Internat. J. Mah. & Math. Sci 737 Vol. 5 No 4 (1982) 737-744 ON THE ACYCLIC POINT-CONNECTIVITY OF THE n-CUBE JOHN BANKS Department of Mathematics University of California, Santa Cruz Santa Cruz, California 95064 U.S.A. JOHN MITCHEM Department of Mathematics and Computer Science San Jose State University San Jose, California 95192 U.S.A. (Received October 5, 1981 and in revised form May 21, 1982) ABSTRACT. The acyclic point-connectivity of a graph G, denoted (G), is the minimum number of points whose removal from G results in an acyclic graph. (Qn 2 n-I () -< 2 Harary stated erroneously that that for n > 4, 7 2 n-4 -< n-I 2 i where n-y-2, Qn In a 1975 paper, denotes the n-cube. where y [log2(n- We prove We show i)]. that the upper bound is obtained for n -< 8 and conjecture that it is obtained for all n. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. n-cube, acyic point-connectivity. 1980 THEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. 1 05C05, 05C40. IN TRODUCT I ON. Definitions and examples for this paper can be found in Harary [i], which has a For readable survey of the general area to which our results and conjectures apply. current work, consult especially the Journal of Graph Theory and the Journal of Com- binatorics, Seri’’s B. More specifically, in [2] Harary introduced the acyclic point- connectivity of a graph G, denoted (G), as the minimum number of points whose removal from G results in an acyclic graph. (Km,n rain{re,n} i and (%) He then stated without proof that (K n-I 2 P i, where Qn denotes the n-cube. two equalities are indeed trivial; the last one is incorrect. p 2, The first In this paper we obtain upper bounds for (Qn), show that the upper bound is obtained for n -< 8, and conjecture J. BANKS AND J. MITCHEM 738 that the upper bound is obtained for all n. Before beginning the proof we introduce the following notation and definitions. The dis- For any real number x, [x] denotes the greatest integer not greater than x. d(v,w). tance between two points v and w is denoted by O’s with point set consisting of all n-tuples of Qn I < i with fixed ith coordinate, the subgraph of < Qn is the graph and l’s, and two points are adjacent We observe that iff they differ in exactly one coordinate. points of The n-cube Qn is bipartite and all n, induce the subgraph In fact, Qn-l" induced by all points with nth coordinate 0(i) is denoted Qn Q-I (Q-l)" MAIN RESULTS. 2. For n > 4, 7 THEOREM 1. 2 n-4 < (Qn) < 2 n-I 2 n-y-2 We begin the proof of Theorem I with a number of lemmas. [log2(n-l)] where y Some of the easy proofs are omitted. LE[A i. Let v,w LEMMA 2. For u,v V(); d(v,w) V(, n > i, if j iff v and w differ in exactly j coordlnate d(u,v) 2, then u and v are contained in exactly one 4-cycle. LEMMA 3. () t, then (Qn+l > 2t. This follows imediately from the observation that PROOF. copes joint If of LEMMA 4. Qn" (Q2 i and (Q3 Qn+l contains two dis- 3. The first equality is clear and with Lema 3 implies that PROOF. u,v V(Q3). (Q3 > 3. If d(u,v) < 2(=3), then Q3- {v,u} > 2. (Q3 contains a 4-cycle (6-cycle). Let Thus Equality follows from the fact that the removal of (i, i, 0), (0, I, i), results in a disconnected graph consisting of K and 1 which we (i, 0, i) from Q3 denote by K KI, 3. I 0 We also note that the five point path P5 KI,3, results from the removal of (0, O, 0), (i, l, 0), and (0, 0, i) from LEMMA 5. K I o The only induced acycllc subgraphs Q3" of Q3 with order 5 are P5 and K1, 3PROOF. Exactly one of , three points induce P5 r El 0 3. P3’ Q2’ and Q2" has three points of such a subgraph H. These and since H contains no cycles and is induced, it follows that 739 ACYCLIC POINT-CONNECTIVITY OF THE n-CUBE LEMMA 6. u(Q4 6 and the resulting induced acyclic subgraph H of consists KI, 4. of two disjoint copies of From Lemmas 4 and 3 it follows that PROOF. Q4 that six points may be removed to form (Q4 > 6. However, Figure i shows ,4 u ,4" FIGt.RE 1 6, and according to Lemma 5 when H is formed each of (Q4 Thus have three points removed forming respectively K u I ,3" H’ Assume PS" Now H’ Thus jacent to the three points removed from this implies that H’ contains Let v i(w i), 1 < i 1 < i 8. Also let KI, 3. Thus v2, v3, v 4} Now it can be checked that if wi, I H", Thus w then H contains a cycle. proved. LEMMA 7. (Q5 Q3’ H’ 8, be the points of {Vl, 14. H". Also, H’ and is adjacent with two points of H". must be in different components of H’ induce < i < 8 H" Q3’ u and H" KI, 3 and v 8 Q3" must P5 are or and these points H’ are ad- H". However, u K I. Q3’(Q3 ’’) and let KI, 3 H" and points of KI,3, and the isolated point of H" and v.z be adjacent to be the isolated point in H’. 7, is the required point of degree three in must be the degree three point and the Lemma is 740 J. BANKS AND J. MITCHEM PROOF. According to Lemmas 6 and 3, (Q5 > 12. Figure 2 shows that (Q5 < 14. F:r.E 2 65 Assume that (Q5) 12 or 13, and let H be an acycllc subgraph of removal of at most 13 points. M3, from and M 4 of MI, M2, Q3" and Now Q5 Q5 formed by the may be viewed as 4 disjoint copies, say MI, M2, It follows from Lema 4 that exactly three points have been removed M3, and 3 or 4 points have been removed from M 4. Furthermore, Lema 6 implies that the darkly shaded lines of Figure 3 are contained in H. ACYCLIC POINT-CONNECTIVITY OF THE n-CUBE 741 VI FIGURE However, as shown in Figure 3, points v2, v3, and v lie in 6-cycles with x and y, 4 point v I is in a 4-cycle containing x and y, and point u is in a 4-cycle containing w. (Qs) Hence > 14. Before we prove the main result two additional definitions are required. 1 < k + V() the point which differs from v in exactly the coordinates i, k i < n o < It is clear that n. 01 Then k+l ,n ,n o denotes the element in 2 n-y-2 {0,i} denotes the mapping which assigns to each v in is an automorphism of Also if i no, {0,i}, and n. then i 1 [log2(n-l) ]. Then there exists a set of points of Q whose removal results in an acyclic graph G which consists n n-I and 2 n2 n-y-2 isolated points. mutually disjoint copies K 1 ,n n of exactly 2 n-y-2 The set of points of degree n is denoted by points. Qn" + i, {.}. Let n > 2 and y THEOREM 2. n-I 2 @i’,k+l,no,n Let C(Gn) C(Gn), is a subset of one bipartite set of and these points are called cluster % and all points from the other 742 J. BANKS AND J. MITCHEM y Then 0 < k < 2 If k {v e i Cn,v + 2 Furthermore, let nO y + i and n n O + k. i. y # 2 Gn. are contained in bipartite set of V(Gn): v n (i’ i, let v ( i’ i C(Gn. Then i-l’ i’ i+l’ the elements of E 2’ n0’n0+l’’’’’n)’ "’’’n0-1’ u{v}u{x V(G C D . n): n,v n,v n D x is adjacent to v}. If u # v where u,v e C(Gn) then D n,u n,v 2,3,4,5. In order to cornPROOF. Lemmas 4, 6, and 7 verify the theorem for n k 2 < i < n are isolated points of G n 1 o Also let plete the proof we show that the theorem is true for n, assuming it is true for n i. We consider two cases. CASE I. By 2Y n + ass u mption the theorem is true for Indu c time there exist 2 i. n-l-(y-l)-2 2 n-2 points whose removal from n-l-(y-l)-2 which consists of 2 2 (n- i)(2 n-y-2) n-2 set of 2 n-y-2 n Qn-l’ C(Gn_ I) Also Thus results in graph -i mutually disjoint copies of 0 isolated points. y. 2 i Gn_ I and Kl,n_ 1 is contained in a bipartite Qn-l" Let G’ n-i where (i’ C(G_I) and e n-i n n-I if u # v where u,v e 2 C(Gn), Th’s the 2 In this case k nate, vi Thus v V(_l ). n-y-2 Qn I ...,n_l,0) which contains n-I and by Leuna 2, v and w are in acyclic graph G n i i KI, n n O Let v are mutually disjoint. n has been Furthermore, Also G contains n V(Gn). i From Lemma i, we have that C n,v i Since v be the point of are in a 4-cycle of -i i differs from v in the nth coordi- adjacent to -I" v i. Now d(wl,v) However, all points of B n V(Gn) and v i is an isolated point. C(Gn) C(G_I). Then d(u,v) > 4. Thus Thus w Let u # v be elements of < Now Qn" G n(2 n-y-2) are isolated points. B and v Let w C(G_I). Note C(G_ I) C(Gn )" induced by B u points from copies of 0 and n i Qn the points adjacent to v are disjoint from the points ad- n-y-2 all points of B and thus 2 3. Let A be the bipartite set of V(Gn_I). as the subgraph of formed by removing 2 d(ci,v) induced by all points of the form (e let B be the other bipartite set. Now define G jacent to u Qn be the subgraph of i n D for otherwise, d(u,v) 2. It now follows that D n,v n,u y y CASE II. n 2 + 1 + k, 1 < k < 2 i. . C n,u 2, V(_ 1) n,v ACYCLIC POINT-CONNECTIVITY OF THE n-CUBE Again we apply the inductive assumption on n Xn_ I, 0) form (xI, Qn’ Gn_I. automorphism of isomorphic to C(G" follows that formed from C(G_ I) tite set of u C(Gn_I) % . n C n,v we suppose that u,v n,u Similarly C C(%) C n,v and Ol,k+l,n0,n(V), Hence, v . consists of all but one point of v.1 C n,v o C n,v Then k and x be the point of and d(x,) i 0 2. we first C(Gn_ 1 consists of all but one point, namely + 2 < i -< n o -i which V(Gn) -Thus x is adjacent to v is an isolated point of G n or n G -i G"n_l Vk+l, C(G_I) i and v for otherwise, So Let n in i C(G i), Qn" 2(2 n-2 Gn consists of 2(2 (n- i)2 n-y-3) 2 n-y-3) n-y-2 2 2 n-y-2 n-I would contain a 4- nD n,u n,v It now follows easily that D disjoint copies of n2 - Now when u # v. Thus of Thus it follows from Cn_l, u. By induction, v was an isolated point of G’ i n-I say the former. cycle. and the other bipar- C(G_ n,u C(G_I) Qn o D In order to show that D n,v n,u and The latter is clear if u v I) the inductio assumption that C Let v 4 and the inductive assumption, if follows that V(%). C(G i). n,u is u V(G"n-+/-4). It n-y-2 2 n-y-3) 2 n-I 2 n-2 C(Gn) where u # v. show that C 9 by the removal of 2(2 G"n_l, 5=@l,k+l,no,n(U) 0) is a subset of one bipartite set of is contained in Let u,v with the which we now denote by C(G_I) hen % induced by V(G 1 8n_l, as the subgraph of From the fact that d(u,5) points. C(%) @l,k+l,n0,n(G’n-i) (81, Thus if u Gn was Gn_ I Qn induced by the points of the V(Gn_l). Since 81,k+l,n0,n is an Xn_l) it follows that n i and obtain graph be the subgraph of where (xI, We now define G n-l" G’n_l Let prescribed properties. 743 n-y-2 Kl,n and This completes the isolated points. proof of Theorem 2. Now the upper bound of Theorem I follows iunediately from Theorem 2and Theorem l’s lower bound from Lemmas 4 and 7. We close by stating two conjectures. 6, 7, and Theorem 1 show the first conjecture is true for 2 show the second conjecture is true for m 1 and 2. _< n _< 8. Lemmas 4, Lemmas 4 and 6 Our long proof for m 3 is It seems possible that Conjecture 2 would be useful in proving Conjecture i. n-y-2 n-I CONJECTURE i. For n > i, e(Qn 2 2 where y [log2(n- i)]. omitted. 744 J. BANKS AND J. MITCHEM CONJECTURE 2. sists of exactly 2 If n n-m-l 2 m, m > i, any maximum acyclic induced subgraph of disjoint copies of KI con- n REFERENCES i. HARARY, FRANK. 2. HARARY, FRANK. Graph Theory, New York, Addison-Wesley, 1969. On Minimal Feedback Vertex Sets of a Digraph, on Circuits and Systems_, 1975, 839-840. I.EEE Transactions