following proposition shows that not all of the numbers indicated in Th. 2.8 01 may be the orders of the entire solutions of first order algebraic DE. THEOREM 2.9. (Strelltz[6]). tal solutions of order O < i Algebraic DE(2.6) cannot have entire transcenden- In general, i cannot be replaced by a larger number: there are equations of the form (2.6) that have entire transcendental solutions of order I EXAMPLE 2.1. 2 w (Strelltz[6]). + 4zw’ 2 The equation i cos / of order 0 has an entire transcendental solution w i The following result is of interest in this connection. Let R(z, w) be a rational function of z and w. 1 is a A meromorphlc solution of the equation w’ R(z, w) which is of" order < THEOREM 2.10. (Wittlch [26]). rational function. In the second chapter of [6] it is also proved that the order of any meromorphlc solution of a first order algebraic DE is finite. The orders of the transcendental entire solutions of second order linear DE with polynomial coefficients have been [29], [30]. investigated in [28], degree p and q, respectively. Set Suppose that P(z) and O(z) are polynomials of i gO + max(p, q). Let p _> q + I. Then all transcendental solutions of the equation (2.9) w" + P(z)w’ + Q(z)w-- 0 are of the order I order i + Here go i q go" + p go" If p I _< q, all transcendental solutions are of the Deviation from this pattern can occur only if i q < p _< q. I + p, and there are always solutions of this order; under certain circumstances, however, a lower order q THEOREM 2.11. (Hille [30]). p + I may also be present. If in (2.9) either P or Q is an entire 250 S .M. SHAH and J. WIENER transcendental function while the other is a polynomial, then every transcendental solution of (2.9) is an entire function of Inflnlteorder. This is not necessarily true, however, if both P and Q are entire. (Wittich [30]). THEOREM 2.12. In (2.9) suppose that P and Q are entire functions and suppose that the equation has a fundamental system w I and w 2 are entire functions of order 01 and 02, respectively. Wl(Z), w2(z), where Then P and Q are po lynomials. Th. 2.12 may be regarded as a converse of Th. 2.11. (Frei [31]). THEOREM 2.13. w (n) n + the coefficients 7. i=l Pi(Z)W (n-i) pi(z)(i transcendental function. Suppose that in the equation 0 k) are polynomials, and i, 2, Pk+l(Z) is an entire Under these conditions the equation can have no more than k linear independent entire transcendental solutions of finite order, whereas all other solutions of the fundamental system are of infinite order. The results by Frei, Pschl, and Wlttich on the growth of solutions of linear DE are generalized in the third chapter of [6]. The main tool is the Wlman-Vallron method, but the case when this method fails is also studied. Nonlinear algebraic (n) 0 are investigated, too. A necessary conDE of the form P(z, w, w’ w dition for some complex number a to be a defect value of a meromorphic solution of finite order is 0) P(z, a, 0, 0. We already know that first order algebraic DE have no entire transcendental solutions of zero order. In [32] it is shown that there are algebraic DE of third order that have entire transcendental solutions of zero order. THEOREM 2.14. (Zimogliad [33]). P(z, w, w’, w") A second order algebraic differential equation 0 (P is a polynomial of all its variables) cannot have entire transcendental solutions of zero order. THEOREM 2.15. (Shah [34]). linear homogeneous equation Let f(z) be an entire solution of an nth order ORDINARY AND FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS P0 (z)w(n) + Pn(Z)W(Z) + 0 where P. (0 < j < n) are all polynomials. 3 deg PO deg > max deg Pn Pj, (1 251 deg P. Write max _< j _< n d and suppose that 3 0<j<n 1). Thenf(.) is of order 1 and exponential type T where and a I/n lan / a0 T lira P (z) /z d p 0, n. For cases when the condition on the degree of z-o P is not satisfied, see ([34, Th. 1.6]). P The Bessel function of integer order n, z 2w,, ODE + zw’ + (z z2w 2 2 n )w + (z 2- 2Nz L(L + l))w M(r, Jn are all entire functions. max FL(D z) satisfies the 0 (N a real constant, L a nonnegative integer). {If k(z) J, I <k log M(r, F r Consider now vector-vM.ued functions F: llFCz) [l satisfies the ODE 0, and the Coulomb wave function For these functions we have log fk(l <_ k <_ m) Jn(Z), P 1/ I;m. L) as r + . Suppose that the components Write <m}, MCr, F) !! F(z) lJ- max IzJ=r A vector-valued entire function F is said to be of bounded index DEFINITION. (BI) if there exists an integer N such that max II F (i) (z) I[ i! O< i<N for all z e I and k THEOREM 2.16. function of BIN. llF(z) where A max 0<k<N > !1 F(k)(z) Ii k! O, i, The least such integer N is called the index of F. (Roy and Shah [35]). Let F: i / m he a vector-valued entire Then II < A exp((N + i) 11 F(k)(0) !1 (N + 1) k Izl) The result is sharp. The function F may be of BI but the components fk may not theorem, it is shon that if F satisfies an ODE then F and each be of BI. fk are of BI. R denote the class of all rational functions r(z) bounded at infinity and (1 < i < m) denote an m m matrix with entries in R. Write In the next Let Qi(z) 252 S.M. SHAH and J. WIENER (a Qi(z) pq,i (z)), lira Z-Oo lapq ]Apq l] (z) i and sup (IApq,i], <_ p, q (Roy and Shah [35]) THEOREM 2.17. whose components 1 fl’ f m Let F: + are all entire functions be a ve-tor-valued function Suppose that F satisfies the ODE Ln(W, z, Q) --w (n) (z) + Ql(Z)- (n-l) (z) + where g(z) is a vector-valued entire function of BI. + Qn(Z)W(Z) Then each If the entries of (Roy and Shah [35]). THEOREM 2.18. fl’ fm are R then F may not be of BI. are not in Qi satisfies an ODE fk of this form (with possibly different n and coefficients), and F, all of BI. g(z) Let w(z) 0 be a vector-valued entire function satisfying the ODE L (w, z n Q) 0 Then we have: (i) lim sup log r ro where the numbers A i (ii) M(r w) iffil are defined above If the elements of such that m FIn+P n < max { i, m Qi(l <_ (n + p) (n +’p then the index N, of F(z), i < m) are constant, and p i) Cp+ (.n+p is less than or equal to n + p I. _> 0 is any integer <_ i, The bound on N is best possible. Next we compare these growth results with the corresponding ones for solutions of algebraic difference equations. THEOREM 2.19. (Shah [36]). Let P(t, u, v) be a polynomial with real coeffi- cients. Let u(t) be a real continuous solution of a frst order algebraic difference equation P(t, u(t), u(t + i)) 0 for t _> t o Then there exists a positive number A which depends only on the polynomial P such that [u(t lira inf e (At) t 2 O. ORDINARY AND FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS If u(t) is monotonic for t im t-+=o e2(x) Here _> to, ,,[u(t) 253 then 0. e2 (At) denotes exp(exp x). The function e (At) cannot be replaced by a function of slower rate of growth, 2 in general. (Shah [36]). THEOREM 2.20. tends to + as t /+=o Let (t) be an arbitrary increasing function which _> real solution u(t) which is continuous for t point of a sequence {t n P(t, u(t), u(t + i)) There exists an equation such that t n -+oo t O 0 with a and which exceeds (t) at each as n /. For further results see [37], [38], [39] and [40]. Let f(z) be an entire transcendental function. J(xr e where (r, f) max I =rg(xre The (, x) index is defined as f) f) is the central index of the Taylor expansion I f(z) f(i)()(z )i 1 !. The author of [41] evaluates the (e, x) indices of entire transcendental solutions of linear ODE with polynomial coefficients. On the basis of these results some theorems concerning the distribution of values of these solutions are proved. 2.21. order 0 and type c (c const). L llm Let w(z) be an entire transcendental solution of of an ordinary linear differential equation with polynomials as Let n(r, w coefficients. w (Knab [41]). c) be the counting function of the zeros of the function Then SUPr_=n(r w p c) /r < Up. In [42] the author considers the equation where p0(z)w" + pl(z)w’ + p2(z)w p0(z) # 0, pl(z) and p2(z) are 0, (2.10) entire and have real Taylor coefficients about ny real point. THEOREM 2.22. (Lopusans’kll [42]). Oscillatory real solutions of (2.10) have 254 S.M. SHAH and J. WIENER only real zeros. H (Lopusans kli [42]). THEOREM 2.23. w(z) /(z) maps the upper half-plane conformally onto the only if the function (z) unit disk, where solutions of w(z) Wl(Z) (2.10), and Solutions of (2.10) are oscillatory if and + iw2(z) wj (z)(j and I, 2) are two indenpendent real their Wronskian is positive on the real axis. The following characterization of the class HB(Hermlte-Biehler) of entire functions having all their zeros within the upper half-plane is given in (Lopusans’kii [42]). THEOREM 2.24. An entire function F(z) is of class HB if and only if on the real axis it is a complex solution of an oscillatory equation of the form (2.10). The ODE [43], where w(n) (z) + p0(z), Pn-2(z)w Pn-2(z) (n-2) (z) + + %nw(z) p0(z)w(z) is studied in ran_ 2, are polynomials of degrees m 0 respecti- It is proved that the fundamental system of vely, and % is a complex parameter. solutions of the equation, determined by the identity matrix as initial conditions 0, satlsifles the at z )I lw+/-(z, < estimates ]I Iz lOexp=l’Xzi, for all sufficiently large values of max (m. I%1 i +n) /(n and Iz I. The value of 0 is defined by i), u<l<n-Z and c is some positive constant. Asymptotic properties of the solutions of linear ODE with entire coefficients are studied in w (n) [44]. Consider the equation + an_lW (n-l) + where all the coefficients a + 0, I, ai(z)(i i (2.11) 0, a0w n Let f(z) be a meromorphic function in the z-plane. Z+(If(z) The function 8(a, f) 8(a, f) T(r, f) al -I) if a @ L(r a f) i) are entire functions. Denote: L(r, a, f) maXlzl=rZn+If(z) if a oo. is defined as lira infr_oL(r a, f)/T(r, f), is the usual Nevanlinna characteristic function of f. solution w(z) of (2.11) a standard solution if 8(a, f) The authors call 0 for all complex a # 0, ORDINARY AND FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS (Boiko and Petrenko [44]). TIEOREM 2.25. 255 Each fundamental system of solutions of Eq. (2.11) contains at least one standard solution. In [45] the author considers the first Palnlev equation w" i/ (z solutions are meromorphic of the form w i (z z0) 3 + ,, z0)2 I / (z (z), where ,, z0) 2 6w (z 0 /10)(z 2 z + z whose 0) 2 Yn--O n+2 (z zo)n" (z) She represents w as a quotient of two entire functions: w-- (u’2 I Jw exp (- where u uu") /u dz 2 (2.12) dz), and then obtalns recursion relations for the coeffl- clents of the power series expansions of the numerator and denominator. In conclusion, we note that in some recent works [46-50] entire solutions to DE of infinite order are discussed as well as properties of differential operators In [46] the author studies the existence of a in spaces of entire functions. solution to the equation 7n= 0 anw(n)(z) f(z) whose growth equals that of the right- hand side, in the case when f(z) belongs to the class such that Ig(x + iy) type without multiple roots. z e . 0 (i of exponential be the operator of convolution with (), where Each entire solution w(z) of the equation k), if and only if i, z k-I + + w(z), I (1)(z) > cle Wl(Z I(z) + where for all % with some constants c I, c > 0. 2 the operator studies the author In [48] The operator L i= My is representable in the form w(z) L w P 7 Let Let (z) be an entire function on (Napalkov [47]). THEOREM 2.26. Mw i g(z) The following result is proved in [47]. -functlon. MkW=0 of entire functions < cexp [(x) + (y)], for any x, y; here the functions (x), (y) satisfy Hider conditions. is a B, (I) 7 p i=0 P 7 aikz k=0 k p > 0. is said to be P applicable to the set H of entire functions at the point z 0 if the series 0pi(Zo)W(1)(z 0) (2) i(z)w(1)(z), pi(z) converges for any function w from H; applicable to H in the domain finite point Iz < if L P is applicable to H at 256 S.M. SHAH and J. WIENER (3) strongly regularly applicable to H inside the domain w e H and R < I Iz < if, for any oo, M(Pi R)M(w(i),R) < , i=0 sup { where M(f, R) [fez)I: Iz I< R). Let Q be a bounded simply connected region. In this remarkable paper the author gives necessary and sufficient conditions for L P to be applicable to the set R(Q) of exponential functions whose Borel transforms are regular on C(Q). that if the operator L sup where a--sup { O<k<p Izl: lim n z e R(Q) at p + i distinct points then is applicable to P nla-k < i/a Q}. Conversely, applicable to R(Q) inside Iz He proves (2.12) if (2.12) holds, then L P is strongly regularly < =o, and maps R(Q) into itself. In [49] the authors investigate the solvability of a class of functional equations, containing as a particular case differential equations of finite and of infinite order with constant coefficients, in the Banach space with weight of entire functions B(x,y {w(z) g Aoo llw I lw(z lexp(_(x, sup y)) < o. z=x+iye Here #(x,y) is a locally bounded function in R 2 with a certain growth for The author [50] treats an equation Lw the pi(z) are polynomials, deg Pi ni’ of all entire functions satisfying lim lim f with L Z i>0Pi(z)di/dz i, sup(n i / i) < I, in SUPr_ (Znlw(reiS) is a trigonometrically 0-convex function, 0 > 0. a space /ro) < g(8). Izl where [0, g(8)] Here g(8) It is proved that L is a Noetherian operator, its index is found and the space of solutions of the corresponding homogeneous equation is investigated. 3. DISTRIBUTIONAL AND ENTIRE SOLUTIONS OF FDE Finite order distributional solutions (2.1) of linear FDE have been studied in [15] and [51]. THEOREM 3.1. to the system (Wiener [15]). The criterion for the existence of solutions (2.1) 257 ORDINARY AND FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS n tx’(t) i=0 Ai(t)x(%i t) with matrices A (t) roots TM C 0 and constants in a neighborhood of t %i # 0 is that some of the equation n I%iI-1% I det i=0 be nonpositive integers. + ( + I)E) Ai(0 (3.1) 0 If m is the smallest of their absolute values there exists a solution of order m. From here it follows that the system n tx’(t) A(t)x(t) + A i=l i (t)x(%it) 0, if has a solution of order m with support t Ai(0) 0(i _> I) and m + smallest modulus of the negative integer eigenvalues of the matrix A(0). is the This and similar results were used in [15] to investigate finite order solutions of some im- portant equations of mathematical physics. For equations with more general argument delays we have THEOR 3.2. i i=0 i The system A (t)x( (t)) tx’(t) in which A 15] ). (Wiener m (t) c C i (t) hypotheses are satisfied: i g C (i) has a solution (2.1) or order m, if the following the real zeros and form a finite or countable set; (2) (3) A tij (k)(tij) i(t) of the functions 0(k m), for 0 m is the smallest modulus of the nonDositive integer roots of Eq. are simple tij # 0; (3.1) with ’(0). In [52] it was shown that, under certain conditions, the system x’(t) Z A.(t)x(%.t) n=0 has a solution x(t) Z x n tn)(t) (3.2) n=0 in the generalized-function space (S)’ conjugate to the space S of testing functions S.M. SHAH and J. WIENER 258 (t) that satisfy the restriction [2] ’’l(n)(t)l n ac n < n > i. To ensure the convergence of series (3.2), it is sufficient to require that for n/ the vectors x satisfy the inequalities n I xn II bdn n-n0, < 0 > since Z < x n n=O < for < 0. (n)(t), (t)>ll I Z (-l)n (n) (0)xn [1 n=O l n=O l(n)(o)l 11 xn I] (cdn-O) n < ab Z (So)’ < n=O If series (3.2) converges, its sum functional in < represents 0 [53]. with the support t the general form of a linear Solutions in (So)’ ODE with polynomial coefficients were studied in [54], [55], [56]. of some linear The particular importance of the system m l I i=0 j=0 (Aij + tB..)x(J)(%it tx(%t) 13 which was considered in [15] is that depending on the coefficients it combines either equations with a singular or regular point at t solution of the form (3.2). tx’ (t) 0 and in both cases there exists a The equation Ax(t) + tBx(%t) (3.3) provides an interesting example of a system that may have two essentially different solutions in (SOB) 0. concentrated on t If the matrix A assumes negative integer eigenvalues, (3.3) has a finite order solution (2.1). an infinite order solution (3.2), if A @ -nE At the same time there exists for all n > I. In [3], [16], [57], and [58] the foregoing conclusions were extended to comprehensive systems of any order with countable sets of variable argument deviations. The basic ideas in the method of proof are applied to investigate entire solutions of linear FDE. THEOREM 3.3. (Cooke and Wiener [3]). Let the system m l i I A. (t)x (j) (%ij (t)) lj j=O 0 (3.4) 259 ORDINARY AND FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS with a finite number of argument deviations, in which x is an r-vector and r Aij are matrices, satisfy the following hypotheses. r (i) The coefficients A..(t) are polynomials in t of degree not exceeding p: P Y. A .k k= 0 i Aij(t (ii) %ij(O) The real-valued functions At p %.. (t) p > i. in a neighborhood of the origin, E C 0 and o< (iii) tk A00(t) Ioo < t, al >_, + >_t, a (0). The matrix A is nonsingular and c IO0 I-p-1 ]l AII i>l Iol-P-Xll Aio Then in the space of generalized functions (S)’ p I! > O. with arbitrary > there exists 0. a solution x(t) supported on t In [3] it is also proved that system (3.4) with a countable set of argument deviations has a solution (3.2) if, in addition to the conditions of Th. 3.3, there exists a neighborhood of the origin in which each function t Y. 0 and the series i= A. max j,k -I i A i I Aij k II %ij (t) has the only zero converges, where i inf j i ij + j > I. The choice of the coefficients in (3.4) enables us to consider both equations with a singular or regular point and to show that distributional solutions of FDE may be originated by deviations of the argument. The authors of [3] also investigate the system tPx ’(t) m E EoAij(t)x(j)(%ij(t)) (3.5) i=0 ]= the particular cases of which tPx ’(t) A(t)x(t) and tPx ’(t) I A i (t)x(%it) i=O have been studied in [56] and [57], respectively. THEOREM 3.4. (Cooke and Wiener [3]). Suppose that system (3.5), in which x is S.M. SHAH and J. WIENER 260 an r-vector and (i) The A..(t) are polynomials in t of degree not exceeding p p+j -2 Z k=0 Ai-’3(t) (ii) %ij C1 g (ili) Aijktk __> p + j 2: 2. There exists a neighborhood of the origin in which the real-valued functions The series i=O a.l inf j . -i Z [aijl’ A A. converges, i _> lio 0 and have the only zero t ij (0). ij r -matrices, satisfies the following conditions. are r Aij I, inf lij > i, for i _> 0, j _> i, where Aij k j,k Then there is a solution of (3.5) in (So)’ > with some O. supported on t The deep study of narrow classes of FDE, and even individual FDE, continues to remain one of the main problems. First of all, such equations can have some special, In addition, we can work out on them in the first for example applied, interest. instance methods of studying properties that are similar to properties of equations without deviation of the argument and are essentially new for equations with devia- tlon, and then try to extend these methods, and the results obtained, to a broader In a number of papers [60-66] various authors have continued the study class of FDE. (originated in [59]) of the solutions, especially their asymptotic behavior as t or t / , of the equation x’ (t) ax(%t) + bx(t), which 0 arises in certain technical problems, and also of systems and some more eneral equations of similar form. These works concern principally real solutions. The author of [’67] attacks complicated equations with elegant analytical tools. He investigates analytic solutions of the FDE r s Z Z a j j--O k=O kW (j) (zqk) with constant coefficients 0 ajk. Mellin or Laplace integrals. 0 < q < I, Its formal solutions are obtained in the form of The functions occuring in the difference equations of the form Z n v--0 P (qt)G(t + v) 0 inte.rands satisfy (P(y) linear polynomials). Properties of solutions of such difference equations, in particular the location oF 261 ORDINARY AND FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS singularities and the asymptotic behavior for absolutely large values of t, are Conditions are derived for formal solutions of Mellin integral type to be studied. actual solutions and these are shown to be often expressible as power or Laurent series. Solutions of Laplace integral type are shown to be representable as Finally, questions as to when the llne Dirichlet series under certain conditions. of convergence of the Dirichlet series is the natural boundary of the function re- presented are discussed. The author asserts that the methods used can be extended to the case when the coefficients ajk are polynomials in z, and to some more general equations. In [68] the growth of entire solutions of the FDE m I k--0 akDkw(%m-kz) 0, d/dz D is estimated by means of a suitably constructed comparison function. 9urthermore, an expllcie representation of all entire solutions is given which in certain cases leads to conclusions concerning loations and multiplicity of the zeros of particular solutions. Finally, the growth of the maximum and minimum modulus of the solutions is compared which implies an estimate of the number of zeros. m Lw(z) I k=O akDkw(%m-kz where a are complex numbers, k The FDE (3.6) f(z), is a fixed parameter, 0 < < i, and the unknown w and the right member f are entire functions, is considered in [69]. Introducing a generating function G(z) I G zn n n=O G n %n(n-l)/2/n! the author shows that the general solution of (3.6) for f w(z) with (t) 2z--- 0 is given by G(tz)(t) dt, q(t)/A(t), where m A(t) l k=0 ak%k(2m_k_ I)/2 k q is a polynomial of degree <_ m t and F is a contour enclosing all the zeros of A. S.. SHAH and J. WIENER 262 A similar integral representation is given for a solution of (3.6) with f # 0 in terms of the generalized Borel transform (t) f 7. n=O n n+l / Gn t when Y f z n=O n f(z) In [70] the author discusses the system w’(z) Aw(lz), 0 < I < i, where A is a corn- First, the form of all entire solutions is given. plex constant matrix. Subsequently, for z # 0 a special system of particular analytic solutions is constructedhymeans of which all other solutions may be represented. all solutions are investigated. of The asymptotic properties as z Furthermore, it is shown that given a specific asymptotic behavior, there is one and only one solution which possesses that asymptotic behavior. Given the equation n m w" (z) + E ak (z)w’(IkZ) + 7. b j (z)w(jz) k=l j=l where ak(z), bj(z) are in the set 0 < finite order < 0. where 0 < I < 0, are entire functions of finite order < 0 and the constants zl I k, j < I, the author [71] shows that any solution w(z) is also of As a special case he discusses the equation w"(z) + p(z)w(Iz) O, and p(z) is an entire function of finite order taking real values on the real axis, and derives an estimate on the type of a solution w(z). The author of [72] studies properties of solutions to equations of the form m 7. w’(Iz) k=O where ak(z) ak(z)wk(z), (3.7) are entire functions such that T(r, a complex number, Ill o, where T(r, w) k) o(T(r, w)) as r is the Nevanlinna function. , and I is a He establishes the following THEOREM 3.5. m= i, then asr . (Mohon’ko [72]). Let w(z) be an entire solution of (3.7). w(z) is of zero order, and if m > The problem then In T(r, w) If (Zn m/ In o) Zn r ORDINARY AND FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS n I a.w 1 n (i)(z) exp(ez) Y b.w 1 i=O (i) (0) w i, 0 i n- i, e and I are complex numbers, has been studied with various bi, ai, (i)(%z), i=O w in which It is proved in [75] that, if assumptions concerning parameters [73-77]. I # and anl and I C II < 263 > b I, the solution of the III < i, I, # matrix problem AW(z) + exp (z)[BW(lz) + CW’(lz)], W(0) --W W’(z) If its solution is an entire function. n III [76]. is an entire function of exponential type 0 These results were extended to lin- ear FDE with polynomial coefficients and countable sets of argument delays in [7], [3] and [58]. The method of proof employs the ideas developed in the theory of distributional solutions. THEOREM 3.6. W (p)(z) W (ii) p Y. i=0 j=0 Y. (j)(0) QiJ lij 0 < Wj, 0 j (3.8) p matrices, satisfies the following conditions: r (z) are polynomials of degree not exceeding m; are complex numbers such that ql < llijl the series I (iii) Suppose the system Qij(z)W(J)(lijz)’ and W are r in which O (i) (Wiener[58]). coefficients of Qij(z), < i, (j o(i) i), 0 < p converges, where E and 0 I Qip(O) II Q(i) llipl I Qijk II q2 < max j,k < q3 and < I; Qijk are the < i. i=O Then the problem has a unique holomorphic solution, which is an entire function of order not exceeding m THEOREM 3.7. 3.6 the parameters 0 < ql < --llijl --< q4 THEOREM 3.8. exists a polynomial k E i=O + p. (Cooke and Wiener [3]). lij(0 _< j _< p- If, in addition to the hypotheses of Th. I) are separated from unity: < i, the solution of (3.8) is an entire function of zero order. (Cooke and Wiener [3]). Q(z) of degree p m I A ij (z)W (j) (ij z) j=O Q(z) Under the assumptions of Th. 3.3 there such that the system 264 S.M. SHAH and J. WIENER with positive constants .. has a solution W(z) regular at z and W(z -I is an entire function of zero order. (Wiener [51 ]). THEOREM 3.9. W’(z) W(z) lim #ith r x r ai) i=OZAi(z)W(z W Rez/-oo The problem + Z B i(z)W’(z i=O bi )’ 0 A, B, W has a unique holomorphic solution which is an entire matrices function if (1) (ii) i a i, b 0 (iii) m 7. A (z) k=l i _< Rea.l (i) Y. B ekz ik k=O Bi(z) are complex numbers such that < MI the series I A B m AikekZ max k < oo, 0 < M (i) 2 and Z B I Bik II, _< Rebi _< M3< (i) Y. i=O and e -Rebo1 I B i(0) oo; converge where A I[ e _Rebi (1) max k I Aik II, < I. The authors [78] propose a method for finding polynomial solutions of the linear neutral FDE x’(t) bx(t) + n 7. i=l a.x’(t- ri), where b, ao and r. > 0 are given constants. 1 Meromorphic solutions of a class of linear differential-difference equations with constant coefficients are investigated in [79]. Numerous examples of FDE admitting entire solutions may be found in [40] and [80]. 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