Internat. J. Mh. & Ma. Si. Vol. 5 No. 4 (I982) 721-728 721 ON THE SPECTRUM OF A DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION AND ON UNIQUE FACTORIZATION T. PHAM.GIA Departement de Physique-Mathematiques Universite de Moncton Monc ton, N.-B., EIA 3E9 CANADA (Received November 13, 1980 and in revised form June 30, 1982) ABSTRACT. The spectrum of a distribution function is related to the quasi-analytlclty of a class of functions {C M(j)I where M(j) is a multisequence of positive numbers. For a regular multlsequence, a result on the uniqueness of characteristic function decomposition is given. KEY WORDS AND PHPES. analytic, regular, Distribution, chractertic function, spectr, quasi- factorization. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. i Primary 26A93, 60E05. INTRODUCTION. A general principle formulated by N. Wiener, that a function and its Fourier transform cannot both be very small at infinity, has been the origin of important but quite different results in the fields of Complex Analysis and Probability Theory. In this note, we give some results connecting these two fields and an example to illustrate this connection. Two fundamental theorems on the above principle are recalled below. rely on the classical Paley-Wiener Theorems. They both Theorem i.i by Ingham and Levlnson [i] has been used by various authors to establish results in Probability Theory, concern- ing the spectrum of a distribution, unique factorization of characteristic functions, etc. (see e.g. [2], [3]). Theorem 1.2 by S. Mandelbrojt [4] has seen many applicat- ions in Analysis, especially in the theory of quasi-analytic and non-quasi-analytic functions (see e.g. [4], [5], [6]). T. PHAM-GIA 722 THEOREM i.i. Let G(u) e L(-, ) and suppose that F(x) l-i2 O(e Let G(u) (u) G(u)-iUxdu" where e(u) is a non-decreasing positive function such that du 2 u -e’u)) I Then F(x) cannot be equivalent to zero in any interval unless it is equivalent to zero over If C(u) is a non-decreasing function on [0, THEOREM 1 2 u l’d, an then 2 entire function F(z) not identically zero such that lF(z) -< 6lyl c(Izl) A number of deinltions and other results to be used later are recalled below. A point x is called a point of the spectrum of a probability distribution F if V6 > 0, F(x + 6) > F(x- 6). _= f(t) eitxdF(x) The characteristic function f of F is defined by and the following theorem can be found in [2], under a slightly different form. THEOREM 1.3. Let @(t) be a non-negative non-decreasing function for t > 0 and f(t)=(e -@(Itl)) @.(t) dt integral let f(t) be the characteristic function of a distribution F such that Itl for large Then F has (_oo,) as spectrum if and only if the I- t 2 diverges. The proof of the above result is essentially based on Theorem i.i and various properties of the Rademacher Series (see [2]). 2. MAIN RESULTS. Let {M(j)} (Jl’ be a multisequence of positive numbers where (j) m being an integer > 0 1 -< k < m. We set jk and denote by k=I7" class of C complex-valued functions defined on fJl 8x Jl x Jm I m where f and Bf 1 C{M(j)} the such that < are positive constants which depend only on f. we define the class C{M(j)) Jm )’ Jk Following Lelong [7], to be quasi-analytic if it does not contain functions with SPECTRUM OF A DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION 723 [7],[8], Various properties of these classes have been obtained (see compact support. and [9]) and differ from the classical one-dlmensional case. Let F be a probability distribution function with characteristic THEOREM 2.1. {M(j)I a multisequence {llt;(J)l f(t) lloo/M(j < oo. function f and sup of positive numbers such that. Then F has (_oo,=) as spectrum if and only if PROOF. C{M(j)} is quasi-analytic. We begin by extending the ideas of Valiron points and half-planes to several dimensions. {M(j)} Let being an integer > 0. p We set rapidly than any function of the form m+l In R y -log m+l. O; there rP,r {p} grows more > 0. Jl I Xm Jm and {M(j)}, called the Valiron points of the sequence in the lower halfp r Since-- 0, r > 0 and a > 0, there exist at most a finite number p of indices p such that p log r- log a > and suppose that let s consider the points with co-ordinates x M(j), space of R {M(j)} inf I(J)I=P Jm)’ Jk (Jl be a multisequence of positive numbers where (j) p > a. A fortiori, f(r) (rl, rm) and are at most a finite number of Valiron points such that Jk Now fix (r) and fix a > 0. Let’s log r k log M(j) (2.1) a. m+l determined by the consider the hyperplane in R equation: m Y k-- xk log rk + a. It intersects the y-axis at the point with ordinate a and the point a log r with i < % < m. By (2.1), b point is above y =-7 x log r k k + b(rl, rm) Valiron point is on the hyperplane itself. k=l b(r rm) I and, at the same time, at least one such that no Valiron rm) _> -log M(j) or b(rl, m) r >-sup (j) at the Hence, for Valiron points, we have log rk + b(r I, Jk x-axis {_ Jk k:l-- log r k log M(j)}; T. PHAM-G IA 724 in fact r rm b(r I, sup (j) {log log T(rl, Jm Jl r m I M(j) rm where r rm) T(rl, For (r) m r.. y {M(j)} rm) (rl, x log r k k + We set r r^z I main diagonal of R m b(r) r M Jm m (j) given, the hyperplane H((r)) with equation rm) b(rl, (r) at the point sup { (j) Jl I is called the Valiron hyperPlane of the sequence m. rm R r and consider the Valiron hyperplanes defined on the m x + b(r). Here whose equations become y -log r =E k kl log (r) where (r) T(r, r, r). We can see from the above arguments that b(r) is a positive non-decreasing function of r > 0. Suppose now that C{M(j)} is b (r) By [8] we know that quasi-analYtic. i dr r diverges. Let sup (J) Then If(t)l < Y M(j) and hence If(t) 0(I/y(Itl) as t > 0% Using Theorem 1.3, F then has (_oo,oo) as spectrum. (_oo,) as spectrum. Since If(t) 0(e -b(Itl)) t , Conversely, suppose that F has b(t) the integral ges again by [8], this is a sufficient condition for the class C{M(j)} ’t2be dt diver- to quasi- analytic. For one dimension, we have the following example and corollary. EXAMPLE. P(X) [ 02 If we associate + (x ) 2] to the Cauchy distribution < x < , @, D (with density real, 8 > O) the sequence we can easily verify that the above theorem is satisfied. Mj e SPECTRUM OF A DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION be a sequence of positive numbers such that M Let {M }oo 0 J j=O COROLLARY M2n < Mn-i Mn+l Y. n=l Mn_ l I 1,2,3,..., and F is a distribution fuctlon with characteristic with n I ItJf(t) llo/M} function f such that sup j>_0 only if 725 < oo. Then F has (_oo,oo) as spectrum if and oo. M n By the classical Denjoy-Carleman Theorem (see [9]), if M. is logarithml- PROOF. tally convex, the divergence of the integral gence of the series dt is equivalent to the diver- Mn_ I F. n=l 1 t M n UNIQUE FACTORIZATION. 3. An interesting property of distribution functions is that the cancellation law does not hold in general, i.e. F F I * 2 F * F3 1 does not imply F has given examples of characteristic function f such that f(t) fl(t) f3(t) with f2(t) # F(x + a) F(x fl(t) f2(t) F(-x), Vx and, for associate the marginal multisequence M l(j)l, 0, {Mj)} defined by M0, I(J)l, 0, M0, A multisequence DEFINITION. i) 2) M 0 0 M(j) {C > Mj)} 0 V(J), M*j a > 0, a). We now consider a more specific multisequence called regular. Mj) Gnedenko [I0] 3. f3(t). For a distribution function F, we define F*(x) (A a F)(x) F 2 ..{M(j)I with {M(j) }, let’s 0 (J)l, 0 For V(J) is regular if: sup (j) {( M(j) M < (j) is quasi-analytic with each marginal sequence 0 of the form M 0 0 (!) [()] where m F. i and (x) is a continuously differentiable function (depending on the mark=l k 1 ginal sequence) with (0) (x) > 0 and x.’.(XL) oo. 0(i) as x ’ REMARK. (x) The class of regular multisequence, which is obviously not empty, was introduced first by Hirschman [ii] for one dimension, to generalize the m-th logarithmic sequence. T. PHAM-GIA 726 THEOREM. Let C{M(j)} be a regular class of functions and f the characteristic Then there exists a continuous non-decreaslng function (t) for t > O, function of F. such that 0(e-ltl/(Itl)), then F has (_oo,o) as spectrum (AaF*)(u) 0(e-Itl/([tl)) for some a > 0 and f admits l) If f(t)= 2) If fl(t) f2(t), tion f(t) PROOF. f2 then where We first show that, for a regular multisequence (r) fl" is uniquely determined by f and b*(r) associated with the marginal multisequence r + a decomposi- {Mj)} {M(j)}, is such that is a continuous, non-decreasing function with the function b*(r) r ’(r) as 9(0) > 0. We have (3.1) with P* linf(J)l:P {Mj)} [m(p)]P We also have %<0) (x) l, > [i (p) ]p (p!) x’ (x__) O, and (x) m m [(p)]P p! (p!) : where . o(1) as x k1 . Following Hirschman [ii], write b*(r) max {p log r- p! p log (p)} (3.2) p>0 and let p*(r) be the integer for which the maximum is attained. % pP e-p, dG(p) we have log p log r dp dG(p) ), the solution of attained as p! p log r- p! G(p) ,riable in a continuou d dp p log (p), the maximum would be Using Stirling’s formula 0. (log F(p + i)) log (p) If we now treat p as log p + (I) by the + o(1) and, therefore, properties of . Hen ce, log r and r % s(r) ", log s(r) b*(r) % + (i) (s(r)). Putting (3.3) in (3.2) when p and so b*(r) log (s(r)) r (s(r)) for r > 0. p*(r), we can obtain p*(r) [i + (i)] % s(r) (3.3) SPECTRUM OF A DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION and s, there exists a continuous function By the non-decreasing property of (r), non-decreaslng with (0) > 0 such that b*(r) Now let g sup {( < Mj) and r % Now, Mj) M(j) Mj) I (J)l n > M (j) then afortiori f(t) =O(1/X(Itl)) H(j) >- Mj) implies l(r)_< l(r). (j) implies %*(nr) < %(r) by (3 I). being quasi-analytic, the integral above inequalities, implies the divergence of for r > O. (r) We have l*(rir) -< t*(r) by ’eorem 2 of [8] while On the other hand, 727 I b()r b(r) dr diverges and by the 2 dr. If f(t) and by Theorem 1.3, F has (_oo,) as its spectrum. The second part of the theorem follows from a result by E. Lukacs combined with the regularity of C{M(j)}. ([3, Theorem The proof, based on classical results of Khintchine, the inversion formula, and Parseval’s Theorem, follows closely Lukacs (see [3]). Research partially supported by NSERC (Canada) grant A9249. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. The author wishes to thank the referee for many helpful suggestions. REFERENCES I. A Theorem Relating Non-Vanlshlng and Analytic Functions, J. Math. LEVINSON, N. Phyg. i_6 (1938), 185-190. 2. KAWATA, T. Fourier Analysis in Probability _Theory Academic Press, New York and London, 1972. 3. LUKACS, E. An_ alytical methods in Probability .Theory Le.c,ture Notes in Math, Vol. 31, (1967) Springer-Verlag, Berlin and New York. 4. KATZNELSON, Y. and MANDELBROJT, S. Fonctions entires et le problme de Gelfand et Silov, J. Analyse Math. 15 (1965), 263-279. 5. MANDELBROJT, S. Srles adhrentes, rgularlsation des suites, applications, Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1952. Density of non quasi-analytic classes of functions, Canad. Math. Bull. 20 (1977), 467-469. 6. PHAM-GIA, T. 7. LELONG, P. 8. LELONG, P. Extension d’un thorme de Carleman, Ann. Inst. Fourier (1962), 627-641. 9. RUDIN, W. i0. 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