I nternat. J. Math. Math. Sci. Vol. 3 No. (1980) 185-188 185 RESEARCH NOTES CONTROLLABILITY, BEZOUTIAN AND RELATIVE PRIMENESS B.N. DATTA Instituto de Matemtica Estatlstica e CiSncia da Computago Universidade Estadual de Campinas SP Brasil Campinas (Received June II, ABSTRACT. Let 1979) g(x) be two polynomials of degree n. Then it is well- known f(x) and if and only if f(x) and g(x) are relatively prime. We give an alternative proof of this re- that the Bezoutian matrix Bfg associated with f(x) and g(x) is nonsingular sult. The proof is based on a result on controllability derived in this note. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. 15A30, 15A63. KEY WORKS AND PHRASES. Bezoan, Controllability, Nuly i. INTRODUCTION Let bn_I x n-2 f(x) n x b2x n-I anX b 1 n-2 an_i x a2x I and g(x) n x n-I bnX be two polynomials of degree n. Then the Bezoutian bilinear form defined by B(f g) a f(y) g(x) f(x)g(y) x-y f(x) and n-I 7. i ,k-0 bik x y g(x) is given by 186 B.N. DATTA The symmetric matrix THEOREM i. Bfg (bik) Bfg is known as the Bezoutian matrix. f(x) and is nonsingular iff g(x) are relatively prime. The above result is classical and is well-known. Various proofs of this result are available in the literature (for references see the survey of Krien and Naimark [] and the paper of Honseholder [3). In this note, we give Lemma 1 a proof of this result using the idea of controllability. that follows forms the main tool of our proof. Besides its t th proof of theorem i, it is important in its own right and many application find applica- tions elsewhere. 2. TWO LEMMAS ON CONTROLLABILITY. A pair of matrices (A,B), where A is nn and B is nm, is controllable nnm matrix C(A,B) LEMMA I. (B, AB, n. be the companion matrix of 0 I 0 0 I.. "" a2 I X has rank the Let 0 of A2B,...,An-IB) if f(x) and let an/ X, with x as its last row, be a n solution ATx. T Then X is nonsingular iff (A PROOF. Let be x 1, x2,.., x n) x n is controllable rows of X Then the equation equivalent to xA-- hx. x.A l x i-I / .x i n. i 2, 3,...,n. X ATx is CONTROLLABILITY, BEZOUTIAN AND RELATIVE PRIMENESS 187 The last equations can be written in the form: x ax =xAn n n n-i Xn_ 2 Xn_iA-an_iXn (XnA anXn)A xA2n n-lXn Xn_ 2 Xn_ 3 axA- a n n A-a =x An-I 2 (xnA -axAn n 2Xn n x A n an_2xn Xl 3 a x A n n x2 X x n T, ttT) --bkl bk2x + XnA an-2Xn -an 0 i XA of ATx a2 -an_l a -a n -a n a -a 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 i a2Xn T (A xTn) 3 4 is controllable A be the same as in (I) and let Let H be given by . .I H / I X is nonsingular if and only if LEMMA 2 [2]. then, (A a n I An-2 an-I xnAn-3 I whence, X 2 an-lXn -A ax n n n Thus, we have, for any solution x an_iXn is controllable if and only if the poly’nornials / n-1 bknX (k 1,...,n) f(x) and have no coon -ero. Pk(X) 188 B.N. DATTA PROOF OF THEOREM I. It is shown in [I] that Bf gA So, by Lemma I Bf g ATBfg is nonsingular if and only if last row of the Bezoutian matrix (AT,hnT) where is h n the is controllable. Bfg, It is an easy computation to see that hn (al bl’ a2 b2’"’’an bn)" Applying Lemma 2 to the pair [A only if the polynomials + (al-b I) f(x) and T hTn h(x) are relatively prime. But, h(x) tively prime if and only if REMARK. When Bf g f(x) and we see that n-I (an-bn)X + g(x) Bfg is nonsingular if and n-2 + (a2-b2)x (an-bn)X + f(x), and f(x) and g(x) are rela- h(x) are so. is singular, f(x) and g(x) have a common zero and in this case, the degree of g.c.d, is equal to the nullity of the controllability matrix (hn, T T A hn, T )2 (A h T n T (A )n-lhnT). REFERENCES i. B.N. Datta. On the Routh-Hurwitz-Fujiwara and the Schur-Cohn-Fujiwara theorems for the root-separation problem, Lin. Alg. Appl., 22 (1978) 235-246. 2. M.L. Hautus. Controllability and observability conditions for linear autonomous systems, Nederel. Akad. Wetensch. Proc. Ser.,A-72 (1969) 443-448. 3. A.S. Householder. Bezoutian, elimination and localization, SlAM Rev..2(1970)73-78. 4. M.G. Krein and M.A. Naimark. The method of symmetric and hermitian forms in the theory of the separation of the roots of algebraic equations (in Russian), GNT I, Kharkov, 1936.