VOt.. 6 NO. 3 [19&3| 597 597-604 A NOTE ON SOLUTIONS OF SCHIFFER’S DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION RONALD J. LEACH Department of Hathematics Howard University /ashington, D.C. 20059 (Received on February A, 1982 and in revised fora August 20, 1982) ge consider Schlffers dlfferentlal equation for functions in the cZass of ABSTRACT. norsallzed unlvalent functions which axJaize the n---coeffclent. By conslderln a th class of functiouals converging to the n---coefficient functional, we determine some setrtes that extreaal functions possess. AH PfiF.. Univalent function, Schtffer’s addtttona/ L:Y differential equation, varia- tion, Harry relation. 1. IN’L3I)DCTIOli Let $ the t dtc D. S ,e a2 z2 +..., t 11- to be cact in the topology of unifo cver- ve lutt S ever ts a conttnus fcttol on S. By ct- an t satisfy the differentl eqtt (f) p q are ratil fcti d q(e the fcti f i6) (1.1) D -q() f()/ p(f(C)) pd (f) trl fction f for lvt varti, Schiller [1, 2] shd tt ere sZytZc 8d univalent cact subsets of D. erefore, variatiol probl of the fo gce CS z + denote the class of functions f(z) 0. e coefficients of p and q de- therefore (.) is a fctiolifferential eqtion. For les of the es of t vartiol td, see [-10]. foll the notation in Pr [8, p. 83-190]. soluti to the problm of zing Re an; p(f()) It is sho there that f is a then 1 For consistency, we n() , (.) 598 R.J. LEACH n-i q()-- (nI n ()z) Here l)an + J=IE (n-j) (Jaj + (1.3) ). .aaj i is the familiar Faber polynomial of degree n for Equation (i.i) f() with p and q defined by (1.2) and (1.3) respectively is the Schiffer differential must satisfy. equation which any function maximizing Re a other solutions that are not extremal functions such as z(l- (Unfortunately, there are z2) -I 3.) in the case n In this note, we consider a class of functionals T r (f) that converge to (f) Re a We compute the Schiffer differential equation for each of these as r + 0. n functionals and obtain new conditions that the extremal functions must satisfy. In certain cases, we show that the extremal function must satisfy an infinite system of differential equations. The equations in this system are of the form (i.i) and have the unknown coefficients of the extremal function appear in the equation. THE MAIN THEOREM. 2. We will need the following result whose proof is an immediate consequence of the formula for the sum of a geometric progression. Z Let g(z) Lemma. n:0 THEOREM i. (z I) ii) 2ij n r > 0. (2iJn n-i Y. g\re i=0 Then n Y, i--0 z B2.3 2 j 0 as r f(z)-B j 1 2 bknrkn r(f) n-i Re nr n Z J :0 f(zj) where Then with the notation i) f (z n Let f be a function in S which maximizes T re where z b z n B. 3 f(z.), f must satisfy 3 O- z f’(zj) z’z. Y. j j:0 i 7. z j=O ] ] j f’(zj) l-’.z 3 n-i Re E J:0 f(zj) (2.1) 0, the functions f (which may depend on r) approach a function in S which maximizes Re a PROOF We follow the outline in Pommerenke [8, p. 183-190] al of degree n and consequently q() f()/ P(f()) where 2 n-i p(w) r J:O and w B B. ] T r is a linear function- SOLUTIONS OF SCHIFFER’S DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION + zj + nl i q() z f’ J j=o (zj n-i i Z z. j=o j + i zjf’(zj) n-I zj zj i Re Z roves the first statement of the theorem if we replace s d statement, note that the lemma implies i(o2ir Z f n nanr T (f) r a j=0 n + na2nr (zj ). f j--o Th n-1 599 To prove the by z. 2n +... and hence n + 0(rn). If g > 0 is given, we may choose r so that 0(r n) < g. zing Re a n Then any function fo maximi- has Re T an + < Re t(f) g is the limit of functions maximizing Re T f as r+ 0 and hence fo REMARKS. 1. It is well-known that a function that maximizes Re an actually has 2. If f(z) a n r > 0. + z functions a2z2 +...+ 2ij n-i n-i Our technique of approx+/-ating Re a of n +... t\ef 1 _2kj e a z n n z z e2ij 2 n-i + Tr(f) by Re maximizes Re a a^z Z then so do the n +...+ n a z n + will yield only one of the rotations f; the others can be obtained by considering replacing r by e r 2ij n-i r. COROLLARY i. This observation will explain some later results. There is a function f e S which maximizes Re a for which n (n + 2a2an l)an_ I We fix r > 0 and expand n-i B j - n-i + (-n- 2a 2 l B )z + 0(z 2) j j=o inl + + j=0 j =o J f’(zj) f’(z J j=o n-I z.---z Re Y. j=0 I(i + n I i l+z.z J z + zz/z.] + 0 obtaining, since f(z) both representations for F(z) about z j--o (n- Let F(z) denote the expression appearing in (2.1). PROOF. E l)an+I 2.z + 0(z Bj 2) i zjf’ (zj -i_ 2 + 1- nl[zjf’ (zj j=0 Re l j =o f(zj) 2 a2z +... )(I + 2__z + z. n-i -iIm I j=0 0(z2)) zjf’(z.) 3 ] R.J. LEACH 600 Re 7. j--0 + f(zj) Equating coefficients, since n-i 7. f’(z n-i Y. f’ j=o + 0(z2). n-i Re 7. --o f’(zj) (zj z J we obtain n-i f n-i Y. f j=o 2a 2 f(zj), Bj -Jim 7 z --o (z -n + z. 7. [-f’(z j--0 j + (zj f(z (2.2) --0 n-i Y. --2 f’ (2.3) (zj z.3 j=o Applying the argument of the lemma to (2.2) and (2.3), we obtain -n -nanrn + 0 (r2n) -ilm n(n + l)an+ir 2a2nanrn + 0(r 2n) -n- n(n + l)an+Ir Upon dividing (2.5) by r n (n + 2a2an REMARK. and letting r l)an+I / n nanrn + 0 (r2n) Re n + n(n l)an_ 1 r n + (2.4) 0(r2n). (2.5) 0, we obtain (n l)an_ I The conclusion of the corollary is the well-known Marty relation. It was Hummel [6, p. 77] observed that the originally derived by very elementary methods. Marty relation can also be obtained by considering the Schiffer differential equation for the functional Re a 3. n CONSEQUENCE OF THE MAIN THEOREM. Suppose that a fixed function f maximizes Re THEOREM 2. r’s converging to 0. 1 i (z-; nn qbkn(’f’(z)) an kn-i E n=l kn(W) PROOF. is the knt__h (kn (jajz (kn-j + l)akn jaj- z kn-3-’) + (3.1) 1,2, k Faber polynomial for W. By Theorem i, f must satisfy the functlonal-differential equation J_ f()7 f (z) 1 Bj + 1 7. Bj f(zj) fkre n ;. zjf’(zj) n-I l j=O where for some sequence of Then f satisfies the system of functional-dlfferentlal equations ’f(z)’2 where Tr(f) z i z j f’(zj) - zj 1 + + z .z3 n-i Re 7. j=O f(zj) (3.2) For fixed z, the expression F(z) defined by (3.2) SOLUTIONS OF SCHIFFER’S DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION is an analytic function of r for r in some small interval about 0. in powers of r noting that the lemma insures that only powers of r n 601 We expand (3.2) kn can appear. We since the computation for higher powers is show the argument only for powers of r similar. (z) (I + j=0 L f(z) f(z) f(z)2 nl + 2zj +...) zjf’(zj)(l 2 j=0 i z n-i n-i + i j=07" --j f,(zj)(l + 2z +...) fn (zl)2 rn Ctl" <zf’f (n)(z C2(n) 1 (z) + f (z) 2 +" "+ f i 2 n =--nar + O(r n 2 + 0(r 2n) + 2n) 2 7. j=0 7. j n-i (jajz j=l .) + f’ (zj) )] 0"r2n z +--3 zj f’(z )z n)a + n 7. n [z n-i + j=0 [(n (zin-I Rej=0l f(zj) f’(zj) + zj2 f (z j) z z 2 n-j -(n-j) + j jz 2 +. n )]r + The coefficients C (n) are obtained in the following manner: m nrnc I (n) n-i l j=O 2 Bj n-i 7. (f j=o (zj )) n-i 7. j=0 + (zj 2 a2z +...)2 n-i Z J=0 nr n l m=l m 7. Z a a l+m2---m ml m2 a a ml"2=n ml m2 + 0 (r2n). +’" "I 1 +- Re na n O(r2n). n 2-- n ant rn+ O(r2n) R.J. LEACH 602 n-I E B nrnc 2(n) j=0 n-i 3. J a2z + (zj +, y. j=o .)3 n-i E Ea l ml m2 m3 j=0 m--i nr lamlam2am3 + The sum m I + m2 m 3 n. n Y.am a a + a a I m2 m 3 0 is taken over all positive integers m 2_ni" / \re (r2n) (3.4) ml, m2, m 3 with This procedure yields in general nrnc(n) nr n Y.am a , m+l I f- i i n-i We recognize m + n m > 0 + C(n) as-n n f(z) an i I + 2 [8, p. 57]. This proves the result if k i. The other equations for k 2,... are m where m Y’=l obtained in a similar manner by equating coefficients of higher powers of r REMARKS. k(z) i. A result of Pfluger [7] shows that a Koebe function ei0z)-2 z(l 2. always satisfies (i.i). The assumption that f is essentially the only extremal function for the problem of maximizing Re a is used quite strongly in this proof. n If there were more than one function, the coefficients of the extremal function for T r would depend upon r, making the functional-differential equations even more complicated. It seems reasonable to suppose that there is essentially one extremal function (apart from rotations) for each n but we are unable to prove this. 3. i is of course the familiar Schiffer differential The equation for k equation for a function f maximizing Re a suggests that, if f(z) maximizes Re a2n Re z + a2 z2 + <_ i, with The nature of this family of equations is a function which maximizes Re an, f also If so, the Bieberbach conjecture would follow from a a3n result of Hayman [ii, p. 104]. lira n He showed that, if f e S, I only if f(z) z(l eiz) -2" k THEOREM 3. Suppose that f satisfies the hypothesis of Theorem 2. the functional equation Then f satisfies SOLUTIONS OF SCHIFFER’S DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION kn-i 1 1 , nn *kn(f(z) 1 i n nif(z) (kn- akn an (n l)akn + + l)aEn 7. (ja.z -(kn-j) 3 + n=l n-1 603 jz kn-j (3.5) 7. (ja.z 3 j=l and hence f is algebraic. PROOF. Divide the kth equation in the system (3.1) by the th equation. The following result is of interest only if the Bieberbach.conjecture is false. THEOREM 4. Suppose there is a function f not of the form z(l satisfies the hypothesis of Theorem 2. Then there is a number el@z) -2 @0 and that f such that e 180 is simultaneously a zero of kn-I qk(z) l)ank + (kn Z j=0 (jaj e-(kn-j)i$ + jje (kn-j)iS) PROOF. Pfluger [7] has shown that if f i i Re[ n((z)) k 1,2 is a function that maximizes Re a < 0 unless f is a rotation of the Koebe function. a n then n (He actually proved this theorem for any linear functional and the rational function p related to it by It is well-known that I (1.2).) i Cn(f(z)) an (See [8, p. 194], [6, Theorem 13.6].) function. We consider equation (3.5) with Re a 0 if and only if f is a Koebe It is well-known that since f maximizes i. the function q defined by (i 3) must have at least one zero on z n the left-handed side of (3.5) is analytic by assumption, each zero e THEOREM 5. i) ii) is real k 2a2akn (kn qk(e i8), k 1,2, This completes the proof. l)akn+l (kn (2.2) and (2.3) are valid for all r rkn in Then 1,2,... l)akn_l PROOF. Since f is essentially the unique function maximizing Re efficients of of + jaje -(n-J)i8 (jaje-(n-j)i8 j=l Suppose that f satisfies the hypothesis of Theorem 2. akn Since n-I (n- l)an + Z ql(e i8) must also be a zero of i zjl an, the equations in some neighborhood of 0. (2.2) yields, after an application of the lemma, -nakn in Im kn akn- or -i Im akn -i Im k nakn n Re akn Equating co- 604 R.J. LEACH which implies that akn is real. Equating coefficients in (1.6) and applying the lemma, we obtain -2a2n akn -n (kn + i) akn+l + n (nk i) ank_l and the result follows after division by -n. I would like to thank Professors J.A. Hummel and W.E. Kirwan for ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. helpful conversations regarding the extremal functions for T (f). r to thank Professor I would also like A. Pfluger for pointing out an error in an earlier version of this paper. REFERENCES i. SCHIFFER, M. "A Method of Variation Within the Family of simple Functions", Proc. London Math. Soc. 44 (1938), 432-449. 2. SCHIFFER, M. "On the coefficients of Simple Functions", Proc. London Math. Soc. 44 (1938), 450-452. 3. AHLFORS, L. 4. BRICKMAN, L., and WILKEN, D. "Support Points of the set of Univalent Functions", Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 42 (1974), 523-528. 5. GARABEDIAN, P. and SCHIFFER, M. "A Coefficient Inequality for Schllcht Functions" Ann. of Math. 61 (1955), 116-136 6. HUMMEL, J.A. "Conformal Invariants", McGraw-Hill, New York, 1973. 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