I ntern. J. Math. & ,,ath. Si. Vol. 5 No. 6 (1982) 715-720 715 ON THE HARDY-LITTLEWOOD MAXIMAL THEOREM SHINJI YAMASHITA Department of Mathematics Tokyo Metropolitan University Fukazawa, Setagaya, Tokyo 158 Japan (Received May 5, 1981) The Hardy-Littlewood maximal theorem is extended to functions of class ABSTRACT. PL in the sense of E. F. Beckenbach and T. the absolute constant in the inequality. Rad, with a more precise expression of As applications we deduce some results on hyperbolic Hardy classes in terms of the non-Euclidean hyperbolic distance in the unit disk. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Hardy-Littlewood’s Maximal Theorem, Subharmonic Functions of Class PL, Hady Class, Hyperbolic Hardy Clas. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES: 30D55, 31A05. i. INTRODUCTION. Let D. { Izl < i}, D For a function 1 hereafter always defined on JUIp T on g [0,2), T let T u be a function subharmonic in we denote I Ig Ip(t)dt ]I/p; 0 < p < unless otherwise specified. we customarily denote lim and let SUPr __> i-0 Urp’ Then, although u is not S. YAMASHITA 716 u(reit), tT, Ur(t) where S(t,R) Let D. holomorphic in 0 <R< MR(u)(t) p < co. f(reit) at limr 1-0 I and the point MR(U u of e it (t T); T is defined on be the Hardy class consisting of all functions llfll P such that [i, IlfIlp =Ilf*llp Each e Theorem p H f it by 2.6, LP(T). f* T, and t for a.e. f a(p,R) We then observe that p. 21]. llMR(Ifl)Ip/llfllp; sup < co of class a(p,R) [4, PL f log u u llul i H p, IlUllp < p Let p, [3, where 0. f Theorem 27, p. a*(p,R) 114] then reads that is defined in terms of functions PL D; we regard u flu*If p. S p co, where i for IfIPLp if f PL u < a(p,R) < a*(p,R). a(p,R) a*(p,R) D, and such that f C Hp. 1. Then For at e it lull P It ( co. for a.e. t Set We first observe a(1,R) 1/p. be the family of subharmonic functions p 0 D, the holomorphic in u*(t) has the radial limit Apparently, PL, if u u as a subharmonic function. -co be the family of all PLp PL, or is said to be of class is subharmonic in p it follows that THEOREM 1. REMARK. u Let will be observed that and that D defined in is subharmonic in Ifl PL. modulus H p. 9]. PL, the function that of order The main purpose of the present paper is to prove a(1,R) l/p, a(p,R) A function and if (p,R). for each pair a*(p,R) that Since D holomorphic in f*(t) has the radial limit The celebrated Hardy-Littlewood theorem T f by a(p,R) u for hereafter always In the present paper we introduce the Hardy-Littlewood number (p,R) p [u(z); z S(t,R)}. sup H Let < R The maximal function i. llflIp =II Ifl be the domain consisting of the interior of the zl convex hull of the circle For simplicity, 0 (r <i. u _> 0 in D such HARDY-LITTLEWOOD MAXIMAL THEOREM b(p,R) llMR(U)Ilp/UIlp; sup p is finite for [3, by i a*(p,R)<_b(p,R) S p, u 26, Theorem . p for p. 717 0) u 113]. Obviously, H To propose an application to the hyperbolic Hardy class tanh-l( (z,w) z-wl) wlllm z be the non-Euclidean hyperbolic distance between (z,0) log[(l + D, i, in exp[p log (f)] 4], Theorem Iz)], ll(f)|p < with f follows from that of (f) PL p for all H with f*(t) at it f H (f(re it) ,f*(t) )Pdt --> 0 T. The inequality sup (f)P(z); z T holds for all f _ S(t,R)dt Set (z) holomorphic and bounded, (f). We thus define (f) (or, (f) E PL) H E f H If as (f)P observed in [6]. is bounded, f has the radial We then propose r - (f) is a member of LP(T), and i-0. a(l,R)I Y(f*)P(t)dt T HP-. The first assertion, a consequence of the of the F. Riesz theorem 2. D. The subharmonicity of the function as f in is a semigroup with respect to the Since each t is w and A few modifications of the proof of [6 H show that for a.e. For each THEOREM 2. IT e log z For Ifl o. HP f multiplication, and is convex. limit D. z the hyperbolic counterpart of the family of such Therefore zl)/(l we let [i, Theorem s@cond, is the hyperbolic counterpart 2.6]. PROOFS. For the proof of Theorem i it suffices to show that a*(p,R) < a(1,R) 1/p < a(p,R). S. YAMASHITA 718 a(p,R) Since < a*(p,R), the identities in Theorem i follow. a(l,R)i/P.a, a(p,R) To prove that we let f I and IF, where an inner-outer factorization, f I H F on a e T. a.e. on T F Since D is zero-free in F I/P g Then f admits are an inner and an outer I*l function, respectively, such that the radial limits satisfy f*l 0. f with HP I and so that IF*I f*l g*l p Therefore, IIMR(Ifl)II I < IIMR(IFI)III IIMR( a(p,R)Pllgl[pp Igl)ll p < R)PflII a(p a(l,R) < a(p,R) p. whence a*(p,R) < a(l,R) I/p, To prove that p log v and (x) e X one finds that PL p we let v p (u). v with Since (u) D, there exists a positive harmonic majorant of majorant in The F. Riesz decomposition then yields that potential in u u ^ 0. v P, where u u admits a harmonic D [5, p. 65]. in P Setting > is the Green 0 D, and ^ (z)= 2---- u ( zl z )TIeit (zD) 2 is the Poisson integral of the measure The radial limit , dt. d/As(t). u’(t)dt + d(t) u* of LI(T)- is of u It follows from a general theorem ds(t) 0 that u(z) <_ h(z) 1 2-- a.e. on I T it 2 (t) db[ [2, Theorem], and that z2 1 and is singular with respect, to applied to the present LI(T). (u*) (z u*(t)dt u and Consequently, D), and the Jensen inequality yields that 5o(u) where V _< ) _< v, is the Poisson integral of O(u*). Set f e h+ik where k is a conJu- HARDY-LITTLEWOOD MAXIMAL THEOREM gate of h in v*p. (u*) D. Then, (h)V, Ifl On the other hand, vp R(v)ll pP < MR(Ill) < a(l,R) 719 fHI so that (u) <_ (h) fl If* with (h’) D, whence in IlfllI The Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem, together with vP(t)r "< MR(v)P(t) a,, ,R)I/P Ilv*llp Vlpl IIfll as r--> Therefore i-0. a*(p,R) < follows from We next prove Theorem 2. ((f) Since T), p p IIVr Ilpp yields that (t PL p Set for all f H, it follows that a(p,R) <_ a*(p,R) a(l,R) I/p so that MR( (f)* As is observed in the proof of Theorem i, g PLp, LP(T). and (f) p ( f*)p" ((f*) T a.e. on because Thus, the second assertion holds with (f) (f*) The Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem with the estimate (f(reit),f*(t)) p <_ 2p(f)p(re it) + 2P((f*)P(t) 2P+IMR (((f)P)(t) 2P+IMR ((f))P(t), again yields that IT ((f(reit),f*(t))Pdt REMARK. I ao_(p,R). Since (f) - 0 i r as for f i-0. (e 2 1)/(e 2 + l) p H 0-’ it follows that S. YAMASHITA 7_0 REFERENCES i. Duren, P. L. Volume 2. Grding, (196) p of H Spaces, Academic Press York and London, 1970. 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