589 Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. VOL. 12 NO. 3 (1989) 589-602 ON STABILITY AND BOUNDEDNESS OF SOLUTIONS OF A CERTAIN FOURTH-ORDER DELAY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION EMMANUEL O. OKORONKWO (Deceased) Department of Mathematical Sciences Loyola University New Orleans, Louisiana 70118, U.S.A. (Received February 12, 1987 and in revised form February 2, 1988) ABSTRACT. Using a Razumikhin type theorem, we deduce sufficient conditions that guarantee the uniform asymptotic stability and boundedness of solutions of a scalar The Lyapunov function constructed for real fourth-order delay differential equation. an ordinary fourth-order differential equation is seen to work for the delay system. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Stability, boundedness, uniform asymptotic stability. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 34K. I. INTRODUCTION. The Razumikhin-type theorems give sufficient conditions that ensure the stability and boundedness of the solutions of a delay differenital equation in terms of the rate For the use of Lyapunov functionals to study of change of a function along solutions. stability and boundedness of solutions of delay differential equations of the first, second, third and the fourth orders refer to the papers of Chukwu [I], Sinha [2]; and to Driver [3], and [5]. On the other hand, using the Razumikhin approach, Hale [5], used Lyapunov functions to give sufficient conditions for stability and boundedness of a first-order and a second-order delay differential equations. [6] Razumikhin in utilized his theorems to determine stability regions of a second-order control system dscribed by a delay differential equation, and in another case in [6] investigated the stability problem of a third-order delay system of equations. aim here is differential to use Essentially, our main the Lyapunov function utilized by Ezeilo in equations attempt to prescribe to some sufficient [7] for ordinary conditions that guarantee the uniform asymptotic stability and the boundedness of the solutions of the fourth-order delay differential equation of the form "’t) + f(’(t))’(t) + + where 4 p, 82 4 84 x(t) + 84 x(t-h) 2"(t) + 82"(t-h) P(t) are constants and h > + g( (t-h)) (1.1) 0 is a constant. The function f, g, p are completely continuous depending on the arguments displayed explicitly; f, g, p are assumed also to satisfy enough additional smoothness conditions to ensure the solution E.O. OKORONKWO 590 of (I.I) thoug any inatlax oata shall consider stability of the We continuous in the initial data and in time. is solutions trivial of (I.I) for the 0. case p Corresponding results are deduced for a real fourth-order delay differential equation As a consequence, a generalized Routh-Hurwitz condition with constant coefficients. for a delay fourth order linear equation is deduced when the delay is sufficiently small. 2. PRELIMINARIES. Dots such as are in equation (I.I) denote differentiation with respect to t. E n is an n-dimensional linear vector space over the reals with norm for any x e E Ixl. written For h C ([-h,0], 0, C We designate the norm of an element If o e E, a x ) te E n with the topology of uniform convergence. If II and defined by II II Sup -h 840 I(8) I" h,o + a], E n) then for any t e [, + a] we let x(t+8), -h 4 8 (0. If D is a subset of E E, and xt(8) is given function, then (t) is by 0 and x e C([ C be defined by f: D m n) n f(t,x t) (2.1) a retarded functional differential equation on D. Note that (I.i) is a special case of (2.1) and it also includes ordinary differential equations when h 0. DEFINITION 2.1. A function x is said to be a solution of (2.1) on [o + h,o + a) if > 0 such that x e C( h,o + a], E n), (t,x t) e D and x(t) e C, we say x(o,) is a solution [o,o + a]. For given o e E, of (2.1) with initial value # at oor simply through (o,) if there is an a > 0 such that x(o,) is a solution of equation (2.1) on [-h o+a) and x (o,) DEFINITION 2.2. 0 for all t e E, 0 of then the solution x Suppose f(t,O) I) (g) is (2. said to be uniformly stable if for any o E, > 0, there is >0 there o are E and a satisfies (2.1) for t II II . llx <, )ll < < x 0 uniformly asymptotically stable if it is uniformly stable and there is a b O, llxt(o,)l; DEFINITION any > 2.3. 0 there is ) o + T()for every o e E. The a B 0 such II a for t > solutions B(e) > x(o,) 0 such of that (2.1) are uniformly bounded if for all e E, e C and II #II for % we [8]) for stability of V: E x C + E is continuous if The following theorems (due to Razumikhin and Krasovskii (2.1) are reproduced from [5]. First (2.1) through (o,), then we define V(t (0)] where x(t ) is the solution of [V(t+r, xt+r (t ) + 0 solutions of x(,) V(t, (0)) is the solution of and Limr (2.1) through (t,). n E takes E x (bounded sets of C) C PROPOSITION 2.1. (Razumikhin) Suppose f: E n Suppose u, v, w: [0, =) + [0,) are into bounded sets of E and consider (2.1). O. v(0) u(0) continuous nondecreasing functions, u(s), v(s) positive for s > 0, If there is a continuous function V: E x E n E such that STABILITY AND BOUNDEDNESS OF SOLUTIONS OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS V(t x) u( x (t, (0)) if E, x E (2.2) E (0)I), -w( V(t,(0)), e V(t+8,(e)) v( x ), t (2.3) solution x --0 of (2.1) is uniformly [-h,0], then the E 591 stable. (Krasovskii) Suppose all the conditions of proposition 2.1 are PROPOSITION 2.2: > satisfied and in addition w(s) function J(s) > > s for s -w([ (0) I) (t, (0)) > 0. If there is a continuous nondecreasing V(t+8, (8)) if < J(V(t, (0)) 8 E [-h,0], 0 of (2.1) is uniformly asymptotically stable. then the solution x If u(s) (2.4) as 0 is also a global attractor for (2.1) so that every s *-, then the solution x solution 0 if s 0 such that condition (2.3) is strengthened to x(o,#) of (2.1) satisifes xt(o, ) We shall investigate (I.I) 0 as t 0 respectively in the equivalent forms for p E 0, p (t) y(t) #(t) (t) w(t) (t) -w(t)f(z(t))-a2z(t)-g(y(t))-a4x(t) 0 -h and 3. 2 g’(y(t+8))z(t+8)de #(t) z(t) (t) w(t) (t) -w(t)f(z(t))-a2z(t)-g(y(t))-a4x(t) + -h 82’ a4 4 + + 0 0 w(t+)d+84 (2.5) -h -h y(t) 0 2 y(t+8)d8 + 84 (t) 82 where a 0 0 w(t+8)de + 82 + y(t+)d + -h g’(y(t+))z(t+e)d + p(t) (2.6) -h 84" STATEMENT OF RESULT. Assume that THEOREM 3.1. (i) the constants a 2 (ii) f() > 0, a 4 a > > 0 and 0 0 for all < al, a3, Co, , and [ala2-g’()]a3-ala4f(z(t)) M g()/ c o > a 3 > 0 for all 0 for all , z(t). 0. (3.1) 592 E.O. OKORONKWO (iii)g(0) g’ ]g’(n) 0 M for all n, and ()-g()/ I for all ( # I 0 where is such that z(t) (iv) where [-7 0 f()d] -f(z(t)) for all z(t) # 0 2c (3.3) 2 ala 3 Furthermore, (v) > if q e + d > and where I/al; r rain + 2 where (3.4) a4/a3 2 )’ 2aia3d0 ] 2a4c 0 I)’ a 2c0 2 4-0 a a ala 3 3 a3 L4a4d0 d0(al,a2,a3,a 4) Co, d o d [l,dl,d 2] d--max 0 is defined by e wltn [82,84,M], I, 8--max constants, positive c0 %1’ (3.5) constants, nonnegative and with p defined by p rain [ a3e -3- al’ Co 6ala]’ then the condition Bdqh < (3.6) p. holds and the trivial solution of (2.6) is uniformly asymptotically stable. that > > 0, a 2 > 0, a 3 > 0, a 4 > 0, c O > 0, d O Consider the special case of (I.I) namely since a positive. 0, by (3.2) and "’’(t)+a’(t)+j2 (t)+B (t-h)+a3{(t-h)+4x(t)+84x(t-h): where al,2,82,a3,4,84 trivially with a > 0, a 2 %1 (2 are constants. 0. %2 + 82) > Then condition (iii) and (3.3), 0 d2f(z(t) > 0, a 4 84) > + (?4 2 (ala2-a3)a3-ala 4 0, 3 a2 al ala 4 a3 c + (a a3) e ) c We can therefore choose d o + a 3) so that e (a Hypothesis (v) now becomes c < o c o [6a l(a + a3 ), 6a3(al max [82 84 a 3], where 8 max [l,d l,d2], and d a 4 d2 e +__ a dl e +I a 3 Bdqh rain (3.7) Conditions (i) and (ii) reduce to 0, a 3 a dlg,( is (iv) are fulfilled > co If we use (3.4) we find that a2 Observe + o 2ala3(al a3 )] o ala3" + a 3) (a + a 3) . > 0. STABILITY AND BOUNDEDNESS OF SOLUTIONS OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Therefore the sufficient for conditions all (3.7) to e 0 of solution be 593 uniformly asymptotically stable are (i) the Routh-Hurwitz Criteria > a > 0, a 2 a ala 2 (ala 2 > 3 a > 0, a 4 3) > 0, a 3 a a 3 0 0 2 a c 4 o > 0 > (ii) q c 8dqh < c o [.6al(al + a3 rain o 6a3(al + a 3) Hence all roots of the equation # + aI%3 2%2 + 82 e-hhx2 + a3Ae + Ah + 4 + B4 (3.8) will have negative real parts if conditions (i) and (ii) hold. If p Theorem 3.2. 0, we establish: (v) of theorem 3.1 hold and if If the conditions in the hypotheses (i) urther IP(t)[ for some m 4. > (3.9) m , 0 and for all t then the solutions of (2.6) are uniformly bounded. THE FUNCTION V V(x(t), y(t), z(t), w(t)) Lyapunov function V V(x(t), y(t), z(t), w(t)) by Define the 2V a 4 d 2 x 2(t) + a4d l)y2(t) (a2d 2 y(t) + 2 g(n)d + 0 z(t) f()d + -d2)z2(t) + 2d 2 y(t)w(t) + 2 0 + dlW2(t) + 2a4x(t)y(t) + 2a4d x(t)z(t) + (a2d + 2z(t)w(t) z(t) + 2d 2 y(t) f()d + 0 2dlZ(t)g(y(t)). (4.1) a 4 with e defined by (3.5). The proofs of Theorems 3.1 e + and d 2 a and 3.2 rest on the function V defined by (4.1) and which was utilized by Ezeilo in where d e + I___ a-- [7]. LEMMA 4.1. Given the hypotheses (i) u,v:[O,)+[0,), u(s), v(s) positive for u([x[) V(x(t), y(t), z(t), w(t)) ( v( [x[ ). functions nondecreasing u(0)=v(0)--0, such that PROOF. a rain 3 [4a0 ( 2a4c 0 2 ala 3 Then, by the analysis in [7], V(0,0,0,0) B.1 > s > 0 with Take E 0 (i (iv) of Theorem 3.1, there are continuous 1,2,3,4) depending on 2c 0 a kl)’ a 2 la3 2 )]" 0 and there exist constants e,al,a 2, a3,a 4, I’ and c 0 such that (4.2) 594 E.O. OKORONKWO V(x(t),y(t),z(t),w(t)) B for all x(t), y(t), z(t), w(t) where B [x2(t)+y2(t)+z2(t)+w2(t)] 5 1,2,3,4) provided B.I (i min 5 (4.3) is fixed by (4.2). Now take B [x2(t) + y2(t) + z2(t) + w2(t)] 5 v(Ixl). produce a 2V a 4 d x2(t) 2 y(t) + g()d + 2 0 g(y(t)) of < ala 2 ly(t)l; z(t) 2d2Y(t) (ii) hypotheses f()d 0 z(t) 2d2 y(t) f()d 2d 0 2 3.1, g’(y(t)) Theorem < a2a3/a 4. ala 2 y2(t), 0 z(t) so that a2a3 z2(t), a f()d 2 < ala 2 Therefore, 0 4 ly(t)l Iz(t) a2a 3 a and 4 Substituting these estimates into (4.4) we have, 2( y2(t) + (a2a 3 ala 2y2 (t) + y2(t) 2 z (t) + a a l(a2dl -d2) + 2 / a 4) z 2 (t) + using the inequality 21ab a 2V 2 + b2 a4d 2 we have 2 x (t) + d lW2(t) + a4(x2(t) + (z2(t) + w2(t)) a2a3d2 +- to (4.4) and f(z(t)) y(t) g()d 2 z(t) f()d + z(t)g(y(t)). (3.1) from remains 2 z (t) la2dl -d2)l, + 0 + 2d Now now dlW2(t) + 2a41x(t)y(t) + a4d )I y2(t) la2d2 + It be to From relation (4.1) a 4 2 + y (t)) + + + a4d 2 ala2d (z2(t) 2 2 (y (t) + w (t)). 2 (x (t) + z (t)) + + y2(t)) 2 + mz (t) d2(Y + 2 2 (t) + w (t)) a2a3/a 4 2 z (t) (4.5) STABILITY AND BOUNDEDNESS OF SOLUTIONS OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 595 where [a2d 2 a4d II B6x2(t) V B B B B BIO Let max 6 (a4d 2 + a 7 (ala 2 + (m + a4d 8 (I + d 9 B.1 (i and m + B 7 y2(t) + a4d I), 4 + a 4 + d + a + + a2dl z2(t) + B8 + 2 d + ala2d + ala2d 21. On gathering terms, + B 9 w2(t), where a2a3d2/a 4) a2a3/a 4 + a2a3d2/a4) and d2). 6,7,8,9. Then BIO [x2(t) + yZ(t) + z2(t) + w2(t)] (4.6) v(Ixl) BI0 [x2(t) + y2(t) + y2(t) + z 2( t) + w 2 (t)]. Clearly u(0) --v(0) --0, V(x(t), y(t), z(t), w(t)) Take u(s) > 0, v(s) This proves lemma 4.1. LEMMA 4.2. > 2 2 x (t) + y (t) + z 0 for s Subject to hypotheses (i) s for s > (l(0)J) if > nondecreasing functions J(s) 2(t + w 2 (t) > 0 (iv) of Theorem 3.1, there are continuous 0 and a function w(s) with w(s) > 0, s 0 such that v(t,(0)) PROOF OF LEMMA 4.2. -w (4.7) a4Y(t) g(y(t)) 2 for all z(t) (4 8) E, O, y(t) d 2 -dlg’(y(t)) -d2f(z(t) o ala 3 is a constant that depends only on a I, I/a follows. y/g(y) 0 c o by E and since Also by (3.4), d I/ a 3 [-h,0]. (iv) of Theorem 3.1, namely: and where d J(V(t,(0))), o llf(zCt) d a < The proof depends on hypotheses (v) and (vi) and on the three ineqalities arising from hypotheses (i) d v(t+O,(O)) 2 hypothesis (ii) -4/a3 E E d o for all y(t), z(t) a2, a3, a 4. Now, (4.9) by (3.4), of Theorem 3.1, f(z(t)) a > 0, and since by hypothesis (ii) again (4.8) is immediate. Using (3.4) we have a a 2 dlg’(y(t)) ala3 [ala 2 dzf(Z(t)) g’(y(t))a 3 a 2 (+I/al)g’(y(t)) ala4f(z(t))] ( + 4 3)f(z(t)) [g’(y(t))+f(z(t))]. (4.7) 596 E.O. OKORONKWO c Therefore by (3.1) a < ala 2 Since g’(y(t)) d2f(z(t)) dlg’(y(t)) 2 < a2a3/a 4 and f(z(t)) c a2 -dlg’(y(t)) -d2f(z(t)) ) and this establishes (4.9). O ala2 (ala3 ) o e[g’(y(t)) + f(z(t))]. ala 3 for all y(t), z(t), a2a 3 +-4- e) for all y(t), z(t) Now define a function G of y(t) by g(y(t y(-, if y(t) # 0 G(y(t)) (4.10) tg’(0), Also, let if y(t) 0. z(t) f F(z(t)) (4.11) f($)d$ 0 0 and F(0) Observe that the conditions g(0) 0 imply resepectively that g’(OlY(t)) G(y(t)) (4.12) z(t)f(O2z(t)) F(z (t)) where 0 < (i O Given any solution 1,2). (x,y,z,w) of (2.5) + (y(t))+2g(y(t)) 2d2w(t)+2Ky(t)+2dlZ(t)g z(t) + 2d 2 f f()d] + w(t) 0 + + [2w(t)d (a2d 2 f -h 2 and c (a2d -a2z(t) y(t) + 2z(t)] 0 f {4 -h w(t+O)dO + ald y(t+O)dO + f g’(y(t+O))z(t+O)dO] -h d2). reduces to Iz2(t)g’(y(t)) 2a4 y2(t) + 2d + 2w2(t) 2 2d w (t)f(z(t)) + [2dlW(t + 2 + 2d 0 0 2 2d2Y(t)f(z(t)))] + 2z(t)] [-w(t)f(z(t)) 2d2Y(t) -g(y(t)) -a 4 x(t)] + [2w(t)d [13 x(t) + 2w(t) + 2cz(t) [2a4d g(y(t)) + 2z(t)f(z(t)) + + 2d where K + z(t)[2a 4 x(t) y(t)[2a4d2x(t)+2a4Y(t)+2a4dlZ(t)] 2 On simplication, z(t) + 2d 2 z(t) f f()d 0 2d2Y(t)g(y(t)) 0 f -h .[ [82 -h w(t+0)d0 0 0 + 13 4 + 2z(t)] 2d2Y(t y(t+O)d 0 + f -h the g’ (t+O))z(t+O)d 0], 2a3z2(t)) above relation STABILITY AND BOUNDEDNESS OF SOLUTIONS OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 597 and using (4.11) V a4y2(t)] -[d 2 y(t)g(y(t)) -d2z(t) [(a [dlf(z(t))-l] w2(t) F(z(t))] 0 + d2Y(t) dlg’(y(t))z2(t) 2 + [dlW(t) 0 w(t+8)dO + + z(t)] [B 2 B4 y(t+O)d8 0 g’(y(t+))z(t+)d]. + -h Now, with G defined by (4.10) Since f(z(t)) 0, [dlf(z(t)-l] w2(t) dlg’(y(t)))z2(t) 2 a [d 2 4 G(y(t)) say. can be rewritten as I/f(z(t) )] w2(t)= f(z(t)) [d Denoting [(a y2 (t)G(y(t)) a4Y 2(t)] [dlY(t)g(y(t)) T 3, say d2z(t)F(z(t))] d2z(t) by T 2, we have 0 9= -T! T T 2 3 + [dlW(t) B4 d2Y(t) + z(t)] [B2 w(t+)d -h 0 0 + + g’(y(t+8))z(t+8)dS] and y(t+8)d8 + using -h -h hypothesis (iii) of Theorem 3.1, we obtain the inequality (4.13) where d max Choose J(s) (l,d I, d2). 2 q s for some q J(V) q2V, q > I. > I. Then (4.14) Also assume the following: and (4.15) for q > I, 0 [-h,0], where A (B 5 / BI0) 598 E.O. OKORONKWO Then the inequality (4.13) is strengthened to 0 -h 0 / lY(t)ldO + since A B and 0 Iz(t)ldO] + [B2’ 84’ max M]. (4.8) (li) that and relation hypothesis by 2 and also by hypothesis (ii) of the same Theorem (t), y 3 then by (4.9) and (4.12) Noting T a T Co (ala3- 2 provided that d 0) z 2(t) c I/2 2 Co (a-)z I/2 2 of T 3 Theorem a[ w 2 3. I, (t) (t) o (4.16) (ala3dO) we have subject to (4.15) -a 2 y (t) 3 (ly(t)l+Iz(t)l -a Co I/2 (-l-3)z 2 (t) lw(t)l)2 3[y2(t)+ z 2 (t)+ w 2 (t)], + 2 y (t) 3 2(t) (ly(t)l+lz(t)l+w(t)]) 2. + fldhq Since a s a oa2 (t) 1/2 CO /ala3)Z- 2 (t) [y2(t) + z2(t) + w2(t)]. + 38clhq On gathering terms and subject to (4.15), V -(a 3 e (a Therefore constants 3 3Bdqh) 2 > fixed Taking BII BI4 V(t, (0)) (a w2(t), 2 3dqh) z (t) (2ala 3 provided 2 is fixed by (4.16). by V(t,(O)) where Co y2(t) (4.16) and by condition (3.6) of Theorem 3.1 there are 0 (j=II,12,13) such that subject to assumption (4.15) for B. - 3dqh) 3 min 3Bdhq), Bj (j BI4 [y2 (t) - [BII y2 (t) + Bl2Z Co (.2la 2 (t) + B 3 w2 (t) ], (4.17) (a e-3dhq). 3dhq) and 3 11,12,13), the inequality (4.17) is sharpened to BI2-2 2 + z (t) + w (t)] if BI3 assumption (4.15) holds. Using the STABILITY AND BOUNDEDNESS OF SOLUTIONS OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS relations 599 (4.1), (4.3) and (4.6) observe that B5[x2(t) y2(t) + + z2(t) + w2(t)] V(t,(O)) B 2 10 [x (t) (4.18) + z 2 (t) + w 2 (t)], y2(t) + so that B5[x2(t+8) + y 2 (t+8) + 2 (t+8) + w2(t+8) + 2 (t+8)] V(t+8,(8))(4.19) Bl0[x2(t+8 + y2(t+8) + z 2 (t+8) + w 2 (t+8)], 8 < [-h,0] w z Now if (4.15)holds, then 2 x (t+8) 2 z (t+8) < q 2A2y 2(t); 2A2x2 (t); y2 (t+8) < q < 2 2 2 q A x t) and w2(t+8) < 2 q A 2y 2 (t), so that 2 + z (t+8) + w B5[x2(t+8) + y2(t+8) + If y2(t) 2 (t+8)] < 2 q B [x2(t) (4.20) + z2(t) + w2(t)]. (4.20) holds then by (4.19) V(t+0(0)) < B5q 2 [x2(t) 2 + y (t) + z2(t) + w 2( t)] and by (4.18) since Bsq 2[x2(t) 2 2 + y 2 (t) + z (t) + w (t)] q 2 V(t,#(O)) we have 2V (t and by definition (4 14) V(t+0, (O)) < V(t+8, (8)) < q 2j (V(t (0))). taking q < Thus, for e2 fixed by (4 16) Bl4[y2(t) + z2(t) + w2(t)], w(l(0) I) V(t+8, @(8)) (0)), J(V(t,@(O))) where 8 [-h,0]. This proves the lemma. 5. PROOF OF THE MAIN THEOREMS. LEMMA 5.1. Subject to the conditions of Theorem 3.2, V(2.6 -D < 0 we have E.O. OKORONKWO 600 provided 2 2 2 y (t) + z (t) + w (t) > R > D(m,d,B 0) O, D > 0 V(x(t),y(t),z(t),w(t)). Again, set V(t) (x,y,z,w) of (2.6), by the methods of lemma (4.2), we obtain PROOF OF LEMMA 5.1. solution 2 < Then given any 2 (5.1) Bo(y2(t) + z2(t) + w2(t)) + where B 0 rain 11,12,13 Bj x<l<=>l, I’<>1, Letting q(t) V---B0(y2(t) If ](t) ly(t)l, V inequality is sharpened to 2 2 (5.2) + z (t) + w (t)) + 3rod q(t). then at least -Bo(ym(t) + z 2 (t) + w 2 (t) <-B0y2(t) + 3redly(t) , Boy2 + 2mdiY(t) 6md So, 2 BoDo, <- provided ]y(t)] > DO D0(m,d,Bo). Similar conclusions are true for Hence (5.3) V <-D<O provided 2 2 2 y (t) + z (t) + w (t) > R, for some D D(Bo,m,d) > PROOF OF THEOREM 3.1. (i) 0 and some R By lemma 4.1, for > 0 E-- E fixed by (4.2) there are" continuous nondecreasing functions u, v: [0,(R)) u(s) v(s) [0,) given by + y2(t) + z2(t) + w 2 (t)]. + y2(t) + z2(t) + w2(t)] with the required properties, --B5[x2(t) Blo[x2(t) STABILITY AND BOUNDEDNESS OF SOLUTIONS OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS (ii) a continuous function V: ExE 4 E defined by (4.1) such that E By lemma 4.2, for e e2 (4.16) there fixed by (iii) a function w: [0,) n are" [0,) continuous and nondecreasing such that I(0)I > 0, and (iv) a continuous nondecreasing function J(s) > s such that w( (0) w(s) I) > -w(I(O) I) (t,(O)) 601 0 if s if v(t+e,(e)) < J(V(t,(0)), for Then, from (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) of this section, taking e e min [-h,O]. )’ (el’ Theorem 3.1 follows from proposition 2.2. of section 2. + y2(t) + z2(t) + w2(t)] Also,2since B[x2(t) z(t) + w2tjt % the solution x as 2 x (t) + y (t) + 0 of (I.I) is a global attractor 2 2 2 2 0 as t + w + for (1.1) so that the solution (x,y,z,w) satisfies x + t Yt zt . t Use is made of lemmas 4.1, and 5.1 and Theorem 2.1 on p. + y2(t) + z2(t) + w2(t)) and 105 of [5]. Noting that u(Ix + y2(t) + z 2(t) + w 2(t) clearly, ---> and since --> by lemma 5.1, for any solution of (2.6) there is some D > 0 satisfying (5.3), the uniorm boundedness requirements of Theorem 2.1 of [5] are met and hence our uniform PROOF OF THEOREM 3.2. I I) x2(t) B5(x2(t) aslx u(Ixl) , boundedness result follows. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. submission of "Dr. Okoronkwo died suddenly and unexpectedly shortly after the this, his last manuscript. His friends at Loyola University, Orleans support this publication in memory of their colleague: cherished, New lost, but never forgotten." REFERENCES I. CHUKWU, E.N., On the Boundedness and Existence of a Periodic Solution of Some Nonlinear Third Order Delay Differential Equation, Accademia Naitonale Dei Lincei Estratto Dai Rendiconti Della Classe Di Scienze Fisiche, Mathematisch E. Naturali Serie Vol. LXIV, FASC 5 Maggio, (1978), 440-447. VIII 2. 3. 4. 5. 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