I ntrnat. J. Math. & Math. (1983) 95-99 95 Vol. 6 No. THE n-DIMENSIONAL DISTRIBUTIONAL MELLIN TRANSFORMATION SUNIL KUMAR SINHA Department of Mathematics Tata college Chaibasa, Singhbhum Bihar-833202, INDIA (Received revised copy July 20, 1981) ABSTRACT. The n-dimensional distributional Mellin transformation is developed using the testing function space M c,d M’c,d" and its dual The standard theorems on A necessary and sufficient analyticity, uniqueness and continuity are proved. condition for a function to be an n-dimensional Mellin transformation is proved by the help of a boundedness property for distribution in M’c,d" Some operational transform formulas are also introduced. Distribonal MelVin Transformation, Distributions, and KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Tst function spaces. 1980 AMS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. 1. 46F12, 44. N TRODUCT I ON. The Mellin transformation was previously extended to certain generalized functions by Zemanian [i] and Fung Kang [2]. In the present paper, we develop the n-dimensional distributional Mellin transformation. n R For the sake of brevity, we shall use the following notations. respectively real and complex n-dimensional euclidean spaces. n stand for elements of C respectively. (Zl,Z 2 representing the n-triples We take x n, R t n, R Rn, Rn and s s _{Sl,S 2,...,sn and [e -st exp(-Sltl -’’’-sn nt ). n are The symbols z and s ,Zn) + and i n function on a subset of R shall be denoted by h(x) 2 s Sn where sl ,x s] L,... Thus, [x .,xn n mean the product Xl,X 2, Xl x2 h(Xl,X and C ,Xn). By log x we mean (Sl,S2,...,s n) C n A By [x] we 96 S.K. SINHA {lOgXl,... x logx {x s s n} Xn I sn and e x mean respectively -< y {e -s t 1,...,e -Sntn }. -st x and < y n, denote non-negative integers in R Letting k k I {Xltl,X2t2,...,xn t n and, by xt, we mean i.e., + kn’ Dkx + k2 + ( The notation x _< y and x < y 1,2,...,n). ku m and Also The letters k and m shall are non-negative integers. k shall denote Ox x2k2 k I OXn kn By a smooth function we mean a function that possesses partial derivatives of all orders at all points of its domain. 2. THE TESTING FUNCTION SPACE M Let cd" R denote the open domain 0 < x < oo. H Dc ,d (xv) We define n function =i where x-c Ix-d c,d(X) x x if 0 < if e < Nc,d(X) as the product < i/e < R is the linear space of all smooth functions f(x) defined on c,d I which satisfy the following set of inequalities values in C In fact M with For each non-negative integer k, lc,d(X) Qk [xk+l] DkQkx f(x) bers of M v c,d are Ix s-l] for c -< Re s d and [(log x) k x s-l] is in M c,d" Other mem- for c < Re s < d. represents a seminorm defi6ed by max sup O_<[k[< x Of course, the collection of seminorms. f} =i Hence, THEOREM 2.1. c,d Mc,d [xk-l] Dkx f(x) I. the topology generated by is a Cauchy sequence in M and, for each fixed k, the functions oo. lc d(X (2.2) is a multinorm, being a separating collection Thus we can assign to M A sequence {f as v R, whose support is contained in (f) R$ (2.1) denotes constants which depend upon the choices of k and f. Any smooth function n 0 < x < oo. c,d c,d(X) [xk+l] {} if and only if each f Dkx fv(x.. M c,d converges uniformly on is sequentially complete. The mapping f(x) is an isomorphism from M c,d into L [e -p] f(e -p) c,d wlere L c,d g(p) (2.3) denotes the testing function space DISTRIBUTIONAL MELLIN TRANSFORMATION 97 defined by Sinha [3]. The inverse mapping is given by Ix-i g(p) PROOF. f(-log x) (2.4) The proof of this theorem is easy and is therefore omitted. THE DUAL SPACE M’ c,d" 3. M’ c,d is the dual space of M Multiplication by a complex number, equality, c,d" In fact, M’ is a linear space over c,d and addition are defined in the usual way. C f(x) I. M’ By <h, f> we mean a number that h M assigns to f c,d c,d" If the support R, (,Miller [4], 1.6) of a distribution h is contained in a compact subset of M’ h c,d’ c,d n R with c < d. Also, every member of Let us define a (weak) topology for set of seminorms. For every f Mc,d, for all f e M c,d’ }o=l(h M’ c, d) is a distribution on we define a seminorm (h f(h) {<hv,f> on M’c,d by M’,d).c is a Cauchy sequence in the numerical sequence n R+. by using the following separating c,d I<h,f>[, f(h) In fact, a sequence {h M’ M’c,d then v=l M’ c,d if and only if, converges We can easily prove that M’ is sequentially complete c,d In view of Theorem i, we can relate to each h(x) M’ a distribution c,d h(e -p) L’ (see [3]) by c,d <h(e-P), Conversly, if (p) e L’c,d’ g(p)> then (-log x) <(-log x), f(x)> <h(x), f(x)>. M’ c,d (3.1) is given by <(p), g(p)>. (3.2) Using (3.1) and (3.2), we can easily have the following theorem: THEOREM 3.1. _ M’ The inverse mapping is given by (3.2). onto L’ c,d" c,d THE n-DIMENSIONAL DISTRIBUTIONAL MELLIN TRANSFORMATION M. from 4. h(e -p) defined by (3.1), is an isomorphism The mapping h(x) DEFINITION. as the function where We define the n-dimensional distributional Mellin transformation H(s) on (Mh)(s) 2h into C H(s) I by <h(x), [xS-l] > for s e $h’ (4.1) is the tube of definition of the n-dimensional distributional Laplace S.K. SINHA 98 transformation (see [3]). M’ In fact, the R.H.S. of (4.1) has a meaning because the application of h to [x s-l] M c,d c,d" [xs-l] and using Theorem [x-1] g(-log x) [e -sp] and f(x) Setting g(p) 2.1, we can-have the following theorem: The distribution h(x) is n-dimensional Mellin transformable if THEOREM 4.1. h(e -p) is n-dimensional Laplace transformable. for ever s Lh(e -p) H(x) In such a case, Mh(x) 5. Using Theorems 2.1 and 3.1, we can have the following theorems: then H(s) h’ H(s) for s If Mh (The Analiticity Theorem). THEOREM 4.2. and is analytic on H s xu) <(log [xS]>, h(p), s e (4.2) h" The proof is analogous to that given in [3]. for s g, g n if in the same sense of equality in M’c,d where n G(s) for s H(s) is non-void, and if h H(s) for s If Mh (The Uniqueness Theorem). THEOREM 4.3. c,d e and c < d. h and Mg g, G(s) then h=g The proof is ana- logous to that given in [3]. (The Continuity Theorem). THEOREM 4 4 for some c,d e R (c c < Re s < d and c < Re s < d to PROOF. < d) and if Mhv H(s), If {h }=I then Lh converges in M’ c,d to h H(s) exists for at least {H (s) converges pointwise in the tube of definition =i H(s). Since [xs] is in M for each s satisfying c Re s the theorem d, c,d follows from the definition of convergence in M’ and the fact that M’ is sec,d c,d quentially complete. 5. A BOUNDEDNESS PROPERTY FOR DISTRIBUTIONS IN For each h constant c R# M’c,d, M’ c,d" there exists a non-negative integer r such that, for all in M l<h,>l ] R and a positive c,d’ < c (). (5.1) DISTRIBUTIONAL MELLIN TRANSFORMATION 6. 99 A NECESSARY AND SUFFICIENT CONDITION FOR M(s) TO BE AN n-DIMENSIONAL MELLIN TRANSFORM. A necessary and sufficient condition for a function M(s) to be the n-dimen- sional Mellin transform of a distribution h is that there be a tube c < Re s < d (c < d) on which M(s) is analytic and bounded when IM(s) where P(Isl) is a polynomial in < (6.1) sl. It can be easily proved by using the boundedness property of Section 5 and (Bochner [6], Theorem 60, p. 242 and 4, p. 244). 7. SOME OPERATIONAL TRANSFORM FORMULAS FOR THE n-DImeNSIONAL DISTRIBUTIONAL MELL IN TRANS FOPMAT ION. Let us suppose that Mh(p) H(s) for s e h R and p n. C We can easily have the following operational transform formulas (Using Theorem 4): kp h(p) (ii) M D (12) M{[x]}h (13) Mh (log x) (14) Mh{%(-log x)} s k H(s), s e , , h’ H(s + ), s + a e H(-s), -s e [T -I] H(s/T), s/ e , > 0. Also, by using Theorem 5, we can have (15) M{(-log x) k h(-log x)} (-) Ikl k D S H(s) s e h REFERENCES N.Y., 1968. i. ZEMANIAN, A.H. 2. FUNG KANG. 3. 4. SINHA, S.K. The n-Dimensional Distributional Laplace Transformation, to appear. MILLER, J.B. Generalized Function Calculi for the Laplace Transformation, Arch. Rational Mech. Analy. 12 (1963), 409-419. 5. GELFAND, I.M. 6. BOCHNER, S. Generalized Integral Transformation, Interscience, Generalized Mellin Transforms-l, Sci. Sinica 7 and SHILOV, G.E. New York, 1964. Lectures Princeton, 1959. on Fourier (1958), 562-605. Generalized Functions, Vol. i, Academic Press, Integral.s, Princeton University Press,